pointcutNames = PointcutFactory.docRegistry
+ pointcutNames.each { pointcutName, pointcutDoc ->
+ method name: pointcutName, type: IPointcut, params: [pointcutArg: Object], doc: pointcutDoc, isDeprecated: PointcutFactory.deprecatedRegistry.contains(pointcutName)
+ }
+ method name: 'contribute',
+ type: void,
+ params: [pointcut: IPointcut, contributionBlock: Closure],
+ doc: 'Associates a pointcut expression with a contribution block.'
+ method name: 'registerPointcut',
+ type: void,
+ params: [name: String, pointcutBody: Closure],
+ doc: 'Registers a custom pointcut. This pointcut is only available from within the current script. You must specify a name for the pointcut as well as a closure that evaluates whether or not there is a match.'
+ method name: 'supportsVersion',
+ type: void,
+ params: [versionConstraints: Map],
+ doc: '''\
+ Specifies that this script is only active when the specified version constraints are met. Currently, the
+ following constraint keys are available: {@code groovy}, {@code groovyEclipse}, and {@code grailsTooling}.
+ For example, to indicate that a script requires both Groovy 1.7.10 or later and Groovy-Eclipse 2.1.3 or later:
+ supportsVersion(groovy: '1.7.10', groovyEclipse: '2.1.3')
+ '''.stripIndent()
+ method name: 'log', type: void, params: [message: String], doc: 'Logs a message to the Groovy Event Console.'
+// Here, specify everything that can be used inside of an accept block (also called a Contribution Group)
+(dsldFile & insideContribution()).accept {
+ provider = 'the meta-DSLD script'
+ property name : 'provider', type: String, doc: 'Specifies a Provider for the current contribution. This provider is displayed during content assist and in other places to give a quick hint as to where this contribution elementcomes from.'
+ method name: 'property',
+ namedParams: [
+ name: String,
+ type: Object,
+ isStatic: boolean
+ ],
+ optionalParams: [
+ isDeprecated: Boolean,
+ declaringType: Object,
+ provider: String,
+ doc: String
+ ],
+ doc: 'Specifies a new property contribution. name is mandatory, but all other parameters are optional.'
+ method name: 'method',
+ namedParams: [
+ name: String,
+ type: Object,
+ params: Map
+ ],
+ optionalParams: [
+ optionalParams: Map,
+ namedParams: Map,
+ isStatic: Boolean,
+ isDeprecated: Boolean,
+ declaringType: Object,
+ provider: String,
+ doc: String
+ ],
+ doc: '''\
+ Specifies a new property contribution. name is mandatory, but all other parameters are optional.
+ Use {@code namedParams} to specify parameters that should be named, and use {@code optionalParams} to
+ specify parameters that will not appear in content assist.
+ '''.stripIndent()
+ method name: 'params',
+ params: [node: MethodNode],
+ type: 'java.util.Map',
+ doc: '''\
+ Returns the parameter names and types of the given method node. Parameter name resolution is performed
+ using the enclosing project's classpath.
+ '''.stripIndent()
+ method name: 'delegatesToCategory',
+ params: [type: Object],
+ isDeprecated: true,
+ doc : '''\
+ Specifies that the currentType delegates to the given type. The currentType is the type being analyzed.
+ And the given type is specified as a parameter (either a String, Class, AnnotatedNode). All methods of
+ the given type will be available from the currentType.
+ '''.stripIndent()
+ method name: 'delegatesToUseNamedArgs',
+ params: [type: Object],
+ isDeprecated: true,
+ doc: '''\
+ Specifies that the currentType delegates to the given type. The currentType is the type being analyzed.
+ And the given type is specified as a parameter (either a String, Class, or ClassNode). All fields and
+ methods of the given type will be available from the currentType.
+ Named arguments will be used for all methods.
+ '''.stripIndent()
+ method name : 'delegatesTo',
+ namedParams: [type: Object],
+ optionalParams: [useNamed: Boolean, except: 'java.util.List', asCategory: Boolean],
+ doc: '''\
+ Specifies that the currentType delegates to the given type. The currentType is the type being analyzed.
+ And the given type is specified as a parameter (either a String, Class, or ClassNode). All fields and
+ methods of the given type will be available from the currentType.
+ This variant allows you to specify options through the optional arguments.
+ @param type (required) type to delegate to
+ @param except (optional) list of method names to exclude from the delegation
+ @param useNamed (optional) boolean and if true named arguments are used
+ @param asCategory (optional) boolean and if true, this delegation is treated as a category and the first
+ parameter of each method is used to see if it is applicable for the current caller
+ '''.stripIndent()
+ method name: 'setDelegateType',
+ type: void,
+ params: [newDelegateType: String],
+ doc: '''\
+ Sets the delegate type inside a closure. This is different from {@code delegatesTo} in that the receiving
+ type is changed in the current scope. In {@code delegatesTo}, the scope is not changed -- rather, the
+ methods of the delegate are added to the target type's list of recognized methods.
+ '''.stripIndent()
+ method name: 'log', type: void, params: [message: String], doc: 'Logs a message to the Groovy Event Console.'
+ property name: 'currentType', type: ClassNode, doc: 'This is the declaring type of the current expression being evaluated.'
+ property name: 'currentNode', type: ASTNode, doc: 'This is the ASTNode being evaluated.'
+ property name: 'enclosingNode', type: ASTNode, doc: 'This is the ASTNode enclosing the ASTNode being evaluated.'
+ property name: 'wormhole', type: Map, doc: 'Use the wormhole to stuff in values calculated in one contribution group to make it available later in another contribution group.'
+ // extract all bindings from the wormhole and add them as contributions
+ for (binding in wormhole.bindings) {
+ property name: binding, type: Collection, doc: 'Binding created from pointcut'
+ }
+// Adds the contributions for inside a 'registerPointcut' call. User-registered pointcuts are not fully fleshed out yet, so best not to use them yet.
+(dsldFile & inClosure() & enclosingCallName('registerPointcut')).accept {
+ // a little naughty again...reference an internal Groovy-Eclipse type; this may be removed in future versions
+ property name: 'currentScope', type: org.eclipse.jdt.groovy.search.VariableScope
+ property name: 'currenType', type: ClassNode
diff --git a/base/org.codehaus.groovy26/plugin_dsld_support/dsld/swing_builder.dsld b/base/org.codehaus.groovy26/plugin_dsld_support/dsld/swing_builder.dsld
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..faf4608aa4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/base/org.codehaus.groovy26/plugin_dsld_support/dsld/swing_builder.dsld
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
+ * Copyright 2009-2018 the original author or authors.
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package dsld
+import java.awt.*
+import javax.swing.*
+ * This is the DSLD for SwingBuilder
+ *
+ * @author Andrew Eisenberg
+ */
+contribute(currentType('groovy.swing.SwingBuilder')) {
+ provider = '{@link groovy.swing.SwingBuilder SwingBuilder} DSL'
+ method name: 'action',
+ type: Action,
+ useNamedArgs: true,
+ params: [
+ name: String,
+ shortDescription: String,
+ smallIcon: String,
+ accelerator: String,
+ closure: Closure
+ ],
+ doc: '''\
+ Actions are the lifeblood of a full fledged swing application. Other sources can expound on their usefullness.
see http://groovy.codehaus.org/SwingBuilder.action
+ '''.stripIndent()
+ method name: 'frame',
+ type: JFrame,
+ useNamedArgs: true,
+ params: [
+ contentPane: Container,
+ defaultCloseOperation: int,
+ title: String,
+ glassPane: Component,
+ layeredPane: JLayeredPane,
+ contentPane: Container
+ ],
+ doc: '''\
+ Generates a JFrame.
see http://groovy.codehaus.org/SwingBuilder.frame
+ '''.stripIndent()
+ def add = { String name, type ->
+ String doc = "See SwingBuilder.${name} "
+ method name: name, type: type, doc: doc
+ }
+ // and so on...
+ add('actions', List)
+ add('bean', Void)
+ add('bind', 'org.codehaus.groovy.binding.FullBinding')
+ add('borderLayout', BorderLayout)
+ add('boundedRangeModel', DefaultBoundedRangeModel)
+ add('box', Box)
+ add('boxLayout', BoxLayout)
+ add('button', JButton)
+ add('buttonGroup', ButtonGroup)
+ add('cardLayout', CardLayout)
+ add('checkBox', JCheckBox)
+ add('checkBoxMenuItem', JCheckBoxMenuItem)
+ add('closureColumn', 'groovy.model.DefaultTableColumn')
+ add('compoundBorder', border.CompoundBorder)
+ add('colorChooser', JColorChooser)
+ add('comboBox', JComboBox)
+ add('container', Container)
+ add('desktopPane', JDesktopPane)
+ add('dialog', JDialog)
+ add('editorPane', JEditorPane)
+ add('emptyBorder', border.EmptyBorder)
+ add('etchedBorder', border.EtchedBorder)
+ add('fileChooser', JFileChooser)
+ add('flowLayout', FlowLayout)
+ add('formattedTextField', JFormattedTextField)
+ add('gbc', GridBagConstraints)
+ add('gridBagConstraints', GridBagConstraints)
+ add('glue', Component)
+ add('gridBagConstraints', GridBagConstraints)
+ add('gridBagLayout', GridBagLayout)
+ add('gridLayout', GridLayout)
+ add('hbox', Box)
+ add('hglue', Component)
+ add('hstrut', Component)
+ add('internalFrame', JInternalFrame)
+ add('label', JLabel)
+ add('layeredPane', JLayeredPane)
+ add('list', JList)
+ add('loweredBevelBorder', border.BevelBorder)
+ add('loweredEtchedBorder', border.EtchedBorder)
+ add('map', Map)
+ add('matteBorder', border.MatteBorder)
+ add('menu', JMenu)
+ add('menuBar', JMenuBar)
+ add('menuItem', JMenuItem)
+ add('optionPane', JOptionPane)
+ add('overlayLayout', OverlayLayout)
+ add('panel', JPanel)
+ add('passwordField', JPasswordField)
+ add('popupMenum', JPopupMenu)
+ add('progressBar', JProgressBar)
+ add('propertyColumn', table.TableColumn)
+ add('radioButton', JRadioButton)
+ add('radioButtonMenuItem', JRadioButtonMenuItem)
+ add('rigidArea', Component)
+ add('scrollBar', JScrollBar)
+ add('scrollPane', JScrollPane)
+ add('separator', JSeparator)
+ add('slider', JSlider)
+ add('spinner', JSpinner)
+ add('spinnerDateModel', SpinnerDateModel)
+ add('spinnerListModel', SpinnerListModel)
+ add('spinnerNumberModel', SpinnerNumberModel)
+ add('splitPane', JSplitPane)
+ add('springLayout', SpringLayout)
+ add('tabbedPane', JTabbedPane)
+ add('table', JTable)
+ add('tableColumn', table.TableColumn)
+ add('tableLayout', 'groovy.swing.impl.TableLayoutRow')
+ add('tableModel', table.TableModel)
+ add('td', 'groovy.swing.impl.TableLayoutCell')
+ add('textArea', JTextArea)
+ add('textField', JTextField)
+ add('textPane', JTextPane)
+ add('toggleButton', JToggleButton)
+ add('toolbar', JToolBar)
+ add('tr', 'groovy.swing.impl.TableLayoutRow')
+ add('tree', JTree)
+ add('vbox', Box)
+ add('vglue', Component)
+ add('viewport', JViewport)
+ add('vstrut', Component)
+ add('widget', Component)
+ add('window', JWindow)
diff --git a/base/org.codehaus.groovy26/plugin_dsld_support/readme.txt b/base/org.codehaus.groovy26/plugin_dsld_support/readme.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f044a53aa1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/base/org.codehaus.groovy26/plugin_dsld_support/readme.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+This folder contains some standard DSL descriptor files that are
+specific to this version of Groovy-Eclipse and are applicable to
+all projects in your workspace. In general, you should not edit
+the files here. If you want to add custom DSLDs for your entire
+workspace, then you should add them to ~/.groovy/greclipse/dsld.
diff --git a/base/org.codehaus.groovy26/pom.xml b/base/org.codehaus.groovy26/pom.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..31525764fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/base/org.codehaus.groovy26/pom.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+ 4.0.0
+ ../../pom.xml
+ org.codehaus.groovy.eclipse
+ org.codehaus.groovy.eclipse.parent
+ 3.0.0-SNAPSHOT
+ org.codehaus.groovy.eclipse
+ org.codehaus.groovy
+ 2.6.0-SNAPSHOT
+ eclipse-plugin
+ maven-clean-plugin
+ 2.5
+ ${basedir}
+ eclipse-trace.jar
+ groovy-eclipse.jar
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/base/org.codehaus.groovy26/src-trace/org/codehaus/groovy/eclipse/DefaultGroovyLogger.java b/base/org.codehaus.groovy26/src-trace/org/codehaus/groovy/eclipse/DefaultGroovyLogger.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..beb6fd5aca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/base/org.codehaus.groovy26/src-trace/org/codehaus/groovy/eclipse/DefaultGroovyLogger.java
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+ * Copyright 2009-2017 the original author or authors.
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package org.codehaus.groovy.eclipse;
+import java.util.Date;
+ * Default logger logs to sysout and includes a timestamp
+ *
+ * @author Andrew Eisenberg
+ */
+public class DefaultGroovyLogger implements IGroovyLogger {
+ public void log(TraceCategory category, String message) {
+ System.out.println(category.label + " : " + new Date() + " : " + message);
+ }
+ public boolean isCategoryEnabled(TraceCategory category) {
+ return true;
+ }
diff --git a/base/org.codehaus.groovy26/src-trace/org/codehaus/groovy/eclipse/GroovyLogManager.java b/base/org.codehaus.groovy26/src-trace/org/codehaus/groovy/eclipse/GroovyLogManager.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..724c46b5a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/base/org.codehaus.groovy26/src-trace/org/codehaus/groovy/eclipse/GroovyLogManager.java
@@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
+ * Copyright 2009-2017 the original author or authors.
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package org.codehaus.groovy.eclipse;
+import java.io.PrintWriter;
+import java.io.StringWriter;
+import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.Map;
+ * Manages the current {@link IGroovyLogger} instance.
+ *
+ * NOTE: This class is a singleton.
+ */
+// Some code here borrowed from org.eclipse.ajdt.core.AJLog under EPL license
+// See http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
+public class GroovyLogManager {
+ public static final GroovyLogManager manager = new GroovyLogManager();
+ private GroovyLogManager() {
+ }
+ private IGroovyLogger[] loggers;
+ // only use default logger if no others are registered
+ private final IGroovyLogger defaultLogger = new DefaultGroovyLogger();
+ private final Map timers = new HashMap<>();
+ private boolean useDefaultLogger;
+ /**
+ * @return true if logger was added; false if not if not added --
+ * then this means the exact logger is already in the list
+ */
+ public boolean addLogger(IGroovyLogger logger) {
+ int newIndex;
+ if (loggers == null) {
+ loggers = new IGroovyLogger[1];
+ newIndex = 0;
+ } else {
+ // check to see if already there
+ for (IGroovyLogger igl : loggers) {
+ if (igl == logger) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ newIndex = loggers.length;
+ IGroovyLogger[] newLoggers = new IGroovyLogger[newIndex + 1];
+ System.arraycopy(loggers, 0, newLoggers, 0, newIndex);
+ loggers = newLoggers;
+ }
+ loggers[newIndex] = logger;
+ return true;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Removes the logger from the logger list.
+ *
+ * @return true iff found and removed; false iff nothing found
+ */
+ public boolean removeLogger(IGroovyLogger logger) {
+ if (logger != null && loggers != null) {
+ int foundIndex = -1;
+ for (int i = 0, n = loggers.length; i < n; i += 1) {
+ if (loggers[i] == logger) {
+ foundIndex = i;
+ }
+ }
+ if (foundIndex >= 0) {
+ if (loggers.length > 1) {
+ IGroovyLogger[] newLoggers = new IGroovyLogger[loggers.length - 1];
+ if (foundIndex > 0) {
+ System.arraycopy(loggers, 0, newLoggers, 0, foundIndex);
+ }
+ System.arraycopy(loggers, foundIndex + 1, newLoggers, foundIndex, loggers.length - foundIndex - 1);
+ loggers = newLoggers;
+ } else {
+ loggers = null;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ // not found
+ return false;
+ }
+ public void logStart(String event) {
+ timers.put(event, System.currentTimeMillis());
+ }
+ public void logEnd(String event, TraceCategory category) {
+ logEnd(event, category, null);
+ }
+ public void logEnd(String event, TraceCategory category, String message) {
+ Long then = timers.get(event);
+ if (then != null) {
+ if (hasLoggers()) {
+ long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
+ long elapsed = now - then.longValue();
+ if (message != null && !message.isEmpty()) {
+ log(category, "Event complete: " + elapsed + "ms: " + event + " (" + message + ")");
+ } else {
+ log(category, "Event complete: " + elapsed + "ms: " + event);
+ }
+ }
+ timers.remove(event);
+ }
+ }
+ public void log(String message) {
+ log(TraceCategory.DEFAULT, message);
+ }
+ public void log(TraceCategory category, String message) {
+ if (!hasLoggers()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (loggers != null) {
+ for (IGroovyLogger logger : loggers) {
+ if (logger.isCategoryEnabled(category)) {
+ logger.log(category, message);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (useDefaultLogger) {
+ defaultLogger.log(category, message);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Call this method to check if any loggers are currently
+ * installed. Doing so can help avoid creating costly
+ * logging messages unless required.
+ */
+ public boolean hasLoggers() {
+ return loggers != null || useDefaultLogger;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Enables/disables the default logger (printing to sysout).
+ */
+ public void setUseDefaultLogger(boolean useDefaultLogger) {
+ this.useDefaultLogger = useDefaultLogger;
+ }
+ public void logException(TraceCategory cat, Throwable t) {
+ if (hasLoggers()) {
+ // only log if logger is available, otherwise, ignore
+ StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();
+ t.printStackTrace(new PrintWriter(writer));
+ log(cat, "Exception caught.\n" + writer.getBuffer());
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/base/org.codehaus.groovy26/src-trace/org/codehaus/groovy/eclipse/IGroovyLogger.java b/base/org.codehaus.groovy26/src-trace/org/codehaus/groovy/eclipse/IGroovyLogger.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..75f56d8e3a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/base/org.codehaus.groovy26/src-trace/org/codehaus/groovy/eclipse/IGroovyLogger.java
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+ * Copyright 2009-2017 the original author or authors.
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package org.codehaus.groovy.eclipse;
+ * A means to send log messages to a logger.
+ *
+ * @author Andrew Eisenberg
+ */
+public interface IGroovyLogger {
+ void log(TraceCategory category, String message);
+ boolean isCategoryEnabled(TraceCategory category);
diff --git a/base/org.codehaus.groovy26/src-trace/org/codehaus/groovy/eclipse/LoggerTest.java b/base/org.codehaus.groovy26/src-trace/org/codehaus/groovy/eclipse/LoggerTest.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..77d9b495e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/base/org.codehaus.groovy26/src-trace/org/codehaus/groovy/eclipse/LoggerTest.java
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+ * Copyright 2009-2017 the original author or authors.
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package org.codehaus.groovy.eclipse;
+import junit.framework.TestCase;
+ * Simple test to make sure that logs are added and removed properly.
+ *
+ * @author Andrew Eisenberg
+ */
+public class LoggerTest extends TestCase {
+ public void testLoggers() throws Exception {
+ DefaultGroovyLogger l1 = new DefaultGroovyLogger();
+ DefaultGroovyLogger l2 = new DefaultGroovyLogger();
+ DefaultGroovyLogger l3 = new DefaultGroovyLogger();
+ DefaultGroovyLogger l4 = new DefaultGroovyLogger();
+ DefaultGroovyLogger l5 = new DefaultGroovyLogger();
+ assertTrue(GroovyLogManager.manager.addLogger(l1));
+ assertFalse(GroovyLogManager.manager.addLogger(l1));
+ assertTrue(GroovyLogManager.manager.addLogger(l2));
+ assertFalse(GroovyLogManager.manager.addLogger(l2));
+ assertTrue(GroovyLogManager.manager.addLogger(l3));
+ assertFalse(GroovyLogManager.manager.addLogger(l3));
+ assertTrue(GroovyLogManager.manager.addLogger(l4));
+ assertFalse(GroovyLogManager.manager.addLogger(l4));
+ assertTrue(GroovyLogManager.manager.addLogger(l5));
+ assertFalse(GroovyLogManager.manager.addLogger(l5));
+ assertTrue(GroovyLogManager.manager.removeLogger(l1));
+ assertFalse(GroovyLogManager.manager.removeLogger(l1));
+ assertTrue(GroovyLogManager.manager.removeLogger(l2));
+ assertFalse(GroovyLogManager.manager.removeLogger(l2));
+ assertTrue(GroovyLogManager.manager.removeLogger(l3));
+ assertFalse(GroovyLogManager.manager.removeLogger(l3));
+ assertTrue(GroovyLogManager.manager.removeLogger(l4));
+ assertFalse(GroovyLogManager.manager.removeLogger(l4));
+ assertTrue(GroovyLogManager.manager.removeLogger(l5));
+ assertFalse(GroovyLogManager.manager.removeLogger(l5));
+ // now reverse order of removal
+ assertTrue(GroovyLogManager.manager.addLogger(l1));
+ assertFalse(GroovyLogManager.manager.addLogger(l1));
+ assertTrue(GroovyLogManager.manager.addLogger(l2));
+ assertFalse(GroovyLogManager.manager.addLogger(l2));
+ assertTrue(GroovyLogManager.manager.addLogger(l3));
+ assertFalse(GroovyLogManager.manager.addLogger(l3));
+ assertTrue(GroovyLogManager.manager.addLogger(l4));
+ assertFalse(GroovyLogManager.manager.addLogger(l4));
+ assertTrue(GroovyLogManager.manager.addLogger(l5));
+ assertFalse(GroovyLogManager.manager.addLogger(l5));
+ assertTrue(GroovyLogManager.manager.removeLogger(l5));
+ assertFalse(GroovyLogManager.manager.removeLogger(l5));
+ assertTrue(GroovyLogManager.manager.removeLogger(l4));
+ assertFalse(GroovyLogManager.manager.removeLogger(l4));
+ assertTrue(GroovyLogManager.manager.removeLogger(l3));
+ assertFalse(GroovyLogManager.manager.removeLogger(l3));
+ assertTrue(GroovyLogManager.manager.removeLogger(l2));
+ assertFalse(GroovyLogManager.manager.removeLogger(l2));
+ assertTrue(GroovyLogManager.manager.removeLogger(l1));
+ assertFalse(GroovyLogManager.manager.removeLogger(l1));
+ // now removal from middle
+ assertTrue(GroovyLogManager.manager.addLogger(l1));
+ assertFalse(GroovyLogManager.manager.addLogger(l1));
+ assertTrue(GroovyLogManager.manager.addLogger(l2));
+ assertFalse(GroovyLogManager.manager.addLogger(l2));
+ assertTrue(GroovyLogManager.manager.addLogger(l3));
+ assertFalse(GroovyLogManager.manager.addLogger(l3));
+ assertTrue(GroovyLogManager.manager.addLogger(l4));
+ assertFalse(GroovyLogManager.manager.addLogger(l4));
+ assertTrue(GroovyLogManager.manager.addLogger(l5));
+ assertFalse(GroovyLogManager.manager.addLogger(l5));
+ assertTrue(GroovyLogManager.manager.removeLogger(l3));
+ assertFalse(GroovyLogManager.manager.removeLogger(l3));
+ assertTrue(GroovyLogManager.manager.removeLogger(l2));
+ assertFalse(GroovyLogManager.manager.removeLogger(l2));
+ assertTrue(GroovyLogManager.manager.removeLogger(l4));
+ assertFalse(GroovyLogManager.manager.removeLogger(l4));
+ assertTrue(GroovyLogManager.manager.removeLogger(l5));
+ assertFalse(GroovyLogManager.manager.removeLogger(l5));
+ assertTrue(GroovyLogManager.manager.removeLogger(l1));
+ assertFalse(GroovyLogManager.manager.removeLogger(l1));
+ }
diff --git a/base/org.codehaus.groovy26/src-trace/org/codehaus/groovy/eclipse/TraceCategory.java b/base/org.codehaus.groovy26/src-trace/org/codehaus/groovy/eclipse/TraceCategory.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..61307ac2bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/base/org.codehaus.groovy26/src-trace/org/codehaus/groovy/eclipse/TraceCategory.java
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+ * Copyright 2009-2017 the original author or authors.
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package org.codehaus.groovy.eclipse;
+import java.util.Arrays;
+ * @author Andrew Eisenberg
+ */
+public enum TraceCategory {
+ DEFAULT("_"),
+ COMPILER("Compiler"),
+ CLASSPATH("Classpath"),
+ DSL("DSL"),
+ CODE_SELECT("Code select"),
+ REFACTORING("Refactoring"),
+ AST_TRANSFORM("AST Transforms"),
+ CONTENT_ASSIST("Content assist"),
+ ORGANIZE_IMPORTS("Clean imports");
+ TraceCategory(String label) {
+ this.label = label;
+ }
+ public final String label;
+ private String paddedLabel;
+ public String getPaddedLabel() {
+ if (paddedLabel == null) {
+ synchronized (TraceCategory.class) {
+ if (longestLabel == -1) {
+ calculateLongest();
+ }
+ }
+ int extraSpace = longestLabel - label.length();
+ paddedLabel = spaces(extraSpace) + label;
+ }
+ return paddedLabel;
+ }
+ private String spaces(int extraSpace) {
+ char[] a = new char[extraSpace];
+ Arrays.fill(a, ' ');
+ return new String(a);
+ }
+ private static void calculateLongest() {
+ int maybeLongest = longestLabel;
+ for (TraceCategory category : values()) {
+ maybeLongest = Math.max(category.label.length(), maybeLongest);
+ }
+ longestLabel = maybeLongest;
+ }
+ public static String[] stringValues() {
+ if (stringValues == null) {
+ TraceCategory[] values = values();
+ stringValues = new String[values.length];
+ for (int i = 0, n = values.length; i < n; i += 1) {
+ stringValues[i] = values[i].label;
+ }
+ }
+ return stringValues;
+ }
+ private static String[] stringValues;
+ private static int longestLabel = -1;
diff --git a/base/org.codehaus.groovy26/src/groovy/grape/GrabAnnotationTransformation.java b/base/org.codehaus.groovy26/src/groovy/grape/GrabAnnotationTransformation.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..05585dfec9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/base/org.codehaus.groovy26/src/groovy/grape/GrabAnnotationTransformation.java
@@ -0,0 +1,665 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+package groovy.grape;
+import groovy.lang.Grab;
+import groovy.lang.GrabConfig;
+import groovy.lang.GrabExclude;
+import groovy.lang.GrabResolver;
+import groovy.lang.Grapes;
+import groovy.transform.CompilationUnitAware;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.ASTNode;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.AnnotatedNode;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.AnnotationNode;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.ClassCodeVisitorSupport;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.ClassHelper;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.ClassNode;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.ImportNode;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.ModuleNode;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.expr.ConstantExpression;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.expr.Expression;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.expr.ListExpression;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.expr.MapExpression;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.expr.StaticMethodCallExpression;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.stmt.BlockStatement;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.stmt.Statement;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.control.CompilationUnit;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.control.CompilePhase;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.control.SourceUnit;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.control.io.StringReaderSource;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.DefaultGroovyMethods;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.tools.GrapeUtil;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.transform.ASTTransformation;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.transform.ASTTransformationVisitor;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.transform.AbstractASTTransformation;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.transform.GroovyASTTransformation;
+import java.io.File;
+import java.net.URI;
+import java.net.URISyntaxException;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.Arrays;
+import java.util.Collection;
+import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.HashSet;
+import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.Map;
+import java.util.Set;
+import java.util.regex.Matcher;
+import java.util.regex.Pattern;
+import static org.codehaus.groovy.ast.tools.GeneralUtils.args;
+import static org.codehaus.groovy.ast.tools.GeneralUtils.callThisX;
+import static org.codehaus.groovy.ast.tools.GeneralUtils.callX;
+import static org.codehaus.groovy.ast.tools.GeneralUtils.constX;
+import static org.codehaus.groovy.ast.tools.GeneralUtils.eqX;
+import static org.codehaus.groovy.ast.tools.GeneralUtils.ifS;
+import static org.codehaus.groovy.ast.tools.GeneralUtils.stmt;
+import static org.codehaus.groovy.transform.AbstractASTTransformation.getMemberStringValue;
+ * Transformation for declarative dependency management.
+ */
+public class GrabAnnotationTransformation extends ClassCodeVisitorSupport implements ASTTransformation, CompilationUnitAware {
+ private static final String GRAB_CLASS_NAME = Grab.class.getName();
+ private static final String GRAB_DOT_NAME = GRAB_CLASS_NAME.substring(GRAB_CLASS_NAME.lastIndexOf("."));
+ private static final String GRAB_SHORT_NAME = GRAB_DOT_NAME.substring(1);
+ private static final String GRABEXCLUDE_CLASS_NAME = GrabExclude.class.getName();
+ private static final String GRABEXCLUDE_DOT_NAME = dotName(GRABEXCLUDE_CLASS_NAME);
+ private static final String GRABEXCLUDE_SHORT_NAME = shortName(GRABEXCLUDE_DOT_NAME);
+ private static final String GRABCONFIG_CLASS_NAME = GrabConfig.class.getName();
+ private static final String GRABCONFIG_DOT_NAME = dotName(GRABCONFIG_CLASS_NAME);
+ private static final String GRABCONFIG_SHORT_NAME = shortName(GRABCONFIG_DOT_NAME);
+ private static final String GRAPES_CLASS_NAME = Grapes.class.getName();
+ private static final String GRAPES_DOT_NAME = dotName(GRAPES_CLASS_NAME);
+ private static final String GRAPES_SHORT_NAME = shortName(GRAPES_DOT_NAME);
+ private static final String GRABRESOLVER_CLASS_NAME = GrabResolver.class.getName();
+ private static final String GRABRESOLVER_DOT_NAME = dotName(GRABRESOLVER_CLASS_NAME);
+ private static final String GRABRESOLVER_SHORT_NAME = shortName(GRABRESOLVER_DOT_NAME);
+ private static final ClassNode THREAD_CLASSNODE = ClassHelper.make(Thread.class);
+ private static final ClassNode SYSTEM_CLASSNODE = ClassHelper.make(System.class);
+ private static final List GRABEXCLUDE_REQUIRED = Arrays.asList("group", "module");
+ private static final List GRABRESOLVER_REQUIRED = Arrays.asList("name", "root");
+ private static final List GRAB_REQUIRED = Arrays.asList("group", "module", "version");
+ private static final List GRAB_OPTIONAL = Arrays.asList("classifier", "transitive", "conf", "ext", "type", "changing", "force", "initClass");
+ private static final List GRAB_BOOLEAN = Arrays.asList("transitive", "changing", "force", "initClass");
+ private static final Collection GRAB_ALL = DefaultGroovyMethods.plus(GRAB_REQUIRED, GRAB_OPTIONAL);
+ private static final Pattern IVY_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("([a-zA-Z0-9-/._+=]+)#([a-zA-Z0-9-/._+=]+)(;([a-zA-Z0-9-/.\\(\\)\\[\\]\\{\\}_+=,:@][a-zA-Z0-9-/.\\(\\)\\]\\{\\}_+=,:@]*))?(\\[([a-zA-Z0-9-/._+=,]*)\\])?");
+ private static final Pattern ATTRIBUTES_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("(.*;|^)([a-zA-Z0-9]+)=([a-zA-Z0-9.*\\[\\]\\-\\(\\),]*)$");
+ private static final String AUTO_DOWNLOAD_SETTING = Grape.AUTO_DOWNLOAD_SETTING;
+ private static String dotName(String className) {
+ return className.substring(className.lastIndexOf("."));
+ }
+ private static String shortName(String className) {
+ return className.substring(1);
+ }
+ boolean allowShortGrab;
+ Set grabAliases;
+ List grabAnnotations;
+ boolean allowShortGrabExcludes;
+ Set grabExcludeAliases;
+ List grabExcludeAnnotations;
+ boolean allowShortGrabConfig;
+ Set grabConfigAliases;
+ List grabConfigAnnotations;
+ boolean allowShortGrapes;
+ Set grapesAliases;
+ List grapesAnnotations;
+ boolean allowShortGrabResolver;
+ Set grabResolverAliases;
+ List grabResolverAnnotations;
+ CompilationUnit compilationUnit;
+ SourceUnit sourceUnit;
+ ClassLoader loader;
+ boolean initContextClassLoader;
+ Boolean autoDownload;
+ Boolean disableChecksums;
+ Map systemProperties;
+ public SourceUnit getSourceUnit() {
+ return sourceUnit;
+ }
+ public void setCompilationUnit(final CompilationUnit compilationUnit) {
+ this.compilationUnit = compilationUnit;
+ }
+ public void visit(ASTNode[] nodes, SourceUnit source) {
+ sourceUnit = source;
+ loader = null;
+ initContextClassLoader = false;
+ ModuleNode mn = (ModuleNode) nodes[0];
+ allowShortGrab = true;
+ allowShortGrabExcludes = true;
+ allowShortGrabConfig = true;
+ allowShortGrapes = true;
+ allowShortGrabResolver = true;
+ grabAliases = new HashSet();
+ grabExcludeAliases = new HashSet();
+ grabConfigAliases = new HashSet();
+ grapesAliases = new HashSet();
+ grabResolverAliases = new HashSet();
+ for (ImportNode im : mn.getImports()) {
+ String alias = im.getAlias();
+ String className = im.getClassName();
+ if ((className.endsWith(GRAB_DOT_NAME) && ((alias == null) || (alias.length() == 0)))
+ || (GRAB_CLASS_NAME.equals(alias)))
+ {
+ allowShortGrab = false;
+ } else if (GRAB_CLASS_NAME.equals(className)) {
+ grabAliases.add(im.getAlias());
+ }
+ if ((className.endsWith(GRAPES_DOT_NAME) && ((alias == null) || (alias.length() == 0)))
+ || (GRAPES_CLASS_NAME.equals(alias)))
+ {
+ allowShortGrapes = false;
+ } else if (GRAPES_CLASS_NAME.equals(className)) {
+ grapesAliases.add(im.getAlias());
+ }
+ if ((className.endsWith(GRABRESOLVER_DOT_NAME) && ((alias == null) || (alias.length() == 0)))
+ || (GRABRESOLVER_CLASS_NAME.equals(alias)))
+ {
+ allowShortGrabResolver = false;
+ } else if (GRABRESOLVER_CLASS_NAME.equals(className)) {
+ grabResolverAliases.add(im.getAlias());
+ }
+ }
+ // GRECLIPSE - if this is a list and not a set then you can duplicates when multiple classes
+ // are visited in the same source file. The same grabs are accumulated. There is maybe a
+ // better fix but this is easy. If there are duplicates it will work but we are calling
+ // grab with unnecessary dup info.
+ Collection> grabMaps = new LinkedHashSet>();
+ List> grabMapsInit = new ArrayList>();
+ List> grabExcludeMaps = new ArrayList>();
+ for (ClassNode classNode : sourceUnit.getAST().getClasses()) {
+ grabAnnotations = new ArrayList();
+ grabExcludeAnnotations = new ArrayList();
+ grabConfigAnnotations = new ArrayList();
+ grapesAnnotations = new ArrayList();
+ grabResolverAnnotations = new ArrayList();
+ visitClass(classNode);
+ ClassNode grapeClassNode = ClassHelper.make(Grape.class);
+ List grabResolverInitializers = new ArrayList();
+ if (!grapesAnnotations.isEmpty()) {
+ for (AnnotationNode node : grapesAnnotations) {
+ Expression init = node.getMember("initClass");
+ Expression value = node.getMember("value");
+ if (value instanceof ListExpression) {
+ for (Object o : ((ListExpression)value).getExpressions()) {
+ if (o instanceof ConstantExpression) {
+ extractGrab(init, (ConstantExpression) o);
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (value instanceof ConstantExpression) {
+ extractGrab(init, (ConstantExpression) value);
+ }
+ // don't worry if it's not a ListExpression, or AnnotationConstant, etc.
+ // the rest of GroovyC will flag it as a syntax error later, so we don't
+ // need to raise the error ourselves
+ }
+ }
+ if (!grabResolverAnnotations.isEmpty()) {
+ grabResolverAnnotationLoop:
+ for (AnnotationNode node : grabResolverAnnotations) {
+ Map grabResolverMap = new HashMap();
+ String sval = getMemberStringValue(node, "value");
+ if (sval != null && sval.length() > 0) {
+ for (String s : GRABRESOLVER_REQUIRED) {
+ String mval = getMemberStringValue(node, s);
+ if (mval != null && mval.isEmpty()) mval = null;
+ if (mval != null) {
+ addError("The attribute \"" + s + "\" conflicts with attribute 'value' in @" + node.getClassNode().getNameWithoutPackage() + " annotations", node);
+ continue grabResolverAnnotationLoop;
+ }
+ }
+ grabResolverMap.put("name", sval);
+ grabResolverMap.put("root", sval);
+ } else {
+ for (String s : GRABRESOLVER_REQUIRED) {
+ String mval = getMemberStringValue(node, s);
+ Expression member = node.getMember(s);
+ if (member == null || (mval != null && mval.isEmpty())) {
+ addError("The missing attribute \"" + s + "\" is required in @" + node.getClassNode().getNameWithoutPackage() + " annotations", node);
+ continue grabResolverAnnotationLoop;
+ } else if (mval == null) {
+ addError("Attribute \"" + s + "\" has value " + member.getText() + " but should be an inline constant String in @" + node.getClassNode().getNameWithoutPackage() + " annotations", node);
+ continue grabResolverAnnotationLoop;
+ }
+ grabResolverMap.put(s, mval);
+ }
+ }
+ // If no scheme is specified for the repository root,
+ // then turn it into a URI relative to that of the source file.
+ String root = (String) grabResolverMap.get("root");
+ if (root != null && !root.contains(":")) {
+ URI sourceURI = null;
+ // Since we use the data: scheme for StringReaderSources (which are fairly common)
+ // and those are not hierarchical we can't use them for making an absolute URI.
+ if (!(getSourceUnit().getSource() instanceof StringReaderSource)) {
+ // Otherwise let's trust the source to know where it is from.
+ // And actually InputStreamReaderSource doesn't know what to do and so returns null.
+ sourceURI = getSourceUnit().getSource().getURI();
+ }
+ // If source doesn't know how to get a reference to itself,
+ // then let's use the current working directory, since the repo can be relative to that.
+ if (sourceURI == null) {
+ sourceURI = new File(".").toURI();
+ }
+ try {
+ URI rootURI = sourceURI.resolve(new URI(root));
+ grabResolverMap.put("root", rootURI.toString());
+ } catch (URISyntaxException e) {
+ // We'll be silent here.
+ // If the URI scheme is unknown or not hierarchical, then we just can't help them and shouldn't cause any trouble either.
+ // addError("Attribute \"root\" has value '" + root + "' which can't be turned into a valid URI relative to it's source '" + getSourceUnit().getName() + "' @" + node.getClassNode().getNameWithoutPackage() + " annotations", node);
+ }
+ }
+ Grape.addResolver(grabResolverMap);
+ addGrabResolverAsStaticInitIfNeeded(grapeClassNode, node, grabResolverInitializers, grabResolverMap);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!grabConfigAnnotations.isEmpty()) {
+ for (AnnotationNode node : grabConfigAnnotations) {
+ checkForClassLoader(node);
+ checkForInitContextClassLoader(node);
+ checkForAutoDownload(node);
+ checkForSystemProperties(node);
+ checkForDisableChecksums(node);
+ }
+ addInitContextClassLoaderIfNeeded(classNode);
+ }
+ if (!grabExcludeAnnotations.isEmpty()) {
+ grabExcludeAnnotationLoop:
+ for (AnnotationNode node : grabExcludeAnnotations) {
+ Map grabExcludeMap = new HashMap();
+ checkForConvenienceForm(node, true);
+ for (String s : GRABEXCLUDE_REQUIRED) {
+ Expression member = node.getMember(s);
+ if (member == null) {
+ addError("The missing attribute \"" + s + "\" is required in @" + node.getClassNode().getNameWithoutPackage() + " annotations", node);
+ continue grabExcludeAnnotationLoop;
+ } else if (!(member instanceof ConstantExpression)) {
+ addError("Attribute \"" + s + "\" has value " + member.getText() + " but should be an inline constant in @" + node.getClassNode().getNameWithoutPackage() + " annotations", node);
+ continue grabExcludeAnnotationLoop;
+ }
+ grabExcludeMap.put(s, ((ConstantExpression)member).getValue());
+ }
+ grabExcludeMaps.add(grabExcludeMap);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!grabAnnotations.isEmpty()) {
+ grabAnnotationLoop:
+ for (AnnotationNode node : grabAnnotations) {
+ Map grabMap = new HashMap();
+ checkForConvenienceForm(node, false);
+ for (String s : GRAB_ALL) {
+ Expression member = node.getMember(s);
+ String mval = getMemberStringValue(node, s);
+ if (mval != null && mval.isEmpty()) member = null;
+ if (member == null && !GRAB_OPTIONAL.contains(s)) {
+ addError("The missing attribute \"" + s + "\" is required in @" + node.getClassNode().getNameWithoutPackage() + " annotations", node);
+ continue grabAnnotationLoop;
+ } else if (member != null && !(member instanceof ConstantExpression)) {
+ addError("Attribute \"" + s + "\" has value " + member.getText() + " but should be an inline constant in @" + node.getClassNode().getNameWithoutPackage() + " annotations", node);
+ continue grabAnnotationLoop;
+ }
+ if (node.getMember(s) != null) {
+ grabMap.put(s, ((ConstantExpression)member).getValue());
+ }
+ }
+ grabMaps.add(grabMap);
+ if ((node.getMember("initClass") == null) || (node.getMember("initClass") == ConstantExpression.TRUE)) {
+ grabMapsInit.add(grabMap);
+ }
+ }
+ callGrabAsStaticInitIfNeeded(classNode, grapeClassNode, grabMapsInit, grabExcludeMaps);
+ }
+ if (!grabResolverInitializers.isEmpty()) {
+ classNode.addStaticInitializerStatements(grabResolverInitializers, true);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!grabMaps.isEmpty()) {
+ Map basicArgs = new HashMap();
+ basicArgs.put("classLoader", loader != null ? loader : sourceUnit.getClassLoader());
+ if (!grabExcludeMaps.isEmpty()) basicArgs.put("excludes", grabExcludeMaps);
+ if (autoDownload != null) basicArgs.put(AUTO_DOWNLOAD_SETTING, autoDownload);
+ if (disableChecksums != null) basicArgs.put(DISABLE_CHECKSUMS_SETTING, disableChecksums);
+ if (systemProperties != null) basicArgs.put(SYSTEM_PROPERTIES_SETTING, systemProperties);
+ // GRECLIPSE edit
+ /*try {
+ Grape.grab(basicArgs, grabMaps.toArray(new Map[grabMaps.size()]));
+ // grab may have added more transformations through new URLs added to classpath, so do one more scan
+ if (compilationUnit!=null) {
+ ASTTransformationVisitor.addGlobalTransformsAfterGrab(compilationUnit.getASTTransformationsContext());
+ }
+ } catch (RuntimeException re) {
+ // Decided against syntax exception since this is not a syntax error.
+ // The down side is we lose line number information for the offending
+ // @Grab annotation.
+ source.addException(re);
+ }*/
+ // grab one thing at a time (so the errors are discovered individually)
+ Map[] grabMapsAsMapArray = grabMaps.toArray(new Map[grabMaps.size()]);
+ for (int i = 0, n = grabMapsAsMapArray.length; i < n; i += 1) {
+ try {
+ Grape.grab(new HashMap(basicArgs), grabMapsAsMapArray[i]);
+ // grab may have added more transformations through new URLs added to classpath, so do one more scan
+ if (compilationUnit != null) {
+ ASTTransformationVisitor.addGlobalTransformsAfterGrab(compilationUnit.getASTTransformationsContext());
+ }
+ } catch (RuntimeException re) {
+ // Error grabbing Grapes -- [unresolved dependency: joda-timxxe#joda-time;1.6: not found]
+ String msg = re.getMessage();
+ if (grabAnnotations.size() > i) {
+ addError(msg, grabAnnotations.get(i));
+ } else {
+ source.addException(re);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // GRECLIPSE end
+ }
+ }
+ private void callGrabAsStaticInitIfNeeded(ClassNode classNode, ClassNode grapeClassNode, List> grabMapsInit, List> grabExcludeMaps) {
+ List grabInitializers = new ArrayList();
+ MapExpression basicArgs = new MapExpression();
+ if (autoDownload != null) {
+ basicArgs.addMapEntryExpression(constX(AUTO_DOWNLOAD_SETTING), constX(autoDownload));
+ }
+ if (disableChecksums != null) {
+ basicArgs.addMapEntryExpression(constX(DISABLE_CHECKSUMS_SETTING), constX(disableChecksums));
+ }
+ if (systemProperties != null && !systemProperties.isEmpty()) {
+ BlockStatement block = new BlockStatement();
+ for(Map.Entry e : systemProperties.entrySet()) {
+ block.addStatement(stmt(callX(SYSTEM_CLASSNODE, "setProperty", args(constX(e.getKey()), constX(e.getValue())))));
+ }
+ StaticMethodCallExpression enabled = callX(SYSTEM_CLASSNODE, "getProperty", args(constX("groovy.grape.enable"), constX("true")));
+ grabInitializers.add(ifS(eqX(enabled, constX("true")), block));
+ }
+ if (!grabExcludeMaps.isEmpty()) {
+ ListExpression list = new ListExpression();
+ for (Map map : grabExcludeMaps) {
+ Set> entries = map.entrySet();
+ MapExpression inner = new MapExpression();
+ for (Map.Entry entry : entries) {
+ inner.addMapEntryExpression(constX(entry.getKey()), constX(entry.getValue()));
+ }
+ list.addExpression(inner);
+ }
+ basicArgs.addMapEntryExpression(constX("excludes"), list);
+ }
+ List argList = new ArrayList();
+ argList.add(basicArgs);
+ if (grabMapsInit.isEmpty()) return;
+ for (Map grabMap : grabMapsInit) {
+ // add Grape.grab(excludeArgs, [group:group, module:module, version:version, classifier:classifier])
+ // or Grape.grab([group:group, module:module, version:version, classifier:classifier])
+ MapExpression dependencyArg = new MapExpression();
+ for (String s : GRAB_REQUIRED) {
+ dependencyArg.addMapEntryExpression(constX(s), constX(grabMap.get(s)));
+ }
+ for (String s : GRAB_OPTIONAL) {
+ if (grabMap.containsKey(s))
+ dependencyArg.addMapEntryExpression(constX(s), constX(grabMap.get(s)));
+ }
+ argList.add(dependencyArg);
+ }
+ grabInitializers.add(stmt(callX(grapeClassNode, "grab", args(argList))));
+ // insert at beginning so we have the classloader set up before the class is called
+ classNode.addStaticInitializerStatements(grabInitializers, true);
+ }
+ private static void addGrabResolverAsStaticInitIfNeeded(ClassNode grapeClassNode, AnnotationNode node,
+ List grabResolverInitializers, Map grabResolverMap) {
+ if ((node.getMember("initClass") == null)
+ || (node.getMember("initClass") == ConstantExpression.TRUE))
+ {
+ MapExpression resolverArgs = new MapExpression();
+ for (Map.Entry next : grabResolverMap.entrySet()) {
+ resolverArgs.addMapEntryExpression(constX(next.getKey()), constX(next.getValue()));
+ }
+ grabResolverInitializers.add(stmt(callX(grapeClassNode, "addResolver", args(resolverArgs))));
+ }
+ }
+ private void addInitContextClassLoaderIfNeeded(ClassNode classNode) {
+ if (initContextClassLoader) {
+ Statement initStatement = stmt(callX(
+ callX(THREAD_CLASSNODE, "currentThread"),
+ "setContextClassLoader",
+ callX(callThisX("getClass"), "getClassLoader")
+ )
+ );
+ classNode.addObjectInitializerStatements(initStatement);
+ }
+ }
+ private void checkForClassLoader(AnnotationNode node) {
+ Object val = node.getMember("systemClassLoader");
+ if (val == null || !(val instanceof ConstantExpression)) return;
+ Object systemClassLoaderObject = ((ConstantExpression)val).getValue();
+ if (!(systemClassLoaderObject instanceof Boolean)) return;
+ Boolean systemClassLoader = (Boolean) systemClassLoaderObject;
+ if (systemClassLoader) loader = ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader();
+ }
+ private void checkForInitContextClassLoader(AnnotationNode node) {
+ Object val = node.getMember("initContextClassLoader");
+ if (val == null || !(val instanceof ConstantExpression)) return;
+ Object initContextClassLoaderObject = ((ConstantExpression)val).getValue();
+ if (!(initContextClassLoaderObject instanceof Boolean)) return;
+ initContextClassLoader = (Boolean) initContextClassLoaderObject;
+ }
+ private void checkForAutoDownload(AnnotationNode node) {
+ Object val = node.getMember(AUTO_DOWNLOAD_SETTING);
+ if (val == null || !(val instanceof ConstantExpression)) return;
+ Object autoDownloadValue = ((ConstantExpression)val).getValue();
+ if (!(autoDownloadValue instanceof Boolean)) return;
+ autoDownload = (Boolean) autoDownloadValue;
+ }
+ private void checkForDisableChecksums(AnnotationNode node) {
+ Object val = node.getMember(DISABLE_CHECKSUMS_SETTING);
+ if (val == null || !(val instanceof ConstantExpression)) return;
+ Object disableChecksumsValue = ((ConstantExpression)val).getValue();
+ if (!(disableChecksumsValue instanceof Boolean)) return;
+ disableChecksums = (Boolean) disableChecksumsValue;
+ }
+ private void checkForSystemProperties(AnnotationNode node) {
+ systemProperties = new HashMap();
+ List nameValueList = AbstractASTTransformation.getMemberStringList(node, SYSTEM_PROPERTIES_SETTING);
+ if (nameValueList != null) {
+ for (String nameValue : nameValueList) {
+ int equalsDelim = nameValue.indexOf('=');
+ if (equalsDelim != -1) {
+ systemProperties.put(nameValue.substring(0, equalsDelim), nameValue.substring(equalsDelim + 1));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private static void checkForConvenienceForm(AnnotationNode node, boolean exclude) {
+ Object val = node.getMember("value");
+ if (val == null || !(val instanceof ConstantExpression)) return;
+ Object allParts = ((ConstantExpression)val).getValue();
+ if (!(allParts instanceof String)) return;
+ String allstr = (String) allParts;
+ // strip off trailing attributes
+ boolean done = false;
+ while (!done) {
+ Matcher attrs = ATTRIBUTES_PATTERN.matcher(allstr);
+ if (attrs.find()) {
+ String attrName = attrs.group(2);
+ String attrValue = attrs.group(3);
+ if (attrName == null || attrValue == null) continue;
+ boolean isBool = GRAB_BOOLEAN.contains(attrName);
+ ConstantExpression value = constX(isBool ? Boolean.valueOf(attrValue) : attrValue);
+ value.setSourcePosition(node);
+ node.addMember(attrName, value);
+ int lastSemi = allstr.lastIndexOf(';');
+ if (lastSemi == -1) {
+ allstr = "";
+ break;
+ }
+ allstr = allstr.substring(0, lastSemi);
+ } else {
+ done = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if (allstr.contains("#")) {
+ // see: http://ant.apache.org/ivy/history/latest-milestone/textual.html
+ Matcher m = IVY_PATTERN.matcher(allstr);
+ if (!m.find()) return;
+ if (m.group(1) == null || m.group(2) == null) return;
+ node.addMember("module", constX(m.group(2)));
+ node.addMember("group", constX(m.group(1)));
+ if (m.group(6) != null) node.addMember("conf", constX(m.group(6)));
+ if (m.group(4) != null) node.addMember("version", constX(m.group(4)));
+ else if (!exclude && node.getMember("version") == null) node.addMember("version", constX("*"));
+ node.getMembers().remove("value");
+ } else if (allstr.contains(":")) {
+ // assume gradle syntax
+ // see: http://www.gradle.org/latest/docs/userguide/dependency_management.html#sec:how_to_declare_your_dependencies
+ Map parts = GrapeUtil.getIvyParts(allstr);
+ for (Map.Entry entry : parts.entrySet()) {
+ String key = entry.getKey();
+ String value = entry.getValue().toString();
+ if (!key.equals("version") || !value.equals("*") || !exclude) {
+ node.addMember(key, constX(value));
+ }
+ }
+ node.getMembers().remove("value");
+ }
+ }
+ private void extractGrab(Expression init, ConstantExpression ce) {
+ if (ce.getValue() instanceof AnnotationNode) {
+ AnnotationNode annotation = (AnnotationNode) ce.getValue();
+ if ((init != null) && (annotation.getMember("initClass") != null)) {
+ annotation.setMember("initClass", init);
+ }
+ String name = annotation.getClassNode().getName();
+ if ((GRAB_CLASS_NAME.equals(name))
+ || (allowShortGrab && GRAB_SHORT_NAME.equals(name))
+ || (grabAliases.contains(name))) {
+ grabAnnotations.add(annotation);
+ }
+ if ((GRABEXCLUDE_CLASS_NAME.equals(name))
+ || (allowShortGrabExcludes && GRABEXCLUDE_SHORT_NAME.equals(name))
+ || (grabExcludeAliases.contains(name))) {
+ grabExcludeAnnotations.add(annotation);
+ }
+ if ((GRABCONFIG_CLASS_NAME.equals(name))
+ || (allowShortGrabConfig && GRABCONFIG_SHORT_NAME.equals(name))
+ || (grabConfigAliases.contains(name))) {
+ grabConfigAnnotations.add(annotation);
+ }
+ if ((GRABRESOLVER_CLASS_NAME.equals(name))
+ || (allowShortGrabResolver && GRABRESOLVER_SHORT_NAME.equals(name))
+ || (grabResolverAliases.contains(name))) {
+ grabResolverAnnotations.add(annotation);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Adds the annotation to the internal target list if a match is found.
+ *
+ * @param node the AST node we are processing
+ */
+ public void visitAnnotations(AnnotatedNode node) {
+ super.visitAnnotations(node);
+ for (AnnotationNode an : node.getAnnotations()) {
+ String name = an.getClassNode().getName();
+ if ((GRAB_CLASS_NAME.equals(name))
+ || (allowShortGrab && GRAB_SHORT_NAME.equals(name))
+ || (grabAliases.contains(name))) {
+ grabAnnotations.add(an);
+ }
+ if ((GRABEXCLUDE_CLASS_NAME.equals(name))
+ || (allowShortGrabExcludes && GRABEXCLUDE_SHORT_NAME.equals(name))
+ || (grabExcludeAliases.contains(name))) {
+ grabExcludeAnnotations.add(an);
+ }
+ if ((GRABCONFIG_CLASS_NAME.equals(name))
+ || (allowShortGrabConfig && GRABCONFIG_SHORT_NAME.equals(name))
+ || (grabConfigAliases.contains(name))) {
+ grabConfigAnnotations.add(an);
+ }
+ if ((GRAPES_CLASS_NAME.equals(name))
+ || (allowShortGrapes && GRAPES_SHORT_NAME.equals(name))
+ || (grapesAliases.contains(name))) {
+ grapesAnnotations.add(an);
+ }
+ if ((GRABRESOLVER_CLASS_NAME.equals(name))
+ || (allowShortGrabResolver && GRABRESOLVER_SHORT_NAME.equals(name))
+ || (grabResolverAliases.contains(name))) {
+ grabResolverAnnotations.add(an);
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/base/org.codehaus.groovy26/src/groovy/grape/GrapeIvy.groovy b/base/org.codehaus.groovy26/src/groovy/grape/GrapeIvy.groovy
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d70915b31d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/base/org.codehaus.groovy26/src/groovy/grape/GrapeIvy.groovy
@@ -0,0 +1,730 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+package groovy.grape
+import org.apache.groovy.plugin.GroovyRunner
+import org.apache.groovy.plugin.GroovyRunnerRegistry
+import org.apache.ivy.Ivy
+import org.apache.ivy.core.cache.ResolutionCacheManager
+import org.apache.ivy.core.event.IvyListener
+import org.apache.ivy.core.event.download.PrepareDownloadEvent
+import org.apache.ivy.core.event.resolve.StartResolveEvent
+import org.apache.ivy.core.module.descriptor.Configuration
+import org.apache.ivy.core.module.descriptor.DefaultDependencyArtifactDescriptor
+import org.apache.ivy.core.module.descriptor.DefaultDependencyDescriptor
+import org.apache.ivy.core.module.descriptor.DefaultExcludeRule
+import org.apache.ivy.core.module.descriptor.DefaultModuleDescriptor
+import org.apache.ivy.core.module.id.ArtifactId
+import org.apache.ivy.core.module.id.ModuleId
+import org.apache.ivy.core.module.id.ModuleRevisionId
+import org.apache.ivy.core.report.ArtifactDownloadReport
+import org.apache.ivy.core.report.ResolveReport
+import org.apache.ivy.core.resolve.ResolveOptions
+import org.apache.ivy.core.settings.IvySettings
+import org.apache.ivy.plugins.matcher.ExactPatternMatcher
+import org.apache.ivy.plugins.matcher.PatternMatcher
+import org.apache.ivy.plugins.resolver.ChainResolver
+import org.apache.ivy.plugins.resolver.IBiblioResolver
+import org.apache.ivy.util.DefaultMessageLogger
+import org.apache.ivy.util.Message
+import org.codehaus.groovy.reflection.CachedClass
+import org.codehaus.groovy.reflection.ClassInfo
+import org.codehaus.groovy.reflection.ReflectionUtils
+import org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.m12n.ExtensionModuleScanner
+import org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.metaclass.MetaClassRegistryImpl
+import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory
+import java.util.jar.JarFile
+import java.util.regex.Pattern
+import java.util.zip.ZipEntry
+import java.util.zip.ZipException
+import java.util.zip.ZipFile
+ * Implementation suppoting {@code @Grape} and {@code @Grab} annotations based on Ivy.
+ */
+class GrapeIvy implements GrapeEngine {
+ static final int DEFAULT_DEPTH = 3
+ private static final String METAINF_PREFIX = 'META-INF/services/'
+ private static final String RUNNER_PROVIDER_CONFIG = GroovyRunner.class.getName()
+ private final exclusiveGrabArgs = [
+ ['group', 'groupId', 'organisation', 'organization', 'org'],
+ ['module', 'artifactId', 'artifact'],
+ ['version', 'revision', 'rev'],
+ ['conf', 'scope', 'configuration'],
+ ].inject([:], {m, g -> g.each {a -> m[a] = (g - a) as Set}; m})
+ boolean enableGrapes
+ Ivy ivyInstance
+ Set resolvedDependencies
+ Set downloadedArtifacts
+ // weak hash map so we don't leak loaders directly
+ Map> loadedDeps = new WeakHashMap>()
+ // set that stores the IvyGrabRecord(s) for all the dependencies in each grab() call
+ Set grabRecordsForCurrDependencies = new LinkedHashSet()
+ // we keep the settings so that addResolver can add to the resolver chain
+ IvySettings settings
+ public GrapeIvy() {
+ // if we are already initialized, quit
+ if (enableGrapes) return
+ // start ivy
+ Message.defaultLogger = new DefaultMessageLogger(System.getProperty("ivy.message.logger.level", "-1") as int)
+ settings = new IvySettings()
+ // configure settings
+ def grapeConfig = getLocalGrapeConfig()
+ if (!grapeConfig.exists()) {
+ grapeConfig = GrapeIvy.getResource("defaultGrapeConfig.xml")
+ }
+ try {
+ settings.load(grapeConfig) // exploit multi-methods for convenience
+ } catch (java.text.ParseException ex) {
+ def configLocation = grapeConfig instanceof File ? grapeConfig.canonicalPath : grapeConfig.toString()
+ System.err.println "Local Ivy config file '$configLocation' appears corrupt - ignoring it and using default config instead\nError was: " + ex.message
+ grapeConfig = GrapeIvy.getResource("defaultGrapeConfig.xml")
+ settings.load(grapeConfig)
+ }
+ // set up the cache dirs
+ settings.defaultCache = getGrapeCacheDir()
+ settings.setVariable("ivy.default.configuration.m2compatible", "true")
+ ivyInstance = Ivy.newInstance(settings)
+ org.apache.ivy.core.IvyContext.getContext().setIvy(ivyInstance);
+ resolvedDependencies = []
+ downloadedArtifacts = []
+ //TODO add grab to the DGM??
+ enableGrapes = true
+ }
+ public File getGroovyRoot() {
+ String root = System.getProperty("groovy.root")
+ def groovyRoot
+ if (root == null) {
+ groovyRoot = new File(System.getProperty("user.home"), ".groovy")
+ } else {
+ groovyRoot = new File(root)
+ }
+ try {
+ groovyRoot = groovyRoot.canonicalFile
+ } catch (IOException e) {
+ // skip canonicalization then, it may not exist yet
+ }
+ return groovyRoot
+ }
+ public File getLocalGrapeConfig() {
+ String grapeConfig = System.getProperty("grape.config")
+ if(grapeConfig) {
+ return new File(grapeConfig)
+ }
+ return new File(getGrapeDir(), 'grapeConfig.xml')
+ }
+ public File getGrapeDir() {
+ String root = System.getProperty("grape.root")
+ if(root == null) {
+ return getGroovyRoot()
+ }
+ File grapeRoot = new File(root)
+ try {
+ grapeRoot = grapeRoot.canonicalFile
+ } catch (IOException e) {
+ // skip canonicalization then, it may not exist yet
+ }
+ return grapeRoot
+ }
+ public File getGrapeCacheDir() {
+ File cache = new File(getGrapeDir(), 'grapes')
+ if (!cache.exists()) {
+ cache.mkdirs()
+ } else if (!cache.isDirectory()) {
+ throw new RuntimeException("The grape cache dir $cache is not a directory")
+ }
+ return cache
+ }
+ public def chooseClassLoader(Map args) {
+ def loader = args.classLoader
+ if (!isValidTargetClassLoader(loader)) {
+ loader = (args.refObject?.class
+ ?:ReflectionUtils.getCallingClass(args.calleeDepth?:1)
+ )?.classLoader
+ while (loader && !isValidTargetClassLoader(loader)) {
+ loader = loader.parent
+ }
+ //if (!isValidTargetClassLoader(loader)) {
+ // loader = Thread.currentThread().contextClassLoader
+ //}
+ //if (!isValidTargetClassLoader(loader)) {
+ // loader = GrapeIvy.class.classLoader
+ //}
+ /* GRECLIPSE edit -- don't check this. Removing this check will only affect our copy of GrapeIvy that is used during compilation where the classloader does not matter.
+ if (!isValidTargetClassLoader(loader)) {
+ throw new RuntimeException("No suitable ClassLoader found for grab")
+ }
+ */
+ }
+ return loader
+ }
+ private boolean isValidTargetClassLoader(loader) {
+ return isValidTargetClassLoaderClass(loader?.class)
+ }
+ private boolean isValidTargetClassLoaderClass(Class loaderClass) {
+ return (loaderClass != null) &&
+ (
+ (loaderClass.name == 'groovy.lang.GroovyClassLoader') ||
+ (loaderClass.name == 'org.codehaus.groovy.tools.RootLoader') ||
+ isValidTargetClassLoaderClass(loaderClass.superclass)
+ )
+ }
+ public IvyGrabRecord createGrabRecord(Map deps) {
+ // parse the actual dependency arguments
+ String module = deps.module ?: deps.artifactId ?: deps.artifact
+ if (!module) {
+ throw new RuntimeException('grab requires at least a module: or artifactId: or artifact: argument')
+ }
+ String groupId = deps.group ?: deps.groupId ?: deps.organisation ?: deps.organization ?: deps.org ?: ''
+ String ext = deps.ext ?: deps.type ?: ''
+ String type = deps.type ?: ''
+ //TODO accept ranges and decode them? except '1.0.0'..<'2.0.0' won't work in groovy
+ String version = deps.version ?: deps.revision ?: deps.rev ?: '*'
+ if ('*' == version) version = 'latest.default'
+ ModuleRevisionId mrid = ModuleRevisionId.newInstance(groupId, module, version)
+ boolean force = deps.containsKey('force') ? deps.force : true
+ boolean changing = deps.containsKey('changing') ? deps.changing : false
+ boolean transitive = deps.containsKey('transitive') ? deps.transitive : true
+ def conf = deps.conf ?: deps.scope ?: deps.configuration ?: ['default']
+ if (conf instanceof String) {
+ if (conf.startsWith("[") && conf.endsWith("]")) conf = conf[1..-2]
+ conf = conf.split(",").toList()
+ }
+ def classifier = deps.classifier ?: null
+ return new IvyGrabRecord(mrid:mrid, conf:conf, changing:changing, transitive:transitive, force:force, classifier:classifier, ext:ext, type:type)
+ }
+ public grab(String endorsedModule) {
+ return grab(group:'groovy.endorsed', module:endorsedModule, version:GroovySystem.version)
+ }
+ public grab(Map args) {
+ args.calleeDepth = args.calleeDepth?:DEFAULT_DEPTH + 1
+ return grab(args, args)
+ }
+ public grab(Map args, Map... dependencies) {
+ ClassLoader loader = null
+ grabRecordsForCurrDependencies.clear()
+ try {
+ // identify the target classloader early, so we fail before checking repositories
+ loader = chooseClassLoader(
+ classLoader:args.remove('classLoader'),
+ refObject:args.remove('refObject'),
+ calleeDepth:args.calleeDepth?:DEFAULT_DEPTH,
+ )
+ // check for non-fail null.
+ // If we were in fail mode we would have already thrown an exception
+ if (!loader) return
+ def uris = resolve(loader, args, dependencies)
+ for (URI uri in uris) {
+ loader.addURL(uri.toURL())
+ }
+ boolean runnerServicesFound = false
+ for (URI uri in uris) {
+ //TODO check artifact type, jar vs library, etc
+ File file = new File(uri)
+ processCategoryMethods(loader, file)
+ Collection services = processMetaInfServices(loader, file)
+ if (!runnerServicesFound) {
+ runnerServicesFound = services.contains(RUNNER_PROVIDER_CONFIG)
+ }
+ }
+ if (runnerServicesFound) {
+ GroovyRunnerRegistry.getInstance().load(loader)
+ }
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ // clean-up the state first
+ Set grabRecordsForCurrLoader = getLoadedDepsForLoader(loader)
+ grabRecordsForCurrLoader.removeAll(grabRecordsForCurrDependencies)
+ grabRecordsForCurrDependencies.clear()
+ if (args.noExceptions) {
+ return e
+ }
+ throw e
+ }
+ return null
+ }
+ private processCategoryMethods(ClassLoader loader, File file) {
+ // register extension methods if jar
+ if (file.name.toLowerCase().endsWith(".jar")) {
+ def mcRegistry = GroovySystem.metaClassRegistry
+ if (mcRegistry instanceof MetaClassRegistryImpl) {
+ try {
+ JarFile jar = new JarFile(file)
+ def entry = jar.getEntry(ExtensionModuleScanner.MODULE_META_INF_FILE)
+ if (entry) {
+ Properties props = new Properties()
+ props.load(jar.getInputStream(entry))
+ Map> metaMethods = new HashMap>()
+ mcRegistry.registerExtensionModuleFromProperties(props, loader, metaMethods)
+ // add old methods to the map
+ metaMethods.each { CachedClass c, List methods ->
+ // GROOVY-5543: if a module was loaded using grab, there are chances that subclasses
+ // have their own ClassInfo, and we must change them as well!
+ Set classesToBeUpdated = [c]
+ ClassInfo.onAllClassInfo { ClassInfo info ->
+ if (c.theClass.isAssignableFrom(info.cachedClass.theClass)) {
+ classesToBeUpdated << info.cachedClass
+ }
+ }
+ classesToBeUpdated*.addNewMopMethods(methods)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ catch(ZipException zipException) {
+ throw new RuntimeException("Grape could not load jar '$file'", zipException)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ void processOtherServices(ClassLoader loader, File f) {
+ processMetaInfServices(loader, f) // ignore result
+ }
+ /**
+ * Searches the given File for known service provider
+ * configuration files to process.
+ *
+ * @param loader used to locate service provider files
+ * @param f ZipFile in which to search for services
+ * @return a collection of service provider files that were found
+ */
+ private Collection processMetaInfServices(ClassLoader loader, File f) {
+ List services = new ArrayList<>()
+ try {
+ ZipFile zf = new ZipFile(f)
+ String providerConfig = 'org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.SerializedCategoryMethods'
+ ZipEntry serializedCategoryMethods = zf.getEntry(METAINF_PREFIX + providerConfig)
+ if (serializedCategoryMethods != null) {
+ services.add(providerConfig)
+ processSerializedCategoryMethods(zf.getInputStream(serializedCategoryMethods))
+ }
+ // TODO: remove in a future release (replaced by GroovyRunnerRegistry)
+ providerConfig = 'org.codehaus.groovy.plugins.Runners'
+ ZipEntry pluginRunners = zf.getEntry(METAINF_PREFIX + providerConfig)
+ if (pluginRunners != null) {
+ services.add(providerConfig)
+ processRunners(zf.getInputStream(pluginRunners), f.getName(), loader)
+ }
+ // GroovyRunners are loaded per ClassLoader using a ServiceLoader so here
+ // it only needs to be indicated that the service provider file was found
+ if (zf.getEntry(METAINF_PREFIX + RUNNER_PROVIDER_CONFIG) != null) {
+ }
+ } catch(ZipException ignore) {
+ // ignore files we can't process, e.g. non-jar/zip artifacts
+ // TODO log a warning
+ }
+ return services
+ }
+ void processSerializedCategoryMethods(InputStream is) {
+ is.text.readLines().each {
+ println it.trim() // TODO implement this or delete it
+ }
+ }
+ void processRunners(InputStream is, String name, ClassLoader loader) {
+ GroovyRunnerRegistry registry = GroovyRunnerRegistry.getInstance()
+ is.text.readLines()*.trim().findAll{ !it.isEmpty() && it[0] != '#' }.each {
+ try {
+ registry[name] = loader.loadClass(it).newInstance()
+ } catch (Exception ex) {
+ throw new IllegalStateException("Error registering runner class '" + it + "'", ex)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public ResolveReport getDependencies(Map args, IvyGrabRecord... grabRecords) {
+ ResolutionCacheManager cacheManager = ivyInstance.resolutionCacheManager
+ def millis = System.currentTimeMillis()
+ def md = new DefaultModuleDescriptor(ModuleRevisionId
+ .newInstance("caller", "all-caller", "working" + millis.toString()[-2..-1]), "integration", null, true)
+ md.addConfiguration(new Configuration('default'))
+ md.setLastModified(millis)
+ addExcludesIfNeeded(args, md)
+ for (IvyGrabRecord grabRecord : grabRecords) {
+ def conf = grabRecord.conf ?: ['*']
+ DefaultDependencyDescriptor dd = md.dependencies.find {it.dependencyRevisionId.equals(grabRecord.mrid)}
+ if (dd) {
+ createAndAddDependencyArtifactDescriptor(dd, grabRecord, conf)
+ } else {
+ dd = new DefaultDependencyDescriptor(md, grabRecord.mrid, grabRecord.force,
+ grabRecord.changing, grabRecord.transitive)
+ conf.each {dd.addDependencyConfiguration('default', it)}
+ createAndAddDependencyArtifactDescriptor(dd, grabRecord, conf)
+ md.addDependency(dd)
+ }
+ }
+ // resolve grab and dependencies
+ ResolveOptions resolveOptions = new ResolveOptions()\
+ .setConfs(['default'] as String[])\
+ .setOutputReport(false)\
+ .setValidate(args.containsKey('validate') ? args.validate : false)
+ ivyInstance.settings.defaultResolver = args.autoDownload ? 'downloadGrapes' : 'cachedGrapes'
+ if (args.disableChecksums) {
+ ivyInstance.settings.setVariable('ivy.checksums', '')
+ }
+ boolean reportDownloads = System.getProperty('groovy.grape.report.downloads', 'false') == 'true'
+ if (reportDownloads) {
+ ivyInstance.eventManager.addIvyListener([progress:{ ivyEvent -> switch(ivyEvent) {
+ case StartResolveEvent:
+ ivyEvent.moduleDescriptor.dependencies.each { it ->
+ def name = it.toString()
+ if (!resolvedDependencies.contains(name)) {
+ resolvedDependencies << name
+ System.err.println "Resolving " + name
+ }
+ }
+ break
+ case PrepareDownloadEvent:
+ ivyEvent.artifacts.each { it ->
+ def name = it.toString()
+ if (!downloadedArtifacts.contains(name)) {
+ downloadedArtifacts << name
+ System.err.println "Preparing to download artifact " + name
+ }
+ }
+ break
+ } } ] as IvyListener)
+ }
+ ResolveReport report = null
+ int attempt = 8 // max of 8 times
+ while (true) {
+ try {
+ report = ivyInstance.resolve(md, resolveOptions)
+ break
+ } catch(IOException ioe) {
+ if (attempt--) {
+ if (reportDownloads)
+ System.err.println "Grab Error: retrying..."
+ sleep attempt > 4 ? 350 : 1000
+ continue
+ }
+ throw new RuntimeException("Error grabbing grapes -- $ioe.message")
+ }
+ }
+ if (report.hasError()) {
+ throw new RuntimeException("Error grabbing Grapes -- $report.allProblemMessages")
+ }
+ if (report.downloadSize && reportDownloads) {
+ System.err.println "Downloaded ${report.downloadSize >> 10} Kbytes in ${report.downloadTime}ms:\n ${report.allArtifactsReports*.toString().join('\n ')}"
+ }
+ md = report.moduleDescriptor
+ if (!args.preserveFiles) {
+ cacheManager.getResolvedIvyFileInCache(md.moduleRevisionId).delete()
+ cacheManager.getResolvedIvyPropertiesInCache(md.moduleRevisionId).delete()
+ }
+ return report
+ }
+ private void createAndAddDependencyArtifactDescriptor(DefaultDependencyDescriptor dd, IvyGrabRecord grabRecord, List conf) {
+ // TODO: find out "unknown" reason and change comment below - also, confirm conf[0] check vs conf.contains('optional')
+ if (conf[0]!="optional" || grabRecord.classifier) { // for some unknown reason optional dependencies should not have an artifactDescriptor
+ def dad = new DefaultDependencyArtifactDescriptor(dd,
+ grabRecord.mrid.name, grabRecord.type ?: 'jar', grabRecord.ext ?: 'jar', null, grabRecord.classifier ? [classifier: grabRecord.classifier] : null)
+ conf.each { dad.addConfiguration(it) }
+ dd.addDependencyArtifact('default', dad)
+ }
+ }
+ public void uninstallArtifact(String group, String module, String rev) {
+ // TODO consider transitive uninstall as an option
+ Pattern ivyFilePattern = ~/ivy-(.*)\.xml/ //TODO get pattern from ivy conf
+ grapeCacheDir.eachDir { File groupDir ->
+ if (groupDir.name == group) groupDir.eachDir { File moduleDir ->
+ if (moduleDir.name == module) moduleDir.eachFileMatch(ivyFilePattern) { File ivyFile ->
+ def m = ivyFilePattern.matcher(ivyFile.name)
+ if (m.matches() && m.group(1) == rev) {
+ // TODO handle other types? e.g. 'dlls'
+ def jardir = new File(moduleDir, 'jars')
+ if (!jardir.exists()) return
+ def dbf = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance()
+ def db = dbf.newDocumentBuilder()
+ def root = db.parse(ivyFile).documentElement
+ def publis = root.getElementsByTagName('publications')
+ for (int i=0; i
+ def excludeRule = new DefaultExcludeRule(new ArtifactId(
+ new ModuleId(map.group, map.module), PatternMatcher.ANY_EXPRESSION,
+ PatternMatcher.ANY_EXPRESSION,
+ PatternMatcher.ANY_EXPRESSION),
+ ExactPatternMatcher.INSTANCE, null)
+ excludeRule.addConfiguration('default')
+ md.addExcludeRule(excludeRule)
+ }
+ }
+ public Map>> enumerateGrapes() {
+ Map>> bunches = [:]
+ Pattern ivyFilePattern = ~/ivy-(.*)\.xml/ //TODO get pattern from ivy conf
+ grapeCacheDir.eachDir {File groupDir ->
+ Map> grapes = [:]
+ bunches[groupDir.name] = grapes
+ groupDir.eachDir { File moduleDir ->
+ def versions = []
+ moduleDir.eachFileMatch(ivyFilePattern) {File ivyFile ->
+ def m = ivyFilePattern.matcher(ivyFile.name)
+ if (m.matches()) versions += m.group(1)
+ }
+ grapes[moduleDir.name] = versions
+ }
+ }
+ return bunches
+ }
+ public URI[] resolve(Map args, Map ... dependencies) {
+ resolve(args, null, dependencies)
+ }
+ public URI[] resolve(Map args, List depsInfo, Map ... dependencies) {
+ // identify the target classloader early, so we fail before checking repositories
+ def loader = chooseClassLoader(
+ classLoader: args.remove('classLoader'),
+ refObject: args.remove('refObject'),
+ calleeDepth: args.calleeDepth ?: DEFAULT_DEPTH,
+ )
+ // check for non-fail null.
+ // If we were in fail mode we would have already thrown an exception
+ if (!loader) return
+ resolve(loader, args, depsInfo, dependencies)
+ }
+ URI [] resolve(ClassLoader loader, Map args, Map... dependencies) {
+ return resolve(loader, args, null, dependencies)
+ }
+ URI [] resolve(ClassLoader loader, Map args, List depsInfo, Map... dependencies) {
+ // check for mutually exclusive arguments
+ Set keys = args.keySet()
+ keys.each {a ->
+ Set badArgs = exclusiveGrabArgs[a]
+ if (badArgs && !badArgs.disjoint(keys)) {
+ throw new RuntimeException("Mutually exclusive arguments passed into grab: ${keys.intersect(badArgs) + a}")
+ }
+ }
+ // check the kill switch
+ if (!enableGrapes) { return }
+ boolean populateDepsInfo = (depsInfo != null)
+ Set localDeps = getLoadedDepsForLoader(loader)
+ dependencies.each {
+ IvyGrabRecord igr = createGrabRecord(it)
+ grabRecordsForCurrDependencies.add(igr)
+ localDeps.add(igr)
+ }
+ // the call to reverse ensures that the newest additions are in
+ // front causing existing dependencies to come last and thus
+ // claiming higher priority. Thus when module versions clash we
+ // err on the side of using the class already loaded into the
+ // classloader rather than adding another jar of the same module
+ // with a different version
+ ResolveReport report = null
+ try {
+ report = getDependencies(args, *localDeps.asList().reverse())
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ // clean-up the state first
+ localDeps.removeAll(grabRecordsForCurrDependencies)
+ grabRecordsForCurrDependencies.clear()
+ throw e
+ }
+ List results = []
+ for (ArtifactDownloadReport adl in report.allArtifactsReports) {
+ //TODO check artifact type, jar vs library, etc
+ if (adl.localFile) {
+ results += adl.localFile.toURI()
+ }
+ }
+ if (populateDepsInfo) {
+ def deps = report.dependencies
+ deps.each { depNode ->
+ def id = depNode.id
+ depsInfo << ['group' : id.organisation, 'module' : id.name, 'revision' : id.revision]
+ }
+ }
+ return results as URI[]
+ }
+ private Set getLoadedDepsForLoader(ClassLoader loader) {
+ Set localDeps = loadedDeps.get(loader)
+ if (localDeps == null) {
+ // use a linked set to preserve initial insertion order
+ localDeps = new LinkedHashSet()
+ loadedDeps.put(loader, localDeps)
+ }
+ return localDeps
+ }
+ public Map[] listDependencies (ClassLoader classLoader) {
+ if (loadedDeps.containsKey(classLoader)) {
+ List results = []
+ loadedDeps[classLoader].each { IvyGrabRecord grabbed ->
+ def dep = [
+ group : grabbed.mrid.organisation,
+ module : grabbed.mrid.name,
+ version : grabbed.mrid.revision
+ ]
+ if (grabbed.conf != ['default']) {
+ dep.conf = grabbed.conf
+ }
+ if (grabbed.changing) {
+ dep.changing = grabbed.changing
+ }
+ if (!grabbed.transitive) {
+ dep.transitive = grabbed.transitive
+ }
+ if (!grabbed.force) {
+ dep.force = grabbed.force
+ }
+ if (grabbed.classifier) {
+ dep.classifier = grabbed.classifier
+ }
+ if (grabbed.ext) {
+ dep.ext = grabbed.ext
+ }
+ if (grabbed.type) {
+ dep.type = grabbed.type
+ }
+ results << dep
+ }
+ return results
+ }
+ return null
+ }
+ public void addResolver(Map args) {
+ ChainResolver chainResolver = settings.getResolver("downloadGrapes")
+ IBiblioResolver resolver = new IBiblioResolver(name: args.name, root:args.root,
+ m2compatible:(args.m2Compatible ?: true), settings:settings)
+ chainResolver.add(resolver)
+ ivyInstance = Ivy.newInstance(settings)
+ resolvedDependencies = []
+ downloadedArtifacts = []
+ }
+class IvyGrabRecord {
+ ModuleRevisionId mrid
+ List conf
+ boolean changing
+ boolean transitive
+ boolean force
+ String classifier
+ String ext
+ String type
+ public int hashCode() {
+ return (mrid.hashCode() ^ conf.hashCode()
+ ^ (changing ? 0xaaaaaaaa : 0x55555555)
+ ^ (transitive ? 0xbbbbbbbb : 0x66666666)
+ ^ (force ? 0xcccccccc: 0x77777777)
+ ^ (classifier ? classifier.hashCode() : 0)
+ ^ (ext ? ext.hashCode() : 0)
+ ^ (type ? type.hashCode() : 0))
+ }
+ public boolean equals(Object o) {
+ return ((o.class == IvyGrabRecord)
+ && (changing == o.changing)
+ && (transitive == o.transitive)
+ && (force== o.force)
+ && (mrid == o.mrid)
+ && (conf == o.conf)
+ && (classifier == o.classifier)
+ && (ext == o.ext)
+ && (type == o.type))
+ }
diff --git a/base/org.codehaus.groovy26/src/groovy/transform/options/PropertyHandler.java b/base/org.codehaus.groovy26/src/groovy/transform/options/PropertyHandler.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..765acc46b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/base/org.codehaus.groovy26/src/groovy/transform/options/PropertyHandler.java
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+package groovy.transform.options;
+import groovy.lang.GroovyClassLoader;
+import groovy.transform.PropertyOptions;
+import org.apache.groovy.lang.annotation.Incubating;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.AnnotationNode;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.ClassHelper;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.ClassNode;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.Parameter;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.PropertyNode;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.stmt.BlockStatement;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.stmt.Statement;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.transform.AbstractASTTransformation;
+import java.lang.annotation.Annotation;
+import java.util.List;
+import static org.codehaus.groovy.ast.ClassHelper.makeWithoutCaching;
+ * Used to provide custom property handling when getting, setting or initializing properties.
+ *
+ * @since 2.5.0
+ */
+public abstract class PropertyHandler {
+ private static final Class extends Annotation> PROPERTY_OPTIONS_CLASS = PropertyOptions.class;
+ public static final ClassNode PROPERTY_OPTIONS_TYPE = makeWithoutCaching(PROPERTY_OPTIONS_CLASS, false);
+ public abstract boolean validateAttributes(AbstractASTTransformation xform, AnnotationNode anno);
+ public boolean validateProperties(AbstractASTTransformation xform, BlockStatement body, ClassNode cNode, List props) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Create a statement that will initialize the property including any defensive copying. Null if no statement should be added.
+ *
+ * @param xform the transform being processed
+ * @param anno the '@ImmutableBase' annotation node
+ * @param cNode the classnode containing the property
+ * @param pNode the property node to initialize
+ * @param namedArgMap an "args" Map if the property value should come from a named arg map or null if not
+ */
+ public abstract Statement createPropInit(AbstractASTTransformation xform, AnnotationNode anno, ClassNode cNode, PropertyNode pNode, Parameter namedArgMap);
+ /**
+ * Create the getter block used when reading the property including any defensive copying.
+ *
+ * @param pNode the property node
+ */
+ public Statement createPropGetter(PropertyNode pNode) {
+ return pNode.getGetterBlock();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Create the setter block used when setting the property. Can be null for read-only properties.
+ *
+ * @param pNode the property node
+ */
+ public Statement createPropSetter(PropertyNode pNode) {
+ return pNode.getSetterBlock();
+ }
+ protected boolean isValidAttribute(AbstractASTTransformation xform, AnnotationNode anno, String memberName) {
+ if (xform.getMemberValue(anno, memberName) != null) {
+ xform.addError("Error during " + xform.getAnnotationName() + " processing: Annotation attribute '" + memberName +
+ "' not supported for property handler " + getClass().getSimpleName(), anno);
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ public static PropertyHandler createPropertyHandler(AbstractASTTransformation xform, GroovyClassLoader loader, ClassNode cNode) {
+ List annotations = cNode.getAnnotations(PROPERTY_OPTIONS_TYPE);
+ AnnotationNode anno = annotations.isEmpty() ? null : annotations.get(0);
+ if (anno == null) return new groovy.transform.options.DefaultPropertyHandler();
+ ClassNode handlerClass = xform.getMemberClassValue(anno, "propertyHandler", ClassHelper.make(groovy.transform.options.DefaultPropertyHandler.class));
+ if (handlerClass == null) {
+ xform.addError("Couldn't determine propertyHandler class", anno);
+ return null;
+ }
+ String className = handlerClass.getName();
+ try {
+ // GRECLIPSE edit
+ //Object instance = loader.loadClass(className).newInstance();
+ Object instance = PropertyHandler.class.getClassLoader().loadClass(className).newInstance();
+ // GRECLIPSE end
+ if (instance == null) {
+ xform.addError("Can't load propertyHandler '" + className + "'", anno);
+ return null;
+ }
+ if (!PropertyHandler.class.isAssignableFrom(instance.getClass())) {
+ xform.addError("The propertyHandler class '" + handlerClass.getName() + "' on " + xform.getAnnotationName() + " is not a propertyHandler", anno);
+ return null;
+ }
+ return (PropertyHandler) instance;
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ xform.addError("Can't load propertyHandler '" + className + "' " + e, anno);
+ return null;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/base/org.codehaus.groovy26/src/org/codehaus/greclipse/GroovyTokenTypeBridge.java b/base/org.codehaus.groovy26/src/org/codehaus/greclipse/GroovyTokenTypeBridge.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..08c76619dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/base/org.codehaus.groovy26/src/org/codehaus/greclipse/GroovyTokenTypeBridge.java
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+ * Copyright 2009-2017 the original author or authors.
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package org.codehaus.greclipse;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.antlr.parser.GroovyTokenTypes;
+ * This class contains copies of the {@link GroovyTokenTypes} constants in static non-final
+ * variables. The reason for this is that we must ensure the contants do not get inlined into
+ * greclipse bytecode anywhere outside of the org.codehaus.groovyXX bundles.
+ *
+ * If those constants where inlined, this would create trouble since the values for the constants
+ * are generated by the antlr parser generator and they tend to differ between version. This will
+ * break things that uses constants inlined from one version while trying to run against another
+ * version.
+ *
+ * @author Kris De Volder
+ */
+public class GroovyTokenTypeBridge {
+ // Only the GroovyTokenTypes that we use inside Greclipse are represented here.
+ // More can be added on an as needed basis.
+ public static int IDENT = GroovyTokenTypes.IDENT;
+ public static int LBRACK = GroovyTokenTypes.LBRACK;
+ public static int LCURLY = GroovyTokenTypes.LCURLY;
+ public static int LPAREN = GroovyTokenTypes.LPAREN;
+ public static int RPAREN = GroovyTokenTypes.RPAREN;
+ public static int RBRACK = GroovyTokenTypes.RBRACK;
+ public static int RCURLY = GroovyTokenTypes.RCURLY;
+ public static int STRING_CTOR_START = GroovyTokenTypes.STRING_CTOR_START;
+ public static int STRING_CTOR_END = GroovyTokenTypes.STRING_CTOR_END;
+ public static int COMMA = GroovyTokenTypes.COMMA;
+ public static int SEMI = GroovyTokenTypes.SEMI;
+ public static int EOF = GroovyTokenTypes.EOF;
+ public static int NLS = GroovyTokenTypes.NLS;
+ public static int WS = GroovyTokenTypes.WS;
+ public static int ML_COMMENT = GroovyTokenTypes.ML_COMMENT;
+ public static int SL_COMMENT = GroovyTokenTypes.SL_COMMENT;
+ public static int CLOSABLE_BLOCK_OP = GroovyTokenTypes.CLOSABLE_BLOCK_OP;
+ public static int LITERAL_as = GroovyTokenTypes.LITERAL_as;
+ public static int LITERAL_if = GroovyTokenTypes.LITERAL_if;
+ public static int LITERAL_else = GroovyTokenTypes.LITERAL_else;
+ public static int LITERAL_for = GroovyTokenTypes.LITERAL_for;
+ public static int LITERAL_switch = GroovyTokenTypes.LITERAL_switch;
+ public static int LITERAL_while = GroovyTokenTypes.LITERAL_while;
diff --git a/base/org.codehaus.groovy26/src/org/codehaus/groovy/activator/GroovyActivator.java b/base/org.codehaus.groovy26/src/org/codehaus/groovy/activator/GroovyActivator.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..83daf48a37
--- /dev/null
+++ b/base/org.codehaus.groovy26/src/org/codehaus/groovy/activator/GroovyActivator.java
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+ * Copyright 2009-2018 the original author or authors.
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package org.codehaus.groovy.activator;
+import org.eclipse.core.runtime.FileLocator;
+import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IStatus;
+import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Platform;
+import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Plugin;
+import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Status;
+import org.osgi.framework.Bundle;
+import org.osgi.framework.BundleContext;
+import java.io.IOException;
+import java.net.URL;
+public class GroovyActivator extends Plugin {
+ public static final String PLUGIN_ID = "org.codehaus.groovy";
+ public static final String GROOVY_JAR = "lib/groovy-2.6.0-indy.jar";
+ public static URL GROOVY_JAR_URL;
+ private static GroovyActivator DEFAULT;
+ public GroovyActivator() {
+ DEFAULT = this;
+ }
+ public static GroovyActivator getDefault() {
+ return DEFAULT;
+ }
+ public static void initialize() throws IOException {
+ Bundle bundle = getDefault().getBundle();
+ URL entry = bundle.getEntry(GROOVY_JAR);
+ if (entry == null) {
+ throw new RuntimeException(
+ "Couldn't find '" + GROOVY_JAR + "' in bundle " + bundle.getSymbolicName() + " " + bundle.getVersion());
+ }
+ GROOVY_JAR_URL = FileLocator.resolve(entry);
+ }
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ @Override
+ public void start(BundleContext context) throws Exception {
+ if (Boolean.getBoolean("greclipse.debug.trace_compiler_start")) {
+ System.out.println("------------");
+ System.out.println("GRECLIPSE-1642: stack trace and other info as Groovy compiler starts");
+ printBundleState("org.codehaus.groovy.eclipse.compilerResolver");
+ printBundleState("org.eclipse.jdt.core");
+ new Exception().printStackTrace();
+ System.out.println("------------");
+ }
+ // enable InvokeDynamic support across the board
+ System.setProperty("groovy.target.indy", "true");
+ super.start(context);
+ try {
+ initialize();
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ getLog().log(new Status(IStatus.ERROR, PLUGIN_ID, "Error starting Groovy plugin", e));
+ }
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void stop(BundleContext context) throws Exception {
+ super.stop(context);
+ }
+ private static void printBundleState(String id) {
+ Bundle bundle = Platform.getBundle(id);
+ if (bundle != null) {
+ int state = bundle.getState();
+ String stateString = "UNKNOWN";
+ switch (state) {
+ case Bundle.ACTIVE:
+ stateString = "ACTIVE";
+ break;
+ case Bundle.RESOLVED:
+ stateString = "RESOLVED";
+ break;
+ case Bundle.STOPPING:
+ stateString = "STOPPING";
+ break;
+ case Bundle.INSTALLED:
+ stateString = "INSTALLED";
+ break;
+ case Bundle.UNINSTALLED:
+ stateString = "UNINSTALLED";
+ break;
+ }
+ System.out.println(id + " state: " + stateString);
+ } else {
+ System.out.println(id + " is not installed");
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/base/org.codehaus.groovy26/src/org/codehaus/groovy/antlr/AntlrParserPlugin.java b/base/org.codehaus.groovy26/src/org/codehaus/groovy/antlr/AntlrParserPlugin.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..efb527f16c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/base/org.codehaus.groovy26/src/org/codehaus/groovy/antlr/AntlrParserPlugin.java
@@ -0,0 +1,3936 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+package org.codehaus.groovy.antlr;
+import groovyjarjarantlr.RecognitionException;
+import groovyjarjarantlr.TokenStreamException;
+import groovyjarjarantlr.TokenStreamRecognitionException;
+import groovyjarjarantlr.collections.AST;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.GroovyBugError;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.antlr.parser.GroovyLexer;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.antlr.parser.GroovyRecognizer;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.antlr.parser.GroovyTokenTypes;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.antlr.treewalker.CompositeVisitor;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.antlr.treewalker.MindMapPrinter;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.antlr.treewalker.NodeAsHTMLPrinter;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.antlr.treewalker.PreOrderTraversal;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.antlr.treewalker.SourceCodeTraversal;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.antlr.treewalker.SourcePrinter;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.antlr.treewalker.Visitor;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.antlr.treewalker.VisitorAdapter;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.ASTNode;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.AnnotationNode;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.ClassHelper;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.ClassNode;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.ConstructorNode;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.EnumConstantClassNode;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.FieldNode;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.GenericsType;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.ImmutableClassNode;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.ImportNode;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.InnerClassNode;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.MethodNode;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.MixinNode;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.ModuleNode;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.PackageNode;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.Parameter;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.PropertyNode;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.expr.AnnotationConstantExpression;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.expr.ArgumentListExpression;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.expr.ArrayExpression;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.expr.AttributeExpression;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.expr.BinaryExpression;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.expr.BitwiseNegationExpression;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.expr.BooleanExpression;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.expr.CastExpression;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.expr.ClassExpression;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.expr.ClosureExpression;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.expr.ClosureListExpression;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.expr.ConstantExpression;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.expr.ConstructorCallExpression;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.expr.DeclarationExpression;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.expr.ElvisOperatorExpression;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.expr.EmptyExpression;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.expr.Expression;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.expr.ExpressionTransformer;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.expr.FieldExpression;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.expr.GStringExpression;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.expr.ListExpression;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.expr.MapEntryExpression;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.expr.MapExpression;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.expr.MethodCallExpression;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.expr.MethodPointerExpression;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.expr.NamedArgumentListExpression;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.expr.NotExpression;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.expr.PostfixExpression;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.expr.PrefixExpression;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.expr.PropertyExpression;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.expr.RangeExpression;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.expr.SpreadExpression;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.expr.SpreadMapExpression;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.expr.TernaryExpression;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.expr.TupleExpression;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.expr.UnaryMinusExpression;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.expr.UnaryPlusExpression;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.expr.VariableExpression;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.stmt.AssertStatement;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.stmt.BlockStatement;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.stmt.BreakStatement;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.stmt.CaseStatement;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.stmt.CatchStatement;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.stmt.ContinueStatement;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.stmt.EmptyStatement;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.stmt.ExpressionStatement;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.stmt.ForStatement;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.stmt.IfStatement;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.stmt.ReturnStatement;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.stmt.Statement;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.stmt.SwitchStatement;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.stmt.SynchronizedStatement;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.stmt.ThrowStatement;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.stmt.TryCatchStatement;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.stmt.WhileStatement;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.control.CompilationFailedException;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.control.ParserPlugin;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.control.SourceUnit;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.syntax.ASTHelper;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.syntax.Numbers;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.syntax.ParserException;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.syntax.Reduction;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.syntax.SyntaxException;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.syntax.Token;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.syntax.Types;
+import groovyjarjarasm.asm.Opcodes;
+import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
+import java.io.FileOutputStream;
+import java.io.PrintStream;
+import java.io.Reader;
+import java.security.AccessController;
+import java.security.PrivilegedAction;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.HashSet;
+import java.util.Iterator;
+import java.util.LinkedList;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.Set;
+ * A parser plugin which adapts the JSR Antlr Parser to the Groovy runtime
+ *
+ * @author James Strachan
+ */
+public class AntlrParserPlugin extends ASTHelper implements ParserPlugin, GroovyTokenTypes {
+ private static class AnonymousInnerClassCarrier extends Expression {
+ ClassNode innerClass;
+ public Expression transformExpression(ExpressionTransformer transformer) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void setSourcePosition(final ASTNode node) {
+ super.setSourcePosition(node);
+ innerClass.setSourcePosition(node);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void setColumnNumber(final int columnNumber) {
+ super.setColumnNumber(columnNumber);
+ innerClass.setColumnNumber(columnNumber);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void setLineNumber(final int lineNumber) {
+ super.setLineNumber(lineNumber);
+ innerClass.setLineNumber(lineNumber);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void setLastColumnNumber(final int columnNumber) {
+ super.setLastColumnNumber(columnNumber);
+ innerClass.setLastColumnNumber(columnNumber);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void setLastLineNumber(final int lineNumber) {
+ super.setLastLineNumber(lineNumber);
+ innerClass.setLastLineNumber(lineNumber);
+ }
+ }
+ protected AST ast;
+ private ClassNode classNode;
+ private MethodNode methodNode;
+ // GRECLIPSE private->protected
+ protected String[] tokenNames;
+ private int innerClassCounter = 1;
+ private boolean enumConstantBeingDef = false;
+ private boolean forStatementBeingDef = false;
+ private boolean annotationBeingDef = false;
+ private boolean firstParamIsVarArg = false;
+ private boolean firstParam = false;
+ // GRECLIPSE add
+ protected LocationSupport locations = LocationSupport.NO_LOCATIONS;
+ // GRECLIPSE end
+ public /*final*/ Reduction parseCST(final SourceUnit sourceUnit, Reader reader) throws CompilationFailedException {
+ final SourceBuffer sourceBuffer = new SourceBuffer();
+ transformCSTIntoAST(sourceUnit, reader, sourceBuffer);
+ processAST();
+ return outputAST(sourceUnit, sourceBuffer);
+ }
+ protected void transformCSTIntoAST(SourceUnit sourceUnit, Reader reader, SourceBuffer sourceBuffer) throws CompilationFailedException {
+ ast = null;
+ setController(sourceUnit);
+ // TODO find a way to inject any GroovyLexer/GroovyRecognizer
+ UnicodeEscapingReader unicodeReader = new UnicodeEscapingReader(reader, sourceBuffer);
+ UnicodeLexerSharedInputState inputState = new UnicodeLexerSharedInputState(unicodeReader);
+ GroovyLexer lexer = new GroovyLexer(inputState);
+ unicodeReader.setLexer(lexer);
+ GroovyRecognizer parser = GroovyRecognizer.make(lexer);
+ parser.setSourceBuffer(sourceBuffer);
+ tokenNames = parser.getTokenNames();
+ parser.setFilename(sourceUnit.getName());
+ // start parsing at the compilationUnit rule
+ try {
+ parser.compilationUnit();
+ }
+ catch (TokenStreamRecognitionException tsre) {
+ RecognitionException e = tsre.recog;
+ SyntaxException se = new SyntaxException(e.getMessage(), e, e.getLine(), e.getColumn());
+ se.setFatal(true);
+ sourceUnit.addError(se);
+ }
+ catch (RecognitionException e) {
+ SyntaxException se = new SyntaxException(e.getMessage(), e, e.getLine(), e.getColumn());
+ se.setFatal(true);
+ sourceUnit.addError(se);
+ }
+ catch (TokenStreamException e) {
+ sourceUnit.addException(e);
+ }
+ // GRECLIPSE add
+ configureLocationSupport(sourceBuffer);
+ // GRECLIPSE end
+ ast = parser.getAST();
+ }
+ // GRECLIPSE add
+ protected void configureLocationSupport(SourceBuffer sourceBuffer) {
+ locations = sourceBuffer.getLocationSupport();
+ }
+ // GRECLIPSE end
+ protected void processAST() {
+ AntlrASTProcessor snippets = new AntlrASTProcessSnippets();
+ ast = snippets.process(ast);
+ }
+ public Reduction outputAST(final SourceUnit sourceUnit, final SourceBuffer sourceBuffer) {
+ AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction() {
+ public Object run() {
+ outputASTInVariousFormsIfNeeded(sourceUnit, sourceBuffer);
+ return null;
+ }
+ });
+ return null; //new Reduction(Tpken.EOF);
+ }
+ // GRECLIPSE: from private->protected
+ protected void outputASTInVariousFormsIfNeeded(SourceUnit sourceUnit, SourceBuffer sourceBuffer) {
+ // straight xstream output of AST
+ String formatProp = System.getProperty("ANTLR.AST".toLowerCase()); // uppercase to hide from jarjar
+ if ("xml".equals(formatProp)) {
+ saveAsXML(sourceUnit.getName(), ast);
+ }
+ // 'pretty printer' output of AST
+ if ("groovy".equals(formatProp)) {
+ try {
+ PrintStream out = new PrintStream(new FileOutputStream(sourceUnit.getName() + ".pretty.groovy"));
+ Visitor visitor = new SourcePrinter(out, tokenNames);
+ AntlrASTProcessor treewalker = new SourceCodeTraversal(visitor);
+ treewalker.process(ast);
+ } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
+ System.out.println("Cannot create " + sourceUnit.getName() + ".pretty.groovy");
+ }
+ }
+ // output AST in format suitable for opening in http://freemind.sourceforge.net
+ // which is a really nice way of seeing the AST, folding nodes etc
+ if ("mindmap".equals(formatProp)) {
+ try {
+ PrintStream out = new PrintStream(new FileOutputStream(sourceUnit.getName() + ".mm"));
+ Visitor visitor = new MindMapPrinter(out, tokenNames);
+ AntlrASTProcessor treewalker = new PreOrderTraversal(visitor);
+ treewalker.process(ast);
+ } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
+ System.out.println("Cannot create " + sourceUnit.getName() + ".mm");
+ }
+ }
+ // include original line/col info and source code on the mindmap output
+ if ("extendedMindmap".equals(formatProp)) {
+ try {
+ PrintStream out = new PrintStream(new FileOutputStream(sourceUnit.getName() + ".mm"));
+ Visitor visitor = new MindMapPrinter(out, tokenNames, sourceBuffer);
+ AntlrASTProcessor treewalker = new PreOrderTraversal(visitor);
+ treewalker.process(ast);
+ } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
+ System.out.println("Cannot create " + sourceUnit.getName() + ".mm");
+ }
+ }
+ // html output of AST
+ if ("html".equals(formatProp)) {
+ try {
+ PrintStream out = new PrintStream(new FileOutputStream(sourceUnit.getName() + ".html"));
+ List v = new ArrayList();
+ v.add(new NodeAsHTMLPrinter(out, tokenNames));
+ v.add(new SourcePrinter(out, tokenNames));
+ Visitor visitors = new CompositeVisitor(v);
+ AntlrASTProcessor treewalker = new SourceCodeTraversal(visitors);
+ treewalker.process(ast);
+ } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
+ System.out.println("Cannot create " + sourceUnit.getName() + ".html");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private static void saveAsXML(String name, AST ast) {
+ // GRECLIPSE edit
+ //XStreamUtils.serialize(name+".antlr", ast);
+ // GRECLIPSE end
+ }
+ public ModuleNode buildAST(SourceUnit sourceUnit, ClassLoader classLoader, Reduction cst) throws ParserException {
+ setClassLoader(classLoader);
+ makeModule();
+ try {
+ // GRECLIPSE add
+ // just in case buildAST is called twice
+ innerClassCounter = 1;
+ // GRECLIPSE end
+ convertGroovy(ast);
+ // GRECLIPSE edit
+ //if (output.getStatementBlock().isEmpty() && output.getMethods().isEmpty() && output.getClasses().isEmpty()) {
+ // does it look broken (i.e. have we built a script for it containing rubbish)
+ boolean hasNoMethods = output.getMethods().isEmpty();
+ if (hasNoMethods && sourceUnit.getErrorCollector().hasErrors() && looksBroken(output)) {
+ output.setEncounteredUnrecoverableError(true);
+ }
+ if (output.getStatementBlock().isEmpty() && hasNoMethods && output.getClasses().isEmpty()) {
+ if (ast == null && sourceUnit.getErrorCollector().hasErrors()) {
+ output.setEncounteredUnrecoverableError(true);
+ }
+ // GRECLIPSE end
+ output.addStatement(ReturnStatement.RETURN_NULL_OR_VOID);
+ }
+ // set the script source position
+ ClassNode scriptClassNode = output.getScriptClassDummy();
+ if (scriptClassNode != null) {
+ List statements = output.getStatementBlock().getStatements();
+ if (!statements.isEmpty()) {
+ Statement firstStatement = statements.get(0);
+ Statement lastStatement = statements.get(statements.size() - 1);
+ scriptClassNode.setSourcePosition(firstStatement);
+ scriptClassNode.setLastColumnNumber(lastStatement.getLastColumnNumber());
+ scriptClassNode.setLastLineNumber(lastStatement.getLastLineNumber());
+ }
+ }
+ // GRECLIPSE add
+ fixModuleNodeLocations();
+ // GRECLIPSE end
+ }
+ catch (ASTRuntimeException e) {
+ throw new ASTParserException(e.getMessage() + ". File: " + sourceUnit.getName(), e);
+ }
+ // GRECLIPSE add
+ ast = null;
+ // GRECLIPSE end
+ return output;
+ }
+ // GRECLIPSE add
+ private boolean looksBroken(ModuleNode moduleNode) {
+ List classes = moduleNode.getClasses();
+ if (classes.size() != 1 || !classes.get(0).isScript()) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ BlockStatement statementBlock = moduleNode.getStatementBlock();
+ if (statementBlock.isEmpty()) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ // Is it just a constant expression containing the word error?
+ // do we need to change it from ERROR to something more unlikely?
+ List statements = statementBlock.getStatements();
+ if (statements != null && statements.size() == 1) {
+ Statement statement = statements.get(0);
+ if (statement instanceof ExpressionStatement) {
+ Expression expression = ((ExpressionStatement) statement).getExpression();
+ if (expression instanceof ConstantExpression) {
+ // ERROR node set at unknownAST
+ if (expression.toString().equals("ConstantExpression[ERROR]")) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ // GRECLIPSE end
+ /**
+ * Converts the Antlr AST to the Groovy AST
+ */
+ protected void convertGroovy(AST node) {
+ while (node != null) {
+ int type = node.getType();
+ switch (type) {
+ packageDef(node);
+ break;
+ case IMPORT:
+ importDef(node);
+ break;
+ case TRAIT_DEF:
+ case CLASS_DEF:
+ classDef(node);
+ break;
+ interfaceDef(node);
+ break;
+ case METHOD_DEF:
+ methodDef(node);
+ break;
+ case ENUM_DEF:
+ enumDef(node);
+ break;
+ annotationDef(node);
+ break;
+ default: {
+ Statement statement = statement(node);
+ output.addStatement(statement);
+ }
+ }
+ node = node.getNextSibling();
+ }
+ }
+ // Top level control structures
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ protected void packageDef(AST packageDef) {
+ List annotations = new ArrayList();
+ AST node = packageDef.getFirstChild();
+ if (isType(ANNOTATIONS, node)) {
+ processAnnotations(annotations, node);
+ node = node.getNextSibling();
+ }
+ String name = qualifiedName(node);
+ // TODO should we check package node doesn't already exist? conflict?
+ PackageNode packageNode = setPackage(name, annotations);
+ // GRECLIPSE edit
+ //configureAST(packageNode, packageDef);
+ configureAST(packageNode, node);
+ // GRECLIPSE end
+ }
+ protected void importDef(AST importNode) {
+ try {
+ // GROOVY-6094
+ output.putNodeMetaData(ImportNode.class, ImportNode.class);
+ boolean isStatic = importNode.getType() == STATIC_IMPORT;
+ List annotations = new ArrayList();
+ AST node = importNode.getFirstChild();
+ if (isType(ANNOTATIONS, node)) {
+ processAnnotations(annotations, node);
+ node = node.getNextSibling();
+ }
+ String alias = null;
+ // GRECLIPSE add
+ AST aliasNode = null;
+ // GRECLIPSE end
+ if (isType(LITERAL_as, node)) {
+ //import is like "import Foo as Bar"
+ node = node.getFirstChild();
+ /*GRECLIPSE AST*/ aliasNode = node.getNextSibling();
+ alias = identifier(aliasNode);
+ }
+ if (node.getNumberOfChildren() == 0) {
+ String name = identifier(node);
+ // import is like "import Foo"
+ ClassNode type = ClassHelper.make(name);
+ configureAST(type, importNode);
+ addImport(type, name, alias, annotations);
+ return;
+ }
+ AST packageNode = node.getFirstChild();
+ String packageName = qualifiedName(packageNode);
+ AST nameNode = packageNode.getNextSibling();
+ if (isType(STAR, nameNode)) {
+ if (isStatic) {
+ // import is like "import static foo.Bar.*"
+ // packageName is actually a className in this case
+ ClassNode type = ClassHelper.make(packageName);
+ // GRECLIPSE edit
+ //configureAST(type, importNode);
+ //addStaticStarImport(type, packageName, annotations);
+ configureAST(type, packageNode);
+ addStaticStarImport(type, packageName, annotations);
+ ASTNode imp = output.getStaticStarImports().get(packageName);
+ if (type instanceof ImmutableClassNode) {
+ ClassExpression typeNode = new ClassExpression(type);
+ imp.setNodeMetaData(ClassExpression.class, typeNode);
+ configureAST(typeNode, packageNode);
+ }
+ configureAST(imp, importNode);
+ // GRECLIPSE end
+ } else {
+ // import is like "import foo.*"
+ addStarImport(packageName, annotations);
+ // GRECLIPSE add
+ // must configure sloc for import node
+ ASTNode imp = output.getStarImports().get(output.getStarImports().size() - 1);
+ configureAST(imp, importNode);
+ // GRECLIPSE end
+ }
+ if (alias != null) throw new GroovyBugError(
+ "imports like 'import foo.* as Bar' are not " +
+ "supported and should be caught by the grammar");
+ } else {
+ // GRECLIPSE add
+ ImportNode imp;
+ // GRECLIPSE end
+ String name = identifier(nameNode);
+ if (isStatic) {
+ // import is like "import static foo.Bar.method"
+ // packageName is really class name in this case
+ ClassNode type = ClassHelper.make(packageName);
+ // GRECLIPSE edit
+ //configureAST(type, importNode);
+ //addStaticImport(type, name, alias, annotations);
+ configureAST(type, packageNode);
+ addStaticImport(type, name, alias, annotations);
+ imp = output.getStaticImports().get(alias == null ? name : alias);
+ if (type instanceof ImmutableClassNode) {
+ ClassExpression typeNode = new ClassExpression(type);
+ imp.setNodeMetaData(ClassExpression.class, typeNode);
+ configureAST(typeNode, packageNode);
+ }
+ configureAST(imp, importNode);
+ ConstantExpression nameExpr = new ConstantExpression(name);
+ configureAST(nameExpr, nameNode);
+ imp.setFieldNameExpr(nameExpr);
+ // GRECLIPSE end
+ } else {
+ // import is like "import foo.Bar"
+ ClassNode type = ClassHelper.make(packageName + "." + name);
+ // GRECLIPSE edit
+ // sloc for importNode configured by the ModuleNode
+ configureAST(type, /*importNode*/nameNode);
+ // GRECLIPSE end
+ addImport(type, name, alias, annotations);
+ // GRECLIPSE add
+ // be more precise about the sloc for the import node
+ imp = output.getImport(alias == null ? name : alias);
+ if (type instanceof ImmutableClassNode) {
+ ClassExpression typeNode = new ClassExpression(type);
+ imp.setNodeMetaData(ClassExpression.class, typeNode);
+ configureAST(typeNode, nameNode);
+ }
+ configureAST(imp, importNode);
+ // GRECLIPSE end
+ }
+ // GRECLIPSE add
+ // configure alias ast
+ if (alias != null) {
+ ConstantExpression aliasExpr = new ConstantExpression(alias);
+ configureAST(aliasExpr, aliasNode);
+ imp.setAliasExpr(aliasExpr);
+ }
+ // GRECLIPSE end
+ }
+ } finally {
+ // we're using node metadata here in order to fix GROOVY-6094
+ // without breaking external APIs
+ Object node = output.getNodeMetaData(ImportNode.class);
+ if (node!=null && node!=ImportNode.class) {
+ configureAST((ImportNode)node, importNode);
+ }
+ output.removeNodeMetaData(ImportNode.class);
+ }
+ }
+ private void processAnnotations(List annotations, AST node) {
+ AST child = node.getFirstChild();
+ while (child != null) {
+ if (isType(ANNOTATION, child))
+ annotations.add(annotation(child));
+ child = child.getNextSibling();
+ }
+ }
+ protected void annotationDef(AST classDef) {
+ List annotations = new ArrayList();
+ AST node = classDef.getFirstChild();
+ int modifiers = Opcodes.ACC_PUBLIC;
+ if (isType(MODIFIERS, node)) {
+ modifiers = modifiers(node, annotations, modifiers);
+ checkNoInvalidModifier(classDef, "Annotation Definition", modifiers, Opcodes.ACC_SYNCHRONIZED, "synchronized");
+ node = node.getNextSibling();
+ }
+ modifiers |= Opcodes.ACC_ABSTRACT | Opcodes.ACC_INTERFACE | Opcodes.ACC_ANNOTATION;
+ String name = identifier(node);
+ // GRECLIPSE add
+ GroovySourceAST groovySourceAST = (GroovySourceAST) node;
+ int nameStart = locations.findOffset(groovySourceAST.getLine(), groovySourceAST.getColumn());
+ int nameEnd = locations.findOffset(groovySourceAST.getLineLast(), groovySourceAST.getColumnLast()) - 1;
+ // GRECLIPSE end
+ node = node.getNextSibling();
+ ClassNode superClass = ClassHelper.OBJECT_TYPE;
+ GenericsType[] genericsType = null;
+ if (isType(TYPE_PARAMETERS, node)) {
+ genericsType = makeGenericsType(node);
+ node = node.getNextSibling();
+ }
+ ClassNode[] interfaces = ClassNode.EMPTY_ARRAY;
+ if (isType(EXTENDS_CLAUSE, node)) {
+ interfaces = interfaces(node);
+ node = node.getNextSibling();
+ }
+ boolean syntheticPublic = ((modifiers & Opcodes.ACC_SYNTHETIC) != 0);
+ modifiers &= ~Opcodes.ACC_SYNTHETIC;
+ classNode = new ClassNode(dot(getPackageName(), name), modifiers, superClass, interfaces, null);
+ classNode.setSyntheticPublic(syntheticPublic);
+ classNode.addAnnotations(annotations);
+ classNode.setGenericsTypes(genericsType);
+ classNode.addInterface(ClassHelper.Annotation_TYPE);
+ // GRECLIPSE add
+ classNode.setNameStart(nameStart);
+ classNode.setNameEnd(nameEnd);
+ // GRECLIPSE end
+ configureAST(classNode, classDef);
+ assertNodeType(OBJBLOCK, node);
+ objectBlock(node);
+ output.addClass(classNode);
+ classNode = null;
+ }
+ protected void interfaceDef(AST classDef) {
+ int oldInnerClassCounter = innerClassCounter;
+ innerInterfaceDef(classDef);
+ classNode = null;
+ innerClassCounter = oldInnerClassCounter;
+ }
+ protected void innerInterfaceDef(AST classDef) {
+ List annotations = new ArrayList();
+ AST node = classDef.getFirstChild();
+ int modifiers = Opcodes.ACC_PUBLIC;
+ if (isType(MODIFIERS, node)) {
+ modifiers = modifiers(node, annotations, modifiers);
+ checkNoInvalidModifier(classDef, "Interface", modifiers, Opcodes.ACC_SYNCHRONIZED, "synchronized");
+ node = node.getNextSibling();
+ }
+ modifiers |= Opcodes.ACC_ABSTRACT | Opcodes.ACC_INTERFACE;
+ String name = identifier(node);
+ // GRECLIPSE add
+ GroovySourceAST groovySourceAST = (GroovySourceAST) node;
+ int nameStart = locations.findOffset(groovySourceAST.getLine(), groovySourceAST.getColumn());
+ int nameEnd = locations.findOffset(groovySourceAST.getLineLast(), groovySourceAST.getColumnLast()) - 1;
+ // GRECLIPSE end
+ node = node.getNextSibling();
+ ClassNode superClass = ClassHelper.OBJECT_TYPE;
+ GenericsType[] genericsType = null;
+ if (isType(TYPE_PARAMETERS, node)) {
+ genericsType = makeGenericsType(node);
+ node = node.getNextSibling();
+ }
+ ClassNode[] interfaces = ClassNode.EMPTY_ARRAY;
+ if (isType(EXTENDS_CLAUSE, node)) {
+ interfaces = interfaces(node);
+ node = node.getNextSibling();
+ }
+ ClassNode outerClass = classNode;
+ boolean syntheticPublic = ((modifiers & Opcodes.ACC_SYNTHETIC) != 0);
+ modifiers &= ~Opcodes.ACC_SYNTHETIC;
+ if (classNode != null) {
+ name = classNode.getNameWithoutPackage() + "$" + name;
+ String fullName = dot(classNode.getPackageName(), name);
+ classNode = new InnerClassNode(classNode, fullName, modifiers, superClass, interfaces, null);
+ } else {
+ classNode = new ClassNode(dot(getPackageName(), name), modifiers, superClass, interfaces, null);
+ }
+ classNode.setSyntheticPublic(syntheticPublic);
+ classNode.addAnnotations(annotations);
+ classNode.setGenericsTypes(genericsType);
+ configureAST(classNode, classDef);
+ // GRECLIPSE add
+ classNode.setNameStart(nameStart);
+ classNode.setNameEnd(nameEnd);
+ // GRECLIPSE end
+ int oldClassCount = innerClassCounter;
+ assertNodeType(OBJBLOCK, node);
+ objectBlock(node);
+ output.addClass(classNode);
+ classNode = outerClass;
+ innerClassCounter = oldClassCount;
+ }
+ protected void classDef(AST classDef) {
+ int oldInnerClassCounter = innerClassCounter;
+ innerClassDef(classDef);
+ classNode = null;
+ innerClassCounter = oldInnerClassCounter;
+ }
+ private ClassNode getClassOrScript(ClassNode node) {
+ if (node != null) return node;
+ return output.getScriptClassDummy();
+ }
+ protected Expression anonymousInnerClassDef(AST node) {
+ ClassNode oldNode = classNode;
+ ClassNode outerClass = getClassOrScript(oldNode);
+ String fullName = outerClass.getName() + '$' + innerClassCounter;
+ innerClassCounter++;
+ if (enumConstantBeingDef) {
+ classNode = new EnumConstantClassNode(outerClass, fullName, Opcodes.ACC_PUBLIC, ClassHelper.OBJECT_TYPE);
+ } else {
+ classNode = new InnerClassNode(outerClass, fullName, Opcodes.ACC_PUBLIC, ClassHelper.OBJECT_TYPE);
+ }
+ ((InnerClassNode) classNode).setAnonymous(true);
+ classNode.setEnclosingMethod(methodNode);
+ assertNodeType(OBJBLOCK, node);
+ objectBlock(node);
+ output.addClass(classNode);
+ AnonymousInnerClassCarrier ret = new AnonymousInnerClassCarrier();
+ ret.innerClass = classNode;
+ // GRECLIPSE add
+ configureAST(classNode, node);
+ // GRECLIPSE end
+ classNode = oldNode;
+ return ret;
+ }
+ protected void innerClassDef(AST classDef) {
+ List annotations = new ArrayList();
+ if (isType(TRAIT_DEF, classDef)) {
+ annotations.add(new AnnotationNode(ClassHelper.make("groovy.transform.Trait")));
+ }
+ AST node = classDef.getFirstChild();
+ int modifiers = Opcodes.ACC_PUBLIC;
+ if (isType(MODIFIERS, node)) {
+ modifiers = modifiers(node, annotations, modifiers);
+ checkNoInvalidModifier(classDef, "Class", modifiers, Opcodes.ACC_SYNCHRONIZED, "synchronized");
+ node = node.getNextSibling();
+ }
+ String name = identifier(node);
+ // GRECLIPSE add
+ GroovySourceAST groovySourceAST = (GroovySourceAST) node;
+ int nameStart = locations.findOffset(groovySourceAST.getLine(), groovySourceAST.getColumn());
+ int nameEnd = nameStart + name.length() - 1;
+ // GRECLIPSE end
+ node = node.getNextSibling();
+ GenericsType[] genericsType = null;
+ if (isType(TYPE_PARAMETERS, node)) {
+ genericsType = makeGenericsType(node);
+ node = node.getNextSibling();
+ }
+ ClassNode superClass = null;
+ if (isType(EXTENDS_CLAUSE, node)) {
+ superClass = makeTypeWithArguments(node);
+ node = node.getNextSibling();
+ }
+ ClassNode[] interfaces = ClassNode.EMPTY_ARRAY;
+ if (isType(IMPLEMENTS_CLAUSE, node)) {
+ interfaces = interfaces(node);
+ node = node.getNextSibling();
+ }
+ // TODO read mixins
+ MixinNode[] mixins = {};
+ ClassNode outerClass = classNode;
+ boolean syntheticPublic = ((modifiers & Opcodes.ACC_SYNTHETIC) != 0);
+ modifiers &= ~Opcodes.ACC_SYNTHETIC;
+ if (classNode != null) {
+ name = classNode.getNameWithoutPackage() + "$" + name;
+ String fullName = dot(classNode.getPackageName(), name);
+ if (classNode.isInterface()) {
+ modifiers |= Opcodes.ACC_STATIC;
+ }
+ classNode = new InnerClassNode(classNode, fullName, modifiers, superClass, interfaces, mixins);
+ } else {
+ classNode = new ClassNode(dot(getPackageName(), name), modifiers, superClass, interfaces, mixins);
+ }
+ classNode.addAnnotations(annotations);
+ classNode.setGenericsTypes(genericsType);
+ classNode.setSyntheticPublic(syntheticPublic);
+ configureAST(classNode, classDef);
+ // GRECLIPSE add
+ classNode.setNameStart(nameStart);
+ classNode.setNameEnd(nameEnd);
+ // GRECLIPSE end
+ // we put the class already in output to avoid the most inner classes
+ // will be used as first class later in the loader. The first class
+ // there determines what GCL#parseClass for example will return, so we
+ // have here to ensure it won't be the inner class
+ output.addClass(classNode);
+ int oldClassCount = innerClassCounter;
+ // GRECLIPSE add
+ // a null node means the classbody is missing but the parser recovered
+ // an error will already have been recorded against the file
+ if (node != null) {
+ // GRECLIPSE end
+ assertNodeType(OBJBLOCK, node);
+ objectBlock(node);
+ // GRECLIPSE add
+ }
+ // GRECLIPSE end
+ classNode = outerClass;
+ innerClassCounter = oldClassCount;
+ }
+ protected void objectBlock(AST objectBlock) {
+ for (AST node = objectBlock.getFirstChild(); node != null; node = node.getNextSibling()) {
+ int type = node.getType();
+ switch (type) {
+ case OBJBLOCK:
+ objectBlock(node);
+ break;
+ case METHOD_DEF:
+ methodDef(node);
+ break;
+ case CTOR_IDENT:
+ constructorDef(node);
+ break;
+ fieldDef(node);
+ break;
+ staticInit(node);
+ break;
+ objectInit(node);
+ break;
+ case ENUM_DEF:
+ enumDef(node);
+ break;
+ enumConstantDef(node);
+ break;
+ case TRAIT_DEF:
+ case CLASS_DEF:
+ innerClassDef(node);
+ break;
+ innerInterfaceDef(node);
+ break;
+ default:
+ unknownAST(node);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ protected void enumDef(AST enumNode) {
+ assertNodeType(ENUM_DEF, enumNode);
+ List annotations = new ArrayList();
+ AST node = enumNode.getFirstChild();
+ int modifiers = Opcodes.ACC_PUBLIC;
+ if (isType(MODIFIERS, node)) {
+ modifiers = modifiers(node, annotations, modifiers);
+ node = node.getNextSibling();
+ }
+ // GRECLIPSE add
+ GroovySourceAST groovySourceAST = (GroovySourceAST) node;
+ int nameStart = locations.findOffset(groovySourceAST.getLine(), groovySourceAST.getColumn());
+ int nameEnd = locations.findOffset(groovySourceAST.getLineLast(), groovySourceAST.getColumnLast()) - 1;
+ // GRECLIPSE end
+ String name = identifier(node);
+ node = node.getNextSibling();
+ ClassNode[] interfaces = interfaces(node);
+ node = node.getNextSibling();
+ boolean syntheticPublic = ((modifiers & Opcodes.ACC_SYNTHETIC) != 0);
+ modifiers &= ~Opcodes.ACC_SYNTHETIC;
+ String enumName = (classNode != null ? name : dot(getPackageName(), name));
+ ClassNode enumClass = EnumHelper.makeEnumNode(enumName, modifiers, interfaces, classNode);
+ enumClass.setSyntheticPublic(syntheticPublic);
+ ClassNode oldNode = classNode;
+ enumClass.addAnnotations(annotations);
+ classNode = enumClass;
+ // GRECLIPSE move
+ //configureAST(classNode, enumNode);
+ // GRECLIPSE end
+ assertNodeType(OBJBLOCK, node);
+ objectBlock(node);
+ // GRECLIPSE add
+ classNode.setNameStart(nameStart);
+ classNode.setNameEnd(nameEnd);
+ configureAST(classNode, enumNode);
+ // GRECLIPSE end
+ classNode = oldNode;
+ output.addClass(enumClass);
+ }
+ protected void enumConstantDef(AST node) {
+ enumConstantBeingDef = true;
+ assertNodeType(ENUM_CONSTANT_DEF, node);
+ List annotations = new ArrayList();
+ AST element = node.getFirstChild();
+ if (isType(ANNOTATIONS, element)) {
+ processAnnotations(annotations, element);
+ element = element.getNextSibling();
+ }
+ String identifier = identifier(element);
+ // GRECLIPSE add
+ int savedLine = element.getLine();
+ int savedColumn = element.getColumn();
+ // GRECLIPSE end
+ Expression init = null;
+ element = element.getNextSibling();
+ if (element != null) {
+ init = expression(element);
+ ClassNode innerClass;
+ if (element.getNextSibling() == null) {
+ innerClass = getAnonymousInnerClassNode(init);
+ if (innerClass != null) {
+ init = null;
+ }
+ } else {
+ element = element.getNextSibling();
+ Expression next = expression(element);
+ innerClass = getAnonymousInnerClassNode(next);
+ }
+ if (innerClass != null) {
+ // we have to handle an enum constant with a class overriding
+ // a method in which case we need to configure the inner class
+ innerClass.setSuperClass(classNode.getPlainNodeReference());
+ innerClass.setModifiers(classNode.getModifiers() | Opcodes.ACC_FINAL);
+ // we use a ClassExpression for transportation to EnumVisitor
+ Expression inner = new ClassExpression(innerClass);
+ if (init == null) {
+ ListExpression le = new ListExpression();
+ le.addExpression(inner);
+ init = le;
+ } else {
+ if (init instanceof ListExpression) {
+ ((ListExpression) init).addExpression(inner);
+ } else {
+ ListExpression le = new ListExpression();
+ le.addExpression(init);
+ le.addExpression(inner);
+ init = le;
+ }
+ }
+ // and remove the final modifier from classNode to allow the sub class
+ classNode.setModifiers(classNode.getModifiers() & ~Opcodes.ACC_FINAL);
+ } else if (isType(ELIST, element)) {
+ if (init instanceof ListExpression && !((ListExpression) init).isWrapped()) {
+ ListExpression le = new ListExpression();
+ le.addExpression(init);
+ init = le;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // GRECLIPSE edit
+ //FieldNode enumField = EnumHelper.addEnumConstant(classNode, identifier, init);
+ ClassNode nonDeclaredTypeOfEnumValue =
+ ClassHelper.make(classNode.getName());
+ nonDeclaredTypeOfEnumValue.setRedirect(classNode);
+ FieldNode enumField = EnumHelper.addEnumConstant(nonDeclaredTypeOfEnumValue, classNode, identifier, init, savedLine, savedColumn);
+ enumField.setNameStart(locations.findOffset(savedLine, savedColumn));
+ enumField.setNameEnd(enumField.getNameStart() + identifier.length() - 1);
+ // GRECLIPSE end
+ enumField.addAnnotations(annotations);
+ configureAST(enumField, node);
+ enumConstantBeingDef = false;
+ }
+ protected void throwsList(AST node, List list) {
+ String name;
+ if (isType(DOT, node)) {
+ name = qualifiedName(node);
+ } else {
+ name = identifier(node);
+ }
+ ClassNode exception = ClassHelper.make(name);
+ configureAST(exception, node);
+ list.add(exception);
+ AST next = node.getNextSibling();
+ if (next != null) throwsList(next, list);
+ }
+ protected void methodDef(AST methodDef) {
+ MethodNode oldNode = methodNode;
+ List annotations = new ArrayList();
+ AST node = methodDef.getFirstChild();
+ GenericsType[] generics = null;
+ if (isType(TYPE_PARAMETERS, node)) {
+ generics = makeGenericsType(node);
+ node = node.getNextSibling();
+ }
+ int modifiers = Opcodes.ACC_PUBLIC;
+ if (isType(MODIFIERS, node)) {
+ modifiers = modifiers(node, annotations, modifiers);
+ checkNoInvalidModifier(methodDef, "Method", modifiers, Opcodes.ACC_VOLATILE, "volatile");
+ node = node.getNextSibling();
+ }
+ // GRECLIPSE add
+ else {
+ modifiers |= Opcodes.ACC_SYNTHETIC;
+ }
+ // GRECLIPSE end
+ if (isAnInterface()) {
+ modifiers |= Opcodes.ACC_ABSTRACT;
+ }
+ ClassNode returnType = null;
+ if (isType(TYPE, node)) {
+ returnType = makeTypeWithArguments(node);
+ node = node.getNextSibling();
+ }
+ String name = identifier(node);
+ if (classNode != null && !classNode.isAnnotationDefinition()) {
+ if (classNode.getNameWithoutPackage().equals(name)) {
+ if (isAnInterface()) {
+ throw new ASTRuntimeException(methodDef, "Constructor not permitted within an interface.");
+ }
+ throw new ASTRuntimeException(methodDef, "Invalid constructor format. Remove '" + returnType.getName() +
+ "' as the return type if you want a constructor, or use a different name if you want a method.");
+ }
+ }
+ // GRECLIPSE add
+ GroovySourceAST groovySourceAST = (GroovySourceAST) node;
+ int nameStart = locations.findOffset(groovySourceAST.getLine(), groovySourceAST.getColumn());
+ int nameEnd = locations.findOffset(groovySourceAST.getLine(), groovySourceAST.getColumnLast()) - 1;
+ // GRECLIPSE end
+ node = node.getNextSibling();
+ Parameter[] parameters = Parameter.EMPTY_ARRAY;
+ ClassNode[] exceptions = ClassNode.EMPTY_ARRAY;
+ if (classNode == null || !classNode.isAnnotationDefinition()) {
+ assertNodeType(PARAMETERS, node);
+ parameters = parameters(node);
+ if (parameters == null) parameters = Parameter.EMPTY_ARRAY;
+ node = node.getNextSibling();
+ if (isType(LITERAL_throws, node)) {
+ AST throwsNode = node.getFirstChild();
+ List exceptionList = new ArrayList();
+ throwsList(throwsNode, exceptionList);
+ exceptions = exceptionList.toArray(exceptions);
+ node = node.getNextSibling();
+ }
+ }
+ boolean hasAnnotationDefault = false;
+ Statement code = null;
+ boolean syntheticPublic = ((modifiers & Opcodes.ACC_SYNTHETIC) != 0);
+ modifiers &= ~Opcodes.ACC_SYNTHETIC;
+ methodNode = new MethodNode(name, modifiers, returnType, parameters, exceptions, code);
+ if ((modifiers & Opcodes.ACC_ABSTRACT) == 0) {
+ if (node == null) {
+ // GRECLIPSE edit
+ // throw new ASTRuntimeException(methodDef, "You defined a method without body. Try adding a body, or declare it abstract.");
+ //}
+ getController().addError(new SyntaxException(
+ "You defined a method without body. Try adding a body, or declare it abstract.", methodDef.getLine(), methodDef.getColumn()));
+ // create a fake node that can pretend to be the body
+ code = statementListNoChild(null, methodDef);
+ } else {
+ // GRECLIPSE end
+ assertNodeType(SLIST, node);
+ code = statementList(node);
+ // GRECLIPSE add
+ }
+ // GRECLIPSE end
+ } else if (node != null && classNode.isAnnotationDefinition()) {
+ code = statement(node);
+ hasAnnotationDefault = true;
+ } else if ((modifiers & Opcodes.ACC_ABSTRACT) > 0) {
+ if (node != null) {
+ throw new ASTRuntimeException(methodDef, "Abstract methods do not define a body.");
+ }
+ }
+ methodNode.setCode(code);
+ methodNode.addAnnotations(annotations);
+ methodNode.setGenericsTypes(generics);
+ methodNode.setAnnotationDefault(hasAnnotationDefault);
+ methodNode.setSyntheticPublic(syntheticPublic);
+ configureAST(methodNode, methodDef);
+ // GRECLIPSE add
+ methodNode.setNameStart(nameStart);
+ methodNode.setNameEnd(nameEnd);
+ // GRECLIPSE end
+ if (classNode != null) {
+ classNode.addMethod(methodNode);
+ } else {
+ output.addMethod(methodNode);
+ }
+ methodNode = oldNode;
+ }
+ private static void checkNoInvalidModifier(AST node, String nodeType, int modifiers, int modifier, String modifierText) {
+ if ((modifiers & modifier) != 0) {
+ throw new ASTRuntimeException(node, nodeType + " has an incorrect modifier '" + modifierText + "'.");
+ }
+ }
+ private boolean isAnInterface() {
+ return classNode != null && (classNode.getModifiers() & Opcodes.ACC_INTERFACE) > 0;
+ }
+ protected void staticInit(AST staticInit) {
+ BlockStatement code = (BlockStatement) statementList(staticInit);
+ classNode.addStaticInitializerStatements(code.getStatements(), false);
+ // GRECLIPSE add
+ MethodNode clinit = classNode.getDeclaredMethod("", Parameter.EMPTY_ARRAY);
+ if (clinit.getEnd() < 1) { // set source position for first initializer only
+ configureAST(clinit, staticInit);
+ }
+ // GRECLIPSE end
+ }
+ protected void objectInit(AST init) {
+ BlockStatement code = (BlockStatement) statementList(init);
+ classNode.addObjectInitializerStatements(code);
+ }
+ protected void constructorDef(AST constructorDef) {
+ List annotations = new ArrayList();
+ AST node = constructorDef.getFirstChild();
+ // GRECLIPSE add
+ // constructor name is not stored as an AST node
+ // instead grab the end of the Modifiers node and the start of the parameters node
+ GroovySourceAST groovySourceAST = (GroovySourceAST) node;
+ int nameStart = locations.findOffset(groovySourceAST.getLineLast(), groovySourceAST.getColumnLast());
+ // GRECLIPSE end
+ int modifiers = Opcodes.ACC_PUBLIC;
+ if (isType(MODIFIERS, node)) {
+ modifiers = modifiers(node, annotations, modifiers);
+ checkNoInvalidModifier(constructorDef, "Constructor", modifiers, Opcodes.ACC_STATIC, "static");
+ checkNoInvalidModifier(constructorDef, "Constructor", modifiers, Opcodes.ACC_FINAL, "final");
+ checkNoInvalidModifier(constructorDef, "Constructor", modifiers, Opcodes.ACC_ABSTRACT, "abstract");
+ checkNoInvalidModifier(constructorDef, "Constructor", modifiers, Opcodes.ACC_NATIVE, "native");
+ node = node.getNextSibling();
+ }
+ // GRECLIPSE add
+ else {
+ modifiers |= Opcodes.ACC_SYNTHETIC;
+ }
+ // GRECLIPSE end
+ assertNodeType(PARAMETERS, node);
+ Parameter[] parameters = parameters(node);
+ if (parameters == null) parameters = Parameter.EMPTY_ARRAY;
+ // GRECLIPSE add
+ int nameEnd = locations.findOffset(node.getLine(), node.getColumn()) - 2;
+ // GRECLIPSE end
+ node = node.getNextSibling();
+ ClassNode[] exceptions = ClassNode.EMPTY_ARRAY;
+ if (isType(LITERAL_throws, node)) {
+ AST throwsNode = node.getFirstChild();
+ List exceptionList = new ArrayList();
+ throwsList(throwsNode, exceptionList);
+ exceptions = exceptionList.toArray(exceptions);
+ node = node.getNextSibling();
+ }
+ assertNodeType(SLIST, node);
+ boolean syntheticPublic = ((modifiers & Opcodes.ACC_SYNTHETIC) != 0);
+ modifiers &= ~Opcodes.ACC_SYNTHETIC;
+ ConstructorNode constructorNode = classNode.addConstructor(modifiers, parameters, exceptions, null);
+ MethodNode oldMethod = methodNode;
+ methodNode = constructorNode;
+ Statement code = statementList(node);
+ methodNode = oldMethod;
+ constructorNode.setCode(code);
+ constructorNode.setSyntheticPublic(syntheticPublic);
+ constructorNode.addAnnotations(annotations);
+ configureAST(constructorNode, constructorDef);
+ // GRECLIPSE add
+ constructorNode.setNameStart(nameStart);
+ constructorNode.setNameEnd(nameEnd);
+ // GRECLIPSE end
+ }
+ protected void fieldDef(AST fieldDef) {
+ List annotations = new ArrayList();
+ AST node = fieldDef.getFirstChild();
+ int modifiers = 0;
+ if (isType(MODIFIERS, node)) {
+ modifiers = modifiers(node, annotations, modifiers);
+ node = node.getNextSibling();
+ }
+ // GRECLIPSE add
+ modifiers &= ~Opcodes.ACC_SYNTHETIC;
+ // GRECLIPSE end
+ if (classNode.isInterface()) {
+ modifiers |= Opcodes.ACC_STATIC | Opcodes.ACC_FINAL;
+ if ((modifiers & (Opcodes.ACC_PRIVATE | Opcodes.ACC_PROTECTED)) == 0) {
+ modifiers |= Opcodes.ACC_PUBLIC;
+ }
+ }
+ ClassNode type = null;
+ if (isType(TYPE, node)) {
+ type = makeTypeWithArguments(node);
+ node = node.getNextSibling();
+ }
+ String name = identifier(node);
+ // GRECLIPSE add
+ GroovySourceAST groovySourceAST = (GroovySourceAST) node;
+ int nameStart = locations.findOffset(groovySourceAST.getLine(), groovySourceAST.getColumn());
+ int nameEnd = nameStart + name.length() - 1;
+ // GRECLIPSE end
+ node = node.getNextSibling();
+ Expression initialValue = null;
+ if (node != null) {
+ assertNodeType(ASSIGN, node);
+ initialValue = expression(node.getFirstChild());
+ }
+ if (classNode.isInterface() && initialValue == null && type != null) {
+ initialValue = getDefaultValueForPrimitive(type);
+ }
+ FieldNode fieldNode = new FieldNode(name, modifiers, type, classNode, initialValue);
+ fieldNode.addAnnotations(annotations);
+ configureAST(fieldNode, fieldDef);
+ // GRECLIPSE add
+ fieldNode.setNameStart(nameStart);
+ fieldNode.setNameEnd(nameEnd);
+ // GRECLIPSE end
+ if (!hasVisibility(modifiers)) {
+ // let's set the modifiers on the field
+ int fieldModifiers = 0;
+ int flags = Opcodes.ACC_STATIC | Opcodes.ACC_TRANSIENT | Opcodes.ACC_VOLATILE | Opcodes.ACC_FINAL;
+ if (!hasVisibility(modifiers)) {
+ modifiers |= Opcodes.ACC_PUBLIC;
+ fieldModifiers |= Opcodes.ACC_PRIVATE;
+ }
+ // let's pass along any other modifiers we need
+ fieldModifiers |= (modifiers & flags);
+ fieldNode.setModifiers(fieldModifiers);
+ fieldNode.setSynthetic(true);
+ // in the case that there is already a field, we would
+ // like to use that field, instead of the default field
+ // for the property
+ FieldNode storedNode = classNode.getDeclaredField(fieldNode.getName());
+ if (storedNode != null && !classNode.hasProperty(name)) {
+ fieldNode = storedNode;
+ // we remove it here, because addProperty will add it
+ // again and we want to avoid it showing up multiple
+ // times in the fields list.
