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+title: Slack
+Support level: authentik
+## What is Slack
+> Slack is a platform for collaboration, with chat and real-time video capabilities. To learn more, visit https://slack.com.
+## Preparation
+The following placeholder will be used:
+- You can use slack.company> or my-workspace.slack.com as the FQDN of your Slack instance.
+- You can use authentik.company as the FQDN of the authentik install.
+For additional information about integrating with Slack, refer to their [documentation](https://slack.com/help/articles/205168057-Custom-SAML-single-sign-on).
+## authentik configuration
+### Step 1. Create custom property mappings
+Your Slack integration requires two property mappings, one each for `User.Email` and `User.Username`, so that authentik can retrieve and map these values from Slack.
+1. Log in as admin to your authentik instance and then click **Admin interface**.
+2. Navigate to **Customization -> Property Mappings**.
+3. Create the property mapping for `User.Email`.
+ 1. On the **Property Mappings** page, click **Create**.
+ 2. On the **New property mapping** modal, select **SAML Property Mapping** and then click **Next**.
+ 3. Define the required values. In the **Expression** field, define `User.Email` as `return request.user.email`.
+4. Click **Finish**.
+5. Create the property mapping for `User.Username`.
+ 1. On the **Property Mappings** page, click **Create**.
+ 2. On the **New property mapping** modal, select **SAML Property Mapping** and then click **Next**.
+ 3. Define the required values. In the **Expression** field, define `User.Username` as `return request.user.username`.
+6. Click **Finish**.
+### Step 2. Create a new authentication provider
+1. Navigate to **Applications -> Providers** and then click **Create**.
+2. On the **New provider** modal, select **SAML Provider** and then click **Next**.
+3. Define the following values (values not listed below can be left as default or empty):
+ - **Name**: provide a clear name, such as "slack".
+ - **Authorization flow**: Authorize Application (`default-provider-authorization-implicit-consent`).
+ - **Protocol settings** define the following values:
+ - **ACS URL**: `https://_workspace-name_.slack.com/sso/saml`
+ - **Issuer**: `https://slack.com`.
+ - **Service Provider Binding**: select **Post**
+ - **Advanced protocol settings**
+ - **Signing Certificate**: select the appproriate certificate for Slack.
+ - **Property mappings**: Select the property mappings that you created in Step 1. You can leave the default property mappings and other settings.
+4. Click **Finish** to create the provider.
+### Step 3. Create a new application
+1. Navigate to **Applications -> Applications** and then click **Create**.
+2. Provide a name for the new application.
+3. Set the provider to the one you just created.
+4. Click **Create**.
+After you have created the provider and application, and the application is connected to the provider (Step 3 above) the **Overview** tab on the provider's detail page in the Admin UI will display additional information that you will need to configure Slack, using the following steps.
+## Slack configuration
+### Step 4. Configure Slack
+1. Log in to the Slack Admin Dashboard.
+2. Navigate to the **Configure SAML Authentication** page.
+3. Enter the following values:
+ - **SAML 2.0 Endpoint (HTTP)**: copy/paste in the **SSO URL (Redirect)** URL from the provider that you created in authentik. **Example**: `https://_authentik.company_/applications/saml/slack/sso/binding/redirect/`
+ - **Identity Provider Issuer**: set to `https://slack.com`
+ - **Public Certificate**: add the certificate, which you can download from the authentik provider, under **Download signing certificate**.
+4. Optionally, configure the other settings and customize the Sign in button label.
+5. Click **Save**.
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+ "services/slack/index",