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@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-{{ if or .PrevInSection .NextInSection }}
-{{/* this div holds these a tags as a unit for flex-box display */}}
-{{ end }}
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@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-{{ if or .PrevInSection .NextInSection }}
-{{/* this div holds these a tags as a unit for flex-box display */}}
- {{- if $copy }}
- {{- /* Functionality located within filesaver.js The copy here is located in the css with .copy class so it can be replaced with JS on success */}}
- {{- end }}
- {{- end }}
diff --git a/docs/_vendor/github.com/gohugoio/gohugoioTheme/layouts/shortcodes/code.html b/docs/_vendor/github.com/gohugoio/gohugoioTheme/layouts/shortcodes/code.html
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--- a/docs/_vendor/github.com/gohugoio/gohugoioTheme/layouts/shortcodes/code.html
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-{{- /*
-Renders syntax highlighted code.
-@param {bool} [copy=false] If true, display a copy to clipboard button.
-@param {string} [file] The file name to display above the rendered code.
-@param {string} [lang] The code language of the inner content.
-@returns {template.HTML}
-{{- /* Get parameters. */}}
-{{- $copy := false }}
-{{- if in (slice "false" false 0) (.Get "copy") }}
- {{- $copy = false }}
-{{- else if in (slice "true" true 1) (.Get "copy")}}
- {{- $copy = true }}
-{{- end }}
-{{- $file := or (.Get "file") " " }}
-{{- $lang := or (.Get "lang") (path.Ext $file | strings.TrimPrefix ".") "text" }}
-{{- /* Use the go-html-template Chroma lexer for HTML. */}}
-{{- if eq $lang "html" }}
- {{- $lang = "go-html-template" }}
-{{- end }}
-{{- /* Render. */}}
-{{- else -}}
-{{- end }}
-{{- define "validate-arg-count" }}
- {{- $msg := "When using the %q filter, the %q shortcode requires an args parameter with %d %s. See %s" }}
- {{- if lt (len .args) .argsRequired }}
- {{- $text := "values" }}
- {{- if eq 1 .argsRequired }}
- {{- $text = "value" }}
- {{- end }}
- {{- errorf $msg .filter .name .argsRequired $text .position }}
- {{- end }}
-{{- end }}
-{{- define "validate-arg-value" }}
- {{- $msg := "The %q argument passed to the %q shortcode is invalid. Expected a value in the range [%v,%v], but received %v. See %s" }}
- {{- if or (lt .argValue .min) (gt .argValue .max) }}
- {{- errorf $msg .argName .name .min .max .argValue .position }}
- {{- end }}
-{{- end }}
-{{- define "partials/inline/get-resource.html" }}
- {{- $r := "" }}
- {{- $u := urls.Parse .src }}
- {{- $msg := "The %q shortcode was unable to resolve %s. See %s" }}
- {{- if $u.IsAbs }}
- {{- with resources.GetRemote $u.String }}
- {{- with .Err }}
- {{- errorf "%s" }}
- {{- else }}
- {{- /* This is a remote resource. */}}
- {{- $r = . }}
- {{- end }}
- {{- else }}
- {{- errorf $msg $.name $u.String $.position }}
- {{- end }}
- {{- else }}
- {{- with .page.Resources.Get (strings.TrimPrefix "./" $u.Path) }}
- {{- /* This is a page resource. */}}
- {{- $r = . }}
- {{- else }}
- {{- with resources.Get $u.Path }}
- {{- /* This is a global resource. */}}
- {{- $r = . }}
- {{- else }}
- {{- errorf $msg $.name $u.Path $.position }}
- {{- end }}
- {{- end }}
- {{- end }}
- {{- return $r}}
-{{- end -}}
diff --git a/docs/_vendor/github.com/gohugoio/gohugoioTheme/layouts/shortcodes/imgproc.html b/docs/_vendor/github.com/gohugoio/gohugoioTheme/layouts/shortcodes/imgproc.html
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--- a/docs/_vendor/github.com/gohugoio/gohugoioTheme/layouts/shortcodes/imgproc.html
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-{{- /*
-Renders the given image using the given process specification.
-@param {string} (positional parameter 0) The path to the image, relative to the current page. The image must be a page resource.
-@param {string}} (positional parameter 1) The image processing specification.
-@returns template.HTML
-@example {{< imgproc "sunset.jpg" "resize 300x" />}}
-{{- with $.Get 0 }}
- {{- with $i := $.Page.Resources.Get . }}
- {{- with $spec := $.Get 1 }}
- {{- with $i.Process . }}
- {{- end }}
- {{- else }}
- {{- errorf "The %q shortcode requires a positional parameter (1) containing the image processing specification. See %s" $.Name $.Position }}
- {{- end }}
- {{- else }}
- {{- errorf "The %q shortcode was unable to find %q. See %s" $.Name . $.Position }}
- {{- end }}
-{{- else }}
- {{- errorf "The %q shortcode requires a positional parameter (0) indicating the image path, relative to the current page. See %s" $.Name $.Position }}
-{{- end }}
diff --git a/docs/_vendor/github.com/gohugoio/gohugoioTheme/layouts/shortcodes/include.html b/docs/_vendor/github.com/gohugoio/gohugoioTheme/layouts/shortcodes/include.html
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--- a/docs/_vendor/github.com/gohugoio/gohugoioTheme/layouts/shortcodes/include.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-{{- /*
-Renders the page using the RenderShortcode method on the Page object.
-You must call this shortcode using the {{% %}} notation.
-@param {string} (positional parameter 0) The path to the page, relative to the content directory.
-@returns template.HTML
-@example {{% include "functions/_common/glob-patterns" %}}
-{{- with .Get 0 }}
- {{- with site.GetPage . }}
- {{- .RenderShortcodes }}
- {{- else }}
- {{- errorf "The %q shortcode was unable to find %q. See %s" $.Name . $.Position }}
- {{- end }}
-{{- else }}
- {{- errorf "The %q shortcode requires a positional parameter indicating the path of the file to include. See %s" .Name .Position }}
-{{- end }}
diff --git a/docs/_vendor/github.com/gohugoio/gohugoioTheme/layouts/shortcodes/list-pages-in-section.html b/docs/_vendor/github.com/gohugoio/gohugoioTheme/layouts/shortcodes/list-pages-in-section.html
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/docs/_vendor/github.com/gohugoio/gohugoioTheme/layouts/shortcodes/list-pages-in-section.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
-{{- /*
-Renders a description list of the pages in the given section.
-Render a subset of the pages in the section by specifying a predefined filter,
-and whether to include those pages.
-Filters are defined in the data directory, in the file named page_filters. Each
-filter is an array of paths to a file, relative to the root of the content
-directory. Hugo will throw an error if the specified filter does not exist, or
-if any of the pages in the filter do not exist.
-The definition term elements (dt) have an id attribute derived from the title
-of the page. This is probably unique, because pages of the same title in the
-same section is unlikely.
-If you render a complete list on a page, then call the shortcode again to
-render a subset, you will generate duplicate element ids. In this case, set
-omitElementIDs to true for the subset.
-@param {string} path The path to the section.
-@param {string} [filter=""] The name of filter list.
-@param {string} [filterType=""] The type of filter, either include or exclude.
-@param {string} [omitElementIDs=false] Whether to omit dt element ids.
-@param {string} [titlePrefix=""] The string to prepend to the link title.
-@returns template.HTML
-@example {{< list-pages-in-section path=/methods/resources >}}
-@example {{< list-pages-in-section path=/functions/images filter=some_filter filterType=exclude >}}
-@example {{< list-pages-in-section path=/functions/images filter=some_filter filterType=exclude titlePrefix=foo >}}
-@example {{< list-pages-in-section path=/functions/images filter=some_filter filterType=exclude titlePrefix=foo omitElementIDs=true >}}
-{{- /* Initialize. */}}
-{{- $filter := or "" (.Get "filter" | lower)}}
-{{- $filterType := or (.Get "filterType") "none" | lower }}
-{{- $filteredPages := slice }}
-{{- $titlePrefix := or (.Get "titlePrefix") "" }}
-{{- $omitElementIDs := false }}
-{{- /* Get boolean parameters. */}}
-{{- if in (slice "false" false 0) (.Get "omitElementIDs") }}
- {{- $omitElementIDs = false }}
-{{- else if in (slice "true" true 1) (.Get "omitElementIDs")}}
- {{- $omitElementIDs = true }}
-{{- end }}
-{{- /* Build slice of filtered pages. */}}
-{{- with $filter }}
- {{- with index site.Data.page_filters . }}
- {{- range . }}
- {{- with site.GetPage . }}
- {{- $filteredPages = $filteredPages | append . }}
- {{- else }}
- {{- errorf "The %q shortcode was unable to find %q as specified in the page_filters data file. See %s" $.Name . $.Position }}
- {{- end }}
- {{- end }}
- {{- else }}
- {{- errorf "The %q shortcode was unable to find the %q filter in the page_filters data file. See %s" $.Name . $.Position }}
- {{- end }}
-{{- end }}
-{{- /* Render */}}
-{{- with $sectionPath := .Get "path" }}
- {{- with site.GetPage . }}
- {{- with .RegularPages }}
- {{- range $page := .ByTitle }}
- {{- if or
- (and (eq $filterType "include") (in $filteredPages $page))
- (and (eq $filterType "exclude") (not (in $filteredPages $page)))
- (eq $filterType "none")
- }}
- {{- $linkTitle := .LinkTitle }}
- {{- with $titlePrefix }}
- {{- $linkTitle = printf "%s%s" . $linkTitle }}
- {{- end }}
- {{- $idAttribute := "" }}
- {{- if not $omitElementIDs }}
- {{- $id := path.Join .File.Dir .File.ContentBaseName | replaceRE `[\|/]` ":" | lower }}
- {{- $idAttribute = printf " id=%q" $id }}
- {{- end }}
-{{ end }}
-#### EXIF variables
-: Image creation date/time. Format with the [time.Format] function.