+ classNode.getFields().remove(storedNode);
+ }
+ PropertyNode propertyNode = new PropertyNode(fieldNode, modifiers, null, null);
+ configureAST(propertyNode, fieldDef);
+ classNode.addProperty(propertyNode);
+ } else {
+ fieldNode.setModifiers(modifiers);
+ // if there is a property of that name, then a field of that
+ // name already exists, which means this new field here should
+ // be used instead of the field the property originally has.
+ PropertyNode pn = classNode.getProperty(name);
+ if (pn != null && pn.getField().isSynthetic()) {
+ classNode.getFields().remove(pn.getField());
+ pn.setField(fieldNode);
+ }
+ classNode.addField(fieldNode);
+ }
+ }
+ public static Expression getDefaultValueForPrimitive(ClassNode type) {
+ if (type == ClassHelper.int_TYPE) {
+ return new ConstantExpression(0);
+ }
+ if (type == ClassHelper.long_TYPE) {
+ return new ConstantExpression(0L);
+ }
+ if (type == ClassHelper.double_TYPE) {
+ return new ConstantExpression(0.0);
+ }
+ if (type == ClassHelper.float_TYPE) {
+ return new ConstantExpression(0.0F);
+ }
+ if (type == ClassHelper.boolean_TYPE) {
+ return ConstantExpression.FALSE;
+ }
+ if (type == ClassHelper.short_TYPE) {
+ return new ConstantExpression((short) 0);
+ }
+ if (type == ClassHelper.byte_TYPE) {
+ return new ConstantExpression((byte) 0);
+ }
+ if (type == ClassHelper.char_TYPE) {
+ return new ConstantExpression((char) 0);
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ protected ClassNode[] interfaces(AST node) {
+ List interfaceList = new ArrayList();
+ for (AST implementNode = node.getFirstChild(); implementNode != null; implementNode = implementNode.getNextSibling()) {
+ // GRECLIPSE edit
+ //interfaceList.add(makeTypeWithArguments(implementNode));
+ ClassNode cn = makeTypeWithArguments(implementNode);
+ configureAST(cn, implementNode);
+ interfaceList.add(cn);
+ // GRECLIPSE end
+ }
+ ClassNode[] interfaces = ClassNode.EMPTY_ARRAY;
+ if (!interfaceList.isEmpty()) {
+ interfaces = new ClassNode[interfaceList.size()];
+ interfaceList.toArray(interfaces);
+ }
+ return interfaces;
+ }
+ protected Parameter[] parameters(AST parametersNode) {
+ AST node = parametersNode.getFirstChild();
+ firstParam = false;
+ firstParamIsVarArg = false;
+ if (node == null) {
+ if (isType(IMPLICIT_PARAMETERS, parametersNode)) return Parameter.EMPTY_ARRAY;
+ return null;
+ } else {
+ List parameters = new ArrayList();
+ AST firstParameterNode = null;
+ do {
+ firstParam = (firstParameterNode == null);
+ if (firstParameterNode == null) firstParameterNode = node;
+ parameters.add(parameter(node));
+ node = node.getNextSibling();
+ }
+ while (node != null);
+ verifyParameters(parameters, firstParameterNode);
+ Parameter[] answer = new Parameter[parameters.size()];
+ parameters.toArray(answer);
+ return answer;
+ }
+ }
+ private void verifyParameters(List parameters, AST firstParameterNode) {
+ if (parameters.size() <= 1) return;
+ Parameter first = parameters.get(0);
+ if (firstParamIsVarArg) {
+ throw new ASTRuntimeException(firstParameterNode, "The var-arg parameter " + first.getName() + " must be the last parameter.");
+ }
+ }
+ protected Parameter parameter(AST paramNode) {
+ List annotations = new ArrayList();
+ boolean variableParameterDef = isType(VARIABLE_PARAMETER_DEF, paramNode);
+ AST node = paramNode.getFirstChild();
+ int modifiers = 0;
+ if (isType(MODIFIERS, node)) {
+ modifiers = modifiers(node, annotations, modifiers);
+ node = node.getNextSibling();
+ }
+ ClassNode type = ClassHelper.DYNAMIC_TYPE;
+ if (isType(TYPE, node)) {
+ type = makeTypeWithArguments(node);
+ // GROOVY edit
+ //if (variableParameterDef) type = type.makeArray();
+ if (variableParameterDef) {
+ type = type.makeArray();
+ configureAST(type, node);
+ }
+ // GROOVY end
+ node = node.getNextSibling();
+ }
+ String name = identifier(node);
+ // GRECLIPSE add
+ int nameStart = locations.findOffset(node.getLine(), node.getColumn());
+ int nameEnd = nameStart + name.length();
+ // GRECLIPSE end
+ node = node.getNextSibling();
+ VariableExpression leftExpression = new VariableExpression(name, type);
+ leftExpression.setModifiers(modifiers);
+ configureAST(leftExpression, paramNode);
+ Parameter parameter = null;
+ if (node != null) {
+ assertNodeType(ASSIGN, node);
+ Expression rightExpression = expression(node.getFirstChild());
+ if (isAnInterface()) {
+ throw new ASTRuntimeException(node, "Cannot specify default value for method parameter '" + name + " = " + rightExpression.getText() + "' inside an interface");
+ }
+ parameter = new Parameter(type, name, rightExpression);
+ } else
+ parameter = new Parameter(type, name);
+ if (firstParam) firstParamIsVarArg = variableParameterDef;
+ configureAST(parameter, paramNode);
+ // GRECLIPSE add
+ parameter.setNameStart(nameStart);
+ parameter.setNameEnd(nameEnd);
+ // GRECLIPSE end
+ parameter.addAnnotations(annotations);
+ parameter.setModifiers(modifiers);
+ return parameter;
+ }
+ protected int modifiers(AST modifierNode, List annotations, int defaultModifiers) {
+ assertNodeType(MODIFIERS, modifierNode);
+ boolean access = false;
+ int answer = 0;
+ for (AST node = modifierNode.getFirstChild(); node != null; node = node.getNextSibling()) {
+ int type = node.getType();
+ switch (type) {
+ // ignore
+ break;
+ // annotations
+ annotations.add(annotation(node));
+ break;
+ // core access scope modifiers
+ case LITERAL_private:
+ answer = setModifierBit(node, answer, Opcodes.ACC_PRIVATE);
+ access = setAccessTrue(node, access);
+ break;
+ case LITERAL_protected:
+ answer = setModifierBit(node, answer, Opcodes.ACC_PROTECTED);
+ access = setAccessTrue(node, access);
+ break;
+ case LITERAL_public:
+ answer = setModifierBit(node, answer, Opcodes.ACC_PUBLIC);
+ access = setAccessTrue(node, access);
+ break;
+ // other modifiers
+ case ABSTRACT:
+ answer = setModifierBit(node, answer, Opcodes.ACC_ABSTRACT);
+ break;
+ case FINAL:
+ answer = setModifierBit(node, answer, Opcodes.ACC_FINAL);
+ break;
+ case LITERAL_native:
+ answer = setModifierBit(node, answer, Opcodes.ACC_NATIVE);
+ break;
+ case LITERAL_static:
+ answer = setModifierBit(node, answer, Opcodes.ACC_STATIC);
+ break;
+ case STRICTFP:
+ answer = setModifierBit(node, answer, Opcodes.ACC_STRICT);
+ break;
+ case LITERAL_synchronized:
+ answer = setModifierBit(node, answer, Opcodes.ACC_SYNCHRONIZED);
+ break;
+ case LITERAL_transient:
+ answer = setModifierBit(node, answer, Opcodes.ACC_TRANSIENT);
+ break;
+ case LITERAL_volatile:
+ answer = setModifierBit(node, answer, Opcodes.ACC_VOLATILE);
+ break;
+ default:
+ unknownAST(node);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!access) {
+ answer |= defaultModifiers;
+ // ACC_SYNTHETIC isn't used here, use it as a special flag
+ if (defaultModifiers == Opcodes.ACC_PUBLIC) answer |= Opcodes.ACC_SYNTHETIC;
+ }
+ return answer;
+ }
+ protected boolean setAccessTrue(AST node, boolean access) {
+ if (!access) {
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ throw new ASTRuntimeException(node, "Cannot specify modifier: " + node.getText() + " when access scope has already been defined");
+ }
+ }
+ protected int setModifierBit(AST node, int answer, int bit) {
+ if ((answer & bit) != 0) {
+ throw new ASTRuntimeException(node, "Cannot repeat modifier: " + node.getText());
+ }
+ return answer | bit;
+ }
+ protected AnnotationNode annotation(AST annotationNode) {
+ annotationBeingDef = true;
+ AST node = annotationNode.getFirstChild();
+ String name = qualifiedName(node);
+ AnnotationNode annotatedNode = new AnnotationNode(ClassHelper.make(name));
+ // GRECLIPSE edit
+ //configureAST(annotatedNode, annotationNode);
+ configureAnnotationAST(annotatedNode, annotationNode);
+ // GRECLIPSE end
+ while (true) {
+ node = node.getNextSibling();
+ AST memberNode = node.getFirstChild();
+ String param = identifier(memberNode);
+ Expression expression = expression(memberNode.getNextSibling());
+ if (annotatedNode.getMember(param) != null) {
+ throw new ASTRuntimeException(memberNode, "Annotation member '" + param + "' has already been associated with a value");
+ }
+ annotatedNode.setMember(param, expression);
+ } else {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ annotationBeingDef = false;
+ return annotatedNode;
+ }
+ // Statements
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ protected Statement statement(AST node) {
+ // GRECLIPSE add -- avoid NPEs on bad code
+ // NOTE: EmptyStatement.INSTANCE is immutable.
+ if (node == null) return new EmptyStatement();
+ // GRECLIPSE end
+ Statement statement = null;
+ int type = node.getType();
+ switch (type) {
+ case SLIST:
+ case LITERAL_finally:
+ statement = statementList(node);
+ break;
+ statement = methodCall(node);
+ break;
+ statement = variableDef(node);
+ break;
+ return labelledStatement(node);
+ case LITERAL_assert:
+ statement = assertStatement(node);
+ break;
+ case LITERAL_break:
+ statement = breakStatement(node);
+ break;
+ case LITERAL_continue:
+ statement = continueStatement(node);
+ break;
+ case LITERAL_if:
+ statement = ifStatement(node);
+ break;
+ case LITERAL_for:
+ statement = forStatement(node);
+ break;
+ case LITERAL_return:
+ statement = returnStatement(node);
+ break;
+ case LITERAL_synchronized:
+ statement = synchronizedStatement(node);
+ break;
+ case LITERAL_switch:
+ statement = switchStatement(node);
+ break;
+ case LITERAL_try:
+ statement = tryStatement(node);
+ break;
+ case LITERAL_throw:
+ statement = throwStatement(node);
+ break;
+ case LITERAL_while:
+ statement = whileStatement(node);
+ break;
+ default:
+ statement = new ExpressionStatement(expression(node));
+ }
+ if (statement != null) {
+ configureAST(statement, node);
+ }
+ return statement;
+ }
+ protected Statement statementList(AST code) {
+ BlockStatement block = siblingsToBlockStatement(code.getFirstChild());
+ configureAST(block, code);
+ return block;
+ }
+ protected Statement statementListNoChild(AST node, AST alternativeConfigureNode) {
+ BlockStatement block = siblingsToBlockStatement(node);
+ // alternativeConfigureNode is used only to set the source position
+ /* GRECLIPSE edit
+ if (node != null) {
+ configureAST(block, node);
+ } else {
+ configureAST(block, alternativeConfigureNode);
+ }
+ */
+ if (alternativeConfigureNode != null) {
+ configureAST(block, alternativeConfigureNode);
+ } else if (node != null) {
+ configureAST(block, node);
+ }
+ // GRECLIPSE end
+ return block;
+ }
+ private BlockStatement siblingsToBlockStatement(AST firstSiblingNode) {
+ BlockStatement block = new BlockStatement();
+ for (AST node = firstSiblingNode; node != null; node = node.getNextSibling()) {
+ block.addStatement(statement(node));
+ }
+ return block;
+ }
+ protected Statement assertStatement(AST assertNode) {
+ AST node = assertNode.getFirstChild();
+ BooleanExpression booleanExpression = booleanExpression(node);
+ Expression messageExpression = null;
+ node = node.getNextSibling();
+ if (node != null) {
+ messageExpression = expression(node);
+ } else {
+ messageExpression = ConstantExpression.NULL;
+ }
+ AssertStatement assertStatement = new AssertStatement(booleanExpression, messageExpression);
+ configureAST(assertStatement, assertNode);
+ return assertStatement;
+ }
+ protected Statement breakStatement(AST node) {
+ BreakStatement breakStatement = new BreakStatement(label(node));
+ configureAST(breakStatement, node);
+ return breakStatement;
+ }
+ protected Statement continueStatement(AST node) {
+ ContinueStatement continueStatement = new ContinueStatement(label(node));
+ configureAST(continueStatement, node);
+ return continueStatement;
+ }
+ protected Statement forStatement(AST forNode) {
+ AST inNode = forNode.getFirstChild();
+ Expression collectionExpression;
+ Parameter forParameter;
+ if (isType(CLOSURE_LIST, inNode)) {
+ forStatementBeingDef = true;
+ ClosureListExpression clist = closureListExpression(inNode);
+ forStatementBeingDef = false;
+ int size = clist.getExpressions().size();
+ if (size != 3) {
+ throw new ASTRuntimeException(inNode, "3 expressions are required for the classic for loop, you gave " + size);
+ }
+ collectionExpression = clist;
+ forParameter = ForStatement.FOR_LOOP_DUMMY;
+ } else {
+ AST variableNode = inNode.getFirstChild();
+ AST collectionNode = variableNode.getNextSibling();
+ ClassNode type = ClassHelper.OBJECT_TYPE;
+ if (isType(VARIABLE_DEF, variableNode)) {
+ AST node = variableNode.getFirstChild();
+ // skip the final modifier if it's present
+ if (isType(MODIFIERS, node)) {
+ int modifiersMask = modifiers(node, new ArrayList(), 0);
+ // only final modifier allowed
+ if ((modifiersMask & ~Opcodes.ACC_FINAL) != 0) {
+ throw new ASTRuntimeException(node, "Only the 'final' modifier is allowed in front of the for loop variable.");
+ }
+ node = node.getNextSibling();
+ }
+ type = makeTypeWithArguments(node);
+ variableNode = node.getNextSibling();
+ }
+ String variable = identifier(variableNode);
+ collectionExpression = expression(collectionNode);
+ forParameter = new Parameter(type, variable);
+ configureAST(forParameter, variableNode);
+ // GRECLIPSE add
+ forParameter.setNameStart(forParameter.getStart());
+ forParameter.setNameEnd(forParameter.getEnd());
+ if (type.getStart() > 0) {
+ // set start of parameter node to start of parameter type
+ forParameter.setStart(type.getStart());
+ forParameter.setLineNumber(type.getLineNumber());
+ forParameter.setColumnNumber(type.getColumnNumber());
+ }
+ // GRECLIPSE end
+ }
+ final AST node = inNode.getNextSibling();
+ Statement block;
+ if (isType(SEMI, node)) {
+ block = EmptyStatement.INSTANCE;
+ } else {
+ block = statement(node);
+ }
+ ForStatement forStatement = new ForStatement(forParameter, collectionExpression, block);
+ configureAST(forStatement, forNode);
+ return forStatement;
+ }
+ protected Statement ifStatement(AST ifNode) {
+ AST node = ifNode.getFirstChild();
+ assertNodeType(EXPR, node);
+ BooleanExpression booleanExpression = booleanExpression(node);
+ node = node.getNextSibling();
+ Statement ifBlock = statement(node);
+ Statement elseBlock = EmptyStatement.INSTANCE;
+ // GRECLIPSE add
+ // coping with a missing 'then' block (can happen due to recovery)
+ if (node != null) {
+ // GRECLIPSE end
+ node = node.getNextSibling();
+ if (node != null) {
+ elseBlock = statement(node);
+ }
+ // GRECLIPSE add
+ }
+ // GRECLIPSE end
+ IfStatement ifStatement = new IfStatement(booleanExpression, ifBlock, elseBlock);
+ configureAST(ifStatement, ifNode);
+ return ifStatement;
+ }
+ protected Statement labelledStatement(AST labelNode) {
+ AST node = labelNode.getFirstChild();
+ String label = identifier(node);
+ Statement statement = statement(node.getNextSibling());
+ statement.addStatementLabel(label);
+ return statement;
+ }
+ protected Statement methodCall(AST code) {
+ Expression expression = methodCallExpression(code);
+ ExpressionStatement expressionStatement = new ExpressionStatement(expression);
+ configureAST(expressionStatement, code);
+ return expressionStatement;
+ }
+ protected Expression declarationExpression(AST variableDef) {
+ AST node = variableDef.getFirstChild();
+ ClassNode type = null;
+ List annotations = new ArrayList();
+ int modifiers = 0;
+ if (isType(MODIFIERS, node)) {
+ // force check of modifier conflicts
+ modifiers = modifiers(node, annotations, 0);
+ node = node.getNextSibling();
+ }
+ if (isType(TYPE, node)) {
+ type = makeTypeWithArguments(node);
+ node = node.getNextSibling();
+ }
+ Expression leftExpression;
+ Expression rightExpression = EmptyExpression.INSTANCE;
+ AST right;
+ if (isType(ASSIGN, node)) {
+ node = node.getFirstChild();
+ AST left = node.getFirstChild();
+ ArgumentListExpression alist = new ArgumentListExpression();
+ for (AST varDef = left; varDef != null; varDef = varDef.getNextSibling()) {
+ assertNodeType(VARIABLE_DEF, varDef);
+ DeclarationExpression de = (DeclarationExpression) declarationExpression(varDef);
+ alist.addExpression(de.getVariableExpression());
+ }
+ leftExpression = alist;
+ right = node.getNextSibling();
+ if (right != null) rightExpression = expression(right);
+ } else {
+ String name = identifier(node);
+ VariableExpression ve = new VariableExpression(name, type);
+ ve.setModifiers(modifiers);
+ leftExpression = ve;
+ right = node.getNextSibling();
+ if (right != null) {
+ assertNodeType(ASSIGN, right);
+ rightExpression = expression(right.getFirstChild());
+ }
+ }
+ configureAST(leftExpression, node);
+ Token token = makeToken(Types.ASSIGN, variableDef);
+ DeclarationExpression expression = new DeclarationExpression(leftExpression, token, rightExpression);
+ expression.addAnnotations(annotations);
+ configureAST(expression, variableDef);
+ ExpressionStatement expressionStatement = new ExpressionStatement(expression);
+ configureAST(expressionStatement, variableDef);
+ return expression;
+ }
+ protected Statement variableDef(AST variableDef) {
+ ExpressionStatement expressionStatement = new ExpressionStatement(declarationExpression(variableDef));
+ configureAST(expressionStatement, variableDef);
+ return expressionStatement;
+ }
+ protected Statement returnStatement(AST node) {
+ AST exprNode = node.getFirstChild();
+ // This will pick up incorrect sibling node if 'node' is a plain 'return'
+ //
+ //if (exprNode == null) {
+ // exprNode = node.getNextSibling();
+ //}
+ Expression expression = exprNode == null ? ConstantExpression.NULL : expression(exprNode);
+ ReturnStatement returnStatement = new ReturnStatement(expression);
+ configureAST(returnStatement, node);
+ return returnStatement;
+ }
+ protected Statement switchStatement(AST switchNode) {
+ AST node = switchNode.getFirstChild();
+ Expression expression = expression(node);
+ Statement defaultStatement = EmptyStatement.INSTANCE;
+ List list = new ArrayList();
+ for (node = node.getNextSibling(); isType(CASE_GROUP, node); node = node.getNextSibling()) {
+ Statement tmpDefaultStatement;
+ AST child = node.getFirstChild();
+ if (isType(LITERAL_case, child)) {
+ List cases = new LinkedList();
+ // default statement can be grouped with previous case
+ tmpDefaultStatement = caseStatements(child, cases);
+ list.addAll(cases);
+ } else {
+ tmpDefaultStatement = statement(child.getNextSibling());
+ }
+ if (tmpDefaultStatement != EmptyStatement.INSTANCE) {
+ if (defaultStatement == EmptyStatement.INSTANCE) {
+ defaultStatement = tmpDefaultStatement;
+ } else {
+ throw new ASTRuntimeException(switchNode, "The default case is already defined.");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (node != null) {
+ unknownAST(node);
+ }
+ SwitchStatement switchStatement = new SwitchStatement(expression, list, defaultStatement);
+ configureAST(switchStatement, switchNode);
+ return switchStatement;
+ }
+ protected Statement caseStatements(AST node, List cases) {
+ List expressions = new LinkedList();
+ Statement statement = EmptyStatement.INSTANCE;
+ Statement defaultStatement = EmptyStatement.INSTANCE;
+ AST nextSibling = node;
+ do {
+ Expression expression = expression(nextSibling.getFirstChild());
+ expressions.add(expression);
+ nextSibling = nextSibling.getNextSibling();
+ } while (isType(LITERAL_case, nextSibling));
+ if (nextSibling != null) {
+ if (isType(LITERAL_default, nextSibling)) {
+ defaultStatement = statement(nextSibling.getNextSibling());
+ statement = EmptyStatement.INSTANCE;
+ } else {
+ statement = statement(nextSibling);
+ }
+ }
+ Iterator iterator = expressions.iterator();
+ while (iterator.hasNext()) {
+ Expression expr = (Expression) iterator.next();
+ Statement stmt;
+ if (iterator.hasNext()) {
+ stmt = new CaseStatement(expr, EmptyStatement.INSTANCE);
+ } else {
+ stmt = new CaseStatement(expr, statement);
+ }
+ configureAST(stmt, node);
+ cases.add(stmt);
+ }
+ return defaultStatement;
+ }
+ protected Statement synchronizedStatement(AST syncNode) {
+ AST node = syncNode.getFirstChild();
+ Expression expression = expression(node);
+ Statement code = statement(node.getNextSibling());
+ SynchronizedStatement synchronizedStatement = new SynchronizedStatement(expression, code);
+ configureAST(synchronizedStatement, syncNode);
+ return synchronizedStatement;
+ }
+ protected Statement throwStatement(AST node) {
+ AST expressionNode = node.getFirstChild();
+ if (expressionNode == null) {
+ expressionNode = node.getNextSibling();
+ }
+ if (expressionNode == null) {
+ throw new ASTRuntimeException(node, "No expression available");
+ }
+ ThrowStatement throwStatement = new ThrowStatement(expression(expressionNode));
+ configureAST(throwStatement, node);
+ return throwStatement;
+ }
+ protected Statement tryStatement(AST tryStatementNode) {
+ AST tryNode = tryStatementNode.getFirstChild();
+ Statement tryStatement = statement(tryNode);
+ Statement finallyStatement = EmptyStatement.INSTANCE;
+ AST node = tryNode.getNextSibling();
+ // let's do the catch nodes
+ List catches = new ArrayList();
+ for (; node != null && isType(LITERAL_catch, node); node = node.getNextSibling()) {
+ final List catchStatements = catchStatement(node);
+ catches.addAll(catchStatements);
+ }
+ if (isType(LITERAL_finally, node)) {
+ finallyStatement = statement(node);
+ node = node.getNextSibling();
+ }
+ if (finallyStatement instanceof EmptyStatement && catches.isEmpty()) {
+ throw new ASTRuntimeException(tryStatementNode, "A try statement must have at least one catch or finally block.");
+ }
+ TryCatchStatement tryCatchStatement = new TryCatchStatement(tryStatement, finallyStatement);
+ configureAST(tryCatchStatement, tryStatementNode);
+ for (CatchStatement statement : catches) {
+ tryCatchStatement.addCatch(statement);
+ }
+ return tryCatchStatement;
+ }
+ protected List catchStatement(AST catchNode) {
+ AST node = catchNode.getFirstChild();
+ List catches = new LinkedList();
+ Statement code = statement(node.getNextSibling());
+ if (MULTICATCH == node.getType()) {
+ AST variableNode = node.getNextSibling();
+ final AST multicatches = node.getFirstChild();
+ if (multicatches.getType() != MULTICATCH_TYPES) {
+ // catch (e)
+ // catch (def e)
+ String variable = identifier(multicatches);
+ Parameter catchParameter = new Parameter(ClassHelper.DYNAMIC_TYPE, variable);
+ // GRECLIPSE add
+ configureAST(catchParameter, multicatches);
+ catchParameter.setNameEnd(catchParameter.getEnd());
+ catchParameter.setNameStart(catchParameter.getEnd() - catchParameter.getName().length());
+ // GRECLIPSE end
+ CatchStatement answer = new CatchStatement(catchParameter, code);
+ configureAST(answer, catchNode);
+ catches.add(answer);
+ } else {
+ // catch (Exception e)
+ // catch (Exception1 | Exception2 e)
+ AST exceptionNodes = multicatches.getFirstChild();
+ String variable = identifier(multicatches.getNextSibling());
+ while (exceptionNodes != null) {
+ ClassNode exceptionType = buildName(exceptionNodes);
+ Parameter catchParameter = new Parameter(exceptionType, variable);
+ // GRECLIPSE add
+ // a little tricky since there can be multi-catches and the
+ // multicatches node doesn't include sloc for parameter name
+ configureAST(catchParameter, multicatches);
+ GroovySourceAST paramAST = (GroovySourceAST) multicatches.getNextSibling();
+ int lastLine = paramAST.getLineLast();
+ catchParameter.setLastLineNumber(lastLine);
+ int lastCol = paramAST.getColumnLast();
+ catchParameter.setLastColumnNumber(lastCol);
+ catchParameter.setEnd(locations.findOffset(lastLine, lastCol));
+ catchParameter.setNameEnd(catchParameter.getEnd());
+ catchParameter.setNameStart(catchParameter.getEnd() - catchParameter.getName().length());
+ // GRECLIPSE end
+ CatchStatement answer = new CatchStatement(catchParameter, code);
+ configureAST(answer, catchNode);
+ catches.add(answer);
+ exceptionNodes = exceptionNodes.getNextSibling();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return catches;
+ }
+ protected Statement whileStatement(AST whileNode) {
+ AST node = whileNode.getFirstChild();
+ assertNodeType(EXPR, node);
+ // TODO remove this once we support declarations in the while condition
+ if (isType(VARIABLE_DEF, node.getFirstChild())) {
+ throw new ASTRuntimeException(whileNode,
+ "While loop condition contains a declaration; this is currently unsupported.");
+ }
+ BooleanExpression booleanExpression = booleanExpression(node);
+ node = node.getNextSibling();
+ Statement block;
+ if (isType(SEMI, node)) {
+ block = EmptyStatement.INSTANCE;
+ } else {
+ block = statement(node);
+ }
+ WhileStatement whileStatement = new WhileStatement(booleanExpression, block);
+ configureAST(whileStatement, whileNode);
+ return whileStatement;
+ }
+ // Expressions
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ protected Expression expression(AST node) {
+ return expression(node, false);
+ }
+ protected Expression expression(AST node, boolean convertToConstant) {
+ // GRECLIPSE add
+ // error recovery for missing brackets
+ // determine if this error handling strategy is the right one to use
+ if (node == null) {
+ return new ConstantExpression("ERROR");
+ }
+ // GRECLIPSE end
+ Expression expression = expressionSwitch(node);
+ if (convertToConstant && expression instanceof VariableExpression) {
+ // a method name can never be a VariableExpression, so it must converted
+ // to a ConstantExpression then. This is needed as the expression
+ // method doesn't know we want a ConstantExpression instead of a
+ // VariableExpression
+ VariableExpression ve = (VariableExpression) expression;
+ if (!ve.isThisExpression() && !ve.isSuperExpression()) {
+ expression = new ConstantExpression(ve.getName());
+ }
+ }
+ // GRECLIPSE add -- expressionSwitch > blockExpression can return NULL for an empty GString expression
+ if (expression != ConstantExpression.NULL)
+ // GRECLIPSE end
+ configureAST(expression, node);
+ return expression;
+ }
+ protected Expression expressionSwitch(AST node) {
+ int type = node.getType();
+ switch (type) {
+ case EXPR:
+ // GRECLIPSE edit
+ //return expression(node.getFirstChild());
+ // binary expression may not have correct sloc, so try to set the correct one here
+ Expression expression = expression(node.getFirstChild());
+ if (expression instanceof BinaryExpression) {
+ // binary expression with parens
+ configureAST(expression, node);
+ }
+ return expression;
+ // GRECLIPSE end
+ case ELIST:
+ return expressionList(node);
+ case SLIST:
+ return blockExpression(node);
+ return closureExpression(node);
+ return specialConstructorCallExpression(node, ClassNode.SUPER);
+ return methodCallExpression(node);
+ case LITERAL_new:
+ return constructorCallExpression(node);
+ case CTOR_CALL:
+ return specialConstructorCallExpression(node, ClassNode.THIS);
+ case QUESTION:
+ return ternaryExpression(node);
+ case SPREAD_DOT:
+ case DOT:
+ return dotExpression(node);
+ case IDENT:
+ case LITERAL_boolean:
+ case LITERAL_byte:
+ case LITERAL_char:
+ case LITERAL_double:
+ case LITERAL_float:
+ case LITERAL_int:
+ case LITERAL_long:
+ case LITERAL_short:
+ case LITERAL_void:
+ case LITERAL_this:
+ case LITERAL_super:
+ return variableExpression(node);
+ return listExpression(node);
+ return mapExpression(node);
+ return mapEntryExpression(node);
+ case SPREAD_ARG:
+ return spreadExpression(node);
+ return spreadMapExpression(node);
+ // commented out of groovy.g due to non determinisms
+ // return defaultMethodPointerExpression(node);
+ return methodPointerExpression(node);
+ case INDEX_OP:
+ return indexExpression(node);
+ case LITERAL_instanceof:
+ return instanceofExpression(node);
+ case LITERAL_as:
+ return asExpression(node);
+ case TYPECAST:
+ return castExpression(node);
+ // literals
+ case LITERAL_true:
+ return literalExpression(node, Boolean.TRUE);
+ case LITERAL_false:
+ return literalExpression(node, Boolean.FALSE);
+ case LITERAL_null:
+ return literalExpression(node, null);
+ return literalExpression(node, node.getText());
+ return gstring(node);
+ case NUM_DOUBLE:
+ case NUM_FLOAT:
+ return decimalExpression(node);
+ case NUM_BIG_INT:
+ case NUM_INT:
+ case NUM_LONG:
+ return integerExpression(node);
+ // Unary expressions
+ case LNOT:
+ NotExpression notExpression = new NotExpression(expression(node.getFirstChild()));
+ configureAST(notExpression, node);
+ return notExpression;
+ return unaryMinusExpression(node);
+ case BNOT:
+ BitwiseNegationExpression bitwiseNegationExpression = new BitwiseNegationExpression(expression(node.getFirstChild()));
+ configureAST(bitwiseNegationExpression, node);
+ return bitwiseNegationExpression;
+ case UNARY_PLUS:
+ return unaryPlusExpression(node);
+ // Prefix expressions
+ case INC:
+ return prefixExpression(node, Types.PLUS_PLUS);
+ case DEC:
+ return prefixExpression(node, Types.MINUS_MINUS);
+ // Postfix expressions
+ case POST_INC:
+ return postfixExpression(node, Types.PLUS_PLUS);
+ case POST_DEC:
+ return postfixExpression(node, Types.MINUS_MINUS);
+ // Binary expressions
+ case ASSIGN:
+ return binaryExpression(Types.ASSIGN, node);
+ case EQUAL:
+ return binaryExpression(Types.COMPARE_EQUAL, node);
+ return binaryExpression(Types.COMPARE_IDENTICAL, node);
+ case NOT_EQUAL:
+ return binaryExpression(Types.COMPARE_NOT_EQUAL, node);
+ return binaryExpression(Types.COMPARE_NOT_IDENTICAL, node);
+ case COMPARE_TO:
+ return binaryExpression(Types.COMPARE_TO, node);
+ case LE:
+ return binaryExpression(Types.COMPARE_LESS_THAN_EQUAL, node);
+ case LT:
+ return binaryExpression(Types.COMPARE_LESS_THAN, node);
+ case GT:
+ return binaryExpression(Types.COMPARE_GREATER_THAN, node);
+ case GE:
+ return binaryExpression(Types.COMPARE_GREATER_THAN_EQUAL, node);
+ /**
+ * TODO treble equal?
+ return binaryExpression(Types.COMPARE_IDENTICAL, node);
+ case ???:
+ return binaryExpression(Types.LOGICAL_AND_EQUAL, node);
+ case ???:
+ return binaryExpression(Types.LOGICAL_OR_EQUAL, node);
+ */
+ case LAND:
+ return binaryExpression(Types.LOGICAL_AND, node);
+ case LOR:
+ return binaryExpression(Types.LOGICAL_OR, node);
+ case BAND:
+ return binaryExpression(Types.BITWISE_AND, node);
+ return binaryExpression(Types.BITWISE_AND_EQUAL, node);
+ case BOR:
+ return binaryExpression(Types.BITWISE_OR, node);
+ case BOR_ASSIGN:
+ return binaryExpression(Types.BITWISE_OR_EQUAL, node);
+ case BXOR:
+ return binaryExpression(Types.BITWISE_XOR, node);
+ return binaryExpression(Types.BITWISE_XOR_EQUAL, node);
+ case PLUS:
+ return binaryExpression(Types.PLUS, node);
+ return binaryExpression(Types.PLUS_EQUAL, node);
+ case MINUS:
+ return binaryExpression(Types.MINUS, node);
+ return binaryExpression(Types.MINUS_EQUAL, node);
+ case STAR:
+ return binaryExpression(Types.MULTIPLY, node);
+ return binaryExpression(Types.MULTIPLY_EQUAL, node);
+ case STAR_STAR:
+ return binaryExpression(Types.POWER, node);
+ return binaryExpression(Types.POWER_EQUAL, node);
+ case DIV:
+ return binaryExpression(Types.DIVIDE, node);
+ case DIV_ASSIGN:
+ return binaryExpression(Types.DIVIDE_EQUAL, node);
+ case MOD:
+ return binaryExpression(Types.MOD, node);
+ case MOD_ASSIGN:
+ return binaryExpression(Types.MOD_EQUAL, node);
+ case SL:
+ return binaryExpression(Types.LEFT_SHIFT, node);
+ case SL_ASSIGN:
+ return binaryExpression(Types.LEFT_SHIFT_EQUAL, node);
+ case SR:
+ return binaryExpression(Types.RIGHT_SHIFT, node);
+ case SR_ASSIGN:
+ return binaryExpression(Types.RIGHT_SHIFT_EQUAL, node);
+ case BSR:
+ return binaryExpression(Types.RIGHT_SHIFT_UNSIGNED, node);
+ case BSR_ASSIGN:
+ return binaryExpression(Types.RIGHT_SHIFT_UNSIGNED_EQUAL, node);
+ return declarationExpression(node);
+ // Regex
+ case REGEX_FIND:
+ return binaryExpression(Types.FIND_REGEX, node);
+ return binaryExpression(Types.MATCH_REGEX, node);
+ // Ranges
+ return rangeExpression(node, true);
+ return rangeExpression(node, false);
+ return dynamicMemberExpression(node);
+ case LITERAL_in:
+ return binaryExpression(Types.KEYWORD_IN, node);
+ return new AnnotationConstantExpression(annotation(node));
+ return closureListExpression(node);
+ case LBRACK:
+ case LPAREN:
+ return tupleExpression(node);
+ case OBJBLOCK:
+ return anonymousInnerClassDef(node);
+ default:
+ // GRECLIPSE add
+ return
+ // GRECLIPSE end
+ unknownAST(node);
+ }
+ //return null;
+ }
+ private TupleExpression tupleExpression(AST node) {
+ TupleExpression exp = new TupleExpression();
+ configureAST(exp, node);
+ node = node.getFirstChild();
+ while (node != null) {
+ assertNodeType(VARIABLE_DEF, node);
+ AST nameNode = node.getFirstChild().getNextSibling();
+ VariableExpression varExp = new VariableExpression(nameNode.getText());
+ configureAST(varExp, nameNode);
+ exp.addExpression(varExp);
+ node = node.getNextSibling();
+ }
+ return exp;
+ }
+ private ClosureListExpression closureListExpression(AST node) {
+ isClosureListExpressionAllowedHere(node);
+ AST exprNode = node.getFirstChild();
+ List list = new LinkedList();
+ while (exprNode != null) {
+ if (isType(EXPR, exprNode)) {
+ Expression expr = expression(exprNode);
+ configureAST(expr, exprNode);
+ list.add(expr);
+ } else {
+ assertNodeType(EMPTY_STAT, exprNode);
+ list.add(EmptyExpression.INSTANCE);
+ }
+ exprNode = exprNode.getNextSibling();
+ }
+ ClosureListExpression cle = new ClosureListExpression(list);
+ configureAST(cle, node);
+ return cle;
+ }
+ private void isClosureListExpressionAllowedHere(AST node) {
+ if (!forStatementBeingDef) {
+ throw new ASTRuntimeException(node,
+ "Expression list of the form (a; b; c) is not supported in this context.");
+ }
+ }
+ protected Expression dynamicMemberExpression(AST dynamicMemberNode) {
+ AST node = dynamicMemberNode.getFirstChild();
+ return expression(node);
+ }
+ protected Expression ternaryExpression(AST ternaryNode) {
+ AST node = ternaryNode.getFirstChild();
+ Expression base = expression(node);
+ node = node.getNextSibling();
+ Expression left = expression(node);
+ node = node.getNextSibling();
+ Expression ret;
+ if (node == null) {
+ ret = new ElvisOperatorExpression(base, left);
+ } else {
+ Expression right = expression(node);
+ BooleanExpression booleanExpression = new BooleanExpression(base);
+ booleanExpression.setSourcePosition(base);
+ ret = new TernaryExpression(booleanExpression, left, right);
+ }
+ // GRECLIPSE edit -- sloc was for operator only; TODO include surrounding parentheses
+ //configureAST(ret, ternaryNode);
+ ret.setStart(base.getStart());
+ ret.setLineNumber(base.getLineNumber());
+ ret.setColumnNumber(base.getColumnNumber());
+ Expression rhs = ((TernaryExpression) ret).getFalseExpression();
+ ret.setEnd(rhs.getEnd());
+ ret.setLastLineNumber(rhs.getLastLineNumber());
+ ret.setLastColumnNumber(rhs.getLastColumnNumber());
+ // GRECLIPSE end
+ return ret;
+ }
+ protected Expression variableExpression(AST node) {
+ String text = node.getText();
+ // TODO we might wanna only try to resolve the name if we are
+ // on the left hand side of an expression or before a dot?
+ VariableExpression variableExpression = new VariableExpression(text);
+ configureAST(variableExpression, node);
+ return variableExpression;
+ }
+ protected Expression literalExpression(AST node, Object value) {
+ ConstantExpression constantExpression = new ConstantExpression(value, value instanceof Boolean);
+ configureAST(constantExpression, node);
+ return constantExpression;
+ }
+ protected Expression rangeExpression(AST rangeNode, boolean inclusive) {
+ AST node = rangeNode.getFirstChild();
+ Expression left = expression(node);
+ Expression right = expression(node.getNextSibling());
+ RangeExpression rangeExpression = new RangeExpression(left, right, inclusive);
+ configureAST(rangeExpression, rangeNode);
+ return rangeExpression;
+ }
+ protected Expression spreadExpression(AST node) {
+ AST exprNode = node.getFirstChild();
+ AST listNode = exprNode.getFirstChild();
+ Expression right = expression(listNode);
+ SpreadExpression spreadExpression = new SpreadExpression(right);
+ configureAST(spreadExpression, node);
+ return spreadExpression;
+ }
+ protected Expression spreadMapExpression(AST node) {
+ AST exprNode = node.getFirstChild();
+ Expression expr = expression(exprNode);
+ SpreadMapExpression spreadMapExpression = new SpreadMapExpression(expr);
+ configureAST(spreadMapExpression, node);
+ return spreadMapExpression;
+ }
+ protected Expression methodPointerExpression(AST node) {
+ AST exprNode = node.getFirstChild();
+ Expression objectExpression = expression(exprNode);
+ AST mNode = exprNode.getNextSibling();
+ Expression methodName;
+ if (isType(DYNAMIC_MEMBER, mNode)) {
+ methodName = expression(mNode);
+ } else {
+ methodName = new ConstantExpression(identifier(mNode));
+ }
+ configureAST(methodName, mNode);
+ MethodPointerExpression methodPointerExpression = new MethodPointerExpression(objectExpression, methodName);
+ configureAST(methodPointerExpression, node);
+ return methodPointerExpression;
+ }
+/* commented out due to groovy.g non-determinisms
+ protected Expression defaultMethodPointerExpression(AST node) {
+ AST exprNode = node.getFirstChild();
+ String methodName = exprNode.toString();
+ MethodPointerExpression methodPointerExpression = new MethodPointerExpression(null, methodName);
+ configureAST(methodPointerExpression, node);
+ return methodPointerExpression;
+ }
+ protected Expression listExpression(AST listNode) {
+ List expressions = new ArrayList();
+ AST elist = listNode.getFirstChild();
+ assertNodeType(ELIST, elist);
+ for (AST node = elist.getFirstChild(); node != null; node = node.getNextSibling()) {
+ // check for stray labeled arguments:
+ switch (node.getType()) {
+ assertNodeType(COMMA, node);
+ break; // helpful error?
+ assertNodeType(SPREAD_ARG, node);
+ break; // helpful error
+ }
+ expressions.add(expression(node));
+ }
+ ListExpression listExpression = new ListExpression(expressions);
+ configureAST(listExpression, listNode);
+ return listExpression;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Typically only used for map constructors I think?
+ */
+ protected Expression mapExpression(AST mapNode) {
+ List expressions = new ArrayList();
+ AST elist = mapNode.getFirstChild();
+ if (elist != null) { // totally empty in the case of [:]
+ assertNodeType(ELIST, elist);
+ for (AST node = elist.getFirstChild(); node != null; node = node.getNextSibling()) {
+ switch (node.getType()) {
+ break; // legal cases
+ case SPREAD_ARG:
+ assertNodeType(SPREAD_MAP_ARG, node);
+ break; // helpful error
+ default:
+ assertNodeType(LABELED_ARG, node);
+ break; // helpful error
+ }
+ expressions.add(mapEntryExpression(node));
+ }
+ }
+ MapExpression mapExpression = new MapExpression(expressions);
+ configureAST(mapExpression, mapNode);
+ // GRECLIPSE add
+ // GRECLIPSE-768 check to see if the sloc is definitely wrong for empty map expressions
+ // if so, make an educated guess that the text looks like '[:]'
+ if (expressions.isEmpty() && mapExpression.getLength() <= 1) {
+ mapExpression.setEnd(mapExpression.getStart() + 3);
+ mapExpression.setLastColumnNumber(mapExpression.getColumnNumber() + 3);
+ }
+ // GRECLIPSE end
+ return mapExpression;
+ }
+ protected MapEntryExpression mapEntryExpression(AST node) {
+ if (node.getType() == SPREAD_MAP_ARG) {
+ AST rightNode = node.getFirstChild();
+ Expression keyExpression = spreadMapExpression(node);
+ Expression rightExpression = expression(rightNode);
+ MapEntryExpression mapEntryExpression = new MapEntryExpression(keyExpression, rightExpression);
+ configureAST(mapEntryExpression, node);
+ return mapEntryExpression;
+ } else {
+ AST keyNode = node.getFirstChild();
+ Expression keyExpression = expression(keyNode);
+ AST valueNode = keyNode.getNextSibling();
+ Expression valueExpression = expression(valueNode);
+ MapEntryExpression mapEntryExpression = new MapEntryExpression(keyExpression, valueExpression);
+ // GRECLIPSE add
+ // GRECLIPSE-768 MapEntryExpression have the slocs of the ':' only; fix that here.
+ mapEntryExpression.setStart(keyExpression.getStart());
+ mapEntryExpression.setLineNumber(keyExpression.getLineNumber());
+ mapEntryExpression.setColumnNumber(keyExpression.getColumnNumber());
+ mapEntryExpression.setEnd(valueExpression.getEnd());
+ mapEntryExpression.setLastLineNumber(valueExpression.getLastLineNumber());
+ mapEntryExpression.setLastColumnNumber(valueExpression.getLastColumnNumber());
+ // potentially re-set the sloc if the 'real' one is more correct
+ // GRECLIPSE end
+ configureAST(mapEntryExpression, node);
+ return mapEntryExpression;
+ }
+ }
+ protected Expression instanceofExpression(AST node) {
+ AST leftNode = node.getFirstChild();
+ Expression leftExpression = expression(leftNode);
+ AST rightNode = leftNode.getNextSibling();
+ ClassNode type = buildName(rightNode);
+ assertTypeNotNull(type, rightNode);
+ Expression rightExpression = new ClassExpression(type);
+ configureAST(rightExpression, rightNode);
+ BinaryExpression binaryExpression = new BinaryExpression(leftExpression, makeToken(Types.KEYWORD_INSTANCEOF, node), rightExpression);
+ configureAST(binaryExpression, node);
+ return binaryExpression;
+ }
+ protected void assertTypeNotNull(ClassNode type, AST rightNode) {
+ if (type == null) {
+ throw new ASTRuntimeException(rightNode, "No type available for: " + qualifiedName(rightNode));
+ }
+ }
+ protected Expression asExpression(AST node) {
+ AST leftNode = node.getFirstChild();
+ Expression leftExpression = expression(leftNode);
+ AST rightNode = leftNode.getNextSibling();
+ ClassNode type = makeTypeWithArguments(rightNode);
+ // GRECLIPSE edit -- set the sloc from the start of the target and the end of the type
+ //return CastExpression.asExpression(type, leftExpression);
+ CastExpression asExpression = CastExpression.asExpression(type, leftExpression);
+ asExpression.setStart(leftExpression.getStart());
+ asExpression.setLineNumber(leftExpression.getLineNumber());
+ asExpression.setColumnNumber(leftExpression.getColumnNumber());
+ int typeStart;
+ if (type.getEnd() > 0) {
+ typeStart = type.getStart();
+ asExpression.setEnd(type.getEnd());
+ asExpression.setLastLineNumber(type.getLastLineNumber());
+ asExpression.setLastColumnNumber(type.getLastColumnNumber());
+ } else {
+ SourceInfo typeNode = (SourceInfo) rightNode.getFirstChild();
+ typeStart = locations.findOffset(typeNode.getLine(), typeNode.getColumn());
+ asExpression.setEnd(locations.findOffset(typeNode.getLineLast(), typeNode.getColumnLast()));
+ asExpression.setLastLineNumber(typeNode.getLineLast());
+ asExpression.setLastColumnNumber(typeNode.getColumnLast());
+ }
+ // set the range of the type by itself
+ asExpression.setNameStart(typeStart);
+ asExpression.setNameEnd(asExpression.getEnd());
+ return asExpression;
+ // GRECLIPSE end
+ }
+ protected Expression castExpression(AST castNode) {
+ AST node = castNode.getFirstChild();
+ ClassNode type = makeTypeWithArguments(node);
+ assertTypeNotNull(type, node);
+ AST expressionNode = node.getNextSibling();
+ Expression expression = expression(expressionNode);
+ CastExpression castExpression = new CastExpression(type, expression);
+ configureAST(castExpression, castNode);
+ // GRECLIPSE add -- set the sloc to the end of the target
+ castExpression.setEnd(expression.getEnd());
+ castExpression.setLastLineNumber(expression.getLastLineNumber());
+ castExpression.setLastColumnNumber(expression.getLastColumnNumber());
+ // set the range of the type by itself
+ if (type.getEnd() > 0) {
+ castExpression.setNameStart(type.getStart());
+ castExpression.setNameEnd(type.getEnd());
+ } else {
+ SourceInfo typeNode = (SourceInfo) node.getFirstChild();
+ castExpression.setNameStart(locations.findOffset(typeNode.getLine(), typeNode.getColumn()));
+ castExpression.setNameEnd(locations.findOffset(typeNode.getLineLast(), typeNode.getColumnLast()));
+ }
+ // GRECLIPSE end
+ return castExpression;
+ }
+ protected Expression indexExpression(AST indexNode) {
+ AST bracket = indexNode.getFirstChild();
+ AST leftNode = bracket.getNextSibling();
+ Expression leftExpression = expression(leftNode);
+ AST rightNode = leftNode.getNextSibling();
+ Expression rightExpression = expression(rightNode);
+ // easier to massage here than in the grammar
+ if (rightExpression instanceof SpreadExpression) {
+ ListExpression wrapped = new ListExpression();
+ wrapped.addExpression(rightExpression);
+ rightExpression = wrapped;
+ }
+ BinaryExpression binaryExpression = new BinaryExpression(leftExpression, makeToken(Types.LEFT_SQUARE_BRACKET, bracket), rightExpression);
+ configureAST(binaryExpression, indexNode);
+ return binaryExpression;
+ }
+ protected Expression binaryExpression(int type, AST node) {
+ Token token = makeToken(type, node);
+ AST leftNode = node.getFirstChild();
+ Expression leftExpression = expression(leftNode);
+ AST rightNode = leftNode.getNextSibling();
+ if (rightNode == null) {
+ return leftExpression;
+ }
+ if (Types.ofType(type, Types.ASSIGNMENT_OPERATOR)) {
+ if (leftExpression instanceof VariableExpression ||
+ leftExpression.getClass() == PropertyExpression.class ||
+ leftExpression instanceof FieldExpression ||
+ leftExpression instanceof AttributeExpression ||
+ leftExpression instanceof DeclarationExpression ||
+ leftExpression instanceof TupleExpression) {
+ // Do nothing.
+ } else if (leftExpression instanceof ConstantExpression) {
+ throw new ASTRuntimeException(node, "\n[" + ((ConstantExpression) leftExpression).getValue() + "] is a constant expression, but it should be a variable expression");
+ } else if (leftExpression instanceof BinaryExpression) {
+ int lefttype = ((BinaryExpression) leftExpression).getOperation().getType();
+ if (!Types.ofType(lefttype, Types.ASSIGNMENT_OPERATOR) && lefttype != Types.LEFT_SQUARE_BRACKET) {
+ throw new ASTRuntimeException(node, "\n" + ((BinaryExpression) leftExpression).getText() + " is a binary expression, but it should be a variable expression");
+ }
+ } else if (leftExpression instanceof GStringExpression) {
+ throw new ASTRuntimeException(node, "\n\"" + ((GStringExpression) leftExpression).getText() + "\" is a GString expression, but it should be a variable expression");
+ } else if (leftExpression instanceof MethodCallExpression) {
+ throw new ASTRuntimeException(node, "\n\"" + ((MethodCallExpression) leftExpression).getText() + "\" is a method call expression, but it should be a variable expression");
+ } else if (leftExpression instanceof MapExpression) {
+ throw new ASTRuntimeException(node, "\n'" + ((MapExpression) leftExpression).getText() + "' is a map expression, but it should be a variable expression");
+ } else {
+ throw new ASTRuntimeException(node, "\n" + leftExpression.getClass() + ", with its value '" + leftExpression.getText() + "', is a bad expression as the left hand side of an assignment operator");
+ }
+ }
+ /*if (rightNode == null) {
+ throw new NullPointerException("No rightNode associated with binary expression");
+ }*/
+ Expression rightExpression = expression(rightNode);
+ BinaryExpression binaryExpression = new BinaryExpression(leftExpression, token, rightExpression);
+ // GRECLIPSE edit
+ //configureAST(binaryExpression, node);
+ // sloc for binary expressions was only the operator
+ // must include the left and right expressions
+ // unfortunately, this does not include any surrounding parens
+ binaryExpression.setStart(leftExpression.getStart());
+ binaryExpression.setLineNumber(leftExpression.getLineNumber());
+ binaryExpression.setColumnNumber(leftExpression.getColumnNumber());
+ binaryExpression.setEnd(rightExpression.getEnd());
+ binaryExpression.setLastLineNumber(rightExpression.getLastLineNumber());
+ binaryExpression.setLastColumnNumber(rightExpression.getLastColumnNumber());
+ // GRECLIPSE end
+ return binaryExpression;
+ }
+ protected Expression prefixExpression(AST node, int token) {
+ Expression expression = expression(node.getFirstChild());
+ PrefixExpression prefixExpression = new PrefixExpression(makeToken(token, node), expression);
+ configureAST(prefixExpression, node);
+ return prefixExpression;
+ }
+ protected Expression postfixExpression(AST node, int token) {
+ Expression expression = expression(node.getFirstChild());
+ PostfixExpression postfixExpression = new PostfixExpression(expression, makeToken(token, node));
+ configureAST(postfixExpression, node);
+ return postfixExpression;
+ }
+ protected BooleanExpression booleanExpression(AST node) {
+ BooleanExpression booleanExpression = new BooleanExpression(expression(node));
+ configureAST(booleanExpression, node);
+ return booleanExpression;
+ }
+ protected Expression dotExpression(AST node) {
+ // let's decide if this is a property invocation or a method call
+ AST leftNode = node.getFirstChild();
+ if (leftNode != null) {
+ AST identifierNode = leftNode.getNextSibling();
+ if (identifierNode != null) {
+ Expression leftExpression = expression(leftNode);
+ if (isType(SELECT_SLOT, identifierNode)) {
+ Expression field = expression(identifierNode.getFirstChild(), true);
+ AttributeExpression attributeExpression = new AttributeExpression(leftExpression, field, node.getType() != DOT);
+ if (node.getType() == SPREAD_DOT) {
+ attributeExpression.setSpreadSafe(true);
+ }
+ configureAST(attributeExpression, node);
+ return attributeExpression;
+ }
+ if (isType(SLIST, identifierNode)) {
+ Statement code = statementList(identifierNode);
+ ClosureExpression closureExpression = new ClosureExpression(Parameter.EMPTY_ARRAY, code);
+ configureAST(closureExpression, identifierNode);
+ final PropertyExpression propertyExpression = new PropertyExpression(leftExpression, closureExpression);
+ if (node.getType() == SPREAD_DOT) {
+ propertyExpression.setSpreadSafe(true);
+ }
+ configureAST(propertyExpression, node);
+ return propertyExpression;
+ }
+ Expression property = expression(identifierNode, true);
+ // A."this" assumes a VariableExpression can be used for "this"
+ // we correct that here into a ConstantExpression
+ if (property instanceof VariableExpression) {
+ VariableExpression ve = (VariableExpression) property;
+ property = new ConstantExpression(ve.getName());
+ // GRECLIPSE add
+ property.setSourcePosition(ve);
+ // GRECLIPSE end
+ }
+ PropertyExpression propertyExpression = new PropertyExpression(leftExpression, property, node.getType() != DOT);
+ if (node.getType() == SPREAD_DOT) {
+ propertyExpression.setSpreadSafe(true);
+ }
+ configureAST(propertyExpression, node);
+ return propertyExpression;
+ }
+ }
+ return methodCallExpression(node);
+ }
+ protected Expression specialConstructorCallExpression(AST methodCallNode, ClassNode special) {
+ AST node = methodCallNode.getFirstChild();
+ Expression arguments = arguments(node);
+ ConstructorCallExpression expression = new ConstructorCallExpression(special, arguments);
+ // GRECLIPSE add
+ int keywordLength = (special == ClassNode.SUPER ? 5 : 4);
+ GroovySourceAST ctorCallNode = (GroovySourceAST) methodCallNode;
+ // locate the keyword relative to the method call expression; assume no spaces
+ ctorCallNode.setColumn(Math.max(1, ctorCallNode.getColumn() - keywordLength));
+ // GRECLIPSE end
+ configureAST(expression, methodCallNode);
+ // GRECLIPSE add
+ expression.setNameStart(expression.getStart());
+ expression.setNameEnd(expression.getStart() + keywordLength - 1);
+ // GRECLIPSE end
+ return expression;
+ }
+ protected Expression methodCallExpression(AST methodCallNode) {
+ AST node = methodCallNode.getFirstChild();
+ Expression objectExpression;
+ AST selector;
+ AST elist = node.getNextSibling();
+ List typeArgumentList = null;
+ boolean implicitThis = false;
+ boolean safe = isType(OPTIONAL_DOT, node);
+ boolean spreadSafe = isType(SPREAD_DOT, node);
+ if (isType(DOT, node) || safe || spreadSafe) {
+ AST objectNode = node.getFirstChild();
+ objectExpression = expression(objectNode);
+ selector = objectNode.getNextSibling();
+ } else {
+ implicitThis = true;
+ objectExpression = VariableExpression.THIS_EXPRESSION;
+ selector = node;
+ }
+ if (isType(TYPE_ARGUMENTS, selector)) {
+ typeArgumentList = getTypeArgumentsList(selector);
+ selector = selector.getNextSibling();
+ }
+ Expression name = null;
+ if (isType(LITERAL_super, selector)) {
+ implicitThis = true;
+ name = new ConstantExpression("super");
+ if (objectExpression instanceof VariableExpression && ((VariableExpression) objectExpression).isThisExpression()) {
+ objectExpression = VariableExpression.SUPER_EXPRESSION;
+ }
+ } else if (isPrimitiveTypeLiteral(selector)) {
+ throw new ASTRuntimeException(selector, "Primitive type literal: " + selector.getText()
+ + " cannot be used as a method name");
+ } else if (isType(SELECT_SLOT, selector)) {
+ Expression field = expression(selector.getFirstChild(), true);
+ AttributeExpression attributeExpression = new AttributeExpression(objectExpression, field, node.getType() != DOT);
+ configureAST(attributeExpression, node);
+ Expression arguments = arguments(elist);
+ MethodCallExpression expression = new MethodCallExpression(attributeExpression, "call", arguments);
+ setTypeArgumentsOnMethodCallExpression(expression, typeArgumentList);
+ configureAST(expression, methodCallNode);
+ return expression;
+ } else if (!implicitThis || isType(DYNAMIC_MEMBER, selector) || isType(IDENT, selector) ||
+ isType(STRING_CONSTRUCTOR, selector) || isType(STRING_LITERAL, selector)) {
+ name = expression(selector, true);
+ } else {
+ implicitThis = false;
+ name = new ConstantExpression("call");
+ objectExpression = expression(selector, true);
+ }
+ // if node text is found to be "super"/"this" when a method call is being processed, it is a
+ // call like this(..)/super(..) after the first statement, which shouldn't be allowed. GROOVY-2836
+ if (selector.getText().equals("this") || selector.getText().equals("super")) {
+ if (!(annotationBeingDef && selector.getText().equals("super"))) {
+ throw new ASTRuntimeException(elist, "Constructor call must be the first statement in a constructor.");
+ }
+ }
+ Expression arguments = arguments(elist);
+ MethodCallExpression expression = new MethodCallExpression(objectExpression, name, arguments);
+ expression.setSafe(safe);
+ expression.setSpreadSafe(spreadSafe);
+ expression.setImplicitThis(implicitThis);
+ setTypeArgumentsOnMethodCallExpression(expression, typeArgumentList);
+ Expression ret = expression;
+ //FIXME: do we really want this() to create a new object regardless
+ // the position.. for example not as first statement in a constructor
+ // this=first statement in constructor is handled by specialConstructorCallExpression
+ // we may have to add a check and remove this part of the code
+ if (implicitThis && "this".equals(expression.getMethodAsString())) {
+ ret = new ConstructorCallExpression(this.classNode, arguments);
+ }
+ // GRECLIPSE add
+ ret.setNameStart(name.getStart());
+ ret.setNameEnd(name.getEnd() - 1);
+ // in the case of command expressions, the slocs are incorrect for the start of the method
+ if (!implicitThis && methodCallNode.getText().equals("")) {
+ ret.setStart(objectExpression.getStart());
+ ret.setLineNumber(objectExpression.getLineNumber());
+ ret.setColumnNumber(objectExpression.getColumnNumber());
+ ret.setEnd(arguments.getEnd());
+ ret.setLastLineNumber(arguments.getLastLineNumber());
+ ret.setLastColumnNumber(arguments.getLastColumnNumber());
+ }
+ // GRECLIPSE end
+ configureAST(ret, methodCallNode);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ private static void setTypeArgumentsOnMethodCallExpression(MethodCallExpression expression,
+ List typeArgumentList) {
+ if (typeArgumentList != null && !typeArgumentList.isEmpty()) {
+ expression.setGenericsTypes(typeArgumentList.toArray(new GenericsType[typeArgumentList.size()]));
+ }
+ }
+ protected Expression constructorCallExpression(AST node) {
+ AST constructorCallNode = node;
+ ClassNode type = makeTypeWithArguments(constructorCallNode);
+ if (isType(CTOR_CALL, node) || isType(LITERAL_new, node)) {
+ node = node.getFirstChild();
+ }
+ // GRECLIPSE add
+ // not quite ideal -- a null node is a sign of a new call without the type being specified
+ // (it is a syntax error); setting up with Object here prevents multiple downstream issues
+ if (node == null) {
+ return new ConstructorCallExpression(ClassHelper.OBJECT_TYPE, new ArgumentListExpression());
+ }
+ // GRECLIPSE end
+ AST elist = node.getNextSibling();
+ if (elist == null && isType(ELIST, node)) {
+ elist = node;
+ if ("(".equals(type.getName())) {
+ type = classNode;
+ }
+ }
+ if (isType(ARRAY_DECLARATOR, elist)) {
+ AST expressionNode = elist.getFirstChild();
+ if (expressionNode == null) {
+ throw new ASTRuntimeException(elist, "No expression for the array constructor call");
+ }
+ List size = arraySizeExpression(expressionNode);
+ ArrayExpression arrayExpression = new ArrayExpression(type, null, size);
+ configureAST(arrayExpression, constructorCallNode);
+ return arrayExpression;
+ }
+ Expression arguments = arguments(elist);
+ ClassNode innerClass = getAnonymousInnerClassNode(arguments);
+ ConstructorCallExpression ret = new ConstructorCallExpression(type, arguments);
+ if (innerClass != null) {
+ ret.setType(innerClass);
+ ret.setUsingAnonymousInnerClass(true);
+ innerClass.setUnresolvedSuperClass(type);
+ // GRECLIPSE add
+ innerClass.setNameStart(type.getStart());
+ innerClass.setNameEnd(type.getEnd() - 1);
+ // GRECLIPSE end
+ }
+ configureAST(ret, constructorCallNode);
+ // GRECLIPSE add
+ ret.setNameStart(type.getStart());
+ ret.setNameEnd(type.getEnd() - 1);
+ // GRECLIPSE end
+ return ret;
+ }
+ private static ClassNode getAnonymousInnerClassNode(Expression arguments) {
+ if (arguments instanceof TupleExpression) {
+ TupleExpression te = (TupleExpression) arguments;
+ List expressions = te.getExpressions();
+ if (expressions.isEmpty()) return null;
+ Expression last = expressions.remove(expressions.size() - 1);
+ if (last instanceof AnonymousInnerClassCarrier) {
+ AnonymousInnerClassCarrier carrier = (AnonymousInnerClassCarrier) last;
+ return carrier.innerClass;
+ } else {
+ expressions.add(last);
+ }
+ } else if (arguments instanceof AnonymousInnerClassCarrier) {
+ AnonymousInnerClassCarrier carrier = (AnonymousInnerClassCarrier) arguments;
+ return carrier.innerClass;
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ protected List arraySizeExpression(AST node) {
+ List list;
+ Expression size = null;
+ if (isType(ARRAY_DECLARATOR, node)) {
+ AST right = node.getNextSibling();
+ if (right != null) {
+ size = expression(right);
+ } else {
+ size = ConstantExpression.EMPTY_EXPRESSION;
+ }
+ AST child = node.getFirstChild();
+ if (child == null) {
+ throw new ASTRuntimeException(node, "No expression for the array constructor call");
+ }
+ list = arraySizeExpression(child);
+ } else {
+ size = expression(node);
+ list = new ArrayList();
+ }
+ list.add(size);
+ return list;
+ }
+ protected Expression enumArguments(AST elist) {
+ List expressionList = new ArrayList();
+ for (AST node = elist; node != null; node = node.getNextSibling()) {
+ Expression expression = expression(node);
+ expressionList.add(expression);
+ }
+ ArgumentListExpression argumentListExpression = new ArgumentListExpression(expressionList);
+ configureAST(argumentListExpression, elist);
+ return argumentListExpression;
+ }
+ protected Expression arguments(AST elist) {
+ List expressionList = new ArrayList();
+ // FIXME: all labeled arguments should follow any unlabeled arguments
+ boolean namedArguments = false;
+ for (AST node = elist; node != null; node = node.getNextSibling()) {
+ if (isType(ELIST, node)) {
+ for (AST child = node.getFirstChild(); child != null; child = child.getNextSibling()) {
+ namedArguments |= addArgumentExpression(child, expressionList);
+ }
+ } else {
+ namedArguments |= addArgumentExpression(node, expressionList);
+ }
+ }
+ if (namedArguments) {
+ if (!expressionList.isEmpty()) {
+ // let's remove any non-MapEntryExpression instances
+ // such as if the last expression is a ClosureExpression
+ // so let's wrap the named method calls in a Map expression
+ List argumentList = new ArrayList();
+ for (Object next : expressionList) {
+ Expression expression = (Expression) next;
+ if (!(expression instanceof MapEntryExpression)) {
+ argumentList.add(expression);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!argumentList.isEmpty()) {
+ expressionList.removeAll(argumentList);
+ checkDuplicateNamedParams(elist, expressionList);
+ MapExpression mapExpression = new MapExpression(expressionList);
+ configureAST(mapExpression, elist);
+ argumentList.add(0, mapExpression);
+ ArgumentListExpression argumentListExpression = new ArgumentListExpression(argumentList);
+ configureAST(argumentListExpression, elist);
+ return argumentListExpression;
+ }
+ }
+ checkDuplicateNamedParams(elist, expressionList);
+ NamedArgumentListExpression namedArgumentListExpression = new NamedArgumentListExpression(expressionList);
+ configureAST(namedArgumentListExpression, elist);
+ return namedArgumentListExpression;
+ } else {
+ ArgumentListExpression argumentListExpression = new ArgumentListExpression(expressionList);
+ // GRECLIPSE add
+ // For an unfinished declaration 'new Foo' where the parentheses are missing an error
+ // will be raised but recovery should allow for that; here that incorrect declaration
+ // manifests as a null elist
+ if (elist != null)
+ // GRECLIPSE end
+ configureAST(argumentListExpression, elist);
+ return argumentListExpression;
+ }
+ }
+ private static void checkDuplicateNamedParams(AST elist, List expressionList) {
+ if (expressionList.isEmpty()) return;
+ Set namedArgumentNames = new HashSet();
+ for (Object expression : expressionList) {
+ MapEntryExpression meExp = (MapEntryExpression) expression;
+ if (meExp.getKeyExpression() instanceof ConstantExpression) {
+ String argName = meExp.getKeyExpression().getText();
+ if (!namedArgumentNames.contains(argName)) {
+ namedArgumentNames.add(argName);
+ } else {
+ throw new ASTRuntimeException(elist, "Duplicate named parameter '" + argName
+ + "' found.");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ protected boolean addArgumentExpression(AST node, List expressionList) {
+ if (node.getType() == SPREAD_MAP_ARG) {
+ AST rightNode = node.getFirstChild();
+ Expression keyExpression = spreadMapExpression(node);
+ Expression rightExpression = expression(rightNode);
+ MapEntryExpression mapEntryExpression = new MapEntryExpression(keyExpression, rightExpression);
+ expressionList.add(mapEntryExpression);
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ Expression expression = expression(node);
+ expressionList.add(expression);
+ return expression instanceof MapEntryExpression;
+ }
+ }
+ protected Expression expressionList(AST node) {
+ List expressionList = new ArrayList();
+ for (AST child = node.getFirstChild(); child != null; child = child.getNextSibling()) {
+ expressionList.add(expression(child));
+ }
+ if (expressionList.size() == 1) {
+ return expressionList.get(0);
+ } else {
+ ListExpression listExpression = new ListExpression(expressionList);
+ listExpression.setWrapped(true);
+ configureAST(listExpression, node);
+ return listExpression;
+ }
+ }
+ protected ClosureExpression closureExpression(AST node) {
+ AST paramNode = node.getFirstChild();
+ Parameter[] parameters = null;
+ AST codeNode = paramNode;
+ if (isType(PARAMETERS, paramNode) || isType(IMPLICIT_PARAMETERS, paramNode)) {
+ parameters = parameters(paramNode);
+ codeNode = paramNode.getNextSibling();
+ }
+ Statement code = statementListNoChild(codeNode, node);
+ ClosureExpression closureExpression = new ClosureExpression(parameters, code);
+ configureAST(closureExpression, node);
+ return closureExpression;
+ }
+ protected Expression blockExpression(AST node) {
+ AST codeNode = node.getFirstChild();
+ if (codeNode == null) return ConstantExpression.NULL;
+ if (codeNode.getType() == EXPR && codeNode.getNextSibling() == null) {
+ // Simplify common case of {expr} to expr.
+ return expression(codeNode);
+ }
+ Parameter[] parameters = Parameter.EMPTY_ARRAY;
+ Statement code = statementListNoChild(codeNode, node);
+ ClosureExpression closureExpression = new ClosureExpression(parameters, code);
+ configureAST(closureExpression, node);
+ // Call it immediately.
+ String callName = "call";
+ Expression noArguments = new ArgumentListExpression();
+ MethodCallExpression call = new MethodCallExpression(closureExpression, callName, noArguments);
+ configureAST(call, node);
+ return call;
+ }
+ protected Expression unaryMinusExpression(AST unaryMinusExpr) {
+ AST node = unaryMinusExpr.getFirstChild();
+ // if we are a number literal then let's just parse it
+ // as the negation operator on MIN_INT causes rounding to a long
+ String text = node.getText();
+ switch (node.getType()) {
+ case NUM_DOUBLE:
+ case NUM_FLOAT:
+ ConstantExpression constantExpression = new ConstantExpression(Numbers.parseDecimal("-" + text));
+ configureAST(constantExpression, unaryMinusExpr);
+ return constantExpression;
+ case NUM_BIG_INT:
+ case NUM_INT:
+ case NUM_LONG:
+ ConstantExpression constantLongExpression = new ConstantExpression(Numbers.parseInteger(unaryMinusExpr,"-" + text));
+ configureAST(constantLongExpression, unaryMinusExpr);
+ return constantLongExpression;
+ default:
+ UnaryMinusExpression unaryMinusExpression = new UnaryMinusExpression(expression(node));
+ configureAST(unaryMinusExpression, unaryMinusExpr);
+ return unaryMinusExpression;
+ }
+ }
+ protected Expression unaryPlusExpression(AST unaryPlusExpr) {
+ AST node = unaryPlusExpr.getFirstChild();
+ switch (node.getType()) {
+ case NUM_DOUBLE:
+ case NUM_FLOAT:
+ case NUM_BIG_INT:
+ case NUM_INT:
+ case NUM_LONG:
+ return expression(node);
+ default:
+ UnaryPlusExpression unaryPlusExpression = new UnaryPlusExpression(expression(node));
+ configureAST(unaryPlusExpression, unaryPlusExpr);
+ return unaryPlusExpression;
+ }
+ }
+ protected ConstantExpression decimalExpression(AST node) {
+ String text = node.getText();
+ Object number = Numbers.parseDecimal(text);
+ ConstantExpression constantExpression = new ConstantExpression(number,
+ number instanceof Double || number instanceof Float);
+ configureAST(constantExpression, node);
+ return constantExpression;
+ }
+ protected ConstantExpression integerExpression(AST node) {
+ String text = node.getText();
+ Object number = Numbers.parseInteger(node, text);
+ boolean keepPrimitive = number instanceof Integer || number instanceof Long;
+ ConstantExpression constantExpression = new ConstantExpression(number, keepPrimitive);
+ configureAST(constantExpression, node);
+ return constantExpression;
+ }
+ protected Expression gstring(AST gstringNode) {
+ List strings = new ArrayList();
+ List values = new ArrayList();
+ StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder();
+ boolean isPrevString = false;
+ for (AST node = gstringNode.getFirstChild(); node != null; node = node.getNextSibling()) {
+ int type = node.getType();
+ String text = null;
+ switch (type) {
+ if (isPrevString) assertNodeType(IDENT, node); // parser bug
+ isPrevString = true;
+ text = node.getText();
+ ConstantExpression constantExpression = new ConstantExpression(text);
+ configureAST(constantExpression, node);
+ strings.add(constantExpression);
+ buffer.append(text);
+ break;
+ default: {
+ if (!isPrevString) assertNodeType(IDENT, node); // parser bug
+ isPrevString = false;
+ Expression expression = expression(node);
+ values.add(expression);
+ buffer.append("$");
+ buffer.append(expression.getText());
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ GStringExpression gStringExpression = new GStringExpression(buffer.toString(), strings, values);
+ configureAST(gStringExpression, gstringNode);
+ return gStringExpression;
+ }
+ protected ClassNode type(AST typeNode) {
+ // TODO intern types?
+ // TODO configureAST(...)
+ return buildName(typeNode.getFirstChild());
+ }
+ public static String qualifiedName(AST qualifiedNameNode) {
+ if (isType(IDENT, qualifiedNameNode)) {
+ return qualifiedNameNode.getText();
+ }
+ if (isType(DOT, qualifiedNameNode)) {
+ AST node = qualifiedNameNode.getFirstChild();
+ StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder();
+ boolean first = true;
+ while (node != null && !isType(TYPE_ARGUMENTS, node)) {
+ if (first) {
+ first = false;
+ } else {
+ buffer.append(".");
+ }
+ buffer.append(qualifiedName(node));
+ node = node.getNextSibling();
+ }
+ return buffer.toString();
+ } else {
+ return qualifiedNameNode.getText();
+ }
+ }
+ private int getBoundType(AST node) {
+ if (node == null) return -1;
+ if (isType(TYPE_UPPER_BOUNDS, node)) return TYPE_UPPER_BOUNDS;
+ if (isType(TYPE_LOWER_BOUNDS, node)) return TYPE_LOWER_BOUNDS;
+ throw new ASTRuntimeException(node,
+ "Unexpected node type: " + getTokenName(node) +
+ " found when expecting type: " + getTokenName(TYPE_UPPER_BOUNDS) +
+ " or type: " + getTokenName(TYPE_LOWER_BOUNDS));
+ }
+ private GenericsType makeGenericsArgumentType(AST typeArgument) {
+ GenericsType gt;
+ AST rootNode = typeArgument.getFirstChild();
+ if (isType(WILDCARD_TYPE, rootNode)) {
+ ClassNode base = ClassHelper.makeWithoutCaching("?");
+ if (rootNode.getNextSibling() != null) {
+ int boundType = getBoundType(rootNode.getNextSibling());
+ ClassNode[] gts = makeGenericsBounds(rootNode, boundType);
+ if (boundType == TYPE_UPPER_BOUNDS) {
+ gt = new GenericsType(base, gts, null);
+ } else {
+ gt = new GenericsType(base, null, gts[0]);
+ }
+ } else {
+ gt = new GenericsType(base, null, null);
+ }
+ gt.setName("?");
+ gt.setWildcard(true);
+ } else {
+ ClassNode argument = makeTypeWithArguments(rootNode);
+ gt = new GenericsType(argument);
+ }
+ configureAST(gt, typeArgument);
+ return gt;
+ }
+ protected ClassNode makeTypeWithArguments(AST rootNode) {
+ ClassNode basicType = makeType(rootNode);
+ AST node = rootNode.getFirstChild();
+ if (node == null || isType(INDEX_OP, node) || isType(ARRAY_DECLARATOR, node)) return basicType;
+ if (!isType(DOT, node)) {
+ node = node.getFirstChild();
+ if (node == null) return basicType;
+ return addTypeArguments(basicType, node);
+ } else {
+ node = node.getFirstChild();
+ while (node != null && !isType(TYPE_ARGUMENTS, node))
+ node = node.getNextSibling();
+ return node == null ? basicType : addTypeArguments(basicType, node);
+ }
+ }
+ private ClassNode addTypeArguments(ClassNode basicType, AST node) {
+ List typeArgumentList = getTypeArgumentsList(node);
+ // a 0-length type argument list means we face the diamond operator
+ basicType.setGenericsTypes(typeArgumentList.toArray(new GenericsType[typeArgumentList.size()]));
+ // GRECLIPSE add
+ // super type source locations is not right, so set them here
+ // GRECLIPSE: What to do about generics?
+ //configureAST(basicType, rootNode);
+ // GRECLIPSE end
+ return basicType;
+ }
+ private List getTypeArgumentsList(AST node) {
+ assertNodeType(TYPE_ARGUMENTS, node);
+ List typeArgumentList = new LinkedList();
+ AST typeArgument = node.getFirstChild();
+ while (typeArgument != null) {
+ assertNodeType(TYPE_ARGUMENT, typeArgument);
+ GenericsType gt = makeGenericsArgumentType(typeArgument);
+ typeArgumentList.add(gt);
+ typeArgument = typeArgument.getNextSibling();
+ }
+ return typeArgumentList;
+ }
+ private ClassNode[] makeGenericsBounds(AST rn, int boundType) {
+ AST boundsRoot = rn.getNextSibling();
+ if (boundsRoot == null) return null;
+ assertNodeType(boundType, boundsRoot);
+ LinkedList bounds = new LinkedList();
+ for (AST boundsNode = boundsRoot.getFirstChild();
+ boundsNode != null;
+ boundsNode = boundsNode.getNextSibling()
+ ) {
+ ClassNode bound = null;
+ bound = makeTypeWithArguments(boundsNode);
+ configureAST(bound, boundsNode);
+ bounds.add(bound);
+ }
+ if (bounds.isEmpty()) return null;
+ return (ClassNode[]) bounds.toArray(new ClassNode[bounds.size()]);
+ }
+ protected GenericsType[] makeGenericsType(AST rootNode) {
+ AST typeParameter = rootNode.getFirstChild();
+ LinkedList ret = new LinkedList();
+ assertNodeType(TYPE_PARAMETER, typeParameter);
+ while (isType(TYPE_PARAMETER, typeParameter)) {
+ AST typeNode = typeParameter.getFirstChild();
+ ClassNode type = makeType(typeParameter);
+ GenericsType gt = new GenericsType(type, makeGenericsBounds(typeNode, TYPE_UPPER_BOUNDS), null);
+ configureAST(gt, typeParameter);
+ ret.add(gt);
+ typeParameter = typeParameter.getNextSibling();
+ }
+ return (GenericsType[]) ret.toArray(new GenericsType[ret.size()]);
+ }
+ protected ClassNode makeType(AST typeNode) {
+ ClassNode answer = ClassHelper.DYNAMIC_TYPE;
+ AST node = typeNode.getFirstChild();
+ if (node != null) {
+ if (isType(INDEX_OP, node) || isType(ARRAY_DECLARATOR, node)) {
+ // GRECLIPSE edit
+ //answer = makeType(node).makeArray();
+ answer = makeTypeWithArguments(node).makeArray();
+ // GRECLIPSE end
+ } else {
+ checkTypeArgs(node, false);
+ answer = ClassHelper.make(qualifiedName(node));
+ if (answer.isUsingGenerics()) {
+ ClassNode newAnswer = ClassHelper.makeWithoutCaching(answer.getName());
+ newAnswer.setRedirect(answer);
+ answer = newAnswer;
+ }
+ }
+ configureAST(answer, node);
+ }
+ return answer;
+ }
+ private boolean checkTypeArgs(AST node, boolean seenTypeArgs) {
+ if (isType(IDENT, node) && seenTypeArgs) {
+ throw new ASTRuntimeException(node, "Unexpected type arguments found prior to: " + qualifiedName(node));
+ }
+ if (isType(DOT, node)) {
+ AST next = node.getFirstChild();
+ while (next != null && !isType(TYPE_ARGUMENTS, next)) {
+ seenTypeArgs |= checkTypeArgs(next, seenTypeArgs);
+ seenTypeArgs |= isType(TYPE_ARGUMENTS, next.getFirstChild()) || isType(TYPE_ARGUMENTS, next.getNextSibling());
+ next = next.getNextSibling();
+ }
+ }
+ return seenTypeArgs;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Performs a name resolution to see if the given name is a type from imports,
+ * aliases or newly created classes
+ */
+ /*protected String resolveTypeName(String name, boolean safe) {
+ if (name == null) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ return resolveNewClassOrName(name, safe);
+ }*/
+ /**
+ * Extracts an identifier from the Antlr AST and then performs a name resolution
+ * to see if the given name is a type from imports, aliases or newly created classes
+ */
+ protected ClassNode buildName(AST node) {
+ if (isType(TYPE, node)) {
+ node = node.getFirstChild();
+ }
+ ClassNode answer = null;
+ if (isType(DOT, node) || isType(OPTIONAL_DOT, node)) {
+ answer = ClassHelper.make(qualifiedName(node));
+ } else if (isPrimitiveTypeLiteral(node)) {
+ answer = ClassHelper.make(node.getText());
+ } else if (isType(INDEX_OP, node) || isType(ARRAY_DECLARATOR, node)) {
+ AST child = node.getFirstChild();
+ answer = buildName(child).makeArray();
+ configureAST(answer, node);
+ return answer;
+ } else {
+ String identifier = node.getText();
+ answer = ClassHelper.make(identifier);
+ }
+ AST nextSibling = node.getNextSibling();
+ if (isType(INDEX_OP, nextSibling) || isType(ARRAY_DECLARATOR, node)) {
+ answer = answer.makeArray();
+ configureAST(answer, node);
+ return answer;
+ } else {
+ configureAST(answer, node);
+ return answer;
+ }
+ }
+ protected boolean isPrimitiveTypeLiteral(AST node) {
+ int type = node.getType();
+ switch (type) {
+ case LITERAL_boolean:
+ case LITERAL_byte:
+ case LITERAL_char:
+ case LITERAL_double:
+ case LITERAL_float:
+ case LITERAL_int:
+ case LITERAL_long:
+ case LITERAL_short:
+ return true;
+ default:
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Extracts an identifier from the Antlr AST
+ */
+ protected String identifier(AST node) {
+ assertNodeType(IDENT, node);
+ return node.getText();
+ }
+ protected String label(AST labelNode) {
+ AST node = labelNode.getFirstChild();
+ if (node == null) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ return identifier(node);
+ }
+ // Helper methods
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ /**
+ * Returns true if the modifiers flags contain a visibility modifier
+ */
+ protected boolean hasVisibility(int modifiers) {
+ return (modifiers & (Opcodes.ACC_PRIVATE | Opcodes.ACC_PROTECTED | Opcodes.ACC_PUBLIC)) != 0;
+ }
+ protected void configureAST(ASTNode node, AST ast) {
+ if (ast == null)
+ throw new ASTRuntimeException(ast, "PARSER BUG: Tried to configure " + node.getClass().getName() + " with null Node");
+ /* GRECLIPSE edit
+ node.setColumnNumber(ast.getColumn());
+ node.setLineNumber(ast.getLine());
+ if (ast instanceof GroovySourceAST) {
+ node.setLastColumnNumber(((GroovySourceAST) ast).getColumnLast());
+ node.setLastLineNumber(((GroovySourceAST) ast).getLineLast());
+ }
+ */
+ int startcol = ast.getColumn();
+ int startline = ast.getLine();
+ int startoffset = locations.findOffset(startline, startcol);
+ int lastcol;
+ int lastline;
+ int endoffset;
+ if (ast instanceof GroovySourceAST) {
+ GroovySourceAST groovySourceAST = (GroovySourceAST) ast;
+ lastcol = groovySourceAST.getColumnLast();
+ lastline = groovySourceAST.getLineLast();
+ if ((ast.getType() == UNARY_MINUS || ast.getType() == UNARY_PLUS) &&
+ node instanceof ConstantExpression) { // extend for literal
+ lastline = ((GroovySourceAST) ast.getFirstChild()).getLineLast();
+ lastcol = ((GroovySourceAST) ast.getFirstChild()).getColumnLast();
+ }
+ endoffset = locations.findOffset(lastline, lastcol);
+ // GRECLIPSE-768: Only re-set the sloc for these kinds of expressions
+ // if the new sloc is larger than the old. When nested inside of a
+ // BinaryExpression, their slocs would be wrong instead, they are set
+ // according to their childrens' slocs.
+ if ((node instanceof BinaryExpression ||
+ node instanceof TernaryExpression ||
+ node instanceof MapEntryExpression ||
+ node instanceof MapExpression ||
+ node instanceof CastExpression ||
+ node instanceof MethodCallExpression) &&
+ node.getStart() <= startoffset && node.getEnd() >= endoffset) {
+ // sloc has already been set and it is larger than this one
+ return;
+ }
+ // GRECLIPSE-829: VariableExpression inside of GStrings contain the
+ // openning '{', but shouldn't. If the new sloc is larger than the
+ // one being set, then ignore it and don't reset. Also numbers can
+ // result in an expression node that includes trailing whitespaces.
+ if ((node instanceof VariableExpression ||
+ (node instanceof ConstantExpression && ast.getType() == EXPR)) &&
+ node.getEnd() > 0 && startoffset <= node.getStart() && endoffset >= node.getEnd()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ node.setLastColumnNumber(lastcol);
+ node.setLastLineNumber(lastline);
+ node.setEnd(endoffset);
+ }
+ node.setColumnNumber(startcol);
+ node.setLineNumber(startline);
+ node.setStart(startoffset);
+ // GRECLIPSE end
+ // TODO we could one day store the Antlr AST on the Groovy AST
+ // node.setCSTNode(ast);
+ }
+ protected static Token makeToken(int typeCode, AST node) {
+ return Token.newSymbol(typeCode, node.getLine(), node.getColumn());
+ }
+ protected String getFirstChildText(AST node) {
+ AST child = node.getFirstChild();
+ return child != null ? child.getText() : null;
+ }
+ public static boolean isType(int typeCode, AST node) {
+ return node != null && node.getType() == typeCode;
+ }
+ private String getTokenName(int token) {
+ if (tokenNames == null) return "" + token;
+ return tokenNames[token];
+ }
+ private String getTokenName(AST node) {
+ if (node == null) return "null";
+ return getTokenName(node.getType());
+ }
+ protected void assertNodeType(int type, AST node) {
+ if (node == null) {
+ throw new ASTRuntimeException(node, "No child node available in AST when expecting type: " + getTokenName(type));
+ }
+ if (node.getType() != type) {
+ throw new ASTRuntimeException(node, "Unexpected node type: " + getTokenName(node) + " found when expecting type: " + getTokenName(type));
+ }
+ }
+ protected void notImplementedYet(AST node) {
+ throw new ASTRuntimeException(node, "AST node not implemented yet for type: " + getTokenName(node));
+ }
+ // GRECLIPSE edit
+ protected /*void*/Expression unknownAST(AST node) {
+ if (node.getType() == CLASS_DEF) {
+ throw new ASTRuntimeException(node,
+ "Class definition not expected here. Please define the class at an appropriate place or perhaps try using a block/Closure instead.");
+ }
+ if (node.getType() == METHOD_DEF) {
+ throw new ASTRuntimeException(node,
+ "Method definition not expected here. Please define the method at an appropriate place or perhaps try using a block/Closure instead.");
+ }
+ // GRECLIPSE edit
+ //throw new ASTRuntimeException(node, "Unknown type: " + getTokenName(node));
+ return new ConstantExpression("ERROR");
+ // GRECLIPSE end
+ }
+ protected void dumpTree(AST ast) {
+ for (AST node = ast.getFirstChild(); node != null; node = node.getNextSibling()) {
+ dump(node);
+ }
+ }
+ protected void dump(AST node) {
+ System.out.println("Type: " + getTokenName(node) + " text: " + node.getText());
+ }
+ // GRECLIPSE add
+ private void fixModuleNodeLocations() {
+ // only occurs if in a script
+ output.setStart(0);
+ output.setEnd(locations.getEnd());
+ output.setLineNumber(1);
+ output.setColumnNumber(1);
+ output.setLastColumnNumber(locations.getEndColumn());
+ output.setLastLineNumber(locations.getEndLine());
+ // start location should be the start of either the first method or statement
+ // end location should be the end of either the last method or statement
+ BlockStatement statement = output.getStatementBlock();
+ List methods = output.getMethods();
+ if (hasScriptStatements(statement) || hasScriptMethods(methods)) {
+ ASTNode first = getFirst(statement, methods);
+ ASTNode last = getLast(statement, methods);
+ if (hasScriptStatements(statement)) {
+ statement.setStart(first.getStart());
+ statement.setLineNumber(first.getLineNumber());
+ statement.setColumnNumber(first.getColumnNumber());
+ statement.setEnd(last.getEnd());
+ statement.setLastLineNumber(last.getLastLineNumber());
+ statement.setLastColumnNumber(last.getLastColumnNumber());
+ }
+ if (!output.getClasses().isEmpty()) {
+ ClassNode scriptClass = output.getClasses().get(0);
+ scriptClass.setStart(first.getStart());
+ scriptClass.setLineNumber(first.getLineNumber());
+ scriptClass.setColumnNumber(first.getColumnNumber());
+ scriptClass.setEnd(last.getEnd());
+ scriptClass.setLastLineNumber(last.getLastLineNumber());
+ scriptClass.setLastColumnNumber(last.getLastColumnNumber());
+ // fix the run method to contain the start and end locations of the statement block
+ MethodNode runMethod = scriptClass.getDeclaredMethod("run", Parameter.EMPTY_ARRAY);
+ runMethod.setStart(first.getStart());
+ runMethod.setLineNumber(first.getLineNumber());
+ runMethod.setColumnNumber(first.getColumnNumber());
+ runMethod.setEnd(last.getEnd());
+ runMethod.setLastLineNumber(last.getLastLineNumber());
+ runMethod.setLastColumnNumber(last.getLastColumnNumber());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private boolean hasScriptMethods(List methods) {
+ return methods != null && !methods.isEmpty();
+ }
+ private boolean hasScriptStatements(BlockStatement statement) {
+ return statement != null && statement.getStatements() != null && !statement.getStatements().isEmpty();
+ }
+ /** Returns the first ast node in the script, either a method or a statement. */
+ private ASTNode getFirst(BlockStatement statement, List methods) {
+ Statement firstStatement = hasScriptStatements(statement) ? statement.getStatements().get(0) : null;
+ MethodNode firstMethod = hasScriptMethods(methods) ? methods.get(0) : null;
+ if (firstMethod == null && (firstStatement == null || (firstStatement.getStart() == 0 && firstStatement.getLength() == 0))) {
+ // An empty script with no methods or statements.
+ // instead make a synthetic statement from the end of the package declaration/import statements
+ firstStatement = createSyntheticAfterImports();
+ }
+ int statementStart = firstStatement != null ? firstStatement.getStart() : Integer.MAX_VALUE;
+ int methodStart = firstMethod != null ? firstMethod.getStart() : Integer.MAX_VALUE;
+ return statementStart <= methodStart ? firstStatement : firstMethod;
+ }
+ /** Returns the last ast node in the script, either a method or a statement. */
+ private ASTNode getLast(BlockStatement statement, List methods) {
+ Statement lastStatement = hasScriptStatements(statement) ? statement.getStatements().get(statement.getStatements().size() - 1) : null;
+ MethodNode lastMethod = hasScriptMethods(methods) ? methods.get(methods.size() - 1) : null;
+ if (lastMethod == null && (lastStatement == null || (lastStatement.getStart() == 0 && lastStatement.getLength() == 0))) {
+ // An empty script with no methods or statements.
+ // instead make a synthetic statement from the end of the package declaration/import statements
+ lastStatement = createSyntheticAfterImports();
+ }
+ int statementStart = lastStatement != null ? lastStatement.getEnd() : Integer.MIN_VALUE;
+ int methodStart = lastMethod != null ? lastMethod.getStart() : Integer.MIN_VALUE;
+ return statementStart >= methodStart ? lastStatement : lastMethod;
+ }
+ /** Creates a synthetic statement that starts after the last import or package statement. */
+ private Statement createSyntheticAfterImports() {
+ Statement synthetic = ReturnStatement.RETURN_NULL_OR_VOID;
+ ASTNode target = null;
+ if (output.getImports() != null && !output.getImports().isEmpty()) {
+ target = output.getImports().get(output.getImports().size() - 1);
+ } else if (output.hasPackage()) {
+ target = output.getPackage();
+ }
+ if (target != null) {
+ // import/package nodes do not include trailing semicolon, so use end of line instead of end of node
+ int off = Math.min(locations.findOffset(target.getLastLineNumber() + 1, 1), locations.getEnd() - 1);
+ int[] row_col = locations.getRowCol(off);
+ synthetic = new ReturnStatement(ConstantExpression.NULL);
+ synthetic.setStart(off);
+ synthetic.setEnd(off);
+ synthetic.setLineNumber(row_col[0]);
+ synthetic.setColumnNumber(row_col[1]);
+ synthetic.setLastLineNumber(row_col[0]);
+ synthetic.setLastColumnNumber(row_col[1]);
+ }
+ return synthetic;
+ }
+ protected void configureAnnotationAST(AnnotationNode node, AST ast) {
+ if (ast == null) {
+ throw new ASTRuntimeException(ast, "PARSER BUG: Tried to configure " + node.getClass().getName() + " with null AST");
+ }
+ if (!(ast instanceof GroovySourceAST)) {
+ throw new ASTRuntimeException(ast, "PARSER BUG: Expected a GroovySourceAST node for annotation, but got: " + ast.getClass().getName());
+ }
+ // Structure of incoming parameter 'ast':
+ // - down='annotationName' (IDENT:84)
+ configureAST(node, ast.getFirstChild());
+ configureAST(node.getClassNode(), ast.getFirstChild());
+ // save the full source range of the annotation for future use
+ long start = locations.findOffset(ast.getLine(), ast.getColumn());
+ long until = locations.findOffset(((GroovySourceAST) ast).getLineLast(), ((GroovySourceAST) ast).getColumnLast());
+ node.setNodeMetaData("source.offsets", (start << 32) | until); // pack the two offsets into one long integer value
+ node.setEnd(node.getEnd() - 1); // Eclipse wants this for error reporting
+ }
+ // GRECLIPSE end
diff --git a/base/org.codehaus.groovy26/src/org/codehaus/groovy/antlr/EnumHelper.java b/base/org.codehaus.groovy26/src/org/codehaus/groovy/antlr/EnumHelper.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ce0f7ef52c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/base/org.codehaus.groovy26/src/org/codehaus/groovy/antlr/EnumHelper.java
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+package org.codehaus.groovy.antlr;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.ClassHelper;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.ClassNode;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.FieldNode;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.GenericsType;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.InnerClassNode;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.MixinNode;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.expr.Expression;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.expr.ListExpression;
+import groovyjarjarasm.asm.Opcodes;
+public class EnumHelper {
+ private static final int FS = Opcodes.ACC_FINAL | Opcodes.ACC_STATIC;
+ private static final int PUBLIC_FS = Opcodes.ACC_PUBLIC | FS;
+ public static ClassNode makeEnumNode(String name, int modifiers, ClassNode[] interfaces, ClassNode outerClass) {
+ modifiers = modifiers | Opcodes.ACC_FINAL | Opcodes.ACC_ENUM;
+ ClassNode enumClass;
+ if (outerClass==null) {
+ enumClass = new ClassNode(name,modifiers,null,interfaces,MixinNode.EMPTY_ARRAY);
+ } else {
+ name = outerClass.getName() + "$" + name;
+ modifiers |= Opcodes.ACC_STATIC;
+ enumClass = new InnerClassNode(outerClass,name,modifiers,null,interfaces,MixinNode.EMPTY_ARRAY);
+ }
+ // set super class and generics info
+ // "enum X" -> class X extends Enum
+ GenericsType gt = new GenericsType(enumClass);
+ ClassNode superClass = ClassHelper.makeWithoutCaching("java.lang.Enum");
+ superClass.setGenericsTypes(new GenericsType[]{gt});
+ enumClass.setSuperClass(superClass);
+ superClass.setRedirect(ClassHelper.Enum_Type);
+ return enumClass;
+ }
+ // GRECLIPSE edit
+ public static void addEnumConstant(ClassNode enumClass, String name, Expression init) {
+ addEnumConstant(enumClass, enumClass, name, init, -1, -1);
+ }
+ // modified to return the FieldNode it creates, so that we can fix up the position
+ public static FieldNode addEnumConstant(ClassNode enumClassType, ClassNode enumClassOwner, String name, Expression init, int lineNumber, int colNumber) {
+ int modifiers = PUBLIC_FS | Opcodes.ACC_ENUM;
+ if (init != null && !(init instanceof ListExpression)) {
+ ListExpression list = new ListExpression();
+ list.addExpression(init);
+ init = list;
+ }
+ FieldNode fn = new FieldNode(name, modifiers, enumClassType.getPlainNodeReference(), enumClassOwner, init);
+ fn.setLineNumber(lineNumber);
+ fn.setColumnNumber(colNumber);
+ enumClassOwner.addField(fn);
+ return fn;
+ }
+ // GRECLIPSE end
diff --git a/base/org.codehaus.groovy26/src/org/codehaus/groovy/antlr/ErrorRecoveredCSTParserPlugin.java b/base/org.codehaus.groovy26/src/org/codehaus/groovy/antlr/ErrorRecoveredCSTParserPlugin.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..336c7e6cac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/base/org.codehaus.groovy26/src/org/codehaus/groovy/antlr/ErrorRecoveredCSTParserPlugin.java
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+ * Copyright 2009-2017 the original author or authors.
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package org.codehaus.groovy.antlr;
+import groovyjarjarantlr.RecognitionException;
+import groovyjarjarantlr.TokenStreamException;
+import groovyjarjarantlr.TokenStreamIOException;
+import groovyjarjarantlr.TokenStreamRecognitionException;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.antlr.parser.GroovyLexer;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.antlr.parser.GroovyRecognizer;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.control.CompilationFailedException;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.control.SourceUnit;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.syntax.SyntaxException;
+import java.io.Reader;
+import java.util.Collections;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.Map;
+ * Parser plugin using grammar which has error recovery enabled/implemented in
+ * select places.
+ *
+ * @author empovazan
+ */
+public class ErrorRecoveredCSTParserPlugin extends AntlrParserPlugin {
+ private final ICSTReporter reporter;
+ ErrorRecoveredCSTParserPlugin(ICSTReporter reporter) {
+ this.reporter = reporter;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void transformCSTIntoAST(final SourceUnit sourceUnit, Reader reader, SourceBuffer sourceBuffer) throws CompilationFailedException {
+ super.ast = null;
+ setController(sourceUnit);
+ // GRECLIPSE-805 Support for unicode escape sequences
+ UnicodeEscapingReader unicodeReader = new UnicodeEscapingReader(reader, sourceBuffer);
+ GroovyLexer lexer = new GroovyLexer(new UnicodeLexerSharedInputState(unicodeReader));
+ unicodeReader.setLexer(lexer);
+ GroovyRecognizer parser = GroovyRecognizer.make(lexer);
+ parser.setSourceBuffer(sourceBuffer);
+ super.tokenNames = parser.getTokenNames();
+ parser.setFilename(sourceUnit.getName());
+ // start parsing at the compilationUnit rule
+ try {
+ parser.compilationUnit();
+ configureLocationSupport(sourceBuffer);
+ } catch (TokenStreamRecognitionException tsre) {
+ configureLocationSupport(sourceBuffer);
+ RecognitionException e = tsre.recog;
+ SyntaxException se = new SyntaxException(e.getMessage(), e, e.getLine(), e.getColumn());
+ se.setFatal(true);
+ sourceUnit.addError(se);
+ } catch (RecognitionException e) {
+ configureLocationSupport(sourceBuffer);
+ // sometimes the line/column is after the end of the file
+ // why is this? Fix if possible
+ int origLine = e.getLine();
+ int origColumn = e.getColumn();
+ int[] newInts = fixLineColumn(origLine, origColumn);
+ int newLine = newInts[0];
+ int newColumn = newInts[1];
+ SyntaxException se = new SyntaxException(e.getMessage(), e, newLine, newColumn);
+ se.setFatal(true);
+ sourceUnit.addError(se);
+ } catch (TokenStreamException e) {
+ configureLocationSupport(sourceBuffer);
+ boolean handled = false;
+ if (e instanceof TokenStreamIOException) {
+ // GRECLIPSE-896: "Did not find four digit hex character code. line: 1 col:7"
+ String m = e.getMessage();
+ if (m != null && m.startsWith("Did not find four digit hex character code.")) {
+ try {
+ int linepos = m.indexOf("line:");
+ int colpos = m.indexOf("col:");
+ int line = Integer.valueOf(m.substring(linepos + 5, colpos).trim());
+ int col = Integer.valueOf(m.substring(colpos + 4).trim());
+ SyntaxException se = new SyntaxException(e.getMessage(), e, line, col);
+ se.setFatal(true);
+ sourceUnit.addError(se);
+ handled = true;
+ } catch (Throwable t) {
+ System.err.println(m);
+ t.printStackTrace();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!handled) {
+ sourceUnit.addException(e);
+ }
+ }
+ super.ast = parser.getAST();
+ sourceUnit.setComments(parser.getComments());
+ reportCST(sourceUnit, parser);
+ }
+ private void reportCST(final SourceUnit sourceUnit, final GroovyRecognizer parser) {
+ final List errorList = parser.getErrorList();
+ final GroovySourceAST cst = (GroovySourceAST) parser.getAST();
+ if (reporter != null) {
+ if (cst != null)
+ reporter.generatedCST(sourceUnit.getName(), cst);
+ if (errorList.size() != 0)
+ // Unmodifiable necessary?
+ reporter.reportErrors(sourceUnit.getName(), Collections.unmodifiableList(errorList));
+ } else {
+ // report directly on the SourceUnit
+ for (Map error : (List>) errorList) {
+ // sometimes the line/column is after the end of the file
+ // why is this? Fix if possible
+ int origLine = ((Integer) error.get("line")).intValue();
+ int origColumn = ((Integer) error.get("column")).intValue();
+ int[] newInts = fixLineColumn(origLine, origColumn);
+ int newLine = newInts[0];
+ int newColumn = newInts[1];
+ SyntaxException se = new SyntaxException((String) error.get("error"), newLine, newColumn);
+ sourceUnit.addError(se);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ * Fix the column so that it is not past the end of the file
+ */
+ private int[] fixLineColumn(int origLine, int origColumn) {
+ if (locations.isPopulated()) {
+ int offset = locations.findOffset(origLine, origColumn);
+ if (offset >= locations.getEnd() - 1) {
+ return locations.getRowCol(locations.getEnd() - 1);
+ }
+ }
+ return new int[] {origLine, origColumn};
+ }
diff --git a/base/org.codehaus.groovy26/src/org/codehaus/groovy/antlr/ErrorRecoveredCSTParserPluginFactory.java b/base/org.codehaus.groovy26/src/org/codehaus/groovy/antlr/ErrorRecoveredCSTParserPluginFactory.java
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index 0000000000..fb416a1389
--- /dev/null
+++ b/base/org.codehaus.groovy26/src/org/codehaus/groovy/antlr/ErrorRecoveredCSTParserPluginFactory.java
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+ * Copyright 2009-2017 the original author or authors.
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package org.codehaus.groovy.antlr;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.control.ParserPlugin;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.control.ParserPluginFactory;
+ * Plugin factory creating plugin that reports on creation of error recovered ASTs.
+ *
+ * @author empovazan
+ */
+public class ErrorRecoveredCSTParserPluginFactory extends ParserPluginFactory {
+ private final ICSTReporter cstReporter;
+ public ErrorRecoveredCSTParserPluginFactory(ICSTReporter cstReporter) {
+ this.cstReporter = cstReporter;
+ }
+ public ErrorRecoveredCSTParserPluginFactory() {
+ this.cstReporter = null;
+ }
+ public ParserPlugin createParserPlugin() {
+ return new ErrorRecoveredCSTParserPlugin(cstReporter);
+ }
diff --git a/base/org.codehaus.groovy26/src/org/codehaus/groovy/antlr/ICSTReporter.java b/base/org.codehaus.groovy26/src/org/codehaus/groovy/antlr/ICSTReporter.java
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index 0000000000..60c09b2811
--- /dev/null
+++ b/base/org.codehaus.groovy26/src/org/codehaus/groovy/antlr/ICSTReporter.java
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+ * Copyright 2009-2017 the original author or authors.
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package org.codehaus.groovy.antlr;
+import java.util.List;
+ * Reports on CST builds.
+ *
+ * @author empovazan
+ */
+public interface ICSTReporter {
+ /**
+ * Report that an AST has been generated.
+ */
+ public void generatedCST(String fileName, GroovySourceAST ast);
+ /**
+ * Report parse errors while attempting to generate a CST. Not that the CST
+ * may in fact be generated if the parser is error recovering.
+ */
+ public void reportErrors(String fileName, List errors);
diff --git a/base/org.codehaus.groovy26/src/org/codehaus/groovy/antlr/LocationSupport.java b/base/org.codehaus.groovy26/src/org/codehaus/groovy/antlr/LocationSupport.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..658707625f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/base/org.codehaus.groovy26/src/org/codehaus/groovy/antlr/LocationSupport.java
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+ /*
+ * Copyright 2009-2017 the original author or authors.
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package org.codehaus.groovy.antlr;
+import java.util.List;
+ * Maps lines/columns to offsets in a text file. Assumes '\n' is the newline
+ * delimiter. The newline character is included as the last char on the line.
+ * Lines and columns are both 1 based
+ *
+ *
+ * "" -> [0,0]
+ * "a" -> [0,1]
+ * "\n" -> [0,1], [1,0]
+ * "a\n" -> [0,2], [2,0]
+ * "a\nb" -> [0,2], [2,1]
+ * "a\nbc\n" -> [0,2], [2,3], [5,0]
+ *
+ *
+ * @author Andrew Eisenberg
+ */
+public class LocationSupport {
+ public static final LocationSupport NO_LOCATIONS = new LocationSupport();
+ private static final int[] NO_LINE_ENDINGS = new int[0];
+ private final int[] lineEndings;
+ public LocationSupport() {
+ lineEndings = NO_LINE_ENDINGS;
+ }
+ public LocationSupport(int[] lineEndings) {
+ this.lineEndings = lineEndings;
+ }
+ public LocationSupport(List lines) {
+ if (lines != null) {
+ lineEndings = processLineEndings(lines);
+ } else {
+ lineEndings = NO_LINE_ENDINGS;
+ }
+ }
+ private int[] processLineEndings(List extends CharSequence> lines) {
+ int[] newLineEndings = new int[lines.size() + 1]; // last index stores end of file
+ int total = 0;
+ int current = 1;
+ for (CharSequence line : lines) {
+ newLineEndings[current++] = (total += (line.length()));
+ }
+ return newLineEndings;
+ }
+ // TODO: Maybe should throw exception if out of bounds?
+ public int findOffset(int row, int col) {
+ return row <= lineEndings.length && row > 0 ? lineEndings[row - 1] + col - 1 : 0;
+ }
+ public int getEnd() {
+ return lineEndings.length > 0 ? lineEndings[lineEndings.length - 1] : 0;
+ }
+ public int getEndColumn() {
+ if (lineEndings.length > 1) {
+ return lineEndings[lineEndings.length - 1] - lineEndings[lineEndings.length - 2];
+ } else if (lineEndings.length > 0) {
+ return lineEndings[0];
+ } else {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ public int getEndLine() {
+ return lineEndings.length > 0 ? lineEndings.length - 1 : 0; // last index contains length of document
+ }
+ public int[] getRowCol(int offset) {
+ for (int i = 1, n = lineEndings.length; i < n; i += 1) {
+ if (lineEndings[i] > offset) {
+ return new int[] {i, offset - lineEndings[i - 1] + 1};
+ }
+ }
+ // after end of document
+ throw new RuntimeException("Location is after end of document. Offset : " + offset);
+ }
+ public boolean isPopulated() {
+ return lineEndings.length > 0;
+ }
diff --git a/base/org.codehaus.groovy26/src/org/codehaus/groovy/antlr/SourceBuffer.java b/base/org.codehaus.groovy26/src/org/codehaus/groovy/antlr/SourceBuffer.java
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index 0000000000..061564ee83
--- /dev/null
+++ b/base/org.codehaus.groovy26/src/org/codehaus/groovy/antlr/SourceBuffer.java
@@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+package org.codehaus.groovy.antlr;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.List;
+ * A simple buffer that provides line/col access to chunks of source code
+ * held within itself.
+ *
+ * @author Jeremy Rayner
+ */
+public class SourceBuffer {
+ // GRECLIPSE edit
+ private final List lines = new ArrayList<>();
+ private final List lineEndings = new ArrayList<>();
+ private StringBuilder current = new StringBuilder();
+ // GRECLIPSE-805: Support for unicode escape sequences
+ private UnicodeEscapingReader unescaper = new NoEscaper();
+ // GRECLIPSE end
+ public SourceBuffer() {
+ // GRECLIPSE edit
+ lines.add(current);
+ lineEndings.add(0);
+ // GRECLIPSE end
+ }
+ /**
+ * Obtains a snippet of the source code within the bounds specified
+ * @param start (inclusive line/ inclusive column)
+ * @param end (inclusive line / exclusive column)
+ * @return specified snippet of source code as a String, or null if no source available
+ */
+ public String getSnippet(LineColumn start, LineColumn end) {
+ // preconditions
+ if (start == null || end == null) { return null; } // no text to return
+ if (start.equals(end)) { return null; } // no text to return
+ if (lines.size() == 1 && current.length() == 0) { return null; } // buffer hasn't been filled yet
+ // working variables
+ int startLine = start.getLine();
+ int startColumn = start.getColumn();
+ int endLine = end.getLine();
+ int endColumn = end.getColumn();
+ // reset any out of bounds requests
+ if (startLine < 1) { startLine = 1;}
+ if (endLine < 1) { endLine = 1;}
+ if (startColumn < 1) { startColumn = 1;}
+ if (endColumn < 1) { endColumn = 1;}
+ if (startLine > lines.size()) { startLine = lines.size(); }
+ if (endLine > lines.size()) { endLine = lines.size(); }
+ // obtain the snippet from the buffer within specified bounds
+ StringBuilder snippet = new StringBuilder();
+ for (int i = startLine - 1; i < endLine;i++) {
+ String line = ((StringBuilder)lines.get(i)).toString();
+ if (startLine == endLine) {
+ // reset any out of bounds requests (again)
+ if (startColumn > line.length()) { startColumn = line.length();}
+ if (startColumn < 1) { startColumn = 1;}
+ if (endColumn > line.length()) { endColumn = line.length() + 1;}
+ if (endColumn < 1) { endColumn = 1;}
+ if (endColumn < startColumn) { endColumn = startColumn;}
+ line = line.substring(startColumn - 1, endColumn - 1);
+ } else {
+ if (i == startLine - 1) {
+ if (startColumn - 1 < line.length()) {
+ line = line.substring(startColumn - 1);
+ }
+ }
+ if (i == endLine - 1) {
+ if (endColumn - 1 < line.length()) {
+ line = line.substring(0,endColumn - 1);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ snippet.append(line);
+ }
+ return snippet.toString();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Writes the specified character into the buffer
+ * @param c
+ */
+ public void write(int c) {
+ if (c != -1) {
+ // GRECLIPSE add
+ col += 1;
+ // GRECLIPSE end
+ current.append((char)c);
+ }
+ if (c == '\n') {
+ current = new StringBuilder();
+ // GRECLIPSE add
+ if (!prevWasCarriageReturn) {
+ // GRECLIPSE end
+ lines.add(current);
+ // GRECLIPSE add
+ } else { // \r\n was found
+ // back out previous line and add a \n to the line
+ lines.get(lines.size() - 1).append('\n');
+ lineEndings.remove(lineEndings.size() - 1);
+ }
+ lineEndings.add(col + unescaper.getUnescapedUnicodeOffsetCount());
+ // GRECLIPSE end
+ }
+ // GRECLIPSE add
+ // handle carriage returns as well as newlines
+ if (c == '\r') {
+ current = new StringBuilder();
+ lines.add(current);
+ lineEndings.add(col + unescaper.getUnescapedUnicodeOffsetCount());
+ // this may be a \r\n, but may not be
+ prevWasCarriageReturn = true;
+ } else {
+ prevWasCarriageReturn = false;
+ }
+ // GRECLIPSE end
+ }
+ private int col;
+ private boolean prevWasCarriageReturn;
+ public LocationSupport getLocationSupport() {
+ lineEndings.add(col + unescaper.getUnescapedUnicodeOffsetCount()); // last line ends where the data runs out
+ int[] lineEndingsArray = new int[lineEndings.size()];
+ for (int i = 0, max = lineEndings.size(); i < max; i += 1) {
+ lineEndingsArray[i] = lineEndings.get(i).intValue();
+ }
+ return new LocationSupport(lineEndingsArray);
+ }
+ public void setUnescaper(UnicodeEscapingReader unicodeEscapingReader) {
+ this.unescaper = unicodeEscapingReader;
+ }
+ // GRECLIPSE end
+ * GRECLIPSE-805: Support for unicode escape sequences
+ * @author Andrew Eisenberg
+ * @created Mar 3, 2011
+ */
+class NoEscaper extends UnicodeEscapingReader {
+ public NoEscaper() {
+ super(null, null);
+ }
+ public int getUnescapedUnicodeColumnCount() {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ public int getUnescapedUnicodeOffsetCount() {
+ return 0;
+ }
diff --git a/base/org.codehaus.groovy26/src/org/codehaus/groovy/antlr/UnicodeEscapingReader.java b/base/org.codehaus.groovy26/src/org/codehaus/groovy/antlr/UnicodeEscapingReader.java
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index 0000000000..387cd01d8f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/base/org.codehaus.groovy26/src/org/codehaus/groovy/antlr/UnicodeEscapingReader.java
@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+package org.codehaus.groovy.antlr;
+import groovyjarjarantlr.CharScanner;
+import groovyjarjarantlr.Token;
+import groovyjarjarantlr.TokenStreamException;
+import java.io.IOException;
+import java.io.Reader;
+ * Translates GLS-defined unicode escapes into characters. Throws an exception
+ * in the event of an invalid unicode escape being detected.
