+ The PREFERENCE element in GET_PREFERENCES and GET_CONFIGS responses + contains an ID subelement. The ID should help in identifying + preferences within the same nvt instead of using the preference name + which may be changed. +
++ The content of the elements CVE_ID, BUGTRAQ_ID and XREFS is now integrated + into the REFS element. +
++ The former element CERT_REFS is now named REFS and the id's for the type + are now lower case, ie. "cert-bund" and "dfn-cert" instead of "CERT-Bund" and "DFN-CERT". +
++ The content of the elements CVE_ID, BUGTRAQ_ID and XREFS is now integrated + into the REFS element. +
++ The former element CERT is now named REFS and the id's for the type + are now lower case, ie. "cert-bund" and "dfn-cert" instead of "CERT-Bund" and "DFN-CERT". +
++ The content of former elements CVE and BID are now also part of REFS and the + respective REF types are "cve" and "bid". +
++ The content of former element XREF is now also part of REFS and the + respective REF type is the former prefix of the XREF, for example "URL". +
++ The "NOCVE", "NOXREF" and "NOBID" strings that previously indicated the absense + of a CVE, XREF or BID are not applied anymore. +