FlashWeave [1] (if user does not provide an edge list along with the OTU table)
FAPROTAX (as part of the phenotipic channel)
microbetag needs to assign a NCBI Taxonomy Id to those taxonomies of the OTU table that are at the species level. This is not a straight-forward task across the various reference databases might be used for the taxonomy assignment step. Currently, microbetag supports OTU tables derived from the Silva v.138 release; Qiime2 and DADA2 . Alternatively, one may provide an OTU table derived from any reference database of choice with an extra column denoting the NCBI Taxonomy Id assigned to each OTU (see example here).
Mandatory input files:
- OTU table
please make sure you have no blanks between the taxonomic levels.
Optional input files:
co-occurrence network
metadata table
Output files:
- a network file (formats to be supported:
) file with the annotations from all the different modules in each node (taxon) and edge (association) as well as a notion of whether the association can be considered as of higher confidence.
It is qute often that an OTU table has many non-species level taxonomies. As a result, in microbial co-occurrence networks, there are associations both at the species but also in higher levels.
microbetag intends to address this challenge by exploiting different sources of information depending on the taxonomic level of the taxa involved in each association pair.
amplicon data:
if a taxonomy does not exist, the OTUs/ASVs sequences are required. microbetag will use the phylogeny tree built out of the 16S sequences derived from the GTDB genomes (files:
files from the GTDB FTP) to place user's OTUs/ASVs on it before the annotation step (suggested in terms of the quality of the results) -
if a taxonomy exists, then this needs to be based on Silva and with tab-separated columns, one column per sample and one row per OTU, using the 7-level format.
shotgun data:
if a taxonomy does not exist the user needs to provide the genomes. microbetag will then run GTDB-tk to assign them, this will take some time. Alternatvely, the user may provide only the 16S sequences of his/her genomes and *microbetag will do as in the amplicon case.
if a taxonomy table is provided, it needs to have come using GTDB and the accession number of the closest genome to be provided too (suggested in terms of computation time)
In any case, microbetag will use the NCBI Taxonomy Id assigned to the species and strains present to extract relative infromation from the phenotypical and environmental data module, and a genome accession id to use the closest GTDB genome to each node for the pathway complementarity module.
In the genus_names_to_ncbiId.tsv
file, several names were found to map with more than one NCBI Tax Ids.
Thus, manually we checked which ids are related to bacteria and it was them we kept.
For 2 genera (Ponticoccus and Ileibacterium) both ids correspond to Bacteria.
For the first, 983507 was kept.
For the latter the 1937007 was kept.
323:D_5__Bacillus 1386\n55087
345:D_5__Bergeriella 758824\n334108
365:D_5__Bogoriella 1929901\n56054
371:D_5__Bosea 85413\n169215
397:D_5__Buchnera 46073\n32199
672:D_5__Centipeda 82202\n82283
700:D_5__Chlorosarcina brevispinosa 163096\n2491361
765:D_5__Coxiella 776\n1260513
918:D_5__Diplosphaera 381755\n1148783
940:D_5__Edwardsiella 635\n132406
978:D_5__Eremococcus 171412\n308526
1086:D_5__Fuerstia 204225\n1936111
1154:D_5__Gordonia 2053\n79255
1219:D_5__Halofilum 2045120\n1929135
1345:D_5__Ileibacterium 1980680\n1937007
1431:D_5__Labrys 204476\n2066135
1451:D_5__Lamprocystis 53452\n424207
1459:D_5__Lawsonia 1091138\n41707\n141190
1479:D_5__Leptonema 32205\n177878\n177871
1482:D_5__Leptothrix 88\n1907117
1519:D_5__Longispora 203522\n2759766
1750:D_5__Morganella 90690\n581\n108061
1848:D_5__Nitrospira 1234\n203693
1960:D_5__Paracoccus 265\n249411
2076:D_5__Planococcus 40929\n1372
2102:D_5__Ponticoccus 983507\n2896773
2142:D_5__Proteus 210425\n583
2255:D_5__Rhodobium 34016\n869314
2258:D_5__Rhodococcus 1661425\n1827
2317:D_5__Rothia 32207\n508215
2410:D_5__Schwartzia 164984\n55506
2599:D_5__Syntrophus 1671858\n43773
2720:D_5__Thermosipho 2420\n1445919
3680:D_5__Verticia 991145\n1835332
3732:D_5__Yersinia 444888\n629
A strategic point of contradiction in the pathway complementarity module, is that microbetag focuses mostly in microbial associations networks coming from 16S rRNA amplicon data. Thus, it is most probably to get taxa at the genus level, or even at the species level. However, genomes are at the strain level. So we need to find a way to deal with this.
