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Golem — current architecture

Authors: Witold Dzięcioł, Przemysław Rekucki, Marek Dopiera, <YOUR NAME GOES HERE>
Reviewers: Maciej Maciejowski, Paweł Burgchardt
Status: WIP

About this document

The goal of this document is to describe present Golem architecture in enough detail for an outside person to understand how it works under the hood. The intended audience is assumed to be technical but not necessarily have deep expertise in the crypto world. The level of detail stops short of describing code and its organization but describes key technologies used in order to implement the needed functionalities.

The aim is not to dive deep into every integration, but to capture architectural decisions and their consequences.

Framework Concept

This section describes what comprises Golem network, namely the actors, technical artifacts and activities they actors may perform on those activities. The objective of this paragraph is to tie together all the terms and provide a very high level description of what they are.

What Golem is

What Golem is not


This section describes the actors using Golem Network and their role in the system.



Note: We use term Requestor not Requester.


End User

Consumer of resources can be different person than Requestor. For example we can have web service which forwards computationally expensive jobs to Golem Network. Example: Deposits

Service Owner




This section describes what actors can do to the system. The descriptions are only as detailed as to explain how the actors control the artifacts. The goal is to give the reader an overview of the terms introduced by Golem without any details and establish a glossary to ensure consistency within the document.

Selling on Golem platform

Golem Network allows buyers and sellers to connect and reach agreements. The market is designed to be asymmetrical: the sellers (Providers) publish Offers, and the buyers (Requestors) browse through these Offers. When a Requestor finds a suitable Offer, they contact the Provider directly to negotiate the deal.

Typically, humans are not involved in the process of finding, matching, negotiating, or finalizing agreements. Instead, users define their needs programmatically, allowing the Provider Agent and Requestor Agent software to handle these tasks automatically.

The Provider Agent is primarily responsible for implementing the logic needed to sell resources on the Golem Network. From high level perspective, Provider Agent application should do following things:

  1. Describe Resources using property language to create an Offer
  2. Publish the Offer on the market
  3. Monitor incoming Proposals and negotiate an Agreement with the most promising Requestor
  4. Allocate the promised Resources in accordance with the Agreement
  5. Monitor resources usage and charge Requestor Agent
  6. Terminate the Agreement or await the Agreement termination event from the Requestor
  7. Send an Invoice summarizing the total cost of the Agreement
  8. Wait until the payment for the Invoice is settled and payment confirmed.

1. Describe Resources using property language to create an Offer

While Golem is currently used for trading computational resources, it was designed to support the exchange of any type of resource. This means the Marketplace does not enforce strict standards on the goods being traded. To enable this flexibility, Golem uses a generic property and constraints language to describe the resources being offered. The Core Network does not interpret the semantics of the properties in the Offer, nor does its behavior depend on the negotiated Agreement. It is the responsibility of the Provider Agent application to accurately interpret the semantics and implement the agreed-upon behavior between the parties.

In this chapter, the term "resource" is used in a generic sense. However, illustrating a generic example can be challenging. Therefore, we will focus on selling computational power in a virtual machine (VM) to provide the reader with a clearer understanding.

In this case, the Offer should include the following key aspects:

2. Publish the Offer on the market

Golem is a decentralized network of independent Nodes, with no central repository for Offers or any central server to facilitate Agreements between parties. As a result, offers must be propagated between nodes, and transactions are conducted through direct communication.

Developers don’t need to worry about offer propagation. The responsibility for propagating offers lies with the Core Network. The only task for the Provider Agent is to publish the offer on the market and listen for incoming Proposals.

3. Monitor incoming Proposals and negotiate an Agreement with the most promising Requestor

The Provider Agent plays a passive role in negotiations. Offers are propagated across the network and received by Requestors. The offer is matched locally on the Requestor's node with a Demand. If the Requestor is interested, they respond by sending a Proposal to the Provider Agent.

Negotiation is the process of exchanging Proposals and adjusting their terms until the Requestor Agent proposes an Agreement. The structure of a Proposal is identical to that of an Offer or Demand, using the same property and constraints language to describe the Agreement's conditions. During negotiations, certain aspects of the Agreement can be modified. While Offers and Demands represent the initial declaration of resources, terms, and conditions, the proposal exchange is a dynamic process of refining these terms to reach an optimal Agreement for both parties.

The negotiation stage serves several purposes:

  • Ensures that the Provider Agent and Requestor Agent communicate before signing an Agreement (since offer propagation doesn’t require direct interaction between parties).
  • Allows both the Provider Agent and Requestor Agent to implement different strategies to maximize their benefits and select suitable partners.
  • Provides an opportunity for the Provider Agent and Requestor Agent to negotiate additional terms that weren’t included in the initial Proposals. This is possible through protocols built on top of the property language.

Both the Provider Agent and Requestor Agent negotiate with multiple Agents simultaneously. The Requestor Agent initiates the Agreement by proposing it to the Provider Agent, who can either accept or reject the Proposal. Once the Agreement is signed by both parties, the Requestor Agent can begin using the resources. The Agreement remains valid until it is terminated by either party. The terms of termination (e.g., duration of the Agreement and conditions under which it can be terminated) are specified within the Agreement.

title: Simplified negotiations from Provider Agent's perspective
  actor ProviderAgent as Provider Agent
  participant GolemNetwork as Golem Network
  actor RequestorAgent as Requestor Agent

  GolemNetwork->>RequestorAgent: Receive propagated Offer
  Note over GolemNetwork,RequestorAgent: Offer is not necessarily received directly<br/> from Provider Node
  RequestorAgent->>RequestorAgent: Match Offer with Demand <br/>generate Proposal as a result

    RequestorAgent->>RequestorAgent: Adjust Proposal
      RequestorAgent->>ProviderAgent: Counter Proposal
    and Proposals from other Nodes in the network
      GolemNetwork->>ProviderAgent: Receive Proposals    

    ProviderAgent->>ProviderAgent: Select best Proposals <br/>according to implemented strategy
    ProviderAgent->>ProviderAgent: Adjust Proposals
    ProviderAgent->>RequestorAgent: Counter Proposal

    break when the terms of Agreement are satisfactory
      RequestorAgent->>ProviderAgent: Propose Agreement
  par Proposals from other Nodes in the network
    GolemNetwork->>ProviderAgent: Receive other Agreement Proposals
  ProviderAgent->>ProviderAgent: Select best Agreement Proposal
  ProviderAgent->>RequestorAgent: Approve Agreement Proposal
  ProviderAgent->>GolemNetwork: Reject remaining Agreement Proposals
Example of negotiation

To better understand the Negotiation process, let’s consider an example involving the negotiation of a payment platform. This will illustrate how agents can use different strategies and what negotiation protocols can be built on top of the property and language.

When declaring a payment platform in an Offer, the Provider Agent lists wallet addresses for each platform it supports. It is the Requestor Agent's responsibility to choose the platform by specifying the appropriate property in their demand. The Requestor Agent can approach negotiations in two ways:

1. Static Negotiations

Suppose the Requestor Agent prefers payments on the Polygon network. In this case, they require the Provider Agent to support Polygon and will not select a Provider Agent that doesn’t.

Since the Requestor has a specific requirement, multiple negotiation stages aren't necessary. They can simply add a constraint to their Demand, instructing the matching algorithm to filter out Providers that don’t meet this requirement. In their Demand, they set the chosen platform as a fixed value.

2. Dynamic Negotiations

Now imagine a Requestor Agent that can pay on multiple platforms but prioritizes them based on transaction fees. In this scenario, the Requestor Agent has a larger pool of potential Providers since they don’t restrict the platform by adding a constraint to their demand.

Instead, the Requestor Agent collects Proposals from the market and evaluates them based on estimated costs. In later stages of Proposal exchange, they choose the platform by setting the relevant property according to the Providers' scores, which are based on potential transaction costs.

4. Allocate the promised Resources in accordance with the Agreement

Once the Agreement is signed, the Provider Agent is expected to reserve the promised resources for the Requestor’s use. During this time, the Provider Agent cannot sell these resources to anyone else and must be prepared to start the Activity. For instance, if the Provider Agent is selling computing power through a Virtual Machine Execution Environment, they declared in the Agreement a specific amount of RAM and a certain number of threads to be allocated for the VM. The Provider Agent can only sell any remaining RAM and cores to other Requestors.

