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@JustinBeckwith JustinBeckwith released this 09 Jan 19:12

TL;DR - This release includes a variety of bug fixes, new features, and breaking changes. Please take care.

New Features

TypeScript support

This library now includes a d.ts file by default - no @types package needed.

Promise & Async/Await style APIs

Previous versions of the API were callback only. For every API that was callback based, there is also a Promise or Async/Await style variant. For example:

 * You can use an errback style API
auth.getApplicationDefault(function(err, client) {
  if (err) {
    console.log('Authentication failed because of ', err);
  // make request...

 * Or if you're using Babel, TypeScript, or Node.js 8+ you can use async/await
try {
  const client = await auth.getApplicationDefault();
  // make request...
} catch (err) {
  console.log('Authentication failed because of ', err);

 * Or, you can just use promises
  .then(client => {
    // make request
  .catch(err => {
    console.log('Authentication failed because of ', err);

Ability to set maxExpiry when verifying tokens

The OAuth2Client.verifyIdToken method now accepts an optional maxExpiry field:

const result = await client.verifyIdToken({
  idToken: <id Token>, 
  audience: <audience>, 
  maxExpiry: <max expiry>

Support for code_verifier and code_challenge with OAuth2

The OAuth2Client.generateAuthUrl method has been extended to support the code_challenge_method and code_challenge fields. There is also a convenience method to generate a verifier:

// Generate a code_verifier and code_challenge
const codes = oAuth2Client.generateCodeVerifier();

// Generate the url that will be used for the consent dialog.
const authorizeUrl = oAuth2Client.generateAuthUrl({
  access_type: 'offline',
  scope: '',
  code_challenge_method: 'S256',
  code_challenge: codes.codeChallenge

Breaking changes

There have been multiple API breaking changes with this release. Please test your code accordingly after upgrading.

Default exports

The exports on the google-auth-library have changed. The default export of the library was previously a reference to the GoogleAuth type, which was instantiated as a starting point for all consumers. Now, the module has no default export, but exports several other types common used.

var GoogleAuth = require('google-auth-library');
var auth = new GoogleAuth();
var jwtClient = new auth.JWT();
var oAuth2Client = new auth.OAuth2();

const gal = require('google-auth-library');
const auth = new gal.GoogleAuth();
const jwtClient = new gal.JWT();
const oAuth2Client = new gal.OAuth2Client();
// if you're using Node 6+, you might find this convenient:
const {GoogleAuth, JWT, OAuth2Client} = require('google-auth-library');

If you're using es6 imports via TypeScript or Babel, you can use es6 style as well:

import {GoogleAuth, OAuth2Client} from 'google-auth-library';
const auth = new GoogleAuth();

Synchronous methods

Several public methods were switched from asynchronous to synchronous APIs. In all cases, the APIs were not doing anything asynchronous - they were just providing errors in callback form. This has been changed.

var auth = new GoogleAuth();
auth.fromJSON(input, function (err, client) {
  if (err) {
    console.error('Error acquiring client: ' + err);
  // make request with client ...

const auth = new GoogleAuth();
const client = auth.fromJSON(input);
// make request with client ...

This change was made with the following methods:

  • GoogleAuth.fromJSON
  • GoogleAuth.fromAPIKey
  • JWTAccess. getRequestMetadata
  • JWTAccess.fromJSON
  • JWTClient.fromJSON
  • JWTClient.fromAPIKey
  • UserRefreshClient.fromJSON

Request -> Axios

The underlying transport used for HTTP requests was changed from request to axios. This will result in a number of breaking changes.

Any calls to the client.request(opts) method will both accept different parameters, and have different return types. For the options passed to these methods, they are changing from a request options object to an axios request options object.

In addition to the properties on the opts object changing, the signature of the callback is changing as well. The previous version of the library would return objects with a callback that reversed request's default order: function (err, body, response). The signature of that callback has simply been changed to function (err, response), where the body of the response is available by looking at

  uri: ''
}, function (err, body, res) {
  console.log('The body of the response was ' + body);

// NEW CODE (using callbacks)
  // note that we're using `url` instead of `uri` here, per the Axios request config. 
  url: ''
}, function (err, res) {
  // The body isn't returned as part of the callback, and is available from ``
  console.log(`The body of the response was ${}`);

// NEW CODE (using async/await)
const res = await oAuth2Client.request({
  url:  ''
console.log(`The body of the response was ${}`);

In addition to these changes - the request and axios libraries handle errors differently. request treats any completed request, even if it returns a non 2xx response code, as a success. The err parameter will be null or undefined. axios treats any non 2xx response as an error. Code which may have previous not worked, but also not thrown errors - may now start throwing errors.

Parameter change for verifyIdToken

The parameters to the verifyIdToken method of OAuth2Client have been changed. The function now accepts a single options object, and an optional callback. A function that used to look like this:

oAuth2Client.verifyIdToken(idToken, audience, callback);

Would now be rewritten as this:

  idToken: idToken,
  audience: audience
}, callback);