From f0f6516c668e6582a8339549a69aeaedb4665557 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Peter Bacon Darwin <>
Date: Mon, 8 May 2017 12:35:23 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] fix(upgrade): fix transclusion on upgraded components

Previously, only simple, single-slot transclusion worked on upgraded components.
This commit fixes/adds support for the following:

- Multi-slot transclusion.
- Using fallback content when no transclusion content is provided.
- Destroy unused scope (when using fallback content).

Fixes #13271
 packages/upgrade/src/common/angular1.ts       |   6 +-
 packages/upgrade/src/common/util.ts           |   8 +
 .../upgrade/src/static/upgrade_component.ts   |  68 ++-
 packages/upgrade/test/common/test_helpers.ts  |   5 +-
 .../integration/upgrade_component_spec.ts     | 470 +++++++++++++++++-
 5 files changed, 547 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)

diff --git a/packages/upgrade/src/common/angular1.ts b/packages/upgrade/src/common/angular1.ts
index 24f612253f5f8d..0cd4fe232fe974 100644
--- a/packages/upgrade/src/common/angular1.ts
+++ b/packages/upgrade/src/common/angular1.ts
@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ export interface ICompileService {
 export interface ILinkFn {
   (scope: IScope, cloneAttachFn?: ICloneAttachFunction, options?: ILinkFnOptions): IAugmentedJQuery;
+  $$slots?: {[slotName: string]: ILinkFn};
 export interface ILinkFnOptions {
   parentBoundTranscludeFn?: Function;
@@ -75,9 +76,10 @@ export interface IDirective {
   templateUrl?: string|Function;
   templateNamespace?: string;
   terminal?: boolean;
-  transclude?: boolean|'element'|{[key: string]: string};
+  transclude?: DirectiveTranscludeProperty;
 export type DirectiveRequireProperty = SingleOrListOrMap<string>;
+export type DirectiveTranscludeProperty = boolean | 'element' | {[key: string]: string};
 export interface IDirectiveCompileFn {
   (templateElement: IAugmentedJQuery, templateAttributes: IAttributes,
    transclude: ITranscludeFunction): IDirectivePrePost;
@@ -97,7 +99,7 @@ export interface IComponent {
   require?: DirectiveRequireProperty;
   template?: string|Function;
   templateUrl?: string|Function;
-  transclude?: boolean;
+  transclude?: DirectiveTranscludeProperty;
 export interface IAttributes { $observe(attr: string, fn: (v: string) => void): void; }
 export interface ITranscludeFunction {
diff --git a/packages/upgrade/src/common/util.ts b/packages/upgrade/src/common/util.ts
index cc1d1a086c2c33..22180802f11056 100644
--- a/packages/upgrade/src/common/util.ts
+++ b/packages/upgrade/src/common/util.ts
@@ -9,6 +9,9 @@
 import {Type} from '@angular/core';
 import * as angular from './angular1';
+const DIRECTIVE_PREFIX_REGEXP = /^(?:x|data)[:\-_]/i;
+const DIRECTIVE_SPECIAL_CHARS_REGEXP = /[:\-_]+(.)/g;
 export function onError(e: any) {
   // TODO: (misko): We seem to not have a stack trace here!
