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Golem — current architecture

Authors: Witold Dzięcioł, Przemysław Rekucki, Marek Dopiera, <YOUR NAME GOES HERE>
Reviewers: Maciej Maciejowski, Paweł Burgchardt
Status: WIP

About this document

The goal of this document is to describe present Golem architecture in enough detail for an outside person to understand how it works under the hood. The intended audience is assumed to be technical but not necessarily have deep expertise in the crypto world. The level of detail stops short of describing code and its organization but describes key technologies used in order to implement the needed functionalities.

The aim is not to dive deep into every integration, but to capture architectural decisions and their consequences.

Framework Concept

This section describes what comprises Golem network, namely the actors, technical artifacts and activities they actors may perform on those activities. The objective of this paragraph is to tie together all the terms and provide a very high level description of what they are.

What Golem is

What Golem is not


This section describes the actors using Golem Network and their role in the system.



Note: We use term Requestor not Requester.


End User

Consumer of resources can be different person than Requestor. For example we can have web service which forwards computationally expensive jobs to Golem Network. Example: Deposits

Service Owner




This section describes what actors can do to the system. The descriptions are only as detailed as to explain how the actors control the artifacts. The goal is to give the reader an overview of the terms introduced by Golem without any details and establish a glossary to ensure consistency within the document.

Selling on Golem platform

Golem Network allows buyers and sellers to connect and reach agreements. The market is designed to be asymmetrical: the sellers (Providers) publish Offers, and the buyers (Requestors) browse through these Offers. When a Requestor finds a suitable Offer, they contact the Provider directly to negotiate the deal.

Typically, humans are not involved in the process of finding, matching, negotiating, or finalizing agreements. Instead, users define their needs programmatically, allowing the Provider Agent and Requestor Agent software to handle these tasks automatically.

The Provider Agent is primarily responsible for implementing the logic needed to sell resources on the Golem Network. From high level perspective, Provider Agent application should do following things:

  1. Describe Resources using property language to create an Offer
  2. Publish the Offer on the market
  3. Monitor incoming Proposals and negotiate an Agreement with the most promising Requestor
  4. Allocate the promised Resources in accordance with the Agreement
  5. Monitor resources usage and charge Requestor Agent
  6. Terminate the Agreement or await the Agreement termination event from the Requestor
  7. Send an Invoice summarizing the total cost of the Agreement
  8. Wait until the payment for the Invoice is settled and payment confirmed.

1. Describe Resources using property language to create an Offer

While Golem is currently used for trading computational resources, it was designed to support the exchange of any type of resource. This means the Marketplace does not enforce strict standards on the goods being traded. To enable this flexibility, Golem uses a generic property and constraints language to describe the resources being offered. The Core Network does not interpret the semantics of the properties in the Offer, nor does its behavior depend on the negotiated Agreement. It is the responsibility of the Provider Agent application to accurately interpret the semantics and implement the agreed-upon behavior between the parties.

In this chapter, the term "resource" is used in a generic sense. However, illustrating a generic example can be challenging. Therefore, we will focus on selling computational power in a virtual machine (VM) to provide the reader with a clearer understanding.

In this case, the Offer should include the following key aspects:

2. Publish the Offer on the market

Golem is a decentralized network of independent Nodes, with no central repository for Offers or any central server to facilitate Agreements between parties. As a result, offers must be propagated between nodes, and transactions are conducted through direct communication.

Developers don’t need to worry about offer propagation. The responsibility for propagating offers lies with the Core Network. The only task for the Provider Agent is to publish the offer on the market and listen for incoming Proposals.

3. Monitor incoming Proposals and negotiate an Agreement with the most promising Requestor

The Provider Agent plays a passive role in negotiations. Offers are propagated across the network and received by Requestors. The offer is matched locally on the Requestor's node with a Demand. If the Requestor is interested, they respond by sending a Proposal to the Provider Agent.

Negotiation is the process of exchanging Proposals and adjusting their terms until the Requestor Agent proposes an Agreement. The structure of a Proposal is identical to that of an Offer or Demand, using the same property and constraints language to describe the Agreement's conditions. During negotiations, certain aspects of the Agreement can be modified. While Offers and Demands represent the initial declaration of resources, terms, and conditions, the proposal exchange is a dynamic process of refining these terms to reach an optimal Agreement for both parties.

The negotiation stage serves several purposes:

  • Ensures that the Provider Agent and Requestor Agent communicate before signing an Agreement (since offer propagation doesn’t require direct interaction between parties).
  • Allows both the Provider Agent and Requestor Agent to implement different strategies to maximize their benefits and select suitable partners.
  • Provides an opportunity for the Provider Agent and Requestor Agent to negotiate additional terms that weren’t included in the initial Proposals. This is possible through protocols built on top of the property language.

Both the Provider Agent and Requestor Agent negotiate with multiple Agents simultaneously. The Requestor Agent initiates the Agreement by proposing it to the Provider Agent, who can either accept or reject the Proposal. Once the Agreement is signed by both parties, the Requestor Agent can begin using the resources. The Agreement remains valid until it is terminated by either party. The terms of termination (e.g., duration of the Agreement and conditions under which it can be terminated) are specified within the Agreement.

title: Simplified negotiations from Provider Agent's perspective
  actor ProviderAgent as Provider Agent
  participant GolemNetwork as Golem Network
  actor RequestorAgent as Requestor Agent

  GolemNetwork->>RequestorAgent: Receive propagated Offer
  Note over GolemNetwork,RequestorAgent: Offer is not necessarily received directly<br/> from Provider Node
  RequestorAgent->>RequestorAgent: Match Offer with Demand <br/>generate Proposal as a result

    RequestorAgent->>RequestorAgent: Adjust Proposal
      RequestorAgent->>ProviderAgent: Counter Proposal
    and Proposals from other Nodes in the network
      GolemNetwork->>ProviderAgent: Receive Proposals    

    ProviderAgent->>ProviderAgent: Select best Proposals <br/>according to implemented strategy
    ProviderAgent->>ProviderAgent: Adjust Proposals
    ProviderAgent->>RequestorAgent: Counter Proposal

    break when the terms of Agreement are satisfactory
      RequestorAgent->>ProviderAgent: Propose Agreement
  par Proposals from other Nodes in the network
    GolemNetwork->>ProviderAgent: Receive other Agreement Proposals
  ProviderAgent->>ProviderAgent: Select best Agreement Proposal
  ProviderAgent->>RequestorAgent: Approve Agreement Proposal
  ProviderAgent->>GolemNetwork: Reject remaining Agreement Proposals
Example of negotiation

To better understand the Negotiation process, let’s consider an example involving the negotiation of a payment platform. This will illustrate how agents can use different strategies and what negotiation protocols can be built on top of the property and language.

When declaring a payment platform in an Offer, the Provider Agent lists wallet addresses for each platform it supports. It is the Requestor Agent's responsibility to choose the platform by specifying the appropriate property in their demand. The Requestor Agent can approach negotiations in two ways:

1. Static Negotiations

Suppose the Requestor Agent prefers payments on the Polygon network. In this case, they require the Provider Agent to support Polygon and will not select a Provider Agent that doesn’t.

Since the Requestor has a specific requirement, multiple negotiation stages aren't necessary. They can simply add a constraint to their Demand, instructing the matching algorithm to filter out Providers that don’t meet this requirement. In their Demand, they set the chosen platform as a fixed value.

2. Dynamic Negotiations

Now imagine a Requestor Agent that can pay on multiple platforms but prioritizes them based on transaction fees. In this scenario, the Requestor Agent has a larger pool of potential Providers since they don’t restrict the platform by adding a constraint to their demand.

Instead, the Requestor Agent collects Proposals from the market and evaluates them based on estimated costs. In later stages of Proposal exchange, they choose the platform by setting the relevant property according to the Providers' scores, which are based on potential transaction costs.

4. Allocate the promised Resources in accordance with the Agreement

Once the Agreement is signed, the Provider Agent is expected to reserve the promised resources for the Requestor’s use. During this time, the Provider Agent cannot sell these resources to anyone else and must be prepared to start the Activity. For instance, if the Provider Agent is selling computing power through a Virtual Machine Execution Environment, they declared in the Agreement a specific amount of RAM and a certain number of threads to be allocated for the VM. The Provider Agent can only sell any remaining RAM and cores to other Requestors.

Making an Agreement reserves the Provider's resources. To actually use these resources, the Requestor Agent must take an additional step by creating an Activity. Most parameters are already included in the Agreement, but some additional parameters may be required and will be specified later using Activity commands. For example, if the Requestor Agent wants to utilize the Provider's resources by running a virtual machine, details like the image to run, RAM, and the number of cores are taken from the Agreement. However, to allocate an IP address or transfer necessary files, Activity commands are used. Further details on controlling an Activity from the Requestor's perspective can be found in the"Running something" section.

From the Provider Agent's perspective, the primary focus is to listen for incoming Activity events and create an Activity when requested by the Requestor Agent. Upon receiving an Activity creation event, the Provider Agent should spawn an ExeUnit process (and a Virtual Machine in consequence). Conversely, receiving an Activity destruction event should trigger the termination of the ExeUnit processes.

The Requestor Agent is allowed to spawn multiple Activities consecutively. In general, multiple Activities running simultaneously may be permitted; however, this does not apply in the case of a Virtual Machine, as hardware resources can only be allocated once.

5. Monitor resources usage and charge Requestor Agent

The ExeUnit is directly controlled by the Requestor Agent, with no intervention from the Provider Agent. Communication happens solely between the Requestor Agent and the ExeUnit. However, this doesn't mean the Provider Agent is inactive during this time. The Provider Agent's responsibility is limited to calculating the cost of resource usage based on the pricing model defined in the Agreement and informing the Requestor Agent accordingly.

There are two types of payment documents used in the Golem Network: Debit Notes and Invoices.

Debit Notes are sent at regular intervals during the execution of an activity to inform the Requestor Agent of the accumulating costs of the Agreement. These notes act as building blocks that support various payment schemes. The handling of Debit Notes by Agents is governed by the terms negotiated in the Agreement. Generally, Debit Notes serve the following purposes:

  • Informing the Requestor Agent about resource usage and activity costs, and obtaining explicit acceptance of these costs.
  • Acting as a health check, allowing the Provider Agent to monitor if the Requestor Agent is still active and hasn’t abandoned the Agreement, helping avoid not getting paid.
  • Facilitating mid-agreement payments.

Invoices are issued after the Agreement is terminated, providing a summary of the total costs. They allow the Provider Agent to include any additional costs not covered in the Debit Notes, as the final Debit Note doesn’t have to be sent immediately after the activity ends.

flowchart LR
Activity1((Activity 1)) --o D11[Debit Note 1] --> D12[Debit Note 2] -->|...| D13[Debit Note N-th] --> Invoice[Invoice]
Activity2((Activity 2)) --o D21[Debit Note 1] --> D22[Debit Note 2] -->|...| D23[Debit Note N-th] --> Invoice[Invoice]
Activity3((Activity 3)) --o D31[Debit Note 1] --> D32[Debit Note 2] -->|...| D33[Debit Note N-th] --> Invoice[Invoice]

Both Debit Notes and Invoices can be either accepted or rejected by the other party. Acceptance signals that the Requestor Agent agrees to pay the specified amount. Rejection, on the other hand, indicates refusal to pay the non-accepted amount. However, it’s important to note that a rejection does not absolve the Requestor Agent from paying for all previously accepted Debit Notes. The conditions under which rejection is allowed should be defined in the Agreement. Currently, no payment scheme permits rejections.

Accepting a Debit Note or Invoice does not result in immediate payment for a few reasons. Debit Notes can be classified as payable or non-payable, with payable Debit Notes identified by the due date included in the document. While payable Debit Notes are scheduled for processing upon acceptance, this still does not necessitate immediate payment. The payment mechanism allows for the batching of payments or delaying them to accommodate additional Debit Notes or Invoices, thereby reducing transaction costs on the blockchain.

The consequence of delaying payments is that they are not guaranteed. However, this design opens the possibility of implementing mechanisms that can mitigate or eliminate the risk of non-payment. For instance, a payment platform could be developed using a deposit or escrow contract, or by integrating payment channels into the Core Network.