At the same time, NCBI Taxonomy has been commonly used for a long time. However, GTDB Taxonomy is gaining space regarding the genome and the MAGs submission. So, the choice of the taxonomy about to be used is another strategic decision.
Logical Expressions
The pathway module is defined by the logical expression of K numbers, and the signature module is defined by the logical expression of K numbers and M numbers, allowing automatic evaluation of whether the gene set is complete, i.e., the functional unit is present, in a given genome. A space or a plus sign, representing a connection in the pathway or the molecular complex, is treated as an AND operator and a comma, used for alternatives, is treated as an OR operator. A minus sign designates an optional item in the complex.
Each space-separated unit is called a block, and the distinction is made for:
- complete modules
- incomplete but almost complete modules with only 1 or 2 blocks missing
- all modules that contain any matching K numbers
when evaluating the completeness check, such as in KEGG Mapper.
The reaction module is defined by the logical expression of RC numbers (Reaction Class identifiers), but this expression is not currently used for any evaluation purpose.
It seems like when there is a "--" symbol in a module, there's a missing KO term for a reaction.
We assume that a module occurs in a species, if at least the 60% of the KO terms required are available in the species' genome.
Remember! A certain KO term might contribute in more than 1 KEGG modules !
Using the latest version of GTDB (v202) metadata file, we retrieved the ncbi genome accessions of the representative genomes of high quality, i.e. completeness > 95% and contamination < 5%.
Using these accession numbers, we were able to download their corresponding .faa
files when available (get_gtdb_faa.py
genomes category | # of genomes |
All GTDB | 258,407 |
Representatives | 47,894 |
High quality represntative | 26,778* |
HQ representative with .faa |
16,900** |
* covering 22,009 unique NCBI Taxonomy Ids.
We downloaded these 16,900 .faa
files and then we used the
software to annotate them with KO terms; kofamscan
is a KEGG-family software.
For more about it, you may see at the KEGG website or/and the corresponding publication.
Between annotations coming from the KEGG genomes and those from MGnify catalogues and GTDB high quality representative genomes there is a crucial difference. The first are manually curated, meaning their annotations have a greater level of confidence. microbetag combines these sets to cover the more taxa with the highest level of confidence possible, indicating which terms are coming from which genomes.
- ssu_all_.tar.gz FASTA file containing 16S rRNA sequences identified across the set of GTDB genomes passing QC. The assigned taxonomy reflects the GTDB classification of the genome. Sequences are identified using nhmmer with the 16S rRNA model (RF00177) from the RFAM database. All sequences with a length >=200 bp and an E-value <= 1e-06 are reported.
- bac120_ssu_reps_.tar.gz FASTA file of 16S rRNA gene sequences identified within the set of bacterial representative genomes. The longest identified 16S rRNA sequence is selected for each representative genomes. The assigned taxonomy reflects the GTDB classification of the genome. Sequences are identified using nhmmer with the 16S rRNA model (RF00177) from the RFAM database. Only sequences with a length >=200 bp and an E-value <= 1e-06 are reported. In a small number of cases, the 16S rRNA sequences are incongruent with this taxonomic assignment as a result of contaminating 16S rRNA sequences.
There are several NCBI Ids that correspond to more than one genomes (1174). However, the vase majority of those are taxa that are at the species level but there is no complete taxonomy for them, e.g NCBI ID: 2026779 that corresponds to "Planctomycetaceae bacterium".
metadata file columns: #3 : checkm_completeness #4: checkm_contamination #78: ncbi tax id #15: gtdb_genome_representative #55: ncbi_genbank_assembly_accession
SOS! We jumped to GTDB version 207 for building the met models and the phenotrex.