-: GPS latitude in degrees.
-: GPS longitude in degrees.
-: A collection of the available EXIF tags for this image. You may include or exclude specific tags from this collection in the [site configuration](#exif-data).
-## Image processing options
-The [`Resize`], [`Fit`], [`Fill`], and [`Crop`] methods accept a space-delimited, case-insensitive list of options. The order of the options within the list is irrelevant.
-### Dimensions
-With the [`Resize`] method you must specify width, height, or both. The [`Fit`], [`Fill`], and [`Crop`] methods require both width and height. All dimensions are in pixels.
-{{ $image := $image.Resize "600x" }}
-{{ $image := $image.Resize "x400" }}
-{{ $image := $image.Resize "600x400" }}
-{{ $image := $image.Fit "600x400" }}
-{{ $image := $image.Fill "600x400" }}
-{{ $image := $image.Crop "600x400" }}
-### Rotation
-Rotates an image counter-clockwise by the given angle. Hugo performs rotation _before_ scaling. For example, if the original image is 600x400 and you wish to rotate the image 90 degrees counter-clockwise while scaling it by 50%:
-{{ $image = $image.Resize "200x r90" }}
-In the example above, the width represents the desired width _after_ rotation.
-To rotate an image without scaling, use the dimensions of the original image:
-{{ with .Resources.GetMatch "sunset.jpg" }}
- {{ with .Resize (printf "%dx%d r90" .Height .Width) }}
- {{ end }}
-{{ end }}
-In the example above, on the second line, we have reversed width and height to reflect the desired dimensions _after_ rotation.
-### Anchor
-When using the [`Crop`] or [`Fill`] method, the _anchor_ determines the placement of the crop box. You may specify `TopLeft`, `Top`, `TopRight`, `Left`, `Center`, `Right`, `BottomLeft`, `Bottom`, `BottomRight`, or `Smart`.
-The default value is `Smart`, which uses [Smartcrop] image analysis to determine the optimal placement of the crop box. You may override the default value in the [site configuration].
-For example, if you have a 400x200 image with a bird in the upper left quadrant, you can create a 200x100 thumbnail containing the bird:
-{{ $image.Crop "200x100 TopLeft" }}
-If you apply [rotation](#rotation) when using the [`Crop`] or [`Fill`] method, specify the anchor relative to the rotated image.
-### Target format
-By default, Hugo encodes the image in the source format. You may convert the image to another format by specifying `bmp`, `gif`, `jpeg`, `jpg`, `png`, `tif`, `tiff`, or `webp`.
-{{ $image.Resize "600x webp" }}
-To convert an image without scaling, use the dimensions of the original image:
-{{ with .Resources.GetMatch "sunset.jpg" }}
- {{ with .Resize (printf "%dx%d webp" .Width .Height) }}
- {{ end }}
-{{ end }}
-### Quality
-Applicable to JPEG and WebP images, the `q` value determines the quality of the converted image. Higher values produce better quality images, while lower values produce smaller files. Set this value to a whole number between 1 and 100, inclusive.
-The default value is 75. You may override the default value in the [site configuration].
-{{ $image.Resize "600x webp q50" }}
-### Hint
-Applicable to WebP images, this option corresponds to a set of predefined encoding parameters, and is equivalent to the `-preset` flag for the [`cwebp`] encoder.
-[`cwebp`]: https://developers.google.com/speed/webp/docs/cwebp
-`drawing`|Hand or line drawing with high-contrast details
-`icon`|Small colorful image
-`photo`|Outdoor photograph with natural lighting
-`picture`|Indoor photograph such as a portrait
-`text`|Image that is primarily text
-The default value is `photo`. You may override the default value in the [site configuration].
-{{ $image.Resize "600x webp picture" }}
-### Background color
-When converting an image from a format that supports transparency (e.g., PNG) to a format that does _not_ support transparency (e.g., JPEG), you may specify the background color of the resulting image.
-Use either a 3-digit or 6-digit hexadecimal color code (e.g., `#00f` or `#0000ff`).
-The default value is `#ffffff` (white). You may override the default value in the [site configuration].
-{{ $image.Resize "600x jpg #b31280" }}
-### Resampling filter
-You may specify the resampling filter used when resizing an image. Commonly used resampling filters include:
-`Box`|Simple and fast averaging filter appropriate for downscaling
-`Lanczos`|High-quality resampling filter for photographic images yielding sharp results
-`CatmullRom`|Sharp cubic filter that is faster than the Lanczos filter while providing similar results
-`MitchellNetravali`|Cubic filter that produces smoother results with less ringing artifacts than CatmullRom
-`Linear`|Bilinear resampling filter, produces smooth output, faster than cubic filters
-`NearestNeighbor`|Fastest resampling filter, no antialiasing
-The default value is `Box`. You may override the default value in the [site configuration].
-{{ $image.Resize "600x400 Lanczos" }}
-See [github.com/disintegration/imaging] for the complete list of resampling filters. If you wish to improve image quality at the expense of performance, you may wish to experiment with the alternative filters.
-## Image processing examples
-_The photo of the sunset used in the examples below is Copyright [Bjørn Erik Pedersen](https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:Bep) (Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International license)_
-{{< imgproc "sunset.jpg" "resize 300x" />}}
-{{< imgproc "sunset.jpg" "fill 90x120 left" />}}
-{{< imgproc "sunset.jpg" "fill 90x120 right" />}}
-{{< imgproc "sunset.jpg" "fit 90x90" />}}
-{{< imgproc "sunset.jpg" "crop 250x250 center" />}}
-{{< imgproc "sunset.jpg" "resize 300x q10" />}}
-This is the shortcode used to generate the examples above:
-{{< readfile file=layouts/shortcodes/imgproc.html highlight=go-html-template >}}
-Call the shortcode from your Markdown like this:
-{{* imgproc "sunset.jpg" "resize 300x" /*/>}}
-{{% note %}}
-Note the self-closing shortcode syntax above. You may call the `imgproc` shortcode with or without **inner content**.
-{{% /note %}}
-## Imaging configuration
-### Processing options
-Define an `imaging` section in your site configuration to set the default [image processing options](#image-processing-options).
-{{< code-toggle config=imaging />}}
-: See image processing options: [anchor](#anchor).
-: See image processing options: [background color](#background-color).
-: See image processing options: [hint](#hint).
-: See image processing options: [quality](#quality).
-: See image processing options: [resampling filter](#resampling-filter).
-### EXIF data
-Define an `imaging.exif` section in your site configuration to control the availability of EXIF data.
-{{< code-toggle file=hugo >}}
-includeFields = ""
-excludeFields = ""
-disableDate = false
-disableLatLong = false
-{{< /code-toggle >}}
-: Hugo extracts the image creation date/time into `.Date`. Set this to `true` to disable. Default is `false`.
-: Hugo extracts the GPS latitude and longitude into `.Lat` and `.Long`. Set this to `true` to disable. Default is `false`.
-: Regular expression matching the EXIF tags to exclude from the `.Tags` collection. Default is `""`.
-: Regular expression matching the EXIF tags to include in the `.Tags` collection. Default is `""`. To include all available tags, set this value to `".*"`.
-{{% note %}}
-To improve performance and decrease cache size, Hugo excludes the following tags: `ColorSpace`, `Contrast`, `Exif`, `Exposure[M|P|B]`, `Flash`, `GPS`, `JPEG`, `Metering`, `Resolution`, `Saturation`, `Sensing`, `Sharp`, and `WhiteBalance`.
-To control tag availability, change the `excludeFields` or `includeFields` settings as described above.
-{{% /note %}}
-## Smart cropping of images
-By default, Hugo uses the [Smartcrop] library when cropping images with the `Crop` or`Fill` methods. You can set the anchor point manually, but in most cases the `Smart` option will make a good choice.
-Examples using the sunset image from above:
-{{< imgproc "sunset.jpg" "fill 200x200 smart" />}}
-{{< imgproc "sunset.jpg" "crop 200x200 smart" />}}
-## Image processing performance consideration
-Hugo caches processed images in the `resources` directory. If you include this directory in source control, Hugo will not have to regenerate the images in a CI/CD workflow (e.g., GitHub Pages, GitLab Pages, Netlify, etc.). This results in faster builds.
