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Object-Oriented Programming Introduction - Abstract Data Types

What's News

Today, two of the most iconic brands announced a tie up. Data abstraction and process abstraction issued a joint press release saying that they are going to work together. In other corporate news, McDonald's announced that they would start selling Krispy Kreme doughnuts in their restaurants.

A Data Abstraction, Indeed

In the past several class sessions, we have learned a new type of abstraction, data abstraction. As we have said on several occassions, abstraction is the art and science of removing details to focus on the essence in a given context.

To date we have seen the power of procedural abstraction using functions. Remember that in procedural abstraction we are removing the details (or "hiding") of "how" things are accomplished and presenting users with a simplified interface for achieving a certain behavior. Data abstraction, similarly, hides something, too. It hides information from the user in order to present them with a simplified interface. In case you forgot already, here's another, pithier, definition of abstraction:

Remembering what's important and forgetting what's not, depending on the context.

Let's think closely about how we would abstract the data about a date. Like the user of a function that we write (procedural abstraction) does not care how we accomplish an operation as long as it works correctly, a user of our date data abstraction (tongue twister!) does not particularly care about how we represent that date behind the scenes as long as it represents all the data relevant to a date.

Like we have to give a function safe, proper values for its parameters when we call it in order to be able to rely on its correct operation, a data abstraction is only guaranteed to work correctly when we give it compatible data.

Okay, where have we heard something like that before? It sounds, to me, like the first half of the definition of a type: A range of valid values. Great! Now keep that in mind -- we'll come back to part two of that definition in a minute.

Because it's a data abstraction, the user only cares that it can be used anywhere a date can reasonably be used. It should be possible to compare two dates to see which one came first. It should be possible to compare two dates to determine the time elapsed between them. It should be possible to print a date to the screen for display on a calendar. The list goes on.

What do all those things sound like? That's right, they sound like examples of valid operations that can be performed on a date! Wait, that sounds exactly like part two of the definition of type!

That's exactly right! In most cases, software developers combine data abstractions (what defines the range of valid values for non-fundamental types -- or compound types in C++) with procedural abstractions (what defines the valid operations for compound types) to get something called an abstract data type (ADT).

An ADT is conceptual. There is no code associated with an ADT. Programmers and software engineers design ADTs as a way to organize their software into pieces that can interact by invoking the operations of other ADTs. As we will see soon, there is a style of software development that treats ADTs as if they are interacting objects. Programmers working in that paradigm are writing in an object-oriented style.

Enough theory. We want to be able to turn one of our nice ADTs into something that we can use in our software. We will have to implement that ADT using syntax available in C++. Let's go!

Load-Bearing Walls

The most straightforward way to identify a date is to store the day, the month and the year. At their most basic, we can represent each of these as integers. It would be clunky, but I could write the following code to store my sister's birthday:

int main() {
  int alis_birthday_month{4};
  int alis_birthday_day{14};
  int alis_birthday_year{1985};

However, C++ gives us the `struct` as one of two ways to combine one or more variables of fundamental types to create a *compound* type (yes, you _can_ combine other compound types to form yet other compound types!). The `struct` declaring a new `Date` _type_ would look like:

struct Date {
  int month;
  int day;
  int year;

The integer variables month, day and year are known as the member variables of the Date type.

That's pretty simple and concise. Now, instead of using three separate variables (one for a day, one for a month and one for a year) to describe, say, my dad's birthday, I can use a single one with a type of Date. Let's write a program that wishes my dad a happy birthday:

#include <iostream>

struct Date {
  int month;
  int day;
  int year;

int main() {
  Date dads_birthday{7, 18, 1949};
  std::cout << "On " << dads_birthday.month << "/" 
            << ", I will wish him a happy birthday!\n";
  return 0;

In the C++ program above, dads_birthday has the type of Date. That is analogous to

int age{45};

where age has the type int. Yes, we have the power to make our own types and then declare and define variables that have that type! How cool! When we write

Date dads_birthday{7, 18, 1948};

we are instantiating an instance (yes, I know it's repetitive) of a Date type with the name dads_birthday. Alternately, we can call dads_birthday an object whose type is Date. Any developer who instantiates an instance of a class that implements an ADT is called a user of that class and/or ADT.

