This is a plugin for graphql-compose, which derives GraphQLType from your mongoose model. Also derives bunch of internal GraphQL Types. Provide all CRUD resolvers, including graphql connection
, also provided basic search via operators ($lt, $gt and so on).
Release Notes for v9.0.0 contains a lot of improvements. It's strongly recommended for reading before upgrading from v8.
- Installation
- Intro video
- Example
- Customization options
- Resolvers' customization options
connection(opts?: ConnectionResolverOpts)
count(opts?: CountResolverOpts)
createMany(opts?: CreateManyResolverOpts)
createOne(opts?: CreateOneResolverOpts)
dataLoader(opts?: DataLoaderResolverOpts)
dataLoaderMany(opts?: DataLoaderManyResolverOpts)
findById(opts?: FindByIdResolverOpts)
findByIds(opts?: FindByIdsResolverOpts)
findMany(opts?: FindManyResolverOpts)
findOne(opts?: FindOneResolverOpts)
pagination(opts?: PaginationResolverOpts)
removeById(opts?: RemoveByIdResolverOpts)
removeMany(opts?: RemoveManyResolverOpts)
removeOne(opts?: RemoveOneResolverOpts)
updateById(opts?: UpdateByIdResolverOpts)
updateMany(opts?: UpdateManyResolverOpts)
updateOne(opts?: UpdateOneResolverOpts)
- Description of common resolvers' options
- Can I get generated vanilla GraphQL types?
- How to add custom fields?
- How to build nesting/relations?
- Reusing the same mongoose Schema in embedded object fields
- Access and modify mongoose doc before save
- How can I restrict access to certain fields or documents?
- How can I push/pop or add/remove values to arrays?
- Is it possible to use several schemas?
- Embedded documents has
field and you don't need it? - Can field name in schema have different name in database?
- Backers
- Sponsors
- License
npm install graphql graphql-compose mongoose graphql-compose-mongoose --save
Modules graphql
, graphql-compose
, mongoose
are in peerDependencies
, so should be installed explicitly in your app. They have global objects and should not have ability to be installed as submodule.
Viktor Kjartansson created a quite solid intro for graphql-compose-mongoose
in comparison with graphql-tools
: (23 mins)
Live demo:
Source code:
Small explanation for variables naming:
- this is a mongoose schemaUser
- this is a mongoose modelUserTC
- this is aObjectTypeComposer
instance for User.ObjectTypeComposer
inside, available via methodUserTC.getType()
.- Here and in all other places of code variables suffix
means that this isObjectTypeComposer
import mongoose from 'mongoose';
import { composeMongoose } from 'graphql-compose-mongoose';
import { schemaComposer } from 'graphql-compose';
const LanguagesSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
language: String,
skill: {
type: String,
enum: ['basic', 'fluent', 'native'],
const UserSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
name: String, // standard types
age: {
type: Number,
index: true,
ln: {
type: [LanguagesSchema], // you may include other schemas (here included as array of embedded documents)
default: [],
alias: 'languages', // in schema `ln` will be named as `languages`
contacts: { // another mongoose way for providing embedded documents
email: String,
phones: [String], // array of strings
gender: { // enum field with values
type: String,
enum: ['male', 'female'],
someMixed: {
type: mongoose.Schema.Types.Mixed,
description: 'Can be any mixed type, that will be treated as JSON GraphQL Scalar Type',
const User = mongoose.model('User', UserSchema);
const customizationOptions = {}; // left it empty for simplicity, described below
const UserTC = composeMongoose(User, customizationOptions);
// via graphql-compose it will be much much easier, with less typing
userById: UserTC.mongooseResolvers.findById(),
userByIds: UserTC.mongooseResolvers.findByIds(),
userOne: UserTC.mongooseResolvers.findOne(),
userMany: UserTC.mongooseResolvers.findMany(),
userDataLoader: UserTC.mongooseResolvers.dataLoader(),
userDataLoaderMany: UserTC.mongooseResolvers.dataLoaderMany(),
userByIdLean: UserTC.mongooseResolvers.findById({ lean: true }),
userByIdsLean: UserTC.mongooseResolvers.findByIds({ lean: true }),
userOneLean: UserTC.mongooseResolvers.findOne({ lean: true }),
userManyLean: UserTC.mongooseResolvers.findMany({ lean: true }),
userDataLoaderLean: UserTC.mongooseResolvers.dataLoader({ lean: true }),
userDataLoaderManyLean: UserTC.mongooseResolvers.dataLoaderMany({ lean: true }),
userCount: UserTC.mongooseResolvers.count(),
userConnection: UserTC.mongooseResolvers.connection(),
userPagination: UserTC.mongooseResolvers.pagination(),
userCreateOne: UserTC.mongooseResolvers.createOne(),
userCreateMany: UserTC.mongooseResolvers.createMany(),
userUpdateById: UserTC.mongooseResolvers.updateById(),
userUpdateOne: UserTC.mongooseResolvers.updateOne(),
userUpdateMany: UserTC.mongooseResolvers.updateMany(),
userRemoveById: UserTC.mongooseResolvers.removeById(),
userRemoveOne: UserTC.mongooseResolvers.removeOne(),
userRemoveMany: UserTC.mongooseResolvers.removeMany(),
const schema = schemaComposer.buildSchema();
export default schema;
// Just a demo, normally you'd pass schema object to server such as Apollo server.
