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roblarsen edited this page Feb 2, 2013 · 32 revisions

The H5BP Ant Build Script

The Ant Build Script is a tool that optimizes your code for production use on the web.

It's designed to work with HTML5 Boilerplate with minimal coniguration, but it's also here to serve as a rich source of Ant tasks you can use as the basis for your own custom build scripts.

Why use it?

Faster page load times, improved workflow and happy end users :)

What it does

  • Combines and minifies javascript (via Closure Compiler)
  • Inlines stylesheets specified using @import in your CSS
  • Combines and minifies CSS (using YUI Compressor)
  • Optimizes JPGs and PNGs (with jpegtran, advpng & optipng)
  • Basic to aggressive html minification (via htmlcompressor)
  • Revises the file names of your assets so that you can use heavy caching (1 year expires).
  • Updates your HTML to reference these new hyper-optimized CSS + JS files
  • Updates your HTML to use the minified jQuery instead of the development version
  • Remove unneeded references from HTML (like a root folder favicon)
  • Runs your JavaScript through a code quality tool like JSLint or JSHint (optional)
  • Runs your CSS through a code quality tool, CSSLint (optional)
  • Cache-busting support for a module directory
  • Optionally precompile LESS formatted CSS
  • Optionally precompile SASS formatted CSS
  • Optionally output JSDOC3 documentation
  • Optionally convert your JPGs to progressive JPGs
  • Optionally validates your HTML
  • Optionally set your script to use async or defer

##How to Use it