Making an Agreement reserves the Provider's resources. To actually use these resources, the Requestor Agent must take an additional step by creating an Activity. Most parameters are already included in the Agreement, but some additional parameters may be required and will be specified later using Activity commands. For example, if the Requestor Agent wants to utilize the Provider's resources by running a virtual machine, details like the image to run, RAM, and the number of cores are taken from the Agreement. However, to allocate an IP address or transfer necessary files, Activity commands are used. Further details on controlling an Activity from the Requestor's perspective can be found in the"Running something" section.

From the Provider Agent's perspective, the primary focus is to listen for incoming Activity events and create an Activity when requested by the Requestor Agent. Upon receiving an Activity creation event, the Provider Agent should spawn an ExeUnit process (and a Virtual Machine in consequence). Conversely, receiving an Activity destruction event should trigger the termination of the ExeUnit processes.

The Requestor Agent is allowed to spawn multiple Activities consecutively. In general, multiple Activities running simultaneously may be permitted; however, this does not apply in the case of a Virtual Machine, as hardware resources can only be allocated once.

5. Monitor resources usage and charge Requestor Agent

The ExeUnit is directly controlled by the Requestor Agent, with no intervention from the Provider Agent. Communication happens solely between the Requestor Agent and the ExeUnit. However, this doesn't mean the Provider Agent is inactive during this time. The Provider Agent's responsibility is limited to calculating the cost of resource usage based on the pricing model defined in the Agreement and informing the Requestor Agent accordingly.

There are two types of payment documents used in the Golem Network: Debit Notes and Invoices.

Debit Notes are sent at regular intervals during the execution of an activity to inform the Requestor Agent of the accumulating costs of the Agreement. These notes act as building blocks that support various payment schemes. The handling of Debit Notes by Agents is governed by the terms negotiated in the Agreement. Generally, Debit Notes serve the following purposes:

  • Informing the Requestor Agent about resource usage and activity costs, and obtaining explicit acceptance of these costs.
  • Acting as a health check, allowing the Provider Agent to monitor if the Requestor Agent is still active and hasn’t abandoned the Agreement, helping avoid not getting paid.
  • Facilitating mid-agreement payments.

Invoices are issued after the Agreement is terminated, providing a summary of the total costs. They allow the Provider Agent to include any additional costs not covered in the Debit Notes, as the final Debit Note doesn’t have to be sent immediately after the activity ends.

flowchart LR
Activity1((Activity 1)) --o D11[Debit Note 1] --> D12[Debit Note 2] -->|...| D13[Debit Note N-th] --> Invoice[Invoice]
Activity2((Activity 2)) --o D21[Debit Note 1] --> D22[Debit Note 2] -->|...| D23[Debit Note N-th] --> Invoice[Invoice]
Activity3((Activity 3)) --o D31[Debit Note 1] --> D32[Debit Note 2] -->|...| D33[Debit Note N-th] --> Invoice[Invoice]

Both Debit Notes and Invoices can be either accepted or rejected by the other party. Acceptance signals that the Requestor Agent agrees to pay the specified amount. Rejection, on the other hand, indicates refusal to pay the non-accepted amount. However, it’s important to note that a rejection does not absolve the Requestor Agent from paying for all previously accepted Debit Notes. The conditions under which rejection is allowed should be defined in the Agreement. Currently, no payment scheme permits rejections.

Accepting a Debit Note or Invoice does not result in immediate payment for a few reasons. Debit Notes can be classified as payable or non-payable, with payable Debit Notes identified by the due date included in the document. While payable Debit Notes are scheduled for processing upon acceptance, this still does not necessitate immediate payment. The payment mechanism allows for the batching of payments or delaying them to accommodate additional Debit Notes or Invoices, thereby reducing transaction costs on the blockchain.

The consequence of delaying payments is that they are not guaranteed. However, this design opens the possibility of implementing mechanisms that can mitigate or eliminate the risk of non-payment. For instance, a payment platform could be developed using a deposit or escrow contract, or by integrating payment channels into the Core Network.