It’s important to note that, regardless of the payment scheme or platform used, Golem Factory does not act as an intermediary for payments. Since transactions occur on the blockchain, and due to the decentralized nature of blockchain technology, Golem Factory has no control over these transactions.

Invoices are issued after the Agreement is terminated, providing a summary of the total costs. They allow the Provider Agent to include any additional costs not covered in the Debit Notes, as the final Debit Note doesn’t have to be sent immediately after the activity ends.

flowchart LR
Activity1((Activity 1)) --o D11[Debit Note 1] --> D12[Debit Note 2] -->|...| D13[Debit Note N-th] --> Invoice[Invoice]
Activity2((Activity 2)) --o D21[Debit Note 1] --> D22[Debit Note 2] -->|...| D23[Debit Note N-th] --> Invoice[Invoice]
Activity3((Activity 3)) --o D31[Debit Note 1] --> D32[Debit Note 2] -->|...| D33[Debit Note N-th] --> Invoice[Invoice]

Both Debit Notes and Invoices can be either accepted or rejected by the other party. Acceptance signals that the Requestor Agent agrees to pay the specified amount. Rejection, on the other hand, indicates refusal to pay the non-accepted amount. However, it’s important to note that a rejection does not absolve the Requestor Agent from paying for all previously accepted Debit Notes. The conditions under which rejection is allowed should be defined in the Agreement. Currently, no payment scheme permits rejections.

Accepting a Debit Note or Invoice does not result in immediate payment for a few reasons. Debit Notes can be classified as payable or non-payable, with payable Debit Notes identified by the due date included in the document. While payable Debit Notes are scheduled for processing upon acceptance, this still does not necessitate immediate payment. The payment mechanism allows for the batching of payments or delaying them to accommodate additional Debit Notes or Invoices, thereby reducing transaction costs on the blockchain.

The consequence of delaying payments is that they are not guaranteed. However, this design opens the possibility of implementing mechanisms that can mitigate or eliminate the risk of non-payment. For instance, a payment platform could be developed using a deposit or escrow contract, or by integrating payment channels into the Core Network.

It’s important to note that, regardless of the payment scheme or platform used, Golem Factory does not act as an intermediary for payments. Since transactions occur on the blockchain, and due to the decentralized nature of blockchain technology, Golem Factory has no control over these transactions.

6. Terminate the Agreement or await the Agreement termination event from the Requestor Agent

The Agreement can be terminated when either party chooses to end it. Core Network doesn't enforce any specific termination rules, so the Agreement should clearly define the conditions under which termination is permitted. Below is a non-exhaustive list of possible reasons for termination:

  • The Agreement expires if it was established for a fixed duration.
  • The Requestor Agent no longer needs the resources or has completed the computations.
  • One of the parties violates the terms of the Agreement, such as:
    • The Requestor Agent fails to accept Debit Notes within the agreed timeframe.
    • The Provider Agent issues Debit Notes more frequently than agreed.
    • The Requestor Agent fails to make timely payments, particularly in cases involving mid-agreement payments.

It is the Agent—whether Requestor or Provider—who decides to terminate the Agreement. The Agent is also responsible for detecting if the other party has terminated the Agreement and taking the appropriate action in response.

Provider Agent has the option to attach additional information outlining the reasons for termination when ending the Agreement. While this is not mandatory, it is encouraged as it can provide valuable context for the other party, serving as diagnostic information or for other purposes.

The Agreement can be terminated when either party chooses to end it. Core Network doesn't enforce any specific termination rules, so the Agreement should clearly define the conditions under which termination is permitted. Below is a non-exhaustive list of possible reasons for termination:

  • The Agreement expires if it was established for a fixed duration.
  • The Requestor Agent no longer needs the resources or has completed the computations.
  • One of the parties violates the terms of the Agreement, such as:
    • The Requestor Agent fails to accept Debit Notes within the agreed timeframe.
    • The Provider Agent issues Debit Notes more frequently than agreed.
    • The Requestor Agent fails to make timely payments, particularly in cases involving mid-agreement payments.

It is the Agent—whether Requestor or Provider—who decides to terminate the Agreement. The Agent is also responsible for detecting if the other party has terminated the Agreement and taking the appropriate action in response.

Provider Agent has the option to attach additional information outlining the reasons for termination when ending the Agreement. While this is not mandatory, it is encouraged as it can provide valuable context for the other party, serving as diagnostic information or for other purposes.

7. Send an Invoice summarizing the total cost of the Agreement

Once the Agreement is terminated, the Provider Agent should send an Invoice to the Requestor Agent summarizing the total costs incurred throughout the Agreement. This Invoice should reflect the cumulative costs from all Activities. In response, the Requestor Agent must either accept or reject the Invoice. However, regardless of the acceptance status, payment is mandatory for the total amount indicated by the accepted Debit Notes, as their acceptance constitutes a binding commitment to pay.

flowchart LR
Activity1((Activity 1)) --o D11[Debit Note 1] --> D12[Debit Note 2] -->|...| D13[Debit Note N-th] --> Invoice[Invoice]
Activity2((Activity 2)) --o D21[Debit Note 1] --> D22[Debit Note 2] -->|...| D23[Debit Note N-th] --> Invoice[Invoice]
Activity3((Activity 3)) --o D31[Debit Note 1] --> D32[Debit Note 2] -->|...| D33[Debit Note N-th] --> Invoice[Invoice]

Once the Agreement is terminated, the Provider Agent should send an Invoice to the Requestor Agent summarizing the total costs incurred throughout the Agreement. This Invoice should reflect the cumulative costs from all Activities. In response, the Requestor Agent must either accept or reject the Invoice. However, regardless of the acceptance status, payment is mandatory for the total amount indicated by the accepted Debit Notes, as their acceptance constitutes a binding commitment to pay.

8. Wait until the payment for the Invoice is settled and payment confirmed.

It's important for the Provider to monitor payments after the Agreement is completed. This is when the Provider Agent should adjust its market strategy to ensure profitability. Since the Core Network doesn't guarantee payment delivery, the Provider Agent should implement measures to prevent being exploited by Requestors. One example is rejecting non-paying Requestors and prioritizing those with a good reputation. Lack of payment isn't the only reason for declining a Requestor in the future. The Provider Agent may also choose to reject subsequent Agreements with Requestors who break the Agreement conditions.

Payment confirmation is received by the Provider Agent from the Requestor once the transaction is confirmed on the blockchain. This confirmation specifies which Activities and Agreements are covered by the transaction. There is no 1-to-1 relationship between transactions and Activities or Agreements. A single blockchain transaction can cover multiple Activities or Agreements, while each Activity or Agreement may also be covered by multiple transactions.

Payments are not immediate for several reasons: they are not scheduled right away, and batching may occur. Furthermore, blockchain transactions are not immediate and may take time to process. Therefore, the Provider Agent should monitor Payment events. This can be done by listening for status changes to Settled on Invoice and Debit Note events, or by tracking payment events to receive notifications for each transaction.

Payment confirmation is received by the Provider Agent from the Requestor once the transaction is confirmed on the blockchain. This confirmation specifies which Activities and Agreements are covered by the transaction. There is no 1-to-1 relationship between transactions and Activities or Agreements. A single blockchain transaction can cover multiple Activities or Agreements, while each Activity or Agreement may also be covered by multiple transactions.

Searching on market

Providers or Requestors on Golem don’t always aim to buy or sell resources. Sometimes, they simply want to observe the market. There are several possible reasons for this:

  • Checking which resources are available on the network
  • Estimating potential computation costs
  • Gathering insights to better adjust negotiation strategies
  • Collecting statistics about the network

The approach to observing the market is similar to the methods described in the chapters on buying and selling resources. An agent specifies their Offer or Demand using a property and constraints specification language. The key difference is that they are not required to negotiate with other agents, nor must they provide all necessary information in their Offer or Demand. This is a more lightweight approach compared to going through the full negotiation process.

Buying on golem platform

Running something


decomposition into layers. responsibility of the layers.

Golem Node

Business logic


Functional modules

decomposition into functional areas and scopes of responsibility of these layers.







a brief overview of sample applications.

WASM Runtime

VM Runtime

GH/AI Runtime

HTTP Auth Runtime


This section describes the artifacts, i.e. the terms introduced in Golem Network on which actors can act. They are organized by respective aspects of Golem Network. The descriptions describe their function rather than their implementation.

Section should serve as dictionary to be linked by other chapters.

Participating entities

Core Network

Yagna daemon

Yagna Node

Provider agent

Requester agent






This word is used to describe Offer/Demand put on market, so we should mention it.




Execution system



Execution environment (ExeUnit)

ExeUnit Batch
ExeUnit Command
VM Image
WASM image



Payment System

Payment Driver

Payment Platform




Debit Note



Transaction (on blockchain)

Key architectural decisions

GLM is built on XYZ

GLM is used for clearing

No centralized offer matching rules

Only providers' offers are propagated

Agreements are not stored on the blockchain

Offline Requestors are not supported

Local storage (TODO: what role does the local DB play?)

Technical view - components

This section describes key components of Golem Network, i.e. their responsibilities, interfaces and which other components they utilize.


Identity is a unique identifier of a Node in the Golem Network which is used to name other nodes. This comes up in a number of cases:

  • Sending a message to a node on the Golem Network requires the identity, so e.g. broadcasting Offers requires first discovering some Nodes as identified by their Identities.
  • Documents such as Agreements, Invoices or DebitNotes refer to Nodes by their Identities.

The identities are stored and managed by the Identity module in Yagna. It allows creation, deletion, exportion, importing and encrypting (locking) identities. If an identity is locked, it cannot be used until the user enters the password.

Identity Management

  • The identities are managed via CLI commands implemented by the Identity Module.
  • Exporting a locked identity requires it first be unlocked.
  • Identities are exported either as encrypted secrets in a JSON file or plaintext private key, the second of which is mostly recommended for testing.


Golem Network relies on ECDSA keypairs created with the secp256k1 elliptic curve, same as Ethereum. The first 20 bytes of the public key, encoded as a hex string form the Identity. This string is, in fact, exactly equivalent to the public address on Ethereum corresponding to the same private key.


The identity module implements message signing. It binds to the Sign GSB message and signs arbitrary 32-byte messages as if they were Ethereum Transactions. Thanks to this the private key is never leaked out of the Identity module, which makes ensuring that it stays secure easier.

Application Keys

The identity module also manages Application Keys, multiple of which (or none) may correspond to a single Identity. An Application Key must be passed in headers of all REST API requests other than /version/get. This allows the port on which the REST API services are served to be exposed to the internet without the risk of a 3rd party misusing the Node. Additionally, this alllows implementation of a proper permission system where a single Golem Node instance is shared across a number of untrusted users in a manner in which they cannot harm each other or the Operator of the Node.

The Application Key is also what determines which Identity is used in the case that multiple exist.


Identities and Accounts are currently the same thing. When an Identity is created, it can be used for Payments right away if it has sufficient funds. Holding an App Key corresponding to the Identity is all that is needed to use it for making transactions.

A piece of relevant historical context is that Yagna once managed Accounts separately, the user had to run a specific CLI command to create an Account corresponding to a specific Identity with permissions to send or receive funds. The second one was mostly theoretical, as one cannot block others from sending them funds, but the first one was very real – unless the Account with the send-permission has been created manually, funds couldn't be expended from the Ethereum accounts corresponding to the given Identity. This however turned out to be more of a chore than a useful security mechanism, so Accounts became equivalent to Identities.


  • what it is, how it works and how it imposes a code structure and how addressing works


The network layers aim to provide a developer-friendly interface for Node-to-Node communication within the Golem Network, abstracting the complexity of underlying network operations. Developers interact with the network layer via GSB (Golem Service Bus), allowing remote calls between Nodes to feel as seamless as local service calls.