import { graphql } from 'graphql';
(async () => {
await mongoose.connect('mongodb://localhost:27017/test');
await mongoose.connection.dropDatabase();
await User.create({ name: 'alice', age: 29, gender: 'female' });
await User.create({ name: 'maria', age: 31, gender: 'female' });
const bob = await User.create({ name: 'bob', age: 30, gender: 'male' });
const response1 = await graphql({
source: 'query { userMany { _id name } }',
console.dir(response1, { depth: 5 });
const response2 = await graphql({
source: 'query($id: MongoID!) { userById(_id: $id) { _id name } }',
variableValues: { id: bob._id },
console.dir(response2, { depth: 5 });
const response3 = await graphql({
source: 'mutation($id: MongoID!, $name: String) { userUpdateOne(filter: {_id: $id}, record: { name: $name }) { record { _id name } } }',
variableValues: { id: bob._id, name: 'bill' },
console.dir(response3, { depth: 5 });
That's all! You think that is to much code? I don't think so, because by default internally was created about 55 graphql types (for input, sorting, filtering). So you will need much much more lines of code to implement all these CRUD operations by hands.
Variable Namings
- Suffix for aDiscriminatorTypeComposer
instance, which is also an instance ofObjectTypeComposer
. All fields and Relations manipulations on this instance affects all registered discriminators and the Discriminator Interface.
import mongoose from 'mongoose';
import { schemaComposer } from 'graphql-compose';
import { composeMongooseDiscriminators } from 'graphql-compose-mongoose';
// pick a discriminatorKey
const DKey = 'type';
const enumCharacterType = {
PERSON: 'Person',
DROID: 'Droid',
const CharacterSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
// _id: field...
type: {
type: String,
required: true,
enum: (Object.keys(enumCharacterType): Array<string>),
description: 'Character type Droid or Person',
name: String,
height: Number,
mass: Number,
films: [String],
const DroidSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
makeDate: String,
primaryFunction: [String],
const PersonSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
gender: String,
hairColor: String,
starships: [String],
// set discriminator Key
CharacterSchema.set('discriminatorKey', DKey);
// create base Model
const CharacterModel = mongoose.model('Character', CharacterSchema);
// create mongoose discriminator models
const DroidModel = CharacterModel.discriminator(enumCharacterType.DROID, DroidSchema);
const PersonModel = CharacterModel.discriminator(enumCharacterType.PERSON, PersonSchema);
// create DiscriminatorTypeComposer
const baseOptions = { // regular TypeConverterOptions, passed to composeMongoose
fields: {
remove: ['friends'],
const CharacterDTC = composeMongooseDiscriminators(CharacterModel, baseOptions);
// create Discriminator Types
const droidTypeConverterOptions = { // this options will be merged with baseOptions -> customizationsOptions
fields: {
remove: ['makeDate'],
const DroidTC = CharacterDTC.discriminator(DroidModel, droidTypeConverterOptions);
const PersonTC = CharacterDTC.discriminator(PersonModel); // baseOptions -> customizationsOptions applied
// You may now use CharacterDTC to add fields to all Discriminators
// Use DroidTC, `PersonTC as any other ObjectTypeComposer.
