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Avoid using deprecated head and tail functions
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GHC 9.8 adds the `-Wx-partial` warning to `-Wall`, which is triggered upon any
use of the partial `head` or `tail` functions from `Prelude`. This patch
rewrites some code in `th-desugar` to avoid `head`/`tail`, and thereby avoid
new warnings with GHC 9.8. Sometimes, this can be achieved by some mild
refactoring, but in other cases, we simply have to accept the partiality
inherent in some code and make the error cases more explicit.
  • Loading branch information
RyanGlScott committed Sep 18, 2023
1 parent d7c3eb9 commit 5414beb
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Showing 2 changed files with 93 additions and 78 deletions.
146 changes: 79 additions & 67 deletions Language/Haskell/TH/Desugar/Match.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -20,6 +20,8 @@ import qualified Control.Monad as Monad
import Data.Data
import qualified Data.Foldable as F
import Data.Generics
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty(..))
import qualified Data.Set as S
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Language.Haskell.TH.Instances ()
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -89,11 +91,17 @@ simplCaseExp :: DsMonad q
-> [DClause]
-> q DExp
simplCaseExp vars clauses =
do let eis = [ EquationInfo pats (\_ -> rhs) |
do let eis = [ EquationInfo (to_ne_pats pats) (\_ -> rhs) |
DClause pats rhs <- clauses ]
matchResultToDExp `liftM` simplCase vars eis
to_ne_pats :: [DPat] -> NonEmpty DPat
to_ne_pats pats =
case pats of
p:ps -> p:|ps
[] -> error "Clause encountered with no patterns -- should never happen"

data EquationInfo = EquationInfo [DPat] MatchResult -- like DClause, but with a hole
data EquationInfo = EquationInfo (NonEmpty DPat) MatchResult -- like DClause, but with a hole

-- analogous to GHC's match (in deSugar/Match.lhs)
simplCase :: DsMonad q
Expand All @@ -103,35 +111,35 @@ simplCase :: DsMonad q
simplCase [] clauses = return (foldr1 (.) match_results)
match_results = [ mr | EquationInfo _ mr <- clauses ]
simplCase vars@(v:_) clauses = do
simplCase (v:vs) clauses = do
(aux_binds, tidy_clauses) <- mapAndUnzipM (tidyClause v) clauses
let grouped = groupClauses tidy_clauses
match_results <- match_groups grouped
return (adjustMatchResult (foldr (.) id aux_binds) $
foldr1 (.) match_results)
match_groups :: DsMonad q => [[(PatGroup, EquationInfo)]] -> q [MatchResult]
match_groups :: DsMonad q => [NonEmpty (PatGroup, EquationInfo)] -> q [MatchResult]
match_groups [] = matchEmpty v
match_groups gs = mapM match_group gs

match_group :: DsMonad q => [(PatGroup, EquationInfo)] -> q MatchResult
match_group [] = error "Internal error in th-desugar (match_group)"
match_group eqns@((group,_) : _) =
match_group :: DsMonad q => NonEmpty (PatGroup, EquationInfo) -> q MatchResult
match_group eqns@((group,_) :| _) =
case group of
PgCon _ -> matchConFamily vars (subGroup [(c,e) | (PgCon c, e) <- eqns])
PgLit _ -> matchLiterals vars (subGroup [(l,e) | (PgLit l, e) <- eqns])
PgBang -> matchBangs vars (drop_group eqns)
PgAny -> matchVariables vars (drop_group eqns)
PgCon _ -> matchConFamily vars $ subGroup [(c,e) | (PgCon c, e) <- NE.toList eqns]
PgLit _ -> matchLiterals vars $ subGroup [(l,e) | (PgLit l, e) <- NE.toList eqns]
PgBang -> matchBangs vars $ drop_group eqns
PgAny -> matchVariables vars $ drop_group eqns

drop_group :: NonEmpty (PatGroup, EquationInfo) -> NonEmpty EquationInfo
drop_group = fmap snd

drop_group = map snd
vars = v:|vs

-- analogous to GHC's tidyEqnInfo
tidyClause :: DsMonad q => Name -> EquationInfo -> q (DExp -> DExp, EquationInfo)
tidyClause _ (EquationInfo [] _) =
error "Internal error in th-desugar: no patterns in tidyClause."
tidyClause v (EquationInfo (pat : pats) body) = do
tidyClause v (EquationInfo (pat :| pats) body) = do
(wrap, pat') <- tidy1 v pat
return (wrap, EquationInfo (pat' : pats) body)
return (wrap, EquationInfo (pat' :| pats) body)

tidy1 :: DsMonad q
=> Name -- the name of the variable that ...
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -184,10 +192,10 @@ mkSelectorDecs pat name
| OS.null binders
= return []

