We switched from using a sqlite database to using Postgres, in order to migrate the database into the cloud. Several cloud hosts have free Postgres hosting, so we will start with AWS on John's account - and then may move the db to a free AWS account dedicated to Jobs for Hope, if it makes sense.
To just run the application, you will not need to install any postgres applications on your machine.
The application does, however, need connection information to connect to the AWS database, and the connection information should not be kept in a public GitHub repo. The standard way to do this for a node app is to have a file called .env that belongs in the same folder as the node server file (server.js), but is listed in the .gitignore file, so that it is not in the public repo. We need to distribute this file to each member of the team via a more secure channel.
You can install Postgres by installing the package from here: https://www.enterprisedb.com/downloads/postgres-postgresql-downloads
This will install pdAdmin, a good administration tool which allows you to connect to Postgres databases, view data, etc.
To use these utilities from your terminal, you will need to add the apprpriate folder to your path. On a Mac, I needed to add
to my .bash_profile file
Now, to dump the contents of a local postgres database "jobsforhope" to a file:
pg_dump -d jobsforhope -U postgres -f jobsforhope.sql
To dump a remote database:
pg_dump --dbname jobsforhope --host <host> --username jobsforhope --file jobsforhope.sql --verbose --clean --no-owner --no-privileges --if-exists --password
To upload this database to a remote postgres database, first create the remote database, then
psql -f jobsforhope.sql --host <database host goes here> --port 5432 --username jobsforhope --dbname jobsforhope
To restore the dump to a local database, first create the database and user, then:
sudo -u postgres psql --host localhost --username jobsforhope --dbname jobsforhope --file jobsforhope.sql
You should be prompted for the remote database password, and then the data should be imported to the remote database. There will be errors if using postgres versions other than 11.