OpenPension Website is the Web interface for the OpenPension Project
aimed at revealing the secrets behind the pension market.
[NodeJS] 1
[ExpressJS] 2
[Marionette] 3
[Handlebars] 4
[Squel] 5
[PostgreSQL] 6
[Memcached] 7
[Elastic] 11
[Tabletop] 8
Clone the repo
>git clone ... >git checkout marionette
Update submodules
>git submodule init >git submodule update
Install [NodeJS] 1
Install packages
>npm install >npm install bower -g >bower install >npm install grunt -g >grunt
Update db connection string in server/config.json (ask somebody if you dont have it)
Run the server (default port is 3000)
>node server/app.js
To run the server in dev mode:
Install node-dev (globally)
>npm install node-dev -g
Run the server
>node-dev server/app.js
For compiling the packages on windows
you might need to install Microsoft Visual Studio
You can get the Express version which is free to download [here] 9
Visit: [] 10