   if (console.error) {
@@ -24,6 +27,11 @@ export function controllerKey(name: string): string {
   return '$' + name + 'Controller';
+export function directiveNormalize(name: string): string {
+  return name.replace(DIRECTIVE_PREFIX_REGEXP, '')
+      .replace(DIRECTIVE_SPECIAL_CHARS_REGEXP, (_, letter) => letter.toUpperCase());
 export function getAttributesAsArray(node: Node): [string, string][] {
   const attributes = node.attributes;
   let asArray: [string, string][] = undefined !;
diff --git a/packages/upgrade/src/static/upgrade_component.ts b/packages/upgrade/src/static/upgrade_component.ts
index 94065b0f8a07af..4b3b86b860e748 100644
--- a/packages/upgrade/src/static/upgrade_component.ts
+++ b/packages/upgrade/src/static/upgrade_component.ts
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
 import {DoCheck, ElementRef, EventEmitter, Injector, OnChanges, OnDestroy, OnInit, SimpleChanges, ɵlooseIdentical as looseIdentical} from '@angular/core';
 import * as angular from '../common/angular1';
 import {$COMPILE, $CONTROLLER, $HTTP_BACKEND, $INJECTOR, $SCOPE, $TEMPLATE_CACHE} from '../common/constants';
-import {controllerKey} from '../common/util';
+import {controllerKey, directiveNormalize} from '../common/util';
 const REQUIRE_PREFIX_RE = /^(\^\^?)?(\?)?(\^\^?)?/;
@@ -144,7 +144,8 @@ export class UpgradeComponent implements OnInit, OnChanges, DoCheck, OnDestroy {
   ngOnInit() {
     // Collect contents, insert and compile template
-    const contentChildNodes = this.extractChildNodes(this.element);
+    const attachChildNodes: angular.ILinkFn|undefined =
+        this.prepareTransclusion(this.directive.transclude);
     const linkFn = this.compileTemplate(this.directive);
     // Instantiate controller
@@ -203,8 +204,6 @@ export class UpgradeComponent implements OnInit, OnChanges, DoCheck, OnDestroy {
       preLink(this.$componentScope, this.$element, attrs, requiredControllers, transcludeFn);
-    const attachChildNodes: angular.ILinkFn = (scope, cloneAttach) =>
-        cloneAttach !(contentChildNodes);
     linkFn(this.$componentScope, null !, {parentBoundTranscludeFn: attachChildNodes});
     if (postLink) {
@@ -333,6 +332,66 @@ export class UpgradeComponent implements OnInit, OnChanges, DoCheck, OnDestroy {
     return bindings;
+  private prepareTransclusion(transclude: angular.DirectiveTranscludeProperty = false):
+      angular.ILinkFn|undefined {
+    const contentChildNodes = this.extractChildNodes(this.element);
+    let $template = contentChildNodes;
+    let attachChildrenFn: angular.ILinkFn|undefined = (scope, cloneAttach) =>
+        cloneAttach !($template, scope);
+    if (transclude) {
+      const slots = Object.create(null);
+      if (typeof transclude === 'object') {
+        $template = [];
+        const slotMap = Object.create(null);
+        const filledSlots = Object.create(null);
+        // Parse the element selectors.
+        Object.keys(transclude).forEach(slotName => {
+          let selector = transclude[slotName];
+          const optional = selector.charAt(0) === '?';
+          selector = optional ? selector.substring(1) : selector;
+          slotMap[selector] = slotName;
+          slots[slotName] = null;            // `null`: Defined but not yet filled.
+          filledSlots[slotName] = optional;  // Consider optional slots as filled.
+        });
+        // Add the matching elements into their slot.
+        contentChildNodes.forEach(node => {
+          const slotName = slotMap[directiveNormalize(node.nodeName.toLowerCase())];
+          if (slotName) {
+            filledSlots[slotName] = true;
+            slots[slotName] = slots[slotName] || [];
+            slots[slotName].push(node);
+          } else {
+            $template.push(node);
+          }
+        });
+        // Check for required slots that were not filled.
+        Object.keys(filledSlots).forEach(slotName => {
+          if (!filledSlots[slotName]) {
+            throw new Error(`Required transclusion slot '${slotName}' on directive: ${}`);
+          }
+        });
+        Object.keys(slots).filter(slotName => slots[slotName]).forEach(slotName => {
+          const nodes = slots[slotName];
+          slots[slotName] = (scope: angular.IScope, cloneAttach: angular.ICloneAttachFunction) =>
+              cloneAttach !(nodes, scope);
+        });
+      }
+      // Attach `$$slots` to default slot transclude fn.
