Releases: gpodder/gpodder-osx-bundle
This release has updated adwaita-icon-theme, cairo, fontconfig, freetype, fribidi, gdk-pixbuf, gettext, glib, gobject-introspection, gtk+, harfbuzz, libffi, libjpeg, libpcre2, libpng, librsvg, libtiff, libxml2, openssl, pango, pixman, pycairo, pygobject3, python3, xz and zlib libraries.
github workflow 10245826419
This release has updated adwaita-icon-theme, atk, cairo, fontconfig, freetype, fribidi, gdk-pixbuf, gettext, glib, gobject-introspection, gtk+, harfbuzz, libepoxy, libffi, libpcre2, libpng, librsvg, libtiff, libxml2, openssl, pango, pixman, pycairo, pygobject3, python3, readline, xz and zlib libraries.
github workflow 6400266618
This release is built with Github Actions instead of CircleCI, and has updated Gtk libraries.
Updated libraries
- libpcre 8.45
- glib 2.72.0, gobject-introspection 1.72.0
- librsvg 2.54.0
- adwaita-icon-theme 42.0, cairo 1.17.6, freetype 2.11.1, fribidi 1.0.11, gdk-pixbuf 2.42.8, gtk+ 3.24.33, harfbuzz 4.1.0, pango 1.50.6
github workflow 2940943492
This release restores compatibility with macOS 10.11 (El Capitan).
The Gtk stack and other libraries are updated.
Updated libraries
- gettext 0.21, openssl 1.1.1k, readline 8.1
- glib 2.68.0, gobject-introspection 1.70.0
- libjpeg 9e, librsvg 2.51.0, libtiff 4.2.0, libxml2 2.9.12
- adwaita-icon-theme 3.38.0, freetype 2.10.4, fribidi 1.0.10, gdk-pixbuf 2.42.4, gtk+ 3.24.30, gtk-mac-integration 3.0.1, harfbuz 2.8.0, hicolor-icon-theme 0.17, pango 1.48.4
- pycairo 1.20.0, pygobject3 3.40.1, python3 3.9.2
Removed libraries
- libcroco
circleCI build 166
This release removes gPodder specific code from base and python dependencies.
It has a working pip and running it shows a simple gtk window.
gPodder's tools/mac-osx scripts will do the install to create the final
Removed Libraries
- PySocks, certifi, chardet, gpodder, html5lib, idna, mutagen, mygpoclient, podcastparser, requests, six, urllib3, webencodings, youtube_dl.
circleCI build 146
This release includes required libraries for requests missing in 5.2.3.
Updated libraries
- requests 2.25.0, PySocks 1.7.1, certifi 2020.11.8, chardet 3.0.4, idna 2.10, urllib3 1.26.2
circleCI build 141
This release updates youtube-dl and adds the new requests module.
Updated libraries
- requests 2.25.0, PySocks 1.7.1, certifi 2020.11.8
- youtube-dl 2021.3.25
circleCI build 139
This release updates youtube-dl
Updated libraries
- youtube-dl 2020.11.21.1
circleCI build [126](