diff --git a/UICatalog/Scenarios/ComputedLayout.cs b/UICatalog/Scenarios/ComputedLayout.cs
index e2ac0541ce..d9078a3710 100644
--- a/UICatalog/Scenarios/ComputedLayout.cs
+++ b/UICatalog/Scenarios/ComputedLayout.cs
@@ -199,6 +199,101 @@ public override void Setup ()
Win.Add (rightButton);
+ ///
+ /// Displays a Dialog that uses a wizard (next/prev) idom to step through each class derived from View
+ /// testing various Computed layout scenarios
+ ///
+ private void DemoAllViewClasses ()
+ {
+ List GetAllViewClassesCollection ()
+ {
+ List objects = new List ();
+ foreach (Type type in typeof (View).Assembly.GetTypes ()
+ .Where (myType => myType.IsClass && !myType.IsAbstract && myType.IsPublic && myType.IsSubclassOf (typeof (View)))) {
+ objects.Add (type);
+ }
+ return objects;
+ }
+ var viewClasses = GetAllViewClassesCollection ().OrderByDescending (c => c.Name).ToList ();
+ var curClass = 0;
+ var closeBtn = new Button ("_Close") {
+ Clicked = () => {
+ Application.RequestStop ();
+ },
+ };
+ var nextBtn = new Button ("_Next");
+ var prevBtn = new Button ("_Previous");
+ var dialog = new Dialog ("Demoing all View classs", new [] { prevBtn, nextBtn, closeBtn });
+ var label = new Label ("Class:") {
+ X = 0,
+ Y = 0,
+ };
+ dialog.Add (label);
+ var currentClassLabel = new Label ("") {
+ X = Pos.Right (label) + 1,
+ Y = Pos.Y (label),
+ };
+ dialog.Add (currentClassLabel);
+ View curView = null;
+ void SetCurrentClass ()
+ {
+ currentClassLabel.Text = $"{viewClasses [curClass].Name}";
+ // Remove existing class, if any
+ if (curView != null) {
+ dialog.Remove (curView);
+ curView = null;
+ }
+ // Instantiate view
+ curView = (View)Activator.CreateInstance (viewClasses [curClass]);
+ curView.X = Pos.Center ();
+ curView.Y = Pos.Center ();
+ curView.Width = Dim.Fill (5);
+ curView.Height = Dim.Fill (5);
+ // If the view supports a Text property, set it so we have something to look at
+ if (viewClasses [curClass].GetProperty("Text") != null) {
+ curView.GetType ().GetProperty ("Text")?.GetSetMethod ()?.Invoke (curView, new [] { ustring.Make("09/10/1966") });
+ }
+ // If the view supports a Title property, set it so we have something to look at
+ if (viewClasses [curClass].GetProperty ("Title") != null) {
+ curView.GetType ().GetProperty ("Title")?.GetSetMethod ()?.Invoke (curView, new [] { ustring.Make ("Test Title") });
+ }
+ dialog.Add (curView);
+ dialog.LayoutSubviews ();
+ }
+ nextBtn.Clicked = () => {
+ curClass++;
+ if (curClass >= viewClasses.Count) {
+ curClass = 0;
+ }
+ SetCurrentClass ();
+ };
+ prevBtn.Clicked = () => {
+ if (curClass == 0) {
+ curClass = viewClasses.Count - 1;
+ } else {
+ curClass--;
+ }
+ SetCurrentClass ();
+ };
+ SetCurrentClass ();
+ Application.Run (dialog);
+ }
public override void Run ()
base.Run ();