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Google Cloud Java tools for testing

This library provides tools to help write tests for code that uses the following google-cloud services:

Testing code that uses BigQuery

Currently, there isn't an emulator for Google BigQuery, so an alternative is to create a test project. RemoteBigQueryHelper contains convenience methods to make setting up and cleaning up the test project easier. To use this class, follow the steps below:

  1. Create a test Google Cloud project.

  2. Download a JSON service account credentials file from the Google Developer's Console.

  3. Create a RemoteBigQueryHelper object using your project ID and JSON key. Here is an example that uses the RemoteBigQueryHelper to create a dataset.

RemoteBigQueryHelper bigqueryHelper =
    RemoteBigQueryHelper.create(PROJECT_ID, new FileInputStream("/path/to/my/JSON/key.json"));
BigQuery bigquery = bigqueryHelper.getOptions().getService();
String dataset = RemoteBigQueryHelper.generateDatasetName();
  1. Run your tests.

  2. Clean up the test project by using forceDelete to clear any datasets used. Here is an example that clears the dataset created in Step 3.

RemoteBigQueryHelper.forceDelete(bigquery, dataset);

Testing code that uses Bigtable

Bigtable integration tests can either be run against an emulator or a real Bigtable table. The target environment can be selected via the bigtable.env system property. By default it is set to emulator and the other option is prod.

To use the emulator environment, please install the gcloud sdk and use it to install the cbtemulator via gcloud components install bigtable.

To use the prod environment:

  1. Set up the target table using google-cloud-bigtable/scripts/
  2. Download the JSON service account credentials file from the Google Developer's Console.
  3. Set the environment variable GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS to the path of the credentials file
  4. Set the system property bigtable.env=prod and bigtable.table to the full table name you created earlier. Example:
    mvn verify -am -pl google-cloud-bigtable \
      -Dbigtable.env=prod \

Testing code that uses Bigtable Admin

Bigtable Admin integration tests are run against a real Bigtable instance.

To run the tests:

  1. Set up the target table using google-cloud-bigtable/scripts/
  2. Download the JSON service account credentials file from the Google Developer's Console.
  3. Set the environment variable GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS to the path of the credentials file
  4. Set the system property bigtable.instance to the full instance name you created earlier. Example:
    mvn verify -am -pl google-cloud-bigtable-admin \

Testing code that uses Compute

Currently, there isn't an emulator for Google Compute, so an alternative is to create a test project. RemoteComputeHelper contains convenience methods to make setting up the test project easier. To use this class, follow the steps below:

  1. Create a test Google Cloud project.

  2. Download a JSON service account credentials file from the Google Developer's Console.

  3. Create a RemoteComputeHelper object using your project ID and JSON key. Here is an example that uses the RemoteComputeHelper to create an address.

RemoteComputeHelper computeHelper =
    RemoteBigQueryHelper.create(PROJECT_ID, new FileInputStream("/path/to/my/JSON/key.json"));
Compute compute = computeHelper.getOptions().getService();
// Pick a name for the resource with low probability of clashing
String addressName = RemoteComputeHelper.baseResourceName() + "address";
AddressId addressId = RegionAddressId.of(REGION, addressName);
AddressInfo addressInfo = AddressInfo.of(addressId);
Operation operation = compute.create(addressInfo);
  1. Run your tests.

Testing code that uses Datastore

On your machine

You can test against a temporary local Datastore by following these steps:

  1. Install Cloud SDK

  2. Start the emulator

$ gcloud beta emulators datastore start

To determine which host/port the emulator is running on:

$ gcloud beta emulators datastore env-init
# Sample output:
#   export DATASTORE_EMULATOR_HOST=localhost:8759
  1. Point your client to the emulator
DatastoreOptions options = DatastoreOptions.newBuilder()
Datastore datastore = options.getService();
  1. Run your tests

Testing code that uses DNS

Currently, there isn't an emulator for DNS. An alternative is to create a test project.

Testing code that uses Logging

Currently, there isn't an emulator for Stackdriver Logging, so an alternative is to create a test project. RemoteLoggingHelper contains convenience methods to make setting up the test project easier. To use this class, follow the steps below:

  1. Create a test Google Cloud project.

  2. Download a JSON service account credentials file from the Google Developer's Console.

  3. Create a RemoteLoggingHelper object using your project ID and JSON key. Here is an example that uses the RemoteLoggingHelper to create a metric.

RemoteLoggingHelper loggingHelper =
    RemoteLoggingHelper.create(PROJECT_ID, new FileInputStream("/path/to/my/JSON/key.json"));
Logging logging = loggingHelper.getOptions().getService();
// Pick a name for the resource with low probability of clashing
String metricName = RemoteLoggingHelper.formatForTest("test-metric");
MetricInfo metricInfo = MetricInfo.of(name, "logName:syslog");
Metric metric = logging.create(metricInfo);
  1. Run your tests.

