diff --git a/Tasks/metadata/V2Beta3/Cloudtasks.php b/Tasks/metadata/V2Beta3/Cloudtasks.php
index a706391c935d..3fb791036468 100644
--- a/Tasks/metadata/V2Beta3/Cloudtasks.php
+++ b/Tasks/metadata/V2Beta3/Cloudtasks.php
@@ -15,155 +15,157 @@ public static function initOnce() {
- \GPBMetadata\Google\Cloud\Tasks\V2Beta3\Queue::initOnce();
+ \GPBMetadata\Google\Api\Resource::initOnce();
+ \GPBMetadata\Google\Protobuf\GPBEmpty::initOnce();
+ \GPBMetadata\Google\Protobuf\FieldMask::initOnce();
+ \GPBMetadata\Google\Cloud\Tasks\V2Beta3\Queue::initOnce();
- \GPBMetadata\Google\Protobuf\GPBEmpty::initOnce();
- \GPBMetadata\Google\Protobuf\FieldMask::initOnce();
- "0af4200a2b676f6f676c652f636c6f75642f7461736b732f763262657461" .
+ "0a8f210a2b676f6f676c652f636c6f75642f7461736b732f763262657461" .
"332f636c6f75647461736b732e70726f746f121a676f6f676c652e636c6f" .
- "75642e7461736b732e763262657461331a26676f6f676c652f636c6f7564" .
- "2f7461736b732f763262657461332f71756575652e70726f746f1a25676f" .
- "6f676c652f636c6f75642f7461736b732f763262657461332f7461736b2e" .
+ "75642e7461736b732e763262657461331a19676f6f676c652f6170692f72" .
+ "65736f757263652e70726f746f1a1b676f6f676c652f70726f746f627566" .
+ "2f656d7074792e70726f746f1a20676f6f676c652f70726f746f6275662f" .
+ "6669656c645f6d61736b2e70726f746f1a25676f6f676c652f636c6f7564" .
+ "2f7461736b732f763262657461332f7461736b2e70726f746f1a26676f6f" .
+ "676c652f636c6f75642f7461736b732f763262657461332f71756575652e" .
"70726f746f1a1e676f6f676c652f69616d2f76312f69616d5f706f6c6963" .
"792e70726f746f1a1a676f6f676c652f69616d2f76312f706f6c6963792e" .
- "70726f746f1a1b676f6f676c652f70726f746f6275662f656d7074792e70" .
- "726f746f1a20676f6f676c652f70726f746f6275662f6669656c645f6d61" .
- "736b2e70726f746f1a15676f6f676c652f7270632f636f64652e70726f74" .
- "6f225a0a114c69737451756575657352657175657374120e0a0670617265" .
- "6e74180120012809120e0a0666696c74657218022001280912110a097061" .
- "67655f73697a6518032001280512120a0a706167655f746f6b656e180420" .
- "01280922600a124c697374517565756573526573706f6e736512310a0671" .
- "756575657318012003280b32212e676f6f676c652e636c6f75642e746173" .
- "6b732e763262657461332e517565756512170a0f6e6578745f706167655f" .
- "746f6b656e180220012809221f0a0f476574517565756552657175657374" .
- "120c0a046e616d6518012001280922560a12437265617465517565756552" .
- "657175657374120e0a06706172656e7418012001280912300a0571756575" .
- "6518022001280b32212e676f6f676c652e636c6f75642e7461736b732e76" .
- "3262657461332e517565756522770a125570646174655175657565526571" .
- "7565737412300a05717565756518012001280b32212e676f6f676c652e63" .
- "6c6f75642e7461736b732e763262657461332e5175657565122f0a0b7570" .
- "646174655f6d61736b18022001280b321a2e676f6f676c652e70726f746f" .
- "6275662e4669656c644d61736b22220a1244656c65746551756575655265" .
- "7175657374120c0a046e616d6518012001280922210a1150757267655175" .
- "65756552657175657374120c0a046e616d6518012001280922210a115061" .
- "757365517565756552657175657374120c0a046e616d6518012001280922" .
- "220a12526573756d65517565756552657175657374120c0a046e616d6518" .
- "01200128092287010a104c6973745461736b7352657175657374120e0a06" .
- "706172656e74180120012809123c0a0d726573706f6e73655f7669657718" .
- "022001280e32252e676f6f676c652e636c6f75642e7461736b732e763262" .
- "657461332e5461736b2e5669657712110a09706167655f73697a65180320" .
- "01280512120a0a706167655f746f6b656e180420012809225d0a114c6973" .
- "745461736b73526573706f6e7365122f0a057461736b7318012003280b32" .
- "202e676f6f676c652e636c6f75642e7461736b732e763262657461332e54" .
- "61736b12170a0f6e6578745f706167655f746f6b656e180220012809225c" .
- "0a0e4765745461736b52657175657374120c0a046e616d65180120012809" .
- "123c0a0d726573706f6e73655f7669657718022001280e32252e676f6f67" .
- "6c652e636c6f75642e7461736b732e763262657461332e5461736b2e5669" .
- "65772291010a114372656174655461736b52657175657374120e0a067061" .
- "72656e74180120012809122e0a047461736b18022001280b32202e676f6f" .
- "676c652e636c6f75642e7461736b732e763262657461332e5461736b123c" .
- "0a0d726573706f6e73655f7669657718032001280e32252e676f6f676c65" .
- "2e636c6f75642e7461736b732e763262657461332e5461736b2e56696577" .
- "22210a1144656c6574655461736b52657175657374120c0a046e616d6518" .
- "0120012809225c0a0e52756e5461736b52657175657374120c0a046e616d" .
- "65180120012809123c0a0d726573706f6e73655f7669657718022001280e" .
- "32252e676f6f676c652e636c6f75642e7461736b732e763262657461332e" .
- "5461736b2e5669657732a7140a0a436c6f75645461736b7312a4010a0a4c" .
- "697374517565756573122d2e676f6f676c652e636c6f75642e7461736b73" .
- "2e763262657461332e4c697374517565756573526571756573741a2e2e67" .
- "6f6f676c652e636c6f75642e7461736b732e763262657461332e4c697374" .
- "517565756573526573706f6e7365223782d3e4930231122f2f7632626574" .
- "61332f7b706172656e743d70726f6a656374732f2a2f6c6f636174696f6e" .
- "732f2a7d2f7175657565731293010a084765745175657565122b2e676f6f" .
- "676c652e636c6f75642e7461736b732e763262657461332e476574517565" .
- "7565526571756573741a212e676f6f676c652e636c6f75642e7461736b73" .
- "2e763262657461332e5175657565223782d3e4930231122f2f7632626574" .
- "61332f7b6e616d653d70726f6a656374732f2a2f6c6f636174696f6e732f" .
- "2a2f7175657565732f2a7d12a0010a0b4372656174655175657565122e2e" .
- "676f6f676c652e636c6f75642e7461736b732e763262657461332e437265" .
- "6174655175657565526571756573741a212e676f6f676c652e636c6f7564" .
- "2e7461736b732e763262657461332e5175657565223e82d3e4930238222f" .
- "2f763262657461332f7b706172656e743d70726f6a656374732f2a2f6c6f" .
- "636174696f6e732f2a7d2f7175657565733a05717565756512a6010a0b55" .
- "70646174655175657565122e2e676f6f676c652e636c6f75642e7461736b" .
- "732e763262657461332e5570646174655175657565526571756573741a21" .
- "2e676f6f676c652e636c6f75642e7461736b732e763262657461332e5175" .
- "657565224482d3e493023e32352f763262657461332f7b71756575652e6e" .
- "616d653d70726f6a656374732f2a2f6c6f636174696f6e732f2a2f717565" .
- "7565732f2a7d3a057175657565128e010a0b44656c657465517565756512" .
- "2e2e676f6f676c652e636c6f75642e7461736b732e763262657461332e44" .
- "656c6574655175657565526571756573741a162e676f6f676c652e70726f" .
- "746f6275662e456d707479223782d3e49302312a2f2f763262657461332f" .
+ "70726f746f1a15676f6f676c652f7270632f636f64652e70726f746f225a" .
+ "0a114c69737451756575657352657175657374120e0a06706172656e7418" .
+ "0120012809120e0a0666696c74657218022001280912110a09706167655f" .
+ "73697a6518032001280512120a0a706167655f746f6b656e180420012809" .
+ "22600a124c697374517565756573526573706f6e736512310a0671756575" .
+ "657318012003280b32212e676f6f676c652e636c6f75642e7461736b732e" .
+ "763262657461332e517565756512170a0f6e6578745f706167655f746f6b" .
+ "656e180220012809221f0a0f476574517565756552657175657374120c0a" .
+ "046e616d6518012001280922560a12437265617465517565756552657175" .
+ "657374120e0a06706172656e7418012001280912300a0571756575651802" .
+ "2001280b32212e676f6f676c652e636c6f75642e7461736b732e76326265" .
+ "7461332e517565756522770a125570646174655175657565526571756573" .
+ "7412300a05717565756518012001280b32212e676f6f676c652e636c6f75" .
+ "642e7461736b732e763262657461332e5175657565122f0a0b7570646174" .
+ "655f6d61736b18022001280b321a2e676f6f676c652e70726f746f627566" .
+ "2e4669656c644d61736b22220a1244656c65746551756575655265717565" .
+ "7374120c0a046e616d6518012001280922210a1150757267655175657565" .
+ "52657175657374120c0a046e616d6518012001280922210a115061757365" .
+ "517565756552657175657374120c0a046e616d6518012001280922220a12" .
+ "526573756d65517565756552657175657374120c0a046e616d6518012001" .
+ "28092287010a104c6973745461736b7352657175657374120e0a06706172" .
+ "656e74180120012809123c0a0d726573706f6e73655f7669657718022001" .
+ "280e32252e676f6f676c652e636c6f75642e7461736b732e763262657461" .
+ "332e5461736b2e5669657712110a09706167655f73697a65180320012805" .
+ "12120a0a706167655f746f6b656e180420012809225d0a114c6973745461" .
+ "736b73526573706f6e7365122f0a057461736b7318012003280b32202e67" .
+ "6f6f676c652e636c6f75642e7461736b732e763262657461332e5461736b" .
+ "12170a0f6e6578745f706167655f746f6b656e180220012809225c0a0e47" .
+ "65745461736b52657175657374120c0a046e616d65180120012809123c0a" .
+ "0d726573706f6e73655f7669657718022001280e32252e676f6f676c652e" .
+ "636c6f75642e7461736b732e763262657461332e5461736b2e5669657722" .
+ "91010a114372656174655461736b52657175657374120e0a06706172656e" .
+ "74180120012809122e0a047461736b18022001280b32202e676f6f676c65" .
+ "2e636c6f75642e7461736b732e763262657461332e5461736b123c0a0d72" .
+ "6573706f6e73655f7669657718032001280e32252e676f6f676c652e636c" .
+ "6f75642e7461736b732e763262657461332e5461736b2e5669657722210a" .
+ "1144656c6574655461736b52657175657374120c0a046e616d6518012001" .
+ "2809225c0a0e52756e5461736b52657175657374120c0a046e616d651801" .
+ "20012809123c0a0d726573706f6e73655f7669657718022001280e32252e" .
+ "676f6f676c652e636c6f75642e7461736b732e763262657461332e546173" .
+ "6b2e5669657732a7140a0a436c6f75645461736b7312a4010a0a4c697374" .
+ "517565756573122d2e676f6f676c652e636c6f75642e7461736b732e7632" .
+ "62657461332e4c697374517565756573526571756573741a2e2e676f6f67" .
+ "6c652e636c6f75642e7461736b732e763262657461332e4c697374517565" .
+ "756573526573706f6e7365223782d3e4930231122f2f763262657461332f" .
+ "7b706172656e743d70726f6a656374732f2a2f6c6f636174696f6e732f2a" .
+ "7d2f7175657565731293010a084765745175657565122b2e676f6f676c65" .
+ "2e636c6f75642e7461736b732e763262657461332e476574517565756552" .
+ "6571756573741a212e676f6f676c652e636c6f75642e7461736b732e7632" .
+ "62657461332e5175657565223782d3e4930231122f2f763262657461332f" .
"7b6e616d653d70726f6a656374732f2a2f6c6f636174696f6e732f2a2f71" .
- "75657565732f2a7d12a0010a0a50757267655175657565122d2e676f6f67" .
- "6c652e636c6f75642e7461736b732e763262657461332e50757267655175" .
- "657565526571756573741a212e676f6f676c652e636c6f75642e7461736b" .
- "732e763262657461332e5175657565224082d3e493023a22352f76326265" .
- "7461332f7b6e616d653d70726f6a656374732f2a2f6c6f636174696f6e73" .
- "2f2a2f7175657565732f2a7d3a70757267653a012a12a0010a0a50617573" .
- "655175657565122d2e676f6f676c652e636c6f75642e7461736b732e7632" .
- "62657461332e50617573655175657565526571756573741a212e676f6f67" .
- "6c652e636c6f75642e7461736b732e763262657461332e51756575652240" .
- "82d3e493023a22352f763262657461332f7b6e616d653d70726f6a656374" .
- "732f2a2f6c6f636174696f6e732f2a2f7175657565732f2a7d3a70617573" .
- "653a012a12a3010a0b526573756d655175657565122e2e676f6f676c652e" .
- "636c6f75642e7461736b732e763262657461332e526573756d6551756575" .
- "65526571756573741a212e676f6f676c652e636c6f75642e7461736b732e" .
- "763262657461332e5175657565224182d3e493023b22362f763262657461" .
- "332f7b6e616d653d70726f6a656374732f2a2f6c6f636174696f6e732f2a" .
- "2f7175657565732f2a7d3a726573756d653a012a1296010a0c4765744961" .
- "6d506f6c69637912222e676f6f676c652e69616d2e76312e47657449616d" .
+ "75657565732f2a7d12a0010a0b4372656174655175657565122e2e676f6f" .
+ "676c652e636c6f75642e7461736b732e763262657461332e437265617465" .
+ "5175657565526571756573741a212e676f6f676c652e636c6f75642e7461" .
+ "736b732e763262657461332e5175657565223e82d3e4930238222f2f7632" .
+ "62657461332f7b706172656e743d70726f6a656374732f2a2f6c6f636174" .
+ "696f6e732f2a7d2f7175657565733a05717565756512a6010a0b55706461" .
+ "74655175657565122e2e676f6f676c652e636c6f75642e7461736b732e76" .
+ "3262657461332e5570646174655175657565526571756573741a212e676f" .
+ "6f676c652e636c6f75642e7461736b732e763262657461332e5175657565" .
+ "224482d3e493023e32352f763262657461332f7b71756575652e6e616d65" .
+ "3d70726f6a656374732f2a2f6c6f636174696f6e732f2a2f717565756573" .
+ "2f2a7d3a057175657565128e010a0b44656c6574655175657565122e2e67" .
+ "6f6f676c652e636c6f75642e7461736b732e763262657461332e44656c65" .
+ "74655175657565526571756573741a162e676f6f676c652e70726f746f62" .
+ "75662e456d707479223782d3e49302312a2f2f763262657461332f7b6e61" .
+ "6d653d70726f6a656374732f2a2f6c6f636174696f6e732f2a2f71756575" .
+ "65732f2a7d12a0010a0a50757267655175657565122d2e676f6f676c652e" .
+ "636c6f75642e7461736b732e763262657461332e50757267655175657565" .
+ "526571756573741a212e676f6f676c652e636c6f75642e7461736b732e76" .
+ "3262657461332e5175657565224082d3e493023a22352f76326265746133" .
+ "2f7b6e616d653d70726f6a656374732f2a2f6c6f636174696f6e732f2a2f" .
+ "7175657565732f2a7d3a70757267653a012a12a0010a0a50617573655175" .
+ "657565122d2e676f6f676c652e636c6f75642e7461736b732e7632626574" .
+ "61332e50617573655175657565526571756573741a212e676f6f676c652e" .
+ "636c6f75642e7461736b732e763262657461332e5175657565224082d3e4" .
+ "93023a22352f763262657461332f7b6e616d653d70726f6a656374732f2a" .
+ "2f6c6f636174696f6e732f2a2f7175657565732f2a7d3a70617573653a01" .
+ "2a12a3010a0b526573756d655175657565122e2e676f6f676c652e636c6f" .
+ "75642e7461736b732e763262657461332e526573756d6551756575655265" .
+ "71756573741a212e676f6f676c652e636c6f75642e7461736b732e763262" .
+ "657461332e5175657565224182d3e493023b22362f763262657461332f7b" .
+ "6e616d653d70726f6a656374732f2a2f6c6f636174696f6e732f2a2f7175" .
+ "657565732f2a7d3a726573756d653a012a1296010a0c47657449616d506f" .
+ "6c69637912222e676f6f676c652e69616d2e76312e47657449616d506f6c" .
+ "696379526571756573741a152e676f6f676c652e69616d2e76312e506f6c" .
+ "696379224b82d3e493024522402f763262657461332f7b7265736f757263" .
+ "653d70726f6a656374732f2a2f6c6f636174696f6e732f2a2f7175657565" .
+ "732f2a7d3a67657449616d506f6c6963793a012a1296010a0c5365744961" .
+ "6d506f6c69637912222e676f6f676c652e69616d2e76312e53657449616d" .
"506f6c696379526571756573741a152e676f6f676c652e69616d2e76312e" .
"506f6c696379224b82d3e493024522402f763262657461332f7b7265736f" .
"757263653d70726f6a656374732f2a2f6c6f636174696f6e732f2a2f7175" .
- "657565732f2a7d3a67657449616d506f6c6963793a012a1296010a0c5365" .
- "7449616d506f6c69637912222e676f6f676c652e69616d2e76312e536574" .
- "49616d506f6c696379526571756573741a152e676f6f676c652e69616d2e" .
- "76312e506f6c696379224b82d3e493024522402f763262657461332f7b72" .
- "65736f757263653d70726f6a656374732f2a2f6c6f636174696f6e732f2a" .
- "2f7175657565732f2a7d3a73657449616d506f6c6963793a012a12bc010a" .
- "125465737449616d5065726d697373696f6e7312282e676f6f676c652e69" .
- "616d2e76312e5465737449616d5065726d697373696f6e73526571756573" .
- "741a292e676f6f676c652e69616d2e76312e5465737449616d5065726d69" .
- "7373696f6e73526573706f6e7365225182d3e493024b22462f7632626574" .
- "61332f7b7265736f757263653d70726f6a656374732f2a2f6c6f63617469" .
- "6f6e732f2a2f7175657565732f2a7d3a7465737449616d5065726d697373" .
- "696f6e733a012a12a9010a094c6973745461736b73122c2e676f6f676c65" .
- "2e636c6f75642e7461736b732e763262657461332e4c6973745461736b73" .
- "526571756573741a2d2e676f6f676c652e636c6f75642e7461736b732e76" .
- "3262657461332e4c6973745461736b73526573706f6e7365223f82d3e493" .
- "023912372f763262657461332f7b706172656e743d70726f6a656374732f" .
- "2a2f6c6f636174696f6e732f2a2f7175657565732f2a7d2f7461736b7312" .
- "98010a074765745461736b122a2e676f6f676c652e636c6f75642e746173" .
- "6b732e763262657461332e4765745461736b526571756573741a202e676f" .
- "6f676c652e636c6f75642e7461736b732e763262657461332e5461736b22" .
- "3f82d3e493023912372f763262657461332f7b6e616d653d70726f6a6563" .
- "74732f2a2f6c6f636174696f6e732f2a2f7175657565732f2a2f7461736b" .
- "732f2a7d12a1010a0a4372656174655461736b122d2e676f6f676c652e63" .
- "6c6f75642e7461736b732e763262657461332e4372656174655461736b52" .
- "6571756573741a202e676f6f676c652e636c6f75642e7461736b732e7632" .
- "62657461332e5461736b224282d3e493023c22372f763262657461332f7b" .
- "706172656e743d70726f6a656374732f2a2f6c6f636174696f6e732f2a2f" .
- "7175657565732f2a7d2f7461736b733a012a1294010a0a44656c65746554" .
- "61736b122d2e676f6f676c652e636c6f75642e7461736b732e7632626574" .
- "61332e44656c6574655461736b526571756573741a162e676f6f676c652e" .
- "70726f746f6275662e456d707479223f82d3e49302392a372f7632626574" .
- "61332f7b6e616d653d70726f6a656374732f2a2f6c6f636174696f6e732f" .
- "2a2f7175657565732f2a2f7461736b732f2a7d129f010a0752756e546173" .
- "6b122a2e676f6f676c652e636c6f75642e7461736b732e76326265746133" .
- "2e52756e5461736b526571756573741a202e676f6f676c652e636c6f7564" .
- "2e7461736b732e763262657461332e5461736b224682d3e4930240223b2f" .
- "763262657461332f7b6e616d653d70726f6a656374732f2a2f6c6f636174" .
- "696f6e732f2a2f7175657565732f2a2f7461736b732f2a7d3a72756e3a01" .
- "2a427c0a1e636f6d2e676f6f676c652e636c6f75642e7461736b732e7632" .
- "6265746133420f436c6f75645461736b7350726f746f50015a3f676f6f67" .
- "6c652e676f6c616e672e6f72672f67656e70726f746f2f676f6f676c6561" .
- "7069732f636c6f75642f7461736b732f763262657461333b7461736b73a2" .
- "02055441534b53620670726f746f33"
+ "657565732f2a7d3a73657449616d506f6c6963793a012a12bc010a125465" .
+ "737449616d5065726d697373696f6e7312282e676f6f676c652e69616d2e" .
+ "76312e5465737449616d5065726d697373696f6e73526571756573741a29" .
+ "2e676f6f676c652e69616d2e76312e5465737449616d5065726d69737369" .
+ "6f6e73526573706f6e7365225182d3e493024b22462f763262657461332f" .
+ "7b7265736f757263653d70726f6a656374732f2a2f6c6f636174696f6e73" .
+ "2f2a2f7175657565732f2a7d3a7465737449616d5065726d697373696f6e" .
+ "733a012a12a9010a094c6973745461736b73122c2e676f6f676c652e636c" .
+ "6f75642e7461736b732e763262657461332e4c6973745461736b73526571" .
+ "756573741a2d2e676f6f676c652e636c6f75642e7461736b732e76326265" .
+ "7461332e4c6973745461736b73526573706f6e7365223f82d3e493023912" .
+ "372f763262657461332f7b706172656e743d70726f6a656374732f2a2f6c" .
+ "6f636174696f6e732f2a2f7175657565732f2a7d2f7461736b731298010a" .
+ "074765745461736b122a2e676f6f676c652e636c6f75642e7461736b732e" .
+ "763262657461332e4765745461736b526571756573741a202e676f6f676c" .
+ "652e636c6f75642e7461736b732e763262657461332e5461736b223f82d3" .
+ "e493023912372f763262657461332f7b6e616d653d70726f6a656374732f" .
+ "2a2f6c6f636174696f6e732f2a2f7175657565732f2a2f7461736b732f2a" .
+ "7d12a1010a0a4372656174655461736b122d2e676f6f676c652e636c6f75" .
+ "642e7461736b732e763262657461332e4372656174655461736b52657175" .
+ "6573741a202e676f6f676c652e636c6f75642e7461736b732e7632626574" .
+ "61332e5461736b224282d3e493023c22372f763262657461332f7b706172" .
+ "656e743d70726f6a656374732f2a2f6c6f636174696f6e732f2a2f717565" .
+ "7565732f2a7d2f7461736b733a012a1294010a0a44656c6574655461736b" .
+ "122d2e676f6f676c652e636c6f75642e7461736b732e763262657461332e" .
+ "44656c6574655461736b526571756573741a162e676f6f676c652e70726f" .
+ "746f6275662e456d707479223f82d3e49302392a372f763262657461332f" .
+ "7b6e616d653d70726f6a656374732f2a2f6c6f636174696f6e732f2a2f71" .
+ "75657565732f2a2f7461736b732f2a7d129f010a0752756e5461736b122a" .
+ "2e676f6f676c652e636c6f75642e7461736b732e763262657461332e5275" .
+ "6e5461736b526571756573741a202e676f6f676c652e636c6f75642e7461" .
+ "736b732e763262657461332e5461736b224682d3e4930240223b2f763262" .
+ "657461332f7b6e616d653d70726f6a656374732f2a2f6c6f636174696f6e" .
+ "732f2a2f7175657565732f2a2f7461736b732f2a7d3a72756e3a012a427c" .
+ "0a1e636f6d2e676f6f676c652e636c6f75642e7461736b732e7632626574" .
+ "6133420f436c6f75645461736b7350726f746f50015a3f676f6f676c652e" .
+ "676f6c616e672e6f72672f67656e70726f746f2f676f6f676c6561706973" .
+ "2f636c6f75642f7461736b732f763262657461333b7461736b73a2020554" .
+ "41534b53620670726f746f33"
), true);
static::$is_initialized = true;
diff --git a/Tasks/metadata/V2Beta3/Queue.php b/Tasks/metadata/V2Beta3/Queue.php
index e1144fb14704..2da656bce55a 100644
--- a/Tasks/metadata/V2Beta3/Queue.php
+++ b/Tasks/metadata/V2Beta3/Queue.php
@@ -15,45 +15,48 @@ public static function initOnce() {
+ \GPBMetadata\Google\Api\Resource::initOnce();
- "0a89080a26676f6f676c652f636c6f75642f7461736b732f763262657461" .
+ "0ac0080a26676f6f676c652f636c6f75642f7461736b732f763262657461" .
"332f71756575652e70726f746f121a676f6f676c652e636c6f75642e7461" .
- "736b732e763262657461331a27676f6f676c652f636c6f75642f7461736b" .
- "732f763262657461332f7461726765742e70726f746f1a1e676f6f676c65" .
- "2f70726f746f6275662f6475726174696f6e2e70726f746f1a1f676f6f67" .
- "6c652f70726f746f6275662f74696d657374616d702e70726f746f229f03" .
- "0a055175657565120c0a046e616d65180120012809124f0a156170705f65" .
- "6e67696e655f687474705f717565756518032001280b322e2e676f6f676c" .
- "652e636c6f75642e7461736b732e763262657461332e417070456e67696e" .
- "654874747051756575654800123b0a0b726174655f6c696d697473180420" .
- "01280b32262e676f6f676c652e636c6f75642e7461736b732e7632626574" .
- "61332e526174654c696d697473123d0a0c72657472795f636f6e66696718" .
- "052001280b32272e676f6f676c652e636c6f75642e7461736b732e763262" .
- "657461332e5265747279436f6e66696712360a0573746174651806200128" .
- "0e32272e676f6f676c652e636c6f75642e7461736b732e76326265746133" .
- "2e51756575652e5374617465122e0a0a70757267655f74696d6518072001" .
- "280b321a2e676f6f676c652e70726f746f6275662e54696d657374616d70" .
- "22450a05537461746512150a1153544154455f554e535045434946494544" .
- "1000120b0a0752554e4e494e471001120a0a065041555345441002120c0a" .
- "0844495341424c45441003420c0a0a71756575655f74797065226a0a0a52" .
- "6174654c696d69747312210a196d61785f646973706174636865735f7065" .
- "725f7365636f6e6418012001280112160a0e6d61785f62757273745f7369" .
- "7a6518022001280512210a196d61785f636f6e63757272656e745f646973" .
- "7061746368657318032001280522d1010a0b5265747279436f6e66696712" .
- "140a0c6d61785f617474656d70747318012001280512350a126d61785f72" .
- "657472795f6475726174696f6e18022001280b32192e676f6f676c652e70" .
- "726f746f6275662e4475726174696f6e122e0a0b6d696e5f6261636b6f66" .
- "6618032001280b32192e676f6f676c652e70726f746f6275662e44757261" .
- "74696f6e122e0a0b6d61785f6261636b6f666618042001280b32192e676f" .
- "6f676c652e70726f746f6275662e4475726174696f6e12150a0d6d61785f" .
- "646f75626c696e6773180520012805426f0a1e636f6d2e676f6f676c652e" .
- "636c6f75642e7461736b732e76326265746133420a517565756550726f74" .
- "6f50015a3f676f6f676c652e676f6c616e672e6f72672f67656e70726f74" .
- "6f2f676f6f676c65617069732f636c6f75642f7461736b732f7632626574" .
- "61333b7461736b73620670726f746f33"
+ "736b732e763262657461331a19676f6f676c652f6170692f7265736f7572" .
+ "63652e70726f746f1a27676f6f676c652f636c6f75642f7461736b732f76" .
+ "3262657461332f7461726765742e70726f746f1a1e676f6f676c652f7072" .
+ "6f746f6275662f6475726174696f6e2e70726f746f1a1f676f6f676c652f" .
+ "70726f746f6275662f74696d657374616d702e70726f746f22bb030a0551" .
+ "75657565120c0a046e616d65180120012809124f0a156170705f656e6769" .
+ "6e655f687474705f717565756518032001280b322e2e676f6f676c652e63" .
+ "6c6f75642e7461736b732e763262657461332e417070456e67696e654874" .
+ "747051756575654800123b0a0b726174655f6c696d69747318042001280b" .
+ "32262e676f6f676c652e636c6f75642e7461736b732e763262657461332e" .
+ "526174654c696d697473123d0a0c72657472795f636f6e66696718052001" .
+ "280b32272e676f6f676c652e636c6f75642e7461736b732e763262657461" .
+ "332e5265747279436f6e66696712360a05737461746518062001280e3227" .
+ "2e676f6f676c652e636c6f75642e7461736b732e763262657461332e5175" .
+ "6575652e5374617465122e0a0a70757267655f74696d6518072001280b32" .
+ "1a2e676f6f676c652e70726f746f6275662e54696d657374616d70121a0a" .
+ "126c6f675f73616d706c696e675f726174696f180a2001280122450a0553" .
+ "7461746512150a1153544154455f554e5350454349464945441000120b0a" .
+ "0752554e4e494e471001120a0a065041555345441002120c0a0844495341" .
+ "424c45441003420c0a0a71756575655f74797065226a0a0a526174654c69" .
+ "6d69747312210a196d61785f646973706174636865735f7065725f736563" .
+ "6f6e6418012001280112160a0e6d61785f62757273745f73697a65180220" .
+ "01280512210a196d61785f636f6e63757272656e745f6469737061746368" .
+ "657318032001280522d1010a0b5265747279436f6e66696712140a0c6d61" .
+ "785f617474656d70747318012001280512350a126d61785f72657472795f" .
+ "6475726174696f6e18022001280b32192e676f6f676c652e70726f746f62" .
+ "75662e4475726174696f6e122e0a0b6d696e5f6261636b6f666618032001" .
+ "280b32192e676f6f676c652e70726f746f6275662e4475726174696f6e12" .
+ "2e0a0b6d61785f6261636b6f666618042001280b32192e676f6f676c652e" .
+ "70726f746f6275662e4475726174696f6e12150a0d6d61785f646f75626c" .
+ "696e6773180520012805426f0a1e636f6d2e676f6f676c652e636c6f7564" .
+ "2e7461736b732e76326265746133420a517565756550726f746f50015a3f" .
+ "676f6f676c652e676f6c616e672e6f72672f67656e70726f746f2f676f6f" .
+ "676c65617069732f636c6f75642f7461736b732f763262657461333b7461" .
+ "736b73620670726f746f33"
), true);
static::$is_initialized = true;
diff --git a/Tasks/metadata/V2Beta3/Target.php b/Tasks/metadata/V2Beta3/Target.php
index d477129ed73d..8c045a754fda 100644
--- a/Tasks/metadata/V2Beta3/Target.php
+++ b/Tasks/metadata/V2Beta3/Target.php
@@ -16,33 +16,42 @@ public static function initOnce() {
- "0a96080a27676f6f676c652f636c6f75642f7461736b732f763262657461" .
+ "0aa40a0a27676f6f676c652f636c6f75642f7461736b732f763262657461" .
"332f7461726765742e70726f746f121a676f6f676c652e636c6f75642e74" .
- "61736b732e7632626574613322dc010a0b4874747052657175657374120b" .
+ "61736b732e7632626574613322f0020a0b4874747052657175657374120b" .
"0a0375726c180120012809123b0a0b687474705f6d6574686f6418022001" .
"280e32262e676f6f676c652e636c6f75642e7461736b732e763262657461" .
"332e487474704d6574686f6412450a076865616465727318032003280b32" .
"342e676f6f676c652e636c6f75642e7461736b732e763262657461332e48" .
"747470526571756573742e48656164657273456e747279120c0a04626f64" .
- "7918042001280c1a2e0a0c48656164657273456e747279120b0a036b6579" .
- "180120012809120d0a0576616c75651802200128093a02380122670a1241" .
- "7070456e67696e6548747470517565756512510a1b6170705f656e67696e" .
- "655f726f7574696e675f6f7665727269646518012001280b322c2e676f6f" .
- "676c652e636c6f75642e7461736b732e763262657461332e417070456e67" .
- "696e65526f7574696e6722c1020a14417070456e67696e65487474705265" .
- "7175657374123b0a0b687474705f6d6574686f6418012001280e32262e67" .
- "6f6f676c652e636c6f75642e7461736b732e763262657461332e48747470" .
- "4d6574686f6412480a126170705f656e67696e655f726f7574696e671802" .
- "2001280b322c2e676f6f676c652e636c6f75642e7461736b732e76326265" .
- "7461332e417070456e67696e65526f7574696e6712140a0c72656c617469" .
- "76655f757269180320012809124e0a076865616465727318042003280b32" .
- "3d2e676f6f676c652e636c6f75642e7461736b732e763262657461332e41" .
- "7070456e67696e6548747470526571756573742e48656164657273456e74" .
- "7279120c0a04626f647918052001280c1a2e0a0c48656164657273456e74" .
- "7279120b0a036b6579180120012809120d0a0576616c7565180220012809" .
- "3a02380122540a10417070456e67696e65526f7574696e67120f0a077365" .
- "7276696365180120012809120f0a0776657273696f6e1802200128091210" .
- "0a08696e7374616e6365180320012809120c0a04686f7374180420012809" .
+ "7918042001280c123d0a0b6f617574685f746f6b656e18052001280b3226" .
+ "2e676f6f676c652e636c6f75642e7461736b732e763262657461332e4f41" .
+ "757468546f6b656e4800123b0a0a6f6964635f746f6b656e18062001280b" .
+ "32252e676f6f676c652e636c6f75642e7461736b732e763262657461332e" .
+ "4f696463546f6b656e48001a2e0a0c48656164657273456e747279120b0a" .
+ "036b6579180120012809120d0a0576616c75651802200128093a02380142" .
+ "160a14617574686f72697a6174696f6e5f68656164657222670a12417070" .
+ "456e67696e6548747470517565756512510a1b6170705f656e67696e655f" .
+ "726f7574696e675f6f7665727269646518012001280b322c2e676f6f676c" .
+ "652e636c6f75642e7461736b732e763262657461332e417070456e67696e" .
+ "65526f7574696e6722c1020a14417070456e67696e654874747052657175" .
+ "657374123b0a0b687474705f6d6574686f6418012001280e32262e676f6f" .
+ "676c652e636c6f75642e7461736b732e763262657461332e487474704d65" .
+ "74686f6412480a126170705f656e67696e655f726f7574696e6718022001" .
+ "280b322c2e676f6f676c652e636c6f75642e7461736b732e763262657461" .
+ "332e417070456e67696e65526f7574696e6712140a0c72656c6174697665" .
+ "5f757269180320012809124e0a076865616465727318042003280b323d2e" .
+ "676f6f676c652e636c6f75642e7461736b732e763262657461332e417070" .
+ "456e67696e6548747470526571756573742e48656164657273456e747279" .
+ "120c0a04626f647918052001280c1a2e0a0c48656164657273456e747279" .
+ "120b0a036b6579180120012809120d0a0576616c75651802200128093a02" .
+ "380122540a10417070456e67696e65526f7574696e67120f0a0773657276" .
+ "696365180120012809120f0a0776657273696f6e18022001280912100a08" .
+ "696e7374616e6365180320012809120c0a04686f7374180420012809223a" .
+ "0a0a4f41757468546f6b656e121d0a15736572766963655f6163636f756e" .
+ "745f656d61696c180120012809120d0a0573636f7065180220012809223c" .
+ "0a094f696463546f6b656e121d0a15736572766963655f6163636f756e74" .
+ "5f656d61696c18012001280912100a0861756469656e6365180220012809" .
"2a730a0a487474704d6574686f64121b0a17485454505f4d4554484f445f" .
"554e535045434946494544100012080a04504f5354100112070a03474554" .
"100212080a0448454144100312070a035055541004120a0a0644454c4554" .
diff --git a/Tasks/metadata/V2Beta3/Task.php b/Tasks/metadata/V2Beta3/Task.php
index 7ecf88a734ba..10c991a53edc 100644
--- a/Tasks/metadata/V2Beta3/Task.php
+++ b/Tasks/metadata/V2Beta3/Task.php
@@ -15,50 +15,52 @@ public static function initOnce() {
+ \GPBMetadata\Google\Api\Resource::initOnce();
- "0af6080a25676f6f676c652f636c6f75642f7461736b732f763262657461" .
+ "0a91090a25676f6f676c652f636c6f75642f7461736b732f763262657461" .
"332f7461736b2e70726f746f121a676f6f676c652e636c6f75642e746173" .
- "6b732e763262657461331a27676f6f676c652f636c6f75642f7461736b73" .
- "2f763262657461332f7461726765742e70726f746f1a1e676f6f676c652f" .
- "70726f746f6275662f6475726174696f6e2e70726f746f1a1f676f6f676c" .
- "652f70726f746f6275662f74696d657374616d702e70726f746f1a17676f" .
- "6f676c652f7270632f7374617475732e70726f746f22e3040a045461736b" .
- "120c0a046e616d6518012001280912530a176170705f656e67696e655f68" .
- "7474705f7265717565737418032001280b32302e676f6f676c652e636c6f" .
- "75642e7461736b732e763262657461332e417070456e67696e6548747470" .
- "526571756573744800123f0a0c687474705f72657175657374180b200128" .
- "0b32272e676f6f676c652e636c6f75642e7461736b732e76326265746133" .
- "2e4874747052657175657374480012310a0d7363686564756c655f74696d" .
- "6518042001280b321a2e676f6f676c652e70726f746f6275662e54696d65" .
- "7374616d70122f0a0b6372656174655f74696d6518052001280b321a2e67" .
- "6f6f676c652e70726f746f6275662e54696d657374616d7012340a116469" .
- "7370617463685f646561646c696e65180c2001280b32192e676f6f676c65" .
- "2e70726f746f6275662e4475726174696f6e12160a0e6469737061746368" .
- "5f636f756e7418062001280512160a0e726573706f6e73655f636f756e74" .
- "180720012805123a0a0d66697273745f617474656d707418082001280b32" .
- "232e676f6f676c652e636c6f75642e7461736b732e763262657461332e41" .
- "7474656d707412390a0c6c6173745f617474656d707418092001280b3223" .
- "2e676f6f676c652e636c6f75642e7461736b732e763262657461332e4174" .
- "74656d707412330a0476696577180a2001280e32252e676f6f676c652e63" .
- "6c6f75642e7461736b732e763262657461332e5461736b2e566965772231" .
- "0a045669657712140a10564945575f554e53504543494649454410001209" .
- "0a054241534943100112080a0446554c4c1002420e0a0c7061796c6f6164" .
- "5f7479706522cf010a07417474656d707412310a0d7363686564756c655f" .
- "74696d6518012001280b321a2e676f6f676c652e70726f746f6275662e54" .
- "696d657374616d7012310a0d64697370617463685f74696d651802200128" .
- "0b321a2e676f6f676c652e70726f746f6275662e54696d657374616d7012" .
- "310a0d726573706f6e73655f74696d6518032001280b321a2e676f6f676c" .
- "652e70726f746f6275662e54696d657374616d70122b0a0f726573706f6e" .
- "73655f73746174757318042001280b32122e676f6f676c652e7270632e53" .
- "7461747573426e0a1e636f6d2e676f6f676c652e636c6f75642e7461736b" .
- "732e7632626574613342095461736b50726f746f50015a3f676f6f676c65" .
- "2e676f6c616e672e6f72672f67656e70726f746f2f676f6f676c65617069" .
- "732f636c6f75642f7461736b732f763262657461333b7461736b73620670" .
- "726f746f33"
+ "6b732e763262657461331a19676f6f676c652f6170692f7265736f757263" .
+ "652e70726f746f1a27676f6f676c652f636c6f75642f7461736b732f7632" .
+ "62657461332f7461726765742e70726f746f1a1e676f6f676c652f70726f" .
+ "746f6275662f6475726174696f6e2e70726f746f1a1f676f6f676c652f70" .
+ "726f746f6275662f74696d657374616d702e70726f746f1a17676f6f676c" .
+ "652f7270632f7374617475732e70726f746f22e3040a045461736b120c0a" .
+ "046e616d6518012001280912530a176170705f656e67696e655f68747470" .
+ "5f7265717565737418032001280b32302e676f6f676c652e636c6f75642e" .
+ "7461736b732e763262657461332e417070456e67696e6548747470526571" .
+ "756573744800123f0a0c687474705f72657175657374180b2001280b3227" .
+ "2e676f6f676c652e636c6f75642e7461736b732e763262657461332e4874" .
+ "747052657175657374480012310a0d7363686564756c655f74696d651804" .
+ "2001280b321a2e676f6f676c652e70726f746f6275662e54696d65737461" .
+ "6d70122f0a0b6372656174655f74696d6518052001280b321a2e676f6f67" .
+ "6c652e70726f746f6275662e54696d657374616d7012340a116469737061" .
+ "7463685f646561646c696e65180c2001280b32192e676f6f676c652e7072" .
+ "6f746f6275662e4475726174696f6e12160a0e64697370617463685f636f" .
+ "756e7418062001280512160a0e726573706f6e73655f636f756e74180720" .
+ "012805123a0a0d66697273745f617474656d707418082001280b32232e67" .
+ "6f6f676c652e636c6f75642e7461736b732e763262657461332e41747465" .
+ "6d707412390a0c6c6173745f617474656d707418092001280b32232e676f" .
+ "6f676c652e636c6f75642e7461736b732e763262657461332e417474656d" .
+ "707412330a0476696577180a2001280e32252e676f6f676c652e636c6f75" .
+ "642e7461736b732e763262657461332e5461736b2e5669657722310a0456" .
+ "69657712140a10564945575f554e535045434946494544100012090a0542" .
+ "41534943100112080a0446554c4c1002420e0a0c7061796c6f61645f7479" .
+ "706522cf010a07417474656d707412310a0d7363686564756c655f74696d" .
+ "6518012001280b321a2e676f6f676c652e70726f746f6275662e54696d65" .
+ "7374616d7012310a0d64697370617463685f74696d6518022001280b321a" .
+ "2e676f6f676c652e70726f746f6275662e54696d657374616d7012310a0d" .
+ "726573706f6e73655f74696d6518032001280b321a2e676f6f676c652e70" .
+ "726f746f6275662e54696d657374616d70122b0a0f726573706f6e73655f" .
+ "73746174757318042001280b32122e676f6f676c652e7270632e53746174" .
+ "7573426e0a1e636f6d2e676f6f676c652e636c6f75642e7461736b732e76" .
+ "32626574613342095461736b50726f746f50015a3f676f6f676c652e676f" .
+ "6c616e672e6f72672f67656e70726f746f2f676f6f676c65617069732f63" .
+ "6c6f75642f7461736b732f763262657461333b7461736b73620670726f74" .
+ "6f33"
), true);
static::$is_initialized = true;
diff --git a/Tasks/src/V2beta3/AppEngineHttpQueue.php b/Tasks/src/V2beta3/AppEngineHttpQueue.php
index 93c5bc2eb617..b3e66ac67248 100644
--- a/Tasks/src/V2beta3/AppEngineHttpQueue.php
+++ b/Tasks/src/V2beta3/AppEngineHttpQueue.php
@@ -11,14 +11,10 @@
* App Engine HTTP queue.
* The task will be delivered to the App Engine application hostname
- * specified by its
- * [AppEngineHttpQueue][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineHttpQueue] and
- * [AppEngineHttpRequest][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineHttpRequest]. The
- * documentation for
- * [AppEngineHttpRequest][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineHttpRequest]
- * explains how the task's host URL is constructed.
- * Using [AppEngineHttpQueue][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineHttpQueue]
- * requires
+ * specified by its [AppEngineHttpQueue][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineHttpQueue] and [AppEngineHttpRequest][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineHttpRequest].
+ * The documentation for [AppEngineHttpRequest][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineHttpRequest] explains how the
+ * task's host URL is constructed.
+ * Using [AppEngineHttpQueue][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineHttpQueue] requires
* [`appengine.applications.get`](https://cloud.google.com/appengine/docs/admin-api/access-control)
* Google IAM permission for the project
* and the following scope:
@@ -30,12 +26,10 @@ class AppEngineHttpQueue extends \Google\Protobuf\Internal\Message
* Overrides for the
- * [task-level
- * app_engine_routing][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineHttpRequest.app_engine_routing].
+ * [task-level app_engine_routing][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineHttpRequest.app_engine_routing].
* If set, `app_engine_routing_override` is used for all tasks in
* the queue, no matter what the setting is for the
- * [task-level
- * app_engine_routing][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineHttpRequest.app_engine_routing].
+ * [task-level app_engine_routing][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineHttpRequest.app_engine_routing].
* Generated from protobuf field .google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineRouting app_engine_routing_override = 1;
@@ -49,12 +43,10 @@ class AppEngineHttpQueue extends \Google\Protobuf\Internal\Message
* @type \Google\Cloud\Tasks\V2beta3\AppEngineRouting $app_engine_routing_override
* Overrides for the
- * [task-level
- * app_engine_routing][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineHttpRequest.app_engine_routing].
+ * [task-level app_engine_routing][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineHttpRequest.app_engine_routing].
* If set, `app_engine_routing_override` is used for all tasks in
* the queue, no matter what the setting is for the
- * [task-level
- * app_engine_routing][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineHttpRequest.app_engine_routing].
+ * [task-level app_engine_routing][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineHttpRequest.app_engine_routing].
* }
public function __construct($data = NULL) {
@@ -64,12 +56,10 @@ public function __construct($data = NULL) {
* Overrides for the
- * [task-level
- * app_engine_routing][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineHttpRequest.app_engine_routing].
+ * [task-level app_engine_routing][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineHttpRequest.app_engine_routing].
* If set, `app_engine_routing_override` is used for all tasks in
* the queue, no matter what the setting is for the
- * [task-level
- * app_engine_routing][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineHttpRequest.app_engine_routing].
+ * [task-level app_engine_routing][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineHttpRequest.app_engine_routing].
* Generated from protobuf field .google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineRouting app_engine_routing_override = 1;
* @return \Google\Cloud\Tasks\V2beta3\AppEngineRouting
@@ -81,12 +71,10 @@ public function getAppEngineRoutingOverride()
* Overrides for the
- * [task-level
- * app_engine_routing][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineHttpRequest.app_engine_routing].
+ * [task-level app_engine_routing][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineHttpRequest.app_engine_routing].
* If set, `app_engine_routing_override` is used for all tasks in
* the queue, no matter what the setting is for the
- * [task-level
- * app_engine_routing][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineHttpRequest.app_engine_routing].
+ * [task-level app_engine_routing][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineHttpRequest.app_engine_routing].
* Generated from protobuf field .google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineRouting app_engine_routing_override = 1;
* @param \Google\Cloud\Tasks\V2beta3\AppEngineRouting $var
diff --git a/Tasks/src/V2beta3/AppEngineHttpRequest.php b/Tasks/src/V2beta3/AppEngineHttpRequest.php
index 16172c0e5fac..3317a0271f3e 100644
--- a/Tasks/src/V2beta3/AppEngineHttpRequest.php
+++ b/Tasks/src/V2beta3/AppEngineHttpRequest.php
@@ -13,10 +13,8 @@
* The message defines the HTTP request that is sent to an App Engine app when
* the task is dispatched.
* This proto can only be used for tasks in a queue which has
- * [app_engine_http_queue][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Queue.app_engine_http_queue]
- * set.
- * Using [AppEngineHttpRequest][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineHttpRequest]
- * requires
+ * [app_engine_http_queue][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Queue.app_engine_http_queue] set.
+ * Using [AppEngineHttpRequest][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineHttpRequest] requires
* [`appengine.applications.get`](https://cloud.google.com/appengine/docs/admin-api/access-control)
* Google IAM permission for the project
* and the following scope:
@@ -33,15 +31,13 @@
* Google, you cannot explicitly set the protocol (for example, HTTP or HTTPS).
* The request to the handler, however, will appear to have used the HTTP
* protocol.
- * The [AppEngineRouting][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineRouting] used to
- * construct the URL that the task is delivered to can be set at the queue-level
- * or task-level:
+ * The [AppEngineRouting][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineRouting] used to construct the URL that the task is
+ * delivered to can be set at the queue-level or task-level:
* * If set,
* [app_engine_routing_override][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineHttpQueue.app_engine_routing_override]
* is used for all tasks in the queue, no matter what the setting
* is for the
- * [task-level
- * app_engine_routing][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineHttpRequest.app_engine_routing].
+ * [task-level app_engine_routing][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineHttpRequest.app_engine_routing].
* The `url` that the task will be sent to is:
* * `url =` [host][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineRouting.host] `+`
* [relative_uri][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineHttpRequest.relative_uri]
@@ -86,8 +82,7 @@ class AppEngineHttpRequest extends \Google\Protobuf\Internal\Message
* If set,
* [app_engine_routing_override][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineHttpQueue.app_engine_routing_override]
* is used for all tasks in the queue, no matter what the setting is for the
- * [task-level
- * app_engine_routing][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineHttpRequest.app_engine_routing].
+ * [task-level app_engine_routing][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineHttpRequest.app_engine_routing].
* Generated from protobuf field .google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineRouting app_engine_routing = 2;
@@ -114,9 +109,8 @@ class AppEngineHttpRequest extends \Google\Protobuf\Internal\Message
* This header can be modified, but Cloud Tasks will append
* `"AppEngine-Google; (+http://code.google.com/appengine)"` to the
* modified `User-Agent`.
- * If the task has a
- * [body][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineHttpRequest.body], Cloud Tasks
- * sets the following headers:
+ * If the task has a [body][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineHttpRequest.body], Cloud
+ * Tasks sets the following headers:
* * `Content-Type`: By default, the `Content-Type` header is set to
* `"application/octet-stream"`. The default can be overridden by explicitly
* setting `Content-Type` to a particular media type when the
@@ -135,10 +129,8 @@ class AppEngineHttpRequest extends \Google\Protobuf\Internal\Message
* These headers are set only when the task is dispatched, so they are not
* visible when the task is returned in a Cloud Tasks response.
* Although there is no specific limit for the maximum number of headers or
- * the size, there is a limit on the maximum size of the
- * [Task][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task]. For more information, see the
- * [CreateTask][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.CloudTasks.CreateTask]
- * documentation.
+ * the size, there is a limit on the maximum size of the [Task][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task]. For more
+ * information, see the [CreateTask][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.CloudTasks.CreateTask] documentation.
* Generated from protobuf field map headers = 4;
@@ -146,8 +138,7 @@ class AppEngineHttpRequest extends \Google\Protobuf\Internal\Message
* HTTP request body.
* A request body is allowed only if the HTTP method is POST or PUT. It is
- * an error to set a body on a task with an incompatible
- * [HttpMethod][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.HttpMethod].
+ * an error to set a body on a task with an incompatible [HttpMethod][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.HttpMethod].
* Generated from protobuf field bytes body = 5;
@@ -175,8 +166,7 @@ class AppEngineHttpRequest extends \Google\Protobuf\Internal\Message
* If set,
* [app_engine_routing_override][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineHttpQueue.app_engine_routing_override]
* is used for all tasks in the queue, no matter what the setting is for the
- * [task-level
- * app_engine_routing][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineHttpRequest.app_engine_routing].
+ * [task-level app_engine_routing][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineHttpRequest.app_engine_routing].
* @type string $relative_uri
* The relative URI.
* The relative URI must begin with "/" and must be a valid HTTP relative URI.
@@ -195,9 +185,8 @@ class AppEngineHttpRequest extends \Google\Protobuf\Internal\Message
* This header can be modified, but Cloud Tasks will append
* `"AppEngine-Google; (+http://code.google.com/appengine)"` to the
* modified `User-Agent`.
- * If the task has a
- * [body][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineHttpRequest.body], Cloud Tasks
- * sets the following headers:
+ * If the task has a [body][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineHttpRequest.body], Cloud
+ * Tasks sets the following headers:
* * `Content-Type`: By default, the `Content-Type` header is set to
* `"application/octet-stream"`. The default can be overridden by explicitly
* setting `Content-Type` to a particular media type when the
@@ -216,15 +205,12 @@ class AppEngineHttpRequest extends \Google\Protobuf\Internal\Message
* These headers are set only when the task is dispatched, so they are not
* visible when the task is returned in a Cloud Tasks response.
* Although there is no specific limit for the maximum number of headers or
- * the size, there is a limit on the maximum size of the
- * [Task][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task]. For more information, see the
- * [CreateTask][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.CloudTasks.CreateTask]
- * documentation.
+ * the size, there is a limit on the maximum size of the [Task][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task]. For more
+ * information, see the [CreateTask][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.CloudTasks.CreateTask] documentation.
* @type string $body
* HTTP request body.
* A request body is allowed only if the HTTP method is POST or PUT. It is
- * an error to set a body on a task with an incompatible
- * [HttpMethod][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.HttpMethod].
+ * an error to set a body on a task with an incompatible [HttpMethod][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.HttpMethod].
* }
public function __construct($data = NULL) {
@@ -281,8 +267,7 @@ public function setHttpMethod($var)
* If set,
* [app_engine_routing_override][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineHttpQueue.app_engine_routing_override]
* is used for all tasks in the queue, no matter what the setting is for the
- * [task-level
- * app_engine_routing][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineHttpRequest.app_engine_routing].
+ * [task-level app_engine_routing][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineHttpRequest.app_engine_routing].
* Generated from protobuf field .google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineRouting app_engine_routing = 2;
* @return \Google\Cloud\Tasks\V2beta3\AppEngineRouting
@@ -297,8 +282,7 @@ public function getAppEngineRouting()
* If set,
* [app_engine_routing_override][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineHttpQueue.app_engine_routing_override]
* is used for all tasks in the queue, no matter what the setting is for the
- * [task-level
- * app_engine_routing][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineHttpRequest.app_engine_routing].
+ * [task-level app_engine_routing][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineHttpRequest.app_engine_routing].
* Generated from protobuf field .google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineRouting app_engine_routing = 2;
* @param \Google\Cloud\Tasks\V2beta3\AppEngineRouting $var
@@ -358,9 +342,8 @@ public function setRelativeUri($var)
* This header can be modified, but Cloud Tasks will append
* `"AppEngine-Google; (+http://code.google.com/appengine)"` to the
* modified `User-Agent`.
- * If the task has a
- * [body][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineHttpRequest.body], Cloud Tasks
- * sets the following headers:
+ * If the task has a [body][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineHttpRequest.body], Cloud
+ * Tasks sets the following headers:
* * `Content-Type`: By default, the `Content-Type` header is set to
* `"application/octet-stream"`. The default can be overridden by explicitly
* setting `Content-Type` to a particular media type when the
@@ -379,10 +362,8 @@ public function setRelativeUri($var)
* These headers are set only when the task is dispatched, so they are not
* visible when the task is returned in a Cloud Tasks response.
* Although there is no specific limit for the maximum number of headers or
- * the size, there is a limit on the maximum size of the
- * [Task][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task]. For more information, see the
- * [CreateTask][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.CloudTasks.CreateTask]
- * documentation.
+ * the size, there is a limit on the maximum size of the [Task][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task]. For more
+ * information, see the [CreateTask][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.CloudTasks.CreateTask] documentation.
* Generated from protobuf field map headers = 4;
* @return \Google\Protobuf\Internal\MapField
@@ -404,9 +385,8 @@ public function getHeaders()
* This header can be modified, but Cloud Tasks will append
* `"AppEngine-Google; (+http://code.google.com/appengine)"` to the
* modified `User-Agent`.
- * If the task has a
- * [body][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineHttpRequest.body], Cloud Tasks
- * sets the following headers:
+ * If the task has a [body][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineHttpRequest.body], Cloud
+ * Tasks sets the following headers:
* * `Content-Type`: By default, the `Content-Type` header is set to
* `"application/octet-stream"`. The default can be overridden by explicitly
* setting `Content-Type` to a particular media type when the
@@ -425,10 +405,8 @@ public function getHeaders()
* These headers are set only when the task is dispatched, so they are not
* visible when the task is returned in a Cloud Tasks response.
* Although there is no specific limit for the maximum number of headers or
- * the size, there is a limit on the maximum size of the
- * [Task][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task]. For more information, see the
- * [CreateTask][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.CloudTasks.CreateTask]
- * documentation.
+ * the size, there is a limit on the maximum size of the [Task][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task]. For more
+ * information, see the [CreateTask][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.CloudTasks.CreateTask] documentation.
* Generated from protobuf field map headers = 4;
* @param array|\Google\Protobuf\Internal\MapField $var
@@ -445,8 +423,7 @@ public function setHeaders($var)
* HTTP request body.
* A request body is allowed only if the HTTP method is POST or PUT. It is
- * an error to set a body on a task with an incompatible
- * [HttpMethod][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.HttpMethod].
+ * an error to set a body on a task with an incompatible [HttpMethod][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.HttpMethod].
* Generated from protobuf field bytes body = 5;
* @return string
@@ -459,8 +436,7 @@ public function getBody()
* HTTP request body.
* A request body is allowed only if the HTTP method is POST or PUT. It is
- * an error to set a body on a task with an incompatible
- * [HttpMethod][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.HttpMethod].
+ * an error to set a body on a task with an incompatible [HttpMethod][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.HttpMethod].
* Generated from protobuf field bytes body = 5;
* @param string $var
diff --git a/Tasks/src/V2beta3/AppEngineRouting.php b/Tasks/src/V2beta3/AppEngineRouting.php
index d2e98111d08d..292547b18731 100644
--- a/Tasks/src/V2beta3/AppEngineRouting.php
+++ b/Tasks/src/V2beta3/AppEngineRouting.php
@@ -31,18 +31,16 @@ class AppEngineRouting extends \Google\Protobuf\Internal\Message
* By default, the task is sent to the service which is the default
* service when the task is attempted.
* For some queues or tasks which were created using the App Engine
- * Task Queue API, [host][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineRouting.host] is
- * not parsable into
- * [service][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineRouting.service],
+ * Task Queue API, [host][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineRouting.host] is not parsable
+ * into [service][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineRouting.service],
* [version][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineRouting.version], and
- * [instance][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineRouting.instance]. For
- * example, some tasks which were created using the App Engine SDK use a
- * custom domain name; custom domains are not parsed by Cloud Tasks. If
- * [host][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineRouting.host] is not parsable,
- * then [service][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineRouting.service],
+ * [instance][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineRouting.instance]. For example, some tasks
+ * which were created using the App Engine SDK use a custom domain
+ * name; custom domains are not parsed by Cloud Tasks. If
+ * [host][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineRouting.host] is not parsable, then
+ * [service][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineRouting.service],
* [version][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineRouting.version], and
- * [instance][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineRouting.instance] are the
- * empty string.
+ * [instance][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineRouting.instance] are the empty string.
* Generated from protobuf field string service = 1;
@@ -52,18 +50,16 @@ class AppEngineRouting extends \Google\Protobuf\Internal\Message
* By default, the task is sent to the version which is the default
* version when the task is attempted.
* For some queues or tasks which were created using the App Engine
- * Task Queue API, [host][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineRouting.host] is
- * not parsable into
- * [service][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineRouting.service],
+ * Task Queue API, [host][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineRouting.host] is not parsable
+ * into [service][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineRouting.service],
* [version][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineRouting.version], and
- * [instance][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineRouting.instance]. For
- * example, some tasks which were created using the App Engine SDK use a
- * custom domain name; custom domains are not parsed by Cloud Tasks. If
- * [host][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineRouting.host] is not parsable,
- * then [service][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineRouting.service],
+ * [instance][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineRouting.instance]. For example, some tasks
+ * which were created using the App Engine SDK use a custom domain
+ * name; custom domains are not parsed by Cloud Tasks. If
+ * [host][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineRouting.host] is not parsable, then
+ * [service][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineRouting.service],
* [version][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineRouting.version], and
- * [instance][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineRouting.instance] are the
- * empty string.
+ * [instance][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineRouting.instance] are the empty string.
* Generated from protobuf field string version = 2;
@@ -88,11 +84,9 @@ class AppEngineRouting extends \Google\Protobuf\Internal\Message
* Output only. The host that the task is sent to.
* The host is constructed from the domain name of the app associated with
* the queue's project ID (for example .appspot.com), and the
- * [service][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineRouting.service],
- * [version][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineRouting.version], and
- * [instance][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineRouting.instance]. Tasks
- * which were created using the App Engine SDK might have a custom domain
- * name.
+ * [service][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineRouting.service], [version][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineRouting.version],
+ * and [instance][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineRouting.instance]. Tasks which were created using
+ * the App Engine SDK might have a custom domain name.
* For more information, see
* [How Requests are
* Routed](https://cloud.google.com/appengine/docs/standard/python/how-requests-are-routed).
@@ -112,35 +106,31 @@ class AppEngineRouting extends \Google\Protobuf\Internal\Message
* By default, the task is sent to the service which is the default
* service when the task is attempted.
* For some queues or tasks which were created using the App Engine
- * Task Queue API, [host][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineRouting.host] is
- * not parsable into
- * [service][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineRouting.service],
+ * Task Queue API, [host][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineRouting.host] is not parsable
+ * into [service][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineRouting.service],
* [version][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineRouting.version], and
- * [instance][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineRouting.instance]. For
- * example, some tasks which were created using the App Engine SDK use a
- * custom domain name; custom domains are not parsed by Cloud Tasks. If
- * [host][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineRouting.host] is not parsable,
- * then [service][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineRouting.service],
+ * [instance][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineRouting.instance]. For example, some tasks
+ * which were created using the App Engine SDK use a custom domain
+ * name; custom domains are not parsed by Cloud Tasks. If
+ * [host][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineRouting.host] is not parsable, then
+ * [service][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineRouting.service],
* [version][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineRouting.version], and
- * [instance][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineRouting.instance] are the
- * empty string.
+ * [instance][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineRouting.instance] are the empty string.
* @type string $version
* App version.
* By default, the task is sent to the version which is the default
* version when the task is attempted.
* For some queues or tasks which were created using the App Engine
- * Task Queue API, [host][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineRouting.host] is
- * not parsable into
- * [service][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineRouting.service],
+ * Task Queue API, [host][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineRouting.host] is not parsable
+ * into [service][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineRouting.service],
* [version][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineRouting.version], and
- * [instance][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineRouting.instance]. For
- * example, some tasks which were created using the App Engine SDK use a
- * custom domain name; custom domains are not parsed by Cloud Tasks. If
- * [host][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineRouting.host] is not parsable,
- * then [service][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineRouting.service],
+ * [instance][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineRouting.instance]. For example, some tasks
+ * which were created using the App Engine SDK use a custom domain
+ * name; custom domains are not parsed by Cloud Tasks. If
+ * [host][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineRouting.host] is not parsable, then
+ * [service][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineRouting.service],
* [version][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineRouting.version], and
- * [instance][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineRouting.instance] are the
- * empty string.
+ * [instance][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineRouting.instance] are the empty string.
* @type string $instance
* App instance.
* By default, the task is sent to an instance which is available when
@@ -157,11 +147,9 @@ class AppEngineRouting extends \Google\Protobuf\Internal\Message
* Output only. The host that the task is sent to.
* The host is constructed from the domain name of the app associated with
* the queue's project ID (for example .appspot.com), and the
- * [service][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineRouting.service],
- * [version][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineRouting.version], and
- * [instance][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineRouting.instance]. Tasks
- * which were created using the App Engine SDK might have a custom domain
- * name.
+ * [service][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineRouting.service], [version][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineRouting.version],
+ * and [instance][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineRouting.instance]. Tasks which were created using
+ * the App Engine SDK might have a custom domain name.
* For more information, see
* [How Requests are
* Routed](https://cloud.google.com/appengine/docs/standard/python/how-requests-are-routed).
@@ -177,18 +165,16 @@ public function __construct($data = NULL) {
* By default, the task is sent to the service which is the default
* service when the task is attempted.
* For some queues or tasks which were created using the App Engine
- * Task Queue API, [host][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineRouting.host] is
- * not parsable into
- * [service][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineRouting.service],
+ * Task Queue API, [host][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineRouting.host] is not parsable
+ * into [service][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineRouting.service],
* [version][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineRouting.version], and
- * [instance][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineRouting.instance]. For
- * example, some tasks which were created using the App Engine SDK use a
- * custom domain name; custom domains are not parsed by Cloud Tasks. If
- * [host][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineRouting.host] is not parsable,
- * then [service][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineRouting.service],
+ * [instance][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineRouting.instance]. For example, some tasks
+ * which were created using the App Engine SDK use a custom domain
+ * name; custom domains are not parsed by Cloud Tasks. If
+ * [host][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineRouting.host] is not parsable, then
+ * [service][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineRouting.service],
* [version][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineRouting.version], and
- * [instance][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineRouting.instance] are the
- * empty string.
+ * [instance][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineRouting.instance] are the empty string.
* Generated from protobuf field string service = 1;
* @return string
@@ -203,18 +189,16 @@ public function getService()
* By default, the task is sent to the service which is the default
* service when the task is attempted.
* For some queues or tasks which were created using the App Engine
- * Task Queue API, [host][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineRouting.host] is
- * not parsable into
- * [service][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineRouting.service],
+ * Task Queue API, [host][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineRouting.host] is not parsable
+ * into [service][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineRouting.service],
* [version][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineRouting.version], and
- * [instance][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineRouting.instance]. For
- * example, some tasks which were created using the App Engine SDK use a
- * custom domain name; custom domains are not parsed by Cloud Tasks. If
- * [host][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineRouting.host] is not parsable,
- * then [service][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineRouting.service],
+ * [instance][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineRouting.instance]. For example, some tasks
+ * which were created using the App Engine SDK use a custom domain
+ * name; custom domains are not parsed by Cloud Tasks. If
+ * [host][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineRouting.host] is not parsable, then
+ * [service][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineRouting.service],
* [version][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineRouting.version], and
- * [instance][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineRouting.instance] are the
- * empty string.
+ * [instance][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineRouting.instance] are the empty string.
* Generated from protobuf field string service = 1;
* @param string $var
@@ -233,18 +217,16 @@ public function setService($var)
* By default, the task is sent to the version which is the default
* version when the task is attempted.
* For some queues or tasks which were created using the App Engine
- * Task Queue API, [host][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineRouting.host] is
- * not parsable into
- * [service][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineRouting.service],
+ * Task Queue API, [host][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineRouting.host] is not parsable
+ * into [service][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineRouting.service],
* [version][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineRouting.version], and
- * [instance][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineRouting.instance]. For
- * example, some tasks which were created using the App Engine SDK use a
- * custom domain name; custom domains are not parsed by Cloud Tasks. If
- * [host][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineRouting.host] is not parsable,
- * then [service][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineRouting.service],
+ * [instance][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineRouting.instance]. For example, some tasks
+ * which were created using the App Engine SDK use a custom domain
+ * name; custom domains are not parsed by Cloud Tasks. If
+ * [host][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineRouting.host] is not parsable, then
+ * [service][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineRouting.service],
* [version][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineRouting.version], and
- * [instance][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineRouting.instance] are the
- * empty string.
+ * [instance][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineRouting.instance] are the empty string.
* Generated from protobuf field string version = 2;
* @return string
@@ -259,18 +241,16 @@ public function getVersion()
* By default, the task is sent to the version which is the default
* version when the task is attempted.
* For some queues or tasks which were created using the App Engine
- * Task Queue API, [host][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineRouting.host] is
- * not parsable into
- * [service][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineRouting.service],
+ * Task Queue API, [host][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineRouting.host] is not parsable
+ * into [service][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineRouting.service],
* [version][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineRouting.version], and
- * [instance][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineRouting.instance]. For
- * example, some tasks which were created using the App Engine SDK use a
- * custom domain name; custom domains are not parsed by Cloud Tasks. If
- * [host][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineRouting.host] is not parsable,
- * then [service][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineRouting.service],
+ * [instance][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineRouting.instance]. For example, some tasks
+ * which were created using the App Engine SDK use a custom domain
+ * name; custom domains are not parsed by Cloud Tasks. If
+ * [host][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineRouting.host] is not parsable, then
+ * [service][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineRouting.service],
* [version][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineRouting.version], and
- * [instance][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineRouting.instance] are the
- * empty string.
+ * [instance][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineRouting.instance] are the empty string.
* Generated from protobuf field string version = 2;
* @param string $var
@@ -334,11 +314,9 @@ public function setInstance($var)
* Output only. The host that the task is sent to.
* The host is constructed from the domain name of the app associated with
* the queue's project ID (for example .appspot.com), and the
- * [service][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineRouting.service],
- * [version][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineRouting.version], and
- * [instance][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineRouting.instance]. Tasks
- * which were created using the App Engine SDK might have a custom domain
- * name.
+ * [service][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineRouting.service], [version][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineRouting.version],
+ * and [instance][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineRouting.instance]. Tasks which were created using
+ * the App Engine SDK might have a custom domain name.
* For more information, see
* [How Requests are
* Routed](https://cloud.google.com/appengine/docs/standard/python/how-requests-are-routed).
@@ -355,11 +333,9 @@ public function getHost()
* Output only. The host that the task is sent to.
* The host is constructed from the domain name of the app associated with
* the queue's project ID (for example .appspot.com), and the
- * [service][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineRouting.service],
- * [version][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineRouting.version], and
- * [instance][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineRouting.instance]. Tasks
- * which were created using the App Engine SDK might have a custom domain
- * name.
+ * [service][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineRouting.service], [version][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineRouting.version],
+ * and [instance][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineRouting.instance]. Tasks which were created using
+ * the App Engine SDK might have a custom domain name.
* For more information, see
* [How Requests are
* Routed](https://cloud.google.com/appengine/docs/standard/python/how-requests-are-routed).
diff --git a/Tasks/src/V2beta3/CloudTasksGrpcClient.php b/Tasks/src/V2beta3/CloudTasksGrpcClient.php
index 8ad02a434b66..4e0fd4402ad6 100644
--- a/Tasks/src/V2beta3/CloudTasksGrpcClient.php
+++ b/Tasks/src/V2beta3/CloudTasksGrpcClient.php
@@ -68,15 +68,14 @@ public function GetQueue(\Google\Cloud\Tasks\V2beta3\GetQueueRequest $argument,
* Creates a queue.
* Queues created with this method allow tasks to live for a maximum of 31
- * days. After a task is 31 days old, the task will be deleted regardless of
- * whether it was dispatched or not.
+ * days. After a task is 31 days old, the task will be deleted regardless of whether
+ * it was dispatched or not.
* WARNING: Using this method may have unintended side effects if you are
* using an App Engine `queue.yaml` or `queue.xml` file to manage your queues.
* Read
- * [Overview of Queue Management and
- * queue.yaml](https://cloud.google.com/tasks/docs/queue-yaml) before using
- * this method.
+ * [Overview of Queue Management and queue.yaml](https://cloud.google.com/tasks/docs/queue-yaml)
+ * before using this method.
* @param \Google\Cloud\Tasks\V2beta3\CreateQueueRequest $argument input argument
* @param array $metadata metadata
* @param array $options call options
@@ -96,15 +95,14 @@ public function CreateQueue(\Google\Cloud\Tasks\V2beta3\CreateQueueRequest $argu
* the queue if it does exist.
* Queues created with this method allow tasks to live for a maximum of 31
- * days. After a task is 31 days old, the task will be deleted regardless of
- * whether it was dispatched or not.
+ * days. After a task is 31 days old, the task will be deleted regardless of whether
+ * it was dispatched or not.
* WARNING: Using this method may have unintended side effects if you are
* using an App Engine `queue.yaml` or `queue.xml` file to manage your queues.
* Read
- * [Overview of Queue Management and
- * queue.yaml](https://cloud.google.com/tasks/docs/queue-yaml) before using
- * this method.
+ * [Overview of Queue Management and queue.yaml](https://cloud.google.com/tasks/docs/queue-yaml)
+ * before using this method.
* @param \Google\Cloud\Tasks\V2beta3\UpdateQueueRequest $argument input argument
* @param array $metadata metadata
* @param array $options call options
@@ -128,9 +126,8 @@ public function UpdateQueue(\Google\Cloud\Tasks\V2beta3\UpdateQueueRequest $argu
* WARNING: Using this method may have unintended side effects if you are
* using an App Engine `queue.yaml` or `queue.xml` file to manage your queues.
* Read
- * [Overview of Queue Management and
- * queue.yaml](https://cloud.google.com/tasks/docs/queue-yaml) before using
- * this method.
+ * [Overview of Queue Management and queue.yaml](https://cloud.google.com/tasks/docs/queue-yaml)
+ * before using this method.
* @param \Google\Cloud\Tasks\V2beta3\DeleteQueueRequest $argument input argument
* @param array $metadata metadata
* @param array $options call options
@@ -167,10 +164,9 @@ public function PurgeQueue(\Google\Cloud\Tasks\V2beta3\PurgeQueueRequest $argume
* If a queue is paused then the system will stop dispatching tasks
* until the queue is resumed via
- * [ResumeQueue][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.CloudTasks.ResumeQueue]. Tasks can
- * still be added when the queue is paused. A queue is paused if its
- * [state][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Queue.state] is
- * [PAUSED][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Queue.State.PAUSED].
+ * [ResumeQueue][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.CloudTasks.ResumeQueue]. Tasks can still be added
+ * when the queue is paused. A queue is paused if its
+ * [state][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Queue.state] is [PAUSED][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Queue.State.PAUSED].
* @param \Google\Cloud\Tasks\V2beta3\PauseQueueRequest $argument input argument
* @param array $metadata metadata
* @param array $options call options
@@ -188,17 +184,14 @@ public function PauseQueue(\Google\Cloud\Tasks\V2beta3\PauseQueueRequest $argume
* This method resumes a queue after it has been
* [PAUSED][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Queue.State.PAUSED] or
- * [DISABLED][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Queue.State.DISABLED]. The state of a
- * queue is stored in the queue's
- * [state][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Queue.state]; after calling this method
- * it will be set to
- * [RUNNING][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Queue.State.RUNNING].
+ * [DISABLED][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Queue.State.DISABLED]. The state of a queue is stored
+ * in the queue's [state][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Queue.state]; after calling this method it
+ * will be set to [RUNNING][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Queue.State.RUNNING].
* WARNING: Resuming many high-QPS queues at the same time can
* lead to target overloading. If you are resuming high-QPS
* queues, follow the 500/50/5 pattern described in
- * [Managing Cloud Tasks Scaling
- * Risks](https://cloud.google.com/tasks/docs/manage-cloud-task-scaling).
+ * [Managing Cloud Tasks Scaling Risks](https://cloud.google.com/tasks/docs/manage-cloud-task-scaling).
* @param \Google\Cloud\Tasks\V2beta3\ResumeQueueRequest $argument input argument
* @param array $metadata metadata
* @param array $options call options
@@ -212,9 +205,9 @@ public function ResumeQueue(\Google\Cloud\Tasks\V2beta3\ResumeQueueRequest $argu
- * Gets the access control policy for a
- * [Queue][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Queue]. Returns an empty policy if the
- * resource exists and does not have a policy set.
+ * Gets the access control policy for a [Queue][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Queue].
+ * Returns an empty policy if the resource exists and does not have a policy
+ * set.
* Authorization requires the following
* [Google IAM](https://cloud.google.com/iam) permission on the specified
@@ -234,8 +227,8 @@ public function GetIamPolicy(\Google\Cloud\Iam\V1\GetIamPolicyRequest $argument,
- * Sets the access control policy for a
- * [Queue][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Queue]. Replaces any existing policy.
+ * Sets the access control policy for a [Queue][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Queue]. Replaces any existing
+ * policy.
* Note: The Cloud Console does not check queue-level IAM permissions yet.
* Project-level permissions are required to use the Cloud Console.
@@ -258,10 +251,9 @@ public function SetIamPolicy(\Google\Cloud\Iam\V1\SetIamPolicyRequest $argument,
- * Returns permissions that a caller has on a
- * [Queue][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Queue]. If the resource does not exist,
- * this will return an empty set of permissions, not a
- * [NOT_FOUND][google.rpc.Code.NOT_FOUND] error.
+ * Returns permissions that a caller has on a [Queue][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Queue].
+ * If the resource does not exist, this will return an empty set of
+ * permissions, not a [NOT_FOUND][google.rpc.Code.NOT_FOUND] error.
* Note: This operation is designed to be used for building permission-aware
* UIs and command-line tools, not for authorization checking. This operation
@@ -281,10 +273,10 @@ public function TestIamPermissions(\Google\Cloud\Iam\V1\TestIamPermissionsReques
* Lists the tasks in a queue.
- * By default, only the [BASIC][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task.View.BASIC]
- * view is retrieved due to performance considerations;
- * [response_view][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.ListTasksRequest.response_view]
- * controls the subset of information which is returned.
+ * By default, only the [BASIC][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task.View.BASIC] view is retrieved
+ * due to performance considerations;
+ * [response_view][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.ListTasksRequest.response_view] controls the
+ * subset of information which is returned.
* The tasks may be returned in any order. The ordering may change at any
* time.
@@ -319,8 +311,7 @@ public function GetTask(\Google\Cloud\Tasks\V2beta3\GetTaskRequest $argument,
* Tasks cannot be updated after creation; there is no UpdateTask command.
- * * For [App Engine queues][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineHttpQueue],
- * the maximum task size is
+ * * For [App Engine queues][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineHttpQueue], the maximum task size is
* 100KB.
* @param \Google\Cloud\Tasks\V2beta3\CreateTaskRequest $argument input argument
* @param array $metadata metadata
@@ -356,14 +347,13 @@ public function DeleteTask(\Google\Cloud\Tasks\V2beta3\DeleteTaskRequest $argume
* Forces a task to run now.
* When this method is called, Cloud Tasks will dispatch the task, even if
- * the task is already running, the queue has reached its
- * [RateLimits][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.RateLimits] or is
- * [PAUSED][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Queue.State.PAUSED].
+ * the task is already running, the queue has reached its [RateLimits][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.RateLimits] or
+ * is [PAUSED][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Queue.State.PAUSED].
* This command is meant to be used for manual debugging. For
- * example, [RunTask][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.CloudTasks.RunTask] can be
- * used to retry a failed task after a fix has been made or to manually force
- * a task to be dispatched now.
+ * example, [RunTask][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.CloudTasks.RunTask] can be used to retry a failed
+ * task after a fix has been made or to manually force a task to be
+ * dispatched now.
* The dispatched task is returned. That is, the task that is returned
* contains the [status][Task.status] after the task is dispatched but
@@ -371,11 +361,9 @@ public function DeleteTask(\Google\Cloud\Tasks\V2beta3\DeleteTaskRequest $argume
* If Cloud Tasks receives a successful response from the task's
* target, then the task will be deleted; otherwise the task's
- * [schedule_time][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task.schedule_time] will be
- * reset to the time that
- * [RunTask][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.CloudTasks.RunTask] was called plus
- * the retry delay specified in the queue's
- * [RetryConfig][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.RetryConfig].
+ * [schedule_time][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task.schedule_time] will be reset to the time that
+ * [RunTask][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.CloudTasks.RunTask] was called plus the retry delay specified
+ * in the queue's [RetryConfig][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.RetryConfig].
* [RunTask][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.CloudTasks.RunTask] returns
* [NOT_FOUND][google.rpc.Code.NOT_FOUND] when it is called on a
diff --git a/Tasks/src/V2beta3/CreateQueueRequest.php b/Tasks/src/V2beta3/CreateQueueRequest.php
index 6dae24a9e430..535db4dc849f 100644
--- a/Tasks/src/V2beta3/CreateQueueRequest.php
+++ b/Tasks/src/V2beta3/CreateQueueRequest.php
@@ -9,8 +9,7 @@
use Google\Protobuf\Internal\GPBUtil;
- * Request message for
- * [CreateQueue][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.CloudTasks.CreateQueue].
+ * Request message for [CreateQueue][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.CloudTasks.CreateQueue].
* Generated from protobuf message google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.CreateQueueRequest
@@ -30,8 +29,7 @@ class CreateQueueRequest extends \Google\Protobuf\Internal\Message
* Required.
* The queue to create.
- * [Queue's name][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Queue.name] cannot be the same as
- * an existing queue.
+ * [Queue's name][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Queue.name] cannot be the same as an existing queue.
* Generated from protobuf field .google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Queue queue = 2;
@@ -53,8 +51,7 @@ class CreateQueueRequest extends \Google\Protobuf\Internal\Message
* @type \Google\Cloud\Tasks\V2beta3\Queue $queue
* Required.
* The queue to create.
- * [Queue's name][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Queue.name] cannot be the same as
- * an existing queue.
+ * [Queue's name][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Queue.name] cannot be the same as an existing queue.
* }
public function __construct($data = NULL) {
@@ -101,8 +98,7 @@ public function setParent($var)
* Required.
* The queue to create.
- * [Queue's name][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Queue.name] cannot be the same as
- * an existing queue.
+ * [Queue's name][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Queue.name] cannot be the same as an existing queue.
* Generated from protobuf field .google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Queue queue = 2;
* @return \Google\Cloud\Tasks\V2beta3\Queue
@@ -115,8 +111,7 @@ public function getQueue()
* Required.
* The queue to create.
- * [Queue's name][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Queue.name] cannot be the same as
- * an existing queue.
+ * [Queue's name][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Queue.name] cannot be the same as an existing queue.
* Generated from protobuf field .google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Queue queue = 2;
* @param \Google\Cloud\Tasks\V2beta3\Queue $var
diff --git a/Tasks/src/V2beta3/CreateTaskRequest.php b/Tasks/src/V2beta3/CreateTaskRequest.php
index e3644b2290e6..accfc00bff72 100644
--- a/Tasks/src/V2beta3/CreateTaskRequest.php
+++ b/Tasks/src/V2beta3/CreateTaskRequest.php
@@ -9,8 +9,7 @@
use Google\Protobuf\Internal\GPBUtil;
- * Request message for
- * [CreateTask][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.CloudTasks.CreateTask].
+ * Request message for [CreateTask][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.CloudTasks.CreateTask].
* Generated from protobuf message google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.CreateTaskRequest
@@ -30,12 +29,12 @@ class CreateTaskRequest extends \Google\Protobuf\Internal\Message
* The task to add.
* Task names have the following format:
* `projects/PROJECT_ID/locations/LOCATION_ID/queues/QUEUE_ID/tasks/TASK_ID`.
- * The user can optionally specify a task
- * [name][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task.name]. If a name is not specified
- * then the system will generate a random unique task id, which will be set in
- * the task returned in the [response][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task.name].
- * If [schedule_time][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task.schedule_time] is not
- * set or is in the past then Cloud Tasks will set it to the current time.
+ * The user can optionally specify a task [name][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task.name]. If a
+ * name is not specified then the system will generate a random
+ * unique task id, which will be set in the task returned in the
+ * [response][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task.name].
+ * If [schedule_time][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task.schedule_time] is not set or is in the
+ * past then Cloud Tasks will set it to the current time.
* Task De-duplication:
* Explicitly specifying a task ID enables task de-duplication. If
* a task's ID is identical to that of an existing task or a task
@@ -47,10 +46,10 @@ class CreateTaskRequest extends \Google\Protobuf\Internal\Message
* queue.xml, then another task with the same name can't be created
* for ~9days after the original task was deleted or executed.
* Because there is an extra lookup cost to identify duplicate task
- * names, these [CreateTask][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.CloudTasks.CreateTask]
- * calls have significantly increased latency. Using hashed strings for the
- * task id or for the prefix of the task id is recommended. Choosing task ids
- * that are sequential or have sequential prefixes, for example using a
+ * names, these [CreateTask][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.CloudTasks.CreateTask] calls have significantly
+ * increased latency. Using hashed strings for the task id or for
+ * the prefix of the task id is recommended. Choosing task ids that
+ * are sequential or have sequential prefixes, for example using a
* timestamp, causes an increase in latency and error rates in all
* task commands. The infrastructure relies on an approximately
* uniform distribution of task ids to store and serve tasks
@@ -60,17 +59,16 @@ class CreateTaskRequest extends \Google\Protobuf\Internal\Message
private $task = null;
- * The response_view specifies which subset of the
- * [Task][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task] will be returned.
