LUMext is a vCD UI & API extension to manage LDAP-based organisation's users and groups through VMware vCloud Director.
This extension aims to provide a way to share a single LDAP server for multiple organisations to simplify the user management.
A this time, the extension supports only users management with the following actions available:
- List users
- Create user
- Edit user
- Reset password
- Delete user
LUMExt support both LDAP or LDAPs protocols and, at least, Active Directory based LDAP server.
In future releases, we plan to provide a support for LDAP groups to simplify the role management:
- List groups
- Create group
- Edit group
- Delete group
- 'Attach to'/'Detach from' user
Others stuff to-do:
- Permission management: only enable the LUMExt for some users of an organization.
- Continuous integration
- Autodocumentation
LUMExt is based on a the vCloud Director Extension SDK and relies on the following components:
- An existing vCloud Director instance
- An existing LDAP compatible server (Active Directory is supported)
- A RabbitMQ server. API requests from vCD's extensions are forwarded to RabbitMQ, then consumed by the backend part of the extension.
- A backend server:
(A python module that consumes messages from RabbitMQ). - UI/API Extensions, uploaded to vCD API.
The following architecture is used for LUMExt deployement
As the goal of LUMExt for vCloud Director is to provide the ability to manage per-organization's users in a shared LDAP directory, a common structure is required.
We choose to use the following one to map both users and group to organizations:
LDAP Directory root/
└── Base OU
├── Org1-OU
│ ├── Groups
│ └── Users
├── Org2-OU
│ ├── Groups
│ └── Users
└── Org3-OU
├── Groups
└── Users
Each Organization's OU is named according to the Org-ID (ex: 5eb80c89-06bc-4650-b5e2-25d5d4972e70
) and contains two sub-OU: Users
& Groups
. Currently, only Users
sub-OU is used by the extension.
Base OU can be configured in the settings of LUMExt API service to point in a specific point of the LDAP directory based on its LDAP path.
Example of a LDAP structure in an Active Directory server:
LUMExt-API is the backend server used to:
- Catch messages from the RabbitMQ server.
- Made the appropriate action(s) on LDAP server (search, edition, creation...).
- Send back answer to the initial request.
In the following documentation, we will see how-to deploy the LUMExt-API in a vCloud Director virtual appliance OS (to avoid deploying a new VM to host it)
This deployement method is not a best-practice one. Consider to deploy a new VM to host this specific application for production purpose. You can use the same process to deploy the LUMExt-API to a non vCD VA VM.
Firstly, connect by SSH to the VM that will host the API (a vCD Cell in our case).
# Install git
yum install git
# Create env variable
echo "export LUMEXT_HOME=/opt/sii/lumext" > /etc/profile.d/
echo "export LUMEXT_CONFIGURATION_FILE_PATH=/opt/sii/lumext/etc/config.yaml" >> /etc/profile.d/
chmod 755 /etc/profile.d/
# Create folder structure
mkdir -p $LUMEXT_HOME/etc
# Create python virtual env
python3 -m venv lumext-venv
. lumext-venv/bin/activate
# Get LUMExt code
git clone lumext-app
# Install python requirements
cd $LUMEXT_HOME/lumext-app/api
pip install .
Before running LUMExt-API, it is necessary to configure it.
# Copy configuration sample
# Copy log configuration (so you will be able to edit it for your purpose)
cp logging.json $LUMEXT_HOME/etc
Then you will need to edit the following line of the /opt/sii/lumext/etc/config.yaml
server: rmq.domain # address of rabbitmq server
port: 5672 # tcp port of rabbitmq server
user: svc-user # amqp username
password: "**********" # amqp password
exchange: systemExchange # configured exchange for vCD
queue: sii-lumext
routing_key: sii-lumext
use_ssl: true # true/false depending on your rmq server
address: ldaps://---------:636 # ldap address starting with ldap:// or ldaps://
user: user@domain # username for LDAP administration
secret: "***********" # password for LDAP administration
base: dc=domain,dc=tld # LDAP base path to use as a root for OU creation(s)
domain: domain.tld # name of the LDAP domain
search_timeout: 5 # seconds
operation_timeout: 5 # seconds
cacert_file: /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt # If LDAPs is used
userAccountControl: 66048 # Default mode for user creation:
# - (66048: no password expiration + user activated)
config_path: /opt/sii/lumext/etc/logging.json
Note about LDAPs certificates:
To use LDAPs, a cacert file is mandatory to validate the certificate submitted by the server. You can use a custom CA cert chain (PEM format) or, if you use a certificate signed by an OS-trusted CA, use the OS declaration of the trusted certificates.
Please refer to
library documentation for more details.
Once configured, you can test in foreground mode that the API is well starting as expected:
Depending on the chosen log level for console, some informations are available to confirm that the start of API backend in foreground mode:
2019-04-12 12:50:20 INFO MainThread lumext_api.__main__ Starting API server
2019-04-12 12:50:20 INFO MainThread VcdExtMessageWorker New listener initialized for exchange/queue: systemExchange/sii-lumext...
2019-04-12 12:50:20 INFO MainThread kombu.mixins Connected to amqp://rmq-svc:**@rbmq:5671//
to leave.
For production or regular basis usage, it is necessary to start the LUMExt API as a daemon (in background mode).
On a system using systemd:
Create the /etc/systemd/system/sii_lumextapi.service
file with the following content:
Description="LUMExt API - Backend for LUMExt for vCD"
ExecStart=/opt/sii/lumext/lumext-venv/bin/python -m lumext_api
Reload systemd
, enable and start the service:
# Reload `systemd`
systemctl daemon-reload
# Enable service
systemctl enable sii_lumextapi
# Start it
service sii_lumextapi start
LUMExt-UI is a vCloud Director plugin that extends the HTML5 UI. Once deployed, a new item will be available in the main menu of vCloud Director for tenants where the extension is published to.
Please download the last version of
from the releases files of the github project: lumext/release, copy it to the ui
folder of the project clone.
cd ui
curl > ./
Use the provided script from the ui
folder to deploy the LUMExt-UI plugin in vCloud Director.
cd ui # from root ot the github repository clone
python ./ --user "administrator" \
--password '******' \
--server "vcd.domain" \
--folder ./ \
Since vCloud Director 9.7, a new plugin name Customize Portal
enable the plugin management from the HTML5 Provider UI.
Use the upload
button to upload the
file. Review the scope of the plugin:
- Service Provider to enable the plugin in the System organization.
- Tenants to enable the plugin for other organizations.
It is also possible to chose to publish the extension for all, or some tenants only.
Then submit the upload process.
LUMExt also relies on the capacity of vCloud Director API to be extended. So, the UI plugin (or any other API tools) will be able to use the api
path of vCloud Director to access/create/edit LUMExt objects.
In order to deploy this API extension, use the following script from the ui
cd ui # from root ot the github repository clone
python ./ --user "administrator" \
--password '******' \
--server "vcd.domain" \
--extension_file ./extension.xml \
--extension_name "Lumext" \
In order to work, LUMExt requires that the vCloud Director instance is configured with a RabbitMQ server.
Please refer to the vCloud Director's documentation to setup the RabbitMQ AMQP broker.
To be usable in vCloud Director context, LDAP directory must be addedd as a system or by-organization source of authentication.
We recommend that:
- You setup up the LDAP directory at system level.
- Refer to the same configuration at organization level with a different base path for users lookup.
For example:
At System level:
At organization level:
Once a user is created on LUMExt extension, you can import it at organization's level through the Access control section, Users subsection and Import users
According to the chosen role attributed to the user created through the extension, it is possible to use the account for login process in vCloud Director.