+      attachChildrenFn.$$slots = slots;
+    }
+    return attachChildrenFn;
+  }
   private extractChildNodes(element: Element): Node[] {
     const childNodes: Node[] = [];
     let childNode: Node|null;
@@ -465,7 +524,6 @@ export class UpgradeComponent implements OnInit, OnChanges, DoCheck, OnDestroy {
 function getOrCall<T>(property: Function | T): T {
   return isFunction(property) ? property() : property;
diff --git a/packages/upgrade/test/common/test_helpers.ts b/packages/upgrade/test/common/test_helpers.ts
index 037f59238c3299..827998ca76a470 100644
--- a/packages/upgrade/test/common/test_helpers.ts
+++ b/packages/upgrade/test/common/test_helpers.ts
@@ -20,9 +20,10 @@ export function html(html: string): Element {
   return div;
-export function multiTrim(text: string | null | undefined): string {
+export function multiTrim(text: string | null | undefined, allSpace = false): string {
   if (typeof text == 'string') {
-    return text.replace(/\n/g, '').replace(/\s\s+/g, ' ').trim();
+    const repl = allSpace ? '' : ' ';
+    return text.replace(/\n/g, '').replace(/\s+/g, repl).trim();
   throw new Error('Argument can not be undefined.');
diff --git a/packages/upgrade/test/static/integration/upgrade_component_spec.ts b/packages/upgrade/test/static/integration/upgrade_component_spec.ts
index 707a48197e03e1..988aa5ca8e1c3b 100644
--- a/packages/upgrade/test/static/integration/upgrade_component_spec.ts
+++ b/packages/upgrade/test/static/integration/upgrade_component_spec.ts
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
  * found in the LICENSE file at
-import {Component, Directive, ElementRef, EventEmitter, Inject, Injector, Input, NO_ERRORS_SCHEMA, NgModule, Output, SimpleChanges, destroyPlatform} from '@angular/core';
+import {Component, Directive, ElementRef, ErrorHandler, EventEmitter, Inject, Injector, Input, NO_ERRORS_SCHEMA, NgModule, Output, SimpleChanges, destroyPlatform} from '@angular/core';
 import {async, fakeAsync, tick} from '@angular/core/testing';
 import {BrowserModule} from '@angular/platform-browser';
 import {platformBrowserDynamic} from '@angular/platform-browser-dynamic';
@@ -1862,6 +1862,474 @@ export function main() {
+    describe('transclusion', () => {
+      it('should support single-slot transclusion', async(() => {
+           let ng2ComponentAInstance: Ng2ComponentA;
+           let ng2ComponentBInstance: Ng2ComponentB;
+           // Define `ng1Component`
+           const ng1Component:
+               angular.IComponent = {template: 'ng1(<div ng-transclude></div>)', transclude: true};
+           // Define `Ng1ComponentFacade`
+           @Directive({selector: 'ng1'})
+           class Ng1ComponentFacade extends UpgradeComponent {
+             constructor(elementRef: ElementRef, injector: Injector) {
+               super('ng1', elementRef, injector);
+             }
+           }
+           // Define `Ng2Component`
+           @Component({
+             selector: 'ng2A',
+             template: 'ng2A(<ng1>{{ value }} | <ng2B *ngIf="showB"></ng2B></ng1>)'
+           })
+           class Ng2ComponentA {
+             value = 'foo';
+             showB = false;
+             constructor() { ng2ComponentAInstance = this; }
+           }
+           @Component({selector: 'ng2B', template: 'ng2B({{ value }})'})
+           class Ng2ComponentB {
+             value = 'bar';
+             constructor() { ng2ComponentBInstance = this; }
+           }
+           // Define `ng1Module`
+           const ng1Module = angular.module('ng1Module', [])
+                                 .component('ng1', ng1Component)
