- Add console logger feature
- [GP-API/GP-ECOM] Unit tests enhancements
- [GP-API] - Add new mapping fields on get transaction list: "funding", "authentication"
- [GP-API] - Add new mapping fields on digital wallet transaction response: masked_number_last4, brand, brand_reference
- [MITC UPA] - Add new commands: getAppInfo, getParam, setTimeZone,clearDataLake, reset, returnToIdle, getDeviceConfig, print, scan, getDebugInfo, setDebugLevel, getDebugLevel, getSignatureFile, communicationCheck, logon, findBatches, getBatchDetails, getBatchReport, displayMessage
- [Portico] Added 'GatewayTxnId' value to GatewayException message when available
- [Portico] Added support for 'CreditIncrementalAuth' transaction type
- [Portico] Added support for 'CardHolderPhone' element
- [GP-API] Update 3DS Object fields in transaction endpoint ("server_trans_ref" and "ds_trans_ref")
- [GP-API] Cleanup and refacto on the GpApiConnector.
- [GP-API] Send "cvv" in create transaction request with a tokenized card
- [UPA] Add new UPA commands
- [PAX] Portico - Added support for HSA/FSA
- [MEET-IN-THE-CLOUD][UPA] - Add new mapping response fields for "/devices" endpoint
- [GP-API] Fix re-sign in after token expiration
- [GP-API] Adds avs data to "/transaction" request for digital wallet
- [GP-API] Adds brand reference and stage time to the DisputeSummary
- [PAX] Correction to tip/gratuity handling in the request to device
- [GP-ECOM] Add Multi-Capture
- [PAX] Corrected "partial auth" response handling
- [GP-ECOM] Add HPP additional field "HPP_REMOVE_SHIPPING"
- [GP-API] Unit tests enhancements
- [GP-ECOM] Added additional fee to a card transaction (surchargeamount).
- [GP-API] Add mapping for "message_received " and "message_sent " on get a Single Action response
- [GP-API] Add "Payers" feature
- [GP-API] Add "payer->email" property on 3DS "/initiate" request
- [GP-API] Improvements on access token request
- [GP-API] Unit tests enhancements
- [Portico] Added support for 'TokenParameters' element
- [Portico] Added support for 'CategoryInd' element
- [Portico] Added support for 'DebitReversal' by transactionId using 'fromId' method.
- [Pax Devices] Added ability to send 'CardBrandTransactionId' element
- [GP-API] Unit tests enhancements
- [GP-API] Fix mapping for "authCode"
- [GP-API] Fix merchant_id in the request on "/device" endpoint for partner mode
- [UPA] Change "ecrId" type from int to string
- [GP-API] End-to-end 3DS example update
- [GP-API] Unit tests enhancements
- [PayPlan] Add AccountNumberLast4 in recurring payment method response
- [GP-ECOM] Update parseResponse for HostedService
- [MEET-IN-THE-CLOUD][UPA] - Fix endOfDay
- [GP-API] Update QR code payment example for WeChat
[GP-ECOM] Fix parseResponse on HostedService when TIMESTAMP is not returned from API
- [Portico] Fixed null CustomerData exception
- [A35_PAX] Fixed long transaction processing times
- [GP-API] Add QR code payment example with Alipay
- [GP-API] File Processing
- Security vulnerability fixes
- [Terminals/Devices] Pulled LogManagement.php into src as TerminalLogManagement.php
- [PAX Devices] Improvements to decline-response handling
- [DiamondCloud] Add production endpoints
- [MEET-IN-THE-CLOUD][UPA] Remove duplicate ConnectionMode const "MIC"
- [GP-API] Add stored credentials to verify request
- [GP-API & GP-ECOM] Enhancements on unit tests
- [MEET-IN-THE-CLOUD][UPA] Remove QA endpoint
-[GP-API]: Fix 3DS example
- [DiamondCloud] Add support for Diamond Cloud provider payment terminals.
- [Breaking] Terminals: Architecture update
- [Portico] Added cardholder email support.
- [GP-API] Add a new alternative payment method, ALIPAY
- [GP-ECOM] Limit what card types to accept for payment or storage (HPP & API)
- [Verifone] P400: added initial Meet-In-The-Cloud connectivity support for this device
- [GP-API]: Upload Merchant Documentation - https://developer.globalpay.com/api/merchants
- [GP-API]: Credit Or Debit a Funds Management Account (FMA) - https://developer.globalpay.com/api/funds
- [GP-API]: Update onboarding merchant requests
- Security vulnerabilities fixes
- [GP-ECOM] Support parseResponse for status_url on HostedService (HPP APMs)
- [GP-ECOM] Added "custnum" from Customer on "payer_new" request
- Enhance logs based on environment (GP-API & GP-ECOM)
- Security vulnerabilities fixes
- [GP-API] Add missing properties to authentication->three_ds (message_version, eci,server_trans_reference, ds_trans_reference,value)
- Unit test updates
- [GP-API] Rename PayLink to PayByLink
- [GP-API] Improve Open Banking and 3DS tests
-[PAX Devices]: Fix PAX controller
- Add appsec.properties for Macroscope
- Add support for PHP8.2
- Drop support for PHP lower than 8.0
- [UPA MiC]: Add MiC connector for UPA via GP-API
- [GP-ECOM]: Add refund for transaction with open banking
- [GP-ECOM]: Send the correct "message_version" in the initiate step on 3DS2
- [Profac]: Additional transaction support added | Account Management | Spilt Fund | Network Transaction
- [PAX Devices]: Improved some tests
- [GP-ECOM]: Fix type confusion vulnerability on sha1hash for hppResponse
- Portico/Heartland: fix 'AllowDup' flag not included with some CreditReturn transactions
- Propay: Change file encoding for: AccountPermissions, BeneficialOwnerData, BusinessData, OwnersData, SignificantOwnerData, UploadDocumentData
- [Breaking] Terminals (HPA, PAX, UPA): Architecture update
- GP-API: Unit tests updates on: GpApiMerchantAccountsTest, GpApiDigitalWalletTest, GpApiMerchantsOnboardTest
- GP-API: Manage fund transfers, splits and reverse splits in your partner network.
- Updates on unit tests for: PayLink, 3DS1 and RiskAssessment
- Portico/Heartland: fix to allow CreditAuth transaction type with wallet data
- GP-API: Manage merchant accounts for partner solution
- GP-ECOM: Add to the mapping response fields: acs_reference_number & acs_signed_content for the authentication source MOBILE_SDK
- Portico/Heartland: improvements to transaction request building logic
- GP-API: Unit tests update on fraud management and APMs
- GP-ECOM: Unit test update on 3DS
- Add payer information on Transaction object
- GP-API: Update request for boarding merchants
- GP-ECOM: Change recurring entity return type
- GP-API: fix issue on PHP8.1 with strtoupper and str_pad
- GP-API: fix unit tests on PHP8.1
- Portico/Heartland: fix 'withStartDate()' reporting method
- Portico/Heartland: improvements to GooglePay and ApplePay token handling
- Portico/Heartland: simple GooglePay example added
- TSYS/Merchantware: correction to service endpoints
- GP-API: Add account_id on all requests
- PAX A35: Fixed device-response handling
- GP-API: Create open banking transactions
- GPI Transactions: Reporting tests refactor
- GP-API: BNPL unit tests update
- Portico Gateway: fix DigitalPaymentToken handling
- GP-API: add risk assessment feature
- Refacto the Secure3DBuilder
- GP-API: update CTP transaction request
- GPI Transactions : added support for credit, ach & reporting transactions
- GP-API: add to generateXGPSignature to GenerationUtils
- Portico Gateway: Fix incorrect date handling in schedule response
- GP-API: add exemption status on "/transaction" endpoint
- Add enum classes: HostedPaymentMethods, IntervalToExpire
- Portico: added support for SDKNameVersion field
- GP-API: Fix issue on mapping o transaction report
- GP-API: Add BNPL feature
- GP-API: Click-to-Pay
- PAX: Adding tip after the Sale
- Portico: APPLE PAY / GOOGLE PAY fix for token format
- GP-API: Onboard merchants feature
- GP-API: Decoupled Authentication
- GP-API: Fix phone country code for ISO code "DO"
- GP-API/GP-ECOM: Fix end-to-end examples
- Portico: APPLE PAY / GOOGLE PAY fix
- Security vulnerabilities fixes
- GP-API/GP-ECOM: Sunset 3DS1
- Add method on CountryUtil to extract phone country code based on ISO-2/ISO-3/the name of the country
- GP-API Update unit tests with new set of credentials for GP-API
- Genius - Fix Configuration for service URL
- GP-API: PayLink enhancements
- GP-API: Add fraud management feature
- GP-ECOM: Billing/Shipping country value should be ISO2 country code
- GP-API: Add missing request properties for /transactions and /initiate endpoints
- GP-API: Add new mapping for card issuer avs/cvv result
- GP-ECOM: Add srd tag to card storage request
- Support PHP v. >= 8.0
- GP_API: Update PayLink unit tests
- GP-API: Add PayLink service
- GP-API: Fix mapping issue on APMs
- GP-API: Add mapping for some missing fields on response 3DS2 initiate step
- Update Open Banking endpoints
- Add autoloader standalone
- Add end-to-end example for GP-API with HF and 3DS2
- Refacto on the folder structure in examples
- Fix issue with recurring payment schedule edits (Portico)
- HPP Exemption Optimization Service
- Update timestamp on the Logger
- GP-ECOM: Add payment scheduler
- GP-ECOM/GP-API: Structure refacto
- Upgrade to min PHP 7.1
- GP-API: Add example with Google Pay
- GP-API: Add Dynamic Descriptor for authorize and charge
- GP-ECOM: Add HPP capture billing/shipping address
- Add intl and mbstring extensions on composer
- GP-API: Refacto reporting for disputes / search stored payment methods / LodgingData
- GP-ECOM: Add bank payment (open banking) service
- GP-API: Update usage mode, cardholder name and card number on a stored payment method
- Portico: Updated code for Secure3D and WalletData Element
- GP-API: Increment an Auth: increment the amount for an existing transaction.