- * By default response_view is
- * [BASIC][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task.View.BASIC]; not all information is
- * retrieved by default because some data, such as payloads, might be
- * desirable to return only when needed because of its large size or because
- * of the sensitivity of data that it contains.
- * Authorization for [FULL][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task.View.FULL]
- * requires `cloudtasks.tasks.fullView` [Google
- * IAM](https://cloud.google.com/iam/) permission on the
- * [Task][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task] resource.
+ * The response_view specifies which subset of the [Task][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task] will be
+ * returned.
+ * By default response_view is [BASIC][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task.View.BASIC]; not all
+ * information is retrieved by default because some data, such as
+ * payloads, might be desirable to return only when needed because
+ * of its large size or because of the sensitivity of data that it
+ * contains.
+ * Authorization for [FULL][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task.View.FULL] requires
+ * `cloudtasks.tasks.fullView` [Google IAM](https://cloud.google.com/iam/)
+ * permission on the [Task][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task] resource.
* Generated from protobuf field .google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task.View response_view = 3;
@@ -92,12 +90,12 @@ class CreateTaskRequest extends \Google\Protobuf\Internal\Message
* The task to add.
* Task names have the following format:
* `projects/PROJECT_ID/locations/LOCATION_ID/queues/QUEUE_ID/tasks/TASK_ID`.
- * The user can optionally specify a task
- * [name][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task.name]. If a name is not specified
- * then the system will generate a random unique task id, which will be set in
- * the task returned in the [response][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task.name].
- * If [schedule_time][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task.schedule_time] is not
- * set or is in the past then Cloud Tasks will set it to the current time.
+ * The user can optionally specify a task [name][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task.name]. If a
+ * name is not specified then the system will generate a random
+ * unique task id, which will be set in the task returned in the
+ * [response][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task.name].
+ * If [schedule_time][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task.schedule_time] is not set or is in the
+ * past then Cloud Tasks will set it to the current time.
* Task De-duplication:
* Explicitly specifying a task ID enables task de-duplication. If
* a task's ID is identical to that of an existing task or a task
@@ -109,26 +107,25 @@ class CreateTaskRequest extends \Google\Protobuf\Internal\Message
* queue.xml, then another task with the same name can't be created
* for ~9days after the original task was deleted or executed.
* Because there is an extra lookup cost to identify duplicate task
- * names, these [CreateTask][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.CloudTasks.CreateTask]
- * calls have significantly increased latency. Using hashed strings for the
- * task id or for the prefix of the task id is recommended. Choosing task ids
- * that are sequential or have sequential prefixes, for example using a
+ * names, these [CreateTask][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.CloudTasks.CreateTask] calls have significantly
+ * increased latency. Using hashed strings for the task id or for
+ * the prefix of the task id is recommended. Choosing task ids that
+ * are sequential or have sequential prefixes, for example using a
* timestamp, causes an increase in latency and error rates in all
* task commands. The infrastructure relies on an approximately
* uniform distribution of task ids to store and serve tasks
* efficiently.
* @type int $response_view
- * The response_view specifies which subset of the
- * [Task][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task] will be returned.
- * By default response_view is
- * [BASIC][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task.View.BASIC]; not all information is
- * retrieved by default because some data, such as payloads, might be
- * desirable to return only when needed because of its large size or because
- * of the sensitivity of data that it contains.
- * Authorization for [FULL][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task.View.FULL]
- * requires `cloudtasks.tasks.fullView` [Google
- * IAM](https://cloud.google.com/iam/) permission on the
- * [Task][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task] resource.
+ * The response_view specifies which subset of the [Task][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task] will be
+ * returned.
+ * By default response_view is [BASIC][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task.View.BASIC]; not all
+ * information is retrieved by default because some data, such as
+ * payloads, might be desirable to return only when needed because
+ * of its large size or because of the sensitivity of data that it
+ * contains.
+ * Authorization for [FULL][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task.View.FULL] requires
+ * `cloudtasks.tasks.fullView` [Google IAM](https://cloud.google.com/iam/)
+ * permission on the [Task][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task] resource.
* }
public function __construct($data = NULL) {
@@ -173,12 +170,12 @@ public function setParent($var)
* The task to add.
* Task names have the following format:
* `projects/PROJECT_ID/locations/LOCATION_ID/queues/QUEUE_ID/tasks/TASK_ID`.
- * The user can optionally specify a task
- * [name][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task.name]. If a name is not specified
- * then the system will generate a random unique task id, which will be set in
- * the task returned in the [response][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task.name].
- * If [schedule_time][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task.schedule_time] is not
- * set or is in the past then Cloud Tasks will set it to the current time.
+ * The user can optionally specify a task [name][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task.name]. If a
+ * name is not specified then the system will generate a random
+ * unique task id, which will be set in the task returned in the
+ * [response][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task.name].
+ * If [schedule_time][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task.schedule_time] is not set or is in the
+ * past then Cloud Tasks will set it to the current time.
* Task De-duplication:
* Explicitly specifying a task ID enables task de-duplication. If
* a task's ID is identical to that of an existing task or a task
@@ -190,10 +187,10 @@ public function setParent($var)
* queue.xml, then another task with the same name can't be created
* for ~9days after the original task was deleted or executed.
* Because there is an extra lookup cost to identify duplicate task
- * names, these [CreateTask][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.CloudTasks.CreateTask]
- * calls have significantly increased latency. Using hashed strings for the
- * task id or for the prefix of the task id is recommended. Choosing task ids
- * that are sequential or have sequential prefixes, for example using a
+ * names, these [CreateTask][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.CloudTasks.CreateTask] calls have significantly
+ * increased latency. Using hashed strings for the task id or for
+ * the prefix of the task id is recommended. Choosing task ids that
+ * are sequential or have sequential prefixes, for example using a
* timestamp, causes an increase in latency and error rates in all
* task commands. The infrastructure relies on an approximately
* uniform distribution of task ids to store and serve tasks
@@ -212,12 +209,12 @@ public function getTask()
* The task to add.
* Task names have the following format:
* `projects/PROJECT_ID/locations/LOCATION_ID/queues/QUEUE_ID/tasks/TASK_ID`.
- * The user can optionally specify a task
- * [name][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task.name]. If a name is not specified
- * then the system will generate a random unique task id, which will be set in
- * the task returned in the [response][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task.name].
- * If [schedule_time][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task.schedule_time] is not
- * set or is in the past then Cloud Tasks will set it to the current time.
+ * The user can optionally specify a task [name][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task.name]. If a
+ * name is not specified then the system will generate a random
+ * unique task id, which will be set in the task returned in the
+ * [response][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task.name].
+ * If [schedule_time][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task.schedule_time] is not set or is in the
+ * past then Cloud Tasks will set it to the current time.
* Task De-duplication:
* Explicitly specifying a task ID enables task de-duplication. If
* a task's ID is identical to that of an existing task or a task
@@ -229,10 +226,10 @@ public function getTask()
* queue.xml, then another task with the same name can't be created
* for ~9days after the original task was deleted or executed.
* Because there is an extra lookup cost to identify duplicate task
- * names, these [CreateTask][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.CloudTasks.CreateTask]
- * calls have significantly increased latency. Using hashed strings for the
- * task id or for the prefix of the task id is recommended. Choosing task ids
- * that are sequential or have sequential prefixes, for example using a
+ * names, these [CreateTask][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.CloudTasks.CreateTask] calls have significantly
+ * increased latency. Using hashed strings for the task id or for
+ * the prefix of the task id is recommended. Choosing task ids that
+ * are sequential or have sequential prefixes, for example using a
* timestamp, causes an increase in latency and error rates in all
* task commands. The infrastructure relies on an approximately
* uniform distribution of task ids to store and serve tasks
@@ -251,17 +248,16 @@ public function setTask($var)
- * The response_view specifies which subset of the
- * [Task][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task] will be returned.
- * By default response_view is
- * [BASIC][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task.View.BASIC]; not all information is
- * retrieved by default because some data, such as payloads, might be
- * desirable to return only when needed because of its large size or because
- * of the sensitivity of data that it contains.
- * Authorization for [FULL][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task.View.FULL]
- * requires `cloudtasks.tasks.fullView` [Google
- * IAM](https://cloud.google.com/iam/) permission on the
- * [Task][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task] resource.
+ * The response_view specifies which subset of the [Task][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task] will be
+ * returned.
+ * By default response_view is [BASIC][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task.View.BASIC]; not all
+ * information is retrieved by default because some data, such as
+ * payloads, might be desirable to return only when needed because
+ * of its large size or because of the sensitivity of data that it
+ * contains.
+ * Authorization for [FULL][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task.View.FULL] requires
+ * `cloudtasks.tasks.fullView` [Google IAM](https://cloud.google.com/iam/)
+ * permission on the [Task][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task] resource.
* Generated from protobuf field .google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task.View response_view = 3;
* @return int
@@ -272,17 +268,16 @@ public function getResponseView()
- * The response_view specifies which subset of the
- * [Task][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task] will be returned.
- * By default response_view is
- * [BASIC][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task.View.BASIC]; not all information is
- * retrieved by default because some data, such as payloads, might be
- * desirable to return only when needed because of its large size or because
- * of the sensitivity of data that it contains.
- * Authorization for [FULL][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task.View.FULL]
- * requires `cloudtasks.tasks.fullView` [Google
- * IAM](https://cloud.google.com/iam/) permission on the
- * [Task][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task] resource.
+ * The response_view specifies which subset of the [Task][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task] will be
+ * returned.
+ * By default response_view is [BASIC][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task.View.BASIC]; not all
+ * information is retrieved by default because some data, such as
+ * payloads, might be desirable to return only when needed because
+ * of its large size or because of the sensitivity of data that it
+ * contains.
+ * Authorization for [FULL][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task.View.FULL] requires
+ * `cloudtasks.tasks.fullView` [Google IAM](https://cloud.google.com/iam/)
+ * permission on the [Task][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task] resource.
* Generated from protobuf field .google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task.View response_view = 3;
* @param int $var
diff --git a/Tasks/src/V2beta3/DeleteQueueRequest.php b/Tasks/src/V2beta3/DeleteQueueRequest.php
index 81e801d3ff9b..c1bdbb456ef3 100644
--- a/Tasks/src/V2beta3/DeleteQueueRequest.php
+++ b/Tasks/src/V2beta3/DeleteQueueRequest.php
@@ -9,8 +9,7 @@
use Google\Protobuf\Internal\GPBUtil;
- * Request message for
- * [DeleteQueue][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.CloudTasks.DeleteQueue].
+ * Request message for [DeleteQueue][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.CloudTasks.DeleteQueue].
* Generated from protobuf message google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.DeleteQueueRequest
diff --git a/Tasks/src/V2beta3/Gapic/CloudTasksGapicClient.php b/Tasks/src/V2beta3/Gapic/CloudTasksGapicClient.php
index d71527d72304..7e58e0faf7ce 100644
--- a/Tasks/src/V2beta3/Gapic/CloudTasksGapicClient.php
+++ b/Tasks/src/V2beta3/Gapic/CloudTasksGapicClient.php
@@ -421,11 +421,11 @@ public function __construct(array $options = [])
* Optional.
* @type string $filter
- * `filter` can be used to specify a subset of queues. Any
- * [Queue][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Queue] field can be used as a filter and
- * several operators as supported. For example: `<=, <, >=, >, !=, =, :`. The
- * filter syntax is the same as described in [Stackdriver's Advanced Logs
- * Filters](https://cloud.google.com/logging/docs/view/advanced_filters).
+ * `filter` can be used to specify a subset of queues. Any [Queue][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Queue]
+ * field can be used as a filter and several operators as supported.
+ * For example: `<=, <, >=, >, !=, =, :`. The filter syntax is the same as
+ * described in
+ * [Stackdriver's Advanced Logs Filters](https://cloud.google.com/logging/docs/view/advanced_filters).
* Sample filter "state: PAUSED".
@@ -538,15 +538,14 @@ public function getQueue($name, array $optionalArgs = [])
* Creates a queue.
* Queues created with this method allow tasks to live for a maximum of 31
- * days. After a task is 31 days old, the task will be deleted regardless of
- * whether it was dispatched or not.
+ * days. After a task is 31 days old, the task will be deleted regardless of whether
+ * it was dispatched or not.
* WARNING: Using this method may have unintended side effects if you are
* using an App Engine `queue.yaml` or `queue.xml` file to manage your queues.
* Read
- * [Overview of Queue Management and
- * queue.yaml](https://cloud.google.com/tasks/docs/queue-yaml) before using
- * this method.
+ * [Overview of Queue Management and queue.yaml](https://cloud.google.com/tasks/docs/queue-yaml)
+ * before using this method.
* Sample code:
* ```
@@ -572,8 +571,7 @@ public function getQueue($name, array $optionalArgs = [])
* The queue to create.
- * [Queue's name][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Queue.name] cannot be the same as
- * an existing queue.
+ * [Queue's name][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Queue.name] cannot be the same as an existing queue.
* @param array $optionalArgs {
* Optional.
@@ -617,15 +615,14 @@ public function createQueue($parent, $queue, array $optionalArgs = [])
* the queue if it does exist.
* Queues created with this method allow tasks to live for a maximum of 31
- * days. After a task is 31 days old, the task will be deleted regardless of
- * whether it was dispatched or not.
+ * days. After a task is 31 days old, the task will be deleted regardless of whether
+ * it was dispatched or not.
* WARNING: Using this method may have unintended side effects if you are
* using an App Engine `queue.yaml` or `queue.xml` file to manage your queues.
* Read
- * [Overview of Queue Management and
- * queue.yaml](https://cloud.google.com/tasks/docs/queue-yaml) before using
- * this method.
+ * [Overview of Queue Management and queue.yaml](https://cloud.google.com/tasks/docs/queue-yaml)
+ * before using this method.
* Sample code:
* ```
@@ -642,13 +639,11 @@ public function createQueue($parent, $queue, array $optionalArgs = [])
* The queue to create or update.
- * The queue's [name][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Queue.name] must be
- * specified.
+ * The queue's [name][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Queue.name] must be specified.
* Output only fields cannot be modified using UpdateQueue.
* Any value specified for an output only field will be ignored.
- * The queue's [name][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Queue.name] cannot be
- * changed.
+ * The queue's [name][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Queue.name] cannot be changed.
* @param array $optionalArgs {
* Optional.
@@ -702,9 +697,8 @@ public function updateQueue($queue, array $optionalArgs = [])
* WARNING: Using this method may have unintended side effects if you are
* using an App Engine `queue.yaml` or `queue.xml` file to manage your queues.
* Read
- * [Overview of Queue Management and
- * queue.yaml](https://cloud.google.com/tasks/docs/queue-yaml) before using
- * this method.
+ * [Overview of Queue Management and queue.yaml](https://cloud.google.com/tasks/docs/queue-yaml)
+ * before using this method.
* Sample code:
* ```
@@ -817,10 +811,9 @@ public function purgeQueue($name, array $optionalArgs = [])
* If a queue is paused then the system will stop dispatching tasks
* until the queue is resumed via
- * [ResumeQueue][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.CloudTasks.ResumeQueue]. Tasks can
- * still be added when the queue is paused. A queue is paused if its
- * [state][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Queue.state] is
- * [PAUSED][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Queue.State.PAUSED].
+ * [ResumeQueue][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.CloudTasks.ResumeQueue]. Tasks can still be added
+ * when the queue is paused. A queue is paused if its
+ * [state][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Queue.state] is [PAUSED][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Queue.State.PAUSED].
* Sample code:
* ```
@@ -877,17 +870,14 @@ public function pauseQueue($name, array $optionalArgs = [])
* This method resumes a queue after it has been
* [PAUSED][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Queue.State.PAUSED] or
- * [DISABLED][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Queue.State.DISABLED]. The state of a
- * queue is stored in the queue's
- * [state][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Queue.state]; after calling this method
- * it will be set to
- * [RUNNING][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Queue.State.RUNNING].
+ * [DISABLED][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Queue.State.DISABLED]. The state of a queue is stored
+ * in the queue's [state][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Queue.state]; after calling this method it
+ * will be set to [RUNNING][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Queue.State.RUNNING].
* WARNING: Resuming many high-QPS queues at the same time can
* lead to target overloading. If you are resuming high-QPS
* queues, follow the 500/50/5 pattern described in
- * [Managing Cloud Tasks Scaling
- * Risks](https://cloud.google.com/tasks/docs/manage-cloud-task-scaling).
+ * [Managing Cloud Tasks Scaling Risks](https://cloud.google.com/tasks/docs/manage-cloud-task-scaling).
* Sample code:
* ```
@@ -940,9 +930,9 @@ public function resumeQueue($name, array $optionalArgs = [])
- * Gets the access control policy for a
- * [Queue][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Queue]. Returns an empty policy if the
- * resource exists and does not have a policy set.
+ * Gets the access control policy for a [Queue][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Queue].
+ * Returns an empty policy if the resource exists and does not have a policy
+ * set.
* Authorization requires the following
* [Google IAM](https://cloud.google.com/iam) permission on the specified
@@ -1000,8 +990,8 @@ public function getIamPolicy($resource, array $optionalArgs = [])
- * Sets the access control policy for a
- * [Queue][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Queue]. Replaces any existing policy.
+ * Sets the access control policy for a [Queue][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Queue]. Replaces any existing
+ * policy.
* Note: The Cloud Console does not check queue-level IAM permissions yet.
* Project-level permissions are required to use the Cloud Console.
@@ -1068,10 +1058,9 @@ public function setIamPolicy($resource, $policy, array $optionalArgs = [])
- * Returns permissions that a caller has on a
- * [Queue][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Queue]. If the resource does not exist,
- * this will return an empty set of permissions, not a
- * [NOT_FOUND][google.rpc.Code.NOT_FOUND] error.
+ * Returns permissions that a caller has on a [Queue][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Queue].
+ * If the resource does not exist, this will return an empty set of
+ * permissions, not a [NOT_FOUND][google.rpc.Code.NOT_FOUND] error.
* Note: This operation is designed to be used for building permission-aware
* UIs and command-line tools, not for authorization checking. This operation
@@ -1135,10 +1124,10 @@ public function testIamPermissions($resource, $permissions, array $optionalArgs
* Lists the tasks in a queue.
- * By default, only the [BASIC][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task.View.BASIC]
- * view is retrieved due to performance considerations;
- * [response_view][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.ListTasksRequest.response_view]
- * controls the subset of information which is returned.
+ * By default, only the [BASIC][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task.View.BASIC] view is retrieved
+ * due to performance considerations;
+ * [response_view][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.ListTasksRequest.response_view] controls the
+ * subset of information which is returned.
* The tasks may be returned in any order. The ordering may change at any
* time.
@@ -1177,19 +1166,18 @@ public function testIamPermissions($resource, $permissions, array $optionalArgs
* Optional.
* @type int $responseView
- * The response_view specifies which subset of the
- * [Task][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task] will be returned.
- *
- * By default response_view is
- * [BASIC][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task.View.BASIC]; not all information is
- * retrieved by default because some data, such as payloads, might be
- * desirable to return only when needed because of its large size or because
- * of the sensitivity of data that it contains.
- *
- * Authorization for [FULL][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task.View.FULL]
- * requires `cloudtasks.tasks.fullView` [Google
- * IAM](https://cloud.google.com/iam/) permission on the
- * [Task][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task] resource.
+ * The response_view specifies which subset of the [Task][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task] will be
+ * returned.
+ *
+ * By default response_view is [BASIC][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task.View.BASIC]; not all
+ * information is retrieved by default because some data, such as
+ * payloads, might be desirable to return only when needed because
+ * of its large size or because of the sensitivity of data that it
+ * contains.
+ *
+ * Authorization for [FULL][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task.View.FULL] requires
+ * `cloudtasks.tasks.fullView` [Google IAM](https://cloud.google.com/iam/)
+ * permission on the [Task][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task] resource.
* For allowed values, use constants defined on {@see \Google\Cloud\Tasks\V2beta3\Task\View}
* @type int $pageSize
* The maximum number of resources contained in the underlying API
@@ -1263,19 +1251,18 @@ public function listTasks($parent, array $optionalArgs = [])
* Optional.
* @type int $responseView
- * The response_view specifies which subset of the
- * [Task][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task] will be returned.
- *
- * By default response_view is
- * [BASIC][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task.View.BASIC]; not all information is
- * retrieved by default because some data, such as payloads, might be
- * desirable to return only when needed because of its large size or because
- * of the sensitivity of data that it contains.
- *
- * Authorization for [FULL][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task.View.FULL]
- * requires `cloudtasks.tasks.fullView` [Google
- * IAM](https://cloud.google.com/iam/) permission on the
- * [Task][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task] resource.
+ * The response_view specifies which subset of the [Task][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task] will be
+ * returned.
+ *
+ * By default response_view is [BASIC][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task.View.BASIC]; not all
+ * information is retrieved by default because some data, such as
+ * payloads, might be desirable to return only when needed because
+ * of its large size or because of the sensitivity of data that it
+ * contains.
+ *
+ * Authorization for [FULL][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task.View.FULL] requires
+ * `cloudtasks.tasks.fullView` [Google IAM](https://cloud.google.com/iam/)
+ * permission on the [Task][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task] resource.
* For allowed values, use constants defined on {@see \Google\Cloud\Tasks\V2beta3\Task\View}
* @type RetrySettings|array $retrySettings
* Retry settings to use for this call. Can be a
@@ -1317,8 +1304,7 @@ public function getTask($name, array $optionalArgs = [])
* Tasks cannot be updated after creation; there is no UpdateTask command.
- * * For [App Engine queues][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineHttpQueue],
- * the maximum task size is
+ * * For [App Engine queues][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineHttpQueue], the maximum task size is
* 100KB.
* Sample code:
@@ -1345,13 +1331,13 @@ public function getTask($name, array $optionalArgs = [])
* Task names have the following format:
* `projects/PROJECT_ID/locations/LOCATION_ID/queues/QUEUE_ID/tasks/TASK_ID`.
- * The user can optionally specify a task
- * [name][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task.name]. If a name is not specified
- * then the system will generate a random unique task id, which will be set in
- * the task returned in the [response][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task.name].
+ * The user can optionally specify a task [name][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task.name]. If a
+ * name is not specified then the system will generate a random
+ * unique task id, which will be set in the task returned in the
+ * [response][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task.name].
- * If [schedule_time][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task.schedule_time] is not
- * set or is in the past then Cloud Tasks will set it to the current time.
+ * If [schedule_time][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task.schedule_time] is not set or is in the
+ * past then Cloud Tasks will set it to the current time.
* Task De-duplication:
@@ -1366,10 +1352,10 @@ public function getTask($name, array $optionalArgs = [])
* for ~9days after the original task was deleted or executed.
* Because there is an extra lookup cost to identify duplicate task
- * names, these [CreateTask][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.CloudTasks.CreateTask]
- * calls have significantly increased latency. Using hashed strings for the
- * task id or for the prefix of the task id is recommended. Choosing task ids
- * that are sequential or have sequential prefixes, for example using a
+ * names, these [CreateTask][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.CloudTasks.CreateTask] calls have significantly
+ * increased latency. Using hashed strings for the task id or for
+ * the prefix of the task id is recommended. Choosing task ids that
+ * are sequential or have sequential prefixes, for example using a
* timestamp, causes an increase in latency and error rates in all
* task commands. The infrastructure relies on an approximately
* uniform distribution of task ids to store and serve tasks
@@ -1378,19 +1364,18 @@ public function getTask($name, array $optionalArgs = [])
* Optional.
* @type int $responseView
- * The response_view specifies which subset of the
- * [Task][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task] will be returned.
- *
- * By default response_view is
- * [BASIC][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task.View.BASIC]; not all information is
- * retrieved by default because some data, such as payloads, might be
- * desirable to return only when needed because of its large size or because
- * of the sensitivity of data that it contains.
- *
- * Authorization for [FULL][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task.View.FULL]
- * requires `cloudtasks.tasks.fullView` [Google
- * IAM](https://cloud.google.com/iam/) permission on the
- * [Task][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task] resource.
+ * The response_view specifies which subset of the [Task][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task] will be
+ * returned.
+ *
+ * By default response_view is [BASIC][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task.View.BASIC]; not all
+ * information is retrieved by default because some data, such as
+ * payloads, might be desirable to return only when needed because
+ * of its large size or because of the sensitivity of data that it
+ * contains.
+ *
+ * Authorization for [FULL][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task.View.FULL] requires
+ * `cloudtasks.tasks.fullView` [Google IAM](https://cloud.google.com/iam/)
+ * permission on the [Task][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task] resource.
* For allowed values, use constants defined on {@see \Google\Cloud\Tasks\V2beta3\Task\View}
* @type RetrySettings|array $retrySettings
* Retry settings to use for this call. Can be a
@@ -1487,14 +1472,13 @@ public function deleteTask($name, array $optionalArgs = [])
* Forces a task to run now.
* When this method is called, Cloud Tasks will dispatch the task, even if
- * the task is already running, the queue has reached its
- * [RateLimits][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.RateLimits] or is
- * [PAUSED][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Queue.State.PAUSED].
+ * the task is already running, the queue has reached its [RateLimits][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.RateLimits] or
+ * is [PAUSED][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Queue.State.PAUSED].
* This command is meant to be used for manual debugging. For
- * example, [RunTask][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.CloudTasks.RunTask] can be
- * used to retry a failed task after a fix has been made or to manually force
- * a task to be dispatched now.
+ * example, [RunTask][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.CloudTasks.RunTask] can be used to retry a failed
+ * task after a fix has been made or to manually force a task to be
+ * dispatched now.
* The dispatched task is returned. That is, the task that is returned
* contains the [status][Task.status] after the task is dispatched but
@@ -1502,11 +1486,9 @@ public function deleteTask($name, array $optionalArgs = [])
* If Cloud Tasks receives a successful response from the task's
* target, then the task will be deleted; otherwise the task's
- * [schedule_time][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task.schedule_time] will be
- * reset to the time that
- * [RunTask][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.CloudTasks.RunTask] was called plus
- * the retry delay specified in the queue's
- * [RetryConfig][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.RetryConfig].
+ * [schedule_time][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task.schedule_time] will be reset to the time that
+ * [RunTask][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.CloudTasks.RunTask] was called plus the retry delay specified
+ * in the queue's [RetryConfig][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.RetryConfig].
* [RunTask][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.CloudTasks.RunTask] returns
* [NOT_FOUND][google.rpc.Code.NOT_FOUND] when it is called on a
@@ -1531,19 +1513,18 @@ public function deleteTask($name, array $optionalArgs = [])
* Optional.
* @type int $responseView
- * The response_view specifies which subset of the
- * [Task][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task] will be returned.
- *
- * By default response_view is
- * [BASIC][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task.View.BASIC]; not all information is
- * retrieved by default because some data, such as payloads, might be
- * desirable to return only when needed because of its large size or because
- * of the sensitivity of data that it contains.
- *
- * Authorization for [FULL][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task.View.FULL]
- * requires `cloudtasks.tasks.fullView` [Google
- * IAM](https://cloud.google.com/iam/) permission on the
- * [Task][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task] resource.
+ * The response_view specifies which subset of the [Task][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task] will be
+ * returned.
+ *
+ * By default response_view is [BASIC][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task.View.BASIC]; not all
+ * information is retrieved by default because some data, such as
+ * payloads, might be desirable to return only when needed because
+ * of its large size or because of the sensitivity of data that it
+ * contains.
+ *
+ * Authorization for [FULL][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task.View.FULL] requires
+ * `cloudtasks.tasks.fullView` [Google IAM](https://cloud.google.com/iam/)
+ * permission on the [Task][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task] resource.
* For allowed values, use constants defined on {@see \Google\Cloud\Tasks\V2beta3\Task\View}
* @type RetrySettings|array $retrySettings
* Retry settings to use for this call. Can be a
diff --git a/Tasks/src/V2beta3/GetQueueRequest.php b/Tasks/src/V2beta3/GetQueueRequest.php
index 659f3c65f75e..37f9e51e2f2e 100644
--- a/Tasks/src/V2beta3/GetQueueRequest.php
+++ b/Tasks/src/V2beta3/GetQueueRequest.php
@@ -9,8 +9,7 @@
use Google\Protobuf\Internal\GPBUtil;
- * Request message for
- * [GetQueue][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.CloudTasks.GetQueue].
+ * Request message for [GetQueue][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.CloudTasks.GetQueue].