From the FAPROTAX website: The FAPROTAX database is optimized for taxonomies in SILVA releases 128 and 132. Other taxonomies not consistent with SILVA 132 may work sub-optimally.
In the microbetag framework, the taxonomies assigned are first filtered and only those from the family level and lower are kept. Then FAPROTAX will run for the rest of the taxonomies of the OTU table.
We had to edit the script. Line 208 was changed to
return (s.lower() != 'nan' and is_number(s))
# working
./collapse_table.py -i finalTable.tsv -o func_table.tsv -g FAPROTAX.txt -d "Classification" -c "#" -v
# or to get OTU table per functional category
./collapse_table.py -i finalTable.tsv -o func_table.tsv -g FAPROTAX.txt -d "Classification" -c "#" -v --out_sub_tables_dir .
Super useful repo.
Relative publication at Scientific data journal.
The repo exploits both the NCBI and the GTDB taxonomies.
However, it is the NCBI Taxonomy ids that are used as keys.
Moreover, a certain NCBI Taxonomy id may occur more than one in the condensed
and that is the traits
files but only once in the species
microbetag will use the species
file if it is a species under study
and the traits
if it is a strain.
If a strain is not present in the traits
file, then the species will be used.
All the RefSeq genomes will be soon available for microbetag using the by default scores.
To run phenotrex, you first annotate your genomes:
phenotrex compute-genotype GCA_000692775_1_trunc2.fna --out dna.genotype
and then you predict based on several classes:
phenotrex predict --genotype dna.genotype --classifier AOB.svm.class > predictions.tsv
One might get the genomes the models were trained with from the phenDB site, e.g: https://phendb.org/reports/modeldetails?model_id=39 go on the " Training Data" link
The info reg if a taxon is aerobe or an anaerobe, comes also from bugbase!
Future work as in bullet-points:
- Exception case: time series data
- Exploit EnDED tool
- Exploit Metage2Metabo software
- The equilibrator library
[1] Tackmann, Janko, João Frederico Matias Rodrigues, and Christian von Mering. "Rapid inference of direct interactions in large-scale ecological networks from heterogeneous microbial sequencing data." Cell systems 9.3 (2019): 286-296.
[2] Parks, Donovan H., et al. "A complete domain-to-species taxonomy for Bacteria and Archaea." Nature biotechnology 38.9 (2020): 1079-1086.
[3] Kanehisa, Minoru, et al. "KEGG: new perspectives on genomes, pathways, diseases and drugs." Nucleic acids research 45.D1 (2017): D353-D361.
[4] Mitchell, Alex L., et al. "MGnify: the microbiome analysis resource in 2020." Nucleic acids research 48.D1 (2020): D570-D578.
[5] Louca, Stilianos, Laura Wegener Parfrey, and Michael Doebeli. "Decoupling function and taxonomy in the global ocean microbiome." Science 353.6305 (2016): 1272-1277.
[6] Ward, Tonya, et al. "BugBase predicts organism-level microbiome phenotypes." BioRxiv (2017): 133462.
Problems discussed reg. microbetag:
KEGG or MetaCyc
agreed to go with KEGG modules in a first step
which KEGG modules?
all, but by default only: carbohydrate, energy, amino acids, cofactors & vitamins, perhaps xenobiotic biodegradation (often comes with division of labor)
do KEGG modules cover known variants?
you can look at some pathways with several variants (e.g. lysine biosynthesis, proline degradation)
data locally, our own server or remote?
we rejected third option and I think you prefer for first option; second option is a possibility (cost for option 1 or 2 is 5000 Euro/year)
metagenomics data (bins/contigs)
not at first, could be an extension
what to do with genera?
have a parameter that specifies percentage of member taxa that need to have function (outlook: which pathways tend to be split up or lost, which tend to be kept)
example data set:
still to be determined, problem with Venturelli data is that we don't know mechanisms behind interactions; ideally a data set where interactions are roughly known
Software mentioned microbetag could exploit:
RevEcoR, example case, paper - last commit 3 years ago, does work (?)