-If you change image processing methods or options, or if you rename or remove images, the `resources` directory will contain unused images. To remove the unused images, perform garbage collection with:
-hugo --gc
-[time.Format]: /functions/time/format
-[`anchor`]: /content-management/image-processing#anchor
-[mounted]: /hugo-modules/configuration#module-configuration-mounts
-[page bundle]: /content-management/page-bundles
-[`lang.FormatNumber`]: /functions/lang/formatnumber
-[filters]: /functions/images/filter/#image-filters
-[`Process`]: #process
-[`Colors`]: #colors
-[`Crop`]: #crop
-[`Exif`]: #exif
-[`Fill`]: #fill
-[`Filter`]: #filter
-[`Fit`]: #fit
-[`Resize`]: #resize
-[site configuration]: #processing-options
-[`with`]: /functions/go-template/with/
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-title: Menus
-description: Create menus by defining entries, localizing each entry, and rendering the resulting data structure.
-categories: [content management]
-keywords: [menus]
- docs:
- parent: content-management
- weight: 190
-weight: 190
-toc: true
-aliases: [/extras/menus/]
-## Overview
-To create a menu for your site:
-1. Define the menu entries
-2. [Localize] each entry
-3. Render the menu with a [template]
-Create multiple menus, either flat or nested. For example, create a main menu for the header, and a separate menu for the footer.
-There are three ways to define menu entries:
-1. Automatically
-1. In front matter
-1. In site configuration
-{{% note %}}
-Although you can use these methods in combination when defining a menu, the menu will be easier to conceptualize and maintain if you use one method throughout the site.
-{{% /note %}}
-## Define automatically
-To automatically define menu entries for each top-level section of your site, enable the section pages menu in your site configuration.
-{{< code-toggle file=hugo >}}
-sectionPagesMenu = "main"
-{{< /code-toggle >}}
-This creates a menu structure that you can access with `site.Menus.main` in your templates. See [menu templates] for details.
-## Define in front matter
-To add a page to the "main" menu:
-{{< code-toggle file=content/about.md fm=true >}}
-title = 'About'
-menus = 'main'
-{{< /code-toggle >}}
-Access the entry with `site.Menus.main` in your templates. See [menu templates] for details.
-To add a page to the "main" and "footer" menus:
-{{< code-toggle file=content/contact.md fm=true >}}
-title = 'Contact'
-menus = ['main','footer']
-{{< /code-toggle >}}
-Access the entry with `site.Menus.main` and `site.Menus.footer` in your templates. See [menu templates] for details.
-{{% note %}}
-The configuration key in the examples above is `menus`. The `menu` (singular) configuration key is an alias for `menus`.
-{{% /note %}}
-### Properties {#properties-front-matter}
-Use these properties when defining menu entries in front matter:
-: (`string`) Required when two or more menu entries have the same `name`, or when localizing the `name` using translation tables. Must start with a letter, followed by letters, digits, or underscores.
-: (`string`) The text to display when rendering the menu entry.
-: (`map`) User-defined properties for the menu entry.
-: (`string`) The `identifier` of the parent menu entry. If `identifier` is not defined, use `name`. Required for child entries in a nested menu.
-: (`string`) The HTML to append when rendering the menu entry.
-: (`string`) The HTML to prepend when rendering the menu entry.
-: (`string`) The HTML `title` attribute of the rendered menu entry.
-: (`int`) A non-zero integer indicating the entry's position relative the root of the menu, or to its parent for a child entry. Lighter entries float to the top, while heavier entries sink to the bottom.
-### Example {#example-front-matter}
-This front matter menu entry demonstrates some of the available properties:
-{{< code-toggle file=content/products/software.md fm=true >}}
-title = 'Software'
-parent = 'Products'
-weight = 20
-pre = ''
-class = 'center'
-{{< /code-toggle >}}
-Access the entry with `site.Menus.main` in your templates. See [menu templates] for details.
-## Define in site configuration
-To define entries for the "main" menu:
-{{< code-toggle file=hugo >}}
-name = 'Home'
-pageRef = '/'
-weight = 10
-name = 'Products'
-pageRef = '/products'
-weight = 20
-name = 'Services'
-pageRef = '/services'
-weight = 30
-{{< /code-toggle >}}
-This creates a menu structure that you can access with `site.Menus.main` in your templates. See [menu templates] for details.
-To define entries for the "footer" menu:
-{{< code-toggle file=hugo >}}
-name = 'Terms'
-pageRef = '/terms'
-weight = 10
-name = 'Privacy'
-pageRef = '/privacy'
-weight = 20
-{{< /code-toggle >}}
-This creates a menu structure that you can access with `site.Menus.footer` in your templates. See [menu templates] for details.
-{{% note %}}
-The configuration key in the examples above is `menus`. The `menu` (singular) configuration key is an alias for `menus`.
-{{% /note %}}
-### Properties {#properties-site-configuration}
-{{% note %}}
-The [properties available to entries defined in front matter] are also available to entries defined in site configuration.
-[properties available to entries defined in front matter]: /content-management/menus/#properties-front-matter
-{{% /note %}}
-Each menu entry defined in site configuration requires two or more properties:
-- Specify `name` and `pageRef` for internal links
-- Specify `name` and `url` for external links
-: (`string`) The file path of the target page, relative to the `content` directory. Omit language code and file extension. Required for *internal* links.
-: (`string`) Required for *external* links.
-### Example {#example-site-configuration}
-This nested menu demonstrates some of the available properties:
-{{< code-toggle file=hugo >}}
-name = 'Products'
-pageRef = '/products'
-weight = 10
-name = 'Hardware'
-pageRef = '/products/hardware'
-parent = 'Products'
-weight = 1
-name = 'Software'
-pageRef = '/products/software'
-parent = 'Products'
-weight = 2
-name = 'Services'
-pageRef = '/services'
-weight = 20
-name = 'Hugo'
-pre = ''
-url = 'https://gohugo.io/'
-weight = 30
-rel = 'external'
-{{< /code-toggle >}}
-This creates a menu structure that you can access with `site.Menus.main` in your templates. See [menu templates] for details.
-## Localize
-Hugo provides two methods to localize your menu entries. See [multilingual].
-## Render
-See [menu templates].
-[localize]: /content-management/multilingual/#menus
-[menu templates]: /templates/menu-templates/
-[multilingual]: /content-management/multilingual/#menus
-[template]: /templates/menu-templates/
diff --git a/docs/content/en/content-management/multilingual.md b/docs/content/en/content-management/multilingual.md
deleted file mode 100644
index ea9f717870f..00000000000
--- a/docs/content/en/content-management/multilingual.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,716 +0,0 @@
-title: Multilingual mode
-linkTitle: Multilingual
-description: Hugo supports the creation of websites with multiple languages side by side.
-categories: [content management]
-keywords: [multilingual,i18n,internationalization]
- docs:
- parent: content-management
- weight: 230
-weight: 230
-toc: true
-aliases: [/content/multilingual/,/tutorials/create-a-multilingual-site/]
-You should define the available languages in a `languages` section in your site configuration.
-Also See [Hugo Multilingual Part 1: Content translation].
-## Configure languages
-This is the default language configuration:
-{{< code-toggle config=languages />}}
-This is an example of a site configuration for a multilingual project. Any key not defined in a `languages` object will fall back to the global value in the root of your site configuration.
-{{< code-toggle file=hugo >}}
-defaultContentLanguage = 'de'
-defaultContentLanguageInSubdir = true
-contentDir = 'content/de'
-disabled = false
-languageCode = 'de-DE'
-languageDirection = 'ltr'
-languageName = 'Deutsch'
-title = 'Projekt Dokumentation'
-weight = 1
-subtitle = 'Referenz, Tutorials und Erklärungen'
-contentDir = 'content/en'
-disabled = false
-languageCode = 'en-US'
-languageDirection = 'ltr'
-languageName = 'English'
-title = 'Project Documentation'
-weight = 2
-subtitle = 'Reference, Tutorials, and Explanations'
-{{< /code-toggle >}}
-: (`string`) The project's default language tag as defined by [RFC 5646]. Must be lower case, and must match one of the defined language keys. Default is `en`. Examples:
-- `en`
-- `en-gb`
-- `pt-br`
-: (`bool`) If `true`, Hugo renders the default language site in a subdirectory matching the `defaultContentLanguage`. Default is `false`.
-: (`string`) The content directory for this language. Omit if [translating by file name].
-: (`bool`) If `true`, Hugo will not render content for this language. Default is `false`.
-: (`string`) The language tag as defined by [RFC 5646]. This value may include upper and lower case characters, hyphens, or underscores, and does not affect localization or URLs. Hugo uses this value to populate the `language` element in the [built-in RSS template], and the `lang` attribute of the `html` element in the [built-in alias template]. Examples:
-- `en`
-- `en-GB`
-- `pt-BR`
-: (`string`) The language direction, either left-to-right (`ltr`) or right-to-left (`rtl`). Use this value in your templates with the global [`dir`] HTML attribute.
-: (`string`) The language name, typically used when rendering a language switcher.
-: (`string`) The language title. When set, this overrides the site title for this language.
-: (`int`) The language weight. When set to a non-zero value, this is the primary sort criteria for this language.
