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Jay edited this page Dec 31, 2020 · 11 revisions

Welcome to the RepRapFirmware wiki!

Any 3D printer board which is based on either the LPC1768 or LPC1769 is compatible with this firmware.
Also, the SKR Pro and SKR GTR boards are supported

A full list of supported boards and drivers can be found here

RRF 3.1.1 is currently classed as stable. RRF 3.2 is currently in beta and is classed as unstable


Each board can be configured in the config.g file using either the pin number (e.g. P1.27), the name printed on the PCB or the standardised name shown on the page for the board.

Note: This firmware does not show up as a mass storage device when connected to a computer. Physical access to the internal sdcard or a network connection to the board may be required in order to revert back or update.


If you're a fan of the LPC and STM ports, please feel free to buy us a coffee

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