diff --git a/cabal-install/src/Distribution/Client/VCS.hs b/cabal-install/src/Distribution/Client/VCS.hs
index efad2850c04..bb28e106044 100644
--- a/cabal-install/src/Distribution/Client/VCS.hs
+++ b/cabal-install/src/Distribution/Client/VCS.hs
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ import qualified Data.Char as Char
import qualified Data.List as List
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import System.FilePath
- ( takeDirectory )
+ ( takeDirectory, (>) )
import System.Directory
( doesDirectoryExist
, removeDirectoryRecursive
@@ -386,11 +386,12 @@ vcsGit =
vcsCloneRepo verbosity prog repo srcuri destdir =
[ programInvocation prog cloneArgs ]
-- And if there's a tag, we have to do that in a second step:
- ++ [ (programInvocation prog (resetArgs tag)) {
- progInvokeCwd = Just destdir
- }
- | tag <- maybeToList (srpTag repo) ]
+ ++ [ git (resetArgs tag) | tag <- maybeToList (srpTag repo) ]
+ ++ [ git (["submodule", "sync", "--recursive"] ++ verboseArg)
+ , git (["submodule", "update", "--init", "--force", "--recursive"] ++ verboseArg)
+ ]
+ git args = (programInvocation prog args) {progInvokeCwd = Just destdir}
cloneArgs = ["clone", srcuri, destdir]
++ branchArgs ++ verboseArg
branchArgs = case srpBranch repo of
@@ -419,6 +420,15 @@ vcsGit =
if exists
then git localDir ["fetch"]
else git (takeDirectory localDir) cloneArgs
+ -- Before trying to checkout other commits, all submodules must be
+ -- de-initialised and the .git/modules directory must be deleted. This
+ -- is needed because sometimes `git submodule sync` does not actually
+ -- update the submodule source URL. Detailed description here:
+ -- https://git.coop/-/snippets/85
+ git localDir ["submodule", "deinit", "--force", "--all"]
+ let gitModulesDir = localDir > ".git" > "modules"
+ gitModulesExists <- doesDirectoryExist gitModulesDir
+ when gitModulesExists $ removeDirectoryRecursive gitModulesDir
git localDir resetArgs
git localDir ["submodule", "sync", "--recursive"]
git localDir ["submodule", "update", "--force", "--init", "--recursive"]
diff --git a/cabal-install/tests/UnitTests/Distribution/Client/VCS.hs b/cabal-install/tests/UnitTests/Distribution/Client/VCS.hs
index c3b8613b84d..9914a313306 100644
--- a/cabal-install/tests/UnitTests/Distribution/Client/VCS.hs
+++ b/cabal-install/tests/UnitTests/Distribution/Client/VCS.hs
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
-{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards, NamedFieldPuns #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards, NamedFieldPuns, KindSignatures, DataKinds #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes, TypeApplications, ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module UnitTests.Distribution.Client.VCS (tests) where
import Distribution.Client.Compat.Prelude
@@ -74,57 +75,57 @@ tests mtimeChange =
-prop_framework_git :: BranchingRepoRecipe -> Property
+prop_framework_git :: BranchingRepoRecipe 'SubmodulesSupported -> Property
prop_framework_git =
. prop_framework vcsGit vcsTestDriverGit
. WithBranchingSupport
-prop_framework_darcs :: MTimeChange -> NonBranchingRepoRecipe -> Property
+prop_framework_darcs :: MTimeChange -> NonBranchingRepoRecipe 'SubmodulesNotSupported -> Property
prop_framework_darcs mtimeChange =
. prop_framework vcsDarcs (vcsTestDriverDarcs mtimeChange)