It’s important to note that, regardless of the payment scheme or platform used, Golem Factory does not act as an intermediary for payments. Since transactions occur on the blockchain, and due to the decentralized nature of blockchain technology, Golem Factory has no control over these transactions.

6. Terminate the Agreement or await the Agreement termination event from the Requestor Agent

The Agreement can be terminated when either party chooses to end it. Core Network doesn't enforce any specific termination rules, so the Agreement should clearly define the conditions under which termination is permitted. Below is a non-exhaustive list of possible reasons for termination:

  • The Agreement expires if it was established for a fixed duration.
  • The Requestor Agent no longer needs the resources or has completed the computations.
  • One of the parties violates the terms of the Agreement, such as:
    • The Requestor Agent fails to accept Debit Notes within the agreed timeframe.
    • The Provider Agent issues Debit Notes more frequently than agreed.
    • The Requestor Agent fails to make timely payments, particularly in cases involving mid-agreement payments.

It is the Agent—whether Requestor or Provider—who decides to terminate the Agreement. The Agent is also responsible for detecting if the other party has terminated the Agreement and taking the appropriate action in response.

Provider Agent has the option to attach additional information outlining the reasons for termination when ending the Agreement. While this is not mandatory, it is encouraged as it can provide valuable context for the other party, serving as diagnostic information or for other purposes.

7. Send an Invoice summarizing the total cost of the Agreement

Once the Agreement is terminated, the Provider Agent should send an Invoice to the Requestor Agent summarizing the total costs incurred throughout the Agreement. This Invoice should reflect the cumulative costs from all Activities. In response, the Requestor Agent must either accept or reject the Invoice. However, regardless of the acceptance status, payment is mandatory for the total amount indicated by the accepted Debit Notes, as their acceptance constitutes a binding commitment to pay.

8. Wait until the payment for the Invoice is settled and payment confirmed.

It's important for the Provider to monitor payments after the Agreement is completed. This is when the Provider Agent should adjust its market strategy to ensure profitability. Since the Core Network doesn't guarantee payment delivery, the Provider Agent should implement measures to prevent being exploited by Requestors. One example is rejecting non-paying Requestors and prioritizing those with a good reputation. Lack of payment isn't the only reason for declining a Requestor in the future. The Provider Agent may also choose to reject subsequent Agreements with Requestors who break the Agreement conditions.

Payment confirmation is received by the Provider Agent from the Requestor once the transaction is confirmed on the blockchain. This confirmation specifies which Activities and Agreements are covered by the transaction. There is no 1-to-1 relationship between transactions and Activities or Agreements. A single blockchain transaction can cover multiple Activities or Agreements, while each Activity or Agreement may also be covered by multiple transactions.

Searching on market

Buying on golem platform

Running something


decomposition into layers. responsibility of the layers.

Golem Node

Business logic


Functional modules

decomposition into functional areas and scopes of responsibility of these layers.







a brief overview of sample applications.

WASM Runtime

VM Runtime

GH/AI Runtime

HTTP Auth Runtime


This section describes the artifacts, i.e. the terms introduced in Golem Network on which actors can act. They are organized by respective aspects of Golem Network. The descriptions describe their function rather than their implementation.

Section should serve as dictionary to be linked by other chapters.

Participating entities

Core Network

Yagna daemon

Yagna Node

Provider agent

Requester agent






This word is used to describe Offer/Demand put on market, so we should mention it.




Execution system



Execution environment (ExeUnit)

ExeUnit Batch
ExeUnit Command
VM Image
WASM image



Payment System

Payment Driver

Payment Platform




Debit Note



Transaction (on blockchain)

Key architectural decisions

GLM is built on XYZ

GLM is used for clearing

No centralized offer matching rules

Only providers' offers are propagated

Agreements are not stored on the blockchain

Offline requestors are not supported

Local storage (TODO: what role does the local DB play?)

Technical view - components

This section describes key components of Golem Network, i.e. their responsibilities, interfaces and which other components they utilize.


  • how it works that two separate Yagnas can talk to each other

Central net

Hybrid net

  • Identification
  • Relay
  • Discovering Nodes
  • P2P communication
  • Relayed communication
  • Cryptography
    • Node identity verification (challenges)
    • Communication encryption


  • what it is, how it works and how it imposes a code structure and how addressing works

Offer / negotiation

A description of the component responsible for making offers, counter-offers, negotiations, etc.

