diff --git a/gtfs/spec/en/reference.md b/gtfs/spec/en/reference.md
index e4ea6ae2..6019407a 100644
--- a/gtfs/spec/en/reference.md
+++ b/gtfs/spec/en/reference.md
@@ -215,7 +215,7 @@ Primary key (`stop_id`)
| `wheelchair_boarding` | Enum | Optional | Indicates whether wheelchair boardings are possible from the location. Valid options are:
For parentless stops:
`0` or empty - No accessibility information for the stop.
`1` - Some vehicles at this stop can be boarded by a rider in a wheelchair.
`2` - Wheelchair boarding is not possible at this stop.
For child stops:
`0` or empty - Stop will inherit its `wheelchair_boarding` behavior from the parent station, if specified in the parent.
`1` - There exists some accessible path from outside the station to the specific stop/platform.
`2` - There exists no accessible path from outside the station to the specific stop/platform.
For station entrances/exits:
`0` or empty - Station entrance will inherit its `wheelchair_boarding` behavior from the parent station, if specified for the parent.
`1` - Station entrance is wheelchair accessible.
`2` - No accessible path from station entrance to stops/platforms. |
| `level_id` | Foreign ID referencing `levels.level_id` | Optional | Level of the location. The same level may be used by multiple unlinked stations.|
| `platform_code` | Text | Optional | Platform identifier for a platform stop (a stop belonging to a station). This should be just the platform identifier (eg. "G" or "3"). Words like “platform” or "track" (or the feed’s language-specific equivalent) should not be included. This allows feed consumers to more easily internationalize and localize the platform identifier into other languages. |
+| `stop_access` | Enum | **Conditionally Forbidden** | Indicates how the stop is accessed for a particular station. Valid options are:
`0` - The stop/platform is part of the main station structure or enclosed area, and is accessed via entrances and pathways of the parent station, if specified, or otherwise via the station itself.
`1` - The stop/platform is not part of the main station structure or enclosed area. Directions for access should be generated directly to the stop, independent of any entrances or pathways of the parent station.
When `stop_access` is empty, the access for the specified stop or platform is considered undefined.
**Conditionally Forbidden**:
- **Forbidden** for locations which are stations (`location_type=1`), entrances (`location_type=2`), generic nodes (`location_type=3`) or boarding areas (`location_type=4`).
- **Forbidden** if `parent_station` is empty.
- Optional otherwise. |
### routes.txt
@@ -687,8 +687,8 @@ Pathways must be defined exhaustively in a station. If any pathways are defined,
| Field Name | Type | Presence | Description |
| ------ | ------ | ------ | ------ |
| `pathway_id` | Unique ID | **Required** | Identifies a pathway. Used by systems as an internal identifier for the record. Must be unique in the dataset.
Different pathways may have the same values for `from_stop_id` and `to_stop_id`.
_Example: When two escalators are side-by-side in opposite directions, or when a stair set and elevator go from the same place to the same place, different `pathway_id` may have the same `from_stop_id` and `to_stop_id` values._|
-| `from_stop_id` | Foreign ID referencing `stops.stop_id` | **Required** | Location at which the pathway begins.
Must contain a `stop_id` that identifies a platform (`location_type=0` or empty), entrance/exit (`location_type=2`), generic node (`location_type=3`) or boarding area (`location_type=4`).
Values for `stop_id` that identify stations (`location_type=1`) are forbidden.|
-| `to_stop_id` | Foreign ID referencing `stops.stop_id` | **Required** | Location at which the pathway ends.
Must contain a `stop_id` that identifies a platform (`location_type=0` or empty), entrance/exit (`location_type=2`), generic node (`location_type=3`) or boarding area (`location_type=4`).
Values for `stop_id` that identify stations (`location_type=1`) are forbidden.|
+| `from_stop_id` | Foreign ID referencing `stops.stop_id` | **Required** | Location at which the pathway begins.
Must contain a `stop_id` that identifies a platform (`location_type=0` or empty), entrance/exit (`location_type=2`), generic node (`location_type=3`) or boarding area (`location_type=4`).
Values for `stop_id` that identify stations (`location_type=1`) or stops (`location_type=0` or empty) outside the station structure (`stop_access=1`) are forbidden.|
+| `to_stop_id` | Foreign ID referencing `stops.stop_id` | **Required** | Location at which the pathway ends.
Must contain a `stop_id` that identifies a platform (`location_type=0` or empty), entrance/exit (`location_type=2`), generic node (`location_type=3`) or boarding area (`location_type=4`).
Values for `stop_id` that identify stations (`location_type=1`) or stops (`location_type=0` or empty) outside the station structure (`stop_access=1`) are forbidden.|
| `pathway_mode` | Enum | **Required** | Type of pathway between the specified (`from_stop_id`, `to_stop_id`) pair. Valid options are:
`1` - Walkway.
`2` - Stairs.
`3` - Moving sidewalk/travelator.
`4` - Escalator.
`5` - Elevator.
`6` - Fare gate (or payment gate): A pathway that crosses into an area of the station where proof of payment is required to cross. Fare gates may separate paid areas of the station from unpaid ones, or separate different payment areas within the same station from each other. This information can be used to avoid routing passengers through stations using shortcuts that would require passengers to make unnecessary payments, like directing a passenger to walk through a subway platform to reach a busway.
`7`- Exit gate: A pathway exiting a paid area into an unpaid area where proof of payment is not required to cross.|
| `is_bidirectional` | Enum | **Required** | Indicates the direction that the pathway can be taken:
`0` - Unidirectional pathway that can only be used from `from_stop_id` to `to_stop_id`.
`1` - Bidirectional pathway that can be used in both directions.
Exit gates (`pathway_mode=7`) must not be bidirectional.|
| `length` | Non-negative float | Optional | Horizontal length in meters of the pathway from the origin location (defined in `from_stop_id`) to the destination location (defined in `to_stop_id`).
This field is recommended for walkways (`pathway_mode=1`), fare gates (`pathway_mode=6`) and exit gates (`pathway_mode=7`).|