. WithoutBranchingSupport
-prop_framework_pijul :: BranchingRepoRecipe -> Property
+prop_framework_pijul :: BranchingRepoRecipe 'SubmodulesNotSupported -> Property
prop_framework_pijul =
. prop_framework vcsPijul vcsTestDriverPijul
. WithBranchingSupport
-prop_framework_hg :: BranchingRepoRecipe -> Property
+prop_framework_hg :: BranchingRepoRecipe 'SubmodulesNotSupported -> Property
prop_framework_hg =
. prop_framework vcsHg vcsTestDriverHg
. WithBranchingSupport
-prop_cloneRepo_git :: BranchingRepoRecipe -> Property
+prop_cloneRepo_git :: BranchingRepoRecipe 'SubmodulesSupported -> Property
prop_cloneRepo_git =
. prop_cloneRepo vcsGit vcsTestDriverGit
. WithBranchingSupport
prop_cloneRepo_darcs :: MTimeChange
- -> NonBranchingRepoRecipe -> Property
+ -> NonBranchingRepoRecipe 'SubmodulesNotSupported -> Property
prop_cloneRepo_darcs mtimeChange =
. prop_cloneRepo vcsDarcs (vcsTestDriverDarcs mtimeChange)
. WithoutBranchingSupport
-prop_cloneRepo_pijul :: BranchingRepoRecipe -> Property
+prop_cloneRepo_pijul :: BranchingRepoRecipe 'SubmodulesNotSupported -> Property
prop_cloneRepo_pijul =
. prop_cloneRepo vcsPijul vcsTestDriverPijul
. WithBranchingSupport
-prop_cloneRepo_hg :: BranchingRepoRecipe -> Property
+prop_cloneRepo_hg :: BranchingRepoRecipe 'SubmodulesNotSupported -> Property
prop_cloneRepo_hg =
. prop_cloneRepo vcsHg vcsTestDriverHg
. WithBranchingSupport
prop_syncRepos_git :: RepoDirSet -> SyncTargetIterations -> PrngSeed
- -> BranchingRepoRecipe -> Property
+ -> BranchingRepoRecipe 'SubmodulesSupported -> Property
prop_syncRepos_git destRepoDirs syncTargetSetIterations seed =
. prop_syncRepos vcsGit vcsTestDriverGit
@@ -133,7 +134,7 @@ prop_syncRepos_git destRepoDirs syncTargetSetIterations seed =
prop_syncRepos_darcs :: MTimeChange
-> RepoDirSet -> SyncTargetIterations -> PrngSeed
- -> NonBranchingRepoRecipe -> Property
+ -> NonBranchingRepoRecipe 'SubmodulesNotSupported -> Property
prop_syncRepos_darcs mtimeChange destRepoDirs syncTargetSetIterations seed =
. prop_syncRepos vcsDarcs (vcsTestDriverDarcs mtimeChange)
@@ -141,7 +142,7 @@ prop_syncRepos_darcs mtimeChange destRepoDirs syncTargetSetIterations seed =
. WithoutBranchingSupport
prop_syncRepos_pijul :: RepoDirSet -> SyncTargetIterations -> PrngSeed
- -> BranchingRepoRecipe -> Property
+ -> BranchingRepoRecipe 'SubmodulesNotSupported -> Property
prop_syncRepos_pijul destRepoDirs syncTargetSetIterations seed =
. prop_syncRepos vcsPijul vcsTestDriverPijul
@@ -149,7 +150,7 @@ prop_syncRepos_pijul destRepoDirs syncTargetSetIterations seed =
. WithBranchingSupport
prop_syncRepos_hg :: RepoDirSet -> SyncTargetIterations -> PrngSeed
- -> BranchingRepoRecipe -> Property
+ -> BranchingRepoRecipe 'SubmodulesNotSupported -> Property
prop_syncRepos_hg destRepoDirs syncTargetSetIterations seed =
. prop_syncRepos vcsHg vcsTestDriverHg
@@ -162,8 +163,8 @@ prop_syncRepos_hg destRepoDirs syncTargetSetIterations seed =
testSetup :: VCS Program
-> (Verbosity -> VCS ConfiguredProgram
- -> FilePath -> VCSTestDriver)
- -> RepoRecipe
+ -> FilePath -> FilePath -> VCSTestDriver)
+ -> RepoRecipe submodules
-> (VCSTestDriver -> FilePath -> RepoState -> IO a)
-> IO a
testSetup vcs mkVCSTestDriver repoRecipe theTest = do
@@ -171,7 +172,8 @@ testSetup vcs mkVCSTestDriver repoRecipe theTest = do
vcs' <- configureVCS verbosity vcs