droidCreate: DroidTC.getResolver('createOne'),
personCreate: PersonTC.getResolver('createOne'),
const schema = schemaComposer.buildSchema();
describe('createOne', () => {
it('should create child document without specifying DKey', async () => {
const res = await graphql.graphql({
source: `mutation CreateCharacters {
droidCreate(record: {name: "Queue XL", modelNumber: 360 }) {
record {
personCreate(record: {name: "mernxl", dob: 57275272}) {
record {
data: {
droidCreate: {
record: { __typename: 'Droid', type: 'Droid', name: 'Queue XL', modelNumber: 360 },
personCreate: {
record: { __typename: 'Person', type: 'Person', name: 'mernxl', dob: 57275272 },
When you converting mongoose model const UserTC = composeMongoose(User, opts: ComposeMongooseOpts);
you may tune every piece of future derived types – setup name and description for the main type, remove fields or leave only desired fields.
type ComposeMongooseOpts = {
* Which type registry use for generated types.
* By default is used global default registry.
schemaComposer?: SchemaComposer<TContext>;
* What should be base type name for generated type from mongoose model.
name?: string;
* Provide arbitrary description for generated type.
description?: string;
* You can leave only whitelisted fields in type via this option.
* Any other fields will be removed.
onlyFields?: string[];
* You can remove some fields from type via this option.
removeFields?: string[];
* You may configure generated InputType
inputType?: TypeConverterInputTypeOpts;
* You can make fields as NonNull if they have default value in mongoose model.
defaultsAsNonNull?: boolean;
This is opts.inputType
options for default InputTypeObject which will be provided to all resolvers for filter
and input
type TypeConverterInputTypeOpts = {
* What should be input type name.
* By default: baseTypeName + 'Input'
name?: string;
* Provide arbitrary description for generated type.
description?: string;
* You can leave only whitelisted fields in type via this option.
* Any other fields will be removed.
onlyFields?: string[];
* You can remove some fields from type via this option.
removeFields?: string[];
* This option makes provided fieldNames as required
requiredFields?: string[];
When you are creating resolvers from mongooseResolvers
factory, you may provide customizationOptions to it:
type ConnectionResolverOpts<TContext = any> = {
/** See below **/
sort?: ConnectionSortMapOpts;
name?: string;
defaultLimit?: number | undefined;
edgeTypeName?: string;
edgeFields?: ObjectTypeComposerFieldConfigMap<any, TContext>;
/** See below **/
countOpts?: CountResolverOpts;
/** See below **/
findManyOpts?: FindManyResolverOpts;
The countOpts
and findManyOpts
props would be used to customize the internally created findMany
and count
resolver factories used by the connection resolver.
If not provided the default configuration for each of the resolver factories is assumed.
The sort
prop is optional. When provided it is used to customize the sorting behaviour of the connection. When not provided, the sorting configuration is derived from the existing indexes on the model.
Please refer to the documentation of the graphql-compose-connection plugin for more details on the sorting customization parameter.
interface CountResolverOpts {
/** If you want to generate different resolvers you may avoid Type name collision by adding a suffix to type names */
suffix?: string;
/** Customize input-type for `filter` argument. If `false` then arg will be removed. */
filter?: FilterHelperArgsOpts | false;
interface CreateManyResolverOpts {
/** If you want to generate different resolvers you may avoid Type name collision by adding a suffix to type names */
suffix?: string;
/** Customize input-type for `records` argument. */
records?: RecordHelperArgsOpts;
/** Customize payload.recordIds field. If false, then this field will be removed. */
recordIds?: PayloadRecordIdsHelperOpts | false;
/** Customize payload.error field. If true, then this field will be removed. */
disableErrorField?: boolean;
interface CreateOneResolverOpts {
/** If you want to generate different resolvers you may avoid Type name collision by adding a suffix to type names */
suffix?: string;
/** Customize input-type for `record` argument */
record?: RecordHelperArgsOpts;
/** Customize payload.recordId field. If false, then this field will be removed. */
recordId?: PayloadRecordIdHelperOpts | false;
/** Customize payload.error field. If true, then this field will be removed. */
disableErrorField?: boolean;
interface DataLoaderResolverOpts {
* Enabling the lean option tells Mongoose to skip instantiating
* a full Mongoose document and just give you the plain JavaScript objects.