+ *
+ * No attempt has been made to optimize this class for speed or space.
+ */
+public class UnicodeEscapingReader extends Reader {
+ private final Reader reader;
+ private CharScanner lexer;
+ private boolean hasNextChar = false;
+ private int nextChar;
+ private final SourceBuffer sourceBuffer;
+ private int previousLine;
+ private int numUnicodeEscapesFound = 0;
+ private int numUnicodeEscapesFoundOnCurrentLine = 0;
+ private static class DummyLexer extends CharScanner {
+ private final Token t = new Token();
+ public Token nextToken() throws TokenStreamException {
+ return t;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public int getColumn() {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public int getLine() {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Constructor.
+ * @param reader The reader that this reader will filter over.
+ */
+ public UnicodeEscapingReader(Reader reader,SourceBuffer sourceBuffer) {
+ this.reader = reader;
+ this.sourceBuffer = sourceBuffer;
+ // GRECLIPSE add
+ if (sourceBuffer != null) {
+ sourceBuffer.setUnescaper(this);
+ }
+ // GRECLIPSE end
+ this.lexer = new DummyLexer();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Sets the lexer that is using this reader. Must be called before the
+ * lexer is used.
+ */
+ public void setLexer(CharScanner lexer) {
+ this.lexer = lexer;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Reads characters from the underlying reader.
+ * @see java.io.Reader#read(char[],int,int)
+ */
+ public int read(char cbuf[], int off, int len) throws IOException {
+ int c = 0;
+ int count = 0;
+ while (count < len && (c = read())!= -1) {
+ cbuf[off + count] = (char) c;
+ count++;
+ }
+ return (count == 0 && c == -1) ? -1 : count;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Gets the next character from the underlying reader,
+ * translating escapes as required.
+ * @see java.io.Reader#close()
+ */
+ public int read() throws IOException {
+ if (hasNextChar) {
+ hasNextChar = false;
+ write(nextChar);
+ return nextChar;
+ }
+ if (previousLine != lexer.getLine()) {
+ // new line, so reset unicode escapes
+ numUnicodeEscapesFoundOnCurrentLine = 0;
+ previousLine = lexer.getLine();
+ }
+ int c = reader.read();
+ if (c != '\\') {
+ write(c);
+ return c;
+ }
+ // Have one backslash, continue if next char is 'u'
+ c = reader.read();
+ if (c != 'u') {
+ hasNextChar = true;
+ nextChar = c;
+ write('\\');
+ return '\\';
+ }
+ // Swallow multiple 'u's
+ int numberOfUChars = 0;
+ do {
+ numberOfUChars++;
+ c = reader.read();
+ } while (c == 'u');
+ // Get first hex digit
+ checkHexDigit(c);
+ StringBuilder charNum = new StringBuilder();
+ charNum.append((char) c);
+ // Must now be three more hex digits
+ for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
+ c = reader.read();
+ checkHexDigit(c);
+ charNum.append((char) c);
+ }
+ int rv = Integer.parseInt(charNum.toString(), 16);
+ write(rv);
+ numUnicodeEscapesFound += 4 + numberOfUChars;
+ numUnicodeEscapesFoundOnCurrentLine += 4 + numberOfUChars;
+ return rv;
+ }
+ private void write(int c) {
+ if (sourceBuffer != null) {sourceBuffer.write(c);}
+ }
+ /**
+ * Checks that the given character is indeed a hex digit.
+ */
+ private void checkHexDigit(int c) throws IOException {
+ if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f') {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'F') {
+ return;
+ }
+ // Causes the invalid escape to be skipped
+ hasNextChar = true;
+ nextChar = c;
+ throw new IOException("Did not find four digit hex character code."
+ + " line: " + lexer.getLine() + " col:" + lexer.getColumn());
+ }
+ public int getUnescapedUnicodeColumnCount() {
+ return numUnicodeEscapesFoundOnCurrentLine;
+ }
+ public int getUnescapedUnicodeOffsetCount() {
+ return numUnicodeEscapesFound;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Closes this reader by calling close on the underlying reader.
+ *
+ * @see java.io.Reader#close()
+ */
+ public void close() throws IOException {
+ reader.close();
+ }
diff --git a/base/org.codehaus.groovy26/src/org/codehaus/groovy/antlr/groovy.g b/base/org.codehaus.groovy26/src/org/codehaus/groovy/antlr/groovy.g
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index 0000000000..6d8cd45726
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+++ b/base/org.codehaus.groovy26/src/org/codehaus/groovy/antlr/groovy.g
@@ -0,0 +1,4749 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+// Note: Please don't use physical tabs. Logical tabs for indent are width 4.
+// Note: This grammar has error recovery rules and code. It should not be used
+// to compile class files. It is intended for IDE tooling and analysis in the
+// face of incorrect code. Recovery rules/code is near comment tag 'RECOVERY:'
+header {
+package org.codehaus.groovy.antlr.parser;
+import java.io.*;
+import java.util.*;
+import antlr.CommonToken;
+import antlr.InputBuffer;
+import antlr.LexerSharedInputState;
+import antlr.TokenStreamRecognitionException;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.antlr.*;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.Comment;
+/** JSR-241 Groovy Recognizer.
+ *
+ * Run 'java Main [-showtree] directory-full-of-groovy-files'
+ *
+ * [The -showtree option pops up a Swing frame that shows
+ * the AST constructed from the parser.]
+ *
+ * Contributing authors:
+ * John Mitchell johnm@non.net
+ * Terence Parr parrt@magelang.com
+ * John Lilley jlilley@empathy.com
+ * Scott Stanchfield thetick@magelang.com
+ * Markus Mohnen mohnen@informatik.rwth-aachen.de
+ * Peter Williams pete.williams@sun.com
+ * Allan Jacobs Allan.Jacobs@eng.sun.com
+ * Steve Messick messick@redhills.com
+ * James Strachan jstrachan@protique.com
+ * John Pybus john@pybus.org
+ * John Rose rose00@mac.com
+ * Jeremy Rayner groovy@ross-rayner.com
+ * Alex Popescu the.mindstorm@gmail.com
+ * Martin Kempf mkempf@hsr.ch
+ * Reto Kleeb rkleeb@hsr.ch
+ *
+ * Version 1.00 December 9, 1997 -- initial release
+ * Version 1.01 December 10, 1997
+ * fixed bug in octal def (0..7 not 0..8)
+ * Version 1.10 August 1998 (parrt)
+ * added tree construction
+ * fixed definition of WS,comments for mac,pc,unix newlines
+ * added unary plus
+ * Version 1.11 (Nov 20, 1998)
+ * Added "shutup" option to turn off last ambig warning.
+ * Fixed inner class def to allow named class defs as statements
+ * synchronized requires compound not simple statement
+ * add [] after builtInType DOT class in primaryExpression
+ * "const" is reserved but not valid..removed from modifiers
+ * Version 1.12 (Feb 2, 1999)
+ * Changed LITERAL_xxx to xxx in tree grammar.
+ * Updated java.g to use tokens {...} now for 2.6.0 (new feature).
+ *
+ * Version 1.13 (Apr 23, 1999)
+ * Didn't have (stat)? for else clause in tree parser.
+ * Didn't gen ASTs for interface extends. Updated tree parser too.
+ * Updated to 2.6.0.
+ * Version 1.14 (Jun 20, 1999)
+ * Allowed final/abstract on local classes.
+ * Removed local interfaces from methods
+ * Put instanceof precedence where it belongs...in relationalExpr
+ * It also had expr not type as arg; fixed it.
+ * Missing ! on SEMI in classBlock
+ * fixed: (expr) + "string" was parsed incorrectly (+ as unary plus).
+ * fixed: didn't like Object[].class in parser or tree parser
+ * Version 1.15 (Jun 26, 1999)
+ * Screwed up rule with instanceof in it. :( Fixed.
+ * Tree parser didn't like (expr).something; fixed.
+ * Allowed multiple inheritance in tree grammar. oops.
+ * Version 1.16 (August 22, 1999)
+ * Extending an interface built a wacky tree: had extra EXTENDS.
+ * Tree grammar didn't allow multiple superinterfaces.
+ * Tree grammar didn't allow empty var initializer: {}
+ * Version 1.17 (October 12, 1999)
+ * ESC lexer rule allowed 399 max not 377 max.
+ * java.tree.g didn't handle the expression of synchronized
+ * statements.
+ * Version 1.18 (August 12, 2001)
+ * Terence updated to Java 2 Version 1.3 by
+ * observing/combining work of Allan Jacobs and Steve
+ * Messick. Handles 1.3 src. Summary:
+ * o primary didn't include boolean.class kind of thing
+ * o constructor calls parsed explicitly now:
+ * see explicitConstructorInvocation
+ * o add strictfp modifier
+ * o missing objBlock after new expression in tree grammar
+ * o merged local class definition alternatives, moved after declaration
+ * o fixed problem with ClassName.super.field
+ * o reordered some alternatives to make things more efficient
+ * o long and double constants were not differentiated from int/float
+ * o whitespace rule was inefficient: matched only one char
+ * o add an examples directory with some nasty 1.3 cases
+ * o made Main.java use buffered IO and a Reader for Unicode support
+ * o supports UNICODE?
+ * Using Unicode charVocabulary makes code file big, but only
+ * in the bitsets at the end. I need to make ANTLR generate
+ * unicode bitsets more efficiently.
+ * Version 1.19 (April 25, 2002)
+ * Terence added in nice fixes by John Pybus concerning floating
+ * constants and problems with super() calls. John did a nice
+ * reorg of the primary/postfix expression stuff to read better
+ * and makes f.g.super() parse properly (it was METHOD_CALL not
+ * a SUPER_CTOR_CALL). Also:
+ *
+ * o "finally" clause was a root...made it a child of "try"
+ * o Added stuff for asserts too for Java 1.4, but *commented out*
+ * as it is not backward compatible.
+ *
+ * Version 1.20 (October 27, 2002)
+ *
+ * Terence ended up reorging John Pybus' stuff to
+ * remove some nondeterminisms and some syntactic predicates.
+ * Note that the grammar is stricter now; e.g., this(...) must
+ * be the first statement.
+ *
+ * Trinary ?: operator wasn't working as array name:
+ * (isBig ? bigDigits : digits)[i];
+ *
+ * Checked parser/tree parser on source for
+ * Resin-2.0.5, jive-2.1.1, jdk 1.3.1, Lucene, antlr 2.7.2a4,
+ * and the 110k-line jGuru server source.
+ *
+ * Version 1.21 (October 17, 2003)
+ * Fixed lots of problems including:
+ * Ray Waldin: add typeDefinition to interfaceBlock in java.tree.g
+ * He found a problem/fix with floating point that start with 0
+ * Ray also fixed problem that (int.class) was not recognized.
+ * Thorsten van Ellen noticed that \n are allowed incorrectly in strings.
+ * TJP fixed CHAR_LITERAL analogously.
+ *
+ * Version 1.21.2 (March, 2003)
+ * Changes by Matt Quail to support generics (as per JDK1.5/JSR14)
+ * Notes:
+ * o We only allow the "extends" keyword and not the "implements"
+ * keyword, since that's what JSR14 seems to imply.
+ * o Thanks to Monty Zukowski for his help on the antlr-interest
+ * mail list.
+ * o Thanks to Alan Eliasen for testing the grammar over his
+ * Fink source base
+ *
+ * Version 1.22 (July, 2004)
+ * Changes by Michael Studman to support Java 1.5 language extensions
+ * Notes:
+ * o Added support for annotations types
+ * o Finished off Matt Quail's generics enhancements to support bound type arguments
+ * o Added support for new for statement syntax
+ * o Added support for static import syntax
+ * o Added support for enum types
+ * o Tested against JDK 1.5 source base and source base of jdigraph project
+ * o Thanks to Matt Quail for doing the hard part by doing most of the generics work
+ *
+ * Version 1.22.1 (July 28, 2004)
+ * Bug/omission fixes for Java 1.5 language support
+ * o Fixed tree structure bug with classOrInterface - thanks to Pieter Vangorpto for
+ * spotting this
+ * o Fixed bug where incorrect handling of SR and BSR tokens would cause type
+ * parameters to be recognised as type arguments.
+ * o Enabled type parameters on constructors, annotations on enum constants
+ * and package definitions
+ * o Fixed problems when parsing if ((char.class.equals(c))) {} - solution by Matt Quail at Cenqua
+ *
+ * Version 1.22.2 (July 28, 2004)
+ * Slight refactoring of Java 1.5 language support
+ * o Refactored for/"foreach" productions so that original literal "for" literal
+ * is still used but the for sub-clauses vary by token type
+ * o Fixed bug where type parameter was not included in generic constructor's branch of AST
+ *
+ * Version 1.22.3 (August 26, 2004)
+ * Bug fixes as identified by Michael Stahl; clean up of tabs/spaces
+ * and other refactorings
+ * o Fixed typeParameters omission in identPrimary and newStatement
+ * o Replaced GT reconcilliation code with simple semantic predicate
+ * o Adapted enum/assert keyword checking support from Michael Stahl's java15 grammar
+ * o Refactored typeDefinition production and field productions to reduce duplication
+ *
+ * Version 1.22.4 (October 21, 2004)
+ * Small bux fixes
+ * o Added typeArguments to explicitConstructorInvocation, e.g. new MyParameterised()
+ * o Added typeArguments to postfixExpression productions for anonymous inner class super
+ * constructor invocation, e.g. new Outer().super()
+ * o Fixed bug in array declarations identified by Geoff Roy
+ *
+ * Version 1.22.4.g.1
+ * o I have taken java.g for Java1.5 from Michael Studman (1.22.4)
+ * and have applied the groovy.diff from java.g (1.22) by John Rose
+ * back onto the new root (1.22.4) - Jeremy Rayner (Jan 2005)
+ *
+ * Version 1.22.4.g.2
+ * o mkempf, rkleeb, Dec 2007
+ * o fixed various rules so that they call the correct Create Method
+ * to make sure that the line information are correct
+ *
+ * Based on an original grammar released in the PUBLIC DOMAIN
+ */
+class GroovyRecognizer extends Parser;
+options {
+ k = 2; // two token lookahead
+ exportVocab=Groovy; // Call its vocabulary "Groovy"
+ codeGenMakeSwitchThreshold = 2; // Some optimizations
+ codeGenBitsetTestThreshold = 3;
+ defaultErrorHandler = false; // Don't generate parser error handlers
+ buildAST = true;
+tokens {
+ UNUSED_GOTO="goto"; UNUSED_CONST="const"; UNUSED_DO="do";
+ /** This factory is the correct way to wire together a Groovy parser and lexer. */
+ public static GroovyRecognizer make(GroovyLexer lexer) {
+ GroovyRecognizer parser = new GroovyRecognizer(lexer.plumb());
+ // TODO: set up a common error-handling control block, to avoid excessive tangle between these guys
+ parser.lexer = lexer;
+ lexer.parser = parser;
+ parser.getASTFactory().setASTNodeClass(GroovySourceAST.class);
+ parser.warningList = new ArrayList();
+ // GRECLIPSE add
+ parser.errorList = new ArrayList();
+ // GRECLIPSE end
+ return parser;
+ }
+ // Create a scanner that reads from the input stream passed to us...
+ public static GroovyRecognizer make(InputStream in) { return make(new GroovyLexer(in)); }
+ public static GroovyRecognizer make(Reader in) { return make(new GroovyLexer(in)); }
+ public static GroovyRecognizer make(InputBuffer in) { return make(new GroovyLexer(in)); }
+ public static GroovyRecognizer make(LexerSharedInputState in) { return make(new GroovyLexer(in)); }
+ @SuppressWarnings("unused")
+ private static GroovySourceAST dummyVariableToforceClassLoaderToFindASTClass = new GroovySourceAST();
+ List warningList;
+ public List getWarningList() { return warningList; }
+ // GRECLIPSE add
+ List errorList;
+ public List getErrorList() { return errorList; }
+ List comments = new ArrayList();
+ public List getComments() { return comments; }
+ // GRECLIPSE end
+ GroovyLexer lexer;
+ public GroovyLexer getLexer() { return lexer; }
+ public void setFilename(String f) { super.setFilename(f); lexer.setFilename(f); }
+ @SuppressWarnings("unused")
+ private SourceBuffer sourceBuffer;
+ public void setSourceBuffer(SourceBuffer sourceBuffer) {
+ this.sourceBuffer = sourceBuffer;
+ }
+ /** Create an AST node with the token type and text passed in, but
+ * with the same background information as another supplied Token (e.g. line numbers).
+ * To be used in place of antlr tree construction syntax,
+ * i.e. #[TOKEN,"text"] becomes create(TOKEN,"text",anotherToken)
+ *
+ * todo - change antlr.ASTFactory to do this instead...
+ */
+ public AST create(int type, String txt, AST first) {
+ AST t = astFactory.create(type,txt);
+ if ( t != null && first != null) {
+ // first copy details from first token
+ t.initialize(first);
+ // then ensure that type and txt are specific to this new node
+ t.initialize(type,txt);
+ }
+ return t;
+ }
+ private AST attachLast(AST t, Object last) {
+ if ((t instanceof GroovySourceAST) && (last instanceof SourceInfo)) {
+ SourceInfo lastInfo = (SourceInfo) last;
+ GroovySourceAST node = (GroovySourceAST)t;
+ node.setColumnLast(lastInfo.getColumn());
+ node.setLineLast(lastInfo.getLine());
+ // This is a good point to call node.setSnippet(),
+ // but it bulks up the AST too much for production code.
+ }
+ return t;
+ }
+ public AST create(int type, String txt, Token first, Token last) {
+ return attachLast(create(type, txt, astFactory.create(first)), last);
+ }
+ public AST create(int type, String txt, AST first, Token last) {
+ return attachLast(create(type, txt, first), last);
+ }
+ public AST create(int type, String txt, AST first, AST last) {
+ return attachLast(create(type, txt, first), last);
+ }
+ // GRECLIPSE add
+ public AST create2(int type, String txt, Token first, Token last) {
+ AST ast = create(type, txt, astFactory.create(first));
+ if ((ast instanceof GroovySourceAST) && (last instanceof SourceInfo)) {
+ ((GroovySourceAST) ast).setLineLast(((SourceInfo) last).getLineLast());
+ ((GroovySourceAST) ast).setColumnLast(((SourceInfo) last).getColumnLast());
+ }
+ return ast;
+ }
+ public AST missingIdentifier(Token prev, Token next) {
+ int line, column;
+ if (!(prev instanceof SourceInfo)) {
+ line = prev.getLine();
+ column = prev.getColumn() + 1;
+ } else {
+ line = ((SourceInfo) prev).getLineLast();
+ column = ((SourceInfo) prev).getColumnLast();
+ }
+ GroovySourceToken ident = new GroovySourceToken(IDENT);
+ ident.setText("?");
+ ident.setLine(line);
+ ident.setColumn(column);
+ ident.setLineLast(line);
+ ident.setColumnLast(column + 1);
+ return #(create(ident.getType(), ident.getText(), ident, next));
+ }
+ private Stack commentStartPositions = new Stack<>();
+ public void startComment(int line, int column) {
+ commentStartPositions.push((line << 16) + column);
+ }
+ public void endComment(int type, int line, int column, String text) {
+ int lineAndColumn = commentStartPositions.pop();
+ int startLine = lineAndColumn >>> 16;
+ int startColumn = lineAndColumn & 0xffff;
+ if (type == 0) {
+ Comment comment = Comment.makeSingleLineComment(startLine, startColumn, line, column, text);
+ comments.add(comment);
+ } else if (type == 1) {
+ Comment comment = Comment.makeMultiLineComment(startLine, startColumn, line, column, text);
+ comments.add(comment);
+ }
+ }
+ // GRECLIPSE end
+ /**
+ * Clones the token
+ */
+ public Token cloneToken(Token t) {
+ CommonToken clone = new CommonToken(t.getType(),t.getText());
+ clone.setLine(t.getLine());
+ clone.setColumn(t.getColumn());
+ return clone;
+ }
+ // stuff to adjust ANTLR's tracing machinery
+ public static boolean tracing = false; // only effective if antlr.Tool is run with -traceParser
+ public void traceIn(String rname) throws TokenStreamException {
+ if (!GroovyRecognizer.tracing) return;
+ super.traceIn(rname);
+ }
+ public void traceOut(String rname) throws TokenStreamException {
+ if (!GroovyRecognizer.tracing) return;
+ if (returnAST != null) rname += returnAST.toStringList();
+ super.traceOut(rname);
+ }
+ // Error handling. This is a funnel through which parser errors go, when the parser can suggest a solution.
+ public void requireFailed(String problem, String solution) throws SemanticException {
+ // TODO: Needs more work.
+ Token lt = null;
+ int lineNum = Token.badToken.getLine(), colNum = Token.badToken.getColumn();
+ try {
+ lt = LT(1);
+ if(lt != null) {
+ lineNum = lt.getLine();
+ colNum = lt.getColumn();
+ }
+ }
+ catch (TokenStreamException ee) {
+ if(ee instanceof TokenStreamRecognitionException) {
+ lineNum = ((TokenStreamRecognitionException) ee).recog.getLine();
+ colNum = ((TokenStreamRecognitionException) ee).recog.getColumn();
+ }
+ }
+ throw new SemanticException(problem + ";\n solution: " + solution,
+ getFilename(), lineNum, colNum);
+ }
+ public void addWarning(String warning, String solution) {
+ Token lt = null;
+ try { lt = LT(1); }
+ catch (TokenStreamException ee) { }
+ if (lt == null) lt = Token.badToken;
+ Map row = new HashMap();
+ row.put("warning", warning);
+ row.put("solution", solution);
+ row.put("filename", getFilename());
+ row.put("line", Integer.valueOf(lt.getLine()));
+ row.put("column", Integer.valueOf(lt.getColumn()));
+ // System.out.println(row);
+ warningList.add(row);
+ }
+ // GRECLIPSE add
+ /**
+ * Report a recovered error.
+ */
+ public void reportError(String message) {
+ Token lt = null;
+ try { lt = LT(1); }
+ catch (TokenStreamException e) { }
+ if (lt == null) lt = Token.badToken;
+ reportError(message, lt.getLine(), lt.getColumn());
+ }
+ /**
+ * Report a recovered error and specify the node.
+ */
+ public void reportError(String message, AST ln) {
+ reportError(message, ln.getLine(), ln.getColumn());
+ }
+ /**
+ * Report a recovered error and specify the token.
+ */
+ public void reportError(String message, Token lt) {
+ reportError(message, lt.getLine(), lt.getColumn());
+ }
+ /**
+ * Report a recovered error and specify the line and column.
+ */
+ public void reportError(String message, int line, int column) {
+ Map row = new HashMap();
+ row.put("error", message);
+ row.put("filename", getFilename());
+ row.put("line", Integer.valueOf(line));
+ row.put("column", Integer.valueOf(column));
+ errorList.add(row);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Report a recovered exception.
+ */
+ public void reportError(RecognitionException e) {
+ Map row = new HashMap();
+ row.put("error", e.getMessage());
+ row.put("filename", e.getFilename());
+ row.put("line", Integer.valueOf(e.getLine()));
+ row.put("column", Integer.valueOf(e.getColumn()));
+ errorList.add(row);
+ }
+ // GRECLIPSE end
+ // Convenience method for checking of expected error syndromes.
+ private void require(boolean z, String problem, String solution) throws SemanticException {
+ if (!z) requireFailed(problem, solution);
+ }
+ private boolean matchGenericTypeBrackets(boolean z, String problem, String solution) throws SemanticException {
+ if (!z) matchGenericTypeBracketsFailed(problem, solution);
+ return z;
+ }
+ public void matchGenericTypeBracketsFailed(String problem, String solution) throws SemanticException {
+ Token lt = null;
+ int lineNum = Token.badToken.getLine(), colNum = Token.badToken.getColumn();
+ try {
+ lt = LT(1);
+ if(lt != null) {
+ lineNum = lt.getLine();
+ colNum = lt.getColumn();
+ }
+ }
+ catch (TokenStreamException ee) {
+ if(ee instanceof TokenStreamRecognitionException) {
+ lineNum = ((TokenStreamRecognitionException) ee).recog.getLine();
+ colNum = ((TokenStreamRecognitionException) ee).recog.getColumn();
+ }
+ }
+ throw new SemanticException(problem + ";\n solution: " + solution,
+ getFilename(), lineNum, colNum);
+ }
+ // Query a name token to see if it begins with a capital letter.
+ // This is used to tell the difference (w/o symbol table access) between {String x} and {println x}.
+ private boolean isUpperCase(Token x) {
+ if (x == null || x.getType() != IDENT) return false; // cannot happen?
+ String xtext = x.getText();
+ return (xtext.length() > 0 && Character.isUpperCase(xtext.charAt(0)));
+ }
+ private AST currentClass = null; // current enclosing class (for constructor recognition)
+ // Query a name token to see if it is identical with the current class name.
+ // This is used to distinguish constructors from other methods.
+ private boolean isConstructorIdent(Token x) {
+ if (currentClass == null) return false;
+ if (currentClass.getType() != IDENT) return false; // cannot happen?
+ String cname = currentClass.getText();
+ if (x == null || x.getType() != IDENT) return false; // cannot happen?
+ return cname.equals(x.getText());
+ }
+ @SuppressWarnings("unused")
+ private void dumpTree(AST ast, String offset) {
+ dump(ast, offset);
+ for (AST node = ast.getFirstChild(); node != null; node = node.getNextSibling()) {
+ dumpTree(node, offset+"\t");
+ }
+ }
+ private void dump(AST node, String offset) {
+ System.out.println(offset+"Type: " + getTokenName(node) + " text: " + node.getText());
+ }
+ private String getTokenName(AST node) {
+ if (node == null) return "null";
+ return getTokenName(node.getType());
+ }
+ // Scratch variable for last 'sep' token.
+ // Written by the 'sep' rule, read only by immediate callers of 'sep'.
+ // (Not entirely clean, but better than a million xx=sep occurrences.)
+ private int sepToken = EOF;
+ // Scratch variable for last argument list; tells whether there was a label.
+ // Written by 'argList' rule, read only by immediate callers of 'argList'.
+ private boolean argListHasLabels = false;
+ // Scratch variable, holds most recently completed pathExpression.
+ // Read only by immediate callers of 'pathExpression' and 'expression'.
+ private AST lastPathExpression = null;
+ // Inherited attribute pushed into most expression rules.
+ // If not zero, it means that the left context of the expression
+ // being parsed is a statement boundary or an initializer sign '='.
+ // Only such expressions are allowed to reach across newlines
+ // to pull in an LCURLY and appended block.
+ private final int LC_STMT = 1, LC_INIT = 2;
+ /**
+ * Counts the number of LT seen in the typeArguments production.
+ * It is used in semantic predicates to ensure we have seen
+ * enough closing '>' characters; which actually may have been
+ * either GT, SR or BSR tokens.
+ */
+ private int ltCounter = 0;
+ /* This symbol is used to work around a known ANTLR limitation.
+ * In a loop with syntactic predicate, ANTLR needs help knowing
+ * that the loop exit is a second alternative.
+ * Example usage: ( (LCURLY)=> block | {ANTLR_LOOP_EXIT}? )*
+ * Probably should be an ANTLR RFE.
+ */
+ ////// Original comment in Java grammar:
+ // Unfortunately a syntactic predicate can only select one of
+ // multiple alternatives on the same level, not break out of
+ // an enclosing loop, which is why this ugly hack (a fake
+ // empty alternative with always-false semantic predicate)
+ // is necessary.
+ @SuppressWarnings("unused")
+ private static final boolean ANTLR_LOOP_EXIT = false;
+// Compilation Unit: In Groovy, this is a single file or script. This is the start
+// rule for this parser
+ :
+ // The very first characters of the file may be "#!". If so, ignore the first line.
+ // we can have comments at the top of a file
+ nls!
+ // A compilation unit starts with an optional package definition
+ ( (annotationsOpt "package")=> packageDefinition
+ | (statement[EOF])?
+ )
+ // The main part of the script is a sequence of any number of statements.
+ // Semicolons and/or significant newlines serve as separators.
+ ( sep! (statement[sepToken])? )*
+ EOF!
+ // GRECLIPSE add
+ exception
+ catch [RecognitionException e] {
+ // report the error but don't throw away what we've successfully parsed
+ reportError(e);
+ #compilationUnit = (AST) currentAST.root;
+ }
+ // GRECLIPSE end
+ ;
+/** A Groovy script or simple expression. Can be anything legal inside {...}. */
+ : nls! blockBody[EOF]
+ ;
+// Package statement: optional annotations followed by "package" then the package identifier
+ {Token first = LT(1);}
+ // GRECLIPSE edit -- recovery for missing identifier
+ //: an:annotationsOpt! "package"! id:identifier!
+ // {#packageDefinition = #(create(PACKAGE_DEF,"package",first,LT(1)),an,id);}
+ : an:annotationsOpt! "package"! (id:identifier!)?
+ {
+ if (#id == null) {
+ #id = missingIdentifier(LT(0), null);
+ reportError("Invalid package specification", LT(0).getLine(), LT(0).getColumn()-1);
+ }
+ #packageDefinition = #(create(PACKAGE_DEF,"package",first,LT(1)),an,id);
+ }
+ // GRECLIPSE end
+ ;
+// Import statement: import followed by a package or class name
+ {Token first = LT(1); boolean isStatic = false;}
+ // GRECLIPSE edit -- recovery for missing identifier
+ //: an:annotationsOpt "import"! ( "static"! {isStatic=true;} )? is:identifierStar!
+ // {if (isStatic)
+ // #importStatement = #(create(STATIC_IMPORT,"static_import",first,LT(1)),an,is);
+ // else
+ // #importStatement = #(create(IMPORT,"import",first,LT(1)),an,is);}
+ : an:annotationsOpt "import"! ("static"! {isStatic=true;})? (is:identifierStar!)?
+ {
+ if (#is == null) {
+ #is = missingIdentifier(LT(0), null);
+ }
+ if (!isStatic) {
+ #importStatement = #(create(IMPORT,"import",first,LT(1)),an,is);
+ } else {
+ #importStatement = #(create(STATIC_IMPORT,"static_import",first,LT(1)),an,is);
+ }
+ }
+ // GRECLIPSE end
+ ;
+// Protected type definitions production for reuse in other productions
+protected typeDefinitionInternal[AST mods]
+ : cd:classDefinition[#mods] // inner class
+ {#typeDefinitionInternal = #cd;}
+ | td:traitDefinition[#mods] // inner trait
+ {#typeDefinitionInternal = #td;}
+ | id:interfaceDefinition[#mods] // inner interface
+ {#typeDefinitionInternal = #id;}
+ | ed:enumDefinition[#mods] // inner enum
+ {#typeDefinitionInternal = #ed;}
+ | ad:annotationDefinition[#mods] // inner annotation
+ {#typeDefinitionInternal = #ad;}
+ ;
+/** A declaration is the creation of a reference or primitive-type variable,
+ * or (if arguments are present) of a method.
+ * Generically, this is called a 'variable' definition, even in the case of a class field or method.
+ * It may start with the modifiers and/or a declaration keyword "def".
+ * It may also start with the modifiers and a capitalized type name.
+ *
+ * AST effect: Create a separate Type/Var tree for each var in the var list.
+ * Must be guarded, as in (declarationStart) => declaration.
+ */
+ :
+ // method/variable using a 'def' or a modifier; type is optional
+ m:modifiers
+ (t:typeSpec[false])?
+ v:variableDefinitions[#m, #t]
+ {#declaration = #v;}
+ |
+ // method/variable using a type only
+ t2:typeSpec[false]
+ v2:variableDefinitions[null,#t2]
+ {#declaration = #v2;}
+ ;
+ :
+ // method using a 'def' or a modifier; type is optional
+ m:modifiers
+ p:typeParameters
+ t:typeSpec[false]
+ v:variableDefinitions[#m, #t]
+ {
+ #genericMethod = #v;
+ AST old = #v.getFirstChild();
+ #genericMethod.setFirstChild(#p);
+ #p.setNextSibling(old);
+ }
+ ;
+/** A declaration with one declarator and no initialization, like a parameterDeclaration.
+ * Used to parse loops like for (int x in y)
(up to the in
+ */
+ :
+ // method/variable using a 'def' or a modifier; type is optional
+ m:modifiers
+ (t:typeSpec[false])?
+ v:singleVariable[#m, #t]
+ {#singleDeclarationNoInit = #v;}
+ |
+ // method/variable using a type only
+ t2:typeSpec[false]
+ v2:singleVariable[null,#t2]
+ {#singleDeclarationNoInit = #v2;}
+ ;
+/** A declaration with one declarator and optional initialization, like a parameterDeclaration.
+ * Used to parse declarations used for both binding and effect, in places like argument
+ * lists and while
+ */
+ : sd:singleDeclarationNoInit!
+ { #singleDeclaration = #sd; }
+ (varInitializer)?
+ ;
+/** Used only as a lookahead predicate, before diving in and parsing a declaration.
+ * A declaration can be unambiguously introduced with "def", an annotation or a modifier token like "final".
+ * It may also be introduced by a simple identifier whose first character is an uppercase letter,
+ * as in {String x}. A declaration can also be introduced with a built in type like 'int' or 'void'.
+ * Brackets (array and generic) are allowed, as in {List[] x} or {int[][] y}.
+ * Anything else is parsed as a statement of some sort (expression or command).
+ *
+ * (In the absence of explicit method-call parens, we assume a capitalized name is a type name.
+ * Yes, this is a little hacky. Alternatives are to complicate the declaration or command
+ * syntaxes, or to have the parser query the symbol table. Parse-time queries are evil.
+ * And we want both {String x} and {println x}. So we need a syntactic razor-edge to slip
+ * between 'println' and 'String'.)
+ */
+ : ( ("def" nls)
+ | modifier nls
+ | annotation nls
+ | ( upperCaseIdent
+ | builtInType
+ | qualifiedTypeName
+ ) (typeArguments)? (LBRACK balancedTokens RBRACK)*
+ )+
+ ;
+ * lookahead predicate for usage of generics in methods
+ * as parameter for the method. Example:
+ * static T foo(){}
+ * must be first after the modifier.
+ * This rule allows more and does no exact match, but it
+ * is only a lookahead, not the real rule.
+ */
+ : ( "def" nls
+ | modifier nls
+ | annotation nls
+ )+ LT
+ ;
+ :
+ IDENT DOT (IDENT DOT)* upperCaseIdent
+ ;
+/** Used to look ahead for a constructor
+ */
+ :
+ modifiersOpt! id:IDENT! {isConstructorIdent(id)}? nls! LPAREN! //...
+ ;
+/** Used only as a lookahead predicate for nested type definitions. */
+ : modifiersOpt! ("class" | "interface" | "enum" | "trait" | AT "interface")
+ ;
+/** An IDENT token whose spelling is required to start with an uppercase letter.
+ * In the case of a simple statement {UpperID name} the identifier is taken to be a type name, not a command name.
+ */
+ : {isUpperCase(LT(1))}?
+ ;
+// A type specification is a type name with possible brackets afterwards
+// (which would make it an array type).
+// Set addImagNode true for types inside expressions, not declarations.
+typeSpec[boolean addImagNode]
+ : classTypeSpec[addImagNode]
+ | builtInTypeSpec[addImagNode]
+ ;
+// also check that 'classOrInterfaceType[false]' is a suitable substitution for 'identifier'
+// A class type specification is a class type with either:
+// - possible brackets afterwards
+// (which would make it an array type).
+// - generic type arguments after
+classTypeSpec[boolean addImagNode] {Token first = LT(1);}
+ : ct:classOrInterfaceType[false]!
+ declaratorBrackets[#ct]
+ {
+ if ( addImagNode ) {
+ #classTypeSpec = #(create(TYPE,"TYPE",first,LT(1)), #classTypeSpec);
+ }
+ }
+ ;
+// A non-built in type name, with possible type parameters
+classOrInterfaceType[boolean addImagNode] {Token first = LT(1);}
+ : i1:IDENT^ (typeArguments|typeArgumentsDiamond)?
+ ( options{greedy=true;}: // match as many as possible
+ d:DOT!
+ i2:IDENT! (ta:typeArguments!)?
+ {#i1 = #(create(DOT,".",first,LT(1)),i1,i2,ta);}
+ )*
+ {
+ #classOrInterfaceType = #i1;
+ if ( addImagNode ) {
+ #classOrInterfaceType = #(create(TYPE,"TYPE",first,LT(1)), #classOrInterfaceType);
+ }
+ }
+ ;
+// A specialised form of typeSpec where built in types must be arrays
+ : classTypeSpec[true]
+ | builtInTypeArraySpec[true]
+ ;
+// A generic type argument is a class type, a possibly bounded wildcard type or a built-in type array
+typeArgument {Token first = LT(1);}
+ : ( typeArgumentSpec
+ | wildcardType
+ )
+ {#typeArgument = #(create(TYPE_ARGUMENT,"TYPE_ARGUMENT",first,LT(1)), #typeArgument);}
+ ;
+// Wildcard type indicating all types (with possible constraint)
+ (("extends" | "super")=> typeArgumentBounds)?
+ {#wildcardType.setType(WILDCARD_TYPE);}
+ ;
+{Token first = LT(1);}
+ : LT! GT! nls!
+ {#typeArgumentsDiamond = #(create(TYPE_ARGUMENTS, "TYPE_ARGUMENTS",first,LT(1)), #typeArgumentsDiamond);}
+ ;
+// Type arguments to a class or interface type
+{Token first = LT(1);
+int currentLtLevel = 0;}
+ :
+ {currentLtLevel = ltCounter;}
+ LT! {ltCounter++;} nls!
+ typeArgument
+ ( options{greedy=true;}: // match as many as possible
+ {inputState.guessing !=0 || ltCounter == currentLtLevel + 1}?
+ COMMA! nls! typeArgument
+ )*
+ nls!
+ ( // turn warning off since Antlr generates the right code,
+ // plus we have our semantic predicate below
+ options{generateAmbigWarnings=false;}:
+ typeArgumentsOrParametersEnd
+ )?
+ // make sure we have gobbled up enough '>' characters
+ // if we are at the "top level" of nested typeArgument productions
+ {matchGenericTypeBrackets(((currentLtLevel != 0) || ltCounter == currentLtLevel),
+ "Missing closing bracket '>' for generics types", "Please specify the missing bracket!")}?
+ {#typeArguments = #(create(TYPE_ARGUMENTS, "TYPE_ARGUMENTS",first,LT(1)), #typeArguments);}
+ ;
+// this gobbles up *some* amount of '>' characters, and counts how many
+// it gobbled.
+protected typeArgumentsOrParametersEnd
+ : GT! {ltCounter-=1;}
+ | SR! {ltCounter-=2;}
+ | BSR! {ltCounter-=3;}
+ ;
+// Restriction on wildcard types based on super class or derived class
+ {Token first = LT(1);boolean isUpperBounds = false;}
+ :
+ ( "extends"! {isUpperBounds=true;} | "super"! ) nls! classOrInterfaceType[true] nls!
+ {
+ if (isUpperBounds)
+ {
+ #typeArgumentBounds = #(create(TYPE_UPPER_BOUNDS,"TYPE_UPPER_BOUNDS",first,LT(1)), #typeArgumentBounds);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ #typeArgumentBounds = #(create(TYPE_LOWER_BOUNDS,"TYPE_LOWER_BOUNDS",first,LT(1)), #typeArgumentBounds);
+ }
+ }
+ ;
+// A builtin type array specification is a builtin type with brackets afterwards
+builtInTypeArraySpec[boolean addImagNode] {Token first = LT(1);}
+ : bt:builtInType!
+ ( (LBRACK)=> // require at least one []
+ declaratorBrackets[#bt]
+ | {require(false,
+ "primitive type parameters not allowed here",
+ "use the corresponding wrapper type, such as Integer for int"
+ );}
+ )
+ {
+ if ( addImagNode ) {
+ #builtInTypeArraySpec = #(create(TYPE,"TYPE",first,LT(1)), #builtInTypeArraySpec);
+ }
+ }
+ ;
+// A builtin type specification is a builtin type with possible brackets
+// afterwards (which would make it an array type).
+builtInTypeSpec[boolean addImagNode] {Token first = LT(1);}
+ : bt:builtInType!
+ declaratorBrackets[#bt]
+ {
+ if ( addImagNode ) {
+ #builtInTypeSpec = #(create(TYPE,"TYPE",first,LT(1)), #builtInTypeSpec);
+ }
+ }
+ ;
+// A type name. which is either a (possibly qualified and parameterized)
+// class name or a primitive (builtin) type
+ : classOrInterfaceType[false]
+ | builtInType
+ ;
+// The primitive types.
+ : "void"
+ | "boolean"
+ | "byte"
+ | "char"
+ | "short"
+ | "int"
+ | "float"
+ | "long"
+ | "double"
+ ;
+// A (possibly-qualified) java identifier. We start with the first IDENT
+// and expand its name by adding dots and following IDENTS
+identifier {Token first = LT(1);}
+ : i1:IDENT!
+ ( options { greedy = true; } :
+ d:DOT! nls! i2:IDENT!
+ {#i1 = #(create(DOT,".",first,LT(1)),i1,i2);}
+ )*
+ {#identifier = #i1;}
+ ;
+identifierStar {Token first = LT(1); int start = mark();} // GRECLIPSE add
+ : i1:IDENT!
+ ( options { greedy = true; } :
+ d1:DOT! nls! i2:IDENT!
+ {#i1 = #(create(DOT,".",first,LT(1)),i1,i2);}
+ )*
+ ( d2:DOT! nls! s:STAR!
+ {#i1 = #(create(DOT,".",first,LT(1)),i1,s);}
+ | "as"! nls! alias:IDENT!
+ {#i1 = #(create(LITERAL_as,"as",first,LT(1)),i1,alias);}
+ )?
+ {#identifierStar = #i1;}
+ // GRECLIPSE add
+ /* RECOVERY: notes:
+ * The start of parsing this structure was marked. If there is a problem an exception
+ * is caught, error logged, fake ast node created (to satisfy the parent rule) and
+ * we jump back to the start of this line and proceed to the end of it, hoping
+ * that parsing can continue on the next.
+ */
+ exception
+ catch [RecognitionException e] {
+ reportError("Invalid import", first);
+ #identifierStar = #(create(DOT,".",first,LT(1)),i1,#(create(STAR,"*",null)));
+ // Give up on this line and just go to the next
+ rewind(start);
+ consumeUntil(NLS);
+ }
+ // GRECLIPSE end
+ ;
+ { int seenDef = 0; }
+ :
+ (
+ // Without this hush, there is a warning that @IDENT and @interface
+ // can follow modifiersInternal. But how is @IDENT possible after
+ // modifiersInternal? And how is @interface possible inside modifiersInternal?
+ // Is there an antlr bug?
+ options{generateAmbigWarnings=false;}:
+ // 'def' is an empty modifier, for disambiguating declarations
+ {seenDef++ == 0}? // do not allow multiple "def" tokens
+ "def"! nls!
+ |
+ // Note: Duplication of modifiers is detected when walking the AST.
+ modifier nls!
+ |
+ {break; /* go out of the ()+ loop*/}
+ AT "interface"
+ |
+ annotation nls!
+ )+
+ ;
+/** A list of one or more modifier, annotation, or "def". */
+modifiers {Token first = LT(1);}
+ : modifiersInternal
+ {#modifiers = #(create(MODIFIERS, "MODIFIERS",first,LT(1)), #modifiers);}
+ ;
+/** A list of zero or more modifiers, annotations, or "def". */
+modifiersOpt {Token first = LT(1);}
+ : (
+ // See comment above on hushing warnings.
+ options{generateAmbigWarnings=false;}:
+ modifiersInternal
+ )?
+ {#modifiersOpt = #(create(MODIFIERS, "MODIFIERS",first,LT(1)), #modifiersOpt);}
+ ;
+// modifiers for Java classes, interfaces, class/instance vars and methods
+ : "private"
+ | "public"
+ | "protected"
+ | "static"
+ | "transient"
+ | "final"
+ | "abstract"
+ | "native"
+ | "threadsafe"
+ | "synchronized"
+ | "volatile"
+ | "strictfp"
+ ;
+annotation! {Token first = LT(1);}
+ : AT! i:identifier nls! (options{greedy=true;}: LPAREN! ( args:annotationArguments )? RPAREN! )?
+ {#annotation = #(create(ANNOTATION,"ANNOTATION",first,LT(1)), i, args);}
+ // GRECLIPSE add -- allow freestanding '@' for content assist
+ | AT! nls!
+ {#annotation = #(create(ANNOTATION,"ANNOTATION",first,LT(1)), missingIdentifier(first,LT(1)), null);}
+ // GRECLIPSE end
+ ;
+ : (
+ options{generateAmbigWarnings=false;}:
+ {break; /* go out of the ()* loop*/}
+ AT "interface"
+ |
+ annotation nls!)*
+ ;
+annotationsOpt {Token first = LT(1);}
+ : (
+ // See comment above on hushing warnings.
+ options{generateAmbigWarnings=false;}:
+ annotationsInternal
+ )?
+ {#annotationsOpt = #(create(ANNOTATIONS, "ANNOTATIONS", first, LT(1)), #annotationsOpt);}
+ ;
+ : v:annotationMemberValueInitializer
+ { Token itkn = new Token(IDENT, "value");
+ AST i;
+ #i = #(create(IDENT, "value", itkn, itkn));
+ #annotationArguments = #(create(ANNOTATION_MEMBER_VALUE_PAIR,"ANNOTATION_MEMBER_VALUE_PAIR",LT(1),LT(1)), i, v);}
+ | annotationMemberValuePairs
+ ;
+ : annotationMemberValuePair ( COMMA! nls! annotationMemberValuePair )*
+ ;
+annotationMemberValuePair! {Token first = LT(1);}
+ // GRECLIPSE edit -- allow the pair to exist with no value initializer; user may want content assist for value
+ //: i:annotationIdent ASSIGN! nls! v:annotationMemberValueInitializer
+ : i:annotationIdent ASSIGN! nls! ( v:annotationMemberValueInitializer )?
+ {#annotationMemberValuePair = #(create(ANNOTATION_MEMBER_VALUE_PAIR,"ANNOTATION_MEMBER_VALUE_PAIR",first,LT(1)),i,v);}
+ // GRECLIPSE add
+ exception
+ catch [RecognitionException e] {
+ // finish invalid member-value pair if the closing parenthesis is next
+ if (LT(1).getType() == RPAREN) {
+ reportError(e);
+ if (#i == null) {
+ #i = missingIdentifier(first, LT(1));
+ }
+ #annotationMemberValuePair = #(create(ANNOTATION_MEMBER_VALUE_PAIR,"ANNOTATION_MEMBER_VALUE_PAIR",first,LT(1)),i,v);
+ } else {
+ throw e;
+ }
+ }
+ // GRECLIPSE end
+ ;
+ | keywordPropertyNames
+ ;
+ : conditionalExpression[0] | annotation
+ ;
+// This is an initializer used to set up an annotation member array.
+ : lc:LCURLY^ {#lc.setType(ANNOTATION_ARRAY_INIT);}
+ ( annotationMemberArrayValueInitializer
+ (
+ // CONFLICT: does a COMMA after an initializer start a new
+ // initializer or start the option ',' at end?
+ // ANTLR generates proper code by matching
+ // the comma as soon as possible.
+ options {
+ warnWhenFollowAmbig = false;
+ }
+ :
+ COMMA! nls! annotationMemberArrayValueInitializer
+ )*
+ (COMMA! nls!)?
+ )?
+ ;
+// The two things that can initialize an annotation array element are a conditional expression
+// and an annotation (nested annotation array initialisers are not valid)
+ : conditionalExpression[0]
+ | annotation nls!
+ ;
+ {Token first = LT(1);}
+ :
+ ( "extends" nls! c:classOrInterfaceType[false] nls! )?
+ {#superClassClause = #(create(EXTENDS_CLAUSE,"EXTENDS_CLAUSE",first,LT(1)),c);}
+ ;
+// Definition of a Java class
+classDefinition![AST modifiers]
+{Token first = cloneToken(LT(1));AST prevCurrentClass = currentClass;
+if (modifiers != null) {
+ first.setLine(modifiers.getLine());
+ first.setColumn(modifiers.getColumn());
+ : "class" IDENT nls!
+ { currentClass = #IDENT; }
+ // it _might_ have type parameters
+ (tp:typeParameters nls!)?
+ // it _might_ have a superclass...
+ sc:superClassClause
+ // it might implement some interfaces...
+ ic:implementsClause
+ // now parse the body of the class
+ // GRECLIPSE edit
+ //cb:classBlock
+ //{#classDefinition = #(create(CLASS_DEF,"CLASS_DEF",first,LT(1)),
+ // modifiers,IDENT,tp,sc,ic,cb);}
+ /* RECOVERY: notes:
+ * Here we allow for the classBlock to be optional, the user may be typing:
+ * class Foo extends Ba
+ * As with similar rules we record an error and create a placeholder class def
+ * ast with a missing body. Corresponding check in AntlrParserPlugin that
+ * was expecting a body has been changed to cope with it being missing.
+ */
+ (cb:classBlock)?
+ {
+ if (#cb != null) {
+ #classDefinition = #(create(CLASS_DEF,"CLASS_DEF",first,LT(1)),modifiers,IDENT,tp,sc,ic,cb);
+ } else {
+ reportError("Malformed class declaration", LT(1));
+ #classDefinition = #(create(CLASS_DEF,"CLASS_DEF",first,LT(1)),modifiers,IDENT,tp,sc,ic,null);
+ }
+ }
+ // GRECLIPSE end
+ { currentClass = prevCurrentClass; }
+ ;
+// Definition of a Trait
+traitDefinition![AST modifiers]
+{Token first = cloneToken(LT(1));AST prevCurrentClass = currentClass;
+if (modifiers != null) {
+ first.setLine(modifiers.getLine());
+ first.setColumn(modifiers.getColumn());
+ : "trait" IDENT nls!
+ { currentClass = #IDENT; }
+ // it _might_ have type parameters
+ (tp:typeParameters nls!)?
+ // it _might_ have a superclass...
+ sc:superClassClause
+ // it might implement some interfaces...
+ ic:implementsClause
+ // now parse the body of the class
+ cb:classBlock
+ {#traitDefinition = #(create(TRAIT_DEF, "TRAIT_DEF",first,LT(1)),
+ modifiers,IDENT,tp,sc,ic,cb);}
+ { currentClass = prevCurrentClass; }
+ ;
+// Definition of a Java Interface
+interfaceDefinition![AST modifiers] {Token first = cloneToken(LT(1));
+ if (modifiers != null) {
+ first.setLine(modifiers.getLine());
+ first.setColumn(modifiers.getColumn());
+ }}
+ : "interface" IDENT nls!
+ // it _might_ have type parameters
+ (tp:typeParameters nls!)?
+ // it might extend some other interfaces
+ ie:interfaceExtends
+ // now parse the body of the interface (looks like a class...)
+ ib:interfaceBlock
+ {#interfaceDefinition = #(create(INTERFACE_DEF,"INTERFACE_DEF",first,LT(1)),
+ modifiers,IDENT,tp,ie,ib);}
+ ;
+enumDefinition![AST modifiers] {Token first = cloneToken(LT(1)); AST prevCurrentClass = currentClass;
+ if (modifiers != null) {
+ first.setLine(modifiers.getLine());
+ first.setColumn(modifiers.getColumn());
+ }}
+ : "enum" IDENT
+ { currentClass = #IDENT; }
+ nls!
+ // it might implement some interfaces...
+ ic:implementsClause
+ nls!
+ // now parse the body of the enum
+ eb:enumBlock
+ {#enumDefinition = #(create(ENUM_DEF,"ENUM_DEF",first,LT(1)),
+ modifiers,IDENT,ic,eb);}
+ { currentClass = prevCurrentClass; }
+ ;
+annotationDefinition![AST modifiers] {Token first = cloneToken(LT(1));
+ if (modifiers != null) {
+ first.setLine(modifiers.getLine());
+ first.setColumn(modifiers.getColumn());
+ }}
+ : AT "interface" IDENT nls!
+ // now parse the body of the annotation
+ ab:annotationBlock
+ {#annotationDefinition = #(create(ANNOTATION_DEF,"ANNOTATION_DEF",first,LT(1)),
+ modifiers,IDENT,ab);}
+ ;
+{Token first = LT(1);int currentLtLevel = 0;}
+ :
+ {currentLtLevel = ltCounter;}
+ LT! {ltCounter++;} nls!
+ typeParameter (COMMA! nls! typeParameter)*
+ nls!
+ (typeArgumentsOrParametersEnd)?
+ // make sure we have gobbled up enough '>' characters
+ // if we are at the "top level" of nested typeArgument productions
+ {matchGenericTypeBrackets(((currentLtLevel != 0) || ltCounter == currentLtLevel),
+ "Missing closing bracket '>' for generics types", "Please specify the missing bracket!")}?
+ {#typeParameters = #(create(TYPE_PARAMETERS, "TYPE_PARAMETERS",first,LT(1)), #typeParameters);}
+ ;
+typeParameter {Token first = LT(1);}
+ :
+ // I'm pretty sure Antlr generates the right thing here:
+ (id:IDENT) ( options{generateAmbigWarnings=false;}: typeParameterBounds )?
+ {#typeParameter = #(create(TYPE_PARAMETER,"TYPE_PARAMETER",first,LT(1)), #typeParameter);}
+ ;
+typeParameterBounds {Token first = LT(1);}
+ :
+ "extends"! nls! classOrInterfaceType[true]
+ (BAND! nls! classOrInterfaceType[true])*
+ {#typeParameterBounds = #(create(TYPE_UPPER_BOUNDS,"TYPE_UPPER_BOUNDS",first,LT(1)), #typeParameterBounds);}
+ ;
+// This is the body of a class. You can have classFields and extra semicolons.
+classBlock {Token first = LT(1);}
+ ( classField )? ( sep! ( classField )? )*
+ {#classBlock = #(create(OBJBLOCK,"OBJBLOCK",first,LT(1)),#classBlock);}
+ // GRECLIPSE add
+ // general recovery when class parsing goes haywire in some way - probably needs duplicating for interface/enum/anno/etc *sigh*
+ exception
+ catch [RecognitionException e] {
+ if (errorList.isEmpty()) {
+ // dirty hack to avoid having trouble with cascading problems
+ #classBlock = (AST) currentAST.root;
+ }
+ reportError(e);
+ #classBlock = #(create(OBJBLOCK,"OBJBLOCK",first,LT(1)),#classBlock);
+ currentAST.root = #classBlock;
+ currentAST.child = #classBlock != null && #classBlock.getFirstChild() != null ? #classBlock.getFirstChild() : #classBlock;
+ currentAST.advanceChildToEnd();
+ }
+ // GRECLIPSE end
+ ;
+// This is the body of an interface. You can have interfaceField and extra semicolons.
+interfaceBlock {Token first = LT(1);}
+ ( interfaceField )? ( sep! ( interfaceField )? )*
+ {#interfaceBlock = #(create(OBJBLOCK, "OBJBLOCK",first,LT(1)), #interfaceBlock);}
+ ;
+// This is the body of an annotation. You can have annotation fields and extra semicolons,
+// That's about it (until you see what an annotation field is...)
+annotationBlock {Token first = LT(1);}
+ ( annotationField )? ( sep! ( annotationField )? )*
+ {#annotationBlock = #(create(OBJBLOCK, "OBJBLOCK",first,LT(1)), #annotationBlock);}
+ ;
+// This is the body of an enum. You can have zero or more enum constants
+// followed by any number of fields like a regular class
+enumBlock {Token first = LT(1);}
+ : LCURLY! nls!
+ (
+ // Need a syntactic predicate, since enumConstants
+ // can start with foo() as well as classField.
+ // (It's a true ambiguity, visible in the specification.
+ // To resolve in practice, use "def" before a real method.)
+ (enumConstantsStart) => enumConstants
+ | (classField)?
+ )
+ ( sep! (classField)? )*
+ {#enumBlock = #(create(OBJBLOCK, "OBJBLOCK",first,LT(1)), #enumBlock);}
+ ;
+/** Guard for enumConstants. */
+ : annotationsOpt IDENT (LCURLY | LPAREN | nls (SEMI | COMMA | declarationStart | RCURLY))
+ ;
+/** Comma-separated list of one or more enum constant definitions. */
+ :
+ enumConstant
+ ( options {generateAmbigWarnings=false;} :
+ (nls (SEMI! | RCURLY | classField)) => { break; /* leave ()* loop */ }
+ | nls! COMMA!
+ (
+ (nls annotationsOpt IDENT) => nls! enumConstant
+ |
+ (nls (SEMI! | RCURLY | classField)) => { break; /* leave ()* loop */ }
+ )
+ )*
+ ;
+// An annotation field
+annotationField! {Token first = LT(1);}
+ : mods:modifiersOpt!
+ ( td:typeDefinitionInternal[#mods]
+ {#annotationField = #td;}
+ | t:typeSpec[false] // annotation field
+ (
+ // Need a syntactic predicate, since variableDefinitions
+ // can start with foo() also. Since method defs are not legal
+ // in this context, there's no harm done.
+ i:IDENT // the name of the field
+ /*OBS* rt:declaratorBrackets[#t] *OBS*/
+ ( "default" nls! amvi:annotationMemberValueInitializer )?
+ {#annotationField =
+ mods,
+ #(create(TYPE,"TYPE",first,LT(1)),t),
+ i,amvi
+ );}
+ | v:variableDefinitions[#mods,#t] // variable
+ {#annotationField = #v;}
+ )
+ )
+ ;
+//An enum constant may have optional parameters and may have a
+//a class body
+enumConstant! {Token first = LT(1);}
+ : an:annotationsOpt // Note: Cannot start with "def" or another modifier.
+ a:argList
+ )?
+ ( b:enumConstantBlock )?
+ {#enumConstant = #(create(ENUM_CONSTANT_DEF, "ENUM_CONSTANT_DEF",first,LT(1)), an, i, a, b);}
+ ;
+//The class-like body of an enum constant
+enumConstantBlock {Token first = LT(1);}
+ (enumConstantField)? ( sep! (enumConstantField)? )*
+ {#enumConstantBlock = #(create(OBJBLOCK, "OBJBLOCK",first,LT(1)), #enumConstantBlock);}
+ ;
+//An enum constant field is just like a class field but without
+//the possibility of a constructor definition or a static initializer
+// TODO - maybe allow 'declaration' production within this production,
+// but how to disallow constructors and static initializers...
+enumConstantField! {Token first = LT(1);}
+ : (
+ (typeDefinitionStart)=>
+ mods:modifiersOpt!
+ td:typeDefinitionInternal[#mods]
+ {#enumConstantField = #td;}
+ |
+ (modifiers)=>
+ m1:modifiers
+ (tp1:typeParameters)? (t1:typeSpec[false])?
+ e1:enumConstantFieldInternal[#m1, #tp1, #t1, #first]
+ {#enumConstantField = #e1;}
+ |
+ m2:modifiersOpt!
+ (tp2:typeParameters)? t2:typeSpec[false]
+ e2:enumConstantFieldInternal[#m2, #tp2, #t2, #first]
+ {#enumConstantField = #e2;}
+ )
+ | cs:compoundStatement
+ {#enumConstantField = #(create(INSTANCE_INIT,"INSTANCE_INIT",first,LT(1)), cs);}
+ ;
+protected enumConstantFieldInternal![AST mods, AST tp, AST t, Token first]
+ :
+ // Need a syntactic predicate to avoid potential ambiguity
+ // parse the formal parameter declarations.
+ LPAREN! param:parameterDeclarationList RPAREN!
+ // get the list of declared exceptions
+ ((nls "throws") => tc:throwsClause)?
+ ( s2:compoundStatement )?
+ {
+ #enumConstantFieldInternal = #(create(METHOD_DEF,"METHOD_DEF",first,LT(1)),
+ mods,
+ #(create(TYPE,"TYPE",first,LT(1)),t),
+ param,
+ tc,
+ s2);
+ if (tp != null) {
+ AST old = #enumConstantFieldInternal.getFirstChild();
+ #enumConstantFieldInternal.setFirstChild(#tp);
+ #tp.setNextSibling(old);
+ }
+ }
+ | v:variableDefinitions[#mods,#t]
+ {#enumConstantFieldInternal = #v;}
+ ;
+// An interface can extend several other interfaces...
+interfaceExtends {Token first = LT(1);}
+ : (
+ e:"extends"! nls!
+ classOrInterfaceType[true] ( COMMA! nls! classOrInterfaceType[true] )* nls!
+ )?
+ {#interfaceExtends = #(create(EXTENDS_CLAUSE,"EXTENDS_CLAUSE",first,LT(1)),
+ #interfaceExtends);}
+ ;
+// A class can implement several interfaces...
+implementsClause {Token first = LT(1);}
+ : (
+ i:"implements"! nls!
+ classOrInterfaceType[true] ( COMMA! nls! classOrInterfaceType[true] )* nls!
+ )?
+ {#implementsClause = #(create(IMPLEMENTS_CLAUSE,"IMPLEMENTS_CLAUSE",first,LT(1)),
+ #implementsClause);}
+ ;
+// Now the various things that can be defined inside a class
+classField! {Token first = LT(1);}
+ : // method, constructor, or variable declaration
+ (constructorStart)=>
+ mc:modifiersOpt! ctor:constructorDefinition[#mc]
+ {#classField = #ctor;}
+ |
+ (genericMethodStart)=>
+ dg:genericMethod
+ {#classField = #dg;}
+ |
+ (multipleAssignmentDeclarationStart)=>
+ mad:multipleAssignmentDeclaration
+ {#classField = #mad;}
+ |
+ (declarationStart)=>
+ dd:declaration
+ {#classField = #dd;}
+ |
+ // type definition
+ (typeDefinitionStart)=>
+ mods:modifiersOpt!
+ ( td:typeDefinitionInternal[#mods]
+ {#classField = #td;}
+ )
+ // "static { ... }" class initializer
+ | "static" nls! s3:compoundStatement
+ {#classField = #(create(STATIC_INIT,"STATIC_INIT",first,LT(1)), s3);}
+ // "{ ... }" instance initializer
+ | s4:compoundStatement
+ {#classField = #(create(INSTANCE_INIT,"INSTANCE_INIT",first,LT(1)), s4);}
+ // GRECLIPSE add
+ exception
+ catch [RecognitionException e] {
+ // GRECLIPSE-494: "class C {\n def m(){}\n thing\n static main(args){}\n }"
+ if (LA(1) == IDENT) {
+ reportError(e);
+ // create a variable definition for "thing" in hopes that subsequent class members can still be parsed
+ #classField = #(create(VARIABLE_DEF,"VARIABLE_DEF",first,LT(1)),null,#create(TYPE,"java.lang.Object",LT(1),LT(2)),#create(IDENT,first.getText(),LT(1),LT(2)));
+ consumeUntil(NLS);
+ } else {
+ throw e;
+ }
+ }
+ // GRECLIPSE end
+ ;
+// Now the various things that can be defined inside an interface
+ : // method or variable declaration or inner interface
+ (declarationStart)=>
+ d:declaration
+ {#interfaceField = #d;}
+ |
+ (genericMethodStart)=>
+ dg:genericMethod
+ {#interfaceField = #dg;}
+ |
+ // type definition
+ (typeDefinitionStart)=>
+ mods:modifiersOpt
+ ( td:typeDefinitionInternal[#mods]
+ {#interfaceField = #td;}
+ )
+ ;
+constructorBody {Token first = LT(1);}
+ : LCURLY! nls!
+ ( (explicitConstructorInvocation) => // Java compatibility hack
+ eci:explicitConstructorInvocation! (sep! bb1:blockBody[sepToken]!)?
+ | bb2:blockBody[EOF]!
+ )
+ {if (#eci != null)
+ #constructorBody = #(create(SLIST,"{",first,LT(1)),eci,bb1);
+ else
+ #constructorBody = #(create(SLIST,"{",first,LT(1)),bb2);}
+ ;
+/** Catch obvious constructor calls, but not the expr.super(...) calls */
+ : (typeArguments)?
+ ( "this"! lp1:LPAREN^ argList RPAREN!
+ {#lp1.setType(CTOR_CALL);}
+ | "super"! lp2:LPAREN^ argList RPAREN!
+ {#lp2.setType(SUPER_CTOR_CALL);}
+ )
+ ;
+listOfVariables[AST mods, AST t, Token first]
+ :
+ variableDeclarator[getASTFactory().dupTree(mods),
+ getASTFactory().dupTree(t),first]
+ ( COMMA! nls!
+ {first = LT(1);}
+ variableDeclarator[getASTFactory().dupTree(mods),
+ getASTFactory().dupTree(t),first]
+ )*
+ ;
+ :
+ (modifier nls | annotation nls)* "def" nls LPAREN
+ ;
+typeNamePairs[AST mods, Token first]
+ :
+ (t:typeSpec[false]!)?
+ singleVariable[getASTFactory().dupTree(mods),#t]
+ ( COMMA! nls!
+ {first = LT(1);}
+ (tn:typeSpec[false]!)?
+ singleVariable[getASTFactory().dupTree(mods),#tn]
+ )*
+ ;
+multipleAssignmentDeclaration {Token first = cloneToken(LT(1));}
+ :
+ mods:modifiers!
+ (t:typeSpec[false]!)?
+ LPAREN^ nls! typeNamePairs[#mods,first] RPAREN!
+ ASSIGN^ nls!
+ (
+ (LPAREN nls IDENT (COMMA nls IDENT)* RPAREN ASSIGN) => multipleAssignment[0]
+ | assignmentExpression[0]
+ )
+ {#multipleAssignmentDeclaration=#(create(VARIABLE_DEF,"VARIABLE_DEF",first,LT(1)), #mods, #(create(TYPE,"TYPE",first,LT(1)),#t), #multipleAssignmentDeclaration);}
+ ;
+/** The tail of a declaration.
+ * Either v1, v2, ... (with possible initializers) or else m(args){body}.
+ * The two arguments are the modifier list (if any) and the declaration head (if any).
+ * The declaration head is the variable type, or (for a method) the return type.
+ * If it is missing, then the variable type is taken from its initializer (if there is one).
+ * Otherwise, the variable type defaults to 'any'.
+ * DECIDE: Method return types default to the type of the method body, as an expression.
+ */
+variableDefinitions[AST mods, AST t] {Token first = cloneToken(LT(1));
+ if (mods != null) {
+ first.setLine(mods.getLine());
+ first.setColumn(mods.getColumn());
+ } else if (t != null) {
+ first.setLine(t.getLine());
+ first.setColumn(t.getColumn());
+ }}
+ :
+ listOfVariables[mods,t,first]
+ |
+ // The parser allows a method definition anywhere a variable definition is accepted.
+ ( id:IDENT
+ | qid:STRING_LITERAL {#qid.setType(IDENT);} // use for operator definitions, etc.
+ )
+ // parse the formal parameter declarations.
+ LPAREN! param:parameterDeclarationList! RPAREN!
+ /*OBS*rt:declaratorBrackets[#t]*/
+ // get the list of exceptions that this method is
+ // declared to throw
+ ((nls "throws") => tc:throwsClause! )?
+ // the method body is an open block
+ // but, it may have an optional constructor call (for constructors only)
+ // this constructor clause is only used for constructors using 'def'
+ // which look like method declarations
+ // since the block is optional and nls is part of sep we have to be sure
+ // a newline is followed by a block or ignore the nls too
+ ((nls! LCURLY) => (nlsWarn! mb:openBlock!))?
+ { if (#qid != null) #id = #qid;
+ #variableDefinitions =
+ #(create(METHOD_DEF,"METHOD_DEF",first,LT(1)),
+ mods, #(create(TYPE,"TYPE",first,LT(1)),t), id, param, tc, mb);
+ }
+ ;
+/** I've split out constructors separately; we could maybe integrate back into variableDefinitions
+ * later on if we maybe simplified 'def' to be a type declaration?
+ */
+constructorDefinition[AST mods] {Token first = cloneToken(LT(1));
+ if (mods != null) {
+ first.setLine(mods.getLine());
+ first.setColumn(mods.getColumn());
+ }}
+ :
+ id:IDENT
+ // parse the formal parameter declarations.
+ LPAREN! param:parameterDeclarationList! RPAREN!
+ /*OBS*rt:declaratorBrackets[#t]*/
+ // get the list of exceptions that this method is
+ // declared to throw
+ ((nls "throws") => tc:throwsClause! )? nlsWarn!
+ // the method body is an open block
+ // but, it may have an optional constructor call (for constructors only)
+ // TODO assert that the id matches the class
+ { isConstructorIdent(id); }
+ cb:constructorBody!
+ { #constructorDefinition = #(create(CTOR_IDENT,"CTOR_IDENT",first,LT(1)), mods, param, tc, cb);
+ }
+ ;
+/** Declaration of a variable. This can be a class/instance variable,
+ * or a local variable in a method
+ * It can also include possible initialization.
+ */
+variableDeclarator![AST mods, AST t,Token first]
+ :
+ id:variableName
+ /*OBS*d:declaratorBrackets[t]*/
+ (v:varInitializer)?
+ {#variableDeclarator = #(create(VARIABLE_DEF,"VARIABLE_DEF",first,LT(1)), mods, #(create(TYPE,"TYPE",first,LT(1)),t), id, v);}
+ ;
+/** Used in cases where a declaration cannot have commas, or ends with the "in" operator instead of '='. */
+singleVariable![AST mods, AST t] {Token first = LT(1);}
+ :
+ id:variableName
+ {#singleVariable = #(create(VARIABLE_DEF,"VARIABLE_DEF",first,LT(1)), mods, #(create(TYPE,"TYPE",first,LT(1)),t), id);}
+ ;
+ ;
+/** After some type names, where zero or more empty bracket pairs are allowed.
+ * We use ARRAY_DECLARATOR to represent this.
+ */
+declaratorBrackets[AST typ]
+ : {#declaratorBrackets=typ;}
+ (
+ // A following list constructor might conflict with index brackets; prefer the declarator.
+ options {greedy=true;} :
+ {#declaratorBrackets = #(create(ARRAY_DECLARATOR,"[",typ,LT(1)),
+ #declaratorBrackets);}
+ )*
+ ;
+/** An assignment operator '=' followed by an expression. (Never empty.) */
+ : ASSIGN^ nls! expressionStatementNoCheck
+ // In {T x = y}, the left-context of y is that of an initializer.
+ // GRECLIPSE add
+ exception
+ catch [RecognitionException e] {
+ // if empty assignment was found, produce something compatible with content assist
+ int index = 0;
+ if (ASSIGN == LT(index).getType() || ASSIGN == LT(--index).getType()) {
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, missingIdentifier(LT(index), LT(index + 1)));
+ #varInitializer = (AST) currentAST.root;
+ reportError(e);
+ } else {
+ throw e;
+ }
+ }
+ // GRECLIPSE end
+ ;
+// This is an initializer used to set up an array.
+ : lc:LCURLY^ {#lc.setType(ARRAY_INIT);}
+ ( initializer
+ (
+ // CONFLICT: does a COMMA after an initializer start a new
+ // initializer or start the option ',' at end?
+ // ANTLR generates proper code by matching
+ // the comma as soon as possible.
+ options {
+ warnWhenFollowAmbig = false;
+ }
+ :
+ COMMA! initializer
+ )*
+ (COMMA!)?
+ )?
+ ;
+/*OBS* // Use [...] for initializing all sorts of sequences, including arrays.
+// The two "things" that can initialize an array element are an expression
+// and another (nested) array initializer.
+ : expression
+ | arrayInitializer
+ ;
+// This is a list of exception classes that the method is declared to throw
+ : nls! "throws"^ nls! identifier ( COMMA! nls! identifier )*
+ ;
+/** A list of zero or more formal parameters.
+ * If a parameter is variable length (e.g. String... myArg) it should be
+ * to the right of any other parameters of the same kind.
+ * General form: (req, ..., opt, ..., [rest], key, ..., [restKeys], [block]
+ * This must be sorted out after parsing, since the various declaration forms
+ * are impossible to tell apart without backtracking.
+ */
+parameterDeclarationList {Token first = LT(1);}
+ :
+ (
+ parameterDeclaration
+ ( COMMA! nls!
+ parameterDeclaration
+ )*
+ )?
+ {#parameterDeclarationList = #(create(PARAMETERS,"PARAMETERS",first,LT(1)),
+ #parameterDeclarationList);}
+ ;
+/** A formal parameter for a method or closure. */
+ { Token first = LT(1);boolean spreadParam = false; }
+ :
+ pm:parameterModifiersOpt
+ ( options {greedy=true;} :
+ t:typeSpec[false]
+ )?
+ // TODO: What do formal parameters for keyword arguments look like?
+ // Java-style var args
+ ( TRIPLE_DOT! { spreadParam = true; } )?
+ id:IDENT
+ // allow an optional default value expression
+ (exp:varInitializer)?
+ /*OBS*pd:declaratorBrackets[#t]*/
+ {
+ if (spreadParam) {
+ #parameterDeclaration = #(create(VARIABLE_PARAMETER_DEF,"VARIABLE_PARAMETER_DEF",first,LT(1)),
+ pm, #(create(TYPE,"TYPE",first,LT(1)),t), id, exp);
+ } else {
+ #parameterDeclaration = #(create(PARAMETER_DEF,"PARAMETER_DEF",first,LT(1)),
+ pm, #(create(TYPE,"TYPE",first,LT(1)),t), id, exp);
+ }
+ }
+ ;
+{Token first = LT(1);}
+ :
+ nls!
+ classOrInterfaceType[false]
+ (
+ BOR! nls! classOrInterfaceType[false]
+ )*
+ {#multicatch_types = #(create(MULTICATCH_TYPES, "MULTICATCH_TYPES",first,LT(1)), #multicatch_types);}
+ ;
+{Token first = LT(1);}
+ : nls! (FINAL)? ("def")? (m:multicatch_types)? id:IDENT!
+ {
+ #multicatch = #(create(MULTICATCH,"MULTICATCH",first,LT(1)),m,id);
+ }
+ // GRECLIPSE add
+ exception
+ catch [RecognitionException e] {
+ if (#m != null && LT(1).getType() == RPAREN) {
+ reportError(e);
+ #id = missingIdentifier(first, LT(1));
+ #multicatch = #(create(MULTICATCH,"MULTICATCH",first,LT(1)),m,id);
+ } else {
+ throw e;
+ }
+ }
+ // GRECLIPSE end
+ ;
+variableLengthParameterDeclaration! {Token first = LT(1);}
+ : pm:parameterModifier t:typeSpec[false] TRIPLE_DOT! id:IDENT
+ pd:declaratorBrackets[#t]
+ {#variableLengthParameterDeclaration = #(create(VARIABLE_PARAMETER_DEF,"VARIABLE_PARAMETER_DEF",first,LT(1)),
+ pm, #(create(TYPE,"TYPE",first,LT(1)),t), id);}
+ ;
+ { Token first = LT(1);int seenDef = 0; }
+ //final and/or def can appear amongst annotations in any order
+ : ( {seenDef++ == 0}? // do not allow multiple "def" tokens
+ "def"! nls! // redundant, but allowed for symmetry
+ | "final" nls!
+ | annotation nls!
+ )*
+ {#parameterModifiersOpt = #(create(MODIFIERS,"MODIFIERS",first,LT(1)), #parameterModifiersOpt);}
+ ;
+/** Closure parameters are exactly like method parameters,
+ * except that they are not enclosed in parentheses, but rather
+ * are prepended to the front of a block, just after the brace.
+ * They are separated from the closure body by a CLOSABLE_BLOCK_OP token '->'.
+ */
+// With '|' there would be restrictions on bitwise-or expressions.
+closableBlockParamsOpt[boolean addImplicit]
+ : (parameterDeclarationList nls CLOSABLE_BLOCK_OP)=>
+ parameterDeclarationList nls! CLOSABLE_BLOCK_OP! nls!
+ | {addImplicit}?
+ implicitParameters
+ |
+ /* else do not parse any parameters at all */
+ ;
+/** Lookahead to check whether a block begins with explicit closure arguments. */
+ :
+ nls parameterDeclarationList nls CLOSABLE_BLOCK_OP
+ ;
+/** Simple names, as in {x|...}, are completely equivalent to {(def x)|...}. Build the right AST. */
+closableBlockParam! {Token first = LT(1);}
+ : id:IDENT!
+ {#closableBlockParam = #(create(PARAMETER_DEF,"PARAMETER_DEF",first,LT(1)),
+ #(create(MODIFIERS,"MODIFIERS",first,LT(1))), #(create(TYPE,"TYPE",first,LT(1))),
+ id);}
+ ;
+// Compound statement. This is used in many contexts:
+// Inside a class definition prefixed with "static":
+// it is a class initializer
+// Inside a class definition without "static":
+// it is an instance initializer
+// As the body of a method
+// As a completely independent braced block of code inside a method
+// it starts a new scope for variable definitions
+// In Groovy, this is called an "open block". It cannot have closure arguments.
+ : openBlock
+ ;
+/** An open block is not allowed to have closure arguments. */
+openBlock {Token first = LT(1); int start = mark();} // GRECLIPSE add
+ : LCURLY! nls!
+ // AST type of SLIST means "never gonna be a closure"
+ bb:blockBody[EOF]!
+ {#openBlock = #(create(SLIST,"{",first,LT(1)),bb);}
+ // GRECLIPSE add
+ exception
+ catch [RecognitionException e] {
+ int end = mark();
+ // rewind to the first token on the same line as opening '{' (aka first)
+ rewind(start);
+ while (LT(0) != null && LT(0).getLine() == first.getLine()) {
+ rewind(mark() - 1);
+ }
+ // advance through all tokens that have greater indentation
+ int col = LT(1).getColumn();
+ do {
+ consume();
+ } while (LT(1).getColumn() > col && LT(1).getType() != EOF); // TODO: skip 'case', 'default', comments? and statement labels -- they may be in same column as first token
+ // if a closing '}' was found in the proper position, create a basic block
+ if (LT(1).getColumn() == col && LT(1).getType() == RCURLY) {
+ match(RCURLY);
+ reportError(e);
+ #openBlock = #(create(SLIST,"{",first,LT(1)));
+ } else {
+ rewind(end);
+ throw e;
+ }
+ }
+ // GRECLIPSE end
+ ;
+/** A block body is a parade of zero or more statements or expressions. */
+blockBody[int prevToken]
+ :
+ (statement[prevToken])? (sep! (statement[sepToken])?)*
+ ;
+/** A block which is known to be a closure, even if it has no apparent arguments.
+ * A block inside an expression or after a method call is always assumed to be a closure.
+ * Only labeled, unparameterized blocks which occur directly as substatements are kept open.
+ */
+closableBlock {Token first = LT(1);}
+ : LCURLY! nls!
+ cbp:closableBlockParamsOpt[true]!
+ bb:blockBody[EOF]!
+ {#closableBlock = #(create(CLOSABLE_BLOCK,"{",first,LT(1)),cbp,bb);}
+ ;
+/** A block known to be a closure, but which omits its arguments, is given this placeholder.
+ * A subsequent pass is responsible for deciding if there is an implicit 'it' parameter,
+ * or if the parameter list should be empty.
+ */
+implicitParameters {Token first = LT(1);}
+ : { #implicitParameters = #(create(IMPLICIT_PARAMETERS,"IMPLICIT_PARAMETERS",first,LT(1))); }
+ ;
+/** A sub-block of a block can be either open or closable.
+ * It is closable if and only if there are explicit closure arguments.
+ * Compare this to a block which is appended to a method call,
+ * which is given closure arguments, even if they are not explicit in the code.
+ */
+openOrClosableBlock {Token first = LT(1);}
+ : LCURLY! nls!
+ cp:closableBlockParamsOpt[false]!
+ bb:blockBody[EOF]!
+ {
+ if (#cp == null) #openOrClosableBlock = #(create(SLIST,"{",first,LT(1)),bb);
+ else #openOrClosableBlock = #(create(CLOSABLE_BLOCK,"{",first,LT(1)),cp,bb);
+ }
+ ;
+/** A statement is an element of a block.
+ * Typical statements are declarations (which are scoped to the block)
+ * and expressions.
+ */
+statement[int prevToken]
+{boolean sce = false; Token first = LT(1); AST casesGroup_AST = null; int start = mark();} // GRECLIPSE add
+ // prevToken is NLS if previous statement is separated only by a newline
+ : (genericMethodStart)=>
+ genericMethod
+ | (multipleAssignmentDeclarationStart)=>
+ multipleAssignmentDeclaration
+ // declarations are ambiguous with "ID DOT" relative to expression
+ // statements. Must backtrack to be sure. Could use a semantic
+ // predicate to test symbol table to see what the type was coming
+ // up, but that's pretty hard without a symbol table ;)
+ | (declarationStart)=>
+ declaration
+ // Attach a label to the front of a statement
+ // This block is executed for effect, unless it has an explicit closure argument.
+ |
+ pfx:statementLabelPrefix!
+ {#statement = #pfx;} // nest it all under the label prefix
+ ( (LCURLY) => openOrClosableBlock
+ | statement[COLON]
+ )
+ // An expression statement. This could be a method call,
+ // assignment statement, or any other expression evaluated for
+ // side-effects.
+ // The prevToken is used to check for dumb expressions like +1.
+ | es:expressionStatement[prevToken]
+ //{#statement = #(create(EXPR,"EXPR",first,LT(1)),es);}
+ // If-else statement
+ | "if"! LPAREN! ale:assignmentLessExpression! RPAREN! nlsWarn! ifCbs:compatibleBodyStatement!
+ (
+ // CONFLICT: the old "dangling-else" problem...
+ // ANTLR generates proper code matching
+ // as soon as possible. Hush warning.
+ options {
+ warnWhenFollowAmbig = false;
+ }
+ : // lookahead to check if we're entering an 'else' clause
+ ( (sep!)? "else"! )=>
+ (sep!)? // allow SEMI here for compatibility with Java
+ "else"! nlsWarn! elseCbs:compatibleBodyStatement!
+ )?
+ {#statement = #(create(LITERAL_if,"if",first,LT(1)),ale,ifCbs,elseCbs);}
+ // For statement
+ | forStatement
+ // While statement
+ | "while"! LPAREN! sce=while_sce:strictContextExpression[false]! RPAREN! nlsWarn!
+ (s:SEMI! | while_cbs:compatibleBodyStatement!)
+ {
+ if (#s != null)
+ #statement = #(create(LITERAL_while,"Literal_while",first,LT(1)),while_sce,s);
+ else
+ #statement = #(create(LITERAL_while,"Literal_while",first,LT(1)),while_sce,while_cbs);
+ }
+ /*OBS* no do-while statement in Groovy (too ambiguous)
+ // do-while statement
+ | "do"^ statement "while"! LPAREN! strictContextExpression RPAREN! SEMI!
+ *OBS*/
+ // GRECLIPSE add
+ | "do"^ compoundStatement nls! "while"! LPAREN! strictContextExpression[false]! RPAREN!
+ {
+ reportError(new NoViableAltException(first, getFilename()));
+ }
+ // GRECLIPSE end
+ // Import statement. Can be used in any scope. Has "import x as y" also.
+ | (annotationsOpt "import") => importStatement
+ // class definition
+ | m:modifiersOpt! typeDefinitionInternal[#m]
+ // switch/case statement
+ | "switch"! LPAREN! sce=switchSce:strictContextExpression[false]! RPAREN! nlsWarn! LCURLY! nls!
+ ( cg:casesGroup!
+ //expand the list of nodes for each catch statement
+ {casesGroup_AST = #(null,casesGroup_AST,cg);})*
+ {#statement = #(create(LITERAL_switch,"switch",first,LT(1)),switchSce,casesGroup_AST);}
+ // exception try-catch block
+ | tryBlock
+ // synchronize a statement
+ | "synchronized"! LPAREN! sce=synch_sce:strictContextExpression[false]! RPAREN! nlsWarn! synch_cs:compoundStatement!
+ {#statement = #(create(LITERAL_synchronized,"synchronized",first,LT(1)),synch_sce,synch_cs);}
+ /*OBS*
+ // empty statement
+ | s:SEMI {#s.setType(EMPTY_STAT);}
+ *OBS*/
+ | branchStatement
+ // GRECLIPSE add
+ exception
+ catch [RecognitionException e] {
+ // GRECLIPSE-1048
+ // If the pfx_AST is not null (i.e. a label was encountered) then attempt recovery. Basically if the
+ // NoViableAltException hit a problem and the token it encountered was on the same line as the prefix,
+ // skip to the end of the line, otherwise assume we can continue from where we are.
+ if (#pfx != null) {
+ reportError(e);
+ if (e instanceof NoViableAltException) {
+ NoViableAltException nvae = (NoViableAltException) e;
+ if (#pfx.getLine() == nvae.token.getLine()) {
+ consumeUntil(NLS);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // GRECLIPSE-1046
+ // Two situations to support: 'if (f.) ' where the 'else' condition is missing. This is now handled
+ // by a recovery rule in the else clause parsing. And 'if (f.', where even the trailing parenthesis
+ // is missing, which is dealt with here by noticing the condition exists but ifCbs_AST is null.
+ // Create a basic if statement and soldier on.
+ else if (#ale != null && #ifCbs == null) {
+ // likely missing close paren
+ #statement = #(create(LITERAL_if,"if",first,LT(1)),ale,ifCbs,elseCbs);
+ }
+ else {
+ throw e;
+ }
+ }
+ // GRECLIPSE end
+ ;
+forStatement {Token first = LT(1);}
+ : "for"!
+ ( (SEMI |(strictContextExpression[true] SEMI))=>cl:closureList!
+ // *OBS*
+ // There's no need at all for squeezing in the new Java 5 "for"
+ // syntax, since Groovy's is a suitable alternative.
+ // | (parameterDeclaration COLON)=> forEachClause
+ // *OBS*
+ | // the coast is clear; it's a modern Groovy for statement
+ fic:forInClause!
+ )
+ RPAREN! nls!
+ (s:SEMI! | forCbs:compatibleBodyStatement!) // statement to loop over
+ {
+ if (#cl != null) {
+ if (#s != null)
+ #forStatement = #(create(LITERAL_for,"for",first,LT(1)),cl,s);
+ else
+ #forStatement = #(create(LITERAL_for,"for",first,LT(1)),cl,forCbs);
+ } else {
+ if (#s != null)
+ #forStatement = #(create(LITERAL_for,"for",first,LT(1)),fic,s);
+ else
+ #forStatement = #(create(LITERAL_for,"for",first,LT(1)),fic,forCbs);
+ }
+ }
+ ;
+ {Token first = LT(1); boolean sce=false;}
+ :
+ ( sce=strictContextExpression[true]
+ | {astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST,astFactory.create(EMPTY_STAT, "EMPTY_STAT"));}
+ )
+ (
+ SEMI! sce=strictContextExpression[true]
+ | SEMI! {astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST,astFactory.create(EMPTY_STAT, "EMPTY_STAT"));}
+ )+
+ {#closureList = #(create(CLOSURE_LIST,"CLOSURE_LIST",first,LT(1)),#closureList);}
+ ;
+forEachClause {Token first = LT(1);}
+ :
+ p:parameterDeclaration COLON! expression
+ {#forEachClause = #(create(FOR_EACH_CLAUSE,"FOR_EACH_CLAUSE",first,LT(1)), #forEachClause);}
+ ;
+ : ( (declarationStart)=>
+ decl:singleDeclarationNoInit
+ )
+ (
+ i:"in"^ {#i.setType(FOR_IN_ITERABLE);}
+ shiftExpression[0]
+ |
+ { addWarning(
+ "A colon at this point is legal Java but not recommended in Groovy.",
+ "Use the 'in' keyword."
+ );
+ require(#decl != null,
+ "Java-style for-each statement requires a type declaration."
+ ,
+ "Use the 'in' keyword, as for (x in y) {...}"
+ );
+ }
+ c:COLON^ {#c.setType(FOR_IN_ITERABLE);}
+ expression[0]
+ )
+ ;
+/** In Java, "if", "while", and "for" statements can take random, non-braced statements as their bodies.
+ * Support this practice, even though it isn't very Groovy.
+ */
+compatibleBodyStatement {Token first = LT(1);}
+ : (LCURLY)=>
+ compoundStatement
+ // comma sep decl case converted to multiple statements so must be wrapped in SLIST when single statement occurs after if/while/for
+ | (declarationStart (varInitializer)? COMMA)=>
+ de:declaration
+ {#compatibleBodyStatement = #(create(SLIST,"CBSLIST",first,LT(1)),de);}
+ |
+ statement[EOF]
+ // GRECLIPSE add
+ exception
+ catch [RecognitionException e] {
+ // GRECLIPSE-1046
+ reportError(e);
+ }
+ // GRECLIPSE end
+ ;
+/** In Groovy, return, break, continue, throw, and assert can be used in a parenthesized expression context.
+ * Example: println (x || (return)); println assert x, "won't print a false value!"
+ * If an optional expression is missing, its value is void (this coerces to null when a value is required).
+ */
+branchStatement {Token first = LT(1);}
+ :
+ // Return an expression
+ "return"!
+ ( returnE:expression[0]! )?
+ // GRECLIPSE edit
+ //{#branchStatement = #(create(LITERAL_return,"return",first,LT(1)),returnE);}
+ {#branchStatement = #(create2(LITERAL_return,"return",first,LT(0)),returnE);}
+ // GRECLIPSE end
+ // break: get out of a loop, or switch, or method call
+ // continue: do next iteration of a loop, or leave a closure
+ | "break"!
+ ( breakI:IDENT! )?
+ {#branchStatement = #(create(LITERAL_break,"break",first,LT(1)),breakI);}
+ | "continue"!
+ ( contI:IDENT! )?
+ {#branchStatement = #(create(LITERAL_continue,"continue",first,LT(1)),contI);}
+ // throw an exception
+ | "throw"! throwE:expression[0]!
+ {#branchStatement = #(create(LITERAL_throw,"throw",first,LT(1)),throwE);}
+ // groovy assertion...
+ | "assert"! assertAle: assignmentLessExpression!
+ ( options {greedy=true;} :
+ ( COMMA! nls! // TODO: gratuitous change caused failures
+ | COLON! nls! // standard Java syntax, but looks funny in Groovy
+ )
+ assertE:expression[0]!
+ )?
+ {#branchStatement = #(create(LITERAL_assert,"assert",first,LT(1)),assertAle,assertE);}
+ ;
+/** A labeled statement, consisting of a vanilla identifier followed by a colon. */
+// Note: Always use this lookahead, to keep antlr from panicking: (IDENT COLON)=>
+ : IDENT c:COLON^ {#c.setType(LABELED_STAT);} nls!
+ ;
+/** An expression statement can be any general expression.
+ *
+ * An expression statement can also be a command ,
+ * which is a simple method call in which the outermost parentheses are omitted.
+ *
+ * Certain "suspicious" looking forms are flagged for the user to disambiguate.
+ */
+// DECIDE: A later semantic pass can flag dumb expressions that don't occur in
+// positions where their value is not used, e.g., {1+1;println}
+expressionStatement[int prevToken]
+ { Token first = LT(1); }
+ :
+ ( (suspiciousExpressionStatementStart) =>
+ checkSuspiciousExpressionStatement[prevToken]
+ )?
+ esn:expressionStatementNoCheck
+ { #expressionStatement = #(create(EXPR, "EXPR", first, LT(1)), #esn); }
+ ;
+ { boolean isPathExpr = true; }
+ :
+ // Checks are now out of the way; here's the real rule:
+ head:expression[LC_STMT]
+ { isPathExpr = (#head == lastPathExpression); }
+ (
+ // A path expression (e.g., System.out.print) can take arguments.
+ {LA(1)!=LITERAL_else && isPathExpr /*&& #head.getType()==METHOD_CALL*/}?
+ cmd:commandArgumentsGreedy[#head]!
+ {
+ #expressionStatementNoCheck = #cmd;
+ }
+ )?
+ ;
+ * If two statements are separated by newline (not SEMI), the second had
+ * better not look like the latter half of an expression. If it does, issue a warning.
+ *
+ * Also, if the expression starts with a closure, it needs to
+ * have an explicit parameter list, in order to avoid the appearance of a
+ * compound statement. This is a hard error.
+ *
+ * These rules are different from Java's "dumb expression" restriction.
+ * Unlike Java, Groovy blocks can end with arbitrary (even dumb) expressions,
+ * as a consequence of optional 'return' and 'continue' tokens.
+ *
+ * To make the programmer's intention clear, a leading closure must have an
+ * explicit parameter list, and must not follow a previous statement separated
+ * only by newlines.
+ */
+checkSuspiciousExpressionStatement[int prevToken]
+ :
+ (~LCURLY | LCURLY closableBlockParamsStart)=> //FIXME too much lookahead
+ // Either not a block, or a block with an explicit closure parameter list.
+ ( {prevToken == NLS}?
+ { addWarning(
+ "Expression statement looks like it may continue a previous statement",
+ "Either remove the previous newline, or add an explicit semicolon ';'.");
+ }
+ )?
+ |
+ // Else we have a block without any visible closure parameters.
+ {prevToken == NLS}?
+ // if prevToken is NLS, we have double trouble; issue a double warning
+ // Example: obj.foo \n {println x}
+ // Might be appended block: obj.foo {println x}
+ // Might be closure expression: obj.foo ; {x->println x}
+ // Might be open block: obj.foo ; L:{println x}
+ { require(false,
+ "Ambiguous expression could be a parameterless closure expression, "+
+ "an isolated open code block, or it may continue a previous statement",
+ "Add an explicit parameter list, e.g. {it -> ...}, or force it to be treated "+
+ "as an open block by giving it a label, e.g. L:{...}, "+
+ "and also either remove the previous newline, or add an explicit semicolon ';'"
+ );
+ }
+ |
+ {prevToken != NLS}?
+ // If prevToken is SEMI or something else, issue a single warning:
+ // Example: obj.foo ; {println x}
+ // Might be closure expression: obj.foo ; {x->println x}
+ // Might be open block: obj.foo ; L:{println x}
+ { require(false,
+ "Ambiguous expression could be either a parameterless closure expression or "+
+ "an isolated open code block",
+ "Add an explicit closure parameter list, e.g. {it -> ...}, or force it to "+
+ "be treated as an open block by giving it a label, e.g. L:{...}");
+ }
+ ;
+/** Lookahead for suspicious statement warnings and errors. */
+ :
+ ( (PLUS | MINUS)
+ )
+ // TODO: Expand this set?
+ ;
+// Support for switch/case:
+casesGroup {Token first = LT(1);}
+ : ( // CONFLICT: to which case group do the statements bind?
+ // ANTLR generates proper code: it groups the
+ // many "case"/"default" labels together then
+ // follows them with the statements
+ options {
+ greedy = true;
+ }
+ :
+ aCase
+ )+
+ caseSList
+ {#casesGroup = #(create(CASE_GROUP, "CASE_GROUP",first,LT(1)), #casesGroup);}
+ ;
+ : ("case"^ expression[0] | "default") COLON! nls!
+ ;
+caseSList {Token first = LT(1);}
+ : statement[COLON] (sep! (statement[sepToken])?)*
+ {#caseSList = #(create(SLIST,"SLIST",first,LT(1)),#caseSList);}
+ ;
+// The initializer for a for loop
+forInit {Token first = LT(1);}
+ : // if it looks like a declaration, it is
+ (declarationStart)=> declaration
+ | // else it's a comma-separated list of expressions
+ (controlExpressionList)?
+ {#forInit = #(create(FOR_INIT,"FOR_INIT",first,LT(1)),#forInit);}
+ ;
+forCond {Token first = LT(1); boolean sce=false;}
+ : (sce=strictContextExpression[false])?
+ {#forCond = #(create(FOR_CONDITION,"FOR_CONDITION",first,LT(1)),#forCond);}
+ ;
+forIter {Token first = LT(1);}
+ : (controlExpressionList)?
+ {#forIter = #(create(FOR_ITERATOR,"FOR_ITERATOR",first,LT(1)),#forIter);}
+ ;
+// an exception handler try/catch block
+tryBlock {Token first = LT(1);List catchNodes = new ArrayList();AST newHandler_AST = null;}
+ : "try"! nlsWarn! tryCs:compoundStatement!
+ ( options {greedy=true;} : {!(LA(1) == NLS && LA(2) == LPAREN)}? nls! h:handler!
+ //expand the list of nodes for each catch statement
+ {newHandler_AST = #(null,newHandler_AST,h);} )*
+ ( options {greedy=true;} : nls! fc:finallyClause!)?
+ {#tryBlock = #(create(LITERAL_try,"try",first,LT(1)),tryCs,newHandler_AST,fc);}
+ ;
+finallyClause {Token first = LT(1);}
+ : "finally"! nlsWarn! finallyCs:compoundStatement!
+ {#finallyClause = #(create(LITERAL_finally,"finally",first,LT(1)),finallyCs);}
+ ;
+// an exception handler
+handler {Token first = LT(1);}
+ : "catch"! LPAREN! pd:multicatch! RPAREN! nlsWarn! handlerCs:compoundStatement!
+ {#handler = #(create(LITERAL_catch,"catch",first,LT(1)),pd,handlerCs);}
+ ;
+/** A member name (x.y) or element name (x[y]) can serve as a command name,
+ * which may be followed by a list of arguments.
+ * Unlike parenthesized arguments, these must be plain expressions,
+ * without labels or spread operators.
+ */
+commandArguments[AST head]
+ Token first = LT(1);
+ :
+ commandArgument ( options {greedy=true;}: COMMA! nls! commandArgument )*
+ // println 2+2 //OK
+ // println(2+2) //OK
+ // println (2)+2 //BAD
+ // println((2)+2) //OK
+ // (println(2)+2) //OK
+ // compare (2), 2 //BAD
+ // compare( (2), 2 ) //OK
+ // foo.bar baz{bat}, bang{boz} //OK
+ {
+ AST elist = #(create(ELIST,"ELIST",first,LT(1)), #commandArguments);
+ AST headid = #(create(METHOD_CALL,"",first,LT(1)), head, elist);
+ #commandArguments = headid;
+ }
+ // GRECLIPSE add
+ exception
+ catch [RecognitionException e] {
+ // GRECLIPSE-1192
+ // Do we need better recognition of the specific problem here?
+ // (if so, see the label recovery for GRECLIPSE-1048)
+ reportError(e);
+ }
+ // GRECLIPSE end
+ ;
+commandArgumentsGreedy[AST head]
+ AST prev = #head;
+ :
+ // argument to the already existing method name
+ ( ({#prev==null || #prev.getType()!=METHOD_CALL}? commandArgument)=> (
+ first : commandArguments[head]!
+ { #prev = #first; }
+ )
+ |
+ )
+ // we start a series of methods and arguments
+ ( options { greedy = true; } :
+ ( options { greedy = true; } :
+ // method name
+ pre:primaryExpression!
+ { #prev = #(create(DOT, ".", #prev), #prev, #pre); }
+ // what follows is either a normal argument, parens,
+ // an appended block, an index operation, or nothing
+ // parens (a b already processed):
+ // a b c() d e -> a(b).c().d(e)
+ // a b c()() d e -> a(b).c().call().d(e)
+ // index (a b already processed):
+ // a b c[x] d e -> a(b).c[x].d(e)
+ // a b c[x][y] d e -> a(b).c[x][y].d(e)
+ // block (a b already processed):
+ // a b c {x} d e -> a(b).c({x}).d(e)
+ //
+ // parens/block completes method call
+ // index makes method call to property get with index
+ //
+ (options {greedy=true;}:
+ (pathElementStart)=>
+ (
+ pc:pathChain[LC_STMT,#prev]!
+ { #prev = #pc; }
+ )
+ |
+ ( ca:commandArguments[#prev]!
+ { #prev = #ca; })
+ )?
+ )*
+ )
+ { #commandArgumentsGreedy = prev; }
+ ;
+ :
+ (argumentLabel COLON nls!) => (
+ argumentLabel c:COLON^ nls! expression[0] { #c.setType(LABELED_ARG); }
+ )
+ | expression[0]
+ ;
+// expressions
+// Note that most of these expressions follow the pattern
+// thisLevelExpression :
+// nextHigherPrecedenceExpression
+// (OPERATOR nextHigherPrecedenceExpression)*
+// which is a standard recursive definition for a parsing an expression.
+// The operators have the following precedences:
+// lowest ( 15) = **= *= /= %= += -= <<= >>= >>>= &= ^= |= (assignments)
+// ( 14) ?: (conditional expression and elvis)
+// ( 13) || (logical or)
+// ( 12) && (logical and)
+// ( 11) | ()binary or
+// ( 10) ^ (binary xor)
+// ( 9) & (binary and)
+// (8.5) =~ ==~ (regex find/match)
+// ( 8) == != <=> === !== (equals, not equals, compareTo)
+// ( 7) < <= > >= instanceof as in (relational, in, instanceof, type coercion)
+// ( 6) << >> >>> .. ..< (shift, range)
+// ( 5) + - (addition, subtraction)
+// ( 4) * / % (multiply div modulo)
+// ( 3) ++ -- + - (pre dec/increment, unary signs)
+// ( 2) ** (power)
+// ( 1) ~ ! $ (type) (negate, not, typecast)
+// ?. * *. *: (safe dereference, spread, spread-dot, spread-map)
+// . .& .@ (member access, method closure, field/attribute access)
+// [] ++ -- (list/map/array index, post inc/decrement)
+// () {} [] (method call, closableBlock, list/map literal)
+// new () (object creation, explicit parenthesis)
+// the last two are not usually on a precedence chart; I put them in
+// to point out that new has a higher precedence than '.', so you
+// can validly use
+// new Frame().show()
+// Note that the above precedence levels map to the rules below...
+// Once you have a precedence chart, writing the appropriate rules as below
+// is usually very straightforward
+// the mother of all expressions
+// This nonterminal is not used for expression statements, which have a more restricted syntax
+// due to possible ambiguities with other kinds of statements. This nonterminal is used only
+// in contexts where we know we have an expression. It allows general Java-type expressions.
+expression[int lc_stmt]
+ :
+// (LPAREN typeSpec[true] RPAREN expression[lc_stmt])=>
+// lp:LPAREN^ {#lp.setType(TYPECAST);} typeSpec[true] RPAREN!
+// expression[lc_stmt]
+// |
+ m:multipleAssignment[lc_stmt] {#expression=#m;}
+ | assignmentExpression[lc_stmt]
+ ;
+multipleAssignment[int lc_stmt] {Token first = cloneToken(LT(1));}
+ : LPAREN^ nls! listOfVariables[null,null,first] RPAREN!
+ ASSIGN^ nls!
+ (
+ (LPAREN nls IDENT (COMMA nls IDENT)* RPAREN ASSIGN) => multipleAssignment[lc_stmt]
+ | assignmentExpression[lc_stmt]
+ )
+ ;
+// This is a list of expressions.
+// Used for backward compatibility, in a few places where
+// comma-separated lists of Java expression statements and declarations are required.
+controlExpressionList {Token first = LT(1); boolean sce=false;}
+ : sce=strictContextExpression[false] (COMMA! nls! sce=strictContextExpression[false])*
+ {#controlExpressionList = #(create(ELIST,"ELIST",first,LT(1)), controlExpressionList);}
+ ;
+pathChain[int lc_stmt, AST prefix]
+ :
+ (
+ options {
+ // \n{foo} could match here or could begin a new statement
+ // We do want to match here. Turn off warning.
+ greedy=true;
+ // This turns the ambiguity warning of the second alternative
+ // off. See below. (The "ANTLR_LOOP_EXIT" predicate makes it non-issue)
+ //@@ warnWhenFollowAmbig=false;
+ }
+ // Parsing of this chain is greedy. For example, a pathExpression may be a command name
+ // followed by a command argument, but that command argument cannot begin with an LPAREN,
+ // since a parenthesized expression is greedily attached to the pathExpression as a method argument.
+ // The lookahead is also necessary to reach across newline in foo \n {bar}.
+ // (Apparently antlr's basic approximate LL(k) lookahead is too weak for this.)
+ : (pathElementStart)=>
+ nls!
+ pe:pathElement[prefix]!
+ { prefix = #pe; }
+ |
+ {lc_stmt == LC_STMT || lc_stmt == LC_INIT}?
+ (nls LCURLY)=>
+ nlsWarn!
+ apb:appendedBlock[prefix]!
+ { prefix = #apb; }
+ )+
+ { #pathChain = prefix; }
+ ;
+/** A "path expression" is a name or other primary, possibly qualified by various
+ * forms of dot, and/or followed by various kinds of brackets.
+ * It can be used for value or assigned to, or else further qualified, indexed, or called.
+ * It is called a "path" because it looks like a linear path through a data structure.
+ * Examples: x.y, x?.y, x*.y, x.@y; x[], x[y], x[y,z]; x(), x(y), x(y,z); x{s}; a.b[n].c(x).d{s}
+ * (Compare to a C lvalue, or LeftHandSide in the JLS section 15.26.)
+ * General expressions are built up from path expressions, using operators like '+' and '='.
+ */
+pathExpression[int lc_stmt]
+ { AST prefix = null; }
+ :
+ pre:primaryExpression!
+ { prefix = #pre; }
+ (
+ options {
+ // \n{foo} could match here or could begin a new statement
+ // We do want to match here. Turn off warning.
+ greedy=true;
+ // This turns the ambiguity warning of the second alternative
+ // off. See below. (The "ANTLR_LOOP_EXIT" predicate makes it non-issue)
+ //@@ warnWhenFollowAmbig=false;
+ }
+ // Parsing of this chain is greedy. For example, a pathExpression may be a command name
+ // followed by a command argument, but that command argument cannot begin with an LPAREN,
+ // since a parenthesized expression is greedily attached to the pathExpression as a method argument.
+ // The lookahead is also necessary to reach across newline in foo \n {bar}.
+ // (Apparently antlr's basic approximate LL(k) lookahead is too weak for this.)
+ : (pathElementStart)=>
+ nls!
+ pe:pathElement[prefix]!
+ { prefix = #pe; }
+ |
+ {lc_stmt == LC_STMT || lc_stmt == LC_INIT}?
+ (nls LCURLY)=>
+ nlsWarn!
+ apb:appendedBlock[prefix]!
+ { prefix = #apb; }
+ )*
+ {
+ #pathExpression = prefix;
+ lastPathExpression = #pathExpression;
+ }
+ ;
+pathElement[AST prefix] {Token operator = LT(1);}
+ // The primary can then be followed by a chain of .id, (a), [a], and {...}
+ :
+ { #pathElement = prefix; }
+ ( nls!
+ ( SPREAD_DOT! // Spread operator: x*.y === x?.collect{it.y}
+ |
+ OPTIONAL_DOT! // Optional-null operator: x?.y === (x==null)?null:x.y
+ |
+ MEMBER_POINTER! // Member pointer operator: foo.&y == foo.metaClass.getMethodPointer(foo, "y")
+ |
+ DOT! // The all-powerful dot.
+ )
+ ) nls!
+ (ta:typeArguments!)?
+ // GRECLIPSE edit -- recovery for missing identifier
+ //np:namePart!
+ //{ #pathElement = #(create(operator.getType(),operator.getText(),prefix,LT(1)),prefix,ta,np); }
+ (np:namePart!)?
+ {
+ if (#np == null) {
+ GroovySourceToken ident = new GroovySourceToken(IDENT);
+ ident.setLine(((SourceInfo) LT(0)).getLineLast());
+ ident.setColumn(((SourceInfo) LT(0)).getColumnLast());
+ ident.setLineLast(((SourceInfo) LT(0)).getLineLast());
+ ident.setColumnLast(((SourceInfo) LT(0)).getColumnLast());
+ #np = #(create(ident.getType(),ident.getText(),ident,null));
+ reportError(new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename()));
+ }
+ #pathElement = #(create(operator.getType(),operator.getText(),prefix,LT(1)),prefix,ta,np);
+ }
+ // GRECLIPSE end
+ |
+ mca:methodCallArgs[prefix]!
+ { #pathElement = #mca; }
+ |
+ // Can always append a block, as foo{bar}
+ apb:appendedBlock[prefix]!
+ { #pathElement = #apb; }
+ |
+ // Element selection is always an option, too.
+ // In Groovy, the stuff between brackets is a general argument list,
+ // since the bracket operator is transformed into a method call.
+ ipa:indexPropertyArgs[prefix]!
+ { #pathElement = #ipa; }
+ ;
+ : (nls! ( DOT
+ ;
+/** This is the grammar for what can follow a dot: x.a, x.@a, x.&a, x.'a', etc.
+ * Note: typeArguments
is handled by the caller of namePart
+ */
+namePart {Token first = LT(1);}
+ :
+ ( ats:AT^ {#ats.setType(SELECT_SLOT);} )?
+ // foo.@bar selects the field (or attribute), not property
+ | sl:STRING_LITERAL {#sl.setType(IDENT);}
+ // foo.'bar' is in all ways same as foo.bar, except that bar can have an arbitrary spelling
+ | dynamicMemberName
+ |
+ openBlock
+ // PROPOSAL, DECIDE: Is this inline form of the 'with' statement useful?
+ // Definition: a.{foo} === {with(a) {foo}}
+ // May cover some path expression use-cases previously handled by dynamic scoping (closure delegates).
+ // let's allow common keywords as property names
+ | keywordPropertyNames
+ )
+ // (No, x.&@y is not needed; just say x.&y as Slot or some such.)
+ ;
+ * Allowed keywords after dot (as a member name) and before colon (as a label).
+ * Includes all Java keywords plus "as", "def", "in", and "trait".
+ */
+ : (
+ "as"
+ | "assert"
+ | "break"
+ | "case"
+ | "catch"
+ | "class"
+ | "const"
+ | "continue"
+ | "def"
+ | "default"
+ | "do"
+ | "else"
+ | "enum"
+ | "extends"
+ | "false"
+ | "finally"
+ | "for"
+ | "goto"
+ | "if"
+ | "implements"
+ | "import"
+ | "in"
+ | "instanceof"
+ | "interface"
+ | "new"
+ | "null"
+ | "package"
+ | "return"
+ | "super"
+ | "switch"
+ | "this"
+ | "throw"
+ | "throws"
+ | "trait"
+ | "true"
+ | "try"
+ | "while"
+ | modifier
+ | builtInType
+ )
+ { #keywordPropertyNames.setType(IDENT); }
+ ;
+/** If a dot is followed by a parenthesized or quoted expression, the member is computed dynamically,
+ * and the member selection is done only at runtime. This forces a statically unchecked member access.
+ */
+dynamicMemberName {Token first = LT(1);}
+ : ( pe:parenthesizedExpression!
+ {#dynamicMemberName = #(create(EXPR,"EXPR",first,LT(1)),pe);}
+ | stringConstructorExpression
+ )
+ { #dynamicMemberName = #(create(DYNAMIC_MEMBER, "DYNAMIC_MEMBER",first,LT(1)), #dynamicMemberName); }
+ ;
+/** An expression may be followed by one or both of (...) and {...}.
+ * Note: If either is (...) or {...} present, it is a method call.
+ * The {...} is appended to the argument list, and matches a formal of type Closure.
+ * If there is no method member, a property (or field) is used instead, and must itself be callable.
+ *
+ * If the methodCallArgs are absent, it is a property reference.
+ * If there is no property, it is treated as a field reference, but never a method reference.
+ *
+ * Arguments in the (...) can be labeled, and the appended block can be labeled also.
+ * If there is a mix of unlabeled and labeled arguments,
+ * all the labeled arguments must follow the unlabeled arguments,
+ * except that the closure (labeled or not) is always a separate final argument.
+ * Labeled arguments are collected up and passed as a single argument to a formal of type Map.
+ *
+ * Therefore, f(x,y, a:p, b:q) {s} is equivalent in all ways to f(x,y, [a:p,b:q], {s}).
+ * Spread arguments of sequence type count as unlabeled arguments,
+ * while spread arguments of map type count as labeled arguments.
+ * (This distinction must sometimes be checked dynamically.)
+ *
+ * A plain unlabeled argument is allowed to match a trailing Map or Closure argument:
+ * f(x, a:p) {s} === f(*[ x, [a:p], {s} ])
+ */
+// Note that callee is often of the form x.y but not always.
+// If the callee is not of the form x.y, then an implicit .call is needed.
+// Parameter callee is only "null" when called from newExpression
+methodCallArgs[AST callee]
+ :
+ al:argList!
+ { if (callee != null && callee.getFirstChild() != null) {
+ //method call like obj.method()
+ #methodCallArgs = #(create(METHOD_CALL, "(",callee.getFirstChild(),LT(1)), callee, al);
+ } else {
+ //method call like method() or new Expr(), in the latter case "callee" is null
+ #methodCallArgs = #(create(METHOD_CALL, "(",callee, LT(1)), callee, al);
+ }
+ }
+ // GRECLIPSE add
+ exception
+ catch [RecognitionException e] {
+ if (#al != null) {
+ reportError(e);
+ // copy of the block above - lets build it (assuming that all that was missing was the RPAREN)
+ if (callee != null && callee.getFirstChild() != null) {
+ // method call like obj.method()
+ #methodCallArgs = #(create(METHOD_CALL,"(",callee.getFirstChild(),LT(1)),callee,al);
+ } else {
+ // method call like method() or new Expr(), in the latter case "callee" is null
+ #methodCallArgs = #(create(METHOD_CALL,"(",callee,LT(1)),callee,al);
+ }
+ } else {
+ throw e;
+ }
+ }
+ // GRECLIPSE end
+ ;
+/** An appended block follows any expression.
+ * If the expression is not a method call, it is given an empty argument list.
+ */
+appendedBlock[AST callee]
+ :
+ /* FIXME DECIDE: should appended blocks accept labels?
+ IDENT c:COLON^ {#c.setType(LABELED_ARG);} nls!
+ )? */
+ cb:closableBlock!
+ {
+ // If the callee is itself a call, flatten the AST.
+ if (callee != null && callee.getType() == METHOD_CALL) {
+ #appendedBlock = #(create(METHOD_CALL, "(",callee,LT(1)),
+ callee.getFirstChild(), cb);
+ } else {
+ #appendedBlock = #(create(METHOD_CALL, "{",callee,LT(1)), callee, cb);
+ }
+ }
+ ;
+/** An expression may be followed by [...].
+ * Unlike Java, these brackets may contain a general argument list,
+ * which is passed to the array element operator, which can make of it what it wants.
+ * The brackets may also be empty, as in T[]. This is how Groovy names array types.
+ *
Returned AST is [INDEX_OP, indexee, ELIST].
+ */
+indexPropertyArgs[AST indexee]
+ :
+ al:argList!
+ { if (indexee != null && indexee.getFirstChild() != null) {
+ //expression like obj.index[]
+ #indexPropertyArgs = #(create(INDEX_OP, "INDEX_OP",indexee.getFirstChild(),LT(1)), lb, indexee, al);
+ } else {
+ //expression like obj[]
+ #indexPropertyArgs = #(create(INDEX_OP, "INDEX_OP",indexee,LT(1)), lb, indexee, al);
+ }
+ }
+ ;
+// assignment expression (level 15)
+assignmentExpression[int lc_stmt]
+ : conditionalExpression[lc_stmt]
+ (
+ //| USEROP_13^ //DECIDE: This is how user-define ops would show up.
+ )
+ nls!
+ expressionStatementNoCheck
+ // If left-context of {x = y} is a statement boundary,
+ // define the left-context of y as an initializer.
+ )?
+ ;
+// conditional test (level 14)
+conditionalExpression[int lc_stmt]
+ : logicalOrExpression[lc_stmt]
+ (
+ (nls! ELVIS_OPERATOR)=> nls! ELVIS_OPERATOR^ nls! conditionalExpression[0]
+ | (nls! QUESTION)=> nls! QUESTION^ nls! assignmentExpression[0] nls! COLON! nls! conditionalExpression[0]
+ // GRECLIPSE add
+ exception
+ catch [RecognitionException e] {
+ // keep AST if recognition failed at or after ':'
+ if (currentAST.root.getNumberOfChildren() > 1) {
+ reportError(e);
+ } else {
+ throw e;
+ }
+ }
+ // GRECLIPSE end
+ )?
+ ;
+// logical or (||) (level 13)
+logicalOrExpression[int lc_stmt]
+ : logicalAndExpression[lc_stmt] (LOR^ nls! logicalAndExpression[0])*
+ ;
+// logical and (&&) (level 12)
+logicalAndExpression[int lc_stmt]
+ : inclusiveOrExpression[lc_stmt] (LAND^ nls! inclusiveOrExpression[0])*
+ ;
+// bitwise or non-short-circuiting or (|) (level 11)
+inclusiveOrExpression[int lc_stmt]
+ : exclusiveOrExpression[lc_stmt] (BOR^ nls! exclusiveOrExpression[0])*
+ ;
+// exclusive or (^) (level 10)
+exclusiveOrExpression[int lc_stmt]
+ : andExpression[lc_stmt] (BXOR^ nls! andExpression[0])*
+ ;
+// bitwise or non-short-circuiting and (&) (level 9)
+andExpression[int lc_stmt]
+ : regexExpression[lc_stmt] (BAND^ nls! regexExpression[0])*
+ ;
+// regex find and match (=~ and ==~) (level 8.5)
+// jez: moved =~ closer to precedence of == etc, as...
+// 'if (foo =~ "a.c")' is very close in intent to 'if (foo == "abc")'
+regexExpression[int lc_stmt]
+ : equalityExpression[lc_stmt] ((REGEX_FIND^ | REGEX_MATCH^) nls! equalityExpression[0])*
+ ;
+// equality/inequality (==/!=) (level 8)
+equalityExpression[int lc_stmt]
+ : relationalExpression[lc_stmt] ((NOT_EQUAL^ | EQUAL^ |IDENTICAL^ |NOT_IDENTICAL^ | COMPARE_TO^) nls! relationalExpression[0])*
+ ;
+// boolean relational expressions (level 7)
+relationalExpression[int lc_stmt]
+ : shiftExpression[lc_stmt]
+ ( options {greedy=true;} : (
+ ( LT^
+ | GT^
+ | LE^
+ | GE^
+ | "in"^
+ )
+ nls!
+ shiftExpression[0]
+ )
+ | "instanceof"^ nls! typeSpec[true]
+ | "as"^ nls! typeSpec[true] //TODO: Rework to allow type expression?
+ )?
+ ;
+// bit shift expressions (level 6)
+shiftExpression[int lc_stmt]
+ : additiveExpression[lc_stmt]
+ (
+ ((SL^ | SR^ | BSR^)
+ )
+ nls!
+ additiveExpression[0]
+ )*
+ ;
+// binary addition/subtraction (level 5)
+additiveExpression[int lc_stmt]
+ : multiplicativeExpression[lc_stmt]
+ (
+ options {greedy=true;} :
+ // Be greedy here, to favor {x+y} instead of {print +value}
+ (PLUS^ | MINUS^) nls!
+ multiplicativeExpression[0]
+ )*
+ ;
+// multiplication/division/modulo (level 4)
+multiplicativeExpression[int lc_stmt]
+ : ( INC^ nls! powerExpressionNotPlusMinus[0] ((STAR^ | DIV^ | MOD^ ) nls! powerExpression[0])* )
+ | ( DEC^ nls! powerExpressionNotPlusMinus[0] ((STAR^ | DIV^ | MOD^ ) nls! powerExpression[0])* )
+ | ( MINUS^ {#MINUS.setType(UNARY_MINUS);} nls! powerExpressionNotPlusMinus[0] ((STAR^ | DIV^ | MOD^ ) nls! powerExpression[0])* )
+ | ( PLUS^ {#PLUS.setType(UNARY_PLUS);} nls! powerExpressionNotPlusMinus[0] ((STAR^ | DIV^ | MOD^ ) nls! powerExpression[0])* )
+ | ( powerExpressionNotPlusMinus[lc_stmt] ((STAR^ | DIV^ | MOD^ ) nls! powerExpression[0])* )
+ ;
+// ++(prefix)/--(prefix)/+(unary)/-(unary) (level 3)
+unaryExpression[int lc_stmt]
+ : INC^ nls! unaryExpression[0]
+ | DEC^ nls! unaryExpression[0]
+ | MINUS^ {#MINUS.setType(UNARY_MINUS);} nls! unaryExpression[0]
+ | PLUS^ {#PLUS.setType(UNARY_PLUS);} nls! unaryExpression[0]
+ | unaryExpressionNotPlusMinus[lc_stmt]
+ ;
+// math power operator (**) (level 2)
+powerExpression[int lc_stmt]
+ : unaryExpression[lc_stmt] (STAR_STAR^ nls! unaryExpression[0])*
+ ;
+// math power operator (**) (level 2)
+// (without ++(prefix)/--(prefix)/+(unary)/-(unary))
+// The different rules are needed to avoid ambiguous selection
+// of alternatives.
+powerExpressionNotPlusMinus[int lc_stmt]
+ : unaryExpressionNotPlusMinus[lc_stmt] (STAR_STAR^ nls! unaryExpression[0])*
+ ;
+// ~(BNOT)/!(LNOT)/(type casting) (level 1)
+unaryExpressionNotPlusMinus[int lc_stmt]
+ : BNOT^ nls! unaryExpression[0]
+ | LNOT^ nls! unaryExpression[0]
+ | ( // subrule allows option to shut off warnings
+ options {
+ // "(int" ambig with postfixExpr due to lack of sequence
+ // info in linear approximate LL(k). It's ok. Shut up.
+ generateAmbigWarnings=false;
+ }
+ : // If typecast is built in type, must be numeric operand
+ // Have to backtrack to see if operator follows
+ // FIXME: DECIDE: This syntax is wormy. Can we deprecate or remove?
+ (LPAREN builtInTypeSpec[true] RPAREN unaryExpression[0])=>
+ lpb:LPAREN^ {#lpb.setType(TYPECAST);} builtInTypeSpec[true] RPAREN!
+ unaryExpression[0]
+ // Have to backtrack to see if operator follows. If no operator
+ // follows, it's a typecast. No semantic checking needed to parse.
+ // if it _looks_ like a cast, it _is_ a cast; else it's a "(expr)"
+ // FIXME: DECIDE: This syntax is wormy. Can we deprecate or remove?
+ // TODO: Rework this mess for Groovy.
+ | (LPAREN classTypeSpec[true] RPAREN unaryExpressionNotPlusMinus[0])=>
+ lp:LPAREN^ {#lp.setType(TYPECAST);} classTypeSpec[true] RPAREN!
+ unaryExpressionNotPlusMinus[0]
+ | postfixExpression[lc_stmt]
+ )
+ ;
+// qualified names, array expressions, method invocation, post inc/dec (level 1)
+postfixExpression[int lc_stmt]
+ :
+ pathExpression[lc_stmt]
+ (
+ options {greedy=true;} :
+ // possibly add on a post-increment or post-decrement.
+ // allows INC/DEC on too much, but semantics can check
+ in:INC^ {#in.setType(POST_INC);}
+ | de:DEC^ {#de.setType(POST_DEC);}
+ )?
+ ;
+// TODO: Move pathExpression to this point in the file.
+// the basic element of an expression
+primaryExpression {Token first = LT(1);}
+ | constant
+ | newExpression
+ | "this"
+ | "super"
+ | pe:parenthesizedExpression! // (general stuff...)
+ {#primaryExpression = #(create(EXPR,"EXPR",first,LT(1)),pe);}
+ | closableBlockConstructorExpression
+ | listOrMapConstructorExpression
+ | stringConstructorExpression // "foo $bar baz"; presented as multiple tokens
+ | builtInType
+ ;
+// Note: This is guaranteed to be an EXPR AST.
+// That is, parentheses are preserved, in case the walker cares about them.
+// They are significant sometimes, as in (f(x)){y} vs. f(x){y}.
+{ Token first = LT(1);
+ Token declaration = null;
+ boolean hasClosureList=false;
+ boolean firstContainsDeclaration=false;
+ boolean sce=false;
+ { declaration=LT(1); }
+ firstContainsDeclaration = strictContextExpression[true]
+ (SEMI!