The Network module offers the following core functionalities:

  • Sending RPC messages to other Nodes (addressed by NodeId), with or without waiting for a response
  • Sending RPC messages with a stream response
  • Support for choosing between reliable and unreliable message delivery options.
  • Forwarding network-received RPC messages to the appropriate modules listening on the GSB
  • Introducing a network topology, i.e.
    • The concept of neighbors - a subset of nodes on the network which the topology considers closest
    • The ability to send messages to the nearest neighborhood; we call those "broadcast messages" and they are used by upper layers for broadcasting information across the network; these broadcast messages are sent for "topics" for convenience
    • Registering handlers for incoming broadcast messages based on specified topics

These requirements give rise to the following responsibilities that the Network module must address in its implementation:

  • Node Discovery: The Network module must locate Nodes by their NodeId to enable message delivery.
  • Creating Communication Channels: The Network module must establish channels for two-way communication between Nodes, accounting for Nodes that may be behind NAT or firewalls.
  • Defining Network Topology for Broadcasts: The module determines which subset of Nodes will receive each broadcast message.
  • Managing Broadcast Topics: The module keeps track of broadcast topics and GSB handlers, which should be triggered when a broadcast message is received.
  • Supporting Different Transport Types: The underlying protocol must support both reliable message delivery and a simpler, fire-and-forget mode.

The Networking chapter will focus on general networking concepts, while specific implementations will be covered in the Hybrid net and Central net chapters.

flowchart TB
  subgraph Node1[Golem Node]
      Market1[Market] <--->|GSB| Net1
      Activity1[Activity] <--->|GSB| Net1
      Payment1[Payment] <--->|GSB| Net1
      VPN1[VPN] <--->|GSB| Net1
      ExeUnit1[ExeUnit] <--->|GSB| Net1
  Net1 <-...-> GolemNetwork
  subgraph Node2[Golem Node]
    Market2[Market] <--->|GSB| Net2
    Activity2[Activity] <--->|GSB| Net2
    Payment2[Payment] <--->|GSB| Net2
    VPN2[VPN] <--->|GSB| Net2
  Net2 <-...-> GolemNetwork
GSB prefix mappings

The Net module follows specific GSB address naming conventions to enable cooperation with other modules. Addresses prefixed with /net/{NodeId} are reserved for the Net module, where it listens for incoming messages and forwards them to the Golem Network. Conversely, addresses starting with /public/... are available for yagna modules to expose public methods that can be called from other Nodes.

When the Net module receives a local incoming message, it extracts the NodeId from the address prefix and uses it to forward the message into the Golem Network. On the receiving end, messages coming from the Network are processed, and the address is checked to extract the NodeId. If the NodeId belongs to the recipient Node, the address is routed to the appropriate GSB handler registered under the /public/... address.

    columns 2

Message broadcasting in the Net module is organized around the concept of 'topics,' which can be thought of as message categories. Different modules can register a message handler with the Net module that gets triggered whenever a message for a specific topic is received.

To send a broadcast message, a module must send a GSB message to the Net module on the designated topic. The Net module then forwards this message to the network. Depending on the network's implementation, the message may be routed either to neighboring Nodes or to all Nodes across the network.

    participant Market
    participant Net
    participant GolemNetwork
    Note over Market, Net: Those are only example addresses for illustration 
    Market->>Market: Bind GSB handler for Offers broadcast (for example '/market/offers')
    Market->>Net: Subscribe topic `OffersBcast`, register handler '/market/offers'
    GolemNetwork->>Net: Broadcast for topic `OffersBcast
    Net->>Net: Find all handlers for topic `OffersBcast
    Net->>Market: Call '/market/offers'
    Market->>Market: Select previously unseen Offers
    Market->>Net: Send re-broadcast of new Offers
    Net->>GolemNetwork: Broadcast new Offers to neighborhood
Handling identities

Each Golem Node can have multiple identities, with one of them (the default identity) used to identify the Node within the network. However, operations on a Golem Node can also be performed in the context of secondary identities. The Net module must be able to handle messages sent to and from any of these identities. For more information on identification, refer to the chapter about the identity module. This section focuses solely on the Net module interface.

In addition to the GSB endpoints bound to the /net/{NodeId} prefix, as described in the GSB prefix mappings, there is another prefix: /from/{LocalId}/to/{RemoteId}. This enables messages to be sent from a specific identity on one Node to a specific identity on a remote Node.

The Net module always checks if the target identity belongs to the local Node. If it does, the message is routed back to the local GSB instead of being sent over the network. This mechanism allows GSB calls to be handled uniformly by the calling code, regardless of whether the target is local or remote.

Reliable, unreliable and transfers transport types

The Net module provides various transport types for message transmission. The basic type provides reliable message delivery via GSB, which is used for most control messages between Nodes.

However, certain functionalities require different handling. For example, VPN embeds IP packets into GSB messages and routes them through the Golem Protocol. Although VPN users can choose any protocol, TCP is typically used because many higher-level protocols rely on it. Sending VPN messages through a reliable protocol would hurt performance, as this would essentially embed TCP within TCP (or another reliable protocol implemented in Net). To address this, the Net module also allows for sending messages in an unreliable manner without packet delivery guarantee.

The third option is the transfer transport type. Functionally, this transport is equivalent to first transport type. The only reason for its existence is prioritization of control messages. It is desirable that control messages be sent right away, while high-bandwidth workloads (e.g. transferring an image) can be delayed. By splitting the channels we're avoiding a situation when a control message awaits to be sent behind a huge back-log of non-latency-sensitive messages. The network layer may implement this transport type by having a second TCP connection to ensure that.

All transport types are accessible to other modules via GSB under the following prefixes:

  • /net/{RemoteId}
  • /udp/net/{RemoteId}
  • /transfer/net/{RemoteId}

For messages sent from non-default identities, the prefixes are:

  • /from/{LocalId}/to/{RemoteId}
  • /udp/from/{LocalId}/to/{RemoteId}
  • /transfer/from/{LocalId}/to/{RemoteId}

Hybrid Net

Hybrid Net was developed as an intermediate step towards decentralization, enabling peer-to-peer (P2P) communication between some of Golem Nodes. However, since most of the network operates behind NATs, P2P cannot be the sole communication method. To address this, the Net implementation supports communication forwarding through specialized component known as Relay.

An additional advantage of relay server is it's ability to expedite Node discovery. In a pure P2P network, Node discovery can be slow, as no single Node has a complete view of the network, requiring multiple hops to find new Nodes. Relay server can also facilitate P2P communication between Nodes when direct connections are not possible.

Although HybridNet remains centralized for node discovery and relaying communication between Nodes behind NATs, broadcasting has already been designed in a decentralized manner as a step toward full network decentralization.

Nodes identification

A Golem Node is identified by its NodeId, which is derived from its public key. This NodeId allows the Node to be located within the network, and the public key is used to verify the Node’s identity. This ensures that only one Node can claim a specific ID within the network.

Additionally, each Node may have multiple secondary identities, each associated with its own public/private key pair. The Net module must be capable of locating a Golem Node based on these secondary identities as well as the primary identity.

Relay server

The Relay server is a core component of the networking layer in the Golem Network. All newly connected Nodes register with the Relay server, providing the necessary information for discovery and communication. The Relay server:

  • Maintains a list of Nodes present in the network.
  • Stores each Node's public key, identity derived from the public key, and associated IP address.
  • Stores information about which secondary identities are associated with specific Nodes.
  • Assists in establishing peer-to-peer (p2p) communication when possible.
  • Routes traffic between Nodes if a p2p communication cannot be established.
  • Checks if connecting Nodes have public IP port exposed
  • Offers functions for:
    • Querying Node's information.
    • Retrieving a Node's neighborhood.

Communication with the Relay server is handled through a custom protocol built on top of UDP, defined using Protocol Buffers (protobuf). UDP was chosen for its lightweight nature, as it does not require maintaining open connections, which would consume more system resources compared to TCP. This makes it possible to handle a large number of Nodes concurrently, ensuring decent scalability.

Connecting to Relay server

The Hybrid Net protocol introduces the concept of a Session, which operates on top of the UDP protocol. All requests to the Relay server and network traffic routing occur within the context of a Session, with only one Session allowed at a time. To establish a Session with the Relay server, a Node must undergo a handshake process that serves several purposes:

  1. Verifies that the Node presenting its NodeId possesses the private key corresponding to that NodeId.
  2. Collects and verifies any secondary identities associated with the Node.
  3. Gathers additional Node information, such as supported symmetric encryption algorithms.
  4. Determines if the Node is behind a NAT or if it has a public IP address and exposed port. The public IP acquired in this step may later be used by other Nodes to establish a peer-to-peer Session.


Identity verification is performed via a challenge mechanism, where the Relay server sends random bytes to the Node, which must compute a hash with a specified number of leading zeros. The difficulty level, set by the Relay server, determines the number of leading zeros required. This computationally expensive task protects the Relay server from DDoS attacks by forcing the Node to complete a certain amount of work before establishing a Session.

The challenge response is cryptographically signed using the private key of each identity associated with the Node. The Relay server can then recover the Node's identities and public keys from these signatures, verifying that the Node possesses the corresponding private keys. The recovered public keys are later made available to other Nodes that request information about the Node.

Public IP check

When a Node initiates a Session, an additional mechanism is required to determine whether the IP address from which the packets are received is behind a NAT. This is achieved by sending Ping packets (network protocol ping, not to be confused with the ICMP packet) from a different UDP port than the one used for receiving incoming Sessions. This ensures that any network devices between the Node and the Relay server won't recognize these Ping packets as part of the same communication stream. If the ports are not publicly exposed, the Ping packets will be dropped, confirming that the Node is behind a NAT.

    participant GolemNode as Golem Node 1
    participant RelayServer as Relay Server
    GolemNode->>RelayServer: Session request
    RelayServer->>GolemNode: Challenge
    GolemNode->>GolemNode: Solve challenge
    GolemNode->>GolemNode: Sign solution with Node's identities
    GolemNode->>RelayServer: Challenge response
    RelayServer->>RelayServer: Verify solution
    RelayServer->>RelayServer: Recover identities from signatures
    RelayServer->>GolemNode: Session established response
    GolemNode->>RelayServer: Register
    activate RelayServer
    RelayServer-->>GolemNode: Ping from different UDP port (Check if IP address is public)
        GolemNode-->>RelayServer: Ping response
    else Timeout
        GolemNode--xRelayServer: Packet dropped due to NAT
    RelayServer->>GolemNode: Register response (discovered public address)
    deactivate RelayServer

    Note right of GolemNode: Use session to discover Nodes 

    loop In regular intervals to keep session alive
        GolemNode->>RelayServer: Ping
        RelayServer->>GolemNode: Pong
    opt Close Session
        GolemNode->>RelayServer: Disconnect

Important note: The Relay server does not possess private keys, and its identity is not verified in the current implementation. This marks a significant distinction compared to the process of establishing peer-to-peer Sessions with regular Nodes.

Establishing Sessions between Nodes

Currently, a peer-to-peer (p2p) Session can be established in two scenarios. In the first, if the target Node has a public IP, the initiating Node can directly connect to it. In the second scenario, where the initiating Node has a public IP but the target Node is behind a NAT, the Session is facilitated by the Relay server. The initiating Node first sends a Reverse Connection message to the Relay server, which forwards it to the target Node. The target Node then attempts to establish a direct Session with the initiating Node. Whether the target Node has a public IP can be determined based on information returned by the Relay server.

