Since Spring now officially supports GraphQL we have decided to archive this project. We encourage you to start using Spring for GraphQL instead. If you're projects rely on this library and you really require an update and cannot migrate to Spring for GraphQL yet, then you should fork this repository and make the necessary changes on your own.
Table of Contents
- Quick start
- Documentation
- Requirements and Downloads
- Enable GraphQL Servlet
- Enable GraphiQL
- Enable Altair
- Enable GraphQL Playground
- Enable GraphQL Voyager
- Supported GraphQL-Java Libraries
- Tracing and Metrics
- Contributions
- Licenses
Set the Kotlin version in your gradle.properties
Set the Kotlin version in your <properties>
See our new Documentation.
- Java 1.8
- Spring Framework Boot > 2.x.x (web)
repositories {
dependencies {
implementation 'com.graphql-java-kickstart:graphql-spring-boot-starter:14.0.0'
// testing facilities
testImplementation 'com.graphql-java-kickstart:graphql-spring-boot-starter-test:14.0.0'
<!-- testing facilities -->
For gradle:
repositories {
maven { url "https://oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/snapshots/" }
The servlet becomes accessible at /graphql
if graphql-spring-boot-starter
added as a dependency
to a boot application and a GraphQLSchema
bean is present in the application. Check out
the simple example
for the bare minimum required.
A GraphQL schema can also be automatically created when a supported graphql-java schema library is found on the classpath.
See the graphql-java-servlet usage docs for the avaiable endpoints exposed.
Available Spring Boot configuration parameters (either application.yml
or application.properties
# Sets if GraphQL servlet should be created and exposed. If not specified defaults to "true".
enabled: true
# Sets the path where GraphQL servlet will be exposed. If not specified defaults to "/graphql"
mapping: /graphql
cors-enabled: true
allowed-origins: http://some.domain.com
allowed-methods: GET, HEAD, POST
# if you want to @ExceptionHandler annotation for custom GraphQLErrors
exception-handlers-enabled: true
# Sets if asynchronous operations are supported for GraphQL requests. If not specified defaults to true.
async-mode-enabled: true
By default a global CORS filter is enabled for /graphql/**
context. The corsEnabled
can be set
to false
to disable it.
GraphiQL becomes accessible at the root /graphiql
if the graphql.graphiql.enabled
is true.
Note that GraphQL server must be available at /graphql/*
context to be discovered by GraphiQL.
Available Spring Boot configuration parameters (either application.yml
or application.properties
mapping: /graphiql
graphql: /graphql
subscriptions: /subscriptions
timeout: 30
reconnect: false
basePath: /
enabled: true
pageTitle: GraphiQL
enabled: false
version: latest
query: query.graphql
defaultQuery: defaultQuery.graphql
variables: variables.json
editorTheme: "solarized light"
Authorization: "Bearer <your-token>"
By default GraphiQL is served from within the package. This can be configured to be served from CDN
instead, by setting the property graphiql.cdn.enabled
to true
You are able to set the GraphiQL props as well. The graphiql.props.variables
group can contain any
of the props as defined at GraphiQL Usage. Since
setting (large) queries in the properties like this isn't very readable, you can use the properties
in the graphiql.props.resources
group to set the classpath resources that should be loaded.
Headers that are used when sending the GraphiQL queries can be set by defining them in
the graphiql.headers
Altair becomes accessible at the root /altair
if the graphql.altair.enabled
property is true.
Note that GraphQL server must be available at /graphql/*
context to be discovered by Altair.
Available Spring Boot configuration parameters (either application.yml
or application.properties
enabled: true
mapping: /altair
timeout: 30
reconnect: false
base-path: /
page-title: Altair
enabled: false
version: 4.0.2
endpoint-url: /graphql
subscriptions-endpoint: /subscriptions
theme: dracula
Authorization: "Bearer <your-token>"
initial-query: defaultQuery.graphql
initial-variables: variables.graphql
initial-pre-request-script: pre-request.graphql
initial-post-request-script: post-request.graphql
By default Altair is served from within the package. This can be configured to be served from CDN
instead, by setting the property graphql.altair.cdn.enabled
to true
You are able to set the Altair options as well using the graphql.altair.options
group. Since
setting (
large) queries in the properties like this isn't very readable, you can use the properties in
the graphql.altair.resources
group to set the classpath resources that should be loaded.
GraphQL Playground becomes accessible at root /playground
(or as configured
in graphql.playground.mapping
) if the graphql.playground.enabled
property is true.
It uses an embedded GraphQL Playground React
, in accordance to
the official guide, using the 'minimum
HTML' approach.
Available Spring Boot configuration parameters (either application.yml
or application.properties
mapping: /playground
endpoint: /graphql
subscriptionEndpoint: /subscriptions
staticPath.base: my-playground-resources-folder
enabled: true
pageTitle: Playground
enabled: false
version: latest
editor.cursorShape: line
editor.fontFamily: "'Source Code Pro', 'Consolas', 'Inconsolata', 'Droid Sans Mono', 'Monaco', monospace"
editor.fontSize: 14
editor.reuseHeaders: true
editor.theme: dark
general.betaUpdates: false
prettier.printWidth: 80
prettier.tabWidth: 2
prettier.useTabs: false
request.credentials: omit
schema.polling.enable: true
schema.polling.endpointFilter: "*localhost*"
schema.polling.interval: 2000
schema.disableComments: true
tracing.hideTracingResponse: true
headerFor: AllTabs
- name: Example Tab
query: classpath:exampleQuery.graphql
SomeHeader: Some value
variables: classpath:variables.json
- classpath:exampleResponse1.json
- classpath:exampleResponse2.json
, endpoint
and subscriptionEndpoint
will default to /playground
, /graphql
and /subscriptions
, respectively. Note that these values may not be empty.
defaults to true
, and therefor Playground will be available by default if the dependency
is added to a Spring Boot Web Application project.
defaults to Playground
allows you to specify headers for the default tab. Note that if your are using Spring
Security and CSRF is enabled CSRF, the CSRF token will be automatically added to the headers. These
headers will also be added to all the tabs configured under the Tabs section. If a header
is defined both in this 'global' header list and the header list of the individual tabs, the 'local'
version will be used for that tab.
The currently bundled version is 1.7.20
, which is - as of writing this - the latest release
of GraphQL Playground React
. The CDN option uses jsDelivr
CDN, if enabled. By default, it will
load the latest available release. Available CDN versions can be found on the project's
jsDelivr page. The CDN option is
disabled by default.
You can also specify a custom local version of Playground by setting the base path for Playground
resources in the staticPath.base
property. Under this directory, you have to provide the following
This is identical to the directory structure of the CDN under the build
subfolder (where these
files can be found).
Further GraphQL Playground settings can be specified under the settings
group, which are
documented in the official
GraphQL Playground readme. Note that
enum-like values are validated against the available options, and your application will not start if
wrong settings are provided. Similarly there is some basic validation for integer values (they must
be valid positive integers).
Optionally, you can specify tabs that will be present when the user first opens GraphQL Playground.
You can configure the query, variables, headers and even supply sample responses. Note that query
, variables
and responses
are expected to be resources of the appropriate format (GraphQL
for query
, JSON for variables
and responses
GraphQL Voyager becomes accessible at root /voyager
(or as configured in voyager.mapping
if the graphql.voyager.enabled
property is true.
Available Spring Boot configuration parameters (either application.yml
or application.properties
enabled: true
basePath: /
mapping: /voyager
endpoint: /graphql
enabled: false
version: latest
pageTitle: Voyager
skipRelay: true
skipDeprecated: true
rootType: Query
sortByAlphabet: false
showLeafFields: true
hideRoot: false
hideDocs: false
hideSettings: false
and endpoint
will default to /voyager
and /graphql
, respectively. Note that these
values may not be empty.
defaults to true
, and therefor GraphQL Voyager will be available by default if the
dependency is added to a Spring Boot Web Application project.
defaults to Voyager
All other properties default to the same as documented on the official GraphQL Voyager readme
The currently bundled version is 1.0.0-rc31
, which is - as of writing this - the latest release
of GraphQL Voyager. The CDN option uses jsDelivr
CDN, if enabled. By default, it will load the
latest available release. Available CDN versions can be found on the project's
jsDelivr page. The CDN option is disabled by
Further GraphQL Voyager displayOptions
, hideDocs
and hideSettings
customizations can be
configured, as documented in the official
GraphQL Voyager readme.
The following libraries have auto-configuration classes for creating a GraphQLSchema
All GraphQLResolver
and GraphQLScalar
beans, along with a bean of
type SchemaParserDictionary
(to provide all other classes), will be used to create a
GraphQLSchema. Any files on the classpath named *.graphqls
will be used to provide the schema
definition. See the Readme for
more info.
Available Spring Boot configuration parameters (either application.yml
or application.properties
schema-location-pattern: "**/*.graphqls"
# Enable or disable the introspection query. Disabling it puts your server in contravention of the GraphQL
# specification and expectations of most clients, so use this option with caution
introspection-enabled: true
By default GraphQL tools uses the location pattern **/*.graphqls
to scan for GraphQL schemas on
the classpath. Use the schemaLocationPattern
property to customize this pattern.