* Generated from protobuf message google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.GetQueueRequest
diff --git a/Tasks/src/V2beta3/GetTaskRequest.php b/Tasks/src/V2beta3/GetTaskRequest.php
index 10becb8e7e87..3e4c258701f2 100644
--- a/Tasks/src/V2beta3/GetTaskRequest.php
+++ b/Tasks/src/V2beta3/GetTaskRequest.php
@@ -9,8 +9,7 @@
use Google\Protobuf\Internal\GPBUtil;
- * Request message for getting a task using
- * [GetTask][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.CloudTasks.GetTask].
+ * Request message for getting a task using [GetTask][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.CloudTasks.GetTask].
* Generated from protobuf message google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.GetTaskRequest
@@ -25,17 +24,16 @@ class GetTaskRequest extends \Google\Protobuf\Internal\Message
private $name = '';
- * The response_view specifies which subset of the
- * [Task][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task] will be returned.
- * By default response_view is
- * [BASIC][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task.View.BASIC]; not all information is
- * retrieved by default because some data, such as payloads, might be
- * desirable to return only when needed because of its large size or because
- * of the sensitivity of data that it contains.
- * Authorization for [FULL][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task.View.FULL]
- * requires `cloudtasks.tasks.fullView` [Google
- * IAM](https://cloud.google.com/iam/) permission on the
- * [Task][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task] resource.
+ * The response_view specifies which subset of the [Task][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task] will be
+ * returned.
+ * By default response_view is [BASIC][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task.View.BASIC]; not all
+ * information is retrieved by default because some data, such as
+ * payloads, might be desirable to return only when needed because
+ * of its large size or because of the sensitivity of data that it
+ * contains.
+ * Authorization for [FULL][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task.View.FULL] requires
+ * `cloudtasks.tasks.fullView` [Google IAM](https://cloud.google.com/iam/)
+ * permission on the [Task][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task] resource.
* Generated from protobuf field .google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task.View response_view = 2;
@@ -52,17 +50,16 @@ class GetTaskRequest extends \Google\Protobuf\Internal\Message
* The task name. For example:
* `projects/PROJECT_ID/locations/LOCATION_ID/queues/QUEUE_ID/tasks/TASK_ID`
* @type int $response_view
- * The response_view specifies which subset of the
- * [Task][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task] will be returned.
- * By default response_view is
- * [BASIC][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task.View.BASIC]; not all information is
- * retrieved by default because some data, such as payloads, might be
- * desirable to return only when needed because of its large size or because
- * of the sensitivity of data that it contains.
- * Authorization for [FULL][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task.View.FULL]
- * requires `cloudtasks.tasks.fullView` [Google
- * IAM](https://cloud.google.com/iam/) permission on the
- * [Task][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task] resource.
+ * The response_view specifies which subset of the [Task][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task] will be
+ * returned.
+ * By default response_view is [BASIC][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task.View.BASIC]; not all
+ * information is retrieved by default because some data, such as
+ * payloads, might be desirable to return only when needed because
+ * of its large size or because of the sensitivity of data that it
+ * contains.
+ * Authorization for [FULL][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task.View.FULL] requires
+ * `cloudtasks.tasks.fullView` [Google IAM](https://cloud.google.com/iam/)
+ * permission on the [Task][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task] resource.
* }
public function __construct($data = NULL) {
@@ -101,17 +98,16 @@ public function setName($var)
- * The response_view specifies which subset of the
- * [Task][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task] will be returned.
- * By default response_view is
- * [BASIC][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task.View.BASIC]; not all information is
- * retrieved by default because some data, such as payloads, might be
- * desirable to return only when needed because of its large size or because
- * of the sensitivity of data that it contains.
- * Authorization for [FULL][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task.View.FULL]
- * requires `cloudtasks.tasks.fullView` [Google
- * IAM](https://cloud.google.com/iam/) permission on the
- * [Task][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task] resource.
+ * The response_view specifies which subset of the [Task][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task] will be
+ * returned.
+ * By default response_view is [BASIC][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task.View.BASIC]; not all
+ * information is retrieved by default because some data, such as
+ * payloads, might be desirable to return only when needed because
+ * of its large size or because of the sensitivity of data that it
+ * contains.
+ * Authorization for [FULL][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task.View.FULL] requires
+ * `cloudtasks.tasks.fullView` [Google IAM](https://cloud.google.com/iam/)
+ * permission on the [Task][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task] resource.
* Generated from protobuf field .google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task.View response_view = 2;
* @return int
@@ -122,17 +118,16 @@ public function getResponseView()
- * The response_view specifies which subset of the
- * [Task][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task] will be returned.
- * By default response_view is
- * [BASIC][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task.View.BASIC]; not all information is
- * retrieved by default because some data, such as payloads, might be
- * desirable to return only when needed because of its large size or because
- * of the sensitivity of data that it contains.
- * Authorization for [FULL][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task.View.FULL]
- * requires `cloudtasks.tasks.fullView` [Google
- * IAM](https://cloud.google.com/iam/) permission on the
- * [Task][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task] resource.
+ * The response_view specifies which subset of the [Task][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task] will be
+ * returned.
+ * By default response_view is [BASIC][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task.View.BASIC]; not all
+ * information is retrieved by default because some data, such as
+ * payloads, might be desirable to return only when needed because
+ * of its large size or because of the sensitivity of data that it
+ * contains.
+ * Authorization for [FULL][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task.View.FULL] requires
+ * `cloudtasks.tasks.fullView` [Google IAM](https://cloud.google.com/iam/)
+ * permission on the [Task][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task] resource.
* Generated from protobuf field .google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task.View response_view = 2;
* @param int $var
diff --git a/Tasks/src/V2beta3/HttpRequest.php b/Tasks/src/V2beta3/HttpRequest.php
index 55ada9541f46..dacd42912bee 100644
--- a/Tasks/src/V2beta3/HttpRequest.php
+++ b/Tasks/src/V2beta3/HttpRequest.php
@@ -12,15 +12,14 @@
* HTTP request.
* Warning: This is an [alpha](https://cloud.google.com/terms/launch-stages)
* feature. If you haven't already joined, you can [use this form to sign
- * up](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfc4uEy9CBHKYUSdnY1hdhKDCX7julVZHy3imOiR-XrU7bUNQ/viewform?usp=sf_link).
+ * up](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfc4uEy9CBHKYUSdnY1hdhKDCX7julVZHy3imOiR-XrU7bUNQ/viewform).
* The task will be pushed to the worker as an HTTP request. If the worker
* or the redirected worker acknowledges the task by returning a successful HTTP
* response code ([`200` - `299`]), the task will removed from the queue. If
* any other HTTP response code is returned or no response is received, the
* task will be retried according to the following:
* * User-specified throttling: [retry configuration][Queue.RetryConfig],
- * [rate limits][Queue.RateLimits], and the [queue's
- * state][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Queue.state].
+ * [rate limits][Queue.RateLimits], and the [queue's state][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Queue.state].
* * System throttling: To prevent the worker from overloading, Cloud Tasks may
* temporarily reduce the queue's effective rate. User-specified settings
* will not be changed.
@@ -87,13 +86,13 @@ class HttpRequest extends \Google\Protobuf\Internal\Message
* HTTP request body.
* A request body is allowed only if the
- * [HTTP method][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.HttpRequest.http_method] is POST,
- * PUT, or PATCH. It is an error to set body on a task with an incompatible
- * [HttpMethod][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.HttpMethod].
+ * [HTTP method][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.HttpRequest.http_method] is POST, PUT, or PATCH. It is an
+ * error to set body on a task with an incompatible [HttpMethod][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.HttpMethod].
* Generated from protobuf field bytes body = 4;
private $body = '';
+ protected $authorization_header;
* Constructor.
@@ -136,9 +135,22 @@ class HttpRequest extends \Google\Protobuf\Internal\Message
* @type string $body
* HTTP request body.
* A request body is allowed only if the
- * [HTTP method][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.HttpRequest.http_method] is POST,
- * PUT, or PATCH. It is an error to set body on a task with an incompatible
- * [HttpMethod][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.HttpMethod].
+ * [HTTP method][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.HttpRequest.http_method] is POST, PUT, or PATCH. It is an
+ * error to set body on a task with an incompatible [HttpMethod][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.HttpMethod].
+ * @type \Google\Cloud\Tasks\V2beta3\OAuthToken $oauth_token
+ * If specified, an
+ * [OAuth token](https://developers.google.com/identity/protocols/OAuth2)
+ * will be generated and attached as an `Authorization` header in the HTTP
+ * request.
+ * This type of authorization should be used when sending requests to a GCP
+ * endpoint.
+ * @type \Google\Cloud\Tasks\V2beta3\OidcToken $oidc_token
+ * If specified, an
+ * [OIDC](https://developers.google.com/identity/protocols/OpenIDConnect)
+ * token will be generated and attached as an `Authorization` header in the
+ * HTTP request.
+ * This type of authorization should be used when sending requests to third
+ * party endpoints.
* }
public function __construct($data = NULL) {
@@ -279,9 +291,8 @@ public function setHeaders($var)
* HTTP request body.
* A request body is allowed only if the
- * [HTTP method][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.HttpRequest.http_method] is POST,
- * PUT, or PATCH. It is an error to set body on a task with an incompatible
- * [HttpMethod][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.HttpMethod].
+ * [HTTP method][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.HttpRequest.http_method] is POST, PUT, or PATCH. It is an
+ * error to set body on a task with an incompatible [HttpMethod][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.HttpMethod].
* Generated from protobuf field bytes body = 4;
* @return string
@@ -294,9 +305,8 @@ public function getBody()
* HTTP request body.
* A request body is allowed only if the
- * [HTTP method][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.HttpRequest.http_method] is POST,
- * PUT, or PATCH. It is an error to set body on a task with an incompatible
- * [HttpMethod][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.HttpMethod].
+ * [HTTP method][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.HttpRequest.http_method] is POST, PUT, or PATCH. It is an
+ * error to set body on a task with an incompatible [HttpMethod][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.HttpMethod].
* Generated from protobuf field bytes body = 4;
* @param string $var
@@ -310,5 +320,85 @@ public function setBody($var)
return $this;
+ /**
+ * If specified, an
+ * [OAuth token](https://developers.google.com/identity/protocols/OAuth2)
+ * will be generated and attached as an `Authorization` header in the HTTP
+ * request.
+ * This type of authorization should be used when sending requests to a GCP
+ * endpoint.
+ *
+ * Generated from protobuf field .google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.OAuthToken oauth_token = 5;
+ * @return \Google\Cloud\Tasks\V2beta3\OAuthToken
+ */
+ public function getOauthToken()
+ {
+ return $this->readOneof(5);
+ }
+ /**
+ * If specified, an
+ * [OAuth token](https://developers.google.com/identity/protocols/OAuth2)
+ * will be generated and attached as an `Authorization` header in the HTTP
+ * request.
+ * This type of authorization should be used when sending requests to a GCP
+ * endpoint.
+ *
+ * Generated from protobuf field .google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.OAuthToken oauth_token = 5;
+ * @param \Google\Cloud\Tasks\V2beta3\OAuthToken $var
+ * @return $this
+ */
+ public function setOauthToken($var)
+ {
+ GPBUtil::checkMessage($var, \Google\Cloud\Tasks\V2beta3\OAuthToken::class);
+ $this->writeOneof(5, $var);
+ return $this;
+ }
+ /**
+ * If specified, an
+ * [OIDC](https://developers.google.com/identity/protocols/OpenIDConnect)
+ * token will be generated and attached as an `Authorization` header in the
+ * HTTP request.
+ * This type of authorization should be used when sending requests to third
+ * party endpoints.
+ *
+ * Generated from protobuf field .google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.OidcToken oidc_token = 6;
+ * @return \Google\Cloud\Tasks\V2beta3\OidcToken
+ */
+ public function getOidcToken()
+ {
+ return $this->readOneof(6);
+ }
+ /**
+ * If specified, an
+ * [OIDC](https://developers.google.com/identity/protocols/OpenIDConnect)
+ * token will be generated and attached as an `Authorization` header in the
+ * HTTP request.
+ * This type of authorization should be used when sending requests to third
+ * party endpoints.
+ *
+ * Generated from protobuf field .google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.OidcToken oidc_token = 6;
+ * @param \Google\Cloud\Tasks\V2beta3\OidcToken $var
+ * @return $this
+ */
+ public function setOidcToken($var)
+ {
+ GPBUtil::checkMessage($var, \Google\Cloud\Tasks\V2beta3\OidcToken::class);
+ $this->writeOneof(6, $var);
+ return $this;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return string
+ */
+ public function getAuthorizationHeader()
+ {
+ return $this->whichOneof("authorization_header");
+ }
diff --git a/Tasks/src/V2beta3/ListQueuesRequest.php b/Tasks/src/V2beta3/ListQueuesRequest.php
index 2c551c587748..823f3888eabb 100644
--- a/Tasks/src/V2beta3/ListQueuesRequest.php
+++ b/Tasks/src/V2beta3/ListQueuesRequest.php
@@ -9,8 +9,7 @@
use Google\Protobuf\Internal\GPBUtil;
- * Request message for
- * [ListQueues][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.CloudTasks.ListQueues].
+ * Request message for [ListQueues][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.CloudTasks.ListQueues].
* Generated from protobuf message google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.ListQueuesRequest
@@ -25,11 +24,11 @@ class ListQueuesRequest extends \Google\Protobuf\Internal\Message
private $parent = '';
- * `filter` can be used to specify a subset of queues. Any
- * [Queue][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Queue] field can be used as a filter and
- * several operators as supported. For example: `<=, <, >=, >, !=, =, :`. The
- * filter syntax is the same as described in [Stackdriver's Advanced Logs
- * Filters](https://cloud.google.com/logging/docs/view/advanced_filters).
+ * `filter` can be used to specify a subset of queues. Any [Queue][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Queue]
+ * field can be used as a filter and several operators as supported.
+ * For example: `<=, <, >=, >, !=, =, :`. The filter syntax is the same as
+ * described in
+ * [Stackdriver's Advanced Logs Filters](https://cloud.google.com/logging/docs/view/advanced_filters).
* Sample filter "state: PAUSED".
* Note that using filters might cause fewer queues than the
* requested page_size to be returned.
@@ -42,8 +41,8 @@ class ListQueuesRequest extends \Google\Protobuf\Internal\Message
* The maximum page size is 9800. If unspecified, the page size will
* be the maximum. Fewer queues than requested might be returned,
* even if more queues exist; use the
- * [next_page_token][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.ListQueuesResponse.next_page_token]
- * in the response to determine if more queues exist.
+ * [next_page_token][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.ListQueuesResponse.next_page_token] in the
+ * response to determine if more queues exist.
* Generated from protobuf field int32 page_size = 3;
@@ -52,12 +51,10 @@ class ListQueuesRequest extends \Google\Protobuf\Internal\Message
* A token identifying the page of results to return.
* To request the first page results, page_token must be empty. To
* request the next page of results, page_token must be the value of
- * [next_page_token][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.ListQueuesResponse.next_page_token]
- * returned from the previous call to
- * [ListQueues][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.CloudTasks.ListQueues] method. It
- * is an error to switch the value of the
- * [filter][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.ListQueuesRequest.filter] while
- * iterating through pages.
+ * [next_page_token][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.ListQueuesResponse.next_page_token] returned
+ * from the previous call to [ListQueues][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.CloudTasks.ListQueues]
+ * method. It is an error to switch the value of the
+ * [filter][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.ListQueuesRequest.filter] while iterating through pages.
* Generated from protobuf field string page_token = 4;
@@ -74,11 +71,11 @@ class ListQueuesRequest extends \Google\Protobuf\Internal\Message
* The location name.
* For example: `projects/PROJECT_ID/locations/LOCATION_ID`
* @type string $filter
- * `filter` can be used to specify a subset of queues. Any
- * [Queue][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Queue] field can be used as a filter and
- * several operators as supported. For example: `<=, <, >=, >, !=, =, :`. The
- * filter syntax is the same as described in [Stackdriver's Advanced Logs
- * Filters](https://cloud.google.com/logging/docs/view/advanced_filters).
+ * `filter` can be used to specify a subset of queues. Any [Queue][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Queue]
+ * field can be used as a filter and several operators as supported.
+ * For example: `<=, <, >=, >, !=, =, :`. The filter syntax is the same as
+ * described in
+ * [Stackdriver's Advanced Logs Filters](https://cloud.google.com/logging/docs/view/advanced_filters).
* Sample filter "state: PAUSED".
* Note that using filters might cause fewer queues than the
* requested page_size to be returned.
@@ -87,18 +84,16 @@ class ListQueuesRequest extends \Google\Protobuf\Internal\Message
* The maximum page size is 9800. If unspecified, the page size will
* be the maximum. Fewer queues than requested might be returned,
* even if more queues exist; use the
- * [next_page_token][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.ListQueuesResponse.next_page_token]
- * in the response to determine if more queues exist.
+ * [next_page_token][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.ListQueuesResponse.next_page_token] in the
+ * response to determine if more queues exist.
* @type string $page_token
* A token identifying the page of results to return.
* To request the first page results, page_token must be empty. To
* request the next page of results, page_token must be the value of
- * [next_page_token][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.ListQueuesResponse.next_page_token]
- * returned from the previous call to
- * [ListQueues][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.CloudTasks.ListQueues] method. It
- * is an error to switch the value of the
- * [filter][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.ListQueuesRequest.filter] while
- * iterating through pages.
+ * [next_page_token][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.ListQueuesResponse.next_page_token] returned
+ * from the previous call to [ListQueues][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.CloudTasks.ListQueues]
+ * method. It is an error to switch the value of the
+ * [filter][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.ListQueuesRequest.filter] while iterating through pages.
* }
public function __construct($data = NULL) {
@@ -137,11 +132,11 @@ public function setParent($var)
- * `filter` can be used to specify a subset of queues. Any
- * [Queue][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Queue] field can be used as a filter and
- * several operators as supported. For example: `<=, <, >=, >, !=, =, :`. The
- * filter syntax is the same as described in [Stackdriver's Advanced Logs
- * Filters](https://cloud.google.com/logging/docs/view/advanced_filters).
+ * `filter` can be used to specify a subset of queues. Any [Queue][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Queue]
+ * field can be used as a filter and several operators as supported.
+ * For example: `<=, <, >=, >, !=, =, :`. The filter syntax is the same as
+ * described in
+ * [Stackdriver's Advanced Logs Filters](https://cloud.google.com/logging/docs/view/advanced_filters).
* Sample filter "state: PAUSED".
* Note that using filters might cause fewer queues than the
* requested page_size to be returned.
@@ -155,11 +150,11 @@ public function getFilter()
- * `filter` can be used to specify a subset of queues. Any
- * [Queue][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Queue] field can be used as a filter and
- * several operators as supported. For example: `<=, <, >=, >, !=, =, :`. The
- * filter syntax is the same as described in [Stackdriver's Advanced Logs
- * Filters](https://cloud.google.com/logging/docs/view/advanced_filters).
+ * `filter` can be used to specify a subset of queues. Any [Queue][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Queue]
+ * field can be used as a filter and several operators as supported.
+ * For example: `<=, <, >=, >, !=, =, :`. The filter syntax is the same as
+ * described in
+ * [Stackdriver's Advanced Logs Filters](https://cloud.google.com/logging/docs/view/advanced_filters).
* Sample filter "state: PAUSED".
* Note that using filters might cause fewer queues than the
* requested page_size to be returned.
@@ -181,8 +176,8 @@ public function setFilter($var)
* The maximum page size is 9800. If unspecified, the page size will
* be the maximum. Fewer queues than requested might be returned,
* even if more queues exist; use the
- * [next_page_token][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.ListQueuesResponse.next_page_token]
- * in the response to determine if more queues exist.
+ * [next_page_token][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.ListQueuesResponse.next_page_token] in the
+ * response to determine if more queues exist.
* Generated from protobuf field int32 page_size = 3;
* @return int
@@ -197,8 +192,8 @@ public function getPageSize()
* The maximum page size is 9800. If unspecified, the page size will
* be the maximum. Fewer queues than requested might be returned,
* even if more queues exist; use the
- * [next_page_token][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.ListQueuesResponse.next_page_token]
- * in the response to determine if more queues exist.
+ * [next_page_token][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.ListQueuesResponse.next_page_token] in the
+ * response to determine if more queues exist.
* Generated from protobuf field int32 page_size = 3;
* @param int $var
@@ -216,12 +211,10 @@ public function setPageSize($var)
* A token identifying the page of results to return.
* To request the first page results, page_token must be empty. To
* request the next page of results, page_token must be the value of
- * [next_page_token][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.ListQueuesResponse.next_page_token]
- * returned from the previous call to
- * [ListQueues][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.CloudTasks.ListQueues] method. It
- * is an error to switch the value of the
- * [filter][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.ListQueuesRequest.filter] while
- * iterating through pages.
+ * [next_page_token][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.ListQueuesResponse.next_page_token] returned
+ * from the previous call to [ListQueues][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.CloudTasks.ListQueues]
+ * method. It is an error to switch the value of the
+ * [filter][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.ListQueuesRequest.filter] while iterating through pages.
* Generated from protobuf field string page_token = 4;
* @return string
@@ -235,12 +228,10 @@ public function getPageToken()
* A token identifying the page of results to return.
* To request the first page results, page_token must be empty. To
* request the next page of results, page_token must be the value of
- * [next_page_token][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.ListQueuesResponse.next_page_token]
- * returned from the previous call to
- * [ListQueues][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.CloudTasks.ListQueues] method. It
- * is an error to switch the value of the
- * [filter][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.ListQueuesRequest.filter] while
- * iterating through pages.
+ * [next_page_token][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.ListQueuesResponse.next_page_token] returned
+ * from the previous call to [ListQueues][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.CloudTasks.ListQueues]
+ * method. It is an error to switch the value of the
+ * [filter][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.ListQueuesRequest.filter] while iterating through pages.
* Generated from protobuf field string page_token = 4;
* @param string $var
diff --git a/Tasks/src/V2beta3/ListQueuesResponse.php b/Tasks/src/V2beta3/ListQueuesResponse.php
index 4c82b636b22f..e9ad34bc3efe 100644
--- a/Tasks/src/V2beta3/ListQueuesResponse.php
+++ b/Tasks/src/V2beta3/ListQueuesResponse.php
@@ -9,8 +9,7 @@
use Google\Protobuf\Internal\GPBUtil;
- * Response message for
- * [ListQueues][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.CloudTasks.ListQueues].
+ * Response message for [ListQueues][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.CloudTasks.ListQueues].
* Generated from protobuf message google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.ListQueuesResponse
@@ -25,8 +24,7 @@ class ListQueuesResponse extends \Google\Protobuf\Internal\Message
* A token to retrieve next page of results.
* To return the next page of results, call
- * [ListQueues][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.CloudTasks.ListQueues] with this
- * value as the
+ * [ListQueues][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.CloudTasks.ListQueues] with this value as the
* [page_token][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.ListQueuesRequest.page_token].
* If the next_page_token is empty, there are no more results.
* The page token is valid for only 2 hours.
@@ -46,8 +44,7 @@ class ListQueuesResponse extends \Google\Protobuf\Internal\Message
* @type string $next_page_token
* A token to retrieve next page of results.
* To return the next page of results, call
- * [ListQueues][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.CloudTasks.ListQueues] with this
- * value as the
+ * [ListQueues][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.CloudTasks.ListQueues] with this value as the
* [page_token][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.ListQueuesRequest.page_token].
* If the next_page_token is empty, there are no more results.
* The page token is valid for only 2 hours.
@@ -87,8 +84,7 @@ public function setQueues($var)
* A token to retrieve next page of results.
* To return the next page of results, call
- * [ListQueues][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.CloudTasks.ListQueues] with this
- * value as the
+ * [ListQueues][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.CloudTasks.ListQueues] with this value as the
* [page_token][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.ListQueuesRequest.page_token].
* If the next_page_token is empty, there are no more results.
* The page token is valid for only 2 hours.
@@ -104,8 +100,7 @@ public function getNextPageToken()
* A token to retrieve next page of results.
* To return the next page of results, call
- * [ListQueues][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.CloudTasks.ListQueues] with this
- * value as the
+ * [ListQueues][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.CloudTasks.ListQueues] with this value as the
* [page_token][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.ListQueuesRequest.page_token].
* If the next_page_token is empty, there are no more results.
* The page token is valid for only 2 hours.
diff --git a/Tasks/src/V2beta3/ListTasksRequest.php b/Tasks/src/V2beta3/ListTasksRequest.php
index d300d837ee7a..5528bf764f23 100644
--- a/Tasks/src/V2beta3/ListTasksRequest.php
+++ b/Tasks/src/V2beta3/ListTasksRequest.php
@@ -9,8 +9,7 @@
use Google\Protobuf\Internal\GPBUtil;
- * Request message for listing tasks using
- * [ListTasks][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.CloudTasks.ListTasks].
+ * Request message for listing tasks using [ListTasks][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.CloudTasks.ListTasks].
* Generated from protobuf message google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.ListTasksRequest
@@ -25,17 +24,16 @@ class ListTasksRequest extends \Google\Protobuf\Internal\Message
private $parent = '';
- * The response_view specifies which subset of the
- * [Task][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task] will be returned.
- * By default response_view is
- * [BASIC][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task.View.BASIC]; not all information is
- * retrieved by default because some data, such as payloads, might be
- * desirable to return only when needed because of its large size or because
- * of the sensitivity of data that it contains.
- * Authorization for [FULL][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task.View.FULL]
- * requires `cloudtasks.tasks.fullView` [Google
- * IAM](https://cloud.google.com/iam/) permission on the
- * [Task][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task] resource.
+ * The response_view specifies which subset of the [Task][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task] will be
+ * returned.
+ * By default response_view is [BASIC][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task.View.BASIC]; not all
+ * information is retrieved by default because some data, such as
+ * payloads, might be desirable to return only when needed because
+ * of its large size or because of the sensitivity of data that it
+ * contains.
+ * Authorization for [FULL][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task.View.FULL] requires
+ * `cloudtasks.tasks.fullView` [Google IAM](https://cloud.google.com/iam/)
+ * permission on the [Task][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task] resource.
* Generated from protobuf field .google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task.View response_view = 2;
@@ -45,8 +43,8 @@ class ListTasksRequest extends \Google\Protobuf\Internal\Message
* The maximum page size is 1000. If unspecified, the page size will
* be the maximum. Fewer tasks than requested might be returned,
* even if more tasks exist; use
- * [next_page_token][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.ListTasksResponse.next_page_token]
- * in the response to determine if more tasks exist.
+ * [next_page_token][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.ListTasksResponse.next_page_token] in the
+ * response to determine if more tasks exist.
* Generated from protobuf field int32 page_size = 3;
@@ -55,9 +53,9 @@ class ListTasksRequest extends \Google\Protobuf\Internal\Message
* A token identifying the page of results to return.
* To request the first page results, page_token must be empty. To
* request the next page of results, page_token must be the value of
- * [next_page_token][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.ListTasksResponse.next_page_token]
- * returned from the previous call to
- * [ListTasks][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.CloudTasks.ListTasks] method.
+ * [next_page_token][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.ListTasksResponse.next_page_token] returned
+ * from the previous call to [ListTasks][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.CloudTasks.ListTasks]
+ * method.
* The page token is valid for only 2 hours.
* Generated from protobuf field string page_token = 4;
@@ -75,31 +73,30 @@ class ListTasksRequest extends \Google\Protobuf\Internal\Message
* The queue name. For example:
* `projects/PROJECT_ID/locations/LOCATION_ID/queues/QUEUE_ID`
* @type int $response_view
- * The response_view specifies which subset of the
- * [Task][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task] will be returned.
- * By default response_view is
- * [BASIC][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task.View.BASIC]; not all information is
- * retrieved by default because some data, such as payloads, might be
- * desirable to return only when needed because of its large size or because
- * of the sensitivity of data that it contains.
- * Authorization for [FULL][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task.View.FULL]
- * requires `cloudtasks.tasks.fullView` [Google
- * IAM](https://cloud.google.com/iam/) permission on the
- * [Task][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task] resource.
+ * The response_view specifies which subset of the [Task][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task] will be
+ * returned.
+ * By default response_view is [BASIC][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task.View.BASIC]; not all
+ * information is retrieved by default because some data, such as
+ * payloads, might be desirable to return only when needed because
+ * of its large size or because of the sensitivity of data that it
+ * contains.
+ * Authorization for [FULL][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task.View.FULL] requires
+ * `cloudtasks.tasks.fullView` [Google IAM](https://cloud.google.com/iam/)
+ * permission on the [Task][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task] resource.
* @type int $page_size
* Requested page size. Fewer tasks than requested might be returned.
* The maximum page size is 1000. If unspecified, the page size will
* be the maximum. Fewer tasks than requested might be returned,
* even if more tasks exist; use
- * [next_page_token][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.ListTasksResponse.next_page_token]
- * in the response to determine if more tasks exist.
