diff --git a/site/layouts/shortcodes/feature.html b/site/layouts/shortcodes/feature.html
index 3616ec9609..32859b8ae2 100644
--- a/site/layouts/shortcodes/feature.html
+++ b/site/layouts/shortcodes/feature.html
@@ -1,6 +1,36 @@
{{- $version := getenv "RELEASE_VERSION" | default $.Page.Site.Params.release_version }}
{{- $publishVersion := (.Get "publishVersion" ) | default "0.0.0" }}
{{- $expiryVersion := (.Get "expiryVersion") | default "9999.0.0"}}
-{{- if and (ge $version $publishVersion) (lt $version $expiryVersion) }}
+{{- $publDigits := split $publishVersion "." }}
+{{- $curDigits := split $version "." }}
+{{- $expDigits := split $expiryVersion "." }}
+{{- $multiplier := 10000 }}
+{{- $current := 0}}
+{{- $publish := 0}}
+{{- $expire := 0}}
+{{- $index := 0}}
+{{/*Generate initial shift for most significant number*/}}
+{{- $shift := 1 }}
+{{- range $curDigits}}
+ {{- $shift = mul $shift $multiplier }}
+{{- end}}
+{{- $shift = div $shift $multiplier }}
+{{/* loop three times */}}
+{{- range $curDigits}}
+ {{/* Get integer from dot separated string at index */}}
+ {{- $c := int (index $curDigits $index)}}
+ {{- $p := int (index $publDigits $index)}}
+ {{- $e := int (index $expDigits $index)}}
+ {{/* current += digit * shift */}}
+ {{- $current = (add $current (mul $c $shift ))}}
+ {{- $publish = (add $publish (mul $p $shift ))}}
+ {{- $expire = (add $expire (mul $e $shift ))}}
+ {{- $shift = (div $shift $multiplier)}}
+ {{- $index = (add $index 1) }}
+{{- end}}
+{{- if and (ge $current $publish) (lt $current $expire) }}
{{- end}}
\ No newline at end of file