An autonomous parade vehicle, modeled after Georgia Tech's Rambling Wreck
A list of available nodes and an overview of the architecture is available here.
To get started, be running Ubuntu 14.04 (required for ROS Indigo) with python 2.7 installed. Then run:
mkdir -p ~/catkin_ws/src
cd ~/catkin_ws/src
git clone
cd buzzmobile
If you already have ROS Indigo installed, you can just clone directly into
and run the install script.
If you want to manually install ROS Indigo you can follow the tutorial
The install script will create a virtualenv, install system dependencies
(including ROS Indigo), install python dependencies, build the package, and
source all required files. It will also put the rosinit
, rosdevel
aliases in your .bashrc
To use the google maps api, you'll need two api keys. Put one under
and one under
as shown below. Note that the
keys need to have proper permissions set in the Google API
Console, for use of the Google Maps API
and the Google Maps Static API, respectively.
To use the gps and the lidar nodes, you will need user permissions to directly access the usb ports for gps and lidar. For that, do:
sudo usermod -aG dialout <YOUR USERNAME>
You will then need to log in and out again. Simply starting a new terminal is not sufficient. The Linux kernel will not refresh groups until the user completely logs out and logs in again.
Make sure you are running inside the virtualenvironment, or things will
appear broken: rosvenv
To start running, you must first run catkin_make
from the ~/catkin_ws
If there aren't any issues with the build, you can run roscore
to start the
main ROS process.
Create new tabs for every node and run them as such:
rosrun buzzmobile
rosrun buzzmobile edge_detector
rosparam set usb_cam/pixel_format yuyv
rosrun usb_cam usb_cam_node
Note that rospy nodes don't require catkin_make
to run, but do require the .py
extension. If you're writing a new rospy node, also make sure the file is made
executable, and has #!/usr/bin/env python
as its first line.
chmod +x path/to/ # make sure file has shebang
rosrun buzzmobile
Some nodes require parameters that are defined in the
file. To load those constants as rosparam
s, do:
rosparam load ~/catkin_ws/src/buzzmobile/buzzmobile/constants.yaml
If you want to visualize your nodes, you can run the ROS visualizer (rviz
, or rqt_gui
. These three have different ways of visualizing
messages being published:
rosrun rviz rviz
rosrun image_view image_view image:=some_imgmsg
rosrun rqt_gui rqt_gui
To load the buzzmobile mission control, load rqt_gui
with the mission control
perspective (configuration) file:
rosrun rqt_gui rqt_gui --perspective-file=buzzmobile/tools/mission_control/Default.perspective
To run the GPS node, do:
rosrun nmea_navsat_driver nmea_serial_driver _port:=/dev/ttyUSB0 _baud:=4800
To run the Lidar node, do:
rosrun hokuyo_node hokuyo_node port:=/dev/ttyACM0
Note that /dev/ttyUSB0
and /dev/ttyACM0
are the default serial ports for GPS
and Lidar respectively. These may or may not be different. Here are some useful
commands for debugging if things aren't set up correctly:
ls -l /dev/ttyACM0 # List permissions. Will output failure if /dev/ttyACM0 is not set.
sudo chmod a+rw /dev/ttyACM0 # Sets read/write permissions for all users, not recommended.
If you need to mock a polyline, this tool will be useful: google polyline util
If you want to record the messages being outputted by certain nodes, you can use rosbag:
mkdir ~/bagfiles
cd ~/bagfiles
rosbag record -O filename /message/name
To see info about the recorded data, do rosbag info filename.bag
To play the data (and publish those messages), do rosbag play test.bag
. To play
in a loop, just add the -l
If you ever need to add ros dependencies, add them to buzzmobile/packages.xml
and install them with:
cd ~/catkin_ws/src
rosdep install -y --from-paths ./buzzmobile/buzzmobile --ignore-src --rosdistro=indigo
If you need to add python deps, make sure you're in the virtual environment (rosvenv
), then add the dep to buzzmobile/
and do:
cd ~/catkin_ws/src/buzzmobile
pip install -e buzzmobile
Alternatively, you can update both ros and python deps using:
To start car and prepare it for driving, perform the following steps:
- Connect the battery
- Flip the switch inside to turn the car on
- Ensure all e-stops are disabled. (Red buttons on front and back in out position and enabled via remote)
- Press the green button to start the motors (Car is now live)
The car starts in START mode where it receives no information. It must be switched to MANUAL or AUTO for it to drive. See 'Manual Mode Controls' for details on switching modes and operating the car.
The controller_node
node outputs a CarPose message and a CarState message
determined by input from a PS4 controller. To control these messages and operate
the car manually using the controller, use the following controls:
- Left Joystick: Change steering angle
- R2 (Right Trigger): Change velocity
- Square: Enable reverse. When this is held down, velocity is negated meaning the car will accelerate backwards.
- X: Honk the horn
- Home Button: Switch the car between AUTO and MANUAL modes.
The car starts in START mode. When pressed it will switch to MANUAL mode. Every subsequent press toggles between AUTO and MANUAL mode.
Testing is done with pytest. To run tests, you can run the script in
, which will run all unit tests. If you want to run a
specific test, make sure that the environment is initialized (run rosvenv
, and rosdevel
) then run:
cd ~/catkin_ws/src/buzzmobile/buzzmobile
pytest tests/unit/path/to/
Be careful! Make sure not to run any tests from outside the inner buzzmobile/
dir, as that creates a name conflict in tests that try importing
Also make sure not to run tests from the root directory of the project, as there
is a virtualenv there: running pytest
will attempt to run thousands of
unittests included with the python interpreter.
To write additional unit tests, please place within buzzmobile/tests/unit
directories that match the source files, that is, tests for the
node should go in
. Integration and simulation
tests should go in the buzzmobile/tests/integration
test subdirectories respectively.
In order to use the test_util
api for writing tests, please refeer to the
readme in buzzmobile/buzzmobile/tests/test_utils/