diff --git a/examples/blender/start_stop_blender.py b/examples/blender/start_stop_blender.py
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..2bac33f1c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/blender/start_stop_blender.py
@@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+"""Other version of the blender example.
+Instead of using Golem in the default way - as a context manager - we directly call `Golem.start()` and `Golem.stop()`.
+This way of using Golem might be more convenient for some specific use cases (although doesn't change a lot
+in the blender example).
+import asyncio
+from datetime import datetime, timedelta
+import pathlib
+import sys
+from yapapi import (
+    Golem,
+    NoPaymentAccountError,
+    Task,
+    __version__ as yapapi_version,
+    WorkContext,
+    windows_event_loop_fix,
+from yapapi.log import enable_default_logger
+from yapapi.payload import vm
+from yapapi.rest.activity import BatchTimeoutError
+examples_dir = pathlib.Path(__file__).resolve().parent.parent
+from utils import (
+    build_parser,
+    format_usage,
+async def main(golem, show_usage=False):
+    print(
+        f"yapapi version: {TEXT_COLOR_YELLOW}{yapapi_version}{TEXT_COLOR_DEFAULT}\n"
+        f"Using subnet: {TEXT_COLOR_YELLOW}{golem.subnet_tag}{TEXT_COLOR_DEFAULT}, "
+        f"payment driver: {TEXT_COLOR_YELLOW}{golem.payment_driver}{TEXT_COLOR_DEFAULT}, "
+        f"and network: {TEXT_COLOR_YELLOW}{golem.payment_network}{TEXT_COLOR_DEFAULT}\n"
+    )
+    package = await vm.repo(
+        image_hash="9a3b5d67b0b27746283cb5f287c13eab1beaa12d92a9f536b747c7ae",
+        min_mem_gib=0.5,
+        min_storage_gib=2.0,
+    )
+    async def worker(ctx: WorkContext, tasks):
+        script_dir = pathlib.Path(__file__).resolve().parent
+        scene_path = str(script_dir / "cubes.blend")
+        ctx.send_file(scene_path, "/golem/resource/scene.blend")
+        async for task in tasks:
+            frame = task.data
+            crops = [{"outfilebasename": "out", "borders_x": [0.0, 1.0], "borders_y": [0.0, 1.0]}]
+            ctx.send_json(
+                "/golem/work/params.json",
+                {
+                    "scene_file": "/golem/resource/scene.blend",
+                    "resolution": (400, 300),
+                    "use_compositing": False,
+                    "crops": crops,
+                    "samples": 100,
+                    "frames": [frame],
+                    "output_format": "PNG",
+                    "RESOURCES_DIR": "/golem/resources",
+                    "WORK_DIR": "/golem/work",
+                    "OUTPUT_DIR": "/golem/output",
+                },
+            )
+            ctx.run("/golem/entrypoints/run-blender.sh")
+            output_file = f"output_{frame}.png"
+            ctx.download_file(f"/golem/output/out{frame:04d}.png", output_file)
+            try:
+                # Set timeout for executing the script on the provider. Usually, 30 seconds
+                # should be more than enough for computing a single frame, however a provider
+                # may require more time for the first task if it needs to download a VM image
+                # first. Once downloaded, the VM image will be cached and other tasks that use
+                # that image will be computed faster.
+                yield ctx.commit(timeout=timedelta(minutes=10))
+                # TODO: Check if job results are valid
+                # and reject by: task.reject_task(reason = 'invalid file')
+                task.accept_result(result=output_file)
+            except BatchTimeoutError:
+                print(
+                    f"{TEXT_COLOR_RED}"
+                    f"Task {task} timed out on {ctx.provider_name}, time: {task.running_time}"
+                    f"{TEXT_COLOR_DEFAULT}"
+                )
+                raise
+            if show_usage:
+                raw_state = await ctx.get_raw_state()
+                usage = format_usage(await ctx.get_usage())
+                cost = await ctx.get_cost()
+                print(
+                    f"{TEXT_COLOR_MAGENTA}"
+                    f" --- {ctx.provider_name} STATE: {raw_state}"
+                    f"{TEXT_COLOR_DEFAULT}"
+                )
+                print(
+                    f"{TEXT_COLOR_MAGENTA}"
+                    f" --- {ctx.provider_name} USAGE: {usage}"
+                    f"{TEXT_COLOR_DEFAULT}"
+                )
+                print(
+                    f"{TEXT_COLOR_MAGENTA}"
+                    f" --- {ctx.provider_name}  COST: {cost}"
+                    f"{TEXT_COLOR_DEFAULT}"
+                )
+    # Iterator over the frame indices that we want to render
+    frames: range = range(0, 60, 10)
+    # Worst-case overhead, in minutes, for initialization (negotiation, file transfer etc.)
+    # TODO: make this dynamic, e.g. depending on the size of files to transfer
+    init_overhead = 3
+    # Providers will not accept work if the timeout is outside of the [5 min, 30min] range.
+    # We increase the lower bound to 6 min to account for the time needed for our demand to
+    # reach the providers.
