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Clank Plugins Logo

This repository is dedicated for example and trusted Lua plugins written for Clank.

Lua is a simple and lightweight language that has a low entry-barrier for those who are interested in modding/creating customizable events especially for games that utilize a DME server for gameplay. It is also widely used in many games as a scripting/modding language.


The plugins/ directory holds a collection of clank plugins.

  • hello-world - This is a demo Hello World example plugin.
  • LuaInterpreter - An interactive Lua shell via the lua command.

The lib/ directory holds facade libraries intended to aid in the development of plugins outside of the clank environment.


Creating a new plugin

A plugin must be a folder named the plugin name which must be alphanumeric without spaces [A-Za-z0-9-_].

Within the plugin folder there must be an init.lua (or init.lub) file which must directly return a table structure of the following values:

init.lua structure

Key Type Example Notes
name string SomeOtherPlugin Plugin name. (>3 chars <32 chars alphanumeric [A-Za-z0-9-_])
description string Does x, y, and z Detailed plugin purpose/description.
version table 0.1.0 major=0, minor=1, revision(patch)=0 See
events table Events to subscribe to. (See the Events table below)
run_on table or integer DME_SERVER Array of strings of what emulation modes this plugin may run on.
commands table CLI commands to register. See hello-world example.
Events table
Event Name Parameters Description
PLUGIN_DEV_TEST_EVENT Sample table data Called on test [plugin] [params].
PLUGIN_INIT_EVENT Called on plugin initialization/enable.
PLUGIN_SHUTDOWN_EVENT Called on plugin shutdown/disable.
TICK_EVENT Called on a regular occuring timer.
Run_on table
Key Description
MEDIUS_UNIVERSE_INFORMATION_SERVER This plugin may run on the Medius Universe Information Server.
MEDIUS_AUTHENTICATION_SERVER This plugin may run on the Medius Authentication Server.
MEDIUS_LOBBY_SERVER This plugin may run on the Medius Lobby Server.
DME_SERVER This plugin may run on the Distributed Memory Engine Server.
NAT_SERVER This plugin may run on the Network Address Translation Server.

An example init.lua file can be seen in the hello-world demo plugin.

Programming convention

These are recommended programming conventions to follow while developing your plugin.

Key Type Example Notes
Lua Variable Snake Case velocity_x All lower-case, using underscores for word-breaks.
Lua Function Camel Case setPosition() Camel case starts with a lower-case word, the rest are upper.
Lua Table Variable Snake Case box.name_tag All lower-case, using underscores for word-breaks.
Lua Table Function Camel Case box.isGravityOn Camel case starts with a lower-case word, the rest are upper.

Spacing should be consistent. It is recommended to use hard-tabs (tab character) rather than spaces, however, if you started a project with spaces, stick with it unless you convert all the spaces to hard-tabs.

Clank Lua Plugin API

Under Construction.

Function Returns Description
clank.sleep(ms) nil Have the current plugin thread sleep for ms milliseconds.
clank.getConfig() table Return a table representation of the Clank JSON config.
clank.getPluginPath() string Return the plugin's current path.

Using the Clank Plugin Dev Utility

The clankp executable script acts as a swiss-army-knife development tool. The following sections describe each functionality.

Debugging & Running your plugin

During the development phase of writing a Clank plugin you will want to run/debug your plugin. You can do so using the debug/run tool built in. Run ./clankp debug <plugin> to load and initialize only or ./clank debug to load and initialize all available plugins.

You will be dropped into an interactive REPL CLI where you can run the help command to view plugin manipulation tools to further test and debug your plugin.

Compiling your plugins

You can compile your plugin to Lua byte-code chunks using the ./clankp compile command. All the plugins in the plugins folder will be compiled to Lua byte-code in a newly created bin folder. These compiled files now have the .lub file extension.


The clankp executable script has functionality to automatically build and run a test container with Lua built-in. Executing any of the "Docker Dev Commands" will build the Dockerfile into an image. You can remove the image at any point by using docker rmi clank-plugin-dev.