NetCooperate, paper - written in Python2, working!
Biosynthetic Support Score: quantifies the ability of a host species to supply the nutritional requirements of a parasitic or a commensal species. Reference:Borenstein & Feldman (2009)
Metabolic Complementarity Index: which quantifies the complementarity of a pair of microbial organisms’ niches Reference
Seed set: the set of compounds that are exogenously acquired; it reflects the metabolic interface between the organism and its surroundings,approximating its effective biochemical environmen
Input: the metabolic networks of two species, each encoded as a directed graph with nodes representing compounds and edges connecting substrates to products
python2 netcooperate_example.py net_1.tab net_2.tab
omixer: A Reference Pathways Mapper for turning metagenomic functional profiles into pathway/module profiles.(by Youssef Darzi and Jeroen Raes)
Software microbetag could be part of:
Aim of this module is to extract ecoEFMs in pairs of taxa that have been found associated in a microbial co-occurrence network.
This module will be based on the ideas we had with [Daniel Rios Garza](https://scholar.google.com.br/citations?user=LDOgr_oAAAAJ& hl=pt-BR) and his work on pangenomic EFMs ([GitHub repo](https://github .com/danielriosgarza/NutritionOrNature)).
Quoting from there:
".. alternative routes of gene loss by sampling minimal functional reactions sets in diverse environment compositions. These minimal functional reaction sets have similar properties as the previously defined elementary flux modes (EFMs) used to identify functional pathways in reactomes (Zanghellini et al., 2013), thus, we termed our sets panEFMS (pan-reactome elementary flux modes) and used them to distinguish two important drivers of reaction frequencies in pan-reactomes, which we refer to as ‘nutrition’ and ‘nature’. The frequency of reactions that are driven by nutrition depend on the environment composition, while the frequency of reactions that are driven by nature does not depend on the environment composition*. Our framework mechanistically disentangles environment-driven from environment-independent reactions and uses their distribution in panEFMs to build a model that predicts the metabolite preferences of pan-reactomes from their environment-driven reactions."*
We now define as ecoEFM an EFM that includes reactions from two or more species when their metabolic models are merged.
- Reconstruct all the models (that is possible to) for the taxa present in the co-occurence network
- Build the medium they live in; could be a gut-like environment (Thiele et al.). or a random media (dirichlet distribution) eve n better (Daniel's paper - have to find it)
- Build merged paired models for each association; to do this, we will keep the model of species A and we will add all the react ions of species B that are not present in species A. As the initial model of species B has no transporters for species A by-produ cts that does not need, then it will not affect it
- Get the EFMs of the merged model; to this end, source code of Daniel's will be exploited; specifically:
- the [
](https://github.com/danielriosgarza/NutritionOrNature/blob/main/Scripts/create_panReactome_ model.py) will be edited for the case of eco models - likewise, the
will be modified accordingly
Finally, the ecoEFMs will be extracted and various scores will be computed; e.g., tha ration between the ecoEFMs of species A / total EFMs.
The ecoEFMs that icnlude a seed node (see
module) will be annotated as super valid association
Regarding building metabolic models:
To install phenotrax
git clone https://github.com/univieCUBE/phenotrex.git
cd phenotrex
make full-install
mkdir classes
# deepNOG classes
wget http://fileshare.csb.univie.ac.at/phenotrex/latest/deepnog_classifier.tar.gz
tar -zxvf deepnog_classifier.tar.gz
rm deepnog_classifier.tar.gz
however, using the deepNOG classes lead to an error:
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'phenotrex.ml.vectorizer'
during loading the classifier.
We could use the inital classes though:
wget http://fileshare.csb.univie.ac.at/phenotrex/latest/classifier.tar.gz &&\
tar -zxvf classifier.tar.gz &&\
rm classifier.tar.gz
To get the GTDB ref-genomes:
wget https://data.gtdb.ecogenomic.org/releases/latest/genom[17/34$
To set the gapseq
tool on the VSC HPC the conda
-relates instructions were used.