Since the current Net implementation does not support NAT hole punching, if both Nodes are behind NAT, communication must be routed through the Relay server.

title: Scenarios of communication between Nodes   
    participant GolemNode1 as Golem Node 1
    participant RelayServer as Relay Server
    participant GolemNode2 as Golem Node 2

    GolemNode1-->RelayServer: Established Session
    GolemNode2-->RelayServer: Established Session

    GolemNode1->>RelayServer: Get Node 2's information
    RelayServer->>GolemNode1: Node 2's information
    alt Golem Node 2 has public IP
        GolemNode1->>GolemNode2: Establish P2P Session
    else Golem Node 1 has public IP
        GolemNode1->>RelayServer: Reverse Connection message
        RelayServer->>GolemNode2: Reverse Connection message

        GolemNode2->>RelayServer: Get Node 1's information
        RelayServer->>GolemNode2: Node 1's information
        GolemNode2->>GolemNode1: Establish P2P Session
    else Golem Node 1 and 2 are behind NAT
        par Communication routed through relay
          GolemNode1->>RelayServer: Forward packet
          RelayServer->>GolemNode2: Forward packet
          GolemNode2->>RelayServer: Forward packet
          RelayServer->>GolemNode1: Forward packet 

Peer-to-peer Session handshake

Establishing a peer-to-peer (p2p) Session between Nodes is similar to the Relay server handshake but with a few key differences:

  • Both Nodes must solve a challenge and prove their identities to each other.
  • There is no registration step or public IP check, as the public IP of the Nodes is already known.
  • The initiating Node sends a "Resume Forwarding" control message to the target Node, informing it that it can begin sending packets. This step ensures that packets arriving too early are not dropped.
title: Protocol for establishing peer-to-peer Session   
    participant GolemNode1 as Golem Node 1
    participant GolemNode2 as Golem Node 2
    GolemNode1->>GolemNode2: Session request (+challenge)
    GolemNode2->>GolemNode1: Challenge
    GolemNode1->>GolemNode1: Solve challenge
    GolemNode2->>GolemNode2: Solve challenge
    GolemNode1->>GolemNode1: Sign solution with Node's identities
    GolemNode2->>GolemNode2: Sign solution with Node's identities
    GolemNode1->>GolemNode2: Challenge response
    GolemNode2->>GolemNode2: Verify solution
    GolemNode2->>GolemNode2: Recover identities from signatures
    GolemNode2->>GolemNode1: Challenge response

    GolemNode1->>GolemNode1: Verify solution
    GolemNode1->>GolemNode1: Recover identities from signatures
    Note over GolemNode1: Node can start sending packets from this moment

    GolemNode1->>GolemNode2: Resume Forwarding control message
    Note over GolemNode2: Node can start sending packets from this moment

    loop In regular intervals to keep Session alive
        GolemNode1->>GolemNode2: Ping
        GolemNode2->>GolemNode1: Pong
    opt Close Session
        GolemNode1->>GolemNode2: Disconnect
Forwarding Network Traffic

The low-level abstraction provides a single message type for sending data: the Forward packet. This packet can be used to send arbitrary content between Nodes, either directly or through the Relay server. Like UDP, the Forward packet does not offer delivery guarantees. It is the responsibility of higher-level layers to ensure the correct and reliable delivery of data in case it is necessary.

Virtual TCP

To enable reliable data delivery, the hybrid Net utilizes an embedded TCP stack implementation. This stack takes an input data stream and generates IP packets, which are then sent using Forward packets. The receiving Node employs the TCP stack to decode incoming packets back into a message stream. These messages are subsequently dispatched as GSB messages and passed to the appropriate modules, as detailed in the Address Translation chapter.

Reliable, unreliable and transfers transport types in Hybrid Net

Different transport types can be utilized to send messages, as explained in the reliable, unreliable, and transfers channels chapter. In the Hybrid Net, reliable and transfer transport types are distinguished by using separate TCP connections. This separation ensures that independent sender buffers are maintained, preventing messages in one channel from being blocked by messages in the other. Each transport type has its own single TCP connection. If multiple components within the same process need to use the transfer channel, they will share a single TCP connection, competing for bandwidth. As there is no fair scheduling mechanism, one component can easily starve another by producing messages at a sufficiently high rate.

The sender can also opt to use the unreliable transport, where GSB messages are sent directly as Forward packets without message fragmentation. A key implication of this is that large GSB messages could exceed the Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) and may be dropped by network devices along the packet's route.

Transport channels are built on top of the underlying sessions. This means that regardless of the chosen transport, all incoming and outgoing packets are consistently sent through a single Session.

Broadcasting and neighborhood

Naively broadcasting information, where each Node contacts every other Node, poses significant scalability limitations. Thus, a more efficient method of information dissemination is necessary. Hybrid Net's implementation draws inspiration from the Kademlia algorithm, which utilizes distance metrics to minimize the number of control messages Nodes need to exchange for discovery. While Kademlia serves a different purpose, Hybrid Net adapts its principles by introducing the concept of a neighborhood.

What is a Neighborhood?

A neighborhood is a subset of Nodes that are considered closest to a given Node based on an abstract metric. Each Node has its own neighborhood. This metric doesn't necessarily reflect the real-world proximity of Nodes. For instance, two Nodes on opposite sides of the globe could be neighbors, while two Nodes within the same physical network may be too distant in terms of this metric to be in the same neighborhood.

In peer-to-peer networks, the concept of Node distance is often used for efficient Node discovery. However, since the current Golem network layer relies on the Relay server for Node discovery, neighborhoods don't serve that purpose. Although it’s conceivable that a fallback, such as a Kademlia-like implementation, could be used in the event of a Relay server downtime, for now, the primary purpose of the neighborhood concept is broadcasting.

A technique used in various broadcasting algorithms (example) involves disseminating information through the network by having each node send broadcast messages only to its neighbors, relying on those neighbors to forward the information further. HybridNet uses it as well. Its most significant application is in the Offer Propagation algorithm. While the implementation of specific algorithms is handled by other modules, the network module provides the necessary operations as building blocks for these processes.


HybridNet implements the broadcast operation via sending broadcast messages to the nearest neighborhood of the Node. To query its neighbors, a Node can send a Neighborhood request to the Relay server. The Relay server then responds with a list of Nodes that are closest to the querying Node, based on a predefined metric.

After receiving the list of neighbors, the Node attempts to establish Sessions with them, as described in the chapter on communication. The neighborhood algorithm does not differentiate between Nodes capable of establishing peer-to-peer Sessions and those that require relayed communication. Unlike IP-level broadcasts, Hybrid Net uses reliable channels for message transmission.

Neighborhood - distance function

To prevent clustering of Nodes and accidental splits in the network, where subsets of Nodes become unreachable, a proper neighborhood function must be utilized. This function is defined by the network module, and the market relies on the broadcast function, leaving it with no alternative in this regard.

Optimal guarantees can be achieved when two neighboring Nodes have distinctly different neighborhoods, minimizing their number of common neighbors. Currently, in the Hybrid Net, neighborhood is determined based on the reversed Hamming distance between Node IDs.


The currently released version of Hybrid Net does not support encryption, but this feature is in progress. This chapter is important to help the reader understand the relationship between identities and how different keys will be used once encryption is implemented.

The Nodes identification chapter explains how identities are used within the Network. However, the public key pairs associated with these identities are only used to verify whether a Node accurately claims its identity. For encryption purposes, symmetric keys are employed, which are not related to the identity keys.

Symmetric encryption algorithm choice

The encryption algorithm chosen must meet the following criteria:

  1. Independent Message Encryption: The algorithm must not assume an order for messages; each packet must be encrypted independently. Since the entire network traffic between Nodes should be encrypted, and part of the communication occurs over an unreliable channel, the encryption algorithm must be capable of handling individual UDP packets. Some packets may be lost, while others could arrive out of order.
  2. No Key Exchange Required: There should be no need for explicit key or information exchange between Nodes. In cases where communication is relayed, there is no Session-establishing phase between parties sending relayed packets, so key exchanges aren't feasible.

For these reasons, the AES-GCM-SIV variant of the AES algorithm was chosen.

Symmetric keys derivation

Hybrid Net employs Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman (ECDH) to derive symmetric encryption keys. Each Node generates a new private/public key pair, separate from its identity keys, which is specifically used for communication. The public key is exchanged during the p2p handshake, and a shared secret is derived from this key to enable AES encryption.

In cases of relayed communication, where no direct Session is established, the public key is retrieved from the Relay server. The shared secret is then derived using the Node's private key, enabling encrypted communication through the Relay. The recipient Node also requests the sender's public key from the Relay server and uses it to derive the shared secret, allowing it to decrypt the message. No special control packet exchanges are required between the sender and receiver.

Central net

Market interactions

A description of the component responsible for making offers, counter-offers, negotiations, etc.

Discovery and Offers/Demand matching

The fundamental feature of the Golem network and ecosystem is to enable Providers to offer their computing resources for trade, and to enable Requestors to discover those Providers and their service offers. A key element of this ecosystem is a generic specification language, which allows the expression of Demand and Offer artifacts—fundamental entities in Golem.

The proposed 'language' needs to meet a broad set of requirements:

  • General: The language must be applicable for specifying a wide range of imaginable Services or Applications traded via Golem.
  • Versatile: The language must allow the description of an extensive set of conceivable Demand and Offer specifications (e.g., trading conditions, terms of business, etc.).
  • Scalable: The language should be flexible enough to describe resources that are not known upfront, allowing for extensions by participants within the Golem ecosystem to systematically add new elements easily.
  • Constrained: The language must prevent abuse (e.g., it must not allow the specification of resource conditions that could result in endless evaluation).

The language is composed of a set of Properties, a set of Constraints, and a matching algorithm. This algorithm enables the market engine to determine which Offers should be presented to a Requestor as a Proposal in response to their Demand. Each Demand and Offer includes its own set of properties and constraints. The matching algorithm cross-checks constraints against properties to pre-reject Offers that don't meet the Requestor's requirements.


A Property can be understood as key-value pair following specific formats and conventions. Properties are used to describe various aspects, such as resources offered, service details, node requirements, or protocol specifications.

The property language facilitates negotiations by providing a structured way to communicate these details. Additionally, users of the ecosystem can define and implement custom market negotiation protocols. This capability enables Golem to be extended and customized by users and the broader community.

Property naming

A property name may include any character apart from ‘special’ characters ([,],=,*,$). It is recommended that properties follow a hierarchical namespace convention, such as golem.node.cpu.cores, which helps categorize property names into specific 'topic areas' for better organization and clarity.

Property types

The properties are declared to be of a specific type, which is important as it has impact on how comparison operators work with properties of different types. The type of property is inferred from the literal used to specify the value. Following property types are supported:

  • String - any value declared in quotes, eg: “sample text”, escaped according to JSON rules
  • Bool - any of following literals: true, True, TRUE, false, False, FALSE
  • Number - any value which can be successfully parsed to a numeric constant, e.g. 12, 34.56, 12e-02
  • Decimal - any value which can be successfully parsed to a decimal constant, e.g. 12, 34.56 (<prop_name>@d for JSON form and property references)
  • DateTime - a date/time string in quotes, prefixed by character t, e.g. t”1985-04-12T23:20:50.52Z” (<prop_name>@t for JSON form and property references). DateTime timestamps must be expressed in RFC 3339 format.
  • Version - a version number string in quotes, prefixed by character v, e.g. v”1.3.0”. The version number is expected to follow semantic versioning arithmetic. (<prop_name>@v for JSON form and property references)
  • Struct - a composite type which can contain any number of properties of other types.
  • List - composite type indicated by syntax: “[“(“,”)*”]”, where is a literal expressing a value of one of types mentioned earlier. All elements on the list have to be of the same type. If a List declaration contains literals indicating different types - a syntax error must be signalled by the parser.
Property example

To get idea of what properties are currently used, this property list can be used (not exhaustive).

This example demonstrates how properties can be used to describe an Offer for a virtual machine execution environment:

  "golem.inf.cpu.cores": 4,
  "golem.inf.cpu.threads": 8,
  "golem.inf.cpu.architecture": "x86_64",
  "golem.inf.cpu.model": "Stepping 10 Family 6 Model 158",
  "golem.inf.cpu.vendor": "GenuineIntel",
  "golem.inf.cpu.capabilities": ["sse3"],
  "golem.inf.ram.gib": 16,
  "": 100,
  "golem.runtime.capabilities": ["vpn"],
  "": "vm",
  "golem.runtime.version": "0.2.10",
  "": "linear",
  "": [
Properties flat representation vs. json

The example showed properties in a flattened representation, where each key is a single string with dot separators. The Golem marketplace also supports other formats. One option is to use nested properties, which results in a JSON format:

  "golem": {
    "inf": {
      "cpu": {
        "architecture": "x86_64",
        "cores": 4,
        "threads": 8,
        "model": "Stepping 10 Family 6 Model 158",
        "vendor": "GenuineIntel",
        "capabilities": [
      "ram": {
        "gib": 16
      "storage": {
        "gib": 100
    "runtime": {
      "capabilities": ["vpn"],
      "name": "vm",
      "version": "0.2.10"
    "com": {
      "pricing": {
        "model": {
          "@tag": "linear",
          "linear": {
            "coeffs": [

The JSON representation has certain limitations. For instance, you cannot have both the property and the property simultaneously. To resolve this, the @tag field is used, enabling you to assign values to a property that includes both a direct value and nested properties, as shown in the example above.