| OS.size binders == 1
| [binder] <- F.toList binders
= do val_var <- newUniqueName "var"
err_var <- newUniqueName "err"
bind <- mk_bind val_var err_var (head $ F.toList binders)
bind <- mk_bind val_var err_var binder
return [DValD (DVarP val_var) (DVarE name),
DValD (DVarP err_var) (DVarE 'error `DAppE`
(DLitE $ StringL "Irrefutable match failed")),
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -221,7 +229,7 @@ mkSelectorDecs pat name
mk_tuple_pats elt_name i = replicate i DWildP ++ DVarP elt_name : replicate (tuple_size - i - 1) DWildP

mk_bind scrut_var err_var bndr_var = do
rhs_mr <- simplCase [scrut_var] [EquationInfo [pat] (\_ -> DVarE bndr_var)]
rhs_mr <- simplCase [scrut_var] [EquationInfo (pat:|[]) (\_ -> DVarE bndr_var)]
return (DValD (DVarP bndr_var) (rhs_mr (DVarE err_var)))

data PatGroup
Expand All @@ -231,9 +239,9 @@ data PatGroup
| PgBang

-- like GHC's groupEquations
groupClauses :: [EquationInfo] -> [[(PatGroup, EquationInfo)]]
groupClauses :: [EquationInfo] -> [NonEmpty (PatGroup, EquationInfo)]
groupClauses clauses
= runs same_gp [(patGroup (firstPat clause), clause) | clause <- clauses]
= NE.groupBy same_gp [(patGroup (firstPat clause), clause) | clause <- clauses]
same_gp :: (PatGroup, EquationInfo) -> (PatGroup, EquationInfo) -> Bool
(pg1,_) `same_gp` (pg2,_) = pg1 `sameGroup` pg2
Expand All @@ -254,34 +262,35 @@ sameGroup (PgCon _) (PgCon _) = True
sameGroup (PgLit _) (PgLit _) = True
sameGroup _ _ = False

subGroup :: Ord a => [(a, EquationInfo)] -> [[EquationInfo]]
-- Precondition: the input list contains at least one element.
subGroup :: Ord a => [(a, EquationInfo)] -> NonEmpty (NonEmpty EquationInfo)
subGroup group
= map reverse $ Map.elems $ foldl accumulate Map.empty group
= case map NE.reverse $ Map.elems $ foldl accumulate Map.empty group of
e:es -> e:|es
[] -> error "Internal error in th-desugar (subGroup)"
accumulate pg_map (pg, eqn)
= case Map.lookup pg pg_map of
Just eqns -> Map.insert pg (eqn:eqns) pg_map
Nothing -> Map.insert pg [eqn] pg_map
Just eqns -> Map.insert pg (NE.cons eqn eqns) pg_map
Nothing -> Map.insert pg (eqn :| []) pg_map

firstPat :: EquationInfo -> DPat
firstPat (EquationInfo (pat : _) _) = pat
firstPat _ = error "Clause encountered with no patterns -- should never happen"
firstPat (EquationInfo (pat :| _) _) = pat

data CaseAlt = CaseAlt { alt_con :: Name -- con name
, _alt_args :: [Name] -- bound var names
, _alt_rhs :: MatchResult -- RHS

-- from GHC's MatchCon.lhs
matchConFamily :: DsMonad q => [Name] -> [[EquationInfo]] -> q MatchResult
matchConFamily (var:vars) groups
matchConFamily :: DsMonad q => NonEmpty Name -> NonEmpty (NonEmpty EquationInfo) -> q MatchResult
matchConFamily (var:|vars) groups
= do alts <- mapM (matchOneCon vars) groups
mkDataConCase var alts
matchConFamily [] _ = error "Internal error in th-desugar (matchConFamily)"

-- like matchOneConLike from MatchCon
matchOneCon :: DsMonad q => [Name] -> [EquationInfo] -> q CaseAlt
matchOneCon vars eqns@(eqn1 : _)
matchOneCon :: DsMonad q => [Name] -> NonEmpty EquationInfo -> q CaseAlt
matchOneCon vars eqns@(eqn1 :| _)
= do arg_vars <- selectMatchVars (pat_args pat1)
match_result <- match_group arg_vars