+                                 .directive('ng2A', downgradeComponent({component: Ng2ComponentA}));
+           // Define `Ng2Module`
+           @NgModule({
+             imports: [BrowserModule, UpgradeModule],
+             declarations: [Ng1ComponentFacade, Ng2ComponentA, Ng2ComponentB],
+             entryComponents: [Ng2ComponentA]
+           })
+           class Ng2Module {
+             ngDoBootstrap() {}
+           }
+           // Bootstrap
+           const element = html(`<ng2-a></ng2-a>`);
+           bootstrap(platformBrowserDynamic(), Ng2Module, element, ng1Module).then(adapter => {
+             expect(multiTrim(element.textContent)).toBe('ng2A(ng1(foo | ))');
+             ng2ComponentAInstance.value = 'baz';
+             ng2ComponentAInstance.showB = true;
+             $digest(adapter);
+             expect(multiTrim(element.textContent)).toBe('ng2A(ng1(baz | ng2B(bar)))');
+             ng2ComponentBInstance.value = 'qux';
+             $digest(adapter);
+             expect(multiTrim(element.textContent)).toBe('ng2A(ng1(baz | ng2B(qux)))');
+           });
+         }));
+      it('should support single-slot transclusion with fallback content', async(() => {
+           let ng1ControllerInstances: any[] = [];
+           let ng2ComponentInstance: Ng2Component;
+           // Define `ng1Component`
+           const ng1Component: angular.IComponent = {
+             template: 'ng1(<div ng-transclude>{{ $ctrl.value }}</div>)',
+             transclude: true,
+             controller:
+                 class {value = 'from-ng1'; constructor() { ng1ControllerInstances.push(this); }}
+           };
+           // Define `Ng1ComponentFacade`
+           @Directive({selector: 'ng1'})
+           class Ng1ComponentFacade extends UpgradeComponent {
+             constructor(elementRef: ElementRef, injector: Injector) {
+               super('ng1', elementRef, injector);
+             }
+           }
+           // Define `Ng2Component`
+           @Component({selector: 'ng2', template: 'ng2(<ng1>{{ value }}</ng1> | <ng1></ng1>)'})
+           class Ng2Component {
+             value = 'from-ng2';
+             constructor() { ng2ComponentInstance = this; }
+           }
+           // Define `ng1Module`
+           const ng1Module = angular.module('ng1Module', [])
+                                 .component('ng1', ng1Component)
+                                 .directive('ng2', downgradeComponent({component: Ng2Component}));
+           // Define `Ng2Module`
+           @NgModule({
+             imports: [BrowserModule, UpgradeModule],
+             declarations: [Ng1ComponentFacade, Ng2Component],
+             entryComponents: [Ng2Component]
+           })
+           class Ng2Module {
+             ngDoBootstrap() {}
+           }
+           // Bootstrap
+           const element = html(`<ng2></ng2>`);
+           bootstrap(platformBrowserDynamic(), Ng2Module, element, ng1Module).then(adapter => {
+             expect(multiTrim(element.textContent)).toBe('ng2(ng1(from-ng2) | ng1(from-ng1))');
+             ng1ControllerInstances.forEach(ctrl => ctrl.value = 'ng1-foo');
+             ng2ComponentInstance.value = 'ng2-bar';
+             $digest(adapter);
+             expect(multiTrim(element.textContent)).toBe('ng2(ng1(ng2-bar) | ng1(ng1-foo))');
+           });
+         }));
+      it('should support multi-slot transclusion', async(() => {
+           let ng2ComponentInstance: Ng2Component;
+           // Define `ng1Component`
+           const ng1Component: angular.IComponent = {
+             template:
+                 'ng1(x(<div ng-transclude="slotX"></div>) | y(<div ng-transclude="slotY"></div>))',
