Template block name | Location / Information | Default template values |
top_of_page | Before doctype | Insertion point |
html_lang | value of the HTML lang attribute | en |
page_title | Text inside the <title> element |
GOV.UK - The best place to find government services and information |
head | Before closing </head> element |
Insertion point |
body_classes | Classes to be added to the <body> element |
Insertion point |
body_start | After opening <body> element |
Insertion point |
skip_link_message | Text inside the skip to main content link | Skip to main content |
cookie_message | Text inside the cookie message banner | <p>GOV.UK uses cookies to make the site simpler. <a href="https://www.gov.uk/help/cookies">Find out more about cookies</a></p> |
header_class | <header> element |
Set the value of header_class to with-proposition to show the propositional navigation |
homepage_url | URL of anchor element wrapping logo | https://www.gov.uk/ |
logo_link_title | Title of anchor element wrapping logo | Go to the GOV.UK homepage |
global_header_text | Text next to the crown image | GOV.UK |
inside_header | Inside parent .header-global |
Insertion point |
proposition_header | Inside parent .header-wrapper |
Add a propositional title and navigation links |
after_header | After closing </header> element |
Insertion point |
content | Main content goes in here | Insertion point. Content must be wrapped with id="content" for the skiplink to work. |
footer_top | Inside parent #footer-wrapper |
Insertion point |
footer_support_links | Inside parent .footer-meta-inner |
Insertion point |
licence_message | Open Government Licence text and link | <p>All content is available under the <a href="https://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/doc/open-government-licence/version/3/" rel="license">Open Government Licence v3.0</a>, except where otherwise stated</p> |
crown_copyright_message | Copyright message | © Crown copyright |
body_end | Before closing </body> element |
Insertion point |