Note: It is hard to overstate the importance of understanding the concept of instantiation and recognizing the difference between a type and an instance (or object).

When I build and run the program above, it will produce the following output:

On 7/18, I will wish him a happy birthday!

Exactly what we wanted.

Let's look at an alternate syntax for instantiating an object of type Date and updating the values of its member variables:

struct Date {
  int month;
  int day;
  int year;

int main() {
  Date d;
  d.month = 2; = 29;
  d.year = 2021;
  return 0;

In this case, we have set the date to be February 29, 2021. Can you spot the problem? 2021 is not a leap year -- February of 2021 only had 28 days. In other words, the date held in d is invalid!

Using an ADT was supposed to help us prevent this very situation! We were promised that ADTs' data abstraction would make it impossible to have these types of goofs.

The reason we are still susceptible to bad users who will set instances of the Date type with bogus values is that we have not defined the Date ADT in a way that limits access to its member variables from the outside world. Users of the ADT Date (as written above) may pull back the curtain and assign values to its member variables arbitrarily. In other words, they are allowed to break open the walls that we erected around the way that the internal data of the ADT is stored. Think about the worst-case scenario: an ADT designed to hold the current speed of a vehicle where the programmer using that struct incorrectly sets a very high number.

Fundamentally, the problem is that an ADT written like the one above provides the power to build data abstractions but does not give programmers the power to perform data hiding.

Data Hiding

Hiding the member variables of an ADT is very important, as we just saw. Ideally, when we write an ADT we want to make sure that its users can only set the member variables to reasonable values. Fortunately C++ gives us a way to do this! Inside an ADT declaration we can specify the accessibility of member variables. Moreover, we will see that we can set the accessibility of the valid operations that can be performed on an ADT (more on that later!).

Let's modify (slightly) our declaration of the Date ADT in order to protect it from having its member variable values corrupted:

#include <iostream>

struct Date {
  int month;
  int day;
  int year;

private is one of three access specifier keywords in C++. We will see public below and you will learn about protected in future classes. Any members that are given private accessibility are only accessible from within the implementation of the ADT. Anyone writing code that uses an instance of our Date ADT cannot access those members directly.

Therefore, when we attempt to compile

int main() {
  Date d;
  d.month = 2; = 29;
  d.year = 2021;
  return 0;

we get errors (like we should!):

date_struct.cpp: In function ‘int main()’:
date_struct.cpp:18:5: error: ‘int Date::month’ is private within this context
   18 |   d.month = 2;
      |     ^~~~~
date_struct.cpp:11:7: note: declared private here
   11 |   int month;
      |       ^~~~~
date_struct.cpp:19:5: error: ‘int Date::day’ is private within this context
   19 | = 29;
      |     ^~~
date_struct.cpp:12:7: note: declared private here
   12 |   int day;
      |       ^~~
date_struct.cpp:20:5: error: ‘int Date::year’ is private within this context
   20 |   d.year = 2021;
      |     ^~~~
date_struct.cpp:13:7: note: declared private here
   13 |   int year;
      |       ^~~~

This outcome is ideal -- we have prevented malicious users from arbitrarily setting the day, month or year to incorrect values. But, is it really ideal?

Not really. By making these member variables private the user of the Date ADT is unable to actually use it -- they cannot determine the actual day, month or year that it represents. In other words, we have the power to ensure that every instance contains valid values and that the user cannot do anything sneaky. What's missing is a programmatic, safe way to allow users of the implementation of the Date ADT to update the day, month and year. We need a mediator.

Data Access

How to solve this problem? I have an idea: If we have member variables, I bet that C++ will give us the chance to write member functions! And, it does!

A member function is a special function that "belongs" with a data type. Among other special powers, member functions are privileged with the power to access all of the member variables of the data structure to which it belongs -- public, protected and private! When you implement a member function you are allowed to assume that it will only be invoked in the context of an instance of its type. What's more, in your member function implementations you can assume that you have access to that instance. When you are writing the code of a member function, any reference you make to the member variables will access/update the value of those member variables specific to that instance.

Note: It is important to realize that member functions can define an implementation for any type of operation that the ADT designer wants to associate with an instance of their compound type. Here, however, we are focusing on a particular kind of operation for the sake of the example. That is not to say that writing mediator functions (like the ones that we are about to write) is not common. In fact, it is very, very common.

