- Fichtner & Lowrie: Fundamentals of Geophysics
- Knödel, Lange & Voigt: Environmental Geology: Handbook of Field Methods and Case Studies
- Knödel: Geophysik, Handbuch zur Erkundung des Untergrundes von Deponien und Altlasten (deutsch)
- Everett, M.: Near Surface Applied Geophysics, Cambridge
- Geophysics for Practicing Geoscientists https://gpg.geosci.xyz/
- iBRIDGE course: https://www.zml.kit.edu/iBridge.php
- educational software: https://cos.ethz.ch/software/Educational%20Software.html
- introduction to geophysics https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9n93liPkHME&list=PLfk0Dfh13pBMUuouaj0fOayTCDHDRhQwE (Einf. Geoph. KIT)