Apache httpd is a popular web server. You can read more about the Apache httpd configuration file syntax in the Apache httpd documentation.
Here is an example template for rendering part of an Apache httpd configuration file that is responsible for configuring a reverse proxy with dynamic end points based on service tags with Consul Template:
{{range $tag, $service := service "web" | byTag}}
# "{{$tag}}" api providers.
<Proxy balancer://{{$tag}}>
{{range $service}} BalancerMember http://{{.Address}}:{{.Port}}
{{end}} ProxySet lbmethod=bybusyness
Redirect permanent /api/{{$tag}} /api/{{$tag}}/
ProxyPass /api/{{$tag}}/ balancer://{{$tag}}/
ProxyPassReverse /api/{{$tag}}/ balancer://{{$tag}}/
Save this file to disk at a place reachable by the Consul Template process like /tmp/httpd.conf.ctmpl
and run Consul Template:
$ consul-template \
Here is an example of what the file may render:
# "frontend" api providers.
<Proxy balancer://frontend>
ProxySet lbmethod=bybusyness
Redirect permanent /api/frontend /api/frontend/
ProxyPass /api/frontend/ balancer://frontend/
ProxyPassReverse /api/frontend/ balancer://frontend/
# "api" api providers.
<Proxy balancer://api>
ProxySet lbmethod=bybusyness
Redirect permanent /api/api /api/api/
ProxyPass /api/api/ balancer://api/
ProxyPassReverse /api/api/ balancer://api/
- For a list of functions, please see the Consul Template README
- For template syntax, please see the golang text/template documentation