Market interactions

Discovery and Offers/Demand matching

  • Offer/Demand properties and constraint language
  • Yagna is property agnostic - doesn't understand semantic of properties, only agent do
  • Some examples of properties and constraints and how it works
  • Links to more detailed docs for properties language and properties specification (?)

Offer propagation

  • Link to design decision
  • Algorithm overview

Process of negotiations and making an agreement

  • Initial Proposal
  • Countering Proposal
  • What can change in counter proposal (protocols based on property language)?
  • Provider Agent possible Proposal responses (counter, reject)
  • Requestor Agent possible Proposal responses (counter, reject, propose Agreement)
  • Provider Agent possible Agreement responses (accept, reject)
  • Requestor possibility of Agreement Proposal cancellation
  • Restarting negotiations (who can, who can't and how?)
title: Simplified negotiations from Provider's perspective
  box Provider Node
    actor ProviderAgent as Provider Agent
    participant ProviderYagna as Provider Yagna daemon
  participant GolemNetwork as Golem Network
  box Requestor Node
    participant RequestorYagna as Requestor Yagna
    actor RequestorAgent as Requestor Agent
  RequestorAgent->>RequestorAgent: Describe Resoruce Demand
  RequestorAgent->>RequestorYagna: Publish Demand
  RequestorAgent->>RequestorYagna: Subscribe for Proposal events
  activate RequestorYagna
  ProviderAgent->>ProviderAgent: Describe Resources
  ProviderAgent->>ProviderYagna: Publish Offer
  ProviderYagna->>GolemNetwork: Offer propagation
  activate GolemNetwork
  ProviderAgent->>ProviderYagna: Subscribe for Proposal events
  activate ProviderYagna

  GolemNetwork->>RequestorYagna: Receive Offer
  Note over GolemNetwork,RequestorYagna: Offer wasn't received directly<br/> from Provider Node 
  RequestorYagna->>RequestorYagna: Match Offer with Demand
  RequestorYagna->>RequestorAgent: Generate Proposal

    RequestorAgent->>RequestorAgent: Adjust Proposal
    RequestorAgent->>RequestorYagna: Counter Proposal
      RequestorYagna->>ProviderYagna: Counter Proposal
      ProviderYagna->>ProviderAgent: Receive Proposal
    and Proposals from other Nodes in the network
      GolemNetwork->>ProviderAgent: Receive Proposals    

    ProviderAgent->>ProviderAgent: Select best Proposals to respond
    ProviderAgent->>ProviderAgent: Adjust Proposals
    ProviderAgent->>ProviderYagna: Counter Proposal
    ProviderYagna->>RequestorYagna: Counter Proposal
    RequestorYagna->>RequestorAgent: Receive Proposal

  RequestorAgent->>RequestorYagna: Propose Agreement
  RequestorYagna->>ProviderYagna: Propose Agreement
  ProviderYagna->>ProviderAgent: Receive Agreement Proposal
  ProviderAgent->>ProviderAgent: Select best Agreement Proposal
  ProviderAgent->>ProviderYagna: Approve Agreement
  ProviderYagna->>RequestorYagna: Approve Agreement Proposal
  RequestorYagna->>RequestorAgent: Agreement approval notification

  ProviderAgent->>ProviderYagna: Unsubscribe Proposal events
  deactivate ProviderYagna
  ProviderYagna-->GolemNetwork: Stop Offer propagation
  deactivate GolemNetwork
  deactivate RequestorYagna

Market strategies

Agreement termination

  • Who is allowed to terminate? In what situation?
  • What is specified by protocol and what is left to future specifications?
  • Termination reason concept

Offer propagation

  • a description of how it happens that offers are visible to reqestors
  • Link to design decision
  • Algorithm overview


Important terms

  1. Payment platform – a 3-part identifier uniquely describing a mode of exchanging funds. It is composed of 3 fields:
    • driver – Determines which driver to select, see below for details.
    • network – Defined by the driver.
    • token – Defined by the driver. The payment platform is opaque to Golem and are only relevant for payments. It is serialized as {dirver}-{network}-{token}

Payments models

  • A payment model is an abstract computation which describes how to map usage counters (see ExeUnits section) to an amount of currency due.
  • Negotiation:
    • Offer shall expose a property which is a string containing the model name, e.g. linear, as well as{model_name} which is an object containing model-specific parameters.
    • Demand may put constraints on those properties in order to limit spending.
  • The linear payment model is the only one currently in use. It multiplies usage counters by constant coefficients and adds a constant on top of that, thus forming a linear function. The counters used today by yagna are cpu-time and total run-time.

