Releases: hanhdt/esp32-flash-tool
Releases · hanhdt/esp32-flash-tool
Release v1.0.1
What's Changed
- Bump chalk from 2.4.2 to 3.0.0 by @dependabot-preview in #77
- Bump eslint-plugin-html from 4.0.6 to 6.0.0 by @dependabot-preview in #98
- Bump sass-loader from 7.3.1 to 8.0.2 by @dependabot-preview in #95
- Bump serialport from 7.1.5 to 8.0.6 by @dependabot-preview in #92
- Bump cfonts from 2.4.8 to 2.7.0 by @dependabot-preview in #106
- Bump url-loader from 1.1.2 to 3.0.0 by @dependabot-preview in #103
- Bump file-loader from 4.3.0 to 5.0.2 by @dependabot-preview in #81
- Bump ajv from 6.11.0 to 6.12.2 by @dependabot-preview in #116
- Bump karma-coverage from 1.1.2 to 2.0.2 by @dependabot-preview in #115
- Bump css-loader from 0.28.11 to 3.5.2 by @dependabot-preview in #114
- Bump eslint-plugin-import from 2.20.0 to 2.20.2 by @dependabot-preview in #112
- Bump mocha from 5.2.0 to 7.1.1 by @dependabot-preview in #111
- Bump webpack-dev-server from 3.10.1 to 3.10.3 by @dependabot-preview in #105
- Bump copy-webpack-plugin from 4.6.0 to 5.1.1 by @dependabot-preview in #86
- Bump vue-router from 3.1.5 to 3.2.0 by @dependabot-preview in #128
- Bump electron-builder from 20.44.4 to 22.6.1 by @dependabot-preview in #127
- [Security] Bump jquery from 3.4.1 to 3.5.0 by @dependabot-preview in #124
- Bump eslint from 4.19.1 to 6.8.0 by @dependabot-preview in #109
- Bump mini-css-extract-plugin from 0.8.0 to 0.9.0 by @dependabot-preview in #89
- Bump del from 3.0.0 to 6.0.0 by @dependabot-preview in #154
- Bump html-webpack-plugin from 3.2.0 to 4.5.0 by @dependabot-preview in #153
- Bump vue-router from 3.2.0 to 3.4.5 by @dependabot-preview in #152
- Bump electron-builder from 22.6.1 to 22.8.1 by @dependabot-preview in #151
- [Security] Bump node-fetch from 2.6.0 to 2.6.1 by @dependabot-preview in #150
- Bump eslint-plugin-html from 6.0.0 to 6.1.0 by @dependabot-preview in #148
- [Security] Bump http-proxy from 1.18.0 to 1.18.1 by @dependabot-preview in #147
- [Security] Bump @hapi/hoek from 8.5.0 to 8.5.1 by @dependabot-preview in #146
- [Security] Bump bl from 3.0.0 to 3.0.1 by @dependabot-preview in #145
- [Security] Bump dot-prop from 4.2.0 to 4.2.1 by @dependabot-preview in #142
- [Security] Bump lodash from 4.17.15 to 4.17.20 by @dependabot-preview in #141
- [Security] Bump elliptic from 6.5.2 to 6.5.3 by @dependabot-preview in #139
- Bump electron-devtools-installer from 2.2.4 to 3.1.1 by @dependabot-preview in #137
- [Security] Bump acorn from 6.4.0 to 6.4.1 by @dependabot-preview in #132
- [Security] Bump websocket-extensions from 0.1.3 to 0.1.4 by @dependabot-preview in #131
- Bump babel-eslint from 8.2.6 to 10.1.0 by @dependabot-preview in #117
- [Security] Bump y18n from 3.2.1 to 3.2.2 by @dependabot-preview in #176
- [Security] Bump yargs-parser from 5.0.0 to 5.0.1 by @dependabot-preview in #175
- Bump date-fns from 2.9.0 to 2.19.0 by @dependabot-preview in #174
- [Security] Bump elliptic from 6.5.3 to 6.5.4 by @dependabot-preview in #173
- Bump eslint-plugin-promise from 3.8.0 to 4.3.1 by @dependabot-preview in #172
- [Security] Bump ini from 1.3.5 to 1.3.8 by @dependabot-preview in #168
- Bump cross-env from 5.2.1 to 7.0.3 by @dependabot-preview in #166
- [Security] Bump highlight.js from 9.16.2 to 9.18.5 by @dependabot-preview in #165
- Bump vue and vue-template-compiler by @dependabot-preview in #160
- Bump node-loader from 0.6.0 to 1.0.2 by @dependabot-preview in #159
- Bump babel-plugin-istanbul from 5.2.0 to 6.0.0 by @dependabot-preview in #91
- Bump karma-coverage from 2.0.2 to 2.0.3 by @dependabot-preview in #158
- Bump eslint-plugin-standard from 3.1.0 to 5.0.0 by @dependabot-preview in #164
- Bump webpack from 4.41.5 to 4.46.0 by @dependabot-preview in #169
- [Security] Bump ssri from 6.0.1 to 6.0.2 by @dependabot-preview in #187
- Upgrade to GitHub-native Dependabot by @dependabot-preview in #189
- Bump chalk from 3.0.0 to 4.1.1 by @dependabot-preview in #188
- Bump mocha from 7.1.1 to 8.3.2 by @dependabot-preview in #186
- Bump eslint-plugin-import from 2.20.2 to 2.22.1 by @dependabot in #199
- Bump serialport from 8.0.8 to 9.2.8 by @dependabot in #228
- Bump babel-loader from 7.1.5 to 8.2.3 by @dependabot in #222
- Bump karma-electron from 6.3.4 to 7.1.0 by @dependabot in #217
- Bump chalk from 4.1.1 to 5.0.0 by @dependabot in #237
- Bump mini-css-extract-plugin from 0.9.0 to 1.6.2 by @dependabot in #214
New Contributors
- @dependabot made their first contribution in #199
Full Changelog: 1.0.0...1.0.1
Release v0.2.0
- Add new app fonts
- Update UI
- Mirror improvements
Release v0.1.0
Build Mac icons