+ * [next_page_token][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.ListTasksResponse.next_page_token] in the
+ * response to determine if more tasks exist.
* @type string $page_token
* A token identifying the page of results to return.
* To request the first page results, page_token must be empty. To
* request the next page of results, page_token must be the value of
- * [next_page_token][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.ListTasksResponse.next_page_token]
- * returned from the previous call to
- * [ListTasks][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.CloudTasks.ListTasks] method.
+ * [next_page_token][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.ListTasksResponse.next_page_token] returned
+ * from the previous call to [ListTasks][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.CloudTasks.ListTasks]
+ * method.
* The page token is valid for only 2 hours.
* }
@@ -139,17 +136,16 @@ public function setParent($var)
- * The response_view specifies which subset of the
- * [Task][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task] will be returned.
- * By default response_view is
- * [BASIC][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task.View.BASIC]; not all information is
- * retrieved by default because some data, such as payloads, might be
- * desirable to return only when needed because of its large size or because
- * of the sensitivity of data that it contains.
- * Authorization for [FULL][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task.View.FULL]
- * requires `cloudtasks.tasks.fullView` [Google
- * IAM](https://cloud.google.com/iam/) permission on the
- * [Task][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task] resource.
+ * The response_view specifies which subset of the [Task][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task] will be
+ * returned.
+ * By default response_view is [BASIC][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task.View.BASIC]; not all
+ * information is retrieved by default because some data, such as
+ * payloads, might be desirable to return only when needed because
+ * of its large size or because of the sensitivity of data that it
+ * contains.
+ * Authorization for [FULL][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task.View.FULL] requires
+ * `cloudtasks.tasks.fullView` [Google IAM](https://cloud.google.com/iam/)
+ * permission on the [Task][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task] resource.
* Generated from protobuf field .google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task.View response_view = 2;
* @return int
@@ -160,17 +156,16 @@ public function getResponseView()
- * The response_view specifies which subset of the
- * [Task][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task] will be returned.
- * By default response_view is
- * [BASIC][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task.View.BASIC]; not all information is
- * retrieved by default because some data, such as payloads, might be
- * desirable to return only when needed because of its large size or because
- * of the sensitivity of data that it contains.
- * Authorization for [FULL][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task.View.FULL]
- * requires `cloudtasks.tasks.fullView` [Google
- * IAM](https://cloud.google.com/iam/) permission on the
- * [Task][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task] resource.
+ * The response_view specifies which subset of the [Task][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task] will be
+ * returned.
+ * By default response_view is [BASIC][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task.View.BASIC]; not all
+ * information is retrieved by default because some data, such as
+ * payloads, might be desirable to return only when needed because
+ * of its large size or because of the sensitivity of data that it
+ * contains.
+ * Authorization for [FULL][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task.View.FULL] requires
+ * `cloudtasks.tasks.fullView` [Google IAM](https://cloud.google.com/iam/)
+ * permission on the [Task][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task] resource.
* Generated from protobuf field .google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task.View response_view = 2;
* @param int $var
@@ -189,8 +184,8 @@ public function setResponseView($var)
* The maximum page size is 1000. If unspecified, the page size will
* be the maximum. Fewer tasks than requested might be returned,
* even if more tasks exist; use
- * [next_page_token][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.ListTasksResponse.next_page_token]
- * in the response to determine if more tasks exist.
+ * [next_page_token][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.ListTasksResponse.next_page_token] in the
+ * response to determine if more tasks exist.
* Generated from protobuf field int32 page_size = 3;
* @return int
@@ -205,8 +200,8 @@ public function getPageSize()
* The maximum page size is 1000. If unspecified, the page size will
* be the maximum. Fewer tasks than requested might be returned,
* even if more tasks exist; use
- * [next_page_token][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.ListTasksResponse.next_page_token]
- * in the response to determine if more tasks exist.
+ * [next_page_token][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.ListTasksResponse.next_page_token] in the
+ * response to determine if more tasks exist.
* Generated from protobuf field int32 page_size = 3;
* @param int $var
@@ -224,9 +219,9 @@ public function setPageSize($var)
* A token identifying the page of results to return.
* To request the first page results, page_token must be empty. To
* request the next page of results, page_token must be the value of
- * [next_page_token][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.ListTasksResponse.next_page_token]
- * returned from the previous call to
- * [ListTasks][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.CloudTasks.ListTasks] method.
+ * [next_page_token][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.ListTasksResponse.next_page_token] returned
+ * from the previous call to [ListTasks][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.CloudTasks.ListTasks]
+ * method.
* The page token is valid for only 2 hours.
* Generated from protobuf field string page_token = 4;
@@ -241,9 +236,9 @@ public function getPageToken()
* A token identifying the page of results to return.
* To request the first page results, page_token must be empty. To
* request the next page of results, page_token must be the value of
- * [next_page_token][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.ListTasksResponse.next_page_token]
- * returned from the previous call to
- * [ListTasks][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.CloudTasks.ListTasks] method.
+ * [next_page_token][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.ListTasksResponse.next_page_token] returned
+ * from the previous call to [ListTasks][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.CloudTasks.ListTasks]
+ * method.
* The page token is valid for only 2 hours.
* Generated from protobuf field string page_token = 4;
diff --git a/Tasks/src/V2beta3/ListTasksResponse.php b/Tasks/src/V2beta3/ListTasksResponse.php
index 8a85634850d9..b93691812211 100644
--- a/Tasks/src/V2beta3/ListTasksResponse.php
+++ b/Tasks/src/V2beta3/ListTasksResponse.php
@@ -9,8 +9,7 @@
use Google\Protobuf\Internal\GPBUtil;
- * Response message for listing tasks using
- * [ListTasks][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.CloudTasks.ListTasks].
+ * Response message for listing tasks using [ListTasks][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.CloudTasks.ListTasks].
* Generated from protobuf message google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.ListTasksResponse
@@ -25,8 +24,7 @@ class ListTasksResponse extends \Google\Protobuf\Internal\Message
* A token to retrieve next page of results.
* To return the next page of results, call
- * [ListTasks][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.CloudTasks.ListTasks] with this
- * value as the
+ * [ListTasks][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.CloudTasks.ListTasks] with this value as the
* [page_token][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.ListTasksRequest.page_token].
* If the next_page_token is empty, there are no more results.
@@ -45,8 +43,7 @@ class ListTasksResponse extends \Google\Protobuf\Internal\Message
* @type string $next_page_token
* A token to retrieve next page of results.
* To return the next page of results, call
- * [ListTasks][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.CloudTasks.ListTasks] with this
- * value as the
+ * [ListTasks][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.CloudTasks.ListTasks] with this value as the
* [page_token][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.ListTasksRequest.page_token].
* If the next_page_token is empty, there are no more results.
* }
@@ -85,8 +82,7 @@ public function setTasks($var)
* A token to retrieve next page of results.
* To return the next page of results, call
- * [ListTasks][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.CloudTasks.ListTasks] with this
- * value as the
+ * [ListTasks][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.CloudTasks.ListTasks] with this value as the
* [page_token][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.ListTasksRequest.page_token].
* If the next_page_token is empty, there are no more results.
@@ -101,8 +97,7 @@ public function getNextPageToken()
* A token to retrieve next page of results.
* To return the next page of results, call
- * [ListTasks][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.CloudTasks.ListTasks] with this
- * value as the
+ * [ListTasks][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.CloudTasks.ListTasks] with this value as the
* [page_token][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.ListTasksRequest.page_token].
* If the next_page_token is empty, there are no more results.
diff --git a/Tasks/src/V2beta3/OAuthToken.php b/Tasks/src/V2beta3/OAuthToken.php
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..168bcab49f8e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Tasks/src/V2beta3/OAuthToken.php
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+ */
+class OAuthToken extends \Google\Protobuf\Internal\Message
+ /**
+ * [Service account email](https://cloud.google.com/iam/docs/service-accounts)
+ * to be used for generating OAuth token.
+ * The service account must be within the same project as the queue. The
+ * caller must have iam.serviceAccounts.actAs permission for the service
+ * account.
+ *
+ * Generated from protobuf field string service_account_email = 1;
+ */
+ private $service_account_email = '';
+ /**
+ * OAuth scope to be used for generating OAuth access token.
+ * If not specified, "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform"
+ * will be used.
+ *
+ * Generated from protobuf field string scope = 2;
+ */
+ private $scope = '';
+ /**
+ * Constructor.
+ *
+ * @param array $data {
+ * Optional. Data for populating the Message object.
+ *
+ * @type string $service_account_email
+ * [Service account email](https://cloud.google.com/iam/docs/service-accounts)
+ * to be used for generating OAuth token.
+ * The service account must be within the same project as the queue. The
+ * caller must have iam.serviceAccounts.actAs permission for the service
+ * account.
+ * @type string $scope
+ * OAuth scope to be used for generating OAuth access token.
+ * If not specified, "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform"
+ * will be used.
+ * }
+ */
+ public function __construct($data = NULL) {
+ \GPBMetadata\Google\Cloud\Tasks\V2Beta3\Target::initOnce();
+ parent::__construct($data);
+ }
+ /**
+ * [Service account email](https://cloud.google.com/iam/docs/service-accounts)
+ * to be used for generating OAuth token.
+ * The service account must be within the same project as the queue. The
+ * caller must have iam.serviceAccounts.actAs permission for the service
+ * account.
+ *
+ * Generated from protobuf field string service_account_email = 1;
+ * @return string
+ */
+ public function getServiceAccountEmail()
+ {
+ return $this->service_account_email;
+ }
+ /**
+ * [Service account email](https://cloud.google.com/iam/docs/service-accounts)
+ * to be used for generating OAuth token.
+ * The service account must be within the same project as the queue. The
+ * caller must have iam.serviceAccounts.actAs permission for the service
+ * account.
+ *
+ * Generated from protobuf field string service_account_email = 1;
+ * @param string $var
+ * @return $this
+ */
+ public function setServiceAccountEmail($var)
+ {
+ GPBUtil::checkString($var, True);
+ $this->service_account_email = $var;
+ return $this;
+ }
+ /**
+ * OAuth scope to be used for generating OAuth access token.
+ * If not specified, "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform"
+ * will be used.
+ *
+ * Generated from protobuf field string scope = 2;
+ * @return string
+ */
+ public function getScope()
+ {
+ return $this->scope;
+ }
+ /**
+ * OAuth scope to be used for generating OAuth access token.
+ * If not specified, "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform"
+ * will be used.
+ *
+ * Generated from protobuf field string scope = 2;
+ * @param string $var
+ * @return $this
+ */
+ public function setScope($var)
+ {
+ GPBUtil::checkString($var, True);
+ $this->scope = $var;
+ return $this;
+ }
diff --git a/Tasks/src/V2beta3/OidcToken.php b/Tasks/src/V2beta3/OidcToken.php
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..66a72cb2ec2e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Tasks/src/V2beta3/OidcToken.php
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+ */
+class OidcToken extends \Google\Protobuf\Internal\Message
+ /**
+ * [Service account email](https://cloud.google.com/iam/docs/service-accounts)
+ * to be used for generating OIDC token.
+ * The service account must be within the same project as the queue. The
+ * caller must have iam.serviceAccounts.actAs permission for the service
+ * account.
+ *
+ * Generated from protobuf field string service_account_email = 1;
+ */
+ private $service_account_email = '';
+ /**
+ * Audience to be used when generating OIDC token. If not specified, the URI
+ * specified in target will be used.
+ *
+ * Generated from protobuf field string audience = 2;
+ */
+ private $audience = '';
+ /**
+ * Constructor.
+ *
+ * @param array $data {
+ * Optional. Data for populating the Message object.
+ *
+ * @type string $service_account_email
+ * [Service account email](https://cloud.google.com/iam/docs/service-accounts)
+ * to be used for generating OIDC token.
+ * The service account must be within the same project as the queue. The
+ * caller must have iam.serviceAccounts.actAs permission for the service
+ * account.
+ * @type string $audience
+ * Audience to be used when generating OIDC token. If not specified, the URI
+ * specified in target will be used.
+ * }
+ */
+ public function __construct($data = NULL) {
+ \GPBMetadata\Google\Cloud\Tasks\V2Beta3\Target::initOnce();
+ parent::__construct($data);
+ }
+ /**
+ * [Service account email](https://cloud.google.com/iam/docs/service-accounts)
+ * to be used for generating OIDC token.
+ * The service account must be within the same project as the queue. The
+ * caller must have iam.serviceAccounts.actAs permission for the service
+ * account.
+ *
+ * Generated from protobuf field string service_account_email = 1;
+ * @return string
+ */
+ public function getServiceAccountEmail()
+ {
+ return $this->service_account_email;
+ }
+ /**
+ * [Service account email](https://cloud.google.com/iam/docs/service-accounts)
+ * to be used for generating OIDC token.
+ * The service account must be within the same project as the queue. The
+ * caller must have iam.serviceAccounts.actAs permission for the service
+ * account.
+ *
+ * Generated from protobuf field string service_account_email = 1;
+ * @param string $var
+ * @return $this
+ */
+ public function setServiceAccountEmail($var)
+ {
+ GPBUtil::checkString($var, True);
+ $this->service_account_email = $var;
+ return $this;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Audience to be used when generating OIDC token. If not specified, the URI
+ * specified in target will be used.
+ *
+ * Generated from protobuf field string audience = 2;
+ * @return string
+ */
+ public function getAudience()
+ {
+ return $this->audience;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Audience to be used when generating OIDC token. If not specified, the URI
+ * specified in target will be used.
+ *
+ * Generated from protobuf field string audience = 2;
+ * @param string $var
+ * @return $this
+ */
+ public function setAudience($var)
+ {
+ GPBUtil::checkString($var, True);
+ $this->audience = $var;
+ return $this;
+ }
diff --git a/Tasks/src/V2beta3/PauseQueueRequest.php b/Tasks/src/V2beta3/PauseQueueRequest.php
index 41d5456ba262..b6f0851c970c 100644
--- a/Tasks/src/V2beta3/PauseQueueRequest.php
+++ b/Tasks/src/V2beta3/PauseQueueRequest.php
@@ -9,8 +9,7 @@
use Google\Protobuf\Internal\GPBUtil;
- * Request message for
- * [PauseQueue][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.CloudTasks.PauseQueue].
+ * Request message for [PauseQueue][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.CloudTasks.PauseQueue].
* Generated from protobuf message google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.PauseQueueRequest
diff --git a/Tasks/src/V2beta3/PurgeQueueRequest.php b/Tasks/src/V2beta3/PurgeQueueRequest.php
index fb3b39030018..361a8258a301 100644
--- a/Tasks/src/V2beta3/PurgeQueueRequest.php
+++ b/Tasks/src/V2beta3/PurgeQueueRequest.php
@@ -9,8 +9,7 @@
use Google\Protobuf\Internal\GPBUtil;
- * Request message for
- * [PurgeQueue][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.CloudTasks.PurgeQueue].
+ * Request message for [PurgeQueue][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.CloudTasks.PurgeQueue].
* Generated from protobuf message google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.PurgeQueueRequest
diff --git a/Tasks/src/V2beta3/Queue.php b/Tasks/src/V2beta3/Queue.php
index 66f4efb0fc48..d3f080975975 100644
--- a/Tasks/src/V2beta3/Queue.php
+++ b/Tasks/src/V2beta3/Queue.php
@@ -18,9 +18,8 @@
class Queue extends \Google\Protobuf\Internal\Message
- * Caller-specified and required in
- * [CreateQueue][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.CloudTasks.CreateQueue], after
- * which it becomes output only.
+ * Caller-specified and required in [CreateQueue][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.CloudTasks.CreateQueue],
+ * after which it becomes output only.
* The queue name.
* The queue name must have the following format:
* `projects/PROJECT_ID/locations/LOCATION_ID/queues/QUEUE_ID`
@@ -41,24 +40,21 @@ class Queue extends \Google\Protobuf\Internal\Message
private $name = '';
* Rate limits for task dispatches.
- * [rate_limits][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Queue.rate_limits] and
- * [retry_config][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Queue.retry_config] are related
- * because they both control task attempts. However they control task attempts
- * in different ways:
- * * [rate_limits][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Queue.rate_limits] controls the
- * total rate of
+ * [rate_limits][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Queue.rate_limits] and [retry_config][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Queue.retry_config] are
+ * related because they both control task attempts. However they control task
+ * attempts in different ways:
+ * * [rate_limits][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Queue.rate_limits] controls the total rate of
* dispatches from a queue (i.e. all traffic dispatched from the
* queue, regardless of whether the dispatch is from a first
* attempt or a retry).
- * * [retry_config][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Queue.retry_config] controls
- * what happens to
+ * * [retry_config][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Queue.retry_config] controls what happens to
* particular a task after its first attempt fails. That is,
- * [retry_config][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Queue.retry_config] controls
- * task retries (the second attempt, third attempt, etc).
+ * [retry_config][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Queue.retry_config] controls task retries (the
+ * second attempt, third attempt, etc).
* The queue's actual dispatch rate is the result of:
* * Number of tasks in the queue
- * * User-specified throttling: [rate limits][Queue.RateLimits]
- * [retry configuration][Queue.RetryConfig], and the
+ * * User-specified throttling: [rate_limits][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Queue.rate_limits],
+ * [retry_config][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Queue.retry_config], and the
* [queue's state][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Queue.state].
* * System throttling due to `429` (Too Many Requests) or `503` (Service
* Unavailable) responses from the worker, high error rates, or to smooth
@@ -85,22 +81,19 @@ class Queue extends \Google\Protobuf\Internal\Message
* Output only. The state of the queue.
* `state` can only be changed by called
* [PauseQueue][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.CloudTasks.PauseQueue],
- * [ResumeQueue][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.CloudTasks.ResumeQueue], or
- * uploading
+ * [ResumeQueue][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.CloudTasks.ResumeQueue], or uploading
* [queue.yaml/xml](https://cloud.google.com/appengine/docs/python/config/queueref).
- * [UpdateQueue][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.CloudTasks.UpdateQueue] cannot be
- * used to change `state`.
+ * [UpdateQueue][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.CloudTasks.UpdateQueue] cannot be used to change `state`.
* Generated from protobuf field .google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Queue.State state = 6;
private $state = 0;
* Output only. The last time this queue was purged.
- * All tasks that were [created][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task.create_time]
- * before this time were purged.
- * A queue can be purged using
- * [PurgeQueue][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.CloudTasks.PurgeQueue], the [App
- * Engine Task Queue SDK, or the Cloud
+ * All tasks that were [created][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task.create_time] before this time
+ * were purged.
+ * A queue can be purged using [PurgeQueue][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.CloudTasks.PurgeQueue], the
+ * [App Engine Task Queue SDK, or the Cloud
* Console](https://cloud.google.com/appengine/docs/standard/python/taskqueue/push/deleting-tasks-and-queues#purging_all_tasks_from_a_queue).
* Purge time will be truncated to the nearest microsecond. Purge
* time will be unset if the queue has never been purged.
@@ -108,6 +101,15 @@ class Queue extends \Google\Protobuf\Internal\Message
* Generated from protobuf field .google.protobuf.Timestamp purge_time = 7;
private $purge_time = null;
+ /**
+ * Specifies the fraction of operations to write to
+ * [Stackdriver Logging](https://cloud.google.com/logging/docs/).
+ * This field may contain any value between 0.0 and 1.0, inclusive.
+ * 0.0 is the default and means that no operations are logged.
+ *
+ * Generated from protobuf field double log_sampling_ratio = 10;
+ */
+ private $log_sampling_ratio = 0.0;
protected $queue_type;
@@ -117,9 +119,8 @@ class Queue extends \Google\Protobuf\Internal\Message
* Optional. Data for populating the Message object.
* @type string $name
- * Caller-specified and required in
- * [CreateQueue][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.CloudTasks.CreateQueue], after
- * which it becomes output only.
+ * Caller-specified and required in [CreateQueue][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.CloudTasks.CreateQueue],
+ * after which it becomes output only.
* The queue name.
* The queue name must have the following format:
* `projects/PROJECT_ID/locations/LOCATION_ID/queues/QUEUE_ID`
@@ -135,31 +136,26 @@ class Queue extends \Google\Protobuf\Internal\Message
* * `QUEUE_ID` can contain letters ([A-Za-z]), numbers ([0-9]), or
* hyphens (-). The maximum length is 100 characters.
* @type \Google\Cloud\Tasks\V2beta3\AppEngineHttpQueue $app_engine_http_queue
- * [AppEngineHttpQueue][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineHttpQueue]
- * settings apply only to [App Engine
- * tasks][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineHttpRequest] in this queue.
- * [Http tasks][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.HttpRequest] are not affected by
- * this proto.
+ * [AppEngineHttpQueue][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineHttpQueue] settings apply only to
+ * [App Engine tasks][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineHttpRequest] in this queue.
+ * [Http tasks][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.HttpRequest] are not affected by this proto.
* @type \Google\Cloud\Tasks\V2beta3\RateLimits $rate_limits
* Rate limits for task dispatches.
- * [rate_limits][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Queue.rate_limits] and
- * [retry_config][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Queue.retry_config] are related
- * because they both control task attempts. However they control task attempts
- * in different ways:
- * * [rate_limits][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Queue.rate_limits] controls the
- * total rate of
+ * [rate_limits][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Queue.rate_limits] and [retry_config][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Queue.retry_config] are
+ * related because they both control task attempts. However they control task
+ * attempts in different ways:
+ * * [rate_limits][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Queue.rate_limits] controls the total rate of
* dispatches from a queue (i.e. all traffic dispatched from the
* queue, regardless of whether the dispatch is from a first
* attempt or a retry).
- * * [retry_config][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Queue.retry_config] controls
- * what happens to
+ * * [retry_config][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Queue.retry_config] controls what happens to
* particular a task after its first attempt fails. That is,
- * [retry_config][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Queue.retry_config] controls
- * task retries (the second attempt, third attempt, etc).
+ * [retry_config][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Queue.retry_config] controls task retries (the
+ * second attempt, third attempt, etc).
* The queue's actual dispatch rate is the result of:
* * Number of tasks in the queue
- * * User-specified throttling: [rate limits][Queue.RateLimits]
- * [retry configuration][Queue.RetryConfig], and the
+ * * User-specified throttling: [rate_limits][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Queue.rate_limits],
+ * [retry_config][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Queue.retry_config], and the
* [queue's state][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Queue.state].
* * System throttling due to `429` (Too Many Requests) or `503` (Service
* Unavailable) responses from the worker, high error rates, or to smooth
@@ -178,21 +174,23 @@ class Queue extends \Google\Protobuf\Internal\Message
* Output only. The state of the queue.
* `state` can only be changed by called
* [PauseQueue][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.CloudTasks.PauseQueue],
- * [ResumeQueue][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.CloudTasks.ResumeQueue], or
- * uploading
+ * [ResumeQueue][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.CloudTasks.ResumeQueue], or uploading
* [queue.yaml/xml](https://cloud.google.com/appengine/docs/python/config/queueref).
- * [UpdateQueue][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.CloudTasks.UpdateQueue] cannot be
- * used to change `state`.
+ * [UpdateQueue][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.CloudTasks.UpdateQueue] cannot be used to change `state`.
* @type \Google\Protobuf\Timestamp $purge_time
* Output only. The last time this queue was purged.
- * All tasks that were [created][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task.create_time]
- * before this time were purged.
- * A queue can be purged using
- * [PurgeQueue][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.CloudTasks.PurgeQueue], the [App
- * Engine Task Queue SDK, or the Cloud
+ * All tasks that were [created][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task.create_time] before this time
+ * were purged.
+ * A queue can be purged using [PurgeQueue][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.CloudTasks.PurgeQueue], the
+ * [App Engine Task Queue SDK, or the Cloud
* Console](https://cloud.google.com/appengine/docs/standard/python/taskqueue/push/deleting-tasks-and-queues#purging_all_tasks_from_a_queue).
* Purge time will be truncated to the nearest microsecond. Purge
* time will be unset if the queue has never been purged.
+ * @type float $log_sampling_ratio
+ * Specifies the fraction of operations to write to
+ * [Stackdriver Logging](https://cloud.google.com/logging/docs/).
+ * This field may contain any value between 0.0 and 1.0, inclusive.
+ * 0.0 is the default and means that no operations are logged.
* }
public function __construct($data = NULL) {
@@ -201,9 +199,8 @@ public function __construct($data = NULL) {
- * Caller-specified and required in
- * [CreateQueue][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.CloudTasks.CreateQueue], after
- * which it becomes output only.
+ * Caller-specified and required in [CreateQueue][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.CloudTasks.CreateQueue],
+ * after which it becomes output only.
* The queue name.
* The queue name must have the following format:
* `projects/PROJECT_ID/locations/LOCATION_ID/queues/QUEUE_ID`
@@ -228,9 +225,8 @@ public function getName()
- * Caller-specified and required in
- * [CreateQueue][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.CloudTasks.CreateQueue], after
- * which it becomes output only.
+ * Caller-specified and required in [CreateQueue][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.CloudTasks.CreateQueue],
+ * after which it becomes output only.
* The queue name.
* The queue name must have the following format:
* `projects/PROJECT_ID/locations/LOCATION_ID/queues/QUEUE_ID`
@@ -259,11 +255,9 @@ public function setName($var)
- * [AppEngineHttpQueue][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineHttpQueue]
- * settings apply only to [App Engine
- * tasks][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineHttpRequest] in this queue.
- * [Http tasks][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.HttpRequest] are not affected by
- * this proto.
+ * [AppEngineHttpQueue][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineHttpQueue] settings apply only to
+ * [App Engine tasks][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineHttpRequest] in this queue.
+ * [Http tasks][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.HttpRequest] are not affected by this proto.
* Generated from protobuf field .google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineHttpQueue app_engine_http_queue = 3;
* @return \Google\Cloud\Tasks\V2beta3\AppEngineHttpQueue
@@ -274,11 +268,9 @@ public function getAppEngineHttpQueue()
- * [AppEngineHttpQueue][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineHttpQueue]
- * settings apply only to [App Engine
- * tasks][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineHttpRequest] in this queue.
- * [Http tasks][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.HttpRequest] are not affected by
- * this proto.
+ * [AppEngineHttpQueue][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineHttpQueue] settings apply only to
+ * [App Engine tasks][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineHttpRequest] in this queue.
+ * [Http tasks][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.HttpRequest] are not affected by this proto.
* Generated from protobuf field .google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineHttpQueue app_engine_http_queue = 3;
* @param \Google\Cloud\Tasks\V2beta3\AppEngineHttpQueue $var
@@ -294,24 +286,21 @@ public function setAppEngineHttpQueue($var)
* Rate limits for task dispatches.
- * [rate_limits][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Queue.rate_limits] and
- * [retry_config][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Queue.retry_config] are related
- * because they both control task attempts. However they control task attempts
- * in different ways:
- * * [rate_limits][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Queue.rate_limits] controls the
- * total rate of
+ * [rate_limits][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Queue.rate_limits] and [retry_config][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Queue.retry_config] are
+ * related because they both control task attempts. However they control task
+ * attempts in different ways:
+ * * [rate_limits][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Queue.rate_limits] controls the total rate of
* dispatches from a queue (i.e. all traffic dispatched from the
* queue, regardless of whether the dispatch is from a first
* attempt or a retry).
- * * [retry_config][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Queue.retry_config] controls
- * what happens to
+ * * [retry_config][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Queue.retry_config] controls what happens to
* particular a task after its first attempt fails. That is,
- * [retry_config][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Queue.retry_config] controls
- * task retries (the second attempt, third attempt, etc).
+ * [retry_config][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Queue.retry_config] controls task retries (the
+ * second attempt, third attempt, etc).
* The queue's actual dispatch rate is the result of:
* * Number of tasks in the queue
- * * User-specified throttling: [rate limits][Queue.RateLimits]
- * [retry configuration][Queue.RetryConfig], and the
+ * * User-specified throttling: [rate_limits][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Queue.rate_limits],
+ * [retry_config][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Queue.retry_config], and the
* [queue's state][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Queue.state].
* * System throttling due to `429` (Too Many Requests) or `503` (Service
* Unavailable) responses from the worker, high error rates, or to smooth
@@ -327,24 +316,21 @@ public function getRateLimits()
* Rate limits for task dispatches.
