Simple Object Oriented Programming framework for JavaScript. It's light-weight and efficient.
This framework requires ECMAScript 5
###Defining a class Notes:
- Every class must at least define a constructor
- A class may have a namespace 0 or more levels deep ('.' separated)
- Property descriptors will be preserved (configurable, enumerable, writable, etc...)
soop.define('app.namespace.TestClass', {
value: 42,
constructor: function() {},
getValue: function() { return this.value; }
var test = new app.namespace.TestClass();
test.getValue(); //42
###Inheriting a super class
soop.define('SuperClass', {
value: 0,
constructor: function(value) { this.value = value; },
func: function() { return 1; }
soop.define('TestClass', {
inherits: SuperClass,
constructor: function(value) {
func: function me() {
var test = new TestClass(41);
test.value; //42
test.func(); //2
###Implementing interfaces
soop.define('Interface1', {
constructor: function() {},
func1: function() { return 1; }
soop.define('Interface2', {
constructor: function() {},
func2: function() { return 2; }
soop.define('TestClass', {
implements: [Interface1,Interface2],
constructor: function() {},
func1: function me() {
func2: function me() {
var test = new TestClass();
test.func1(); //2
test.func2(); //4
Tests are written as jasmine tests and configured for the karma test runner. To run the tests, navigate to the tests directory and run:
karma start karma.config.js --single-run
The build is configured for Grunt. The first time building, run the following steps on the command line:
To be able to run grunt on the command line:
npm install -g grunt-cli
To install all required grunt plugins by this project:
npm install
To build soop, run: