Total Commander for managing files and directories (FTP etc..)
WinDirStat shows disk usage by dir - great for clearing your disk.
notepad++ a basic file editor
notepad plugin to have
7zip or winrar for supporting files.
010editor file reader
beyondcompare or winmerge is used for diff between files.
ditto clipboard manager
greenshot for creating screenshots (comes with a nice handy image editor)
Intellij IDEA for java
Visual studio code with the following plugins
- prettier
- material icon theme
- gitlens
- github copilot
- json
- yaml
- Docker
- es7+
- React/Redux/React native
- eslint
- html snippets
- live server
- css support
- es6 code snippets
- Javascript and typescript
- jest runner
- jest test explorer
- mermaid markdown
- synthax highlighter
- path intellisence
- remote containers
- remote wsl
- test adapter converter
- test explorer UI
- visual studio intellicode
color cop for detecting pixel colors
wireshark to tap, dissect and learn about your network.
postman for sending HTTP requests and debugging your server
keepass Password management
clumsy clumsy makes your network condition on Windows significantly worse, but in a managed and interactive manner.