+ {hasClosureList=true;}
+ (sce=strictContextExpression[true] | { astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST,astFactory.create(EMPTY_STAT, "EMPTY_STAT")); })
+ )*
+ // if the first expression contained a declaration,
+ // but we are having only one expression at all, then
+ // the first declaration is of the kind (def a=b)
+ // which is invalid. Therefore if there was no closure
+ // list we let the compiler throw an error if the
+ // the first declaration exists
+ {
+ if (firstContainsDeclaration && !hasClosureList)
+ throw new NoViableAltException(declaration, getFilename());
+ }
+ {
+ if (hasClosureList) {
+ #parenthesizedExpression = #(create(CLOSURE_LIST,"CLOSURE_LIST",first,LT(1)),#parenthesizedExpression);
+ }
+ }
+ // GRECLIPSE add
+ exception
+ catch [RecognitionException e] {
+ // GRECLIPSE-1213 - missing closing paren
+ reportError(e);
+ #parenthesizedExpression = (AST) currentAST.root;
+ }
+ // GRECLIPSE end
+ ;
+/** Things that can show up as expressions, but only in strict
+ * contexts like inside parentheses, argument lists, and list constructors.
+ */
+strictContextExpression[boolean allowDeclaration]
+returns [boolean hasDeclaration=false]
+{Token first = LT(1);}
+ :
+ ( ({allowDeclaration}? declarationStart)=>
+ {hasDeclaration=true;} singleDeclaration // used for both binding and value, as: while (String xx = nextln()) { println xx }
+ | expression[0]
+ | branchStatement // useful to embed inside expressions (cf. C++ throw)
+ | annotation // creates an annotation value
+ )
+ // For the sake of the AST walker, mark nodes like this very clearly.
+ {#strictContextExpression = #(create(EXPR,"EXPR",first,LT(1)),#strictContextExpression);}
+ ;
+assignmentLessExpression {Token first = LT(1);}
+ :
+ ( conditionalExpression[0]
+ )
+ // For the sake of the AST walker, mark nodes like this very clearly.
+ {#assignmentLessExpression = #(create(EXPR,"EXPR",first,LT(1)),#assignmentLessExpression);}
+ ;
+ : closableBlock
+ ;
+// Groovy syntax for "$x $y" or /$x $y/.
+stringConstructorExpression {Token first = LT(1);}
+ { #cs.setType(STRING_LITERAL); }
+ stringConstructorValuePart
+ { #cm.setType(STRING_LITERAL); }
+ stringConstructorValuePart
+ )*
+ { #ce.setType(STRING_LITERAL);
+ #stringConstructorExpression =
+ #(create(STRING_CONSTRUCTOR,"STRING_CONSTRUCTOR",first,LT(1)), stringConstructorExpression);
+ }
+ ;
+ :
+ ( identifier
+ | "this" | "super"
+ | openOrClosableBlock
+ )
+ ;
+ * A list constructor is a argument list enclosed in square brackets, without labels.
+ * Any argument can be decorated with a spread operator (*x), but not a label (a:x).
+ * Examples: [], [1], [1,2], [1,*l1,2], [*l1,*l2].
+ * (The l1, l2 must be a sequence or null.)
+ *
+ * A map constructor is an argument list enclosed in square brackets, with labels everywhere,
+ * except on spread arguments, which stand for whole maps spliced in.
+ * A colon alone between the brackets also forces the expression to be an empty map constructor.
+ * Examples: [:], [a:1], [a:1,b:2], [a:1,*:m1,b:2], [*:m1,*:m2]
+ * (The m1, m2 must be a map or null.)
+ * Values associated with identical keys overwrite from left to right:
+ * [a:1,a:2] === [a:2]
+ *
+ * Some malformed constructor expressions are not detected in the parser, but in a post-pass.
+ * Bad examples: [1,b:2], [a:1,2], [:1].
+ * (Note that method call arguments, by contrast, can be a mix of keyworded and non-keyworded arguments.)
+ */
+// The parser allows a mix of labeled and unlabeled arguments, but there must be a semantic check that
+// the arguments are all labeled (or SPREAD_MAP_ARG) or all unlabeled (and not SPREAD_MAP_ARG).
+ { boolean hasLabels = false; }
+ : lcon:LBRACK!
+ args:argList { hasLabels |= argListHasLabels; } // any argument label implies a map
+ { int type = hasLabels ? MAP_CONSTRUCTOR : LIST_CONSTRUCTOR;
+ #listOrMapConstructorExpression = #(create(type,"[",lcon,LT(1)),args);
+ }
+ |
+ /* Special case: [:] is an empty map constructor. */
+ emcon:LBRACK^ COLON! RBRACK! {#emcon.setType(MAP_CONSTRUCTOR);}
+ ;
+/** Match a, a.b.c refs, a.b.c(...) refs, a.b.c[], a.b.c[].class,
+ * and a.b.c.class refs. Also this(...) and super(...). Match
+ * this or super.
+ */
+ : (ta1:typeArguments!)?
+ // Syntax for method invocation with type arguments is
+ // foo("blah")
+ (
+ options {
+ // .ident could match here or in postfixExpression.
+ // We do want to match here. Turn off warning.
+ greedy=true;
+ // This turns the ambiguity warning of the second alternative
+ // off. See below. (The "ANTLR_LOOP_EXIT" predicate makes it non-issue)
+ warnWhenFollowAmbig=false;
+ }
+ // we have a new nondeterminism because of
+ // typeArguments... only a syntactic predicate will help...
+ // The problem is that this loop here conflicts with
+ // DOT typeArguments "super" in postfixExpression (k=2)
+ // A proper solution would require a lot of refactoring...
+ : (DOT (typeArguments)? IDENT) =>
+ DOT^ (ta2:typeArguments!)? IDENT
+ | {ANTLR_LOOP_EXIT}? //(see documentation above)
+ )*
+ (
+ options {
+ // ARRAY_DECLARATOR here conflicts with INDEX_OP in
+ // postfixExpression on LBRACK RBRACK.
+ // We want to match [] here, so greedy. This overcomes
+ // limitation of linear approximate lookahead.
+ greedy=true;
+ }
+ : ( lp:LPAREN^ {#lp.setType(METHOD_CALL);}
+ // if the input is valid, only the last IDENT may
+ // have preceding typeArguments... rather hacky, this is...
+ {if (#ta2 != null) astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, #ta2);}
+ {if (#ta2 == null) astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, #ta1);}
+ argList RPAREN!
+ )
+ | ( options {greedy=true;} :
+ )+
+ )?
+ ;
+/** object instantiation.
+ * Trees are built as illustrated by the following input/tree pairs:
+ *
+ * new T()
+ *
+ * new
+ * |
+ * T -- ELIST
+ * |
+ * arg1 -- arg2 -- .. -- argn
+ *
+ * new int[]
+ *
+ * new
+ * |
+ *
+ * new int[] {1,2}
+ *
+ * new
+ * |
+ * |
+ * EXPR -- EXPR
+ * | |
+ * 1 2
+ *
+ * new int[3]
+ * new
+ * |
+ * |
+ * EXPR
+ * |
+ * 3
+ *
+ * new int[1][2]
+ *
+ * new
+ * |
+ * |
+ * | |
+ * EXPR 1
+ * |
+ * 2
+ *
+ */
+ // GRECLIPSE edit
+//newExpression {Token first = LT(1);}
+// : "new"! nls! (ta:typeArguments!)? t:type!
+newExpression {Token first = LT(1); int start = mark();}
+ : "new"! nls! (ta:typeArguments!)? (t:type!)?
+ ( nls!
+ mca:methodCallArgs[null]!
+ (
+ options { greedy=true; }:
+ cb:classBlock
+ )?
+ {#mca = #mca.getFirstChild();
+ #newExpression = #(create(LITERAL_new,"new",first,LT(1)),#ta,#t,#mca,#cb);}
+ //java 1.1
+ // Note: This will allow bad constructs like
+ // new int[4][][3] {exp,exp}.
+ // There needs to be a semantic check here...
+ // to make sure:
+ // a) [ expr ] and [ ] are not mixed
+ // b) [ expr ] and an init are not used together
+ | ad:newArrayDeclarator! //(arrayInitializer)?
+ // Groovy does not support Java syntax for initialized new arrays.
+ // Use sequence constructors instead.
+ {#newExpression = #(create(LITERAL_new,"new",first,LT(1)),#ta,#t,#ad);}
+ )
+ // GRECLIPSE add
+ // RECOVERY: missing '(' or '['
+ exception
+ catch [RecognitionException e] {
+ if (#t == null) {
+ reportError("missing type for constructor call", first);
+ #newExpression = #(create(LITERAL_new,"new",first,LT(1)),#ta,null);
+ // probably others to include - or make this the default?
+ if (e instanceof MismatchedTokenException || e instanceof NoViableAltException) {
+ rewind(start);
+ consumeUntil(NLS);
+ }
+ } else if (#mca == null && #ad == null) {
+ reportError("expecting '(' or '[' after type name to continue new expression", #t);
+ #newExpression = #(create(LITERAL_new,"new",first,LT(1)),#ta,#t);
+ if (e instanceof MismatchedTokenException) {
+ rewind(start);
+ consume();
+ consumeUntil(NLS);
+ }
+ } else {
+ throw e;
+ }
+ }
+ // GRECLIPSE end
+ ;
+ {
+ Token first = LT(1);
+ Token lastComma = null;
+ int hls=0, hls2=0;
+ boolean hasClosureList=false;
+ boolean trailingComma=false;
+ boolean sce=false;
+ }
+ :
+ // Note: nls not needed, since we are inside parens,
+ // and those insignificant newlines are suppressed by the lexer.
+ (hls=argument
+ ((
+ (
+ SEMI! {hasClosureList=true;}
+ (
+ sce=strictContextExpression[true]
+ | { astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST,astFactory.create(EMPTY_STAT, "EMPTY_STAT")); }
+ )
+ )+
+ {#argList = #(create(CLOSURE_LIST,"CLOSURE_LIST",first,LT(1)),#argList);}
+ ) | (
+ ( {lastComma = LT(1);}
+ (
+ (hls2=argument {hls |= hls2;})
+ |
+ (
+ { if (trailingComma) throw new NoViableAltException(lastComma, getFilename());
+ trailingComma=true;
+ }
+ )
+ )
+ )*
+ {#argList = #(create(ELIST,"ELIST",first,LT(1)), argList);}
+ )
+ ) | (
+ {#argList = create(ELIST,"ELIST",first,LT(1));}
+ )
+ )
+ {argListHasLabels = (hls&1)!=0; }
+ // GRECLIPSE add
+ exception
+ catch [RecognitionException e] {
+ // in case of missing right paren "method(obj.exp", complete arglist
+ if (currentAST != null && !hasClosureList) {
+ #argList = #(create(ELIST,"ELIST",first,LT(1)),currentAST.root);
+ } else {
+ throw e;
+ }
+ }
+ // GRECLIPSE end
+ ;
+/** A single argument in (...) or [...]. Corresponds to to a method or closure parameter.
+ * May be labeled. May be modified by the spread operator '*' ('*:' for keywords).
+ */
+returns [byte hasLabelOrSpread = 0]
+{boolean sce=false;}
+ :
+ // Optional argument label.
+ // Usage: Specifies a map key, or a keyworded argument.
+ ( (argumentLabelStart) =>
+ argumentLabel c:COLON^ {#c.setType(LABELED_ARG);}
+ { hasLabelOrSpread |= 1; } // signal to caller the presence of a label
+ | // Spread operator: f(*[a,b,c]) === f(a,b,c); f(1,*null,2) === f(1,2).
+ sp:STAR^ {#sp.setType(SPREAD_ARG);}
+ { hasLabelOrSpread |= 2; } // signal to caller the presence of a spread operator
+ // spread maps are marked, as f(*:m) for f(a:x, b:y) if m==[a:x, b:y]
+ (
+ COLON! {#sp.setType(SPREAD_MAP_ARG);}
+ { hasLabelOrSpread |= 1; } // signal to caller the presence of a label
+ )?
+ )?
+ sce=strictContextExpression[true]
+ {
+ require(LA(1) != COLON,
+ "illegal colon after argument expression",
+ "a complex label expression before a colon must be parenthesized");
+ }
+ ;
+/** A label for an argument is of the form a:b, 'a':b, "a":b, (a):b, etc..
+ * The labels in (a:b), ('a':b), and ("a":b) are in all ways equivalent,
+ * except that the quotes allow more spellings.
+ * Equivalent dynamically computed labels are (('a'):b) and ("${'a'}":b)
+ * but not ((a):b) or "$a":b, since the latter cases evaluate (a) as a normal identifier.
+ * Bottom line: If you want a truly variable label, use parens and say ((a):b).
+ */
+ : (IDENT) =>
+ id:IDENT {#id.setType(STRING_LITERAL);} // identifiers are self-quoting in this context
+ | (keywordPropertyNames) =>
+ kw:keywordPropertyNames {#kw.setType(STRING_LITERAL);} // identifiers are self-quoting in this context
+ | primaryExpression // dynamic expression
+ ;
+/** For lookahead only. Fast approximate parse of an argumentLabel followed by a colon. */
+ // allow number and string literals as labels for maps
+ : (
+ IDENT | keywordPropertyNames
+ | constantNumber | STRING_LITERAL
+ | (LPAREN | STRING_CTOR_START)=> balancedBrackets
+ )
+ ;
+ : (
+ // newExpression is a primaryExpression which can be
+ // followed by an array index reference. This is ok,
+ // as the generated code will stay in this loop as
+ // long as it sees an LBRACK (proper behavior)
+ options {
+ warnWhenFollowAmbig = false;
+ }
+ :
+ lb:LBRACK^ {#lb.setType(ARRAY_DECLARATOR);}
+ (expression[0])?
+ )+
+ ;
+/** Numeric, string, regexp, boolean, or null constant. */
+ : constantNumber
+ | "true"
+ | "false"
+ | "null"
+ ;
+/** Numeric constant. */
+ ;
+/** Fast lookahead across balanced brackets of all sorts. */
+ : LPAREN balancedTokens RPAREN
+ | LBRACK balancedTokens RBRACK
+ | LCURLY balancedTokens RCURLY
+ ;
+ : ( balancedBrackets
+ )*
+ ;
+/** A statement separator is either a semicolon or a significant newline.
+ * Any number of additional (insignificant) newlines may accompany it.
+ */
+// (All the '!' signs simply suppress the default AST building.)
+// Returns the type of the separator in this.sepToken, in case it matters.
+ : SEMI!
+ (options { greedy=true; }: NLS!)*
+ { sepToken = SEMI; }
+ | NLS! // this newline is significant!
+ { sepToken = NLS; }
+ (
+ options { greedy=true; }:
+ SEMI! // this superfluous semicolon is gobbled
+ (options { greedy=true; }: NLS!)*
+ { sepToken = SEMI; }
+ )*
+ ;
+/** Zero or more insignificant newlines, all gobbled up and thrown away. */
+ :
+ (options { greedy=true; }: NLS!)?
+ // Note: Use '?' rather than '*', relying on the fact that the lexer collapses
+ // adjacent NLS tokens, always. This lets the parser use its LL(3) lookahead
+ // to "see through" sequences of newlines. If there were a '*' here, the lookahead
+ // would be weaker, since the parser would have to be prepared for long sequences
+ // of NLS tokens.
+ ;
+/** Zero or more insignificant newlines, all gobbled up and thrown away,
+ * but a warning message is left for the user, if there was a newline.
+ */
+ :
+ ( (NLS)=>
+ { addWarning(
+ "A newline at this point does not follow the Groovy Coding Conventions.",
+ "Keep this statement on one line, or use curly braces to break across multiple lines."
+ ); }
+ )?
+ nls!
+ ;
+// The Groovy scanner
+class GroovyLexer extends Lexer;
+options {
+ exportVocab=Groovy; // call the vocabulary "Groovy"
+ testLiterals=false; // don't automatically test for literals
+ k=4; // four characters of lookahead
+ charVocabulary='\u0000'..'\uFFFF';
+ // without inlining some bitset tests, couldn't do unicode;
+ // I need to make ANTLR generate smaller bitsets; see
+ // bottom of GroovyLexer.java
+ codeGenBitsetTestThreshold=20;
+ /** flag for enabling the "assert" keyword */
+ private boolean assertEnabled = true;
+ /** flag for enabling the "enum" keyword */
+ private boolean enumEnabled = true;
+ /** flag for including whitespace tokens (for IDE preparsing) */
+ private boolean whitespaceIncluded = false;
+ /** Enable the "assert" keyword */
+ public void enableAssert(boolean shouldEnable) { assertEnabled = shouldEnable; }
+ /** Query the "assert" keyword state */
+ public boolean isAssertEnabled() { return assertEnabled; }
+ /** Enable the "enum" keyword */
+ public void enableEnum(boolean shouldEnable) { enumEnabled = shouldEnable; }
+ /** Query the "enum" keyword state */
+ public boolean isEnumEnabled() { return enumEnabled; }
+ /** Include whitespace tokens. Note that this breaks the parser. */
+ public void setWhitespaceIncluded(boolean z) { whitespaceIncluded = z; }
+ /** Are whitespace tokens included? */
+ public boolean isWhitespaceIncluded() { return whitespaceIncluded; }
+ {
+ // Initialization actions performed on construction.
+ setTabSize(1); // get rid of special tab interpretation, for IDEs and general clarity
+ }
+ /** Bumped when inside '[x]' or '(x)', reset inside '{x}'. See ONE_NL. */
+ protected int parenLevel = 0;
+ protected int suppressNewline = 0; // be really mean to newlines inside strings
+ protected static final int SCS_TYPE = 3, SCS_VAL = 4, SCS_LIT = 8, SCS_LIMIT = 16;
+ protected static final int SCS_SQ_TYPE = 0, SCS_TQ_TYPE = 1, SCS_RE_TYPE = 2, SCS_DRE_TYPE = 3;
+ protected int stringCtorState = 0; // hack string and regexp constructor boundaries
+ /** Push parenLevel here and reset whenever inside '{x}'. */
+ protected ArrayList parenLevelStack = new ArrayList();
+ protected int lastSigTokenType = EOF; // last returned non-whitespace token
+ public void setTokenObjectClass(String name) {/*ignore*/}
+ protected Token makeToken(int t) {
+ GroovySourceToken tok = new GroovySourceToken(t);
+ tok.setColumn(inputState.getTokenStartColumn());
+ tok.setLine(inputState.getTokenStartLine());
+ tok.setColumnLast(inputState.getColumn());
+ tok.setLineLast(inputState.getLine());
+ return tok;
+ }
+ protected void pushParenLevel() {
+ parenLevelStack.add(Integer.valueOf(parenLevel*SCS_LIMIT + stringCtorState));
+ parenLevel = 0;
+ stringCtorState = 0;
+ }
+ protected void popParenLevel() {
+ int npl = parenLevelStack.size();
+ if (npl == 0) return;
+ int i = ((Integer) parenLevelStack.remove(--npl)).intValue();
+ parenLevel = i / SCS_LIMIT;
+ stringCtorState = i % SCS_LIMIT;
+ }
+ protected void restartStringCtor(boolean expectLiteral) {
+ if (stringCtorState != 0) {
+ stringCtorState = (expectLiteral? SCS_LIT: SCS_VAL) + (stringCtorState & SCS_TYPE);
+ }
+ }
+ protected boolean allowRegexpLiteral() {
+ return !isExpressionEndingToken(lastSigTokenType);
+ }
+ /** Return true for an operator or punctuation which can end an expression.
+ * Return true for keywords, identifiers, and literals.
+ * Return true for tokens which can end expressions (right brackets, ++, --).
+ * Return false for EOF and all other operator and punctuation tokens.
+ * Used to suppress the recognition of /foo/ as opposed to the simple division operator '/'.
+ */
+ // Cf. 'constant' and 'balancedBrackets' rules in the grammar.)
+ protected static boolean isExpressionEndingToken(int ttype) {
+ switch (ttype) {
+ case INC: // x++ / y
+ case DEC: // x-- / y
+ case RPAREN: // (x) / y
+ case RBRACK: // f[x] / y
+ case RCURLY: // f{x} / y
+ case STRING_LITERAL: // "x" / y
+ case STRING_CTOR_END: // "$x" / y
+ case NUM_INT: // 0 / y
+ case NUM_FLOAT: // 0f / y
+ case NUM_LONG: // 0l / y
+ case NUM_DOUBLE: // 0.0 / y
+ case NUM_BIG_INT: // 0g / y
+ case NUM_BIG_DECIMAL: // 0.0g / y
+ case IDENT: // x / y
+ // and a bunch of keywords (all of them; no sense picking and choosing):
+ case LITERAL_as:
+ case LITERAL_assert:
+ case LITERAL_boolean:
+ case LITERAL_break:
+ case LITERAL_byte:
+ case LITERAL_case:
+ case LITERAL_catch:
+ case LITERAL_char:
+ case LITERAL_class:
+ case LITERAL_continue:
+ case LITERAL_def:
+ case LITERAL_default:
+ case LITERAL_double:
+ case LITERAL_else:
+ case LITERAL_enum:
+ case LITERAL_extends:
+ case LITERAL_false:
+ case LITERAL_finally:
+ case LITERAL_float:
+ case LITERAL_for:
+ case LITERAL_if:
+ case LITERAL_implements:
+ case LITERAL_import:
+ case LITERAL_in:
+ case LITERAL_instanceof:
+ case LITERAL_int:
+ case LITERAL_interface:
+ case LITERAL_long:
+ case LITERAL_native:
+ case LITERAL_new:
+ case LITERAL_null:
+ case LITERAL_package:
+ case LITERAL_private:
+ case LITERAL_protected:
+ case LITERAL_public:
+ case LITERAL_return:
+ case LITERAL_short:
+ case LITERAL_static:
+ case LITERAL_super:
+ case LITERAL_switch:
+ case LITERAL_synchronized:
+ case LITERAL_trait:
+ case LITERAL_this:
+ case LITERAL_threadsafe:
+ case LITERAL_throw:
+ case LITERAL_throws:
+ case LITERAL_transient:
+ case LITERAL_true:
+ case LITERAL_try:
+ case LITERAL_void:
+ case LITERAL_volatile:
+ case LITERAL_while:
+ return true;
+ default:
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ protected void newlineCheck(boolean check) throws RecognitionException {
+ if (check && suppressNewline > 0) {
+ require(suppressNewline == 0,
+ "end of line reached within a simple string 'x' or \"x\" or /x/",
+ "for multi-line literals, use triple quotes '''x''' or \"\"\"x\"\"\" or /x/ or $/x/$");
+ suppressNewline = 0; // shut down any flood of errors
+ }
+ newline();
+ }
+ protected boolean atValidDollarEscape() throws CharStreamException {
+ // '$' (('{' | LETTER) =>
+ int k = 1;
+ char lc = LA(k++);
+ if (lc != '$') return false;
+ lc = LA(k++);
+ return (lc == '{' || (lc != '$' && Character.isJavaIdentifierStart(lc)));
+ }
+ protected boolean atDollarDollarEscape() throws CharStreamException {
+ return LA(1) == '$' && LA(2) == '$';
+ }
+ protected boolean atMultiCommentStart() throws CharStreamException {
+ return LA(1) == '/' && LA(2) == '*';
+ }
+ protected boolean atDollarSlashEscape() throws CharStreamException {
+ return LA(1) == '$' && LA(2) == '/';
+ }
+ /** This is a bit of plumbing which resumes collection of string constructor bodies,
+ * after an embedded expression has been parsed.
+ * Usage: new GroovyRecognizer(new GroovyLexer(in).plumb()).
+ */
+ public TokenStream plumb() {
+ return new TokenStream() {
+ public Token nextToken() throws TokenStreamException {
+ if (stringCtorState >= SCS_LIT) {
+ // This goo is modeled upon the ANTLR code for nextToken:
+ int quoteType = (stringCtorState & SCS_TYPE);
+ stringCtorState = 0; // get out of this mode, now
+ resetText();
+ try {
+ switch (quoteType) {
+ case SCS_SQ_TYPE:
+ mSTRING_CTOR_END(true, /*fromStart:*/false, false); break;
+ case SCS_TQ_TYPE:
+ mSTRING_CTOR_END(true, /*fromStart:*/false, true); break;
+ case SCS_RE_TYPE:
+ mREGEXP_CTOR_END(true, /*fromStart:*/false); break;
+ case SCS_DRE_TYPE:
+ mDOLLAR_REGEXP_CTOR_END(true, /*fromStart:*/false); break;
+ default: throw new AssertionError(false);
+ }
+ lastSigTokenType = _returnToken.getType();
+ return _returnToken;
+ } catch (RecognitionException e) {
+ throw new TokenStreamRecognitionException(e);
+ } catch (CharStreamException cse) {
+ if ( cse instanceof CharStreamIOException ) {
+ throw new TokenStreamIOException(((CharStreamIOException)cse).io);
+ }
+ else {
+ throw new TokenStreamException(cse.getMessage());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Token token = GroovyLexer.this.nextToken();
+ int lasttype = token.getType();
+ if (whitespaceIncluded) {
+ switch (lasttype) { // filter out insignificant types
+ case WS:
+ case ONE_NL:
+ case SL_COMMENT:
+ case ML_COMMENT:
+ lasttype = lastSigTokenType; // back up!
+ }
+ }
+ lastSigTokenType = lasttype;
+ return token;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ // stuff to adjust ANTLR's tracing machinery
+ public static boolean tracing = false; // only effective if antlr.Tool is run with -traceLexer
+ public void traceIn(String rname) throws CharStreamException {
+ if (!GroovyLexer.tracing) return;
+ super.traceIn(rname);
+ }
+ public void traceOut(String rname) throws CharStreamException {
+ if (!GroovyLexer.tracing) return;
+ if (_returnToken != null) rname += tokenStringOf(_returnToken);
+ super.traceOut(rname);
+ }
+ private static java.util.HashMap ttypes;
+ private static String tokenStringOf(Token t) {
+ if (ttypes == null) {
+ java.util.HashMap map = new java.util.HashMap();
+ java.lang.reflect.Field[] fields = GroovyTokenTypes.class.getDeclaredFields();
+ for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) {
+ if (fields[i].getType() != int.class) continue;
+ try {
+ map.put(fields[i].get(null), fields[i].getName());
+ } catch (IllegalAccessException ee) {
+ }
+ }
+ ttypes = map;
+ }
+ Integer tt = Integer.valueOf(t.getType());
+ Object ttn = ttypes.get(tt);
+ if (ttn == null) ttn = "<"+tt+">";
+ return "["+ttn+",\""+t.getText()+"\"]";
+ }
+ protected GroovyRecognizer parser; // little-used link; TODO: get rid of
+ private void require(boolean z, String problem, String solution) throws SemanticException {
+ // TODO: Direct to a common error handler, rather than through the parser.
+ if (!z && parser!=null) parser.requireFailed(problem, solution);
+ if (!z) {
+ int lineNum = inputState.getLine(), colNum = inputState.getColumn();
+ throw new SemanticException(problem + ";\n solution: " + solution,
+ getFilename(), lineNum, colNum);
+ }
+ }
+// TODO: Borneo-style ops.
+QUESTION options {paraphrase="'?'";} : '?' ;
+LPAREN options {paraphrase="'('";} : '(' {++parenLevel;};
+RPAREN options {paraphrase="')'";} : ')' {--parenLevel;};
+LBRACK options {paraphrase="'['";} : '[' {++parenLevel;};
+RBRACK options {paraphrase="']'";} : ']' {--parenLevel;};
+LCURLY options {paraphrase="'{'";} : '{' {pushParenLevel();};
+RCURLY options {paraphrase="'}'";} : '}' {popParenLevel(); if(stringCtorState!=0) restartStringCtor(true);};
+COLON options {paraphrase="':'";} : ':' ;
+COMMA options {paraphrase="','";} : ',' ;
+DOT options {paraphrase="'.'";} : '.' ;
+ASSIGN options {paraphrase="'='";} : '=' ;
+COMPARE_TO options {paraphrase="'<=>'";} : "<=>" ;
+EQUAL options {paraphrase="'=='";} : "==" ;
+IDENTICAL options {paraphrase="'==='";} : "===" ;
+LNOT options {paraphrase="'!'";} : '!' ;
+BNOT options {paraphrase="'~'";} : '~' ;
+NOT_EQUAL options {paraphrase="'!='";} : "!=" ;
+NOT_IDENTICAL options {paraphrase="'!=='";} : "!==" ;
+protected //switched from combined rule
+DIV options {paraphrase="'/'";} : '/' ;
+protected //switched from combined rule
+DIV_ASSIGN options {paraphrase="'/='";} : "/=" ;
+PLUS options {paraphrase="'+'";} : '+' ;
+PLUS_ASSIGN options {paraphrase="'+='";} : "+=" ;
+INC options {paraphrase="'++'";} : "++" ;
+MINUS options {paraphrase="'-'";} : '-' ;
+MINUS_ASSIGN options {paraphrase="'-='";} : "-=" ;
+DEC options {paraphrase="'--'";} : "--" ;
+STAR options {paraphrase="'*'";} : '*' ;
+STAR_ASSIGN options {paraphrase="'*='";} : "*=" ;
+MOD options {paraphrase="'%'";} : '%' ;
+MOD_ASSIGN options {paraphrase="'%='";} : "%=" ;
+SR options {paraphrase="'>>'";} : ">>" ;
+SR_ASSIGN options {paraphrase="'>>='";} : ">>=" ;
+BSR options {paraphrase="'>>>'";} : ">>>" ;
+BSR_ASSIGN options {paraphrase="'>>>='";} : ">>>=" ;
+GE options {paraphrase="'>='";} : ">=" ;
+GT options {paraphrase="'>'";} : ">" ;
+SL options {paraphrase="'<<'";} : "<<" ;
+SL_ASSIGN options {paraphrase="'<<='";} : "<<=" ;
+LE options {paraphrase="'<='";} : "<=" ;
+LT options {paraphrase="'<'";} : '<' ;
+BXOR options {paraphrase="'^'";} : '^' ;
+BXOR_ASSIGN options {paraphrase="'^='";} : "^=" ;
+BOR options {paraphrase="'|'";} : '|' ;
+BOR_ASSIGN options {paraphrase="'|='";} : "|=" ;
+LOR options {paraphrase="'||'";} : "||" ;
+BAND options {paraphrase="'&'";} : '&' ;
+BAND_ASSIGN options {paraphrase="'&='";} : "&=" ;
+LAND options {paraphrase="'&&'";} : "&&" ;
+SEMI options {paraphrase="';'";} : ';' ;
+DOLLAR options {paraphrase="'$'";} : '$' ;
+RANGE_INCLUSIVE options {paraphrase="'..'";} : ".." ;
+RANGE_EXCLUSIVE options {paraphrase="'..<'";} : "..<" ;
+TRIPLE_DOT options {paraphrase="'...'";} : "..." ;
+SPREAD_DOT options {paraphrase="'*.'";} : "*." ;
+OPTIONAL_DOT options {paraphrase="'?.'";} : "?." ;
+ELVIS_OPERATOR options {paraphrase="'?:'";} : "?:" ;
+MEMBER_POINTER options {paraphrase="'.&'";} : ".&" ;
+REGEX_FIND options {paraphrase="'=~'";} : "=~" ;
+REGEX_MATCH options {paraphrase="'==~'";} : "==~" ;
+STAR_STAR options {paraphrase="'**'";} : "**" ;
+STAR_STAR_ASSIGN options {paraphrase="'**='";} : "**=" ;
+CLOSABLE_BLOCK_OP options {paraphrase="'->'";} : "->" ;
+// Whitespace -- ignored
+options {
+ paraphrase="whitespace";
+ :
+ (
+ options { greedy=true; }:
+ ' '
+ | '\t'
+ | '\f'
+ | '\\' ONE_NL[false]
+ )+
+ { if (!whitespaceIncluded) _ttype = Token.SKIP; }
+ ;
+ONE_NL![boolean check]
+options {
+ paraphrase="a newline";
+ : // handle newlines, which are significant in Groovy
+ ( options {generateAmbigWarnings=false;}
+ : "\r\n" // Evil DOS
+ | '\r' // Macintosh
+ | '\n' // Unix (the right way)
+ )
+ {
+ // update current line number for error reporting
+ newlineCheck(check);
+ }
+ ;
+ONE_NL_KEEP[boolean check]
+options {
+ paraphrase="a newline";
+ : // handle newlines, which are significant in Groovy
+ ( options {generateAmbigWarnings=false;}
+ : "\r\n" // Evil DOS
+ | '\r' // Macintosh
+ | '\n' // Unix (the right way)
+ )
+ {
+ // update current line number for error reporting
+ newlineCheck(check);
+ }
+ ;
+// Group any number of newlines (with comments and whitespace) into a single token.
+// This reduces the amount of parser lookahead required to parse around newlines.
+// It is an invariant that the parser never sees NLS tokens back-to-back.
+options {
+ paraphrase="some newlines, whitespace or comments";
+ : ONE_NL[true]
+ ( {!whitespaceIncluded}?
+ // (gobble, gobble)*
+ )?
+ // Inside (...) and [...] but not {...}, ignore newlines.
+ { if (whitespaceIncluded) {
+ // keep the token as-is
+ } else if (parenLevel != 0) {
+ // when directly inside parens, all newlines are ignored here
+ $setType(Token.SKIP);
+ } else {
+ // inside {...}, newlines must be explicitly matched as 'nls!'
+ $setText("");
+ }
+ }
+ ;
+// Single-line comments
+options {
+ paraphrase="a single line comment";
+ : "//"
+ // GRECLIPSE add
+ { if (parser != null) parser.startComment(inputState.getLine(), inputState.getColumn() - 2); }
+ // GRECLIPSE end
+ (
+ options { greedy = true; }:
+ // '\uffff' means the EOF character.
+ // This will fix the issue GROOVY-766 (infinite loop).
+ ~('\n'|'\r'|'\uffff')
+ )*
+ // GRECLIPSE add
+ { if (parser != null) parser.endComment(0, inputState.getLine(), inputState.getColumn(), String.valueOf(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length() - _begin));
+ // GRECLIPSE end
+ if (!whitespaceIncluded) $setType(Token.SKIP);
+ }
+ //This might be significant, so don't swallow it inside the comment:
+ //ONE_NL
+ ;
+// Script-header comments
+options {
+ paraphrase="a script header";
+ : {getLine() == 1 && getColumn() == 1}? "#!"
+ (
+ options { greedy = true; }:
+ // '\uffff' means the EOF character.
+ // This will fix the issue GROOVY-766 (infinite loop).
+ ~('\n'|'\r'|'\uffff')
+ )*
+ { if (!whitespaceIncluded) $setType(Token.SKIP); }
+ //ONE_NL //Never a significant newline, but might as well separate it.
+ ;
+// multiple-line comments
+options {
+ paraphrase="a multi-line comment";
+ : { atMultiCommentStart() }? "/*"
+ // GRECLIPSE add
+ { if (parser != null) parser.startComment(inputState.getLine(), inputState.getColumn() - 2); }
+ // GRECLIPSE end
+ ( /* '\r' '\n' can be matched in one alternative or by matching
+ '\r' in one iteration and '\n' in another. I am trying to
+ handle any flavor of newline that comes in, but the language
+ that allows both "\r\n" and "\r" and "\n" to all be valid
+ newline is ambiguous. Consequently, the resulting grammar
+ must be ambiguous. I'm shutting this warning off.
+ */
+ options {
+ generateAmbigWarnings=false;
+ }
+ :
+ ( '*' ~'/' ) => '*'
+ // GRECLIPSE edit
+ //| ONE_NL[true]
+ | ONE_NL_KEEP[true]
+ // GRECLIPSE end
+ | ~('*'|'\n'|'\r'|'\uffff')
+ )*
+ "*/"
+ // GRECLIPSE add
+ { if (parser != null) parser.endComment(1, inputState.getLine(), inputState.getColumn(), String.valueOf(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length() - _begin));
+ if (!whitespaceIncluded) $setType(Token.SKIP);
+ }
+ ;
+// string literals
+options {
+ paraphrase="a string literal";
+ {int tt=0;}
+ : ("'''") => //...shut off ambiguity warning
+ "'''"!
+ ( STRING_CH | ESC | '"' | '$' | STRING_NL[true]
+ | ('\'' (~'\'' | '\'' ~'\'')) => '\'' // allow 1 or 2 close quotes
+ )*
+ "'''"!
+ | '\''!
+ {++suppressNewline;}
+ ( STRING_CH | ESC | '"' | '$' )*
+ {--suppressNewline;}
+ '\''!
+ | ("\"\"\"") => //...shut off ambiguity warning
+ "\"\"\""!
+ tt=STRING_CTOR_END[true, /*tripleQuote:*/ true]
+ {$setType(tt);}
+ | '"'!
+ {++suppressNewline;}
+ tt=STRING_CTOR_END[true, /*tripleQuote:*/ false]
+ {$setType(tt);}
+ ;
+STRING_CTOR_END[boolean fromStart, boolean tripleQuote]
+returns [int tt=STRING_CTOR_END]
+options {
+ paraphrase="a string literal end";
+ { boolean dollarOK = false; }
+ :
+ (
+ options { greedy = true; }:
+ STRING_CH | ESC | '\'' | STRING_NL[tripleQuote]
+ | ('"' (~'"' | '"' ~'"'))=> {tripleQuote}? '"' // allow 1 or 2 close quotes
+ )*
+ ( ( { !tripleQuote }? "\""!
+ | { tripleQuote }? "\"\"\""!
+ )
+ {
+ if (fromStart) tt = STRING_LITERAL; // plain string literal!
+ if (!tripleQuote) {--suppressNewline;}
+ // done with string constructor!
+ //assert(stringCtorState == 0);
+ }
+ | {dollarOK = atValidDollarEscape();}
+ '$'!
+ {
+ require(dollarOK,
+ "illegal string body character after dollar sign",
+ "either escape a literal dollar sign \"\\$5\" or bracket the value expression \"${5}\"");
+ // Yes, it's a string constructor, and we've got a value part.
+ stringCtorState = SCS_VAL + (tripleQuote? SCS_TQ_TYPE: SCS_SQ_TYPE);
+ }
+ )
+ { $setType(tt); }
+ ;
+options {
+ paraphrase="a string character";
+ : ~('"'|'\''|'\\'|'$'|'\n'|'\r'|'\uffff')
+ ;
+options {
+ paraphrase="a multiline regular expression literal";
+ {int tt=0;}
+ : { !atMultiCommentStart() }?
+ ( {allowRegexpLiteral()}?
+ '/'!
+ {++suppressNewline;}
+ //Do this, but require it to be non-trivial: REGEXP_CTOR_END[true]
+ // There must be at least one symbol or $ escape, lest the regexp collapse to '//'.
+ // (This should be simpler, but I don't know how to do it w/o ANTLR warnings vs. '//' comments.)
+ (
+ tt=REGEXP_CTOR_END[true]
+ | {!atValidDollarEscape()}? '$'
+ tt=REGEXP_CTOR_END[true]
+ | '$'!
+ {
+ // Yes, it's a regexp constructor, and we've got a value part.
+ stringCtorState = SCS_VAL + SCS_RE_TYPE;
+ }
+ )
+ {$setType(tt);}
+ | ( '/' ~'=' ) => DIV {$setType(DIV);}
+ | DIV_ASSIGN {$setType(DIV_ASSIGN);}
+ )
+ ;
+options {
+ paraphrase="a multiline dollar escaping regular expression literal";
+ {int tt=0;}
+ : {allowRegexpLiteral()}? "$/"!
+ // Do this, but require it to be non-trivial: DOLLAR_REGEXP_CTOR_END[true]
+ // There must be at least one symbol or $ escape, otherwise the regexp collapses.
+ (
+ | {!atValidDollarEscape() && !atDollarSlashEscape() && !atDollarDollarEscape()}? '$'
+ |
+ ('$' '/') => ESCAPED_SLASH
+ |
+ ('$' '$') => ESCAPED_DOLLAR
+ |
+ '$'!
+ {
+ // Yes, it's a regexp constructor, and we've got a value part.
+ stringCtorState = SCS_VAL + SCS_DRE_TYPE;
+ }
+ )
+ {$setType(tt);}
+ ;
+REGEXP_CTOR_END[boolean fromStart]
+returns [int tt=STRING_CTOR_END]
+options {
+ paraphrase="a multiline regular expression literal end";
+ :
+ (
+ options { greedy = true; }:
+ |
+ {!atValidDollarEscape()}? '$'
+ )*
+ ( '/'!
+ {
+ if (fromStart) tt = STRING_LITERAL; // plain regexp literal!
+ {--suppressNewline;}
+ // done with regexp constructor!
+ //assert(stringCtorState == 0);
+ }
+ | '$'!
+ {
+ // Yes, it's a regexp constructor, and we've got a value part.
+ stringCtorState = SCS_VAL + SCS_RE_TYPE;
+ }
+ )
+ { $setType(tt); }
+ ;
+DOLLAR_REGEXP_CTOR_END[boolean fromStart]
+returns [int tt=STRING_CTOR_END]
+options {
+ paraphrase="a multiline dollar escaping regular expression literal end";
+ :
+ (
+ options { greedy = true; }:
+ { !(LA(1) == '/' && LA(2) == '$') }? DOLLAR_REGEXP_SYMBOL
+ |
+ ('$' '/') => ESCAPED_SLASH
+ |
+ ('$' '$') => ESCAPED_DOLLAR
+ |
+ {!atValidDollarEscape() && !atDollarSlashEscape() && !atDollarDollarEscape()}? '$'
+ )*
+ (
+ "/$"!
+ {
+ if (fromStart) tt = STRING_LITERAL; // plain regexp literal!
+ }
+ | '$'!
+ {
+ // Yes, it's a regexp constructor, and we've got a value part.
+ stringCtorState = SCS_VAL + SCS_DRE_TYPE;
+ }
+ )
+ { $setType(tt); }
+ ;
+protected ESCAPED_SLASH : '$' '/' { $setText('/'); };
+protected ESCAPED_DOLLAR : '$' '$' { $setText('$'); };
+options {
+ paraphrase="a multiline regular expression character";
+ :
+ ~('/'|'$'|'\\'|'\n'|'\r'|'\uffff')
+ | { LA(2)!='/' && LA(2)!='\n' && LA(2)!='\r' }? '\\' // backslash only escapes '/' and EOL
+ | '\\' '/' { $setText('/'); }
+ | STRING_NL[true]
+ |! '\\' ONE_NL[false]
+ ;
+options {
+ paraphrase="a multiline dollar escaping regular expression character";
+ :
+ ~('$' | '\\' | '/' | '\n' | '\r' | '\uffff')
+ | { LA(2)!='\n' && LA(2)!='\r' }? '\\' // backslash only escapes EOL
+ | ('/' ~'$') => '/' // allow a slash if not followed by a $
+ | STRING_NL[true]
+ |! '\\' ONE_NL[false]
+ ;
+// escape sequence -- note that this is protected; it can only be called
+// from another lexer rule -- it will not ever directly return a token to
+// the parser
+// There are various ambiguities hushed in this rule. The optional
+// '0'...'9' digit matches should be matched here rather than letting
+// them go back to STRING_LITERAL to be matched. ANTLR does the
+// right thing by matching immediately; hence, it's ok to shut off
+// the FOLLOW ambig warnings.
+options {
+ paraphrase="an escape sequence";
+ : '\\'!
+ ( 'n' {$setText("\n");}
+ | 'r' {$setText("\r");}
+ | 't' {$setText("\t");}
+ | 'b' {$setText("\b");}
+ | 'f' {$setText("\f");}
+ | '"'
+ | '\''
+ | '\\'
+ | '$' //escape Groovy $ operator uniformly also
+ | ('u')+ {$setText("");}
+ {char ch = (char)Integer.parseInt($getText,16); $setText(ch);}
+ | '0'..'3'
+ (
+ options {
+ warnWhenFollowAmbig = false;
+ }
+ : '0'..'7'
+ (
+ options {
+ warnWhenFollowAmbig = false;
+ }
+ : '0'..'7'
+ )?
+ )?
+ {char ch = (char)Integer.parseInt($getText,8); $setText(ch);}
+ | '4'..'7'
+ (
+ options {
+ warnWhenFollowAmbig = false;
+ }
+ : '0'..'7'
+ )?
+ {char ch = (char)Integer.parseInt($getText,8); $setText(ch);}
+ )
+ |! '\\' ONE_NL[false]
+ ;
+STRING_NL[boolean allowNewline]
+options {
+ paraphrase="a newline inside a string";
+ : {if (!allowNewline) throw new MismatchedCharException('\n', '\n', true, this); }
+ ONE_NL[false] { $setText('\n'); }
+ ;
+// hexadecimal digit (again, note it's protected!)
+options {
+ paraphrase="a hexadecimal digit";
+ : ('0'..'9'|'A'..'F'|'a'..'f')
+ ;
+// a dummy rule to force vocabulary to be all characters (except special
+// ones that ANTLR uses internally (0 to 2)
+options {
+ paraphrase="a character";
+ : '\3'..'\377'
+ ;
+// an identifier. Note that testLiterals is set to true! This means
+// that after we match the rule, we look in the literals table to see
+// if it's a literal or really an identifier
+options {
+ paraphrase="an identifier";
+ //options {testLiterals=true;} // Actually, this is done manually in the actions below.
+ {
+ if (stringCtorState != 0) {
+ if (LA(1) == '.' && LA(2) != '$' &&
+ Character.isJavaIdentifierStart(LA(2))) {
+ // pick up another name component before going literal again:
+ restartStringCtor(false);
+ } else {
+ // go back to the string
+ restartStringCtor(true);
+ }
+ }
+ int ttype = testLiteralsTable(IDENT);
+ // Java doesn't have the keywords 'as', 'in' or 'def so we make some allowances
+ // for them in package names for better integration with existing Java packages
+ if ((ttype == LITERAL_as || ttype == LITERAL_def || ttype == LITERAL_in || ttype == LITERAL_trait) &&
+ (LA(1) == '.' || lastSigTokenType == DOT || lastSigTokenType == LITERAL_package)) {
+ ttype = IDENT;
+ }
+ // allow access to classes with the name package
+ if ((ttype == LITERAL_package) &&
+ (LA(1) == '.' || lastSigTokenType == DOT || lastSigTokenType == LITERAL_import
+ || (LA(1) == ')' && lastSigTokenType == LPAREN))) {
+ ttype = IDENT;
+ }
+ if (ttype == LITERAL_static && LA(1) == '.') {
+ ttype = IDENT;
+ }
+ $setType(ttype);
+ // check if "assert" keyword is enabled
+ if (assertEnabled && "assert".equals($getText)) {
+ $setType(LITERAL_assert); // set token type for the rule in the parser
+ }
+ // check if "enum" keyword is enabled
+ if (enumEnabled && "enum".equals($getText)) {
+ $setType(LITERAL_enum); // set token type for the rule in the parser
+ }
+ }
+ ;
+options {
+ paraphrase="a letter";
+ : 'a'..'z'|'A'..'Z'|'\u00C0'..'\u00D6'|'\u00D8'..'\u00F6'|'\u00F8'..'\u00FF'|'\u0100'..'\uFFFE'|'_'
+ // TODO: Recognize all the Java identifier starts here (except '$').
+ ;
+options {
+ paraphrase="a digit";
+ : '0'..'9'
+ // TODO: Recognize all the Java identifier parts here (except '$').
+ ;
+options {
+ paraphrase="a sequence of digits and underscores, bordered by digits";
+ ;
+options {
+ paraphrase="a sequence of digits and underscores with maybe underscore starting";
+ : (DIGIT | '_')* DIGIT
+ ;
+// a numeric literal
+options {
+ paraphrase="a numeric literal";
+ {boolean isDecimal=false; Token t=null;}
+ :
+ // TODO: This complex pattern seems wrong. Verify or fix.
+ ( '0' {isDecimal = true;} // special case for just '0'
+ ( // hex digits
+ ('x'|'X')
+ {isDecimal = false;}
+ ( options { warnWhenFollowAmbig=false; }
+ : (options { warnWhenFollowAmbig=false; } : HEX_DIGIT | '_')*
+ )?
+ | //binary literal
+ ('b'|'B') ('0'|'1') (('0'|'1'|'_')* ('0'|'1'))?
+ {isDecimal = false;}
+ | //float or double with leading zero
+ | // octal
+ ('0'..'7') (('0'..'7'|'_')* ('0'..'7'))?
+ {isDecimal = false;}
+ )?
+ | ('1'..'9') (DIGITS_WITH_UNDERSCORE_OPT)? {isDecimal=true;} // non-zero decimal
+ )
+ ( ('l'|'L') { _ttype = NUM_LONG; }
+ | ('i'|'I') { _ttype = NUM_INT; }
+ | BIG_SUFFIX { _ttype = NUM_BIG_INT; }
+ // only check to see if it's a float if looks like decimal so far
+ |
+ (~'.' | '.' ('0'..'9')) =>
+ {isDecimal}?
+ | EXPONENT (f3:FLOAT_SUFFIX {t=f3;} | g3:BIG_SUFFIX {t=g3;})?
+ | f4:FLOAT_SUFFIX {t=f4;}
+ )
+ {
+ String txt = (t == null ? "" : t.getText().toUpperCase());
+ if (txt.indexOf('F') >= 0) {
+ _ttype = NUM_FLOAT;
+ } else if (txt.indexOf('G') >= 0) {
+ _ttype = NUM_BIG_DECIMAL;
+ } else {
+ _ttype = NUM_DOUBLE; // assume double
+ }
+ }
+ )?
+ ;
+// JDK 1.5 token for annotations and their declarations
+// also a groovy operator for actual field access e.g. 'telson.@age'
+options {
+ paraphrase="'@'";
+ : '@'
+ ;
+// a couple protected methods to assist in matching floating point numbers
+options {
+ paraphrase="an exponent";
+ : ('e'|'E') ('+'|'-')? ('0'..'9'|'_')* ('0'..'9')
+ ;
+options {
+ paraphrase="a float or double suffix";
+ : 'f'|'F'|'d'|'D'
+ ;
+options {
+ paraphrase="a big decimal suffix";
+ : 'g'|'G'
+ ;
+// Note: Please don't use physical tabs. Logical tabs for indent are width 4.
+// Here's a little hint for you, Emacs:
+// Local Variables:
+// tab-width: 4
+// mode: antlr-mode
+// indent-tabs-mode: nil
+// End:
diff --git a/base/org.codehaus.groovy26/src/org/codehaus/groovy/antlr/parser/GroovyLexer.java b/base/org.codehaus.groovy26/src/org/codehaus/groovy/antlr/parser/GroovyLexer.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..26543ad7bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/base/org.codehaus.groovy26/src/org/codehaus/groovy/antlr/parser/GroovyLexer.java
@@ -0,0 +1,3925 @@
+// $ANTLR 2.7.7 (20060906): "groovy.g" -> "GroovyLexer.java"$
+package org.codehaus.groovy.antlr.parser;
+import java.io.*;
+import java.util.*;
+import groovyjarjarantlr.CommonToken;
+import groovyjarjarantlr.InputBuffer;
+import groovyjarjarantlr.LexerSharedInputState;
+import groovyjarjarantlr.TokenStreamRecognitionException;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.antlr.*;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.Comment;
+import java.io.InputStream;
+import groovyjarjarantlr.TokenStreamException;
+import groovyjarjarantlr.TokenStreamIOException;
+import groovyjarjarantlr.TokenStreamRecognitionException;
+import groovyjarjarantlr.CharStreamException;
+import groovyjarjarantlr.CharStreamIOException;
+import groovyjarjarantlr.ANTLRException;
+import java.io.Reader;
+import java.util.Hashtable;
+import groovyjarjarantlr.CharScanner;
+import groovyjarjarantlr.InputBuffer;
+import groovyjarjarantlr.ByteBuffer;
+import groovyjarjarantlr.CharBuffer;
+import groovyjarjarantlr.Token;
+import groovyjarjarantlr.CommonToken;
+import groovyjarjarantlr.RecognitionException;
+import groovyjarjarantlr.NoViableAltForCharException;
+import groovyjarjarantlr.MismatchedCharException;
+import groovyjarjarantlr.TokenStream;
+import groovyjarjarantlr.ANTLRHashString;
+import groovyjarjarantlr.LexerSharedInputState;
+import groovyjarjarantlr.collections.impl.BitSet;
+import groovyjarjarantlr.SemanticException;
+public class GroovyLexer extends groovyjarjarantlr.CharScanner implements GroovyTokenTypes, TokenStream
+ {
+ /** flag for enabling the "assert" keyword */
+ private boolean assertEnabled = true;
+ /** flag for enabling the "enum" keyword */
+ private boolean enumEnabled = true;
+ /** flag for including whitespace tokens (for IDE preparsing) */
+ private boolean whitespaceIncluded = false;
+ /** Enable the "assert" keyword */
+ public void enableAssert(boolean shouldEnable) { assertEnabled = shouldEnable; }
+ /** Query the "assert" keyword state */
+ public boolean isAssertEnabled() { return assertEnabled; }
+ /** Enable the "enum" keyword */
+ public void enableEnum(boolean shouldEnable) { enumEnabled = shouldEnable; }
+ /** Query the "enum" keyword state */
+ public boolean isEnumEnabled() { return enumEnabled; }
+ /** Include whitespace tokens. Note that this breaks the parser. */
+ public void setWhitespaceIncluded(boolean z) { whitespaceIncluded = z; }
+ /** Are whitespace tokens included? */
+ public boolean isWhitespaceIncluded() { return whitespaceIncluded; }
+ {
+ // Initialization actions performed on construction.
+ setTabSize(1); // get rid of special tab interpretation, for IDEs and general clarity
+ }
+ /** Bumped when inside '[x]' or '(x)', reset inside '{x}'. See ONE_NL. */
+ protected int parenLevel = 0;
+ protected int suppressNewline = 0; // be really mean to newlines inside strings
+ protected static final int SCS_TYPE = 3, SCS_VAL = 4, SCS_LIT = 8, SCS_LIMIT = 16;
+ protected static final int SCS_SQ_TYPE = 0, SCS_TQ_TYPE = 1, SCS_RE_TYPE = 2, SCS_DRE_TYPE = 3;
+ protected int stringCtorState = 0; // hack string and regexp constructor boundaries
+ /** Push parenLevel here and reset whenever inside '{x}'. */
+ protected ArrayList parenLevelStack = new ArrayList();
+ protected int lastSigTokenType = EOF; // last returned non-whitespace token
+ public void setTokenObjectClass(String name) {/*ignore*/}
+ protected Token makeToken(int t) {
+ GroovySourceToken tok = new GroovySourceToken(t);
+ tok.setColumn(inputState.getTokenStartColumn());
+ tok.setLine(inputState.getTokenStartLine());
+ tok.setColumnLast(inputState.getColumn());
+ tok.setLineLast(inputState.getLine());
+ return tok;
+ }
+ protected void pushParenLevel() {
+ parenLevelStack.add(Integer.valueOf(parenLevel*SCS_LIMIT + stringCtorState));
+ parenLevel = 0;
+ stringCtorState = 0;
+ }
+ protected void popParenLevel() {
+ int npl = parenLevelStack.size();
+ if (npl == 0) return;
+ int i = ((Integer) parenLevelStack.remove(--npl)).intValue();
+ parenLevel = i / SCS_LIMIT;
+ stringCtorState = i % SCS_LIMIT;
+ }
+ protected void restartStringCtor(boolean expectLiteral) {
+ if (stringCtorState != 0) {
+ stringCtorState = (expectLiteral? SCS_LIT: SCS_VAL) + (stringCtorState & SCS_TYPE);
+ }
+ }
+ protected boolean allowRegexpLiteral() {
+ return !isExpressionEndingToken(lastSigTokenType);
+ }
+ /** Return true for an operator or punctuation which can end an expression.
+ * Return true for keywords, identifiers, and literals.
+ * Return true for tokens which can end expressions (right brackets, ++, --).
+ * Return false for EOF and all other operator and punctuation tokens.
+ * Used to suppress the recognition of /foo/ as opposed to the simple division operator '/'.
+ */
+ // Cf. 'constant' and 'balancedBrackets' rules in the grammar.)
+ protected static boolean isExpressionEndingToken(int ttype) {
+ switch (ttype) {
+ case INC: // x++ / y
+ case DEC: // x-- / y
+ case RPAREN: // (x) / y
+ case RBRACK: // f[x] / y
+ case RCURLY: // f{x} / y
+ case STRING_LITERAL: // "x" / y
+ case STRING_CTOR_END: // "$x" / y
+ case NUM_INT: // 0 / y
+ case NUM_FLOAT: // 0f / y
+ case NUM_LONG: // 0l / y
+ case NUM_DOUBLE: // 0.0 / y
+ case NUM_BIG_INT: // 0g / y
+ case NUM_BIG_DECIMAL: // 0.0g / y
+ case IDENT: // x / y
+ // and a bunch of keywords (all of them; no sense picking and choosing):
+ case LITERAL_as:
+ case LITERAL_assert:
+ case LITERAL_boolean:
+ case LITERAL_break:
+ case LITERAL_byte:
+ case LITERAL_case:
+ case LITERAL_catch:
+ case LITERAL_char:
+ case LITERAL_class:
+ case LITERAL_continue:
+ case LITERAL_def:
+ case LITERAL_default:
+ case LITERAL_double:
+ case LITERAL_else:
+ case LITERAL_enum:
+ case LITERAL_extends:
+ case LITERAL_false:
+ case LITERAL_finally:
+ case LITERAL_float:
+ case LITERAL_for:
+ case LITERAL_if:
+ case LITERAL_implements:
+ case LITERAL_import:
+ case LITERAL_in:
+ case LITERAL_instanceof:
+ case LITERAL_int:
+ case LITERAL_interface:
+ case LITERAL_long:
+ case LITERAL_native:
+ case LITERAL_new:
+ case LITERAL_null:
+ case LITERAL_package:
+ case LITERAL_private:
+ case LITERAL_protected:
+ case LITERAL_public:
+ case LITERAL_return:
+ case LITERAL_short:
+ case LITERAL_static:
+ case LITERAL_super:
+ case LITERAL_switch:
+ case LITERAL_synchronized:
+ case LITERAL_trait:
+ case LITERAL_this:
+ case LITERAL_threadsafe:
+ case LITERAL_throw:
+ case LITERAL_throws:
+ case LITERAL_transient:
+ case LITERAL_true:
+ case LITERAL_try:
+ case LITERAL_void:
+ case LITERAL_volatile:
+ case LITERAL_while:
+ return true;
+ default:
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ protected void newlineCheck(boolean check) throws RecognitionException {
+ if (check && suppressNewline > 0) {
+ require(suppressNewline == 0,
+ "end of line reached within a simple string 'x' or \"x\" or /x/",
+ "for multi-line literals, use triple quotes '''x''' or \"\"\"x\"\"\" or /x/ or $/x/$");
+ suppressNewline = 0; // shut down any flood of errors
+ }
+ newline();
+ }
+ protected boolean atValidDollarEscape() throws CharStreamException {
+ // '$' (('{' | LETTER) =>
+ int k = 1;
+ char lc = LA(k++);
+ if (lc != '$') return false;
+ lc = LA(k++);
+ return (lc == '{' || (lc != '$' && Character.isJavaIdentifierStart(lc)));
+ }
+ protected boolean atDollarDollarEscape() throws CharStreamException {
+ return LA(1) == '$' && LA(2) == '$';
+ }
+ protected boolean atMultiCommentStart() throws CharStreamException {
+ return LA(1) == '/' && LA(2) == '*';
+ }
+ protected boolean atDollarSlashEscape() throws CharStreamException {
+ return LA(1) == '$' && LA(2) == '/';
+ }
+ /** This is a bit of plumbing which resumes collection of string constructor bodies,
+ * after an embedded expression has been parsed.
+ * Usage: new GroovyRecognizer(new GroovyLexer(in).plumb()).
+ */
+ public TokenStream plumb() {
+ return new TokenStream() {
+ public Token nextToken() throws TokenStreamException {
+ if (stringCtorState >= SCS_LIT) {
+ // This goo is modeled upon the ANTLR code for nextToken:
+ int quoteType = (stringCtorState & SCS_TYPE);
+ stringCtorState = 0; // get out of this mode, now
+ resetText();
+ try {
+ switch (quoteType) {
+ case SCS_SQ_TYPE:
+ mSTRING_CTOR_END(true, /*fromStart:*/false, false); break;
+ case SCS_TQ_TYPE:
+ mSTRING_CTOR_END(true, /*fromStart:*/false, true); break;
+ case SCS_RE_TYPE:
+ mREGEXP_CTOR_END(true, /*fromStart:*/false); break;
+ case SCS_DRE_TYPE:
+ mDOLLAR_REGEXP_CTOR_END(true, /*fromStart:*/false); break;
+ default: throw new AssertionError(false);
+ }
+ lastSigTokenType = _returnToken.getType();
+ return _returnToken;
+ } catch (RecognitionException e) {
+ throw new TokenStreamRecognitionException(e);
+ } catch (CharStreamException cse) {
+ if ( cse instanceof CharStreamIOException ) {
+ throw new TokenStreamIOException(((CharStreamIOException)cse).io);
+ }
+ else {
+ throw new TokenStreamException(cse.getMessage());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Token token = GroovyLexer.this.nextToken();
+ int lasttype = token.getType();
+ if (whitespaceIncluded) {
+ switch (lasttype) { // filter out insignificant types
+ case WS:
+ case ONE_NL:
+ case SL_COMMENT:
+ case ML_COMMENT:
+ lasttype = lastSigTokenType; // back up!
+ }
+ }
+ lastSigTokenType = lasttype;
+ return token;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ // stuff to adjust ANTLR's tracing machinery
+ public static boolean tracing = false; // only effective if antlr.Tool is run with -traceLexer
+ public void traceIn(String rname) throws CharStreamException {
+ if (!GroovyLexer.tracing) return;
+ super.traceIn(rname);
+ }
+ public void traceOut(String rname) throws CharStreamException {
+ if (!GroovyLexer.tracing) return;
+ if (_returnToken != null) rname += tokenStringOf(_returnToken);
+ super.traceOut(rname);
+ }
+ private static java.util.HashMap ttypes;
+ private static String tokenStringOf(Token t) {
+ if (ttypes == null) {
+ java.util.HashMap map = new java.util.HashMap();
+ java.lang.reflect.Field[] fields = GroovyTokenTypes.class.getDeclaredFields();
+ for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) {
+ if (fields[i].getType() != int.class) continue;
+ try {
+ map.put(fields[i].get(null), fields[i].getName());
+ } catch (IllegalAccessException ee) {
+ }
+ }
+ ttypes = map;
+ }
+ Integer tt = Integer.valueOf(t.getType());
+ Object ttn = ttypes.get(tt);
+ if (ttn == null) ttn = "<"+tt+">";
+ return "["+ttn+",\""+t.getText()+"\"]";
+ }
+ protected GroovyRecognizer parser; // little-used link; TODO: get rid of
+ private void require(boolean z, String problem, String solution) throws SemanticException {
+ // TODO: Direct to a common error handler, rather than through the parser.
+ if (!z && parser!=null) parser.requireFailed(problem, solution);
+ if (!z) {
+ int lineNum = inputState.getLine(), colNum = inputState.getColumn();
+ throw new SemanticException(problem + ";\n solution: " + solution,
+ getFilename(), lineNum, colNum);
+ }
+ }
+public GroovyLexer(InputStream in) {
+ this(new ByteBuffer(in));
+public GroovyLexer(Reader in) {
+ this(new CharBuffer(in));
+public GroovyLexer(InputBuffer ib) {
+ this(new LexerSharedInputState(ib));
+public GroovyLexer(LexerSharedInputState state) {
+ super(state);
+ caseSensitiveLiterals = true;
+ setCaseSensitive(true);
+ literals = new Hashtable();
+ literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("byte", this), new Integer(106));
+ literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("public", this), new Integer(116));
+ literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("trait", this), new Integer(95));
+ literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("case", this), new Integer(150));
+ literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("short", this), new Integer(108));
+ literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("break", this), new Integer(144));
+ literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("while", this), new Integer(139));
+ literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("new", this), new Integer(159));
+ literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("instanceof", this), new Integer(158));
+ literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("implements", this), new Integer(131));
+ literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("synchronized", this), new Integer(121));
+ literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("const", this), new Integer(41));
+ literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("float", this), new Integer(110));
+ literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("package", this), new Integer(81));
+ literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("return", this), new Integer(143));
+ literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("throw", this), new Integer(146));
+ literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("null", this), new Integer(160));
+ literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("def", this), new Integer(84));
+ literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("threadsafe", this), new Integer(120));
+ literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("protected", this), new Integer(117));
+ literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("class", this), new Integer(92));
+ literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("throws", this), new Integer(130));
+ literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("do", this), new Integer(42));
+ literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("strictfp", this), new Integer(43));
+ literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("super", this), new Integer(99));
+ literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("transient", this), new Integer(118));
+ literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("native", this), new Integer(119));
+ literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("interface", this), new Integer(93));
+ literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("final", this), new Integer(38));
+ literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("if", this), new Integer(137));
+ literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("double", this), new Integer(112));
+ literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("volatile", this), new Integer(122));
+ literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("as", this), new Integer(114));
+ literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("assert", this), new Integer(147));
+ literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("catch", this), new Integer(153));
+ literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("try", this), new Integer(151));
+ literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("goto", this), new Integer(40));
+ literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("enum", this), new Integer(94));
+ literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("int", this), new Integer(109));
+ literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("for", this), new Integer(141));
+ literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("extends", this), new Integer(98));
+ literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("boolean", this), new Integer(105));
+ literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("char", this), new Integer(107));
+ literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("private", this), new Integer(115));
+ literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("default", this), new Integer(129));
+ literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("false", this), new Integer(157));
+ literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("this", this), new Integer(132));
+ literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("static", this), new Integer(83));
+ literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("abstract", this), new Integer(39));
+ literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("continue", this), new Integer(145));
+ literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("finally", this), new Integer(152));
+ literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("else", this), new Integer(138));
+ literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("import", this), new Integer(82));
+ literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("in", this), new Integer(142));
+ literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("void", this), new Integer(104));
+ literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("switch", this), new Integer(140));
+ literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("true", this), new Integer(161));
+ literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("long", this), new Integer(111));
+public Token nextToken() throws TokenStreamException {
+ Token theRetToken=null;
+ for (;;) {
+ Token _token = null;
+ int _ttype = Token.INVALID_TYPE;
+ resetText();
+ try { // for char stream error handling
+ try { // for lexical error handling
+ switch ( LA(1)) {
+ case '(':
+ {
+ mLPAREN(true);
+ theRetToken=_returnToken;
+ break;
+ }
+ case ')':
+ {
+ mRPAREN(true);
+ theRetToken=_returnToken;
+ break;
+ }
+ case '[':
+ {
+ mLBRACK(true);
+ theRetToken=_returnToken;
+ break;
+ }
+ case ']':
+ {
+ mRBRACK(true);
+ theRetToken=_returnToken;
+ break;
+ }
+ case '{':
+ {
+ mLCURLY(true);
+ theRetToken=_returnToken;
+ break;
+ }
+ case '}':
+ {
+ mRCURLY(true);
+ theRetToken=_returnToken;
+ break;
+ }
+ case ':':
+ {
+ mCOLON(true);
+ theRetToken=_returnToken;
+ break;
+ }
+ case ',':
+ {
+ mCOMMA(true);
+ theRetToken=_returnToken;
+ break;
+ }
+ case '~':
+ {
+ mBNOT(true);
+ theRetToken=_returnToken;
+ break;
+ }
+ case ';':
+ {
+ mSEMI(true);
+ theRetToken=_returnToken;
+ break;
+ }
+ case '\t': case '\u000c': case ' ': case '\\':
+ {
+ mWS(true);
+ theRetToken=_returnToken;
+ break;
+ }
+ case '\n': case '\r':
+ {
+ mNLS(true);
+ theRetToken=_returnToken;
+ break;
+ }
+ case '"': case '\'':
+ {
+ theRetToken=_returnToken;
+ break;
+ }
+ case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3':
+ case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7':
+ case '8': case '9':
+ {
+ mNUM_INT(true);
+ theRetToken=_returnToken;
+ break;
+ }
+ case '@':
+ {
+ mAT(true);
+ theRetToken=_returnToken;
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ if ((LA(1)=='>') && (LA(2)=='>') && (LA(3)=='>') && (LA(4)=='=')) {
+ mBSR_ASSIGN(true);
+ theRetToken=_returnToken;
+ }
+ else if (((LA(1)=='/') && (LA(2)=='*') && ((LA(3) >= '\u0000' && LA(3) <= '\ufffe')) && ((LA(4) >= '\u0000' && LA(4) <= '\ufffe')))&&( atMultiCommentStart() )) {
+ mML_COMMENT(true);
+ theRetToken=_returnToken;
+ }
+ else if ((LA(1)=='<') && (LA(2)=='=') && (LA(3)=='>')) {
+ mCOMPARE_TO(true);
+ theRetToken=_returnToken;
+ }
+ else if ((LA(1)=='=') && (LA(2)=='=') && (LA(3)=='=')) {
+ mIDENTICAL(true);
+ theRetToken=_returnToken;
+ }
+ else if ((LA(1)=='!') && (LA(2)=='=') && (LA(3)=='=')) {
+ theRetToken=_returnToken;
+ }
+ else if ((LA(1)=='>') && (LA(2)=='>') && (LA(3)=='=')) {
+ mSR_ASSIGN(true);
+ theRetToken=_returnToken;
+ }
+ else if ((LA(1)=='>') && (LA(2)=='>') && (LA(3)=='>') && (true)) {
+ mBSR(true);
+ theRetToken=_returnToken;
+ }
+ else if ((LA(1)=='<') && (LA(2)=='<') && (LA(3)=='=')) {
+ mSL_ASSIGN(true);
+ theRetToken=_returnToken;
+ }
+ else if ((LA(1)=='.') && (LA(2)=='.') && (LA(3)=='<')) {
+ theRetToken=_returnToken;
+ }
+ else if ((LA(1)=='.') && (LA(2)=='.') && (LA(3)=='.')) {
+ mTRIPLE_DOT(true);
+ theRetToken=_returnToken;
+ }
+ else if ((LA(1)=='=') && (LA(2)=='=') && (LA(3)=='~')) {
+ mREGEX_MATCH(true);
+ theRetToken=_returnToken;
+ }
+ else if ((LA(1)=='*') && (LA(2)=='*') && (LA(3)=='=')) {
+ theRetToken=_returnToken;
+ }
+ else if ((LA(1)=='=') && (LA(2)=='=') && (true)) {
+ mEQUAL(true);
+ theRetToken=_returnToken;
+ }
+ else if ((LA(1)=='!') && (LA(2)=='=') && (true)) {
+ mNOT_EQUAL(true);
+ theRetToken=_returnToken;
+ }
+ else if ((LA(1)=='+') && (LA(2)=='=')) {
+ mPLUS_ASSIGN(true);
+ theRetToken=_returnToken;
+ }
+ else if ((LA(1)=='+') && (LA(2)=='+')) {
+ mINC(true);
+ theRetToken=_returnToken;
+ }
+ else if ((LA(1)=='-') && (LA(2)=='=')) {
+ mMINUS_ASSIGN(true);
+ theRetToken=_returnToken;
+ }
+ else if ((LA(1)=='-') && (LA(2)=='-')) {
+ mDEC(true);
+ theRetToken=_returnToken;
+ }
+ else if ((LA(1)=='*') && (LA(2)=='=')) {
+ mSTAR_ASSIGN(true);
+ theRetToken=_returnToken;
+ }
+ else if ((LA(1)=='%') && (LA(2)=='=')) {
+ mMOD_ASSIGN(true);
+ theRetToken=_returnToken;
+ }
+ else if ((LA(1)=='>') && (LA(2)=='>') && (true)) {
+ mSR(true);
+ theRetToken=_returnToken;
+ }
+ else if ((LA(1)=='>') && (LA(2)=='=')) {
+ mGE(true);
+ theRetToken=_returnToken;
+ }
+ else if ((LA(1)=='<') && (LA(2)=='<') && (true)) {
+ mSL(true);
+ theRetToken=_returnToken;
+ }
+ else if ((LA(1)=='<') && (LA(2)=='=') && (true)) {
+ mLE(true);
+ theRetToken=_returnToken;
+ }
+ else if ((LA(1)=='^') && (LA(2)=='=')) {
+ mBXOR_ASSIGN(true);
+ theRetToken=_returnToken;
+ }
+ else if ((LA(1)=='|') && (LA(2)=='=')) {
+ mBOR_ASSIGN(true);
+ theRetToken=_returnToken;
+ }
+ else if ((LA(1)=='|') && (LA(2)=='|')) {
+ mLOR(true);
+ theRetToken=_returnToken;
+ }
+ else if ((LA(1)=='&') && (LA(2)=='=')) {
+ mBAND_ASSIGN(true);
+ theRetToken=_returnToken;
+ }
+ else if ((LA(1)=='&') && (LA(2)=='&')) {
+ mLAND(true);
+ theRetToken=_returnToken;
+ }
+ else if ((LA(1)=='.') && (LA(2)=='.') && (true)) {
+ theRetToken=_returnToken;
+ }
+ else if ((LA(1)=='*') && (LA(2)=='.')) {
+ mSPREAD_DOT(true);
+ theRetToken=_returnToken;
+ }
+ else if ((LA(1)=='?') && (LA(2)=='.')) {
+ mOPTIONAL_DOT(true);
+ theRetToken=_returnToken;
+ }
+ else if ((LA(1)=='?') && (LA(2)==':')) {
+ theRetToken=_returnToken;
+ }
+ else if ((LA(1)=='.') && (LA(2)=='&')) {
+ theRetToken=_returnToken;
+ }
+ else if ((LA(1)=='=') && (LA(2)=='~')) {
+ mREGEX_FIND(true);
+ theRetToken=_returnToken;
+ }
+ else if ((LA(1)=='*') && (LA(2)=='*') && (true)) {
+ mSTAR_STAR(true);
+ theRetToken=_returnToken;
+ }
+ else if ((LA(1)=='-') && (LA(2)=='>')) {
+ theRetToken=_returnToken;
+ }
+ else if ((LA(1)=='/') && (LA(2)=='/')) {
+ mSL_COMMENT(true);
+ theRetToken=_returnToken;
+ }
+ else if (((LA(1)=='$') && (LA(2)=='/'))&&(allowRegexpLiteral())) {
+ theRetToken=_returnToken;
+ }
+ else if ((LA(1)=='?') && (true)) {
+ mQUESTION(true);
+ theRetToken=_returnToken;
+ }
+ else if ((LA(1)=='.') && (true)) {
+ mDOT(true);
+ theRetToken=_returnToken;
+ }
+ else if ((LA(1)=='=') && (true)) {
+ mASSIGN(true);
+ theRetToken=_returnToken;
+ }
+ else if ((LA(1)=='!') && (true)) {
+ mLNOT(true);
+ theRetToken=_returnToken;
+ }
+ else if ((LA(1)=='+') && (true)) {
+ mPLUS(true);
+ theRetToken=_returnToken;
+ }
+ else if ((LA(1)=='-') && (true)) {
+ mMINUS(true);
+ theRetToken=_returnToken;
+ }
+ else if ((LA(1)=='*') && (true)) {
+ mSTAR(true);
+ theRetToken=_returnToken;
+ }
+ else if ((LA(1)=='%') && (true)) {
+ mMOD(true);
+ theRetToken=_returnToken;
+ }
+ else if ((LA(1)=='>') && (true)) {
+ mGT(true);
+ theRetToken=_returnToken;
+ }
+ else if ((LA(1)=='<') && (true)) {
+ mLT(true);
+ theRetToken=_returnToken;
+ }
+ else if ((LA(1)=='^') && (true)) {
+ mBXOR(true);
+ theRetToken=_returnToken;
+ }
+ else if ((LA(1)=='|') && (true)) {
+ mBOR(true);
+ theRetToken=_returnToken;
+ }
+ else if ((LA(1)=='&') && (true)) {
+ mBAND(true);
+ theRetToken=_returnToken;
+ }
+ else if (((LA(1)=='#'))&&(getLine() == 1 && getColumn() == 1)) {
+ mSH_COMMENT(true);
+ theRetToken=_returnToken;
+ }
+ else if (((LA(1)=='/') && (true) && (true) && (true))&&( !atMultiCommentStart() )) {
+ theRetToken=_returnToken;
+ }
+ else if ((_tokenSet_0.member(LA(1))) && (true)) {
+ mIDENT(true);
+ theRetToken=_returnToken;
+ }
+ else {
+ if (LA(1)==EOF_CHAR) {uponEOF(); _returnToken = makeToken(Token.EOF_TYPE);}
+ else {throw new NoViableAltForCharException((char)LA(1), getFilename(), getLine(), getColumn());}
+ }
+ }
+ if ( _returnToken==null ) continue tryAgain; // found SKIP token
+ _ttype = _returnToken.getType();
+ _returnToken.setType(_ttype);
+ return _returnToken;
+ }
+ catch (RecognitionException e) {
+ throw new TokenStreamRecognitionException(e);
+ }
+ }
+ catch (CharStreamException cse) {
+ if ( cse instanceof CharStreamIOException ) {
+ throw new TokenStreamIOException(((CharStreamIOException)cse).io);
+ }
+ else {
+ throw new TokenStreamException(cse.getMessage());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public final void mQUESTION(boolean _createToken) throws RecognitionException, CharStreamException, TokenStreamException {
+ int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length();
+ _ttype = QUESTION;
+ int _saveIndex;
+ match('?');
+ if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) {
+ _token = makeToken(_ttype);
+ _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin));
+ }
+ _returnToken = _token;
+ }
+ public final void mLPAREN(boolean _createToken) throws RecognitionException, CharStreamException, TokenStreamException {
+ int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length();
+ _ttype = LPAREN;
+ int _saveIndex;
+ match('(');
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ ++parenLevel;
+ }
+ if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) {
+ _token = makeToken(_ttype);
+ _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin));
+ }
+ _returnToken = _token;
+ }
+ public final void mRPAREN(boolean _createToken) throws RecognitionException, CharStreamException, TokenStreamException {
+ int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length();
+ _ttype = RPAREN;
+ int _saveIndex;
+ match(')');
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ --parenLevel;
+ }
+ if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) {
+ _token = makeToken(_ttype);
+ _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin));
+ }
+ _returnToken = _token;
+ }
+ public final void mLBRACK(boolean _createToken) throws RecognitionException, CharStreamException, TokenStreamException {
+ int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length();
+ _ttype = LBRACK;
+ int _saveIndex;
+ match('[');
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ ++parenLevel;
+ }
+ if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) {
+ _token = makeToken(_ttype);
+ _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin));
+ }
+ _returnToken = _token;
+ }
+ public final void mRBRACK(boolean _createToken) throws RecognitionException, CharStreamException, TokenStreamException {
+ int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length();
+ _ttype = RBRACK;
+ int _saveIndex;
+ match(']');
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ --parenLevel;
+ }
+ if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) {
+ _token = makeToken(_ttype);
+ _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin));
+ }
+ _returnToken = _token;
+ }
+ public final void mLCURLY(boolean _createToken) throws RecognitionException, CharStreamException, TokenStreamException {
+ int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length();
+ _ttype = LCURLY;
+ int _saveIndex;
+ match('{');
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ pushParenLevel();
+ }
+ if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) {
+ _token = makeToken(_ttype);
+ _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin));
+ }
+ _returnToken = _token;
+ }
+ public final void mRCURLY(boolean _createToken) throws RecognitionException, CharStreamException, TokenStreamException {
+ int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length();
+ _ttype = RCURLY;
+ int _saveIndex;
+ match('}');
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ popParenLevel(); if(stringCtorState!=0) restartStringCtor(true);
+ }
+ if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) {
+ _token = makeToken(_ttype);
+ _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin));
+ }
+ _returnToken = _token;
+ }
+ public final void mCOLON(boolean _createToken) throws RecognitionException, CharStreamException, TokenStreamException {
+ int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length();
+ _ttype = COLON;
+ int _saveIndex;
+ match(':');
+ if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) {
+ _token = makeToken(_ttype);
+ _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin));
+ }
+ _returnToken = _token;
+ }
+ public final void mCOMMA(boolean _createToken) throws RecognitionException, CharStreamException, TokenStreamException {
+ int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length();
+ _ttype = COMMA;
+ int _saveIndex;
+ match(',');
+ if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) {
+ _token = makeToken(_ttype);
+ _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin));
+ }
+ _returnToken = _token;
+ }
+ public final void mDOT(boolean _createToken) throws RecognitionException, CharStreamException, TokenStreamException {
+ int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length();
+ _ttype = DOT;
+ int _saveIndex;
+ match('.');
+ if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) {
+ _token = makeToken(_ttype);
+ _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin));
+ }
+ _returnToken = _token;
+ }
+ public final void mASSIGN(boolean _createToken) throws RecognitionException, CharStreamException, TokenStreamException {
+ int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length();
+ _ttype = ASSIGN;
+ int _saveIndex;
+ match('=');
+ if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) {
+ _token = makeToken(_ttype);
+ _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin));
+ }
+ _returnToken = _token;
+ }
+ public final void mCOMPARE_TO(boolean _createToken) throws RecognitionException, CharStreamException, TokenStreamException {
+ int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length();
+ _ttype = COMPARE_TO;
+ int _saveIndex;
+ match("<=>");
+ if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) {
+ _token = makeToken(_ttype);
+ _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin));
+ }
+ _returnToken = _token;
+ }
+ public final void mEQUAL(boolean _createToken) throws RecognitionException, CharStreamException, TokenStreamException {
+ int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length();
+ _ttype = EQUAL;
+ int _saveIndex;
+ match("==");
+ if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) {
+ _token = makeToken(_ttype);
+ _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin));
+ }
+ _returnToken = _token;
+ }
+ public final void mIDENTICAL(boolean _createToken) throws RecognitionException, CharStreamException, TokenStreamException {
+ int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length();
+ _ttype = IDENTICAL;
+ int _saveIndex;
+ match("===");
+ if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) {
+ _token = makeToken(_ttype);
+ _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin));
+ }
+ _returnToken = _token;
+ }
+ public final void mLNOT(boolean _createToken) throws RecognitionException, CharStreamException, TokenStreamException {
+ int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length();
+ _ttype = LNOT;
+ int _saveIndex;
+ match('!');
+ if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) {
+ _token = makeToken(_ttype);
+ _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin));
+ }
+ _returnToken = _token;
+ }
+ public final void mBNOT(boolean _createToken) throws RecognitionException, CharStreamException, TokenStreamException {
+ int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length();
+ _ttype = BNOT;
+ int _saveIndex;
+ match('~');
+ if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) {
+ _token = makeToken(_ttype);
+ _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin));
+ }
+ _returnToken = _token;
+ }
+ public final void mNOT_EQUAL(boolean _createToken) throws RecognitionException, CharStreamException, TokenStreamException {
+ int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length();
+ _ttype = NOT_EQUAL;
+ int _saveIndex;
+ match("!=");
+ if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) {
+ _token = makeToken(_ttype);
+ _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin));
+ }
+ _returnToken = _token;
+ }
+ public final void mNOT_IDENTICAL(boolean _createToken) throws RecognitionException, CharStreamException, TokenStreamException {
+ int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length();
+ _ttype = NOT_IDENTICAL;
+ int _saveIndex;
+ match("!==");
+ if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) {
+ _token = makeToken(_ttype);
+ _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin));
+ }
+ _returnToken = _token;
+ }
+ protected final void mDIV(boolean _createToken) throws RecognitionException, CharStreamException, TokenStreamException {
+ int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length();
+ _ttype = DIV;
+ int _saveIndex;
+ match('/');
+ if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) {
+ _token = makeToken(_ttype);
+ _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin));
+ }
+ _returnToken = _token;
+ }
+ protected final void mDIV_ASSIGN(boolean _createToken) throws RecognitionException, CharStreamException, TokenStreamException {
+ int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length();
+ _ttype = DIV_ASSIGN;
+ int _saveIndex;
+ match("/=");
+ if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) {
+ _token = makeToken(_ttype);
+ _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin));
+ }
+ _returnToken = _token;
+ }
+ public final void mPLUS(boolean _createToken) throws RecognitionException, CharStreamException, TokenStreamException {
+ int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length();
+ _ttype = PLUS;
+ int _saveIndex;
+ match('+');
+ if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) {
+ _token = makeToken(_ttype);
+ _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin));
+ }
+ _returnToken = _token;
+ }
+ public final void mPLUS_ASSIGN(boolean _createToken) throws RecognitionException, CharStreamException, TokenStreamException {
+ int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length();
+ _ttype = PLUS_ASSIGN;
+ int _saveIndex;
+ match("+=");
+ if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) {
+ _token = makeToken(_ttype);
+ _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin));
+ }
+ _returnToken = _token;
+ }
+ public final void mINC(boolean _createToken) throws RecognitionException, CharStreamException, TokenStreamException {
+ int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length();
+ _ttype = INC;
+ int _saveIndex;
+ match("++");
+ if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) {
+ _token = makeToken(_ttype);
+ _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin));
+ }
+ _returnToken = _token;
+ }
+ public final void mMINUS(boolean _createToken) throws RecognitionException, CharStreamException, TokenStreamException {
+ int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length();
+ _ttype = MINUS;
+ int _saveIndex;
+ match('-');
+ if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) {
+ _token = makeToken(_ttype);
+ _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin));
+ }
+ _returnToken = _token;
+ }
+ public final void mMINUS_ASSIGN(boolean _createToken) throws RecognitionException, CharStreamException, TokenStreamException {
+ int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length();
+ _ttype = MINUS_ASSIGN;
+ int _saveIndex;
+ match("-=");
+ if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) {
+ _token = makeToken(_ttype);
+ _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin));
+ }
+ _returnToken = _token;
+ }
+ public final void mDEC(boolean _createToken) throws RecognitionException, CharStreamException, TokenStreamException {
+ int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length();
+ _ttype = DEC;
+ int _saveIndex;
+ match("--");
+ if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) {
+ _token = makeToken(_ttype);
+ _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin));
+ }
+ _returnToken = _token;
+ }
+ public final void mSTAR(boolean _createToken) throws RecognitionException, CharStreamException, TokenStreamException {
+ int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length();
+ _ttype = STAR;
+ int _saveIndex;
+ match('*');
+ if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) {
+ _token = makeToken(_ttype);
+ _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin));
+ }
+ _returnToken = _token;
+ }
+ public final void mSTAR_ASSIGN(boolean _createToken) throws RecognitionException, CharStreamException, TokenStreamException {
+ int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length();
+ _ttype = STAR_ASSIGN;
+ int _saveIndex;
+ match("*=");
+ if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) {
+ _token = makeToken(_ttype);
+ _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin));
+ }
+ _returnToken = _token;
+ }
+ public final void mMOD(boolean _createToken) throws RecognitionException, CharStreamException, TokenStreamException {
+ int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length();
+ _ttype = MOD;
+ int _saveIndex;
+ match('%');
+ if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) {
+ _token = makeToken(_ttype);
+ _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin));
+ }
+ _returnToken = _token;
+ }
+ public final void mMOD_ASSIGN(boolean _createToken) throws RecognitionException, CharStreamException, TokenStreamException {
+ int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length();
+ _ttype = MOD_ASSIGN;
+ int _saveIndex;
+ match("%=");
+ if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) {
+ _token = makeToken(_ttype);
+ _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin));
+ }
+ _returnToken = _token;
+ }
+ public final void mSR(boolean _createToken) throws RecognitionException, CharStreamException, TokenStreamException {
+ int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length();
+ _ttype = SR;
+ int _saveIndex;
+ match(">>");
+ if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) {
+ _token = makeToken(_ttype);
+ _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin));
+ }
+ _returnToken = _token;
+ }
+ public final void mSR_ASSIGN(boolean _createToken) throws RecognitionException, CharStreamException, TokenStreamException {
+ int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length();
+ _ttype = SR_ASSIGN;
+ int _saveIndex;
+ match(">>=");
+ if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) {
+ _token = makeToken(_ttype);
+ _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin));
+ }
+ _returnToken = _token;
+ }
+ public final void mBSR(boolean _createToken) throws RecognitionException, CharStreamException, TokenStreamException {
+ int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length();
+ _ttype = BSR;
+ int _saveIndex;
+ match(">>>");
+ if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) {
+ _token = makeToken(_ttype);
+ _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin));
+ }
+ _returnToken = _token;
+ }
+ public final void mBSR_ASSIGN(boolean _createToken) throws RecognitionException, CharStreamException, TokenStreamException {
+ int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length();
+ _ttype = BSR_ASSIGN;
+ int _saveIndex;
+ match(">>>=");
+ if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) {
+ _token = makeToken(_ttype);
+ _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin));
+ }
+ _returnToken = _token;
+ }
+ public final void mGE(boolean _createToken) throws RecognitionException, CharStreamException, TokenStreamException {
+ int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length();
+ _ttype = GE;
+ int _saveIndex;
+ match(">=");
+ if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) {
+ _token = makeToken(_ttype);
+ _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin));
+ }
+ _returnToken = _token;
+ }
+ public final void mGT(boolean _createToken) throws RecognitionException, CharStreamException, TokenStreamException {
+ int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length();
+ _ttype = GT;
+ int _saveIndex;
+ match(">");
+ if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) {
+ _token = makeToken(_ttype);
+ _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin));
+ }
+ _returnToken = _token;
+ }
+ public final void mSL(boolean _createToken) throws RecognitionException, CharStreamException, TokenStreamException {
+ int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length();
+ _ttype = SL;
+ int _saveIndex;
+ match("<<");
+ if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) {
+ _token = makeToken(_ttype);
+ _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin));
+ }
+ _returnToken = _token;
+ }
+ public final void mSL_ASSIGN(boolean _createToken) throws RecognitionException, CharStreamException, TokenStreamException {
+ int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length();
+ _ttype = SL_ASSIGN;
+ int _saveIndex;
+ match("<<=");
+ if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) {
+ _token = makeToken(_ttype);
+ _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin));
+ }
+ _returnToken = _token;
+ }
+ public final void mLE(boolean _createToken) throws RecognitionException, CharStreamException, TokenStreamException {
+ int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length();
+ _ttype = LE;
+ int _saveIndex;
+ match("<=");
+ if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) {
+ _token = makeToken(_ttype);
+ _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin));
+ }
+ _returnToken = _token;
+ }
+ public final void mLT(boolean _createToken) throws RecognitionException, CharStreamException, TokenStreamException {
+ int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length();
+ _ttype = LT;
+ int _saveIndex;
+ match('<');
+ if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) {
+ _token = makeToken(_ttype);
+ _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin));
+ }
+ _returnToken = _token;
+ }
+ public final void mBXOR(boolean _createToken) throws RecognitionException, CharStreamException, TokenStreamException {
+ int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length();
+ _ttype = BXOR;
+ int _saveIndex;
+ match('^');
+ if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) {
+ _token = makeToken(_ttype);
+ _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin));
+ }
+ _returnToken = _token;
+ }
+ public final void mBXOR_ASSIGN(boolean _createToken) throws RecognitionException, CharStreamException, TokenStreamException {
+ int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length();
+ _ttype = BXOR_ASSIGN;
+ int _saveIndex;
+ match("^=");
+ if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) {
+ _token = makeToken(_ttype);
+ _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin));
+ }
+ _returnToken = _token;
+ }
+ public final void mBOR(boolean _createToken) throws RecognitionException, CharStreamException, TokenStreamException {
+ int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length();
+ _ttype = BOR;
+ int _saveIndex;
+ match('|');
+ if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) {
+ _token = makeToken(_ttype);
+ _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin));
+ }
+ _returnToken = _token;
+ }
+ public final void mBOR_ASSIGN(boolean _createToken) throws RecognitionException, CharStreamException, TokenStreamException {
+ int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length();
+ _ttype = BOR_ASSIGN;
+ int _saveIndex;
+ match("|=");
+ if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) {
+ _token = makeToken(_ttype);
+ _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin));
+ }
+ _returnToken = _token;
+ }
+ public final void mLOR(boolean _createToken) throws RecognitionException, CharStreamException, TokenStreamException {
+ int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length();
+ _ttype = LOR;
+ int _saveIndex;
+ match("||");
+ if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) {
+ _token = makeToken(_ttype);
+ _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin));
+ }
+ _returnToken = _token;
+ }
+ public final void mBAND(boolean _createToken) throws RecognitionException, CharStreamException, TokenStreamException {
+ int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length();
+ _ttype = BAND;
+ int _saveIndex;
+ match('&');
+ if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) {
+ _token = makeToken(_ttype);
+ _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin));
+ }
+ _returnToken = _token;
+ }
+ public final void mBAND_ASSIGN(boolean _createToken) throws RecognitionException, CharStreamException, TokenStreamException {
+ int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length();
+ _ttype = BAND_ASSIGN;
+ int _saveIndex;
+ match("&=");
+ if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) {
+ _token = makeToken(_ttype);
+ _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin));
+ }
+ _returnToken = _token;
+ }
+ public final void mLAND(boolean _createToken) throws RecognitionException, CharStreamException, TokenStreamException {
+ int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length();
+ _ttype = LAND;
+ int _saveIndex;
+ match("&&");
+ if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) {
+ _token = makeToken(_ttype);
+ _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin));
+ }
+ _returnToken = _token;
+ }
+ public final void mSEMI(boolean _createToken) throws RecognitionException, CharStreamException, TokenStreamException {
+ int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length();
+ _ttype = SEMI;
+ int _saveIndex;
+ match(';');
+ if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) {
+ _token = makeToken(_ttype);
+ _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin));
+ }
+ _returnToken = _token;
+ }
+ protected final void mDOLLAR(boolean _createToken) throws RecognitionException, CharStreamException, TokenStreamException {
+ int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length();
+ _ttype = DOLLAR;
+ int _saveIndex;
+ match('$');
+ if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) {
+ _token = makeToken(_ttype);
+ _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin));
+ }
+ _returnToken = _token;
+ }
+ public final void mRANGE_INCLUSIVE(boolean _createToken) throws RecognitionException, CharStreamException, TokenStreamException {
+ int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length();
+ int _saveIndex;
+ match("..");
+ if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) {
+ _token = makeToken(_ttype);
+ _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin));
+ }
+ _returnToken = _token;
+ }
+ public final void mRANGE_EXCLUSIVE(boolean _createToken) throws RecognitionException, CharStreamException, TokenStreamException {
+ int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length();
+ int _saveIndex;
+ match("..<");
+ if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) {
+ _token = makeToken(_ttype);
+ _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin));
+ }
+ _returnToken = _token;
+ }
+ public final void mTRIPLE_DOT(boolean _createToken) throws RecognitionException, CharStreamException, TokenStreamException {
+ int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length();
+ _ttype = TRIPLE_DOT;
+ int _saveIndex;
+ match("...");
+ if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) {
+ _token = makeToken(_ttype);
+ _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin));
+ }
+ _returnToken = _token;
+ }
+ public final void mSPREAD_DOT(boolean _createToken) throws RecognitionException, CharStreamException, TokenStreamException {
+ int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length();
+ _ttype = SPREAD_DOT;
+ int _saveIndex;
+ match("*.");
+ if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) {
+ _token = makeToken(_ttype);
+ _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin));
+ }
+ _returnToken = _token;
+ }
+ public final void mOPTIONAL_DOT(boolean _createToken) throws RecognitionException, CharStreamException, TokenStreamException {
+ int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length();
+ _ttype = OPTIONAL_DOT;
+ int _saveIndex;
+ match("?.");
+ if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) {
+ _token = makeToken(_ttype);
+ _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin));
+ }
+ _returnToken = _token;
+ }
+ public final void mELVIS_OPERATOR(boolean _createToken) throws RecognitionException, CharStreamException, TokenStreamException {
+ int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length();
+ _ttype = ELVIS_OPERATOR;
+ int _saveIndex;
+ match("?:");
+ if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) {
+ _token = makeToken(_ttype);
+ _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin));
+ }
+ _returnToken = _token;
+ }
+ public final void mMEMBER_POINTER(boolean _createToken) throws RecognitionException, CharStreamException, TokenStreamException {
+ int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length();
+ _ttype = MEMBER_POINTER;
+ int _saveIndex;
+ match(".&");
+ if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) {
+ _token = makeToken(_ttype);
+ _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin));
+ }
+ _returnToken = _token;
+ }
+ public final void mREGEX_FIND(boolean _createToken) throws RecognitionException, CharStreamException, TokenStreamException {
+ int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length();
+ _ttype = REGEX_FIND;
+ int _saveIndex;
+ match("=~");
+ if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) {
+ _token = makeToken(_ttype);
+ _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin));
+ }
+ _returnToken = _token;
+ }
+ public final void mREGEX_MATCH(boolean _createToken) throws RecognitionException, CharStreamException, TokenStreamException {
+ int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length();
+ _ttype = REGEX_MATCH;
+ int _saveIndex;
+ match("==~");
+ if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) {
+ _token = makeToken(_ttype);
+ _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin));
+ }
+ _returnToken = _token;
+ }
+ public final void mSTAR_STAR(boolean _createToken) throws RecognitionException, CharStreamException, TokenStreamException {
+ int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length();
+ _ttype = STAR_STAR;
+ int _saveIndex;
+ match("**");
+ if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) {
+ _token = makeToken(_ttype);
+ _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin));
+ }
+ _returnToken = _token;
+ }
+ public final void mSTAR_STAR_ASSIGN(boolean _createToken) throws RecognitionException, CharStreamException, TokenStreamException {
+ int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length();
+ _ttype = STAR_STAR_ASSIGN;
+ int _saveIndex;
+ match("**=");
+ if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) {
+ _token = makeToken(_ttype);
+ _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin));
+ }
+ _returnToken = _token;
+ }
+ public final void mCLOSABLE_BLOCK_OP(boolean _createToken) throws RecognitionException, CharStreamException, TokenStreamException {
+ int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length();
+ int _saveIndex;
+ match("->");
+ if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) {
+ _token = makeToken(_ttype);
+ _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin));
+ }
+ _returnToken = _token;
+ }
+ public final void mWS(boolean _createToken) throws RecognitionException, CharStreamException, TokenStreamException {
+ int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length();
+ _ttype = WS;
+ int _saveIndex;
+ {
+ int _cnt675=0;
+ _loop675:
+ do {
+ if ((LA(1)=='\\') && (LA(2)=='\n'||LA(2)=='\r') && (true) && (true)) {
+ match('\\');
+ mONE_NL(false,false);
+ }
+ else if ((LA(1)==' ') && (true) && (true) && (true)) {
+ match(' ');
+ }
+ else if ((LA(1)=='\t') && (true) && (true) && (true)) {
+ match('\t');
+ }
+ else if ((LA(1)=='\u000c') && (true) && (true) && (true)) {
+ match('\f');
+ }
+ else {
+ if ( _cnt675>=1 ) { break _loop675; } else {throw new NoViableAltForCharException((char)LA(1), getFilename(), getLine(), getColumn());}
+ }
+ _cnt675++;
+ } while (true);
+ }
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ if (!whitespaceIncluded) _ttype = Token.SKIP;
+ }
+ if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) {
+ _token = makeToken(_ttype);
+ _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin));
+ }
+ _returnToken = _token;
+ }
+ protected final void mONE_NL(boolean _createToken,
+ boolean check
+ ) throws RecognitionException, CharStreamException, TokenStreamException {
+ int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length();
+ _ttype = ONE_NL;
+ int _saveIndex;
+ {
+ if ((LA(1)=='\r') && (LA(2)=='\n') && (true) && (true)) {
+ _saveIndex=text.length();
+ match("\r\n");
+ text.setLength(_saveIndex);
+ }
+ else if ((LA(1)=='\r') && (true) && (true) && (true)) {
+ _saveIndex=text.length();
+ match('\r');
+ text.setLength(_saveIndex);
+ }
+ else if ((LA(1)=='\n')) {
+ _saveIndex=text.length();
+ match('\n');
+ text.setLength(_saveIndex);
+ }
+ else {
+ throw new NoViableAltForCharException((char)LA(1), getFilename(), getLine(), getColumn());
+ }
+ }
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ // update current line number for error reporting
+ newlineCheck(check);
+ }
+ if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) {
+ _token = makeToken(_ttype);
+ _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin));
+ }
+ _returnToken = _token;
+ }
+ protected final void mONE_NL_KEEP(boolean _createToken,
+ boolean check
+ ) throws RecognitionException, CharStreamException, TokenStreamException {
+ int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length();
+ _ttype = ONE_NL_KEEP;
+ int _saveIndex;
+ {
+ if ((LA(1)=='\r') && (LA(2)=='\n') && ((LA(3) >= '\u0000' && LA(3) <= '\ufffe')) && ((LA(4) >= '\u0000' && LA(4) <= '\ufffe'))) {
+ match("\r\n");
+ }
+ else if ((LA(1)=='\r') && ((LA(2) >= '\u0000' && LA(2) <= '\ufffe')) && ((LA(3) >= '\u0000' && LA(3) <= '\ufffe')) && (true)) {
+ match('\r');
+ }
+ else if ((LA(1)=='\n')) {
+ match('\n');
+ }
+ else {
+ throw new NoViableAltForCharException((char)LA(1), getFilename(), getLine(), getColumn());
+ }
+ }
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ // update current line number for error reporting
+ newlineCheck(check);
+ }
+ if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) {
+ _token = makeToken(_ttype);
+ _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin));
+ }
+ _returnToken = _token;
+ }
+ public final void mNLS(boolean _createToken) throws RecognitionException, CharStreamException, TokenStreamException {
+ int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length();
+ _ttype = NLS;
+ int _saveIndex;
+ mONE_NL(false,true);
+ {
+ if (((LA(1)=='\t'||LA(1)=='\n'||LA(1)=='\u000c'||LA(1)=='\r'||LA(1)==' '||LA(1)=='/'||LA(1)=='\\'))&&(!whitespaceIncluded)) {
+ {
+ int _cnt683=0;
+ _loop683:
+ do {
+ switch ( LA(1)) {
+ case '\n': case '\r':
+ {
+ mONE_NL(false,true);
+ break;
+ }
+ case '\t': case '\u000c': case ' ': case '\\':
+ {
+ mWS(false);
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ if ((LA(1)=='/') && (LA(2)=='/')) {
+ mSL_COMMENT(false);
+ }
+ else if ((LA(1)=='/') && (LA(2)=='*')) {
+ mML_COMMENT(false);
+ }
+ else {
+ if ( _cnt683>=1 ) { break _loop683; } else {throw new NoViableAltForCharException((char)LA(1), getFilename(), getLine(), getColumn());}
+ }
+ }
+ _cnt683++;
+ } while (true);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ }
+ }
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ if (whitespaceIncluded) {
+ // keep the token as-is
+ } else if (parenLevel != 0) {
+ // when directly inside parens, all newlines are ignored here
+ _ttype = Token.SKIP;
+ } else {
+ // inside {...}, newlines must be explicitly matched as 'nls!'
+ text.setLength(_begin); text.append("");
+ }
+ }
+ if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) {
+ _token = makeToken(_ttype);
+ _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin));
+ }
+ _returnToken = _token;
+ }
+ public final void mSL_COMMENT(boolean _createToken) throws RecognitionException, CharStreamException, TokenStreamException {
+ int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length();
+ _ttype = SL_COMMENT;
+ int _saveIndex;
+ match("//");
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ if (parser != null) parser.startComment(inputState.getLine(), inputState.getColumn() - 2);
+ }
+ {
+ _loop687:
+ do {
+ if ((_tokenSet_1.member(LA(1))) && (true) && (true) && (true)) {
+ {
+ match(_tokenSet_1);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ break _loop687;
+ }
+ } while (true);
+ }
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ if (parser != null) parser.endComment(0, inputState.getLine(), inputState.getColumn(), String.valueOf(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length() - _begin));
+ // GRECLIPSE end
+ if (!whitespaceIncluded) _ttype = Token.SKIP;
+ }
+ if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) {
+ _token = makeToken(_ttype);
+ _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin));
+ }
+ _returnToken = _token;
+ }
+ public final void mML_COMMENT(boolean _createToken) throws RecognitionException, CharStreamException, TokenStreamException {
+ int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length();
+ _ttype = ML_COMMENT;
+ int _saveIndex;
+ if (!( atMultiCommentStart() ))
+ throw new SemanticException(" atMultiCommentStart() ");
+ match("/*");
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ if (parser != null) parser.startComment(inputState.getLine(), inputState.getColumn() - 2);
+ }
+ {
+ _loop697:
+ do {
+ boolean synPredMatched695 = false;
+ if (((LA(1)=='*') && ((LA(2) >= '\u0000' && LA(2) <= '\ufffe')) && ((LA(3) >= '\u0000' && LA(3) <= '\ufffe')) && (true))) {
+ int _m695 = mark();
+ synPredMatched695 = true;
+ inputState.guessing++;
+ try {
+ {
+ match('*');
+ matchNot('/');
+ }
+ }
+ catch (RecognitionException pe) {
+ synPredMatched695 = false;
+ }
+ rewind(_m695);
+ }
+ if ( synPredMatched695 ) {
+ match('*');
+ }
+ else if ((LA(1)=='\n'||LA(1)=='\r')) {
+ mONE_NL_KEEP(false,true);
+ }
+ else if ((_tokenSet_2.member(LA(1)))) {
+ {
+ match(_tokenSet_2);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ break _loop697;
+ }
+ } while (true);
+ }
+ match("*/");
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ if (parser != null) parser.endComment(1, inputState.getLine(), inputState.getColumn(), String.valueOf(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length() - _begin));
+ if (!whitespaceIncluded) _ttype = Token.SKIP;
+ }
+ if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) {
+ _token = makeToken(_ttype);
+ _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin));
+ }
+ _returnToken = _token;
+ }
+ public final void mSH_COMMENT(boolean _createToken) throws RecognitionException, CharStreamException, TokenStreamException {
+ int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length();
+ _ttype = SH_COMMENT;
+ int _saveIndex;
+ if (!(getLine() == 1 && getColumn() == 1))
+ throw new SemanticException("getLine() == 1 && getColumn() == 1");
+ match("#!");
+ {
+ _loop691:
+ do {
+ if ((_tokenSet_1.member(LA(1)))) {
+ {
+ match(_tokenSet_1);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ break _loop691;
+ }
+ } while (true);
+ }
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ if (!whitespaceIncluded) _ttype = Token.SKIP;
+ }
+ if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) {
+ _token = makeToken(_ttype);
+ _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin));
+ }
+ _returnToken = _token;
+ }
+ public final void mSTRING_LITERAL(boolean _createToken) throws RecognitionException, CharStreamException, TokenStreamException {
+ int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length();
+ _ttype = STRING_LITERAL;
+ int _saveIndex;
+ int tt=0;
+ boolean synPredMatched700 = false;
+ if (((LA(1)=='\'') && (LA(2)=='\'') && (LA(3)=='\'') && ((LA(4) >= '\u0000' && LA(4) <= '\ufffe')))) {
+ int _m700 = mark();
+ synPredMatched700 = true;
+ inputState.guessing++;
+ try {
+ {
+ match("'''");
+ }
+ }
+ catch (RecognitionException pe) {
+ synPredMatched700 = false;
+ }
+ rewind(_m700);
+ }
+ if ( synPredMatched700 ) {
+ _saveIndex=text.length();
+ match("'''");
+ text.setLength(_saveIndex);
+ {
+ _loop705:
+ do {
+ switch ( LA(1)) {
+ case '\\':
+ {
+ mESC(false);
+ break;
+ }
+ case '"':
+ {
+ match('"');
+ break;
+ }
+ case '$':
+ {
+ match('$');
+ break;
+ }
+ case '\n': case '\r':
+ {
+ mSTRING_NL(false,true);
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ boolean synPredMatched704 = false;
+ if (((LA(1)=='\'') && ((LA(2) >= '\u0000' && LA(2) <= '\ufffe')) && ((LA(3) >= '\u0000' && LA(3) <= '\ufffe')) && ((LA(4) >= '\u0000' && LA(4) <= '\ufffe')))) {
+ int _m704 = mark();
+ synPredMatched704 = true;
+ inputState.guessing++;
+ try {
+ {
+ match('\'');
+ {
+ if ((_tokenSet_3.member(LA(1)))) {
+ matchNot('\'');
+ }
+ else if ((LA(1)=='\'')) {
+ match('\'');
+ matchNot('\'');
+ }
+ else {
+ throw new NoViableAltForCharException((char)LA(1), getFilename(), getLine(), getColumn());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ catch (RecognitionException pe) {
+ synPredMatched704 = false;
+ }
+ rewind(_m704);
+ }
+ if ( synPredMatched704 ) {
+ match('\'');
+ }
+ else if ((_tokenSet_4.member(LA(1)))) {
+ mSTRING_CH(false);
+ }
+ else {
+ break _loop705;
+ }
+ }
+ } while (true);
+ }
+ _saveIndex=text.length();
+ match("'''");
+ text.setLength(_saveIndex);
+ }
+ else {
+ boolean synPredMatched709 = false;
+ if (((LA(1)=='"') && (LA(2)=='"') && (LA(3)=='"') && ((LA(4) >= '\u0000' && LA(4) <= '\ufffe')))) {
+ int _m709 = mark();
+ synPredMatched709 = true;
+ inputState.guessing++;
+ try {
+ {
+ match("\"\"\"");
+ }
+ }
+ catch (RecognitionException pe) {
+ synPredMatched709 = false;
+ }
+ rewind(_m709);
+ }
+ if ( synPredMatched709 ) {
+ _saveIndex=text.length();
+ match("\"\"\"");
+ text.setLength(_saveIndex);
+ tt=mSTRING_CTOR_END(false,true, /*tripleQuote:*/ true);
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ _ttype = tt;
+ }
+ }
+ else if ((LA(1)=='\'') && (_tokenSet_1.member(LA(2))) && (true) && (true)) {
+ _saveIndex=text.length();
+ match('\'');
+ text.setLength(_saveIndex);
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ ++suppressNewline;
+ }
+ {
+ _loop707:
+ do {
+ switch ( LA(1)) {
+ case '\\':
+ {
+ mESC(false);
+ break;
+ }
+ case '"':
+ {
+ match('"');
+ break;
+ }
+ case '$':
+ {
+ match('$');
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ if ((_tokenSet_4.member(LA(1)))) {
+ mSTRING_CH(false);
+ }
+ else {
+ break _loop707;
+ }
+ }
+ } while (true);
+ }
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ --suppressNewline;
+ }
+ _saveIndex=text.length();
+ match('\'');
+ text.setLength(_saveIndex);
+ }
+ else if ((LA(1)=='"') && ((LA(2) >= '\u0000' && LA(2) <= '\ufffe')) && (true) && (true)) {
+ _saveIndex=text.length();
+ match('"');
+ text.setLength(_saveIndex);
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ ++suppressNewline;
+ }
+ tt=mSTRING_CTOR_END(false,true, /*tripleQuote:*/ false);
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ _ttype = tt;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ throw new NoViableAltForCharException((char)LA(1), getFilename(), getLine(), getColumn());
+ }
+ }
+ if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) {
+ _token = makeToken(_ttype);
+ _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin));
+ }
+ _returnToken = _token;
+ }
+ protected final void mSTRING_CH(boolean _createToken) throws RecognitionException, CharStreamException, TokenStreamException {
+ int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length();
+ _ttype = STRING_CH;
+ int _saveIndex;
+ {
+ match(_tokenSet_4);
+ }
+ if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) {
+ _token = makeToken(_ttype);
+ _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin));
+ }
+ _returnToken = _token;
+ }
+ protected final void mESC(boolean _createToken) throws RecognitionException, CharStreamException, TokenStreamException {
+ int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length();
+ _ttype = ESC;
+ int _saveIndex;
+ if ((LA(1)=='\\') && (LA(2)=='"'||LA(2)=='$'||LA(2)=='\''||LA(2)=='0'||LA(2)=='1'||LA(2)=='2'||LA(2)=='3'||LA(2)=='4'||LA(2)=='5'||LA(2)=='6'||LA(2)=='7'||LA(2)=='\\'||LA(2)=='b'||LA(2)=='f'||LA(2)=='n'||LA(2)=='r'||LA(2)=='t'||LA(2)=='u')) {
+ _saveIndex=text.length();
+ match('\\');
+ text.setLength(_saveIndex);
+ {
+ switch ( LA(1)) {
+ case 'n':
+ {
+ match('n');
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ text.setLength(_begin); text.append("\n");
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case 'r':
+ {
+ match('r');
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ text.setLength(_begin); text.append("\r");
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case 't':
+ {
+ match('t');
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ text.setLength(_begin); text.append("\t");
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case 'b':
+ {
+ match('b');
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ text.setLength(_begin); text.append("\b");
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case 'f':
+ {
+ match('f');
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ text.setLength(_begin); text.append("\f");
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case '"':
+ {
+ match('"');
+ break;
+ }
+ case '\'':
+ {
+ match('\'');
+ break;
+ }
+ case '\\':
+ {
+ match('\\');
+ break;
+ }
+ case '$':
+ {
+ match('$');
+ break;
+ }
+ case 'u':
+ {
+ {
+ int _cnt754=0;
+ _loop754:
+ do {
+ if ((LA(1)=='u')) {
+ match('u');
+ }
+ else {
+ if ( _cnt754>=1 ) { break _loop754; } else {throw new NoViableAltForCharException((char)LA(1), getFilename(), getLine(), getColumn());}
+ }
+ _cnt754++;
+ } while (true);
+ }
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ text.setLength(_begin); text.append("");
+ }
+ mHEX_DIGIT(false);
+ mHEX_DIGIT(false);
+ mHEX_DIGIT(false);
+ mHEX_DIGIT(false);
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ char ch = (char)Integer.parseInt(new String(text.getBuffer(),_begin,text.length()-_begin),16); text.setLength(_begin); text.append(ch);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3':
+ {
+ matchRange('0','3');
+ {
+ if (((LA(1) >= '0' && LA(1) <= '7')) && ((LA(2) >= '\u0000' && LA(2) <= '\ufffe')) && (true) && (true)) {
+ matchRange('0','7');
+ {
+ if (((LA(1) >= '0' && LA(1) <= '7')) && ((LA(2) >= '\u0000' && LA(2) <= '\ufffe')) && (true) && (true)) {
+ matchRange('0','7');
+ }
+ else if (((LA(1) >= '\u0000' && LA(1) <= '\ufffe')) && (true) && (true) && (true)) {
+ }
+ else {
+ throw new NoViableAltForCharException((char)LA(1), getFilename(), getLine(), getColumn());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (((LA(1) >= '\u0000' && LA(1) <= '\ufffe')) && (true) && (true) && (true)) {
+ }
+ else {
+ throw new NoViableAltForCharException((char)LA(1), getFilename(), getLine(), getColumn());
+ }
+ }
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ char ch = (char)Integer.parseInt(new String(text.getBuffer(),_begin,text.length()-_begin),8); text.setLength(_begin); text.append(ch);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7':
+ {
+ matchRange('4','7');
+ {
+ if (((LA(1) >= '0' && LA(1) <= '7')) && ((LA(2) >= '\u0000' && LA(2) <= '\ufffe')) && (true) && (true)) {
+ matchRange('0','7');
+ }
+ else if (((LA(1) >= '\u0000' && LA(1) <= '\ufffe')) && (true) && (true) && (true)) {
+ }
+ else {
+ throw new NoViableAltForCharException((char)LA(1), getFilename(), getLine(), getColumn());
+ }
+ }
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ char ch = (char)Integer.parseInt(new String(text.getBuffer(),_begin,text.length()-_begin),8); text.setLength(_begin); text.append(ch);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ throw new NoViableAltForCharException((char)LA(1), getFilename(), getLine(), getColumn());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if ((LA(1)=='\\') && (LA(2)=='\n'||LA(2)=='\r')) {
+ _saveIndex=text.length();
+ match('\\');
+ text.setLength(_saveIndex);
+ _saveIndex=text.length();
+ mONE_NL(false,false);
+ text.setLength(_saveIndex);
+ }
+ else {
+ throw new NoViableAltForCharException((char)LA(1), getFilename(), getLine(), getColumn());
+ }
+ if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) {
+ _token = makeToken(_ttype);
+ _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin));
+ }
+ _returnToken = _token;
+ }
+ protected final void mSTRING_NL(boolean _createToken,
+ boolean allowNewline
+ ) throws RecognitionException, CharStreamException, TokenStreamException {
+ int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length();
+ _ttype = STRING_NL;
+ int _saveIndex;
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ if (!allowNewline) throw new MismatchedCharException('\n', '\n', true, this);
+ }
+ mONE_NL(false,false);
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ text.setLength(_begin); text.append('\n');
+ }
+ if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) {
+ _token = makeToken(_ttype);
+ _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin));
+ }
+ _returnToken = _token;
+ }
+ protected final int mSTRING_CTOR_END(boolean _createToken,
+ boolean fromStart, boolean tripleQuote
+ ) throws RecognitionException, CharStreamException, TokenStreamException {
+ int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length();
+ _ttype = STRING_CTOR_END;
+ int _saveIndex;
+ boolean dollarOK = false;
+ {
+ _loop715:
+ do {
+ switch ( LA(1)) {
+ case '\\':
+ {
+ mESC(false);
+ break;
+ }
+ case '\'':
+ {
+ match('\'');
+ break;
+ }
+ case '\n': case '\r':
+ {
+ mSTRING_NL(false,tripleQuote);
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ boolean synPredMatched714 = false;
+ if ((((LA(1)=='"') && ((LA(2) >= '\u0000' && LA(2) <= '\ufffe')) && (true) && (true))&&(tripleQuote))) {
+ int _m714 = mark();
+ synPredMatched714 = true;
+ inputState.guessing++;
+ try {
+ {
+ match('"');
+ {
+ if ((_tokenSet_5.member(LA(1)))) {
+ matchNot('"');
+ }
+ else if ((LA(1)=='"')) {
+ match('"');
+ matchNot('"');
+ }
+ else {
+ throw new NoViableAltForCharException((char)LA(1), getFilename(), getLine(), getColumn());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ catch (RecognitionException pe) {
+ synPredMatched714 = false;
+ }
+ rewind(_m714);
+ }
+ if ( synPredMatched714 ) {
+ match('"');
+ }
+ else if ((_tokenSet_4.member(LA(1)))) {
+ mSTRING_CH(false);
+ }
+ else {
+ break _loop715;
+ }
+ }
+ } while (true);
+ }
+ {
+ switch ( LA(1)) {
+ case '"':
+ {
+ {
+ if (((LA(1)=='"') && (LA(2)=='"'))&&( tripleQuote )) {
+ _saveIndex=text.length();
+ match("\"\"\"");
+ text.setLength(_saveIndex);
+ }
+ else if (((LA(1)=='"') && (true))&&( !tripleQuote )) {
+ _saveIndex=text.length();
+ match("\"");
+ text.setLength(_saveIndex);
+ }
+ else {
+ throw new NoViableAltForCharException((char)LA(1), getFilename(), getLine(), getColumn());
+ }
+ }
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ if (fromStart) tt = STRING_LITERAL; // plain string literal!
+ if (!tripleQuote) {--suppressNewline;}
+ // done with string constructor!
+ //assert(stringCtorState == 0);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case '$':
+ {
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ dollarOK = atValidDollarEscape();
+ }
+ _saveIndex=text.length();
+ match('$');
+ text.setLength(_saveIndex);
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ require(dollarOK,
+ "illegal string body character after dollar sign",
+ "either escape a literal dollar sign \"\\$5\" or bracket the value expression \"${5}\"");
+ // Yes, it's a string constructor, and we've got a value part.
+ stringCtorState = SCS_VAL + (tripleQuote? SCS_TQ_TYPE: SCS_SQ_TYPE);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ throw new NoViableAltForCharException((char)LA(1), getFilename(), getLine(), getColumn());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ _ttype = tt;
+ }
+ if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) {
+ _token = makeToken(_ttype);
+ _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin));
+ }
+ _returnToken = _token;
+ return tt;
+ }
+ public final void mREGEXP_LITERAL(boolean _createToken) throws RecognitionException, CharStreamException, TokenStreamException {
+ int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length();
+ _ttype = REGEXP_LITERAL;
+ int _saveIndex;
+ int tt=0;
+ if (!( !atMultiCommentStart() ))
+ throw new SemanticException(" !atMultiCommentStart() ");
+ {
+ if (((LA(1)=='/') && (_tokenSet_6.member(LA(2))) && (true) && (true))&&(allowRegexpLiteral())) {
+ _saveIndex=text.length();
+ match('/');
+ text.setLength(_saveIndex);
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ ++suppressNewline;
+ }
+ {
+ if (((LA(1)=='$') && ((LA(2) >= '\u0000' && LA(2) <= '\ufffe')))&&(!atValidDollarEscape())) {
+ match('$');
+ tt=mREGEXP_CTOR_END(false,true);
+ }
+ else if ((_tokenSet_7.member(LA(1)))) {
+ mREGEXP_SYMBOL(false);
+ tt=mREGEXP_CTOR_END(false,true);
+ }
+ else if ((LA(1)=='$') && (true)) {
+ _saveIndex=text.length();
+ match('$');
+ text.setLength(_saveIndex);
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ // Yes, it's a regexp constructor, and we've got a value part.
+ stringCtorState = SCS_VAL + SCS_RE_TYPE;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ throw new NoViableAltForCharException((char)LA(1), getFilename(), getLine(), getColumn());
+ }
+ }
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ _ttype = tt;
+ }
+ }
+ else if ((LA(1)=='/') && (LA(2)=='=') && (true) && (true)) {
+ mDIV_ASSIGN(false);
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ _ttype = DIV_ASSIGN;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ boolean synPredMatched724 = false;
+ if (((LA(1)=='/') && (true))) {
+ int _m724 = mark();
+ synPredMatched724 = true;
+ inputState.guessing++;
+ try {
+ {
+ match('/');
+ matchNot('=');
+ }
+ }
+ catch (RecognitionException pe) {
+ synPredMatched724 = false;
+ }
+ rewind(_m724);
+ }
+ if ( synPredMatched724 ) {
+ mDIV(false);
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ _ttype = DIV;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ throw new NoViableAltForCharException((char)LA(1), getFilename(), getLine(), getColumn());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) {
+ _token = makeToken(_ttype);
+ _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin));
+ }
+ _returnToken = _token;
+ }
+ protected final void mREGEXP_SYMBOL(boolean _createToken) throws RecognitionException, CharStreamException, TokenStreamException {
+ int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length();
+ _ttype = REGEXP_SYMBOL;
+ int _saveIndex;
+ if ((LA(1)=='\\') && (LA(2)=='/') && ((LA(3) >= '\u0000' && LA(3) <= '\ufffe')) && (true)) {
+ match('\\');
+ match('/');
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ text.setLength(_begin); text.append('/');
+ }
+ }
+ else if ((LA(1)=='\\') && (LA(2)=='\n'||LA(2)=='\r') && ((LA(3) >= '\u0000' && LA(3) <= '\ufffe')) && (true)) {
+ _saveIndex=text.length();
+ match('\\');
+ text.setLength(_saveIndex);
+ _saveIndex=text.length();
+ mONE_NL(false,false);
+ text.setLength(_saveIndex);
+ }
+ else if (((LA(1)=='\\') && ((LA(2) >= '\u0000' && LA(2) <= '\ufffe')) && (true) && (true))&&( LA(2)!='/' && LA(2)!='\n' && LA(2)!='\r' )) {
+ match('\\');
+ }
+ else if ((_tokenSet_8.member(LA(1)))) {
+ {
+ match(_tokenSet_8);
+ }
+ }
+ else if ((LA(1)=='\n'||LA(1)=='\r')) {
+ mSTRING_NL(false,true);
+ }
+ else {
+ throw new NoViableAltForCharException((char)LA(1), getFilename(), getLine(), getColumn());
+ }
+ if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) {
+ _token = makeToken(_ttype);
+ _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin));
+ }
+ _returnToken = _token;
+ }
+ protected final int mREGEXP_CTOR_END(boolean _createToken,
+ boolean fromStart
+ ) throws RecognitionException, CharStreamException, TokenStreamException {
+ int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length();
+ _ttype = REGEXP_CTOR_END;
+ int _saveIndex;
+ {
+ _loop733:
+ do {
+ if (((LA(1)=='$') && ((LA(2) >= '\u0000' && LA(2) <= '\ufffe')))&&(!atValidDollarEscape())) {
+ match('$');
+ }
+ else if ((_tokenSet_7.member(LA(1)))) {
+ mREGEXP_SYMBOL(false);
+ }
+ else {
+ break _loop733;
+ }
+ } while (true);
+ }
+ {
+ switch ( LA(1)) {
+ case '/':
+ {
+ _saveIndex=text.length();
+ match('/');
+ text.setLength(_saveIndex);
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ if (fromStart) tt = STRING_LITERAL; // plain regexp literal!
+ {--suppressNewline;}
+ // done with regexp constructor!
+ //assert(stringCtorState == 0);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case '$':
+ {
+ _saveIndex=text.length();
+ match('$');
+ text.setLength(_saveIndex);
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ // Yes, it's a regexp constructor, and we've got a value part.
