A Terraform module to provision Kitware Resonant infrastructure on Heroku + AWS.
This facilitates deployment of Django applications created from the Resonant cookiecutter. It creates a Heroku app with addons for PostgreSQL, CloudAMQP, and Papertrail. It also creates AWS S3 storage, outgoing SMTP credentials, and an optional AWS EC2 worker.
See full usage documentation at Terraform Registry.
Every AWS account must explicitly apply to send real emails, once per Simple Email Service (SES) region.
Approvals seem to be granted liberally and to take about 24 hours.
When first creating an instance of this module, provisioning of the Heroku app
(specifically the heroku_formation
resources) will likely fail with a
"Couldn't find that process type" error message. To resolve this, the Heroku app
code must be deployed at least once.
Typically, this can be done by
connecting a GitHub repo to the Heroku app
and then
triggering a manual deploy.
Finally, run terraform apply
again, which should succeed.
Afterwards, it's advisable to also set up automatic deploys.
Newly launched EC2 worker instances will use the latest AMI at the time of launch, but
existing instances will not be replaced when a newer AMI is available. Thus, incrementally scaling
up the ec2_worker_instance_quantity
variable may result in multiple instances with slightly
different AMIs.
Likewise, setting or changing the optional variable ec2_worker_launch_ami_id
will only affect
newly launched instances, but will also not trigger the replacement of any existing instances with
a different AMI.
Use the -replace
with the module.<resonant>.module.ec2_worker[0].aws_instance.ec2_worker[*]
target (where
is the local name of this module) to force the replacement of all existing instances.