To use GraphQL Annotations library instead of GraphQL Java Tools, set the graphql.schema-strategy
property to annotations
The schema will be built using the GraphQL Annotations library in a code-first approach - instead of writing it manually, the schema will be constructed based on the Java code. Please see the documentation of the GraphQL Annotations library for a detailed documentation of the available annotations. This readme focuses on how GraphQL Annotations - GraphQL Spring Boot Starter integration works.
base-package: com.example.graphl.schema # required
always-prettify: true #true is the default value, no need to specify it
The most important parameter is the base package. The starter will look for schema-relevant classes
in the specified package and its subpackages. always-prettify
will "prettify" getter/setter
methods - the get/set/is prefix will be removed from GraphQL fields automatically.
The root resolvers must be marked with the GraphQLQueryResolver
, GraphQLMutationResolver
and GraphQLSubscription
annotations (not to be confused with the marker interfaces from the GraphQL Java Tools library).
Unlike GraphQL Java Tools, GraphQL Annotations only supports one of them each. Furthermore, GraphQL Annotations only accepts a class as input, not an instance. It will either create a new instance of the class itself, or use static methods. This means that Spring dependency injection will not work in the usual way. The companion example project (which can be found in the samples repository) demonstrates possible workarounds for this issue.
and GraphQLTypeExtension
-annotated classes are subject to the same
limitation regarding dependency injection - but there can be any number of them.
Interfaces in the configured package having at least one of their methods marked as @GraphQLField
are considered a GraphQL interface, and their implementations are automatically added to the schema.
Furthermore, you have to add the following annotation to GraphQL
interfaces: @GraphQLTypeResolver(GraphQLInterfaceTypeResolver.class)
Custom scalars can be defined in the same way as in the case of using GraphQL Java Tools - just
define the
The starter will also pick up TypeFunction
beans and pass them to the schema builder.
In these cases the actual beans will be used, not just the classes. Spring dependency injection works as usual.
It is possible to define a bean implementing Relay
and/or GraphQLAnnotations
. If present, these
will be passed to the schema builder. Spring dependency injection works as usual. Note that GraphQL
Annotations provides default implementation for these which should be sufficient is most cases.
Extended scalars can be enabled by
using the
configuration property, e. g.:
extended-scalars: BigDecimal, Date
The available scalars are the following: BigDecimal
, BigInteger
, Byte
, Char
, Date
, LocalTime
(since 13.0.0), Locale
, Long
, NegativeFloat
, NegativeInt
, NonNegativeInt
, NonPositiveFloat
, Object
, PositiveFloat
, Short
, Time
(since 13.0.0), Url
This setting works with both the GraphQL Java Tools and the GraphQL Annotations integration.
When using the GraphQL Java Tools integration, the scalars must also be declared in the GraphQL Schema:
scalar BigDecimal
scalar Date
Requires version 13.0.0 or greater
The starter also supports aliased scalars.
You can define aliases for any standard or extended scalar, as shown in the example below. Note that
the original extended scalar (BigDecimal
) will not be available. You have to use
property to declare it.
BigDecimal: Number, Decimal
String: Text
When using the GraphQL Java Tools integration, the aliased scalars must also be declared in the GraphQL Schema:
scalar Number
scalar Decimal
scalar Text
Note: Custom scalar beans cannot be aliased this way. If you need to alias them, you have to manually declare the aliased scalar bean.
Apollo style tracing along with two levels of metrics based on them are currently configurable. Full tracing is based on the GraphQL java implementation, and can be enabled in the application.yml or application.properties file:
tracing-enabled: true
the default value is false, with "metrics-only" being available. Metrics-only does not add the tracing extension to the response.
Metrics utilize one of two forms of tracing to feed information to Micrometer. If tracing is enabled, or set to "metrics-only", full tracing metrics will be collected, otherwise a tracing implementation that does not collect field data will be injected. Metrics can be configured in the application.yml or application.properties to either true or false, with a default of false:
actuator-metrics: true
See Baeldung Spring Boot Actuators for the basics
of using Actuator. Add spring-boot-starter-actuator
to your project as dependency.
The following metrics are available for exposure:
- number of active websocket sessions for subscriptionsgraphql.websocket.subscriptions
- number of active subscriptions
If you're using graphql-java-tools
in combination with Spring Boot 2.1.x or below then you need to
set the
in your Spring Boot project explicitly to version >= 1.3.70, because Spring Boot
Starter parent of that Spring Boot version overrides it with a 1.2.* version of Kotlin.
requires 1.3.* however because of its coroutine support. If you don't override
this version you will run into a NoClassDefFoundError
Spring Boot team has indicated the Kotlin version will be upgraded to 1.3 in Spring Boot 2.2.
Contributions are welcome. Please respect the Code of Conduct.
is licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for