We are happy with our staging area, let's create the commit. First, we need to bundle up the tree:
git write-tree
Let's inspect the tree:
git cat-file -t a9f4f1b1c43c673f990eb51e2b3df18341d3f7bd
git cat-file -p a9f4f1b1c43c673f990eb51e2b3df18341d3f7bd
git ls-tree a9f4f1b1c43c673f990eb51e2b3df18341d3f7bd
But what is it really?
cat .git/objects/a9/f4f1b1c43c673f990eb51e2b3df18341d3f7bd
Let's add a commit object:
echo "initial commit" | git commit-tree a9f4f1b1c43c673f990eb51e2b3df18341d3f7bd
Another peek under the hood:
git cat-file -t <commit-SHA>
git cat-file -p <commit-SHA>
Let's take a look at git status
On branch master
Initial commit
Changes to be committed:
(use "git rm --cached <file>..." to unstage)
new file: hello.md