Payments flow during Agreement

  • Payments are a crucial step of negotiations – both provider and requestor must agree on the mode of payments. This is achieved as follows:
    • Offer defines properties<platform>.address of the form which identify the recipients of funds for the given platform. Note that in case of blockchain payments this adress need not be the same as the Node ID. One can operate multiple provider nodes and have them all collect payments to a single account.
    • The demand puts a constraint requiring that at least one such entry exisits for the payment platforms it itself supports. e.g. (*).
  • Currently, the Golem Network is shared by providers wishing to profit, as well as providers for testing purposes. That is achieved by utilising two different kinds of payment platforms.
    • For-profit providers will declare platforms that are used for actual funds, e.g. erc20-mainnet-glm and erc20-polygon-glm. Those correspond to, respectivelly, Ethereum Mainnet and Polygon L2, on both of which no new GLM tokens can be minted.
    • Non-profit providers will declare platforms on which GLM tokens can be minted, and native tokens can be obtained from faucets, such as erc20-amoy-tglm or erc20-holesky-tglm.
    • As there's currently only one driver in use which requires a 1-to-1 relationship between platform.token and, one usually refers to networks instead of the entire platforms. This has resulted in terms Mainnet(s) (referring to the first group of platforms) and Testnet(s) (referring to the second group).
  • A provider will emit two kinds of documents relating to payments - DebitNotes and Invoices.
    • DebitNotes are emitted while the agreement is still in effect, they contain the current amount due, the activity they relate to and optionally a deadline for payment for this amount (deducted by previous payments made for the given activity) to be made. If it is present, the DebitNote shall be called payable.
      • Payable DebitNotes frequency is negotiated by the property and the duration between DebitNote creation and its due date by
    • Invoices are emitted after the agreement concludes, and they contain the total amount due for all activities.
    • For both of those, the requestor may choose one of 3 actions:
      • Accept the document (sending a message to Provider), obligating itself to pay the amount in case of invoices and payable DebitNotes.
      • Reject the document (sending a message to Provider), signaling to the provider that it does not intend to make the payment. Will lead to termination of the agreement if it's a DebitNote.
      • Ignore the document. Will lead to termination of agreement if it's a DebitNote.
  • Whenever payable DebitNotes and Invoices are accepted, a payment is scheduled on the payment driver. The erc20 driver respects deadlines.
  • Partial payments for DebitNotes should never exceed the final amount declared by the Invoice, as there is no mechanism for the provider to pay back the Requestor the surplus. It's not a problem for the current Linear Payment Model, as cpu-time and run-time counters are monotonically increasing.
  • Whenever the Requestor makes a payment and considers it done (in practice by doing the same confirmation the provider would), it sends a driver-defined blob to the Provider so that the other node can confirm the payment itself.
Mid-Agreement payments


Post-Agreement payments


Payment drivers

Abstract idea

A payment driver is intended to be an abstraction of an arbitrary mode of payments. It must expose a collection of capabilities defined by the implementation of the Golem Node, thus not being subject to network or REST API backwards compatibility concerns. The current implementation requires the following capabilities:

  • Handling account events (locked / unlocked).
  • Listing RPC endpoints*.
  • Reporting account balance*.
  • Reporting its name.
  • Reporting the default network.
  • Reporting the list of supported networks.
  • Initialization.
  • Reporting the need for initialization for confirming incoming payments.
  • Funding – automatic obtaining funds for for Testnets.
  • Transfers – transfering funds to a given address at a given platform w/o an allocation.
  • Scheduling payments – transfering funds to a given address at a given platform with an allocation.
  • Verifying payments.
  • Verifying allocations.
  • Releasing deposits.
  • Reporting its status*.