+ stringCtorState = SCS_VAL + SCS_RE_TYPE;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ throw new NoViableAltForCharException((char)LA(1), getFilename(), getLine(), getColumn());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ _ttype = tt;
+ }
+ if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) {
+ _token = makeToken(_ttype);
+ _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin));
+ }
+ _returnToken = _token;
+ return tt;
+ }
+ public final void mDOLLAR_REGEXP_LITERAL(boolean _createToken) throws RecognitionException, CharStreamException, TokenStreamException {
+ int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length();
+ int _saveIndex;
+ int tt=0;
+ if (!(allowRegexpLiteral()))
+ throw new SemanticException("allowRegexpLiteral()");
+ _saveIndex=text.length();
+ match("$/");
+ text.setLength(_saveIndex);
+ {
+ boolean synPredMatched728 = false;
+ if (((LA(1)=='$') && (LA(2)=='/') && ((LA(3) >= '\u0000' && LA(3) <= '\ufffe')) && (true))) {
+ int _m728 = mark();
+ synPredMatched728 = true;
+ inputState.guessing++;
+ try {
+ {
+ match('$');
+ match('/');
+ }
+ }
+ catch (RecognitionException pe) {
+ synPredMatched728 = false;
+ }
+ rewind(_m728);
+ }
+ if ( synPredMatched728 ) {
+ mESCAPED_SLASH(false);
+ tt=mDOLLAR_REGEXP_CTOR_END(false,true);
+ }
+ else {
+ boolean synPredMatched730 = false;
+ if (((LA(1)=='$') && (LA(2)=='$') && ((LA(3) >= '\u0000' && LA(3) <= '\ufffe')) && (true))) {
+ int _m730 = mark();
+ synPredMatched730 = true;
+ inputState.guessing++;
+ try {
+ {
+ match('$');
+ match('$');
+ }
+ }
+ catch (RecognitionException pe) {
+ synPredMatched730 = false;
+ }
+ rewind(_m730);
+ }
+ if ( synPredMatched730 ) {
+ tt=mDOLLAR_REGEXP_CTOR_END(false,true);
+ }
+ else if (((LA(1)=='$') && ((LA(2) >= '\u0000' && LA(2) <= '\ufffe')) && (true) && (true))&&(!atValidDollarEscape() && !atDollarSlashEscape() && !atDollarDollarEscape())) {
+ match('$');
+ tt=mDOLLAR_REGEXP_CTOR_END(false,true);
+ }
+ else if ((_tokenSet_9.member(LA(1)))) {
+ tt=mDOLLAR_REGEXP_CTOR_END(false,true);
+ }
+ else if ((LA(1)=='$') && (true)) {
+ _saveIndex=text.length();
+ match('$');
+ text.setLength(_saveIndex);
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ // Yes, it's a regexp constructor, and we've got a value part.
+ stringCtorState = SCS_VAL + SCS_DRE_TYPE;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ throw new NoViableAltForCharException((char)LA(1), getFilename(), getLine(), getColumn());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ _ttype = tt;
+ }
+ if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) {
+ _token = makeToken(_ttype);
+ _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin));
+ }
+ _returnToken = _token;
+ }
+ protected final void mDOLLAR_REGEXP_SYMBOL(boolean _createToken) throws RecognitionException, CharStreamException, TokenStreamException {
+ int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length();
+ int _saveIndex;
+ switch ( LA(1)) {
+ case '/':
+ {
+ match('/');
+ break;
+ }
+ case '\n': case '\r':
+ {
+ mSTRING_NL(false,true);
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ if ((LA(1)=='\\') && (LA(2)=='\n'||LA(2)=='\r') && ((LA(3) >= '\u0000' && LA(3) <= '\ufffe')) && (true)) {
+ _saveIndex=text.length();
+ match('\\');
+ text.setLength(_saveIndex);
+ _saveIndex=text.length();
+ mONE_NL(false,false);
+ text.setLength(_saveIndex);
+ }
+ else if (((LA(1)=='\\') && ((LA(2) >= '\u0000' && LA(2) <= '\ufffe')) && (true) && (true))&&( LA(2)!='\n' && LA(2)!='\r' )) {
+ match('\\');
+ }
+ else if ((_tokenSet_8.member(LA(1)))) {
+ {
+ match(_tokenSet_8);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ throw new NoViableAltForCharException((char)LA(1), getFilename(), getLine(), getColumn());
+ }
+ }
+ if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) {
+ _token = makeToken(_ttype);
+ _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin));
+ }
+ _returnToken = _token;
+ }
+ protected final int mDOLLAR_REGEXP_CTOR_END(boolean _createToken,
+ boolean fromStart
+ ) throws RecognitionException, CharStreamException, TokenStreamException {
+ int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length();
+ int _saveIndex;
+ {
+ _loop741:
+ do {
+ boolean synPredMatched738 = false;
+ if (((LA(1)=='$') && (LA(2)=='/') && ((LA(3) >= '\u0000' && LA(3) <= '\ufffe')) && (true))) {
+ int _m738 = mark();
+ synPredMatched738 = true;
+ inputState.guessing++;
+ try {
+ {
+ match('$');
+ match('/');
+ }
+ }
+ catch (RecognitionException pe) {
+ synPredMatched738 = false;
+ }
+ rewind(_m738);
+ }
+ if ( synPredMatched738 ) {
+ mESCAPED_SLASH(false);
+ }
+ else {
+ boolean synPredMatched740 = false;
+ if (((LA(1)=='$') && (LA(2)=='$') && ((LA(3) >= '\u0000' && LA(3) <= '\ufffe')) && (true))) {
+ int _m740 = mark();
+ synPredMatched740 = true;
+ inputState.guessing++;
+ try {
+ {
+ match('$');
+ match('$');
+ }
+ }
+ catch (RecognitionException pe) {
+ synPredMatched740 = false;
+ }
+ rewind(_m740);
+ }
+ if ( synPredMatched740 ) {
+ }
+ else if (((_tokenSet_9.member(LA(1))) && ((LA(2) >= '\u0000' && LA(2) <= '\ufffe')) && (true) && (true))&&( !(LA(1) == '/' && LA(2) == '$') )) {
+ }
+ else if (((LA(1)=='$') && ((LA(2) >= '\u0000' && LA(2) <= '\ufffe')) && (true) && (true))&&(!atValidDollarEscape() && !atDollarSlashEscape() && !atDollarDollarEscape())) {
+ match('$');
+ }
+ else {
+ break _loop741;
+ }
+ }
+ } while (true);
+ }
+ {
+ switch ( LA(1)) {
+ case '/':
+ {
+ _saveIndex=text.length();
+ match("/$");
+ text.setLength(_saveIndex);
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ if (fromStart) tt = STRING_LITERAL; // plain regexp literal!
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case '$':
+ {
+ _saveIndex=text.length();
+ match('$');
+ text.setLength(_saveIndex);
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ // Yes, it's a regexp constructor, and we've got a value part.
+ stringCtorState = SCS_VAL + SCS_DRE_TYPE;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ throw new NoViableAltForCharException((char)LA(1), getFilename(), getLine(), getColumn());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ _ttype = tt;
+ }
+ if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) {
+ _token = makeToken(_ttype);
+ _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin));
+ }
+ _returnToken = _token;
+ return tt;
+ }
+ protected final void mESCAPED_SLASH(boolean _createToken) throws RecognitionException, CharStreamException, TokenStreamException {
+ int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length();
+ _ttype = ESCAPED_SLASH;
+ int _saveIndex;
+ match('$');
+ match('/');
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ text.setLength(_begin); text.append('/');
+ }
+ if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) {
+ _token = makeToken(_ttype);
+ _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin));
+ }
+ _returnToken = _token;
+ }
+ protected final void mESCAPED_DOLLAR(boolean _createToken) throws RecognitionException, CharStreamException, TokenStreamException {
+ int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length();
+ _ttype = ESCAPED_DOLLAR;
+ int _saveIndex;
+ match('$');
+ match('$');
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ text.setLength(_begin); text.append('$');
+ }
+ if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) {
+ _token = makeToken(_ttype);
+ _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin));
+ }
+ _returnToken = _token;
+ }
+ protected final void mHEX_DIGIT(boolean _createToken) throws RecognitionException, CharStreamException, TokenStreamException {
+ int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length();
+ _ttype = HEX_DIGIT;
+ int _saveIndex;
+ {
+ switch ( LA(1)) {
+ case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3':
+ case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7':
+ case '8': case '9':
+ {
+ matchRange('0','9');
+ break;
+ }
+ case 'A': case 'B': case 'C': case 'D':
+ case 'E': case 'F':
+ {
+ matchRange('A','F');
+ break;
+ }
+ case 'a': case 'b': case 'c': case 'd':
+ case 'e': case 'f':
+ {
+ matchRange('a','f');
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ throw new NoViableAltForCharException((char)LA(1), getFilename(), getLine(), getColumn());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) {
+ _token = makeToken(_ttype);
+ _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin));
+ }
+ _returnToken = _token;
+ }
+ protected final void mVOCAB(boolean _createToken) throws RecognitionException, CharStreamException, TokenStreamException {
+ int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length();
+ _ttype = VOCAB;
+ int _saveIndex;
+ matchRange('\3','\377');
+ if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) {
+ _token = makeToken(_ttype);
+ _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin));
+ }
+ _returnToken = _token;
+ }
+ public final void mIDENT(boolean _createToken) throws RecognitionException, CharStreamException, TokenStreamException {
+ int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length();
+ _ttype = IDENT;
+ int _saveIndex;
+ {
+ if (((_tokenSet_0.member(LA(1))) && (true) && (true) && (true))&&(stringCtorState == 0)) {
+ {
+ if ((LA(1)=='$')) {
+ mDOLLAR(false);
+ }
+ else if ((_tokenSet_10.member(LA(1)))) {
+ mLETTER(false);
+ }
+ else {
+ throw new NoViableAltForCharException((char)LA(1), getFilename(), getLine(), getColumn());
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ _loop766:
+ do {
+ switch ( LA(1)) {
+ case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3':
+ case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7':
+ case '8': case '9':
+ {
+ mDIGIT(false);
+ break;
+ }
+ case '$':
+ {
+ mDOLLAR(false);
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ if ((_tokenSet_10.member(LA(1)))) {
+ mLETTER(false);
+ }
+ else {
+ break _loop766;
+ }
+ }
+ } while (true);
+ }
+ }
+ else if ((_tokenSet_10.member(LA(1))) && (true) && (true) && (true)) {
+ mLETTER(false);
+ {
+ _loop768:
+ do {
+ if ((_tokenSet_10.member(LA(1)))) {
+ mLETTER(false);
+ }
+ else if (((LA(1) >= '0' && LA(1) <= '9'))) {
+ mDIGIT(false);
+ }
+ else {
+ break _loop768;
+ }
+ } while (true);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ throw new NoViableAltForCharException((char)LA(1), getFilename(), getLine(), getColumn());
+ }
+ }
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ if (stringCtorState != 0) {
+ if (LA(1) == '.' && LA(2) != '$' &&
+ Character.isJavaIdentifierStart(LA(2))) {
+ // pick up another name component before going literal again:
+ restartStringCtor(false);
+ } else {
+ // go back to the string
+ restartStringCtor(true);
+ }
+ }
+ int ttype = testLiteralsTable(IDENT);
+ // Java doesn't have the keywords 'as', 'in' or 'def so we make some allowances
+ // for them in package names for better integration with existing Java packages
+ if ((ttype == LITERAL_as || ttype == LITERAL_def || ttype == LITERAL_in || ttype == LITERAL_trait) &&
+ (LA(1) == '.' || lastSigTokenType == DOT || lastSigTokenType == LITERAL_package)) {
+ ttype = IDENT;
+ }
+ // allow access to classes with the name package
+ if ((ttype == LITERAL_package) &&
+ (LA(1) == '.' || lastSigTokenType == DOT || lastSigTokenType == LITERAL_import
+ || (LA(1) == ')' && lastSigTokenType == LPAREN))) {
+ ttype = IDENT;
+ }
+ if (ttype == LITERAL_static && LA(1) == '.') {
+ ttype = IDENT;
+ }
+ _ttype = ttype;
+ // check if "assert" keyword is enabled
+ if (assertEnabled && "assert".equals(new String(text.getBuffer(),_begin,text.length()-_begin))) {
+ _ttype = LITERAL_assert; // set token type for the rule in the parser
+ }
+ // check if "enum" keyword is enabled
+ if (enumEnabled && "enum".equals(new String(text.getBuffer(),_begin,text.length()-_begin))) {
+ _ttype = LITERAL_enum; // set token type for the rule in the parser
+ }
+ }
+ if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) {
+ _token = makeToken(_ttype);
+ _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin));
+ }
+ _returnToken = _token;
+ }
+ protected final void mLETTER(boolean _createToken) throws RecognitionException, CharStreamException, TokenStreamException {
+ int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length();
+ _ttype = LETTER;
+ int _saveIndex;
+ switch ( LA(1)) {
+ case 'a': case 'b': case 'c': case 'd':
+ case 'e': case 'f': case 'g': case 'h':
+ case 'i': case 'j': case 'k': case 'l':
+ case 'm': case 'n': case 'o': case 'p':
+ case 'q': case 'r': case 's': case 't':
+ case 'u': case 'v': case 'w': case 'x':
+ case 'y': case 'z':
+ {
+ matchRange('a','z');
+ break;
+ }
+ case 'A': case 'B': case 'C': case 'D':
+ case 'E': case 'F': case 'G': case 'H':
+ case 'I': case 'J': case 'K': case 'L':
+ case 'M': case 'N': case 'O': case 'P':
+ case 'Q': case 'R': case 'S': case 'T':
+ case 'U': case 'V': case 'W': case 'X':
+ case 'Y': case 'Z':
+ {
+ matchRange('A','Z');
+ break;
+ }
+ case '\u00c0': case '\u00c1': case '\u00c2': case '\u00c3':
+ case '\u00c4': case '\u00c5': case '\u00c6': case '\u00c7':
+ case '\u00c8': case '\u00c9': case '\u00ca': case '\u00cb':
+ case '\u00cc': case '\u00cd': case '\u00ce': case '\u00cf':
+ case '\u00d0': case '\u00d1': case '\u00d2': case '\u00d3':
+ case '\u00d4': case '\u00d5': case '\u00d6':
+ {
+ matchRange('\u00C0','\u00D6');
+ break;
+ }
+ case '\u00d8': case '\u00d9': case '\u00da': case '\u00db':
+ case '\u00dc': case '\u00dd': case '\u00de': case '\u00df':
+ case '\u00e0': case '\u00e1': case '\u00e2': case '\u00e3':
+ case '\u00e4': case '\u00e5': case '\u00e6': case '\u00e7':
+ case '\u00e8': case '\u00e9': case '\u00ea': case '\u00eb':
+ case '\u00ec': case '\u00ed': case '\u00ee': case '\u00ef':
+ case '\u00f0': case '\u00f1': case '\u00f2': case '\u00f3':
+ case '\u00f4': case '\u00f5': case '\u00f6':
+ {
+ matchRange('\u00D8','\u00F6');
+ break;
+ }
+ case '\u00f8': case '\u00f9': case '\u00fa': case '\u00fb':
+ case '\u00fc': case '\u00fd': case '\u00fe': case '\u00ff':
+ {
+ matchRange('\u00F8','\u00FF');
+ break;
+ }
+ case '_':
+ {
+ match('_');
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ if (((LA(1) >= '\u0100' && LA(1) <= '\ufffe'))) {
+ matchRange('\u0100','\uFFFE');
+ }
+ else {
+ throw new NoViableAltForCharException((char)LA(1), getFilename(), getLine(), getColumn());
+ }
+ }
+ if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) {
+ _token = makeToken(_ttype);
+ _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin));
+ }
+ _returnToken = _token;
+ }
+ protected final void mDIGIT(boolean _createToken) throws RecognitionException, CharStreamException, TokenStreamException {
+ int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length();
+ _ttype = DIGIT;
+ int _saveIndex;
+ matchRange('0','9');
+ if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) {
+ _token = makeToken(_ttype);
+ _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin));
+ }
+ _returnToken = _token;
+ }
+ protected final void mDIGITS_WITH_UNDERSCORE(boolean _createToken) throws RecognitionException, CharStreamException, TokenStreamException {
+ int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length();
+ int _saveIndex;
+ mDIGIT(false);
+ {
+ if ((LA(1)=='0'||LA(1)=='1'||LA(1)=='2'||LA(1)=='3'||LA(1)=='4'||LA(1)=='5'||LA(1)=='6'||LA(1)=='7'||LA(1)=='8'||LA(1)=='9'||LA(1)=='_')) {
+ }
+ else {
+ }
+ }
+ if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) {
+ _token = makeToken(_ttype);
+ _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin));
+ }
+ _returnToken = _token;
+ }
+ protected final void mDIGITS_WITH_UNDERSCORE_OPT(boolean _createToken) throws RecognitionException, CharStreamException, TokenStreamException {
+ int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length();
+ int _saveIndex;
+ {
+ _loop775:
+ do {
+ if (((LA(1) >= '0' && LA(1) <= '9')) && (LA(2)=='0'||LA(2)=='1'||LA(2)=='2'||LA(2)=='3'||LA(2)=='4'||LA(2)=='5'||LA(2)=='6'||LA(2)=='7'||LA(2)=='8'||LA(2)=='9'||LA(2)=='_')) {
+ mDIGIT(false);
+ }
+ else if ((LA(1)=='_')) {
+ match('_');
+ }
+ else {
+ break _loop775;
+ }
+ } while (true);
+ }
+ mDIGIT(false);
+ if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) {
+ _token = makeToken(_ttype);
+ _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin));
+ }
+ _returnToken = _token;
+ }
+ public final void mNUM_INT(boolean _createToken) throws RecognitionException, CharStreamException, TokenStreamException {
+ int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length();
+ _ttype = NUM_INT;
+ int _saveIndex;
+ Token e=null;
+ Token f2=null;
+ Token g2=null;
+ Token f3=null;
+ Token g3=null;
+ Token f4=null;
+ boolean isDecimal=false; Token t=null;
+ {
+ switch ( LA(1)) {
+ case '0':
+ {
+ match('0');
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ isDecimal = true;
+ }
+ {
+ switch ( LA(1)) {
+ case 'X': case 'x':
+ {
+ {
+ switch ( LA(1)) {
+ case 'x':
+ {
+ match('x');
+ break;
+ }
+ case 'X':
+ {
+ match('X');
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ throw new NoViableAltForCharException((char)LA(1), getFilename(), getLine(), getColumn());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ isDecimal = false;
+ }
+ mHEX_DIGIT(false);
+ {
+ if ((_tokenSet_11.member(LA(1))) && (true) && (true) && (true)) {
+ {
+ _loop782:
+ do {
+ if ((_tokenSet_12.member(LA(1))) && (_tokenSet_11.member(LA(2))) && (true) && (true)) {
+ mHEX_DIGIT(false);
+ }
+ else if ((LA(1)=='_')) {
+ match('_');
+ }
+ else {
+ break _loop782;
+ }
+ } while (true);
+ }
+ mHEX_DIGIT(false);
+ }
+ else {
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case 'B': case 'b':
+ {
+ {
+ switch ( LA(1)) {
+ case 'b':
+ {
+ match('b');
+ break;
+ }
+ case 'B':
+ {
+ match('B');
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ throw new NoViableAltForCharException((char)LA(1), getFilename(), getLine(), getColumn());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ switch ( LA(1)) {
+ case '0':
+ {
+ match('0');
+ break;
+ }
+ case '1':
+ {
+ match('1');
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ throw new NoViableAltForCharException((char)LA(1), getFilename(), getLine(), getColumn());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ if ((LA(1)=='0'||LA(1)=='1'||LA(1)=='_')) {
+ {
+ _loop787:
+ do {
+ if ((LA(1)=='0') && (LA(2)=='0'||LA(2)=='1'||LA(2)=='_')) {
+ match('0');
+ }
+ else if ((LA(1)=='1') && (LA(2)=='0'||LA(2)=='1'||LA(2)=='_')) {
+ match('1');
+ }
+ else if ((LA(1)=='_')) {
+ match('_');
+ }
+ else {
+ break _loop787;
+ }
+ } while (true);
+ }
+ {
+ switch ( LA(1)) {
+ case '0':
+ {
+ match('0');
+ break;
+ }
+ case '1':
+ {
+ match('1');
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ throw new NoViableAltForCharException((char)LA(1), getFilename(), getLine(), getColumn());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ }
+ }
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ isDecimal = false;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ boolean synPredMatched791 = false;
+ if ((((LA(1) >= '0' && LA(1) <= '9')) && (true) && (true) && (true))) {
+ int _m791 = mark();
+ synPredMatched791 = true;
+ inputState.guessing++;
+ try {
+ {
+ {
+ switch ( LA(1)) {
+ case '.':
+ {
+ match('.');
+ break;
+ }
+ case 'E': case 'e':
+ {
+ mEXPONENT(false);
+ break;
+ }
+ case 'D': case 'F': case 'd': case 'f':
+ {
+ mFLOAT_SUFFIX(false);
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ throw new NoViableAltForCharException((char)LA(1), getFilename(), getLine(), getColumn());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ catch (RecognitionException pe) {
+ synPredMatched791 = false;
+ }
+ rewind(_m791);
+ }
+ if ( synPredMatched791 ) {
+ }
+ else if (((LA(1) >= '0' && LA(1) <= '7')) && (true) && (true) && (true)) {
+ {
+ matchRange('0','7');
+ }
+ {
+ if ((LA(1)=='0'||LA(1)=='1'||LA(1)=='2'||LA(1)=='3'||LA(1)=='4'||LA(1)=='5'||LA(1)=='6'||LA(1)=='7'||LA(1)=='_')) {
+ {
+ _loop795:
+ do {
+ if (((LA(1) >= '0' && LA(1) <= '7')) && (LA(2)=='0'||LA(2)=='1'||LA(2)=='2'||LA(2)=='3'||LA(2)=='4'||LA(2)=='5'||LA(2)=='6'||LA(2)=='7'||LA(2)=='_')) {
+ matchRange('0','7');
+ }
+ else if ((LA(1)=='_')) {
+ match('_');
+ }
+ else {
+ break _loop795;
+ }
+ } while (true);
+ }
+ {
+ matchRange('0','7');
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ }
+ }
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ isDecimal = false;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4':
+ case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8':
+ case '9':
+ {
+ {
+ matchRange('1','9');
+ }
+ {
+ if ((LA(1)=='0'||LA(1)=='1'||LA(1)=='2'||LA(1)=='3'||LA(1)=='4'||LA(1)=='5'||LA(1)=='6'||LA(1)=='7'||LA(1)=='8'||LA(1)=='9'||LA(1)=='_')) {
+ }
+ else {
+ }
+ }
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ isDecimal=true;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ throw new NoViableAltForCharException((char)LA(1), getFilename(), getLine(), getColumn());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ switch ( LA(1)) {
+ case 'L': case 'l':
+ {
+ {
+ switch ( LA(1)) {
+ case 'l':
+ {
+ match('l');
+ break;
+ }
+ case 'L':
+ {
+ match('L');
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ throw new NoViableAltForCharException((char)LA(1), getFilename(), getLine(), getColumn());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ _ttype = NUM_LONG;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case 'I': case 'i':
+ {
+ {
+ switch ( LA(1)) {
+ case 'i':
+ {
+ match('i');
+ break;
+ }
+ case 'I':
+ {
+ match('I');
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ throw new NoViableAltForCharException((char)LA(1), getFilename(), getLine(), getColumn());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ _ttype = NUM_INT;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case 'G': case 'g':
+ {
+ mBIG_SUFFIX(false);
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ _ttype = NUM_BIG_INT;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ boolean synPredMatched804 = false;
+ if ((((LA(1)=='.'||LA(1)=='D'||LA(1)=='E'||LA(1)=='F'||LA(1)=='d'||LA(1)=='e'||LA(1)=='f'))&&(isDecimal))) {
+ int _m804 = mark();
+ synPredMatched804 = true;
+ inputState.guessing++;
+ try {
+ {
+ if ((_tokenSet_13.member(LA(1)))) {
+ matchNot('.');
+ }
+ else if ((LA(1)=='.')) {
+ match('.');
+ {
+ matchRange('0','9');
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ throw new NoViableAltForCharException((char)LA(1), getFilename(), getLine(), getColumn());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ catch (RecognitionException pe) {
+ synPredMatched804 = false;
+ }
+ rewind(_m804);
+ }
+ if ( synPredMatched804 ) {
+ {
+ switch ( LA(1)) {
+ case '.':
+ {
+ match('.');
+ {
+ if ((LA(1)=='E'||LA(1)=='e')) {
+ mEXPONENT(true);
+ e=_returnToken;
+ }
+ else {
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ switch ( LA(1)) {
+ case 'D': case 'F': case 'd': case 'f':
+ {
+ mFLOAT_SUFFIX(true);
+ f2=_returnToken;
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ t=f2;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case 'G': case 'g':
+ {
+ mBIG_SUFFIX(true);
+ g2=_returnToken;
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ t=g2;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case 'E': case 'e':
+ {
+ mEXPONENT(false);
+ {
+ switch ( LA(1)) {
+ case 'D': case 'F': case 'd': case 'f':
+ {
+ mFLOAT_SUFFIX(true);
+ f3=_returnToken;
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ t=f3;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case 'G': case 'g':
+ {
+ mBIG_SUFFIX(true);
+ g3=_returnToken;
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ t=g3;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case 'D': case 'F': case 'd': case 'f':
+ {
+ mFLOAT_SUFFIX(true);
+ f4=_returnToken;
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ t=f4;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ throw new NoViableAltForCharException((char)LA(1), getFilename(), getLine(), getColumn());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ String txt = (t == null ? "" : t.getText().toUpperCase());
+ if (txt.indexOf('F') >= 0) {
+ _ttype = NUM_FLOAT;
+ } else if (txt.indexOf('G') >= 0) {
+ _ttype = NUM_BIG_DECIMAL;
+ } else {
+ _ttype = NUM_DOUBLE; // assume double
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) {
+ _token = makeToken(_ttype);
+ _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin));
+ }
+ _returnToken = _token;
+ }
+ protected final void mEXPONENT(boolean _createToken) throws RecognitionException, CharStreamException, TokenStreamException {
+ int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length();
+ _ttype = EXPONENT;
+ int _saveIndex;
+ {
+ switch ( LA(1)) {
+ case 'e':
+ {
+ match('e');
+ break;
+ }
+ case 'E':
+ {
+ match('E');
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ throw new NoViableAltForCharException((char)LA(1), getFilename(), getLine(), getColumn());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ switch ( LA(1)) {
+ case '+':
+ {
+ match('+');
+ break;
+ }
+ case '-':
+ {
+ match('-');
+ break;
+ }
+ case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3':
+ case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7':
+ case '8': case '9': case '_':
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ throw new NoViableAltForCharException((char)LA(1), getFilename(), getLine(), getColumn());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ _loop814:
+ do {
+ if (((LA(1) >= '0' && LA(1) <= '9')) && (LA(2)=='0'||LA(2)=='1'||LA(2)=='2'||LA(2)=='3'||LA(2)=='4'||LA(2)=='5'||LA(2)=='6'||LA(2)=='7'||LA(2)=='8'||LA(2)=='9'||LA(2)=='_')) {
+ matchRange('0','9');
+ }
+ else if ((LA(1)=='_')) {
+ match('_');
+ }
+ else {
+ break _loop814;
+ }
+ } while (true);
+ }
+ {
+ matchRange('0','9');
+ }
+ if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) {
+ _token = makeToken(_ttype);
+ _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin));
+ }
+ _returnToken = _token;
+ }
+ protected final void mFLOAT_SUFFIX(boolean _createToken) throws RecognitionException, CharStreamException, TokenStreamException {
+ int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length();
+ _ttype = FLOAT_SUFFIX;
+ int _saveIndex;
+ switch ( LA(1)) {
+ case 'f':
+ {
+ match('f');
+ break;
+ }
+ case 'F':
+ {
+ match('F');
+ break;
+ }
+ case 'd':
+ {
+ match('d');
+ break;
+ }
+ case 'D':
+ {
+ match('D');
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ throw new NoViableAltForCharException((char)LA(1), getFilename(), getLine(), getColumn());
+ }
+ }
+ if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) {
+ _token = makeToken(_ttype);
+ _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin));
+ }
+ _returnToken = _token;
+ }
+ protected final void mBIG_SUFFIX(boolean _createToken) throws RecognitionException, CharStreamException, TokenStreamException {
+ int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length();
+ _ttype = BIG_SUFFIX;
+ int _saveIndex;
+ switch ( LA(1)) {
+ case 'g':
+ {
+ match('g');
+ break;
+ }
+ case 'G':
+ {
+ match('G');
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ throw new NoViableAltForCharException((char)LA(1), getFilename(), getLine(), getColumn());
+ }
+ }
+ if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) {
+ _token = makeToken(_ttype);
+ _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin));
+ }
+ _returnToken = _token;
+ }
+ public final void mAT(boolean _createToken) throws RecognitionException, CharStreamException, TokenStreamException {
+ int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length();
+ _ttype = AT;
+ int _saveIndex;
+ match('@');
+ if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) {
+ _token = makeToken(_ttype);
+ _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin));
+ }
+ _returnToken = _token;
+ }
+ private static final long[] mk_tokenSet_0() {
+ long[] data = new long[2560];
+ data[0]=68719476736L;
+ data[1]=576460745995190270L;
+ data[3]=-36028797027352577L;
+ for (int i = 4; i<=1022; i++) { data[i]=-1L; }
+ data[1023]=9223372036854775807L;
+ return data;
+ }
+ public static final BitSet _tokenSet_0 = new BitSet(mk_tokenSet_0());
+ private static final long[] mk_tokenSet_1() {
+ long[] data = new long[2048];
+ data[0]=-9217L;
+ for (int i = 1; i<=1022; i++) { data[i]=-1L; }
+ data[1023]=9223372036854775807L;
+ return data;
+ }
+ public static final BitSet _tokenSet_1 = new BitSet(mk_tokenSet_1());
+ private static final long[] mk_tokenSet_2() {
+ long[] data = new long[2048];
+ data[0]=-4398046520321L;
+ for (int i = 1; i<=1022; i++) { data[i]=-1L; }
+ data[1023]=9223372036854775807L;
+ return data;
+ }
+ public static final BitSet _tokenSet_2 = new BitSet(mk_tokenSet_2());
+ private static final long[] mk_tokenSet_3() {
+ long[] data = new long[2048];
+ data[0]=-549755813889L;
+ for (int i = 1; i<=1023; i++) { data[i]=-1L; }
+ return data;
+ }
+ public static final BitSet _tokenSet_3 = new BitSet(mk_tokenSet_3());
+ private static final long[] mk_tokenSet_4() {
+ long[] data = new long[2048];
+ data[0]=-635655169025L;
+ data[1]=-268435457L;
+ for (int i = 2; i<=1022; i++) { data[i]=-1L; }
+ data[1023]=9223372036854775807L;
+ return data;
+ }
+ public static final BitSet _tokenSet_4 = new BitSet(mk_tokenSet_4());
+ private static final long[] mk_tokenSet_5() {
+ long[] data = new long[2048];
+ data[0]=-17179869185L;
+ for (int i = 1; i<=1023; i++) { data[i]=-1L; }
+ return data;
+ }
+ public static final BitSet _tokenSet_5 = new BitSet(mk_tokenSet_5());
+ private static final long[] mk_tokenSet_6() {
+ long[] data = new long[2048];
+ data[0]=-140737488355329L;
+ for (int i = 1; i<=1022; i++) { data[i]=-1L; }
+ data[1023]=9223372036854775807L;
+ return data;
+ }
+ public static final BitSet _tokenSet_6 = new BitSet(mk_tokenSet_6());
+ private static final long[] mk_tokenSet_7() {
+ long[] data = new long[2048];
+ data[0]=-140806207832065L;
+ for (int i = 1; i<=1022; i++) { data[i]=-1L; }
+ data[1023]=9223372036854775807L;
+ return data;
+ }
+ public static final BitSet _tokenSet_7 = new BitSet(mk_tokenSet_7());
+ private static final long[] mk_tokenSet_8() {
+ long[] data = new long[2048];
+ data[0]=-140806207841281L;
+ data[1]=-268435457L;
+ for (int i = 2; i<=1022; i++) { data[i]=-1L; }
+ data[1023]=9223372036854775807L;
+ return data;
+ }
+ public static final BitSet _tokenSet_8 = new BitSet(mk_tokenSet_8());
+ private static final long[] mk_tokenSet_9() {
+ long[] data = new long[2048];
+ data[0]=-68719476737L;
+ for (int i = 1; i<=1022; i++) { data[i]=-1L; }
+ data[1023]=9223372036854775807L;
+ return data;
+ }
+ public static final BitSet _tokenSet_9 = new BitSet(mk_tokenSet_9());
+ private static final long[] mk_tokenSet_10() {
+ long[] data = new long[2560];
+ data[1]=576460745995190270L;
+ data[3]=-36028797027352577L;
+ for (int i = 4; i<=1022; i++) { data[i]=-1L; }
+ data[1023]=9223372036854775807L;
+ return data;
+ }
+ public static final BitSet _tokenSet_10 = new BitSet(mk_tokenSet_10());
+ private static final long[] mk_tokenSet_11() {
+ long[] data = new long[1025];
+ data[0]=287948901175001088L;
+ data[1]=543313363070L;
+ return data;
+ }
+ public static final BitSet _tokenSet_11 = new BitSet(mk_tokenSet_11());
+ private static final long[] mk_tokenSet_12() {
+ long[] data = new long[1025];
+ data[0]=287948901175001088L;
+ data[1]=541165879422L;
+ return data;
+ }
+ public static final BitSet _tokenSet_12 = new BitSet(mk_tokenSet_12());
+ private static final long[] mk_tokenSet_13() {
+ long[] data = new long[2048];
+ data[0]=-70368744177665L;
+ for (int i = 1; i<=1023; i++) { data[i]=-1L; }
+ return data;
+ }
+ public static final BitSet _tokenSet_13 = new BitSet(mk_tokenSet_13());
+ }
diff --git a/base/org.codehaus.groovy26/src/org/codehaus/groovy/antlr/parser/GroovyLexer.smap b/base/org.codehaus.groovy26/src/org/codehaus/groovy/antlr/parser/GroovyLexer.smap
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b255b6bf1b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/base/org.codehaus.groovy26/src/org/codehaus/groovy/antlr/parser/GroovyLexer.smap
@@ -0,0 +1,2786 @@
+*S G
++ 0 groovy.g
diff --git a/base/org.codehaus.groovy26/src/org/codehaus/groovy/antlr/parser/GroovyRecognizer.java b/base/org.codehaus.groovy26/src/org/codehaus/groovy/antlr/parser/GroovyRecognizer.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2b6c76600f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/base/org.codehaus.groovy26/src/org/codehaus/groovy/antlr/parser/GroovyRecognizer.java
@@ -0,0 +1,16031 @@
+// $ANTLR 2.7.7 (20060906): "groovy.g" -> "GroovyRecognizer.java"$
+package org.codehaus.groovy.antlr.parser;
+import java.io.*;
+import java.util.*;
+import groovyjarjarantlr.CommonToken;
+import groovyjarjarantlr.InputBuffer;
+import groovyjarjarantlr.LexerSharedInputState;
+import groovyjarjarantlr.TokenStreamRecognitionException;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.antlr.*;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.Comment;
+import groovyjarjarantlr.TokenBuffer;
+import groovyjarjarantlr.TokenStreamException;
+import groovyjarjarantlr.TokenStreamIOException;
+import groovyjarjarantlr.ANTLRException;
+import groovyjarjarantlr.LLkParser;
+import groovyjarjarantlr.Token;
+import groovyjarjarantlr.TokenStream;
+import groovyjarjarantlr.RecognitionException;
+import groovyjarjarantlr.NoViableAltException;
+import groovyjarjarantlr.MismatchedTokenException;
+import groovyjarjarantlr.SemanticException;
+import groovyjarjarantlr.ParserSharedInputState;
+import groovyjarjarantlr.collections.impl.BitSet;
+import groovyjarjarantlr.collections.AST;
+import java.util.Hashtable;
+import groovyjarjarantlr.ASTFactory;
+import groovyjarjarantlr.ASTPair;
+import groovyjarjarantlr.collections.impl.ASTArray;
+/** JSR-241 Groovy Recognizer.
+ *
+ * Run 'java Main [-showtree] directory-full-of-groovy-files'
+ *
+ * [The -showtree option pops up a Swing frame that shows
+ * the AST constructed from the parser.]
+ *
+ * Contributing authors:
+ * John Mitchell johnm@non.net
+ * Terence Parr parrt@magelang.com
+ * John Lilley jlilley@empathy.com
+ * Scott Stanchfield thetick@magelang.com
+ * Markus Mohnen mohnen@informatik.rwth-aachen.de
+ * Peter Williams pete.williams@sun.com
+ * Allan Jacobs Allan.Jacobs@eng.sun.com
+ * Steve Messick messick@redhills.com
+ * James Strachan jstrachan@protique.com
+ * John Pybus john@pybus.org
+ * John Rose rose00@mac.com
+ * Jeremy Rayner groovy@ross-rayner.com
+ * Alex Popescu the.mindstorm@gmail.com
+ * Martin Kempf mkempf@hsr.ch
+ * Reto Kleeb rkleeb@hsr.ch
+ *
+ * Version 1.00 December 9, 1997 -- initial release
+ * Version 1.01 December 10, 1997
+ * fixed bug in octal def (0..7 not 0..8)
+ * Version 1.10 August 1998 (parrt)
+ * added tree construction
+ * fixed definition of WS,comments for mac,pc,unix newlines
+ * added unary plus
+ * Version 1.11 (Nov 20, 1998)
+ * Added "shutup" option to turn off last ambig warning.
+ * Fixed inner class def to allow named class defs as statements
+ * synchronized requires compound not simple statement
+ * add [] after builtInType DOT class in primaryExpression
+ * "const" is reserved but not valid..removed from modifiers
+ * Version 1.12 (Feb 2, 1999)
+ * Changed LITERAL_xxx to xxx in tree grammar.
+ * Updated java.g to use tokens {...} now for 2.6.0 (new feature).
+ *
+ * Version 1.13 (Apr 23, 1999)
+ * Didn't have (stat)? for else clause in tree parser.
+ * Didn't gen ASTs for interface extends. Updated tree parser too.
+ * Updated to 2.6.0.
+ * Version 1.14 (Jun 20, 1999)
+ * Allowed final/abstract on local classes.
+ * Removed local interfaces from methods
+ * Put instanceof precedence where it belongs...in relationalExpr
+ * It also had expr not type as arg; fixed it.
+ * Missing ! on SEMI in classBlock
+ * fixed: (expr) + "string" was parsed incorrectly (+ as unary plus).
+ * fixed: didn't like Object[].class in parser or tree parser
+ * Version 1.15 (Jun 26, 1999)
+ * Screwed up rule with instanceof in it. :( Fixed.
+ * Tree parser didn't like (expr).something; fixed.
+ * Allowed multiple inheritance in tree grammar. oops.
+ * Version 1.16 (August 22, 1999)
+ * Extending an interface built a wacky tree: had extra EXTENDS.
+ * Tree grammar didn't allow multiple superinterfaces.
+ * Tree grammar didn't allow empty var initializer: {}
+ * Version 1.17 (October 12, 1999)
+ * ESC lexer rule allowed 399 max not 377 max.
+ * java.tree.g didn't handle the expression of synchronized
+ * statements.
+ * Version 1.18 (August 12, 2001)
+ * Terence updated to Java 2 Version 1.3 by
+ * observing/combining work of Allan Jacobs and Steve
+ * Messick. Handles 1.3 src. Summary:
+ * o primary didn't include boolean.class kind of thing
+ * o constructor calls parsed explicitly now:
+ * see explicitConstructorInvocation
+ * o add strictfp modifier
+ * o missing objBlock after new expression in tree grammar
+ * o merged local class definition alternatives, moved after declaration
+ * o fixed problem with ClassName.super.field
+ * o reordered some alternatives to make things more efficient
+ * o long and double constants were not differentiated from int/float
+ * o whitespace rule was inefficient: matched only one char
+ * o add an examples directory with some nasty 1.3 cases
+ * o made Main.java use buffered IO and a Reader for Unicode support
+ * o supports UNICODE?
+ * Using Unicode charVocabulary makes code file big, but only
+ * in the bitsets at the end. I need to make ANTLR generate
+ * unicode bitsets more efficiently.
+ * Version 1.19 (April 25, 2002)
+ * Terence added in nice fixes by John Pybus concerning floating
+ * constants and problems with super() calls. John did a nice
+ * reorg of the primary/postfix expression stuff to read better
+ * and makes f.g.super() parse properly (it was METHOD_CALL not
+ * a SUPER_CTOR_CALL). Also:
+ *
+ * o "finally" clause was a root...made it a child of "try"
+ * o Added stuff for asserts too for Java 1.4, but *commented out*
+ * as it is not backward compatible.
+ *
+ * Version 1.20 (October 27, 2002)
+ *
+ * Terence ended up reorging John Pybus' stuff to
+ * remove some nondeterminisms and some syntactic predicates.
+ * Note that the grammar is stricter now; e.g., this(...) must
+ * be the first statement.
+ *
+ * Trinary ?: operator wasn't working as array name:
+ * (isBig ? bigDigits : digits)[i];
+ *
+ * Checked parser/tree parser on source for
+ * Resin-2.0.5, jive-2.1.1, jdk 1.3.1, Lucene, antlr 2.7.2a4,
+ * and the 110k-line jGuru server source.
+ *
+ * Version 1.21 (October 17, 2003)
+ * Fixed lots of problems including:
+ * Ray Waldin: add typeDefinition to interfaceBlock in java.tree.g
+ * He found a problem/fix with floating point that start with 0
+ * Ray also fixed problem that (int.class) was not recognized.
+ * Thorsten van Ellen noticed that \n are allowed incorrectly in strings.
+ * TJP fixed CHAR_LITERAL analogously.
+ *
+ * Version 1.21.2 (March, 2003)
+ * Changes by Matt Quail to support generics (as per JDK1.5/JSR14)
+ * Notes:
+ * o We only allow the "extends" keyword and not the "implements"
+ * keyword, since that's what JSR14 seems to imply.
+ * o Thanks to Monty Zukowski for his help on the antlr-interest
+ * mail list.
+ * o Thanks to Alan Eliasen for testing the grammar over his
+ * Fink source base
+ *
+ * Version 1.22 (July, 2004)
+ * Changes by Michael Studman to support Java 1.5 language extensions
+ * Notes:
+ * o Added support for annotations types
+ * o Finished off Matt Quail's generics enhancements to support bound type arguments
+ * o Added support for new for statement syntax
+ * o Added support for static import syntax
+ * o Added support for enum types
+ * o Tested against JDK 1.5 source base and source base of jdigraph project
+ * o Thanks to Matt Quail for doing the hard part by doing most of the generics work
+ *
+ * Version 1.22.1 (July 28, 2004)
+ * Bug/omission fixes for Java 1.5 language support
+ * o Fixed tree structure bug with classOrInterface - thanks to Pieter Vangorpto for
+ * spotting this
+ * o Fixed bug where incorrect handling of SR and BSR tokens would cause type
+ * parameters to be recognised as type arguments.
+ * o Enabled type parameters on constructors, annotations on enum constants
+ * and package definitions
+ * o Fixed problems when parsing if ((char.class.equals(c))) {} - solution by Matt Quail at Cenqua
+ *
+ * Version 1.22.2 (July 28, 2004)
+ * Slight refactoring of Java 1.5 language support
+ * o Refactored for/"foreach" productions so that original literal "for" literal
+ * is still used but the for sub-clauses vary by token type
+ * o Fixed bug where type parameter was not included in generic constructor's branch of AST
+ *
+ * Version 1.22.3 (August 26, 2004)
+ * Bug fixes as identified by Michael Stahl; clean up of tabs/spaces
+ * and other refactorings
+ * o Fixed typeParameters omission in identPrimary and newStatement
+ * o Replaced GT reconcilliation code with simple semantic predicate
+ * o Adapted enum/assert keyword checking support from Michael Stahl's java15 grammar
+ * o Refactored typeDefinition production and field productions to reduce duplication
+ *
+ * Version 1.22.4 (October 21, 2004)
+ * Small bux fixes
+ * o Added typeArguments to explicitConstructorInvocation, e.g. new MyParameterised()
+ * o Added typeArguments to postfixExpression productions for anonymous inner class super
+ * constructor invocation, e.g. new Outer().super()
+ * o Fixed bug in array declarations identified by Geoff Roy
+ *
+ * Version 1.22.4.g.1
+ * o I have taken java.g for Java1.5 from Michael Studman (1.22.4)
+ * and have applied the groovy.diff from java.g (1.22) by John Rose
+ * back onto the new root (1.22.4) - Jeremy Rayner (Jan 2005)
+ *
+ * Version 1.22.4.g.2
+ * o mkempf, rkleeb, Dec 2007
+ * o fixed various rules so that they call the correct Create Method
+ * to make sure that the line information are correct
+ *
+ * Based on an original grammar released in the PUBLIC DOMAIN
+ */
+public class GroovyRecognizer extends groovyjarjarantlr.LLkParser implements GroovyTokenTypes
+ {
+ /** This factory is the correct way to wire together a Groovy parser and lexer. */
+ public static GroovyRecognizer make(GroovyLexer lexer) {
+ GroovyRecognizer parser = new GroovyRecognizer(lexer.plumb());
+ // TODO: set up a common error-handling control block, to avoid excessive tangle between these guys
+ parser.lexer = lexer;
+ lexer.parser = parser;
+ parser.getASTFactory().setASTNodeClass(GroovySourceAST.class);
+ parser.warningList = new ArrayList();
+ // GRECLIPSE add
+ parser.errorList = new ArrayList();
+ // GRECLIPSE end
+ return parser;
+ }
+ // Create a scanner that reads from the input stream passed to us...
+ public static GroovyRecognizer make(InputStream in) { return make(new GroovyLexer(in)); }
+ public static GroovyRecognizer make(Reader in) { return make(new GroovyLexer(in)); }
+ public static GroovyRecognizer make(InputBuffer in) { return make(new GroovyLexer(in)); }
+ public static GroovyRecognizer make(LexerSharedInputState in) { return make(new GroovyLexer(in)); }
+ @SuppressWarnings("unused")
+ private static GroovySourceAST dummyVariableToforceClassLoaderToFindASTClass = new GroovySourceAST();
+ List warningList;
+ public List getWarningList() { return warningList; }
+ // GRECLIPSE add
+ List errorList;
+ public List getErrorList() { return errorList; }
+ List comments = new ArrayList();
+ public List getComments() { return comments; }
+ // GRECLIPSE end
+ GroovyLexer lexer;
+ public GroovyLexer getLexer() { return lexer; }
+ public void setFilename(String f) { super.setFilename(f); lexer.setFilename(f); }
+ @SuppressWarnings("unused")
+ private SourceBuffer sourceBuffer;
+ public void setSourceBuffer(SourceBuffer sourceBuffer) {
+ this.sourceBuffer = sourceBuffer;
+ }
+ /** Create an AST node with the token type and text passed in, but
+ * with the same background information as another supplied Token (e.g. line numbers).
+ * To be used in place of antlr tree construction syntax,
+ * i.e. #[TOKEN,"text"] becomes create(TOKEN,"text",anotherToken)
+ *
+ * todo - change antlr.ASTFactory to do this instead...
+ */
+ public AST create(int type, String txt, AST first) {
+ AST t = astFactory.create(type,txt);
+ if ( t != null && first != null) {
+ // first copy details from first token
+ t.initialize(first);
+ // then ensure that type and txt are specific to this new node
+ t.initialize(type,txt);
+ }
+ return t;
+ }
+ private AST attachLast(AST t, Object last) {
+ if ((t instanceof GroovySourceAST) && (last instanceof SourceInfo)) {
+ SourceInfo lastInfo = (SourceInfo) last;
+ GroovySourceAST node = (GroovySourceAST)t;
+ node.setColumnLast(lastInfo.getColumn());
+ node.setLineLast(lastInfo.getLine());
+ // This is a good point to call node.setSnippet(),
+ // but it bulks up the AST too much for production code.
+ }
+ return t;
+ }
+ public AST create(int type, String txt, Token first, Token last) {
+ return attachLast(create(type, txt, astFactory.create(first)), last);
+ }
+ public AST create(int type, String txt, AST first, Token last) {
+ return attachLast(create(type, txt, first), last);
+ }
+ public AST create(int type, String txt, AST first, AST last) {
+ return attachLast(create(type, txt, first), last);
+ }
+ // GRECLIPSE add
+ public AST create2(int type, String txt, Token first, Token last) {
+ AST ast = create(type, txt, astFactory.create(first));
+ if ((ast instanceof GroovySourceAST) && (last instanceof SourceInfo)) {
+ ((GroovySourceAST) ast).setLineLast(((SourceInfo) last).getLineLast());
+ ((GroovySourceAST) ast).setColumnLast(((SourceInfo) last).getColumnLast());
+ }
+ return ast;
+ }
+ public AST missingIdentifier(Token prev, Token next) {
+ int line, column;
+ if (!(prev instanceof SourceInfo)) {
+ line = prev.getLine();
+ column = prev.getColumn() + 1;
+ } else {
+ line = ((SourceInfo) prev).getLineLast();
+ column = ((SourceInfo) prev).getColumnLast();
+ }
+ GroovySourceToken ident = new GroovySourceToken(IDENT);
+ ident.setText("?");
+ ident.setLine(line);
+ ident.setColumn(column);
+ ident.setLineLast(line);
+ ident.setColumnLast(column + 1);
+ return (AST)astFactory.make( (new ASTArray(1)).add(create(ident.getType(),ident.getText(),ident,next)));
+ }
+ private Stack commentStartPositions = new Stack<>();
+ public void startComment(int line, int column) {
+ commentStartPositions.push((line << 16) + column);
+ }
+ public void endComment(int type, int line, int column, String text) {
+ int lineAndColumn = commentStartPositions.pop();
+ int startLine = lineAndColumn >>> 16;
+ int startColumn = lineAndColumn & 0xffff;
+ if (type == 0) {
+ Comment comment = Comment.makeSingleLineComment(startLine, startColumn, line, column, text);
+ comments.add(comment);
+ } else if (type == 1) {
+ Comment comment = Comment.makeMultiLineComment(startLine, startColumn, line, column, text);
+ comments.add(comment);
+ }
+ }
+ // GRECLIPSE end
+ /**
+ * Clones the token
+ */
+ public Token cloneToken(Token t) {
+ CommonToken clone = new CommonToken(t.getType(),t.getText());
+ clone.setLine(t.getLine());
+ clone.setColumn(t.getColumn());
+ return clone;
+ }
+ // stuff to adjust ANTLR's tracing machinery
+ public static boolean tracing = false; // only effective if antlr.Tool is run with -traceParser
+ public void traceIn(String rname) throws TokenStreamException {
+ if (!GroovyRecognizer.tracing) return;
+ super.traceIn(rname);
+ }
+ public void traceOut(String rname) throws TokenStreamException {
+ if (!GroovyRecognizer.tracing) return;
+ if (returnAST != null) rname += returnAST.toStringList();
+ super.traceOut(rname);
+ }
+ // Error handling. This is a funnel through which parser errors go, when the parser can suggest a solution.
+ public void requireFailed(String problem, String solution) throws SemanticException {
+ // TODO: Needs more work.
+ Token lt = null;
+ int lineNum = Token.badToken.getLine(), colNum = Token.badToken.getColumn();
+ try {
+ lt = LT(1);
+ if(lt != null) {
+ lineNum = lt.getLine();
+ colNum = lt.getColumn();
+ }
+ }
+ catch (TokenStreamException ee) {
+ if(ee instanceof TokenStreamRecognitionException) {
+ lineNum = ((TokenStreamRecognitionException) ee).recog.getLine();
+ colNum = ((TokenStreamRecognitionException) ee).recog.getColumn();
+ }
+ }
+ throw new SemanticException(problem + ";\n solution: " + solution,
+ getFilename(), lineNum, colNum);
+ }
+ public void addWarning(String warning, String solution) {
+ Token lt = null;
+ try { lt = LT(1); }
+ catch (TokenStreamException ee) { }
+ if (lt == null) lt = Token.badToken;
+ Map row = new HashMap();
+ row.put("warning", warning);
+ row.put("solution", solution);
+ row.put("filename", getFilename());
+ row.put("line", Integer.valueOf(lt.getLine()));
+ row.put("column", Integer.valueOf(lt.getColumn()));
+ // System.out.println(row);
+ warningList.add(row);
+ }
+ // GRECLIPSE add
+ /**
+ * Report a recovered error.
+ */
+ public void reportError(String message) {
+ Token lt = null;
+ try { lt = LT(1); }
+ catch (TokenStreamException e) { }
+ if (lt == null) lt = Token.badToken;
+ reportError(message, lt.getLine(), lt.getColumn());
+ }
+ /**
+ * Report a recovered error and specify the node.
+ */
+ public void reportError(String message, AST ln) {
+ reportError(message, ln.getLine(), ln.getColumn());
+ }
+ /**
+ * Report a recovered error and specify the token.
+ */
+ public void reportError(String message, Token lt) {
+ reportError(message, lt.getLine(), lt.getColumn());
+ }
+ /**
+ * Report a recovered error and specify the line and column.
+ */
+ public void reportError(String message, int line, int column) {
+ Map row = new HashMap();
+ row.put("error", message);
+ row.put("filename", getFilename());
+ row.put("line", Integer.valueOf(line));
+ row.put("column", Integer.valueOf(column));
+ errorList.add(row);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Report a recovered exception.
+ */
+ public void reportError(RecognitionException e) {
+ Map row = new HashMap();
+ row.put("error", e.getMessage());
+ row.put("filename", e.getFilename());
+ row.put("line", Integer.valueOf(e.getLine()));
+ row.put("column", Integer.valueOf(e.getColumn()));
+ errorList.add(row);
+ }
+ // GRECLIPSE end
+ // Convenience method for checking of expected error syndromes.
+ private void require(boolean z, String problem, String solution) throws SemanticException {
+ if (!z) requireFailed(problem, solution);
+ }
+ private boolean matchGenericTypeBrackets(boolean z, String problem, String solution) throws SemanticException {
+ if (!z) matchGenericTypeBracketsFailed(problem, solution);
+ return z;
+ }
+ public void matchGenericTypeBracketsFailed(String problem, String solution) throws SemanticException {
+ Token lt = null;
+ int lineNum = Token.badToken.getLine(), colNum = Token.badToken.getColumn();
+ try {
+ lt = LT(1);
+ if(lt != null) {
+ lineNum = lt.getLine();
+ colNum = lt.getColumn();
+ }
+ }
+ catch (TokenStreamException ee) {
+ if(ee instanceof TokenStreamRecognitionException) {
+ lineNum = ((TokenStreamRecognitionException) ee).recog.getLine();
+ colNum = ((TokenStreamRecognitionException) ee).recog.getColumn();
+ }
+ }
+ throw new SemanticException(problem + ";\n solution: " + solution,
+ getFilename(), lineNum, colNum);
+ }
+ // Query a name token to see if it begins with a capital letter.
+ // This is used to tell the difference (w/o symbol table access) between {String x} and {println x}.
+ private boolean isUpperCase(Token x) {
+ if (x == null || x.getType() != IDENT) return false; // cannot happen?
+ String xtext = x.getText();
+ return (xtext.length() > 0 && Character.isUpperCase(xtext.charAt(0)));
+ }
+ private AST currentClass = null; // current enclosing class (for constructor recognition)
+ // Query a name token to see if it is identical with the current class name.
+ // This is used to distinguish constructors from other methods.
+ private boolean isConstructorIdent(Token x) {
+ if (currentClass == null) return false;
+ if (currentClass.getType() != IDENT) return false; // cannot happen?
+ String cname = currentClass.getText();
+ if (x == null || x.getType() != IDENT) return false; // cannot happen?
+ return cname.equals(x.getText());
+ }
+ @SuppressWarnings("unused")
+ private void dumpTree(AST ast, String offset) {
+ dump(ast, offset);
+ for (AST node = ast.getFirstChild(); node != null; node = node.getNextSibling()) {
+ dumpTree(node, offset+"\t");
+ }
+ }
+ private void dump(AST node, String offset) {
+ System.out.println(offset+"Type: " + getTokenName(node) + " text: " + node.getText());
+ }
+ private String getTokenName(AST node) {
+ if (node == null) return "null";
+ return getTokenName(node.getType());
+ }
+ // Scratch variable for last 'sep' token.
+ // Written by the 'sep' rule, read only by immediate callers of 'sep'.
+ // (Not entirely clean, but better than a million xx=sep occurrences.)
+ private int sepToken = EOF;
+ // Scratch variable for last argument list; tells whether there was a label.
+ // Written by 'argList' rule, read only by immediate callers of 'argList'.
+ private boolean argListHasLabels = false;
+ // Scratch variable, holds most recently completed pathExpression.
+ // Read only by immediate callers of 'pathExpression' and 'expression'.
+ private AST lastPathExpression = null;
+ // Inherited attribute pushed into most expression rules.
+ // If not zero, it means that the left context of the expression
+ // being parsed is a statement boundary or an initializer sign '='.
+ // Only such expressions are allowed to reach across newlines
+ // to pull in an LCURLY and appended block.
+ private final int LC_STMT = 1, LC_INIT = 2;
+ /**
+ * Counts the number of LT seen in the typeArguments production.
+ * It is used in semantic predicates to ensure we have seen
+ * enough closing '>' characters; which actually may have been
+ * either GT, SR or BSR tokens.
+ */
+ private int ltCounter = 0;
+ /* This symbol is used to work around a known ANTLR limitation.
+ * In a loop with syntactic predicate, ANTLR needs help knowing
+ * that the loop exit is a second alternative.
+ * Example usage: ( (LCURLY)=> block | {ANTLR_LOOP_EXIT}? )*
+ * Probably should be an ANTLR RFE.
+ */
+ ////// Original comment in Java grammar:
+ // Unfortunately a syntactic predicate can only select one of
+ // multiple alternatives on the same level, not break out of
+ // an enclosing loop, which is why this ugly hack (a fake
+ // empty alternative with always-false semantic predicate)
+ // is necessary.
+ @SuppressWarnings("unused")
+ private static final boolean ANTLR_LOOP_EXIT = false;
+protected GroovyRecognizer(TokenBuffer tokenBuf, int k) {
+ super(tokenBuf,k);
+ tokenNames = _tokenNames;
+ buildTokenTypeASTClassMap();
+ astFactory = new ASTFactory(getTokenTypeToASTClassMap());
+public GroovyRecognizer(TokenBuffer tokenBuf) {
+ this(tokenBuf,2);
+protected GroovyRecognizer(TokenStream lexer, int k) {
+ super(lexer,k);
+ tokenNames = _tokenNames;
+ buildTokenTypeASTClassMap();
+ astFactory = new ASTFactory(getTokenTypeToASTClassMap());
+public GroovyRecognizer(TokenStream lexer) {
+ this(lexer,2);
+public GroovyRecognizer(ParserSharedInputState state) {
+ super(state,2);
+ tokenNames = _tokenNames;
+ buildTokenTypeASTClassMap();
+ astFactory = new ASTFactory(getTokenTypeToASTClassMap());
+ public final void compilationUnit() throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException {
+ returnAST = null;
+ ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair();
+ AST compilationUnit_AST = null;
+ try { // for error handling
+ {
+ switch ( LA(1)) {
+ case SH_COMMENT:
+ {
+ match(SH_COMMENT);
+ break;
+ }
+ case EOF:
+ case FINAL:
+ case ABSTRACT:
+ case UNUSED_DO:
+ case STRICTFP:
+ case LITERAL_package:
+ case LITERAL_import:
+ case LITERAL_static:
+ case LITERAL_def:
+ case LBRACK:
+ case IDENT:
+ case LPAREN:
+ case LITERAL_class:
+ case LITERAL_interface:
+ case LITERAL_enum:
+ case LITERAL_trait:
+ case AT:
+ case LITERAL_super:
+ case LITERAL_void:
+ case LITERAL_boolean:
+ case LITERAL_byte:
+ case LITERAL_char:
+ case LITERAL_short:
+ case LITERAL_int:
+ case LITERAL_float:
+ case LITERAL_long:
+ case LITERAL_double:
+ case LITERAL_private:
+ case LITERAL_public:
+ case LITERAL_protected:
+ case LITERAL_transient:
+ case LITERAL_native:
+ case LITERAL_threadsafe:
+ case LITERAL_synchronized:
+ case LITERAL_volatile:
+ case LCURLY:
+ case SEMI:
+ case LITERAL_this:
+ case LITERAL_if:
+ case LITERAL_while:
+ case LITERAL_switch:
+ case LITERAL_for:
+ case LITERAL_return:
+ case LITERAL_break:
+ case LITERAL_continue:
+ case LITERAL_throw:
+ case LITERAL_assert:
+ case PLUS:
+ case MINUS:
+ case LITERAL_try:
+ case LITERAL_false:
+ case LITERAL_new:
+ case LITERAL_null:
+ case LITERAL_true:
+ case INC:
+ case DEC:
+ case BNOT:
+ case LNOT:
+ case NUM_INT:
+ case NUM_FLOAT:
+ case NUM_LONG:
+ case NUM_DOUBLE:
+ case NUM_BIG_INT:
+ case NLS:
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ nls();
+ {
+ boolean synPredMatched5 = false;
+ if (((LA(1)==LITERAL_package||LA(1)==AT) && (_tokenSet_0.member(LA(2))))) {
+ int _m5 = mark();
+ synPredMatched5 = true;
+ inputState.guessing++;
+ try {
+ {
+ annotationsOpt();
+ match(LITERAL_package);
+ }
+ }
+ catch (RecognitionException pe) {
+ synPredMatched5 = false;
+ }
+ rewind(_m5);
+ }
+ if ( synPredMatched5 ) {
+ packageDefinition();
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ }
+ else if ((_tokenSet_1.member(LA(1))) && (_tokenSet_2.member(LA(2)))) {
+ {
+ switch ( LA(1)) {
+ case FINAL:
+ case ABSTRACT:
+ case UNUSED_DO:
+ case STRICTFP:
+ case LITERAL_import:
+ case LITERAL_static:
+ case LITERAL_def:
+ case LBRACK:
+ case IDENT:
+ case LPAREN:
+ case LITERAL_class:
+ case LITERAL_interface:
+ case LITERAL_enum:
+ case LITERAL_trait:
+ case AT:
+ case LITERAL_super:
+ case LITERAL_void:
+ case LITERAL_boolean:
+ case LITERAL_byte:
+ case LITERAL_char:
+ case LITERAL_short:
+ case LITERAL_int:
+ case LITERAL_float:
+ case LITERAL_long:
+ case LITERAL_double:
+ case LITERAL_private:
+ case LITERAL_public:
+ case LITERAL_protected:
+ case LITERAL_transient:
+ case LITERAL_native:
+ case LITERAL_threadsafe:
+ case LITERAL_synchronized:
+ case LITERAL_volatile:
+ case LCURLY:
+ case LITERAL_this:
+ case LITERAL_if:
+ case LITERAL_while:
+ case LITERAL_switch:
+ case LITERAL_for:
+ case LITERAL_return:
+ case LITERAL_break:
+ case LITERAL_continue:
+ case LITERAL_throw:
+ case LITERAL_assert:
+ case PLUS:
+ case MINUS:
+ case LITERAL_try:
+ case LITERAL_false:
+ case LITERAL_new:
+ case LITERAL_null:
+ case LITERAL_true:
+ case INC:
+ case DEC:
+ case BNOT:
+ case LNOT:
+ case NUM_INT:
+ case NUM_FLOAT:
+ case NUM_LONG:
+ case NUM_DOUBLE:
+ case NUM_BIG_INT:
+ {
+ statement(EOF);
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ break;
+ }
+ case EOF:
+ case SEMI:
+ case NLS:
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ _loop9:
+ do {
+ if ((LA(1)==SEMI||LA(1)==NLS)) {
+ sep();
+ {
+ switch ( LA(1)) {
+ case FINAL:
+ case ABSTRACT:
+ case UNUSED_DO:
+ case STRICTFP:
+ case LITERAL_import:
+ case LITERAL_static:
+ case LITERAL_def:
+ case LBRACK:
+ case IDENT:
+ case LPAREN:
+ case LITERAL_class:
+ case LITERAL_interface:
+ case LITERAL_enum:
+ case LITERAL_trait:
+ case AT:
+ case LITERAL_super:
+ case LITERAL_void:
+ case LITERAL_boolean:
+ case LITERAL_byte:
+ case LITERAL_char:
+ case LITERAL_short:
+ case LITERAL_int:
+ case LITERAL_float:
+ case LITERAL_long:
+ case LITERAL_double:
+ case LITERAL_private:
+ case LITERAL_public:
+ case LITERAL_protected:
+ case LITERAL_transient:
+ case LITERAL_native:
+ case LITERAL_threadsafe:
+ case LITERAL_synchronized:
+ case LITERAL_volatile:
+ case LCURLY:
+ case LITERAL_this:
+ case LITERAL_if:
+ case LITERAL_while:
+ case LITERAL_switch:
+ case LITERAL_for:
+ case LITERAL_return:
+ case LITERAL_break:
+ case LITERAL_continue:
+ case LITERAL_throw:
+ case LITERAL_assert:
+ case PLUS:
+ case MINUS:
+ case LITERAL_try:
+ case LITERAL_false:
+ case LITERAL_new:
+ case LITERAL_null:
+ case LITERAL_true:
+ case INC:
+ case DEC:
+ case BNOT:
+ case LNOT:
+ case NUM_INT:
+ case NUM_FLOAT:
+ case NUM_LONG:
+ case NUM_DOUBLE:
+ case NUM_BIG_INT:
+ {
+ statement(sepToken);
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ break;
+ }
+ case EOF:
+ case SEMI:
+ case NLS:
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ break _loop9;
+ }
+ } while (true);
+ }
+ match(Token.EOF_TYPE);
+ compilationUnit_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ }
+ catch (RecognitionException e) {
+ if (inputState.guessing==0) {
+ // report the error but don't throw away what we've successfully parsed
+ reportError(e);
+ compilationUnit_AST = (AST) currentAST.root;
+ } else {
+ throw e;
+ }
+ }
+ returnAST = compilationUnit_AST;
+ }
+/** Zero or more insignificant newlines, all gobbled up and thrown away. */
+ public final void nls() throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException {
+ returnAST = null;
+ ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair();
+ AST nls_AST = null;
+ {
+ if ((LA(1)==NLS) && (_tokenSet_3.member(LA(2)))) {
+ match(NLS);
+ }
+ else if ((_tokenSet_3.member(LA(1))) && (_tokenSet_4.member(LA(2)))) {
+ }
+ else {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ returnAST = nls_AST;
+ }
+ public final void annotationsOpt() throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException {
+ returnAST = null;
+ ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair();
+ AST annotationsOpt_AST = null;
+ Token first = LT(1);
+ {
+ if ((_tokenSet_5.member(LA(1))) && (_tokenSet_6.member(LA(2)))) {
+ annotationsInternal();
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ }
+ else if ((_tokenSet_7.member(LA(1))) && (_tokenSet_8.member(LA(2)))) {
+ }
+ else {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ annotationsOpt_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ annotationsOpt_AST = (AST)astFactory.make( (new ASTArray(2)).add(create(ANNOTATIONS,"ANNOTATIONS",first,LT(1))).add(annotationsOpt_AST));
+ currentAST.root = annotationsOpt_AST;
+ currentAST.child = annotationsOpt_AST!=null &&annotationsOpt_AST.getFirstChild()!=null ?
+ annotationsOpt_AST.getFirstChild() : annotationsOpt_AST;
+ currentAST.advanceChildToEnd();
+ }
+ annotationsOpt_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ returnAST = annotationsOpt_AST;
+ }
+ public final void packageDefinition() throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException {
+ returnAST = null;
+ ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair();
+ AST packageDefinition_AST = null;
+ AST an_AST = null;
+ AST id_AST = null;
+ Token first = LT(1);
+ annotationsOpt();
+ an_AST = (AST)returnAST;
+ match(LITERAL_package);
+ {
+ switch ( LA(1)) {
+ case IDENT:
+ {
+ identifier();
+ id_AST = (AST)returnAST;
+ break;
+ }
+ case EOF:
+ case SEMI:
+ case NLS:
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ packageDefinition_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ if (id_AST == null) {
+ id_AST = missingIdentifier(LT(0), null);
+ reportError("Invalid package specification", LT(0).getLine(), LT(0).getColumn()-1);
+ }
+ packageDefinition_AST = (AST)astFactory.make( (new ASTArray(3)).add(create(PACKAGE_DEF,"package",first,LT(1))).add(an_AST).add(id_AST));
+ currentAST.root = packageDefinition_AST;
+ currentAST.child = packageDefinition_AST!=null &&packageDefinition_AST.getFirstChild()!=null ?
+ packageDefinition_AST.getFirstChild() : packageDefinition_AST;
+ currentAST.advanceChildToEnd();
+ }
+ packageDefinition_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ returnAST = packageDefinition_AST;
+ }
+/** A statement is an element of a block.
+ * Typical statements are declarations (which are scoped to the block)
+ * and expressions.
+ */
+ public final void statement(
+ int prevToken
+ ) throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException {
+ returnAST = null;
+ ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair();
+ AST statement_AST = null;
+ AST pfx_AST = null;
+ AST es_AST = null;
+ AST ale_AST = null;
+ AST ifCbs_AST = null;
+ AST elseCbs_AST = null;
+ AST while_sce_AST = null;
+ Token s = null;
+ AST s_AST = null;
+ AST while_cbs_AST = null;
+ AST m_AST = null;
+ AST switchSce_AST = null;
+ AST cg_AST = null;
+ AST synch_sce_AST = null;
+ AST synch_cs_AST = null;
+ boolean sce = false; Token first = LT(1); AST casesGroup_AST = null; int start = mark();
+ try { // for error handling
+ switch ( LA(1)) {
+ case LITERAL_if:
+ {
+ match(LITERAL_if);
+ match(LPAREN);
+ assignmentLessExpression();
+ ale_AST = (AST)returnAST;
+ match(RPAREN);
+ nlsWarn();
+ compatibleBodyStatement();
+ ifCbs_AST = (AST)returnAST;
+ {
+ boolean synPredMatched317 = false;
+ if (((_tokenSet_9.member(LA(1))) && (_tokenSet_10.member(LA(2))))) {
+ int _m317 = mark();
+ synPredMatched317 = true;
+ inputState.guessing++;
+ try {
+ {
+ {
+ switch ( LA(1)) {
+ case SEMI:
+ case NLS:
+ {
+ sep();
+ break;
+ }
+ case LITERAL_else:
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ match(LITERAL_else);
+ }
+ }
+ catch (RecognitionException pe) {
+ synPredMatched317 = false;
+ }
+ rewind(_m317);
+ }
+ if ( synPredMatched317 ) {
+ {
+ switch ( LA(1)) {
+ case SEMI:
+ case NLS:
+ {
+ sep();
+ break;
+ }
+ case LITERAL_else:
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ match(LITERAL_else);
+ nlsWarn();
+ compatibleBodyStatement();
+ elseCbs_AST = (AST)returnAST;
+ }
+ else if ((_tokenSet_11.member(LA(1))) && (_tokenSet_12.member(LA(2)))) {
+ }
+ else {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ statement_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ statement_AST = (AST)astFactory.make( (new ASTArray(4)).add(create(LITERAL_if,"if",first,LT(1))).add(ale_AST).add(ifCbs_AST).add(elseCbs_AST));
+ currentAST.root = statement_AST;
+ currentAST.child = statement_AST!=null &&statement_AST.getFirstChild()!=null ?
+ statement_AST.getFirstChild() : statement_AST;
+ currentAST.advanceChildToEnd();
+ }
+ statement_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ break;
+ }
+ case LITERAL_for:
+ {
+ forStatement();
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ statement_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ break;
+ }
+ case LITERAL_while:
+ {
+ match(LITERAL_while);
+ match(LPAREN);
+ sce=strictContextExpression(false);
+ while_sce_AST = (AST)returnAST;
+ match(RPAREN);
+ nlsWarn();
+ {
+ switch ( LA(1)) {
+ case SEMI:
+ {
+ s = LT(1);
+ s_AST = astFactory.create(s);
+ match(SEMI);
+ break;
+ }
+ case FINAL:
+ case ABSTRACT:
+ case UNUSED_DO:
+ case STRICTFP:
+ case LITERAL_import:
+ case LITERAL_static:
+ case LITERAL_def:
+ case LBRACK:
+ case IDENT:
+ case LPAREN:
+ case LITERAL_class:
+ case LITERAL_interface:
+ case LITERAL_enum:
+ case LITERAL_trait:
+ case AT:
+ case LITERAL_super:
+ case LITERAL_void:
+ case LITERAL_boolean:
+ case LITERAL_byte:
+ case LITERAL_char:
+ case LITERAL_short:
+ case LITERAL_int:
+ case LITERAL_float:
+ case LITERAL_long:
+ case LITERAL_double:
+ case LITERAL_private:
+ case LITERAL_public:
+ case LITERAL_protected:
+ case LITERAL_transient:
+ case LITERAL_native:
+ case LITERAL_threadsafe:
+ case LITERAL_synchronized:
+ case LITERAL_volatile:
+ case LCURLY:
+ case LITERAL_this:
+ case LITERAL_if:
+ case LITERAL_while:
+ case LITERAL_switch:
+ case LITERAL_for:
+ case LITERAL_return:
+ case LITERAL_break:
+ case LITERAL_continue:
+ case LITERAL_throw:
+ case LITERAL_assert:
+ case PLUS:
+ case MINUS:
+ case LITERAL_try:
+ case LITERAL_false:
+ case LITERAL_new:
+ case LITERAL_null:
+ case LITERAL_true:
+ case INC:
+ case DEC:
+ case BNOT:
+ case LNOT:
+ case NUM_INT:
+ case NUM_FLOAT:
+ case NUM_LONG:
+ case NUM_DOUBLE:
+ case NUM_BIG_INT:
+ {
+ compatibleBodyStatement();
+ while_cbs_AST = (AST)returnAST;
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ statement_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ if (s_AST != null)
+ statement_AST = (AST)astFactory.make( (new ASTArray(3)).add(create(LITERAL_while,"Literal_while",first,LT(1))).add(while_sce_AST).add(s_AST));
+ else
+ statement_AST = (AST)astFactory.make( (new ASTArray(3)).add(create(LITERAL_while,"Literal_while",first,LT(1))).add(while_sce_AST).add(while_cbs_AST));
+ currentAST.root = statement_AST;
+ currentAST.child = statement_AST!=null &&statement_AST.getFirstChild()!=null ?
+ statement_AST.getFirstChild() : statement_AST;
+ currentAST.advanceChildToEnd();
+ }
+ statement_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ break;
+ }
+ case UNUSED_DO:
+ {
+ AST tmp12_AST = null;
+ tmp12_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ astFactory.makeASTRoot(currentAST, tmp12_AST);
+ match(UNUSED_DO);
+ compoundStatement();
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ nls();
+ match(LITERAL_while);
+ match(LPAREN);
+ strictContextExpression(false);
+ match(RPAREN);
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ reportError(new NoViableAltException(first, getFilename()));
+ }
+ statement_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ break;
+ }
+ case LITERAL_switch:
+ {
+ match(LITERAL_switch);
+ match(LPAREN);
+ sce=strictContextExpression(false);
+ switchSce_AST = (AST)returnAST;
+ match(RPAREN);
+ nlsWarn();
+ match(LCURLY);
+ nls();
+ {
+ _loop323:
+ do {
+ if ((LA(1)==LITERAL_default||LA(1)==LITERAL_case)) {
+ casesGroup();
+ cg_AST = (AST)returnAST;
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ casesGroup_AST = (AST)astFactory.make( (new ASTArray(3)).add(null).add(casesGroup_AST).add(cg_AST));
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ break _loop323;
+ }
+ } while (true);
+ }
+ match(RCURLY);
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ statement_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ statement_AST = (AST)astFactory.make( (new ASTArray(3)).add(create(LITERAL_switch,"switch",first,LT(1))).add(switchSce_AST).add(casesGroup_AST));
+ currentAST.root = statement_AST;
+ currentAST.child = statement_AST!=null &&statement_AST.getFirstChild()!=null ?
+ statement_AST.getFirstChild() : statement_AST;
+ currentAST.advanceChildToEnd();
+ }
+ statement_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ break;
+ }
+ case LITERAL_try:
+ {
+ tryBlock();
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ statement_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ break;
+ }
+ case LITERAL_return:
+ case LITERAL_break:
+ case LITERAL_continue:
+ case LITERAL_throw:
+ case LITERAL_assert:
+ {
+ branchStatement();
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ statement_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ boolean synPredMatched304 = false;
+ if (((_tokenSet_13.member(LA(1))) && (_tokenSet_14.member(LA(2))))) {
+ int _m304 = mark();
+ synPredMatched304 = true;
+ inputState.guessing++;
+ try {
+ {
+ genericMethodStart();
+ }
+ }
+ catch (RecognitionException pe) {
+ synPredMatched304 = false;
+ }
+ rewind(_m304);
+ }
+ if ( synPredMatched304 ) {
+ genericMethod();
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ statement_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ }
+ else {
+ boolean synPredMatched306 = false;
+ if (((_tokenSet_13.member(LA(1))) && (_tokenSet_15.member(LA(2))))) {
+ int _m306 = mark();
+ synPredMatched306 = true;
+ inputState.guessing++;
+ try {
+ {
+ multipleAssignmentDeclarationStart();
+ }
+ }
+ catch (RecognitionException pe) {
+ synPredMatched306 = false;
+ }
+ rewind(_m306);
+ }
+ if ( synPredMatched306 ) {
+ multipleAssignmentDeclaration();
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ statement_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ }
+ else {
+ boolean synPredMatched308 = false;
+ if (((_tokenSet_16.member(LA(1))) && (_tokenSet_17.member(LA(2))))) {
+ int _m308 = mark();
+ synPredMatched308 = true;
+ inputState.guessing++;
+ try {
+ {
+ declarationStart();
+ }
+ }
+ catch (RecognitionException pe) {
+ synPredMatched308 = false;
+ }
+ rewind(_m308);
+ }
+ if ( synPredMatched308 ) {
+ declaration();
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ statement_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ }
+ else {
+ boolean synPredMatched310 = false;
+ if (((LA(1)==IDENT) && (LA(2)==COLON))) {
+ int _m310 = mark();
+ synPredMatched310 = true;
+ inputState.guessing++;
+ try {
+ {
+ match(IDENT);
+ match(COLON);
+ }
+ }
+ catch (RecognitionException pe) {
+ synPredMatched310 = false;
+ }
+ rewind(_m310);
+ }
+ if ( synPredMatched310 ) {
+ statementLabelPrefix();
+ pfx_AST = (AST)returnAST;
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ statement_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ statement_AST = pfx_AST;
+ currentAST.root = statement_AST;
+ currentAST.child = statement_AST!=null &&statement_AST.getFirstChild()!=null ?
+ statement_AST.getFirstChild() : statement_AST;
+ currentAST.advanceChildToEnd();
+ }
+ {
+ boolean synPredMatched313 = false;
+ if (((LA(1)==LCURLY) && (_tokenSet_18.member(LA(2))))) {
+ int _m313 = mark();
+ synPredMatched313 = true;
+ inputState.guessing++;
+ try {
+ {
+ match(LCURLY);
+ }
+ }
+ catch (RecognitionException pe) {
+ synPredMatched313 = false;
+ }
+ rewind(_m313);
+ }
+ if ( synPredMatched313 ) {
+ openOrClosableBlock();
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ }
+ else if ((_tokenSet_19.member(LA(1))) && (_tokenSet_2.member(LA(2)))) {
+ statement(COLON);
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ }
+ else {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ statement_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ }
+ else if ((_tokenSet_20.member(LA(1))) && (_tokenSet_2.member(LA(2)))) {
+ expressionStatement(prevToken);
+ es_AST = (AST)returnAST;
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ statement_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ }
+ else {
+ boolean synPredMatched321 = false;
+ if (((LA(1)==LITERAL_import||LA(1)==AT) && (_tokenSet_21.member(LA(2))))) {
+ int _m321 = mark();
+ synPredMatched321 = true;
+ inputState.guessing++;
+ try {
+ {
+ annotationsOpt();
+ match(LITERAL_import);
+ }
+ }
+ catch (RecognitionException pe) {
+ synPredMatched321 = false;
+ }
+ rewind(_m321);
+ }
+ if ( synPredMatched321 ) {
+ importStatement();
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ statement_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ }
+ else if ((_tokenSet_22.member(LA(1))) && (_tokenSet_23.member(LA(2)))) {
+ modifiersOpt();
+ m_AST = (AST)returnAST;
+ typeDefinitionInternal(m_AST);
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ statement_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ }
+ else if ((LA(1)==LITERAL_synchronized) && (LA(2)==LPAREN)) {
+ match(LITERAL_synchronized);
+ match(LPAREN);
+ sce=strictContextExpression(false);
+ synch_sce_AST = (AST)returnAST;
+ match(RPAREN);
+ nlsWarn();
+ compoundStatement();
+ synch_cs_AST = (AST)returnAST;
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ statement_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ statement_AST = (AST)astFactory.make( (new ASTArray(3)).add(create(LITERAL_synchronized,"synchronized",first,LT(1))).add(synch_sce_AST).add(synch_cs_AST));
+ currentAST.root = statement_AST;
+ currentAST.child = statement_AST!=null &&statement_AST.getFirstChild()!=null ?
+ statement_AST.getFirstChild() : statement_AST;
+ currentAST.advanceChildToEnd();
+ }
+ statement_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ }
+ else {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }}}}}
+ }
+ catch (RecognitionException e) {
+ if (inputState.guessing==0) {
+ // GRECLIPSE-1048
+ // If the pfx_AST is not null (i.e. a label was encountered) then attempt recovery. Basically if the
+ // NoViableAltException hit a problem and the token it encountered was on the same line as the prefix,
+ // skip to the end of the line, otherwise assume we can continue from where we are.
+ if (pfx_AST != null) {
+ reportError(e);
+ if (e instanceof NoViableAltException) {
+ NoViableAltException nvae = (NoViableAltException) e;
+ if (pfx_AST.getLine() == nvae.token.getLine()) {
+ consumeUntil(NLS);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // GRECLIPSE-1046
+ // Two situations to support: 'if (f.) ' where the 'else' condition is missing. This is now handled
+ // by a recovery rule in the else clause parsing. And 'if (f.', where even the trailing parenthesis
+ // is missing, which is dealt with here by noticing the condition exists but ifCbs_AST is null.
+ // Create a basic if statement and soldier on.
+ else if (ale_AST != null && ifCbs_AST == null) {
+ // likely missing close paren
+ statement_AST = (AST)astFactory.make( (new ASTArray(4)).add(create(LITERAL_if,"if",first,LT(1))).add(ale_AST).add(ifCbs_AST).add(elseCbs_AST));
+ }
+ else {
+ throw e;
+ }
+ } else {
+ throw e;
+ }
+ }
+ returnAST = statement_AST;
+ }
+/** A statement separator is either a semicolon or a significant newline.
+ * Any number of additional (insignificant) newlines may accompany it.
+ */
+ public final void sep() throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException {
+ returnAST = null;
+ ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair();
+ AST sep_AST = null;
+ switch ( LA(1)) {
+ case SEMI:
+ {
+ match(SEMI);
+ {
+ _loop600:
+ do {
+ if ((LA(1)==NLS) && (_tokenSet_24.member(LA(2)))) {
+ match(NLS);
+ }
+ else {
+ break _loop600;
+ }
+ } while (true);
+ }
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ sepToken = SEMI;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case NLS:
+ {
+ match(NLS);
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ sepToken = NLS;
+ }
+ {
+ _loop604:
+ do {
+ if ((LA(1)==SEMI) && (_tokenSet_24.member(LA(2)))) {
+ match(SEMI);
+ {
+ _loop603:
+ do {
+ if ((LA(1)==NLS) && (_tokenSet_24.member(LA(2)))) {
+ match(NLS);
+ }
+ else {
+ break _loop603;
+ }
+ } while (true);
+ }
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ sepToken = SEMI;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ break _loop604;
+ }
+ } while (true);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ returnAST = sep_AST;
+ }
+/** A Groovy script or simple expression. Can be anything legal inside {...}. */
+ public final void snippetUnit() throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException {
+ returnAST = null;
+ ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair();
+ AST snippetUnit_AST = null;
+ nls();
+ blockBody(EOF);
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ snippetUnit_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ returnAST = snippetUnit_AST;
+ }
+/** A block body is a parade of zero or more statements or expressions. */
+ public final void blockBody(
+ int prevToken
+ ) throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException {
+ returnAST = null;
+ ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair();
+ AST blockBody_AST = null;
+ {
+ switch ( LA(1)) {
+ case FINAL:
+ case ABSTRACT:
+ case UNUSED_DO:
+ case STRICTFP:
+ case LITERAL_import:
+ case LITERAL_static:
+ case LITERAL_def:
+ case LBRACK:
+ case IDENT:
+ case LPAREN:
+ case LITERAL_class:
+ case LITERAL_interface:
+ case LITERAL_enum:
+ case LITERAL_trait:
+ case AT:
+ case LITERAL_super:
+ case LITERAL_void:
+ case LITERAL_boolean:
+ case LITERAL_byte:
+ case LITERAL_char:
+ case LITERAL_short:
+ case LITERAL_int:
+ case LITERAL_float:
+ case LITERAL_long:
+ case LITERAL_double:
+ case LITERAL_private:
+ case LITERAL_public:
+ case LITERAL_protected:
+ case LITERAL_transient:
+ case LITERAL_native:
+ case LITERAL_threadsafe:
+ case LITERAL_synchronized:
+ case LITERAL_volatile:
+ case LCURLY:
+ case LITERAL_this:
+ case LITERAL_if:
+ case LITERAL_while:
+ case LITERAL_switch:
+ case LITERAL_for:
+ case LITERAL_return:
+ case LITERAL_break:
+ case LITERAL_continue:
+ case LITERAL_throw:
+ case LITERAL_assert:
+ case PLUS:
+ case MINUS:
+ case LITERAL_try:
+ case LITERAL_false:
+ case LITERAL_new:
+ case LITERAL_null:
+ case LITERAL_true:
+ case INC:
+ case DEC:
+ case BNOT:
+ case LNOT:
+ case NUM_INT:
+ case NUM_FLOAT:
+ case NUM_LONG:
+ case NUM_DOUBLE:
+ case NUM_BIG_INT:
+ {
+ statement(prevToken);
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ break;
+ }
+ case EOF:
+ case RCURLY:
+ case SEMI:
+ case NLS:
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ _loop298:
+ do {
+ if ((LA(1)==SEMI||LA(1)==NLS)) {
+ sep();
+ {
+ switch ( LA(1)) {
+ case FINAL:
+ case ABSTRACT:
+ case UNUSED_DO:
+ case STRICTFP:
+ case LITERAL_import:
+ case LITERAL_static:
+ case LITERAL_def:
+ case LBRACK:
+ case IDENT:
+ case LPAREN:
+ case LITERAL_class:
+ case LITERAL_interface:
+ case LITERAL_enum:
+ case LITERAL_trait:
+ case AT:
+ case LITERAL_super:
+ case LITERAL_void:
+ case LITERAL_boolean:
+ case LITERAL_byte:
+ case LITERAL_char:
+ case LITERAL_short:
+ case LITERAL_int:
+ case LITERAL_float:
+ case LITERAL_long:
+ case LITERAL_double:
+ case LITERAL_private:
+ case LITERAL_public:
+ case LITERAL_protected:
+ case LITERAL_transient:
+ case LITERAL_native:
+ case LITERAL_threadsafe:
+ case LITERAL_synchronized:
+ case LITERAL_volatile:
+ case LCURLY:
+ case LITERAL_this:
+ case LITERAL_if:
+ case LITERAL_while:
+ case LITERAL_switch:
+ case LITERAL_for:
+ case LITERAL_return:
+ case LITERAL_break:
+ case LITERAL_continue:
+ case LITERAL_throw:
+ case LITERAL_assert:
+ case PLUS:
+ case MINUS:
+ case LITERAL_try:
+ case LITERAL_false:
+ case LITERAL_new:
+ case LITERAL_null:
+ case LITERAL_true:
+ case INC:
+ case DEC:
+ case BNOT:
+ case LNOT:
+ case NUM_INT:
+ case NUM_FLOAT:
+ case NUM_LONG:
+ case NUM_DOUBLE:
+ case NUM_BIG_INT:
+ {
+ statement(sepToken);
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ break;
+ }
+ case EOF:
+ case RCURLY:
+ case SEMI:
+ case NLS:
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ break _loop298;
+ }
+ } while (true);
+ }
+ blockBody_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ returnAST = blockBody_AST;
+ }
+ public final void identifier() throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException {
+ returnAST = null;
+ ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair();
+ AST identifier_AST = null;
+ Token i1 = null;
+ AST i1_AST = null;
+ Token d = null;
+ AST d_AST = null;
+ Token i2 = null;
+ AST i2_AST = null;
+ Token first = LT(1);
+ i1 = LT(1);
+ i1_AST = astFactory.create(i1);
+ match(IDENT);
+ {
+ _loop74:
+ do {
+ if ((LA(1)==DOT)) {
+ d = LT(1);
+ d_AST = astFactory.create(d);
+ match(DOT);
+ nls();
+ i2 = LT(1);
+ i2_AST = astFactory.create(i2);
+ match(IDENT);
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ i1_AST = (AST)astFactory.make( (new ASTArray(3)).add(create(DOT,".",first,LT(1))).add(i1_AST).add(i2_AST));
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ break _loop74;
+ }
+ } while (true);
+ }
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ identifier_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ identifier_AST = i1_AST;
+ currentAST.root = identifier_AST;
+ currentAST.child = identifier_AST!=null &&identifier_AST.getFirstChild()!=null ?
+ identifier_AST.getFirstChild() : identifier_AST;
+ currentAST.advanceChildToEnd();
+ }
+ identifier_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ returnAST = identifier_AST;
+ }
+ public final void importStatement() throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException {
+ returnAST = null;
+ ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair();
+ AST importStatement_AST = null;
+ AST an_AST = null;
+ AST is_AST = null;
+ Token first = LT(1); boolean isStatic = false;
+ annotationsOpt();
+ an_AST = (AST)returnAST;
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ match(LITERAL_import);
+ {
+ switch ( LA(1)) {
+ case LITERAL_static:
+ {
+ match(LITERAL_static);
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ isStatic=true;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case EOF:
+ case IDENT:
+ case RCURLY:
+ case SEMI:
+ case LITERAL_default:
+ case LITERAL_else:
+ case LITERAL_case:
+ case NLS:
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ switch ( LA(1)) {
+ case IDENT:
+ {
+ identifierStar();
+ is_AST = (AST)returnAST;
+ break;
+ }
+ case EOF:
+ case RCURLY:
+ case SEMI:
+ case LITERAL_default:
+ case LITERAL_else:
+ case LITERAL_case:
+ case NLS:
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ importStatement_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ if (is_AST == null) {
+ is_AST = missingIdentifier(LT(0), null);
+ }
+ if (!isStatic) {
+ importStatement_AST = (AST)astFactory.make( (new ASTArray(3)).add(create(IMPORT,"import",first,LT(1))).add(an_AST).add(is_AST));
+ } else {
+ importStatement_AST = (AST)astFactory.make( (new ASTArray(3)).add(create(STATIC_IMPORT,"static_import",first,LT(1))).add(an_AST).add(is_AST));
+ }
+ currentAST.root = importStatement_AST;
+ currentAST.child = importStatement_AST!=null &&importStatement_AST.getFirstChild()!=null ?
+ importStatement_AST.getFirstChild() : importStatement_AST;
+ currentAST.advanceChildToEnd();
+ }
+ importStatement_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ returnAST = importStatement_AST;
+ }
+ public final void identifierStar() throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException {
+ returnAST = null;
+ ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair();
+ AST identifierStar_AST = null;
+ Token i1 = null;
+ AST i1_AST = null;
+ Token d1 = null;
+ AST d1_AST = null;
+ Token i2 = null;
+ AST i2_AST = null;
+ Token d2 = null;
+ AST d2_AST = null;
+ Token s = null;
+ AST s_AST = null;
+ Token alias = null;
+ AST alias_AST = null;
+ Token first = LT(1); int start = mark();
+ try { // for error handling
+ i1 = LT(1);
+ i1_AST = astFactory.create(i1);
+ match(IDENT);
+ {
+ _loop77:
+ do {
+ if ((LA(1)==DOT) && (LA(2)==IDENT||LA(2)==NLS)) {
+ d1 = LT(1);
+ d1_AST = astFactory.create(d1);
+ match(DOT);
+ nls();
+ i2 = LT(1);
+ i2_AST = astFactory.create(i2);
+ match(IDENT);
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ i1_AST = (AST)astFactory.make( (new ASTArray(3)).add(create(DOT,".",first,LT(1))).add(i1_AST).add(i2_AST));
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ break _loop77;
+ }
+ } while (true);
+ }
+ {
+ switch ( LA(1)) {
+ case DOT:
+ {
+ d2 = LT(1);
+ d2_AST = astFactory.create(d2);
+ match(DOT);
+ nls();
+ s = LT(1);
+ s_AST = astFactory.create(s);
+ match(STAR);
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ i1_AST = (AST)astFactory.make( (new ASTArray(3)).add(create(DOT,".",first,LT(1))).add(i1_AST).add(s_AST));
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case LITERAL_as:
+ {
+ match(LITERAL_as);
+ nls();
+ alias = LT(1);
+ alias_AST = astFactory.create(alias);
+ match(IDENT);
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ i1_AST = (AST)astFactory.make( (new ASTArray(3)).add(create(LITERAL_as,"as",first,LT(1))).add(i1_AST).add(alias_AST));
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case EOF:
+ case RCURLY:
+ case SEMI:
+ case LITERAL_default:
+ case LITERAL_else:
+ case LITERAL_case:
+ case NLS:
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ identifierStar_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ identifierStar_AST = i1_AST;
+ currentAST.root = identifierStar_AST;
+ currentAST.child = identifierStar_AST!=null &&identifierStar_AST.getFirstChild()!=null ?
+ identifierStar_AST.getFirstChild() : identifierStar_AST;
+ currentAST.advanceChildToEnd();
+ }
+ identifierStar_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ }
+ catch (RecognitionException e) {
+ if (inputState.guessing==0) {
+ reportError("Invalid import", first);
+ identifierStar_AST = (AST)astFactory.make( (new ASTArray(3)).add(create(DOT,".",first,LT(1))).add(i1_AST).add((AST)astFactory.make( (new ASTArray(1)).add(create(STAR,"*",null)))));
+ // Give up on this line and just go to the next
+ rewind(start);
+ consumeUntil(NLS);
+ } else {
+ throw e;
+ }
+ }
+ returnAST = identifierStar_AST;
+ }
+ protected final void typeDefinitionInternal(
+ AST mods
+ ) throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException {
+ returnAST = null;
+ ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair();
+ AST typeDefinitionInternal_AST = null;
+ AST cd_AST = null;
+ AST td_AST = null;
+ AST id_AST = null;
+ AST ed_AST = null;
+ AST ad_AST = null;
+ switch ( LA(1)) {
+ case LITERAL_class:
+ {
+ classDefinition(mods);
+ cd_AST = (AST)returnAST;
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ typeDefinitionInternal_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ typeDefinitionInternal_AST = cd_AST;
+ currentAST.root = typeDefinitionInternal_AST;
+ currentAST.child = typeDefinitionInternal_AST!=null &&typeDefinitionInternal_AST.getFirstChild()!=null ?
+ typeDefinitionInternal_AST.getFirstChild() : typeDefinitionInternal_AST;
+ currentAST.advanceChildToEnd();
+ }
+ typeDefinitionInternal_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ break;
+ }
+ case LITERAL_trait:
+ {
+ traitDefinition(mods);
+ td_AST = (AST)returnAST;
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ typeDefinitionInternal_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ typeDefinitionInternal_AST = td_AST;
+ currentAST.root = typeDefinitionInternal_AST;
+ currentAST.child = typeDefinitionInternal_AST!=null &&typeDefinitionInternal_AST.getFirstChild()!=null ?
+ typeDefinitionInternal_AST.getFirstChild() : typeDefinitionInternal_AST;
+ currentAST.advanceChildToEnd();
+ }
+ typeDefinitionInternal_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ break;
+ }
+ case LITERAL_interface:
+ {
+ interfaceDefinition(mods);
+ id_AST = (AST)returnAST;
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ typeDefinitionInternal_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ typeDefinitionInternal_AST = id_AST;
+ currentAST.root = typeDefinitionInternal_AST;
+ currentAST.child = typeDefinitionInternal_AST!=null &&typeDefinitionInternal_AST.getFirstChild()!=null ?
+ typeDefinitionInternal_AST.getFirstChild() : typeDefinitionInternal_AST;
+ currentAST.advanceChildToEnd();
+ }
+ typeDefinitionInternal_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ break;
+ }
+ case LITERAL_enum:
+ {
+ enumDefinition(mods);
+ ed_AST = (AST)returnAST;
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ typeDefinitionInternal_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ typeDefinitionInternal_AST = ed_AST;
+ currentAST.root = typeDefinitionInternal_AST;
+ currentAST.child = typeDefinitionInternal_AST!=null &&typeDefinitionInternal_AST.getFirstChild()!=null ?
+ typeDefinitionInternal_AST.getFirstChild() : typeDefinitionInternal_AST;
+ currentAST.advanceChildToEnd();
+ }
+ typeDefinitionInternal_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ break;
+ }
+ case AT:
+ {
+ annotationDefinition(mods);
+ ad_AST = (AST)returnAST;
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ typeDefinitionInternal_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ typeDefinitionInternal_AST = ad_AST;
+ currentAST.root = typeDefinitionInternal_AST;
+ currentAST.child = typeDefinitionInternal_AST!=null &&typeDefinitionInternal_AST.getFirstChild()!=null ?
+ typeDefinitionInternal_AST.getFirstChild() : typeDefinitionInternal_AST;
+ currentAST.advanceChildToEnd();
+ }
+ typeDefinitionInternal_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ returnAST = typeDefinitionInternal_AST;
+ }
+ public final void classDefinition(
+ AST modifiers
+ ) throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException {
+ returnAST = null;
+ ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair();
+ AST classDefinition_AST = null;
+ AST tp_AST = null;
+ AST sc_AST = null;
+ AST ic_AST = null;
+ AST cb_AST = null;
+ Token first = cloneToken(LT(1));AST prevCurrentClass = currentClass;
+ if (modifiers != null) {
+ first.setLine(modifiers.getLine());
+ first.setColumn(modifiers.getColumn());
+ }
+ match(LITERAL_class);
+ AST tmp33_AST = null;
+ tmp33_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ match(IDENT);
+ nls();
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ currentClass = tmp33_AST;
+ }
+ {
+ switch ( LA(1)) {
+ case LT:
+ {
+ typeParameters();
+ tp_AST = (AST)returnAST;
+ nls();
+ break;
+ }
+ case EOF:
+ case LITERAL_extends:
+ case LCURLY:
+ case RCURLY:
+ case SEMI:
+ case LITERAL_default:
+ case LITERAL_implements:
+ case LITERAL_else:
+ case LITERAL_case:
+ case NLS:
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ superClassClause();
+ sc_AST = (AST)returnAST;
+ implementsClause();
+ ic_AST = (AST)returnAST;
+ {
+ switch ( LA(1)) {
+ case LCURLY:
+ {
+ classBlock();
+ cb_AST = (AST)returnAST;
+ break;
+ }
+ case EOF:
+ case RCURLY:
+ case SEMI:
+ case LITERAL_default:
+ case LITERAL_else:
+ case LITERAL_case:
+ case NLS:
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ classDefinition_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ if (cb_AST != null) {
+ classDefinition_AST = (AST)astFactory.make( (new ASTArray(7)).add(create(CLASS_DEF,"CLASS_DEF",first,LT(1))).add(modifiers).add(tmp33_AST).add(tp_AST).add(sc_AST).add(ic_AST).add(cb_AST));
+ } else {
+ reportError("Malformed class declaration", LT(1));
+ classDefinition_AST = (AST)astFactory.make( (new ASTArray(7)).add(create(CLASS_DEF,"CLASS_DEF",first,LT(1))).add(modifiers).add(tmp33_AST).add(tp_AST).add(sc_AST).add(ic_AST).add(null));
+ }
+ currentAST.root = classDefinition_AST;
+ currentAST.child = classDefinition_AST!=null &&classDefinition_AST.getFirstChild()!=null ?
+ classDefinition_AST.getFirstChild() : classDefinition_AST;
+ currentAST.advanceChildToEnd();
+ }
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ currentClass = prevCurrentClass;
+ }
+ returnAST = classDefinition_AST;
+ }
+ public final void traitDefinition(
+ AST modifiers
+ ) throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException {
+ returnAST = null;
+ ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair();
+ AST traitDefinition_AST = null;
+ AST tp_AST = null;
+ AST sc_AST = null;
+ AST ic_AST = null;
+ AST cb_AST = null;
+ Token first = cloneToken(LT(1));AST prevCurrentClass = currentClass;
+ if (modifiers != null) {
+ first.setLine(modifiers.getLine());
+ first.setColumn(modifiers.getColumn());
+ }
+ match(LITERAL_trait);
+ AST tmp35_AST = null;
+ tmp35_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ match(IDENT);
+ nls();
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ currentClass = tmp35_AST;
+ }
+ {
+ switch ( LA(1)) {
+ case LT:
+ {
+ typeParameters();
+ tp_AST = (AST)returnAST;
+ nls();
+ break;
+ }
+ case LITERAL_extends:
+ case LCURLY:
+ case LITERAL_implements:
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ superClassClause();
+ sc_AST = (AST)returnAST;
+ implementsClause();
+ ic_AST = (AST)returnAST;
+ classBlock();
+ cb_AST = (AST)returnAST;
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ traitDefinition_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ traitDefinition_AST = (AST)astFactory.make( (new ASTArray(7)).add(create(TRAIT_DEF,"TRAIT_DEF",first,LT(1))).add(modifiers).add(tmp35_AST).add(tp_AST).add(sc_AST).add(ic_AST).add(cb_AST));
+ currentAST.root = traitDefinition_AST;
+ currentAST.child = traitDefinition_AST!=null &&traitDefinition_AST.getFirstChild()!=null ?
+ traitDefinition_AST.getFirstChild() : traitDefinition_AST;
+ currentAST.advanceChildToEnd();
+ }
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ currentClass = prevCurrentClass;
+ }
+ returnAST = traitDefinition_AST;
+ }
+ public final void interfaceDefinition(
+ AST modifiers
+ ) throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException {
+ returnAST = null;
+ ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair();
+ AST interfaceDefinition_AST = null;
+ AST tp_AST = null;
+ AST ie_AST = null;
+ AST ib_AST = null;
+ Token first = cloneToken(LT(1));
+ if (modifiers != null) {
+ first.setLine(modifiers.getLine());
+ first.setColumn(modifiers.getColumn());
+ }
+ match(LITERAL_interface);
+ AST tmp37_AST = null;
+ tmp37_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ match(IDENT);
+ nls();
+ {
+ switch ( LA(1)) {
+ case LT:
+ {
+ typeParameters();
+ tp_AST = (AST)returnAST;
+ nls();
+ break;
+ }
+ case LITERAL_extends:
+ case LCURLY:
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ interfaceExtends();
+ ie_AST = (AST)returnAST;
+ interfaceBlock();
+ ib_AST = (AST)returnAST;
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ interfaceDefinition_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ interfaceDefinition_AST = (AST)astFactory.make( (new ASTArray(6)).add(create(INTERFACE_DEF,"INTERFACE_DEF",first,LT(1))).add(modifiers).add(tmp37_AST).add(tp_AST).add(ie_AST).add(ib_AST));
+ currentAST.root = interfaceDefinition_AST;
+ currentAST.child = interfaceDefinition_AST!=null &&interfaceDefinition_AST.getFirstChild()!=null ?
+ interfaceDefinition_AST.getFirstChild() : interfaceDefinition_AST;
+ currentAST.advanceChildToEnd();
+ }
+ returnAST = interfaceDefinition_AST;
+ }
+ public final void enumDefinition(
+ AST modifiers
+ ) throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException {
+ returnAST = null;
+ ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair();
+ AST enumDefinition_AST = null;
+ AST ic_AST = null;
+ AST eb_AST = null;
+ Token first = cloneToken(LT(1)); AST prevCurrentClass = currentClass;
+ if (modifiers != null) {
+ first.setLine(modifiers.getLine());
+ first.setColumn(modifiers.getColumn());
+ }
+ match(LITERAL_enum);
+ AST tmp39_AST = null;
+ tmp39_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ match(IDENT);
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ currentClass = tmp39_AST;
+ }
+ nls();
+ implementsClause();
+ ic_AST = (AST)returnAST;
+ nls();
+ enumBlock();
+ eb_AST = (AST)returnAST;
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ enumDefinition_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ enumDefinition_AST = (AST)astFactory.make( (new ASTArray(5)).add(create(ENUM_DEF,"ENUM_DEF",first,LT(1))).add(modifiers).add(tmp39_AST).add(ic_AST).add(eb_AST));
+ currentAST.root = enumDefinition_AST;
+ currentAST.child = enumDefinition_AST!=null &&enumDefinition_AST.getFirstChild()!=null ?
+ enumDefinition_AST.getFirstChild() : enumDefinition_AST;
+ currentAST.advanceChildToEnd();
+ }
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ currentClass = prevCurrentClass;
+ }
+ returnAST = enumDefinition_AST;
+ }
+ public final void annotationDefinition(
+ AST modifiers
+ ) throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException {
+ returnAST = null;
+ ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair();
+ AST annotationDefinition_AST = null;
+ AST ab_AST = null;
+ Token first = cloneToken(LT(1));
+ if (modifiers != null) {
+ first.setLine(modifiers.getLine());
+ first.setColumn(modifiers.getColumn());
+ }
+ AST tmp40_AST = null;
+ tmp40_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ match(AT);
+ match(LITERAL_interface);
+ AST tmp42_AST = null;
+ tmp42_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ match(IDENT);
+ nls();
+ annotationBlock();
+ ab_AST = (AST)returnAST;
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ annotationDefinition_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ annotationDefinition_AST = (AST)astFactory.make( (new ASTArray(4)).add(create(ANNOTATION_DEF,"ANNOTATION_DEF",first,LT(1))).add(modifiers).add(tmp42_AST).add(ab_AST));
+ currentAST.root = annotationDefinition_AST;
+ currentAST.child = annotationDefinition_AST!=null &&annotationDefinition_AST.getFirstChild()!=null ?
+ annotationDefinition_AST.getFirstChild() : annotationDefinition_AST;
+ currentAST.advanceChildToEnd();
+ }
+ returnAST = annotationDefinition_AST;
+ }
+/** A declaration is the creation of a reference or primitive-type variable,
+ * or (if arguments are present) of a method.
+ * Generically, this is called a 'variable' definition, even in the case of a class field or method.
+ * It may start with the modifiers and/or a declaration keyword "def".
+ * It may also start with the modifiers and a capitalized type name.
+ *
+ * AST effect: Create a separate Type/Var tree for each var in the var list.
+ * Must be guarded, as in (declarationStart) => declaration.
+ */
+ public final void declaration() throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException {
+ returnAST = null;
+ ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair();
+ AST declaration_AST = null;
+ AST m_AST = null;
+ AST t_AST = null;
+ AST v_AST = null;
+ AST t2_AST = null;
+ AST v2_AST = null;
+ switch ( LA(1)) {
+ case FINAL:
+ case ABSTRACT:
+ case STRICTFP:
+ case LITERAL_static:
+ case LITERAL_def:
+ case AT:
+ case LITERAL_private:
+ case LITERAL_public:
+ case LITERAL_protected:
+ case LITERAL_transient:
+ case LITERAL_native:
+ case LITERAL_threadsafe:
+ case LITERAL_synchronized:
+ case LITERAL_volatile:
+ {
+ modifiers();
+ m_AST = (AST)returnAST;
+ {
+ if ((_tokenSet_25.member(LA(1))) && (_tokenSet_26.member(LA(2)))) {
+ typeSpec(false);
+ t_AST = (AST)returnAST;
+ }
+ else if ((LA(1)==IDENT||LA(1)==STRING_LITERAL) && (_tokenSet_27.member(LA(2)))) {
+ }
+ else {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ variableDefinitions(m_AST, t_AST);
+ v_AST = (AST)returnAST;
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ declaration_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ declaration_AST = v_AST;
+ currentAST.root = declaration_AST;
+ currentAST.child = declaration_AST!=null &&declaration_AST.getFirstChild()!=null ?
+ declaration_AST.getFirstChild() : declaration_AST;
+ currentAST.advanceChildToEnd();
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case IDENT:
+ case LITERAL_void:
+ case LITERAL_boolean:
+ case LITERAL_byte:
+ case LITERAL_char:
+ case LITERAL_short:
+ case LITERAL_int:
+ case LITERAL_float:
+ case LITERAL_long:
+ case LITERAL_double:
+ {
+ typeSpec(false);
+ t2_AST = (AST)returnAST;
+ variableDefinitions(null,t2_AST);
+ v2_AST = (AST)returnAST;
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ declaration_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ declaration_AST = v2_AST;
+ currentAST.root = declaration_AST;
+ currentAST.child = declaration_AST!=null &&declaration_AST.getFirstChild()!=null ?
+ declaration_AST.getFirstChild() : declaration_AST;
+ currentAST.advanceChildToEnd();
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ returnAST = declaration_AST;
+ }
+/** A list of one or more modifier, annotation, or "def". */
+ public final void modifiers() throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException {
+ returnAST = null;
+ ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair();
+ AST modifiers_AST = null;
+ Token first = LT(1);
+ modifiersInternal();
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ modifiers_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ modifiers_AST = (AST)astFactory.make( (new ASTArray(2)).add(create(MODIFIERS,"MODIFIERS",first,LT(1))).add(modifiers_AST));
+ currentAST.root = modifiers_AST;
+ currentAST.child = modifiers_AST!=null &&modifiers_AST.getFirstChild()!=null ?
+ modifiers_AST.getFirstChild() : modifiers_AST;
+ currentAST.advanceChildToEnd();
+ }
+ modifiers_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ returnAST = modifiers_AST;
+ }
+ public final void typeSpec(
+ boolean addImagNode
+ ) throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException {
+ returnAST = null;
+ ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair();
+ AST typeSpec_AST = null;
+ switch ( LA(1)) {
+ case IDENT:
+ {
+ classTypeSpec(addImagNode);
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ typeSpec_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ break;
+ }
+ case LITERAL_void:
+ case LITERAL_boolean:
+ case LITERAL_byte:
+ case LITERAL_char:
+ case LITERAL_short:
+ case LITERAL_int:
+ case LITERAL_float:
+ case LITERAL_long:
+ case LITERAL_double:
+ {
+ builtInTypeSpec(addImagNode);
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ typeSpec_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ returnAST = typeSpec_AST;
+ }
+/** The tail of a declaration.
+ * Either v1, v2, ... (with possible initializers) or else m(args){body}.
+ * The two arguments are the modifier list (if any) and the declaration head (if any).
+ * The declaration head is the variable type, or (for a method) the return type.
+ * If it is missing, then the variable type is taken from its initializer (if there is one).
+ * Otherwise, the variable type defaults to 'any'.
+ * DECIDE: Method return types default to the type of the method body, as an expression.
+ */
+ public final void variableDefinitions(
+ AST mods, AST t
+ ) throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException {
+ returnAST = null;
+ ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair();
+ AST variableDefinitions_AST = null;
+ Token id = null;
+ AST id_AST = null;
+ Token qid = null;
+ AST qid_AST = null;
+ AST param_AST = null;
+ AST tc_AST = null;
+ AST mb_AST = null;
+ Token first = cloneToken(LT(1));
+ if (mods != null) {
+ first.setLine(mods.getLine());
+ first.setColumn(mods.getColumn());
+ } else if (t != null) {
+ first.setLine(t.getLine());
+ first.setColumn(t.getColumn());
+ }
+ if ((LA(1)==IDENT) && (_tokenSet_28.member(LA(2)))) {
+ listOfVariables(mods,t,first);
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ variableDefinitions_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ }
+ else if ((LA(1)==IDENT||LA(1)==STRING_LITERAL) && (LA(2)==LPAREN)) {
+ {
+ switch ( LA(1)) {
+ case IDENT:
+ {
+ id = LT(1);
+ id_AST = astFactory.create(id);
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, id_AST);
+ match(IDENT);
+ break;
+ }
+ {
+ qid = LT(1);
+ qid_AST = astFactory.create(qid);
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, qid_AST);
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ qid_AST.setType(IDENT);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ match(LPAREN);
+ parameterDeclarationList();
+ param_AST = (AST)returnAST;
+ match(RPAREN);
+ {
+ boolean synPredMatched249 = false;
+ if (((LA(1)==LITERAL_throws||LA(1)==NLS) && (_tokenSet_29.member(LA(2))))) {
+ int _m249 = mark();
+ synPredMatched249 = true;
+ inputState.guessing++;
+ try {
+ {
+ nls();
+ match(LITERAL_throws);
+ }
+ }
+ catch (RecognitionException pe) {
+ synPredMatched249 = false;
+ }
+ rewind(_m249);
+ }
+ if ( synPredMatched249 ) {
+ throwsClause();
+ tc_AST = (AST)returnAST;
+ }
+ else if ((_tokenSet_30.member(LA(1))) && (_tokenSet_12.member(LA(2)))) {
+ }
+ else {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ boolean synPredMatched252 = false;
+ if (((LA(1)==LCURLY||LA(1)==NLS) && (_tokenSet_31.member(LA(2))))) {
+ int _m252 = mark();
+ synPredMatched252 = true;
+ inputState.guessing++;
+ try {
+ {
+ nls();
+ match(LCURLY);
+ }
+ }
+ catch (RecognitionException pe) {
+ synPredMatched252 = false;
+ }
+ rewind(_m252);
+ }
+ if ( synPredMatched252 ) {
+ {
+ nlsWarn();
+ openBlock();
+ mb_AST = (AST)returnAST;
+ }
+ }
+ else if ((_tokenSet_11.member(LA(1))) && (_tokenSet_12.member(LA(2)))) {
+ }
+ else {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ variableDefinitions_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ if (qid_AST != null) id_AST = qid_AST;
+ variableDefinitions_AST =
+ (AST)astFactory.make( (new ASTArray(7)).add(create(METHOD_DEF,"METHOD_DEF",first,LT(1))).add(mods).add((AST)astFactory.make( (new ASTArray(2)).add(create(TYPE,"TYPE",first,LT(1))).add(t))).add(id_AST).add(param_AST).add(tc_AST).add(mb_AST));
+ currentAST.root = variableDefinitions_AST;
+ currentAST.child = variableDefinitions_AST!=null &&variableDefinitions_AST.getFirstChild()!=null ?
+ variableDefinitions_AST.getFirstChild() : variableDefinitions_AST;
+ currentAST.advanceChildToEnd();
+ }
+ variableDefinitions_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ }
+ else {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ returnAST = variableDefinitions_AST;
+ }
+ public final void genericMethod() throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException {
+ returnAST = null;
+ ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair();
+ AST genericMethod_AST = null;
+ AST m_AST = null;
+ AST p_AST = null;
+ AST t_AST = null;
+ AST v_AST = null;
+ modifiers();
+ m_AST = (AST)returnAST;
+ typeParameters();
+ p_AST = (AST)returnAST;
+ typeSpec(false);
+ t_AST = (AST)returnAST;
+ variableDefinitions(m_AST, t_AST);
+ v_AST = (AST)returnAST;
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ genericMethod_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ genericMethod_AST = v_AST;
+ AST old = v_AST.getFirstChild();
+ genericMethod_AST.setFirstChild(p_AST);
+ p_AST.setNextSibling(old);
+ currentAST.root = genericMethod_AST;
+ currentAST.child = genericMethod_AST!=null &&genericMethod_AST.getFirstChild()!=null ?
+ genericMethod_AST.getFirstChild() : genericMethod_AST;
+ currentAST.advanceChildToEnd();
+ }
+ returnAST = genericMethod_AST;
+ }
+ public final void typeParameters() throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException {
+ returnAST = null;
+ ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair();
+ AST typeParameters_AST = null;
+ Token first = LT(1);int currentLtLevel = 0;
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ currentLtLevel = ltCounter;
+ }
+ match(LT);
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ ltCounter++;
+ }
+ nls();
+ typeParameter();
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ {
+ _loop115:
+ do {
+ if ((LA(1)==COMMA)) {
+ match(COMMA);
+ nls();
+ typeParameter();
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ }
+ else {
+ break _loop115;
+ }
+ } while (true);
+ }
+ nls();
+ {
+ switch ( LA(1)) {
+ case GT:
+ case SR:
+ case BSR:
+ {
+ typeArgumentsOrParametersEnd();
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ break;
+ }
+ case EOF:
+ case IDENT:
+ case LITERAL_extends:
+ case LITERAL_void:
+ case LITERAL_boolean:
+ case LITERAL_byte:
+ case LITERAL_char:
+ case LITERAL_short:
+ case LITERAL_int:
+ case LITERAL_float:
+ case LITERAL_long:
+ case LITERAL_double:
+ case LCURLY:
+ case RCURLY:
+ case SEMI:
+ case LITERAL_default:
+ case LITERAL_implements:
+ case LITERAL_else:
+ case LITERAL_case:
+ case NLS:
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!(matchGenericTypeBrackets(((currentLtLevel != 0) || ltCounter == currentLtLevel),
+ "Missing closing bracket '>' for generics types", "Please specify the missing bracket!")))
+ throw new SemanticException("matchGenericTypeBrackets(((currentLtLevel != 0) || ltCounter == currentLtLevel),\n \"Missing closing bracket '>' for generics types\", \"Please specify the missing bracket!\")");
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ typeParameters_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ typeParameters_AST = (AST)astFactory.make( (new ASTArray(2)).add(create(TYPE_PARAMETERS,"TYPE_PARAMETERS",first,LT(1))).add(typeParameters_AST));
+ currentAST.root = typeParameters_AST;
+ currentAST.child = typeParameters_AST!=null &&typeParameters_AST.getFirstChild()!=null ?
+ typeParameters_AST.getFirstChild() : typeParameters_AST;
+ currentAST.advanceChildToEnd();
+ }
+ typeParameters_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ returnAST = typeParameters_AST;
+ }
+/** A declaration with one declarator and no initialization, like a parameterDeclaration.
+ * Used to parse loops like for (int x in y)
(up to the in
+ */
+ public final void singleDeclarationNoInit() throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException {
+ returnAST = null;
+ ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair();
+ AST singleDeclarationNoInit_AST = null;
+ AST m_AST = null;
+ AST t_AST = null;
+ AST v_AST = null;
+ AST t2_AST = null;
+ AST v2_AST = null;
+ switch ( LA(1)) {
+ case FINAL:
+ case ABSTRACT:
+ case STRICTFP:
+ case LITERAL_static:
+ case LITERAL_def:
+ case AT:
+ case LITERAL_private:
+ case LITERAL_public:
+ case LITERAL_protected:
+ case LITERAL_transient:
+ case LITERAL_native:
+ case LITERAL_threadsafe:
+ case LITERAL_synchronized:
+ case LITERAL_volatile:
+ {
+ modifiers();
+ m_AST = (AST)returnAST;
+ {
+ if ((_tokenSet_25.member(LA(1))) && (_tokenSet_32.member(LA(2)))) {
+ typeSpec(false);
+ t_AST = (AST)returnAST;
+ }
+ else if ((LA(1)==IDENT) && (_tokenSet_33.member(LA(2)))) {
+ }
+ else {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ singleVariable(m_AST, t_AST);
+ v_AST = (AST)returnAST;
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ singleDeclarationNoInit_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ singleDeclarationNoInit_AST = v_AST;
+ currentAST.root = singleDeclarationNoInit_AST;
+ currentAST.child = singleDeclarationNoInit_AST!=null &&singleDeclarationNoInit_AST.getFirstChild()!=null ?
+ singleDeclarationNoInit_AST.getFirstChild() : singleDeclarationNoInit_AST;
+ currentAST.advanceChildToEnd();
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case IDENT:
+ case LITERAL_void:
+ case LITERAL_boolean:
+ case LITERAL_byte:
+ case LITERAL_char:
+ case LITERAL_short:
+ case LITERAL_int:
+ case LITERAL_float:
+ case LITERAL_long:
+ case LITERAL_double:
+ {
+ typeSpec(false);
+ t2_AST = (AST)returnAST;
+ singleVariable(null,t2_AST);
+ v2_AST = (AST)returnAST;
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ singleDeclarationNoInit_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ singleDeclarationNoInit_AST = v2_AST;
+ currentAST.root = singleDeclarationNoInit_AST;
+ currentAST.child = singleDeclarationNoInit_AST!=null &&singleDeclarationNoInit_AST.getFirstChild()!=null ?
+ singleDeclarationNoInit_AST.getFirstChild() : singleDeclarationNoInit_AST;
+ currentAST.advanceChildToEnd();
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ returnAST = singleDeclarationNoInit_AST;
+ }
+/** Used in cases where a declaration cannot have commas, or ends with the "in" operator instead of '='. */
+ public final void singleVariable(
+ AST mods, AST t
+ ) throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException {
+ returnAST = null;
+ ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair();
+ AST singleVariable_AST = null;
+ AST id_AST = null;
+ Token first = LT(1);
+ variableName();
+ id_AST = (AST)returnAST;
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ singleVariable_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ singleVariable_AST = (AST)astFactory.make( (new ASTArray(4)).add(create(VARIABLE_DEF,"VARIABLE_DEF",first,LT(1))).add(mods).add((AST)astFactory.make( (new ASTArray(2)).add(create(TYPE,"TYPE",first,LT(1))).add(t))).add(id_AST));
+ currentAST.root = singleVariable_AST;
+ currentAST.child = singleVariable_AST!=null &&singleVariable_AST.getFirstChild()!=null ?
+ singleVariable_AST.getFirstChild() : singleVariable_AST;
+ currentAST.advanceChildToEnd();
+ }
+ returnAST = singleVariable_AST;
+ }
+/** A declaration with one declarator and optional initialization, like a parameterDeclaration.
+ * Used to parse declarations used for both binding and effect, in places like argument
+ * lists and while
+ */
+ public final void singleDeclaration() throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException {
+ returnAST = null;
+ ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair();
+ AST singleDeclaration_AST = null;
+ AST sd_AST = null;
+ singleDeclarationNoInit();
+ sd_AST = (AST)returnAST;
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ singleDeclaration_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ singleDeclaration_AST = sd_AST;
+ currentAST.root = singleDeclaration_AST;
+ currentAST.child = singleDeclaration_AST!=null &&singleDeclaration_AST.getFirstChild()!=null ?
+ singleDeclaration_AST.getFirstChild() : singleDeclaration_AST;
+ currentAST.advanceChildToEnd();
+ }
+ {
+ switch ( LA(1)) {
+ case ASSIGN:
+ {
+ varInitializer();
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ break;
+ }
+ case EOF:
+ case RBRACK:
+ case COMMA:
+ case RPAREN:
+ case SEMI:
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ singleDeclaration_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ returnAST = singleDeclaration_AST;
+ }
+/** An assignment operator '=' followed by an expression. (Never empty.) */
+ public final void varInitializer() throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException {
+ returnAST = null;
+ ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair();
+ AST varInitializer_AST = null;
+ try { // for error handling
+ AST tmp47_AST = null;
+ tmp47_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ astFactory.makeASTRoot(currentAST, tmp47_AST);
+ match(ASSIGN);
+ nls();
+ expressionStatementNoCheck();
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ varInitializer_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ }
+ catch (RecognitionException e) {
+ if (inputState.guessing==0) {
+ // if empty assignment was found, produce something compatible with content assist
+ int index = 0;
+ if (ASSIGN == LT(index).getType() || ASSIGN == LT(--index).getType()) {
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, missingIdentifier(LT(index), LT(index + 1)));
+ varInitializer_AST = (AST) currentAST.root;
+ reportError(e);
+ } else {
+ throw e;
+ }
+ } else {
+ throw e;
+ }
+ }
+ returnAST = varInitializer_AST;
+ }
+/** Used only as a lookahead predicate, before diving in and parsing a declaration.
+ * A declaration can be unambiguously introduced with "def", an annotation or a modifier token like "final".
+ * It may also be introduced by a simple identifier whose first character is an uppercase letter,
+ * as in {String x}. A declaration can also be introduced with a built in type like 'int' or 'void'.
+ * Brackets (array and generic) are allowed, as in {List[] x} or {int[][] y}.
+ * Anything else is parsed as a statement of some sort (expression or command).
+ *
+ * (In the absence of explicit method-call parens, we assume a capitalized name is a type name.
+ * Yes, this is a little hacky. Alternatives are to complicate the declaration or command
+ * syntaxes, or to have the parser query the symbol table. Parse-time queries are evil.
+ * And we want both {String x} and {println x}. So we need a syntactic razor-edge to slip
+ * between 'println' and 'String'.)