* Documents are much heavier than vanilla JavaScript objects,
* because they have a lot of internal state for change tracking.
* The downside of enabling lean is that lean docs don't have:
* Default values
* Getters and setters
* Virtuals
* Read more about `lean`:
lean?: boolean;
interface DataLoaderManyResolverOpts {
* Enabling the lean option tells Mongoose to skip instantiating
* a full Mongoose document and just give you the plain JavaScript objects.
* Documents are much heavier than vanilla JavaScript objects,
* because they have a lot of internal state for change tracking.
* The downside of enabling lean is that lean docs don't have:
* Default values
* Getters and setters
* Virtuals
* Read more about `lean`:
lean?: boolean;
interface FindByIdResolverOpts {
* Enabling the lean option tells Mongoose to skip instantiating
* a full Mongoose document and just give you the plain JavaScript objects.
* Documents are much heavier than vanilla JavaScript objects,
* because they have a lot of internal state for change tracking.
* The downside of enabling lean is that lean docs don't have:
* Default values
* Getters and setters
* Virtuals
* Read more about `lean`:
lean?: boolean;
interface FindByIdsResolverOpts {
* Enabling the lean option tells Mongoose to skip instantiating
* a full Mongoose document and just give you the plain JavaScript objects.
* Documents are much heavier than vanilla JavaScript objects,
* because they have a lot of internal state for change tracking.
* The downside of enabling lean is that lean docs don't have:
* Default values
* Getters and setters
* Virtuals
* Read more about `lean`:
lean?: boolean;
limit?: LimitHelperArgsOpts | false;
sort?: SortHelperArgsOpts | false;
interface FindManyResolverOpts {
* Enabling the lean option tells Mongoose to skip instantiating
* a full Mongoose document and just give you the plain JavaScript objects.
* Documents are much heavier than vanilla JavaScript objects,
* because they have a lot of internal state for change tracking.
* The downside of enabling lean is that lean docs don't have:
* Default values
* Getters and setters
* Virtuals
* Read more about `lean`:
lean?: boolean;
/** If you want to generate different resolvers you may avoid Type name collision by adding a suffix to type names */
suffix?: string;
/** Customize input-type for `filter` argument. If `false` then arg will be removed. */
filter?: FilterHelperArgsOpts | false;
sort?: SortHelperArgsOpts | false;
limit?: LimitHelperArgsOpts | false;
skip?: false;
interface FindOneResolverOpts {
* Enabling the lean option tells Mongoose to skip instantiating
* a full Mongoose document and just give you the plain JavaScript objects.
* Documents are much heavier than vanilla JavaScript objects,
* because they have a lot of internal state for change tracking.
* The downside of enabling lean is that lean docs don't have:
* Default values
* Getters and setters
* Virtuals
* Read more about `lean`:
lean?: boolean;
/** If you want to generate different resolvers you may avoid Type name collision by adding a suffix to type names */
suffix?: string;
/** Customize input-type for `filter` argument. If `false` then arg will be removed. */
filter?: FilterHelperArgsOpts | false;
sort?: SortHelperArgsOpts | false;
skip?: false;
interface PaginationResolverOpts {
name?: string;
perPage?: number;
countOpts?: CountResolverOpts;
findManyOpts?: FindManyResolverOpts;
interface RemoveByIdResolverOpts {
/** If you want to generate different resolvers you may avoid Type name collision by adding a suffix to type names */
suffix?: string;
/** Customize payload.recordId field. If false, then this field will be removed. */
recordId?: PayloadRecordIdHelperOpts | false;
/** Customize payload.error field. If true, then this field will be removed. */
disableErrorField?: boolean;
interface RemoveManyResolverOpts {
/** If you want to generate different resolvers you may avoid Type name collision by adding a suffix to type names */
suffix?: string;
/** Customize input-type for `filter` argument. If `false` then arg will be removed. */
filter?: FilterHelperArgsOpts | false;
limit?: LimitHelperArgsOpts | false;
/** Customize payload.error field. If true, then this field will be removed. */
disableErrorField?: boolean;
interface RemoveOneResolverOpts {
/** If you want to generate different resolvers you may avoid Type name collision by adding a suffix to type names */
suffix?: string;