Mixed representation

Formats that combine these two forms are also allowed, meaning that some keys can be partially flattened while still incorporating nested sub-properties:

  "golem.runtime": {
    "capabilities": ["vpn"],
    "name": "vm",
    "version": "0.2.10"
“Value-less” property

In Demand/Offer negotiation scenarios it may be required to indicate that a property is supported by a node, but specifying its value is not possible/practical, e.g.:

  • A Provider wishes to reveal a property value only to a specific Requestor/Demand, but in a public market it wants to indicate that the property is supported.
  • A property is “dynamic”, i.e. its value depends on external factors, like Requestor’s identity, current network configuration, Requestor’s specific constraints, etc. So an open Offer would only indicate that a property is supported, and the actual value would be returned on specific request, e.g. to a specific targeted Demand.

The value-less property would be indicated in property set by:

  • In flat-form: A mention of property name only, with no ‘=’ operator and no value
  • In JSON-form: A property field initialized to null value.

Properties describe specific parameters of an Offer, Demand, or potential Agreement. To fully unlock the language's capabilities, the ability to express queries is needed. This is the primary reason for the existence of Constraints. Constraints allow us to specify the required values certain properties should have when an Agent is searching the market.

The Golem ecosystem utilizes constraint language derived from LDAP filter expressions.

Property referencing

In the Constraint expressions, the properties are referenced using following grammar: <name>(“@”<typecode>)?<operator><value>

Additionally, in the case of the existence operator =*, the value can be omitted."

@<typecode> is optional in property reference and implies a specific type of constraint value (this determines the behaviour of operators). If a type code is not specified, the type of property as declared in Demand/Offer determines the operator behaviour. Type codes are indicated in Property types section.

Example constraints for properties defined in section:


The subset of LDAP Search Filter notation includes following features:

  • AND, OR, NOT logical operators
  • Comparison of property values ("=", "<", ">", “>=”, “<=” operators)
  • Presence operator (“=*”) - check if a property is defined

The only operator applicable to List is ‘=’ (which is equivalent to “contains”), in 2 variants:

  • ‘=’ with a scalar value is resolved as “contains” (does a list contain one particular element)
  • ‘=’ with a list verifies if the property contains a list identical to the one specified in constraint expression



A constraint expresses the requirement that all of the following criteria must be met:

  • The Provider must list an address on at least one of the platforms: erc20-holesky-tglm or erc20-goerli-tglm (using the presence operator and logical OR).
  • The Provider must offer a VM runtime (using the string equality operator).
  • The runtime must support VPN connectivity (using the list equality operator with 'contains' semantics).
Offer/Demand matching

Constraints serve as a query language to request Offers that match the Requestor Agent's needs. In reality, not only the Requestor Agent, but both parties, include constraints in their Offers and Demands.

After a Demand is created on the market, the Golem Node attempts to match it with all Offers available locally and any incoming ones later. A detailed description of Offer propagation is placed here; this chapter assumes that has already occurred.

Each present or incoming Offer is matched with the Demand. The matching process compares the Demand's constraints against the properties in the Offer and vice versa.

flowchart TB
  style OfferProperties text-align:left
  style DemandProperties text-align:left
  subgraph Offer
    direction TB
  subgraph Demand
    direction TB
  DemandConstraints --> |Match| OfferProperties
  OfferConstraints --> |Match| DemandProperties
When to use constraints?

Requestor and Provider Agents don’t have to use constraints. They can choose to avoid them and postpone the decision about filtering Proposals according to their requirements until the negotiation phase. This approach requires them to manually reject some Offers or Demands, instead of using built-in mechanisms, but it allows them to receive a broader set of potential Proposals to choose from.

On the other hand, using constraints minimizes the number of Proposals that need to be evaluated. Filtering Offers at the Golem Node level could potentially be more efficient and scale better.

Another fact to consider is that, in a very large network with thousands or millions of Nodes, it would be impossible to collect every available Offer. This scale is our goal. This means that our future target for the Offers propagation algorithm could be based only on gradual sampling of the network. A well-defined set of constraints could be crucial for efficient market searching.

The good rule for using constraints would be to apply them when the Requestor or Provider Agent has a requirement that must necessarily be met. A good example could be the runtime choice. A Requestor who has prepared a VM image likely won't make use of a Provider offering a wasm runtime. Setting the constraint ( will filter out a large portion of Offers that would otherwise be rejected.

On the other hand, the number of CPUs or the amount of RAM might be a more flexible requirement (except for rare use cases). Not setting constraints would allow the Requestor Agent to rank Proposals during negotiations and gain insight into what's available on the market.

Strong vs. weak matching

TODO: Left for later, to decide if it is important to mention at all.

Market negotiation protocols

The Golem Node doesn’t interpret the meaning of properties and constraints (with a few exceptions). This responsibility is delegated to the business layer and Agent applications. This design allows Golem to support the creation of new protocols for market interactions without requiring modifications to the Golem Protocol itself.

During market negotiations, the Provider and Requestor Agents exchange Proposals until both parties agree on the terms of the Agreement. Throughout this exchange, both Agents can add, remove, or change the value of properties. The negotiation protocol is defined as a set of rules that governs the actions required to reach an agreement on a specific aspect of the negotiations. Multiple aspects can be negotiated simultaneously by the Agents; for example, payment details can be negotiated independently from internet access for the Virtual Machine.

Each protocol specification must define how entities signal their understanding of a given protocol. This can be achieved in various ways, including:

  • The mere presence of specific properties may signal that an Agent understands the protocol. Some properties are simple factual statements, like the existence of certain features, and a Requestor not understanding them is harmless. An example is reporting transfers progress.
  • When a protocol requires two parties not to match, constraints may be necessary to enforce this behavior. This is illustrated in the subnets example.
  • In more complex scenarios, a schema URL may be included in the Offer/Demand to indicate conformance to a specific standard, as seen in (Node descriptors and Golem certificates.
  • Another approach is requiring a property to be repeated in both Provider and Requestor Proposals to finalize negotiations, as used with negotiable properties.
Example protocols

The following chapters will provide examples of how the property language can be used to define negotiation protocols. These examples will be based on real cases that have already been solved in the current implementation.


This is the simplest example that doesn’t require multiple phases of Proposal exchanges. Subnets are a debugging mechanism used to isolate specific Nodes from the rest of the network. They are useful when testing new features or debugging, as they provide full control over the participating Nodes, making it easier to analyze logs.

Subnets operate at the market level, meaning the Nodes aren't truly separated from the network. Instead, only the Offers from other Nodes are excluded from being matched with the Demands.

Provider Proposal Requestor Proposal
Properties "golem.node.debug.subnet": "private-1234" "golem.node.debug.subnet": "private-1234"
Constraints (golem.node.debug.subnet=private-1234) (golem.node.debug.subnet=private-1234)

Both parties select a name and set the subnet property and constraint to the same value simultaneously. Even if one side fails to adhere to the protocol by omitting the constraint in their Offer or Demand, the other party's constraint ensures protection, preventing them from being matched with the non-compliant Agent.

flowchart TB
    subgraph Requestor 
        subgraph Demand 
           subgraph PropertiesR[Properties]
             P1["#quot;golem.node.subnet#quot;: #quot;private#quot;"] 
           subgraph ConstraintsR[Constraints]
    subgraph Provider 
        subgraph Offer
          subgraph PropertiesP[Properties]
            P2["#quot;golem.node.subnet#quot;: #quot;private#quot;"]
          subgraph ConstraintsP[Constraints]
Negotiable properties

Negotiable properties is a negotiation scheme that enables the Provider and Requestor Agents to negotiate the value of a single parameter. As an example, the negotiation of the property, which indicates how long the Requestor Agent has to accept a Debit Note, will be demonstrated. Although the ? symbol appears to be an operator, it holds no special meaning and is merely part of the property naming convention.

Both agents begin by setting their initial preferred timeout values. With each turn, they adjust the value until they either agree on a specific value or one party rejects the proposals, ending the negotiation.

Provider Proposal Requestor Proposal
"": 600 Initial Offer/Demand "": 240
← Counter Proposal "": 300
"": 450 Counter Proposal →
← Counter Proposal "": 400
"": 400 Counter Proposal →
← Propose Agreement "": 400

Placing the property in the Offer or Demand signals to the other party that the Agent recognizes and understands the property. If one of the Agents does not include the property, the other party should remove it from their Proposal. Negotiations are complete when both parties include the property in their Proposal with the same agreed-upon value.

Mid-agreement payments

A more complex example of negotiation are mid-agreement payments. The Specification of mid-agreement payments covers not only the negotiation protocol but also defines the behavior of Agents after the Agreement is signed and computations are in progress. Mid-agreement payments demonstrate how to specify and implement various aspects of Golem behavior, such as different payment schemes.

Capabilities approach

The Golem design is built around components that implement different capabilities. This is also reflected in the Offer/Demand model and resource descriptions. Each Provider or Requestor can have their own implementation of the Golem Protocol, which may support only a subset of the features specified by Golem Factory. For this reason, the properties reflect the capabilities of the implementation rather than the software version.

An effort is being made to collect possible capabilities and identify which components maintained by Golem Factory support them. Although the list is far from complete, it is valuable to continue expanding:

Example 1 - VM runtime GPU capability

Various implementations of the VM runtime can be envisioned—some may include GPU access, while others may not. When searching on the market, the Requestor Agent should focus on specifying the required capabilities to find all implementations that meet those conditions.

For this purpose, the golem.runtime.capabilities property can be used to specify the capabilities of the VM runtime. For example, a Requestor Agent needing GPU access should set the constraint (golem.runtime.capabilities=!exp:gpu). This constraint specifies the required capabilities without enforcing any particular implementation of the VM runtime.

A list of different Runtime capabilities (not exhaustive) can be found here.

Example 2 - ExeUnit progress events

The same approach of using capabilities can be applied to seamlessly adding new features. Golem Factory doesn’t control which version of the Golem Node is used by Providers. When a new feature is introduced, it takes time for Node operators to update their software. If a Requestor Agent wants to use this new feature, they may encounter the issue that only a subset of Nodes supports it.

One solution could be to introduce versioning in Offers. However, strictly binding Offers to specific software versions would reduce the number of Providers available to take on the work. Requestors using newer SDK versions, but not necessarily utilizing new features, would miss potential opportunities to hire Providers.

The solution chosen by Golem is to introduce a new capability for each new feature. An example of this approach is the ExeUnit progress reporting feature. The specification outlines the properties added for this feature:

Property Description
"" ExeUnit can report transfer command progress
"" ExeUnit can report deploy command progress

The Requestor Agent can filter Providers based on these capabilities by using constraints.

Problems with capabilities-based approach - versioning

The capabilities-based approach has some limitations. For instance, if a known bug exists in one of the implementations and is later fixed, Requestor Agents may want to filter out Providers with the buggy implementation. However, with pure capabilities, this is not possible. Including software versioning would force Requestor Agents to bind their code to specific implementations, which is undesirable.

One potential solution is to introduce versioning for capabilities. However, this would mean the version is updated not when the protocol changes, but when one of its implementations does. This approach isn't ideal either.

At present, there is no perfect solution to this problem.

Backward compatibility

The Golem Protocol must accommodate numerous individual Nodes running various software versions, many of which Golem Factory neither controls nor tracks. The protocol was designed to support workloads that weren't directly considered during its initial development and can be implemented by the community.

This is the core challenge Golem is trying to address, and measures must be taken to mitigate the issues that arise from it. One key consideration is ensuring backward compatibility within the protocol. Two important aspects should be addressed:

  • Breaking changes can fragment the network, disrupting communication between newer and older software versions.
  • Seemingly compatible new features might silently break existing implementations, causing unexpected failures.

