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Auto Scaling
AWS: aws_autoscaling_policy
Provides an AutoScaling Scaling Group resource.

Resource: aws_autoscaling_policy

Provides an AutoScaling Scaling Policy resource.

~> NOTE: You may want to omit desired_capacity attribute from attached aws_autoscaling_group when using autoscaling policies. It's good practice to pick either manual or dynamic (policy-based) scaling.

Hands-on: Try the Manage AWS Auto Scaling Groups tutorial on HashiCorp Learn.

Example Usage

resource "aws_autoscaling_policy" "bat" {
  name                   = "foobar3-terraform-test"
  scaling_adjustment     = 4
  adjustment_type        = "ChangeInCapacity"
  cooldown               = 300
  autoscaling_group_name =

resource "aws_autoscaling_group" "bar" {
  availability_zones        = ["us-east-1a"]
  name                      = "foobar3-terraform-test"
  max_size                  = 5
  min_size                  = 2
  health_check_grace_period = 300
  health_check_type         = "ELB"
  force_delete              = true
  launch_configuration      =

Create target tracking scaling policy using metric math

resource "aws_autoscaling_policy" "example" {
  autoscaling_group_name = "my-test-asg"
  name                   = "foo"
  policy_type            = "TargetTrackingScaling"
  target_tracking_configuration {
    target_value = 100
    customized_metric_specification {
      metrics {
        label = "Get the queue size (the number of messages waiting to be processed)"
        id    = "m1"
        metric_stat {
          metric {
            namespace   = "AWS/SQS"
            metric_name = "ApproximateNumberOfMessagesVisible"
            dimensions {
              name  = "QueueName"
              value = "my-queue"
          stat = "Sum"
        return_data = false
      metrics {
        label = "Get the group size (the number of InService instances)"
        id    = "m2"
        metric_stat {
          metric {
            namespace   = "AWS/AutoScaling"
            metric_name = "GroupInServiceInstances"
            dimensions {
              name  = "AutoScalingGroupName"
              value = "my-asg"
          stat = "Average"
        return_data = false
      metrics {
        label       = "Calculate the backlog per instance"
        id          = "e1"
        expression  = "m1 / m2"
        return_data = true

Create predictive scaling policy using customized metrics

resource "aws_autoscaling_policy" "example" {
  autoscaling_group_name = "my-test-asg"
  name                   = "foo"
  policy_type            = "PredictiveScaling"
  predictive_scaling_configuration {
    metric_specification {
      target_value = 10
      customized_load_metric_specification {
        metric_data_queries {
          id         = "load_sum"
          expression = "SUM(SEARCH('{AWS/EC2,AutoScalingGroupName} MetricName=\"CPUUtilization\" my-test-asg', 'Sum', 3600))"
      customized_capacity_metric_specification {
        metric_data_queries {
          id         = "capacity_sum"
          expression = "SUM(SEARCH('{AWS/AutoScaling,AutoScalingGroupName} MetricName=\"GroupInServiceIntances\" my-test-asg', 'Average', 300))"
      customized_scaling_metric_specification {
        metric_data_queries {
          id          = "capacity_sum"
          expression  = "SUM(SEARCH('{AWS/AutoScaling,AutoScalingGroupName} MetricName=\"GroupInServiceIntances\" my-test-asg', 'Average', 300))"
          return_data = false
        metric_data_queries {
          id          = "load_sum"
          expression  = "SUM(SEARCH('{AWS/EC2,AutoScalingGroupName} MetricName=\"CPUUtilization\" my-test-asg', 'Sum', 300))"
          return_data = false
        metric_data_queries {
          id         = "weighted_average"
          expression = "load_sum / (capacity_sum * PERIOD(capacity_sum) / 60)"