/** Customize input-type for `filter` argument. If `false` then arg will be removed. */
filter?: FilterHelperArgsOpts | false;
sort?: SortHelperArgsOpts | false;
/** Customize payload.recordId field. If false, then this field will be removed. */
recordId?: PayloadRecordIdHelperOpts | false;
/** Customize payload.error field. If true, then this field will be removed. */
disableErrorField?: boolean;
interface UpdateByIdResolverOpts {
/** If you want to generate different resolvers you may avoid Type name collision by adding a suffix to type names */
suffix?: string;
/** Customize input-type for `record` argument. */
record?: RecordHelperArgsOpts;
/** Customize payload.recordId field. If false, then this field will be removed. */
recordId?: PayloadRecordIdHelperOpts | false;
/** Customize payload.error field. If true, then this field will be removed. */
disableErrorField?: boolean;
interface UpdateManyResolverOpts {
/** If you want to generate different resolvers you may avoid Type name collision by adding a suffix to type names */
suffix?: string;
/** Customize input-type for `record` argument. */
record?: RecordHelperArgsOpts;
/** Customize input-type for `filter` argument. If `false` then arg will be removed. */
filter?: FilterHelperArgsOpts | false;
sort?: SortHelperArgsOpts | false;
limit?: LimitHelperArgsOpts | false;
skip?: false;
/** Customize payload.error field. If true, then this field will be removed. */
disableErrorField?: boolean;
interface UpdateOneResolverOpts {
/** If you want to generate different resolvers you may avoid Type name collision by adding a suffix to type names */
suffix?: string;
/** Customize input-type for `record` argument. */
record?: RecordHelperArgsOpts;
/** Customize input-type for `filter` argument. If `false` then arg will be removed. */
filter?: FilterHelperArgsOpts | false;
sort?: SortHelperArgsOpts | false;
skip?: false;
/** Customize payload.recordId field. If false, then this field will be removed. */
recordId?: PayloadRecordIdHelperOpts | false;
/** Customize payload.error field. If true, then this field will be removed. */
disableErrorField?: boolean;
type FilterHelperArgsOpts = {
* Add to filter arg only that fields which are indexed.
* If false then all fields will be available for filtering.
* By default: true
onlyIndexed?: boolean;
* You can remove some fields from type via this option.
removeFields?: string | string[];
* This option makes provided fieldNames as required
requiredFields?: string | string[];
* Customize operators filtering or disable it at all.
* By default, for performance reason, `graphql-compose-mongoose` generates operators
* *only for indexed* fields.
* BUT you may enable operators for all fields when creating resolver in the following way:
* // enables all operators for all fields
* operators: true,
* OR provide a more granular `operators` configuration to suit your needs:
* operators: {
* // for `age` field add just 3 operators
* age: ['in', 'gt', 'lt'],
* // for non-indexed `amount` field add all operators
* amount: true,
* // don't add this field to operators
* indexedField: false,
* }
* Available logic operators: AND, OR
* Available field operators: gt, gte, lt, lte, ne, in, nin, regex, exists
operators?: FieldsOperatorsConfig | false;
* Make arg `filter` as required if this option is true.
isRequired?: boolean;
* Base type name for generated filter argument.
baseTypeName?: string;
* Provide custom prefix for Type name
prefix?: string;
* Provide custom suffix for Type name
suffix?: string;
type SortHelperArgsOpts = {
* Allow sort arg to be an array of enum values. Example [AGE_DESC, NAME_ASC, _ID_ASC].
* Note enum values will only ever be generated for *indexed fields*.
multi?: boolean;
* This option set custom type name for generated sort argument.
sortTypeName?: string;
type RecordHelperArgsOpts = {
* You can remove some fields from type via this option.
removeFields?: string[];
* This option makes provided fieldNames as required
requiredFields?: string[];
* This option makes all fields nullable by default.
* May be overridden by `requiredFields` property
allFieldsNullable?: boolean;
* Provide custom prefix for Type name
prefix?: string;
* Provide custom suffix for Type name
suffix?: string;
* Make arg `record` as required if this option is true.
isRequired?: boolean;
type LimitHelperArgsOpts = {
* Set limit for default number of returned records
* if it does not provided in query.