Now, let's return to writing these mediator functions that are going to let the user of the Date ADT safely update and access it. If we write these member functions correctly, we will always be able to guarantee the member variables' values stay reasonable.

We will have two kinds of these mediator member functions: one kind for the ADT users' to set the values of the member variables (setter member functions) and one kind for the ADT users' to get the values of the member variables (getter member functions). Let's first write the getter member functions -- they're easier:

struct Date {
  int getMonth() {
    return month;
  int getDay() {
    return day;
  int getYear() {
    return year;
  int month;
  int day;
  int year;

Let's say that we have a Date ADT object that holds my birthday (wills_birthday). We could rewrite the std::cout from above that wished my dad a happy birthday by using getter functions:

  std::cout << "On " << wills_birthday.getMonth() << "/"
            << wills_birthday.getDay()
            << ", I will be a year older!\n";

See how you can use these getters just like you were accessing member variables, albeit with a slightly different syntax? That's really cool!

Now, let's give the Date ADT users the opportunity to change the values of member variables by writing setters:

struct Date {
  int getMonth() {
    return month;
  int getDay() {
    return day;
  int getYear() {
    return year;

  void setMonth(int new_month) {
    month = new_month;
  void setDay(int new_day) {
    day = new_day;
  void setYear(int new_year) {
    year = new_year;

  int month;
  int day;
  int year;

Now we have all the functionality that we had before, and protection! Wait, really? The setter functions don't actually "sanitize" the caller's input -- they just mindlessly take what the caller passes as an argument and set the member variables. So, we are still stuck with the possibility that the Date ADT user does something stupid like:

  Date d;

All that work for nothing. Don't fret, all we need to do is write smarter setter functions. Let's try these:

struct Date {
  int getMonth() {
    return month;
  int getDay() {
    return day;
  int getYear() {
    return year;

  void setMonth(int new_month) {
    if (new_month > 0 && new_month < 13) {
      month = new_month;
  void setDay(int new_day) {
    if (new_day > 0 && new_day < 32) {
      day = new_day;
  void setYear(int new_year) {
    if (new_year > 0) {
      year = new_year;

  int month;
  int day;
  int year;

If we were to use this version of the Date ADT in our code,

  Date d;

  std::cout << "d.getYear(): " << d.getYear() << "\n";

the output would be

d.getYear(): 2021

See how the Date ADT says, "You want to assign to me a bogus year? Well, I'm not going to do it!"?

Now we are getting somewhere.

The Difference Between a Class and a Struct

We hinted above that there is a second way to declare implementation of ADTs in C++. In addition to the struct keyword, we can use the class keyword. In fact, it is more common to see ADTs declared with the class keyword than with the struct keyword. ADTs are so often defined with the class keyword that ADTs are commonly referred to as classes in C++ (even if they are declared with the struct keyword -- I know, it's confusing!).

There is only one small difference between a class declared with the class keyword and a class declared with a struct keyword: By default, all the member variables and the member functions in an ADT declared with struct have public accessibility and all the member variables and the member functions in an ADT declared with class have private accessibility. To see the implications of these defaults, let's simply copy and paste the newest version of the Date ADT declaration and change the struct to class:

class Date {
  int getMonth() {
    return month;
  int getDay() {
    return day;
  int getYear() {
    return year;

  void setMonth(int new_month) {
    if (new_month > 0 && new_month < 13) {
      month = new_month;
  void setDay(int new_day) {
    if (new_day > 0 && new_day < 32) {
      day = new_day;
  void setYear(int new_year) {
    if (new_year > 0) {
      year = new_year;

  int month;
  int day;
  int year;

Now, if we try to compile

  Date d;

we will get errors:

date_struct.cpp:44:17: error: ‘void Date::setYear(int)’ is private within this context
   44 |   d.setYear(2021);
      |                 ^
date_struct.cpp:30:8: note: declared private here
   30 |   void setYear(int new_year) {
      |        ^~~~~~~
date_struct.cpp:45:19: error: ‘void Date::setYear(int)’ is private within this context
   45 |   d.setYear(-10000);
      |                   ^
date_struct.cpp:30:8: note: declared private here
   30 |   void setYear(int new_year) {