-[`dir`]: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Global_attributes/dir
-[built-in RSS template]: https://github.com/gohugoio/hugo/blob/master/tpl/tplimpl/embedded/templates/_default/rss.xml
-[built-in alias template]: https://github.com/gohugoio/hugo/blob/master/tpl/tplimpl/embedded/templates/alias.html
-[RFC 5646]: https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc5646
-[translating by file name]: #translation-by-file-name
-### Changes in Hugo 0.112.0
-{{< new-in 0.112.0 >}}
-In Hugo `v0.112.0` we consolidated all configuration options, and improved how the languages and their parameters are merged with the main configuration. But while testing this on Hugo sites out there, we received some error reports and reverted some of the changes in favor of deprecation warnings:
-1. `site.Language.Params` is deprecated. Use `site.Params` directly.
-1. Adding custom parameters to the top level language configuration is deprecated. Define custom parameters within `languages.xx.params`. See `color` in the example below.
-{{< code-toggle file=hugo >}}
-title = "My blog"
-languageCode = "en-us"
-title = "Min blogg"
-languageCode = "sv"
-color = "blue"
-{{< /code-toggle >}}
-In the example above, all settings except `color` below `params` map to predefined configuration options in Hugo for the site and its language, and should be accessed via the documented accessors:
-{{ site.Title }}
-{{ site.LanguageCode }}
-{{ site.Params.color }}
-### Disable a language
-To disable a language within a `languages` object in your site configuration:
-{{< code-toggle file=hugo >}}
-disabled = true
-{{< /code-toggle >}}
-To disable one or more languages in the root of your site configuration:
-{{< code-toggle file=hugo >}}
-disableLanguages = ["es", "fr"]
-{{< /code-toggle >}}
-To disable one or more languages using an environment variable:
-Note that you cannot disable the default content language.
-### Configure multilingual multihost
-From **Hugo 0.31** we support multiple languages in a multihost configuration. See [this issue](https://github.com/gohugoio/hugo/issues/4027) for details.
-This means that you can now configure a `baseURL` per `language`:
-{{% note %}}
-If a `baseURL` is set on the `language` level, then all languages must have one and they must all be different.
-{{% /note %}}
-{{< code-toggle file=hugo >}}
-baseURL = "https://example.fr"
-languageName = "Français"
-weight = 1
-title = "En Français"
-baseURL = "https://example.org/"
-languageName = "English"
-weight = 2
-title = "In English"
-{{ code-toggle >}}
-With the above, the two sites will be generated into `public` with their own root:
-├── en
-└── fr
-**All URLs (i.e `.Permalink` etc.) will be generated from that root. So the English home page above will have its `.Permalink` set to `https://example.org/`.**
-When you run `hugo server` we will start multiple HTTP servers. You will typically see something like this in the console:
-Web Server is available at (bind address fr
-Web Server is available at (bind address en
-Press Ctrl+C to stop
-Live reload and `--navigateToChanged` between the servers work as expected.
-## Translate your content
-There are two ways to manage your content translations. Both ensure each page is assigned a language and is linked to its counterpart translations.
-### Translation by file name
-Considering the following example:
-1. `/content/about.en.md`
-2. `/content/about.fr.md`
-The first file is assigned the English language and is linked to the second.
-The second file is assigned the French language and is linked to the first.
-Their language is __assigned__ according to the language code added as a __suffix to the file name__.
-By having the same **path and base file name**, the content pieces are __linked__ together as translated pages.
-{{% note %}}
-If a file has no language code, it will be assigned the default language.
-{{% /note %}}
-### Translation by content directory
-This system uses different content directories for each of the languages. Each language's content directory is set using the `contentDir` parameter.
-{{< code-toggle file=hugo >}}
- en:
- weight: 10
- languageName: "English"
- contentDir: "content/english"
- fr:
- weight: 20
- languageName: "Français"
- contentDir: "content/french"
-{{< /code-toggle >}}
-The value of `contentDir` can be any valid path -- even absolute path references. The only restriction is that the content directories cannot overlap.
-Considering the following example in conjunction with the configuration above:
-1. `/content/english/about.md`
-2. `/content/french/about.md`
-The first file is assigned the English language and is linked to the second.
-The second file is assigned the French language and is linked to the first.
-Their language is __assigned__ according to the content directory they are __placed__ in.
-By having the same **path and basename** (relative to their language content directory), the content pieces are __linked__ together as translated pages.
-### Bypassing default linking
-Any pages sharing the same `translationKey` set in front matter will be linked as translated pages regardless of basename or location.
-Considering the following example:
-1. `/content/about-us.en.md`
-2. `/content/om.nn.md`
-3. `/content/presentation/a-propos.fr.md`
-{{< code-toggle >}}
-translationKey: "about"
-{{< /code-toggle >}}
-By setting the `translationKey` front matter parameter to `about` in all three pages, they will be __linked__ as translated pages.
-### Localizing permalinks
-Because paths and file names are used to handle linking, all translated pages will share the same URL (apart from the language subdirectory).
-To localize URLs:
-- For a regular page, set either [`slug`] or [`url`] in front matter
-- For a section page, set [`url`] in front matter
-[`slug`]: /content-management/urls/#slug
-[`url`]: /content-management/urls/#url
-For example, a French translation can have its own localized slug.
-{{< code-toggle file=content/about.fr.md fm=true >}}
-title: A Propos
-slug: "a-propos"
-{{< /code-toggle >}}
-At render, Hugo will build both `/about/` and `/fr/a-propos/` without affecting the translation link.
-### Page bundles
-To avoid the burden of having to duplicate files, each Page Bundle inherits the resources of its linked translated pages' bundles except for the content files (Markdown files, HTML files etc...).
-Therefore, from within a template, the page will have access to the files from all linked pages' bundles.
-If, across the linked bundles, two or more files share the same basename, only one will be included and chosen as follows:
-* File from current language bundle, if present.
-* First file found across bundles by order of language `Weight`.
-{{% note %}}
-Page Bundle resources follow the same language assignment logic as content files, both by file name (`image.jpg`, `image.fr.jpg`) and by directory (`english/about/header.jpg`, `french/about/header.jpg`).
-{{%/ note %}}
-## Reference translated content
-To create a list of links to translated content, use a template similar to the following:
-{{< code file=layouts/partials/i18nlist.html >}}
-{{ if .IsTranslated }}
-{{ end }}
-{{< /code >}}
-The above can be put in a `partial` (i.e., inside `layouts/partials/`) and included in any template, whether a [single content page][contenttemplate] or the [homepage]. It will not print anything if there are no translations for a given page.
-The above also uses the [`i18n` function][i18func] described in the next section.
-### List all available languages
-`.AllTranslations` on a `Page` can be used to list all translations, including the page itself. On the home page it can be used to build a language navigator:
-{{< code file=layouts/partials/allLanguages.html >}}
-{{< /code >}}
-## Translation of strings
-Hugo uses [go-i18n] to support string translations. [See the project's source repository][go-i18n-source] to find tools that will help you manage your translation workflows.
-Translations are collected from the `themes//i18n/` folder (built into the theme), as well as translations present in `i18n/` at the root of your project. In the `i18n`, the translations will be merged and take precedence over what is in the theme folder. Language files should be named according to [RFC 5646] with names such as `en-US.toml`, `fr.toml`, etc.
-Artificial languages with private use subtags as defined in [RFC 5646 § 2.2.7](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc5646#section-2.2.7) are also supported. You may omit the `art-x-` prefix for brevity. For example:
-Private use subtags must not exceed 8 alphanumeric characters.
-### Query basic translation
-From within your templates, use the [`i18n`] function like this:
-[`i18n`]: /functions/lang/translate
-{{ i18n "home" }}
-The function will search for the `"home"` id:
-{{< code-toggle file=i18n/en-US >}}
-other = "Home"
-{{< /code-toggle >}}
-The result will be
-### Query a flexible translation with variables
-Often you will want to use the page variables in the translation strings. To do so, pass the `.` context when calling `i18n`:
-{{ i18n "wordCount" . }}
-The function will pass the `.` context to the `"wordCount"` id:
-{{< code-toggle file=i18n/en-US >}}
-other = "This article has {{ .WordCount }} words."
-{{< /code-toggle >}}
-Assume `.WordCount` in the context has value is 101. The result will be:
-This article has 101 words.
-### Query a singular/plural translation
-To enable pluralization when translating, pass a map with a numeric `.Count` property to the `i18n` function. The example below uses `.ReadingTime` variable which has a built-in `.Count` property.
-{{ i18n "readingTime" .ReadingTime }}
-The function will read `.Count` from `.ReadingTime` and evaluate whether the number is singular (`one`) or plural (`other`). After that, it will pass to `readingTime` id in `i18n/en-US.toml` file:
-{{< code-toggle file=i18n/en-US >}}
-one = "One minute to read"
-other = "{{ .Count }} minutes to read"
-{{< /code-toggle >}}
-Assuming `.ReadingTime.Count` in the context has value is 525600. The result will be:
-525600 minutes to read
-If `.ReadingTime.Count` in the context has value is 1. The result is:
-One minute to read
-In case you need to pass a custom data: (`(dict "Count" numeric_value_only)` is minimum requirement)
-{{ i18n "readingTime" (dict "Count" 25 "FirstArgument" true "SecondArgument" false "Etc" "so on, so far") }}
-## Localization
-The following localization examples assume your site's primary language is English, with translations to French and German.