+             transclude: {slotX: 'contentX', slotY: 'contentY'}
+           };
+           // Define `Ng1ComponentFacade`
+           @Directive({selector: 'ng1'})
+           class Ng1ComponentFacade extends UpgradeComponent {
+             constructor(elementRef: ElementRef, injector: Injector) {
+               super('ng1', elementRef, injector);
+             }
+           }
+           // Define `Ng2Component`
+           @Component({
+             selector: 'ng2',
+             template: `
+               ng2(
+                 <ng1>
+                   <content-x>{{ x }}1</content-x>
+                   <content-y>{{ y }}1</content-y>
+                   <content-x>{{ x }}2</content-x>
+                   <content-y>{{ y }}2</content-y>
+                 </ng1>
+               )`
+           })
+           class Ng2Component {
+             x = 'foo';
+             y = 'bar';
+             constructor() { ng2ComponentInstance = this; }
+           }
+           // Define `ng1Module`
+           const ng1Module = angular.module('ng1Module', [])
+                                 .component('ng1', ng1Component)
+                                 .directive('ng2', downgradeComponent({component: Ng2Component}));
+           // Define `Ng2Module`
+           @NgModule({
+             imports: [BrowserModule, UpgradeModule],
+             declarations: [Ng1ComponentFacade, Ng2Component],
+             entryComponents: [Ng2Component],
+             schemas: [NO_ERRORS_SCHEMA]
+           })
+           class Ng2Module {
+             ngDoBootstrap() {}
+           }
+           // Bootstrap
+           const element = html(`<ng2></ng2>`);
+           bootstrap(platformBrowserDynamic(), Ng2Module, element, ng1Module).then(adapter => {
+             expect(multiTrim(element.textContent, true)).toBe('ng2(ng1(x(foo1foo2)|y(bar1bar2)))');
+             ng2ComponentInstance.x = 'baz';
+             ng2ComponentInstance.y = 'qux';
+             $digest(adapter);
+             expect(multiTrim(element.textContent, true)).toBe('ng2(ng1(x(baz1baz2)|y(qux1qux2)))');
+           });
+         }));
+      it('should support default slot (with fallback content)', async(() => {
+           let ng1ControllerInstances: any[] = [];
+           let ng2ComponentInstance: Ng2Component;
+           // Define `ng1Component`
+           const ng1Component: angular.IComponent = {
+             template: 'ng1(default(<div ng-transclude="">fallback-{{ $ctrl.value }}</div>))',
+             transclude: {slotX: 'contentX', slotY: 'contentY'},
+             controller:
+                 class {value = 'ng1'; constructor() { ng1ControllerInstances.push(this); }}
+           };
+           // Define `Ng1ComponentFacade`
+           @Directive({selector: 'ng1'})
+           class Ng1ComponentFacade extends UpgradeComponent {
+             constructor(elementRef: ElementRef, injector: Injector) {
+               super('ng1', elementRef, injector);
+             }
+           }
+           // Define `Ng2Component`
+           @Component({
+             selector: 'ng2',
+             template: `
+               ng2(
+                 <ng1>
+                   ({{ x }})
+                   <content-x>ignored x</content-x>
+                   {{ x }}-<span>{{ y }}</span>
+                   <content-y>ignored y</content-y>
+                   <span>({{ y }})</span>
+                 </ng1> |
+                 <!--
+                   Remove any whitespace, because in AngularJS versions prior to 1.6
+                   even whitespace counts as transcluded content.
+                 -->
+                 <ng1><content-x>ignored x</content-x><content-y>ignored y</content-y></ng1>
+               )`
+           })
+           class Ng2Component {
+             x = 'foo';
+             y = 'bar';
+             constructor() { ng2ComponentInstance = this; }
+           }
+           // Define `ng1Module`
+           const ng1Module = angular.module('ng1Module', [])
+                                 .component('ng1', ng1Component)
+                                 .directive('ng2', downgradeComponent({component: Ng2Component}));
+           // Define `Ng2Module`
+           @NgModule({
+             imports: [BrowserModule, UpgradeModule],
+             declarations: [Ng1ComponentFacade, Ng2Component],
+             entryComponents: [Ng2Component],
+             schemas: [NO_ERRORS_SCHEMA]
+           })
+           class Ng2Module {
+             ngDoBootstrap() {}
+           }
+           // Bootstrap
+           const element = html(`<ng2></ng2>`);
+           bootstrap(platformBrowserDynamic(), Ng2Module, element, ng1Module).then(adapter => {
+             expect(multiTrim(element.textContent, true))
+                 .toBe('ng2(ng1(default((foo)foo-bar(bar)))|ng1(default(fallback-ng1)))');
+             ng1ControllerInstances.forEach(ctrl => ctrl.value = 'ng1-plus');
+             ng2ComponentInstance.x = 'baz';
+             ng2ComponentInstance.y = 'qux';
+             $digest(adapter);
+             expect(multiTrim(element.textContent, true))
+                 .toBe('ng2(ng1(default((baz)baz-qux(qux)))|ng1(default(fallback-ng1-plus)))');
+           });
+         }));
+      it('should support optional transclusion slots (with fallback content)', async(() => {
+           let ng1ControllerInstances: any[] = [];
+           let ng2ComponentInstance: Ng2Component;
+           // Define `ng1Component`
+           const ng1Component: angular.IComponent = {
+             template: `
+               ng1(
+                x(<div ng-transclude="slotX">{{ $ctrl.x }}</div>) |
+                y(<div ng-transclude="slotY">{{ $ctrl.y }}</div>)
+               )`,
+             transclude: {slotX: '?contentX', slotY: '?contentY'},
+             controller: class {
+               x = 'ng1X'; y = 'ng1Y'; constructor() { ng1ControllerInstances.push(this); }
+             }
+           };
+           // Define `Ng1ComponentFacade`
+           @Directive({selector: 'ng1'})
+           class Ng1ComponentFacade extends UpgradeComponent {
+             constructor(elementRef: ElementRef, injector: Injector) {
+               super('ng1', elementRef, injector);
+             }
+           }
+           // Define `Ng2Component`
+           @Component({
+             selector: 'ng2',
+             template: `
+               ng2(
+                 <ng1><content-x>{{ x }}</content-x></ng1> |
+                 <ng1><content-y>{{ y }}</content-y></ng1>
+               )`
+           })
+           class Ng2Component {
+             x = 'ng2X';
+             y = 'ng2Y';
+             constructor() { ng2ComponentInstance = this; }
+           }
+           // Define `ng1Module`
+           const ng1Module = angular.module('ng1Module', [])
+                                 .component('ng1', ng1Component)
+                                 .directive('ng2', downgradeComponent({component: Ng2Component}));
+           // Define `Ng2Module`
+           @NgModule({
+             imports: [BrowserModule, UpgradeModule],
+             declarations: [Ng1ComponentFacade, Ng2Component],
+             entryComponents: [Ng2Component],
+             schemas: [NO_ERRORS_SCHEMA]
+           })
+           class Ng2Module {
+             ngDoBootstrap() {}
+           }
+           // Bootstrap
+           const element = html(`<ng2></ng2>`);
+           bootstrap(platformBrowserDynamic(), Ng2Module, element, ng1Module).then(adapter => {
+             expect(multiTrim(element.textContent, true))
+                 .toBe('ng2(ng1(x(ng2X)|y(ng1Y))|ng1(x(ng1X)|y(ng2Y)))');
+             ng1ControllerInstances.forEach(ctrl => {
+               ctrl.x = 'ng1X-foo';
+               ctrl.y = 'ng1Y-bar';
+             });
+             ng2ComponentInstance.x = 'ng2X-baz';
+             ng2ComponentInstance.y = 'ng2Y-qux';
+             $digest(adapter);
+             expect(multiTrim(element.textContent, true))
+                 .toBe('ng2(ng1(x(ng2X-baz)|y(ng1Y-bar))|ng1(x(ng1X-foo)|y(ng2Y-qux)))');
+           });
+         }));
+      it('should throw if a non-optional slot is not filled', async(() => {