Our use of the class keyword to implement the ADT means that everything (i.e., member functions and variables) is private, at least by default. We are feeling the impact of our decision to use class here: our getter and setter member functions are no longer public and, therefore, cannot be invoked on instances of the Date type. The good news is that there is a simple fix -- we'll just add the public access specifier above the declaration/definition of the getter/setter member functions:

class Date {
  int getMonth() {
    return month;
  int getDay() {
    return day;
  int getYear() {
    return year;

  void setMonth(int new_month) {
    if (new_month > 0 && new_month < 13) {
      month = new_month;
  void setDay(int new_day) {
    if (new_day > 0 && new_day < 32) {
      day = new_day;
  void setYear(int new_year) {
    if (new_year > 0) {
      year = new_year;

  int month;
  int day;
  int year;

Great! All our persistence is paying off!

The Persistence of Access Specifiers

As a brief aside, it is important to understand the persistence of access specifiers in a struct or class. The level of access granted by the use of an accessibility specifier remains in force until the next access specifier. For example, in

class A {
  int a;
  int b;
  int c;
  int d;
  int e;
  int f;
  int g;

the member variables a, b, c, f and g are all public while member variables d and e are private. As you can see, you can swap back and forth at any time between public and private. It is customary, however, to write all the private member variables/functions in one block and all the public member variables/functions in another block.

Making History -- Constructing A Date

Way back when (a few paragraphs ago), we had the simple definition of the Date ADT:

struct Date{
  int month;
  int day;
  int year;

Then, to create an instance of a Date ADT we could simply write

  Date d{2,9,1982};

That code declared and initialized d at the same time.

If we tried to write that same syntax with the code for the Date ADT that we have now, the compiler would be angry with us. Once we declared that the certain variables are private, we could no longer declare and initialize a Date ADT using the aggregate initialization syntax from above. Does it mean that we are stuck writing code that looks like

  Date d{};

instead? Of course not -- that's way too much typing. In fact, C++ gives us the power to declare/initialize classes in much more powerful ways than we could above! That power comes from special member functions defined in ADTs that are called constructors. They are called constructors because they are used to, well, construct instances of classes and structs that implement ADTs. Constructors are used to initialize member variables and do other work that must be done at the moment that an object is instantiated so that the instance is ready to function from the jump!

The most basic form of a constructor is called the default constructor. The default constructor for an ADT gets invoked when an instance of the ADT is declared without specifying any special starting values. For the Date ADT, that would look something like:

  Date d{};

A constructor is like any other member function, but it's declaration has a special syntax. Like a member function, the declaration of the constructor goes inside the declaration of the ADT. However, the declaration of the construction does not have a return type and its name must match exactly the name of the ADT. Here's how you declare/define the default constructor for the Date ADT:

class Date {
  Date() {


Great, now the compiler will let us write

Date d;
std::cout << "d.getYear(): " << d.getMonth() << "\n";

but the output will probably surprise you:

d.getYear(): 21845

Again, the utility of a default constructor is to set the ADT's member variables to reasonable initial values, even if the user of the ADT did not. The implementation of the Date class's default constructor shown above did, well, nothing -- it certainly did not initialize the member variables, that's for sure. As a result, the member variables were left in an uninitialized state and, as a result, we got the funny output shown above.

Let's fix this by actually writing a meaningful implementation of the default constructor of the Date class:

class Date {
  Date() {
    month = 1;
    day = 1;
    year = 1;

Now, if we write

Date d;
std::cout << "d.getYear(): " << d.getMonth() << "\n";

we will get reasonable output:

d.getYear(): 1

Wohoo! We still don't quite have the old functionality back, though. We wanted to be able to declare/define an instance of a Date ADT and set it to a particular date all in one line. In order to do that we can write another constructor -- this one will take three parameters: the initial month, the initial day and the initial year. As we said earlier, constructors are declared/defined like normal member functions (with that odd exception that they have no return value and their name must match the name of the class). Therefore, the syntax for declaring/defining a constructor that take parameters should look very familiar.

class Date {
  Date() {
    month = 1;
    day = 1;
    year = 1;
  Date(int starting_month, int starting_day, int starting_year) {
    month = starting_month;
    day = starting_day;
    year = starting_year;

The body of the constructor with three parameters simply takes the arguments that the user passed to the constructor and sets the values of the member variables accordingly. Let's see this in action. When I execute this program

int main() {
  Date wills_birthday{2, 9, 1982};

  std::cout << "On " << wills_birthday.getMonth() << "/"
            << wills_birthday.getDay()
            << ", I will wish myself a happy birthday!n";
  return 0;

I get the following output:

On 2/9, I will wish myself a happy birthday!

which is exactly what I want!