* By default: 100
defaultValue?: number;
const UserTC = composeMongoose(User);
UserTC.getType(); // returns GraphQLObjectType
UserTC.getInputType(); // returns GraphQLInputObjectType, eg. for args
UserTC.get('languages').getType(); // get GraphQLObjectType for nested field
UserTC.get('fieldWithNesting.subNesting').getType(); // get GraphQL type of deep nested field
lonLat: ObjectTypeComposer.create('type LonLat { lon: Float, lat: Float }'),
notice: 'String', // shorthand definition
noticeList: { // extended
type: '[String]', // String, Int, Float, Boolean, ID, Json
description: 'Array of notices',
resolve: (source, args, context, info) => 'some value',
bio: {
type: GraphQLString,
description: 'Providing vanilla GraphQL type'
Suppose you User
model has friendsIds
field with array of user ids. So let build some relations:
resolver: () => UserTC.mongooseResolvers.dataLoaderMany(),
prepareArgs: { // resolver `findByIds` has `_ids` arg, let provide value to it
_ids: (source) => source.friendsIds,
projection: { friendsIds: 1 }, // point fields in source object, which should be fetched from DB
resolver: () => UserTC.mongooseResolvers.findMany(),
prepareArgs: { // resolver `findMany` has `filter` arg, we may provide mongoose query to it
filter: (source) => ({
_operators : { // Applying criteria on fields which have
// operators enabled for them (by default, indexed fields only)
_id : { in: source.friendsIds },
age: { gt: 21 }
gender: source.gender,
limit: 10,
projection: { friendsIds: 1, gender: 1 }, // required fields from source object
Suppose you have a common structure you use as embedded object in multiple Schemas. Also suppose you want the structure to have the same GraphQL type across all parent types. (For instance, to allow reuse of fragments for this type) Here are Schemas to demonstrate:
import { Schema } from 'mongoose';
const ImageDataStructure = Schema({
url: String,
dimensions : {
width: Number,
height: Number
}, { _id: false });
const UserProfile = Schema({
fullName: String,
personalImage: ImageDataStructure
const Article = Schema({
title: String,
heroImage: ImageDataStructure
If you want the ImageDataStructure
to use the same GraphQL type in both Article
and UserProfile
you will need create it as a mongoose schema (not a standard javascript object) and to explicitly tell graphql-compose-mongoose
the name you want it to have. Otherwise, without the name, it would generate the name according to the first parent this type was embedded in.
Do the following:
import { schemaComposer } from 'graphql-compose'; // get the default schemaComposer or your created schemaComposer
import { convertSchemaToGraphQL } from 'graphql-compose-mongoose';
convertSchemaToGraphQL(ImageDataStructure, 'EmbeddedImage', schemaComposer); // Force this type on this mongoose schema
Before continuing to convert your models to TypeComposers:
import mongoose from 'mongoose';
import { composeMongoose } from 'graphql-compose-mongoose';
const UserProfile = mongoose.model('UserProfile', UserProfile);
const Article = mongoose.model('Article', Article);
const UserProfileTC = composeMongoose(UserProfile);
const ArticleTC = composeMongoose(Article);
Then, you can use queries like this:
query {
topUser {
personalImage {
topArticle {
heroImage {
fragment fullImageData on EmbeddedImage {
dimensions {
width height
This library provides some amount of ready resolvers for fetch and update data which was mentioned above. And you can create your own resolver of course. However you can find that add some actions or light modifications of mongoose document directly before save at existing resolvers appears more simple than create new resolver. Some of resolvers accepts before save hook which can be provided in resolver params as param named beforeRecordMutate
. This hook allows to have access and modify mongoose document before save. The resolvers which supports this hook are:
- createOne
- createMany
- removeById
- removeOne
- updateById
- updateOne
The prototype of before save hook:
(doc: mixed, rp: ResolverResolveParams) => Promise<*>,
The typical implementation may be like this:
// extend resolve params with hook
rp.beforeRecordMutate = async function(doc, rp) {
doc.userTouchedAt = new Date();
const canMakeUpdate = await performAsyncTask( ...provide data from doc... )
if (!canMakeUpdate) {
throw new Error('Forbidden!');
return doc;
You can provide your implementation directly in type composer:
UserTC.wrapResolverResolve('updateById', next => async rp => {
