Create Ruby clients from a protocol buffer description of an API.
The easiest way to use this generator is to clone the github repo (either at HEAD or at a release tag) and run the generator using the provided command line tool. The following steps describe how do this.
The GAPIC Generator for Ruby is written in Ruby and requires the Ruby runtime and several related tools.
First, install Ruby, version 3.1 or later, if you have not already done so. This page on the official Ruby website includes installation information. We recommend using a Ruby version manager such as ASDF.
You will need the Bundler and Toys gems. Install them if you haven't done so already:
$ gem install bundler
$ gem install toys
The generator itself is present in the repo Clone it to your local workstation. The following steps will use it at HEAD, but you can also check out a recent release tag.
$ git clone
$ cd gapic-generator-ruby
There are submodules in this repo, so you will need to initialize those.
$ git submodule init
$ git submodule update
In this section we'll generate a client for the Showcase API, a sample API used for demoing and testing GAPIC.
(The following section will demonstrate how to generate a client for a Google API from the Googleapis repo.)
The GAPIC Generator uses protobuf files as input. We will obtain the protos for Showcase from its repository on GitHub.
Clone the Showcase repo. For this example, we will assume we are starting inside the gapic-generator-ruby clone directory (see above). We'll move up one directory, clone the showcase repo and then move back into the gapic-generator-ruby directory for subsequent steps.
$ cd ..
$ git clone
$ cd gapic-generator-ruby
Each client requires a configuration. The Ruby GAPIC Generator can get this configuration from a YAML-formatted config file, or from the BUILD.bazel file used to generate Google APIs. For Showcase, we have neither, so we'll write a YAML file.
Create a file called showcase.yml
and copy the following into it:
:transports: ["rest", "grpc"]
:name: google-showcase
Note that all the keys begin with a colon, which signals to Ruby that they should be deserialized as Symbol keys rather than String keys.
We can now run the generator, by using a Toys tool provided in the repo. This
run will generate a client of the "Echo" service, one of the services in the
Showcase API. It will read the source protos from the gapic-showcase clone,
and write the result into a tmp
directory within the gapic-generator-ruby
clone. It will also get the configuration from the showcase.yml
file you
created above.
Make sure you have moved into the gapic-generator-ruby directory, then run:
$ toys run --input-dir=../gapic-showcase/schema --output-dir=tmp \
--config-file=showcase.yml google/showcase/v1beta1/echo.proto
Now you can see the results in the tmp
$ cd tmp
$ ls
In this section we'll generate a client for the Natural Language service that is part of Google Cloud. This will be very similar to the above Showcase example, but we will get the input protos and configuration from the googleapis repository, which is brought into gapic-generator-ruby as a submodule.
Within the gapic-generator-ruby directory, run:
$ toys run --output-dir=tmp --clean google/cloud/language/v2
That's it! The generator's proto lookup defaults to searching the submodule
in shared/googleapis
so you do not need to provide --input-dir
. It also
finds its configuration in the BUILD.bazel
file colocated with the protos.
The --clean
flag clears out the old tmp
directory (in case you previously
had generated the showcase client there.)
The Ruby GAPIC Generator is maintained internally at Google by the Ruby Cloud SDK team. The roadmap is generally driven by the needs of the Google API client libraries for Ruby. However, contributions will be considered. Before opening a pull request, please open an issue describing the change that you are proposing; unless it is an obvious or trivial fix, it is best to discuss and get agreement on the change before making it.
The CI runs on GitHub Actions and comprises four types of tests:
- Unit tests for the various components
- Comparative tests against golden outputs
- Functional tests for some golden outputs
- Lint and style checks using rubocop
To run the tests, execute this in the repo:
$ toys ci
Note that the functional tests require Docker because they involve spinning up a temporary service for a generated client to talk to.
If you make changes that result in changes to the generated client code, you will need to regenerate the golden outputs to match. To do that, run the following in the repo:
$ toys gen
Include both the generator and golden output changes in the same pull request.
Golden outputs are generated from input protos in the shared/googleapis
submodule. Their configurations are provided by YAML files in the
directory. Finally, there is an index of those outputs in the
If any of these inputs are modified, or if the submodule is updated, you should
update the "binary inputs" in the shared/input
directory. These are binary
encodings of that input and configuration data, used in some tests. To update
the binary inputs, execute:
$ toys bin
While Google uses this product internally to produce API client libraries, this generator itself is not an official Google product. You can use it to produce your own clients for Google services or your own, but Google does not provide official support for use of this generator.