yarn add @gov.au/searchbox
npm install @gov.au/searchbox
├─ core
├─ text-inputs
│ └─ core
└─ buttons
└─ core
The visual test: https://auds.service.gov.au/packages/searchbox/tests/site/
- v0.2.3 - Display search icon for XS breakpoint when responsive (Fix based on the new grid breakpoints)
- v0.2.2 - Increase size for icon
- v0.2.1 - Add styling for secondary buttons
- v0.2.0 - Update padding on button, fix JSdoc
- v0.1.0 - 💥 Initial version
Copyright (c) Commonwealth of Australia. Licensed under MIT.
import AUsearchbox from '@gov.au/searchbox';
btnProps={{ onClick: () => console.log('hello'), className: 'blah', type: 'button' }}
All props:
label="Search" {/* Text of the label */}
btnText="Search" {/* Text on the button */}
dark={true} {/* Dark variation */}
responsive={true} {/* Responsive variation, text turns to icon on smaller devices*/}
icon={false} {/* Icon only, hides text on button */}
id="def-search" {/* ID of the text input, required */}
className="" {/* Additional class, optional */}
wrapper="form" {/* Wrapper component. Can be a div or form. */}
btnProps= {{type: 'button'}} {/* Additonal props to be spread into the button */}
inputProps= {{type: 'text'}} {/* Additonal props to be spread into the text input */}