withTestDir verbosity "vcstest" $ \tmpdir -> do
let srcRepoPath = tmpdir > "src"
- vcsDriver = mkVCSTestDriver verbosity vcs' srcRepoPath
+ submodulesPath = tmpdir > "submodules"
+ vcsDriver = mkVCSTestDriver verbosity vcs' submodulesPath srcRepoPath
repoState <- createRepo vcsDriver repoRecipe
-- actual test
@@ -191,8 +193,8 @@ testSetup vcs mkVCSTestDriver repoRecipe theTest = do
prop_framework :: VCS Program
-> (Verbosity -> VCS ConfiguredProgram
- -> FilePath -> VCSTestDriver)
- -> RepoRecipe
+ -> FilePath -> FilePath -> VCSTestDriver)
+ -> RepoRecipe submodules
-> IO ()
prop_framework vcs mkVCSTestDriver repoRecipe =
testSetup vcs mkVCSTestDriver repoRecipe $ \vcsDriver tmpdir repoState ->
@@ -222,8 +224,8 @@ prop_framework vcs mkVCSTestDriver repoRecipe =
prop_cloneRepo :: VCS Program
-> (Verbosity -> VCS ConfiguredProgram
- -> FilePath -> VCSTestDriver)
- -> RepoRecipe
+ -> FilePath -> FilePath -> VCSTestDriver)
+ -> RepoRecipe submodules
-> IO ()
prop_cloneRepo vcs mkVCSTestDriver repoRecipe =
testSetup vcs mkVCSTestDriver repoRecipe $ \vcsDriver tmpdir repoState ->
@@ -256,11 +258,11 @@ newtype PrngSeed = PrngSeed Int deriving Show
prop_syncRepos :: VCS Program
-> (Verbosity -> VCS ConfiguredProgram
- -> FilePath -> VCSTestDriver)
+ -> FilePath -> FilePath -> VCSTestDriver)
-> RepoDirSet
-> SyncTargetIterations
-> PrngSeed
- -> RepoRecipe
+ -> RepoRecipe submodules
-> IO ()
prop_syncRepos vcs mkVCSTestDriver
repoDirs syncTargetSetIterations seed repoRecipe =
@@ -374,49 +376,91 @@ instance Arbitrary PrngSeed where
-- ways: to make a pure representation of repository state, and to execute
-- VCS commands to make a repository on-disk.
-data FileUpdate = FileUpdate FilePath String deriving Show
-data Commit = Commit [FileUpdate] deriving Show
-data TaggedCommits = TaggedCommits TagName [Commit] deriving Show
-data BranchCommits = BranchCommits BranchName [Commit] deriving Show
+data SubmodulesSupport = SubmodulesSupported | SubmodulesNotSupported
-type BranchName = String
-type TagName = String
+class KnownSubmodulesSupport (a :: SubmodulesSupport) where
+ submoduleSupport :: SubmodulesSupport
+instance KnownSubmodulesSupport 'SubmodulesSupported where
+ submoduleSupport = SubmodulesSupported
+instance KnownSubmodulesSupport 'SubmodulesNotSupported where
+ submoduleSupport = SubmodulesNotSupported
+data FileUpdate = FileUpdate FilePath String
+ deriving Show
+data SubmoduleAdd = SubmoduleAdd FilePath FilePath (Commit 'SubmodulesSupported)
+ deriving Show
+newtype Commit (submodules :: SubmodulesSupport)
+ = Commit [Either FileUpdate SubmoduleAdd]
+ deriving Show
+data TaggedCommits (submodules :: SubmodulesSupport)
+ = TaggedCommits TagName [Commit submodules]
+ deriving Show
+data BranchCommits (submodules :: SubmodulesSupport)
+ = BranchCommits BranchName [Commit submodules]
+ deriving Show
+type BranchName = String
+type TagName = String
-- | Instructions to make a repository without branches, for VCSs that do not
-- support branches (e.g. darcs).
-newtype NonBranchingRepoRecipe = NonBranchingRepoRecipe [TaggedCommits]
- deriving Show
+newtype NonBranchingRepoRecipe submodules
+ = NonBranchingRepoRecipe [TaggedCommits submodules]
+ deriving Show
-- | Instructions to make a repository with branches, for VCSs that do
-- support branches (e.g. git).