// extend resolve params with hook
rp.beforeRecordMutate = async (doc, resolveParams) => { ... };
return next(rp);
or you can create wrappers for example to protect access:
function adminAccess(resolvers) {
Object.keys(resolvers).forEach((k) => {
resolvers[k] = resolvers[k].wrapResolve(next => async rp => {
// extend resolve params with hook
rp.beforeRecordMutate = async function(doc, rp) { ... }
return next(rp)
return resolvers
// and wrap the resolvers
createResource: ResourceTC.mongooseResolvers.createOne(),
createResources: ResourceTC.mongooseResolvers.createMany(),
updateResource: ResourceTC.mongooseResolvers.updateById(),
removeResource: ResourceTC.mongooseResolvers.removeById(),
This library allows modifying the query before it is executed using the beforeQuery
hook. This lets us prevent certain fields or documents from being read. Here's an example of restricting access to specific fields:
userOne: UserTC.mongooseResolvers.findOne().wrapResolve((next) => (rp) => {
const { role } = rp.context;
rp.beforeQuery = (query: Query<unknown, unknown>) => {
if (role === 'admin') {
// Don't change the projection and still allow all fields to be read
} else if (role === 'moderator') {
// Only allow the name, age, and gender fields to be read
query.projection({ name: 1, age: 1, gender: 1 });
} else if (role === 'public') {
// Only allow the name field to be read
query.projection({ name: 1 });
return next(rp);
Note that fields that are sometimes restricted should not be marked as required in the mongoose schema. Otherwise, when you query them you will get a "Cannot return null for non-nullable field" error because the database query didn't return a value for the field.
You can also use beforeQuery
to hide certain documents from the query. Here's an example:
postMany: PostTC.mongooseResolvers.findMany().wrapResolve((next) => (rp) => {
const { userId } = rp.context;
rp.beforeQuery = (query: Query<unknown, unknown>) => {
// Only allow users to see their own posts
query.where('authorId', userId);
return next(rp);
Both of these examples require putting extra data in the resolver context. Here's how to attach context data in Apollo Server:
const server = new ApolloServer({
schema: schemaComposer.buildSchema(),
context() {
// This role should actually come from a JWT or something
return { role: 'admin' };
Other GraphQL servers are likely similar.
The default resolvers, by design, will replace (overwrite) any supplied array object when using e.g. updateById
. If you want to push or pop a value in an array you can use a custom resolver with a native MongoDB call.
For example (push):
userPushToArray: {
type: UserTC,
args: { userId: 'MongoID!', valueToPush: 'String' },
resolve: async (source, args, context, info) => {
const user = await User.update(
{ _id: args.userId },
{ $push: { arrayToPushTo: args.valueToPush } }
if (!user) return null // or gracefully return an error etc...
return User.findOne({ _id: args.userId }) // return the record
is the corresponding Mongoose model. If you do not wish to allow duplicates in the array then replace $push
with $addToSet
. Read the graphql-compose docs on custom resolvers for more info:
NB if you set unique: true
on the array then using the update
approach will not check for duplicates, this is due to a MongoDB bug: For more usage examples with $push
and arrays see the MongoDB docs here Also note that $push
will preserve order in the array (append to end of array) whereas $addToSet
will not.
By default composeMongoose
uses global schemaComposer
for generated types. If you need to create different GraphQL schemas you need create own schemaComposer
s and provide them to customizationOptions
import { SchemaComposer } from 'graphql-compose';
const schema1 = new SchemaComposer();
const schema2 = new SchemaComposer();
const UserTCForSchema1 = composeMongoose(User, { schemaComposer: schema1 });
const UserTCForSchema2 = composeMongoose(User, { schemaComposer: schema2 });
Just turn them off in mongoose:
const UsersSchema = new Schema({
_id: { type: String }
emails: [{
_id: false, // <-- disable id addition in mongoose
address: { type: String },
verified: Boolean
Yes, it can. This package understands mongoose alias
option for fields. Just provide alias: 'country'
for field c
and you get country
field name in GraphQL schema and Mongoose model but c
field in database:
const childSchema = new Schema({
c: {
type: String,
alias: 'country'
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