Create predictive scaling policy using customized scaling and predefined load metric

resource "aws_autoscaling_policy" "example" {
  autoscaling_group_name = "my-test-asg"
  name                   = "foo"
  policy_type            = "PredictiveScaling"
  predictive_scaling_configuration {
    metric_specification {
      target_value = 10
      predefined_load_metric_specification {
        predefined_metric_type = "ASGTotalCPUUtilization"
        resource_label         = "app/my-alb/778d41231b141a0f/targetgroup/my-alb-target-group/943f017f100becff"
      customized_scaling_metric_specification {
        metric_data_queries {
          id = "scaling"
          metric_stat {
            metric {
              metric_name = "CPUUtilization"
              namespace   = "AWS/EC2"
              dimensions {
                name  = "AutoScalingGroupName"
                value = "my-test-asg"
            stat = "Average"

Argument Reference

  • name - (Required) Name of the policy.
  • autoscaling_group_name - (Required) Name of the autoscaling group.
  • adjustment_type - (Optional) Whether the adjustment is an absolute number or a percentage of the current capacity. Valid values are ChangeInCapacity, ExactCapacity, and PercentChangeInCapacity.
  • policy_type - (Optional) Policy type, either "SimpleScaling", "StepScaling", "TargetTrackingScaling", or "PredictiveScaling". If this value isn't provided, AWS will default to "SimpleScaling."
  • predictive_scaling_configuration - (Optional) Predictive scaling policy configuration to use with Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling.
  • estimated_instance_warmup - (Optional) Estimated time, in seconds, until a newly launched instance will contribute CloudWatch metrics. Without a value, AWS will default to the group's specified cooldown period.
  • enabled - (Optional) Whether the scaling policy is enabled or disabled. Default: true.

The following argument is only available to "SimpleScaling" and "StepScaling" type policies:

  • min_adjustment_magnitude - (Optional) Minimum value to scale by when adjustment_type is set to PercentChangeInCapacity.

The following arguments are only available to "SimpleScaling" type policies:

  • cooldown - (Optional) Amount of time, in seconds, after a scaling activity completes and before the next scaling activity can start.
  • scaling_adjustment - (Optional) Number of instances by which to scale. adjustment_type determines the interpretation of this number (e.g., as an absolute number or as a percentage of the existing Auto Scaling group size). A positive increment adds to the current capacity and a negative value removes from the current capacity.

The following arguments are only available to "StepScaling" type policies:

  • metric_aggregation_type - (Optional) Aggregation type for the policy's metrics. Valid values are "Minimum", "Maximum", and "Average". Without a value, AWS will treat the aggregation type as "Average".
  • step_adjustment - (Optional) Set of adjustments that manage group scaling. These have the following structure:
resource "aws_autoscaling_policy" "example" {
  # ... other configuration ...

  step_adjustment {
    scaling_adjustment          = -1
    metric_interval_lower_bound = 1.0
    metric_interval_upper_bound = 2.0

  step_adjustment {
    scaling_adjustment          = 1
    metric_interval_lower_bound = 2.0
    metric_interval_upper_bound = 3.0

The following fields are available in step adjustments:

  • scaling_adjustment - (Required) Number of members by which to scale, when the adjustment bounds are breached. A positive value scales up. A negative value scales down.
  • metric_interval_lower_bound - (Optional) Lower bound for the difference between the alarm threshold and the CloudWatch metric. Without a value, AWS will treat this bound as negative infinity.
  • metric_interval_upper_bound - (Optional) Upper bound for the difference between the alarm threshold and the CloudWatch metric. Without a value, AWS will treat this bound as positive infinity. The upper bound must be greater than the lower bound.

Notice the bounds are relative to the alarm threshold, meaning that the starting point is not 0%, but the alarm threshold. Check the official docs for a detailed example.