+    min_timeout, max_timeout = 6, 30
+    timeout = timedelta(minutes=max(min(init_overhead + len(frames) * 2, max_timeout), min_timeout))
+    num_tasks = 0
+    start_time = datetime.now()
+    await golem.start()
+    completed_tasks = golem.execute_tasks(
+        worker,
+        [Task(data=frame) for frame in frames],
+        payload=package,
+        max_workers=3,
+        timeout=timeout,
+    )
+    async for task in completed_tasks:
+        num_tasks += 1
+        print(
+            f"{TEXT_COLOR_CYAN}"
+            f"Task computed: {task}, result: {task.result}, time: {task.running_time}"
+            f"{TEXT_COLOR_DEFAULT}"
+        )
+    print(
+        f"{TEXT_COLOR_CYAN}"
+        f"{num_tasks} tasks computed, total time: {datetime.now() - start_time}"
+        f"{TEXT_COLOR_DEFAULT}"
+    )
+    await golem.stop()
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    parser = build_parser("Render a Blender scene")
+    parser.add_argument("--show-usage", action="store_true", help="show activity usage and cost")
+    now = datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%H.%M.%S")
+    parser.set_defaults(log_file=f"blender-yapapi-{now}.log")
+    args = parser.parse_args()
+    # This is only required when running on Windows with Python prior to 3.8:
+    windows_event_loop_fix()
+    enable_default_logger(
+        log_file=args.log_file,
+        debug_activity_api=True,
+        debug_market_api=True,
+        debug_payment_api=True,
+    )
+    loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
+    golem = Golem(
+        budget=10,
+        subnet_tag=args.subnet_tag,
+        payment_driver=args.payment_driver,
+        payment_network=args.payment_network,
+    )
+    task = loop.create_task(main(golem, show_usage=args.show_usage))
+    try:
+        loop.run_until_complete(task)
+    except NoPaymentAccountError as e:
+        handbook_url = (
+            "https://handbook.golem.network/requestor-tutorials/"
+            "flash-tutorial-of-requestor-development"
+        )
+        print(
+            f"{TEXT_COLOR_RED}"
+            f"No payment account initialized for driver `{e.required_driver}` "
+            f"and network `{e.required_network}`.\n\n"
+            f"See {handbook_url} on how to initialize payment accounts for a requestor node."
+            f"{TEXT_COLOR_DEFAULT}"
+        )
+    except KeyboardInterrupt:
+        print(
+            f"{TEXT_COLOR_YELLOW}"
+            "Shutting down gracefully, please wait a short while "
+            "or press Ctrl+C to exit immediately..."
+            f"{TEXT_COLOR_DEFAULT}"
+        )
+        task.cancel()
+        try:
+            loop.run_until_complete(task)
+            print(
+                f"{TEXT_COLOR_YELLOW}Shutdown completed, thank you for waiting!{TEXT_COLOR_DEFAULT}"
+            )
+        except (asyncio.CancelledError, KeyboardInterrupt):
+            pass
diff --git a/yapapi/engine.py b/yapapi/engine.py
index f28f1a4f7..ec95b1245 100644
--- a/yapapi/engine.py
+++ b/yapapi/engine.py
@@ -175,6 +175,8 @@ def __init__(
         self._services: Set[asyncio.Task] = set()
         self._stack = AsyncExitStack()
+        self._started = False
     async def create_demand_builder(
         self, expiration_time: datetime, payload: Payload
     ) -> DemandBuilder:
@@ -212,6 +214,11 @@ def subnet_tag(self) -> Optional[str]:
         """Return the name of the subnet used by this engine, or `None` if it is not set."""
         return self._subnet
+    @property
+    def started(self) -> bool:
+        """Return `True` if this instance is initialized, `False` otherwise."""
+        return self._started
     def emit(self, event: events.Event) -> None:
         """Emit an event to be consumed by this engine's event consumer."""
         if self._wrapped_consumer:
@@ -276,6 +283,8 @@ def report_shutdown(*exc_info):
+        self._started = True
     async def add_to_async_context(self, async_context_manager: AsyncContextManager) -> None:
         await self._stack.enter_async_context(async_context_manager)
diff --git a/yapapi/golem.py b/yapapi/golem.py
index 166d15555..401baa8d8 100644
--- a/yapapi/golem.py
+++ b/yapapi/golem.py
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+import asyncio
 import sys
 from datetime import datetime, timedelta
 import json
@@ -125,6 +126,7 @@ def __init__(
         self._engine: _Engine = self._get_new_engine()
+        self._engine_state_lock = asyncio.Lock()
     def driver(self) -> str:
@@ -164,19 +166,41 @@ def subnet_tag(self) -> Optional[str]:
         """Return the name of the subnet, or `None` if it is not set."""
         return self._engine.subnet_tag
-    async def __aenter__(self) -> "Golem":
+    @property
+    def operative(self) -> bool:
+        """Return True if Golem started and didn't stop"""
+        return self._engine.started
+    async def start(self) -> None:
-            await self._engine.start()
-            return self
+            async with self._engine_state_lock:
+                if self.operative:
+                    #   Something started us before we got to the locked part
+                    return
+                await self._engine.start()
-            await self.__aexit__(*sys.exc_info())
+            await self._stop_with_exc_info(*sys.exc_info())
+    async def stop(self) -> None:
+        await self._stop_with_exc_info(None, None, None)
+    async def __aenter__(self) -> "Golem":
+        await self.start()
+        return self
     async def __aexit__(self, *exc_info) -> Optional[bool]:
-        res = await self._engine.stop(*exc_info)
+        return await self._stop_with_exc_info(*exc_info)
+    async def _stop_with_exc_info(self, *exc_info) -> Optional[bool]:
+        async with self._engine_state_lock:
+            if not self.operative:
+                #   Something stopped us before we got to the locked part
+                return None
+            res = await self._engine.stop(*exc_info)
-        #   Engine that was stopped is not usable anymore, there is no "full" cleanup
-        #   That's why here we replace it with a fresh one
+        #   Engine that was stopped is not usable anymore, there is no "full" cleanup.
+        #   That's why here we replace it with a fresh one.
         self._engine = self._get_new_engine()
         return res