-{{< code-toggle file=hugo >}}
-defaultContentLanguage = 'en'
-contentDir = 'content/en'
-languageName = 'English'
-weight = 1
-contentDir = 'content/fr'
-languageName = 'Français'
-weight = 2
-contentDir = 'content/de'
-languageName = 'Deutsch'
-weight = 3
-{{< /code-toggle >}}
-### Dates
-With this front matter:
-{{< code-toggle >}}
-date = 2021-11-03T12:34:56+01:00
-{{< /code-toggle >}}
-And this template code:
-{{ .Date | time.Format ":date_full" }}
-The rendered page displays:
-English|Wednesday, November 3, 2021
-Français|mercredi 3 novembre 2021
-Deutsch|Mittwoch, 3. November 2021
-See [`time.Format`] for details.
-### Currency
-With this template code:
-{{ 512.5032 | lang.FormatCurrency 2 "USD" }}
-The rendered page displays:
-Français|512,50 $US
-Deutsch|512,50 $
-See [lang.FormatCurrency] and [lang.FormatAccounting] for details.
-### Numbers
-With this template code:
-{{ 512.5032 | lang.FormatNumber 2 }}
-The rendered page displays:
-See [lang.FormatNumber] and [lang.FormatNumberCustom] for details.
-### Percentages
-With this template code:
-{{ 512.5032 | lang.FormatPercent 2 }}
-The rendered page displays:
-Français|512,50 %
-Deutsch|512,50 %
-See [lang.FormatPercent] for details.
-## Menus
-Localization of menu entries depends on how you define them:
-- When you define menu entries [automatically] using the section pages menu, you must use translation tables to localize each entry.
-- When you define menu entries [in front matter], they are already localized based on the front matter itself. If the front matter values are insufficient, use translation tables to localize each entry.
-- When you define menu entries [in site configuration], you must create language-specific menu entries under each language key. If the names of the menu entries are insufficient, use translation tables to localize each entry.
-### Create language-specific menu entries
-#### Method 1 -- Use a single configuration file
-For a simple menu with a small number of entries, use a single configuration file. For example:
-{{< code-toggle file=hugo >}}
-languageCode = 'de-DE'
-languageName = 'Deutsch'
-weight = 1
-name = 'Produkte'
-pageRef = '/products'
-weight = 10
-name = 'Leistungen'
-pageRef = '/services'
-weight = 20
-languageCode = 'en-US'
-languageName = 'English'
-weight = 2
-name = 'Products'
-pageRef = '/products'
-weight = 10
-name = 'Services'
-pageRef = '/services'
-weight = 20
-{{< /code-toggle >}}
-#### Method 2 -- Use a configuration directory
-With a more complex menu structure, create a [configuration directory] and split the menu entries into multiple files, one file per language. For example:
-└── _default/
- ├── menus.de.toml
- ├── menus.en.toml
- └── hugo.toml
-{{< code-toggle file=config/_default/menus.de >}}
-name = 'Produkte'
-pageRef = '/products'
-weight = 10
-name = 'Leistungen'
-pageRef = '/services'
-weight = 20
-{{< /code-toggle >}}
-{{< code-toggle file=config/_default/menus.en >}}
-name = 'Products'
-pageRef = '/products'
-weight = 10
-name = 'Services'
-pageRef = '/services'
-weight = 20
-{{< /code-toggle >}}
-[configuration directory]: /getting-started/configuration/#configuration-directory
-### Use translation tables
-When rendering the text that appears in menu each entry, the [example menu template] does this:
-{{ or (T .Identifier) .Name | safeHTML }}
-It queries the translation table for the current language using the menu entry's `identifier` and returns the translated string. If the translation table does not exist, or if the `identifier` key is not present in the translation table, it falls back to `name`.
-The `identifier` depends on how you define menu entries:
-- If you define the menu entry [automatically] using the section pages menu, the `identifier` is the page's `.Section`.
-- If you define the menu entry [in site configuration] or [in front matter], set the `identifier` property to the desired value.
-For example, if you define menu entries in site configuration:
-{{< code-toggle file=hugo >}}
- identifier = 'products'
- name = 'Products'
- pageRef = '/products'
- weight = 10
- identifier = 'services'
- name = 'Services'
- pageRef = '/services'
- weight = 20
-{{< / code-toggle >}}
-Create corresponding entries in the translation tables:
-{{< code-toggle file=i18n/de >}}
-products = 'Produkte'
-services = 'Leistungen'
-{{< / code-toggle >}}
-[example menu template]: /templates/menu-templates/#example
-[automatically]: /content-management/menus/#define-automatically
-[in front matter]: /content-management/menus/#define-in-front-matter
-[in site configuration]: /content-management/menus/#define-in-site-configuration
-## Missing translations
-If a string does not have a translation for the current language, Hugo will use the value from the default language. If no default value is set, an empty string will be shown.
-While translating a Hugo website, it can be handy to have a visual indicator of missing translations. The [`enableMissingTranslationPlaceholders` configuration option][config] will flag all untranslated strings with the placeholder `[i18n] identifier`, where `identifier` is the id of the missing translation.
-{{% note %}}
-Hugo will generate your website with these missing translation placeholders. It might not be suitable for production environments.
-{{% /note %}}
-For merging of content from other languages (i.e. missing content translations), see [lang.Merge].
-To track down missing translation strings, run Hugo with the `--printI18nWarnings` flag:
-hugo --printI18nWarnings | grep i18n
-## Multilingual themes support
-To support Multilingual mode in your themes, some considerations must be taken for the URLs in the templates. If there is more than one language, URLs must meet the following criteria:
-* Come from the built-in `.Permalink` or `.RelPermalink`
-* Be constructed with the [`relLangURL`] or [`absLangURL`] template function, or be prefixed with `{{ .LanguagePrefix }}`
-If there is more than one language defined, the `LanguagePrefix` variable will equal `/en` (or whatever your `CurrentLanguage` is). If not enabled, it will be an empty string (and is therefore harmless for single-language Hugo websites).
-## Generate multilingual content with `hugo new content`
-If you organize content with translations in the same directory:
-hugo new content post/test.en.md
-hugo new content post/test.de.md
-If you organize content with translations in different directories:
-hugo new content content/en/post/test.md
-hugo new content content/de/post/test.md
-[`abslangurl`]: /functions/urls/abslangurl
-[config]: /getting-started/configuration/
-[contenttemplate]: /templates/single-page-templates/
-[go-i18n-source]: https://github.com/nicksnyder/go-i18n
-[go-i18n]: https://github.com/nicksnyder/go-i18n
-[homepage]: /templates/homepage/
-[Hugo Multilingual Part 1: Content translation]: https://regisphilibert.com/blog/2018/08/hugo-multilingual-part-1-managing-content-translation/
-[i18func]: /functions/lang/translate
-[lang.FormatAccounting]: /functions/lang/formataccounting
-[lang.FormatCurrency]: /functions/lang/formatcurrency
-[lang.FormatNumber]: /functions/lang/formatnumber
-[lang.FormatNumberCustom]: /functions/lang/formatnumbercustom
-[lang.FormatPercent]: /functions/lang/formatpercent
-[lang.Merge]: /functions/lang/merge/
-[menus]: /content-management/menus/
-[OS environment]: /getting-started/configuration/#configure-with-environment-variables
-[`rellangurl`]: /functions/urls/rellangurl
-[RFC 5646]: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5646
-[single page templates]: /templates/single-page-templates/
-[`time.Format`]: /functions/time/format
diff --git a/docs/content/en/content-management/organization/1-featured-content-bundles.png b/docs/content/en/content-management/organization/1-featured-content-bundles.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 501e671e2f4..00000000000
Binary files a/docs/content/en/content-management/organization/1-featured-content-bundles.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/docs/content/en/content-management/organization/index.md b/docs/content/en/content-management/organization/index.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 22b341fcf04..00000000000
--- a/docs/content/en/content-management/organization/index.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,154 +0,0 @@
-title: Content organization
-linkTitle: Organization
-description: Hugo assumes that the same structure that works to organize your source content is used to organize the rendered site.
-categories: [content management,fundamentals]
-keywords: [sections,content,organization,bundle,resources]
- docs:
- parent: content-management
- weight: 20
-weight: 20
-toc: true
-aliases: [/content/sections/]
-## Page bundles
-Hugo `0.32` announced page-relative images and other resources packaged into `Page Bundles`.
-These terms are connected, and you also need to read about [Page Resources](/content-management/page-resources) and [Image Processing](/content-management/image-processing) to get the full picture.
-{{< imgproc "1-featured-content-bundles.png" "resize 300x" >}}
-The illustration shows three bundles. Note that the home page bundle cannot contain other content pages, although other files (images etc.) are allowed.
-{{< /imgproc >}}
-{{% note %}}
-The bundle documentation is a **work in progress**. We will publish more comprehensive docs about this soon.
-{{% /note %}}
-## Organization of content source
-In Hugo, your content should be organized in a manner that reflects the rendered website.
-While Hugo supports content nested at any level, the top levels (i.e. `content/`) are special in Hugo and are considered the content type used to determine layouts etc. To read more about sections, including how to nest them, see [sections].