+ */
+ public final void declarationStart() throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException {
+ returnAST = null;
+ ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair();
+ AST declarationStart_AST = null;
+ {
+ int _cnt31=0;
+ _loop31:
+ do {
+ switch ( LA(1)) {
+ case LITERAL_def:
+ {
+ {
+ match(LITERAL_def);
+ nls();
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case FINAL:
+ case ABSTRACT:
+ case STRICTFP:
+ case LITERAL_static:
+ case LITERAL_private:
+ case LITERAL_public:
+ case LITERAL_protected:
+ case LITERAL_transient:
+ case LITERAL_native:
+ case LITERAL_threadsafe:
+ case LITERAL_synchronized:
+ case LITERAL_volatile:
+ {
+ modifier();
+ nls();
+ break;
+ }
+ case AT:
+ {
+ annotation();
+ nls();
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ if ((_tokenSet_25.member(LA(1))) && (_tokenSet_34.member(LA(2)))) {
+ {
+ if ((LA(1)==IDENT) && (_tokenSet_35.member(LA(2)))) {
+ upperCaseIdent();
+ }
+ else if (((LA(1) >= LITERAL_void && LA(1) <= LITERAL_double))) {
+ builtInType();
+ }
+ else if ((LA(1)==IDENT) && (LA(2)==DOT)) {
+ qualifiedTypeName();
+ }
+ else {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ switch ( LA(1)) {
+ case LT:
+ {
+ typeArguments();
+ break;
+ }
+ case FINAL:
+ case ABSTRACT:
+ case STRICTFP:
+ case LITERAL_static:
+ case LITERAL_def:
+ case LBRACK:
+ case IDENT:
+ case AT:
+ case LITERAL_void:
+ case LITERAL_boolean:
+ case LITERAL_byte:
+ case LITERAL_char:
+ case LITERAL_short:
+ case LITERAL_int:
+ case LITERAL_float:
+ case LITERAL_long:
+ case LITERAL_double:
+ case LITERAL_private:
+ case LITERAL_public:
+ case LITERAL_protected:
+ case LITERAL_transient:
+ case LITERAL_native:
+ case LITERAL_threadsafe:
+ case LITERAL_synchronized:
+ case LITERAL_volatile:
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ _loop30:
+ do {
+ if ((LA(1)==LBRACK)) {
+ AST tmp49_AST = null;
+ tmp49_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ match(LBRACK);
+ balancedTokens();
+ AST tmp50_AST = null;
+ tmp50_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ match(RBRACK);
+ }
+ else {
+ break _loop30;
+ }
+ } while (true);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ if ( _cnt31>=1 ) { break _loop31; } else {throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());}
+ }
+ }
+ _cnt31++;
+ } while (true);
+ }
+ {
+ switch ( LA(1)) {
+ case IDENT:
+ {
+ AST tmp51_AST = null;
+ tmp51_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ match(IDENT);
+ break;
+ }
+ {
+ AST tmp52_AST = null;
+ tmp52_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ returnAST = declarationStart_AST;
+ }
+ public final void modifier() throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException {
+ returnAST = null;
+ ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair();
+ AST modifier_AST = null;
+ switch ( LA(1)) {
+ case LITERAL_private:
+ {
+ AST tmp53_AST = null;
+ tmp53_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp53_AST);
+ match(LITERAL_private);
+ modifier_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ break;
+ }
+ case LITERAL_public:
+ {
+ AST tmp54_AST = null;
+ tmp54_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp54_AST);
+ match(LITERAL_public);
+ modifier_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ break;
+ }
+ case LITERAL_protected:
+ {
+ AST tmp55_AST = null;
+ tmp55_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp55_AST);
+ match(LITERAL_protected);
+ modifier_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ break;
+ }
+ case LITERAL_static:
+ {
+ AST tmp56_AST = null;
+ tmp56_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp56_AST);
+ match(LITERAL_static);
+ modifier_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ break;
+ }
+ case LITERAL_transient:
+ {
+ AST tmp57_AST = null;
+ tmp57_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp57_AST);
+ match(LITERAL_transient);
+ modifier_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ break;
+ }
+ case FINAL:
+ {
+ AST tmp58_AST = null;
+ tmp58_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp58_AST);
+ match(FINAL);
+ modifier_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ break;
+ }
+ case ABSTRACT:
+ {
+ AST tmp59_AST = null;
+ tmp59_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp59_AST);
+ match(ABSTRACT);
+ modifier_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ break;
+ }
+ case LITERAL_native:
+ {
+ AST tmp60_AST = null;
+ tmp60_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp60_AST);
+ match(LITERAL_native);
+ modifier_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ break;
+ }
+ case LITERAL_threadsafe:
+ {
+ AST tmp61_AST = null;
+ tmp61_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp61_AST);
+ match(LITERAL_threadsafe);
+ modifier_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ break;
+ }
+ case LITERAL_synchronized:
+ {
+ AST tmp62_AST = null;
+ tmp62_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp62_AST);
+ match(LITERAL_synchronized);
+ modifier_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ break;
+ }
+ case LITERAL_volatile:
+ {
+ AST tmp63_AST = null;
+ tmp63_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp63_AST);
+ match(LITERAL_volatile);
+ modifier_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ break;
+ }
+ case STRICTFP:
+ {
+ AST tmp64_AST = null;
+ tmp64_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp64_AST);
+ match(STRICTFP);
+ modifier_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ returnAST = modifier_AST;
+ }
+ public final void annotation() throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException {
+ returnAST = null;
+ ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair();
+ AST annotation_AST = null;
+ AST i_AST = null;
+ AST args_AST = null;
+ Token first = LT(1);
+ if ((LA(1)==AT) && (LA(2)==IDENT)) {
+ match(AT);
+ identifier();
+ i_AST = (AST)returnAST;
+ nls();
+ {
+ if ((LA(1)==LPAREN) && (_tokenSet_36.member(LA(2)))) {
+ match(LPAREN);
+ {
+ switch ( LA(1)) {
+ case FINAL:
+ case ABSTRACT:
+ case UNUSED_DO:
+ case STRICTFP:
+ case LITERAL_package:
+ case LITERAL_import:
+ case LITERAL_static:
+ case LITERAL_def:
+ case LBRACK:
+ case IDENT:
+ case LPAREN:
+ case LITERAL_class:
+ case LITERAL_interface:
+ case LITERAL_enum:
+ case LITERAL_trait:
+ case AT:
+ case LITERAL_extends:
+ case LITERAL_super:
+ case LITERAL_void:
+ case LITERAL_boolean:
+ case LITERAL_byte:
+ case LITERAL_char:
+ case LITERAL_short:
+ case LITERAL_int:
+ case LITERAL_float:
+ case LITERAL_long:
+ case LITERAL_double:
+ case LITERAL_as:
+ case LITERAL_private:
+ case LITERAL_public:
+ case LITERAL_protected:
+ case LITERAL_transient:
+ case LITERAL_native:
+ case LITERAL_threadsafe:
+ case LITERAL_synchronized:
+ case LITERAL_volatile:
+ case LCURLY:
+ case LITERAL_default:
+ case LITERAL_throws:
+ case LITERAL_implements:
+ case LITERAL_this:
+ case LITERAL_if:
+ case LITERAL_else:
+ case LITERAL_while:
+ case LITERAL_switch:
+ case LITERAL_for:
+ case LITERAL_in:
+ case LITERAL_return:
+ case LITERAL_break:
+ case LITERAL_continue:
+ case LITERAL_throw:
+ case LITERAL_assert:
+ case PLUS:
+ case MINUS:
+ case LITERAL_case:
+ case LITERAL_try:
+ case LITERAL_finally:
+ case LITERAL_catch:
+ case LITERAL_false:
+ case LITERAL_instanceof:
+ case LITERAL_new:
+ case LITERAL_null:
+ case LITERAL_true:
+ case INC:
+ case DEC:
+ case BNOT:
+ case LNOT:
+ case NUM_INT:
+ case NUM_FLOAT:
+ case NUM_LONG:
+ case NUM_DOUBLE:
+ case NUM_BIG_INT:
+ {
+ annotationArguments();
+ args_AST = (AST)returnAST;
+ break;
+ }
+ case RPAREN:
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ match(RPAREN);
+ }
+ else if ((_tokenSet_37.member(LA(1))) && (_tokenSet_3.member(LA(2)))) {
+ }
+ else {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ annotation_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ annotation_AST = (AST)astFactory.make( (new ASTArray(3)).add(create(ANNOTATION,"ANNOTATION",first,LT(1))).add(i_AST).add(args_AST));
+ currentAST.root = annotation_AST;
+ currentAST.child = annotation_AST!=null &&annotation_AST.getFirstChild()!=null ?
+ annotation_AST.getFirstChild() : annotation_AST;
+ currentAST.advanceChildToEnd();
+ }
+ }
+ else if ((LA(1)==AT) && (_tokenSet_37.member(LA(2)))) {
+ match(AT);
+ nls();
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ annotation_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ annotation_AST = (AST)astFactory.make( (new ASTArray(3)).add(create(ANNOTATION,"ANNOTATION",first,LT(1))).add(missingIdentifier(first,LT(1))).add(null));
+ currentAST.root = annotation_AST;
+ currentAST.child = annotation_AST!=null &&annotation_AST.getFirstChild()!=null ?
+ annotation_AST.getFirstChild() : annotation_AST;
+ currentAST.advanceChildToEnd();
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ returnAST = annotation_AST;
+ }
+/** An IDENT token whose spelling is required to start with an uppercase letter.
+ * In the case of a simple statement {UpperID name} the identifier is taken to be a type name, not a command name.
+ */
+ public final void upperCaseIdent() throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException {
+ returnAST = null;
+ ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair();
+ AST upperCaseIdent_AST = null;
+ if (!(isUpperCase(LT(1))))
+ throw new SemanticException("isUpperCase(LT(1))");
+ AST tmp69_AST = null;
+ tmp69_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp69_AST);
+ match(IDENT);
+ upperCaseIdent_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ returnAST = upperCaseIdent_AST;
+ }
+ public final void builtInType() throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException {
+ returnAST = null;
+ ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair();
+ AST builtInType_AST = null;
+ switch ( LA(1)) {
+ case LITERAL_void:
+ {
+ AST tmp70_AST = null;
+ tmp70_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp70_AST);
+ match(LITERAL_void);
+ builtInType_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ break;
+ }
+ case LITERAL_boolean:
+ {
+ AST tmp71_AST = null;
+ tmp71_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp71_AST);
+ match(LITERAL_boolean);
+ builtInType_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ break;
+ }
+ case LITERAL_byte:
+ {
+ AST tmp72_AST = null;
+ tmp72_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp72_AST);
+ match(LITERAL_byte);
+ builtInType_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ break;
+ }
+ case LITERAL_char:
+ {
+ AST tmp73_AST = null;
+ tmp73_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp73_AST);
+ match(LITERAL_char);
+ builtInType_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ break;
+ }
+ case LITERAL_short:
+ {
+ AST tmp74_AST = null;
+ tmp74_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp74_AST);
+ match(LITERAL_short);
+ builtInType_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ break;
+ }
+ case LITERAL_int:
+ {
+ AST tmp75_AST = null;
+ tmp75_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp75_AST);
+ match(LITERAL_int);
+ builtInType_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ break;
+ }
+ case LITERAL_float:
+ {
+ AST tmp76_AST = null;
+ tmp76_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp76_AST);
+ match(LITERAL_float);
+ builtInType_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ break;
+ }
+ case LITERAL_long:
+ {
+ AST tmp77_AST = null;
+ tmp77_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp77_AST);
+ match(LITERAL_long);
+ builtInType_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ break;
+ }
+ case LITERAL_double:
+ {
+ AST tmp78_AST = null;
+ tmp78_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp78_AST);
+ match(LITERAL_double);
+ builtInType_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ returnAST = builtInType_AST;
+ }
+ public final void qualifiedTypeName() throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException {
+ returnAST = null;
+ ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair();
+ AST qualifiedTypeName_AST = null;
+ AST tmp79_AST = null;
+ tmp79_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ match(IDENT);
+ AST tmp80_AST = null;
+ tmp80_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ match(DOT);
+ {
+ _loop38:
+ do {
+ if ((LA(1)==IDENT) && (LA(2)==DOT)) {
+ AST tmp81_AST = null;
+ tmp81_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ match(IDENT);
+ AST tmp82_AST = null;
+ tmp82_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ match(DOT);
+ }
+ else {
+ break _loop38;
+ }
+ } while (true);
+ }
+ upperCaseIdent();
+ returnAST = qualifiedTypeName_AST;
+ }
+ public final void typeArguments() throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException {
+ returnAST = null;
+ ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair();
+ AST typeArguments_AST = null;
+ Token first = LT(1);
+ int currentLtLevel = 0;
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ currentLtLevel = ltCounter;
+ }
+ match(LT);
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ ltCounter++;
+ }
+ nls();
+ typeArgument();
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ {
+ _loop60:
+ do {
+ if (((LA(1)==COMMA) && (_tokenSet_38.member(LA(2))))&&(inputState.guessing !=0 || ltCounter == currentLtLevel + 1)) {
+ match(COMMA);
+ nls();
+ typeArgument();
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ }
+ else {
+ break _loop60;
+ }
+ } while (true);
+ }
+ nls();
+ {
+ if ((_tokenSet_39.member(LA(1))) && (_tokenSet_3.member(LA(2)))) {
+ typeArgumentsOrParametersEnd();
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ }
+ else if ((_tokenSet_3.member(LA(1))) && (_tokenSet_4.member(LA(2)))) {
+ }
+ else {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ if (!(matchGenericTypeBrackets(((currentLtLevel != 0) || ltCounter == currentLtLevel),
+ "Missing closing bracket '>' for generics types", "Please specify the missing bracket!")))
+ throw new SemanticException("matchGenericTypeBrackets(((currentLtLevel != 0) || ltCounter == currentLtLevel),\n \"Missing closing bracket '>' for generics types\", \"Please specify the missing bracket!\")");
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ typeArguments_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ typeArguments_AST = (AST)astFactory.make( (new ASTArray(2)).add(create(TYPE_ARGUMENTS,"TYPE_ARGUMENTS",first,LT(1))).add(typeArguments_AST));
+ currentAST.root = typeArguments_AST;
+ currentAST.child = typeArguments_AST!=null &&typeArguments_AST.getFirstChild()!=null ?
+ typeArguments_AST.getFirstChild() : typeArguments_AST;
+ currentAST.advanceChildToEnd();
+ }
+ typeArguments_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ returnAST = typeArguments_AST;
+ }
+ public final void balancedTokens() throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException {
+ returnAST = null;
+ ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair();
+ AST balancedTokens_AST = null;
+ {
+ _loop597:
+ do {
+ if ((_tokenSet_40.member(LA(1)))) {
+ balancedBrackets();
+ }
+ else if ((_tokenSet_41.member(LA(1)))) {
+ {
+ match(_tokenSet_41);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ break _loop597;
+ }
+ } while (true);
+ }
+ returnAST = balancedTokens_AST;
+ }
+ * lookahead predicate for usage of generics in methods
+ * as parameter for the method. Example:
+ * static T foo(){}
+ * must be first after the modifier.
+ * This rule allows more and does no exact match, but it
+ * is only a lookahead, not the real rule.
+ */
+ public final void genericMethodStart() throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException {
+ returnAST = null;
+ ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair();
+ AST genericMethodStart_AST = null;
+ {
+ int _cnt35=0;
+ _loop35:
+ do {
+ switch ( LA(1)) {
+ case LITERAL_def:
+ {
+ match(LITERAL_def);
+ nls();
+ break;
+ }
+ case FINAL:
+ case ABSTRACT:
+ case STRICTFP:
+ case LITERAL_static:
+ case LITERAL_private:
+ case LITERAL_public:
+ case LITERAL_protected:
+ case LITERAL_transient:
+ case LITERAL_native:
+ case LITERAL_threadsafe:
+ case LITERAL_synchronized:
+ case LITERAL_volatile:
+ {
+ modifier();
+ nls();
+ break;
+ }
+ case AT:
+ {
+ annotation();
+ nls();
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ if ( _cnt35>=1 ) { break _loop35; } else {throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());}
+ }
+ }
+ _cnt35++;
+ } while (true);
+ }
+ AST tmp87_AST = null;
+ tmp87_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ match(LT);
+ returnAST = genericMethodStart_AST;
+ }
+/** Used to look ahead for a constructor
+ */
+ public final void constructorStart() throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException {
+ returnAST = null;
+ ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair();
+ AST constructorStart_AST = null;
+ Token id = null;
+ AST id_AST = null;
+ modifiersOpt();
+ id = LT(1);
+ id_AST = astFactory.create(id);
+ match(IDENT);
+ if (!(isConstructorIdent(id)))
+ throw new SemanticException("isConstructorIdent(id)");
+ nls();
+ match(LPAREN);
+ returnAST = constructorStart_AST;
+ }
+/** A list of zero or more modifiers, annotations, or "def". */
+ public final void modifiersOpt() throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException {
+ returnAST = null;
+ ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair();
+ AST modifiersOpt_AST = null;
+ Token first = LT(1);
+ {
+ if ((_tokenSet_13.member(LA(1))) && (_tokenSet_42.member(LA(2)))) {
+ modifiersInternal();
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ }
+ else if ((_tokenSet_43.member(LA(1))) && (_tokenSet_44.member(LA(2)))) {
+ }
+ else {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ modifiersOpt_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ modifiersOpt_AST = (AST)astFactory.make( (new ASTArray(2)).add(create(MODIFIERS,"MODIFIERS",first,LT(1))).add(modifiersOpt_AST));
+ currentAST.root = modifiersOpt_AST;
+ currentAST.child = modifiersOpt_AST!=null &&modifiersOpt_AST.getFirstChild()!=null ?
+ modifiersOpt_AST.getFirstChild() : modifiersOpt_AST;
+ currentAST.advanceChildToEnd();
+ }
+ modifiersOpt_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ returnAST = modifiersOpt_AST;
+ }
+/** Used only as a lookahead predicate for nested type definitions. */
+ public final void typeDefinitionStart() throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException {
+ returnAST = null;
+ ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair();
+ AST typeDefinitionStart_AST = null;
+ modifiersOpt();
+ {
+ switch ( LA(1)) {
+ case LITERAL_class:
+ {
+ match(LITERAL_class);
+ break;
+ }
+ case LITERAL_interface:
+ {
+ match(LITERAL_interface);
+ break;
+ }
+ case LITERAL_enum:
+ {
+ match(LITERAL_enum);
+ break;
+ }
+ case LITERAL_trait:
+ {
+ match(LITERAL_trait);
+ break;
+ }
+ case AT:
+ {
+ AST tmp93_AST = null;
+ tmp93_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ match(AT);
+ match(LITERAL_interface);
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ returnAST = typeDefinitionStart_AST;
+ }
+ public final void classTypeSpec(
+ boolean addImagNode
+ ) throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException {
+ returnAST = null;
+ ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair();
+ AST classTypeSpec_AST = null;
+ AST ct_AST = null;
+ Token first = LT(1);
+ classOrInterfaceType(false);
+ ct_AST = (AST)returnAST;
+ declaratorBrackets(ct_AST);
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ classTypeSpec_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ if ( addImagNode ) {
+ classTypeSpec_AST = (AST)astFactory.make( (new ASTArray(2)).add(create(TYPE,"TYPE",first,LT(1))).add(classTypeSpec_AST));
+ }
+ currentAST.root = classTypeSpec_AST;
+ currentAST.child = classTypeSpec_AST!=null &&classTypeSpec_AST.getFirstChild()!=null ?
+ classTypeSpec_AST.getFirstChild() : classTypeSpec_AST;
+ currentAST.advanceChildToEnd();
+ }
+ classTypeSpec_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ returnAST = classTypeSpec_AST;
+ }
+ public final void builtInTypeSpec(
+ boolean addImagNode
+ ) throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException {
+ returnAST = null;
+ ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair();
+ AST builtInTypeSpec_AST = null;
+ AST bt_AST = null;
+ Token first = LT(1);
+ builtInType();
+ bt_AST = (AST)returnAST;
+ declaratorBrackets(bt_AST);
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ builtInTypeSpec_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ if ( addImagNode ) {
+ builtInTypeSpec_AST = (AST)astFactory.make( (new ASTArray(2)).add(create(TYPE,"TYPE",first,LT(1))).add(builtInTypeSpec_AST));
+ }
+ currentAST.root = builtInTypeSpec_AST;
+ currentAST.child = builtInTypeSpec_AST!=null &&builtInTypeSpec_AST.getFirstChild()!=null ?
+ builtInTypeSpec_AST.getFirstChild() : builtInTypeSpec_AST;
+ currentAST.advanceChildToEnd();
+ }
+ builtInTypeSpec_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ returnAST = builtInTypeSpec_AST;
+ }
+ public final void classOrInterfaceType(
+ boolean addImagNode
+ ) throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException {
+ returnAST = null;
+ ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair();
+ AST classOrInterfaceType_AST = null;
+ Token i1 = null;
+ AST i1_AST = null;
+ Token d = null;
+ AST d_AST = null;
+ Token i2 = null;
+ AST i2_AST = null;
+ AST ta_AST = null;
+ Token first = LT(1);
+ i1 = LT(1);
+ i1_AST = astFactory.create(i1);
+ astFactory.makeASTRoot(currentAST, i1_AST);
+ match(IDENT);
+ {
+ if ((LA(1)==LT) && (_tokenSet_38.member(LA(2)))) {
+ typeArguments();
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ }
+ else if ((LA(1)==LT) && (LA(2)==GT)) {
+ typeArgumentsDiamond();
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ }
+ else if ((_tokenSet_3.member(LA(1))) && (_tokenSet_4.member(LA(2)))) {
+ }
+ else {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ _loop49:
+ do {
+ if ((LA(1)==DOT) && (LA(2)==IDENT)) {
+ d = LT(1);
+ d_AST = astFactory.create(d);
+ match(DOT);
+ i2 = LT(1);
+ i2_AST = astFactory.create(i2);
+ match(IDENT);
+ {
+ if ((LA(1)==LT) && (_tokenSet_38.member(LA(2)))) {
+ typeArguments();
+ ta_AST = (AST)returnAST;
+ }
+ else if ((_tokenSet_3.member(LA(1))) && (_tokenSet_4.member(LA(2)))) {
+ }
+ else {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ i1_AST = (AST)astFactory.make( (new ASTArray(4)).add(create(DOT,".",first,LT(1))).add(i1_AST).add(i2_AST).add(ta_AST));
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ break _loop49;
+ }
+ } while (true);
+ }
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ classOrInterfaceType_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ classOrInterfaceType_AST = i1_AST;
+ if ( addImagNode ) {
+ classOrInterfaceType_AST = (AST)astFactory.make( (new ASTArray(2)).add(create(TYPE,"TYPE",first,LT(1))).add(classOrInterfaceType_AST));
+ }
+ currentAST.root = classOrInterfaceType_AST;
+ currentAST.child = classOrInterfaceType_AST!=null &&classOrInterfaceType_AST.getFirstChild()!=null ?
+ classOrInterfaceType_AST.getFirstChild() : classOrInterfaceType_AST;
+ currentAST.advanceChildToEnd();
+ }
+ classOrInterfaceType_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ returnAST = classOrInterfaceType_AST;
+ }
+/** After some type names, where zero or more empty bracket pairs are allowed.
+ * We use ARRAY_DECLARATOR to represent this.
+ */
+ public final void declaratorBrackets(
+ AST typ
+ ) throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException {
+ returnAST = null;
+ ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair();
+ AST declaratorBrackets_AST = null;
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ declaratorBrackets_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ declaratorBrackets_AST=typ;
+ currentAST.root = declaratorBrackets_AST;
+ currentAST.child = declaratorBrackets_AST!=null &&declaratorBrackets_AST.getFirstChild()!=null ?
+ declaratorBrackets_AST.getFirstChild() : declaratorBrackets_AST;
+ currentAST.advanceChildToEnd();
+ }
+ {
+ _loop264:
+ do {
+ if ((LA(1)==LBRACK) && (LA(2)==RBRACK)) {
+ match(LBRACK);
+ match(RBRACK);
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ declaratorBrackets_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ declaratorBrackets_AST = (AST)astFactory.make( (new ASTArray(2)).add(create(ARRAY_DECLARATOR,"[",typ,LT(1))).add(declaratorBrackets_AST));
+ currentAST.root = declaratorBrackets_AST;
+ currentAST.child = declaratorBrackets_AST!=null &&declaratorBrackets_AST.getFirstChild()!=null ?
+ declaratorBrackets_AST.getFirstChild() : declaratorBrackets_AST;
+ currentAST.advanceChildToEnd();
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ break _loop264;
+ }
+ } while (true);
+ }
+ declaratorBrackets_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ returnAST = declaratorBrackets_AST;
+ }
+ public final void typeArgumentsDiamond() throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException {
+ returnAST = null;
+ ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair();
+ AST typeArgumentsDiamond_AST = null;
+ Token first = LT(1);
+ match(LT);
+ match(GT);
+ nls();
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ typeArgumentsDiamond_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ typeArgumentsDiamond_AST = (AST)astFactory.make( (new ASTArray(2)).add(create(TYPE_ARGUMENTS,"TYPE_ARGUMENTS",first,LT(1))).add(typeArgumentsDiamond_AST));
+ currentAST.root = typeArgumentsDiamond_AST;
+ currentAST.child = typeArgumentsDiamond_AST!=null &&typeArgumentsDiamond_AST.getFirstChild()!=null ?
+ typeArgumentsDiamond_AST.getFirstChild() : typeArgumentsDiamond_AST;
+ currentAST.advanceChildToEnd();
+ }
+ typeArgumentsDiamond_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ returnAST = typeArgumentsDiamond_AST;
+ }
+ public final void typeArgumentSpec() throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException {
+ returnAST = null;
+ ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair();
+ AST typeArgumentSpec_AST = null;
+ switch ( LA(1)) {
+ case IDENT:
+ {
+ classTypeSpec(true);
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ typeArgumentSpec_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ break;
+ }
+ case LITERAL_void:
+ case LITERAL_boolean:
+ case LITERAL_byte:
+ case LITERAL_char:
+ case LITERAL_short:
+ case LITERAL_int:
+ case LITERAL_float:
+ case LITERAL_long:
+ case LITERAL_double:
+ {
+ builtInTypeArraySpec(true);
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ typeArgumentSpec_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ returnAST = typeArgumentSpec_AST;
+ }
+ public final void builtInTypeArraySpec(
+ boolean addImagNode
+ ) throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException {
+ returnAST = null;
+ ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair();
+ AST builtInTypeArraySpec_AST = null;
+ AST bt_AST = null;
+ Token first = LT(1);
+ builtInType();
+ bt_AST = (AST)returnAST;
+ {
+ boolean synPredMatched68 = false;
+ if (((_tokenSet_3.member(LA(1))) && (_tokenSet_4.member(LA(2))))) {
+ int _m68 = mark();
+ synPredMatched68 = true;
+ inputState.guessing++;
+ try {
+ {
+ match(LBRACK);
+ }
+ }
+ catch (RecognitionException pe) {
+ synPredMatched68 = false;
+ }
+ rewind(_m68);
+ }
+ if ( synPredMatched68 ) {
+ declaratorBrackets(bt_AST);
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ }
+ else if ((_tokenSet_3.member(LA(1))) && (_tokenSet_4.member(LA(2)))) {
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ require(false,
+ "primitive type parameters not allowed here",
+ "use the corresponding wrapper type, such as Integer for int"
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ builtInTypeArraySpec_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ if ( addImagNode ) {
+ builtInTypeArraySpec_AST = (AST)astFactory.make( (new ASTArray(2)).add(create(TYPE,"TYPE",first,LT(1))).add(builtInTypeArraySpec_AST));
+ }
+ currentAST.root = builtInTypeArraySpec_AST;
+ currentAST.child = builtInTypeArraySpec_AST!=null &&builtInTypeArraySpec_AST.getFirstChild()!=null ?
+ builtInTypeArraySpec_AST.getFirstChild() : builtInTypeArraySpec_AST;
+ currentAST.advanceChildToEnd();
+ }
+ builtInTypeArraySpec_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ returnAST = builtInTypeArraySpec_AST;
+ }
+ public final void typeArgument() throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException {
+ returnAST = null;
+ ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair();
+ AST typeArgument_AST = null;
+ Token first = LT(1);
+ {
+ switch ( LA(1)) {
+ case IDENT:
+ case LITERAL_void:
+ case LITERAL_boolean:
+ case LITERAL_byte:
+ case LITERAL_char:
+ case LITERAL_short:
+ case LITERAL_int:
+ case LITERAL_float:
+ case LITERAL_long:
+ case LITERAL_double:
+ {
+ typeArgumentSpec();
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ break;
+ }
+ case QUESTION:
+ {
+ wildcardType();
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ typeArgument_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ typeArgument_AST = (AST)astFactory.make( (new ASTArray(2)).add(create(TYPE_ARGUMENT,"TYPE_ARGUMENT",first,LT(1))).add(typeArgument_AST));
+ currentAST.root = typeArgument_AST;
+ currentAST.child = typeArgument_AST!=null &&typeArgument_AST.getFirstChild()!=null ?
+ typeArgument_AST.getFirstChild() : typeArgument_AST;
+ currentAST.advanceChildToEnd();
+ }
+ typeArgument_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ returnAST = typeArgument_AST;
+ }
+ public final void wildcardType() throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException {
+ returnAST = null;
+ ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair();
+ AST wildcardType_AST = null;
+ AST tmp99_AST = null;
+ tmp99_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp99_AST);
+ match(QUESTION);
+ {
+ boolean synPredMatched56 = false;
+ if (((LA(1)==LITERAL_extends||LA(1)==LITERAL_super) && (LA(2)==IDENT||LA(2)==NLS))) {
+ int _m56 = mark();
+ synPredMatched56 = true;
+ inputState.guessing++;
+ try {
+ {
+ switch ( LA(1)) {
+ case LITERAL_extends:
+ {
+ match(LITERAL_extends);
+ break;
+ }
+ case LITERAL_super:
+ {
+ match(LITERAL_super);
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ catch (RecognitionException pe) {
+ synPredMatched56 = false;
+ }
+ rewind(_m56);
+ }
+ if ( synPredMatched56 ) {
+ typeArgumentBounds();
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ }
+ else if ((_tokenSet_3.member(LA(1))) && (_tokenSet_4.member(LA(2)))) {
+ }
+ else {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ wildcardType_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ wildcardType_AST.setType(WILDCARD_TYPE);
+ }
+ wildcardType_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ returnAST = wildcardType_AST;
+ }
+ public final void typeArgumentBounds() throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException {
+ returnAST = null;
+ ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair();
+ AST typeArgumentBounds_AST = null;
+ Token first = LT(1);boolean isUpperBounds = false;
+ {
+ switch ( LA(1)) {
+ case LITERAL_extends:
+ {
+ match(LITERAL_extends);
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ isUpperBounds=true;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case LITERAL_super:
+ {
+ match(LITERAL_super);
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ nls();
+ classOrInterfaceType(true);
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ nls();
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ typeArgumentBounds_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ if (isUpperBounds)
+ {
+ typeArgumentBounds_AST = (AST)astFactory.make( (new ASTArray(2)).add(create(TYPE_UPPER_BOUNDS,"TYPE_UPPER_BOUNDS",first,LT(1))).add(typeArgumentBounds_AST));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ typeArgumentBounds_AST = (AST)astFactory.make( (new ASTArray(2)).add(create(TYPE_LOWER_BOUNDS,"TYPE_LOWER_BOUNDS",first,LT(1))).add(typeArgumentBounds_AST));
+ }
+ currentAST.root = typeArgumentBounds_AST;
+ currentAST.child = typeArgumentBounds_AST!=null &&typeArgumentBounds_AST.getFirstChild()!=null ?
+ typeArgumentBounds_AST.getFirstChild() : typeArgumentBounds_AST;
+ currentAST.advanceChildToEnd();
+ }
+ typeArgumentBounds_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ returnAST = typeArgumentBounds_AST;
+ }
+ protected final void typeArgumentsOrParametersEnd() throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException {
+ returnAST = null;
+ ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair();
+ AST typeArgumentsOrParametersEnd_AST = null;
+ switch ( LA(1)) {
+ case GT:
+ {
+ match(GT);
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ ltCounter-=1;
+ }
+ typeArgumentsOrParametersEnd_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ break;
+ }
+ case SR:
+ {
+ match(SR);
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ ltCounter-=2;
+ }
+ typeArgumentsOrParametersEnd_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ break;
+ }
+ case BSR:
+ {
+ match(BSR);
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ ltCounter-=3;
+ }
+ typeArgumentsOrParametersEnd_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ returnAST = typeArgumentsOrParametersEnd_AST;
+ }
+ public final void type() throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException {
+ returnAST = null;
+ ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair();
+ AST type_AST = null;
+ switch ( LA(1)) {
+ case IDENT:
+ {
+ classOrInterfaceType(false);
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ type_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ break;
+ }
+ case LITERAL_void:
+ case LITERAL_boolean:
+ case LITERAL_byte:
+ case LITERAL_char:
+ case LITERAL_short:
+ case LITERAL_int:
+ case LITERAL_float:
+ case LITERAL_long:
+ case LITERAL_double:
+ {
+ builtInType();
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ type_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ returnAST = type_AST;
+ }
+ public final void modifiersInternal() throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException {
+ returnAST = null;
+ ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair();
+ AST modifiersInternal_AST = null;
+ int seenDef = 0;
+ {
+ int _cnt81=0;
+ _loop81:
+ do {
+ if (((LA(1)==LITERAL_def))&&(seenDef++ == 0)) {
+ match(LITERAL_def);
+ nls();
+ }
+ else if ((_tokenSet_45.member(LA(1)))) {
+ modifier();
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ nls();
+ }
+ else if ((LA(1)==AT) && (LA(2)==LITERAL_interface)) {
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ break; /* go out of the ()+ loop*/
+ }
+ AST tmp106_AST = null;
+ tmp106_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp106_AST);
+ match(AT);
+ AST tmp107_AST = null;
+ tmp107_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp107_AST);
+ match(LITERAL_interface);
+ }
+ else if ((LA(1)==AT) && (_tokenSet_46.member(LA(2)))) {
+ annotation();
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ nls();
+ }
+ else {
+ if ( _cnt81>=1 ) { break _loop81; } else {throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());}
+ }
+ _cnt81++;
+ } while (true);
+ }
+ modifiersInternal_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ returnAST = modifiersInternal_AST;
+ }
+ public final void annotationArguments() throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException {
+ returnAST = null;
+ ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair();
+ AST annotationArguments_AST = null;
+ AST v_AST = null;
+ if ((_tokenSet_47.member(LA(1))) && (_tokenSet_48.member(LA(2)))) {
+ annotationMemberValueInitializer();
+ v_AST = (AST)returnAST;
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ annotationArguments_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ Token itkn = new Token(IDENT, "value");
+ AST i;
+ i = (AST)astFactory.make( (new ASTArray(1)).add(create(IDENT,"value",itkn,itkn)));
+ annotationArguments_AST = (AST)astFactory.make( (new ASTArray(3)).add(create(ANNOTATION_MEMBER_VALUE_PAIR,"ANNOTATION_MEMBER_VALUE_PAIR",LT(1),LT(1))).add(i).add(v_AST));
+ currentAST.root = annotationArguments_AST;
+ currentAST.child = annotationArguments_AST!=null &&annotationArguments_AST.getFirstChild()!=null ?
+ annotationArguments_AST.getFirstChild() : annotationArguments_AST;
+ currentAST.advanceChildToEnd();
+ }
+ annotationArguments_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ }
+ else if ((_tokenSet_49.member(LA(1))) && (LA(2)==ASSIGN)) {
+ annotationMemberValuePairs();
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ annotationArguments_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ }
+ else {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ returnAST = annotationArguments_AST;
+ }
+ public final void annotationsInternal() throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException {
+ returnAST = null;
+ ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair();
+ AST annotationsInternal_AST = null;
+ {
+ _loop91:
+ do {
+ if ((LA(1)==AT) && (LA(2)==LITERAL_interface)) {
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ break; /* go out of the ()* loop*/
+ }
+ AST tmp108_AST = null;
+ tmp108_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp108_AST);
+ match(AT);
+ AST tmp109_AST = null;
+ tmp109_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp109_AST);
+ match(LITERAL_interface);
+ }
+ else if ((LA(1)==AT) && (_tokenSet_50.member(LA(2)))) {
+ annotation();
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ nls();
+ }
+ else {
+ break _loop91;
+ }
+ } while (true);
+ }
+ annotationsInternal_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ returnAST = annotationsInternal_AST;
+ }
+ public final void annotationMemberValueInitializer() throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException {
+ returnAST = null;
+ ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair();
+ AST annotationMemberValueInitializer_AST = null;
+ switch ( LA(1)) {
+ case LBRACK:
+ case IDENT:
+ case LPAREN:
+ case LITERAL_super:
+ case LITERAL_void:
+ case LITERAL_boolean:
+ case LITERAL_byte:
+ case LITERAL_char:
+ case LITERAL_short:
+ case LITERAL_int:
+ case LITERAL_float:
+ case LITERAL_long:
+ case LITERAL_double:
+ case LCURLY:
+ case LITERAL_this:
+ case PLUS:
+ case MINUS:
+ case LITERAL_false:
+ case LITERAL_new:
+ case LITERAL_null:
+ case LITERAL_true:
+ case INC:
+ case DEC:
+ case BNOT:
+ case LNOT:
+ case NUM_INT:
+ case NUM_FLOAT:
+ case NUM_LONG:
+ case NUM_DOUBLE:
+ case NUM_BIG_INT:
+ {
+ conditionalExpression(0);
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ annotationMemberValueInitializer_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ break;
+ }
+ case AT:
+ {
+ annotation();
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ annotationMemberValueInitializer_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ returnAST = annotationMemberValueInitializer_AST;
+ }
+ public final void annotationMemberValuePairs() throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException {
+ returnAST = null;
+ ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair();
+ AST annotationMemberValuePairs_AST = null;
+ annotationMemberValuePair();
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ {
+ _loop97:
+ do {
+ if ((LA(1)==COMMA)) {
+ match(COMMA);
+ nls();
+ annotationMemberValuePair();
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ }
+ else {
+ break _loop97;
+ }
+ } while (true);
+ }
+ annotationMemberValuePairs_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ returnAST = annotationMemberValuePairs_AST;
+ }
+ public final void annotationMemberValuePair() throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException {
+ returnAST = null;
+ ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair();
+ AST annotationMemberValuePair_AST = null;
+ AST i_AST = null;
+ AST v_AST = null;
+ Token first = LT(1);
+ try { // for error handling
+ annotationIdent();
+ i_AST = (AST)returnAST;
+ match(ASSIGN);
+ nls();
+ {
+ switch ( LA(1)) {
+ case LBRACK:
+ case IDENT:
+ case LPAREN:
+ case AT:
+ case LITERAL_super:
+ case LITERAL_void:
+ case LITERAL_boolean:
+ case LITERAL_byte:
+ case LITERAL_char:
+ case LITERAL_short:
+ case LITERAL_int:
+ case LITERAL_float:
+ case LITERAL_long:
+ case LITERAL_double:
+ case LCURLY:
+ case LITERAL_this:
+ case PLUS:
+ case MINUS:
+ case LITERAL_false:
+ case LITERAL_new:
+ case LITERAL_null:
+ case LITERAL_true:
+ case INC:
+ case DEC:
+ case BNOT:
+ case LNOT:
+ case NUM_INT:
+ case NUM_FLOAT:
+ case NUM_LONG:
+ case NUM_DOUBLE:
+ case NUM_BIG_INT:
+ {
+ annotationMemberValueInitializer();
+ v_AST = (AST)returnAST;
+ break;
+ }
+ case COMMA:
+ case RPAREN:
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ annotationMemberValuePair_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ annotationMemberValuePair_AST = (AST)astFactory.make( (new ASTArray(3)).add(create(ANNOTATION_MEMBER_VALUE_PAIR,"ANNOTATION_MEMBER_VALUE_PAIR",first,LT(1))).add(i_AST).add(v_AST));
+ currentAST.root = annotationMemberValuePair_AST;
+ currentAST.child = annotationMemberValuePair_AST!=null &&annotationMemberValuePair_AST.getFirstChild()!=null ?
+ annotationMemberValuePair_AST.getFirstChild() : annotationMemberValuePair_AST;
+ currentAST.advanceChildToEnd();
+ }
+ }
+ catch (RecognitionException e) {
+ if (inputState.guessing==0) {
+ // finish invalid member-value pair if the closing parenthesis is next
+ if (LT(1).getType() == RPAREN) {
+ reportError(e);
+ if (i_AST == null) {
+ i_AST = missingIdentifier(first, LT(1));
+ }
+ annotationMemberValuePair_AST = (AST)astFactory.make( (new ASTArray(3)).add(create(ANNOTATION_MEMBER_VALUE_PAIR,"ANNOTATION_MEMBER_VALUE_PAIR",first,LT(1))).add(i_AST).add(v_AST));
+ } else {
+ throw e;
+ }
+ } else {
+ throw e;
+ }
+ }
+ returnAST = annotationMemberValuePair_AST;
+ }
+ public final void annotationIdent() throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException {
+ returnAST = null;
+ ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair();
+ AST annotationIdent_AST = null;
+ switch ( LA(1)) {
+ case IDENT:
+ {
+ AST tmp112_AST = null;
+ tmp112_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp112_AST);
+ match(IDENT);
+ annotationIdent_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ break;
+ }
+ case FINAL:
+ case ABSTRACT:
+ case UNUSED_DO:
+ case STRICTFP:
+ case LITERAL_package:
+ case LITERAL_import:
+ case LITERAL_static:
+ case LITERAL_def:
+ case LITERAL_class:
+ case LITERAL_interface:
+ case LITERAL_enum:
+ case LITERAL_trait:
+ case LITERAL_extends:
+ case LITERAL_super:
+ case LITERAL_void:
+ case LITERAL_boolean:
+ case LITERAL_byte:
+ case LITERAL_char:
+ case LITERAL_short:
+ case LITERAL_int:
+ case LITERAL_float:
+ case LITERAL_long:
+ case LITERAL_double:
+ case LITERAL_as:
+ case LITERAL_private:
+ case LITERAL_public:
+ case LITERAL_protected:
+ case LITERAL_transient:
+ case LITERAL_native:
+ case LITERAL_threadsafe:
+ case LITERAL_synchronized:
+ case LITERAL_volatile:
+ case LITERAL_default:
+ case LITERAL_throws:
+ case LITERAL_implements:
+ case LITERAL_this:
+ case LITERAL_if:
+ case LITERAL_else:
+ case LITERAL_while:
+ case LITERAL_switch:
+ case LITERAL_for:
+ case LITERAL_in:
+ case LITERAL_return:
+ case LITERAL_break:
+ case LITERAL_continue:
+ case LITERAL_throw:
+ case LITERAL_assert:
+ case LITERAL_case:
+ case LITERAL_try:
+ case LITERAL_finally:
+ case LITERAL_catch:
+ case LITERAL_false:
+ case LITERAL_instanceof:
+ case LITERAL_new:
+ case LITERAL_null:
+ case LITERAL_true:
+ {
+ keywordPropertyNames();
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ annotationIdent_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ returnAST = annotationIdent_AST;
+ }
+ public final void keywordPropertyNames() throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException {
+ returnAST = null;
+ ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair();
+ AST keywordPropertyNames_AST = null;
+ {
+ switch ( LA(1)) {
+ case LITERAL_as:
+ {
+ AST tmp113_AST = null;
+ tmp113_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp113_AST);
+ match(LITERAL_as);
+ break;
+ }
+ case LITERAL_assert:
+ {
+ AST tmp114_AST = null;
+ tmp114_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp114_AST);
+ match(LITERAL_assert);
+ break;
+ }
+ case LITERAL_break:
+ {
+ AST tmp115_AST = null;
+ tmp115_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp115_AST);
+ match(LITERAL_break);
+ break;
+ }
+ case LITERAL_case:
+ {
+ AST tmp116_AST = null;
+ tmp116_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp116_AST);
+ match(LITERAL_case);
+ break;
+ }
+ case LITERAL_catch:
+ {
+ AST tmp117_AST = null;
+ tmp117_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp117_AST);
+ match(LITERAL_catch);
+ break;
+ }
+ case LITERAL_class:
+ {
+ AST tmp118_AST = null;
+ tmp118_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp118_AST);
+ match(LITERAL_class);
+ break;
+ }
+ {
+ AST tmp119_AST = null;
+ tmp119_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp119_AST);
+ match(UNUSED_CONST);
+ break;
+ }
+ case LITERAL_continue:
+ {
+ AST tmp120_AST = null;
+ tmp120_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp120_AST);
+ match(LITERAL_continue);
+ break;
+ }
+ case LITERAL_def:
+ {
+ AST tmp121_AST = null;
+ tmp121_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp121_AST);
+ match(LITERAL_def);
+ break;
+ }
+ case LITERAL_default:
+ {
+ AST tmp122_AST = null;
+ tmp122_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp122_AST);
+ match(LITERAL_default);
+ break;
+ }
+ case UNUSED_DO:
+ {
+ AST tmp123_AST = null;
+ tmp123_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp123_AST);
+ match(UNUSED_DO);
+ break;
+ }
+ case LITERAL_else:
+ {
+ AST tmp124_AST = null;
+ tmp124_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp124_AST);
+ match(LITERAL_else);
+ break;
+ }
+ case LITERAL_enum:
+ {
+ AST tmp125_AST = null;
+ tmp125_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp125_AST);
+ match(LITERAL_enum);
+ break;
+ }
+ case LITERAL_extends:
+ {
+ AST tmp126_AST = null;
+ tmp126_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp126_AST);
+ match(LITERAL_extends);
+ break;
+ }
+ case LITERAL_false:
+ {
+ AST tmp127_AST = null;
+ tmp127_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp127_AST);
+ match(LITERAL_false);
+ break;
+ }
+ case LITERAL_finally:
+ {
+ AST tmp128_AST = null;
+ tmp128_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp128_AST);
+ match(LITERAL_finally);
+ break;
+ }
+ case LITERAL_for:
+ {
+ AST tmp129_AST = null;
+ tmp129_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp129_AST);
+ match(LITERAL_for);
+ break;
+ }
+ {
+ AST tmp130_AST = null;
+ tmp130_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp130_AST);
+ match(UNUSED_GOTO);
+ break;
+ }
+ case LITERAL_if:
+ {
+ AST tmp131_AST = null;
+ tmp131_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp131_AST);
+ match(LITERAL_if);
+ break;
+ }
+ case LITERAL_implements:
+ {
+ AST tmp132_AST = null;
+ tmp132_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp132_AST);
+ match(LITERAL_implements);
+ break;
+ }
+ case LITERAL_import:
+ {
+ AST tmp133_AST = null;
+ tmp133_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp133_AST);
+ match(LITERAL_import);
+ break;
+ }
+ case LITERAL_in:
+ {
+ AST tmp134_AST = null;
+ tmp134_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp134_AST);
+ match(LITERAL_in);
+ break;
+ }
+ case LITERAL_instanceof:
+ {
+ AST tmp135_AST = null;
+ tmp135_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp135_AST);
+ match(LITERAL_instanceof);
+ break;
+ }
+ case LITERAL_interface:
+ {
+ AST tmp136_AST = null;
+ tmp136_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp136_AST);
+ match(LITERAL_interface);
+ break;
+ }
+ case LITERAL_new:
+ {
+ AST tmp137_AST = null;
+ tmp137_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp137_AST);
+ match(LITERAL_new);
+ break;
+ }
+ case LITERAL_null:
+ {
+ AST tmp138_AST = null;
+ tmp138_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp138_AST);
+ match(LITERAL_null);
+ break;
+ }
+ case LITERAL_package:
+ {
+ AST tmp139_AST = null;
+ tmp139_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp139_AST);
+ match(LITERAL_package);
+ break;
+ }
+ case LITERAL_return:
+ {
+ AST tmp140_AST = null;
+ tmp140_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp140_AST);
+ match(LITERAL_return);
+ break;
+ }
+ case LITERAL_super:
+ {
+ AST tmp141_AST = null;
+ tmp141_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp141_AST);
+ match(LITERAL_super);
+ break;
+ }
+ case LITERAL_switch:
+ {
+ AST tmp142_AST = null;
+ tmp142_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp142_AST);
+ match(LITERAL_switch);
+ break;
+ }
+ case LITERAL_this:
+ {
+ AST tmp143_AST = null;
+ tmp143_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp143_AST);
+ match(LITERAL_this);
+ break;
+ }
+ case LITERAL_throw:
+ {
+ AST tmp144_AST = null;
+ tmp144_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp144_AST);
+ match(LITERAL_throw);
+ break;
+ }
+ case LITERAL_throws:
+ {
+ AST tmp145_AST = null;
+ tmp145_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp145_AST);
+ match(LITERAL_throws);
+ break;
+ }
+ case LITERAL_trait:
+ {
+ AST tmp146_AST = null;
+ tmp146_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp146_AST);
+ match(LITERAL_trait);
+ break;
+ }
+ case LITERAL_true:
+ {
+ AST tmp147_AST = null;
+ tmp147_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp147_AST);
+ match(LITERAL_true);
+ break;
+ }
+ case LITERAL_try:
+ {
+ AST tmp148_AST = null;
+ tmp148_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp148_AST);
+ match(LITERAL_try);
+ break;
+ }
+ case LITERAL_while:
+ {
+ AST tmp149_AST = null;
+ tmp149_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp149_AST);
+ match(LITERAL_while);
+ break;
+ }
+ case FINAL:
+ case ABSTRACT:
+ case STRICTFP:
+ case LITERAL_static:
+ case LITERAL_private:
+ case LITERAL_public:
+ case LITERAL_protected:
+ case LITERAL_transient:
+ case LITERAL_native:
+ case LITERAL_threadsafe:
+ case LITERAL_synchronized:
+ case LITERAL_volatile:
+ {
+ modifier();
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ break;
+ }
+ case LITERAL_void:
+ case LITERAL_boolean:
+ case LITERAL_byte:
+ case LITERAL_char:
+ case LITERAL_short:
+ case LITERAL_int:
+ case LITERAL_float:
+ case LITERAL_long:
+ case LITERAL_double:
+ {
+ builtInType();
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ keywordPropertyNames_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ keywordPropertyNames_AST.setType(IDENT);
+ }
+ keywordPropertyNames_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ returnAST = keywordPropertyNames_AST;
+ }
+ public final void conditionalExpression(
+ int lc_stmt
+ ) throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException {
+ returnAST = null;
+ ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair();
+ AST conditionalExpression_AST = null;
+ logicalOrExpression(lc_stmt);
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ {
+ boolean synPredMatched461 = false;
+ if (((LA(1)==ELVIS_OPERATOR||LA(1)==NLS) && (_tokenSet_51.member(LA(2))))) {
+ int _m461 = mark();
+ synPredMatched461 = true;
+ inputState.guessing++;
+ try {
+ {
+ nls();
+ }
+ }
+ catch (RecognitionException pe) {
+ synPredMatched461 = false;
+ }
+ rewind(_m461);
+ }
+ if ( synPredMatched461 ) {
+ nls();
+ AST tmp150_AST = null;
+ tmp150_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ astFactory.makeASTRoot(currentAST, tmp150_AST);
+ nls();
+ conditionalExpression(0);
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ }
+ else {
+ boolean synPredMatched463 = false;
+ if (((LA(1)==QUESTION||LA(1)==NLS) && (_tokenSet_52.member(LA(2))))) {
+ int _m463 = mark();
+ synPredMatched463 = true;
+ inputState.guessing++;
+ try {
+ {
+ nls();
+ match(QUESTION);
+ }
+ }
+ catch (RecognitionException pe) {
+ synPredMatched463 = false;
+ }
+ rewind(_m463);
+ }
+ if ( synPredMatched463 ) {
+ try { // for error handling
+ nls();
+ AST tmp151_AST = null;
+ tmp151_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ astFactory.makeASTRoot(currentAST, tmp151_AST);
+ match(QUESTION);
+ nls();
+ assignmentExpression(0);
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ nls();
+ match(COLON);
+ nls();
+ conditionalExpression(0);
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ }
+ catch (RecognitionException e) {
+ if (inputState.guessing==0) {
+ // keep AST if recognition failed at or after ':'
+ if (currentAST.root.getNumberOfChildren() > 1) {
+ reportError(e);
+ } else {
+ throw e;
+ }
+ } else {
+ throw e;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if ((_tokenSet_53.member(LA(1))) && (_tokenSet_54.member(LA(2)))) {
+ }
+ else {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ conditionalExpression_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ returnAST = conditionalExpression_AST;
+ }
+ public final void superClassClause() throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException {
+ returnAST = null;
+ ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair();
+ AST superClassClause_AST = null;
+ AST c_AST = null;
+ Token first = LT(1);
+ {
+ switch ( LA(1)) {
+ case LITERAL_extends:
+ {
+ match(LITERAL_extends);
+ nls();
+ classOrInterfaceType(false);
+ c_AST = (AST)returnAST;
+ nls();
+ break;
+ }
+ case EOF:
+ case LCURLY:
+ case RCURLY:
+ case SEMI:
+ case LITERAL_default:
+ case LITERAL_implements:
+ case LITERAL_else:
+ case LITERAL_case:
+ case NLS:
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ superClassClause_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ superClassClause_AST = (AST)astFactory.make( (new ASTArray(2)).add(create(EXTENDS_CLAUSE,"EXTENDS_CLAUSE",first,LT(1))).add(c_AST));
+ currentAST.root = superClassClause_AST;
+ currentAST.child = superClassClause_AST!=null &&superClassClause_AST.getFirstChild()!=null ?
+ superClassClause_AST.getFirstChild() : superClassClause_AST;
+ currentAST.advanceChildToEnd();
+ }
+ returnAST = superClassClause_AST;
+ }
+ public final void implementsClause() throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException {
+ returnAST = null;
+ ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair();
+ AST implementsClause_AST = null;
+ Token i = null;
+ AST i_AST = null;
+ Token first = LT(1);
+ {
+ switch ( LA(1)) {
+ case LITERAL_implements:
+ {
+ i = LT(1);
+ i_AST = astFactory.create(i);
+ match(LITERAL_implements);
+ nls();
+ classOrInterfaceType(true);
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ {
+ _loop198:
+ do {
+ if ((LA(1)==COMMA)) {
+ match(COMMA);
+ nls();
+ classOrInterfaceType(true);
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ }
+ else {
+ break _loop198;
+ }
+ } while (true);
+ }
+ nls();
+ break;
+ }
+ case EOF:
+ case LCURLY:
+ case RCURLY:
+ case SEMI:
+ case LITERAL_default:
+ case LITERAL_else:
+ case LITERAL_case:
+ case NLS:
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ implementsClause_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ implementsClause_AST = (AST)astFactory.make( (new ASTArray(2)).add(create(IMPLEMENTS_CLAUSE,"IMPLEMENTS_CLAUSE",first,LT(1))).add(implementsClause_AST));
+ currentAST.root = implementsClause_AST;
+ currentAST.child = implementsClause_AST!=null &&implementsClause_AST.getFirstChild()!=null ?
+ implementsClause_AST.getFirstChild() : implementsClause_AST;
+ currentAST.advanceChildToEnd();
+ }
+ implementsClause_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ returnAST = implementsClause_AST;
+ }
+ public final void classBlock() throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException {
+ returnAST = null;
+ ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair();
+ AST classBlock_AST = null;
+ Token first = LT(1);
+ try { // for error handling
+ match(LCURLY);
+ {
+ switch ( LA(1)) {
+ case FINAL:
+ case ABSTRACT:
+ case STRICTFP:
+ case LITERAL_static:
+ case LITERAL_def:
+ case IDENT:
+ case LITERAL_class:
+ case LITERAL_interface:
+ case LITERAL_enum:
+ case LITERAL_trait:
+ case AT:
+ case LITERAL_void:
+ case LITERAL_boolean:
+ case LITERAL_byte:
+ case LITERAL_char:
+ case LITERAL_short:
+ case LITERAL_int:
+ case LITERAL_float:
+ case LITERAL_long:
+ case LITERAL_double:
+ case LITERAL_private:
+ case LITERAL_public:
+ case LITERAL_protected:
+ case LITERAL_transient:
+ case LITERAL_native:
+ case LITERAL_threadsafe:
+ case LITERAL_synchronized:
+ case LITERAL_volatile:
+ case LCURLY:
+ {
+ classField();
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ break;
+ }
+ case RCURLY:
+ case SEMI:
+ case NLS:
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ _loop127:
+ do {
+ if ((LA(1)==SEMI||LA(1)==NLS)) {
+ sep();
+ {
+ switch ( LA(1)) {
+ case FINAL:
+ case ABSTRACT:
+ case STRICTFP:
+ case LITERAL_static:
+ case LITERAL_def:
+ case IDENT:
+ case LITERAL_class:
+ case LITERAL_interface:
+ case LITERAL_enum:
+ case LITERAL_trait:
+ case AT:
+ case LITERAL_void:
+ case LITERAL_boolean:
+ case LITERAL_byte:
+ case LITERAL_char:
+ case LITERAL_short:
+ case LITERAL_int:
+ case LITERAL_float:
+ case LITERAL_long:
+ case LITERAL_double:
+ case LITERAL_private:
+ case LITERAL_public:
+ case LITERAL_protected:
+ case LITERAL_transient:
+ case LITERAL_native:
+ case LITERAL_threadsafe:
+ case LITERAL_synchronized:
+ case LITERAL_volatile:
+ case LCURLY:
+ {
+ classField();
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ break;
+ }
+ case RCURLY:
+ case SEMI:
+ case NLS:
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ break _loop127;
+ }
+ } while (true);
+ }
+ match(RCURLY);
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ classBlock_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ classBlock_AST = (AST)astFactory.make( (new ASTArray(2)).add(create(OBJBLOCK,"OBJBLOCK",first,LT(1))).add(classBlock_AST));
+ currentAST.root = classBlock_AST;
+ currentAST.child = classBlock_AST!=null &&classBlock_AST.getFirstChild()!=null ?
+ classBlock_AST.getFirstChild() : classBlock_AST;
+ currentAST.advanceChildToEnd();
+ }
+ classBlock_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ }
+ catch (RecognitionException e) {
+ if (inputState.guessing==0) {
+ if (errorList.isEmpty()) {
+ // dirty hack to avoid having trouble with cascading problems
+ classBlock_AST = (AST) currentAST.root;
+ }
+ reportError(e);
+ classBlock_AST = (AST)astFactory.make( (new ASTArray(2)).add(create(OBJBLOCK,"OBJBLOCK",first,LT(1))).add(classBlock_AST));
+ currentAST.root = classBlock_AST;
+ currentAST.child = classBlock_AST != null && classBlock_AST.getFirstChild() != null ? classBlock_AST.getFirstChild() : classBlock_AST;
+ currentAST.advanceChildToEnd();
+ } else {
+ throw e;
+ }
+ }
+ returnAST = classBlock_AST;
+ }
+ public final void interfaceExtends() throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException {
+ returnAST = null;
+ ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair();
+ AST interfaceExtends_AST = null;
+ Token e = null;
+ AST e_AST = null;
+ Token first = LT(1);
+ {
+ switch ( LA(1)) {
+ case LITERAL_extends:
+ {
+ e = LT(1);
+ e_AST = astFactory.create(e);
+ match(LITERAL_extends);
+ nls();
+ classOrInterfaceType(true);
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ {
+ _loop194:
+ do {
+ if ((LA(1)==COMMA)) {
+ match(COMMA);
+ nls();
+ classOrInterfaceType(true);
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ }
+ else {
+ break _loop194;
+ }
+ } while (true);
+ }
+ nls();
+ break;
+ }
+ case LCURLY:
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ interfaceExtends_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ interfaceExtends_AST = (AST)astFactory.make( (new ASTArray(2)).add(create(EXTENDS_CLAUSE,"EXTENDS_CLAUSE",first,LT(1))).add(interfaceExtends_AST));
+ currentAST.root = interfaceExtends_AST;
+ currentAST.child = interfaceExtends_AST!=null &&interfaceExtends_AST.getFirstChild()!=null ?
+ interfaceExtends_AST.getFirstChild() : interfaceExtends_AST;
+ currentAST.advanceChildToEnd();
+ }
+ interfaceExtends_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ returnAST = interfaceExtends_AST;
+ }
+ public final void interfaceBlock() throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException {
+ returnAST = null;
+ ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair();
+ AST interfaceBlock_AST = null;
+ Token first = LT(1);
+ match(LCURLY);
+ {
+ switch ( LA(1)) {
+ case FINAL:
+ case ABSTRACT:
+ case STRICTFP:
+ case LITERAL_static:
+ case LITERAL_def:
+ case IDENT:
+ case LITERAL_class:
+ case LITERAL_interface:
+ case LITERAL_enum:
+ case LITERAL_trait:
+ case AT:
+ case LITERAL_void:
+ case LITERAL_boolean:
+ case LITERAL_byte:
+ case LITERAL_char:
+ case LITERAL_short:
+ case LITERAL_int:
+ case LITERAL_float:
+ case LITERAL_long:
+ case LITERAL_double:
+ case LITERAL_private:
+ case LITERAL_public:
+ case LITERAL_protected:
+ case LITERAL_transient:
+ case LITERAL_native:
+ case LITERAL_threadsafe:
+ case LITERAL_synchronized:
+ case LITERAL_volatile:
+ {
+ interfaceField();
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ break;
+ }
+ case RCURLY:
+ case SEMI:
+ case NLS:
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ _loop132:
+ do {
+ if ((LA(1)==SEMI||LA(1)==NLS)) {
+ sep();
+ {
+ switch ( LA(1)) {
+ case FINAL:
+ case ABSTRACT:
+ case STRICTFP:
+ case LITERAL_static:
+ case LITERAL_def:
+ case IDENT:
+ case LITERAL_class:
+ case LITERAL_interface:
+ case LITERAL_enum:
+ case LITERAL_trait:
+ case AT:
+ case LITERAL_void:
+ case LITERAL_boolean:
+ case LITERAL_byte:
+ case LITERAL_char:
+ case LITERAL_short:
+ case LITERAL_int:
+ case LITERAL_float:
+ case LITERAL_long:
+ case LITERAL_double:
+ case LITERAL_private:
+ case LITERAL_public:
+ case LITERAL_protected:
+ case LITERAL_transient:
+ case LITERAL_native:
+ case LITERAL_threadsafe:
+ case LITERAL_synchronized:
+ case LITERAL_volatile:
+ {
+ interfaceField();
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ break;
+ }
+ case RCURLY:
+ case SEMI:
+ case NLS:
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ break _loop132;
+ }
+ } while (true);
+ }
+ match(RCURLY);
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ interfaceBlock_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ interfaceBlock_AST = (AST)astFactory.make( (new ASTArray(2)).add(create(OBJBLOCK,"OBJBLOCK",first,LT(1))).add(interfaceBlock_AST));
+ currentAST.root = interfaceBlock_AST;
+ currentAST.child = interfaceBlock_AST!=null &&interfaceBlock_AST.getFirstChild()!=null ?
+ interfaceBlock_AST.getFirstChild() : interfaceBlock_AST;
+ currentAST.advanceChildToEnd();
+ }
+ interfaceBlock_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ returnAST = interfaceBlock_AST;
+ }
+ public final void enumBlock() throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException {
+ returnAST = null;
+ ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair();
+ AST enumBlock_AST = null;
+ Token first = LT(1);
+ match(LCURLY);
+ nls();
+ {
+ boolean synPredMatched141 = false;
+ if (((LA(1)==IDENT||LA(1)==AT) && (_tokenSet_55.member(LA(2))))) {
+ int _m141 = mark();
+ synPredMatched141 = true;
+ inputState.guessing++;
+ try {
+ {
+ enumConstantsStart();
+ }
+ }
+ catch (RecognitionException pe) {
+ synPredMatched141 = false;
+ }
+ rewind(_m141);
+ }
+ if ( synPredMatched141 ) {
+ enumConstants();
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ }
+ else if ((_tokenSet_56.member(LA(1))) && (_tokenSet_57.member(LA(2)))) {
+ {
+ switch ( LA(1)) {
+ case FINAL:
+ case ABSTRACT:
+ case STRICTFP:
+ case LITERAL_static:
+ case LITERAL_def:
+ case IDENT:
+ case LITERAL_class:
+ case LITERAL_interface:
+ case LITERAL_enum:
+ case LITERAL_trait:
+ case AT:
+ case LITERAL_void:
+ case LITERAL_boolean:
+ case LITERAL_byte:
+ case LITERAL_char:
+ case LITERAL_short:
+ case LITERAL_int:
+ case LITERAL_float:
+ case LITERAL_long:
+ case LITERAL_double:
+ case LITERAL_private:
+ case LITERAL_public:
+ case LITERAL_protected:
+ case LITERAL_transient:
+ case LITERAL_native:
+ case LITERAL_threadsafe:
+ case LITERAL_synchronized:
+ case LITERAL_volatile:
+ case LCURLY:
+ {
+ classField();
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ break;
+ }
+ case RCURLY:
+ case SEMI:
+ case NLS:
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ _loop145:
+ do {
+ if ((LA(1)==SEMI||LA(1)==NLS)) {
+ sep();
+ {
+ switch ( LA(1)) {
+ case FINAL:
+ case ABSTRACT:
+ case STRICTFP:
+ case LITERAL_static:
+ case LITERAL_def:
+ case IDENT:
+ case LITERAL_class:
+ case LITERAL_interface:
+ case LITERAL_enum:
+ case LITERAL_trait:
+ case AT:
+ case LITERAL_void:
+ case LITERAL_boolean:
+ case LITERAL_byte:
+ case LITERAL_char:
+ case LITERAL_short:
+ case LITERAL_int:
+ case LITERAL_float:
+ case LITERAL_long:
+ case LITERAL_double:
+ case LITERAL_private:
+ case LITERAL_public:
+ case LITERAL_protected:
+ case LITERAL_transient:
+ case LITERAL_native:
+ case LITERAL_threadsafe:
+ case LITERAL_synchronized:
+ case LITERAL_volatile:
+ case LCURLY:
+ {
+ classField();
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ break;
+ }
+ case RCURLY:
+ case SEMI:
+ case NLS:
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ break _loop145;
+ }
+ } while (true);
+ }
+ match(RCURLY);
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ enumBlock_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ enumBlock_AST = (AST)astFactory.make( (new ASTArray(2)).add(create(OBJBLOCK,"OBJBLOCK",first,LT(1))).add(enumBlock_AST));
+ currentAST.root = enumBlock_AST;
+ currentAST.child = enumBlock_AST!=null &&enumBlock_AST.getFirstChild()!=null ?
+ enumBlock_AST.getFirstChild() : enumBlock_AST;
+ currentAST.advanceChildToEnd();
+ }
+ enumBlock_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ returnAST = enumBlock_AST;
+ }
+ public final void annotationBlock() throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException {
+ returnAST = null;
+ ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair();
+ AST annotationBlock_AST = null;
+ Token first = LT(1);
+ match(LCURLY);
+ {
+ switch ( LA(1)) {
+ case FINAL:
+ case ABSTRACT:
+ case STRICTFP:
+ case LITERAL_static:
+ case LITERAL_def:
+ case IDENT:
+ case LITERAL_class:
+ case LITERAL_interface:
+ case LITERAL_enum:
+ case LITERAL_trait:
+ case AT:
+ case LITERAL_void:
+ case LITERAL_boolean:
+ case LITERAL_byte:
+ case LITERAL_char:
+ case LITERAL_short:
+ case LITERAL_int:
+ case LITERAL_float:
+ case LITERAL_long:
+ case LITERAL_double:
+ case LITERAL_private:
+ case LITERAL_public:
+ case LITERAL_protected:
+ case LITERAL_transient:
+ case LITERAL_native:
+ case LITERAL_threadsafe:
+ case LITERAL_synchronized:
+ case LITERAL_volatile:
+ {
+ annotationField();
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ break;
+ }
+ case RCURLY:
+ case SEMI:
+ case NLS:
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ _loop137:
+ do {
+ if ((LA(1)==SEMI||LA(1)==NLS)) {
+ sep();
+ {
+ switch ( LA(1)) {
+ case FINAL:
+ case ABSTRACT:
+ case STRICTFP:
+ case LITERAL_static:
+ case LITERAL_def:
+ case IDENT:
+ case LITERAL_class:
+ case LITERAL_interface:
+ case LITERAL_enum:
+ case LITERAL_trait:
+ case AT:
+ case LITERAL_void:
+ case LITERAL_boolean:
+ case LITERAL_byte:
+ case LITERAL_char:
+ case LITERAL_short:
+ case LITERAL_int:
+ case LITERAL_float:
+ case LITERAL_long:
+ case LITERAL_double:
+ case LITERAL_private:
+ case LITERAL_public:
+ case LITERAL_protected:
+ case LITERAL_transient:
+ case LITERAL_native:
+ case LITERAL_threadsafe:
+ case LITERAL_synchronized:
+ case LITERAL_volatile:
+ {
+ annotationField();
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ break;
+ }
+ case RCURLY:
+ case SEMI:
+ case NLS:
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ break _loop137;
+ }
+ } while (true);
+ }
+ match(RCURLY);
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ annotationBlock_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ annotationBlock_AST = (AST)astFactory.make( (new ASTArray(2)).add(create(OBJBLOCK,"OBJBLOCK",first,LT(1))).add(annotationBlock_AST));
+ currentAST.root = annotationBlock_AST;
+ currentAST.child = annotationBlock_AST!=null &&annotationBlock_AST.getFirstChild()!=null ?
+ annotationBlock_AST.getFirstChild() : annotationBlock_AST;
+ currentAST.advanceChildToEnd();
+ }
+ annotationBlock_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ returnAST = annotationBlock_AST;
+ }
+ public final void typeParameter() throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException {
+ returnAST = null;
+ ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair();
+ AST typeParameter_AST = null;
+ Token id = null;
+ AST id_AST = null;
+ Token first = LT(1);
+ {
+ id = LT(1);
+ id_AST = astFactory.create(id);
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, id_AST);
+ match(IDENT);
+ }
+ {
+ if ((LA(1)==LITERAL_extends) && (LA(2)==IDENT||LA(2)==NLS)) {
+ typeParameterBounds();
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ }
+ else if ((_tokenSet_58.member(LA(1))) && (_tokenSet_12.member(LA(2)))) {
+ }
+ else {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ typeParameter_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ typeParameter_AST = (AST)astFactory.make( (new ASTArray(2)).add(create(TYPE_PARAMETER,"TYPE_PARAMETER",first,LT(1))).add(typeParameter_AST));
+ currentAST.root = typeParameter_AST;
+ currentAST.child = typeParameter_AST!=null &&typeParameter_AST.getFirstChild()!=null ?
+ typeParameter_AST.getFirstChild() : typeParameter_AST;
+ currentAST.advanceChildToEnd();
+ }
+ typeParameter_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ returnAST = typeParameter_AST;
+ }
+ public final void typeParameterBounds() throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException {
+ returnAST = null;
+ ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair();
+ AST typeParameterBounds_AST = null;
+ Token first = LT(1);
+ match(LITERAL_extends);
+ nls();
+ classOrInterfaceType(true);
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ {
+ _loop122:
+ do {
+ if ((LA(1)==BAND)) {
+ match(BAND);
+ nls();
+ classOrInterfaceType(true);
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ }
+ else {
+ break _loop122;
+ }
+ } while (true);
+ }
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ typeParameterBounds_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ typeParameterBounds_AST = (AST)astFactory.make( (new ASTArray(2)).add(create(TYPE_UPPER_BOUNDS,"TYPE_UPPER_BOUNDS",first,LT(1))).add(typeParameterBounds_AST));
+ currentAST.root = typeParameterBounds_AST;
+ currentAST.child = typeParameterBounds_AST!=null &&typeParameterBounds_AST.getFirstChild()!=null ?
+ typeParameterBounds_AST.getFirstChild() : typeParameterBounds_AST;
+ currentAST.advanceChildToEnd();
+ }
+ typeParameterBounds_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ returnAST = typeParameterBounds_AST;
+ }
+ public final void classField() throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException {
+ returnAST = null;
+ ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair();
+ AST classField_AST = null;
+ AST mc_AST = null;
+ AST ctor_AST = null;
+ AST dg_AST = null;
+ AST mad_AST = null;
+ AST dd_AST = null;
+ AST mods_AST = null;
+ AST td_AST = null;
+ AST s3_AST = null;
+ AST s4_AST = null;
+ Token first = LT(1);
+ try { // for error handling
+ boolean synPredMatched201 = false;
+ if (((_tokenSet_59.member(LA(1))) && (_tokenSet_60.member(LA(2))))) {
+ int _m201 = mark();
+ synPredMatched201 = true;
+ inputState.guessing++;
+ try {
+ {
+ constructorStart();
+ }
+ }
+ catch (RecognitionException pe) {
+ synPredMatched201 = false;
+ }
+ rewind(_m201);
+ }
+ if ( synPredMatched201 ) {
+ modifiersOpt();
+ mc_AST = (AST)returnAST;
+ constructorDefinition(mc_AST);
+ ctor_AST = (AST)returnAST;
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ classField_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ classField_AST = ctor_AST;
+ currentAST.root = classField_AST;
+ currentAST.child = classField_AST!=null &&classField_AST.getFirstChild()!=null ?
+ classField_AST.getFirstChild() : classField_AST;
+ currentAST.advanceChildToEnd();
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ boolean synPredMatched203 = false;
+ if (((_tokenSet_13.member(LA(1))) && (_tokenSet_14.member(LA(2))))) {
+ int _m203 = mark();
+ synPredMatched203 = true;
+ inputState.guessing++;
+ try {
+ {
+ genericMethodStart();
+ }
+ }
+ catch (RecognitionException pe) {
+ synPredMatched203 = false;
+ }
+ rewind(_m203);
+ }
+ if ( synPredMatched203 ) {
+ genericMethod();
+ dg_AST = (AST)returnAST;
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ classField_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ classField_AST = dg_AST;
+ currentAST.root = classField_AST;
+ currentAST.child = classField_AST!=null &&classField_AST.getFirstChild()!=null ?
+ classField_AST.getFirstChild() : classField_AST;
+ currentAST.advanceChildToEnd();
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ boolean synPredMatched205 = false;
+ if (((_tokenSet_13.member(LA(1))) && (_tokenSet_15.member(LA(2))))) {
+ int _m205 = mark();
+ synPredMatched205 = true;
+ inputState.guessing++;
+ try {
+ {
+ multipleAssignmentDeclarationStart();
+ }
+ }
+ catch (RecognitionException pe) {
+ synPredMatched205 = false;
+ }
+ rewind(_m205);
+ }
+ if ( synPredMatched205 ) {
+ multipleAssignmentDeclaration();
+ mad_AST = (AST)returnAST;
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ classField_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ classField_AST = mad_AST;
+ currentAST.root = classField_AST;
+ currentAST.child = classField_AST!=null &&classField_AST.getFirstChild()!=null ?
+ classField_AST.getFirstChild() : classField_AST;
+ currentAST.advanceChildToEnd();
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ boolean synPredMatched207 = false;
+ if (((_tokenSet_16.member(LA(1))) && (_tokenSet_17.member(LA(2))))) {
+ int _m207 = mark();
+ synPredMatched207 = true;
+ inputState.guessing++;
+ try {
+ {
+ declarationStart();
+ }
+ }
+ catch (RecognitionException pe) {
+ synPredMatched207 = false;
+ }
+ rewind(_m207);
+ }
+ if ( synPredMatched207 ) {
+ declaration();
+ dd_AST = (AST)returnAST;
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ classField_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ classField_AST = dd_AST;
+ currentAST.root = classField_AST;
+ currentAST.child = classField_AST!=null &&classField_AST.getFirstChild()!=null ?
+ classField_AST.getFirstChild() : classField_AST;
+ currentAST.advanceChildToEnd();
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ boolean synPredMatched209 = false;
+ if (((_tokenSet_22.member(LA(1))) && (_tokenSet_23.member(LA(2))))) {
+ int _m209 = mark();
+ synPredMatched209 = true;
+ inputState.guessing++;
+ try {
+ {
+ typeDefinitionStart();
+ }
+ }
+ catch (RecognitionException pe) {
+ synPredMatched209 = false;
+ }
+ rewind(_m209);
+ }
+ if ( synPredMatched209 ) {
+ modifiersOpt();
+ mods_AST = (AST)returnAST;
+ {
+ typeDefinitionInternal(mods_AST);
+ td_AST = (AST)returnAST;
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ classField_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ classField_AST = td_AST;
+ currentAST.root = classField_AST;
+ currentAST.child = classField_AST!=null &&classField_AST.getFirstChild()!=null ?
+ classField_AST.getFirstChild() : classField_AST;
+ currentAST.advanceChildToEnd();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if ((LA(1)==LITERAL_static) && (LA(2)==LCURLY||LA(2)==NLS)) {
+ match(LITERAL_static);
+ nls();
+ compoundStatement();
+ s3_AST = (AST)returnAST;
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ classField_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ classField_AST = (AST)astFactory.make( (new ASTArray(2)).add(create(STATIC_INIT,"STATIC_INIT",first,LT(1))).add(s3_AST));
+ currentAST.root = classField_AST;
+ currentAST.child = classField_AST!=null &&classField_AST.getFirstChild()!=null ?
+ classField_AST.getFirstChild() : classField_AST;
+ currentAST.advanceChildToEnd();
+ }
+ }
+ else if ((LA(1)==LCURLY)) {
+ compoundStatement();
+ s4_AST = (AST)returnAST;
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ classField_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ classField_AST = (AST)astFactory.make( (new ASTArray(2)).add(create(INSTANCE_INIT,"INSTANCE_INIT",first,LT(1))).add(s4_AST));
+ currentAST.root = classField_AST;
+ currentAST.child = classField_AST!=null &&classField_AST.getFirstChild()!=null ?
+ classField_AST.getFirstChild() : classField_AST;
+ currentAST.advanceChildToEnd();
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }}}}
+ }
+ catch (RecognitionException e) {
+ if (inputState.guessing==0) {
+ // GRECLIPSE-494: "class C {\n def m(){}\n thing\n static main(args){}\n }"
+ if (LA(1) == IDENT) {
+ reportError(e);
+ // create a variable definition for "thing" in hopes that subsequent class members can still be parsed
+ classField_AST = (AST)astFactory.make( (new ASTArray(4)).add(create(VARIABLE_DEF,"VARIABLE_DEF",first,LT(1))).add(null).add(create(TYPE,"java.lang.Object",LT(1),LT(2))).add(create(IDENT,first.getText(),LT(1),LT(2))));
+ consumeUntil(NLS);
+ } else {
+ throw e;
+ }
+ } else {
+ throw e;
+ }
+ }
+ returnAST = classField_AST;
+ }
+ public final void interfaceField() throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException {
+ returnAST = null;
+ ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair();
+ AST interfaceField_AST = null;
+ AST d_AST = null;
+ AST dg_AST = null;
+ AST mods_AST = null;
+ AST td_AST = null;
+ boolean synPredMatched213 = false;
+ if (((_tokenSet_16.member(LA(1))) && (_tokenSet_17.member(LA(2))))) {
+ int _m213 = mark();
+ synPredMatched213 = true;
+ inputState.guessing++;
+ try {
+ {
+ declarationStart();
+ }
+ }
+ catch (RecognitionException pe) {
+ synPredMatched213 = false;
+ }
+ rewind(_m213);
+ }
+ if ( synPredMatched213 ) {
+ declaration();
+ d_AST = (AST)returnAST;
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ interfaceField_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ interfaceField_AST = d_AST;
+ currentAST.root = interfaceField_AST;
+ currentAST.child = interfaceField_AST!=null &&interfaceField_AST.getFirstChild()!=null ?
+ interfaceField_AST.getFirstChild() : interfaceField_AST;
+ currentAST.advanceChildToEnd();
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ boolean synPredMatched215 = false;
+ if (((_tokenSet_13.member(LA(1))) && (_tokenSet_14.member(LA(2))))) {
+ int _m215 = mark();
+ synPredMatched215 = true;
+ inputState.guessing++;
+ try {
+ {
+ genericMethodStart();
+ }
+ }
+ catch (RecognitionException pe) {
+ synPredMatched215 = false;
+ }
+ rewind(_m215);
+ }
+ if ( synPredMatched215 ) {
+ genericMethod();
+ dg_AST = (AST)returnAST;
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ interfaceField_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ interfaceField_AST = dg_AST;
+ currentAST.root = interfaceField_AST;
+ currentAST.child = interfaceField_AST!=null &&interfaceField_AST.getFirstChild()!=null ?
+ interfaceField_AST.getFirstChild() : interfaceField_AST;
+ currentAST.advanceChildToEnd();
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ boolean synPredMatched217 = false;
+ if (((_tokenSet_22.member(LA(1))) && (_tokenSet_23.member(LA(2))))) {
+ int _m217 = mark();
+ synPredMatched217 = true;
+ inputState.guessing++;
+ try {
+ {
+ typeDefinitionStart();
+ }
+ }
+ catch (RecognitionException pe) {
+ synPredMatched217 = false;
+ }
+ rewind(_m217);
+ }
+ if ( synPredMatched217 ) {
+ modifiersOpt();
+ mods_AST = (AST)returnAST;
+ {
+ typeDefinitionInternal(mods_AST);
+ td_AST = (AST)returnAST;
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ interfaceField_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ interfaceField_AST = td_AST;
+ currentAST.root = interfaceField_AST;
+ currentAST.child = interfaceField_AST!=null &&interfaceField_AST.getFirstChild()!=null ?
+ interfaceField_AST.getFirstChild() : interfaceField_AST;
+ currentAST.advanceChildToEnd();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }}
+ returnAST = interfaceField_AST;
+ }
+ public final void annotationField() throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException {
+ returnAST = null;
+ ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair();
+ AST annotationField_AST = null;
+ AST mods_AST = null;
+ AST td_AST = null;
+ AST t_AST = null;
+ Token i = null;
+ AST i_AST = null;
+ AST amvi_AST = null;
+ AST v_AST = null;
+ Token first = LT(1);
+ modifiersOpt();
+ mods_AST = (AST)returnAST;
+ {
+ switch ( LA(1)) {
+ case LITERAL_class:
+ case LITERAL_interface:
+ case LITERAL_enum:
+ case LITERAL_trait:
+ case AT:
+ {
+ typeDefinitionInternal(mods_AST);
+ td_AST = (AST)returnAST;
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ annotationField_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ annotationField_AST = td_AST;
+ currentAST.root = annotationField_AST;
+ currentAST.child = annotationField_AST!=null &&annotationField_AST.getFirstChild()!=null ?
+ annotationField_AST.getFirstChild() : annotationField_AST;
+ currentAST.advanceChildToEnd();
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case IDENT:
+ case LITERAL_void:
+ case LITERAL_boolean:
+ case LITERAL_byte:
+ case LITERAL_char:
+ case LITERAL_short:
+ case LITERAL_int:
+ case LITERAL_float:
+ case LITERAL_long:
+ case LITERAL_double:
+ {
+ typeSpec(false);
+ t_AST = (AST)returnAST;
+ {
+ boolean synPredMatched165 = false;
+ if (((LA(1)==IDENT) && (LA(2)==LPAREN))) {
+ int _m165 = mark();
+ synPredMatched165 = true;
+ inputState.guessing++;
+ try {
+ {
+ match(IDENT);
+ match(LPAREN);
+ }
+ }
+ catch (RecognitionException pe) {
+ synPredMatched165 = false;
+ }
+ rewind(_m165);
+ }
+ if ( synPredMatched165 ) {
+ i = LT(1);
+ i_AST = astFactory.create(i);
+ match(IDENT);
+ match(LPAREN);
+ match(RPAREN);
+ {
+ switch ( LA(1)) {
+ case LITERAL_default:
+ {
+ match(LITERAL_default);
+ nls();
+ annotationMemberValueInitializer();
+ amvi_AST = (AST)returnAST;
+ break;
+ }
+ case RCURLY:
+ case SEMI:
+ case NLS:
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ annotationField_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ annotationField_AST =
+ (AST)astFactory.make( (new ASTArray(5)).add(create(ANNOTATION_FIELD_DEF,"ANNOTATION_FIELD_DEF",first,LT(1))).add(mods_AST).add((AST)astFactory.make( (new ASTArray(2)).add(create(TYPE,"TYPE",first,LT(1))).add(t_AST))).add(i_AST).add(amvi_AST));
+ currentAST.root = annotationField_AST;
+ currentAST.child = annotationField_AST!=null &&annotationField_AST.getFirstChild()!=null ?
+ annotationField_AST.getFirstChild() : annotationField_AST;
+ currentAST.advanceChildToEnd();
+ }
+ }
+ else if ((LA(1)==IDENT||LA(1)==STRING_LITERAL) && (_tokenSet_61.member(LA(2)))) {
+ variableDefinitions(mods_AST,t_AST);
+ v_AST = (AST)returnAST;
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ annotationField_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ annotationField_AST = v_AST;
+ currentAST.root = annotationField_AST;
+ currentAST.child = annotationField_AST!=null &&annotationField_AST.getFirstChild()!=null ?
+ annotationField_AST.getFirstChild() : annotationField_AST;
+ currentAST.advanceChildToEnd();
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ returnAST = annotationField_AST;
+ }
+/** Guard for enumConstants. */
+ public final void enumConstantsStart() throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException {
+ returnAST = null;
+ ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair();
+ AST enumConstantsStart_AST = null;
+ annotationsOpt();
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ AST tmp170_AST = null;
+ tmp170_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp170_AST);
+ match(IDENT);
+ {
+ switch ( LA(1)) {
+ case LCURLY:
+ {
+ AST tmp171_AST = null;
+ tmp171_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp171_AST);
+ match(LCURLY);
+ break;
+ }
+ case LPAREN:
+ {
+ AST tmp172_AST = null;
+ tmp172_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp172_AST);
+ match(LPAREN);
+ break;
+ }
+ case FINAL:
+ case ABSTRACT:
+ case STRICTFP:
+ case LITERAL_static:
+ case LITERAL_def:
+ case IDENT:
+ case AT:
+ case COMMA:
+ case LITERAL_void:
+ case LITERAL_boolean:
+ case LITERAL_byte:
+ case LITERAL_char:
+ case LITERAL_short:
+ case LITERAL_int:
+ case LITERAL_float:
+ case LITERAL_long:
+ case LITERAL_double:
+ case LITERAL_private:
+ case LITERAL_public:
+ case LITERAL_protected:
+ case LITERAL_transient:
+ case LITERAL_native:
+ case LITERAL_threadsafe:
+ case LITERAL_synchronized:
+ case LITERAL_volatile:
+ case RCURLY:
+ case SEMI:
+ case NLS:
+ {
+ nls();
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ {
+ switch ( LA(1)) {
+ case SEMI:
+ {
+ AST tmp173_AST = null;
+ tmp173_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp173_AST);
+ match(SEMI);
+ break;
+ }
+ case COMMA:
+ {
+ AST tmp174_AST = null;
+ tmp174_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp174_AST);
+ match(COMMA);
+ break;
+ }
+ case FINAL:
+ case ABSTRACT:
+ case STRICTFP:
+ case LITERAL_static:
+ case LITERAL_def:
+ case IDENT:
+ case AT:
+ case LITERAL_void:
+ case LITERAL_boolean:
+ case LITERAL_byte:
+ case LITERAL_char:
+ case LITERAL_short:
+ case LITERAL_int:
+ case LITERAL_float:
+ case LITERAL_long:
+ case LITERAL_double:
+ case LITERAL_private:
+ case LITERAL_public:
+ case LITERAL_protected:
+ case LITERAL_transient:
+ case LITERAL_native:
+ case LITERAL_threadsafe:
+ case LITERAL_synchronized:
+ case LITERAL_volatile:
+ {
+ declarationStart();
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ break;
+ }
+ case RCURLY:
+ {
+ AST tmp175_AST = null;
+ tmp175_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp175_AST);
+ match(RCURLY);
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ enumConstantsStart_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ returnAST = enumConstantsStart_AST;
+ }
+/** Comma-separated list of one or more enum constant definitions. */
+ public final void enumConstants() throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException {
+ returnAST = null;
+ ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair();
+ AST enumConstants_AST = null;
+ enumConstant();
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ {
+ _loop160:
+ do {
+ boolean synPredMatched153 = false;
+ if (((_tokenSet_62.member(LA(1))) && (_tokenSet_63.member(LA(2))))) {
+ int _m153 = mark();
+ synPredMatched153 = true;
+ inputState.guessing++;
+ try {
+ {
+ nls();
+ {
+ switch ( LA(1)) {
+ case SEMI:
+ {
+ match(SEMI);
+ break;
+ }
+ case RCURLY:
+ {
+ match(RCURLY);
+ break;
+ }
+ case FINAL:
+ case ABSTRACT:
+ case STRICTFP:
+ case LITERAL_static:
+ case LITERAL_def:
+ case IDENT:
+ case LITERAL_class:
+ case LITERAL_interface:
+ case LITERAL_enum:
+ case LITERAL_trait:
+ case AT:
+ case LITERAL_void:
+ case LITERAL_boolean:
+ case LITERAL_byte:
+ case LITERAL_char:
+ case LITERAL_short:
+ case LITERAL_int:
+ case LITERAL_float:
+ case LITERAL_long:
+ case LITERAL_double:
+ case LITERAL_private:
+ case LITERAL_public:
+ case LITERAL_protected:
+ case LITERAL_transient:
+ case LITERAL_native:
+ case LITERAL_threadsafe:
+ case LITERAL_synchronized:
+ case LITERAL_volatile:
+ case LCURLY:
+ {
+ classField();
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ catch (RecognitionException pe) {
+ synPredMatched153 = false;
+ }
+ rewind(_m153);
+ }
+ if ( synPredMatched153 ) {
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ break; /* leave ()* loop */
+ }
+ }
+ else if ((LA(1)==COMMA||LA(1)==NLS) && (_tokenSet_64.member(LA(2)))) {
+ nls();
+ match(COMMA);
+ {
+ boolean synPredMatched156 = false;
+ if (((_tokenSet_65.member(LA(1))) && (_tokenSet_55.member(LA(2))))) {
+ int _m156 = mark();
+ synPredMatched156 = true;
+ inputState.guessing++;
+ try {
+ {
+ nls();
+ annotationsOpt();
+ match(IDENT);
+ }
+ }
+ catch (RecognitionException pe) {
+ synPredMatched156 = false;
+ }
+ rewind(_m156);
+ }
+ if ( synPredMatched156 ) {
+ nls();
+ enumConstant();
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ }
+ else {
+ boolean synPredMatched159 = false;
+ if (((_tokenSet_62.member(LA(1))) && (_tokenSet_63.member(LA(2))))) {
+ int _m159 = mark();
+ synPredMatched159 = true;
+ inputState.guessing++;
+ try {
+ {
+ nls();
+ {
+ switch ( LA(1)) {
+ case SEMI:
+ {
+ match(SEMI);
+ break;
+ }
+ case RCURLY:
+ {
+ match(RCURLY);
+ break;
+ }
+ case FINAL:
+ case ABSTRACT:
+ case STRICTFP:
+ case LITERAL_static:
+ case LITERAL_def:
+ case IDENT:
+ case LITERAL_class:
+ case LITERAL_interface:
+ case LITERAL_enum:
+ case LITERAL_trait:
+ case AT:
+ case LITERAL_void:
+ case LITERAL_boolean:
+ case LITERAL_byte:
+ case LITERAL_char:
+ case LITERAL_short:
+ case LITERAL_int:
+ case LITERAL_float:
+ case LITERAL_long:
+ case LITERAL_double:
+ case LITERAL_private:
+ case LITERAL_public:
+ case LITERAL_protected:
+ case LITERAL_transient:
+ case LITERAL_native:
+ case LITERAL_threadsafe:
+ case LITERAL_synchronized:
+ case LITERAL_volatile:
+ case LCURLY:
+ {
+ classField();
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ catch (RecognitionException pe) {
+ synPredMatched159 = false;
+ }
+ rewind(_m159);
+ }
+ if ( synPredMatched159 ) {
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ break; /* leave ()* loop */
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ break _loop160;
+ }
+ } while (true);
+ }
+ enumConstants_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ returnAST = enumConstants_AST;
+ }
+ public final void enumConstant() throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException {
+ returnAST = null;
+ ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair();
+ AST enumConstant_AST = null;
+ AST an_AST = null;
+ Token i = null;
+ AST i_AST = null;
+ AST a_AST = null;
+ AST b_AST = null;
+ Token first = LT(1);
+ annotationsOpt();
+ an_AST = (AST)returnAST;
+ i = LT(1);
+ i_AST = astFactory.create(i);
+ match(IDENT);
+ {
+ switch ( LA(1)) {
+ case LPAREN:
+ {
+ match(LPAREN);
+ argList();
+ a_AST = (AST)returnAST;
+ match(RPAREN);
+ break;
+ }
+ case COMMA:
+ case LCURLY:
+ case RCURLY:
+ case SEMI:
+ case NLS:
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ switch ( LA(1)) {
+ case LCURLY:
+ {
+ enumConstantBlock();
+ b_AST = (AST)returnAST;
+ break;
+ }
+ case COMMA:
+ case RCURLY:
+ case SEMI:
+ case NLS:
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ enumConstant_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ enumConstant_AST = (AST)astFactory.make( (new ASTArray(5)).add(create(ENUM_CONSTANT_DEF,"ENUM_CONSTANT_DEF",first,LT(1))).add(an_AST).add(i_AST).add(a_AST).add(b_AST));
+ currentAST.root = enumConstant_AST;
+ currentAST.child = enumConstant_AST!=null &&enumConstant_AST.getFirstChild()!=null ?
+ enumConstant_AST.getFirstChild() : enumConstant_AST;
+ currentAST.advanceChildToEnd();
+ }
+ returnAST = enumConstant_AST;
+ }
+ public final void argList() throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException {
+ returnAST = null;
+ ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair();
+ AST argList_AST = null;
+ Token first = LT(1);
+ Token lastComma = null;
+ int hls=0, hls2=0;
+ boolean hasClosureList=false;
+ boolean trailingComma=false;
+ boolean sce=false;
+ try { // for error handling
+ {
+ switch ( LA(1)) {
+ case FINAL:
+ case ABSTRACT:
+ case UNUSED_DO:
+ case STRICTFP:
+ case LITERAL_package:
+ case LITERAL_import:
+ case LITERAL_static:
+ case LITERAL_def:
+ case LBRACK:
+ case IDENT:
+ case LPAREN:
+ case LITERAL_class:
+ case LITERAL_interface:
+ case LITERAL_enum:
+ case LITERAL_trait:
+ case AT:
+ case LITERAL_extends:
+ case LITERAL_super:
+ case LITERAL_void:
+ case LITERAL_boolean:
+ case LITERAL_byte:
+ case LITERAL_char:
+ case LITERAL_short:
+ case LITERAL_int:
+ case LITERAL_float:
+ case LITERAL_long:
+ case LITERAL_double:
+ case STAR:
+ case LITERAL_as:
+ case LITERAL_private:
+ case LITERAL_public:
+ case LITERAL_protected:
+ case LITERAL_transient:
+ case LITERAL_native:
+ case LITERAL_threadsafe:
+ case LITERAL_synchronized:
+ case LITERAL_volatile:
+ case LCURLY:
+ case LITERAL_default:
+ case LITERAL_throws:
+ case LITERAL_implements:
+ case LITERAL_this:
+ case LITERAL_if:
+ case LITERAL_else:
+ case LITERAL_while:
+ case LITERAL_switch:
+ case LITERAL_for:
+ case LITERAL_in:
+ case LITERAL_return:
+ case LITERAL_break:
+ case LITERAL_continue:
+ case LITERAL_throw:
+ case LITERAL_assert:
+ case PLUS:
+ case MINUS:
+ case LITERAL_case:
+ case LITERAL_try:
+ case LITERAL_finally:
+ case LITERAL_catch:
+ case LITERAL_false:
+ case LITERAL_instanceof:
+ case LITERAL_new:
+ case LITERAL_null:
+ case LITERAL_true:
+ case INC:
+ case DEC:
+ case BNOT:
+ case LNOT:
+ case NUM_INT:
+ case NUM_FLOAT:
+ case NUM_LONG:
+ case NUM_DOUBLE:
+ case NUM_BIG_INT:
+ {
+ hls=argument();
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ {
+ switch ( LA(1)) {
+ case SEMI:
+ {
+ {
+ {
+ int _cnt565=0;
+ _loop565:
+ do {
+ if ((LA(1)==SEMI)) {
+ match(SEMI);
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ hasClosureList=true;
+ }
+ {
+ switch ( LA(1)) {
+ case FINAL:
+ case ABSTRACT:
+ case STRICTFP:
+ case LITERAL_static:
+ case LITERAL_def:
+ case LBRACK:
+ case IDENT:
+ case LPAREN:
+ case AT:
+ case LITERAL_super:
+ case LITERAL_void:
+ case LITERAL_boolean:
+ case LITERAL_byte:
+ case LITERAL_char:
+ case LITERAL_short:
+ case LITERAL_int:
+ case LITERAL_float:
+ case LITERAL_long:
+ case LITERAL_double:
+ case LITERAL_private:
+ case LITERAL_public:
+ case LITERAL_protected:
+ case LITERAL_transient:
+ case LITERAL_native:
+ case LITERAL_threadsafe:
+ case LITERAL_synchronized:
+ case LITERAL_volatile:
+ case LCURLY:
+ case LITERAL_this:
+ case LITERAL_return:
+ case LITERAL_break:
+ case LITERAL_continue:
+ case LITERAL_throw:
+ case LITERAL_assert:
+ case PLUS:
+ case MINUS:
+ case LITERAL_false:
+ case LITERAL_new:
+ case LITERAL_null:
+ case LITERAL_true:
+ case INC:
+ case DEC:
+ case BNOT:
+ case LNOT:
+ case NUM_INT:
+ case NUM_FLOAT:
+ case NUM_LONG:
+ case NUM_DOUBLE:
+ case NUM_BIG_INT:
+ {
+ sce=strictContextExpression(true);
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ break;
+ }
+ case RBRACK:
+ case RPAREN:
+ case SEMI:
+ {
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST,astFactory.create(EMPTY_STAT, "EMPTY_STAT"));
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ if ( _cnt565>=1 ) { break _loop565; } else {throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());}
+ }
+ _cnt565++;
+ } while (true);
+ }
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ argList_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ argList_AST = (AST)astFactory.make( (new ASTArray(2)).add(create(CLOSURE_LIST,"CLOSURE_LIST",first,LT(1))).add(argList_AST));
+ currentAST.root = argList_AST;
+ currentAST.child = argList_AST!=null &&argList_AST.getFirstChild()!=null ?
+ argList_AST.getFirstChild() : argList_AST;
+ currentAST.advanceChildToEnd();
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case RBRACK:
+ case COMMA:
+ case RPAREN:
+ {
+ {
+ {
+ _loop571:
+ do {
+ if ((LA(1)==COMMA)) {
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ lastComma = LT(1);
+ }
+ match(COMMA);
+ {
+ switch ( LA(1)) {
+ case FINAL:
+ case ABSTRACT:
+ case UNUSED_DO:
+ case STRICTFP:
+ case LITERAL_package:
+ case LITERAL_import:
+ case LITERAL_static:
+ case LITERAL_def:
+ case LBRACK:
+ case IDENT:
+ case LPAREN:
+ case LITERAL_class:
+ case LITERAL_interface:
+ case LITERAL_enum:
+ case LITERAL_trait:
+ case AT:
+ case LITERAL_extends:
+ case LITERAL_super:
+ case LITERAL_void:
+ case LITERAL_boolean:
+ case LITERAL_byte:
+ case LITERAL_char:
+ case LITERAL_short:
+ case LITERAL_int:
+ case LITERAL_float:
+ case LITERAL_long:
+ case LITERAL_double:
+ case STAR:
+ case LITERAL_as:
+ case LITERAL_private:
+ case LITERAL_public:
+ case LITERAL_protected:
+ case LITERAL_transient:
+ case LITERAL_native:
+ case LITERAL_threadsafe:
+ case LITERAL_synchronized:
+ case LITERAL_volatile:
+ case LCURLY:
+ case LITERAL_default:
+ case LITERAL_throws:
+ case LITERAL_implements:
+ case LITERAL_this:
+ case LITERAL_if:
+ case LITERAL_else:
+ case LITERAL_while:
+ case LITERAL_switch:
+ case LITERAL_for:
+ case LITERAL_in:
+ case LITERAL_return:
+ case LITERAL_break:
+ case LITERAL_continue:
+ case LITERAL_throw:
+ case LITERAL_assert:
+ case PLUS:
+ case MINUS:
+ case LITERAL_case:
+ case LITERAL_try:
+ case LITERAL_finally:
+ case LITERAL_catch:
+ case LITERAL_false:
+ case LITERAL_instanceof:
+ case LITERAL_new:
+ case LITERAL_null:
+ case LITERAL_true:
+ case INC:
+ case DEC:
+ case BNOT:
+ case LNOT:
+ case NUM_INT:
+ case NUM_FLOAT:
+ case NUM_LONG:
+ case NUM_DOUBLE:
+ case NUM_BIG_INT:
+ {
+ {
+ hls2=argument();
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ hls |= hls2;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case RBRACK:
+ case COMMA:
+ case RPAREN:
+ {
+ {
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ if (trailingComma) throw new NoViableAltException(lastComma, getFilename());
+ trailingComma=true;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ break _loop571;
+ }
+ } while (true);
+ }
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ argList_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ argList_AST = (AST)astFactory.make( (new ASTArray(2)).add(create(ELIST,"ELIST",first,LT(1))).add(argList_AST));
+ currentAST.root = argList_AST;
+ currentAST.child = argList_AST!=null &&argList_AST.getFirstChild()!=null ?
+ argList_AST.getFirstChild() : argList_AST;
+ currentAST.advanceChildToEnd();
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case RBRACK:
+ case RPAREN:
+ {
+ {
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ argList_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ argList_AST = create(ELIST,"ELIST",first,LT(1));
+ currentAST.root = argList_AST;
+ currentAST.child = argList_AST!=null &&argList_AST.getFirstChild()!=null ?
+ argList_AST.getFirstChild() : argList_AST;
+ currentAST.advanceChildToEnd();
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ argListHasLabels = (hls&1)!=0;
+ }
+ argList_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ }
+ catch (RecognitionException e) {
+ if (inputState.guessing==0) {
+ // in case of missing right paren "method(obj.exp", complete arglist
+ if (currentAST != null && !hasClosureList) {
+ argList_AST = (AST)astFactory.make( (new ASTArray(2)).add(create(ELIST,"ELIST",first,LT(1))).add(currentAST.root));
+ } else {
+ throw e;
+ }
+ } else {
+ throw e;
+ }
+ }
+ returnAST = argList_AST;
+ }
+ public final void enumConstantBlock() throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException {
+ returnAST = null;
+ ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair();
+ AST enumConstantBlock_AST = null;
+ Token first = LT(1);
+ match(LCURLY);
+ {
+ switch ( LA(1)) {
+ case FINAL:
+ case ABSTRACT:
+ case STRICTFP:
+ case LITERAL_static:
+ case LITERAL_def:
+ case IDENT:
+ case LT:
+ case LITERAL_class:
+ case LITERAL_interface:
+ case LITERAL_enum:
+ case LITERAL_trait:
+ case AT:
+ case LITERAL_void:
+ case LITERAL_boolean:
+ case LITERAL_byte:
+ case LITERAL_char:
+ case LITERAL_short:
+ case LITERAL_int:
+ case LITERAL_float:
+ case LITERAL_long:
+ case LITERAL_double:
+ case LITERAL_private:
+ case LITERAL_public:
+ case LITERAL_protected:
+ case LITERAL_transient:
+ case LITERAL_native:
+ case LITERAL_threadsafe:
+ case LITERAL_synchronized:
+ case LITERAL_volatile:
+ case LCURLY:
+ {
+ enumConstantField();
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ break;
+ }
+ case RCURLY:
+ case SEMI:
+ case NLS:
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ _loop174:
+ do {
+ if ((LA(1)==SEMI||LA(1)==NLS)) {
+ sep();
+ {
+ switch ( LA(1)) {
+ case FINAL:
+ case ABSTRACT:
+ case STRICTFP:
+ case LITERAL_static:
+ case LITERAL_def:
+ case IDENT:
+ case LT:
+ case LITERAL_class:
+ case LITERAL_interface:
+ case LITERAL_enum:
+ case LITERAL_trait:
+ case AT:
+ case LITERAL_void:
+ case LITERAL_boolean:
+ case LITERAL_byte:
+ case LITERAL_char:
+ case LITERAL_short:
+ case LITERAL_int:
+ case LITERAL_float:
+ case LITERAL_long:
+ case LITERAL_double:
+ case LITERAL_private:
+ case LITERAL_public:
+ case LITERAL_protected:
+ case LITERAL_transient:
+ case LITERAL_native:
+ case LITERAL_threadsafe:
+ case LITERAL_synchronized:
+ case LITERAL_volatile:
+ case LCURLY:
+ {
+ enumConstantField();
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ break;
+ }
+ case RCURLY:
+ case SEMI:
+ case NLS:
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ break _loop174;
+ }
+ } while (true);
+ }
+ match(RCURLY);
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ enumConstantBlock_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ enumConstantBlock_AST = (AST)astFactory.make( (new ASTArray(2)).add(create(OBJBLOCK,"OBJBLOCK",first,LT(1))).add(enumConstantBlock_AST));
+ currentAST.root = enumConstantBlock_AST;
+ currentAST.child = enumConstantBlock_AST!=null &&enumConstantBlock_AST.getFirstChild()!=null ?
+ enumConstantBlock_AST.getFirstChild() : enumConstantBlock_AST;
+ currentAST.advanceChildToEnd();
+ }
+ enumConstantBlock_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ returnAST = enumConstantBlock_AST;
+ }
+ public final void enumConstantField() throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException {
+ returnAST = null;
+ ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair();
+ AST enumConstantField_AST = null;
+ AST mods_AST = null;
+ AST td_AST = null;
+ AST m1_AST = null;
+ AST tp1_AST = null;
+ AST t1_AST = null;
+ AST e1_AST = null;
+ AST m2_AST = null;
+ AST tp2_AST = null;
+ AST t2_AST = null;
+ AST e2_AST = null;
+ AST cs_AST = null;
+ Token first = LT(1);
+ switch ( LA(1)) {
+ case FINAL:
+ case ABSTRACT:
+ case STRICTFP:
+ case LITERAL_static:
+ case LITERAL_def:
+ case IDENT:
+ case LT:
+ case LITERAL_class:
+ case LITERAL_interface:
+ case LITERAL_enum:
+ case LITERAL_trait:
+ case AT:
+ case LITERAL_void:
+ case LITERAL_boolean:
+ case LITERAL_byte:
+ case LITERAL_char:
+ case LITERAL_short:
+ case LITERAL_int:
+ case LITERAL_float:
+ case LITERAL_long:
+ case LITERAL_double:
+ case LITERAL_private:
+ case LITERAL_public:
+ case LITERAL_protected:
+ case LITERAL_transient:
+ case LITERAL_native:
+ case LITERAL_threadsafe:
+ case LITERAL_synchronized:
+ case LITERAL_volatile:
+ {
+ {
+ boolean synPredMatched178 = false;
+ if (((_tokenSet_22.member(LA(1))) && (_tokenSet_23.member(LA(2))))) {
+ int _m178 = mark();
+ synPredMatched178 = true;
+ inputState.guessing++;
+ try {
+ {
+ typeDefinitionStart();
+ }
+ }
+ catch (RecognitionException pe) {
+ synPredMatched178 = false;
+ }
+ rewind(_m178);
+ }
+ if ( synPredMatched178 ) {
+ modifiersOpt();
+ mods_AST = (AST)returnAST;
+ typeDefinitionInternal(mods_AST);
+ td_AST = (AST)returnAST;
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ enumConstantField_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ enumConstantField_AST = td_AST;
+ currentAST.root = enumConstantField_AST;
+ currentAST.child = enumConstantField_AST!=null &&enumConstantField_AST.getFirstChild()!=null ?
+ enumConstantField_AST.getFirstChild() : enumConstantField_AST;
+ currentAST.advanceChildToEnd();
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ boolean synPredMatched180 = false;
+ if (((_tokenSet_13.member(LA(1))) && (_tokenSet_66.member(LA(2))))) {
+ int _m180 = mark();
+ synPredMatched180 = true;
+ inputState.guessing++;
+ try {
+ {
+ modifiers();
+ }
+ }
+ catch (RecognitionException pe) {
+ synPredMatched180 = false;
+ }
+ rewind(_m180);
+ }
+ if ( synPredMatched180 ) {
+ modifiers();
+ m1_AST = (AST)returnAST;
+ {
+ switch ( LA(1)) {
+ case LT:
+ {
+ typeParameters();
+ tp1_AST = (AST)returnAST;
+ break;
+ }
+ case IDENT:
+ case LITERAL_void:
+ case LITERAL_boolean:
+ case LITERAL_byte:
+ case LITERAL_char:
+ case LITERAL_short:
+ case LITERAL_int:
+ case LITERAL_float:
+ case LITERAL_long:
+ case LITERAL_double:
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ if ((_tokenSet_25.member(LA(1))) && (_tokenSet_26.member(LA(2)))) {
+ typeSpec(false);
+ t1_AST = (AST)returnAST;
+ }
+ else if ((LA(1)==IDENT||LA(1)==STRING_LITERAL) && (_tokenSet_61.member(LA(2)))) {
+ }
+ else {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ enumConstantFieldInternal(m1_AST, tp1_AST, t1_AST, first);
+ e1_AST = (AST)returnAST;
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ enumConstantField_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ enumConstantField_AST = e1_AST;
+ currentAST.root = enumConstantField_AST;
+ currentAST.child = enumConstantField_AST!=null &&enumConstantField_AST.getFirstChild()!=null ?
+ enumConstantField_AST.getFirstChild() : enumConstantField_AST;
+ currentAST.advanceChildToEnd();
+ }
+ }
+ else if ((_tokenSet_67.member(LA(1))) && (_tokenSet_17.member(LA(2)))) {
+ modifiersOpt();
+ m2_AST = (AST)returnAST;
+ {
+ switch ( LA(1)) {
+ case LT:
+ {
+ typeParameters();
+ tp2_AST = (AST)returnAST;
+ break;
+ }
+ case IDENT:
+ case LITERAL_void:
+ case LITERAL_boolean:
+ case LITERAL_byte:
+ case LITERAL_char:
+ case LITERAL_short:
+ case LITERAL_int:
+ case LITERAL_float:
+ case LITERAL_long:
+ case LITERAL_double:
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ typeSpec(false);
+ t2_AST = (AST)returnAST;
+ enumConstantFieldInternal(m2_AST, tp2_AST, t2_AST, first);
+ e2_AST = (AST)returnAST;
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ enumConstantField_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ enumConstantField_AST = e2_AST;
+ currentAST.root = enumConstantField_AST;
+ currentAST.child = enumConstantField_AST!=null &&enumConstantField_AST.getFirstChild()!=null ?
+ enumConstantField_AST.getFirstChild() : enumConstantField_AST;
+ currentAST.advanceChildToEnd();
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case LCURLY:
+ {
+ compoundStatement();
+ cs_AST = (AST)returnAST;
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ enumConstantField_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ enumConstantField_AST = (AST)astFactory.make( (new ASTArray(2)).add(create(INSTANCE_INIT,"INSTANCE_INIT",first,LT(1))).add(cs_AST));
+ currentAST.root = enumConstantField_AST;
+ currentAST.child = enumConstantField_AST!=null &&enumConstantField_AST.getFirstChild()!=null ?
+ enumConstantField_AST.getFirstChild() : enumConstantField_AST;
+ currentAST.advanceChildToEnd();
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ returnAST = enumConstantField_AST;
+ }
+ protected final void enumConstantFieldInternal(
+ AST mods, AST tp, AST t, Token first
+ ) throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException {
+ returnAST = null;
+ ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair();
+ AST enumConstantFieldInternal_AST = null;
+ AST param_AST = null;
+ AST tc_AST = null;
+ AST s2_AST = null;
+ AST v_AST = null;
+ boolean synPredMatched186 = false;
+ if (((LA(1)==IDENT) && (LA(2)==LPAREN))) {
+ int _m186 = mark();
+ synPredMatched186 = true;
+ inputState.guessing++;
+ try {
+ {
+ match(IDENT);
+ match(LPAREN);
+ }
+ }
+ catch (RecognitionException pe) {
+ synPredMatched186 = false;
+ }
+ rewind(_m186);
+ }
+ if ( synPredMatched186 ) {
+ AST tmp183_AST = null;
+ tmp183_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ match(IDENT);
+ match(LPAREN);
+ parameterDeclarationList();
+ param_AST = (AST)returnAST;
+ match(RPAREN);
+ {
+ boolean synPredMatched189 = false;
+ if (((LA(1)==LITERAL_throws||LA(1)==NLS) && (_tokenSet_29.member(LA(2))))) {
+ int _m189 = mark();
+ synPredMatched189 = true;
+ inputState.guessing++;
+ try {
+ {
+ nls();
+ match(LITERAL_throws);
+ }
+ }
+ catch (RecognitionException pe) {
+ synPredMatched189 = false;
+ }
+ rewind(_m189);
+ }
+ if ( synPredMatched189 ) {
+ throwsClause();
+ tc_AST = (AST)returnAST;
+ }
+ else if ((_tokenSet_68.member(LA(1))) && (_tokenSet_69.member(LA(2)))) {
+ }
+ else {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ switch ( LA(1)) {
+ case LCURLY:
+ {
+ compoundStatement();
+ s2_AST = (AST)returnAST;
+ break;
+ }
+ case RCURLY:
+ case SEMI:
+ case NLS:
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ enumConstantFieldInternal_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ enumConstantFieldInternal_AST = (AST)astFactory.make( (new ASTArray(7)).add(create(METHOD_DEF,"METHOD_DEF",first,LT(1))).add(mods).add((AST)astFactory.make( (new ASTArray(2)).add(create(TYPE,"TYPE",first,LT(1))).add(t))).add(tmp183_AST).add(param_AST).add(tc_AST).add(s2_AST));
+ if (tp != null) {
+ AST old = enumConstantFieldInternal_AST.getFirstChild();
+ enumConstantFieldInternal_AST.setFirstChild(tp);
+ tp.setNextSibling(old);
+ }
+ currentAST.root = enumConstantFieldInternal_AST;
+ currentAST.child = enumConstantFieldInternal_AST!=null &&enumConstantFieldInternal_AST.getFirstChild()!=null ?
+ enumConstantFieldInternal_AST.getFirstChild() : enumConstantFieldInternal_AST;
+ currentAST.advanceChildToEnd();
+ }
+ }
+ else if ((LA(1)==IDENT||LA(1)==STRING_LITERAL) && (_tokenSet_61.member(LA(2)))) {
+ variableDefinitions(mods,t);
+ v_AST = (AST)returnAST;
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ enumConstantFieldInternal_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ enumConstantFieldInternal_AST = v_AST;
+ currentAST.root = enumConstantFieldInternal_AST;
+ currentAST.child = enumConstantFieldInternal_AST!=null &&enumConstantFieldInternal_AST.getFirstChild()!=null ?
+ enumConstantFieldInternal_AST.getFirstChild() : enumConstantFieldInternal_AST;
+ currentAST.advanceChildToEnd();
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ returnAST = enumConstantFieldInternal_AST;
+ }
+ public final void compoundStatement() throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException {
+ returnAST = null;
+ ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair();
+ AST compoundStatement_AST = null;
+ openBlock();
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ compoundStatement_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ returnAST = compoundStatement_AST;
+ }
+/** A list of zero or more formal parameters.
+ * If a parameter is variable length (e.g. String... myArg) it should be
+ * to the right of any other parameters of the same kind.
+ * General form: (req, ..., opt, ..., [rest], key, ..., [restKeys], [block]
+ * This must be sorted out after parsing, since the various declaration forms
+ * are impossible to tell apart without backtracking.
+ */
+ public final void parameterDeclarationList() throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException {
+ returnAST = null;
+ ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair();
+ AST parameterDeclarationList_AST = null;
+ Token first = LT(1);
+ {
+ switch ( LA(1)) {
+ case FINAL:
+ case LITERAL_def:
+ case IDENT:
+ case AT:
+ case LITERAL_void:
+ case LITERAL_boolean:
+ case LITERAL_byte:
+ case LITERAL_char:
+ case LITERAL_short:
+ case LITERAL_int:
+ case LITERAL_float:
+ case LITERAL_long:
+ case LITERAL_double:
+ case TRIPLE_DOT:
+ {
+ parameterDeclaration();
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ {
+ _loop272:
+ do {
+ if ((LA(1)==COMMA)) {
+ match(COMMA);
+ nls();
+ parameterDeclaration();
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ }
+ else {
+ break _loop272;
+ }
+ } while (true);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case RPAREN:
+ case NLS:
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ parameterDeclarationList_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ parameterDeclarationList_AST = (AST)astFactory.make( (new ASTArray(2)).add(create(PARAMETERS,"PARAMETERS",first,LT(1))).add(parameterDeclarationList_AST));
+ currentAST.root = parameterDeclarationList_AST;
+ currentAST.child = parameterDeclarationList_AST!=null &¶meterDeclarationList_AST.getFirstChild()!=null ?
+ parameterDeclarationList_AST.getFirstChild() : parameterDeclarationList_AST;
+ currentAST.advanceChildToEnd();
+ }
+ parameterDeclarationList_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ returnAST = parameterDeclarationList_AST;
+ }
+ public final void throwsClause() throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException {
+ returnAST = null;
+ ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair();
+ AST throwsClause_AST = null;
+ nls();
+ AST tmp187_AST = null;
+ tmp187_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ astFactory.makeASTRoot(currentAST, tmp187_AST);
+ match(LITERAL_throws);
+ nls();
+ identifier();
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ {
+ _loop268:
+ do {
+ if ((LA(1)==COMMA)) {
+ match(COMMA);
+ nls();
+ identifier();
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ }
+ else {
+ break _loop268;
+ }
+ } while (true);
+ }
+ throwsClause_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ returnAST = throwsClause_AST;
+ }
+/** I've split out constructors separately; we could maybe integrate back into variableDefinitions
+ * later on if we maybe simplified 'def' to be a type declaration?
+ */
+ public final void constructorDefinition(
+ AST mods
+ ) throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException {
+ returnAST = null;
+ ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair();
+ AST constructorDefinition_AST = null;
+ Token id = null;
+ AST id_AST = null;
+ AST param_AST = null;
+ AST tc_AST = null;
+ AST cb_AST = null;
+ Token first = cloneToken(LT(1));
+ if (mods != null) {
+ first.setLine(mods.getLine());
+ first.setColumn(mods.getColumn());
+ }
+ id = LT(1);
+ id_AST = astFactory.create(id);
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, id_AST);
+ match(IDENT);
+ match(LPAREN);
+ parameterDeclarationList();
+ param_AST = (AST)returnAST;
+ match(RPAREN);
+ {
+ boolean synPredMatched257 = false;
+ if (((LA(1)==LITERAL_throws||LA(1)==NLS) && (_tokenSet_29.member(LA(2))))) {
+ int _m257 = mark();
+ synPredMatched257 = true;
+ inputState.guessing++;
+ try {
+ {
+ nls();
+ match(LITERAL_throws);
+ }
+ }
+ catch (RecognitionException pe) {
+ synPredMatched257 = false;
+ }
+ rewind(_m257);
+ }
+ if ( synPredMatched257 ) {
+ throwsClause();
+ tc_AST = (AST)returnAST;
+ }
+ else if ((LA(1)==LCURLY||LA(1)==NLS) && (_tokenSet_70.member(LA(2)))) {
+ }
+ else {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ nlsWarn();
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ isConstructorIdent(id);
+ }
+ constructorBody();
+ cb_AST = (AST)returnAST;
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ constructorDefinition_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ constructorDefinition_AST = (AST)astFactory.make( (new ASTArray(5)).add(create(CTOR_IDENT,"CTOR_IDENT",first,LT(1))).add(mods).add(param_AST).add(tc_AST).add(cb_AST));
+ currentAST.root = constructorDefinition_AST;
+ currentAST.child = constructorDefinition_AST!=null &&constructorDefinition_AST.getFirstChild()!=null ?
+ constructorDefinition_AST.getFirstChild() : constructorDefinition_AST;
+ currentAST.advanceChildToEnd();
+ }
+ constructorDefinition_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ returnAST = constructorDefinition_AST;
+ }
+ public final void multipleAssignmentDeclarationStart() throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException {
+ returnAST = null;
+ ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair();
+ AST multipleAssignmentDeclarationStart_AST = null;
+ {
+ _loop232:
+ do {
+ switch ( LA(1)) {
+ case FINAL:
+ case ABSTRACT:
+ case STRICTFP:
+ case LITERAL_static:
+ case LITERAL_private:
+ case LITERAL_public:
+ case LITERAL_protected:
+ case LITERAL_transient:
+ case LITERAL_native:
+ case LITERAL_threadsafe:
+ case LITERAL_synchronized:
+ case LITERAL_volatile:
+ {
+ modifier();
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ nls();
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ break;
+ }
+ case AT:
+ {
+ annotation();
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ nls();
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ break _loop232;
+ }
+ }
+ } while (true);
+ }
+ AST tmp191_AST = null;
+ tmp191_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp191_AST);
+ match(LITERAL_def);
+ nls();
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ AST tmp192_AST = null;
+ tmp192_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp192_AST);
+ match(LPAREN);
+ multipleAssignmentDeclarationStart_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ returnAST = multipleAssignmentDeclarationStart_AST;
+ }
+ public final void multipleAssignmentDeclaration() throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException {
+ returnAST = null;
+ ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair();
+ AST multipleAssignmentDeclaration_AST = null;
+ AST mods_AST = null;
+ AST t_AST = null;
+ Token first = cloneToken(LT(1));
+ modifiers();
+ mods_AST = (AST)returnAST;
+ {
+ switch ( LA(1)) {
+ case IDENT:
+ case LITERAL_void:
+ case LITERAL_boolean:
+ case LITERAL_byte:
+ case LITERAL_char:
+ case LITERAL_short:
+ case LITERAL_int:
+ case LITERAL_float:
+ case LITERAL_long:
+ case LITERAL_double:
+ {
+ typeSpec(false);
+ t_AST = (AST)returnAST;
+ break;
+ }
+ case LPAREN:
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ AST tmp193_AST = null;
+ tmp193_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ astFactory.makeASTRoot(currentAST, tmp193_AST);
+ match(LPAREN);
+ nls();
+ typeNamePairs(mods_AST,first);
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ match(RPAREN);
+ AST tmp195_AST = null;
+ tmp195_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ astFactory.makeASTRoot(currentAST, tmp195_AST);
+ match(ASSIGN);
+ nls();
+ {
+ boolean synPredMatched244 = false;
+ if (((LA(1)==LPAREN) && (LA(2)==IDENT||LA(2)==NLS))) {
+ int _m244 = mark();
+ synPredMatched244 = true;
+ inputState.guessing++;
+ try {
+ {
+ match(LPAREN);
+ nls();
+ match(IDENT);
+ {
+ _loop243:
+ do {
+ if ((LA(1)==COMMA)) {
+ match(COMMA);
+ nls();
+ match(IDENT);
+ }
+ else {
+ break _loop243;
+ }
+ } while (true);
+ }
+ match(RPAREN);
+ match(ASSIGN);
+ }
+ }
+ catch (RecognitionException pe) {
+ synPredMatched244 = false;
+ }
+ rewind(_m244);
+ }
+ if ( synPredMatched244 ) {
+ multipleAssignment(0);
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ }
+ else if ((_tokenSet_20.member(LA(1))) && (_tokenSet_2.member(LA(2)))) {
+ assignmentExpression(0);
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ }
+ else {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ multipleAssignmentDeclaration_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ multipleAssignmentDeclaration_AST=(AST)astFactory.make( (new ASTArray(4)).add(create(VARIABLE_DEF,"VARIABLE_DEF",first,LT(1))).add(mods_AST).add((AST)astFactory.make( (new ASTArray(2)).add(create(TYPE,"TYPE",first,LT(1))).add(t_AST))).add(multipleAssignmentDeclaration_AST));
+ currentAST.root = multipleAssignmentDeclaration_AST;
+ currentAST.child = multipleAssignmentDeclaration_AST!=null &&multipleAssignmentDeclaration_AST.getFirstChild()!=null ?
+ multipleAssignmentDeclaration_AST.getFirstChild() : multipleAssignmentDeclaration_AST;
+ currentAST.advanceChildToEnd();
+ }
+ multipleAssignmentDeclaration_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ returnAST = multipleAssignmentDeclaration_AST;
+ }
+ public final void constructorBody() throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException {
+ returnAST = null;
+ ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair();
+ AST constructorBody_AST = null;
+ AST eci_AST = null;
+ AST bb1_AST = null;
+ AST bb2_AST = null;
+ Token first = LT(1);
+ match(LCURLY);
+ nls();
+ {
+ boolean synPredMatched222 = false;
+ if (((_tokenSet_71.member(LA(1))) && (_tokenSet_72.member(LA(2))))) {
+ int _m222 = mark();
+ synPredMatched222 = true;
+ inputState.guessing++;
+ try {
+ {
+ explicitConstructorInvocation();
+ }
+ }
+ catch (RecognitionException pe) {
+ synPredMatched222 = false;
+ }
+ rewind(_m222);
+ }
+ if ( synPredMatched222 ) {
+ explicitConstructorInvocation();
+ eci_AST = (AST)returnAST;
+ {
+ switch ( LA(1)) {
+ case SEMI:
+ case NLS:
+ {
+ sep();
+ blockBody(sepToken);
+ bb1_AST = (AST)returnAST;
+ break;
+ }
+ case RCURLY:
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if ((_tokenSet_31.member(LA(1))) && (_tokenSet_73.member(LA(2)))) {
+ blockBody(EOF);
+ bb2_AST = (AST)returnAST;
+ }
+ else {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ match(RCURLY);
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ constructorBody_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ if (eci_AST != null)
+ constructorBody_AST = (AST)astFactory.make( (new ASTArray(3)).add(create(SLIST,"{",first,LT(1))).add(eci_AST).add(bb1_AST));
+ else
+ constructorBody_AST = (AST)astFactory.make( (new ASTArray(2)).add(create(SLIST,"{",first,LT(1))).add(bb2_AST));
+ currentAST.root = constructorBody_AST;
+ currentAST.child = constructorBody_AST!=null &&constructorBody_AST.getFirstChild()!=null ?
+ constructorBody_AST.getFirstChild() : constructorBody_AST;
+ currentAST.advanceChildToEnd();
+ }
+ constructorBody_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ returnAST = constructorBody_AST;
+ }
+/** Catch obvious constructor calls, but not the expr.super(...) calls */
+ public final void explicitConstructorInvocation() throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException {
+ returnAST = null;
+ ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair();
+ AST explicitConstructorInvocation_AST = null;
+ Token lp1 = null;
+ AST lp1_AST = null;
+ Token lp2 = null;
+ AST lp2_AST = null;
+ {
+ switch ( LA(1)) {
+ case LT:
+ {
+ typeArguments();
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ break;
+ }
+ case LITERAL_super:
+ case LITERAL_this:
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ switch ( LA(1)) {
+ case LITERAL_this:
+ {
+ match(LITERAL_this);
+ lp1 = LT(1);
+ lp1_AST = astFactory.create(lp1);
+ astFactory.makeASTRoot(currentAST, lp1_AST);
+ match(LPAREN);
+ argList();
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ match(RPAREN);
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ lp1_AST.setType(CTOR_CALL);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case LITERAL_super:
+ {
+ match(LITERAL_super);
+ lp2 = LT(1);
+ lp2_AST = astFactory.create(lp2);
+ astFactory.makeASTRoot(currentAST, lp2_AST);
+ match(LPAREN);
+ argList();
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ match(RPAREN);
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ lp2_AST.setType(SUPER_CTOR_CALL);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ explicitConstructorInvocation_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ returnAST = explicitConstructorInvocation_AST;
+ }
+ public final void listOfVariables(
+ AST mods, AST t, Token first
+ ) throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException {
+ returnAST = null;
+ ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair();
+ AST listOfVariables_AST = null;
+ variableDeclarator(getASTFactory().dupTree(mods),
+ getASTFactory().dupTree(t),first);
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ {
+ _loop229:
+ do {
+ if ((LA(1)==COMMA)) {
+ match(COMMA);
+ nls();
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ first = LT(1);
+ }
+ variableDeclarator(getASTFactory().dupTree(mods),
+ getASTFactory().dupTree(t),first);
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ }
+ else {
+ break _loop229;
+ }
+ } while (true);
+ }
+ listOfVariables_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ returnAST = listOfVariables_AST;
+ }
+/** Declaration of a variable. This can be a class/instance variable,
+ * or a local variable in a method
+ * It can also include possible initialization.