Expand All @@ -297,27 +306,35 @@ matchOneCon vars eqns@(eqn1 : _)

match_group :: DsMonad q => [Name] -> q MatchResult
match_group arg_vars
= simplCase (arg_vars ++ vars) (map shift eqns)
= simplCase (arg_vars ++ vars) $ NE.toList $ fmap shift eqns

shift (EquationInfo (DConP _ _ args : pats) exp) = EquationInfo (args ++ pats) exp
shift (EquationInfo (DConP _ _ args :| pats) exp)
= EquationInfo (to_ne_pats (args ++ pats)) exp
shift _ = error "Internal error in th-desugar (shift)"
matchOneCon _ _ = error "Internal error in th-desugar (matchOneCon)"

mkDataConCase :: DsMonad q => Name -> [CaseAlt] -> q MatchResult
to_ne_pats :: [DPat] -> NonEmpty DPat
to_ne_pats pats =
case pats of
p:ps -> p:|ps
[] -> error "Internal error in th-desugar (matchOneCon.to_ne_pats)"

mkDataConCase :: DsMonad q => Name -> NonEmpty CaseAlt -> q MatchResult
mkDataConCase var case_alts = do
all_ctors <- get_all_ctors (alt_con $ head case_alts)
all_ctors <- get_all_ctors (alt_con $ NE.head case_alts)
return $ \fail ->
let matches = map (mk_alt fail) case_alts in
let matches = fmap (mk_alt fail) case_alt_list in
DCaseE (DVarE var) (matches ++ mk_default all_ctors fail)
case_alt_list = NE.toList case_alts

mk_alt fail (CaseAlt con args body_fn)
= let body = body_fn fail in
DMatch (DConP con [] (map DVarP args)) body

mk_default all_ctors fail | exhaustive_case all_ctors = []
| otherwise = [DMatch DWildP fail]

mentioned_ctors = S.fromList $ map alt_con case_alts
mentioned_ctors = S.fromList $ map alt_con case_alt_list
exhaustive_case all_ctors = all_ctors `S.isSubsetOf` mentioned_ctors

get_all_ctors :: DsMonad q => Name -> q (S.Set Name)
Expand All @@ -337,42 +354,39 @@ matchEmpty var = return [mk_seq]
mk_seq fail = DCaseE (DVarE var) [DMatch DWildP fail]

matchLiterals :: DsMonad q => [Name] -> [[EquationInfo]] -> q MatchResult
matchLiterals (var:vars) sub_groups
matchLiterals :: DsMonad q => NonEmpty Name -> NonEmpty (NonEmpty EquationInfo) -> q MatchResult
matchLiterals (var:|vars) sub_groups
= do alts <- mapM match_group sub_groups
return (mkCoPrimCaseMatchResult var alts)
match_group :: DsMonad q => [EquationInfo] -> q (Lit, MatchResult)
match_group :: DsMonad q => NonEmpty EquationInfo -> q (Lit, MatchResult)
match_group eqns
= do let lit = case firstPat (head eqns) of
= do let lit = case firstPat (NE.head eqns) of
DLitP lit' -> lit'
_ -> error $ "Internal error in th-desugar "
++ "(matchLiterals.match_group)"
match_result <- simplCase vars (shiftEqns eqns)
match_result <- simplCase vars $ NE.toList $ shiftEqns eqns
return (lit, match_result)
matchLiterals [] _ = error "Internal error in th-desugar (matchLiterals)"

mkCoPrimCaseMatchResult :: Name -- Scrutinee
-> [(Lit, MatchResult)]
-> NonEmpty (Lit, MatchResult)
-> MatchResult
mkCoPrimCaseMatchResult var match_alts = mk_case
mk_case fail = let alts = map (mk_alt fail) match_alts in
mk_case fail = let alts = NE.toList $ fmap (mk_alt fail) match_alts in
DCaseE (DVarE var) (alts ++ [DMatch DWildP fail])
mk_alt fail (lit, body_fn)
= DMatch (DLitP lit) (body_fn fail)

matchBangs :: DsMonad q => [Name] -> [EquationInfo] -> q MatchResult
matchBangs (var:vars) eqns
= do match_result <- simplCase (var:vars) $
map (decomposeFirstPat getBangPat) eqns
matchBangs :: DsMonad q => NonEmpty Name -> NonEmpty EquationInfo -> q MatchResult
matchBangs (var:|vars) eqns
= do match_result <- simplCase (var:vars) $ NE.toList $
fmap (decomposeFirstPat getBangPat) eqns
return (mkEvalMatchResult var match_result)
matchBangs [] _ = error "Internal error in th-desugar (matchBangs)"

decomposeFirstPat :: (DPat -> DPat) -> EquationInfo -> EquationInfo
decomposeFirstPat extractpat (EquationInfo (pat:pats) body)
= EquationInfo (extractpat pat : pats) body
decomposeFirstPat _ _ = error "Internal error in th-desugar (decomposeFirstPat)"
decomposeFirstPat extractpat (EquationInfo (pat:|pats) body)
= EquationInfo (extractpat pat :| pats) body

getBangPat :: DPat -> DPat
getBangPat (DBangP p) = p
Expand All @@ -382,15 +396,19 @@ mkEvalMatchResult :: Name -> MatchResult -> MatchResult
mkEvalMatchResult var body_fn fail
= foldl DAppE (DVarE 'seq) [DVarE var, body_fn fail]

