N individuals, indexed by i
M variants, indexed by j
K phenotypes, indexed by k
h2 = 0.5
pj ~ Uniform(0.05, 0.95)
Xij ~ Binomial(2, p)
βjk ~ Normal(0, h2 / M)
𝓁ik ~ Xij · βjk + Normal(0, √(1-h2))
yik = f(𝓁ik), where f is some non-linear function
- add noise to the images before training the model
- understand why the variance of trace-heritability after linear transformations is not zero; understand how this is related to variance explained between estimated and simulated latent phenotypes.
- scale up test setup (use more computers? speed up Balding-Nichols? ???)
- handle variants with non-zero LD
- handle samples with non-zero relatedness