While the first problem may seem more important, the second is actually more dangerous. Breaking the network should be avoided whenever possible, but given that Golem is still in its early stages of development, it would be unrealistic to exert excessive effort to maintain compatibility at all costs. Each instance of breaking changes should be considered individually, with potential risks, impact, and the value of new features carefully evaluated.

The second problem is more critical because carelessly introducing new features can lead to silent failures in the later stages of an Agreement, making them difficult to diagnose or detect. This can increase maintenance costs. While in the first case we can choose whether to preserve compatibility or not, in this case, there is no choice but to implement measures to avoid potential issues.

Negotiation protocols compatibility

Negotiation protocols are the most critical area where compatibility issues should be addressed. The simplest solution is to prevent incompatible Provider and Requestor Agents from signing an Agreement. This requires careful discipline in the design of market interactions, such as:

  • The semantics of properties should never change. Altering semantics leads to Agents interpreting the protocol differently, yet still signing Agreements.
  • When necessary, new properties should be introduced rather than modifying existing ones.
  • New negotiation protocol specifications should ensure that they are designed in a way that prevents Nodes following the new specification from signing Agreements with Nodes that don't understand it.
Example - payment protocol version

The payment protocol version is a good example of how to introduce changes and protect Nodes from incompatibilities. A new payment driver implementation altered the way payments are processed, which could have caused Providers to be unable to validate transactions. The introduction of the property along with the corresponding constraint prevents Agents from signing Agreements with incompatible Nodes, ensuring smooth interactions.

Managing protocols specifications

There is no single, comprehensive document listing all properties and protocols. However, specifications are stored in several places:

  • Some features are initially proposed through Golem Amendment Proposals (GAPs) and then implemented.
  • Other features are documented after implementation in the specs directory.
  • Certain properties not tied to specific features can be found in the standards directory and the
    corresponding entry in cheat sheet.

Since the protocol is open to extensions and contributions from outside Golem Factory, certain issues may arise. Introducing new properties could conflict with existing protocols, leading to naming clashes when multiple parties introduce them simultaneously.

Currently, Golem has no formal strategy for managing these conflicts. Although solutions such as experimental features have been proposed (mainly for internal purposes), a more comprehensive process for managing protocols would be necessary if Golem reaches full decentralization. However, at this moment, the problem remains non-existent.

Offer propagation

  • Link to design decision
  • Algorithm overview
  • Plans for future algorithm with sharding

Process of negotiations and making an agreement

  • Initial Proposal
  • Countering Proposal
  • What can change in counter proposal (protocols based on property language)?
  • Provider Agent possible Proposal responses (counter, reject)
  • Requestor Agent possible Proposal responses (counter, reject, propose Agreement)
  • Provider Agent possible Agreement responses (accept, reject)
  • Requestor possibility of Agreement Proposal cancellation
  • Restarting negotiations (who can, who can't and how?)
title: Simplified negotiations from Provider's perspective
  box Provider Node
    actor ProviderAgent as Provider Agent
    participant ProviderYagna as Provider Yagna daemon
  participant GolemNetwork as Golem Network
  box Requestor Node
    participant RequestorYagna as Requestor Yagna
    actor RequestorAgent as Requestor Agent
  RequestorAgent->>RequestorAgent: Describe Resoruce Demand
  RequestorAgent->>RequestorYagna: Publish Demand
  RequestorAgent->>RequestorYagna: Subscribe for Proposal events
  activate RequestorYagna
  ProviderAgent->>ProviderAgent: Describe Resources
  ProviderAgent->>ProviderYagna: Publish Offer
  ProviderYagna->>GolemNetwork: Offer propagation
  activate GolemNetwork
  ProviderAgent->>ProviderYagna: Subscribe for Proposal events
  activate ProviderYagna

  GolemNetwork->>RequestorYagna: Receive Offer
  Note over GolemNetwork,RequestorYagna: Offer wasn't received directly<br/> from Provider Node 
  RequestorYagna->>RequestorYagna: Match Offer with Demand
  RequestorYagna->>RequestorAgent: Generate Proposal

    RequestorAgent->>RequestorAgent: Adjust Proposal
    RequestorAgent->>RequestorYagna: Counter Proposal
      RequestorYagna->>ProviderYagna: Counter Proposal
      ProviderYagna->>ProviderAgent: Receive Proposal
    and Proposals from other Nodes in the network
      GolemNetwork->>ProviderAgent: Receive Proposals    

    ProviderAgent->>ProviderAgent: Select best Proposals to respond
    ProviderAgent->>ProviderAgent: Adjust Proposals
    ProviderAgent->>ProviderYagna: Counter Proposal
    ProviderYagna->>RequestorYagna: Counter Proposal
    RequestorYagna->>RequestorAgent: Receive Proposal

  RequestorAgent->>RequestorYagna: Propose Agreement
  RequestorYagna->>ProviderYagna: Propose Agreement
  ProviderYagna->>ProviderAgent: Receive Agreement Proposal
  ProviderAgent->>ProviderAgent: Select best Agreement Proposal
  ProviderAgent->>ProviderYagna: Approve Agreement
  ProviderYagna->>RequestorYagna: Approve Agreement Proposal
  RequestorYagna->>RequestorAgent: Agreement approval notification

  ProviderAgent->>ProviderYagna: Unsubscribe Proposal events
  deactivate ProviderYagna
  ProviderYagna-->GolemNetwork: Stop Offer propagation
  deactivate GolemNetwork
  deactivate RequestorYagna

Market strategies

Agreement termination

  • Who is allowed to terminate? In what situation?
  • What is specified by protocol and what is left to future specifications?
  • Termination reason concept

Offer propagation

One important design decision in Golem's market protocol is that only Offers are disseminated across the network, while Demands are not. This decision addresses an issue encountered in earlier versions of Golem, where Requestors joining the network were flooded with work Offers from all Nodes. By focusing on disseminating Offers, the system prevents overload and ensures smoother interactions.

The Golem market was planned to be implemented in different phases:

  • Proof of Concept (PoC) version: A centralized market collects all Offers and is responsible for matching them with Demands.
  • Decentralized version: Features network propagation and local Offers-Demands matching. Nodes maintain a full list of Offers in the network (this is the current stage).
  • Fully scalable market: Implements Offer sharding, allowing each Node to store only a subset of Offers. Searching the market is done progressively and in a more probabilistic manner.

The phases of market development should not be confused with the centralization and decentralization of the Network Layer. The implementation of the Network Layer is completely transparent and does not need to be known to the Market module. There are a few exceptions where the market checks the type of network modules used, but this is primarily for network traffic optimization and is not crucial for the protocol.

The market broadcasting protocol is built on top of the Network Layer and makes only a few assumptions about it:

  • The Network Layer provides broadcasting functionality that disseminates messages to a subset of Nodes within the network. The market does not need to be aware of the specific nodes involved.
  • Upon receiving a message, the Market must be able to identify the sender's Node ID.
  • The Market Layer can send and respond to GSB calls to and from other Nodes using their Node IDs.

Algorithm overview

There are three main triggers that can initiate Offer dissemination across the network for a Node:

  • When an Offer is published on the market.
  • At regular, randomized intervals after a certain amount of time has elapsed.
  • When a new Node joins the network (via a NewNeighbor broadcast).

While each of these triggers has specific implementation details, the general concept remains consistent across all cases. These details will be explained in later sections.

To minimize unnecessary data transfers, the propagation algorithm operates in two phases:

  • In the first phase, only the Offer IDs are sent to subset of Nodes using Net broadcast operation.
  • Second, details of any new, previously unseen Offers are requested based on the received IDs.

The market aims to collect all active Offers circulating in the network, with each Node storing new incoming Offers in its local database. Although the algorithm doesn’t require Offers to be stored persistently across Node restarts, for effective operation, all active Offers—those that haven’t expired or been explicitly removed by their Provider—must be retained. Additionally, the market should keep at least the Offer IDs for any Offers that have been unpublished by their creators.

Offers identification

A Node often receives an Offer indirectly, relayed through intermediary Nodes rather than directly from its publisher. To mitigate potential risks and attacks from malicious Nodes, Offer and Demand IDs are derived from their content. This approach offers several benefits:

  • It reduces the likelihood of Offer ID collisions across the network. When requesting an Offer by its ID, the content received will always match.
  • It ensures the integrity of Offers, as malicious Nodes cannot alter an Offer's content to disadvantage its owner. Any such changes are easily detectable.

Although Offers lack cryptographic signatures, which means that other Nodes could theoretically create Offers on behalf of someone else, this type of fraud would be uncovered during the negotiation stage.

Algorithm in practise

Consider the following network topology:

flowchart LR
  Node1((Node 1))
  Node2((Node 2))
  Node3((Node 3))
  Node4((Node 4))
  Node5((Node 5))
  Node6((Node 6))
  Node7((Node 7))
  Node8((Node 8))
  Node9((Node 9))
  Node1 -.- Node2
  Node1 -.- Node3
  Node2 -.- Node4
  Node3 -.- Node6
  Node4 -.- Node6
  Node5 -.- Node2
  Node6 -.- Node9
  Node8 -.- Node7
  Node8 -.- Node5
  Node9 -.- Node7

Node 8 begins by sending Offers broadcast message to its direct neighbors:

flowchart LR
  Node1((Node 1))
  Node2((Node 2))
  Node3((Node 3))
  Node4((Node 4))
  Node5((Node 5))
  Node6((Node 6))
  Node7((Node 7))
  Node8(((Node 8)))
  Node9((Node 9))
  Node1 -.- Node2
  Node1 -.- Node3
  Node2 -.- Node4
  Node3 -.- Node6
  Node4 -.- Node6
  Node5 -.- Node2
  Node6 -.- Node9
  Node8 === |Offer Id| Node7
  Node8 === |Offer Id| Node5
  Node9 -.- Node7

The Offer ID reaches Node 5 and Node 7. Since neither has encountered this Offer before, they will disseminate it further to their respective neighbors. Simultaneously, they will request the full Offer details from the source Node that initially sent it.

As the original sender of the Offer, Node 8 will reject any additional broadcast message, effectively halting the dissemination process at this point.

flowchart LR
  Node1((Node 1))
  Node2((Node 2))
  Node3((Node 3))
  Node4((Node 4))
  Node5(((Node 5)))
  Node6((Node 6))
  Node7(((Node 7)))
  Node8((Node 8))
  Node9((Node 9))
  Node1 -.- Node2
  Node1 -.- Node3
  Node2 -.- Node4
  Node3 -.- Node6
  Node4 -.- Node6
  Node5 === |Offer Id| Node2
  Node6 -.- Node9
  Node8 x===x |Offer Id| Node7
  Node8 x===x |Offer Id| Node5
  Node9 === |Offer Id| Node7

In the next iteration, Node 2 and Node 9 act as the sources for broadcast messages. Offers will be successfully disseminated to Node 1, Node 4, and Node 6, while Node 5 and Node 7 will reject these messages.

