Above all else, write code the team can easily follow and comprehend so anyone can jump in and contribute. When possible keep it simple, concise, avoid unnecessary abstraction and anticipate change. Keep improving.
- Avoid deeply nested styles
- Avoid inline styles in the template
- Prefer Grid layout over flex, and others
- Utilize CSS Variables located in /src/styles/themes/default.scss
- We use stylelint But only enforced using the vscode extension
- Utilize our CSS Mixins located in /sass-utils/
- See official style guide
- Make sure to unsubscribe from subscriptions in components on
- Always use
for components - Use trackbyfn with ngFor to improve performance
Templates should never call functions or complex getters to assign data:
<!-- Bad: These will get called on change detection -->
<div [style.color]="setLabelColor()" [style.backgroundColor]="setBackgroundColor()"></div>
<!-- Good: Reference variables instead -->
<div [style.color]="labelColor" [style.backgroundColor]="backgroundColor"></div>
<!-- Good: For complex transformation use a pipe -->
<div [style.backgroundColor]="color | IValueLookup: designSystem.colors"></div>
<!-- Bad: Harder to read, more expensive -->
<div [ngClass]="{ 'focused': labelIsFocused }"></div>
<!-- Good -->
<div [class.focused]="labelIsFocused"></div>
Don't subscribe to events inside the constructor (unless you're using a service) wait until ngOnInit
// Bad
this.subscription.subscribe(fromEvent('window', 'resize', ()=> {/* do a thing */}))
// Good
this.subscription.subscribe(fromEvent('window', 'resize', ()=> {/* do a thing */}))
If you have a component that extends an abstract class you must pass parameters to in the constructor or you may get build errors. Generally recommend not extending components in this way.
class Foo{
constructor(public _someService:SomeService){}
export class Bar extends Foo{
constructor(public _someService:SomeService){
super(_someService); // Must be included or might break prod build / storybook
import { coerceBooleanProperty } from '@angular/cdk/coercion';
export class Foo{
private _hidden = true;
set hidden(hide: boolean) {
this._hidden = coerceBooleanProperty(hide);
<foo hidden></foo>
<!-- Equivalent to but with less template -->
<foo hidden="true"></foo>
If you're passing data to a component a preferred method is the following naming convention:
Input value
output valueChange
which tells angular to allow for two-way binding ...
export class Bar{
@Input() value?:boolean;
@Output() valueChange = new EventEmitter<boolean>()
<bar [(value)]="someValue"></bar>
will update when bar component changes and bar component will change when someValue
The only potential downside occurs with objects where Angular only does shallow change detection so you'll need to handle this manually.
export class Bar{
// This is fine, when there are no side effects
@Output() close = new EventEmitter<void>();
export class Bar{
// Badish: What am I deleting?
// Explicitly passing an object or id may be better
@Output() delete = new EventEmitter<void>()
See Google's Typescript styleguide
- Utilize immutable data types when possible (ReadonlyMap, ReadonlyArray, ReadonlySet)
- Use pure functions and avoid mutation
- Prefer arrow syntax for module-level functions
- Build interfaces for passing data around
- TODO comments are written as:
TODO: (username)
- Avoid magic strings and numbers
- Prefix private variables with an underscore
private _foo = ‘foo’
- Prefix private methods with an underscore as well
private _methodName() {}
- Use
modifier for public variables and constructor parameters. - Always place local consts at the top of the file (local)
- Caps + SnakeCase format e.g
- Caps + SnakeCase format e.g
Class ordering preference:
- private variables
- public variables
- Inputs
- Outputs
- constructor
Avoid Nested functions, split into consts and use immutable data
// Hard to parse and maintain
const tonalPalette = tonalPaletteToHex(
// Good
const color = RgbColor.fromHex(themeColor.value).withAlpha(1);
const tonalPalette = generateTonalPalette(color);
const variants = tonalPaletteToHex(tonalPalette);
Limit the number of imports to improve readability
// Badish
import { foo, bar, baz, bash, co, design, render } from ‘cd-interfaces’;
// Better
import * as cd from ‘cd-interfaces’
Commit Format
<type>(<scope>): <subject> (<b/xxxxxx>)
fix(selection): Fit to bounds off when x || y are zero for the left bounds (b/117433911)
Feat (feature) <subject>
Fix (bug fix) <subject> b/131416284
Docs (documentation) <subject>
Style (formatting, missing semi colons, …) <subject>
Refactor () <subject>
Test (when adding missing tests) <subject>
Chore (maintain) <subject>
Storybook is a tool we used build components independently.
- Place stories in _demo folder inside a component
- Create external .html template files to gain syntax highlighting
- Be careful upgrading your project to a new version, new versions of angular may break, specifically seen issues with loading CSS or assets, theme.
[TODO]: @