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Moodle vuejs - allows you to easily load vuejs and share it between projects.

Important note for devs:

You will need npm setting up in order for grunt to work. To do this run "npm install" from a terminal in the following folders

moodle/ moodle/local/vuejs

Note - for your own plugin development: Copy the files inside local/vuejs/plugin_grunt_files into the root of your project folder - e.g: If you want to use vue with a module, then put the files into mod/[yourmodule]

You will then need to run "npm install" from a terminal in your module root folder.

How to compile Vue components

In a terminal, navigate to your project root folder and run "grunt vue" Note, that for each vue file a hash is stored to avoid compiling the same component multiple times. However, sometimes (if you are including a sub component), you may want to force all vue components to compile. You can do this by running "grunt vue --force"

Other grunt tasks you can run

grunt compile - this compiles [yourplugindir]/styles/styles.scss if present into a styles.css file grunt build - compiles scss, amd modules, vue components and then does an automatic decache (note you can add --force to this command) grunt babel - compiles amd code from ES6 to ES5. NOTE: This is not as useful with Moodle 3.8 which supports ES6 transpilation when building amd.

How to include Vue components in your plugin

Please take a look at You will need an amd module to load up your vue component. Here's an example of some amd code loading up a vue component.

// This bit of code allows us to register your vue components to be loaded from your plugin.
window.local_vuejs_req_config('local_myvueplugin', 'vue/comps', {registerName: "local_myvueplugin/vuecomps"});

], function(Config, Vue, MainComp) {
    return {
        init: function() {
            // If JS caching is turned off, then turn dev tools for vue on.
            if (parseInt(Config.jsrev) === -1) {
                Vue.config.devtools = true;
            Vue.component('app-main', MainComp);
            new Vue({ el: '#app' , store: Store.initStore(Vuex)});


For this example, the AMD code should be called from a page which has an element with the id 'app' and a vue element with the tag "app-main"


require_once(__DIR__ . '/../../config.php');

$PAGE->set_title(get_string('pluginname', 'local_myvueplugin'));
$PAGE->set_url(new moodle_url('/local_myvueplugin'));
$PAGE->requires->js_call_amd('local_myvueplugin/main', 'init');

echo $OUTPUT->header();

$table = <<<TEMP
        <div id="app">
echo ($table);

echo $OUTPUT->footer();