diff --git a/CHANGELOG.md b/CHANGELOG.md index 876b20460e3c..14be3e168401 100644 --- a/CHANGELOG.md +++ b/CHANGELOG.md @@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ ENHANCEMENTS: * Data Source: `azurerm_storage_account` - export the primary and secondary internet and microsoft hostnames for blobs, dfs, files, queues, tables and web [GH-23517] * Data Source: `azurerm_cosmosdb_account` - now exports the `connection_strings`, `primary_sql_connection_string`, `secondary_sql_connection_string`, `primary_readonly_sql_connection_string`, `secondary_readonly_sql_connection_string`, `primary_mongodb_connection_string`, `secondary_mongodb_connection_string`, `primary_readonly_mongodb_connection_string`, and `secondary_readonly_mongodb_connection_string` attributes [GH-24129] * `azurerm_cosmosdb_cassandra_datacenter` - add support for the property `seed_node_ip_addresses` [GH-24076] +* `azurerm_firewall` - support for the `dns_proxy_enabled` property [GH-20519] * `azurerm_kubernetes_cluster` - add support for the property `support_plan` as well as the `sku_tier` `Premium` [GH-23970] * `azurerm_mssql_managed_instance` - add support for more `vcores`: `6`, `10`, `12`, `20`, `48`, `56`, `96`, `128` [GH-24085] * `azurerm_redis_linked_server` - add support for the property `geo_replicated_primary_host_name` [GH-23984]