-newtype BranchingRepoRecipe = BranchingRepoRecipe
- [Either TaggedCommits BranchCommits]
+newtype BranchingRepoRecipe submodules
+ = BranchingRepoRecipe [Either (TaggedCommits submodules) (BranchCommits submodules)]
deriving Show
-data RepoRecipe = WithBranchingSupport BranchingRepoRecipe
- | WithoutBranchingSupport NonBranchingRepoRecipe
+data RepoRecipe submodules
+ = WithBranchingSupport (BranchingRepoRecipe submodules)
+ | WithoutBranchingSupport (NonBranchingRepoRecipe submodules)
+ deriving Show
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Arbitrary instances for them
+genFileName :: Gen FilePath
+genFileName = (\c -> "file" > [c]) <$> choose ('A', 'E')
instance Arbitrary FileUpdate where
- arbitrary = FileUpdate <$> genFileName <*> genFileContent
+ arbitrary = genOnlyFileUpdate
- genFileName = (\c -> "file" > [c]) <$> choose ('A', 'E')
- genFileContent = vectorOf 10 (choose ('#', '~'))
+ genOnlyFileUpdate = FileUpdate <$> genFileName <*> genFileContent
+ genFileContent = vectorOf 10 (choose ('#', '~'))
-instance Arbitrary Commit where
- arbitrary = Commit <$> shortListOf1 5 arbitrary
+instance Arbitrary SubmoduleAdd where
+ arbitrary = genOnlySubmoduleAdd
+ where
+ genOnlySubmoduleAdd = SubmoduleAdd <$> genFileName <*> genSubmoduleSrc <*> arbitrary
+ genSubmoduleSrc = vectorOf 20 (choose ('a', 'z'))
+instance forall submodules.KnownSubmodulesSupport submodules => Arbitrary (Commit submodules) where
+ arbitrary = Commit <$> shortListOf1 5 fileUpdateOrSubmoduleAdd
+ where
+ fileUpdateOrSubmoduleAdd =
+ case submoduleSupport @submodules of
+ SubmodulesSupported -> frequency [ (10, Left <$> arbitrary)
+ , (1, Right <$> arbitrary)
+ ]
+ SubmodulesNotSupported -> Left <$> arbitrary
shrink (Commit writes) = Commit <$> filter (not . null) (shrink writes)
-instance Arbitrary TaggedCommits where
+instance KnownSubmodulesSupport submodules => Arbitrary (TaggedCommits submodules) where
arbitrary = TaggedCommits <$> genTagName <*> shortListOf1 5 arbitrary
genTagName = ("tag_" ++) <$> shortListOf1 5 (choose ('A', 'Z'))
shrink (TaggedCommits tag commits) =
TaggedCommits tag <$> filter (not . null) (shrink commits)
-instance Arbitrary BranchCommits where
+instance KnownSubmodulesSupport submodules => Arbitrary (BranchCommits submodules) where
arbitrary = BranchCommits <$> genBranchName <*> shortListOf1 5 arbitrary
genBranchName =
@@ -426,12 +470,12 @@ instance Arbitrary BranchCommits where
shrink (BranchCommits branch commits) =
BranchCommits branch <$> filter (not . null) (shrink commits)
-instance Arbitrary NonBranchingRepoRecipe where
+instance KnownSubmodulesSupport submodules => Arbitrary (NonBranchingRepoRecipe submodules) where
arbitrary = NonBranchingRepoRecipe <$> shortListOf1 15 arbitrary
shrink (NonBranchingRepoRecipe xs) =
NonBranchingRepoRecipe <$> filter (not . null) (shrink xs)
-instance Arbitrary BranchingRepoRecipe where
+instance KnownSubmodulesSupport submodules => Arbitrary (BranchingRepoRecipe submodules) where
arbitrary = BranchingRepoRecipe <$> shortListOf1 15 taggedOrBranch
taggedOrBranch = frequency [ (3, Left <$> arbitrary)
@@ -481,7 +525,15 @@ initialRepoState =
updateFile :: FilePath -> String -> RepoState -> RepoState
updateFile filename content state@RepoState{currentWorking} =
- state { currentWorking = Map.insert filename content currentWorking }
+ let removeSubmodule = Map.filterWithKey (\path _ -> not $ filename `isPrefixOf` path) currentWorking
+ in state { currentWorking = Map.insert filename content removeSubmodule }
+addSubmodule :: FilePath -> RepoState -> RepoState -> RepoState
+addSubmodule submodulePath submoduleState mainState =
+ let newFiles = Map.mapKeys (submodulePath >) (currentWorking submoduleState)
+ removeSubmodule = Map.filterWithKey (\path _ -> not $ submodulePath `isPrefixOf` path ) (currentWorking mainState)
+ newWorking = Map.union removeSubmodule newFiles
+ in mainState { currentWorking = newWorking}
addTagOrCommit :: TagOrCommitId -> RepoState -> RepoState
addTagOrCommit commit state@RepoState{currentWorking, allTags} =
@@ -562,10 +614,10 @@ getDirectoryContentsRecursive ignore dir0 dir = do
-- support VCSs like git that have commit ids, so that those commit ids can be
-- included in the 'RepoState's 'allTags' set.