The following arguments are only available to "TargetTrackingScaling" type policies:

  • target_tracking_configuration - (Optional) Target tracking policy. These have the following structure:
resource "aws_autoscaling_policy" "example" {
  # ... other configuration ...

  target_tracking_configuration {
    predefined_metric_specification {
      predefined_metric_type = "ASGAverageCPUUtilization"

    target_value = 40.0

The following fields are available in target tracking configuration:

  • predefined_metric_specification - (Optional) Predefined metric. Conflicts with customized_metric_specification.
  • customized_metric_specification - (Optional) Customized metric. Conflicts with predefined_metric_specification.
  • target_value - (Required) Target value for the metric.
  • disable_scale_in - (Optional, Default: false) Whether scale in by the target tracking policy is disabled.


This configuration block supports the following arguments:

  • predefined_metric_type - (Required) Metric type.
  • resource_label - (Optional) Identifies the resource associated with the metric type.


This configuration block supports the following arguments:

  • metric_dimension - (Optional) Dimensions of the metric.
  • metric_name - (Optional) Name of the metric.
  • namespace - (Optional) Namespace of the metric.
  • statistic - (Optional) Statistic of the metric.
  • unit - (Optional) Unit of the metric.
  • metrics - (Optional) Metrics to include, as a metric data query.


This configuration block supports the following arguments:

  • name - (Required) Name of the dimension.
  • value - (Required) Value of the dimension.


This configuration block supports the following arguments:

  • expression - (Optional) Math expression used on the returned metric. You must specify either expression or metric_stat, but not both.
  • id - (Required) Short name for the metric used in target tracking scaling policy.
  • label - (Optional) Human-readable label for this metric or expression.
  • metric_stat - (Optional) Structure that defines CloudWatch metric to be used in target tracking scaling policy. You must specify either expression or metric_stat, but not both.
  • return_data - (Optional) Boolean that indicates whether to return the timestamps and raw data values of this metric, the default is true

This configuration block supports the following arguments:

  • metric - (Required) Structure that defines the CloudWatch metric to return, including the metric name, namespace, and dimensions.
  • stat - (Required) Statistic of the metrics to return.
  • unit - (Optional) Unit of the metrics to return.

This configuration block supports the following arguments:

  • dimensions - (Optional) Dimensions of the metric.
  • metric_name - (Required) Name of the metric.
  • namespace - (Required) Namespace of the metric.

This configuration block supports the following arguments:

  • name - (Required) Name of the dimension.
  • value - (Required) Value of the dimension.


This configuration block supports the following arguments:

  • max_capacity_breach_behavior - (Optional) Defines the behavior that should be applied if the forecast capacity approaches or exceeds the maximum capacity of the Auto Scaling group. Valid values are HonorMaxCapacity or IncreaseMaxCapacity. Default is HonorMaxCapacity.
  • max_capacity_buffer - (Optional) Size of the capacity buffer to use when the forecast capacity is close to or exceeds the maximum capacity. Valid range is 0 to 100. If set to 0, Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling may scale capacity higher than the maximum capacity to equal but not exceed forecast capacity.
  • metric_specification - (Required) This structure includes the metrics and target utilization to use for predictive scaling.
  • mode - (Optional) Predictive scaling mode. Valid values are ForecastAndScale and ForecastOnly. Default is ForecastOnly.
  • scheduling_buffer_time - (Optional) Amount of time, in seconds, by which the instance launch time can be advanced. Minimum is 0.


This configuration block supports the following arguments:

  • customized_capacity_metric_specification - (Optional) Customized capacity metric specification. The field is only valid when you use customized_load_metric_specification
  • customized_load_metric_specification - (Optional) Customized load metric specification.
  • customized_scaling_metric_specification - (Optional) Customized scaling metric specification.
  • predefined_load_metric_specification - (Optional) Predefined load metric specification.
  • predefined_metric_pair_specification - (Optional) Metric pair specification from which Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling determines the appropriate scaling metric and load metric to use.
  • predefined_scaling_metric_specification - (Optional) Predefined scaling metric specification.