There's still a problem. Our parameterized constructor does not sanitize the arguments! A user could very easily write a program like this:

int main() {
  Date wills_birthday{-5000, 9, 1982};

  std::cout << "On " << wills_birthday.getMonth() << "/"
            << wills_birthday.getDay()
            << ", I will wish myself a happy birthday!n";
  return 0;

which will produce the following (obviously erroneous) output:

On -5000/9, I will wish myself a happy birthday!

What are we to do? I have an idea. We can break down our parameterized constructor into two steps:

  1. Invoke the default constructor (that will set our member variables to reasonable default values)
  2. From the body of the constructor, instead of setting the member variables directly, invoke each of the setter methods for the month, day and year (that will set the member values according to the arguments as long as those arguments are valid)

Great idea. Now, how do we write that in code? It's easy:

  Date(int starting_month, int starting_day, int starting_year) : Date() {

The Date() after the : is in the place of the member initializer list and is called the delegated constructor.  Delegated constructors are something that you will cover in the future. You can read more about it on C++ Reference, if you are curious. For now, just understand that this is the syntax for letting this constructor temporarily delegate (as the name implies) control (again, at least temporarily) to a different constructor to do some work before this constructor does its work! In other words, when the user declares/defines an instance of a Date class with initial values for the month, day and year, the default constructor will run first (because it is the delegated constructor for the constructor with three parameters) and then the setters in the body of the parameterized constructor are called.

Because the setters properly sanitize their arguments before setting the value of the corresponding member variable, we are guaranteed to prevent invalid values for the month, day or year from creeping in. With this code in place, if we execute

  Date wills_birthday(-5000, 9, 1982);

  std::cout << "On " << wills_birthday.getMonth() << "/"
            << wills_birthday.getDay()
            << ", I will wish you a happy birthday!n";

we see

On 1/9, I will wish you a happy birthday!

as the output. Do you understand why we see the 9 but the -5000 was replaced with a 1?

There is no limit to the number of different constructors you can write for a class. As long as each is declared with a different list of parameters (with respect to the number of parameters or their types -- remember the rules for function overloading? Well, they apply here, too!), you can write as many constructors as you like! For instance, I could write this constructor:

  Date(const Date &other_date) {
    month = other_date.month;
    day =;
    year = other_date.year;

What is happening here? First, look at the parameter: it's a reference to an instance of a (unchangeable, i.e., constant) Date ADT. Next, look at the body: it is setting the values of the member variables of the object being constructed to the values of the member variables of the Date ADT instance passed as a parameter. (Brief aside: Why can this code access the member variables of the other_date without going through the getters? I thought that those member variables were private? They are private. But, remember: you can always access private member variables of a class in the implementation of that class!). The result is that this constructor is constructing a new instance of a Date ADT that is a copy of an existing Date ADT. We can use it like this:

  Date february_ninth_nineteeneightytwo(2, 9, 1982);
  Date wills_birthday(february_ninth_nineteeneightytwo);

  std::cout << "On " << wills_birthday.getMonth() << "/"
            << wills_birthday.getDay()
            << ", I will wish you a happy birthday!n";
  return 0;

This form of a constructor is so common that C++ developers have given it a name: the copy constructor. In order to qualify as a copy constructor, the parameter to the constructor must be a reference to a(n) (optionally constant) variable of the same class. For more details on this restriction, read C++ Reference.

What's more, the copy constructor gets called in some other situations that are unexpected, but useful. Obviously (as we just saw), the copy constructor is invoked during the initialization of wills_birthday:

  Date february_ninth_nineteeneightytwo(2, 9, 1982);
  Date wills_birthday{february_ninth_nineteeneightytwo};

However, it is also invoked if you write the same thing with an =:

  Date february_ninth_nineteeneightytwo(2, 9, 1982);
  Date wills_birthday = february_ninth_nineteeneightytwo;