Both Node 2 and Node 9 will retrieve the full Offer details from the Nodes they received the IDs from, rather than attempting to reach the original source, Node 8.

flowchart LR
  Node1((Node 1))
  Node2(((Node 2)))
  Node3((Node 3))
  Node4((Node 4))
  Node5((Node 5))
  Node6((Node 6))
  Node7((Node 7))
  Node8((Node 8))
  Node9(((Node 9)))
  Node1 === |Offer Id| Node2
  Node1 -.- Node3
  Node2 === |Offer Id| Node4
  Node3 -.- Node6
  Node4 -.- Node6
  Node5 x===x |Offer Id| Node2
  Node6 === |Offer Id| Node9
  Node8 -.- Node7
  Node8 -.- Node5
  Node9 x===x |Offer Id| Node7

The Offer successfully reaches the most distant Nodes within the network - Node 3. Since two Nodes attempt to send the same Offer to Node 3 simultaneously, only the first broadcast message will be accepted.

flowchart LR
  Node1(((Node 1)))
  Node2((Node 2))
  Node3((Node 3))
  Node4(((Node 4)))
  Node5((Node 5))
  Node6(((Node 6)))
  Node7((Node 7))
  Node8((Node 8))
  Node9((Node 9))
  Node1 x==x |Offer Id| Node2
  Node1 === |Offer Id| Node3
  Node2 x===x |Offer Id| Node4
  Node3 x===x |Offer Id| Node6
  Node4 x===x |Offer Id| Node6
  Node5 -.- Node2
  Node6 x===x |Offer Id| Node9
  Node8 -.- Node7
  Node8 -.- Node5
  Node9 -.- Node7

All neighbors of Node 3 are already aware of the Offer, so the dissemination process concludes.

flowchart LR
  Node1((Node 1))
  Node2((Node 2))
  Node3(((Node 3)))
  Node4((Node 4))
  Node5((Node 5))
  Node6((Node 6))
  Node7((Node 7))
  Node8((Node 8))
  Node9((Node 9))
  Node1 -.- Node2
  Node1 x==x |Offer Id| Node3
  Node2 -.- Node4
  Node3 x==x |Offer Id| Node6
  Node4 -.- Node6
  Node5 -.- Node2
  Node6 -.- Node9
  Node8 -.- Node7
  Node8 -.- Node5
  Node9 -.- Node7
Neighborhood function

To prevent clustering of Nodes and accidental splits in the network, where subsets of Nodes become unreachable, a proper neighborhood function must be utilized. This function is defined by the network module, and the market relies on the broadcast operation, leaving it with no alternative in this regard.

Optimal guarantees can be achieved when two neighboring Nodes have distinctly different neighborhoods, minimizing their number of common neighbors. Currently, in the Hybrid Net, neighborhood is determined based on the reversed Hamming distance between Node IDs.

Central Net vs. Hybrid Net

The net module implementation is transparent for the market module, but certain details must be addressed for network traffic optimization. The primary difference between Central and Hybrid Net from the market perspective is that Hybrid Net broadcast messages to a subset of Nodes, while Central Net sends it to all Nodes.

Due to this distinction, different broadcasting settings are required—especially regarding broadcasting frequency—to prevent overwhelming the network with excessive messages.

Broadcast triggers

All three broadcast triggers mentioned in the previous chapter serve distinct purposes.

The first mechanism triggers a broadcast when a new Offer is published. However, this does not guarantee that new Nodes joining the network afterward will receive the Offer. To address this, recurrent propagation was introduced.

Recurrent broadcasts are sent at random intervals, with a configurable mean time between broadcasts. The randomness ensures that if many Nodes are spawned using a script, the network will not experience spikes in bandwidth usage. Each recurrent broadcast includes all Offers owned by the Node, along with a random subset of other stored Offers. This mechanism provides an opportunity for new Nodes joining the network to receive the latest Offers.

The last mechanism, the new neighbor-triggered broadcast, was introduced after transitioning to the hybrid net implementation. When a new Requestor joins the network, they are not immediately visible to other Nodes. To minimize unnecessary network traffic, the network module does not query the relay server for neighborhood updates with each broadcast call. This can result in a delay in Offer delivery, meaning that, regardless of recurrent broadcast interval settings, a Node may not receive any Offers during the initial minutes of operation.

To address this, when a Node joins the network, it sends a notification to its neighbors to announce its presence. In response, neighboring Nodes request updated neighborhood information from the Relay server and promptly send a set of Offers.

Offers expiration and unsubscribing

Since each Node stores the full state of Offers within the network, it's crucial to protect the market from being overwhelmed. Offers do not have an indefinite lifetime; they come with a predefined expiration. Expired Offers are not propagated, and Proposals are not generated in response to them when matching with Demands on the market.

The second mechanism allows a Provider Agent to unpublish their Offer. When an Agent unsubscribes from the market, this information is propagated to other Nodes in a manner similar to how Offers are broadcasted. While this mechanism is not essential for the market's functionality, it optimistically helps reduce clutter within the market.


The Payment component is a singleton service running in the background of the Golem Node. It is responsible for making payments, veryfing payments made by other nodes and accounting. The latter pertains to budgeting, aggregating information about the history of Invoices and Debit Notes, including whether they were paid, amounts etc.

Important terms

  • Payment Driver – a component responsible for executing and confirming transactions.

  • Payment Platform – a 3-part identifier uniquely describing a mode of exchanging funds. It is composed of 3 fields:

    • driver – Determines which driver to select, see below for details.
    • network – Defined by the driver.
    • token – Defined by the driver.

    The payment platform is opaque to Golem and is only relevant for payments. It is serialized as {dirver}-{network}-{token}.

  • Allocation – a budget definition in the Golem Node. It is not part of the protocol and is only used for internal bookkeeping for the convenience of Requestors. One can create an Allocation via REST API which defines the following constraints:

    • Payment Platform
      • Must match exactly
    • Payee address
      • Must match exactly
    • Amount of token
      • Cannot be exceeded
    • Lifetime (via a UTC timestamp)
      • The allocation will cease to exist the moment it passes

    The allocation is neccessary for all operations that may lead to expending funds and it is transparently checked at all relevant points. If any of the constraints are not satisfied, the operation will fail. Allocations DO NOT affect semantics of the Golem Network and can be considered an implementation detail.

Interactions with other components

The Payment component is invoked by the REST API, CLI or by messages from the Payment component running on another node in the Golem Network. When operating, it relies on Net to communicate with other nodes and on Identity to sign messages. Last but not least, it interacts with Payment Drivers that implement actual interactions with the underlying payment mechanisms (in our case, ERC20 on Ethereum). Payment Drivers are considered to be a submodule of the Payments component.

Payments models

A payment model is an algorithm for determining the amount due based on resource usage (AKA Usage Counters, see ExeUnits section).

The linear Payment Model is the only one currently in use. It multiplies usage counters by constant coefficients and adds a constant on top of that, thus forming a linear function. The counters used today by yagna are cpu-time and total run-time.

The model parameters (for example coefficients of the linear Payment Model) are declared by the provider in the offer. Based on those, the Requestor can make an informed decision about whether to enter such an agreement or not.

Because Payment Models operate on ExeUnit-defined Usage Counters, they are ExeUnit-dependent, but one Payment Model may work for multiple ExeUnits assuming they define interchangeable counters.


A Payment Model must be negotiated between the Provider and Requestor to estimate pricing before the agreement is signed.

  • Offer shall expose a property which is a string containing the model name, e.g. linear, as well as{model_name} which is an object containing model-specific parameters.
  • Demand may put constraints on those properties in order to limit spending.

Payments flow during the lifetime of the Agreement


Provider and Requestor must establish the mechanics of payments (Payment Driver, its parameters, Payment Model) during the agreement Negotiation. This is achieved as follows:

  • Offer defines properties<platform>.address of the form which identify the recipients of funds for the given platform. Note that in case of blockchain payments this adress need not be the same as the Node ID. One can operate multiple provider nodes and have them all collect payments to a single account.
  • The demand puts a constraint requiring that at least one such entry exisits for the payment platforms it itself supports. e.g. (*).

In order to make experimentation on Golem Network simple, a pool of Providers is made available to users at no cost. It has been decided that the best way of achieving it is by utilising different payment platforms on the same network.

  • For-profit providers will declare platforms that are used for actual funds, e.g. erc20-mainnet-glm and erc20-polygon-glm. Those correspond to, respectivelly, Ethereum Mainnet and Polygon L2, on both of which no new GLM tokens can be minted.
  • Non-profit providers will declare platforms on which GLM tokens can be minted, and native tokens can be obtained from faucets, such as erc20-amoy-tglm or erc20-holesky-tglm.
  • As there's currently only one driver in use and it requires a 1-to-1 relationship between properties token and network of the payment platform, one usually refers to networks instead of the entire platforms. This has resulted in terms Mainnet(s) (for-profit) and Testnet(s) (non-profit).
Payable documents

A provider will send to the Requestor two kinds of documents relating to payments - DebitNotes and Invoices. Those documents are used for accounting and are persistent (retained in the database even after the agreement concludes) which makes them useful for statistics and long-term debugging.

  • DebitNotes are emitted while the agreement is still in effect, they contain the current amount due, the activity they relate to and optionally a deadline for payment for this amount (deducted by previous payments made for the given activity) to be made. If it is present, the DebitNote shall be called payable.
    • Payable DebitNotes frequency is negotiated by the property and the duration between DebitNote creation and its due date by
  • Invoices are emitted after the agreement concludes, and they contain the total amount due for all activities.
Interaction between provider and Requestor

Whenever a provider sends a payment-related document, the Requestor may take one of three actions:

  • Accept the document (sending a message to Provider), obligating itself to pay the amount in case of invoices and payable DebitNotes.
  • Reject the document (sending a message to Provider), signaling to the provider that it does not intend to make the payment. Will lead to termination of the agreement if it's a DebitNote.
  • Ignore the document. Will lead to termination of agreement if it's a DebitNote.
Accepted documents

Accepting a document automatically schedules a payment to be made by the Requestor. If the document specifies a deadline for the payment, it is respected.

  • Partial payments for DebitNotes should never exceed the final amount declared by the Invoice, as there is no mechanism for the provider to pay back the Requestor the surplus. It's not a problem for the current Linear Payment Model, as cpu-time and run-time counters are monotonically increasing.
  • Whenever the Requestor makes a payment and considers it done (in practice by doing the same confirmation the provider would), it sends a driver-defined blob to the Provider so that the other node can confirm the payment itself.
    • Confirmation pertains to verifying whether a specific transaction from the Requestor (identified by its Transaction ID that the Requestor sends to the Provider) has been processed and that it's parameters (notably amount of token sent, token address and receiver address) all match what the Provider expects. Due to the nature of Blockchain this process is not completely deterministic, but conservative assumptions made in the current implementation of the Golem Node offer acceptable level of certainty.
  • If the provider cannot confirm the payment, the result is the same as if no payment has been made.

Payment drivers

Abstract idea

A Payment Driver is intended to be an abstraction of an arbitrary mode of payments. It must expose a collection of capabilities defined by the implementation of the Golem Node, thus not being subject to network or REST API backwards compatibility concerns. The current implementation requires the following capabilities:

  • Handling account events (locked / unlocked).
    • An account (private Ethereum key) on the Golem Node may be either accessible or encrypted. In the latter case it cannot be used for signing transactions, so the driver must be kept up-to-date with the status of all accounts.
  • Listing RPC endpoints*.
    • Accessing Ethereum is done via servers commonly called RPC endpoints. A faulty endpoint could cause issues with transaction processing, so the driver exposes them with some metadata to allow checking whether they work.
  • Reporting account balance*.
    • For proper operation of the node one needs both Gas (native token) and GLM, this method yields the amount of both.
  • Reporting its name.
    • Driver's name is a unique UTF-8 identifier. For the erc20 driver it' "erc20".
  • Reporting the default network.
    • Drivers have a preferred payment network for operation, which is to be used when the network is not supplied (some REST endpoints allow that).
  • Reporting the list of supported networks.
    • Drivers can list all networks they can interact with.
  • Initialization.
    • Drivers may need to carry out certain tasks specific to them before they can begin working. This method is called before any transactions are scheduled.
  • Reporting the need for initialization for confirming incoming payments.
    • If the driver needs to also do work before confirming payments, it can report that via this method – then initialization will be called before any confirmation requests as well.
  • Funding – automatic obtaining funds for for Testnets.
    • Some Testnets allow obtaining funds (both native token and GLM) programmatically. This method does this if possible.
  • Transfers – transfering funds to a given address at a given platform w/o an allocation.
  • Scheduling payments – transfering funds to a given address at a given platform with an allocation.
  • Confirming payments.
    • A driver defines a heuristic for deciding whether a payment has been done correctly and is to be trusted.
  • Verifying allocations.
    • Drivers ensure that an allocation cannot be created beyond the available funds and that the account tied to the allocation is usable. If the allocation contains a deposit, it is also validated. See the Deposit Payments section.
  • Releasing deposits.
    • See the Deposit Payments section.
  • Reporting its status*.
    • Drivers may encounter problems during their operations. The interface requires that drivers expose any errors encountered via a list of problems. An empty list implies that the driver is functioning 100% correctly.