+           let errorMessage: string;
+           // Define `ng1Component`
+           const ng1Component: angular.IComponent = {
+             template: '',
+             transclude: {slotX: '?contentX', slotY: 'contentY'}
+           };
+           // Define `Ng1ComponentFacade`
+           @Directive({selector: 'ng1'})
+           class Ng1ComponentFacade extends UpgradeComponent {
+             constructor(elementRef: ElementRef, injector: Injector) {
+               super('ng1', elementRef, injector);
+             }
+           }
+           // Define `Ng2Component`
+           @Component({selector: 'ng2', template: '<ng1></ng1>'})
+           class Ng2Component {
+           }
+           // Define `ng1Module`
+           const ng1Module =
+               angular.module('ng1Module', [])
+                   .value('$exceptionHandler', (error: Error) => errorMessage = error.message)
+                   .component('ng1', ng1Component)
+                   .directive('ng2', downgradeComponent({component: Ng2Component}));
+           // Define `Ng2Module`
+           @NgModule({
+             imports: [BrowserModule, UpgradeModule],
+             declarations: [Ng1ComponentFacade, Ng2Component],
+             entryComponents: [Ng2Component]
+           })
+           class Ng2Module {
+             ngDoBootstrap() {}
+           }
+           // Bootstrap
+           const element = html(`<ng2></ng2>`);
+           bootstrap(platformBrowserDynamic(), Ng2Module, element, ng1Module).then(adapter => {
+             expect(errorMessage)
+                 .toContain('Required transclusion slot \'slotY\' on directive: ng1');
+           });
+         }));
+      it('should support structural directives in transcluded content', async(() => {
+           let ng2ComponentInstance: Ng2Component;
+           // Define `ng1Component`
+           const ng1Component: angular.IComponent = {
+             template:
+                 'ng1(x(<div ng-transclude="slotX"></div>) | default(<div ng-transclude=""></div>))',
+             transclude: {slotX: 'contentX'}
+           };
+           // Define `Ng1ComponentFacade`
+           @Directive({selector: 'ng1'})
+           class Ng1ComponentFacade extends UpgradeComponent {
+             constructor(elementRef: ElementRef, injector: Injector) {
+               super('ng1', elementRef, injector);
+             }
+           }
+           // Define `Ng2Component`
+           @Component({
+             selector: 'ng2',
+             template: `
+               ng2(
+                 <ng1>
+                   <content-x><div *ngIf="show">{{ x }}1</div></content-x>
+                   <div *ngIf="!show">{{ y }}1</div>
+                   <content-x><div *ngIf="!show">{{ x }}2</div></content-x>
+                   <div *ngIf="show">{{ y }}2</div>
+                 </ng1>
+               )`
+           })
+           class Ng2Component {
+             x = 'foo';
+             y = 'bar';
+             show = true;
+             constructor() { ng2ComponentInstance = this; }
+           }
+           // Define `ng1Module`
+           const ng1Module = angular.module('ng1Module', [])
+                                 .component('ng1', ng1Component)
+                                 .directive('ng2', downgradeComponent({component: Ng2Component}));
+           // Define `Ng2Module`
+           @NgModule({
+             imports: [BrowserModule, UpgradeModule],
+             declarations: [Ng1ComponentFacade, Ng2Component],
+             entryComponents: [Ng2Component],
+             schemas: [NO_ERRORS_SCHEMA]
+           })
+           class Ng2Module {
+             ngDoBootstrap() {}
+           }
+           // Bootstrap
+           const element = html(`<ng2></ng2>`);
+           bootstrap(platformBrowserDynamic(), Ng2Module, element, ng1Module).then(adapter => {
+             expect(multiTrim(element.textContent, true)).toBe('ng2(ng1(x(foo1)|default(bar2)))');
+             ng2ComponentInstance.x = 'baz';
+             ng2ComponentInstance.y = 'qux';
+    = false;
+             $digest(adapter);
+             expect(multiTrim(element.textContent, true)).toBe('ng2(ng1(x(baz2)|default(qux1)))');
+    = true;
+             $digest(adapter);
+             expect(multiTrim(element.textContent, true)).toBe('ng2(ng1(x(baz1)|default(qux2)))');
+           });
+         }));
+    });
     describe('lifecycle hooks', () => {
       it('should call `$onChanges()` on binding destination (prototype)', fakeAsync(() => {
            const scopeOnChanges = jasmine.createSpy('scopeOnChanges');