-Without any additional configuration, the following will automatically work:
-└── content
- └── about
- | └── index.md // <- https://example.org/about/
- ├── posts
- | ├── firstpost.md // <- https://example.org/posts/firstpost/
- | ├── happy
- | | └── ness.md // <- https://example.org/posts/happy/ness/
- | └── secondpost.md // <- https://example.org/posts/secondpost/
- └── quote
- ├── first.md // <- https://example.org/quote/first/
- └── second.md // <- https://example.org/quote/second/
-## Path breakdown in Hugo
-The following demonstrates the relationships between your content organization and the output URL structure for your Hugo website when it renders. These examples assume you are [using pretty URLs][pretty], which is the default behavior for Hugo. The examples also assume a key-value of `baseURL = "https://example.org"` in your [site's configuration file][config].
-### Index pages: `_index.md`
-`_index.md` has a special role in Hugo. It allows you to add front matter and content to your [list templates][lists]. These templates include those for [section templates], [taxonomy templates], [taxonomy terms templates], and your [homepage template].
-{{% note %}}
-**Tip:** You can get a reference to the content and metadata in `_index.md` using the [`.Site.GetPage` function](/methods/page/getpage).
-{{% /note %}}
-You can create one `_index.md` for your homepage and one in each of your content sections, taxonomies, and taxonomy terms. The following shows typical placement of an `_index.md` that would contain content and front matter for a `posts` section list page on a Hugo website:
-. url
-. ⊢--^-⊣
-. path slug
-. ⊢--^-⊣⊢---^---⊣
-. filepath
-. ⊢------^------⊣
-At build, this will output to the following destination with the associated values:
- url ("/posts/")
- ⊢-^-⊣
- baseurl section ("posts")
- permalink
-The [sections] can be nested as deeply as you want. The important thing to understand is that to make the section tree fully navigational, at least the lower-most section must include a content file. (i.e. `_index.md`).
-### Single pages in sections
-Single content files in each of your sections will be rendered as [single page templates][singles]. Here is an example of a single `post` within `posts`:
- path ("posts/my-first-hugo-post.md")
-. ⊢-----------^------------⊣
-. section slug
-. ⊢-^-⊣⊢--------^----------⊣
-When Hugo builds your site, the content will be output to the following destination:
- url ("/posts/my-first-hugo-post/")
- ⊢------------^----------⊣
- baseurl section slug
- permalink
-## Paths explained
-The following concepts provide more insight into the relationship between your project's organization and the default Hugo behavior when building output for the website.
-### `section`
-A default content type is determined by the section in which a content item is stored. `section` is determined by the location within the project's `content` directory. `section` *cannot* be specified or overridden in front matter.
-### `slug`
-The `slug` is the last segment of the URL path, defined by the file name and optionally overridden by a `slug` value in front matter. See [URL Management](/content-management/urls/#slug) for details.
-### `path`
-A content's `path` is determined by the section's path to the file. The file `path`
-* is based on the path to the content's location AND
-* does not include the slug
-### `url`
-The `url` is the entire URL path, defined by the file path and optionally overridden by a `url` value in front matter. See [URL Management](/content-management/urls/#slug) for details.
-[config]: /getting-started/configuration/
-[formats]: /content-management/formats/
-[front matter]: /content-management/front-matter/
-[getpage]: /methods/page/getpage
-[homepage template]: /templates/homepage/
-[homepage]: /templates/homepage/
-[lists]: /templates/lists/
-[pretty]: /content-management/urls/#appearance
-[section templates]: /templates/section-templates/
-[sections]: /content-management/sections/
-[singles]: /templates/single-page-templates/
-[taxonomy templates]: /templates/taxonomy-templates/
-[taxonomy terms templates]: /templates/taxonomy-templates/
-[types]: /content-management/types/
-[urls]: /content-management/urls/
diff --git a/docs/content/en/content-management/page-bundles.md b/docs/content/en/content-management/page-bundles.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 860fff2bbd9..00000000000
--- a/docs/content/en/content-management/page-bundles.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,183 +0,0 @@
-title: Page bundles
-description: Content organization using Page Bundles
-categories: [content management]
-keywords: [page,bundle,leaf,branch]
-menu :
- docs:
- parent: content-management
- weight: 30
-weight: 30
-toc: true
-Page Bundles are a way to group [Page Resources](/content-management/page-resources/).
-A Page Bundle can be one of:
-- Leaf Bundle (leaf means it has no children)
-- Branch Bundle (home page, section, taxonomy terms, taxonomy list)
-| | Leaf Bundle | Branch Bundle |
-| Usage | Collection of content and attachments for single pages | Collection of attachments for section pages (home page, section, taxonomy terms, taxonomy list) |
-| Index file name | `index.md` [^fn:1] | `_index.md` [^fn:1] |
-| Allowed Resources | Page and non-page (like images, PDF, etc.) types | Only non-page (like images, PDF, etc.) types |
-| Where can the Resources live? | At any directory level within the leaf bundle directory. | Only in the directory level **of** the branch bundle directory i.e. the directory containing the `_index.md` ([ref](https://discourse.gohugo.io/t/question-about-content-folder-structure/11822/4?u=kaushalmodi)). |
-| Layout type | [`single`](/templates/single-page-templates/) | [`list`](/templates/lists) |
-| Nesting | Does not allow nesting of more bundles under it | Allows nesting of leaf or branch bundles under it |
-| Example | `content/posts/my-post/index.md` | `content/posts/_index.md` |
-| Content from non-index page files...| Accessed only as page resources | Accessed only as regular pages |
-## Leaf bundles
-A _Leaf Bundle_ is a directory at any hierarchy within the `content/`
-directory, that contains an **`index.md`** file.
-### Examples of leaf bundle organization {#examples-of-leaf-bundle-organization}
-├── about
-│ ├── index.md
-├── posts
-│ ├── my-post
-│ │ ├── content1.md
-│ │ ├── content2.md
-│ │ ├── image1.jpg
-│ │ ├── image2.png
-│ │ └── index.md
-│ └── my-other-post
-│ └── index.md
-└── another-section
- ├── ..
- └── not-a-leaf-bundle
- ├── ..
- └── another-leaf-bundle
- └── index.md
-In the above example `content/` directory, there are four leaf
-: This leaf bundle is at the root level (directly under
- `content` directory) and has only the `index.md`.
-: This leaf bundle has the `index.md`, two other content
- Markdown files and two image files.
-- image1, image2:
-These images are page resources of `my-post`
- and only available in `my-post/index.md` resources.
-- content1, content2:
-These content files are page resources of `my-post`
- and only available in `my-post/index.md` resources.
- They will **not** be rendered as individual pages.
-: This leaf bundle has only the `index.md`.
-: This leaf bundle is nested under couple of
- directories. This bundle also has only the `index.md`.
-{{% note %}}
-The hierarchy depth at which a leaf bundle is created does not matter,
-as long as it is not inside another **leaf** bundle.
-{{% /note %}}
-### Headless bundle
-A headless bundle is a bundle that is configured to not get published
-- It will have no `Permalink` and no rendered HTML in `public/`.
-- It will not be part of `.Site.RegularPages`, etc.
-But you can get it by `.Site.GetPage`. Here is an example:
-{{ $headless := .Site.GetPage "/some-headless-bundle" }}
-{{ $reusablePages := $headless.Resources.Match "author*" }}
-{{ range $reusablePages }}
{{ .Title }}
- {{ .Content }}
-{{ end }}
-_In this example, we are assuming the `some-headless-bundle` to be a headless
- bundle containing one or more **page** resources whose `.Name` matches
- `"author*"`._
-Explanation of the above example:
-1. Get the `some-headless-bundle` Page "object".
-2. Collect a _slice_ of resources in this _Page Bundle_ that matches
- `"author*"` using `.Resources.Match`.
-3. Loop through that _slice_ of nested pages, and output their `.Title` and
- `.Content`.
-A leaf bundle can be made headless by adding below in the front matter
-(in the `index.md`):
-{{< code-toggle file=content/headless/index.md fm=true >}}
-headless = true
-{{< /code-toggle >}}
-There are many use cases of such headless page bundles:
-- Shared media galleries
-- Reusable page content "snippets"
-## Branch bundles
-A _Branch Bundle_ is any directory at any hierarchy within the
-`content/` directory, that contains at least an **`_index.md`** file.
-This `_index.md` can also be directly under the `content/` directory.
-{{% note %}}
-Here `md` (markdown) is used just as an example. You can use any file
-type as a content resource as long as it is a content type recognized by Hugo.
-{{% /note %}}
-### Examples of branch bundle organization
-├── branch-bundle-1
-│ ├── branch-content1.md
-│ ├── branch-content2.md
-│ ├── image1.jpg
-│ ├── image2.png
-│ └── _index.md
-└── branch-bundle-2
- ├── _index.md
- └── a-leaf-bundle
- └── index.md
-In the above example `content/` directory, there are two branch
-bundles (and a leaf bundle):
-: This branch bundle has the `_index.md`, two
- other content Markdown files and two image files.
-: This branch bundle has the `_index.md` and a
- nested leaf bundle.
