Compiler to produce llvm IR for a given code in decaf language
llvm compiler installed Bison and Flex installed to work with C++
+-- _phase-1
│ +-- lex.yy.c
│ +-- Makefile
│ +-- parser
│ +--
│ +--
│ +-- parser.y
│ +-- scanner.l
+-- _phase-2
│ +--
│ +-- ast.h
│ +-- calc.ll
│ +-- calc.yy
│ +--
│ +-- driver.h
│ +-- Makefile
│ ├── PostFixVisitor.h
│ └── scanner.h
├── phase-3
│ ├── a.out
│ ├── ClassDefs.h
│ ├── codegenerator.h
│ ├── decaf.l
│ ├── decaf.output
│ ├──
│ ├──
│ ├── decaf.y
│ ├── input.txt
│ ├── lex.yy.c
│ ├── Makefile
│ └── visitor.h
└── test-programs
├── binary.dcf
├── even.dcf
├── fact.dcf
├── fib.dcf
├── hanoi.dcf
└── mergesort.dcf
For phase-1 Go to directory run make parser executable is generated ./parser to test
For phase-2 Go to directory and run make calc executable is generated ./calc to test
Test files are in the folder test-programs
Bison File: calc.yy
Flex File: calc.ll
AST Files: ast.h
Visitor Pattern: PostFixVisitor.h
Driver Files: driver.h
Scanner Files: scanner.h
ASt nodes of the program is generated
This code has been tested on ubuntu. If this does not works with any other linux distro, try to check the installation process of bison, flex and llvm for that particular distro. Also Make file might not work with all the linux distros, so you need to change the linking part in the compilation process yourself. Build using visitor pattern
Can Parse Decaf syntax and Can Create AST for any and all valid syntax of decaf language.
Generate IR for the code.