matchVariables :: DsMonad q => [Name] -> [EquationInfo] -> q MatchResult
matchVariables (_:vars) eqns = simplCase vars (shiftEqns eqns)
matchVariables _ _ = error "Internal error in th-desugar (matchVariables)"
matchVariables :: DsMonad q => NonEmpty Name -> NonEmpty EquationInfo -> q MatchResult
matchVariables (_:|vars) eqns = simplCase vars $ NE.toList $ shiftEqns eqns

shiftEqns :: [EquationInfo] -> [EquationInfo]
shiftEqns = map shift
shiftEqns :: NonEmpty EquationInfo -> NonEmpty EquationInfo
shiftEqns = fmap shift
shift (EquationInfo pats rhs) = EquationInfo (tail pats) rhs
shift (EquationInfo pats rhs) = EquationInfo (to_ne_pats (NE.tail pats)) rhs

to_ne_pats :: [DPat] -> NonEmpty DPat
to_ne_pats pats =
case pats of
p:ps -> p:|ps
[] -> error "Internal error in th-desugar (shiftEqns.to_ne_pats)"

adjustMatchResult :: (DExp -> DExp) -> MatchResult -> MatchResult
adjustMatchResult wrap mr fail = wrap $ mr fail
Expand All @@ -405,9 +423,3 @@ selectMatchVar (DBangP pat) = selectMatchVar pat
selectMatchVar (DTildeP pat) = selectMatchVar pat
selectMatchVar (DVarP var) = newUniqueName ('_' : nameBase var)
selectMatchVar _ = newUniqueName "_pat"

-- like GHC's runs
runs :: (a -> a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [[a]]
runs _ [] = []
runs p (x:xs) = case span (p x) xs of
(first, rest) -> (x:first) : (runs p rest)
25 changes: 14 additions & 11 deletions Test/Splices.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -59,6 +59,8 @@ [email protected]
module Splices where

import qualified Data.List as L
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty(..))
import Data.Char
import qualified Data.Kind as Kind (Type)
import GHC.Exts
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -132,10 +134,11 @@ assumeStarT = everywhere (assume_spec_t . assume_vis_t . assume_unit_t)
dropTrailing0s :: Data a => a -> a
dropTrailing0s = everywhere (mkT (mkName . frob . nameBase))
frob str
| head str == 'r' = str
| head str == 'R' = str
| otherwise = L.dropWhileEnd isDigit str
frob str =
case str of
'r':_ -> str
'R':_ -> str
_ -> L.dropWhileEnd isDigit str

-- Because th-desugar does not support linear types, we must pretend like
-- MulArrowT does not exist for testing purposes.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -179,11 +182,11 @@ test13_sig = [| show (read "[10, 11, 12]" :: [Int]) |]
data Record = MkRecord1 { field1 :: Bool, field2 :: Int }
| MkRecord2 { field2 :: Int, field3 :: Char }

test14_record = [| let r1 = [MkRecord1 { field2 = 5, field1 = False }, MkRecord2 { field2 = 6, field3 = 'q' }]
r2 = map (\r -> r { field2 = 18 }) r1
r3 = (head r2) { field1 = True } in
map (\case MkRecord1 { field2 = some_int, field1 = some_bool } -> show some_int ++ show some_bool
MkRecord2 { field2 = some_int, field3 = some_char } -> show some_int ++ show some_char) (r3 : r2) |]
test14_record = [| let r1 = MkRecord1 { field2 = 5, field1 = False } :| [MkRecord2 { field2 = 6, field3 = 'q' }]
r2 = fmap (\r -> r { field2 = 18 }) r1
r3 = (NE.head r2) { field1 = True } in
fmap (\case MkRecord1 { field2 = some_int, field1 = some_bool } -> show some_int ++ show some_bool
MkRecord2 { field2 = some_int, field3 = some_char } -> show some_int ++ show some_char) (NE.cons r3 r2) |]

test15_litp = [| map (\case { 5 -> True ; _ -> False }) [5,6] |]
test16_tupp = [| map (\(x,y,z) -> x + y + z) [(1,2,3),(4,5,6)] |]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -222,8 +225,8 @@ test27_kisig = [| let f :: Proxy (a :: Bool) -> ()
test28_tupt = [| let f :: (a,b) -> a
f (a,_) = a in
map f [(1,'a'),(2,'b')] |]
test29_listt = [| let f :: [[a]] -> a
f = head . head in
test29_listt = [| let f :: [[Int]] -> [[Int]]
f = map (map (+1)) in
map f [ [[1]], [[2]] ] |]
test30_promoted = [| let f :: Proxy '() -> Proxy '[Int, Bool] -> ()
f _ _ = () in
Expand Down

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