Points marked with * leak information about the underlying mode of payments necessarily being a blockchain or using the ERC20 standard.

Examples of payment drivers
  • erc20 – Considers the currency to be a token defined by an ERC20-compliant Smart Contract on an EVM-compatible blockchain. The address at which this contract resides is preconfigured as part of the Payment Driver and not subject to negotiation.
  • zksync – Now obsolete, another Payment Driver built on Ethereum
Current Erc20 Payment Driver
  • Requires tokens to be compliant with the ERC20 standard.
  • Only accepts glm token value for Mainnets and tglm for Testnets.
  • Optimizes gas usage:
    • Use a multi-payment contract when available (hardcoded into the driver for each network) to execute multiple transfers within a single transaction.
    • Adds multiple transfers to a single account together.
Payments Batching

Payments Batching refers to collecting multiple transactions into one to optimize gas usage. The only currently used Payment Driver implements this, see this section.

Deposits payments

Detailed specification is in golem-architecture.

Deposits are a means for Requestor to pay with funds of external clients without ever keeping them on their accounts. This is enabled by a smart contract on the blockchain to which the 3rd parties may Deposit their funds and allow a specific address (the Requestor's account) to transfer them out of the Deposit.


  • Funder – 3rd party creating the Deposit.
  • Spender – Requestor permitted to spend the funds from a given Deposit.

This ties into existing concepts as follows:

  • After the Funder creates a Deposit, they send the Deposit ID to the Spender.
    • Typically the creation of the Deposit would be done via a service operated by the spender.
  • The Spender creates an allocation with the Deposit ID attached, this allows the Payment Driver to validate the allocation parameters against the deposit instead of the funds of the Spender themselves.
  • Whenever a payment is scheduled, the Payment Driver will be able to transfer the funds directly from the deposit to the provider.


Abstractly speaking, an ExeUnit performs work on behalf of the Requestor utilizing Provider's resources. What this work pertains to is part of the Agreement negotiated by the Provider and Requestor. The negotiation selects which ExeUnit will be used.

The following graph describes the lifetime and operation of an ExeUnit:

  participant Requestor
  participant Provider
  Requestor-->Provider: Negotiations
  Requestor->>Provider: Propose Agreement 
  Provider->>Requestor: Approve Agreement
  loop Multiple Activities allowed
    Requestor->>Provider: Create Activity
    create participant ExeUnit
    Provider->>ExeUnit: Spawn ExeUnit
    Requestor-->ExeUnit: Commands controlling ExeUnit
    activate ExeUnit
    loop Regular intervals
      ExeUnit->>Provider: Report resources consumption
      Provider->>Provider: Calculate costs
      Provider->>Requestor: Send DebitNote
      Requestor->>Provider: Accept DebitNote
    Requestor-->ExeUnit: Finish computations
    deactivate ExeUnit
    Requestor->>Provider: Destroy Activity
    destroy ExeUnit
    Provider->>ExeUnit: Terminate ExeUnit
  Requestor->>Provider: Terminate Agreement

Generic ExeUnits

The most work has been directed into a generic ExeUnit bundled with Golem Node installations that performs arbitrary computation. It has currently two modes of operation, determined by a swappable Runtime.

  • VM – the widely used Runtime offering VPS-like experience. One can deploy images built from a mostly Dockerfile-compatible GVMI format via gvmkit-build and, if the image supports SSH, create a tunnel to the VM. See (VM runtime)(#VM-Runtime).
  • WASM – [TODO: Never worked on it]. See (WASM runtime)(#WASM-Runtime).

Specialized ExeUnits

Some ExeUnits with much narrower applicability have been developed over time.

  • AI Inference ExeUnit designed for GamerHash – ya-runtime-ai
  • Outbound Gateway which is limited to routing traffic through a provider -- ya-runtime-outbound. Note that this kind of traffic is possible with the generic VM ExeUnit as well.
  • Gateway between the Golem Marketplace and an HTTP-based service accessible over the Internet – ya-runtime-http-auth.

Interaction between Golem Node and ExeUnits

ExeUnits are controlled by the Golem Node using GSB, the same message-passing protocol that is used for internal implementation of the Node as well as inter-node communication.

In case of the Generic ExeUnits the GSB messages are split into two services:

  • Counters Service
    • GetCounters returns the Usage Counters relevant for the pricing according to the choosen payment model.
    • SetCounter overrides the value of a specific counter.
    • Shutdown informs the service of imminent shutdown.
  • Transfer Service
    • DeployImage transfers the GVMI image and starts the underlying Runtime.*
    • TransferResource transfers a resource (usually a file) between the Provider and the Runtime.*
    • AddVolumes creates additional points within Runtime filesystem writing to which will allow files to be accessed via TransferResource by the Requestor. That is, TransferResource cannot operate on arbitrary paths when accessing Runtime data, but is instead limited to the Volumes created by this GSB call.
    • AbortTransfers cancels all ongoing transfers.
    • Shutdown informs the service of imminent shutdown.

*Note regarding transfers: The destination of a transfer must always implement a specific GSB-based interface, but the source can be either a symmetric GSB-API or an HTTP resource. For the details of the GSB Transfer APIs, see gftp implementation.

Additionally, some GSB endpoints are exposed directly to the Requestor Agent, such as:

  • Exec
  • GetExecBatchResults

(Details below)

ExeUnit Commands

The Requestor Agent does not control the ExeUnit by GSB, but by using a dedicated REST API (exposed by their yagna) that maps user-friendly messages to the Exec GSB message that is then sent directly to the ExeUnit.

The specification of the command (so-called ExeScriptCommand) can be found in ya-client OpenAPI Activity Specification.


Commands are to be sent in Batches which are considered done after each command has completed in order.


The Requestor Agent can obtain the results of a Batch by sending the GetExecBatchResults GSB message, which will be received directly by the ExeUnit.

Before any Agreements

Offer Template

Before the Golem Node propagates any of its offers, it queries each of its ExeUnits for so called Offer Templates. This template identifies the kind of ExeUnit that will be invoked if this offer is chosen and the pricing model that's configured for that ExeUnit. The Golem Node then only has to patch some fields before broadcasting the Offer.


ExeUnits have the capability of verifying that they will be able to fulfil their role by invoked a built-in test. For example, the VM ExeUnit will spawn a VM with a simple image, assert some of its properties and then close it to verify that virtualization works.

If the Self-Test fails, Offers regarding such ExeUnit will not be broadcasted.

VM Runtime

  • Operates by running code within a virtual machine, which prevents malicious code submitted by the Requestor from negatively impacting the machine on which the Provider Agent runs. Currently utilizes QEMU with KVM.
  • Functionalities:
    • Prevents the Task from consuming more resources than specified in the Agreement by setting VM configuration. The converse is not guaranteed, the task may not get the agreed-upon resources because the Provider can lie about CPUs or RAM capacity, or simply patch in a malicious ExeUnit.
    • There is no persistent storage. Rootfs is built using an overlay of tmpfs on top of the squashfs contained within the GVMI image.
    • The VM is controlled from the outside by passing messages to the init process. This is necessary for implementing the functionalities below this point.
    • Outbound allows communicating with the internet via a virtual network interface that filters network traffic according to Provider's configuration as means of protection against illegal activities to the Provider.
    • VPN is also implemented using a virtual network interface so that various instances of the Runtime (from different Activities and possibly Providers) and the Requestor Agent can communicate using conventional networking solutions.
    • Process output capture allows the Requestor Agent to obtain standard output, standard error as well as the return code of the process.
  • The images for the VM are built via gvmkit-build from a Dockerfile-like format to lower the steepness of the learning curve.

Forwarding Traffic to/from the VM

This is fundamental to the implementation of the VPN and Outbound.

Qemu offers the -netdev socket option, which creates a virtual Ethernet device in the guest OS and forwards the traffic to a UNIX socket on the host device. This mechanism is used by ExeUnit, which spawns the VM, binds to the socket, and thus receives Ethernet frames generated by the guest OS. This also allows it to ingest forwarded traffic into the VM.

IP Configuration of the VMs.

The only non-obvious part of the control plane is how the Requestor changes the IP configuration of VMs (other clients require manual configuration). Once the Requestor instructs the ExeUnits, they must be able to instruct the guest OS to change its IP address based on directives from the Requestor Agent.

This is achieved by utilizing the init process running in the guest OSes. One of its key features is exposing an interface to the host OS. This is achieved via qemu’s -chardev argument, which emulates a character device in the guest VM. Essentially, this device acts as a bidirectional pipe to a designated UNIX socket on the host OS. This mechanism facilitates an RPC system between ExeUnit and the init process. One of these RPCs is an instruction to change the IP address of the interface associated with the VPN, which the init process executes using standard UNIX syscalls.

WASM runtime



  • The component responsible for creating a VPN between VMs


  • a description of how it is evaluated, distributed and used


  • which of the logic useful to the user ends up in the SDK

Technical view - deployment

How the components are reflected in processes, where the processes are run, what is their relation ship, etc.

Technical view - flows & algorithms

This section documents how control and responsibility flows through the listed components to achieve Golem's functionalities. Any non-trivial algorithms spanning more than one component are also described here.

Starting a provider and publishing an offer

Receiving and executing work

Finding a provider and requesting work

Starting a cluster of VMs

Creating a custom image

PR: this is part of the business logic layer. you would need to think about how to add objects from this layer and SDK implementations in different versions to this document. and the concept of building various reputation methods.

PR: ya-provider is also from this layer and you could write down what configurations it supports. e.g. node attestation, authorization certificates, etc.

Key architectural shortcomings

This section contains known shortcomings of the implemented architecture — irrespective of whether they were intentional or unintentional.

Lack of Network Decentralization

The current implementation of the Network lacks decentralization in two key areas:

  • Node Discovery: How Nodes learn about other Nodes on the Network.
  • P2P Communication without Public IPs: When neither of the two Nodes wishing to communicate has a public IP, they must relay their communication through a centralized relay.

This centralization is not due to architectural limitations; it simply has not yet been decentralized.

Insufficient Network Abstraction

The abstraction of the Network component currently lacks clarity and separation of concerns. It introduces neighborhood concepts, which are tied to a higher-level P2P broadcast algorithm inspired by Kademlia, implemented directly in the marketplace. A more effective approach would involve introducing three distinct layers:

  • Network Communication
  • Efficient Broadcast Propagation
  • Marketplace Offers

This separation could potentially allow the reuse of libp2p for the first two layers, reducing the need for custom implementations.

Lack of Protection Against Malicious Actors

The current implementation lacks mechanisms to protect against malicious actors aiming to subvert or disable the Network. Key attack vectors include:

  • Network Partitioning: Malicious Nodes can join the Network but ignore the propagation algorithm, potentially leading to Network partitioning or incomplete Offer distribution. At scale, this could render the Network unusable.
  • Network Overload with Fake Offers: There is no restriction preventing malicious actors from flooding the Network with fake Offers. The propagation algorithm would attempt to distribute these Offers, overwhelming Nodes with excessive bandwidth and storage demands.

Other potential attack vectors likely exist as well.

Vulnerability to Overloading from Broad Offers

In cases where a large number of Requestors are awaiting a Provider, a newly available Provider may become swamped with connection attempts, resulting in an effective DDoS that could overwhelm the Node. A similar issue has occurred historically, where a Requestor’s Demand attracted too many Providers, overloading the Node. A temporary solution was to make the market asymmetric by propagating only Offers, with Requestors contacting Providers directly. This approach has so far been effective, as Demand imbalances usually favor supply over request volume.

Limited Offer Query Language

Offers and Demands are structured data without a fixed schema. The existing query language can express only simple conditions on individual data points, such as filtering for Offers with at least 2GB of RAM per core. A more robust query language (e.g., XPath) for structured data would improve flexibility and expressiveness.

Lack of Formalized Schemas for Offers and Demands

Offers and Demands are structured data, but Golem does not enforce a fixed schema, allowing users to fork, modify, or create custom Offers. However, this flexibility makes it difficult for parties to understand each other's requirements and to verify compatibility between Offers and Demands. Using schemas, such as JSON Schema, would greatly improve interoperability and validation.