-{{% note %}}
-The hierarchy depth at which a branch bundle is created does not
-{{% /note %}}
-[^fn:1]: The `.md` extension is just an example. The extension can be `.html`, `.json` or any valid MIME type.
diff --git a/docs/content/en/content-management/page-resources.md b/docs/content/en/content-management/page-resources.md
deleted file mode 100644
index f141510bb5c..00000000000
--- a/docs/content/en/content-management/page-resources.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,203 +0,0 @@
-title: Page resources
-description: Page resources -- images, other pages, documents, etc. -- have page-relative URLs and their own metadata.
-categories: [content management]
-keywords: [bundle,content,resources]
- docs:
- parent: content-management
- weight: 80
-weight: 80
-toc: true
-Page resources are only accessible from [page bundles](/content-management/page-bundles), those directories with `index.md` or
-`_index.md` files at their root. Page resources are only available to the
-page with which they are bundled.
-In this example, `first-post` is a page bundle with access to 10 page resources including audio, data, documents, images, and video. Although `second-post` is also a page bundle, it has no page resources and is unable to directly access the page resources associated with `first-post`.
-└── post
- ├── first-post
- │ ├── images
- │ │ ├── a.jpg
- │ │ ├── b.jpg
- │ │ └── c.jpg
- │ ├── index.md (root of page bundle)
- │ ├── latest.html
- │ ├── manual.json
- │ ├── notice.md
- │ ├── office.mp3
- │ ├── pocket.mp4
- │ ├── rating.pdf
- │ └── safety.txt
- └── second-post
- └── index.md (root of page bundle)
-## Properties
-: The main type of the resource's [Media Type](/templates/output-formats/#media-types). For example, a file of MIME type `image/jpeg` has the ResourceType `image`. A `Page` will have `ResourceType` with value `page`.
-: Default value is the file name (relative to the owning page). Can be set in front matter.
-: Default value is the same as `.Name`. Can be set in front matter.
-: The absolute URL to the resource. Resources of type `page` will have no value.
-: The relative URL to the resource. Resources of type `page` will have no value.
-: The content of the resource itself. For most resources, this returns a string
-with the contents of the file. Use this to create inline resources.
-{{ with .Resources.GetMatch "script.js" }}
-{{ end }}
-{{ with .Resources.GetMatch "style.css" }}
-{{ end }}
-{{ with .Resources.GetMatch "img.png" }}
-{{ end }}
-: The media type (formerly known as a MIME type) of the resource (e.g., `image/jpeg`).
-: The main type of the resource's media type (e.g., `image`).
-: The subtype of the resource's type (e.g., `jpeg`). This may or may not correspond to the file suffix.
-: A slice of possible file suffixes for the resource's media type (e.g., `[jpg jpeg jpe jif jfif]`).
-## Methods
-: Returns the page resources of the given type.
-{{ .Resources.ByType "image" }}
-: Returns all the page resources (as a slice) whose `Name` matches the given Glob pattern ([examples](https://github.com/gobwas/glob/blob/master/readme.md)). The matching is case-insensitive.
-{{ .Resources.Match "images/*" }}
-: Same as `Match` but will return the first match.
-### Pattern matching
-// Using Match/GetMatch to find this images/sunset.jpg ?
-.Resources.Match "images/sun*" ✅
-.Resources.Match "**/sunset.jpg" ✅
-.Resources.Match "images/*.jpg" ✅
-.Resources.Match "**.jpg" ✅
-.Resources.Match "*" 🚫
-.Resources.Match "sunset.jpg" 🚫
-.Resources.Match "*sunset.jpg" 🚫
-## Page resources metadata
-The page resources' metadata is managed from the corresponding page's front matter with an array/table parameter named `resources`. You can batch assign values using [wildcards](https://tldp.org/LDP/GNU-Linux-Tools-Summary/html/x11655.htm).
-{{% note %}}
-Resources of type `page` get `Title` etc. from their own front matter.
-{{% /note %}}
-: Sets the value returned in `Name`.
-{{% note %}}
-The methods `Match`, `Get` and `GetMatch` use `Name` to match the resources.
-{{% /note %}}
-: Sets the value returned in `Title`
-: A map of custom key/values.
-### Resources metadata example
-{{< code-toggle >}}
-title: Application
-date : 2018-01-25
-resources :
-- src : "images/sunset.jpg"
- name : "header"
-- src : "documents/photo_specs.pdf"
- title : "Photo Specifications"
- params:
- icon : "photo"
-- src : "documents/guide.pdf"
- title : "Instruction Guide"
-- src : "documents/checklist.pdf"
- title : "Document Checklist"
-- src : "documents/payment.docx"
- title : "Proof of Payment"
-- src : "**.pdf"
- name : "pdf-file-:counter"
- params :
- icon : "pdf"
-- src : "**.docx"
- params :
- icon : "word"
-{{ code-toggle >}}
-From the example above:
-- `sunset.jpg` will receive a new `Name` and can now be found with `.GetMatch "header"`.
-- `documents/photo_specs.pdf` will get the `photo` icon.
-- `documents/checklist.pdf`, `documents/guide.pdf` and `documents/payment.docx` will get `Title` as set by `title`.
-- Every `PDF` in the bundle except `documents/photo_specs.pdf` will get the `pdf` icon.
-- All `PDF` files will get a new `Name`. The `name` parameter contains a special placeholder [`:counter`](#the-counter-placeholder-in-name-and-title), so the `Name` will be `pdf-file-1`, `pdf-file-2`, `pdf-file-3`.
-- Every docx in the bundle will receive the `word` icon.
-{{% note %}}
-The __order matters__ --- Only the **first set** values of the `title`, `name` and `params`-**keys** will be used. Consecutive parameters will be set only for the ones not already set. In the above example, `.Params.icon` is first set to `"photo"` in `src = "documents/photo_specs.pdf"`. So that would not get overridden to `"pdf"` by the later set `src = "**.pdf"` rule.
-{{% /note %}}
-### The `:counter` placeholder in `name` and `title`
-The `:counter` is a special placeholder recognized in `name` and `title` parameters `resources`.
-The counter starts at 1 the first time they are used in either `name` or `title`.
-For example, if a bundle has the resources `photo_specs.pdf`, `other_specs.pdf`, `guide.pdf` and `checklist.pdf`, and the front matter has specified the `resources` as:
-{{< code-toggle file=content/inspections/engine/index.md fm=true >}}
-title = 'Engine inspections'
- src = "*specs.pdf"
- title = "Specification #:counter"
- src = "**.pdf"
- name = "pdf-file-:counter"
-{{ code-toggle >}}
-the `Name` and `Title` will be assigned to the resource files as follows:
-| Resource file | `Name` | `Title` |
-| checklist.pdf | `"pdf-file-1.pdf` | `"checklist.pdf"` |
-| guide.pdf | `"pdf-file-2.pdf` | `"guide.pdf"` |
-| other\_specs.pdf | `"pdf-file-3.pdf` | `"Specification #1"` |
-| photo\_specs.pdf | `"pdf-file-4.pdf` | `"Specification #2"` |
diff --git a/docs/content/en/content-management/related.md b/docs/content/en/content-management/related.md
deleted file mode 100644
index e73dfc32ad6..00000000000
--- a/docs/content/en/content-management/related.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,178 +0,0 @@
-title: Related content
-description: List related content in "See Also" sections.
-categories: [content management]
-keywords: [content]
- docs:
- parent: content-management
- weight: 110
-weight: 110
-toc: true
-aliases: [/content/related/,/related/]
-Hugo uses a set of factors to identify a page's related content based on front matter parameters. This can be tuned to the desired set of indices and parameters or left to Hugo's default [Related Content configuration](#configure-related-content).
-## List related content
-To list up to 5 related pages (which share the same _date_ or _keyword_ parameters) is as simple as including something similar to this partial in your single page template:
-{{< code file=layouts/partials/related.html >}}
-{{ $related := .Site.RegularPages.Related . | first 5 }}
-{{ with $related }}
-{{ end }}
-{{< /code >}}
-The `Related` method takes one argument which may be a `Page` or a options map. The options map have these options:
-: (`slice`) The indices to search within.
-: (`page`) The page for which to find related content. Required when specifying an options map.
-: (`slice`) The keywords to search for, expressed as a slice of `KeyValues` using the [`keyVals`] function.
-: (`slice`) A list of special keywords that is used for indices configured as type "fragments". This will match the [fragment] identifiers of the documents.
-[fragment]: /getting-started/glossary/#fragment
-[`keyVals`]: /functions/collections/keyvals/
-A fictional example using all of the above options:
-{{ $page := . }}
-{{ $opts := dict
- "indices" (slice "tags" "keywords")
- "document" $page
- "namedSlices" (slice (keyVals "tags" "hugo" "rocks") (keyVals "date" $page.Date))
- "fragments" (slice "heading-1" "heading-2")
-{{% note %}}
-We improved and simplified this feature in Hugo 0.111.0. Before this we had 3 different methods: `Related`, `RelatedTo` and `RelatedIndices`. Now we have only one method: `Related`. The old methods are still available but deprecated. Also see [this blog article](https://regisphilibert.com/blog/2018/04/hugo-optmized-relashionships-with-related-content/) for a great explanation of more advanced usage of this feature.
