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221 lines (182 loc) · 5.19 KB


This is an experimental library, which attempts to provide an alternative to the Show type class with a richer representation. This should provide a few major benefits:

  • Allows better display in a repl, e.g. we have the option of not attempting to display too much of a structure at once. A browser-based repl could possibly even allow users to interactively explore large and complex values.
  • Provides the ability to diff expected vs actual structures in tests without having to write custom diffing logic for each new data type.
  • Instead of returning a String, the class returns an opaque type, so there's less temptation to abuse the class for e.g. serialization.
  • No expectation that the user should be able to "uneval" the result to produce the same value again; by giving the class a smaller and more clearly-defined purpose, it should hopefully help us to write uncontroversial instances for more types.

The intention (if this experiment turns out to be successful) is that every data type of kind Type should have a Debug instance. This makes the repl's UX a lot nicer, and is an important step towards banishing the dreaded NoInstanceFound errors you often see when you're just trying to play with something in the repl.

For more background, see my Down with Show blog series.

Previous discussion:


Define a data type:

data MyType a
  = A Int a
  | B (a -> Int) (Array Int)
  | C (Map String a) (Map a String)

Derive some instances:

derive instance genericMyType :: Generic (MyType a) _

instance debugMyType :: Debug a => Debug (MyType a) where
  debug = genericDebug

Tell the repl you would like to use Debug instances for pretty-printing:

> :print Data.Debug.Eval.eval

(note that this requires version 0.12.2 of the compiler or later)

Now it's printable in the repl!

> B identity [1,2,3]
B <function> [ 1, 2, 3 ]

> A 1 (A 2 (A 3 unit))
A 1 (A 2 (A 3 unit))

Not only that, but we can also diff structures and pretty-print the differences:

> items = [Tuple "a" 1, Tuple "b" 2, Tuple "c" 3]
> x = C (Map.fromFoldable items) (Map.fromFoldable (map swap items))
> y = C (Map.fromFoldable items) (Map.fromFoldable [Tuple 1 "aa", Tuple 2 "b", Tuple 3 "x"])
> log $ prettyPrintDelta $ diff x y
  <Map { "a": 1, "b": 2, "c": 3 }>
  { 1: -"a" +"aa",
    2: "b",
    3: -"c" +"x" }>

and in your terminal, additions and deletions are highlighted green and red respectively. Note that all you need for the above is a Debug instance!

Some more pretty-printing examples

module Test.Main where

import Prelude

import Data.Array (range)
import Data.Debug (class Debug, debug, diff, genericDebug, prettyPrintDelta)
import Data.Either (Either(..))
import Data.Generic.Rep (class Generic)
import Data.List as L
import Data.List.Lazy as LL
import Data.Map as Map
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))
import Data.Tuple (Tuple(..))
import Effect (Effect)
import Effect.Console (log)
import PSCI.Support (eval)

data Example a b
  = None
  | PairA a a
  | PairB b b
  | Loads (Array a) (Either a b)

derive instance genericExample :: Generic (Example a b) _
derive instance eqExample :: (Eq a, Eq b) => Eq (Example a b)

type Eg = Example Int (Array String)

instance debugExample :: (Debug a, Debug b) => Debug (Example a b) where
  debug = genericDebug

main :: Effect Unit
main = do
  let p = eval

  p 24
  p 1.4e10
  p 1.4e+30
  p 0
  p '\300'
  p (-3)
  p (-3.0)
  p (Tuple 1 (-1))
  p (Tuple 1.0 (-1.0))
  p unit
  p [unit]
  p [[[[unit]]]]
  p [[1,2,3], [4,5,6], [7,8,9] ]
  p [Tuple "a" 1, Tuple "b" 2]
  p eg
  p (debug eg)
  p {foo: 1, bar: "hi"}
  p {foo: 1, bar: "hi", baz: {quux: 3, aah: Tuple "AAH" "AAAAH"}}
  p (Map.fromFoldable [Tuple "a" 1, Tuple "b" 2])
  p (L.fromFoldable (range 1 10))
  p (LL.fromFoldable (range 1 10))
  p (pure unit :: Effect Unit)

  p (None :: Eg)
  p (PairA 3 3 :: Eg)
  p (Loads [1,2,3] (Right ["hi"]))

-- note: the type signature is needed here for instance selection
eg :: forall a. Tuple (a -> a) (Tuple (Either Void (Maybe Unit)) (Either (Either Int Int) Int))
eg = Tuple identity (Tuple (Right Nothing) (Left (Left 3)))


Tuple 1 (-1)
Tuple 1.0 (-1.0)
[ unit ]
[ [ [ [ unit ] ] ] ]
[ [ 1, 2, 3 ],
  [ 4, 5, 6 ],
  [ 7, 8, 9 ] ]
[ Tuple "a" 1, Tuple "b" 2 ]
Tuple <function> (Tuple (Right Nothing) (Left (Left 3)))
  value: Tuple <function> (Tuple (Right Nothing) (Left (...)))>
{ bar: "hi", foo: 1 }
{ bar: "hi",
  baz: { aah: Tuple "AAH" "AAAAH", quux: 3 },
  foo: 1 }
<Map { "a": 1, "b": 2 }>
  [ 1,
    10 ]>
  [ 1,
    10 ]>
PairA 3 3
Loads [ 1, 2, 3 ] (Right [ "hi" ])


This code is MIT licensed; the Debug (Record a) instance is adapted from @matthewleon's purescript-record-show library.