Thumbsnag crawls an HTML document and finds imagery that best represents the given page.
use Thumbsnag\FastImageAnalyzer;
use Thumbsnag\Thumbsnag;
use Thumbsnag\UrlDocument;
$url = '';
$html = file_get_contents($url);
$document = new DOMDocument();
$analyzer = new FastImageAnalyzer(new FastImage());
$thumbsnag = Thumbsnag::load(new UrlDocument($doc, $url), $analyzer);
$images = $thumbsnag->process();
After inspection, $images
will return something like:
[1] => Thumbsnag\Image Object
[url:Thumbsnag\Image:private] =>
[height:Thumbsnag\Image:private] => 565
[width:Thumbsnag\Image:private] => 849
[2] => Thumbsnag\Image Object
[url:Thumbsnag\Image:private] =>
[height:Thumbsnag\Image:private] => 450
[width:Thumbsnag\Image:private] => 1162
Pull the package in through Composer.
"require": {
"gstjohn/thumbsnag": "~1.0"
Thumbsnag::load() takes an array as its third parameter which overrides the default config. Available configuration options are:
min_area (default: 5000)
This option represents the minimum pixel area (width x height) required in order to be included in the result set.
ratio_threshold (default: 3.0)
This option represents the maximum ratio of width-to-height allowed in order to be included in the result set.
filename_filters (default: "sprite", "blank", and "spacer")
This option represents an array of words that must not be in the image file name in order to be included in the result set.
Thumbsnag is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.