-{{% /note %}}
-## Index content headings in related content
-{{< new-in 0.111.0 >}}
-Hugo can index the headings in your content and use this to find related content. You can enable this by adding a index of type `fragments` to your `related` configuration:
-{{< code-toggle file=hugo >}}
-threshold = 20
-includeNewer = true
-toLower = false
-name = "fragmentrefs"
-type = "fragments"
-applyFilter = true
-weight = 80
-{{< /code-toggle >}}
-* The `name` maps to a optional front matter slice attribute that can be used to link from the page level down to the fragment/heading level.
-* If `applyFilter`is enabled, the `.HeadingsFiltered` on each page in the result will reflect the filtered headings. This is useful if you want to show the headings in the related content listing:
-{{ $related := .Site.RegularPages.Related . | first 5 }}
-{{ with $related }}
-{{ end }}
-## Configure related content
-Hugo provides a sensible default configuration of Related Content, but you can fine-tune this in your configuration, on the global or language level if needed.
-### Default configuration
-Without any `related` configuration set on the project, Hugo's Related Content methods will use the following.
-{{< code-toggle config=related />}}
-Custom configuration should be set using the same syntax.
-{{% note %}}
-If you add a `related` configuration section, you need to add a complete configuration. It is not possible to just set, say, `includeNewer` and use the rest from the Hugo defaults.
-{{% /note %}}
-### Top level configuration options
-: (`int`) A value between 0-100. Lower value will give more, but maybe not so relevant, matches.
-: (`bool`) Set to `true` to include **pages newer than the current page** in the related content listing. This will mean that the output for older posts may change as new related content gets added.
-: (`bool`) Set to `true` to lower case keywords in both the indexes and the queries. This may give more accurate results at a slight performance penalty. Note that this can also be set per index.
-### Configuration options per index
-: (`string`) The index name. This value maps directly to a page parameter. Hugo supports string values (`author` in the example) and lists (`tags`, `keywords` etc.) and time and date objects.
-type {{< new-in 0.111.0 >}}
-: (`string`) One of `basic`(default) or `fragments`.
-applyFilter {{< new-in 0.111.0 >}}
-: (`string`) Apply a `type` specific filter to the result of a search. This is currently only used for the `fragments` type.
-: (`int`) An integer weight that indicates _how important_ this parameter is relative to the other parameters. It can be `0`, which has the effect of turning this index off, or even negative. Test with different values to see what fits your content best.
-cardinalityThreshold {{< new-in 0.111.0 >}}
-: (`int`) A percentage (0-100) used to remove common keywords from the index. As an example, setting this to `50` will remove all keywords that are used in more than 50% of the documents in the index. Default is `0`.
-: (`string`) This is currently only relevant for dates. When listing related content, we may want to list content that is also close in time. Setting "2006" (default value for date indexes) as the pattern for a date index will add weight to pages published in the same year. For busier blogs, "200601" (year and month) may be a better default.
-: (`bool`) See above.
-## Performance considerations
-**Fast is Hugo's middle name** and we would not have released this feature had it not been blistering fast.
-This feature has been in the back log and requested by many for a long time. The development got this recent kick start from this Twitter thread:
-{{< tweet user="scott_lowe" id="898398437527363585" >}}
-Scott S. Lowe removed the "Related Content" section built using the `intersect` template function on tags, and the build time dropped from 30 seconds to less than 2 seconds on his 1700 content page sized blog.
-He should now be able to add an improved version of that "Related Content" section without giving up the fast live-reloads. But it's worth noting that:
-* If you don't use any of the `Related` methods, you will not use the Relate Content feature, and performance will be the same as before.
-* Calling `.RegularPages.Related` etc. will create one inverted index, also sometimes named posting list, that will be reused for any lookups in that same page collection. Doing that in addition to, as an example, calling `.Pages.Related` will work as expected, but will create one additional inverted index. This should still be very fast, but worth having in mind, especially for bigger sites.
-{{% note %}}
-We currently do not index **Page content**. We thought we would release something that will make most people happy before we start solving [Sherlock's last case](https://github.com/joearms/sherlock).
-{{% /note %}}
diff --git a/docs/content/en/content-management/sections.md b/docs/content/en/content-management/sections.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 1b694ce4448..00000000000
--- a/docs/content/en/content-management/sections.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,161 +0,0 @@
-title: Sections
-description: Organize content into sections.
-categories: [content management]
-keywords: [lists,sections,content types,organization]
- docs:
- parent: content-management
- weight: 120
-weight: 120
-toc: true
-aliases: [/content/sections/]
-## Overview
-A section is a top-level content directory, or any content directory with an _index.md file. A content directory with an _index.md file is also known as a [branch bundle](/getting-started/glossary/#branch-bundle). Section templates receive one or more page [collections](/getting-started/glossary/#collection) in [context](/getting-started/glossary/#context).
-{{% note %}}
-Although top-level directories without _index.md files are sections, we recommend creating _index.md files in _all_ sections.
-{{% /note %}}
-A typical site consists of one or more sections. For example:
-├── articles/ <-- section (top-level directory)
-│ ├── 2022/
-│ │ ├── article-1/
-│ │ │ ├── cover.jpg
-│ │ │ └── index.md
-│ │ └── article-2.md
-│ └── 2023/
-│ ├── article-3.md
-│ └── article-4.md
-├── products/ <-- section (top-level directory)
-│ ├── product-1/ <-- section (has _index.md file)
-│ │ ├── benefits/ <-- section (has _index.md file)
-│ │ │ ├── _index.md
-│ │ │ ├── benefit-1.md
-│ │ │ └── benefit-2.md
-│ │ ├── features/ <-- section (has _index.md file)
-│ │ │ ├── _index.md
-│ │ │ ├── feature-1.md
-│ │ │ └── feature-2.md
-│ │ └── _index.md
-│ └── product-2/ <-- section (has _index.md file)
-│ ├── benefits/ <-- section (has _index.md file)
-│ │ ├── _index.md
-│ │ ├── benefit-1.md
-│ │ └── benefit-2.md
-│ ├── features/ <-- section (has _index.md file)
-│ │ ├── _index.md
-│ │ ├── feature-1.md
-│ │ └── feature-2.md
-│ └── _index.md
-├── _index.md
-└── about.md
-The example above has two top-level sections: articles and products. None of the directories under articles are sections, while all of the directories under products are sections. A section within a section is a known as a nested section or subsection.
-## Explanation
-Sections and non-sections behave differently.
-Directory names become URL segments|:heavy_check_mark:|:heavy_check_mark:
-Have logical ancestors and descendants|:heavy_check_mark:|:x:
-Have list pages|:heavy_check_mark:|:x:
-With the file structure from the [example above](#overview):
-1. The list page for the articles section includes all articles, regardless of directory structure; none of the subdirectories are sections.
-1. The articles/2022 and articles/2023 directories do not have list pages; they are not sections.
-1. The list page for the products section, by default, includes product-1 and product-2, but not their descendant pages. To include descendant pages, use the `.RegularPagesRecursive` collection instead of the `.Pages` collection in the list template. See [details](/variables/page/#page-collections).
-1. All directories in the products section have list pages; each directory is a section.
-## Template selection
-Hugo has a defined [lookup order] to determine which template to use when rendering a page. The [lookup rules] consider the top-level section name; subsection names are not considered when selecting a template.
-With the file structure from the [example above](#overview):
-Content directory|List page template
-Content directory|Single page template
-If you need to use a different template for a subsection, specify `type` and/or `layout` in front matter.
-[lookup rules]: /templates/lookup-order/#lookup-rules
-[lookup order]: /templates/lookup-order/
-## Ancestors and descendants
-A section has one or more ancestors (including the home page), and zero or more descendants. With the file structure from the [example above](#overview):
-The content file (benefit-1.md) has four ancestors: benefits, product-1, products, and the home page. This logical relationship allows us to use the `.Parent` and `.Ancestors` methods to traverse the site structure.
-For example, use the `.Ancestors` method to render breadcrumb navigation.
-{{< code file=layouts/partials/breadcrumb.html >}}
-{{< /code >}}
-With this CSS:
-.breadcrumb ol {
- padding-left: 0;
-.breadcrumb li {
- display: inline;
-.breadcrumb li:not(:last-child)::after {
- content: "»";
-Hugo renders this, where each breadcrumb is a link to the corresponding page:
-Home » Products » Product 1 » Benefits » Benefit 1
-[archetype]: /content-management/archetypes/
-[content type]: /content-management/types/
-[directory structure]: /getting-started/directory-structure/
-[section templates]: /templates/section-templates/
-[leaf bundles]: /content-management/page-bundles/#leaf-bundles
-[branch bundles]: /content-management/page-bundles/#branch-bundles
diff --git a/docs/content/en/content-management/shortcodes.md b/docs/content/en/content-management/shortcodes.md
deleted file mode 100644
index bbc2b0cc83a..00000000000
--- a/docs/content/en/content-management/shortcodes.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,404 +0,0 @@
-title: Shortcodes
-description: Shortcodes are simple snippets inside your content files calling built-in or custom templates.
-categories: [content management]
-keywords: [markdown,content,shortcodes]
- docs:
- parent: content-management
- weight: 100
-weight: 100
-toc: true
-aliases: [/extras/shortcodes/]
-testparam: "Hugo Rocks!"
-## What a shortcode is
-Hugo loves Markdown because of its simple content format, but there are times when Markdown falls short. Often, content authors are forced to add raw HTML (e.g., video `