-createRepo :: VCSTestDriver -> RepoRecipe -> IO RepoState
+createRepo :: VCSTestDriver -> RepoRecipe submodules -> IO RepoState
createRepo vcsDriver@VCSTestDriver{vcsRepoRoot, vcsInit} recipe = do
- createDirectory vcsRepoRoot
- createDirectory (vcsRepoRoot > "file")
+ createDirectoryIfMissing True vcsRepoRoot
+ createDirectoryIfMissing True (vcsRepoRoot > "file")
execStateT createRepoAction initialRepoState
@@ -576,17 +628,17 @@ createRepo vcsDriver@VCSTestDriver{vcsRepoRoot, vcsInit} recipe = do
type CreateRepoAction a = VCSTestDriver -> a -> StateT RepoState IO ()
-execNonBranchingRepoRecipe :: CreateRepoAction NonBranchingRepoRecipe
+execNonBranchingRepoRecipe :: CreateRepoAction (NonBranchingRepoRecipe submodules)
execNonBranchingRepoRecipe vcsDriver (NonBranchingRepoRecipe taggedCommits) =
mapM_ (execTaggdCommits vcsDriver) taggedCommits
-execBranchingRepoRecipe :: CreateRepoAction BranchingRepoRecipe
+execBranchingRepoRecipe :: CreateRepoAction (BranchingRepoRecipe submodules)
execBranchingRepoRecipe vcsDriver (BranchingRepoRecipe taggedCommits) =
mapM_ (either (execTaggdCommits vcsDriver)
(execBranchCommits vcsDriver))
-execBranchCommits :: CreateRepoAction BranchCommits
+execBranchCommits :: CreateRepoAction (BranchCommits submodules)
execBranchCommits vcsDriver@VCSTestDriver{vcsSwitchBranch}
(BranchCommits branch commits) = do
mapM_ (execCommit vcsDriver) commits
@@ -599,7 +651,7 @@ execBranchCommits vcsDriver@VCSTestDriver{vcsSwitchBranch}
-- switch branch. In part this is because git cannot branch from an empty
-- repo state, it complains that the master branch doesn't exist yet.
-execTaggdCommits :: CreateRepoAction TaggedCommits
+execTaggdCommits :: CreateRepoAction (TaggedCommits submodules)
execTaggdCommits vcsDriver@VCSTestDriver{vcsTagState}
(TaggedCommits tagname commits) = do
mapM_ (execCommit vcsDriver) commits
@@ -608,20 +660,30 @@ execTaggdCommits vcsDriver@VCSTestDriver{vcsTagState}
liftIO $ vcsTagState state tagname
State.modify (addTagOrCommit tagname)
-execCommit :: CreateRepoAction Commit
+execCommit :: CreateRepoAction (Commit submodules)
execCommit vcsDriver@VCSTestDriver{..} (Commit fileUpdates) = do
- mapM_ (execFileUpdate vcsDriver) fileUpdates
+ mapM_ (either (execFileUpdate vcsDriver) (execSubmoduleAdd vcsDriver)) fileUpdates
state <- State.get -- existing state, not updated
mcommit <- liftIO $ vcsCommitChanges state
State.modify (maybe id addTagOrCommit mcommit)
execFileUpdate :: CreateRepoAction FileUpdate
execFileUpdate VCSTestDriver{..} (FileUpdate filename content) = do
+ isDir <- liftIO $ doesDirectoryExist (vcsRepoRoot > filename)
+ liftIO . when isDir $ removeDirectoryRecursive (vcsRepoRoot > filename)
liftIO $ writeFile (vcsRepoRoot > filename) content
state <- State.get -- existing state, not updated
liftIO $ vcsAddFile state filename
State.modify (updateFile filename content)
+execSubmoduleAdd :: CreateRepoAction SubmoduleAdd
+execSubmoduleAdd vcsDriver (SubmoduleAdd submodulePath source submoduleCommit) = do
+ submoduleVcsDriver <- liftIO $ vcsSubmoduleDriver vcsDriver source
+ let submoduleRecipe = WithoutBranchingSupport $ NonBranchingRepoRecipe [TaggedCommits "submodule-tag" [submoduleCommit]]
+ submoduleState <- liftIO $ createRepo submoduleVcsDriver submoduleRecipe
+ mainState <- State.get -- existing state, not updated
+ liftIO $ vcsAddSubmodule vcsDriver mainState (vcsRepoRoot submoduleVcsDriver) submodulePath
+ State.modify $ addSubmodule submodulePath submoduleState
-- ------------------------------------------------------------
-- * VCSTestDriver for various VCSs
@@ -637,22 +699,24 @@ execFileUpdate VCSTestDriver{..} (FileUpdate filename content) = do
-- The driver instance knows the particular repo directory.