- * [rate_limits][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Queue.rate_limits] and
- * [retry_config][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Queue.retry_config] are related
- * because they both control task attempts. However they control task attempts
- * in different ways:
- * * [rate_limits][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Queue.rate_limits] controls the
- * total rate of
+ * [rate_limits][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Queue.rate_limits] and [retry_config][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Queue.retry_config] are
+ * related because they both control task attempts. However they control task
+ * attempts in different ways:
+ * * [rate_limits][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Queue.rate_limits] controls the total rate of
* dispatches from a queue (i.e. all traffic dispatched from the
* queue, regardless of whether the dispatch is from a first
* attempt or a retry).
- * * [retry_config][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Queue.retry_config] controls
- * what happens to
+ * * [retry_config][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Queue.retry_config] controls what happens to
* particular a task after its first attempt fails. That is,
- * [retry_config][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Queue.retry_config] controls
- * task retries (the second attempt, third attempt, etc).
+ * [retry_config][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Queue.retry_config] controls task retries (the
+ * second attempt, third attempt, etc).
* The queue's actual dispatch rate is the result of:
* * Number of tasks in the queue
- * * User-specified throttling: [rate limits][Queue.RateLimits]
- * [retry configuration][Queue.RetryConfig], and the
+ * * User-specified throttling: [rate_limits][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Queue.rate_limits],
+ * [retry_config][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Queue.retry_config], and the
* [queue's state][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Queue.state].
* * System throttling due to `429` (Too Many Requests) or `503` (Service
* Unavailable) responses from the worker, high error rates, or to smooth
@@ -408,11 +394,9 @@ public function setRetryConfig($var)
* Output only. The state of the queue.
* `state` can only be changed by called
* [PauseQueue][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.CloudTasks.PauseQueue],
- * [ResumeQueue][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.CloudTasks.ResumeQueue], or
- * uploading
+ * [ResumeQueue][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.CloudTasks.ResumeQueue], or uploading
* [queue.yaml/xml](https://cloud.google.com/appengine/docs/python/config/queueref).
- * [UpdateQueue][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.CloudTasks.UpdateQueue] cannot be
- * used to change `state`.
+ * [UpdateQueue][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.CloudTasks.UpdateQueue] cannot be used to change `state`.
* Generated from protobuf field .google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Queue.State state = 6;
* @return int
@@ -426,11 +410,9 @@ public function getState()
* Output only. The state of the queue.
* `state` can only be changed by called
* [PauseQueue][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.CloudTasks.PauseQueue],
- * [ResumeQueue][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.CloudTasks.ResumeQueue], or
- * uploading
+ * [ResumeQueue][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.CloudTasks.ResumeQueue], or uploading
* [queue.yaml/xml](https://cloud.google.com/appengine/docs/python/config/queueref).
- * [UpdateQueue][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.CloudTasks.UpdateQueue] cannot be
- * used to change `state`.
+ * [UpdateQueue][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.CloudTasks.UpdateQueue] cannot be used to change `state`.
* Generated from protobuf field .google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Queue.State state = 6;
* @param int $var
@@ -446,11 +428,10 @@ public function setState($var)
* Output only. The last time this queue was purged.
- * All tasks that were [created][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task.create_time]
- * before this time were purged.
- * A queue can be purged using
- * [PurgeQueue][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.CloudTasks.PurgeQueue], the [App
- * Engine Task Queue SDK, or the Cloud
+ * All tasks that were [created][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task.create_time] before this time
+ * were purged.
+ * A queue can be purged using [PurgeQueue][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.CloudTasks.PurgeQueue], the
+ * [App Engine Task Queue SDK, or the Cloud
* Console](https://cloud.google.com/appengine/docs/standard/python/taskqueue/push/deleting-tasks-and-queues#purging_all_tasks_from_a_queue).
* Purge time will be truncated to the nearest microsecond. Purge
* time will be unset if the queue has never been purged.
@@ -465,11 +446,10 @@ public function getPurgeTime()
* Output only. The last time this queue was purged.
- * All tasks that were [created][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task.create_time]
- * before this time were purged.
- * A queue can be purged using
- * [PurgeQueue][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.CloudTasks.PurgeQueue], the [App
- * Engine Task Queue SDK, or the Cloud
+ * All tasks that were [created][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task.create_time] before this time
+ * were purged.
+ * A queue can be purged using [PurgeQueue][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.CloudTasks.PurgeQueue], the
+ * [App Engine Task Queue SDK, or the Cloud
* Console](https://cloud.google.com/appengine/docs/standard/python/taskqueue/push/deleting-tasks-and-queues#purging_all_tasks_from_a_queue).
* Purge time will be truncated to the nearest microsecond. Purge
* time will be unset if the queue has never been purged.
@@ -486,6 +466,38 @@ public function setPurgeTime($var)
return $this;
+ /**
+ * Specifies the fraction of operations to write to
+ * [Stackdriver Logging](https://cloud.google.com/logging/docs/).
+ * This field may contain any value between 0.0 and 1.0, inclusive.
+ * 0.0 is the default and means that no operations are logged.
+ *
+ * Generated from protobuf field double log_sampling_ratio = 10;
+ * @return float
+ */
+ public function getLogSamplingRatio()
+ {
+ return $this->log_sampling_ratio;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Specifies the fraction of operations to write to
+ * [Stackdriver Logging](https://cloud.google.com/logging/docs/).
+ * This field may contain any value between 0.0 and 1.0, inclusive.
+ * 0.0 is the default and means that no operations are logged.
+ *
+ * Generated from protobuf field double log_sampling_ratio = 10;
+ * @param float $var
+ * @return $this
+ */
+ public function setLogSamplingRatio($var)
+ {
+ GPBUtil::checkDouble($var);
+ $this->log_sampling_ratio = $var;
+ return $this;
+ }
* @return string
diff --git a/Tasks/src/V2beta3/RateLimits.php b/Tasks/src/V2beta3/RateLimits.php
index 11927632773d..7cb4166fd2c8 100644
--- a/Tasks/src/V2beta3/RateLimits.php
+++ b/Tasks/src/V2beta3/RateLimits.php
@@ -12,10 +12,8 @@
* Rate limits.
* This message determines the maximum rate that tasks can be dispatched by a
* queue, regardless of whether the dispatch is a first task attempt or a retry.
- * Note: The debugging command,
- * [RunTask][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.CloudTasks.RunTask], will run a task
- * even if the queue has reached its
- * [RateLimits][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.RateLimits].
+ * Note: The debugging command, [RunTask][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.CloudTasks.RunTask], will run a task
+ * even if the queue has reached its [RateLimits][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.RateLimits].
* Generated from protobuf message google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.RateLimits
@@ -25,8 +23,7 @@ class RateLimits extends \Google\Protobuf\Internal\Message
* The maximum rate at which tasks are dispatched from this queue.
* If unspecified when the queue is created, Cloud Tasks will pick the
* default.
- * * For [App Engine queues][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineHttpQueue],
- * the maximum allowed value
+ * * For [App Engine queues][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineHttpQueue], the maximum allowed value
* is 500.
* This field has the same meaning as
* [rate in
@@ -57,9 +54,9 @@ class RateLimits extends \Google\Protobuf\Internal\Message
* `queue.yaml/xml`, `max_burst_size` is equal to
* [bucket_size](https://cloud.google.com/appengine/docs/standard/python/config/queueref#bucket_size).
* Since `max_burst_size` is output only, if
- * [UpdateQueue][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.CloudTasks.UpdateQueue] is called
- * on a queue created by `queue.yaml/xml`, `max_burst_size` will be reset
- * based on the value of
+ * [UpdateQueue][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.CloudTasks.UpdateQueue] is called on a queue
+ * created by `queue.yaml/xml`, `max_burst_size` will be reset based
+ * on the value of
* [max_dispatches_per_second][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.RateLimits.max_dispatches_per_second],
* regardless of whether
* [max_dispatches_per_second][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.RateLimits.max_dispatches_per_second]
@@ -94,8 +91,7 @@ class RateLimits extends \Google\Protobuf\Internal\Message
* The maximum rate at which tasks are dispatched from this queue.
* If unspecified when the queue is created, Cloud Tasks will pick the
* default.
- * * For [App Engine queues][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineHttpQueue],
- * the maximum allowed value
+ * * For [App Engine queues][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineHttpQueue], the maximum allowed value
* is 500.
* This field has the same meaning as
* [rate in
@@ -122,9 +118,9 @@ class RateLimits extends \Google\Protobuf\Internal\Message
* `queue.yaml/xml`, `max_burst_size` is equal to
* [bucket_size](https://cloud.google.com/appengine/docs/standard/python/config/queueref#bucket_size).
* Since `max_burst_size` is output only, if
- * [UpdateQueue][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.CloudTasks.UpdateQueue] is called
- * on a queue created by `queue.yaml/xml`, `max_burst_size` will be reset
- * based on the value of
+ * [UpdateQueue][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.CloudTasks.UpdateQueue] is called on a queue
+ * created by `queue.yaml/xml`, `max_burst_size` will be reset based
+ * on the value of
* [max_dispatches_per_second][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.RateLimits.max_dispatches_per_second],
* regardless of whether
* [max_dispatches_per_second][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.RateLimits.max_dispatches_per_second]
@@ -151,8 +147,7 @@ public function __construct($data = NULL) {
* The maximum rate at which tasks are dispatched from this queue.
* If unspecified when the queue is created, Cloud Tasks will pick the
* default.
- * * For [App Engine queues][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineHttpQueue],
- * the maximum allowed value
+ * * For [App Engine queues][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineHttpQueue], the maximum allowed value
* is 500.
* This field has the same meaning as
* [rate in
@@ -170,8 +165,7 @@ public function getMaxDispatchesPerSecond()
* The maximum rate at which tasks are dispatched from this queue.
* If unspecified when the queue is created, Cloud Tasks will pick the
* default.
- * * For [App Engine queues][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineHttpQueue],
- * the maximum allowed value
+ * * For [App Engine queues][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineHttpQueue], the maximum allowed value
* is 500.
* This field has the same meaning as
* [rate in
@@ -211,9 +205,9 @@ public function setMaxDispatchesPerSecond($var)
* `queue.yaml/xml`, `max_burst_size` is equal to
* [bucket_size](https://cloud.google.com/appengine/docs/standard/python/config/queueref#bucket_size).
* Since `max_burst_size` is output only, if
- * [UpdateQueue][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.CloudTasks.UpdateQueue] is called
- * on a queue created by `queue.yaml/xml`, `max_burst_size` will be reset
- * based on the value of
+ * [UpdateQueue][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.CloudTasks.UpdateQueue] is called on a queue
+ * created by `queue.yaml/xml`, `max_burst_size` will be reset based
+ * on the value of
* [max_dispatches_per_second][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.RateLimits.max_dispatches_per_second],
* regardless of whether
* [max_dispatches_per_second][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.RateLimits.max_dispatches_per_second]
@@ -249,9 +243,9 @@ public function getMaxBurstSize()
* `queue.yaml/xml`, `max_burst_size` is equal to
* [bucket_size](https://cloud.google.com/appengine/docs/standard/python/config/queueref#bucket_size).
* Since `max_burst_size` is output only, if
- * [UpdateQueue][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.CloudTasks.UpdateQueue] is called
- * on a queue created by `queue.yaml/xml`, `max_burst_size` will be reset
- * based on the value of
+ * [UpdateQueue][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.CloudTasks.UpdateQueue] is called on a queue
+ * created by `queue.yaml/xml`, `max_burst_size` will be reset based
+ * on the value of
* [max_dispatches_per_second][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.RateLimits.max_dispatches_per_second],
* regardless of whether
* [max_dispatches_per_second][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.RateLimits.max_dispatches_per_second]
diff --git a/Tasks/src/V2beta3/ResumeQueueRequest.php b/Tasks/src/V2beta3/ResumeQueueRequest.php
index 649b37f0eea8..fa2f02a309b7 100644
--- a/Tasks/src/V2beta3/ResumeQueueRequest.php
+++ b/Tasks/src/V2beta3/ResumeQueueRequest.php
@@ -9,8 +9,7 @@
use Google\Protobuf\Internal\GPBUtil;
- * Request message for
- * [ResumeQueue][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.CloudTasks.ResumeQueue].
+ * Request message for [ResumeQueue][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.CloudTasks.ResumeQueue].
* Generated from protobuf message google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.ResumeQueueRequest
diff --git a/Tasks/src/V2beta3/RetryConfig.php b/Tasks/src/V2beta3/RetryConfig.php
index f17540997b2d..f254515ad913 100644
--- a/Tasks/src/V2beta3/RetryConfig.php
+++ b/Tasks/src/V2beta3/RetryConfig.php
@@ -35,9 +35,9 @@ class RetryConfig extends \Google\Protobuf\Internal\Message
* If positive, `max_retry_duration` specifies the time limit for
* retrying a failed task, measured from when the task was first
* attempted. Once `max_retry_duration` time has passed *and* the
- * task has been attempted
- * [max_attempts][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.RetryConfig.max_attempts] times,
- * no further attempts will be made and the task will be deleted.
+ * task has been attempted [max_attempts][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.RetryConfig.max_attempts]
+ * times, no further attempts will be made and the task will be
+ * deleted.
* If zero, then the task age is unlimited.
* If unspecified when the queue is created, Cloud Tasks will pick the
* default.
@@ -50,13 +50,11 @@ class RetryConfig extends \Google\Protobuf\Internal\Message
private $max_retry_duration = null;
- * A task will be [scheduled][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task.schedule_time]
- * for retry between
+ * A task will be [scheduled][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task.schedule_time] for retry between
* [min_backoff][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.RetryConfig.min_backoff] and
- * [max_backoff][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.RetryConfig.max_backoff] duration
- * after it fails, if the queue's
- * [RetryConfig][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.RetryConfig] specifies that the
- * task should be retried.
+ * [max_backoff][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.RetryConfig.max_backoff] duration after it fails,
+ * if the queue's [RetryConfig][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.RetryConfig] specifies that the task should be
+ * retried.
* If unspecified when the queue is created, Cloud Tasks will pick the
* default.
* `min_backoff` will be truncated to the nearest second.
@@ -68,13 +66,11 @@ class RetryConfig extends \Google\Protobuf\Internal\Message
private $min_backoff = null;
- * A task will be [scheduled][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task.schedule_time]
- * for retry between
+ * A task will be [scheduled][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task.schedule_time] for retry between
* [min_backoff][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.RetryConfig.min_backoff] and
- * [max_backoff][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.RetryConfig.max_backoff] duration
- * after it fails, if the queue's
- * [RetryConfig][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.RetryConfig] specifies that the
- * task should be retried.
+ * [max_backoff][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.RetryConfig.max_backoff] duration after it fails,
+ * if the queue's [RetryConfig][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.RetryConfig] specifies that the task should be
+ * retried.
* If unspecified when the queue is created, Cloud Tasks will pick the
* default.
* `max_backoff` will be truncated to the nearest second.
@@ -88,22 +84,20 @@ class RetryConfig extends \Google\Protobuf\Internal\Message
* The time between retries will double `max_doublings` times.
* A task's retry interval starts at
- * [min_backoff][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.RetryConfig.min_backoff], then
- * doubles `max_doublings` times, then increases linearly, and finally retries
- * retries at intervals of
+ * [min_backoff][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.RetryConfig.min_backoff], then doubles
+ * `max_doublings` times, then increases linearly, and finally
+ * retries retries at intervals of
* [max_backoff][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.RetryConfig.max_backoff] up to
* [max_attempts][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.RetryConfig.max_attempts] times.
- * For example, if
- * [min_backoff][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.RetryConfig.min_backoff] is 10s,
- * [max_backoff][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.RetryConfig.max_backoff] is 300s,
- * and `max_doublings` is 3, then the a task will first be retried in 10s. The
- * retry interval will double three times, and then increase linearly by 2^3 *
- * 10s. Finally, the task will retry at intervals of
- * [max_backoff][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.RetryConfig.max_backoff] until the
- * task has been attempted
- * [max_attempts][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.RetryConfig.max_attempts] times.
- * Thus, the requests will retry at 10s, 20s, 40s, 80s, 160s, 240s, 300s,
- * 300s, ....
+ * For example, if [min_backoff][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.RetryConfig.min_backoff] is 10s,
+ * [max_backoff][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.RetryConfig.max_backoff] is 300s, and
+ * `max_doublings` is 3, then the a task will first be retried in
+ * 10s. The retry interval will double three times, and then
+ * increase linearly by 2^3 * 10s. Finally, the task will retry at
+ * intervals of [max_backoff][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.RetryConfig.max_backoff] until the
+ * task has been attempted [max_attempts][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.RetryConfig.max_attempts]
+ * times. Thus, the requests will retry at 10s, 20s, 40s, 80s, 160s,
+ * 240s, 300s, 300s, ....
* If unspecified when the queue is created, Cloud Tasks will pick the
* default.
* This field has the same meaning as
@@ -135,9 +129,9 @@ class RetryConfig extends \Google\Protobuf\Internal\Message
* If positive, `max_retry_duration` specifies the time limit for
* retrying a failed task, measured from when the task was first
* attempted. Once `max_retry_duration` time has passed *and* the
- * task has been attempted
- * [max_attempts][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.RetryConfig.max_attempts] times,
- * no further attempts will be made and the task will be deleted.
+ * task has been attempted [max_attempts][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.RetryConfig.max_attempts]
+ * times, no further attempts will be made and the task will be
+ * deleted.
* If zero, then the task age is unlimited.
* If unspecified when the queue is created, Cloud Tasks will pick the
* default.
@@ -146,13 +140,11 @@ class RetryConfig extends \Google\Protobuf\Internal\Message
* [task_age_limit in
* queue.yaml/xml](https://cloud.google.com/appengine/docs/standard/python/config/queueref#retry_parameters).
* @type \Google\Protobuf\Duration $min_backoff
- * A task will be [scheduled][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task.schedule_time]
- * for retry between
+ * A task will be [scheduled][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task.schedule_time] for retry between
* [min_backoff][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.RetryConfig.min_backoff] and
- * [max_backoff][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.RetryConfig.max_backoff] duration
- * after it fails, if the queue's
- * [RetryConfig][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.RetryConfig] specifies that the
- * task should be retried.
+ * [max_backoff][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.RetryConfig.max_backoff] duration after it fails,
+ * if the queue's [RetryConfig][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.RetryConfig] specifies that the task should be
+ * retried.
* If unspecified when the queue is created, Cloud Tasks will pick the
* default.
* `min_backoff` will be truncated to the nearest second.
@@ -160,13 +152,11 @@ class RetryConfig extends \Google\Protobuf\Internal\Message
* [min_backoff_seconds in
* queue.yaml/xml](https://cloud.google.com/appengine/docs/standard/python/config/queueref#retry_parameters).
* @type \Google\Protobuf\Duration $max_backoff
- * A task will be [scheduled][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task.schedule_time]
- * for retry between
+ * A task will be [scheduled][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task.schedule_time] for retry between
* [min_backoff][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.RetryConfig.min_backoff] and
- * [max_backoff][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.RetryConfig.max_backoff] duration
- * after it fails, if the queue's
- * [RetryConfig][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.RetryConfig] specifies that the
- * task should be retried.
+ * [max_backoff][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.RetryConfig.max_backoff] duration after it fails,
+ * if the queue's [RetryConfig][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.RetryConfig] specifies that the task should be
+ * retried.
* If unspecified when the queue is created, Cloud Tasks will pick the
* default.
* `max_backoff` will be truncated to the nearest second.
@@ -176,22 +166,20 @@ class RetryConfig extends \Google\Protobuf\Internal\Message
* @type int $max_doublings
* The time between retries will double `max_doublings` times.
* A task's retry interval starts at
- * [min_backoff][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.RetryConfig.min_backoff], then
- * doubles `max_doublings` times, then increases linearly, and finally retries
- * retries at intervals of
+ * [min_backoff][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.RetryConfig.min_backoff], then doubles
+ * `max_doublings` times, then increases linearly, and finally
+ * retries retries at intervals of
* [max_backoff][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.RetryConfig.max_backoff] up to
* [max_attempts][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.RetryConfig.max_attempts] times.
- * For example, if
- * [min_backoff][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.RetryConfig.min_backoff] is 10s,
- * [max_backoff][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.RetryConfig.max_backoff] is 300s,
- * and `max_doublings` is 3, then the a task will first be retried in 10s. The
- * retry interval will double three times, and then increase linearly by 2^3 *
- * 10s. Finally, the task will retry at intervals of
- * [max_backoff][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.RetryConfig.max_backoff] until the
- * task has been attempted
- * [max_attempts][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.RetryConfig.max_attempts] times.
- * Thus, the requests will retry at 10s, 20s, 40s, 80s, 160s, 240s, 300s,
- * 300s, ....
+ * For example, if [min_backoff][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.RetryConfig.min_backoff] is 10s,
+ * [max_backoff][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.RetryConfig.max_backoff] is 300s, and
+ * `max_doublings` is 3, then the a task will first be retried in
+ * 10s. The retry interval will double three times, and then
+ * increase linearly by 2^3 * 10s. Finally, the task will retry at
+ * intervals of [max_backoff][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.RetryConfig.max_backoff] until the
+ * task has been attempted [max_attempts][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.RetryConfig.max_attempts]
+ * times. Thus, the requests will retry at 10s, 20s, 40s, 80s, 160s,
+ * 240s, 300s, 300s, ....
* If unspecified when the queue is created, Cloud Tasks will pick the
* default.
* This field has the same meaning as
@@ -252,9 +240,9 @@ public function setMaxAttempts($var)
* If positive, `max_retry_duration` specifies the time limit for
* retrying a failed task, measured from when the task was first
* attempted. Once `max_retry_duration` time has passed *and* the
- * task has been attempted
- * [max_attempts][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.RetryConfig.max_attempts] times,
- * no further attempts will be made and the task will be deleted.
+ * task has been attempted [max_attempts][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.RetryConfig.max_attempts]
+ * times, no further attempts will be made and the task will be
+ * deleted.
* If zero, then the task age is unlimited.
* If unspecified when the queue is created, Cloud Tasks will pick the
* default.
@@ -275,9 +263,9 @@ public function getMaxRetryDuration()
* If positive, `max_retry_duration` specifies the time limit for
* retrying a failed task, measured from when the task was first
* attempted. Once `max_retry_duration` time has passed *and* the
- * task has been attempted
- * [max_attempts][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.RetryConfig.max_attempts] times,
- * no further attempts will be made and the task will be deleted.
+ * task has been attempted [max_attempts][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.RetryConfig.max_attempts]
+ * times, no further attempts will be made and the task will be
+ * deleted.
* If zero, then the task age is unlimited.
* If unspecified when the queue is created, Cloud Tasks will pick the
* default.
@@ -299,13 +287,11 @@ public function setMaxRetryDuration($var)
- * A task will be [scheduled][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task.schedule_time]
- * for retry between
+ * A task will be [scheduled][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task.schedule_time] for retry between
* [min_backoff][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.RetryConfig.min_backoff] and
- * [max_backoff][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.RetryConfig.max_backoff] duration
- * after it fails, if the queue's
- * [RetryConfig][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.RetryConfig] specifies that the
- * task should be retried.
+ * [max_backoff][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.RetryConfig.max_backoff] duration after it fails,
+ * if the queue's [RetryConfig][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.RetryConfig] specifies that the task should be
+ * retried.
* If unspecified when the queue is created, Cloud Tasks will pick the
* default.
* `min_backoff` will be truncated to the nearest second.
@@ -322,13 +308,11 @@ public function getMinBackoff()
- * A task will be [scheduled][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task.schedule_time]
- * for retry between
+ * A task will be [scheduled][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task.schedule_time] for retry between
* [min_backoff][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.RetryConfig.min_backoff] and
- * [max_backoff][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.RetryConfig.max_backoff] duration
- * after it fails, if the queue's
- * [RetryConfig][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.RetryConfig] specifies that the
- * task should be retried.
+ * [max_backoff][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.RetryConfig.max_backoff] duration after it fails,
+ * if the queue's [RetryConfig][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.RetryConfig] specifies that the task should be
+ * retried.
* If unspecified when the queue is created, Cloud Tasks will pick the
* default.
* `min_backoff` will be truncated to the nearest second.
@@ -349,13 +333,11 @@ public function setMinBackoff($var)
- * A task will be [scheduled][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task.schedule_time]
- * for retry between
+ * A task will be [scheduled][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task.schedule_time] for retry between
* [min_backoff][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.RetryConfig.min_backoff] and
- * [max_backoff][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.RetryConfig.max_backoff] duration
- * after it fails, if the queue's
- * [RetryConfig][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.RetryConfig] specifies that the
- * task should be retried.
+ * [max_backoff][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.RetryConfig.max_backoff] duration after it fails,
+ * if the queue's [RetryConfig][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.RetryConfig] specifies that the task should be
+ * retried.
* If unspecified when the queue is created, Cloud Tasks will pick the
* default.
* `max_backoff` will be truncated to the nearest second.
@@ -372,13 +354,11 @@ public function getMaxBackoff()
- * A task will be [scheduled][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task.schedule_time]
- * for retry between
+ * A task will be [scheduled][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task.schedule_time] for retry between
* [min_backoff][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.RetryConfig.min_backoff] and
- * [max_backoff][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.RetryConfig.max_backoff] duration
- * after it fails, if the queue's
- * [RetryConfig][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.RetryConfig] specifies that the
- * task should be retried.
+ * [max_backoff][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.RetryConfig.max_backoff] duration after it fails,
+ * if the queue's [RetryConfig][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.RetryConfig] specifies that the task should be
+ * retried.
* If unspecified when the queue is created, Cloud Tasks will pick the
* default.
* `max_backoff` will be truncated to the nearest second.
@@ -401,22 +381,20 @@ public function setMaxBackoff($var)
* The time between retries will double `max_doublings` times.
* A task's retry interval starts at
- * [min_backoff][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.RetryConfig.min_backoff], then
- * doubles `max_doublings` times, then increases linearly, and finally retries
- * retries at intervals of
+ * [min_backoff][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.RetryConfig.min_backoff], then doubles
+ * `max_doublings` times, then increases linearly, and finally
+ * retries retries at intervals of
* [max_backoff][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.RetryConfig.max_backoff] up to
* [max_attempts][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.RetryConfig.max_attempts] times.
- * For example, if
- * [min_backoff][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.RetryConfig.min_backoff] is 10s,
- * [max_backoff][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.RetryConfig.max_backoff] is 300s,
- * and `max_doublings` is 3, then the a task will first be retried in 10s. The
- * retry interval will double three times, and then increase linearly by 2^3 *
- * 10s. Finally, the task will retry at intervals of
- * [max_backoff][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.RetryConfig.max_backoff] until the
- * task has been attempted
- * [max_attempts][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.RetryConfig.max_attempts] times.
- * Thus, the requests will retry at 10s, 20s, 40s, 80s, 160s, 240s, 300s,
- * 300s, ....
+ * For example, if [min_backoff][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.RetryConfig.min_backoff] is 10s,
+ * [max_backoff][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.RetryConfig.max_backoff] is 300s, and
+ * `max_doublings` is 3, then the a task will first be retried in
+ * 10s. The retry interval will double three times, and then
+ * increase linearly by 2^3 * 10s. Finally, the task will retry at
+ * intervals of [max_backoff][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.RetryConfig.max_backoff] until the
+ * task has been attempted [max_attempts][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.RetryConfig.max_attempts]
+ * times. Thus, the requests will retry at 10s, 20s, 40s, 80s, 160s,
+ * 240s, 300s, 300s, ....
* If unspecified when the queue is created, Cloud Tasks will pick the
* default.
* This field has the same meaning as
@@ -434,22 +412,20 @@ public function getMaxDoublings()
* The time between retries will double `max_doublings` times.
* A task's retry interval starts at
- * [min_backoff][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.RetryConfig.min_backoff], then
- * doubles `max_doublings` times, then increases linearly, and finally retries
- * retries at intervals of
+ * [min_backoff][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.RetryConfig.min_backoff], then doubles
+ * `max_doublings` times, then increases linearly, and finally
+ * retries retries at intervals of
* [max_backoff][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.RetryConfig.max_backoff] up to
* [max_attempts][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.RetryConfig.max_attempts] times.
- * For example, if
- * [min_backoff][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.RetryConfig.min_backoff] is 10s,
- * [max_backoff][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.RetryConfig.max_backoff] is 300s,
- * and `max_doublings` is 3, then the a task will first be retried in 10s. The
- * retry interval will double three times, and then increase linearly by 2^3 *
- * 10s. Finally, the task will retry at intervals of
- * [max_backoff][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.RetryConfig.max_backoff] until the
- * task has been attempted
- * [max_attempts][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.RetryConfig.max_attempts] times.
