+++ title = "Schedule" +++
- 9:00-9:10. Opening by Prof. Amanda S. Barnard
- 9:10-9:20. Intro to workshop
- 9:20-10:00. Overview of Julia
- 10:00-10:20. Coffee break
- 10:20-11:20. Intro to FEM
- 11:20-12:00. Tutorial 1: Poisson equation
- 12:00-12:50. Lunch break
- 12:50-13:50. Exercise 1: Linear Elasticity
- 13:50-14:20. Tutorial 2: p-Laplacian
- 14:20-14:40. Re-scheduled to Day 2 Tutorial 3: Heat Equation
- 14:40-15:10. Coffee Break
- 15:10-15:40. Tutorial 4: Stokes problem
- 15:40-17:00. Exercise 2: Navier-Stokes equations
- 9:00-10:00. Exercise 3: Transient Navier-Stokes problem
- 10:00-10:20. Coffee Break
- 10:20-11:20. Parallel distributed-memory computing with Gridap ecosystem
- 11:20-12:00. Parallel Transient Navier-Stokes
- 12:00-12:50. Lunch break
- 12:50-14:00. Introduction to Gadi and our first HPC cluster computations
- 14:00-14:30. Coffee break
- 14:30-16:00. Tutorial 6: Darcy + parallel distributed-memory AMR
- 16:00-17:00. Q&A and discussion with developers