data VCSTestDriver = VCSTestDriver {
- vcsVCS :: VCS ConfiguredProgram,
- vcsRepoRoot :: FilePath,
- vcsIgnoreFiles :: Set FilePath,
- vcsInit :: IO (),
- vcsAddFile :: RepoState -> FilePath -> IO (),
- vcsCommitChanges :: RepoState -> IO (Maybe CommitId),
- vcsTagState :: RepoState -> TagName -> IO (),
- vcsSwitchBranch :: RepoState -> BranchName -> IO (),
- vcsCheckoutTag :: Either (TagName -> IO ())
- (TagName -> FilePath -> IO ())
+ vcsVCS :: VCS ConfiguredProgram,
+ vcsRepoRoot :: FilePath,
+ vcsIgnoreFiles :: Set FilePath,
+ vcsInit :: IO (),
+ vcsAddFile :: RepoState -> FilePath -> IO (),
+ vcsSubmoduleDriver :: FilePath -> IO VCSTestDriver,
+ vcsAddSubmodule :: RepoState -> FilePath -> FilePath -> IO (),
+ vcsCommitChanges :: RepoState -> IO (Maybe CommitId),
+ vcsTagState :: RepoState -> TagName -> IO (),
+ vcsSwitchBranch :: RepoState -> BranchName -> IO (),
+ vcsCheckoutTag :: Either (TagName -> IO ())
+ (TagName -> FilePath -> IO ())
vcsTestDriverGit :: Verbosity -> VCS ConfiguredProgram
- -> FilePath -> VCSTestDriver
-vcsTestDriverGit verbosity vcs repoRoot =
+ -> FilePath -> FilePath -> VCSTestDriver
+vcsTestDriverGit verbosity vcs submoduleDir repoRoot =
VCSTestDriver {
vcsVCS = vcs
@@ -678,13 +742,31 @@ vcsTestDriverGit verbosity vcs repoRoot =
, vcsTagState = \_ tagname ->
git ["tag", "--force", "--no-sign", tagname]
+ , vcsSubmoduleDriver =
+ pure . vcsTestDriverGit verbosity vcs submoduleDir . (submoduleDir >)
+ , vcsAddSubmodule = \_ source dest -> do
+ destExists <- (||) <$> doesFileExist (repoRoot > dest)
+ <*> doesDirectoryExist (repoRoot > dest)
+ when destExists $ git ["rm", "-f", dest]
+ -- If there is an old submodule git dir with the same name, remove it.
+ -- It most likely has a different URL and `git submodule add` will fai.
+ submoduleGitDirExists <- doesDirectoryExist $ submoduleGitDir dest
+ when submoduleGitDirExists $ removeDirectoryRecursive (submoduleGitDir dest)
+ git ["submodule", "add", source, dest]
+ git ["submodule", "update", "--init", "--recursive", "--force"]
, vcsSwitchBranch = \RepoState{allBranches} branchname -> do
+ deinitAndRemoveCachedSubmodules
unless (branchname `Map.member` allBranches) $
git ["branch", branchname]
git $ ["checkout", branchname] ++ verboseArg
+ updateSubmodulesAndCleanup
- , vcsCheckoutTag = Left $ \tagname ->
+ , vcsCheckoutTag = Left $ \tagname -> do
+ deinitAndRemoveCachedSubmodules
git $ ["checkout", "--detach", "--force", tagname] ++ verboseArg
+ updateSubmodulesAndCleanup
gitInvocation args = (programInvocation (vcsProgram vcs) args) {
@@ -693,13 +775,24 @@ vcsTestDriverGit verbosity vcs repoRoot =
git = runProgramInvocation verbosity . gitInvocation
git' = getProgramInvocationOutput verbosity . gitInvocation
verboseArg = [ "--quiet" | verbosity < Verbosity.normal ]
+ submoduleGitDir path = repoRoot > ".git" > "modules" > path
+ deinitAndRemoveCachedSubmodules = do
+ git $ ["submodule", "deinit", "--force", "--all"] ++ verboseArg
+ let gitModulesDir = repoRoot > ".git" > "modules"
+ gitModulesExists <- doesDirectoryExist gitModulesDir
+ when gitModulesExists $ removeDirectoryRecursive gitModulesDir
+ updateSubmodulesAndCleanup = do
+ git $ ["submodule", "sync", "--recursive"] ++ verboseArg
+ git $ ["submodule", "update", "--init", "--recursive", "--force"] ++ verboseArg
+ git $ ["submodule", "foreach", "git clean -ffxdq"] ++ verboseArg
+ git $ ["clean", "-ffxdq"] ++ verboseArg
type MTimeChange = Int
vcsTestDriverDarcs :: MTimeChange -> Verbosity -> VCS ConfiguredProgram
- -> FilePath -> VCSTestDriver
-vcsTestDriverDarcs mtimeChange verbosity vcs repoRoot =
+ -> FilePath -> FilePath -> VCSTestDriver
+vcsTestDriverDarcs mtimeChange verbosity vcs _ repoRoot =
VCSTestDriver {
vcsVCS = vcs
@@ -717,6 +810,12 @@ vcsTestDriverDarcs mtimeChange verbosity vcs repoRoot =
-- Darcs's file change tracking relies on mtime changes,
-- so we have to be careful with doing stuff too quickly:
+ , vcsSubmoduleDriver = \_->
+ fail "vcsSubmoduleDriver: darcs does not support submodules"
+ , vcsAddSubmodule = \_ _ _ ->
+ fail "vcsAddSubmodule: darcs does not support submodules"
, vcsCommitChanges = \_state -> do
threadDelay mtimeChange
darcs ["record", "--all", "--author=author", "--name=a patch"]
@@ -739,8 +838,8 @@ vcsTestDriverDarcs mtimeChange verbosity vcs repoRoot =
vcsTestDriverPijul :: Verbosity -> VCS ConfiguredProgram
- -> FilePath -> VCSTestDriver
-vcsTestDriverPijul verbosity vcs repoRoot =
+ -> FilePath -> FilePath -> VCSTestDriver
+vcsTestDriverPijul verbosity vcs _ repoRoot =
VCSTestDriver {
vcsVCS = vcs
@@ -754,6 +853,12 @@ vcsTestDriverPijul verbosity vcs repoRoot =
, vcsAddFile = \_ filename ->
pijul ["add", filename]
+ , vcsSubmoduleDriver = \_ ->
+ fail "vcsSubmoduleDriver: pijul does not support submodules"
+ , vcsAddSubmodule = \_ _ _ ->
+ fail "vcsAddSubmodule: pijul does not support submodules"
, vcsCommitChanges = \_state -> do
pijul $ ["record", "-a", "-m 'a patch'"
, "-A 'A '"
@@ -783,8 +888,8 @@ vcsTestDriverPijul verbosity vcs repoRoot =
pijul' = getProgramInvocationOutput verbosity . gitInvocation
vcsTestDriverHg :: Verbosity -> VCS ConfiguredProgram
- -> FilePath -> VCSTestDriver
-vcsTestDriverHg verbosity vcs repoRoot =
+ -> FilePath -> FilePath -> VCSTestDriver
+vcsTestDriverHg verbosity vcs _ repoRoot =
VCSTestDriver {
vcsVCS = vcs
@@ -798,6 +903,12 @@ vcsTestDriverHg verbosity vcs repoRoot =
, vcsAddFile = \_ filename ->
hg ["add", filename]
+ , vcsSubmoduleDriver = \_ ->
+ fail "vcsSubmoduleDriver: hg submodules not supported"
+ , vcsAddSubmodule = \_ _ _ ->
+ fail "vcsAddSubmodule: hg submodules not supported"
, vcsCommitChanges = \_state -> do
hg $ [ "--user='A '"
, "commit", "--message=a patch"