Releases: hakan-krgn/hCore
Releases · hakan-krgn/hCore
hCore | Hologram Improvments
- Added click armor stands again.
- Removed unnecessary methods from hologram.
- Improved click algorithm.
- Removed unnecessary packets.
hCore | Hologram Improvments
- Improved hologram click listener algorithm.
- Fixed setLocation method algorithm.
- Added missing annotations to hologram.
- Removed click armor stand.
- Removed markers of armor stands.
hCore | Action Handlers
- Added getHologram method to line classes.
- Added action system for hologram.
- Added custom events for hologram.
- Fixed some javadocs.
hCore | NPC fixes
- Fixed npc teleportation issue.
hCore | Hologram Improvments
- Added varargs support to HHologram#setLines and HHologram#insertLine.
- Changed base structure of line system.
- Added 1.8 to 1.19 item line support.
- Added auto empty line creation for empty texts.
- Added click system for hologram.
- Added whenClicked method to HHologram class.
- Added getClickableEntityID method to nms classes of hologram.
- Changed some javadocs in hologram.
- Added custom placeholder system.
- Added Placeholder annotation.
- Fixed skin and position problem for 1.8 to 1.19.
- Added javadoc system to gradle.
- Reformatted codes and optimize imports.
hCore | Minor changes
- Fixed javadocs.
- Added setLines method for hologram.
- Added forceBuild and forceCreate methods for npc and hologram.
- Fixed getLastColors method in ColorUtils.
- Added multi listener support for proxy system.
hCore | Scoreboard
- Added packet based scoreboard system. (full async)
- Added expire methods with Duration class.
- Added HParticleType class to create HParticle.
- Added remainTime methods to spam system.
- Changed project base to gradle from maven.
- Fixed problem of the server not receiving the published message.
- Fixed maven publishing problem.
hCore | Gradle Implementation
- Changed project type as gradle from maven.
- Updated java compile version in jitpack.yml.
- Updated gitignore.
- Removed setAbsorptionHearth method from HNpcEntity class.
- Relocated some methods in HNPC class.
hCore | NPC Improvments
- Fixed npc name hide system for 1_16_R3.
- Added pathfinder goal and pathfinder entity classes for npc.
- Changed name of package "listeners" as "listener" in npc.
- Fixed pathfinder system of npc.
- Added HNpcEntity classes to manage nms players.
- Removed NPCUtils classes.
- Changed HNPCSkin to HNpcSkin.
- Changed HNPCBuilder to HNpcBuilder.
- Fixed 1.8 crash issue in pathfinder.
- Fixed skin not showing problem in 1.8 to 1.12.
- Added new annotations and notNull checkers.
- Added setAbsorptionHealth method for hologram entity.
- Added exceptions for create methods in hologram and npc.
- Added has methods for hologram and npc.
- Changed some parameter names and javadocs.
- Reformated codes and optimize imports.
- Added serializable object publishing for proxy system.
- Changed proxy system structure.
- Removed old serializer imports from proxy.
- Added Validate class instead of Objects class and changed all requireNonNull methods with notNull checks.
hCore | Protocol system
- Added protocol system for messaging on tcp.
- Added new wall signs to sign type class.
- Removed unused sqlite api.
- Added api-version to plugin.yml.