- GP-API: Map multiCapture on the transaction response
- GP-API: Update unit tests
- Deprecate verifyEnrolled and verifySignature from CreditCardData
- UPA devices: add support for batch summary report, batch detail report, and open tab details report
- UPA devices: various modifications to account for latest UPA version's changes
- add "MOBILE_SDK" source in the 3DS2 flow initiate step (GP-API)
- Adjust a CP Sale (GP-API)
- Search [POST] for a Payment Method (GP-API)
- Stored Payment Methods - POST Search (GP-API)
- Get a Document associated with a Dispute (GP-API)
- use "IN_APP" entry_mode when creating a transaction with digital wallets (GP-API)
- add new unit tests for dcc and others
- Add fingerprint feature (GP-API)
- Add Payment Link Id in the request for authorize (GP-API)
- Add new unit tests on DCC CNP (GP-API)
- Fix issue for Fleet cards (GP-ECOM)
- Fix issue for Diners card type (GP-ECOM)
- Add Dynamic Currency Conversion feature for GP-API
- Show exceptions on updateTokenExpiry() & deleteToken()
- DOMDocument data encoded before serialization
- CardUtils MC regex updated
- Added avs/cvv mapping and support for findTransaction method
- Added batch Close response to return GSAP-specific data
- Added support for split tender GiftCardSale transactions
- Fix some GP-API unit tests
- Add Unified Payments Application support
- Add reporting service to get transaction by id on GP-ECOM
- Add PAYPAL alternative payment method on GP-API
- Added ach-transaction details test block for Portico
- Add "paybybankapp" APM (GP-ECOM)
- Add AVS missing mapping to response when creating a transaction (GP-API)
- Refacto on enum classes (GP-API)
- Update "entry_mode" functionality and add manual entry methods: MOTO, PHONE, MAIL (GP-API)
- Add merchantId on GpApiConfig for partnership active
- Removed unwanted artefacts files
- Add sanitize data
- Add the amount and currency to hash generation (GP-ECOM)
- Digital wallets unencrypted and encrypted for GP-API with Google Pay and Apple Pay:
- sale
- linked refund
- reverse
- GP-API ACH feature:
- sale
- refund
- linked refund
- reauthorize
- Add recurring payment with stored credentials functionality to GP-API
- Add unit tests for multi-config on GP-API
- Add payment_method filter on report transaction
- Add depositDate and depositReference mapping response for settlement disputes
- Support findSettlementDisputes by deposit_id, from_deposit_time_created and to_deposit_time_created
- Add optional parameters to tokenize() method
- Add amount and currency to hash generation for Apple PAY (GP-ECOM)
- Set Fraud Management Rules for GP-ECOM
- Portico tokenization example update
- Send "x-gp-sdk" in the header with the SDK programming language and release version used
- Send headers to GP-API that are dynamically set through configuration, like:
- x-gp-platform: "prestashop;version=1.7.2"
- x-gp-extension: "coccinet;version=2.4.1"
- Fix some GP-ECOM unit tests for APM, certifications and add Secure3dServiceTest to realex test suite
- Add support for Propay timezone and device details
- Add new HPP example for GP-ECOM
- Add file medatada.xml
- Replace in create transaction request authentication.three_ds with authentication.id)
- Add liability shift checks in the 3DS GP-API flow / update unit tests
- add new mappings on 3DS GP-API: authenticationSource, authenticationType, acsInfoIndicator, whitelistStatus, messageExtension
- Send the numeric version in the three_ds.message_version in the create transaction request
- Map the ACS challenge redirect URL only if the status is "CHALLENGE_REQUIRED"
- Add "Netherlands Antilles" to our mapping for country codes
- Strip all non-numeric characters for phone number and phone country code on 3DS2 flow GP-ECOM
- Add RequestLogger to GP-ECOM
- Fix message_extension issue for 3DS2 on GP-ECOM
- Update logo image on Readme and Changelog files
- Add depositDate and depositReference mappings for settlement disputes report on GP-API
- Change property name from "storage_model" to "storage_mode" on GP-API
- enhance GP-ECOM error handling
- update GP-ECOM unit test for APPLE PAY and GOOGLE PAY
Add GP-ECOM dynamic descriptor functionality
- GP-ECOM fix 3DS recurring data fields: recurring expiry date format and max_number_of_instalments
- Add portico connector - sanitize Data
- Update GP-API to 2021-03-22 version
- 3DS Status Mapping - Missed Mapping and Revise some mappings
- Update ACS simulator for 3DS2 to use values from initiate response for the form fields name required in the POST redirect
- Change position of fields: "source", "preference", "message_version" need to exist in the "three_ds" sub-object in the 3DS2 initiate call
- Remove "/detokenize" endpoint from GP-API
- Update GP-API production endpoint
- Set global merchant country configuration where required for GP-API
- Add GP-API 3DS new tests
- Add additional GP-API 3DS mappings
- Add additional GP-API transaction summary mappings
- Add GP-API close batch functionality
- Add GP-API stored payment methods report
- Add GP-API actions report
- Add GP-API reauthorization functionality
- Add GP-API EBT new tests
- Add Exemption Optimization service for GP-ECOM
- None