+ */
+ public final void variableDeclarator(
+ AST mods, AST t,Token first
+ ) throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException {
+ returnAST = null;
+ ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair();
+ AST variableDeclarator_AST = null;
+ AST id_AST = null;
+ AST v_AST = null;
+ variableName();
+ id_AST = (AST)returnAST;
+ {
+ switch ( LA(1)) {
+ case ASSIGN:
+ {
+ varInitializer();
+ v_AST = (AST)returnAST;
+ break;
+ }
+ case EOF:
+ case COMMA:
+ case RPAREN:
+ case RCURLY:
+ case SEMI:
+ case LITERAL_default:
+ case LITERAL_else:
+ case LITERAL_case:
+ case NLS:
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ variableDeclarator_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ variableDeclarator_AST = (AST)astFactory.make( (new ASTArray(5)).add(create(VARIABLE_DEF,"VARIABLE_DEF",first,LT(1))).add(mods).add((AST)astFactory.make( (new ASTArray(2)).add(create(TYPE,"TYPE",first,LT(1))).add(t))).add(id_AST).add(v_AST));
+ currentAST.root = variableDeclarator_AST;
+ currentAST.child = variableDeclarator_AST!=null &&variableDeclarator_AST.getFirstChild()!=null ?
+ variableDeclarator_AST.getFirstChild() : variableDeclarator_AST;
+ currentAST.advanceChildToEnd();
+ }
+ returnAST = variableDeclarator_AST;
+ }
+ public final void typeNamePairs(
+ AST mods, Token first
+ ) throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException {
+ returnAST = null;
+ ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair();
+ AST typeNamePairs_AST = null;
+ AST t_AST = null;
+ AST tn_AST = null;
+ {
+ if ((_tokenSet_25.member(LA(1))) && (_tokenSet_32.member(LA(2)))) {
+ typeSpec(false);
+ t_AST = (AST)returnAST;
+ }
+ else if ((LA(1)==IDENT) && (LA(2)==COMMA||LA(2)==RPAREN)) {
+ }
+ else {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ singleVariable(getASTFactory().dupTree(mods),t_AST);
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ {
+ _loop237:
+ do {
+ if ((LA(1)==COMMA)) {
+ match(COMMA);
+ nls();
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ first = LT(1);
+ }
+ {
+ if ((_tokenSet_25.member(LA(1))) && (_tokenSet_32.member(LA(2)))) {
+ typeSpec(false);
+ tn_AST = (AST)returnAST;
+ }
+ else if ((LA(1)==IDENT) && (LA(2)==COMMA||LA(2)==RPAREN)) {
+ }
+ else {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ singleVariable(getASTFactory().dupTree(mods),tn_AST);
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ }
+ else {
+ break _loop237;
+ }
+ } while (true);
+ }
+ typeNamePairs_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ returnAST = typeNamePairs_AST;
+ }
+ public final void multipleAssignment(
+ int lc_stmt
+ ) throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException {
+ returnAST = null;
+ ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair();
+ AST multipleAssignment_AST = null;
+ Token first = cloneToken(LT(1));
+ AST tmp204_AST = null;
+ tmp204_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ astFactory.makeASTRoot(currentAST, tmp204_AST);
+ match(LPAREN);
+ nls();
+ listOfVariables(null,null,first);
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ match(RPAREN);
+ AST tmp206_AST = null;
+ tmp206_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ astFactory.makeASTRoot(currentAST, tmp206_AST);
+ match(ASSIGN);
+ nls();
+ {
+ boolean synPredMatched419 = false;
+ if (((LA(1)==LPAREN) && (LA(2)==IDENT||LA(2)==NLS))) {
+ int _m419 = mark();
+ synPredMatched419 = true;
+ inputState.guessing++;
+ try {
+ {
+ match(LPAREN);
+ nls();
+ match(IDENT);
+ {
+ _loop418:
+ do {
+ if ((LA(1)==COMMA)) {
+ match(COMMA);
+ nls();
+ match(IDENT);
+ }
+ else {
+ break _loop418;
+ }
+ } while (true);
+ }
+ match(RPAREN);
+ match(ASSIGN);
+ }
+ }
+ catch (RecognitionException pe) {
+ synPredMatched419 = false;
+ }
+ rewind(_m419);
+ }
+ if ( synPredMatched419 ) {
+ multipleAssignment(lc_stmt);
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ }
+ else if ((_tokenSet_20.member(LA(1))) && (_tokenSet_3.member(LA(2)))) {
+ assignmentExpression(lc_stmt);
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ }
+ else {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ multipleAssignment_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ returnAST = multipleAssignment_AST;
+ }
+ public final void assignmentExpression(
+ int lc_stmt
+ ) throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException {
+ returnAST = null;
+ ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair();
+ AST assignmentExpression_AST = null;
+ conditionalExpression(lc_stmt);
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ {
+ switch ( LA(1)) {
+ case ASSIGN:
+ case DIV_ASSIGN:
+ case MOD_ASSIGN:
+ case SR_ASSIGN:
+ case BSR_ASSIGN:
+ case SL_ASSIGN:
+ case BOR_ASSIGN:
+ {
+ {
+ switch ( LA(1)) {
+ case ASSIGN:
+ {
+ AST tmp207_AST = null;
+ tmp207_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ astFactory.makeASTRoot(currentAST, tmp207_AST);
+ match(ASSIGN);
+ break;
+ }
+ {
+ AST tmp208_AST = null;
+ tmp208_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ astFactory.makeASTRoot(currentAST, tmp208_AST);
+ match(PLUS_ASSIGN);
+ break;
+ }
+ {
+ AST tmp209_AST = null;
+ tmp209_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ astFactory.makeASTRoot(currentAST, tmp209_AST);
+ match(MINUS_ASSIGN);
+ break;
+ }
+ {
+ AST tmp210_AST = null;
+ tmp210_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ astFactory.makeASTRoot(currentAST, tmp210_AST);
+ match(STAR_ASSIGN);
+ break;
+ }
+ case DIV_ASSIGN:
+ {
+ AST tmp211_AST = null;
+ tmp211_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ astFactory.makeASTRoot(currentAST, tmp211_AST);
+ match(DIV_ASSIGN);
+ break;
+ }
+ case MOD_ASSIGN:
+ {
+ AST tmp212_AST = null;
+ tmp212_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ astFactory.makeASTRoot(currentAST, tmp212_AST);
+ match(MOD_ASSIGN);
+ break;
+ }
+ case SR_ASSIGN:
+ {
+ AST tmp213_AST = null;
+ tmp213_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ astFactory.makeASTRoot(currentAST, tmp213_AST);
+ match(SR_ASSIGN);
+ break;
+ }
+ case BSR_ASSIGN:
+ {
+ AST tmp214_AST = null;
+ tmp214_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ astFactory.makeASTRoot(currentAST, tmp214_AST);
+ match(BSR_ASSIGN);
+ break;
+ }
+ case SL_ASSIGN:
+ {
+ AST tmp215_AST = null;
+ tmp215_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ astFactory.makeASTRoot(currentAST, tmp215_AST);
+ match(SL_ASSIGN);
+ break;
+ }
+ {
+ AST tmp216_AST = null;
+ tmp216_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ astFactory.makeASTRoot(currentAST, tmp216_AST);
+ match(BAND_ASSIGN);
+ break;
+ }
+ {
+ AST tmp217_AST = null;
+ tmp217_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ astFactory.makeASTRoot(currentAST, tmp217_AST);
+ match(BXOR_ASSIGN);
+ break;
+ }
+ case BOR_ASSIGN:
+ {
+ AST tmp218_AST = null;
+ tmp218_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ astFactory.makeASTRoot(currentAST, tmp218_AST);
+ match(BOR_ASSIGN);
+ break;
+ }
+ {
+ AST tmp219_AST = null;
+ tmp219_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ astFactory.makeASTRoot(currentAST, tmp219_AST);
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ nls();
+ expressionStatementNoCheck();
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ break;
+ }
+ case EOF:
+ case FINAL:
+ case ABSTRACT:
+ case UNUSED_DO:
+ case STRICTFP:
+ case LITERAL_package:
+ case LITERAL_import:
+ case LITERAL_static:
+ case LITERAL_def:
+ case LBRACK:
+ case RBRACK:
+ case IDENT:
+ case LPAREN:
+ case LITERAL_class:
+ case LITERAL_interface:
+ case LITERAL_enum:
+ case LITERAL_trait:
+ case LITERAL_extends:
+ case LITERAL_super:
+ case COMMA:
+ case LITERAL_void:
+ case LITERAL_boolean:
+ case LITERAL_byte:
+ case LITERAL_char:
+ case LITERAL_short:
+ case LITERAL_int:
+ case LITERAL_float:
+ case LITERAL_long:
+ case LITERAL_double:
+ case LITERAL_as:
+ case LITERAL_private:
+ case LITERAL_public:
+ case LITERAL_protected:
+ case LITERAL_transient:
+ case LITERAL_native:
+ case LITERAL_threadsafe:
+ case LITERAL_synchronized:
+ case LITERAL_volatile:
+ case RPAREN:
+ case LCURLY:
+ case RCURLY:
+ case SEMI:
+ case LITERAL_default:
+ case LITERAL_throws:
+ case LITERAL_implements:
+ case LITERAL_this:
+ case COLON:
+ case LITERAL_if:
+ case LITERAL_else:
+ case LITERAL_while:
+ case LITERAL_switch:
+ case LITERAL_for:
+ case LITERAL_in:
+ case LITERAL_return:
+ case LITERAL_break:
+ case LITERAL_continue:
+ case LITERAL_throw:
+ case LITERAL_assert:
+ case PLUS:
+ case MINUS:
+ case LITERAL_case:
+ case LITERAL_try:
+ case LITERAL_finally:
+ case LITERAL_catch:
+ case LITERAL_false:
+ case LITERAL_instanceof:
+ case LITERAL_new:
+ case LITERAL_null:
+ case LITERAL_true:
+ case INC:
+ case DEC:
+ case BNOT:
+ case LNOT:
+ case NUM_INT:
+ case NUM_FLOAT:
+ case NUM_LONG:
+ case NUM_DOUBLE:
+ case NUM_BIG_INT:
+ case NLS:
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ assignmentExpression_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ returnAST = assignmentExpression_AST;
+ }
+/** Zero or more insignificant newlines, all gobbled up and thrown away,
+ * but a warning message is left for the user, if there was a newline.
+ */
+ public final void nlsWarn() throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException {
+ returnAST = null;
+ ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair();
+ AST nlsWarn_AST = null;
+ {
+ boolean synPredMatched610 = false;
+ if (((_tokenSet_74.member(LA(1))) && (_tokenSet_2.member(LA(2))))) {
+ int _m610 = mark();
+ synPredMatched610 = true;
+ inputState.guessing++;
+ try {
+ {
+ match(NLS);
+ }
+ }
+ catch (RecognitionException pe) {
+ synPredMatched610 = false;
+ }
+ rewind(_m610);
+ }
+ if ( synPredMatched610 ) {
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ addWarning(
+ "A newline at this point does not follow the Groovy Coding Conventions.",
+ "Keep this statement on one line, or use curly braces to break across multiple lines."
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ else if ((_tokenSet_74.member(LA(1))) && (_tokenSet_2.member(LA(2)))) {
+ }
+ else {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ nls();
+ returnAST = nlsWarn_AST;
+ }
+/** An open block is not allowed to have closure arguments. */
+ public final void openBlock() throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException {
+ returnAST = null;
+ ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair();
+ AST openBlock_AST = null;
+ AST bb_AST = null;
+ Token first = LT(1); int start = mark();
+ try { // for error handling
+ match(LCURLY);
+ nls();
+ blockBody(EOF);
+ bb_AST = (AST)returnAST;
+ match(RCURLY);
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ openBlock_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ openBlock_AST = (AST)astFactory.make( (new ASTArray(2)).add(create(SLIST,"{",first,LT(1))).add(bb_AST));
+ currentAST.root = openBlock_AST;
+ currentAST.child = openBlock_AST!=null &&openBlock_AST.getFirstChild()!=null ?
+ openBlock_AST.getFirstChild() : openBlock_AST;
+ currentAST.advanceChildToEnd();
+ }
+ openBlock_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ }
+ catch (RecognitionException e) {
+ if (inputState.guessing==0) {
+ int end = mark();
+ // rewind to the first token on the same line as opening '{' (aka first)
+ rewind(start);
+ while (LT(0) != null && LT(0).getLine() == first.getLine()) {
+ rewind(mark() - 1);
+ }
+ // advance through all tokens that have greater indentation
+ int col = LT(1).getColumn();
+ do {
+ consume();
+ } while (LT(1).getColumn() > col && LT(1).getType() != EOF); // TODO: skip 'case', 'default', comments? and statement labels -- they may be in same column as first token
+ // if a closing '}' was found in the proper position, create a basic block
+ if (LT(1).getColumn() == col && LT(1).getType() == RCURLY) {
+ match(RCURLY);
+ reportError(e);
+ openBlock_AST = (AST)astFactory.make( (new ASTArray(1)).add(create(SLIST,"{",first,LT(1))));
+ } else {
+ rewind(end);
+ throw e;
+ }
+ } else {
+ throw e;
+ }
+ }
+ returnAST = openBlock_AST;
+ }
+ public final void variableName() throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException {
+ returnAST = null;
+ ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair();
+ AST variableName_AST = null;
+ AST tmp222_AST = null;
+ tmp222_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp222_AST);
+ match(IDENT);
+ variableName_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ returnAST = variableName_AST;
+ }
+ public final void expressionStatementNoCheck() throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException {
+ returnAST = null;
+ ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair();
+ AST expressionStatementNoCheck_AST = null;
+ AST head_AST = null;
+ AST cmd_AST = null;
+ boolean isPathExpr = true;
+ expression(LC_STMT);
+ head_AST = (AST)returnAST;
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ isPathExpr = (head_AST == lastPathExpression);
+ }
+ {
+ if (((_tokenSet_75.member(LA(1))) && (_tokenSet_54.member(LA(2))))&&(LA(1)!=LITERAL_else && isPathExpr /*&& #head.getType()==METHOD_CALL*/)) {
+ commandArgumentsGreedy(head_AST);
+ cmd_AST = (AST)returnAST;
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ expressionStatementNoCheck_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ expressionStatementNoCheck_AST = cmd_AST;
+ currentAST.root = expressionStatementNoCheck_AST;
+ currentAST.child = expressionStatementNoCheck_AST!=null &&expressionStatementNoCheck_AST.getFirstChild()!=null ?
+ expressionStatementNoCheck_AST.getFirstChild() : expressionStatementNoCheck_AST;
+ currentAST.advanceChildToEnd();
+ }
+ }
+ else if ((_tokenSet_75.member(LA(1))) && (_tokenSet_54.member(LA(2)))) {
+ }
+ else {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ expressionStatementNoCheck_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ returnAST = expressionStatementNoCheck_AST;
+ }
+/** A formal parameter for a method or closure. */
+ public final void parameterDeclaration() throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException {
+ returnAST = null;
+ ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair();
+ AST parameterDeclaration_AST = null;
+ AST pm_AST = null;
+ AST t_AST = null;
+ Token id = null;
+ AST id_AST = null;
+ AST exp_AST = null;
+ Token first = LT(1);boolean spreadParam = false;
+ parameterModifiersOpt();
+ pm_AST = (AST)returnAST;
+ {
+ if ((_tokenSet_25.member(LA(1))) && (_tokenSet_76.member(LA(2)))) {
+ typeSpec(false);
+ t_AST = (AST)returnAST;
+ }
+ else if ((LA(1)==IDENT||LA(1)==TRIPLE_DOT) && (_tokenSet_77.member(LA(2)))) {
+ }
+ else {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ switch ( LA(1)) {
+ case TRIPLE_DOT:
+ {
+ match(TRIPLE_DOT);
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ spreadParam = true;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case IDENT:
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ id = LT(1);
+ id_AST = astFactory.create(id);
+ match(IDENT);
+ {
+ switch ( LA(1)) {
+ case ASSIGN:
+ {
+ varInitializer();
+ exp_AST = (AST)returnAST;
+ break;
+ }
+ case COMMA:
+ case RPAREN:
+ case NLS:
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ parameterDeclaration_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ if (spreadParam) {
+ parameterDeclaration_AST = (AST)astFactory.make( (new ASTArray(5)).add(create(VARIABLE_PARAMETER_DEF,"VARIABLE_PARAMETER_DEF",first,LT(1))).add(pm_AST).add((AST)astFactory.make( (new ASTArray(2)).add(create(TYPE,"TYPE",first,LT(1))).add(t_AST))).add(id_AST).add(exp_AST));
+ } else {
+ parameterDeclaration_AST = (AST)astFactory.make( (new ASTArray(5)).add(create(PARAMETER_DEF,"PARAMETER_DEF",first,LT(1))).add(pm_AST).add((AST)astFactory.make( (new ASTArray(2)).add(create(TYPE,"TYPE",first,LT(1))).add(t_AST))).add(id_AST).add(exp_AST));
+ }
+ currentAST.root = parameterDeclaration_AST;
+ currentAST.child = parameterDeclaration_AST!=null &¶meterDeclaration_AST.getFirstChild()!=null ?
+ parameterDeclaration_AST.getFirstChild() : parameterDeclaration_AST;
+ currentAST.advanceChildToEnd();
+ }
+ returnAST = parameterDeclaration_AST;
+ }
+ public final void parameterModifiersOpt() throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException {
+ returnAST = null;
+ ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair();
+ AST parameterModifiersOpt_AST = null;
+ Token first = LT(1);int seenDef = 0;
+ {
+ _loop286:
+ do {
+ switch ( LA(1)) {
+ case FINAL:
+ {
+ AST tmp224_AST = null;
+ tmp224_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp224_AST);
+ match(FINAL);
+ nls();
+ break;
+ }
+ case AT:
+ {
+ annotation();
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ nls();
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ if (((LA(1)==LITERAL_def))&&(seenDef++ == 0)) {
+ match(LITERAL_def);
+ nls();
+ }
+ else {
+ break _loop286;
+ }
+ }
+ } while (true);
+ }
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ parameterModifiersOpt_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ parameterModifiersOpt_AST = (AST)astFactory.make( (new ASTArray(2)).add(create(MODIFIERS,"MODIFIERS",first,LT(1))).add(parameterModifiersOpt_AST));
+ currentAST.root = parameterModifiersOpt_AST;
+ currentAST.child = parameterModifiersOpt_AST!=null &¶meterModifiersOpt_AST.getFirstChild()!=null ?
+ parameterModifiersOpt_AST.getFirstChild() : parameterModifiersOpt_AST;
+ currentAST.advanceChildToEnd();
+ }
+ parameterModifiersOpt_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ returnAST = parameterModifiersOpt_AST;
+ }
+ public final void multicatch_types() throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException {
+ returnAST = null;
+ ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair();
+ AST multicatch_types_AST = null;
+ Token first = LT(1);
+ nls();
+ classOrInterfaceType(false);
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ {
+ _loop279:
+ do {
+ if ((LA(1)==BOR)) {
+ match(BOR);
+ nls();
+ classOrInterfaceType(false);
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ }
+ else {
+ break _loop279;
+ }
+ } while (true);
+ }
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ multicatch_types_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ multicatch_types_AST = (AST)astFactory.make( (new ASTArray(2)).add(create(MULTICATCH_TYPES,"MULTICATCH_TYPES",first,LT(1))).add(multicatch_types_AST));
+ currentAST.root = multicatch_types_AST;
+ currentAST.child = multicatch_types_AST!=null &&multicatch_types_AST.getFirstChild()!=null ?
+ multicatch_types_AST.getFirstChild() : multicatch_types_AST;
+ currentAST.advanceChildToEnd();
+ }
+ multicatch_types_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ returnAST = multicatch_types_AST;
+ }
+ public final void multicatch() throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException {
+ returnAST = null;
+ ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair();
+ AST multicatch_AST = null;
+ AST m_AST = null;
+ Token id = null;
+ AST id_AST = null;
+ Token first = LT(1);
+ try { // for error handling
+ nls();
+ {
+ switch ( LA(1)) {
+ case FINAL:
+ {
+ AST tmp227_AST = null;
+ tmp227_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp227_AST);
+ match(FINAL);
+ break;
+ }
+ case LITERAL_def:
+ case IDENT:
+ case NLS:
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ switch ( LA(1)) {
+ case LITERAL_def:
+ {
+ AST tmp228_AST = null;
+ tmp228_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp228_AST);
+ match(LITERAL_def);
+ break;
+ }
+ case IDENT:
+ case NLS:
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ if ((LA(1)==IDENT||LA(1)==NLS) && (_tokenSet_78.member(LA(2)))) {
+ multicatch_types();
+ m_AST = (AST)returnAST;
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ }
+ else if ((LA(1)==IDENT) && (LA(2)==RPAREN)) {
+ }
+ else {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ id = LT(1);
+ id_AST = astFactory.create(id);
+ match(IDENT);
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ multicatch_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ multicatch_AST = (AST)astFactory.make( (new ASTArray(3)).add(create(MULTICATCH,"MULTICATCH",first,LT(1))).add(m_AST).add(id_AST));
+ currentAST.root = multicatch_AST;
+ currentAST.child = multicatch_AST!=null &&multicatch_AST.getFirstChild()!=null ?
+ multicatch_AST.getFirstChild() : multicatch_AST;
+ currentAST.advanceChildToEnd();
+ }
+ multicatch_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ }
+ catch (RecognitionException e) {
+ if (inputState.guessing==0) {
+ if (m_AST != null && LT(1).getType() == RPAREN) {
+ reportError(e);
+ id_AST = missingIdentifier(first, LT(1));
+ multicatch_AST = (AST)astFactory.make( (new ASTArray(3)).add(create(MULTICATCH,"MULTICATCH",first,LT(1))).add(m_AST).add(id_AST));
+ } else {
+ throw e;
+ }
+ } else {
+ throw e;
+ }
+ }
+ returnAST = multicatch_AST;
+ }
+/** Closure parameters are exactly like method parameters,
+ * except that they are not enclosed in parentheses, but rather
+ * are prepended to the front of a block, just after the brace.
+ * They are separated from the closure body by a CLOSABLE_BLOCK_OP token '->'.
+ */
+ public final void closableBlockParamsOpt(
+ boolean addImplicit
+ ) throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException {
+ returnAST = null;
+ ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair();
+ AST closableBlockParamsOpt_AST = null;
+ boolean synPredMatched289 = false;
+ if (((_tokenSet_79.member(LA(1))) && (_tokenSet_80.member(LA(2))))) {
+ int _m289 = mark();
+ synPredMatched289 = true;
+ inputState.guessing++;
+ try {
+ {
+ parameterDeclarationList();
+ nls();
+ }
+ }
+ catch (RecognitionException pe) {
+ synPredMatched289 = false;
+ }
+ rewind(_m289);
+ }
+ if ( synPredMatched289 ) {
+ parameterDeclarationList();
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ nls();
+ nls();
+ closableBlockParamsOpt_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ }
+ else if (((_tokenSet_31.member(LA(1))) && (_tokenSet_54.member(LA(2))))&&(addImplicit)) {
+ implicitParameters();
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ closableBlockParamsOpt_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ }
+ else if ((_tokenSet_31.member(LA(1))) && (_tokenSet_54.member(LA(2)))) {
+ closableBlockParamsOpt_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ }
+ else {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ returnAST = closableBlockParamsOpt_AST;
+ }
+/** A block known to be a closure, but which omits its arguments, is given this placeholder.
+ * A subsequent pass is responsible for deciding if there is an implicit 'it' parameter,
+ * or if the parameter list should be empty.
+ */
+ public final void implicitParameters() throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException {
+ returnAST = null;
+ ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair();
+ AST implicitParameters_AST = null;
+ Token first = LT(1);
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ implicitParameters_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ implicitParameters_AST = (AST)astFactory.make( (new ASTArray(1)).add(create(IMPLICIT_PARAMETERS,"IMPLICIT_PARAMETERS",first,LT(1))));
+ currentAST.root = implicitParameters_AST;
+ currentAST.child = implicitParameters_AST!=null &&implicitParameters_AST.getFirstChild()!=null ?
+ implicitParameters_AST.getFirstChild() : implicitParameters_AST;
+ currentAST.advanceChildToEnd();
+ }
+ implicitParameters_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ returnAST = implicitParameters_AST;
+ }
+/** Lookahead to check whether a block begins with explicit closure arguments. */
+ public final void closableBlockParamsStart() throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException {
+ returnAST = null;
+ ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair();
+ AST closableBlockParamsStart_AST = null;
+ nls();
+ parameterDeclarationList();
+ nls();
+ AST tmp230_AST = null;
+ tmp230_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ returnAST = closableBlockParamsStart_AST;
+ }
+/** Simple names, as in {x|...}, are completely equivalent to {(def x)|...}. Build the right AST. */
+ public final void closableBlockParam() throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException {
+ returnAST = null;
+ ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair();
+ AST closableBlockParam_AST = null;
+ Token id = null;
+ AST id_AST = null;
+ Token first = LT(1);
+ id = LT(1);
+ id_AST = astFactory.create(id);
+ match(IDENT);
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ closableBlockParam_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ closableBlockParam_AST = (AST)astFactory.make( (new ASTArray(4)).add(create(PARAMETER_DEF,"PARAMETER_DEF",first,LT(1))).add((AST)astFactory.make( (new ASTArray(1)).add(create(MODIFIERS,"MODIFIERS",first,LT(1))))).add((AST)astFactory.make( (new ASTArray(1)).add(create(TYPE,"TYPE",first,LT(1))))).add(id_AST));
+ currentAST.root = closableBlockParam_AST;
+ currentAST.child = closableBlockParam_AST!=null &&closableBlockParam_AST.getFirstChild()!=null ?
+ closableBlockParam_AST.getFirstChild() : closableBlockParam_AST;
+ currentAST.advanceChildToEnd();
+ }
+ returnAST = closableBlockParam_AST;
+ }
+/** A block which is known to be a closure, even if it has no apparent arguments.
+ * A block inside an expression or after a method call is always assumed to be a closure.
+ * Only labeled, unparameterized blocks which occur directly as substatements are kept open.
+ */
+ public final void closableBlock() throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException {
+ returnAST = null;
+ ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair();
+ AST closableBlock_AST = null;
+ AST cbp_AST = null;
+ AST bb_AST = null;
+ Token first = LT(1);
+ match(LCURLY);
+ nls();
+ closableBlockParamsOpt(true);
+ cbp_AST = (AST)returnAST;
+ blockBody(EOF);
+ bb_AST = (AST)returnAST;
+ match(RCURLY);
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ closableBlock_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ closableBlock_AST = (AST)astFactory.make( (new ASTArray(3)).add(create(CLOSABLE_BLOCK,"{",first,LT(1))).add(cbp_AST).add(bb_AST));
+ currentAST.root = closableBlock_AST;
+ currentAST.child = closableBlock_AST!=null &&closableBlock_AST.getFirstChild()!=null ?
+ closableBlock_AST.getFirstChild() : closableBlock_AST;
+ currentAST.advanceChildToEnd();
+ }
+ closableBlock_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ returnAST = closableBlock_AST;
+ }
+/** A sub-block of a block can be either open or closable.
+ * It is closable if and only if there are explicit closure arguments.
+ * Compare this to a block which is appended to a method call,
+ * which is given closure arguments, even if they are not explicit in the code.
+ */
+ public final void openOrClosableBlock() throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException {
+ returnAST = null;
+ ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair();
+ AST openOrClosableBlock_AST = null;
+ AST cp_AST = null;
+ AST bb_AST = null;
+ Token first = LT(1);
+ match(LCURLY);
+ nls();
+ closableBlockParamsOpt(false);
+ cp_AST = (AST)returnAST;
+ blockBody(EOF);
+ bb_AST = (AST)returnAST;
+ match(RCURLY);
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ openOrClosableBlock_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ if (cp_AST == null) openOrClosableBlock_AST = (AST)astFactory.make( (new ASTArray(2)).add(create(SLIST,"{",first,LT(1))).add(bb_AST));
+ else openOrClosableBlock_AST = (AST)astFactory.make( (new ASTArray(3)).add(create(CLOSABLE_BLOCK,"{",first,LT(1))).add(cp_AST).add(bb_AST));
+ currentAST.root = openOrClosableBlock_AST;
+ currentAST.child = openOrClosableBlock_AST!=null &&openOrClosableBlock_AST.getFirstChild()!=null ?
+ openOrClosableBlock_AST.getFirstChild() : openOrClosableBlock_AST;
+ currentAST.advanceChildToEnd();
+ }
+ openOrClosableBlock_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ returnAST = openOrClosableBlock_AST;
+ }
+/** A labeled statement, consisting of a vanilla identifier followed by a colon. */
+ public final void statementLabelPrefix() throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException {
+ returnAST = null;
+ ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair();
+ AST statementLabelPrefix_AST = null;
+ Token c = null;
+ AST c_AST = null;
+ AST tmp235_AST = null;
+ tmp235_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp235_AST);
+ match(IDENT);
+ c = LT(1);
+ c_AST = astFactory.create(c);
+ astFactory.makeASTRoot(currentAST, c_AST);
+ match(COLON);
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ c_AST.setType(LABELED_STAT);
+ }
+ nls();
+ statementLabelPrefix_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ returnAST = statementLabelPrefix_AST;
+ }
+/** An expression statement can be any general expression.
+ *
+ * An expression statement can also be a command ,
+ * which is a simple method call in which the outermost parentheses are omitted.
+ *
+ * Certain "suspicious" looking forms are flagged for the user to disambiguate.
+ */
+ public final void expressionStatement(
+ int prevToken
+ ) throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException {
+ returnAST = null;
+ ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair();
+ AST expressionStatement_AST = null;
+ AST esn_AST = null;
+ Token first = LT(1);
+ {
+ boolean synPredMatched355 = false;
+ if (((_tokenSet_20.member(LA(1))) && (_tokenSet_2.member(LA(2))))) {
+ int _m355 = mark();
+ synPredMatched355 = true;
+ inputState.guessing++;
+ try {
+ {
+ suspiciousExpressionStatementStart();
+ }
+ }
+ catch (RecognitionException pe) {
+ synPredMatched355 = false;
+ }
+ rewind(_m355);
+ }
+ if ( synPredMatched355 ) {
+ checkSuspiciousExpressionStatement(prevToken);
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ }
+ else if ((_tokenSet_20.member(LA(1))) && (_tokenSet_2.member(LA(2)))) {
+ }
+ else {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ expressionStatementNoCheck();
+ esn_AST = (AST)returnAST;
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ expressionStatement_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ expressionStatement_AST = (AST)astFactory.make( (new ASTArray(2)).add(create(EXPR,"EXPR",first,LT(1))).add(esn_AST));
+ currentAST.root = expressionStatement_AST;
+ currentAST.child = expressionStatement_AST!=null &&expressionStatement_AST.getFirstChild()!=null ?
+ expressionStatement_AST.getFirstChild() : expressionStatement_AST;
+ currentAST.advanceChildToEnd();
+ }
+ expressionStatement_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ returnAST = expressionStatement_AST;
+ }
+ public final void assignmentLessExpression() throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException {
+ returnAST = null;
+ ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair();
+ AST assignmentLessExpression_AST = null;
+ Token first = LT(1);
+ {
+ conditionalExpression(0);
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ }
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ assignmentLessExpression_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ assignmentLessExpression_AST = (AST)astFactory.make( (new ASTArray(2)).add(create(EXPR,"EXPR",first,LT(1))).add(assignmentLessExpression_AST));
+ currentAST.root = assignmentLessExpression_AST;
+ currentAST.child = assignmentLessExpression_AST!=null &&assignmentLessExpression_AST.getFirstChild()!=null ?
+ assignmentLessExpression_AST.getFirstChild() : assignmentLessExpression_AST;
+ currentAST.advanceChildToEnd();
+ }
+ assignmentLessExpression_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ returnAST = assignmentLessExpression_AST;
+ }
+/** In Java, "if", "while", and "for" statements can take random, non-braced statements as their bodies.
+ * Support this practice, even though it isn't very Groovy.
+ */
+ public final void compatibleBodyStatement() throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException {
+ returnAST = null;
+ ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair();
+ AST compatibleBodyStatement_AST = null;
+ AST de_AST = null;
+ Token first = LT(1);
+ try { // for error handling
+ boolean synPredMatched341 = false;
+ if (((LA(1)==LCURLY) && (_tokenSet_31.member(LA(2))))) {
+ int _m341 = mark();
+ synPredMatched341 = true;
+ inputState.guessing++;
+ try {
+ {
+ match(LCURLY);
+ }
+ }
+ catch (RecognitionException pe) {
+ synPredMatched341 = false;
+ }
+ rewind(_m341);
+ }
+ if ( synPredMatched341 ) {
+ compoundStatement();
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ compatibleBodyStatement_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ }
+ else {
+ boolean synPredMatched344 = false;
+ if (((_tokenSet_16.member(LA(1))) && (_tokenSet_17.member(LA(2))))) {
+ int _m344 = mark();
+ synPredMatched344 = true;
+ inputState.guessing++;
+ try {
+ {
+ declarationStart();
+ {
+ switch ( LA(1)) {
+ case ASSIGN:
+ {
+ varInitializer();
+ break;
+ }
+ case COMMA:
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ match(COMMA);
+ }
+ }
+ catch (RecognitionException pe) {
+ synPredMatched344 = false;
+ }
+ rewind(_m344);
+ }
+ if ( synPredMatched344 ) {
+ declaration();
+ de_AST = (AST)returnAST;
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ compatibleBodyStatement_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ compatibleBodyStatement_AST = (AST)astFactory.make( (new ASTArray(2)).add(create(SLIST,"CBSLIST",first,LT(1))).add(de_AST));
+ currentAST.root = compatibleBodyStatement_AST;
+ currentAST.child = compatibleBodyStatement_AST!=null &&compatibleBodyStatement_AST.getFirstChild()!=null ?
+ compatibleBodyStatement_AST.getFirstChild() : compatibleBodyStatement_AST;
+ currentAST.advanceChildToEnd();
+ }
+ compatibleBodyStatement_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ }
+ else if ((_tokenSet_19.member(LA(1))) && (_tokenSet_2.member(LA(2)))) {
+ statement(EOF);
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ compatibleBodyStatement_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ }
+ else {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ catch (RecognitionException e) {
+ if (inputState.guessing==0) {
+ // GRECLIPSE-1046
+ reportError(e);
+ } else {
+ throw e;
+ }
+ }
+ returnAST = compatibleBodyStatement_AST;
+ }
+ public final void forStatement() throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException {
+ returnAST = null;
+ ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair();
+ AST forStatement_AST = null;
+ AST cl_AST = null;
+ AST fic_AST = null;
+ Token s = null;
+ AST s_AST = null;
+ AST forCbs_AST = null;
+ Token first = LT(1);
+ match(LITERAL_for);
+ match(LPAREN);
+ {
+ boolean synPredMatched328 = false;
+ if (((_tokenSet_81.member(LA(1))) && (_tokenSet_82.member(LA(2))))) {
+ int _m328 = mark();
+ synPredMatched328 = true;
+ inputState.guessing++;
+ try {
+ {
+ switch ( LA(1)) {
+ case SEMI:
+ {
+ match(SEMI);
+ break;
+ }
+ case FINAL:
+ case ABSTRACT:
+ case STRICTFP:
+ case LITERAL_static:
+ case LITERAL_def:
+ case LBRACK:
+ case IDENT:
+ case LPAREN:
+ case AT:
+ case LITERAL_super:
+ case LITERAL_void:
+ case LITERAL_boolean:
+ case LITERAL_byte:
+ case LITERAL_char:
+ case LITERAL_short:
+ case LITERAL_int:
+ case LITERAL_float:
+ case LITERAL_long:
+ case LITERAL_double:
+ case LITERAL_private:
+ case LITERAL_public:
+ case LITERAL_protected:
+ case LITERAL_transient:
+ case LITERAL_native:
+ case LITERAL_threadsafe:
+ case LITERAL_synchronized:
+ case LITERAL_volatile:
+ case LCURLY:
+ case LITERAL_this:
+ case LITERAL_return:
+ case LITERAL_break:
+ case LITERAL_continue:
+ case LITERAL_throw:
+ case LITERAL_assert:
+ case PLUS:
+ case MINUS:
+ case LITERAL_false:
+ case LITERAL_new:
+ case LITERAL_null:
+ case LITERAL_true:
+ case INC:
+ case DEC:
+ case BNOT:
+ case LNOT:
+ case NUM_INT:
+ case NUM_FLOAT:
+ case NUM_LONG:
+ case NUM_DOUBLE:
+ case NUM_BIG_INT:
+ {
+ {
+ strictContextExpression(true);
+ match(SEMI);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ catch (RecognitionException pe) {
+ synPredMatched328 = false;
+ }
+ rewind(_m328);
+ }
+ if ( synPredMatched328 ) {
+ closureList();
+ cl_AST = (AST)returnAST;
+ }
+ else if ((_tokenSet_16.member(LA(1))) && (_tokenSet_83.member(LA(2)))) {
+ forInClause();
+ fic_AST = (AST)returnAST;
+ }
+ else {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ match(RPAREN);
+ nls();
+ {
+ switch ( LA(1)) {
+ case SEMI:
+ {
+ s = LT(1);
+ s_AST = astFactory.create(s);
+ match(SEMI);
+ break;
+ }
+ case FINAL:
+ case ABSTRACT:
+ case UNUSED_DO:
+ case STRICTFP:
+ case LITERAL_import:
+ case LITERAL_static:
+ case LITERAL_def:
+ case LBRACK:
+ case IDENT:
+ case LPAREN:
+ case LITERAL_class:
+ case LITERAL_interface:
+ case LITERAL_enum:
+ case LITERAL_trait:
+ case AT:
+ case LITERAL_super:
+ case LITERAL_void:
+ case LITERAL_boolean:
+ case LITERAL_byte:
+ case LITERAL_char:
+ case LITERAL_short:
+ case LITERAL_int:
+ case LITERAL_float:
+ case LITERAL_long:
+ case LITERAL_double:
+ case LITERAL_private:
+ case LITERAL_public:
+ case LITERAL_protected:
+ case LITERAL_transient:
+ case LITERAL_native:
+ case LITERAL_threadsafe:
+ case LITERAL_synchronized:
+ case LITERAL_volatile:
+ case LCURLY:
+ case LITERAL_this:
+ case LITERAL_if:
+ case LITERAL_while:
+ case LITERAL_switch:
+ case LITERAL_for:
+ case LITERAL_return:
+ case LITERAL_break:
+ case LITERAL_continue:
+ case LITERAL_throw:
+ case LITERAL_assert:
+ case PLUS:
+ case MINUS:
+ case LITERAL_try:
+ case LITERAL_false:
+ case LITERAL_new:
+ case LITERAL_null:
+ case LITERAL_true:
+ case INC:
+ case DEC:
+ case BNOT:
+ case LNOT:
+ case NUM_INT:
+ case NUM_FLOAT:
+ case NUM_LONG:
+ case NUM_DOUBLE:
+ case NUM_BIG_INT:
+ {
+ compatibleBodyStatement();
+ forCbs_AST = (AST)returnAST;
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ forStatement_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ if (cl_AST != null) {
+ if (s_AST != null)
+ forStatement_AST = (AST)astFactory.make( (new ASTArray(3)).add(create(LITERAL_for,"for",first,LT(1))).add(cl_AST).add(s_AST));
+ else
+ forStatement_AST = (AST)astFactory.make( (new ASTArray(3)).add(create(LITERAL_for,"for",first,LT(1))).add(cl_AST).add(forCbs_AST));
+ } else {
+ if (s_AST != null)
+ forStatement_AST = (AST)astFactory.make( (new ASTArray(3)).add(create(LITERAL_for,"for",first,LT(1))).add(fic_AST).add(s_AST));
+ else
+ forStatement_AST = (AST)astFactory.make( (new ASTArray(3)).add(create(LITERAL_for,"for",first,LT(1))).add(fic_AST).add(forCbs_AST));
+ }
+ currentAST.root = forStatement_AST;
+ currentAST.child = forStatement_AST!=null &&forStatement_AST.getFirstChild()!=null ?
+ forStatement_AST.getFirstChild() : forStatement_AST;
+ currentAST.advanceChildToEnd();
+ }
+ forStatement_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ returnAST = forStatement_AST;
+ }
+/** Things that can show up as expressions, but only in strict
+ * contexts like inside parentheses, argument lists, and list constructors.
+ */
+ public final boolean strictContextExpression(
+ boolean allowDeclaration
+ ) throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException {
+ boolean hasDeclaration=false;
+ returnAST = null;
+ ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair();
+ AST strictContextExpression_AST = null;
+ Token first = LT(1);
+ {
+ boolean synPredMatched544 = false;
+ if (((_tokenSet_16.member(LA(1))) && (_tokenSet_84.member(LA(2))))) {
+ int _m544 = mark();
+ synPredMatched544 = true;
+ inputState.guessing++;
+ try {
+ {
+ if (!(allowDeclaration))
+ throw new SemanticException("allowDeclaration");
+ declarationStart();
+ }
+ }
+ catch (RecognitionException pe) {
+ synPredMatched544 = false;
+ }
+ rewind(_m544);
+ }
+ if ( synPredMatched544 ) {
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ hasDeclaration=true;
+ }
+ singleDeclaration();
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ }
+ else if ((_tokenSet_20.member(LA(1))) && (_tokenSet_3.member(LA(2)))) {
+ expression(0);
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ }
+ else if (((LA(1) >= LITERAL_return && LA(1) <= LITERAL_assert))) {
+ branchStatement();
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ }
+ else if ((LA(1)==AT) && (_tokenSet_85.member(LA(2)))) {
+ annotation();
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ }
+ else {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ strictContextExpression_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ strictContextExpression_AST = (AST)astFactory.make( (new ASTArray(2)).add(create(EXPR,"EXPR",first,LT(1))).add(strictContextExpression_AST));
+ currentAST.root = strictContextExpression_AST;
+ currentAST.child = strictContextExpression_AST!=null &&strictContextExpression_AST.getFirstChild()!=null ?
+ strictContextExpression_AST.getFirstChild() : strictContextExpression_AST;
+ currentAST.advanceChildToEnd();
+ }
+ strictContextExpression_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ returnAST = strictContextExpression_AST;
+ return hasDeclaration;
+ }
+ public final void casesGroup() throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException {
+ returnAST = null;
+ ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair();
+ AST casesGroup_AST = null;
+ Token first = LT(1);
+ {
+ int _cnt368=0;
+ _loop368:
+ do {
+ if ((LA(1)==LITERAL_default||LA(1)==LITERAL_case)) {
+ aCase();
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ }
+ else {
+ if ( _cnt368>=1 ) { break _loop368; } else {throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());}
+ }
+ _cnt368++;
+ } while (true);
+ }
+ caseSList();
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ casesGroup_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ casesGroup_AST = (AST)astFactory.make( (new ASTArray(2)).add(create(CASE_GROUP,"CASE_GROUP",first,LT(1))).add(casesGroup_AST));
+ currentAST.root = casesGroup_AST;
+ currentAST.child = casesGroup_AST!=null &&casesGroup_AST.getFirstChild()!=null ?
+ casesGroup_AST.getFirstChild() : casesGroup_AST;
+ currentAST.advanceChildToEnd();
+ }
+ casesGroup_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ returnAST = casesGroup_AST;
+ }
+ public final void tryBlock() throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException {
+ returnAST = null;
+ ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair();
+ AST tryBlock_AST = null;
+ AST tryCs_AST = null;
+ AST h_AST = null;
+ AST fc_AST = null;
+ Token first = LT(1);List catchNodes = new ArrayList();AST newHandler_AST = null;
+ match(LITERAL_try);
+ nlsWarn();
+ compoundStatement();
+ tryCs_AST = (AST)returnAST;
+ {
+ _loop385:
+ do {
+ if (((LA(1)==LITERAL_catch||LA(1)==NLS) && (LA(2)==LPAREN||LA(2)==LITERAL_catch))&&(!(LA(1) == NLS && LA(2) == LPAREN))) {
+ nls();
+ handler();
+ h_AST = (AST)returnAST;
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ newHandler_AST = (AST)astFactory.make( (new ASTArray(3)).add(null).add(newHandler_AST).add(h_AST));
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ break _loop385;
+ }
+ } while (true);
+ }
+ {
+ if ((LA(1)==LITERAL_finally||LA(1)==NLS) && (_tokenSet_86.member(LA(2)))) {
+ nls();
+ finallyClause();
+ fc_AST = (AST)returnAST;
+ }
+ else if ((_tokenSet_11.member(LA(1))) && (_tokenSet_12.member(LA(2)))) {
+ }
+ else {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ tryBlock_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ tryBlock_AST = (AST)astFactory.make( (new ASTArray(4)).add(create(LITERAL_try,"try",first,LT(1))).add(tryCs_AST).add(newHandler_AST).add(fc_AST));
+ currentAST.root = tryBlock_AST;
+ currentAST.child = tryBlock_AST!=null &&tryBlock_AST.getFirstChild()!=null ?
+ tryBlock_AST.getFirstChild() : tryBlock_AST;
+ currentAST.advanceChildToEnd();
+ }
+ tryBlock_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ returnAST = tryBlock_AST;
+ }
+/** In Groovy, return, break, continue, throw, and assert can be used in a parenthesized expression context.
+ * Example: println (x || (return)); println assert x, "won't print a false value!"
+ * If an optional expression is missing, its value is void (this coerces to null when a value is required).
+ */
+ public final void branchStatement() throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException {
+ returnAST = null;
+ ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair();
+ AST branchStatement_AST = null;
+ AST returnE_AST = null;
+ Token breakI = null;
+ AST breakI_AST = null;
+ Token contI = null;
+ AST contI_AST = null;
+ AST throwE_AST = null;
+ AST assertAle_AST = null;
+ AST assertE_AST = null;
+ Token first = LT(1);
+ switch ( LA(1)) {
+ case LITERAL_return:
+ {
+ match(LITERAL_return);
+ {
+ switch ( LA(1)) {
+ case LBRACK:
+ case IDENT:
+ case LPAREN:
+ case LITERAL_super:
+ case LITERAL_void:
+ case LITERAL_boolean:
+ case LITERAL_byte:
+ case LITERAL_char:
+ case LITERAL_short:
+ case LITERAL_int:
+ case LITERAL_float:
+ case LITERAL_long:
+ case LITERAL_double:
+ case LCURLY:
+ case LITERAL_this:
+ case PLUS:
+ case MINUS:
+ case LITERAL_false:
+ case LITERAL_new:
+ case LITERAL_null:
+ case LITERAL_true:
+ case INC:
+ case DEC:
+ case BNOT:
+ case LNOT:
+ case NUM_INT:
+ case NUM_FLOAT:
+ case NUM_LONG:
+ case NUM_DOUBLE:
+ case NUM_BIG_INT:
+ {
+ expression(0);
+ returnE_AST = (AST)returnAST;
+ break;
+ }
+ case EOF:
+ case RBRACK:
+ case COMMA:
+ case RPAREN:
+ case RCURLY:
+ case SEMI:
+ case LITERAL_default:
+ case LITERAL_else:
+ case LITERAL_case:
+ case NLS:
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ branchStatement_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ branchStatement_AST = (AST)astFactory.make( (new ASTArray(2)).add(create2(LITERAL_return,"return",first,LT(0))).add(returnE_AST));
+ currentAST.root = branchStatement_AST;
+ currentAST.child = branchStatement_AST!=null &&branchStatement_AST.getFirstChild()!=null ?
+ branchStatement_AST.getFirstChild() : branchStatement_AST;
+ currentAST.advanceChildToEnd();
+ }
+ branchStatement_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ break;
+ }
+ case LITERAL_break:
+ {
+ match(LITERAL_break);
+ {
+ switch ( LA(1)) {
+ case IDENT:
+ {
+ breakI = LT(1);
+ breakI_AST = astFactory.create(breakI);
+ match(IDENT);
+ break;
+ }
+ case EOF:
+ case RBRACK:
+ case COMMA:
+ case RPAREN:
+ case RCURLY:
+ case SEMI:
+ case LITERAL_default:
+ case LITERAL_else:
+ case LITERAL_case:
+ case NLS:
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ branchStatement_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ branchStatement_AST = (AST)astFactory.make( (new ASTArray(2)).add(create(LITERAL_break,"break",first,LT(1))).add(breakI_AST));
+ currentAST.root = branchStatement_AST;
+ currentAST.child = branchStatement_AST!=null &&branchStatement_AST.getFirstChild()!=null ?
+ branchStatement_AST.getFirstChild() : branchStatement_AST;
+ currentAST.advanceChildToEnd();
+ }
+ branchStatement_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ break;
+ }
+ case LITERAL_continue:
+ {
+ match(LITERAL_continue);
+ {
+ switch ( LA(1)) {
+ case IDENT:
+ {
+ contI = LT(1);
+ contI_AST = astFactory.create(contI);
+ match(IDENT);
+ break;
+ }
+ case EOF:
+ case RBRACK:
+ case COMMA:
+ case RPAREN:
+ case RCURLY:
+ case SEMI:
+ case LITERAL_default:
+ case LITERAL_else:
+ case LITERAL_case:
+ case NLS:
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ branchStatement_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ branchStatement_AST = (AST)astFactory.make( (new ASTArray(2)).add(create(LITERAL_continue,"continue",first,LT(1))).add(contI_AST));
+ currentAST.root = branchStatement_AST;
+ currentAST.child = branchStatement_AST!=null &&branchStatement_AST.getFirstChild()!=null ?
+ branchStatement_AST.getFirstChild() : branchStatement_AST;
+ currentAST.advanceChildToEnd();
+ }
+ branchStatement_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ break;
+ }
+ case LITERAL_throw:
+ {
+ match(LITERAL_throw);
+ expression(0);
+ throwE_AST = (AST)returnAST;
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ branchStatement_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ branchStatement_AST = (AST)astFactory.make( (new ASTArray(2)).add(create(LITERAL_throw,"throw",first,LT(1))).add(throwE_AST));
+ currentAST.root = branchStatement_AST;
+ currentAST.child = branchStatement_AST!=null &&branchStatement_AST.getFirstChild()!=null ?
+ branchStatement_AST.getFirstChild() : branchStatement_AST;
+ currentAST.advanceChildToEnd();
+ }
+ branchStatement_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ break;
+ }
+ case LITERAL_assert:
+ {
+ match(LITERAL_assert);
+ assignmentLessExpression();
+ assertAle_AST = (AST)returnAST;
+ {
+ if ((LA(1)==COMMA||LA(1)==COLON) && (_tokenSet_87.member(LA(2)))) {
+ {
+ switch ( LA(1)) {
+ case COMMA:
+ {
+ match(COMMA);
+ nls();
+ break;
+ }
+ case COLON:
+ {
+ match(COLON);
+ nls();
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ expression(0);
+ assertE_AST = (AST)returnAST;
+ }
+ else if ((_tokenSet_88.member(LA(1))) && (_tokenSet_12.member(LA(2)))) {
+ }
+ else {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ branchStatement_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ branchStatement_AST = (AST)astFactory.make( (new ASTArray(3)).add(create(LITERAL_assert,"assert",first,LT(1))).add(assertAle_AST).add(assertE_AST));
+ currentAST.root = branchStatement_AST;
+ currentAST.child = branchStatement_AST!=null &&branchStatement_AST.getFirstChild()!=null ?
+ branchStatement_AST.getFirstChild() : branchStatement_AST;
+ currentAST.advanceChildToEnd();
+ }
+ branchStatement_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ returnAST = branchStatement_AST;
+ }
+ public final void closureList() throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException {
+ returnAST = null;
+ ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair();
+ AST closureList_AST = null;
+ Token first = LT(1); boolean sce=false;
+ {
+ switch ( LA(1)) {
+ case FINAL:
+ case ABSTRACT:
+ case STRICTFP:
+ case LITERAL_static:
+ case LITERAL_def:
+ case LBRACK:
+ case IDENT:
+ case LPAREN:
+ case AT:
+ case LITERAL_super:
+ case LITERAL_void:
+ case LITERAL_boolean:
+ case LITERAL_byte:
+ case LITERAL_char:
+ case LITERAL_short:
+ case LITERAL_int:
+ case LITERAL_float:
+ case LITERAL_long:
+ case LITERAL_double:
+ case LITERAL_private:
+ case LITERAL_public:
+ case LITERAL_protected:
+ case LITERAL_transient:
+ case LITERAL_native:
+ case LITERAL_threadsafe:
+ case LITERAL_synchronized:
+ case LITERAL_volatile:
+ case LCURLY:
+ case LITERAL_this:
+ case LITERAL_return:
+ case LITERAL_break:
+ case LITERAL_continue:
+ case LITERAL_throw:
+ case LITERAL_assert:
+ case PLUS:
+ case MINUS:
+ case LITERAL_false:
+ case LITERAL_new:
+ case LITERAL_null:
+ case LITERAL_true:
+ case INC:
+ case DEC:
+ case BNOT:
+ case LNOT:
+ case NUM_INT:
+ case NUM_FLOAT:
+ case NUM_LONG:
+ case NUM_DOUBLE:
+ case NUM_BIG_INT:
+ {
+ sce=strictContextExpression(true);
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ break;
+ }
+ case SEMI:
+ {
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST,astFactory.create(EMPTY_STAT, "EMPTY_STAT"));
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ int _cnt333=0;
+ _loop333:
+ do {
+ if ((LA(1)==SEMI) && (_tokenSet_89.member(LA(2)))) {
+ match(SEMI);
+ sce=strictContextExpression(true);
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ }
+ else if ((LA(1)==SEMI) && (LA(2)==RPAREN||LA(2)==SEMI)) {
+ match(SEMI);
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST,astFactory.create(EMPTY_STAT, "EMPTY_STAT"));
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ if ( _cnt333>=1 ) { break _loop333; } else {throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());}
+ }
+ _cnt333++;
+ } while (true);
+ }
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ closureList_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ closureList_AST = (AST)astFactory.make( (new ASTArray(2)).add(create(CLOSURE_LIST,"CLOSURE_LIST",first,LT(1))).add(closureList_AST));
+ currentAST.root = closureList_AST;
+ currentAST.child = closureList_AST!=null &&closureList_AST.getFirstChild()!=null ?
+ closureList_AST.getFirstChild() : closureList_AST;
+ currentAST.advanceChildToEnd();
+ }
+ closureList_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ returnAST = closureList_AST;
+ }
+ public final void forInClause() throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException {
+ returnAST = null;
+ ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair();
+ AST forInClause_AST = null;
+ AST decl_AST = null;
+ Token i = null;
+ AST i_AST = null;
+ Token c = null;
+ AST c_AST = null;
+ {
+ boolean synPredMatched337 = false;
+ if (((_tokenSet_16.member(LA(1))) && (_tokenSet_84.member(LA(2))))) {
+ int _m337 = mark();
+ synPredMatched337 = true;
+ inputState.guessing++;
+ try {
+ {
+ declarationStart();
+ }
+ }
+ catch (RecognitionException pe) {
+ synPredMatched337 = false;
+ }
+ rewind(_m337);
+ }
+ if ( synPredMatched337 ) {
+ singleDeclarationNoInit();
+ decl_AST = (AST)returnAST;
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ }
+ else if ((LA(1)==IDENT) && (LA(2)==COLON||LA(2)==LITERAL_in)) {
+ AST tmp249_AST = null;
+ tmp249_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp249_AST);
+ match(IDENT);
+ }
+ else {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ switch ( LA(1)) {
+ case LITERAL_in:
+ {
+ i = LT(1);
+ i_AST = astFactory.create(i);
+ astFactory.makeASTRoot(currentAST, i_AST);
+ match(LITERAL_in);
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ }
+ shiftExpression(0);
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ break;
+ }
+ case COLON:
+ {
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ addWarning(
+ "A colon at this point is legal Java but not recommended in Groovy.",
+ "Use the 'in' keyword."
+ );
+ require(decl_AST != null,
+ "Java-style for-each statement requires a type declaration."
+ ,
+ "Use the 'in' keyword, as for (x in y) {...}"
+ );
+ }
+ c = LT(1);
+ c_AST = astFactory.create(c);
+ astFactory.makeASTRoot(currentAST, c_AST);
+ match(COLON);
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ }
+ expression(0);
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ forInClause_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ returnAST = forInClause_AST;
+ }
+ public final void shiftExpression(
+ int lc_stmt
+ ) throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException {
+ returnAST = null;
+ ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair();
+ AST shiftExpression_AST = null;
+ additiveExpression(lc_stmt);
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ {
+ _loop495:
+ do {
+ if ((_tokenSet_90.member(LA(1)))) {
+ {
+ switch ( LA(1)) {
+ case SR:
+ case BSR:
+ case SL:
+ {
+ {
+ switch ( LA(1)) {
+ case SL:
+ {
+ AST tmp250_AST = null;
+ tmp250_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ astFactory.makeASTRoot(currentAST, tmp250_AST);
+ match(SL);
+ break;
+ }
+ case SR:
+ {
+ AST tmp251_AST = null;
+ tmp251_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ astFactory.makeASTRoot(currentAST, tmp251_AST);
+ match(SR);
+ break;
+ }
+ case BSR:
+ {
+ AST tmp252_AST = null;
+ tmp252_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ astFactory.makeASTRoot(currentAST, tmp252_AST);
+ match(BSR);
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ {
+ AST tmp253_AST = null;
+ tmp253_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ astFactory.makeASTRoot(currentAST, tmp253_AST);
+ break;
+ }
+ {
+ AST tmp254_AST = null;
+ tmp254_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ astFactory.makeASTRoot(currentAST, tmp254_AST);
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ nls();
+ additiveExpression(0);
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ }
+ else {
+ break _loop495;
+ }
+ } while (true);
+ }
+ shiftExpression_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ returnAST = shiftExpression_AST;
+ }
+ public final void expression(
+ int lc_stmt
+ ) throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException {
+ returnAST = null;
+ ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair();
+ AST expression_AST = null;
+ AST m_AST = null;
+ boolean synPredMatched413 = false;
+ if (((LA(1)==LPAREN) && (LA(2)==IDENT||LA(2)==NLS))) {
+ int _m413 = mark();
+ synPredMatched413 = true;
+ inputState.guessing++;
+ try {
+ {
+ match(LPAREN);
+ nls();
+ match(IDENT);
+ {
+ _loop412:
+ do {
+ if ((LA(1)==COMMA)) {
+ match(COMMA);
+ nls();
+ match(IDENT);
+ }
+ else {
+ break _loop412;
+ }
+ } while (true);
+ }
+ match(RPAREN);
+ match(ASSIGN);
+ }
+ }
+ catch (RecognitionException pe) {
+ synPredMatched413 = false;
+ }
+ rewind(_m413);
+ }
+ if ( synPredMatched413 ) {
+ multipleAssignment(lc_stmt);
+ m_AST = (AST)returnAST;
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ expression_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ expression_AST=m_AST;
+ currentAST.root = expression_AST;
+ currentAST.child = expression_AST!=null &&expression_AST.getFirstChild()!=null ?
+ expression_AST.getFirstChild() : expression_AST;
+ currentAST.advanceChildToEnd();
+ }
+ expression_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ }
+ else if ((_tokenSet_20.member(LA(1))) && (_tokenSet_3.member(LA(2)))) {
+ assignmentExpression(lc_stmt);
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ expression_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ }
+ else {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ returnAST = expression_AST;
+ }
+/** Lookahead for suspicious statement warnings and errors. */
+ public final void suspiciousExpressionStatementStart() throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException {
+ returnAST = null;
+ ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair();
+ AST suspiciousExpressionStatementStart_AST = null;
+ {
+ switch ( LA(1)) {
+ case PLUS:
+ case MINUS:
+ {
+ {
+ switch ( LA(1)) {
+ case PLUS:
+ {
+ AST tmp255_AST = null;
+ tmp255_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp255_AST);
+ match(PLUS);
+ break;
+ }
+ case MINUS:
+ {
+ AST tmp256_AST = null;
+ tmp256_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp256_AST);
+ match(MINUS);
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case LBRACK:
+ case LPAREN:
+ case LCURLY:
+ {
+ {
+ switch ( LA(1)) {
+ case LBRACK:
+ {
+ AST tmp257_AST = null;
+ tmp257_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp257_AST);
+ match(LBRACK);
+ break;
+ }
+ case LPAREN:
+ {
+ AST tmp258_AST = null;
+ tmp258_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp258_AST);
+ match(LPAREN);
+ break;
+ }
+ case LCURLY:
+ {
+ AST tmp259_AST = null;
+ tmp259_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp259_AST);
+ match(LCURLY);
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ suspiciousExpressionStatementStart_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ returnAST = suspiciousExpressionStatementStart_AST;
+ }
+ * If two statements are separated by newline (not SEMI), the second had
+ * better not look like the latter half of an expression. If it does, issue a warning.
+ *
+ * Also, if the expression starts with a closure, it needs to
+ * have an explicit parameter list, in order to avoid the appearance of a
+ * compound statement. This is a hard error.
+ *
+ * These rules are different from Java's "dumb expression" restriction.
+ * Unlike Java, Groovy blocks can end with arbitrary (even dumb) expressions,
+ * as a consequence of optional 'return' and 'continue' tokens.
+ *
+ * To make the programmer's intention clear, a leading closure must have an
+ * explicit parameter list, and must not follow a previous statement separated
+ * only by newlines.
+ */
+ public final void checkSuspiciousExpressionStatement(
+ int prevToken
+ ) throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException {
+ returnAST = null;
+ ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair();
+ AST checkSuspiciousExpressionStatement_AST = null;
+ boolean synPredMatched360 = false;
+ if (((_tokenSet_20.member(LA(1))) && (_tokenSet_2.member(LA(2))))) {
+ int _m360 = mark();
+ synPredMatched360 = true;
+ inputState.guessing++;
+ try {
+ {
+ if ((_tokenSet_91.member(LA(1)))) {
+ matchNot(LCURLY);
+ }
+ else if ((LA(1)==LCURLY)) {
+ match(LCURLY);
+ closableBlockParamsStart();
+ }
+ else {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ catch (RecognitionException pe) {
+ synPredMatched360 = false;
+ }
+ rewind(_m360);
+ }
+ if ( synPredMatched360 ) {
+ {
+ if (((_tokenSet_20.member(LA(1))) && (_tokenSet_2.member(LA(2))))&&(prevToken == NLS)) {
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ addWarning(
+ "Expression statement looks like it may continue a previous statement",
+ "Either remove the previous newline, or add an explicit semicolon ';'.");
+ }
+ }
+ else if ((_tokenSet_20.member(LA(1))) && (_tokenSet_2.member(LA(2)))) {
+ }
+ else {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ checkSuspiciousExpressionStatement_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ }
+ else if (((_tokenSet_20.member(LA(1))) && (_tokenSet_2.member(LA(2))))&&(prevToken == NLS)) {
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ require(false,
+ "Ambiguous expression could be a parameterless closure expression, "+
+ "an isolated open code block, or it may continue a previous statement",
+ "Add an explicit parameter list, e.g. {it -> ...}, or force it to be treated "+
+ "as an open block by giving it a label, e.g. L:{...}, "+
+ "and also either remove the previous newline, or add an explicit semicolon ';'"
+ );
+ }
+ checkSuspiciousExpressionStatement_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ }
+ else if (((_tokenSet_20.member(LA(1))) && (_tokenSet_2.member(LA(2))))&&(prevToken != NLS)) {
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ require(false,
+ "Ambiguous expression could be either a parameterless closure expression or "+
+ "an isolated open code block",
+ "Add an explicit closure parameter list, e.g. {it -> ...}, or force it to "+
+ "be treated as an open block by giving it a label, e.g. L:{...}");
+ }
+ checkSuspiciousExpressionStatement_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ }
+ else {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ returnAST = checkSuspiciousExpressionStatement_AST;
+ }
+ public final void commandArgumentsGreedy(
+ AST head
+ ) throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException {
+ returnAST = null;
+ ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair();
+ AST commandArgumentsGreedy_AST = null;
+ AST first_AST = null;
+ AST pre_AST = null;
+ AST pc_AST = null;
+ AST ca_AST = null;
+ AST prev = head;
+ {
+ boolean synPredMatched395 = false;
+ if (((_tokenSet_92.member(LA(1))) && (_tokenSet_3.member(LA(2))))) {
+ int _m395 = mark();
+ synPredMatched395 = true;
+ inputState.guessing++;
+ try {
+ {
+ if (!(prev==null || prev.getType()!=METHOD_CALL))
+ throw new SemanticException("prev==null || prev.getType()!=METHOD_CALL");
+ commandArgument();
+ }
+ }
+ catch (RecognitionException pe) {
+ synPredMatched395 = false;
+ }
+ rewind(_m395);
+ }
+ if ( synPredMatched395 ) {
+ {
+ commandArguments(head);
+ first_AST = (AST)returnAST;
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ prev = first_AST;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if ((_tokenSet_75.member(LA(1))) && (_tokenSet_54.member(LA(2)))) {
+ }
+ else {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ {
+ _loop404:
+ do {
+ if ((_tokenSet_93.member(LA(1))) && (_tokenSet_94.member(LA(2)))) {
+ primaryExpression();
+ pre_AST = (AST)returnAST;
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ prev = (AST)astFactory.make( (new ASTArray(3)).add(create(DOT,".",prev)).add(prev).add(pre_AST));
+ }
+ {
+ boolean synPredMatched401 = false;
+ if (((_tokenSet_95.member(LA(1))) && (_tokenSet_94.member(LA(2))))) {
+ int _m401 = mark();
+ synPredMatched401 = true;
+ inputState.guessing++;
+ try {
+ {
+ pathElementStart();
+ }
+ }
+ catch (RecognitionException pe) {
+ synPredMatched401 = false;
+ }
+ rewind(_m401);
+ }
+ if ( synPredMatched401 ) {
+ {
+ pathChain(LC_STMT,prev);
+ pc_AST = (AST)returnAST;
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ prev = pc_AST;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if ((_tokenSet_92.member(LA(1))) && (_tokenSet_3.member(LA(2)))) {
+ {
+ commandArguments(prev);
+ ca_AST = (AST)returnAST;
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ prev = ca_AST;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if ((_tokenSet_75.member(LA(1))) && (_tokenSet_54.member(LA(2)))) {
+ }
+ else {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ break _loop404;
+ }
+ } while (true);
+ }
+ }
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ commandArgumentsGreedy_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ commandArgumentsGreedy_AST = prev;
+ currentAST.root = commandArgumentsGreedy_AST;
+ currentAST.child = commandArgumentsGreedy_AST!=null &&commandArgumentsGreedy_AST.getFirstChild()!=null ?
+ commandArgumentsGreedy_AST.getFirstChild() : commandArgumentsGreedy_AST;
+ currentAST.advanceChildToEnd();
+ }
+ commandArgumentsGreedy_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ returnAST = commandArgumentsGreedy_AST;
+ }
+ public final void aCase() throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException {
+ returnAST = null;
+ ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair();
+ AST aCase_AST = null;
+ {
+ switch ( LA(1)) {
+ case LITERAL_case:
+ {
+ AST tmp260_AST = null;
+ tmp260_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ astFactory.makeASTRoot(currentAST, tmp260_AST);
+ match(LITERAL_case);
+ expression(0);
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ break;
+ }
+ case LITERAL_default:
+ {
+ AST tmp261_AST = null;
+ tmp261_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp261_AST);
+ match(LITERAL_default);
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ match(COLON);
+ nls();
+ aCase_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ returnAST = aCase_AST;
+ }
+ public final void caseSList() throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException {
+ returnAST = null;
+ ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair();
+ AST caseSList_AST = null;
+ Token first = LT(1);
+ statement(COLON);
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ {
+ _loop374:
+ do {
+ if ((LA(1)==SEMI||LA(1)==NLS)) {
+ sep();
+ {
+ switch ( LA(1)) {
+ case FINAL:
+ case ABSTRACT:
+ case UNUSED_DO:
+ case STRICTFP:
+ case LITERAL_import:
+ case LITERAL_static:
+ case LITERAL_def:
+ case LBRACK:
+ case IDENT:
+ case LPAREN:
+ case LITERAL_class:
+ case LITERAL_interface:
+ case LITERAL_enum:
+ case LITERAL_trait:
+ case AT:
+ case LITERAL_super:
+ case LITERAL_void:
+ case LITERAL_boolean:
+ case LITERAL_byte:
+ case LITERAL_char:
+ case LITERAL_short:
+ case LITERAL_int:
+ case LITERAL_float:
+ case LITERAL_long:
+ case LITERAL_double:
+ case LITERAL_private:
+ case LITERAL_public:
+ case LITERAL_protected:
+ case LITERAL_transient:
+ case LITERAL_native:
+ case LITERAL_threadsafe:
+ case LITERAL_synchronized:
+ case LITERAL_volatile:
+ case LCURLY:
+ case LITERAL_this:
+ case LITERAL_if:
+ case LITERAL_while:
+ case LITERAL_switch:
+ case LITERAL_for:
+ case LITERAL_return:
+ case LITERAL_break:
+ case LITERAL_continue:
+ case LITERAL_throw:
+ case LITERAL_assert:
+ case PLUS:
+ case MINUS:
+ case LITERAL_try:
+ case LITERAL_false:
+ case LITERAL_new:
+ case LITERAL_null:
+ case LITERAL_true:
+ case INC:
+ case DEC:
+ case BNOT:
+ case LNOT:
+ case NUM_INT:
+ case NUM_FLOAT:
+ case NUM_LONG:
+ case NUM_DOUBLE:
+ case NUM_BIG_INT:
+ {
+ statement(sepToken);
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ break;
+ }
+ case RCURLY:
+ case SEMI:
+ case LITERAL_default:
+ case LITERAL_case:
+ case NLS:
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ break _loop374;
+ }
+ } while (true);
+ }
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ caseSList_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ caseSList_AST = (AST)astFactory.make( (new ASTArray(2)).add(create(SLIST,"SLIST",first,LT(1))).add(caseSList_AST));
+ currentAST.root = caseSList_AST;
+ currentAST.child = caseSList_AST!=null &&caseSList_AST.getFirstChild()!=null ?
+ caseSList_AST.getFirstChild() : caseSList_AST;
+ currentAST.advanceChildToEnd();
+ }
+ caseSList_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ returnAST = caseSList_AST;
+ }
+ public final void forInit() throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException {
+ returnAST = null;
+ ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair();
+ AST forInit_AST = null;
+ Token first = LT(1);
+ boolean synPredMatched377 = false;
+ if (((_tokenSet_16.member(LA(1))) && (_tokenSet_17.member(LA(2))))) {
+ int _m377 = mark();
+ synPredMatched377 = true;
+ inputState.guessing++;
+ try {
+ {
+ declarationStart();
+ }
+ }
+ catch (RecognitionException pe) {
+ synPredMatched377 = false;
+ }
+ rewind(_m377);
+ }
+ if ( synPredMatched377 ) {
+ declaration();
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ forInit_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ }
+ else if ((_tokenSet_96.member(LA(1))) && (_tokenSet_97.member(LA(2)))) {
+ {
+ switch ( LA(1)) {
+ case FINAL:
+ case ABSTRACT:
+ case STRICTFP:
+ case LITERAL_static:
+ case LITERAL_def:
+ case LBRACK:
+ case IDENT:
+ case LPAREN:
+ case AT:
+ case LITERAL_super:
+ case LITERAL_void:
+ case LITERAL_boolean:
+ case LITERAL_byte:
+ case LITERAL_char:
+ case LITERAL_short:
+ case LITERAL_int:
+ case LITERAL_float:
+ case LITERAL_long:
+ case LITERAL_double:
+ case LITERAL_private:
+ case LITERAL_public:
+ case LITERAL_protected:
+ case LITERAL_transient:
+ case LITERAL_native:
+ case LITERAL_threadsafe:
+ case LITERAL_synchronized:
+ case LITERAL_volatile:
+ case LCURLY:
+ case LITERAL_this:
+ case LITERAL_return:
+ case LITERAL_break:
+ case LITERAL_continue:
+ case LITERAL_throw:
+ case LITERAL_assert:
+ case PLUS:
+ case MINUS:
+ case LITERAL_false:
+ case LITERAL_new:
+ case LITERAL_null:
+ case LITERAL_true:
+ case INC:
+ case DEC:
+ case BNOT:
+ case LNOT:
+ case NUM_INT:
+ case NUM_FLOAT:
+ case NUM_LONG:
+ case NUM_DOUBLE:
+ case NUM_BIG_INT:
+ {
+ controlExpressionList();
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ break;
+ }
+ case EOF:
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ forInit_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ forInit_AST = (AST)astFactory.make( (new ASTArray(2)).add(create(FOR_INIT,"FOR_INIT",first,LT(1))).add(forInit_AST));
+ currentAST.root = forInit_AST;
+ currentAST.child = forInit_AST!=null &&forInit_AST.getFirstChild()!=null ?
+ forInit_AST.getFirstChild() : forInit_AST;
+ currentAST.advanceChildToEnd();
+ }
+ forInit_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ }
+ else {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ returnAST = forInit_AST;
+ }
+ public final void controlExpressionList() throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException {
+ returnAST = null;
+ ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair();
+ AST controlExpressionList_AST = null;
+ Token first = LT(1); boolean sce=false;
+ sce=strictContextExpression(false);
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ {
+ _loop422:
+ do {
+ if ((LA(1)==COMMA)) {
+ match(COMMA);
+ nls();
+ sce=strictContextExpression(false);
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ }
+ else {
+ break _loop422;
+ }
+ } while (true);
+ }
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ controlExpressionList_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ controlExpressionList_AST = (AST)astFactory.make( (new ASTArray(2)).add(create(ELIST,"ELIST",first,LT(1))).add(controlExpressionList_AST));
+ currentAST.root = controlExpressionList_AST;
+ currentAST.child = controlExpressionList_AST!=null &&controlExpressionList_AST.getFirstChild()!=null ?
+ controlExpressionList_AST.getFirstChild() : controlExpressionList_AST;
+ currentAST.advanceChildToEnd();
+ }
+ controlExpressionList_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ returnAST = controlExpressionList_AST;
+ }
+ public final void forCond() throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException {
+ returnAST = null;
+ ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair();
+ AST forCond_AST = null;
+ Token first = LT(1); boolean sce=false;
+ {
+ switch ( LA(1)) {
+ case FINAL:
+ case ABSTRACT:
+ case STRICTFP:
+ case LITERAL_static:
+ case LITERAL_def:
+ case LBRACK:
+ case IDENT:
+ case LPAREN:
+ case AT:
+ case LITERAL_super:
+ case LITERAL_void:
+ case LITERAL_boolean:
+ case LITERAL_byte:
+ case LITERAL_char:
+ case LITERAL_short:
+ case LITERAL_int:
+ case LITERAL_float:
+ case LITERAL_long:
+ case LITERAL_double:
+ case LITERAL_private:
+ case LITERAL_public:
+ case LITERAL_protected:
+ case LITERAL_transient:
+ case LITERAL_native:
+ case LITERAL_threadsafe:
+ case LITERAL_synchronized:
+ case LITERAL_volatile:
+ case LCURLY:
+ case LITERAL_this:
+ case LITERAL_return:
+ case LITERAL_break:
+ case LITERAL_continue:
+ case LITERAL_throw:
+ case LITERAL_assert:
+ case PLUS:
+ case MINUS:
+ case LITERAL_false:
+ case LITERAL_new:
+ case LITERAL_null:
+ case LITERAL_true:
+ case INC:
+ case DEC:
+ case BNOT:
+ case LNOT:
+ case NUM_INT:
+ case NUM_FLOAT:
+ case NUM_LONG:
+ case NUM_DOUBLE:
+ case NUM_BIG_INT:
+ {
+ sce=strictContextExpression(false);
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ break;
+ }
+ case EOF:
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ forCond_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ forCond_AST = (AST)astFactory.make( (new ASTArray(2)).add(create(FOR_CONDITION,"FOR_CONDITION",first,LT(1))).add(forCond_AST));
+ currentAST.root = forCond_AST;
+ currentAST.child = forCond_AST!=null &&forCond_AST.getFirstChild()!=null ?
+ forCond_AST.getFirstChild() : forCond_AST;
+ currentAST.advanceChildToEnd();
+ }
+ forCond_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ returnAST = forCond_AST;
+ }
+ public final void forIter() throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException {
+ returnAST = null;
+ ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair();
+ AST forIter_AST = null;
+ Token first = LT(1);
+ {
+ switch ( LA(1)) {
+ case FINAL:
+ case ABSTRACT:
+ case STRICTFP:
+ case LITERAL_static:
+ case LITERAL_def:
+ case LBRACK:
+ case IDENT:
+ case LPAREN:
+ case AT:
+ case LITERAL_super:
+ case LITERAL_void:
+ case LITERAL_boolean:
+ case LITERAL_byte:
+ case LITERAL_char:
+ case LITERAL_short:
+ case LITERAL_int:
+ case LITERAL_float:
+ case LITERAL_long:
+ case LITERAL_double:
+ case LITERAL_private:
+ case LITERAL_public:
+ case LITERAL_protected:
+ case LITERAL_transient:
+ case LITERAL_native:
+ case LITERAL_threadsafe:
+ case LITERAL_synchronized:
+ case LITERAL_volatile:
+ case LCURLY:
+ case LITERAL_this:
+ case LITERAL_return:
+ case LITERAL_break:
+ case LITERAL_continue:
+ case LITERAL_throw:
+ case LITERAL_assert:
+ case PLUS:
+ case MINUS:
+ case LITERAL_false:
+ case LITERAL_new:
+ case LITERAL_null:
+ case LITERAL_true:
+ case INC:
+ case DEC:
+ case BNOT:
+ case LNOT:
+ case NUM_INT:
+ case NUM_FLOAT:
+ case NUM_LONG:
+ case NUM_DOUBLE:
+ case NUM_BIG_INT:
+ {
+ controlExpressionList();
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ break;
+ }
+ case EOF:
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ forIter_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ forIter_AST = (AST)astFactory.make( (new ASTArray(2)).add(create(FOR_ITERATOR,"FOR_ITERATOR",first,LT(1))).add(forIter_AST));
+ currentAST.root = forIter_AST;
+ currentAST.child = forIter_AST!=null &&forIter_AST.getFirstChild()!=null ?
+ forIter_AST.getFirstChild() : forIter_AST;
+ currentAST.advanceChildToEnd();
+ }
+ forIter_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ returnAST = forIter_AST;
+ }
+ public final void handler() throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException {
+ returnAST = null;
+ ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair();
+ AST handler_AST = null;
+ AST pd_AST = null;
+ AST handlerCs_AST = null;
+ Token first = LT(1);
+ match(LITERAL_catch);
+ match(LPAREN);
+ multicatch();
+ pd_AST = (AST)returnAST;
+ match(RPAREN);
+ nlsWarn();
+ compoundStatement();
+ handlerCs_AST = (AST)returnAST;
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ handler_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ handler_AST = (AST)astFactory.make( (new ASTArray(3)).add(create(LITERAL_catch,"catch",first,LT(1))).add(pd_AST).add(handlerCs_AST));
+ currentAST.root = handler_AST;
+ currentAST.child = handler_AST!=null &&handler_AST.getFirstChild()!=null ?
+ handler_AST.getFirstChild() : handler_AST;
+ currentAST.advanceChildToEnd();
+ }
+ handler_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ returnAST = handler_AST;
+ }
+ public final void finallyClause() throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException {
+ returnAST = null;
+ ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair();
+ AST finallyClause_AST = null;
+ AST finallyCs_AST = null;
+ Token first = LT(1);
+ match(LITERAL_finally);
+ nlsWarn();
+ compoundStatement();
+ finallyCs_AST = (AST)returnAST;
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ finallyClause_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ finallyClause_AST = (AST)astFactory.make( (new ASTArray(2)).add(create(LITERAL_finally,"finally",first,LT(1))).add(finallyCs_AST));
+ currentAST.root = finallyClause_AST;
+ currentAST.child = finallyClause_AST!=null &&finallyClause_AST.getFirstChild()!=null ?
+ finallyClause_AST.getFirstChild() : finallyClause_AST;
+ currentAST.advanceChildToEnd();
+ }
+ finallyClause_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ returnAST = finallyClause_AST;
+ }
+/** A member name (x.y) or element name (x[y]) can serve as a command name,
+ * which may be followed by a list of arguments.
+ * Unlike parenthesized arguments, these must be plain expressions,
+ * without labels or spread operators.
+ */
+ public final void commandArguments(
+ AST head
+ ) throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException {
+ returnAST = null;
+ ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair();
+ AST commandArguments_AST = null;
+ Token first = LT(1);
+ try { // for error handling
+ commandArgument();
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ {
+ _loop391:
+ do {
+ if ((LA(1)==COMMA) && (_tokenSet_98.member(LA(2)))) {
+ match(COMMA);
+ nls();
+ commandArgument();
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ }
+ else {
+ break _loop391;
+ }
+ } while (true);
+ }
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ commandArguments_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ AST elist = (AST)astFactory.make( (new ASTArray(2)).add(create(ELIST,"ELIST",first,LT(1))).add(commandArguments_AST));
+ AST headid = (AST)astFactory.make( (new ASTArray(3)).add(create(METHOD_CALL,"",first,LT(1))).add(head).add(elist));
+ commandArguments_AST = headid;
+ currentAST.root = commandArguments_AST;
+ currentAST.child = commandArguments_AST!=null &&commandArguments_AST.getFirstChild()!=null ?
+ commandArguments_AST.getFirstChild() : commandArguments_AST;
+ currentAST.advanceChildToEnd();
+ }
+ commandArguments_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ }
+ catch (RecognitionException e) {
+ if (inputState.guessing==0) {
+ // GRECLIPSE-1192
+ // Do we need better recognition of the specific problem here?
+ // (if so, see the label recovery for GRECLIPSE-1048)
+ reportError(e);
+ } else {
+ throw e;
+ }
+ }
+ returnAST = commandArguments_AST;
+ }
+ public final void commandArgument() throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException {
+ returnAST = null;
+ ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair();
+ AST commandArgument_AST = null;
+ Token c = null;
+ AST c_AST = null;
+ boolean synPredMatched407 = false;
+ if (((_tokenSet_99.member(LA(1))) && (_tokenSet_100.member(LA(2))))) {
+ int _m407 = mark();
+ synPredMatched407 = true;
+ inputState.guessing++;
+ try {
+ {
+ argumentLabel();
+ match(COLON);
+ nls();
+ }
+ }
+ catch (RecognitionException pe) {
+ synPredMatched407 = false;
+ }
+ rewind(_m407);
+ }
+ if ( synPredMatched407 ) {
+ {
+ argumentLabel();
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ c = LT(1);
+ c_AST = astFactory.create(c);
+ astFactory.makeASTRoot(currentAST, c_AST);
+ match(COLON);
+ nls();
+ expression(0);
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ c_AST.setType(LABELED_ARG);
+ }
+ }
+ commandArgument_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ }
+ else if ((_tokenSet_20.member(LA(1))) && (_tokenSet_3.member(LA(2)))) {
+ expression(0);
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ commandArgument_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ }
+ else {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ returnAST = commandArgument_AST;
+ }
+ public final void primaryExpression() throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException {
+ returnAST = null;
+ ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair();
+ AST primaryExpression_AST = null;
+ AST pe_AST = null;
+ Token first = LT(1);
+ switch ( LA(1)) {
+ case IDENT:
+ {
+ AST tmp269_AST = null;
+ tmp269_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp269_AST);
+ match(IDENT);
+ primaryExpression_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ break;
+ }
+ case LITERAL_false:
+ case LITERAL_null:
+ case LITERAL_true:
+ case NUM_INT:
+ case NUM_FLOAT:
+ case NUM_LONG:
+ case NUM_DOUBLE:
+ case NUM_BIG_INT:
+ {
+ constant();
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ primaryExpression_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ break;
+ }
+ case LITERAL_new:
+ {
+ newExpression();
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ primaryExpression_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ break;
+ }
+ case LITERAL_this:
+ {
+ AST tmp270_AST = null;
+ tmp270_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp270_AST);
+ match(LITERAL_this);
+ primaryExpression_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ break;
+ }
+ case LITERAL_super:
+ {
+ AST tmp271_AST = null;
+ tmp271_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp271_AST);
+ match(LITERAL_super);
+ primaryExpression_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ break;
+ }
+ case LPAREN:
+ {
+ parenthesizedExpression();
+ pe_AST = (AST)returnAST;
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ primaryExpression_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ primaryExpression_AST = (AST)astFactory.make( (new ASTArray(2)).add(create(EXPR,"EXPR",first,LT(1))).add(pe_AST));
+ currentAST.root = primaryExpression_AST;
+ currentAST.child = primaryExpression_AST!=null &&primaryExpression_AST.getFirstChild()!=null ?
+ primaryExpression_AST.getFirstChild() : primaryExpression_AST;
+ currentAST.advanceChildToEnd();
+ }
+ primaryExpression_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ break;
+ }
+ case LCURLY:
+ {
+ closableBlockConstructorExpression();
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ primaryExpression_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ break;
+ }
+ case LBRACK:
+ {
+ listOrMapConstructorExpression();
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ primaryExpression_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ break;
+ }
+ {
+ stringConstructorExpression();
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ primaryExpression_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ break;
+ }
+ case LITERAL_void:
+ case LITERAL_boolean:
+ case LITERAL_byte:
+ case LITERAL_char:
+ case LITERAL_short:
+ case LITERAL_int:
+ case LITERAL_float:
+ case LITERAL_long:
+ case LITERAL_double:
+ {
+ builtInType();
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ primaryExpression_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ returnAST = primaryExpression_AST;
+ }
+ public final void pathElementStart() throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException {
+ returnAST = null;
+ ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair();
+ AST pathElementStart_AST = null;
+ switch ( LA(1)) {
+ case DOT:
+ case SPREAD_DOT:
+ case NLS:
+ {
+ {
+ nls();
+ {
+ switch ( LA(1)) {
+ case DOT:
+ {
+ AST tmp272_AST = null;
+ tmp272_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ match(DOT);
+ break;
+ }
+ case SPREAD_DOT:
+ {
+ AST tmp273_AST = null;
+ tmp273_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ match(SPREAD_DOT);
+ break;
+ }
+ {
+ AST tmp274_AST = null;
+ tmp274_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ match(OPTIONAL_DOT);
+ break;
+ }
+ {
+ AST tmp275_AST = null;
+ tmp275_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case LBRACK:
+ {
+ AST tmp276_AST = null;
+ tmp276_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ match(LBRACK);
+ break;
+ }
+ case LPAREN:
+ {
+ AST tmp277_AST = null;
+ tmp277_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ match(LPAREN);
+ break;
+ }
+ case LCURLY:
+ {
+ AST tmp278_AST = null;
+ tmp278_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ match(LCURLY);
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ returnAST = pathElementStart_AST;
+ }
+ public final void pathChain(
+ int lc_stmt, AST prefix
+ ) throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException {
+ returnAST = null;
+ ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair();
+ AST pathChain_AST = null;
+ AST pe_AST = null;
+ AST apb_AST = null;
+ {
+ int _cnt429=0;
+ _loop429:
+ do {
+ boolean synPredMatched426 = false;
+ if (((_tokenSet_95.member(LA(1))) && (_tokenSet_94.member(LA(2))))) {
+ int _m426 = mark();
+ synPredMatched426 = true;
+ inputState.guessing++;
+ try {
+ {
+ pathElementStart();
+ }
+ }
+ catch (RecognitionException pe) {
+ synPredMatched426 = false;
+ }
+ rewind(_m426);
+ }
+ if ( synPredMatched426 ) {
+ nls();
+ pathElement(prefix);
+ pe_AST = (AST)returnAST;
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ prefix = pe_AST;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ boolean synPredMatched428 = false;
+ if ((((LA(1)==LCURLY||LA(1)==NLS) && (_tokenSet_18.member(LA(2))))&&(lc_stmt == LC_STMT || lc_stmt == LC_INIT))) {
+ int _m428 = mark();
+ synPredMatched428 = true;
+ inputState.guessing++;
+ try {
+ {
+ nls();
+ match(LCURLY);
+ }
+ }
+ catch (RecognitionException pe) {
+ synPredMatched428 = false;
+ }
+ rewind(_m428);
+ }
+ if ( synPredMatched428 ) {
+ nlsWarn();
+ appendedBlock(prefix);
+ apb_AST = (AST)returnAST;
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ prefix = apb_AST;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ if ( _cnt429>=1 ) { break _loop429; } else {throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());}
+ }
+ }
+ _cnt429++;
+ } while (true);
+ }
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ pathChain_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ pathChain_AST = prefix;
+ currentAST.root = pathChain_AST;
+ currentAST.child = pathChain_AST!=null &&pathChain_AST.getFirstChild()!=null ?
+ pathChain_AST.getFirstChild() : pathChain_AST;
+ currentAST.advanceChildToEnd();
+ }
+ pathChain_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ returnAST = pathChain_AST;
+ }
+/** A label for an argument is of the form a:b, 'a':b, "a":b, (a):b, etc..
+ * The labels in (a:b), ('a':b), and ("a":b) are in all ways equivalent,
+ * except that the quotes allow more spellings.
+ * Equivalent dynamically computed labels are (('a'):b) and ("${'a'}":b)
+ * but not ((a):b) or "$a":b, since the latter cases evaluate (a) as a normal identifier.
+ * Bottom line: If you want a truly variable label, use parens and say ((a):b).
+ */
+ public final void argumentLabel() throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException {
+ returnAST = null;
+ ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair();
+ AST argumentLabel_AST = null;
+ Token id = null;
+ AST id_AST = null;
+ AST kw_AST = null;
+ boolean synPredMatched580 = false;
+ if (((LA(1)==IDENT) && (LA(2)==COLON))) {
+ int _m580 = mark();
+ synPredMatched580 = true;
+ inputState.guessing++;
+ try {
+ {
+ match(IDENT);
+ }
+ }
+ catch (RecognitionException pe) {
+ synPredMatched580 = false;
+ }
+ rewind(_m580);
+ }
+ if ( synPredMatched580 ) {
+ id = LT(1);
+ id_AST = astFactory.create(id);
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, id_AST);
+ match(IDENT);
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ }
+ argumentLabel_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ }
+ else {
+ boolean synPredMatched582 = false;
+ if (((_tokenSet_101.member(LA(1))) && (LA(2)==COLON))) {
+ int _m582 = mark();
+ synPredMatched582 = true;
+ inputState.guessing++;
+ try {
+ {
+ keywordPropertyNames();
+ }
+ }
+ catch (RecognitionException pe) {
+ synPredMatched582 = false;
+ }
+ rewind(_m582);
+ }
+ if ( synPredMatched582 ) {
+ keywordPropertyNames();
+ kw_AST = (AST)returnAST;
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ }
+ argumentLabel_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ }
+ else if ((_tokenSet_93.member(LA(1))) && (_tokenSet_100.member(LA(2)))) {
+ primaryExpression();
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ argumentLabel_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ }
+ else {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ returnAST = argumentLabel_AST;
+ }
+ public final void pathElement(
+ AST prefix
+ ) throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException {
+ returnAST = null;
+ ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair();
+ AST pathElement_AST = null;
+ AST ta_AST = null;
+ AST np_AST = null;
+ AST mca_AST = null;
+ AST apb_AST = null;
+ AST ipa_AST = null;
+ Token operator = LT(1);
+ switch ( LA(1)) {
+ case DOT:
+ case SPREAD_DOT:
+ case NLS:
+ {
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ pathElement_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ pathElement_AST = prefix;
+ currentAST.root = pathElement_AST;
+ currentAST.child = pathElement_AST!=null &&pathElement_AST.getFirstChild()!=null ?
+ pathElement_AST.getFirstChild() : pathElement_AST;
+ currentAST.advanceChildToEnd();
+ }
+ {
+ nls();
+ {
+ switch ( LA(1)) {
+ case SPREAD_DOT:
+ {
+ match(SPREAD_DOT);
+ break;
+ }
+ {
+ match(OPTIONAL_DOT);
+ break;
+ }
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ case DOT:
+ {
+ match(DOT);
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ nls();
+ {
+ if ((LA(1)==LT) && (_tokenSet_38.member(LA(2)))) {
+ typeArguments();
+ ta_AST = (AST)returnAST;
+ }
+ else if ((_tokenSet_102.member(LA(1))) && (_tokenSet_54.member(LA(2)))) {
+ }
+ else {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ if ((_tokenSet_103.member(LA(1))) && (_tokenSet_102.member(LA(2)))) {
+ namePart();
+ np_AST = (AST)returnAST;
+ }
+ else if ((_tokenSet_104.member(LA(1))) && (_tokenSet_54.member(LA(2)))) {
+ }
+ else {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ pathElement_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ if (np_AST == null) {
+ GroovySourceToken ident = new GroovySourceToken(IDENT);
+ ident.setLine(((SourceInfo) LT(0)).getLineLast());
+ ident.setColumn(((SourceInfo) LT(0)).getColumnLast());
+ ident.setLineLast(((SourceInfo) LT(0)).getLineLast());
+ ident.setColumnLast(((SourceInfo) LT(0)).getColumnLast());
+ np_AST = (AST)astFactory.make( (new ASTArray(1)).add(create(ident.getType(),ident.getText(),ident,null)));
+ reportError(new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename()));
+ }
+ pathElement_AST = (AST)astFactory.make( (new ASTArray(4)).add(create(operator.getType(),operator.getText(),prefix,LT(1))).add(prefix).add(ta_AST).add(np_AST));
+ currentAST.root = pathElement_AST;
+ currentAST.child = pathElement_AST!=null &&pathElement_AST.getFirstChild()!=null ?
+ pathElement_AST.getFirstChild() : pathElement_AST;
+ currentAST.advanceChildToEnd();
+ }
+ pathElement_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ break;
+ }
+ case LPAREN:
+ {
+ methodCallArgs(prefix);
+ mca_AST = (AST)returnAST;
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ pathElement_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ pathElement_AST = mca_AST;
+ currentAST.root = pathElement_AST;
+ currentAST.child = pathElement_AST!=null &&pathElement_AST.getFirstChild()!=null ?
+ pathElement_AST.getFirstChild() : pathElement_AST;
+ currentAST.advanceChildToEnd();
+ }
+ pathElement_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ break;
+ }
+ case LCURLY:
+ {
+ appendedBlock(prefix);
+ apb_AST = (AST)returnAST;
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ pathElement_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ pathElement_AST = apb_AST;
+ currentAST.root = pathElement_AST;
+ currentAST.child = pathElement_AST!=null &&pathElement_AST.getFirstChild()!=null ?
+ pathElement_AST.getFirstChild() : pathElement_AST;
+ currentAST.advanceChildToEnd();
+ }
+ pathElement_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ break;
+ }
+ case LBRACK:
+ {
+ indexPropertyArgs(prefix);
+ ipa_AST = (AST)returnAST;
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ pathElement_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ pathElement_AST = ipa_AST;
+ currentAST.root = pathElement_AST;
+ currentAST.child = pathElement_AST!=null &&pathElement_AST.getFirstChild()!=null ?
+ pathElement_AST.getFirstChild() : pathElement_AST;
+ currentAST.advanceChildToEnd();
+ }
+ pathElement_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ returnAST = pathElement_AST;
+ }
+/** An appended block follows any expression.
+ * If the expression is not a method call, it is given an empty argument list.
+ */
+ public final void appendedBlock(
+ AST callee
+ ) throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException {
+ returnAST = null;
+ ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair();
+ AST appendedBlock_AST = null;
+ AST cb_AST = null;
+ closableBlock();
+ cb_AST = (AST)returnAST;
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ appendedBlock_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ // If the callee is itself a call, flatten the AST.
+ if (callee != null && callee.getType() == METHOD_CALL) {
+ appendedBlock_AST = (AST)astFactory.make( (new ASTArray(3)).add(create(METHOD_CALL,"(",callee,LT(1))).add(callee.getFirstChild()).add(cb_AST));
+ } else {
+ appendedBlock_AST = (AST)astFactory.make( (new ASTArray(3)).add(create(METHOD_CALL,"{",callee,LT(1))).add(callee).add(cb_AST));
+ }
+ currentAST.root = appendedBlock_AST;
+ currentAST.child = appendedBlock_AST!=null &&appendedBlock_AST.getFirstChild()!=null ?
+ appendedBlock_AST.getFirstChild() : appendedBlock_AST;
+ currentAST.advanceChildToEnd();
+ }
+ appendedBlock_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ returnAST = appendedBlock_AST;
+ }
+/** A "path expression" is a name or other primary, possibly qualified by various
+ * forms of dot, and/or followed by various kinds of brackets.
+ * It can be used for value or assigned to, or else further qualified, indexed, or called.
+ * It is called a "path" because it looks like a linear path through a data structure.
+ * Examples: x.y, x?.y, x*.y, x.@y; x[], x[y], x[y,z]; x(), x(y), x(y,z); x{s}; a.b[n].c(x).d{s}
+ * (Compare to a C lvalue, or LeftHandSide in the JLS section 15.26.)
+ * General expressions are built up from path expressions, using operators like '+' and '='.
+ */
+ public final void pathExpression(
+ int lc_stmt
+ ) throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException {
+ returnAST = null;
+ ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair();
+ AST pathExpression_AST = null;
+ AST pre_AST = null;
+ AST pe_AST = null;
+ AST apb_AST = null;
+ AST prefix = null;
+ primaryExpression();
+ pre_AST = (AST)returnAST;
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ prefix = pre_AST;
+ }
+ {
+ _loop436:
+ do {
+ boolean synPredMatched433 = false;
+ if (((_tokenSet_95.member(LA(1))) && (_tokenSet_3.member(LA(2))))) {
+ int _m433 = mark();
+ synPredMatched433 = true;
+ inputState.guessing++;
+ try {
+ {
+ pathElementStart();
+ }
+ }
+ catch (RecognitionException pe) {
+ synPredMatched433 = false;
+ }
+ rewind(_m433);
+ }
+ if ( synPredMatched433 ) {
+ nls();
+ pathElement(prefix);
+ pe_AST = (AST)returnAST;
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ prefix = pe_AST;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ boolean synPredMatched435 = false;
+ if ((((LA(1)==LCURLY||LA(1)==NLS) && (_tokenSet_18.member(LA(2))))&&(lc_stmt == LC_STMT || lc_stmt == LC_INIT))) {
+ int _m435 = mark();
+ synPredMatched435 = true;
+ inputState.guessing++;
+ try {
+ {
+ nls();
+ match(LCURLY);
+ }
+ }
+ catch (RecognitionException pe) {
+ synPredMatched435 = false;
+ }
+ rewind(_m435);
+ }
+ if ( synPredMatched435 ) {
+ nlsWarn();
+ appendedBlock(prefix);
+ apb_AST = (AST)returnAST;
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ prefix = apb_AST;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ break _loop436;
+ }
+ }
+ } while (true);
+ }
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ pathExpression_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ pathExpression_AST = prefix;
+ lastPathExpression = pathExpression_AST;
+ currentAST.root = pathExpression_AST;
+ currentAST.child = pathExpression_AST!=null &&pathExpression_AST.getFirstChild()!=null ?
+ pathExpression_AST.getFirstChild() : pathExpression_AST;
+ currentAST.advanceChildToEnd();
+ }
+ pathExpression_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ returnAST = pathExpression_AST;
+ }
+/** This is the grammar for what can follow a dot: x.a, x.@a, x.&a, x.'a', etc.
+ * Note: typeArguments
is handled by the caller of namePart
+ */
+ public final void namePart() throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException {
+ returnAST = null;
+ ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair();
+ AST namePart_AST = null;
+ Token ats = null;
+ AST ats_AST = null;
+ Token sl = null;
+ AST sl_AST = null;
+ Token first = LT(1);
+ {
+ switch ( LA(1)) {
+ case AT:
+ {
+ ats = LT(1);
+ ats_AST = astFactory.create(ats);
+ astFactory.makeASTRoot(currentAST, ats_AST);
+ match(AT);
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ ats_AST.setType(SELECT_SLOT);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case FINAL:
+ case ABSTRACT:
+ case UNUSED_DO:
+ case STRICTFP:
+ case LITERAL_package:
+ case LITERAL_import:
+ case LITERAL_static:
+ case LITERAL_def:
+ case IDENT:
+ case LPAREN:
+ case LITERAL_class:
+ case LITERAL_interface:
+ case LITERAL_enum:
+ case LITERAL_trait:
+ case LITERAL_extends:
+ case LITERAL_super:
+ case LITERAL_void:
+ case LITERAL_boolean:
+ case LITERAL_byte:
+ case LITERAL_char:
+ case LITERAL_short:
+ case LITERAL_int:
+ case LITERAL_float:
+ case LITERAL_long:
+ case LITERAL_double:
+ case LITERAL_as:
+ case LITERAL_private:
+ case LITERAL_public:
+ case LITERAL_protected:
+ case LITERAL_transient:
+ case LITERAL_native:
+ case LITERAL_threadsafe:
+ case LITERAL_synchronized:
+ case LITERAL_volatile:
+ case LCURLY:
+ case LITERAL_default:
+ case LITERAL_throws:
+ case LITERAL_implements:
+ case LITERAL_this:
+ case LITERAL_if:
+ case LITERAL_else:
+ case LITERAL_while:
+ case LITERAL_switch:
+ case LITERAL_for:
+ case LITERAL_in:
+ case LITERAL_return:
+ case LITERAL_break:
+ case LITERAL_continue:
+ case LITERAL_throw:
+ case LITERAL_assert:
+ case LITERAL_case:
+ case LITERAL_try:
+ case LITERAL_finally:
+ case LITERAL_catch:
+ case LITERAL_false:
+ case LITERAL_instanceof:
+ case LITERAL_new:
+ case LITERAL_null:
+ case LITERAL_true:
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ switch ( LA(1)) {
+ case IDENT:
+ {
+ AST tmp283_AST = null;
+ tmp283_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp283_AST);
+ match(IDENT);
+ break;
+ }
+ {
+ sl = LT(1);
+ sl_AST = astFactory.create(sl);
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, sl_AST);
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ sl_AST.setType(IDENT);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case LPAREN:
+ {
+ dynamicMemberName();
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ break;
+ }
+ case LCURLY:
+ {
+ openBlock();
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ break;
+ }
+ case FINAL:
+ case ABSTRACT:
+ case UNUSED_DO:
+ case STRICTFP:
+ case LITERAL_package:
+ case LITERAL_import:
+ case LITERAL_static:
+ case LITERAL_def:
+ case LITERAL_class:
+ case LITERAL_interface:
+ case LITERAL_enum:
+ case LITERAL_trait:
+ case LITERAL_extends:
+ case LITERAL_super:
+ case LITERAL_void:
+ case LITERAL_boolean:
+ case LITERAL_byte:
+ case LITERAL_char:
+ case LITERAL_short:
+ case LITERAL_int:
+ case LITERAL_float:
+ case LITERAL_long:
+ case LITERAL_double:
+ case LITERAL_as:
+ case LITERAL_private:
+ case LITERAL_public:
+ case LITERAL_protected:
+ case LITERAL_transient:
+ case LITERAL_native:
+ case LITERAL_threadsafe:
+ case LITERAL_synchronized:
+ case LITERAL_volatile:
+ case LITERAL_default:
+ case LITERAL_throws:
+ case LITERAL_implements:
+ case LITERAL_this:
+ case LITERAL_if:
+ case LITERAL_else:
+ case LITERAL_while:
+ case LITERAL_switch:
+ case LITERAL_for:
+ case LITERAL_in:
+ case LITERAL_return:
+ case LITERAL_break:
+ case LITERAL_continue:
+ case LITERAL_throw:
+ case LITERAL_assert:
+ case LITERAL_case:
+ case LITERAL_try:
+ case LITERAL_finally:
+ case LITERAL_catch:
+ case LITERAL_false:
+ case LITERAL_instanceof:
+ case LITERAL_new:
+ case LITERAL_null:
+ case LITERAL_true:
+ {
+ keywordPropertyNames();
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ namePart_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ returnAST = namePart_AST;
+ }
+/** An expression may be followed by one or both of (...) and {...}.
+ * Note: If either is (...) or {...} present, it is a method call.
+ * The {...} is appended to the argument list, and matches a formal of type Closure.
+ * If there is no method member, a property (or field) is used instead, and must itself be callable.
+ *
+ * If the methodCallArgs are absent, it is a property reference.
+ * If there is no property, it is treated as a field reference, but never a method reference.
+ *
+ * Arguments in the (...) can be labeled, and the appended block can be labeled also.
+ * If there is a mix of unlabeled and labeled arguments,
+ * all the labeled arguments must follow the unlabeled arguments,
+ * except that the closure (labeled or not) is always a separate final argument.
+ * Labeled arguments are collected up and passed as a single argument to a formal of type Map.
+ *
+ * Therefore, f(x,y, a:p, b:q) {s} is equivalent in all ways to f(x,y, [a:p,b:q], {s}).
+ * Spread arguments of sequence type count as unlabeled arguments,
+ * while spread arguments of map type count as labeled arguments.
+ * (This distinction must sometimes be checked dynamically.)
+ *
+ * A plain unlabeled argument is allowed to match a trailing Map or Closure argument:
+ * f(x, a:p) {s} === f(*[ x, [a:p], {s} ])
+ */
+ public final void methodCallArgs(
+ AST callee
+ ) throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException {
+ returnAST = null;
+ ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair();
+ AST methodCallArgs_AST = null;
+ AST al_AST = null;
+ try { // for error handling
+ match(LPAREN);
+ argList();
+ al_AST = (AST)returnAST;
+ match(RPAREN);
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ methodCallArgs_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ if (callee != null && callee.getFirstChild() != null) {
+ //method call like obj.method()
+ methodCallArgs_AST = (AST)astFactory.make( (new ASTArray(3)).add(create(METHOD_CALL,"(",callee.getFirstChild(),LT(1))).add(callee).add(al_AST));
+ } else {
+ //method call like method() or new Expr(), in the latter case "callee" is null
+ methodCallArgs_AST = (AST)astFactory.make( (new ASTArray(3)).add(create(METHOD_CALL,"(",callee,LT(1))).add(callee).add(al_AST));
+ }
+ currentAST.root = methodCallArgs_AST;
+ currentAST.child = methodCallArgs_AST!=null &&methodCallArgs_AST.getFirstChild()!=null ?
+ methodCallArgs_AST.getFirstChild() : methodCallArgs_AST;
+ currentAST.advanceChildToEnd();
+ }
+ methodCallArgs_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ }
+ catch (RecognitionException e) {
+ if (inputState.guessing==0) {
+ if (al_AST != null) {
+ reportError(e);
+ // copy of the block above - lets build it (assuming that all that was missing was the RPAREN)
+ if (callee != null && callee.getFirstChild() != null) {
+ // method call like obj.method()
+ methodCallArgs_AST = (AST)astFactory.make( (new ASTArray(3)).add(create(METHOD_CALL,"(",callee.getFirstChild(),LT(1))).add(callee).add(al_AST));
+ } else {
+ // method call like method() or new Expr(), in the latter case "callee" is null
+ methodCallArgs_AST = (AST)astFactory.make( (new ASTArray(3)).add(create(METHOD_CALL,"(",callee,LT(1))).add(callee).add(al_AST));
+ }
+ } else {
+ throw e;
+ }
+ } else {
+ throw e;
+ }
+ }
+ returnAST = methodCallArgs_AST;
+ }
+/** An expression may be followed by [...].
+ * Unlike Java, these brackets may contain a general argument list,
+ * which is passed to the array element operator, which can make of it what it wants.
+ * The brackets may also be empty, as in T[]. This is how Groovy names array types.
+ *
Returned AST is [INDEX_OP, indexee, ELIST].
+ */
+ public final void indexPropertyArgs(
+ AST indexee
+ ) throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException {
+ returnAST = null;
+ ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair();
+ AST indexPropertyArgs_AST = null;
+ Token lb = null;
+ AST lb_AST = null;
+ AST al_AST = null;
+ lb = LT(1);
+ lb_AST = astFactory.create(lb);
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, lb_AST);
+ match(LBRACK);
+ argList();
+ al_AST = (AST)returnAST;
+ match(RBRACK);
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ indexPropertyArgs_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ if (indexee != null && indexee.getFirstChild() != null) {
+ //expression like obj.index[]
+ indexPropertyArgs_AST = (AST)astFactory.make( (new ASTArray(4)).add(create(INDEX_OP,"INDEX_OP",indexee.getFirstChild(),LT(1))).add(lb_AST).add(indexee).add(al_AST));
+ } else {
+ //expression like obj[]
+ indexPropertyArgs_AST = (AST)astFactory.make( (new ASTArray(4)).add(create(INDEX_OP,"INDEX_OP",indexee,LT(1))).add(lb_AST).add(indexee).add(al_AST));
+ }
+ currentAST.root = indexPropertyArgs_AST;
+ currentAST.child = indexPropertyArgs_AST!=null &&indexPropertyArgs_AST.getFirstChild()!=null ?
+ indexPropertyArgs_AST.getFirstChild() : indexPropertyArgs_AST;
+ currentAST.advanceChildToEnd();
+ }
+ indexPropertyArgs_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ returnAST = indexPropertyArgs_AST;
+ }
+/** If a dot is followed by a parenthesized or quoted expression, the member is computed dynamically,
+ * and the member selection is done only at runtime. This forces a statically unchecked member access.
+ */
+ public final void dynamicMemberName() throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException {
+ returnAST = null;
+ ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair();
+ AST dynamicMemberName_AST = null;
+ AST pe_AST = null;
+ Token first = LT(1);
+ {
+ switch ( LA(1)) {
+ case LPAREN:
+ {
+ parenthesizedExpression();
+ pe_AST = (AST)returnAST;
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ dynamicMemberName_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ dynamicMemberName_AST = (AST)astFactory.make( (new ASTArray(2)).add(create(EXPR,"EXPR",first,LT(1))).add(pe_AST));
+ currentAST.root = dynamicMemberName_AST;
+ currentAST.child = dynamicMemberName_AST!=null &&dynamicMemberName_AST.getFirstChild()!=null ?
+ dynamicMemberName_AST.getFirstChild() : dynamicMemberName_AST;
+ currentAST.advanceChildToEnd();
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ {
+ stringConstructorExpression();
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ dynamicMemberName_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ dynamicMemberName_AST = (AST)astFactory.make( (new ASTArray(2)).add(create(DYNAMIC_MEMBER,"DYNAMIC_MEMBER",first,LT(1))).add(dynamicMemberName_AST));
+ currentAST.root = dynamicMemberName_AST;
+ currentAST.child = dynamicMemberName_AST!=null &&dynamicMemberName_AST.getFirstChild()!=null ?
+ dynamicMemberName_AST.getFirstChild() : dynamicMemberName_AST;
+ currentAST.advanceChildToEnd();
+ }
+ dynamicMemberName_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ returnAST = dynamicMemberName_AST;
+ }
+ public final void parenthesizedExpression() throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException {
+ returnAST = null;
+ ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair();
+ AST parenthesizedExpression_AST = null;
+ Token first = LT(1);
+ Token declaration = null;
+ boolean hasClosureList=false;
+ boolean firstContainsDeclaration=false;
+ boolean sce=false;
+ try { // for error handling
+ match(LPAREN);
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ declaration=LT(1);
+ }
+ firstContainsDeclaration=strictContextExpression(true);
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ {
+ _loop540:
+ do {
+ if ((LA(1)==SEMI)) {
+ match(SEMI);
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ hasClosureList=true;
+ }
+ {
+ switch ( LA(1)) {
+ case FINAL:
+ case ABSTRACT:
+ case STRICTFP:
+ case LITERAL_static:
+ case LITERAL_def:
+ case LBRACK:
+ case IDENT:
+ case LPAREN:
+ case AT:
+ case LITERAL_super:
+ case LITERAL_void:
+ case LITERAL_boolean:
+ case LITERAL_byte:
+ case LITERAL_char:
+ case LITERAL_short:
+ case LITERAL_int:
+ case LITERAL_float:
+ case LITERAL_long:
+ case LITERAL_double:
+ case LITERAL_private:
+ case LITERAL_public:
+ case LITERAL_protected:
+ case LITERAL_transient:
+ case LITERAL_native:
+ case LITERAL_threadsafe:
+ case LITERAL_synchronized:
+ case LITERAL_volatile:
+ case LCURLY:
+ case LITERAL_this:
+ case LITERAL_return:
+ case LITERAL_break:
+ case LITERAL_continue:
+ case LITERAL_throw:
+ case LITERAL_assert:
+ case PLUS:
+ case MINUS:
+ case LITERAL_false:
+ case LITERAL_new:
+ case LITERAL_null:
+ case LITERAL_true:
+ case INC:
+ case DEC:
+ case BNOT:
+ case LNOT:
+ case NUM_INT:
+ case NUM_FLOAT:
+ case NUM_LONG:
+ case NUM_DOUBLE:
+ case NUM_BIG_INT:
+ {
+ sce=strictContextExpression(true);
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ break;
+ }
+ case RPAREN:
+ case SEMI:
+ {
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST,astFactory.create(EMPTY_STAT, "EMPTY_STAT"));
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ break _loop540;
+ }
+ } while (true);
+ }
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ if (firstContainsDeclaration && !hasClosureList)
+ throw new NoViableAltException(declaration, getFilename());
+ }
+ match(RPAREN);
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ parenthesizedExpression_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ if (hasClosureList) {
+ parenthesizedExpression_AST = (AST)astFactory.make( (new ASTArray(2)).add(create(CLOSURE_LIST,"CLOSURE_LIST",first,LT(1))).add(parenthesizedExpression_AST));
+ }
+ currentAST.root = parenthesizedExpression_AST;
+ currentAST.child = parenthesizedExpression_AST!=null &&parenthesizedExpression_AST.getFirstChild()!=null ?
+ parenthesizedExpression_AST.getFirstChild() : parenthesizedExpression_AST;
+ currentAST.advanceChildToEnd();
+ }
+ parenthesizedExpression_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ }
+ catch (RecognitionException e) {
+ if (inputState.guessing==0) {
+ // GRECLIPSE-1213 - missing closing paren
+ reportError(e);
+ parenthesizedExpression_AST = (AST) currentAST.root;
+ } else {
+ throw e;
+ }
+ }
+ returnAST = parenthesizedExpression_AST;
+ }
+ public final void stringConstructorExpression() throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException {
+ returnAST = null;
+ ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair();
+ AST stringConstructorExpression_AST = null;
+ Token cs = null;
+ AST cs_AST = null;
+ Token cm = null;
+ AST cm_AST = null;
+ Token ce = null;
+ AST ce_AST = null;
+ Token first = LT(1);
+ cs = LT(1);
+ cs_AST = astFactory.create(cs);
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, cs_AST);
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ }
+ stringConstructorValuePart();
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ {
+ _loop550:
+ do {
+ if ((LA(1)==STRING_CTOR_MIDDLE)) {
+ cm = LT(1);
+ cm_AST = astFactory.create(cm);
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, cm_AST);
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ }
+ stringConstructorValuePart();
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ }
+ else {
+ break _loop550;
+ }
+ } while (true);
+ }
+ ce = LT(1);
+ ce_AST = astFactory.create(ce);
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, ce_AST);
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ stringConstructorExpression_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ stringConstructorExpression_AST =
+ (AST)astFactory.make( (new ASTArray(2)).add(create(STRING_CONSTRUCTOR,"STRING_CONSTRUCTOR",first,LT(1))).add(stringConstructorExpression_AST));
+ currentAST.root = stringConstructorExpression_AST;
+ currentAST.child = stringConstructorExpression_AST!=null &&stringConstructorExpression_AST.getFirstChild()!=null ?