Points marked with * leak information about the underlying mode of payments necessarily being a blockchain or using the ERC20 standard.

Examples of payment drivers
  • erc20 – considers the currency to be a token defined by an ERC20-compliant Smart Contract on an EVM-compatible blockchain. The address at which this contract resides is preconfigured as part of the payment driver and not subject to negotiation.
  • zksync – [TODO] zksync driver predates my experience with web3.
Current erc20 payment driver
  • Requires tokens to be compliant with the ERC20 standard.
  • Only accepts glm token value for Mainnets and tglm for Testnets.
  • Optimizes gas usage:
    • Use a multi-payment contract when available (hardcoded into the driver for each network) to execute multiple transfers within a single transaction.
    • Adds multiple transfers to a single account together.

Payments batching

Deposits payments

  • Overview of the concept
  • Link to external documentation describing details


  participant Requestor
  participant Provider
  Requestor-->Provider: Negotiations
  Requestor->>Provider: Propose Agreement 
  Provider->>Requestor: Approve Agreement
  loop Multiple Activities allowed
    Requestor->>Provider: Create Activity
    create participant ExeUnit
    Provider->>ExeUnit: Spawn ExeUnit
    Requestor-->ExeUnit: Commands controlling ExeUnit
    activate ExeUnit
    loop Regular intervals
      ExeUnit->>Provider: Report resources consumption
      Provider->>Provider: Calculate costs
      Provider->>Requestor: Send DebitNote
      Requestor->>Provider: Accept DebitNote
    Requestor-->ExeUnit: Finish computations
    deactivate ExeUnit
    Requestor->>Provider: Destroy Activity
    destroy ExeUnit
    Provider->>ExeUnit: Terminate ExeUnit
  Requestor->>Provider: Terminate Agreement


  • How the actions on behalf of the requestor are performed
  • We should dive into each important and general implementation, i.e. WASM and VM

Abstract concept

  • ExeUnit concept is generic enough to sell any kind of computation resources
  • Generic ExeUnits (for example VM, WASM etc.) vs. specialized ExeUnits for specific tasks like:
  • Interaction with yagna through GSB
  • Control flow between Requestor and ExeUnit
  • Extensible commands list (ExeUnit implementation dependent)
Controlling ExeUnit (basic concepts)
  • Spawning ExeUnit (contract between Provider Agent and ExeUnit)
    • Self-test
    • Offer template
  • Binding to GSB (addressing based on activity id)
  • Requestor state control
  • Commands and batches:
    • Deploy, Start, Transfer, Run, Terminate
    • Querying command/batch state, receiving results
    • Transfer methods (GFTP, http)
Usage counters

ExeUnit Supervisor

  • Why splitting Supervisor and Runtime?
  • Common functionalities provided by Supervisor

ExeUnit Runtime


VM runtime

  • Virtual machine desciption (so the reader knows what is there, but not details)
  • Functionalities (outbound, VPN, process output capturing)
  • VM images, gvmkit-build etc

WASM runtime

  • WASM supported execution engines
  • WASM images


  • The component responsible for creating a VPN between VMs


  • a description of how it is evaluated, distributed and used


  • which of the logic useful to the user ends up in the SDK

Technical view - deployment

How the components are reflected in processes, where the processes are run, what is their relation ship, etc.

Technical view - flows & algorithms

This section documents how control and responsibility flows through the listed components to achieve Golem's functionalities. Any non-trivial algorithms spanning more than one component are also described here.

Starting a provider and publishing an offer

Receiving and executing work

Finding a provider and requesting work

Starting a cluster of VMs

Creating a custom image

PR: this is part of the business logic layer. you would need to think about how to add objects from this layer and SDK implementations in different versions to this document. and the concept of building various reputation methods.

PR: ya-provider is also from this layer and you could write down what configurations it supports. e.g. node attestation, authorization certificates, etc.

Key architectural shortcomings

This section contains known shortcomings of the implemented architecture — irrespective of whether they were intentional or unintentional.

Preexisting two categories of actors

The preexisting categories of actors (providers and requesters) and their asymmetric roles are limiting in certain scenarios. FIXME FIXME FIME