Testing code that uses Pub/Sub

You can test against a Pub/Sub emulator:

  1. Install Cloud SDK

  2. Start the emulator:

$ gcloud beta emulators pubsub start

To determine which host/port the emulator is running on:

$ gcloud beta emulators pubsub env-init
# Sample output:
#   export PUBSUB_EMULATOR_HOST=localhost:8759
  1. Point your client to the emulator.
String hostport = System.getenv("PUBSUB_EMULATOR_HOST");
ManagedChannel channel = ManagedChannelBuilder.forTarget(hostport).usePlaintext(true).build();
try {
  ChannelProvider channelProvider = FixedChannelProvider.create(channel);
  CredentialsProvider credentialsProvider = new NoCredentialsProvider();

  // Similarly for SubscriptionAdminSettings
  TopicAdminClient topicClient = TopicAdminClient.create(

  // Similarly for Subscriber
  Publisher publisher =
} finally {

Testing code that uses Redis

Currently, there isn't an emulator for Redis. An alternative is to create a test project.

Testing code that uses Resource Manager

On your machine

You can test against an in-memory local Resource Manager by following these steps:

  1. Before running your testing code, start the Resource Manager emulator LocalResourceManagerHelper. This can be done as follows:
LocalResourceManagerHelper helper = LocalResourceManagerHelper.create();

This will spawn a server thread that listens to localhost at an ephemeral port for Resource Manager requests.

  1. In your program, create and use a Resource Manager service object whose host is set to localhost at the appropriate port. For example:
ResourceManager resourceManager = LocalResourceManagerHelper.getOptions().getService();
  1. Run your tests.

  2. Stop the Resource Manager emulator.


This method will block until the server thread has been terminated.

Testing code that uses Storage

On your machine

You can test against an in-memory local Storage. The in-memory configuration supports only limited number of operations; please refer to the LocalStorageHelper class documentation for more details. Please use RemoteStorageHelper (see next section) if you need to use operations which are not supported by LocalStorageHelper.

To use the in-memory configuration please follow these steps:

  1. Follow the Quickstart instructions to add the nio dependency to your project.
  2. In your program, create and use a fake Storage service object. For example:
Storage storage = LocalStorageHelper.getOptions().getService();
  1. Run your tests.


The alternative way of testing is to create a test project. This way allows using operations not supported by the in-memory configuration. RemoteStorageHelper contains convenience methods to make setting up and cleaning up the test project easier. To use this class, follow the steps below:

  1. Create a test Google Cloud project.

  2. Download a JSON service account credentials file from the Google Developer's Console. See more about this on the Google Cloud Platform Storage Authentication page.

  3. Create a RemoteStorageHelper object using your project ID and JSON key. Here is an example that uses the RemoteStorageHelper to create a bucket.

RemoteStorageHelper helper =
    RemoteStorageHelper.create(PROJECT_ID, new FileInputStream("/path/to/my/JSON/key.json"));
Storage storage = helper.getOptions().getService();
String bucket = RemoteStorageHelper.generateBucketName();
  1. Run your tests.

  2. Clean up the test project by using forceDelete to clear any buckets used. Here is an example that clears the bucket created in Step 3 with a timeout of 5 seconds.

RemoteStorageHelper.forceDelete(storage, bucket, 5, TimeUnit.SECONDS);

Testing code that uses Translation

RemoteTranslateHelper contains convenience methods to make is easier to run tests against the Google Translation service.

  1. Create a test Google Cloud project.

  2. Download a JSON service account credentials file from the Google Developer's Console. See more about this on the Google Cloud Platform Authentication page key.

  3. Create a RemoteTranslateHelper object using your project ID and API key. Here is an example that uses the RemoteTranslateHelper to list supported languages.

RemoteTranslateHelper translateHelper =
    RemoteTranslateHelper.create(PROJECT_ID, new FileInputStream("/path/to/my/JSON/key.json"));
Translate translate = translateHelper.getOptions().getService();
List<Language> languages = translate.listSupportedLanguages();
  1. Run your tests.

Testing code that uses Cloud Spanner

Currently, there isn't an emulator for Cloud Spanner, so an alternative is to create a test project. RemoteSpannerHelper contains convenience methods to make setting up and cleaning up the test project easier. To use this class, follow the steps below:

  1. Create a test Google Cloud project.

  2. Download a JSON service account credentials file from the Google Developer's Console. See more about this on the Google Cloud Platform Authentication page.

  3. Create or use an existing Cloud Spanner Instance.

  4. Create a RemoteSpannerHelper object using your instance ID and SpannerOptions pointing to the credentials file. Here is an example that uses the RemoteSpannerHelper to create a database.

SpannerOptions options = SpannerOptions.newBuilder()
    .setCredentials(GoogleCredentials.fromStream(new FileInputStream("/path/to/my/JSON/key.json")))
RemoteSpannerHelper helper =
    RemoteSpannerHelper.create(options, InstanceId.of(options.getProjectId(), INSTANCE_ID),
      new FileInputStream("/path/to/my/JSON/key.json"));
Database db = RemoteSpannerHelper.createTestDatabase("my ddl statements"...);
DatabaseClient client = RemoteSpannerHelper.getDatabaseClient(db);
  1. Run your tests.

  2. Clean up the test project by using cleanUp to clear any databases created.