This configuration block supports the following arguments:

  • predefined_metric_type - (Required) Metric type. Valid values are ASGTotalCPUUtilization, ASGTotalNetworkIn, ASGTotalNetworkOut, or ALBTargetGroupRequestCount.
  • resource_label - (Required) Label that uniquely identifies a specific Application Load Balancer target group from which to determine the request count served by your Auto Scaling group. You create the resource label by appending the final portion of the load balancer ARN and the final portion of the target group ARN into a single value, separated by a forward slash (/). Refer to PredefinedMetricSpecification for more information.

This configuration block supports the following arguments:

  • predefined_metric_type - (Required) Which metrics to use. There are two different types of metrics for each metric type: one is a load metric and one is a scaling metric. For example, if the metric type is ASGCPUUtilization, the Auto Scaling group's total CPU metric is used as the load metric, and the average CPU metric is used for the scaling metric. Valid values are ASGCPUUtilization, ASGNetworkIn, ASGNetworkOut, or ALBRequestCount.
  • resource_label - (Required) Label that uniquely identifies a specific Application Load Balancer target group from which to determine the request count served by your Auto Scaling group. You create the resource label by appending the final portion of the load balancer ARN and the final portion of the target group ARN into a single value, separated by a forward slash (/). Refer to PredefinedMetricSpecification for more information.

This configuration block supports the following arguments:

  • predefined_metric_type - (Required) Describes a scaling metric for a predictive scaling policy. Valid values are ASGAverageCPUUtilization, ASGAverageNetworkIn, ASGAverageNetworkOut, or ALBRequestCountPerTarget.
  • resource_label - (Required) Label that uniquely identifies a specific Application Load Balancer target group from which to determine the request count served by your Auto Scaling group. You create the resource label by appending the final portion of the load balancer ARN and the final portion of the target group ARN into a single value, separated by a forward slash (/). Refer to PredefinedMetricSpecification for more information.

This configuration block supports the following arguments:

  • metric_data_queries - (Required) List of up to 10 structures that defines custom scaling metric in predictive scaling policy

This configuration block supports the following arguments:

  • metric_data_queries - (Required) List of up to 10 structures that defines custom load metric in predictive scaling policy

This configuration block supports the following arguments:

  • metric_data_queries - (Required) List of up to 10 structures that defines custom capacity metric in predictive scaling policy

This configuration block supports the following arguments:

  • expression - (Optional) Math expression used on the returned metric. You must specify either expression or metric_stat, but not both.
  • id - (Required) Short name for the metric used in predictive scaling policy.
  • label - (Optional) Human-readable label for this metric or expression.
  • metric_stat - (Optional) Structure that defines CloudWatch metric to be used in predictive scaling policy. You must specify either expression or metric_stat, but not both.
  • return_data - (Optional) Boolean that indicates whether to return the timestamps and raw data values of this metric, the default is true

This configuration block supports the following arguments:

  • metric - (Required) Structure that defines the CloudWatch metric to return, including the metric name, namespace, and dimensions.
  • stat - (Required) Statistic of the metrics to return.
  • unit - (Optional) Unit of the metrics to return.

This configuration block supports the following arguments:

  • dimensions - (Optional) Dimensions of the metric.
  • metric_name - (Required) Name of the metric.
  • namespace - (Required) Namespace of the metric.

This configuration block supports the following arguments:

  • name - (Required) Name of the dimension.
  • value - (Required) Value of the dimension.

Attribute Reference

This resource exports the following attributes in addition to the arguments above:

  • arn - ARN assigned by AWS to the scaling policy.
  • name - Scaling policy's name.
  • autoscaling_group_name - The scaling policy's assigned autoscaling group.
  • adjustment_type - Scaling policy's adjustment type.
  • policy_type - Scaling policy's type.


In Terraform v1.5.0 and later, use an import block to import AutoScaling scaling policy using the role autoscaling_group_name and name separated by /. For example:

import {
  to = aws_autoscaling_policy.test-policy
  id = "asg-name/policy-name"

Using terraform import, import AutoScaling scaling policy using the role autoscaling_group_name and name separated by /. For example:

% terraform import aws_autoscaling_policy.test-policy asg-name/policy-name