Because no decent project is ever finished.
- Input protection
- Over/under-voltage
- Reverse polarity
- Check out this circuit
- Simulate in LTSpice
- Breadboard OpAmp circuits:
- Differential amp
- Comparator
- Pick an OpAmp
- Schematic in KiCad
- PCB in KiCad
- Prototype made
- Test points
- Bigger board
- Better spacing
- Better ground plane
- Maybe add 2.54 mm compatible breakout pins for the MC34063 chip
- Pick more sane resistor values
- Fix MOSFET footprint
- Move connector header closer to board edge
- Add resistor pad for pin 8. This can limit the current for the internal switch transistors - could speed up the design. Read page 14 of the application manual.
- Prototype made and tested. Works!
- Complete
in LTSpice folder.