- * Thus, the requests will retry at 10s, 20s, 40s, 80s, 160s, 240s, 300s,
- * 300s, ....
+ * For example, if [min_backoff][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.RetryConfig.min_backoff] is 10s,
+ * [max_backoff][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.RetryConfig.max_backoff] is 300s, and
+ * `max_doublings` is 3, then the a task will first be retried in
+ * 10s. The retry interval will double three times, and then
+ * increase linearly by 2^3 * 10s. Finally, the task will retry at
+ * intervals of [max_backoff][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.RetryConfig.max_backoff] until the
+ * task has been attempted [max_attempts][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.RetryConfig.max_attempts]
+ * times. Thus, the requests will retry at 10s, 20s, 40s, 80s, 160s,
+ * 240s, 300s, 300s, ....
* If unspecified when the queue is created, Cloud Tasks will pick the
* default.
* This field has the same meaning as
diff --git a/Tasks/src/V2beta3/RunTaskRequest.php b/Tasks/src/V2beta3/RunTaskRequest.php
index 2cb90f2093df..e05a6d95a24b 100644
--- a/Tasks/src/V2beta3/RunTaskRequest.php
+++ b/Tasks/src/V2beta3/RunTaskRequest.php
@@ -25,17 +25,16 @@ class RunTaskRequest extends \Google\Protobuf\Internal\Message
private $name = '';
- * The response_view specifies which subset of the
- * [Task][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task] will be returned.
- * By default response_view is
- * [BASIC][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task.View.BASIC]; not all information is
- * retrieved by default because some data, such as payloads, might be
- * desirable to return only when needed because of its large size or because
- * of the sensitivity of data that it contains.
- * Authorization for [FULL][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task.View.FULL]
- * requires `cloudtasks.tasks.fullView` [Google
- * IAM](https://cloud.google.com/iam/) permission on the
- * [Task][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task] resource.
+ * The response_view specifies which subset of the [Task][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task] will be
+ * returned.
+ * By default response_view is [BASIC][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task.View.BASIC]; not all
+ * information is retrieved by default because some data, such as
+ * payloads, might be desirable to return only when needed because
+ * of its large size or because of the sensitivity of data that it
+ * contains.
+ * Authorization for [FULL][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task.View.FULL] requires
+ * `cloudtasks.tasks.fullView` [Google IAM](https://cloud.google.com/iam/)
+ * permission on the [Task][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task] resource.
* Generated from protobuf field .google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task.View response_view = 2;
@@ -52,17 +51,16 @@ class RunTaskRequest extends \Google\Protobuf\Internal\Message
* The task name. For example:
* `projects/PROJECT_ID/locations/LOCATION_ID/queues/QUEUE_ID/tasks/TASK_ID`
* @type int $response_view
- * The response_view specifies which subset of the
- * [Task][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task] will be returned.
- * By default response_view is
- * [BASIC][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task.View.BASIC]; not all information is
- * retrieved by default because some data, such as payloads, might be
- * desirable to return only when needed because of its large size or because
- * of the sensitivity of data that it contains.
- * Authorization for [FULL][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task.View.FULL]
- * requires `cloudtasks.tasks.fullView` [Google
- * IAM](https://cloud.google.com/iam/) permission on the
- * [Task][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task] resource.
+ * The response_view specifies which subset of the [Task][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task] will be
+ * returned.
+ * By default response_view is [BASIC][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task.View.BASIC]; not all
+ * information is retrieved by default because some data, such as
+ * payloads, might be desirable to return only when needed because
+ * of its large size or because of the sensitivity of data that it
+ * contains.
+ * Authorization for [FULL][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task.View.FULL] requires
+ * `cloudtasks.tasks.fullView` [Google IAM](https://cloud.google.com/iam/)
+ * permission on the [Task][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task] resource.
* }
public function __construct($data = NULL) {
@@ -101,17 +99,16 @@ public function setName($var)
- * The response_view specifies which subset of the
- * [Task][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task] will be returned.
- * By default response_view is
- * [BASIC][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task.View.BASIC]; not all information is
- * retrieved by default because some data, such as payloads, might be
- * desirable to return only when needed because of its large size or because
- * of the sensitivity of data that it contains.
- * Authorization for [FULL][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task.View.FULL]
- * requires `cloudtasks.tasks.fullView` [Google
- * IAM](https://cloud.google.com/iam/) permission on the
- * [Task][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task] resource.
+ * The response_view specifies which subset of the [Task][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task] will be
+ * returned.
+ * By default response_view is [BASIC][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task.View.BASIC]; not all
+ * information is retrieved by default because some data, such as
+ * payloads, might be desirable to return only when needed because
+ * of its large size or because of the sensitivity of data that it
+ * contains.
+ * Authorization for [FULL][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task.View.FULL] requires
+ * `cloudtasks.tasks.fullView` [Google IAM](https://cloud.google.com/iam/)
+ * permission on the [Task][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task] resource.
* Generated from protobuf field .google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task.View response_view = 2;
* @return int
@@ -122,17 +119,16 @@ public function getResponseView()
- * The response_view specifies which subset of the
- * [Task][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task] will be returned.
- * By default response_view is
- * [BASIC][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task.View.BASIC]; not all information is
- * retrieved by default because some data, such as payloads, might be
- * desirable to return only when needed because of its large size or because
- * of the sensitivity of data that it contains.
- * Authorization for [FULL][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task.View.FULL]
- * requires `cloudtasks.tasks.fullView` [Google
- * IAM](https://cloud.google.com/iam/) permission on the
- * [Task][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task] resource.
+ * The response_view specifies which subset of the [Task][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task] will be
+ * returned.
+ * By default response_view is [BASIC][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task.View.BASIC]; not all
+ * information is retrieved by default because some data, such as
+ * payloads, might be desirable to return only when needed because
+ * of its large size or because of the sensitivity of data that it
+ * contains.
+ * Authorization for [FULL][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task.View.FULL] requires
+ * `cloudtasks.tasks.fullView` [Google IAM](https://cloud.google.com/iam/)
+ * permission on the [Task][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task] resource.
* Generated from protobuf field .google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task.View response_view = 2;
* @param int $var
diff --git a/Tasks/src/V2beta3/Task.php b/Tasks/src/V2beta3/Task.php
index c54f797d8666..345e37fd3b60 100644
--- a/Tasks/src/V2beta3/Task.php
+++ b/Tasks/src/V2beta3/Task.php
@@ -16,8 +16,7 @@
class Task extends \Google\Protobuf\Internal\Message
- * Optionally caller-specified in
- * [CreateTask][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.CloudTasks.CreateTask].
+ * Optionally caller-specified in [CreateTask][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.CloudTasks.CreateTask].
* The task name.
* The task name must have the following format:
* `projects/PROJECT_ID/locations/LOCATION_ID/queues/QUEUE_ID/tasks/TASK_ID`
@@ -57,18 +56,15 @@ class Task extends \Google\Protobuf\Internal\Message
* The deadline for requests sent to the worker. If the worker does not
* respond by this deadline then the request is cancelled and the attempt
* is marked as a `DEADLINE_EXCEEDED` failure. Cloud Tasks will retry the
- * task according to the
- * [RetryConfig][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.RetryConfig].
+ * task according to the [RetryConfig][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.RetryConfig].
* Note that when the request is cancelled, Cloud Tasks will stop listing for
* the response, but whether the worker stops processing depends on the
* worker. For example, if the worker is stuck, it may not react to cancelled
* requests.
* The default and maximum values depend on the type of request:
- * * For [HTTP tasks][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.HttpRequest], the default is
- * 10 minutes.
- * The deadline must be in the interval [15 seconds, 30 minutes].
- * * For [App Engine tasks][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineHttpRequest],
- * 0 indicates that the
+ * * For [HTTP tasks][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.HttpRequest], the default is 10 minutes. The deadline
+ * must be in the interval [15 seconds, 30 minutes].
+ * * For [App Engine tasks][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineHttpRequest], 0 indicates that the
* request has the default deadline. The default deadline depends on the
* [scaling
* type](https://cloud.google.com/appengine/docs/standard/go/how-instances-are-managed#instance_scaling)
@@ -103,9 +99,8 @@ class Task extends \Google\Protobuf\Internal\Message
private $response_count = 0;
* Output only. The status of the task's first attempt.
- * Only [dispatch_time][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Attempt.dispatch_time] will
- * be set. The other [Attempt][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Attempt] information
- * is not retained by Cloud Tasks.
+ * Only [dispatch_time][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Attempt.dispatch_time] will be set.
+ * The other [Attempt][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Attempt] information is not retained by Cloud Tasks.
* Generated from protobuf field .google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Attempt first_attempt = 8;
@@ -117,8 +112,8 @@ class Task extends \Google\Protobuf\Internal\Message
private $last_attempt = null;
- * Output only. The view specifies which subset of the
- * [Task][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task] has been returned.
+ * Output only. The view specifies which subset of the [Task][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task] has
+ * been returned.
* Generated from protobuf field .google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task.View view = 10;
@@ -132,8 +127,7 @@ class Task extends \Google\Protobuf\Internal\Message
* Optional. Data for populating the Message object.
* @type string $name
- * Optionally caller-specified in
- * [CreateTask][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.CloudTasks.CreateTask].
+ * Optionally caller-specified in [CreateTask][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.CloudTasks.CreateTask].
* The task name.
* The task name must have the following format:
* `projects/PROJECT_ID/locations/LOCATION_ID/queues/QUEUE_ID/tasks/TASK_ID`
@@ -152,16 +146,13 @@ class Task extends \Google\Protobuf\Internal\Message
* hyphens (-), or underscores (_). The maximum length is 500 characters.
* @type \Google\Cloud\Tasks\V2beta3\AppEngineHttpRequest $app_engine_http_request
* HTTP request that is sent to the App Engine app handler.
- * An App Engine task is a task that has
- * [AppEngineHttpRequest][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineHttpRequest]
- * set.
+ * An App Engine task is a task that has [AppEngineHttpRequest][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineHttpRequest] set.
* @type \Google\Cloud\Tasks\V2beta3\HttpRequest $http_request
* HTTP request that is sent to the task's target.
* Warning: This is an [alpha](https://cloud.google.com/terms/launch-stages)
* feature. If you haven't already joined, you can [use this form to sign
- * up](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfc4uEy9CBHKYUSdnY1hdhKDCX7julVZHy3imOiR-XrU7bUNQ/viewform?usp=sf_link).
- * An HTTP task is a task that has
- * [HttpRequest][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.HttpRequest] set.
+ * up](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfc4uEy9CBHKYUSdnY1hdhKDCX7julVZHy3imOiR-XrU7bUNQ/viewform).
+ * An HTTP task is a task that has [HttpRequest][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.HttpRequest] set.
* @type \Google\Protobuf\Timestamp $schedule_time
* The time when the task is scheduled to be attempted.
* For App Engine queues, this is when the task will be attempted or retried.
@@ -173,18 +164,15 @@ class Task extends \Google\Protobuf\Internal\Message
* The deadline for requests sent to the worker. If the worker does not
* respond by this deadline then the request is cancelled and the attempt
* is marked as a `DEADLINE_EXCEEDED` failure. Cloud Tasks will retry the
- * task according to the
- * [RetryConfig][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.RetryConfig].
+ * task according to the [RetryConfig][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.RetryConfig].
* Note that when the request is cancelled, Cloud Tasks will stop listing for
* the response, but whether the worker stops processing depends on the
* worker. For example, if the worker is stuck, it may not react to cancelled
* requests.
* The default and maximum values depend on the type of request:
- * * For [HTTP tasks][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.HttpRequest], the default is
- * 10 minutes.
- * The deadline must be in the interval [15 seconds, 30 minutes].
- * * For [App Engine tasks][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineHttpRequest],
- * 0 indicates that the
+ * * For [HTTP tasks][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.HttpRequest], the default is 10 minutes. The deadline
+ * must be in the interval [15 seconds, 30 minutes].
+ * * For [App Engine tasks][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineHttpRequest], 0 indicates that the
* request has the default deadline. The default deadline depends on the
* [scaling
* type](https://cloud.google.com/appengine/docs/standard/go/how-instances-are-managed#instance_scaling)
@@ -207,14 +195,13 @@ class Task extends \Google\Protobuf\Internal\Message
* Output only. The number of attempts which have received a response.
* @type \Google\Cloud\Tasks\V2beta3\Attempt $first_attempt
* Output only. The status of the task's first attempt.
- * Only [dispatch_time][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Attempt.dispatch_time] will
- * be set. The other [Attempt][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Attempt] information
- * is not retained by Cloud Tasks.
+ * Only [dispatch_time][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Attempt.dispatch_time] will be set.
+ * The other [Attempt][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Attempt] information is not retained by Cloud Tasks.
* @type \Google\Cloud\Tasks\V2beta3\Attempt $last_attempt
* Output only. The status of the task's last attempt.
* @type int $view
- * Output only. The view specifies which subset of the
- * [Task][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task] has been returned.
+ * Output only. The view specifies which subset of the [Task][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task] has
+ * been returned.
* }
public function __construct($data = NULL) {
@@ -223,8 +210,7 @@ public function __construct($data = NULL) {
- * Optionally caller-specified in
- * [CreateTask][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.CloudTasks.CreateTask].
+ * Optionally caller-specified in [CreateTask][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.CloudTasks.CreateTask].
* The task name.
* The task name must have the following format:
* `projects/PROJECT_ID/locations/LOCATION_ID/queues/QUEUE_ID/tasks/TASK_ID`
@@ -251,8 +237,7 @@ public function getName()
- * Optionally caller-specified in
- * [CreateTask][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.CloudTasks.CreateTask].
+ * Optionally caller-specified in [CreateTask][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.CloudTasks.CreateTask].
* The task name.
* The task name must have the following format:
* `projects/PROJECT_ID/locations/LOCATION_ID/queues/QUEUE_ID/tasks/TASK_ID`
@@ -284,9 +269,7 @@ public function setName($var)
* HTTP request that is sent to the App Engine app handler.
- * An App Engine task is a task that has
- * [AppEngineHttpRequest][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineHttpRequest]
- * set.
+ * An App Engine task is a task that has [AppEngineHttpRequest][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineHttpRequest] set.
* Generated from protobuf field .google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineHttpRequest app_engine_http_request = 3;
* @return \Google\Cloud\Tasks\V2beta3\AppEngineHttpRequest
@@ -298,9 +281,7 @@ public function getAppEngineHttpRequest()
* HTTP request that is sent to the App Engine app handler.
- * An App Engine task is a task that has
- * [AppEngineHttpRequest][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineHttpRequest]
- * set.
+ * An App Engine task is a task that has [AppEngineHttpRequest][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineHttpRequest] set.
* Generated from protobuf field .google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineHttpRequest app_engine_http_request = 3;
* @param \Google\Cloud\Tasks\V2beta3\AppEngineHttpRequest $var
@@ -318,9 +299,8 @@ public function setAppEngineHttpRequest($var)
* HTTP request that is sent to the task's target.
* Warning: This is an [alpha](https://cloud.google.com/terms/launch-stages)
* feature. If you haven't already joined, you can [use this form to sign
- * up](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfc4uEy9CBHKYUSdnY1hdhKDCX7julVZHy3imOiR-XrU7bUNQ/viewform?usp=sf_link).
- * An HTTP task is a task that has
- * [HttpRequest][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.HttpRequest] set.
+ * up](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfc4uEy9CBHKYUSdnY1hdhKDCX7julVZHy3imOiR-XrU7bUNQ/viewform).
+ * An HTTP task is a task that has [HttpRequest][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.HttpRequest] set.
* Generated from protobuf field .google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.HttpRequest http_request = 11;
* @return \Google\Cloud\Tasks\V2beta3\HttpRequest
@@ -334,9 +314,8 @@ public function getHttpRequest()
* HTTP request that is sent to the task's target.
* Warning: This is an [alpha](https://cloud.google.com/terms/launch-stages)
* feature. If you haven't already joined, you can [use this form to sign
- * up](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfc4uEy9CBHKYUSdnY1hdhKDCX7julVZHy3imOiR-XrU7bUNQ/viewform?usp=sf_link).
- * An HTTP task is a task that has
- * [HttpRequest][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.HttpRequest] set.
+ * up](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfc4uEy9CBHKYUSdnY1hdhKDCX7julVZHy3imOiR-XrU7bUNQ/viewform).
+ * An HTTP task is a task that has [HttpRequest][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.HttpRequest] set.
* Generated from protobuf field .google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.HttpRequest http_request = 11;
* @param \Google\Cloud\Tasks\V2beta3\HttpRequest $var
@@ -412,18 +391,15 @@ public function setCreateTime($var)
* The deadline for requests sent to the worker. If the worker does not
* respond by this deadline then the request is cancelled and the attempt
* is marked as a `DEADLINE_EXCEEDED` failure. Cloud Tasks will retry the
- * task according to the
- * [RetryConfig][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.RetryConfig].
+ * task according to the [RetryConfig][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.RetryConfig].
* Note that when the request is cancelled, Cloud Tasks will stop listing for
* the response, but whether the worker stops processing depends on the
* worker. For example, if the worker is stuck, it may not react to cancelled
* requests.
* The default and maximum values depend on the type of request:
- * * For [HTTP tasks][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.HttpRequest], the default is
- * 10 minutes.
- * The deadline must be in the interval [15 seconds, 30 minutes].
- * * For [App Engine tasks][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineHttpRequest],
- * 0 indicates that the
+ * * For [HTTP tasks][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.HttpRequest], the default is 10 minutes. The deadline
+ * must be in the interval [15 seconds, 30 minutes].
+ * * For [App Engine tasks][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineHttpRequest], 0 indicates that the
* request has the default deadline. The default deadline depends on the
* [scaling
* type](https://cloud.google.com/appengine/docs/standard/go/how-instances-are-managed#instance_scaling)
@@ -451,18 +427,15 @@ public function getDispatchDeadline()
* The deadline for requests sent to the worker. If the worker does not
* respond by this deadline then the request is cancelled and the attempt
* is marked as a `DEADLINE_EXCEEDED` failure. Cloud Tasks will retry the
- * task according to the
- * [RetryConfig][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.RetryConfig].
+ * task according to the [RetryConfig][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.RetryConfig].
* Note that when the request is cancelled, Cloud Tasks will stop listing for
* the response, but whether the worker stops processing depends on the
* worker. For example, if the worker is stuck, it may not react to cancelled
* requests.
* The default and maximum values depend on the type of request:
- * * For [HTTP tasks][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.HttpRequest], the default is
- * 10 minutes.
- * The deadline must be in the interval [15 seconds, 30 minutes].
- * * For [App Engine tasks][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineHttpRequest],
- * 0 indicates that the
+ * * For [HTTP tasks][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.HttpRequest], the default is 10 minutes. The deadline
+ * must be in the interval [15 seconds, 30 minutes].
+ * * For [App Engine tasks][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineHttpRequest], 0 indicates that the
* request has the default deadline. The default deadline depends on the
* [scaling
* type](https://cloud.google.com/appengine/docs/standard/go/how-instances-are-managed#instance_scaling)
@@ -548,9 +521,8 @@ public function setResponseCount($var)
* Output only. The status of the task's first attempt.
- * Only [dispatch_time][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Attempt.dispatch_time] will
- * be set. The other [Attempt][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Attempt] information
- * is not retained by Cloud Tasks.
+ * Only [dispatch_time][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Attempt.dispatch_time] will be set.
+ * The other [Attempt][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Attempt] information is not retained by Cloud Tasks.
* Generated from protobuf field .google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Attempt first_attempt = 8;
* @return \Google\Cloud\Tasks\V2beta3\Attempt
@@ -562,9 +534,8 @@ public function getFirstAttempt()
* Output only. The status of the task's first attempt.
- * Only [dispatch_time][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Attempt.dispatch_time] will
- * be set. The other [Attempt][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Attempt] information
- * is not retained by Cloud Tasks.
+ * Only [dispatch_time][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Attempt.dispatch_time] will be set.
+ * The other [Attempt][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Attempt] information is not retained by Cloud Tasks.
* Generated from protobuf field .google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Attempt first_attempt = 8;
* @param \Google\Cloud\Tasks\V2beta3\Attempt $var
@@ -605,8 +576,8 @@ public function setLastAttempt($var)
- * Output only. The view specifies which subset of the
- * [Task][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task] has been returned.
+ * Output only. The view specifies which subset of the [Task][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task] has
+ * been returned.
* Generated from protobuf field .google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task.View view = 10;
* @return int
@@ -617,8 +588,8 @@ public function getView()
- * Output only. The view specifies which subset of the
- * [Task][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task] has been returned.
+ * Output only. The view specifies which subset of the [Task][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task] has
+ * been returned.
* Generated from protobuf field .google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task.View view = 10;
* @param int $var
diff --git a/Tasks/src/V2beta3/Task/View.php b/Tasks/src/V2beta3/Task/View.php
index 7c45c3bd5ac8..273f7dbc5725 100644
--- a/Tasks/src/V2beta3/Task/View.php
+++ b/Tasks/src/V2beta3/Task/View.php
@@ -7,8 +7,7 @@
use UnexpectedValueException;
- * The view specifies a subset of [Task][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task]
- * data.
+ * The view specifies a subset of [Task][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task] data.
* When a task is returned in a response, not all
* information is retrieved by default because some data, such as
* payloads, might be desirable to return only when needed because
@@ -29,8 +28,7 @@ class View
* The basic view omits fields which can be large or can contain
* sensitive data.
* This view does not include the
- * [body in
- * AppEngineHttpRequest][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineHttpRequest.body].
+ * [body in AppEngineHttpRequest][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.AppEngineHttpRequest.body].
* Bodies are desirable to return only when needed, because they
* can be large and because of the sensitivity of the data that you
* choose to store in it.
@@ -40,10 +38,9 @@ class View
const BASIC = 1;
* All information is returned.
- * Authorization for [FULL][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task.View.FULL]
- * requires `cloudtasks.tasks.fullView` [Google
- * IAM](https://cloud.google.com/iam/) permission on the
- * [Queue][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Queue] resource.
+ * Authorization for [FULL][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Task.View.FULL] requires
+ * `cloudtasks.tasks.fullView` [Google IAM](https://cloud.google.com/iam/)
+ * permission on the [Queue][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Queue] resource.
* Generated from protobuf enum FULL = 2;
diff --git a/Tasks/src/V2beta3/UpdateQueueRequest.php b/Tasks/src/V2beta3/UpdateQueueRequest.php
index f9a9b344f167..0f0ed14ecb19 100644
--- a/Tasks/src/V2beta3/UpdateQueueRequest.php
+++ b/Tasks/src/V2beta3/UpdateQueueRequest.php
@@ -9,8 +9,7 @@
use Google\Protobuf\Internal\GPBUtil;
- * Request message for
- * [UpdateQueue][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.CloudTasks.UpdateQueue].
+ * Request message for [UpdateQueue][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.CloudTasks.UpdateQueue].
* Generated from protobuf message google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.UpdateQueueRequest
@@ -19,12 +18,10 @@ class UpdateQueueRequest extends \Google\Protobuf\Internal\Message
* Required.
* The queue to create or update.
- * The queue's [name][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Queue.name] must be
- * specified.
+ * The queue's [name][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Queue.name] must be specified.
* Output only fields cannot be modified using UpdateQueue.
* Any value specified for an output only field will be ignored.
- * The queue's [name][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Queue.name] cannot be
- * changed.
+ * The queue's [name][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Queue.name] cannot be changed.
* Generated from protobuf field .google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Queue queue = 1;
@@ -46,12 +43,10 @@ class UpdateQueueRequest extends \Google\Protobuf\Internal\Message
* @type \Google\Cloud\Tasks\V2beta3\Queue $queue
* Required.
* The queue to create or update.
- * The queue's [name][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Queue.name] must be
- * specified.
+ * The queue's [name][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Queue.name] must be specified.
* Output only fields cannot be modified using UpdateQueue.
* Any value specified for an output only field will be ignored.
- * The queue's [name][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Queue.name] cannot be
- * changed.
+ * The queue's [name][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Queue.name] cannot be changed.
* @type \Google\Protobuf\FieldMask $update_mask
* A mask used to specify which fields of the queue are being updated.
* If empty, then all fields will be updated.
@@ -65,12 +60,10 @@ public function __construct($data = NULL) {
* Required.
* The queue to create or update.
- * The queue's [name][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Queue.name] must be
- * specified.
+ * The queue's [name][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Queue.name] must be specified.
* Output only fields cannot be modified using UpdateQueue.
* Any value specified for an output only field will be ignored.
- * The queue's [name][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Queue.name] cannot be
- * changed.
+ * The queue's [name][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Queue.name] cannot be changed.
* Generated from protobuf field .google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Queue queue = 1;
* @return \Google\Cloud\Tasks\V2beta3\Queue
@@ -83,12 +76,10 @@ public function getQueue()
* Required.
* The queue to create or update.
- * The queue's [name][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Queue.name] must be
- * specified.
+ * The queue's [name][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Queue.name] must be specified.
* Output only fields cannot be modified using UpdateQueue.
* Any value specified for an output only field will be ignored.
- * The queue's [name][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Queue.name] cannot be
- * changed.
+ * The queue's [name][google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Queue.name] cannot be changed.
* Generated from protobuf field .google.cloud.tasks.v2beta3.Queue queue = 1;
* @param \Google\Cloud\Tasks\V2beta3\Queue $var
diff --git a/Tasks/synth.metadata b/Tasks/synth.metadata
index 4e34a180a5b8..a88b755c43f3 100644
--- a/Tasks/synth.metadata
+++ b/Tasks/synth.metadata
@@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
- "updateTime": "2019-03-29T10:02:24.100456Z",
+ "updateTime": "2019-04-05T10:03:13.898621Z",
"sources": [
"generator": {
"name": "artman",
- "version": "0.16.21",
- "dockerImage": "googleapis/artman@sha256:854131ec1af7b3a313253474c24748dc0acd217a58a0b74dbfb559f340a15d78"
+ "version": "0.16.25",
+ "dockerImage": "googleapis/artman@sha256:d9597f983d1d4e61272c63cb97b7d8f8234da9999526c35d357de3d781f0ec1b"
"git": {
"name": "googleapis",
"remote": "https://github.com/googleapis/googleapis.git",
- "sha": "37386f1ebcaed51bcb7d15d00124d22c38606e45",
- "internalRef": "240841842"
+ "sha": "327ff9c09f4b2bcc9633f035a58ad348e45fb2a0",
+ "internalRef": "242045478"
diff --git a/Tasks/tests/Unit/V2beta3/CloudTasksClientTest.php b/Tasks/tests/Unit/V2beta3/CloudTasksClientTest.php
index fc311f5b7052..325a1436d8da 100644
--- a/Tasks/tests/Unit/V2beta3/CloudTasksClientTest.php
+++ b/Tasks/tests/Unit/V2beta3/CloudTasksClientTest.php
@@ -157,8 +157,10 @@ public function getQueueTest()
// Mock response
$name2 = 'name2-1052831874';
+ $logSamplingRatio = -1.25350193E8;
$expectedResponse = new Queue();
+ $expectedResponse->setLogSamplingRatio($logSamplingRatio);
// Mock request
@@ -230,8 +232,10 @@ public function createQueueTest()
// Mock response
$name = 'name3373707';
+ $logSamplingRatio = -1.25350193E8;
$expectedResponse = new Queue();
+ $expectedResponse->setLogSamplingRatio($logSamplingRatio);
// Mock request
@@ -308,8 +312,10 @@ public function updateQueueTest()
// Mock response
$name = 'name3373707';
+ $logSamplingRatio = -1.25350193E8;
$expectedResponse = new Queue();
+ $expectedResponse->setLogSamplingRatio($logSamplingRatio);
// Mock request
@@ -451,8 +457,10 @@ public function purgeQueueTest()
// Mock response
$name2 = 'name2-1052831874';
+ $logSamplingRatio = -1.25350193E8;
$expectedResponse = new Queue();
+ $expectedResponse->setLogSamplingRatio($logSamplingRatio);
// Mock request
@@ -524,8 +532,10 @@ public function pauseQueueTest()
// Mock response
$name2 = 'name2-1052831874';
+ $logSamplingRatio = -1.25350193E8;
$expectedResponse = new Queue();
+ $expectedResponse->setLogSamplingRatio($logSamplingRatio);
// Mock request
@@ -597,8 +607,10 @@ public function resumeQueueTest()
// Mock response
$name2 = 'name2-1052831874';
+ $logSamplingRatio = -1.25350193E8;
$expectedResponse = new Queue();
+ $expectedResponse->setLogSamplingRatio($logSamplingRatio);
// Mock request