+ stringConstructorExpression_AST.getFirstChild() : stringConstructorExpression_AST;
+ currentAST.advanceChildToEnd();
+ }
+ stringConstructorExpression_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ returnAST = stringConstructorExpression_AST;
+ }
+ public final void logicalOrExpression(
+ int lc_stmt
+ ) throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException {
+ returnAST = null;
+ ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair();
+ AST logicalOrExpression_AST = null;
+ logicalAndExpression(lc_stmt);
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ {
+ _loop466:
+ do {
+ if ((LA(1)==LOR)) {
+ AST tmp290_AST = null;
+ tmp290_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ astFactory.makeASTRoot(currentAST, tmp290_AST);
+ match(LOR);
+ nls();
+ logicalAndExpression(0);
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ }
+ else {
+ break _loop466;
+ }
+ } while (true);
+ }
+ logicalOrExpression_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ returnAST = logicalOrExpression_AST;
+ }
+ public final void logicalAndExpression(
+ int lc_stmt
+ ) throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException {
+ returnAST = null;
+ ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair();
+ AST logicalAndExpression_AST = null;
+ inclusiveOrExpression(lc_stmt);
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ {
+ _loop469:
+ do {
+ if ((LA(1)==LAND)) {
+ AST tmp291_AST = null;
+ tmp291_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ astFactory.makeASTRoot(currentAST, tmp291_AST);
+ match(LAND);
+ nls();
+ inclusiveOrExpression(0);
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ }
+ else {
+ break _loop469;
+ }
+ } while (true);
+ }
+ logicalAndExpression_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ returnAST = logicalAndExpression_AST;
+ }
+ public final void inclusiveOrExpression(
+ int lc_stmt
+ ) throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException {
+ returnAST = null;
+ ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair();
+ AST inclusiveOrExpression_AST = null;
+ exclusiveOrExpression(lc_stmt);
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ {
+ _loop472:
+ do {
+ if ((LA(1)==BOR)) {
+ AST tmp292_AST = null;
+ tmp292_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ astFactory.makeASTRoot(currentAST, tmp292_AST);
+ match(BOR);
+ nls();
+ exclusiveOrExpression(0);
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ }
+ else {
+ break _loop472;
+ }
+ } while (true);
+ }
+ inclusiveOrExpression_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ returnAST = inclusiveOrExpression_AST;
+ }
+ public final void exclusiveOrExpression(
+ int lc_stmt
+ ) throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException {
+ returnAST = null;
+ ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair();
+ AST exclusiveOrExpression_AST = null;
+ andExpression(lc_stmt);
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ {
+ _loop475:
+ do {
+ if ((LA(1)==BXOR)) {
+ AST tmp293_AST = null;
+ tmp293_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ astFactory.makeASTRoot(currentAST, tmp293_AST);
+ match(BXOR);
+ nls();
+ andExpression(0);
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ }
+ else {
+ break _loop475;
+ }
+ } while (true);
+ }
+ exclusiveOrExpression_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ returnAST = exclusiveOrExpression_AST;
+ }
+ public final void andExpression(
+ int lc_stmt
+ ) throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException {
+ returnAST = null;
+ ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair();
+ AST andExpression_AST = null;
+ regexExpression(lc_stmt);
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ {
+ _loop478:
+ do {
+ if ((LA(1)==BAND)) {
+ AST tmp294_AST = null;
+ tmp294_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ astFactory.makeASTRoot(currentAST, tmp294_AST);
+ match(BAND);
+ nls();
+ regexExpression(0);
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ }
+ else {
+ break _loop478;
+ }
+ } while (true);
+ }
+ andExpression_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ returnAST = andExpression_AST;
+ }
+ public final void regexExpression(
+ int lc_stmt
+ ) throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException {
+ returnAST = null;
+ ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair();
+ AST regexExpression_AST = null;
+ equalityExpression(lc_stmt);
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ {
+ _loop482:
+ do {
+ if ((LA(1)==REGEX_FIND||LA(1)==REGEX_MATCH)) {
+ {
+ switch ( LA(1)) {
+ case REGEX_FIND:
+ {
+ AST tmp295_AST = null;
+ tmp295_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ astFactory.makeASTRoot(currentAST, tmp295_AST);
+ match(REGEX_FIND);
+ break;
+ }
+ {
+ AST tmp296_AST = null;
+ tmp296_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ astFactory.makeASTRoot(currentAST, tmp296_AST);
+ match(REGEX_MATCH);
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ nls();
+ equalityExpression(0);
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ }
+ else {
+ break _loop482;
+ }
+ } while (true);
+ }
+ regexExpression_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ returnAST = regexExpression_AST;
+ }
+ public final void equalityExpression(
+ int lc_stmt
+ ) throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException {
+ returnAST = null;
+ ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair();
+ AST equalityExpression_AST = null;
+ relationalExpression(lc_stmt);
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ {
+ _loop486:
+ do {
+ if (((LA(1) >= NOT_EQUAL && LA(1) <= COMPARE_TO))) {
+ {
+ switch ( LA(1)) {
+ case NOT_EQUAL:
+ {
+ AST tmp297_AST = null;
+ tmp297_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ astFactory.makeASTRoot(currentAST, tmp297_AST);
+ match(NOT_EQUAL);
+ break;
+ }
+ case EQUAL:
+ {
+ AST tmp298_AST = null;
+ tmp298_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ astFactory.makeASTRoot(currentAST, tmp298_AST);
+ match(EQUAL);
+ break;
+ }
+ {
+ AST tmp299_AST = null;
+ tmp299_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ astFactory.makeASTRoot(currentAST, tmp299_AST);
+ match(IDENTICAL);
+ break;
+ }
+ {
+ AST tmp300_AST = null;
+ tmp300_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ astFactory.makeASTRoot(currentAST, tmp300_AST);
+ break;
+ }
+ case COMPARE_TO:
+ {
+ AST tmp301_AST = null;
+ tmp301_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ astFactory.makeASTRoot(currentAST, tmp301_AST);
+ match(COMPARE_TO);
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ nls();
+ relationalExpression(0);
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ }
+ else {
+ break _loop486;
+ }
+ } while (true);
+ }
+ equalityExpression_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ returnAST = equalityExpression_AST;
+ }
+ public final void relationalExpression(
+ int lc_stmt
+ ) throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException {
+ returnAST = null;
+ ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair();
+ AST relationalExpression_AST = null;
+ shiftExpression(lc_stmt);
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ {
+ if ((_tokenSet_105.member(LA(1))) && (_tokenSet_87.member(LA(2)))) {
+ {
+ {
+ switch ( LA(1)) {
+ case LT:
+ {
+ AST tmp302_AST = null;
+ tmp302_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ astFactory.makeASTRoot(currentAST, tmp302_AST);
+ match(LT);
+ break;
+ }
+ case GT:
+ {
+ AST tmp303_AST = null;
+ tmp303_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ astFactory.makeASTRoot(currentAST, tmp303_AST);
+ match(GT);
+ break;
+ }
+ case LE:
+ {
+ AST tmp304_AST = null;
+ tmp304_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ astFactory.makeASTRoot(currentAST, tmp304_AST);
+ match(LE);
+ break;
+ }
+ case GE:
+ {
+ AST tmp305_AST = null;
+ tmp305_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ astFactory.makeASTRoot(currentAST, tmp305_AST);
+ match(GE);
+ break;
+ }
+ case LITERAL_in:
+ {
+ AST tmp306_AST = null;
+ tmp306_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ astFactory.makeASTRoot(currentAST, tmp306_AST);
+ match(LITERAL_in);
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ nls();
+ shiftExpression(0);
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ }
+ }
+ else if ((LA(1)==LITERAL_instanceof) && (_tokenSet_106.member(LA(2)))) {
+ AST tmp307_AST = null;
+ tmp307_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ astFactory.makeASTRoot(currentAST, tmp307_AST);
+ match(LITERAL_instanceof);
+ nls();
+ typeSpec(true);
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ }
+ else if ((LA(1)==LITERAL_as) && (_tokenSet_106.member(LA(2)))) {
+ AST tmp308_AST = null;
+ tmp308_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ astFactory.makeASTRoot(currentAST, tmp308_AST);
+ match(LITERAL_as);
+ nls();
+ typeSpec(true);
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ }
+ else if ((_tokenSet_107.member(LA(1))) && (_tokenSet_54.member(LA(2)))) {
+ }
+ else {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ relationalExpression_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ returnAST = relationalExpression_AST;
+ }
+ public final void additiveExpression(
+ int lc_stmt
+ ) throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException {
+ returnAST = null;
+ ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair();
+ AST additiveExpression_AST = null;
+ multiplicativeExpression(lc_stmt);
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ {
+ _loop499:
+ do {
+ if ((LA(1)==PLUS||LA(1)==MINUS) && (_tokenSet_87.member(LA(2)))) {
+ {
+ switch ( LA(1)) {
+ case PLUS:
+ {
+ AST tmp309_AST = null;
+ tmp309_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ astFactory.makeASTRoot(currentAST, tmp309_AST);
+ match(PLUS);
+ break;
+ }
+ case MINUS:
+ {
+ AST tmp310_AST = null;
+ tmp310_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ astFactory.makeASTRoot(currentAST, tmp310_AST);
+ match(MINUS);
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ nls();
+ multiplicativeExpression(0);
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ }
+ else {
+ break _loop499;
+ }
+ } while (true);
+ }
+ additiveExpression_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ returnAST = additiveExpression_AST;
+ }
+ public final void multiplicativeExpression(
+ int lc_stmt
+ ) throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException {
+ returnAST = null;
+ ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair();
+ AST multiplicativeExpression_AST = null;
+ switch ( LA(1)) {
+ case INC:
+ {
+ {
+ AST tmp311_AST = null;
+ tmp311_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ astFactory.makeASTRoot(currentAST, tmp311_AST);
+ match(INC);
+ nls();
+ powerExpressionNotPlusMinus(0);
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ {
+ _loop504:
+ do {
+ if ((_tokenSet_108.member(LA(1)))) {
+ {
+ switch ( LA(1)) {
+ case STAR:
+ {
+ AST tmp312_AST = null;
+ tmp312_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ astFactory.makeASTRoot(currentAST, tmp312_AST);
+ match(STAR);
+ break;
+ }
+ case DIV:
+ {
+ AST tmp313_AST = null;
+ tmp313_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ astFactory.makeASTRoot(currentAST, tmp313_AST);
+ match(DIV);
+ break;
+ }
+ case MOD:
+ {
+ AST tmp314_AST = null;
+ tmp314_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ astFactory.makeASTRoot(currentAST, tmp314_AST);
+ match(MOD);
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ nls();
+ powerExpression(0);
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ }
+ else {
+ break _loop504;
+ }
+ } while (true);
+ }
+ }
+ multiplicativeExpression_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ break;
+ }
+ case DEC:
+ {
+ {
+ AST tmp315_AST = null;
+ tmp315_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ astFactory.makeASTRoot(currentAST, tmp315_AST);
+ match(DEC);
+ nls();
+ powerExpressionNotPlusMinus(0);
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ {
+ _loop508:
+ do {
+ if ((_tokenSet_108.member(LA(1)))) {
+ {
+ switch ( LA(1)) {
+ case STAR:
+ {
+ AST tmp316_AST = null;
+ tmp316_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ astFactory.makeASTRoot(currentAST, tmp316_AST);
+ match(STAR);
+ break;
+ }
+ case DIV:
+ {
+ AST tmp317_AST = null;
+ tmp317_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ astFactory.makeASTRoot(currentAST, tmp317_AST);
+ match(DIV);
+ break;
+ }
+ case MOD:
+ {
+ AST tmp318_AST = null;
+ tmp318_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ astFactory.makeASTRoot(currentAST, tmp318_AST);
+ match(MOD);
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ nls();
+ powerExpression(0);
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ }
+ else {
+ break _loop508;
+ }
+ } while (true);
+ }
+ }
+ multiplicativeExpression_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ break;
+ }
+ case MINUS:
+ {
+ {
+ AST tmp319_AST = null;
+ tmp319_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ astFactory.makeASTRoot(currentAST, tmp319_AST);
+ match(MINUS);
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ tmp319_AST.setType(UNARY_MINUS);
+ }
+ nls();
+ powerExpressionNotPlusMinus(0);
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ {
+ _loop512:
+ do {
+ if ((_tokenSet_108.member(LA(1)))) {
+ {
+ switch ( LA(1)) {
+ case STAR:
+ {
+ AST tmp320_AST = null;
+ tmp320_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ astFactory.makeASTRoot(currentAST, tmp320_AST);
+ match(STAR);
+ break;
+ }
+ case DIV:
+ {
+ AST tmp321_AST = null;
+ tmp321_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ astFactory.makeASTRoot(currentAST, tmp321_AST);
+ match(DIV);
+ break;
+ }
+ case MOD:
+ {
+ AST tmp322_AST = null;
+ tmp322_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ astFactory.makeASTRoot(currentAST, tmp322_AST);
+ match(MOD);
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ nls();
+ powerExpression(0);
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ }
+ else {
+ break _loop512;
+ }
+ } while (true);
+ }
+ }
+ multiplicativeExpression_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ break;
+ }
+ case PLUS:
+ {
+ {
+ AST tmp323_AST = null;
+ tmp323_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ astFactory.makeASTRoot(currentAST, tmp323_AST);
+ match(PLUS);
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ tmp323_AST.setType(UNARY_PLUS);
+ }
+ nls();
+ powerExpressionNotPlusMinus(0);
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ {
+ _loop516:
+ do {
+ if ((_tokenSet_108.member(LA(1)))) {
+ {
+ switch ( LA(1)) {
+ case STAR:
+ {
+ AST tmp324_AST = null;
+ tmp324_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ astFactory.makeASTRoot(currentAST, tmp324_AST);
+ match(STAR);
+ break;
+ }
+ case DIV:
+ {
+ AST tmp325_AST = null;
+ tmp325_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ astFactory.makeASTRoot(currentAST, tmp325_AST);
+ match(DIV);
+ break;
+ }
+ case MOD:
+ {
+ AST tmp326_AST = null;
+ tmp326_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ astFactory.makeASTRoot(currentAST, tmp326_AST);
+ match(MOD);
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ nls();
+ powerExpression(0);
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ }
+ else {
+ break _loop516;
+ }
+ } while (true);
+ }
+ }
+ multiplicativeExpression_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ break;
+ }
+ case LBRACK:
+ case IDENT:
+ case LPAREN:
+ case LITERAL_super:
+ case LITERAL_void:
+ case LITERAL_boolean:
+ case LITERAL_byte:
+ case LITERAL_char:
+ case LITERAL_short:
+ case LITERAL_int:
+ case LITERAL_float:
+ case LITERAL_long:
+ case LITERAL_double:
+ case LCURLY:
+ case LITERAL_this:
+ case LITERAL_false:
+ case LITERAL_new:
+ case LITERAL_null:
+ case LITERAL_true:
+ case BNOT:
+ case LNOT:
+ case NUM_INT:
+ case NUM_FLOAT:
+ case NUM_LONG:
+ case NUM_DOUBLE:
+ case NUM_BIG_INT:
+ {
+ {
+ powerExpressionNotPlusMinus(lc_stmt);
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ {
+ _loop520:
+ do {
+ if ((_tokenSet_108.member(LA(1)))) {
+ {
+ switch ( LA(1)) {
+ case STAR:
+ {
+ AST tmp327_AST = null;
+ tmp327_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ astFactory.makeASTRoot(currentAST, tmp327_AST);
+ match(STAR);
+ break;
+ }
+ case DIV:
+ {
+ AST tmp328_AST = null;
+ tmp328_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ astFactory.makeASTRoot(currentAST, tmp328_AST);
+ match(DIV);
+ break;
+ }
+ case MOD:
+ {
+ AST tmp329_AST = null;
+ tmp329_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ astFactory.makeASTRoot(currentAST, tmp329_AST);
+ match(MOD);
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ nls();
+ powerExpression(0);
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ }
+ else {
+ break _loop520;
+ }
+ } while (true);
+ }
+ }
+ multiplicativeExpression_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ returnAST = multiplicativeExpression_AST;
+ }
+ public final void powerExpressionNotPlusMinus(
+ int lc_stmt
+ ) throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException {
+ returnAST = null;
+ ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair();
+ AST powerExpressionNotPlusMinus_AST = null;
+ unaryExpressionNotPlusMinus(lc_stmt);
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ {
+ _loop527:
+ do {
+ if ((LA(1)==STAR_STAR)) {
+ AST tmp330_AST = null;
+ tmp330_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ astFactory.makeASTRoot(currentAST, tmp330_AST);
+ match(STAR_STAR);
+ nls();
+ unaryExpression(0);
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ }
+ else {
+ break _loop527;
+ }
+ } while (true);
+ }
+ powerExpressionNotPlusMinus_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ returnAST = powerExpressionNotPlusMinus_AST;
+ }
+ public final void powerExpression(
+ int lc_stmt
+ ) throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException {
+ returnAST = null;
+ ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair();
+ AST powerExpression_AST = null;
+ unaryExpression(lc_stmt);
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ {
+ _loop524:
+ do {
+ if ((LA(1)==STAR_STAR)) {
+ AST tmp331_AST = null;
+ tmp331_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ astFactory.makeASTRoot(currentAST, tmp331_AST);
+ match(STAR_STAR);
+ nls();
+ unaryExpression(0);
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ }
+ else {
+ break _loop524;
+ }
+ } while (true);
+ }
+ powerExpression_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ returnAST = powerExpression_AST;
+ }
+ public final void unaryExpression(
+ int lc_stmt
+ ) throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException {
+ returnAST = null;
+ ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair();
+ AST unaryExpression_AST = null;
+ switch ( LA(1)) {
+ case INC:
+ {
+ AST tmp332_AST = null;
+ tmp332_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ astFactory.makeASTRoot(currentAST, tmp332_AST);
+ match(INC);
+ nls();
+ unaryExpression(0);
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ unaryExpression_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ break;
+ }
+ case DEC:
+ {
+ AST tmp333_AST = null;
+ tmp333_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ astFactory.makeASTRoot(currentAST, tmp333_AST);
+ match(DEC);
+ nls();
+ unaryExpression(0);
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ unaryExpression_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ break;
+ }
+ case MINUS:
+ {
+ AST tmp334_AST = null;
+ tmp334_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ astFactory.makeASTRoot(currentAST, tmp334_AST);
+ match(MINUS);
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ tmp334_AST.setType(UNARY_MINUS);
+ }
+ nls();
+ unaryExpression(0);
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ unaryExpression_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ break;
+ }
+ case PLUS:
+ {
+ AST tmp335_AST = null;
+ tmp335_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ astFactory.makeASTRoot(currentAST, tmp335_AST);
+ match(PLUS);
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ tmp335_AST.setType(UNARY_PLUS);
+ }
+ nls();
+ unaryExpression(0);
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ unaryExpression_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ break;
+ }
+ case LBRACK:
+ case IDENT:
+ case LPAREN:
+ case LITERAL_super:
+ case LITERAL_void:
+ case LITERAL_boolean:
+ case LITERAL_byte:
+ case LITERAL_char:
+ case LITERAL_short:
+ case LITERAL_int:
+ case LITERAL_float:
+ case LITERAL_long:
+ case LITERAL_double:
+ case LCURLY:
+ case LITERAL_this:
+ case LITERAL_false:
+ case LITERAL_new:
+ case LITERAL_null:
+ case LITERAL_true:
+ case BNOT:
+ case LNOT:
+ case NUM_INT:
+ case NUM_FLOAT:
+ case NUM_LONG:
+ case NUM_DOUBLE:
+ case NUM_BIG_INT:
+ {
+ unaryExpressionNotPlusMinus(lc_stmt);
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ unaryExpression_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ returnAST = unaryExpression_AST;
+ }
+ public final void unaryExpressionNotPlusMinus(
+ int lc_stmt
+ ) throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException {
+ returnAST = null;
+ ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair();
+ AST unaryExpressionNotPlusMinus_AST = null;
+ Token lpb = null;
+ AST lpb_AST = null;
+ Token lp = null;
+ AST lp_AST = null;
+ switch ( LA(1)) {
+ case BNOT:
+ {
+ AST tmp336_AST = null;
+ tmp336_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ astFactory.makeASTRoot(currentAST, tmp336_AST);
+ match(BNOT);
+ nls();
+ unaryExpression(0);
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ unaryExpressionNotPlusMinus_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ break;
+ }
+ case LNOT:
+ {
+ AST tmp337_AST = null;
+ tmp337_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ astFactory.makeASTRoot(currentAST, tmp337_AST);
+ match(LNOT);
+ nls();
+ unaryExpression(0);
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ unaryExpressionNotPlusMinus_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ break;
+ }
+ case LBRACK:
+ case IDENT:
+ case LPAREN:
+ case LITERAL_super:
+ case LITERAL_void:
+ case LITERAL_boolean:
+ case LITERAL_byte:
+ case LITERAL_char:
+ case LITERAL_short:
+ case LITERAL_int:
+ case LITERAL_float:
+ case LITERAL_long:
+ case LITERAL_double:
+ case LCURLY:
+ case LITERAL_this:
+ case LITERAL_false:
+ case LITERAL_new:
+ case LITERAL_null:
+ case LITERAL_true:
+ case NUM_INT:
+ case NUM_FLOAT:
+ case NUM_LONG:
+ case NUM_DOUBLE:
+ case NUM_BIG_INT:
+ {
+ {
+ boolean synPredMatched531 = false;
+ if (((LA(1)==LPAREN) && ((LA(2) >= LITERAL_void && LA(2) <= LITERAL_double)))) {
+ int _m531 = mark();
+ synPredMatched531 = true;
+ inputState.guessing++;
+ try {
+ {
+ match(LPAREN);
+ builtInTypeSpec(true);
+ match(RPAREN);
+ unaryExpression(0);
+ }
+ }
+ catch (RecognitionException pe) {
+ synPredMatched531 = false;
+ }
+ rewind(_m531);
+ }
+ if ( synPredMatched531 ) {
+ lpb = LT(1);
+ lpb_AST = astFactory.create(lpb);
+ astFactory.makeASTRoot(currentAST, lpb_AST);
+ match(LPAREN);
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ lpb_AST.setType(TYPECAST);
+ }
+ builtInTypeSpec(true);
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ match(RPAREN);
+ unaryExpression(0);
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ }
+ else {
+ boolean synPredMatched533 = false;
+ if (((LA(1)==LPAREN) && (LA(2)==IDENT))) {
+ int _m533 = mark();
+ synPredMatched533 = true;
+ inputState.guessing++;
+ try {
+ {
+ match(LPAREN);
+ classTypeSpec(true);
+ match(RPAREN);
+ unaryExpressionNotPlusMinus(0);
+ }
+ }
+ catch (RecognitionException pe) {
+ synPredMatched533 = false;
+ }
+ rewind(_m533);
+ }
+ if ( synPredMatched533 ) {
+ lp = LT(1);
+ lp_AST = astFactory.create(lp);
+ astFactory.makeASTRoot(currentAST, lp_AST);
+ match(LPAREN);
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ lp_AST.setType(TYPECAST);
+ }
+ classTypeSpec(true);
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ match(RPAREN);
+ unaryExpressionNotPlusMinus(0);
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ }
+ else if ((_tokenSet_93.member(LA(1))) && (_tokenSet_3.member(LA(2)))) {
+ postfixExpression(lc_stmt);
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ }
+ else {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ unaryExpressionNotPlusMinus_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ returnAST = unaryExpressionNotPlusMinus_AST;
+ }
+ public final void postfixExpression(
+ int lc_stmt
+ ) throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException {
+ returnAST = null;
+ ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair();
+ AST postfixExpression_AST = null;
+ Token in = null;
+ AST in_AST = null;
+ Token de = null;
+ AST de_AST = null;
+ pathExpression(lc_stmt);
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ {
+ if ((LA(1)==INC) && (_tokenSet_109.member(LA(2)))) {
+ in = LT(1);
+ in_AST = astFactory.create(in);
+ astFactory.makeASTRoot(currentAST, in_AST);
+ match(INC);
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ in_AST.setType(POST_INC);
+ }
+ }
+ else if ((LA(1)==DEC) && (_tokenSet_109.member(LA(2)))) {
+ de = LT(1);
+ de_AST = astFactory.create(de);
+ astFactory.makeASTRoot(currentAST, de_AST);
+ match(DEC);
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ de_AST.setType(POST_DEC);
+ }
+ }
+ else if ((_tokenSet_109.member(LA(1))) && (_tokenSet_54.member(LA(2)))) {
+ }
+ else {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ postfixExpression_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ returnAST = postfixExpression_AST;
+ }
+/** Numeric, string, regexp, boolean, or null constant. */
+ public final void constant() throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException {
+ returnAST = null;
+ ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair();
+ AST constant_AST = null;
+ switch ( LA(1)) {
+ case NUM_INT:
+ case NUM_FLOAT:
+ case NUM_LONG:
+ case NUM_DOUBLE:
+ case NUM_BIG_INT:
+ {
+ constantNumber();
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ constant_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ break;
+ }
+ {
+ AST tmp340_AST = null;
+ tmp340_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp340_AST);
+ constant_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ break;
+ }
+ case LITERAL_true:
+ {
+ AST tmp341_AST = null;
+ tmp341_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp341_AST);
+ match(LITERAL_true);
+ constant_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ break;
+ }
+ case LITERAL_false:
+ {
+ AST tmp342_AST = null;
+ tmp342_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp342_AST);
+ match(LITERAL_false);
+ constant_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ break;
+ }
+ case LITERAL_null:
+ {
+ AST tmp343_AST = null;
+ tmp343_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp343_AST);
+ match(LITERAL_null);
+ constant_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ returnAST = constant_AST;
+ }
+/** object instantiation.
+ * Trees are built as illustrated by the following input/tree pairs:
+ *
+ * new T()
+ *
+ * new
+ * |
+ * T -- ELIST
+ * |
+ * arg1 -- arg2 -- .. -- argn
+ *
+ * new int[]
+ *
+ * new
+ * |
+ *
+ * new int[] {1,2}
+ *
+ * new
+ * |
+ * |
+ * EXPR -- EXPR
+ * | |
+ * 1 2
+ *
+ * new int[3]
+ * new
+ * |
+ * |
+ * EXPR
+ * |
+ * 3
+ *
+ * new int[1][2]
+ *
+ * new
+ * |
+ * |
+ * | |
+ * EXPR 1
+ * |
+ * 2
+ *
+ */
+ public final void newExpression() throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException {
+ returnAST = null;
+ ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair();
+ AST newExpression_AST = null;
+ AST ta_AST = null;
+ AST t_AST = null;
+ AST mca_AST = null;
+ AST cb_AST = null;
+ AST ad_AST = null;
+ Token first = LT(1); int start = mark();
+ try { // for error handling
+ match(LITERAL_new);
+ nls();
+ {
+ switch ( LA(1)) {
+ case LT:
+ {
+ typeArguments();
+ ta_AST = (AST)returnAST;
+ break;
+ }
+ case LBRACK:
+ case IDENT:
+ case LPAREN:
+ case LITERAL_void:
+ case LITERAL_boolean:
+ case LITERAL_byte:
+ case LITERAL_char:
+ case LITERAL_short:
+ case LITERAL_int:
+ case LITERAL_float:
+ case LITERAL_long:
+ case LITERAL_double:
+ case NLS:
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ switch ( LA(1)) {
+ case IDENT:
+ case LITERAL_void:
+ case LITERAL_boolean:
+ case LITERAL_byte:
+ case LITERAL_char:
+ case LITERAL_short:
+ case LITERAL_int:
+ case LITERAL_float:
+ case LITERAL_long:
+ case LITERAL_double:
+ {
+ type();
+ t_AST = (AST)returnAST;
+ break;
+ }
+ case LBRACK:
+ case LPAREN:
+ case NLS:
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ switch ( LA(1)) {
+ case LPAREN:
+ case NLS:
+ {
+ nls();
+ methodCallArgs(null);
+ mca_AST = (AST)returnAST;
+ {
+ if ((LA(1)==LCURLY) && (_tokenSet_56.member(LA(2)))) {
+ classBlock();
+ cb_AST = (AST)returnAST;
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ }
+ else if ((_tokenSet_104.member(LA(1))) && (_tokenSet_54.member(LA(2)))) {
+ }
+ else {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ newExpression_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ mca_AST = mca_AST.getFirstChild();
+ newExpression_AST = (AST)astFactory.make( (new ASTArray(5)).add(create(LITERAL_new,"new",first,LT(1))).add(ta_AST).add(t_AST).add(mca_AST).add(cb_AST));
+ currentAST.root = newExpression_AST;
+ currentAST.child = newExpression_AST!=null &&newExpression_AST.getFirstChild()!=null ?
+ newExpression_AST.getFirstChild() : newExpression_AST;
+ currentAST.advanceChildToEnd();
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case LBRACK:
+ {
+ newArrayDeclarator();
+ ad_AST = (AST)returnAST;
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ newExpression_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ newExpression_AST = (AST)astFactory.make( (new ASTArray(4)).add(create(LITERAL_new,"new",first,LT(1))).add(ta_AST).add(t_AST).add(ad_AST));
+ currentAST.root = newExpression_AST;
+ currentAST.child = newExpression_AST!=null &&newExpression_AST.getFirstChild()!=null ?
+ newExpression_AST.getFirstChild() : newExpression_AST;
+ currentAST.advanceChildToEnd();
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ newExpression_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ }
+ catch (RecognitionException e) {
+ if (inputState.guessing==0) {
+ if (t_AST == null) {
+ reportError("missing type for constructor call", first);
+ newExpression_AST = (AST)astFactory.make( (new ASTArray(3)).add(create(LITERAL_new,"new",first,LT(1))).add(ta_AST).add(null));
+ // probably others to include - or make this the default?
+ if (e instanceof MismatchedTokenException || e instanceof NoViableAltException) {
+ rewind(start);
+ consumeUntil(NLS);
+ }
+ } else if (mca_AST == null && ad_AST == null) {
+ reportError("expecting '(' or '[' after type name to continue new expression", t_AST);
+ newExpression_AST = (AST)astFactory.make( (new ASTArray(3)).add(create(LITERAL_new,"new",first,LT(1))).add(ta_AST).add(t_AST));
+ if (e instanceof MismatchedTokenException) {
+ rewind(start);
+ consume();
+ consumeUntil(NLS);
+ }
+ } else {
+ throw e;
+ }
+ } else {
+ throw e;
+ }
+ }
+ returnAST = newExpression_AST;
+ }
+ public final void closableBlockConstructorExpression() throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException {
+ returnAST = null;
+ ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair();
+ AST closableBlockConstructorExpression_AST = null;
+ closableBlock();
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ closableBlockConstructorExpression_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ returnAST = closableBlockConstructorExpression_AST;
+ }
+ * A list constructor is a argument list enclosed in square brackets, without labels.
+ * Any argument can be decorated with a spread operator (*x), but not a label (a:x).
+ * Examples: [], [1], [1,2], [1,*l1,2], [*l1,*l2].
+ * (The l1, l2 must be a sequence or null.)
+ *
+ * A map constructor is an argument list enclosed in square brackets, with labels everywhere,
+ * except on spread arguments, which stand for whole maps spliced in.
+ * A colon alone between the brackets also forces the expression to be an empty map constructor.
+ * Examples: [:], [a:1], [a:1,b:2], [a:1,*:m1,b:2], [*:m1,*:m2]
+ * (The m1, m2 must be a map or null.)
+ * Values associated with identical keys overwrite from left to right:
+ * [a:1,a:2] === [a:2]
+ *
+ * Some malformed constructor expressions are not detected in the parser, but in a post-pass.
+ * Bad examples: [1,b:2], [a:1,2], [:1].
+ * (Note that method call arguments, by contrast, can be a mix of keyworded and non-keyworded arguments.)
+ */
+ public final void listOrMapConstructorExpression() throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException {
+ returnAST = null;
+ ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair();
+ AST listOrMapConstructorExpression_AST = null;
+ Token lcon = null;
+ AST lcon_AST = null;
+ AST args_AST = null;
+ Token emcon = null;
+ AST emcon_AST = null;
+ boolean hasLabels = false;
+ if ((LA(1)==LBRACK) && (_tokenSet_110.member(LA(2)))) {
+ lcon = LT(1);
+ lcon_AST = astFactory.create(lcon);
+ match(LBRACK);
+ argList();
+ args_AST = (AST)returnAST;
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ hasLabels |= argListHasLabels;
+ }
+ match(RBRACK);
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ listOrMapConstructorExpression_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ int type = hasLabels ? MAP_CONSTRUCTOR : LIST_CONSTRUCTOR;
+ listOrMapConstructorExpression_AST = (AST)astFactory.make( (new ASTArray(2)).add(create(type,"[",lcon_AST,LT(1))).add(args_AST));
+ currentAST.root = listOrMapConstructorExpression_AST;
+ currentAST.child = listOrMapConstructorExpression_AST!=null &&listOrMapConstructorExpression_AST.getFirstChild()!=null ?
+ listOrMapConstructorExpression_AST.getFirstChild() : listOrMapConstructorExpression_AST;
+ currentAST.advanceChildToEnd();
+ }
+ listOrMapConstructorExpression_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ }
+ else if ((LA(1)==LBRACK) && (LA(2)==COLON)) {
+ emcon = LT(1);
+ emcon_AST = astFactory.create(emcon);
+ astFactory.makeASTRoot(currentAST, emcon_AST);
+ match(LBRACK);
+ match(COLON);
+ match(RBRACK);
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ emcon_AST.setType(MAP_CONSTRUCTOR);
+ }
+ listOrMapConstructorExpression_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ }
+ else {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ returnAST = listOrMapConstructorExpression_AST;
+ }
+ public final void stringConstructorValuePart() throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException {
+ returnAST = null;
+ ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair();
+ AST stringConstructorValuePart_AST = null;
+ {
+ switch ( LA(1)) {
+ case IDENT:
+ {
+ identifier();
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ break;
+ }
+ case LITERAL_this:
+ {
+ AST tmp348_AST = null;
+ tmp348_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp348_AST);
+ match(LITERAL_this);
+ break;
+ }
+ case LITERAL_super:
+ {
+ AST tmp349_AST = null;
+ tmp349_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp349_AST);
+ match(LITERAL_super);
+ break;
+ }
+ case LCURLY:
+ {
+ openOrClosableBlock();
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ stringConstructorValuePart_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ returnAST = stringConstructorValuePart_AST;
+ }
+ public final void newArrayDeclarator() throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException {
+ returnAST = null;
+ ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair();
+ AST newArrayDeclarator_AST = null;
+ Token lb = null;
+ AST lb_AST = null;
+ {
+ int _cnt590=0;
+ _loop590:
+ do {
+ if ((LA(1)==LBRACK) && (_tokenSet_111.member(LA(2)))) {
+ lb = LT(1);
+ lb_AST = astFactory.create(lb);
+ astFactory.makeASTRoot(currentAST, lb_AST);
+ match(LBRACK);
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ }
+ {
+ switch ( LA(1)) {
+ case LBRACK:
+ case IDENT:
+ case LPAREN:
+ case LITERAL_super:
+ case LITERAL_void:
+ case LITERAL_boolean:
+ case LITERAL_byte:
+ case LITERAL_char:
+ case LITERAL_short:
+ case LITERAL_int:
+ case LITERAL_float:
+ case LITERAL_long:
+ case LITERAL_double:
+ case LCURLY:
+ case LITERAL_this:
+ case PLUS:
+ case MINUS:
+ case LITERAL_false:
+ case LITERAL_new:
+ case LITERAL_null:
+ case LITERAL_true:
+ case INC:
+ case DEC:
+ case BNOT:
+ case LNOT:
+ case NUM_INT:
+ case NUM_FLOAT:
+ case NUM_LONG:
+ case NUM_DOUBLE:
+ case NUM_BIG_INT:
+ {
+ expression(0);
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ break;
+ }
+ case RBRACK:
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ match(RBRACK);
+ }
+ else {
+ if ( _cnt590>=1 ) { break _loop590; } else {throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());}
+ }
+ _cnt590++;
+ } while (true);
+ }
+ newArrayDeclarator_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ returnAST = newArrayDeclarator_AST;
+ }
+/** A single argument in (...) or [...]. Corresponds to to a method or closure parameter.
+ * May be labeled. May be modified by the spread operator '*' ('*:' for keywords).
+ */
+ public final byte argument() throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException {
+ byte hasLabelOrSpread = 0;
+ returnAST = null;
+ ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair();
+ AST argument_AST = null;
+ Token c = null;
+ AST c_AST = null;
+ Token sp = null;
+ AST sp_AST = null;
+ boolean sce=false;
+ {
+ boolean synPredMatched576 = false;
+ if (((_tokenSet_99.member(LA(1))) && (_tokenSet_100.member(LA(2))))) {
+ int _m576 = mark();
+ synPredMatched576 = true;
+ inputState.guessing++;
+ try {
+ {
+ argumentLabelStart();
+ }
+ }
+ catch (RecognitionException pe) {
+ synPredMatched576 = false;
+ }
+ rewind(_m576);
+ }
+ if ( synPredMatched576 ) {
+ argumentLabel();
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ c = LT(1);
+ c_AST = astFactory.create(c);
+ astFactory.makeASTRoot(currentAST, c_AST);
+ match(COLON);
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ c_AST.setType(LABELED_ARG);
+ }
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ hasLabelOrSpread |= 1;
+ }
+ }
+ else if ((LA(1)==STAR)) {
+ sp = LT(1);
+ sp_AST = astFactory.create(sp);
+ astFactory.makeASTRoot(currentAST, sp_AST);
+ match(STAR);
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ sp_AST.setType(SPREAD_ARG);
+ }
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ hasLabelOrSpread |= 2;
+ }
+ {
+ switch ( LA(1)) {
+ case COLON:
+ {
+ match(COLON);
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ sp_AST.setType(SPREAD_MAP_ARG);
+ }
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ hasLabelOrSpread |= 1;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case FINAL:
+ case ABSTRACT:
+ case STRICTFP:
+ case LITERAL_static:
+ case LITERAL_def:
+ case LBRACK:
+ case IDENT:
+ case LPAREN:
+ case AT:
+ case LITERAL_super:
+ case LITERAL_void:
+ case LITERAL_boolean:
+ case LITERAL_byte:
+ case LITERAL_char:
+ case LITERAL_short:
+ case LITERAL_int:
+ case LITERAL_float:
+ case LITERAL_long:
+ case LITERAL_double:
+ case LITERAL_private:
+ case LITERAL_public:
+ case LITERAL_protected:
+ case LITERAL_transient:
+ case LITERAL_native:
+ case LITERAL_threadsafe:
+ case LITERAL_synchronized:
+ case LITERAL_volatile:
+ case LCURLY:
+ case LITERAL_this:
+ case LITERAL_return:
+ case LITERAL_break:
+ case LITERAL_continue:
+ case LITERAL_throw:
+ case LITERAL_assert:
+ case PLUS:
+ case MINUS:
+ case LITERAL_false:
+ case LITERAL_new:
+ case LITERAL_null:
+ case LITERAL_true:
+ case INC:
+ case DEC:
+ case BNOT:
+ case LNOT:
+ case NUM_INT:
+ case NUM_FLOAT:
+ case NUM_LONG:
+ case NUM_DOUBLE:
+ case NUM_BIG_INT:
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if ((_tokenSet_89.member(LA(1))) && (_tokenSet_112.member(LA(2)))) {
+ }
+ else {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ sce=strictContextExpression(true);
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, returnAST);
+ if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) {
+ require(LA(1) != COLON,
+ "illegal colon after argument expression",
+ "a complex label expression before a colon must be parenthesized");
+ }
+ argument_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ returnAST = argument_AST;
+ return hasLabelOrSpread;
+ }
+/** For lookahead only. Fast approximate parse of an argumentLabel followed by a colon. */
+ public final void argumentLabelStart() throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException {
+ returnAST = null;
+ ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair();
+ AST argumentLabelStart_AST = null;
+ {
+ switch ( LA(1)) {
+ case IDENT:
+ {
+ AST tmp352_AST = null;
+ tmp352_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ match(IDENT);
+ break;
+ }
+ case FINAL:
+ case ABSTRACT:
+ case UNUSED_DO:
+ case STRICTFP:
+ case LITERAL_package:
+ case LITERAL_import:
+ case LITERAL_static:
+ case LITERAL_def:
+ case LITERAL_class:
+ case LITERAL_interface:
+ case LITERAL_enum:
+ case LITERAL_trait:
+ case LITERAL_extends:
+ case LITERAL_super:
+ case LITERAL_void:
+ case LITERAL_boolean:
+ case LITERAL_byte:
+ case LITERAL_char:
+ case LITERAL_short:
+ case LITERAL_int:
+ case LITERAL_float:
+ case LITERAL_long:
+ case LITERAL_double:
+ case LITERAL_as:
+ case LITERAL_private:
+ case LITERAL_public:
+ case LITERAL_protected:
+ case LITERAL_transient:
+ case LITERAL_native:
+ case LITERAL_threadsafe:
+ case LITERAL_synchronized:
+ case LITERAL_volatile:
+ case LITERAL_default:
+ case LITERAL_throws:
+ case LITERAL_implements:
+ case LITERAL_this:
+ case LITERAL_if:
+ case LITERAL_else:
+ case LITERAL_while:
+ case LITERAL_switch:
+ case LITERAL_for:
+ case LITERAL_in:
+ case LITERAL_return:
+ case LITERAL_break:
+ case LITERAL_continue:
+ case LITERAL_throw:
+ case LITERAL_assert:
+ case LITERAL_case:
+ case LITERAL_try:
+ case LITERAL_finally:
+ case LITERAL_catch:
+ case LITERAL_false:
+ case LITERAL_instanceof:
+ case LITERAL_new:
+ case LITERAL_null:
+ case LITERAL_true:
+ {
+ keywordPropertyNames();
+ break;
+ }
+ case NUM_INT:
+ case NUM_FLOAT:
+ case NUM_LONG:
+ case NUM_DOUBLE:
+ case NUM_BIG_INT:
+ {
+ constantNumber();
+ break;
+ }
+ {
+ AST tmp353_AST = null;
+ tmp353_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ break;
+ }
+ case LBRACK:
+ case LPAREN:
+ case LCURLY:
+ {
+ balancedBrackets();
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ AST tmp354_AST = null;
+ tmp354_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ match(COLON);
+ returnAST = argumentLabelStart_AST;
+ }
+/** Numeric constant. */
+ public final void constantNumber() throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException {
+ returnAST = null;
+ ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair();
+ AST constantNumber_AST = null;
+ switch ( LA(1)) {
+ case NUM_INT:
+ {
+ AST tmp355_AST = null;
+ tmp355_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp355_AST);
+ match(NUM_INT);
+ constantNumber_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ break;
+ }
+ case NUM_FLOAT:
+ {
+ AST tmp356_AST = null;
+ tmp356_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp356_AST);
+ match(NUM_FLOAT);
+ constantNumber_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ break;
+ }
+ case NUM_LONG:
+ {
+ AST tmp357_AST = null;
+ tmp357_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp357_AST);
+ match(NUM_LONG);
+ constantNumber_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ break;
+ }
+ case NUM_DOUBLE:
+ {
+ AST tmp358_AST = null;
+ tmp358_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp358_AST);
+ match(NUM_DOUBLE);
+ constantNumber_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ break;
+ }
+ case NUM_BIG_INT:
+ {
+ AST tmp359_AST = null;
+ tmp359_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp359_AST);
+ match(NUM_BIG_INT);
+ constantNumber_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ break;
+ }
+ {
+ AST tmp360_AST = null;
+ tmp360_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, tmp360_AST);
+ constantNumber_AST = (AST)currentAST.root;
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ returnAST = constantNumber_AST;
+ }
+/** Fast lookahead across balanced brackets of all sorts. */
+ public final void balancedBrackets() throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException {
+ returnAST = null;
+ ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair();
+ AST balancedBrackets_AST = null;
+ switch ( LA(1)) {
+ case LPAREN:
+ {
+ AST tmp361_AST = null;
+ tmp361_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ match(LPAREN);
+ balancedTokens();
+ AST tmp362_AST = null;
+ tmp362_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ match(RPAREN);
+ break;
+ }
+ case LBRACK:
+ {
+ AST tmp363_AST = null;
+ tmp363_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ match(LBRACK);
+ balancedTokens();
+ AST tmp364_AST = null;
+ tmp364_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ match(RBRACK);
+ break;
+ }
+ case LCURLY:
+ {
+ AST tmp365_AST = null;
+ tmp365_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ match(LCURLY);
+ balancedTokens();
+ AST tmp366_AST = null;
+ tmp366_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ match(RCURLY);
+ break;
+ }
+ {
+ AST tmp367_AST = null;
+ tmp367_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ balancedTokens();
+ AST tmp368_AST = null;
+ tmp368_AST = astFactory.create(LT(1));
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ throw new NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());
+ }
+ }
+ returnAST = balancedBrackets_AST;
+ }
+ public static final String[] _tokenNames = {
+ "<0>",
+ "EOF",
+ "<2>",
+ "BLOCK",
+ "SLIST",
+ "TYPE",
+ "EXPR",
+ "ELIST",
+ "\"final\"",
+ "\"abstract\"",
+ "\"goto\"",
+ "\"const\"",
+ "\"do\"",
+ "\"strictfp\"",
+ "a script header",
+ "\"package\"",
+ "\"import\"",
+ "\"static\"",
+ "\"def\"",
+ "'['",
+ "']'",
+ "an identifier",
+ "a string literal",
+ "'<'",
+ "'.'",
+ "'('",
+ "\"class\"",
+ "\"interface\"",
+ "\"enum\"",
+ "\"trait\"",
+ "'@'",
+ "'?'",
+ "\"extends\"",
+ "\"super\"",
+ "'>'",
+ "','",
+ "'>>'",
+ "'>>>'",
+ "\"void\"",
+ "\"boolean\"",
+ "\"byte\"",
+ "\"char\"",
+ "\"short\"",
+ "\"int\"",
+ "\"float\"",
+ "\"long\"",
+ "\"double\"",
+ "'*'",
+ "\"as\"",
+ "\"private\"",
+ "\"public\"",
+ "\"protected\"",
+ "\"transient\"",
+ "\"native\"",
+ "\"threadsafe\"",
+ "\"synchronized\"",
+ "\"volatile\"",
+ "')'",
+ "'='",
+ "'&'",
+ "'{'",
+ "'}'",
+ "';'",
+ "\"default\"",
+ "\"throws\"",
+ "\"implements\"",
+ "\"this\"",
+ "'...'",
+ "'|'",
+ "'->'",
+ "':'",
+ "\"if\"",
+ "\"else\"",
+ "\"while\"",
+ "\"switch\"",
+ "\"for\"",
+ "\"in\"",
+ "\"return\"",
+ "\"break\"",
+ "\"continue\"",
+ "\"throw\"",
+ "\"assert\"",
+ "'+'",
+ "'-'",
+ "\"case\"",
+ "\"try\"",
+ "\"finally\"",
+ "\"catch\"",
+ "'*.'",
+ "'?.'",
+ "'.&'",
+ "\"false\"",
+ "\"instanceof\"",
+ "\"new\"",
+ "\"null\"",
+ "\"true\"",
+ "'+='",
+ "'-='",
+ "'*='",
+ "'/='",
+ "'%='",
+ "'>>='",
+ "'>>>='",
+ "'<<='",
+ "'&='",
+ "'^='",
+ "'|='",
+ "'**='",
+ "'?:'",
+ "'||'",
+ "'&&'",
+ "'^'",
+ "'=~'",
+ "'==~'",
+ "'!='",
+ "'=='",
+ "'==='",
+ "'!=='",
+ "'<=>'",
+ "'<='",
+ "'>='",
+ "'<<'",
+ "'..'",
+ "'..<'",
+ "'++'",
+ "'/'",
+ "'%'",
+ "'--'",
+ "'**'",
+ "'~'",
+ "'!'",
+ "a string literal end",
+ "a numeric literal",
+ "some newlines, whitespace or comments",
+ "'$'",
+ "whitespace",
+ "a newline",
+ "a newline",
+ "a single line comment",
+ "a multi-line comment",
+ "a string character",
+ "a multiline regular expression literal",
+ "a multiline dollar escaping regular expression literal",
+ "a multiline regular expression literal end",
+ "a multiline dollar escaping regular expression literal end",
+ "a multiline regular expression character",
+ "a multiline dollar escaping regular expression character",
+ "an escape sequence",
+ "a newline inside a string",
+ "a hexadecimal digit",
+ "a character",
+ "a letter",
+ "a digit",
+ "a sequence of digits and underscores, bordered by digits",
+ "a sequence of digits and underscores with maybe underscore starting",
+ "an exponent",
+ "a float or double suffix",
+ "a big decimal suffix"
+ };
+ protected void buildTokenTypeASTClassMap() {
+ tokenTypeToASTClassMap=null;
+ };
+ private static final long[] mk_tokenSet_0() {
+ long[] data = new long[8];
+ data[0]=2L;
+ data[1]=4840357888L;
+ data[2]=1L;
+ data[3]=8192L;
+ return data;
+ }
+ public static final BitSet _tokenSet_0 = new BitSet(mk_tokenSet_0());
+ private static final long[] mk_tokenSet_1() {
+ long[] data = new long[8];
+ data[0]=14018773254146L;
+ data[1]=5186456864203472896L;
+ data[2]=4611686034009209361L;
+ data[3]=16314L;
+ return data;
+ }
+ public static final BitSet _tokenSet_1 = new BitSet(mk_tokenSet_1());
+ private static final long[] mk_tokenSet_2() {
+ long[] data = new long[8];
+ data[0]=17317308137474L;
+ data[1]=-576460889742508032L;
+ data[2]=-1L;
+ data[3]=16319L;
+ return data;
+ }
+ public static final BitSet _tokenSet_2 = new BitSet(mk_tokenSet_2());
+ private static final long[] mk_tokenSet_3() {
+ long[] data = new long[8];
+ data[0]=17317308137474L;
+ data[1]=-131072L;
+ data[2]=-1L;
+ data[3]=16319L;
+ return data;
+ }
+ public static final BitSet _tokenSet_3 = new BitSet(mk_tokenSet_3());
+ private static final long[] mk_tokenSet_4() {
+ long[] data = new long[16];
+ data[0]=-14L;
+ for (int i = 1; i<=2; i++) { data[i]=-1L; }
+ data[3]=1099511627775L;
+ return data;
+ }
+ public static final BitSet _tokenSet_4 = new BitSet(mk_tokenSet_4());
+ private static final long[] mk_tokenSet_5() {
+ long[] data = { 0L, 4303749120L, 0L, 0L};
+ return data;
+ }
+ public static final BitSet _tokenSet_5 = new BitSet(mk_tokenSet_5());
+ private static final long[] mk_tokenSet_6() {
+ long[] data = new long[8];
+ data[0]=9620726743042L;
+ data[1]=-4036915073080492032L;
+ data[2]=4195331L;
+ data[3]=8192L;
+ return data;
+ }
+ public static final BitSet _tokenSet_6 = new BitSet(mk_tokenSet_6());
+ private static final long[] mk_tokenSet_7() {
+ long[] data = { 0L, 8781824L, 0L, 0L};
+ return data;
+ }
+ public static final BitSet _tokenSet_7 = new BitSet(mk_tokenSet_7());
+ private static final long[] mk_tokenSet_8() {
+ long[] data = new long[8];
+ data[0]=9620726743042L;
+ data[1]=-4036915073617756160L;
+ data[2]=4195331L;
+ data[3]=8192L;
+ return data;
+ }
+ public static final BitSet _tokenSet_8 = new BitSet(mk_tokenSet_8());
+ private static final long[] mk_tokenSet_9() {
+ long[] data = new long[8];
+ data[2]=1025L;
+ data[3]=8192L;
+ return data;
+ }
+ public static final BitSet _tokenSet_9 = new BitSet(mk_tokenSet_9());
+ private static final long[] mk_tokenSet_10() {
+ long[] data = new long[8];
+ data[0]=14018773254144L;
+ data[1]=5186456864203472896L;
+ data[2]=4611686034009210385L;
+ data[3]=16314L;
+ return data;
+ }
+ public static final BitSet _tokenSet_10 = new BitSet(mk_tokenSet_10());
+ private static final long[] mk_tokenSet_11() {
+ long[] data = new long[8];
+ data[0]=2L;
+ data[1]=-9223372036854775808L;
+ data[2]=4195331L;
+ data[3]=8192L;
+ return data;
+ }
+ public static final BitSet _tokenSet_11 = new BitSet(mk_tokenSet_11());
+ private static final long[] mk_tokenSet_12() {
+ long[] data = new long[8];
+ data[0]=580267261558786L;
+ data[1]=-131072L;
+ data[2]=-33L;
+ data[3]=16383L;
+ return data;
+ }
+ public static final BitSet _tokenSet_12 = new BitSet(mk_tokenSet_12());
+ private static final long[] mk_tokenSet_13() {
+ long[] data = { 9620726743040L, 574208956786278400L, 0L, 0L};
+ return data;
+ }
+ public static final BitSet _tokenSet_13 = new BitSet(mk_tokenSet_13());
+ private static final long[] mk_tokenSet_14() {
+ long[] data = new long[8];
+ data[0]=9620726743040L;
+ data[1]=574208957365092352L;
+ data[3]=8192L;
+ return data;
+ }
+ public static final BitSet _tokenSet_14 = new BitSet(mk_tokenSet_14());
+ private static final long[] mk_tokenSet_15() {
+ long[] data = new long[8];
+ data[0]=9620726743040L;
+ data[1]=574770807907549184L;
+ data[3]=8192L;
+ return data;
+ }
+ public static final BitSet _tokenSet_15 = new BitSet(mk_tokenSet_15());
+ private static final long[] mk_tokenSet_16() {
+ long[] data = { 9620726743040L, 574770807236460544L, 0L, 0L};
+ return data;
+ }
+ public static final BitSet _tokenSet_16 = new BitSet(mk_tokenSet_16());
+ private static final long[] mk_tokenSet_17() {
+ long[] data = new long[8];
+ data[0]=9620726743040L;
+ data[1]=574770807892869120L;
+ data[3]=8192L;
+ return data;
+ }
+ public static final BitSet _tokenSet_17 = new BitSet(mk_tokenSet_17());
+ private static final long[] mk_tokenSet_18() {
+ long[] data = new long[8];
+ data[0]=14018773254144L;
+ data[1]=-4036915172651302912L;
+ data[2]=4611686034009209521L;
+ data[3]=16314L;
+ return data;
+ }
+ public static final BitSet _tokenSet_18 = new BitSet(mk_tokenSet_18());
+ private static final long[] mk_tokenSet_19() {
+ long[] data = new long[8];
+ data[0]=14018773254144L;
+ data[1]=5186456864203472896L;
+ data[2]=4611686034009209360L;
+ data[3]=8122L;
+ return data;
+ }
+ public static final BitSet _tokenSet_19 = new BitSet(mk_tokenSet_19());
+ private static final long[] mk_tokenSet_20() {
+ long[] data = new long[8];
+ data[1]=4612247903390400512L;
+ data[2]=4611686033999790096L;
+ data[3]=8122L;
+ return data;
+ }
+ public static final BitSet _tokenSet_20 = new BitSet(mk_tokenSet_20());
+ private static final long[] mk_tokenSet_21() {
+ long[] data = new long[8];
+ data[0]=2L;
+ data[1]=-9223372032013762560L;
+ data[2]=4195331L;
+ data[3]=8192L;
+ return data;
+ }
+ public static final BitSet _tokenSet_21 = new BitSet(mk_tokenSet_21());
+ private static final long[] mk_tokenSet_22() {
+ long[] data = { 9620726743040L, 574208960812810240L, 0L, 0L};
+ return data;
+ }
+ public static final BitSet _tokenSet_22 = new BitSet(mk_tokenSet_22());
+ private static final long[] mk_tokenSet_23() {
+ long[] data = new long[8];
+ data[0]=9620726743040L;
+ data[1]=574208960821198848L;
+ data[3]=8192L;
+ return data;
+ }
+ public static final BitSet _tokenSet_23 = new BitSet(mk_tokenSet_23());
+ private static final long[] mk_tokenSet_24() {
+ long[] data = new long[8];
+ data[0]=14018773254146L;
+ data[1]=-4036915172617748480L;
+ data[2]=4611686034013404691L;
+ data[3]=16314L;
+ return data;
+ }
+ public static final BitSet _tokenSet_24 = new BitSet(mk_tokenSet_24());
+ private static final long[] mk_tokenSet_25() {
+ long[] data = { 0L, 561850450182144L, 0L, 0L};
+ return data;
+ }
+ public static final BitSet _tokenSet_25 = new BitSet(mk_tokenSet_25());
+ private static final long[] mk_tokenSet_26() {
+ long[] data = { 0L, 127926272L, 0L, 0L};
+ return data;
+ }
+ public static final BitSet _tokenSet_26 = new BitSet(mk_tokenSet_26());
+ private static final long[] mk_tokenSet_27() {
+ long[] data = new long[8];
+ data[0]=2L;
+ data[1]=-8070450394674757632L;
+ data[2]=4195331L;
+ data[3]=8192L;
+ return data;
+ }
+ public static final BitSet _tokenSet_27 = new BitSet(mk_tokenSet_27());
+ private static final long[] mk_tokenSet_28() {
+ long[] data = new long[8];
+ data[0]=2L;
+ data[1]=-8070450394808975360L;
+ data[2]=4195331L;
+ data[3]=8192L;
+ return data;
+ }
+ public static final BitSet _tokenSet_28 = new BitSet(mk_tokenSet_28());
+ private static final long[] mk_tokenSet_29() {
+ long[] data = new long[8];
+ data[1]=8388608L;
+ data[2]=4L;
+ data[3]=8192L;
+ return data;
+ }
+ public static final BitSet _tokenSet_29 = new BitSet(mk_tokenSet_29());
+ private static final long[] mk_tokenSet_30() {
+ long[] data = new long[8];
+ data[0]=2L;
+ data[1]=-4611686018427387904L;
+ data[2]=4195331L;
+ data[3]=8192L;
+ return data;
+ }
+ public static final BitSet _tokenSet_30 = new BitSet(mk_tokenSet_30());
+ private static final long[] mk_tokenSet_31() {
+ long[] data = new long[8];
+ data[0]=14018773254144L;
+ data[1]=-4036915172651302912L;
+ data[2]=4611686034009209361L;
+ data[3]=16314L;
+ return data;
+ }
+ public static final BitSet _tokenSet_31 = new BitSet(mk_tokenSet_31());
+ private static final long[] mk_tokenSet_32() {
+ long[] data = { 0L, 111149056L, 0L, 0L};
+ return data;
+ }
+ public static final BitSet _tokenSet_32 = new BitSet(mk_tokenSet_32());
+ private static final long[] mk_tokenSet_33() {
+ long[] data = { 2L, 1729382394353418240L, 16641L, 0L, 0L, 0L};
+ return data;
+ }
+ public static final BitSet _tokenSet_33 = new BitSet(mk_tokenSet_33());
+ private static final long[] mk_tokenSet_34() {
+ long[] data = { 9620726743040L, 574770807355998208L, 0L, 0L};
+ return data;
+ }
+ public static final BitSet _tokenSet_34 = new BitSet(mk_tokenSet_34());
+ private static final long[] mk_tokenSet_35() {
+ long[] data = { 9620726743040L, 574770807288889344L, 0L, 0L};
+ return data;
+ }
+ public static final BitSet _tokenSet_35 = new BitSet(mk_tokenSet_35());
+ private static final long[] mk_tokenSet_36() {
+ long[] data = new long[8];
+ data[0]=17317308137472L;
+ data[1]=5764043533593739264L;
+ data[2]=4611686035137494558L;
+ data[3]=8122L;
+ return data;
+ }
+ public static final BitSet _tokenSet_36 = new BitSet(mk_tokenSet_36());
+ private static final long[] mk_tokenSet_37() {
+ long[] data = new long[8];
+ data[0]=9620726743042L;
+ data[1]=-8072140335660269568L;
+ data[2]=33L;
+ data[3]=8192L;
+ return data;
+ }
+ public static final BitSet _tokenSet_37 = new BitSet(mk_tokenSet_37());
+ private static final long[] mk_tokenSet_38() {
+ long[] data = new long[8];
+ data[1]=561859040116736L;
+ data[3]=8192L;
+ return data;
+ }
+ public static final BitSet _tokenSet_38 = new BitSet(mk_tokenSet_38());
+ private static final long[] mk_tokenSet_39() {
+ long[] data = { 0L, 893353197568L, 0L, 0L};
+ return data;
+ }
+ public static final BitSet _tokenSet_39 = new BitSet(mk_tokenSet_39());
+ private static final long[] mk_tokenSet_40() {
+ long[] data = new long[8];
+ data[1]=4611686018563702784L;
+ data[3]=32L;
+ return data;
+ }
+ public static final BitSet _tokenSet_40 = new BitSet(mk_tokenSet_40());
+ private static final long[] mk_tokenSet_41() {
+ long[] data = new long[16];
+ data[0]=-16L;
+ data[1]=4035225265983455231L;
+ data[2]=-1L;
+ data[3]=1099511627679L;
+ return data;
+ }
+ public static final BitSet _tokenSet_41 = new BitSet(mk_tokenSet_41());
+ private static final long[] mk_tokenSet_42() {
+ long[] data = new long[8];
+ data[0]=9620726743040L;
+ data[1]=574770811296546816L;
+ data[3]=8192L;
+ return data;
+ }
+ public static final BitSet _tokenSet_42 = new BitSet(mk_tokenSet_42());
+ private static final long[] mk_tokenSet_43() {
+ long[] data = { 0L, 561858805235712L, 0L, 0L};
+ return data;
+ }
+ public static final BitSet _tokenSet_43 = new BitSet(mk_tokenSet_43());
+ private static final long[] mk_tokenSet_44() {
+ long[] data = new long[8];
+ data[0]=2L;
+ data[1]=799014912L;
+ data[3]=8192L;
+ return data;
+ }
+ public static final BitSet _tokenSet_44 = new BitSet(mk_tokenSet_44());
+ private static final long[] mk_tokenSet_45() {
+ long[] data = { 9620726743040L, 574208952490262528L, 0L, 0L};
+ return data;
+ }
+ public static final BitSet _tokenSet_45 = new BitSet(mk_tokenSet_45());
+ private static final long[] mk_tokenSet_46() {
+ long[] data = new long[8];
+ data[0]=9620726743040L;
+ data[1]=574770811447541760L;
+ data[3]=8192L;
+ return data;
+ }
+ public static final BitSet _tokenSet_46 = new BitSet(mk_tokenSet_46());
+ private static final long[] mk_tokenSet_47() {
+ long[] data = new long[8];
+ data[1]=4612247907685367808L;
+ data[2]=4611686033999790096L;
+ data[3]=8122L;
+ return data;
+ }
+ public static final BitSet _tokenSet_47 = new BitSet(mk_tokenSet_47());
+ private static final long[] mk_tokenSet_48() {
+ long[] data = new long[8];
+ data[0]=17317308137472L;
+ data[1]=-1152921642045931520L;
+ data[2]=-70351564308481L;
+ data[3]=16319L;
+ return data;
+ }
+ public static final BitSet _tokenSet_48 = new BitSet(mk_tokenSet_48());
+ private static final long[] mk_tokenSet_49() {
+ long[] data = { 17317308137472L, 575896758414868480L, 16706960926L, 0L, 0L, 0L};
+ return data;
+ }
+ public static final BitSet _tokenSet_49 = new BitSet(mk_tokenSet_49());
+ private static final long[] mk_tokenSet_50() {
+ long[] data = new long[8];
+ data[1]=4303749120L;
+ data[3]=8192L;
+ return data;
+ }
+ public static final BitSet _tokenSet_50 = new BitSet(mk_tokenSet_50());
+ private static final long[] mk_tokenSet_51() {
+ long[] data = new long[8];
+ data[1]=4612247903390400512L;
+ data[2]=4611756402743967760L;
+ data[3]=16314L;
+ return data;
+ }
+ public static final BitSet _tokenSet_51 = new BitSet(mk_tokenSet_51());
+ private static final long[] mk_tokenSet_52() {
+ long[] data = new long[8];
+ data[1]=4612247911980335104L;
+ data[2]=4611686033999790096L;
+ data[3]=16314L;
+ return data;
+ }
+ public static final BitSet _tokenSet_52 = new BitSet(mk_tokenSet_52());
+ private static final long[] mk_tokenSet_53() {
+ long[] data = new long[8];
+ data[0]=17317308137474L;
+ data[1]=-2306406865506009088L;
+ data[2]=4611756386701803423L;
+ data[3]=16314L;
+ return data;
+ }
+ public static final BitSet _tokenSet_53 = new BitSet(mk_tokenSet_53());
+ private static final long[] mk_tokenSet_54() {
+ long[] data = new long[8];
+ data[0]=580267261558786L;
+ data[1]=-131072L;
+ data[2]=-1L;
+ data[3]=16383L;
+ return data;
+ }
+ public static final BitSet _tokenSet_54 = new BitSet(mk_tokenSet_54());
+ private static final long[] mk_tokenSet_55() {
+ long[] data = new long[8];
+ data[1]=-4611685876013989888L;
+ data[2]=1L;
+ data[3]=8192L;
+ return data;
+ }
+ public static final BitSet _tokenSet_55 = new BitSet(mk_tokenSet_55());
+ private static final long[] mk_tokenSet_56() {
+ long[] data = new long[8];
+ data[0]=9620726743040L;
+ data[1]=-4036915207164395520L;
+ data[2]=1L;
+ data[3]=8192L;
+ return data;
+ }
+ public static final BitSet _tokenSet_56 = new BitSet(mk_tokenSet_56());
+ private static final long[] mk_tokenSet_57() {
+ long[] data = new long[8];
+ data[0]=14018773254146L;
+ data[1]=-4036915172550639616L;
+ data[2]=4611686034013404691L;
+ data[3]=16314L;
+ return data;
+ }
+ public static final BitSet _tokenSet_57 = new BitSet(mk_tokenSet_57());
+ private static final long[] mk_tokenSet_58() {
+ long[] data = new long[8];
+ data[0]=2L;
+ data[1]=-4611123119988408320L;
+ data[2]=4195339L;
+ data[3]=8192L;
+ return data;
+ }
+ public static final BitSet _tokenSet_58 = new BitSet(mk_tokenSet_58());
+ private static final long[] mk_tokenSet_59() {
+ long[] data = { 9620726743040L, 574208956794667008L, 0L, 0L};
+ return data;
+ }
+ public static final BitSet _tokenSet_59 = new BitSet(mk_tokenSet_59());
+ private static final long[] mk_tokenSet_60() {
+ long[] data = new long[8];
+ data[0]=9620726743040L;
+ data[1]=574208957465755648L;
+ data[3]=8192L;
+ return data;
+ }
+ public static final BitSet _tokenSet_60 = new BitSet(mk_tokenSet_60());
+ private static final long[] mk_tokenSet_61() {
+ long[] data = new long[8];
+ data[1]=-8070450394674757632L;
+ data[2]=1L;
+ data[3]=8192L;
+ return data;
+ }
+ public static final BitSet _tokenSet_61 = new BitSet(mk_tokenSet_61());
+ private static final long[] mk_tokenSet_62() {
+ long[] data = new long[8];
+ data[1]=-9223371899415822336L;
+ data[2]=1L;
+ data[3]=8192L;
+ return data;
+ }
+ public static final BitSet _tokenSet_62 = new BitSet(mk_tokenSet_62());
+ private static final long[] mk_tokenSet_63() {
+ long[] data = new long[8];
+ data[0]=9620726743042L;
+ data[1]=-4036915069725442048L;
+ data[2]=4195331L;
+ data[3]=8192L;
+ return data;
+ }
+ public static final BitSet _tokenSet_63 = new BitSet(mk_tokenSet_63());
+ private static final long[] mk_tokenSet_64() {
+ long[] data = new long[8];
+ data[1]=-9223371895112466432L;
+ data[2]=1L;
+ data[3]=8192L;
+ return data;
+ }
+ public static final BitSet _tokenSet_64 = new BitSet(mk_tokenSet_64());
+ private static final long[] mk_tokenSet_65() {
+ long[] data = new long[8];
+ data[1]=4303355904L;
+ data[3]=8192L;
+ return data;
+ }
+ public static final BitSet _tokenSet_65 = new BitSet(mk_tokenSet_65());
+ private static final long[] mk_tokenSet_66() {
+ long[] data = new long[8];
+ data[0]=9620726743040L;
+ data[1]=574770807823663104L;
+ data[3]=8192L;
+ return data;
+ }
+ public static final BitSet _tokenSet_66 = new BitSet(mk_tokenSet_66());
+ private static final long[] mk_tokenSet_67() {
+ long[] data = { 9620726743040L, 574770807270014976L, 0L, 0L};
+ return data;
+ }
+ public static final BitSet _tokenSet_67 = new BitSet(mk_tokenSet_67());
+ private static final long[] mk_tokenSet_68() {
+ long[] data = new long[8];
+ data[1]=-4611686018427387904L;
+ data[2]=1L;
+ data[3]=8192L;
+ return data;
+ }
+ public static final BitSet _tokenSet_68 = new BitSet(mk_tokenSet_68());
+ private static final long[] mk_tokenSet_69() {
+ long[] data = new long[8];
+ data[0]=14018773254144L;
+ data[1]=-4036915035178795008L;
+ data[2]=4611686034009209361L;
+ data[3]=16314L;
+ return data;
+ }
+ public static final BitSet _tokenSet_69 = new BitSet(mk_tokenSet_69());
+ private static final long[] mk_tokenSet_70() {
+ long[] data = new long[8];
+ data[0]=14018773254144L;
+ data[1]=-4036915172617748480L;
+ data[2]=4611686034009209361L;
+ data[3]=16314L;
+ return data;
+ }
+ public static final BitSet _tokenSet_70 = new BitSet(mk_tokenSet_70());
+ private static final long[] mk_tokenSet_71() {
+ long[] data = { 0L, 34393292800L, 16L, 0L, 0L, 0L};
+ return data;
+ }
+ public static final BitSet _tokenSet_71 = new BitSet(mk_tokenSet_71());
+ private static final long[] mk_tokenSet_72() {
+ long[] data = new long[8];
+ data[1]=561859174334464L;
+ data[3]=8192L;
+ return data;
+ }
+ public static final BitSet _tokenSet_72 = new BitSet(mk_tokenSet_72());
+ private static final long[] mk_tokenSet_73() {
+ long[] data = new long[8];
+ data[0]=17317308137472L;
+ data[1]=-576460889742508032L;
+ data[2]=-1L;
+ data[3]=16319L;
+ return data;
+ }
+ public static final BitSet _tokenSet_73 = new BitSet(mk_tokenSet_73());
+ private static final long[] mk_tokenSet_74() {
+ long[] data = new long[8];
+ data[0]=14018773254144L;
+ data[1]=5186456864203472896L;
+ data[2]=4611686034009209361L;
+ data[3]=16314L;
+ return data;
+ }
+ public static final BitSet _tokenSet_74 = new BitSet(mk_tokenSet_74());
+ private static final long[] mk_tokenSet_75() {
+ long[] data = new long[8];
+ data[0]=17317308137474L;
+ data[1]=-3459328370112856064L;
+ data[2]=4611686035137494943L;
+ data[3]=16314L;
+ return data;
+ }
+ public static final BitSet _tokenSet_75 = new BitSet(mk_tokenSet_75());
+ private static final long[] mk_tokenSet_76() {
+ long[] data = { 0L, 111149056L, 32L, 0L, 0L, 0L};
+ return data;
+ }
+ public static final BitSet _tokenSet_76 = new BitSet(mk_tokenSet_76());
+ private static final long[] mk_tokenSet_77() {
+ long[] data = new long[8];
+ data[1]=1729382394357612544L;
+ data[2]=128L;
+ data[3]=8192L;
+ return data;
+ }
+ public static final BitSet _tokenSet_77 = new BitSet(mk_tokenSet_77());
+ private static final long[] mk_tokenSet_78() {
+ long[] data = { 0L, 109051904L, 64L, 0L, 0L, 0L};
+ return data;
+ }
+ public static final BitSet _tokenSet_78 = new BitSet(mk_tokenSet_78());
+ private static final long[] mk_tokenSet_79() {
+ long[] data = new long[8];
+ data[0]=274877906944L;
+ data[1]=561854746198016L;
+ data[2]=160L;
+ data[3]=8192L;
+ return data;
+ }
+ public static final BitSet _tokenSet_79 = new BitSet(mk_tokenSet_79());
+ private static final long[] mk_tokenSet_80() {
+ long[] data = new long[8];
+ data[0]=14018773254144L;
+ data[1]=-2883993530504839168L;
+ data[2]=4611686034009209521L;
+ data[3]=16314L;
+ return data;
+ }
+ public static final BitSet _tokenSet_80 = new BitSet(mk_tokenSet_80());
+ private static final long[] mk_tokenSet_81() {
+ long[] data = new long[8];
+ data[0]=9620726743040L;
+ data[1]=5186456860176678912L;
+ data[2]=4611686034000805905L;
+ data[3]=8122L;
+ return data;
+ }
+ public static final BitSet _tokenSet_81 = new BitSet(mk_tokenSet_81());
+ private static final long[] mk_tokenSet_82() {
+ long[] data = new long[8];
+ data[0]=17317308137472L;
+ data[1]=-137439084544L;
+ data[2]=-1L;
+ data[3]=16319L;
+ return data;
+ }
+ public static final BitSet _tokenSet_82 = new BitSet(mk_tokenSet_82());
+ private static final long[] mk_tokenSet_83() {
+ long[] data = new long[8];
+ data[0]=9620726743040L;
+ data[1]=574770807876091904L;
+ data[2]=16640L;
+ data[3]=8192L;
+ return data;
+ }
+ public static final BitSet _tokenSet_83 = new BitSet(mk_tokenSet_83());
+ private static final long[] mk_tokenSet_84() {
+ long[] data = new long[8];
+ data[0]=9620726743040L;
+ data[1]=574770807876091904L;
+ data[3]=8192L;
+ return data;
+ }
+ public static final BitSet _tokenSet_84 = new BitSet(mk_tokenSet_84());
+ private static final long[] mk_tokenSet_85() {
+ long[] data = new long[8];
+ data[0]=2L;
+ data[1]=576460889754959872L;
+ data[2]=1L;
+ data[3]=8192L;
+ return data;
+ }
+ public static final BitSet _tokenSet_85 = new BitSet(mk_tokenSet_85());
+ private static final long[] mk_tokenSet_86() {
+ long[] data = new long[8];
+ data[1]=4611686018427387904L;
+ data[2]=16777216L;
+ data[3]=8192L;
+ return data;
+ }
+ public static final BitSet _tokenSet_86 = new BitSet(mk_tokenSet_86());
+ private static final long[] mk_tokenSet_87() {
+ long[] data = new long[8];
+ data[1]=4612247903390400512L;
+ data[2]=4611686033999790096L;
+ data[3]=16314L;
+ return data;
+ }
+ public static final BitSet _tokenSet_87 = new BitSet(mk_tokenSet_87());
+ private static final long[] mk_tokenSet_88() {
+ long[] data = new long[8];
+ data[0]=2L;
+ data[1]=-8646911147108204544L;
+ data[2]=4195331L;
+ data[3]=8192L;
+ return data;
+ }
+ public static final BitSet _tokenSet_88 = new BitSet(mk_tokenSet_88());
+ private static final long[] mk_tokenSet_89() {
+ long[] data = new long[8];
+ data[0]=9620726743040L;
+ data[1]=5186456860176678912L;
+ data[2]=4611686034000805904L;
+ data[3]=8122L;
+ return data;
+ }
+ public static final BitSet _tokenSet_89 = new BitSet(mk_tokenSet_89());
+ private static final long[] mk_tokenSet_90() {
+ long[] data = { 0L, 824633720832L, 4035225266123964416L, 0L, 0L, 0L};
+ return data;
+ }
+ public static final BitSet _tokenSet_90 = new BitSet(mk_tokenSet_90());
+ private static final long[] mk_tokenSet_91() {
+ long[] data = new long[8];
+ data[0]=-16L;
+ data[1]=-4611686018427387905L;
+ data[2]=-1L;
+ data[3]=1099511627775L;
+ return data;
+ }
+ public static final BitSet _tokenSet_91 = new BitSet(mk_tokenSet_91());
+ private static final long[] mk_tokenSet_92() {
+ long[] data = new long[8];
+ data[0]=17317308137472L;
+ data[1]=5187582776995348480L;
+ data[2]=4611686035137494558L;
+ data[3]=8122L;
+ return data;
+ }
+ public static final BitSet _tokenSet_92 = new BitSet(mk_tokenSet_92());
+ private static final long[] mk_tokenSet_93() {
+ long[] data = new long[8];
+ data[1]=4612247903390400512L;
+ data[2]=15569256464L;
+ data[3]=8096L;
+ return data;
+ }
+ public static final BitSet _tokenSet_93 = new BitSet(mk_tokenSet_93());
+ private static final long[] mk_tokenSet_94() {
+ long[] data = new long[8];
+ data[0]=17317308137474L;
+ data[1]=-3458765415763804160L;
+ data[2]=4611686035607257023L;
+ data[3]=16314L;
+ return data;
+ }
+ public static final BitSet _tokenSet_94 = new BitSet(mk_tokenSet_94());
+ private static final long[] mk_tokenSet_95() {
+ long[] data = new long[8];
+ data[1]=4611686018630811648L;
+ data[2]=469762048L;
+ data[3]=8192L;
+ return data;
+ }
+ public static final BitSet _tokenSet_95 = new BitSet(mk_tokenSet_95());
+ private static final long[] mk_tokenSet_96() {
+ long[] data = new long[8];
+ data[0]=9620726743042L;
+ data[1]=5186456860176678912L;
+ data[2]=4611686034000805904L;
+ data[3]=8122L;
+ return data;
+ }
+ public static final BitSet _tokenSet_96 = new BitSet(mk_tokenSet_96());
+ private static final long[] mk_tokenSet_97() {
+ long[] data = new long[8];
+ data[0]=17317308137474L;
+ data[1]=-576460752303554560L;
+ data[2]=-1L;
+ data[3]=16319L;
+ return data;
+ }
+ public static final BitSet _tokenSet_97 = new BitSet(mk_tokenSet_97());
+ private static final long[] mk_tokenSet_98() {
+ long[] data = new long[8];
+ data[0]=17317308137472L;
+ data[1]=5187582776995348480L;
+ data[2]=4611686035137494558L;
+ data[3]=16314L;
+ return data;
+ }
+ public static final BitSet _tokenSet_98 = new BitSet(mk_tokenSet_98());
+ private static final long[] mk_tokenSet_99() {
+ long[] data = new long[8];
+ data[0]=17317308137472L;
+ data[1]=5187582776995348480L;
+ data[2]=16706960926L;
+ data[3]=8096L;
+ return data;
+ }
+ public static final BitSet _tokenSet_99 = new BitSet(mk_tokenSet_99());
+ private static final long[] mk_tokenSet_100() {
+ long[] data = new long[8];
+ data[0]=17317308137472L;
+ data[1]=-4035226305573289984L;
+ data[2]=4611686035137494975L;
+ data[3]=16314L;
+ return data;
+ }
+ public static final BitSet _tokenSet_100 = new BitSet(mk_tokenSet_100());
+ private static final long[] mk_tokenSet_101() {
+ long[] data = { 17317308137472L, 575896758406479872L, 16706960926L, 0L, 0L, 0L};
+ return data;
+ }
+ public static final BitSet _tokenSet_101 = new BitSet(mk_tokenSet_101());
+ private static final long[] mk_tokenSet_102() {
+ long[] data = new long[8];
+ data[0]=17317308137474L;
+ data[1]=-131072L;
+ data[2]=-33L;
+ data[3]=16319L;
+ return data;
+ }
+ public static final BitSet _tokenSet_102 = new BitSet(mk_tokenSet_102());
+ private static final long[] mk_tokenSet_103() {
+ long[] data = new long[8];
+ data[0]=17317308137472L;
+ data[1]=5187582781288218624L;
+ data[2]=16706960926L;
+ data[3]=32L;
+ return data;
+ }
+ public static final BitSet _tokenSet_103 = new BitSet(mk_tokenSet_103());
+ private static final long[] mk_tokenSet_104() {
+ long[] data = new long[8];
+ data[0]=17317308137474L;
+ data[1]=-4295098368L;
+ data[2]=-33L;
+ data[3]=16319L;
+ return data;
+ }
+ public static final BitSet _tokenSet_104 = new BitSet(mk_tokenSet_104());
+ private static final long[] mk_tokenSet_105() {
+ long[] data = { 0L, 68753031168L, 432345564227584000L, 0L, 0L, 0L};
+ return data;
+ }
+ public static final BitSet _tokenSet_105 = new BitSet(mk_tokenSet_105());
+ private static final long[] mk_tokenSet_106() {
+ long[] data = new long[8];
+ data[1]=561850450182144L;
+ data[3]=8192L;
+ return data;
+ }
+ public static final BitSet _tokenSet_106 = new BitSet(mk_tokenSet_106());
+ private static final long[] mk_tokenSet_107() {
+ long[] data = new long[8];
+ data[0]=17317308137474L;
+ data[1]=-563847702380544L;
+ data[2]=4755801206033481695L;
+ data[3]=16314L;
+ return data;
+ }
+ public static final BitSet _tokenSet_107 = new BitSet(mk_tokenSet_107());
+ private static final long[] mk_tokenSet_108() {
+ long[] data = new long[8];
+ data[1]=562949953421312L;
+ data[2]=-9223372036854775808L;
+ data[3]=1L;
+ return data;
+ }
+ public static final BitSet _tokenSet_108 = new BitSet(mk_tokenSet_108());
+ private static final long[] mk_tokenSet_109() {
+ long[] data = new long[8];
+ data[0]=17317308137474L;
+ data[1]=-4362207232L;
+ data[2]=-469762081L;
+ data[3]=16319L;
+ return data;
+ }
+ public static final BitSet _tokenSet_109 = new BitSet(mk_tokenSet_109());
+ private static final long[] mk_tokenSet_110() {
+ long[] data = new long[8];
+ data[0]=17317308137472L;
+ data[1]=5188145731247931392L;
+ data[2]=4611686035137494558L;
+ data[3]=8122L;
+ return data;
+ }
+ public static final BitSet _tokenSet_110 = new BitSet(mk_tokenSet_110());
+ private static final long[] mk_tokenSet_111() {
+ long[] data = new long[8];
+ data[1]=4612247903394594816L;
+ data[2]=4611686033999790096L;
+ data[3]=8122L;
+ return data;
+ }
+ public static final BitSet _tokenSet_111 = new BitSet(mk_tokenSet_111());
+ private static final long[] mk_tokenSet_112() {
+ long[] data = new long[8];
+ data[0]=17317308137472L;
+ data[1]=-131072L;
+ data[2]=-1L;
+ data[3]=16319L;
+ return data;
+ }
+ public static final BitSet _tokenSet_112 = new BitSet(mk_tokenSet_112());
+ }
diff --git a/base/org.codehaus.groovy26/src/org/codehaus/groovy/antlr/parser/GroovyRecognizer.smap b/base/org.codehaus.groovy26/src/org/codehaus/groovy/antlr/parser/GroovyRecognizer.smap
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..810a49c1fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/base/org.codehaus.groovy26/src/org/codehaus/groovy/antlr/parser/GroovyRecognizer.smap
@@ -0,0 +1,11564 @@
+*S G
++ 0 groovy.g
diff --git a/base/org.codehaus.groovy26/src/org/codehaus/groovy/antlr/parser/GroovyTokenTypes.java b/base/org.codehaus.groovy26/src/org/codehaus/groovy/antlr/parser/GroovyTokenTypes.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f32822cb64
--- /dev/null
+++ b/base/org.codehaus.groovy26/src/org/codehaus/groovy/antlr/parser/GroovyTokenTypes.java
@@ -0,0 +1,247 @@
+// $ANTLR 2.7.7 (20060906): "groovy.g" -> "GroovyRecognizer.java"$
+package org.codehaus.groovy.antlr.parser;
+import java.io.*;
+import java.util.*;
+import groovyjarjarantlr.CommonToken;
+import groovyjarjarantlr.InputBuffer;
+import groovyjarjarantlr.LexerSharedInputState;
+import groovyjarjarantlr.TokenStreamRecognitionException;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.antlr.*;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.Comment;
+public interface GroovyTokenTypes {
+ int EOF = 1;
+ int BLOCK = 4;
+ int MODIFIERS = 5;
+ int OBJBLOCK = 6;
+ int SLIST = 7;
+ int METHOD_DEF = 8;
+ int VARIABLE_DEF = 9;
+ int INSTANCE_INIT = 10;
+ int STATIC_INIT = 11;
+ int TYPE = 12;
+ int CLASS_DEF = 13;
+ int INTERFACE_DEF = 14;
+ int TRAIT_DEF = 15;
+ int PACKAGE_DEF = 16;
+ int EXTENDS_CLAUSE = 18;
+ int PARAMETERS = 20;
+ int PARAMETER_DEF = 21;
+ int LABELED_STAT = 22;
+ int TYPECAST = 23;
+ int INDEX_OP = 24;
+ int POST_INC = 25;
+ int POST_DEC = 26;
+ int METHOD_CALL = 27;
+ int EXPR = 28;
+ int IMPORT = 29;
+ int UNARY_MINUS = 30;
+ int UNARY_PLUS = 31;
+ int CASE_GROUP = 32;
+ int ELIST = 33;
+ int FOR_INIT = 34;
+ int FOR_CONDITION = 35;
+ int FOR_ITERATOR = 36;
+ int EMPTY_STAT = 37;
+ int FINAL = 38;
+ int ABSTRACT = 39;
+ int UNUSED_GOTO = 40;
+ int UNUSED_CONST = 41;
+ int UNUSED_DO = 42;
+ int STRICTFP = 43;
+ int SUPER_CTOR_CALL = 44;
+ int CTOR_CALL = 45;
+ int CTOR_IDENT = 46;
+ int CLOSABLE_BLOCK = 50;
+ int SELECT_SLOT = 52;
+ int DYNAMIC_MEMBER = 53;
+ int LABELED_ARG = 54;
+ int SPREAD_ARG = 55;
+ int SPREAD_MAP_ARG = 56;
+ int FOR_IN_ITERABLE = 59;
+ int STATIC_IMPORT = 60;
+ int ENUM_DEF = 61;
+ int FOR_EACH_CLAUSE = 63;
+ int ANNOTATION_DEF = 64;
+ int ANNOTATIONS = 65;
+ int ANNOTATION = 66;
+ int TYPE_ARGUMENTS = 70;
+ int TYPE_ARGUMENT = 71;
+ int TYPE_PARAMETER = 73;
+ int WILDCARD_TYPE = 74;
+ int CLOSURE_LIST = 77;
+ int MULTICATCH = 78;
+ int SH_COMMENT = 80;
+ int LITERAL_package = 81;
+ int LITERAL_import = 82;
+ int LITERAL_static = 83;
+ int LITERAL_def = 84;
+ int LBRACK = 85;
+ int RBRACK = 86;
+ int IDENT = 87;
+ int STRING_LITERAL = 88;
+ int LT = 89;
+ int DOT = 90;
+ int LPAREN = 91;
+ int LITERAL_class = 92;
+ int LITERAL_interface = 93;
+ int LITERAL_enum = 94;
+ int LITERAL_trait = 95;
+ int AT = 96;
+ int QUESTION = 97;
+ int LITERAL_extends = 98;
+ int LITERAL_super = 99;
+ int GT = 100;
+ int COMMA = 101;
+ int SR = 102;
+ int BSR = 103;
+ int LITERAL_void = 104;
+ int LITERAL_boolean = 105;
+ int LITERAL_byte = 106;
+ int LITERAL_char = 107;
+ int LITERAL_short = 108;
+ int LITERAL_int = 109;
+ int LITERAL_float = 110;
+ int LITERAL_long = 111;
+ int LITERAL_double = 112;
+ int STAR = 113;
+ int LITERAL_as = 114;
+ int LITERAL_private = 115;
+ int LITERAL_public = 116;
+ int LITERAL_protected = 117;
+ int LITERAL_transient = 118;
+ int LITERAL_native = 119;
+ int LITERAL_threadsafe = 120;
+ int LITERAL_synchronized = 121;
+ int LITERAL_volatile = 122;
+ int RPAREN = 123;
+ int ASSIGN = 124;
+ int BAND = 125;
+ int LCURLY = 126;
+ int RCURLY = 127;
+ int SEMI = 128;
+ int LITERAL_default = 129;
+ int LITERAL_throws = 130;
+ int LITERAL_implements = 131;
+ int LITERAL_this = 132;
+ int TRIPLE_DOT = 133;
+ int BOR = 134;
+ int CLOSABLE_BLOCK_OP = 135;
+ int COLON = 136;
+ int LITERAL_if = 137;
+ int LITERAL_else = 138;
+ int LITERAL_while = 139;
+ int LITERAL_switch = 140;
+ int LITERAL_for = 141;
+ int LITERAL_in = 142;
+ int LITERAL_return = 143;
+ int LITERAL_break = 144;
+ int LITERAL_continue = 145;
+ int LITERAL_throw = 146;
+ int LITERAL_assert = 147;
+ int PLUS = 148;
+ int MINUS = 149;
+ int LITERAL_case = 150;
+ int LITERAL_try = 151;
+ int LITERAL_finally = 152;
+ int LITERAL_catch = 153;
+ int SPREAD_DOT = 154;
+ int OPTIONAL_DOT = 155;
+ int MEMBER_POINTER = 156;
+ int LITERAL_false = 157;
+ int LITERAL_instanceof = 158;
+ int LITERAL_new = 159;
+ int LITERAL_null = 160;
+ int LITERAL_true = 161;
+ int PLUS_ASSIGN = 162;
+ int MINUS_ASSIGN = 163;
+ int STAR_ASSIGN = 164;
+ int DIV_ASSIGN = 165;
+ int MOD_ASSIGN = 166;
+ int SR_ASSIGN = 167;
+ int BSR_ASSIGN = 168;
+ int SL_ASSIGN = 169;
+ int BAND_ASSIGN = 170;
+ int BXOR_ASSIGN = 171;
+ int BOR_ASSIGN = 172;
+ int STAR_STAR_ASSIGN = 173;
+ int ELVIS_OPERATOR = 174;
+ int LOR = 175;
+ int LAND = 176;
+ int BXOR = 177;
+ int REGEX_FIND = 178;
+ int REGEX_MATCH = 179;
+ int NOT_EQUAL = 180;
+ int EQUAL = 181;
+ int IDENTICAL = 182;
+ int NOT_IDENTICAL = 183;
+ int COMPARE_TO = 184;
+ int LE = 185;
+ int GE = 186;
+ int SL = 187;
+ int RANGE_INCLUSIVE = 188;
+ int RANGE_EXCLUSIVE = 189;
+ int INC = 190;
+ int DIV = 191;
+ int MOD = 192;
+ int DEC = 193;
+ int STAR_STAR = 194;
+ int BNOT = 195;
+ int LNOT = 196;
+ int STRING_CTOR_START = 197;
+ int STRING_CTOR_END = 198;
+ int NUM_INT = 199;
+ int NUM_FLOAT = 200;
+ int NUM_LONG = 201;
+ int NUM_DOUBLE = 202;
+ int NUM_BIG_INT = 203;
+ int NUM_BIG_DECIMAL = 204;
+ int NLS = 205;
+ int DOLLAR = 206;
+ int WS = 207;
+ int ONE_NL = 208;
+ int ONE_NL_KEEP = 209;
+ int SL_COMMENT = 210;
+ int ML_COMMENT = 211;
+ int STRING_CH = 212;
+ int REGEXP_LITERAL = 213;
+ int REGEXP_CTOR_END = 215;
+ int ESCAPED_SLASH = 217;
+ int ESCAPED_DOLLAR = 218;
+ int REGEXP_SYMBOL = 219;
+ int ESC = 221;
+ int STRING_NL = 222;
+ int HEX_DIGIT = 223;
+ int VOCAB = 224;
+ int LETTER = 225;
+ int DIGIT = 226;
+ int EXPONENT = 229;
+ int FLOAT_SUFFIX = 230;
+ int BIG_SUFFIX = 231;
diff --git a/base/org.codehaus.groovy26/src/org/codehaus/groovy/antlr/parser/GroovyTokenTypes.txt b/base/org.codehaus.groovy26/src/org/codehaus/groovy/antlr/parser/GroovyTokenTypes.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2ba8641d52
--- /dev/null
+++ b/base/org.codehaus.groovy26/src/org/codehaus/groovy/antlr/parser/GroovyTokenTypes.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,230 @@
+// $ANTLR 2.7.7 (20060906): groovy.g -> GroovyTokenTypes.txt$
+Groovy // output token vocab name
+SH_COMMENT("a script header")=80
+IDENT("an identifier")=87
+STRING_LITERAL("a string literal")=88
+STRING_CTOR_END("a string literal end")=198
+NUM_INT("a numeric literal")=199
+NLS("some newlines, whitespace or comments")=205
+ONE_NL("a newline")=208
+ONE_NL_KEEP("a newline")=209
+SL_COMMENT("a single line comment")=210
+ML_COMMENT("a multi-line comment")=211
+STRING_CH("a string character")=212
+REGEXP_LITERAL("a multiline regular expression literal")=213
+DOLLAR_REGEXP_LITERAL("a multiline dollar escaping regular expression literal")=214
+REGEXP_CTOR_END("a multiline regular expression literal end")=215
+DOLLAR_REGEXP_CTOR_END("a multiline dollar escaping regular expression literal end")=216
+REGEXP_SYMBOL("a multiline regular expression character")=219
+DOLLAR_REGEXP_SYMBOL("a multiline dollar escaping regular expression character")=220
+ESC("an escape sequence")=221
+STRING_NL("a newline inside a string")=222
+HEX_DIGIT("a hexadecimal digit")=223
+VOCAB("a character")=224
+LETTER("a letter")=225
+DIGIT("a digit")=226
+DIGITS_WITH_UNDERSCORE("a sequence of digits and underscores, bordered by digits")=227
+DIGITS_WITH_UNDERSCORE_OPT("a sequence of digits and underscores with maybe underscore starting")=228
+EXPONENT("an exponent")=229
+FLOAT_SUFFIX("a float or double suffix")=230
+BIG_SUFFIX("a big decimal suffix")=231
diff --git a/base/org.codehaus.groovy26/src/org/codehaus/groovy/ast/ASTNode.java b/base/org.codehaus.groovy26/src/org/codehaus/groovy/ast/ASTNode.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6b7e8beb84
--- /dev/null
+++ b/base/org.codehaus.groovy26/src/org/codehaus/groovy/ast/ASTNode.java
@@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+package org.codehaus.groovy.ast;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.GroovyBugError;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.util.ListHashMap;
+import java.util.Collections;
+import java.util.Map;
+import java.util.Objects;
+ * Base class for any AST node. This class supports basic information used in all nodes of the AST:
+ *
+ * line and column number information. Usually a node represents a certain
+ * area in a text file determined by a starting position and an ending position.
+ * For nodes that do not represent this, this information will be -1. A node can
+ * also be configured in its line/col information using another node through
+ * setSourcePosition(otherNode).
+ * every node can store meta data. A phase operation or transform can use
+ * this to transport arbitrary information to another phase operation or
+ * transform. The only requirement is that the other phase operation or transform
+ * runs after the part storing the information. If the information transport is
+ * done it is strongly recommended to remove that meta data.
+ * a text representation of this node trough getText(). This was in the
+ * past used for assertion messages. Since the usage of power asserts this
+ * method will not be called for this purpose anymore and might be removed in
+ * future versions of Groovy
+ *
+ *
+ * @author James Strachan
+ * @author Jochen "blackdrag" Theodorou
+ */
+public class ASTNode implements NodeMetaDataHandler {
+ private int lineNumber = -1;
+ private int columnNumber = -1;
+ private int lastLineNumber = -1;
+ private int lastColumnNumber = -1;
+ // GRECLIPSE add
+ private int start = 0;
+ private int end = 0;
+ // GRECLIPSE end
+ private Map metaDataMap = null;
+ private NodeMetaDataHandlerHelper helper = new NodeMetaDataHandlerHelper(this);
+ public void visit(GroovyCodeVisitor visitor) {
+ throw new RuntimeException("No visit() method implemented for class: " + getClass().getName());
+ }
+ public String getText() {
+ return "";
+ }
+ public int getLineNumber() {
+ return lineNumber;
+ }
+ public void setLineNumber(int lineNumber) {
+ this.lineNumber = lineNumber;
+ }
+ public int getColumnNumber() {
+ return columnNumber;
+ }
+ public void setColumnNumber(int columnNumber) {
+ this.columnNumber = columnNumber;
+ }
+ public int getLastLineNumber() {
+ return lastLineNumber;
+ }
+ public void setLastLineNumber(int lastLineNumber) {
+ this.lastLineNumber = lastLineNumber;
+ }
+ public int getLastColumnNumber() {
+ return lastColumnNumber;
+ }
+ public void setLastColumnNumber(int lastColumnNumber) {
+ this.lastColumnNumber = lastColumnNumber;
+ }
+ // GRECLIPSE add
+ public int getStart() {
+ return start;
+ }
+ public void setStart(int start) {
+ this.start = start;
+ }
+ public int getEnd() {
+ return end;
+ }
+ public void setEnd(int end) {
+ this.end = end;
+ }
+ public int getLength() {
+ return end >= 0 && start >= 0 ? end - start : -1;
+ }
+ // GRECLIPSE end
+ /**
+ * Sets the source position using another ASTNode.
+ * The sourcePosition consists of a line/column pair for
+ * the start and a line/column pair for the end of the
+ * expression or statement
+ *
+ * @param node - the node used to configure the position information
+ */
+ public void setSourcePosition(ASTNode node) {
+ this.columnNumber = node.getColumnNumber();
+ this.lastLineNumber = node.getLastLineNumber();
+ this.lastColumnNumber = node.getLastColumnNumber();
+ this.lineNumber = node.getLineNumber();
+ // GRECLIPSE add
+ this.start = node.getStart();
+ this.end = node.getEnd();
+ // GRECLIPSE end
+ }
+ /**
+ * Copies all node meta data from the other node to this one
+ * @param other - the other node
+ */
+ public void copyNodeMetaData(ASTNode other) {
+ copyNodeMetaData((NodeMetaDataHandler) other);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public T getNodeMetaData(Object key) {
+ return helper.getNodeMetaData(key);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void copyNodeMetaData(NodeMetaDataHandler other) {
+ helper.copyNodeMetaData(other);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void setNodeMetaData(Object key, Object value) {
+ helper.setNodeMetaData(key, value);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public Object putNodeMetaData(Object key, Object value) {
+ return helper.putNodeMetaData(key, value);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void removeNodeMetaData(Object key) {
+ helper.removeNodeMetaData(key);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public Map, ?> getNodeMetaData() {
+ return helper.getNodeMetaData();
+ }
+ @Override
+ public ListHashMap getMetaDataMap() {
+ return (ListHashMap) metaDataMap;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void setMetaDataMap(Map, ?> metaDataMap) {
+ this.metaDataMap = metaDataMap;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public boolean equals(Object o) {
+ return this == o;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public int hashCode() {
+ return Objects.hash(lineNumber, columnNumber, lastLineNumber, lastColumnNumber);
+ }
diff --git a/base/org.codehaus.groovy26/src/org/codehaus/groovy/ast/AnnotatedNode.java b/base/org.codehaus.groovy26/src/org/codehaus/groovy/ast/AnnotatedNode.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..534cbe7f65
--- /dev/null
+++ b/base/org.codehaus.groovy26/src/org/codehaus/groovy/ast/AnnotatedNode.java
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+package org.codehaus.groovy.ast;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.Collections;
+import java.util.List;
+ * Base class for any AST node which is capable of being annotated
+ *
+ * @author James Strachan
+ */
+public class AnnotatedNode extends ASTNode {
+ private List annotations = Collections.emptyList();
+ private boolean synthetic;
+ ClassNode declaringClass;
+ private boolean hasNoRealSourcePositionFlag;
+ // GRECLIPSE add
+ private int nameEnd;
+ private int nameStart;
+ // GRECLIPSE end
+ public AnnotatedNode() {
+ }
+ public List getAnnotations() {
+ return annotations;
+ }
+ public List getAnnotations(ClassNode type) {
+ List ret = new ArrayList(annotations.size());
+ for (AnnotationNode node: annotations) {
+ if (type.equals(node.getClassNode())) ret.add(node);
+ }
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public void addAnnotation(AnnotationNode value) {
+ checkInit();
+ annotations.add(value);
+ }
+ private void checkInit() {
+ if (annotations == Collections.EMPTY_LIST)
+ annotations = new ArrayList(3);
+ }
+ public void addAnnotations(List annotations) {
+ for (AnnotationNode node : annotations) {
+ addAnnotation(node);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * returns true if this node is added by the compiler.
+ * NOTE :
+ * This method has nothing to do with the synthetic flag
+ * for fields, methods or classes.
+ * @return true if this node is added by the compiler
+ */
+ public boolean isSynthetic() {
+ return synthetic;
+ }
+ /**
+ * sets this node as a node added by the compiler.
+ * NOTE :
+ * This method has nothing to do with the synthetic flag
+ * for fields, methods or classes.
+ * @param synthetic - if true this node is marked as
+ * added by the compiler
+ */
+ public void setSynthetic(boolean synthetic) {
+ this.synthetic = synthetic;
+ }
+ public ClassNode getDeclaringClass() {
+ return declaringClass;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param declaringClass - The declaringClass to set.
+ */
+ public void setDeclaringClass(ClassNode declaringClass) {
+ this.declaringClass = declaringClass;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Currently only ever returns true for default constructors
+ * added by the compiler. See GROOVY-4161.
+ */
+ public boolean hasNoRealSourcePosition() {
+ return hasNoRealSourcePositionFlag;
+ }
+ public void setHasNoRealSourcePosition(boolean value) {
+ this.hasNoRealSourcePositionFlag = value;
+ }
+ // GRECLIPSE add
+ public int getNameStart() {
+ return nameStart;
+ }
+ public void setNameStart(int nameStart) {
+ this.nameStart = nameStart;
+ }
+ public int getNameEnd() {
+ return nameEnd;
+ }
+ public void setNameEnd(int nameEnd) {
+ this.nameEnd = nameEnd;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void setSourcePosition(ASTNode node) {
+ super.setSourcePosition(node);
+ if (node instanceof AnnotatedNode) {
+ AnnotatedNode aNode = (AnnotatedNode) node;
+ setNameStart(aNode.getNameStart());
+ setNameEnd(aNode.getNameEnd());
+ }
+ }
+ // GRECLIPSE end
diff --git a/base/org.codehaus.groovy26/src/org/codehaus/groovy/ast/ClassCodeVisitorSupport.java b/base/org.codehaus.groovy26/src/org/codehaus/groovy/ast/ClassCodeVisitorSupport.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..604508f02a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/base/org.codehaus.groovy26/src/org/codehaus/groovy/ast/ClassCodeVisitorSupport.java
@@ -0,0 +1,321 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+package org.codehaus.groovy.ast;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.expr.ConstantExpression;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.expr.DeclarationExpression;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.expr.Expression;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.expr.VariableExpression;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.stmt.AssertStatement;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.stmt.BlockStatement;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.stmt.BreakStatement;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.stmt.CaseStatement;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.stmt.CatchStatement;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.stmt.ContinueStatement;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.stmt.DoWhileStatement;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.stmt.ExpressionStatement;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.stmt.ForStatement;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.stmt.IfStatement;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.stmt.ReturnStatement;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.stmt.Statement;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.stmt.SwitchStatement;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.stmt.SynchronizedStatement;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.stmt.ThrowStatement;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.stmt.TryCatchStatement;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.stmt.WhileStatement;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.control.SourceUnit;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.control.messages.SyntaxErrorMessage;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.syntax.PreciseSyntaxException;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.transform.ErrorCollecting;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.Set;
+public abstract class ClassCodeVisitorSupport extends CodeVisitorSupport implements ErrorCollecting, GroovyClassVisitor {
+ public void visitClass(ClassNode node) {
+ visitAnnotations(node);
+ visitPackage(node.getPackage());
+ visitImports(node.getModule());
+ node.visitContents(this);
+ visitObjectInitializerStatements(node);
+ }
+ protected void visitObjectInitializerStatements(ClassNode node) {
+ for (Statement element : node.getObjectInitializerStatements()) {
+ element.visit(this);
+ }
+ }
+ public void visitPackage(PackageNode node) {
+ if (node != null) {
+ visitAnnotations(node);
+ node.visit(this);
+ }
+ }
+ public void visitImports(ModuleNode node) {
+ if (node != null) {
+ for (ImportNode importNode : node.getImports()) {
+ visitAnnotations(importNode);
+ importNode.visit(this);
+ }
+ for (ImportNode importStarNode : node.getStarImports()) {
+ visitAnnotations(importStarNode);
+ importStarNode.visit(this);
+ }
+ for (ImportNode importStaticNode : node.getStaticImports().values()) {
+ visitAnnotations(importStaticNode);
+ importStaticNode.visit(this);
+ }
+ for (ImportNode importStaticStarNode : node.getStaticStarImports().values()) {
+ visitAnnotations(importStaticStarNode);
+ importStaticStarNode.visit(this);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public void visitAnnotations(AnnotatedNode node) {
+ List annotations = node.getAnnotations();
+ // GRECLIPSE edit
+ if (!annotations.isEmpty())
+ visitAnnotations(annotations);
+ // GRECLIPSE end
+ }
+ // GRECLIPSE add
+ protected void visitAnnotations(Iterable nodes) {
+ for (AnnotationNode node : nodes) {
+ // skip built-in properties
+ if (node.isBuiltIn()) continue;
+ Set originals =
+ node.getNodeMetaData("AnnotationCollector");
+ if (originals != null && !originals.isEmpty()) {
+ visitAnnotations(originals);
+ }
+ visitAnnotation(node);
+ }
+ }
+ protected void visitAnnotation(AnnotationNode node) {
+ for (Expression expr : node.getMembers().values()) {
+ expr.visit(this);
+ }
+ }
+ public void visitConstantExpression(ConstantExpression expression) {
+ // check for inlined constant (see ResolveVisitor.transformInlineConstants)
+ Expression original = expression.getNodeMetaData(ORIGINAL_EXPRESSION);
+ if (original != null) {
+ original.visit(this);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns the original source expression (in case of constant inlining) or
+ * the input expression.
+ *
+ * @see org.codehaus.groovy.control.ResolveVisitor#transformInlineConstants
+ * @see org.codehaus.groovy.control.ResolveVisitor#cloneConstantExpression
+ */
+ public static final Expression getNonInlinedExpression(Expression expression) {
+ Expression original = expression.getNodeMetaData(ORIGINAL_EXPRESSION);
+ return original != null ? original : expression;
+ }
+ public static final String ORIGINAL_EXPRESSION = "OriginalExpression";
+ // GRECLIPSE end
+ public void visitBlockStatement(BlockStatement block) {
+ visitStatement(block);
+ super.visitBlockStatement(block);
+ }
+ protected void visitClassCodeContainer(Statement code) {
+ if (code != null) code.visit(this);
+ }
+ public void visitDeclarationExpression(DeclarationExpression expression) {
+ visitAnnotations(expression);
+ super.visitDeclarationExpression(expression);
+ }
+ protected void visitConstructorOrMethod(MethodNode node, boolean isConstructor) {
+ visitAnnotations(node);
+ visitClassCodeContainer(node.getCode());
+ for (Parameter param : node.getParameters()) {
+ visitAnnotations(param);
+ }
+ }
+ public void visitConstructor(ConstructorNode node) {
+ visitConstructorOrMethod(node, true);
+ }
+ public void visitMethod(MethodNode node) {
+ visitConstructorOrMethod(node, false);
+ }
+ public void visitField(FieldNode node) {
+ visitAnnotations(node);
+ Expression init = node.getInitialExpression();
+ if (init != null) init.visit(this);
+ }
+ public void visitProperty(PropertyNode node) {
+ visitAnnotations(node);
+ Statement statement = node.getGetterBlock();
+ visitClassCodeContainer(statement);
+ statement = node.getSetterBlock();
+ visitClassCodeContainer(statement);
+ Expression init = node.getInitialExpression();
+ if (init != null) init.visit(this);
+ }
+ public void addError(String msg, ASTNode expr) {
+ // GRECLIPSE add
+ int line = expr.getLineNumber();
+ int col = expr.getColumnNumber();
+ int start = expr.getStart();
+ int end = expr.getEnd() - 1;
+ if (expr instanceof ClassNode) {
+ // assume we have a class declaration
+ ClassNode cn = (ClassNode) expr;
+ if (cn.getNameEnd() > 0) {
+ start = cn.getNameStart();
+ end = cn.getNameEnd();
+ } else if (cn.getComponentType() != null) {
+ // avoid extra whitespace after closing ]
+ end -= 1;
+ }
+ } else if (expr instanceof DeclarationExpression) {
+ // assume that we just want to underline the variable declaration
+ DeclarationExpression decl = (DeclarationExpression) expr;
+ Expression lhs = decl.getLeftExpression();
+ start = lhs.getStart();
+ // avoid extra space before = if a variable
+ end = lhs instanceof VariableExpression ? start + lhs.getText().length() -1: lhs.getEnd() -1;
+ }
+ // GRECLIPSE end
+ SourceUnit source = getSourceUnit();
+ source.getErrorCollector().addErrorAndContinue(
+ // GRECLIPSE edit
+ //new SyntaxErrorMessage(new SyntaxException(msg + '\n', expr.getLineNumber(), expr.getColumnNumber(), expr.getLastLineNumber(), expr.getLastColumnNumber()), source)
+ new SyntaxErrorMessage(new PreciseSyntaxException(msg + '\n', line, col, start, end), source)
+ // GRECLIPSE end
+ );
+ }
+ // GRECLIPSE add
+ protected void addTypeError(String msg, ClassNode expr) {
+ SourceUnit source = getSourceUnit();
+ source.getErrorCollector().addErrorAndContinue(
+ new SyntaxErrorMessage(new PreciseSyntaxException(msg + '\n', expr.getLineNumber(), expr.getColumnNumber(), expr.getNameStart(), expr.getNameEnd()), source)
+ );
+ }
+ // GRECLIPSE end
+ // GRECLIPSE edit
+ //protected abstract SourceUnit getSourceUnit();
+ protected SourceUnit getSourceUnit() {
+ return null;
+ }
+ // GRECLIPSE end
+ protected void visitStatement(Statement statement) {
+ }
+ public void visitAssertStatement(AssertStatement statement) {
+ visitStatement(statement);
+ super.visitAssertStatement(statement);
+ }
+ public void visitBreakStatement(BreakStatement statement) {
+ visitStatement(statement);
+ super.visitBreakStatement(statement);
+ }
+ public void visitCaseStatement(CaseStatement statement) {
+ visitStatement(statement);
+ super.visitCaseStatement(statement);
+ }
+ public void visitCatchStatement(CatchStatement statement) {
+ visitStatement(statement);
+ super.visitCatchStatement(statement);
+ }
+ public void visitContinueStatement(ContinueStatement statement) {
+ visitStatement(statement);
+ super.visitContinueStatement(statement);
+ }
+ public void visitDoWhileLoop(DoWhileStatement loop) {
+ visitStatement(loop);
+ super.visitDoWhileLoop(loop);
+ }
+ public void visitExpressionStatement(ExpressionStatement statement) {
+ visitStatement(statement);
+ super.visitExpressionStatement(statement);
+ }
+ public void visitForLoop(ForStatement forLoop) {
+ visitStatement(forLoop);
+ super.visitForLoop(forLoop);
+ }
+ public void visitIfElse(IfStatement ifElse) {
+ visitStatement(ifElse);
+ super.visitIfElse(ifElse);
+ }
+ public void visitReturnStatement(ReturnStatement statement) {
+ visitStatement(statement);
+ super.visitReturnStatement(statement);
+ }
+ public void visitSwitch(SwitchStatement statement) {
+ visitStatement(statement);
+ super.visitSwitch(statement);
+ }
+ public void visitSynchronizedStatement(SynchronizedStatement statement) {
+ visitStatement(statement);
+ super.visitSynchronizedStatement(statement);
+ }
+ public void visitThrowStatement(ThrowStatement statement) {
+ visitStatement(statement);
+ super.visitThrowStatement(statement);
+ }
+ public void visitTryCatchFinally(TryCatchStatement statement) {
+ visitStatement(statement);
+ super.visitTryCatchFinally(statement);
+ }
+ public void visitWhileLoop(WhileStatement loop) {
+ visitStatement(loop);
+ super.visitWhileLoop(loop);
+ }
diff --git a/base/org.codehaus.groovy26/src/org/codehaus/groovy/ast/ClassHelper.java b/base/org.codehaus.groovy26/src/org/codehaus/groovy/ast/ClassHelper.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2421e8a896
--- /dev/null
+++ b/base/org.codehaus.groovy26/src/org/codehaus/groovy/ast/ClassHelper.java
@@ -0,0 +1,485 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+package org.codehaus.groovy.ast;
+import groovy.lang.Binding;
+import groovy.lang.Closure;
+import groovy.lang.GString;
+import groovy.lang.GroovyInterceptable;
+import groovy.lang.GroovyObject;
+import groovy.lang.GroovyObjectSupport;
+import groovy.lang.MetaClass;
+import groovy.lang.Range;
+import groovy.lang.Reference;
+import groovy.lang.Script;
+import org.apache.groovy.util.Maps;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.classgen.asm.util.TypeDescriptionUtil;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.GeneratedClosure;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.GeneratedLambda;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.transform.stc.StaticTypeCheckingSupport;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.transform.trait.Traits;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.util.ManagedConcurrentMap;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.util.ReferenceBundle;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.vmplugin.VMPluginFactory;
+import groovyjarjarasm.asm.Opcodes;
+import java.lang.annotation.Annotation;
+import java.lang.annotation.ElementType;
+import java.lang.ref.SoftReference;
+import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
+import java.math.BigDecimal;
+import java.math.BigInteger;
+import java.util.Iterator;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.Map;
+import java.util.regex.Pattern;
+ * This class is a Helper for ClassNode and classes handling ClassNodes.
+ * It does contain a set of predefined ClassNodes for the most used
+ * types and some code for cached ClassNode creation and basic
+ * ClassNode handling
+ */
+public class ClassHelper {
+ private static final Class[] classes = new Class[]{
+ Object.class, Boolean.TYPE, Character.TYPE, Byte.TYPE, Short.TYPE,
+ Integer.TYPE, Long.TYPE, Double.TYPE, Float.TYPE, Void.TYPE,
+ Closure.class, GString.class, List.class, Map.class, Range.class,
+ Pattern.class, Script.class, String.class, Boolean.class,
+ Character.class, Byte.class, Short.class, Integer.class, Long.class,
+ Double.class, Float.class, BigDecimal.class, BigInteger.class,
+ Number.class, Void.class, Reference.class, Class.class, MetaClass.class,
+ Iterator.class, GeneratedClosure.class, GeneratedLambda.class, GroovyObjectSupport.class
+ };
+ private static final String[] primitiveClassNames = new String[]{
+ "", "boolean", "char", "byte", "short",
+ "int", "long", "double", "float", "void"
+ };
+ public static final ClassNode
+ DYNAMIC_TYPE = makeCached(Object.class), OBJECT_TYPE = DYNAMIC_TYPE,
+ VOID_TYPE = makeCached(Void.TYPE),
+ CLOSURE_TYPE = makeCached(Closure.class),
+ GSTRING_TYPE = makeCached(GString.class), LIST_TYPE = makeWithoutCaching(List.class),
+ MAP_TYPE = makeWithoutCaching(Map.class), RANGE_TYPE = makeCached(Range.class),
+ PATTERN_TYPE = makeCached(Pattern.class), STRING_TYPE = makeCached(String.class),
+ SCRIPT_TYPE = makeCached(Script.class), REFERENCE_TYPE = makeWithoutCaching(Reference.class),
+ BINDING_TYPE = makeCached(Binding.class),
+ boolean_TYPE = makeCached(boolean.class), char_TYPE = makeCached(char.class),
+ byte_TYPE = makeCached(byte.class), int_TYPE = makeCached(int.class),
+ long_TYPE = makeCached(long.class), short_TYPE = makeCached(short.class),
+ double_TYPE = makeCached(double.class), float_TYPE = makeCached(float.class),
+ Byte_TYPE = makeCached(Byte.class), Short_TYPE = makeCached(Short.class),
+ Integer_TYPE = makeCached(Integer.class), Long_TYPE = makeCached(Long.class),
+ Character_TYPE = makeCached(Character.class), Float_TYPE = makeCached(Float.class),
+ Double_TYPE = makeCached(Double.class), Boolean_TYPE = makeCached(Boolean.class),
+ BigInteger_TYPE = makeCached(java.math.BigInteger.class),
+ BigDecimal_TYPE = makeCached(java.math.BigDecimal.class),
+ Number_TYPE = makeCached(Number.class),
+ void_WRAPPER_TYPE = makeCached(Void.class), METACLASS_TYPE = makeCached(MetaClass.class),
+ Iterator_TYPE = makeCached(Iterator.class),
+ Enum_Type = makeWithoutCaching(Enum.class),
+ Annotation_TYPE = makeCached(Annotation.class),
+ ELEMENT_TYPE_TYPE = makeCached(ElementType.class),
+// FunctionalInterface_Type = ClassHelper.makeCached(FunctionalInterface.class),
+ // uncached constants.
+ CLASS_Type = makeWithoutCaching(Class.class), COMPARABLE_TYPE = makeWithoutCaching(Comparable.class),
+ GENERATED_CLOSURE_Type = makeWithoutCaching(GeneratedClosure.class),
+ GENERATED_LAMBDA_TYPE = makeWithoutCaching(GeneratedLambda.class),
+ GROOVY_OBJECT_SUPPORT_TYPE = makeWithoutCaching(GroovyObjectSupport.class),
+ GROOVY_OBJECT_TYPE = makeWithoutCaching(GroovyObject.class),
+ GROOVY_INTERCEPTABLE_TYPE = makeWithoutCaching(GroovyInterceptable.class);
+ private static final ClassNode[] types = new ClassNode[]{
+ boolean_TYPE, char_TYPE, byte_TYPE, short_TYPE,
+ int_TYPE, long_TYPE, double_TYPE, float_TYPE,
+ Byte_TYPE, Short_TYPE, Integer_TYPE, Long_TYPE,
+ Double_TYPE, Float_TYPE, BigDecimal_TYPE, BigInteger_TYPE,
+ Number_TYPE,
+ };
+ private static final int ABSTRACT_STATIC_PRIVATE =
+ Modifier.ABSTRACT | Modifier.PRIVATE | Modifier.STATIC;
+ private static final int VISIBILITY = 5; // public|protected
+ protected static final ClassNode[] EMPTY_TYPE_ARRAY = {};
+ public static final String OBJECT = "java.lang.Object";
+ public static ClassNode makeCached(Class c) {
+ final SoftReference classNodeSoftReference = ClassHelperCache.classCache.get(c);
+ ClassNode classNode;
+ if (classNodeSoftReference == null || (classNode = classNodeSoftReference.get()) == null) {
+ // GRECLIPSE edit
+ classNode = new ImmutableClassNode(c);
+ // GRECLIPSE end
+ ClassHelperCache.classCache.put(c, new SoftReference(classNode));
+ VMPluginFactory.getPlugin().setAdditionalClassInformation(classNode);
+ }
+ return classNode;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Creates an array of ClassNodes using an array of classes.
+ * For each of the given classes a new ClassNode will be
+ * created
+ *
+ * @param classes an array of classes used to create the ClassNodes
+ * @return an array of ClassNodes
+ * @see #make(Class)
+ */
+ public static ClassNode[] make(Class[] classes) {
+ ClassNode[] cns = new ClassNode[classes.length];
+ for (int i = 0; i < cns.length; i++) {
+ cns[i] = make(classes[i]);
+ }
+ return cns;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Creates a ClassNode using a given class.
+ * A new ClassNode object is only created if the class
+ * is not one of the predefined ones
+ *
+ * @param c class used to created the ClassNode
+ * @return ClassNode instance created from the given class
+ */
+ public static ClassNode make(Class c) {
+ return make(c, true);
+ }
+ public static ClassNode make(Class c, boolean includeGenerics) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < classes.length; i++) {
+ if (c == classes[i]) return types[i];
+ }
+ if (c.isArray()) {
+ ClassNode cn = make(c.getComponentType(), includeGenerics);
+ return cn.makeArray();
+ }
+ return makeWithoutCaching(c, includeGenerics);
+ }
+ public static ClassNode makeWithoutCaching(Class c) {
+ return makeWithoutCaching(c, true);
+ }
+ public static ClassNode makeWithoutCaching(Class c, boolean includeGenerics) {
+ if (c.isArray()) {
+ ClassNode cn = makeWithoutCaching(c.getComponentType(), includeGenerics);
+ return cn.makeArray();
+ }
+ final ClassNode cached = makeCached(c);
+ if (includeGenerics) {
+ return cached;
+ } else {
+ ClassNode t = makeWithoutCaching(c.getName());
+ t.setRedirect(cached);
+ return t;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Creates a ClassNode using a given class.
+ * Unlike make(String) this method will not use the cache
+ * to create the ClassNode. This means the ClassNode created
+ * from this method using the same name will have a different
+ * reference
+ *
+ * @param name of the class the ClassNode is representing
+ * @see #make(String)
+ */
+ public static ClassNode makeWithoutCaching(String name) {
+ ClassNode cn = new ClassNode(name, Opcodes.ACC_PUBLIC, OBJECT_TYPE);
+ cn.isPrimaryNode = false;
+ return cn;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Creates a ClassNode using a given class.
+ * If the name is one of the predefined ClassNodes then the
+ * corresponding ClassNode instance will be returned. If the
+ * name is null or of length 0 the dynamic type is returned
+ *
+ * @param name of the class the ClassNode is representing
+ */
+ public static ClassNode make(String name) {
+ if (name == null || name.length() == 0) return DYNAMIC_TYPE;
+ for (int i = 0; i < primitiveClassNames.length; i++) {
+ if (primitiveClassNames[i].equals(name)) return types[i];
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < classes.length; i++) {
+ String cname = classes[i].getName();
+ if (name.equals(cname)) return types[i];
+ }
+ return makeWithoutCaching(name);
+ }
+ private static final Map PRIMITIVE_TYPE_TO_WRAPPER_TYPE_MAP = Maps.of(
+ boolean_TYPE, Boolean_TYPE,
+ byte_TYPE, Byte_TYPE,
+ char_TYPE, Character_TYPE,
+ short_TYPE, Short_TYPE,
+ int_TYPE, Integer_TYPE,
+ long_TYPE, Long_TYPE,
+ float_TYPE, Float_TYPE,
+ double_TYPE, Double_TYPE,
+ );
+ /**
+ * Creates a ClassNode containing the wrapper of a ClassNode
+ * of primitive type. Any ClassNode representing a primitive
+ * type should be created using the predefined types used in
+ * class. The method will check the parameter for known
+ * references of ClassNode representing a primitive type. If
+ * Reference is found, then a ClassNode will be contained that
+ * represents the wrapper class. For example for boolean, the
+ * wrapper class is java.lang.Boolean.
+ *
+ * If the parameter is no primitive type, the redirected
+ * ClassNode will be returned
+ *
+ * @param cn the ClassNode containing a possible primitive type
+ * @see #make(Class)
+ * @see #make(String)
+ */
+ public static ClassNode getWrapper(ClassNode cn) {
+ cn = cn.redirect();
+ if (!isPrimitiveType(cn)) return cn;
+ ClassNode result = PRIMITIVE_TYPE_TO_WRAPPER_TYPE_MAP.get(cn);
+ if (null != result) {
+ return result;
+ }
+ return cn;
+ }
+ public static ClassNode getUnwrapper(ClassNode cn) {
+ cn = cn.redirect();
+ if (isPrimitiveType(cn)) return cn;
+ ClassNode result = WRAPPER_TYPE_TO_PRIMITIVE_TYPE_MAP.get(cn);
+ if (null != result) {
+ return result;
+ }
+ return cn;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Test to determine if a ClassNode is a primitive type.
+ * Note: this only works for ClassNodes created using a
+ * predefined ClassNode
+ *
+ * @param cn the ClassNode containing a possible primitive type
+ * @return true if the ClassNode is a primitive type
+ * @see #make(Class)
+ * @see #make(String)
+ */
+ public static boolean isPrimitiveType(ClassNode cn) {
+ return TypeDescriptionUtil.isPrimitiveType(cn);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Test to determine if a ClassNode is a type belongs to the list of types which
+ * are allowed to initialize constants directly in bytecode instead of using <cinit>
+ *
+ * Note: this only works for ClassNodes created using a
+ * predefined ClassNode
+ *
+ * @param cn the ClassNode to be tested
+ * @return true if the ClassNode is of int, float, long, double or String type
+ * @see #make(Class)
+ * @see #make(String)
+ */
+ public static boolean isStaticConstantInitializerType(ClassNode cn) {
+ return cn == int_TYPE ||
+ cn == float_TYPE ||
+ cn == long_TYPE ||
+ cn == double_TYPE ||
+ cn == STRING_TYPE ||
+ // the next items require conversion to int when initializing
+ cn == byte_TYPE ||
+ cn == char_TYPE ||
+ cn == short_TYPE;
+ }
+ public static boolean isNumberType(ClassNode cn) {
+ return cn == Byte_TYPE ||
+ cn == Short_TYPE ||
+ cn == Integer_TYPE ||
+ cn == Long_TYPE ||
+ cn == Float_TYPE ||
+ cn == Double_TYPE ||
+ cn == byte_TYPE ||
+ cn == short_TYPE ||
+ cn == int_TYPE ||
+ cn == long_TYPE ||
+ cn == float_TYPE ||
+ cn == double_TYPE;
+ }
+ public static ClassNode makeReference() {
+ return REFERENCE_TYPE.getPlainNodeReference();
+ }
+ public static boolean isCachedType(ClassNode type) {
+ for (ClassNode cachedType : types) {
+ if (cachedType == type) return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ static class ClassHelperCache {
+ static ManagedConcurrentMap> classCache = new ManagedConcurrentMap>(ReferenceBundle.getWeakBundle());
+ }
+ public static boolean isSAMType(ClassNode type) {
+ return findSAM(type) != null;
+ }
+ public static boolean isFunctionalInterface(ClassNode type) {
+ // Functional interface must be an interface at first, or the following exception will occur:
+ // java.lang.invoke.LambdaConversionException: Functional interface SamCallable is not an interface
+ return type.isInterface() && isSAMType(type);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns the single abstract method of a class node, if it is a SAM type, or null otherwise.
+ *
+ * @param type a type for which to search for a single abstract method
+ * @return the method node if type is a SAM type, null otherwise
+ */
+ public static MethodNode findSAM(ClassNode type) {
+ if (!Modifier.isAbstract(type.getModifiers())) return null;
+ if (type.isInterface()) {
+ List methods;
+ if (type.isInterface()) {
+ // e.g. BinaryOperator extends BiFunction, BinaryOperator contains no abstract method, but it is really a SAM
+ methods = type.redirect().getAllDeclaredMethods();
+ } else {
+ methods = type.getMethods();
+ }
+ MethodNode found = null;
+ for (MethodNode mi : methods) {
+ // ignore methods, that are not abstract and from Object
+ if (!Modifier.isAbstract(mi.getModifiers())) continue;
+ // ignore trait methods which have a default implementation
+ if (Traits.hasDefaultImplementation(mi)) continue;
+ if (mi.getDeclaringClass().equals(OBJECT_TYPE)) continue;
+ if (OBJECT_TYPE.getDeclaredMethod(mi.getName(), mi.getParameters()) != null) continue;
+ // we have two methods, so no SAM
+ if (found != null) return null;
+ found = mi;
+ }
+ return found;
+ } else {
+ List methods = type.getAbstractMethods();
+ MethodNode found = null;
+ if (methods != null) {
+ for (MethodNode mi : methods) {
+ if (!hasUsableImplementation(type, mi)) {
+ if (found != null) return null;
+ found = mi;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return found;
+ }
+ }
+ private static boolean hasUsableImplementation(ClassNode c, MethodNode m) {
+ if (c == m.getDeclaringClass()) return false;
+ MethodNode found = c.getDeclaredMethod(m.getName(), m.getParameters());
+ if (found == null) return false;
+ int asp = found.getModifiers() & ABSTRACT_STATIC_PRIVATE;
+ int visible = found.getModifiers() & VISIBILITY;
+ if (visible != 0 && asp == 0) return true;
+ if (c.equals(OBJECT_TYPE)) return false;
+ return hasUsableImplementation(c.getSuperClass(), m);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns a super class or interface for a given class depending on a given target.
+ * If the target is no super class or interface, then null will be returned.
+ * For a non-primitive array type, returns an array of the componentType's super class
+ * or interface if the target is also an array.
+ *
+ * @param clazz the start class
+ * @param goalClazz the goal class
+ * @return the next super class or interface
+ */
+ public static ClassNode getNextSuperClass(ClassNode clazz, ClassNode goalClazz) {
+ if (clazz.isArray()) {
+ if (!goalClazz.isArray()) return null;
+ ClassNode cn = getNextSuperClass(clazz.getComponentType(), goalClazz.getComponentType());
+ if (cn != null) cn = cn.makeArray();
+ return cn;
+ }
+ if (!goalClazz.isInterface()) {
+ if (clazz.isInterface()) {
+ if (OBJECT_TYPE.equals(clazz)) return null;
+ return OBJECT_TYPE;
+ } else {
+ return clazz.getUnresolvedSuperClass();
+ }
+ }
+ ClassNode[] interfaces = clazz.getUnresolvedInterfaces();
+ for (ClassNode anInterface : interfaces) {
+ if (StaticTypeCheckingSupport.implementsInterfaceOrIsSubclassOf(anInterface, goalClazz)) {
+ return anInterface;
+ }
+ }
+ //none of the interfaces here match, so continue with super class
+ return clazz.getUnresolvedSuperClass();
+ }
diff --git a/base/org.codehaus.groovy26/src/org/codehaus/groovy/ast/ClassNode.java b/base/org.codehaus.groovy26/src/org/codehaus/groovy/ast/ClassNode.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6e820f6a91
--- /dev/null
+++ b/base/org.codehaus.groovy26/src/org/codehaus/groovy/ast/ClassNode.java
@@ -0,0 +1,1645 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+package org.codehaus.groovy.ast;
+import groovy.lang.groovydoc.Groovydoc;
+import groovy.lang.groovydoc.GroovydocHolder;
+import org.apache.groovy.ast.tools.ClassNodeUtils;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.GroovyBugError;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.expr.BinaryExpression;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.expr.Expression;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.expr.FieldExpression;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.expr.TupleExpression;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.stmt.BlockStatement;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.stmt.ExpressionStatement;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.stmt.Statement;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.tools.ParameterUtils;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.control.CompilePhase;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.transform.ASTTransformation;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.transform.GroovyASTTransformation;
+import org.codehaus.groovy.vmplugin.VMPluginFactory;
+import groovyjarjarasm.asm.Opcodes;
+import java.lang.reflect.Array;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.Collections;
+import java.util.EnumMap;
+import java.util.Iterator;
+import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
+import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
+import java.util.LinkedList;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.ListIterator;
+import java.util.Map;
+import java.util.Set;
+ * Represents a class in the AST.
+ *
+ * A ClassNode should be created using the methods in ClassHelper.
+ * This ClassNode may be used to represent a class declaration or
+ * any other type. This class uses a proxy mechanism allowing to
+ * create a class for a plain name at AST creation time. In another
+ * phase of the compiler the real ClassNode for the plain name may be
+ * found. To avoid the need of exchanging this ClassNode with an
+ * instance of the correct ClassNode the correct ClassNode is set as
+ * redirect. Most method calls are then redirected to that ClassNode.
+ *
+ * There are three types of ClassNodes:
+ *
+ * Primary ClassNodes:
+ * A primary ClassNode is one where we have a source representation
+ * which is to be compiled by Groovy and which we have an AST for.
+ * The groovy compiler will output one class for each such ClassNode
+ * that passes through AsmBytecodeGenerator... not more, not less.
+ * That means for example Closures become such ClassNodes too at
+ * some point.
+ * ClassNodes create through different sources (typically created
+ * from a java.lang.reflect.Class object):
+ * The compiler will not output classes from these, the methods
+ * usually do not contain bodies. These kind of ClassNodes will be
+ * used in different checks, but not checks that work on the method
+ * bodies. For example if such a ClassNode is a super class to a primary
+ * ClassNode, then the abstract method test and others will be done
+ * with data based on these. Theoretically it is also possible to mix both
+ * (1 and 2) kind of classes in a hierarchy, but this probably works only
+ * in the newest Groovy versions. Such ClassNodes normally have to
+ * isResolved() returning true without having a redirect.In the Groovy
+ * compiler the only version of this, that exists, is a ClassNode created
+ * through a Class instance
+ * Labels:
+ * ClassNodes created through ClassHelper.makeWithoutCaching. They
+ * are place holders, its redirect points to the real structure, which can
+ * be a label too, but following all redirects it should end with a ClassNode
+ * from one of the other two categories. If ResolveVisitor finds such a
+ * node, it tries to set the redirects. Any such label created after
+ * ResolveVisitor has done its work needs to have a redirect pointing to
+ * case 1 or 2. If not the compiler may react strange... this can be considered
+ * as a kind of dangling pointer.
+ *
+ * Note: the redirect mechanism is only allowed for classes
+ * that are not primary ClassNodes. Typically this is done for classes
+ * created by name only. The redirect itself can be any type of ClassNode.
+ *
+ * To describe generic type signature see {@link #getGenericsTypes()} and
+ * {@link #setGenericsTypes(GenericsType[])}. These methods are not proxied,
+ * they describe the type signature used at the point of declaration or the
+ * type signatures provided by the class. If the type signatures provided
+ * by the class are needed, then a call to {@link #redirect()} will help.
+ *
+ * @see org.codehaus.groovy.ast.ClassHelper
+ */
+public class ClassNode extends AnnotatedNode implements Opcodes, GroovydocHolder {
+ // GRECLIPSE private->package
+ static class MapOfLists {
+ // GRECLIPSE private->protected
+ protected Map> map;
+ public List get(Object key) {
+ return map == null ? null : map.get(key);
+ }
+ public List getNotNull(Object key) {
+ List ret = get(key);
+ if (ret==null) ret = Collections.emptyList();
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public void put(Object key, MethodNode value) {
+ if (map == null) {
+ map = new LinkedHashMap>();
+ }
+ if (map.containsKey(key)) {
+ get(key).add(value);
+ } else {
+ List list = new ArrayList(2);
+ list.add(value);
+ map.put(key, list);
+ }
+ }
+ public void remove(Object key, MethodNode value) {
+ get(key).remove(value);
+ }
+ }
+ public static final ClassNode[] EMPTY_ARRAY = new ClassNode[0];
+ public static final ClassNode THIS = new ClassNode(Object.class);
+ public static final ClassNode SUPER = new ClassNode(Object.class);
+ private String name;
+ private int modifiers;
+ private boolean syntheticPublic;
+ private ClassNode[] interfaces;
+ private MixinNode[] mixins;
+ private List constructors;
+ private List objectInitializers;
+ // GRECLIPSE private->protected
+ protected MapOfLists methods;
+ private List methodsList;
+ private LinkedList fields;
+ private List properties;
+ private Map